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I had sex with my sister. -- The story of real incest.
I lay in bed half exhausted after another sweaty, athletic workout with her. Our sex is always
like that, incredible, hot and nasty, the best I’ve ever had. After her third orgasm she had
gotten up and gone into the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and then the water running in
the sink. Then the bathroom door reopened and my sister sauntered over and got back into
bed beside me.
She rested her head on my shoulder and caressed my chest with her nimble fingers. I kissed
her on her forehead and cupped her breast in my hand. She raised her head and kissed my
lips and gave my tongue another taste of hers.
“You’re incredible, Karen,” I said. “Another masterpiece.”
“It takes two, little brother.”
“I still can’t believe we’re doing this. And how fucking good it is.” It wasn’t the first time I’d
said it.
“You’re not regretting it, or feeling guilty again, are you Josh?”
“No. Just hard to believe is all.”
“Good. Because I didn’t feel guilty when I came on your face,” she said as she pinched my
We’d started having sex unexpectedly several weeks before. She had come over to my
apartment one night and we had a few drinks, and were talking and listening to some music.
My girlfriend Kelly wasn’t there. We’d had a spat as we were prone to do and I hadn’t seen
her for a few days.
I guess I should give a little background. My sister is eight years older so I didn’t really know
her very well growing up. She was always a wild and free spirit and consistently clashed with
my parents on just about everything, so she didn’t get along with them very well. On the day
she graduated from high school she moved out of the house. She was still just seventeen but
she’d saved some money and had already arranged to rent a room somewhere.
I only saw her once after that. It was about six months later when she came to say goodbye.
She told us she was moving to Europe and would ride the trains. She never forgot to send
me a card on my birthdays and would write about all of the European cities she’d visited, and
I’d find them in my atlas. She spent a few years working with a traveling ice skating show as
a costume manager and seamstress. She said that the garments were always tearing,
ripping, splitting, so seamstress was an important part of the job, she was always mending
something. She then had come back to the States and was married for a while, but that
hadn’t worked out. That’s when she popped back into my life.
I was only nine or ten when she split so I didn’t remember much about her. I remembered
she was attractive, thin with long, dark brown hair. Being that young, I don’t recall much of a
sexual nature of course, but I do recall her being popular with the boys. As for now, her hair
is shorter, but she is one sexy woman, with a slim, shapely body, pointy tits, a cute ass and
an edgy wit. She’s thirty-three years old but she looks closer to my age.
Karen’s relationship with my parents is still icy and it probably always will be. We had some
family meals together after she returned but things were always awkward. I invited Kelly to
one dinner just to help crack the ice but it didn’t help much and she asked me not to invite
her again, and I couldn’t blame her. She likes Karen, and she likes my parents, but the oil
and water don’t mix and it doesn’t help the food taste too good.
Karen and I started spending more time together. We were getting to know each other better.
And then on one particular night she came over to my place. We mixed up a big pitcher of
mai tais and sat on the sofa with the stereo playing softly, and soon the conversation was
flowing and getting a little looser with each sip.
She was very easy to talk to; it felt natural to both of us. She told me about her days with the
ice show, her job, and all the strange characters she’d met overseas. It sounded so exotic.
After a while she got around to some of the sexual relationships she’d had.
“Josh, let me tell you,” she said. “When a large group of people like that are traveling
together, day in and day out, week after week after week, everybody gets pretty close and
things are bound to happen!”
I asked her if she’d fucked any of the skaters.
“Hell, yeah!” she said. “Most of them. I ended up marrying one: the biggest asshole of them
We laughed and refilled our glasses.
“There were these twins from Sweden, brother and sister, they were ice dancing partners.
They were nineteen and blonds and the whitest people you ever saw. I fucked both of them.
Neither one knew what they were doing.”
“How old were you then?” I asked.
“Oh, twenty-six or seven, something like that.”
“I didn’t know you did girls,” I said softly.
She looked me dead in the eye. “Sometimes things just happen because it feels right.”
There was a silence while we sipped our drinks. Then she chuckled.
“What?” I asked.
“There was this midget in the show, one of the clowns,” she said, laughing again. “An older
guy, in his forties, I guess. Most of the performers were younger but this guy was older and
he would skate around doing belly-flops and pratfalls, comic relief between events. And there
was xnxx going around that he had a ten inch dick!”
“The rumors were true!” free porn laughed.
“You fucked a midget?” I asked incredulously.
“Yep. A lot of the girls did,” she replied. “The curiosity was too much.”
Karen also told me about her failed marriage.
“Then Erik came along. Or as he became known to me later, The Norwegian Nightmare. And
despite what he thought about himself, his shit did stink!”
“What happened?”
“He swept me off my feet and right into bed. He was tall, dark and handsome and had the
charm to go with it. It was fine at first, but then he pressured me to get married and come to
the United States. I fell for it. Basically, he used me to get to America. But once we got here
and had been married for a while he lost interest. We were together not quite two years.”
We sipped in silence.
“It’s an uncontested divorce, and now it’s ‘Hurry up and wait’,” she said. Then she shifted in
her seat, turned a little more toward me and said, “So, little brother, it’s your turn. I’ve
enthralled you with all of my sexcapades, now let’s hear about yours. Fair is fair.” She held
up her glass and we clinked them together.
I leaned forward and topped off my glass from the pitcher.
“Well, not much to tell,” I said. “Pretty boring stuff compared to you.”
“You’re not getting off that easy, kid,” she said. “Kelly is a hot-looking chick, you’re a good-
looking guy, and you both seem to get along well, most of the time anyway. How is it in bed?
Is the sex good?”
I hesitated and squirmed in my seat. “Ah, okay I guess.”
“Okay? Just okay? Well, that doesn’t sound good. A handsome couple like the two of you
should be tearing it up! What’s wrong?”
So here it was. Here was my opportunity to finally get it off my chest, and I was going to tell it
to my own sister. I couldn’t very well refuse after the way she had shared with me, and the
new bond we were forming. Our eyes were glued.
“Most of it is good, but there’s something missing that would make it a lot better,” I said.
“Better for me, anyway.”
“She won’t let you fuck her in the ass!” Karen guessed.
I shook my head. “No, that’s not it.”
“She won’t suck your cock?”
xxx plugs let out a short snicker. I was enjoying hearing my older sister talk dirty.
“No, that’s not it either,” I said.
Karen got a perplexed look on her face and took a hefty swig of her drink.
“Well,” she said, “If it’s not anal sex, and it’s not oral sex, then what the hell could it be?”
Her eyes drilled into mine.
“I didn’t say it wasn’t oral sex,” I said softly, returning her stare.
She sat back and her shoulders sagged, thinking about it. “You mean…she doesn’t want?...
She won’t let you…eat her pussy?”
I shook my head. “No, she won’t let me. She cringes every time I try. We end up fighting
about it.”
She shook her head. “This is one I’ve never heard before. A chick that’ll take it up the ass but
doesn’t want her pussy licked? Incredible! Did she tell you why?”
“It was something that happened when she was a young girl. She grew up on a farm and I
think one of the farm hands did something like that to her, and she can’t get past it.”
“Damn, maybe she needs a shrink or something.”
I nodded. “I’ve mentioned that a few times. It just pisses her off.”
“Maybe you need to tie her down.”
“I tried that one too.”
“Maybe she needs a woman,” Karen said, as she rose from her seat. “I have to hit the john.”
I watched her tight, denim-wrapped ass as she strode to the bathroom. I sipped my drink,
listening to a soft trumpet solo and thought about her: my mysterious older sister, who had
disappeared from my life when I was a little boy, and reappeared fifteen years later. Over the
last few weeks we had quickly progressed from near strangers to close friends, confidants.
I’d already told her something I’d never told anyone. But I’d wanted to tell her.
She returned from the bathroom and sat back down beside me, a little closer than before.
She took a sip of her drink and shook her head.
“Well, we are quite a pair, aren’t we?” she said, and turned to look at me. “I’m trying to get rid
of a cold fish, and you can’t get at Kelly’s catfish!”
We both burst out laughing. The sofa shook from our hearty guffaws and the aura instantly
eased around us.
“I appreciate you telling me what you told me, Josh. I’m glad you trust me that much.”
“I do trust you. It was easy to tell you. Especially after the way you opened up to me.”
I looked at her pretty face, and into her dewy eyes. It was like looking into my own. I wanted
to kiss her, and not like a brother would. Instead, I raised my left hand to the side of her head
and gently ran my fingers through her hair. She must have been reading my mind, because
that’s when she leaned toward me and put her lips to mine.
It was not a long kiss, but there was a cushioned force behind it, there was intent, I could feel
it. I felt her lips part slightly and the flick of her tongue before we parted.
We held our gaze. Her eyes glistened; my heart and breath were on pause. Then I leaned to
kiss her. Her lips parted instantly. She sucked my tongue into her mouth and hers entered
mine. Our arms surrounded our bodies, pulling us close. It was a power kiss, one like I hadn’t
had for a while. I had the feeling Karen felt the same way. I felt her nails dig into the back of
my neck.
It was a long kiss. When we finally separated I realized she was holding my hand. There was
silence while we gazed at each other.
“Uh oh. What did we just do?” I said.
“We kissed,” was her obvious answer.
“I know, but you’re my sister. I’m your brother.”
It was the summer after Emily’s freshman year of college, and it was only the third time she
had come home since her parents had dropped her off last August. It was great to finally be
home for more than a few days, she thought. She was attending a big university several
hours away, and the only times she’d been able to visit her family were for Thanksgiving and
Christmas. Now, though, she had the entire summer back home in Florida to work on her tan,
relax, and spend time with her family. She had really missed her sister, especially, while she
was away. Alex was fifteen when Emily went off to college – she was just getting to the age
when years didn’t mean so much and the sisters had more in common. Now, back for the
summer, Emily was looking forward to the opportunity to reconnect with her sister.
Alex was 16 now, three years younger than Emily’s 19. It had been lonely for her, at first,
when Emily left for college. She still had her year-older brother Joey around to hang out with,
and they had grown closer over the past year, which was nice. But still, it was very different.
There was no one at home to talk with about girl stuff – clothes, makeup… boys. She
especially wished her sister was around so they could talk about boys. Alex had gone out
with a few boys from school, and the farthest she had gone with any of them was kissing. Her
last boyfriend, Mark, had gotten a few good makeout sessions before they ended up
breaking up. The breakup was a shame, although Alex initiated it. She had really wanted to
take their relationship to the next level, sexually, but didn’t really know what to do.
Unfortunately, she had put it off too long, and Mark got impatient, apparently, and ended up
coaxing a blowjob out of her slut friend Stacy. So obviously, Alex had to dump him when she
found out. Alex was determined to get some advice from her older sister while she was back,
so as to not let such a thing happen to her again.
The first week Emily was back, she and Alex got plenty of time to hang out. Their parents
worked all day, so the sisters would typically wake up late, head to the beach, find some
lunch, then either go back to the beach in the afternoon or hang out with friends, or just head
back to the house. One morning, while the sisters were lounging around at home about to go
to the beach, Emily brought up the subject of boys.
“So whatever happened to Mark, Alex?”
Alex told her the story of him, and Stacy.
“What an asshole! I can’t believe some guys!”
“Yeah,” Alex replied, “but I guess it’s not totally his fault.”
“Of course it is! He cheated on you, Alex…”
“I know, I know. What I mean is… I don’t know, I guess I can’t help but feel at least a little
responsible… you know? I mean, we were together for a few months, and anytime he tried to
do that kind of stuff with me, I shot him down. I can’t say I blame him too much for getting
head from Stacy when I wouldn’t do it for him.”
“Oh… well why didn’t you do it for him? I’m just asking, you know – it’s totally cool if you want
to wait for a while before getting into that kind of stuff. It’s definitely your decision. I’m just
curious,” Emily said.
“I know… but it’s not that I didn’t want to… I was just sort of scared, you know? I didn’t know
where to start, and I didn’t want to do anything wrong.”
“So you would have had sex with him if you knew what to do?”
“Well yeah,” Alex replied, “God only knows how many times I rubbed myself raw after I got
home from one of our dates…! I would have loved to have gone all the way with him, but I’d
just heard so many horror stories of girls’ first times, and I knew if I got him naked then I
would want to fuck him, then I wouldn’t know how to do it right, and…”
Emily cut her off, “Calm down, sis! You’re underestimating yourself. But you’re right… from
here on out, if you want to keep a guy, you’re going to have to give him a reason to stay!”
“What about you? How are you doing in the boy department? What are college boys like?”
Emily chuckled. “Well, if you must know, I’m doing quite well for myself. College boys only
want to fuck… but, God, it’s so great! They take you out for dinner, then afterwards you go
back to one of your places and give him a handjob or a blowjob or something… Then the
next time, after the date, you get to fuck! Then after that, sometimes you don’t even go on a
date… you just meet up for sex – between classes, in the middle of the night, whenever. And
you can do it with more than one guy at the same time, too. Nobody cares!”
“Wow,” Alex said, “That’s awesome… but everyone doesn’t think you’re a slut?”
“Of course not, everybody does it this way.”
“Well in that case, I definitely need to figure this out before I get to college. I don’t want
everyone thinking I’m a prude or something.”
Just then Emily saw Joey sleepily walking out of his bedroom towards the bathroom, wearing
only his boxers. All this talk about sex had her thinking somewhat naughty thoughts about
her little brother. He had really shaped up in the last year! A little bit of hair on his toned
chest, some stubble on his face, nice abs… he was turning into one of the college boys she
was used to having so much fun with.
“Well I’d like to help you figure it out, sis. What do you say I teach you how to pleasure a
guy?” Emily asked her sister.
“Yeah, Em, that would be great… but how?”
Joey was walking back toward his bedroom when Emily stood up and called out to him. “Hey
Joey, come her for a sec.”
Joey looked up, then walked into the living room. Emily walked up to him, then put her hands
on his shoulders. “This is going to be so much fun!” she said to no one in particular.
“Follow me, you two,” she said to her siblings.
Joey was still a little sleepy after brushing his teeth and his morning piss, so he followed his
older sister without much thought. Alex was a little confused, still not really understanding
what her sister was up to, but she stood and followed anyway.
Emily walked into her room with her brother and sister behind her. She told them to sit down
on her bed, and they did.
“What?” Joey asked her.
“Shut up, Joey. You’ll love this,” Emily said to him, standing in front of her siblings. “Okay,
Alex,” she said to her sister, “the first step is to get the guy good and horny.”
“WHAT?” Joey said again. Alex looked at her sister incredulously.
“Okay, Joey, you’re done talking for the rest of the day. This is about our sister. And Alex,
you wanted my help, so here it is.”
“Well yeah, but…” she replied.
“But, nothing. We need a guy for this, and Joey’s pretty hot if you forget he’s our brother.
You’re actually pretty lucky, you know. And you,” Emily directed towards her brother, “you’re
really fucking lucky, so just go with it, okay?”
“As I said,” Emily started again, “the first step is to get him good and horny. Usually this is
done by the two of you making out.”
Alex took a sideways glace at her brother, then glared at Emily again.
“Go ahead, Alex,” Emily said.
“I don’t know about this, Emily,” Alex said, with a somewhat worried look on her face.
“Oh, for God’s sake!” Emily said in exasperation as she moved to the bed. She put her knees
on the edge of the bed, on either side on Joey’s hips, and put her hands on his naked chest,
pushing him back to a reclined position. She moved her hands to his shoulders, then lowered
her face to his, pausing with her lips a fraction of an inch above his. Joey lay there, still in
disbelief, with his lips parted. Emily pressed her lips to his, giving him an almost sisterly peck.
Then, she pressed her tongue into his mouth finding his, closed her eyes, and gave him one
sexy, several-second-long french kiss. She lifted her mouth from his, then stroked his hair
with one hand as she went back down and sucked his bottom lip into her mouth. Joey finally
moved his hands to rest on the sides of her ribcage as they finished their kiss.
Emily lifted her head a bit and looked at her sister. “See,” she said, “Joey’s willing to play.
Why don’t you join in?”
Alex sighed, turned on by the sight of her two siblings entwined, then nodded. Emily raised
up off their brother, and turned onto her side next to Joey. Alex was a little more hesitant than
her sister, first gently taking one hand and resting it on her brother’s chest before sliding it
down his abs to his navel. She smiled at her brother, then leaned over for a kiss. Instinct took
over at this point, and Alex started making out with Joey like he was one of her boyfriends.
She pressed her mouth over his, and took his lips in hers. He began to take initiative and slid
his tongue in between her lips and into her mouth. Her tongue found his, and she let it swirl
around his as they made out. She continued to rub her hand over his chest, and his hands
found their way to the side of her head and her side. Emily took a moment to remove Alex’s
shirt, which left her in her short shorts and bikini top. Joey enjoyed the fact that there was
more skin to touch and his wandering hands began to turn on Alex that much more. He
cupped her ass with one of his hands and gave a little squeeze. Alex cradled his head in her
hands as she continued the assault with her mouth, stroking his head and hair as their warm
mouths explored each other.
Emily reached her hand down to the crotch of Joey’s boxers, feeling the tent that his growing
erection was forming. She then took one of Alex’s hands in hers and led it to Joey’s covered
cock. Alex instinctively grabbed his dick through his boxers loosely in her hand, and began to
rub around it.
“Okay children,” she said. “It looks like Joey is ready for step two.”
Alex removed her mouth from her brother’s and smiled, biting her bottom lip as she looked
into Joey’s eyes. Joey couldn’t help but smile, not believing the turn that his morning had
“Let’s start with a handjob. Sometimes, if you don’t want to go all the way with a guy yet, a
handjob can be a good way of giving him something without doing too much. Joey, take off
your boxers.”
Joey grinned, then was out of his boxers in record time. Alex’s lips parted as she stared at
Joey’s erection. It was so big, she thought. So hard… so beautiful. His hard cock was angled
up towards the ceiling, and his balls lay loosely below it. Joey propped himself up on his
elbows, waiting for whatever it was to come.
“Nice dick, brother… I’m impressed! Okay, Alex. Wrap your little hand around Joey’s nice,
hard cock that he is so kind to give us.”
She did as she was told, feeling how hard, yet how soft, her brother’s shaft was. Joey sighed
at the feeling of his sister’s touch and let his head fall back. God, this was getting better and
better every second.
“Now… pretty much, you just move your hand up and down on his dick. Don’t forget about
his balls, too. Give them some attention, roll them around in your hand… Go ahead.”
Alex started to slowly jack off her brother, sliding her hand up and down his dick. With her
other hand, she cupped his balls and lifted up a bit, taking their weight in her hand. She
jiggled them around, smiling as she explored her brother’s body. She began to speed up her
action… it was kind of fun. Joey’s breathing had also sped up considerably by this point. His
cock felt harder than it had ever been in his life, and his sister was actually doing a good job.
They were both starting to get into it when Emily spoke up.
“Well, that’s pretty much that.”
“What?” Alex asked, stopping the motion of her hand and resting her hand on Joey’s cock.
“I said, that’s a hand job. You did well. That’s about all there is to it.”
“But what about when he cums? I mean, what happens then? That’s the important part,
right?” Alex said, confused.
Emily laughed. “Don’t worry about that, sis… I’m sure we’ll get to that part all too soon...”
Alex relaxed and lifted her hand off of her brother’s still-hard cock.
“A hand job is a great way to give a boy something to keep him coming back, without really
giving him too much,” Emily taught her sister. “But,” she continued, “if you want to give him a
little bit more, then we transition from using your hand to pleasure him to using your mouth.”
“Okay,” Alex responded, “What do I do?”
“It’s really hard to do it too wrong,” Emily answered, “but start by holding his dick in your hand
and taking the tip into your mouth. The head of the penis is the most sensitive part, so it’s
really important that you stimulate it. If you can take it further, then it feels really good to the
guy if you’re able to take more into your mouth… It’s best if you let your lips and tongue rub
along his shaft as you bob your head up and down on his cock.”
Joey smiled and eagerly nodded his head in agreement.
“Come on,” Emily said, “give it a try! Joey’s waiting…”
Alex smiled a shy smile as she was really about to cross a new barrier. Of course, today was
the first time she’d ever held a guy’s cock, so that was definitely a milestone… But to actually
take a penis in her mouth! That was a big step! And God, not to mention whose dick it was…
her own brother’s! This was almost too much for her. She took a deep breath and re-gripped
Joey’s dick. She looked up at Joey as her head lowered towards his crotch and saw his big
grin. Well, if nothing else, she thought, she was helping out her big brother and making him
feel good.
Her face stopped an inch from the tip of his dick. She gingerly extended her tongue until the
tip contacted the head of his penis. At the moment of contact, his cock jumped at the
sensation. She smiled, then swirled her tongue around the perimeter of Joey’s manhood.
She took one hand and cupped his balls again, then enclosed the tip of his penis into her
warm mouth.
“Ah… ohh, God, sis… that… feels so good,” Joey managed to say.
Joey’s encouragement made Alex feel a little bit more at ease. She took another half inch of
Joey’s dick into her mouth, then pulled up to its tip. She started to get into a bobbing motion,
able to take a little bit more of Joey’s cock into her mouth each time, until she maxed out at a
little more than half of his length. She blew him slowly, drawing out her motions as her lips
slid along all sides of his cock as she bobbed up and down.
“Okay, Alex… From the looks of Joey’s face, he’s getting pretty close to an orgasm. I don’t
blame him… he’s had an exciting morning so far. You have a couple options here. You could
either take it out of your mouth and jack him off as he cums; or, you could leave it in and let
him cum into your mouth.”
Alex momentarily popped her brother’s dick out of her mouth to ask, “Which is better for
“Leave it in,” both Emily and Joey answered at the same time.
Alex resumed the blowjob with a new sense of purpose. She was about to make her brother
cum. The first guy ever that would orgasm as a result of her efforts and hard work… She had
to make this good. She looked up at Joey and made eye contact as she sucked him. His face
was scrunching up a bit, and his mouth was hanging open. He rested his hand on the back of
Alex’s head and loosely grabbed her hair.
“Alright, Alex, here it comes,” Emily warned her sister, experienced with guys at their moment
of orgasm.
Alex swirled her tongue around the tip of Joey’s cock as the first ribbon of semen spewed
from his cock. She continued to suck him in as the second, then third, and fourth spurts of
Joey’s cum shot into her mouth. Alex instinctively swallowed the thick liquid that was invading
her mouth as she felt Joey’s balls twitching in her hand, feeding his cum into her waiting
Joey was mildly bucking his hips at this point, absolutely loving the warm sensation of his
sister’s mouth enclosing his most prized possession as he came. He shot more semen that
he thought he probably ever had before during this seemingly never-ending orgasm. Finally,
his orgasm died down, his body collapsed, and he let out the breath he had been holding in
for several seconds. Alex gave one last swallow and removed her mouth from his cock,
letting it go with a sloppy ‘pop’. She smiled up at her brother with a small glob of his cum
showing on her bottom lip.
“That was so fucking hot!” Emily said as she dropped to her knees. She took Alex’s face in
her hands and, before her sister knew it, gave her a full-on, full-tongue kiss. Although
surprised, Alex wasted no time in embracing her sister’s kiss. She moaned into Emily’s
mouth as their tongues danced. Emily gave her sister one last peck on the lips, then caught
the one glob of Joey’s cum that was still hanging on Alex’s lip with her tongue before she
leaned back and admired her sister.
“Damn our brother tastes good, don’t you think?” she said.
Alex smiled as she sat back on her heels, tasting her brother’s flavor in her mouth.
Emily took the quiet moment as an opportunity to continue her lesson. “A blow job is always
a good move. Apparently it feels amazing, so the boy is always satisfied if that’s as far as
you’re going to take it that night. Also, guys are always way too excited their first time with
you, so if you want to fuck him it’s still a good move to get him to cum once before he
penetrates you. That way, he lasts longer when he does fuck you.”
“Before he penetrates me with this?” Alex asked, lifting and dropping her brother’s limp cock.
“Well, obviously we need to get him hard again…” Emily continued, “A good way to get him
nice and horny is to let him eat you out. It’s a good way to get yourself warmed up, too.”
Joey already began to perk up a bit from the nature of his sisters’ talk.
“Okay…” Alex replied, a little nervous about completely exposing herself in front of her big
brother, even though she knew it would happen eventually… and even though she had just
swallowed a load of his semen. She kind of knew from the start that she and Joey would be
fucking by the end of Emily’s lesson, but as of this point she was still wearing both her bikini
top and bottom, and her shorts.
“Well, the first step is to get that top off…” Emily said, getting impatient.
Alex faced Joey on the bed, then reached up and untied her top, letting it fall to the floor.
Joey was in awe as he stared at his younger sister’s full, perfect breasts. God, had her chest
changed since last time he saw it when they used to bathe together as kids. Her breasts
weren’t large, but they definitely weren’t too small. They were just… perfect. Small, dark,
erect nipples capped the tips of her beautiful tits as they hung from her chest magnificently.
Joey couldn’t help but stare.
“Alright Joey, I’m pretty sure instinct should take over at this point,” Emily coaxed him. “Make
our little sister feel good.”
Joey tenderly reached out and cupped Alex’s breasts with both hands. He had never really
fantasized about his younger sister before, but he had certainly noticed how she had grown
into a beautiful young woman. It was never really sexual… he just admired her, he guessed.
But now, it was definitely sexual feelings that he had. All of the pent-up, unrealized feelings
that he had for his little sister came to consciousness as he held her breasts in his hands. He
leaned his sister back until she lay flat on the bed, then he bent down and took one of her
glorious nipples into his mouth and sucked. Alex dropped her head to the mattress and let
out a sigh. Even after all the fun she and Joey had had this morning, this moment was still
the first real sexual pleasure she had ever felt from a man.
Joey continued to tenderly suck on her breast as his hands wandered around her chest and
abs, then down to her crotch. Alex jumped a bit at the feeling of his strong hand on her pubic
mound, but quickly relaxed as she realized that she would rather be nowhere else at this
moment. As he reached his mouth up to give Alex another sensual kiss, Emily helped out by
first pulling off her sister’s shorts, then her bikini bottom. Both of Emily’s siblings were now
completely nude.
The new change in attire allowed Joey’s wandering hand full access to Alex’s beautiful young
body. His fingers found the entrance to her vagina as he continued to make out with her. As
one of his fingers made its way into her sopping wet pussy, Alex came out of her stupor and
began to rub her hands over her brother’s back. She gripped his shoulders as he began to
finger her pussy.
“Ahh… that feels so nice, Joey…” Alex moaned as their mouths parted.
Joey slid down the bed until he was on his knees on the floor. Alex’s ass was on the bed with
her pussy at the edge. Joey positioned himself so her legs were spread and resting on his
shoulders and his face was near her crotch. He looked up as Alex grinned down at her
brother, anticipating the pleasure that he was about to bring her. Joey concentrated his effort
back to the task at hand. He had eaten out a couple of girls before, but he felt like he was
really being put to the test here as his older sister watched.
Joey extended his tongue and let it drag across one of the outside lips of Alex’s sex. Her abs
clenched and she drew a sharp breath in. Yes, she had masturbated before… but this was
already so much better. Her hand came down to rest on the side of her brother’s head as he
teased her. He continued to lick around her pussy without making contact until Alex broke
down and pulled his face towards her pleasure center. He obliged and thrust his tongue into
“Oh God Joey, yes!” she yelled.
He swirled his tongue around inside her sex before contacting her clit, which sent her
overboard. She clenched his short hair with both hands and spread her legs wide as he ate
her out. The sharp pleasure she felt flooded her head and she lost track of time as her
brother’s tongue worked wonders on her. Just as her breath began to quicken, she barely
heard her sister once again call off their fun. She lifted her head and looked down to see
Emily behind Joey with her head on his shoulder and her hand around Joey’s rock hard cock,
gently stroking him.
“I said,” Emily repeated, “he’s hard again. It’s time for our Joey to fuck your brains out. You
ready sis?”
Alex stroked her brother’s hair lovingly. “Oh yeah!” she answered.
Neither Joey nor his sister had been this far before. Although neither of them had previously
considered the other a candidate for sexual pleasure, they were so entwined in their current
affair that all they could think about was fucking. The two siblings wanted nothing more than
to fuck each other until they were both satisfied.
“Alright, Joey,” Emily said, “this is your time to shine.”
Joey gave Alex one last lick for good measure, then rose to the bed beside his sister. He lay
on his side next to Alex, and rubbed his hand over her stomach and breasts. He lowered his
head to hers and forced his tongue into her mouth, where it swirled about with hers. While
they kissed, he swung one leg between Alex’s knees as he settled himself on top of her, then
he spread her legs with his other knee. He broke the kiss as Alex reached down and grabbed
his hard cock, pointing it toward the entrance to her warm, sopping wet hole. He lowered his
buttocks until his dick was pressed against her opening, then gave a push until the head of
his penis was enclosed comfortably within her. Both of them stayed in this position as they
breathed heavily, their mouths open, waiting for the next step. Finally, Joey grabbed her
shoulders and pushed all the way inside her, letting out his held breath and nearly collapsing
on top of her.
“Ahh… Oh, Joey… God… oh fuck,” Alex moaned. She breathed heavily, savoring the feeling
of fullness she felt as her brother’s long cock was sheathed entirely within her. She relished
the feel of his muscular body covering hers, his toned body pressed on her pert breasts, her
nipples smashed to his chest, the stubble of his face resting against her smooth cheeks. She
wrapped her arms around his body, her hands resting on his shoulder blades as they lay,
growing accustom to one another.
Joey kissed his sister once again, then withdrew his cock from her. He gently slid it back into
her warmth as she moaned, then withdrew once again. Alex’s lips were parted and her eyes
were tightly shut, concentrating only on their joining. Joey was now getting into a rhythm,
pulling out and entering again as Alex’s hands slid down to the sides of his rib cage. Joey
sucked on the nape of her neck as he continued his assault on her body. Her legs wrapped
around his lower back, pulling his cock further into her with every thrust as he continued to
fuck his sister’s young body.
Alex loved the feeling of her brother inside her. She couldn’t imagine a person more suited to
take her virginity than Joey, who she knew loved her and would take care of her. Likewise,
Joey was certainly enjoying the sensations that his sister’s soft, slick, warm pussy was giving
him as they were joined on the bed. Alex reached down and gently grabbed and massaged
Joey’s balls in her hand as he fucked her. Every time his cock entered her body, it gradually
stretched her insides until it bottomed out inside her as her narrow canal squeezed the head
of his cock. Then she would feel him pull out until only his engorged head was left inside her.
By now, she was getting warmed up to the point that her hips were beginning to rise and fall
to compliment his thrusts. She began to buck her hips as a warm, tingling sensation started
to build up in her loins. Her breath began to become sharper and more frequent as Joey’s
efforts paid off.
“Oh God Joey, this is so… fucking… GOOD!”
His confidence boosted yet again as he sped up his thrusts. Alex wrapped her hands around
her brother’s neck and pulled his face to hers, once again interlocking their lips and tongues
as they pleasured each other. As the pleasure began to build within her to an almost
unbearable level, Alex spread her legs wide and began to hump her butt off the sheets. All at
once, the pleasure crashed down as she began to come.
Alex’s pussy began to rhythmically clench and release her brother’s cock as he pumped into
her still. She closed her eyes and let out a soft, prolonged moan as her orgasm took over.
Joey, realizing that his sister was cumming, allowed himself to finish as well. He grabbed her
shoulders from beneath and pumped into her depths for all that he was worth. He released
one strong rope of semen into his sister as his orgasm took over his body. He managed to
pull his spewing cock from its home after the first spurt as he collapsed onto his sister. Joey
continued to thrust as his cock slid, slick from his sister’s pussy, between his and his sisters’
stomachs, pressed tightly together. He squirted three, then four more gradually weaker
spurts between their hot bodies until he finally completely collapsed onto Alex.
They lay there catching their breath for several moments as they regained composure from
their mutual orgasm, their sweaty cheeks pressed against one another. Finally, Joey raised
up onto his elbows, separating their stomachs and leaving a string of cum connecting them.
He rolled onto his side and stared at his sister, drained and sexually satisfied. She opened
her eyes weakly, smiling at her brother with her hand on his side. She eyed him up and
down, from his sweaty matted hair to his heaving toned chest to his gradually softening cock,
admiring the man that her brother had grown into. She wiped his cum from his stomach and
spread it onto hers, joining it with the semen that he had deposited on her during his orgasm.
“I’m almost speechless,” Emily said, watching her siblings in their post-orgasmic glow. “I’d
have to say our lesson is complete. You’re ready for college, little sis!”
“Maybe…,” Alex said, biting her bottom lip and still looking at her brother. “But I think we
might have to practice again later, just to make sure.”“I’m a woman. You’re a man.”
“I know that... But isn’t that…?”
“We kissed. Did you like it? It seems like you did judging by the lumber in your pants.”
She had me there. I tried to relax a little bit. This was new territory for me.
“Of course I did. I wanted to kiss you. But…”
“But, what? Come on, Josh, we’re not kids. We’re not going to damage each other for life,
are we?
“Kiss me.”
I kissed her. She kissed me. It was better and longer than the last one. Her tongue was like a
python trying to wriggle down my throat.
Then she put her hands on my shoulders and locked her eyes onto mine.
“Josh, I think we can help each other out,” she said.
“How so?”
We were both a little tipsy by this time. I remembered when she’d gone to the bathroom a
little while before, and I’d briefly thought about her in there, unsnapping her jeans, lowering
them, sitting on the toilet and wondering what kind of panties she had on. I admitted to
myself, I wanted her.
“We’re both frustrated,” she said. “Obviously we are attracted to each other. You want to eat
pussy, and I’m aching for it. I’m going through a divorce. I haven’t been laid in two months.
We can help each other.”
“Karen, if I go down on you, I won’t be able to stop. My problem is that going down on a
woman turns me on so much, it makes me go crazy, makes everything else so much better! I
want to do it all, I can’t stop.”
“I’m counting on that,” she said.
We kissed again, hot and deep and lingering.
She squeezed my hand and said, “Will you do me a favor?”
“Sure, what?” I replied.
“Shave me.”
“Shave you?”
“Yes. Shave me. Like I said, it’s been a while.”
“Where? Down there?” I said, nodding at her crotch.
“Yes, down there. Where do you think?”
“I don’t know how to do that.”
“You shave your face, don’t you?”
“Well, yeah, but that’s a…”
“It’s the same thing, Josh. Just a lot more fun.”
She smiled and winked at me. I smiled too and she led me to my bedroom. We spread a
large towel on the bed and while Karen fetched a bowl of hot water, I found a new razor and
some shaving cream. Then we stood at the foot of my bed. We broke into grins and kissed.
Then she started unbuttoning her blouse.
“I’ll take off my top,” she said. “You can take off my bottom.”
It was then I noticed that she was not wearing a bra: she must have taken it off when she
was in the bathroom. She removed her blouse and tossed it on a chair. Then she started
unbuttoning my shirt.
“No man should ever shave with his shirt on,” she said.
We were both topless, facing each other, the lines of her beautiful body and her luscious tits
only inches away. We stood still, a frozen moment staring into one another’s’ eyes.
“What are you waiting for?” she asked softly.
I swallowed and reached down to the front of her jeans. I unsnapped them. I heard her let out
a little sigh as I gripped the pull tab of her zipper between my thumb and forefinger. I pulled it
down. The front of her jeans opened and I saw she wore no panties. I wondered if they were
also left in the bathroom. I hooked my thumbs into a couple belt loops and started pushing
down her pants.
Karen wiggled her hips to help the process. When her jeans were down to her knees she sat
on the edge of the bed and lifted her leg. I pulled one pant leg off, then the other. She
scooted back on the bed so her ass was right in the center of the towel and lay back. She
stacked three pillows behind her head. She said she wanted to watch.
She had pubic hair, but it wasn’t a wild bunch. It was neatly trimmed. But she wanted it
shaved off and that’s what I was going to do. I moved into position and dipped a washcloth in
the hot water. I looked at Karen and she had a cute smirk on her face. Then I pressed the
warm, wet cloth onto my sister’s comely cooch.
I took a good look at her pussy while I shook the can of shaving cream and streamed some
lather into my hand. It was beautiful, its large, lush lips beckoning. I touched her, and she
moaned softly as I spread a thick, even layer of cream all over her pubes.
I wiped my hands on the towel and picked up the razor.
I looked at her and said, “I’ll try to hold this steady.”
“You’ll do fine,” she said. “I just hope I don’t come before you’re finished. Cause it will be a
I went to work. I started at the top with short little strokes. Four strokes, rinse. Repeat.
Repeat. Repeat. Karen oohed and aahed and whimpered as I shaved and I was very careful
the closer I got to her wet, open snatch. I took my time because this surely was one thing I
didn’t want to screw up.
When I was done shaving I took the wet cloth and cleaned her off and she squirmed with the
soft pressure of my touch. Her clit was aroused and swollen. I placed the bowl and the tools
on the floor.
“Excellent job,” she said, nodding her head.
I spread her legs and knelt between them. I slipped my hands under her and gripped her ass
cheeks and squeezed. Then I slipped my tongue into her salt mine and massaged her love
bud with my lips.
She squealed and dug her strong fingers into my head and held it while she grinded her
crotch into my face. I ate her with a passion I hadn’t felt in a long time. I fucked her with my
mouth and choked her cheeks in unison with every stroke of my lips and tongue. I tasted her
zesty tang and smelled the sweet funk of cunt and shaving cream, as hands, tongues, lips
and Karen’s groin motored in perfect sync. It had been so long, so frustrating, but finally here
I was, going down on a beautiful, sexy woman, eating her delicious pussy, and it was the
pussy of my own long lost sister!
“Oh, fuck, I’m gonna come…” Karen screeched after a few short minutes, and with violent
spasms, she hosed me with her pent up spunk.
Her body quivered as she sprayed and I sucked on her clit like I was hanging onto the edge
of a cliff. She moaned and half-screamed throughout her eruption. When her spasms finally
subsided she yanked my head up to hers and jammed her tongue into my mouth and we
kissed with savage strength for thirty seconds or so until she pushed me away.
“Take off your pants,” she hissed, and groped for the front of my jeans. “Fuck me!”
I got them open and she helped me pull them down, almost ripping my boxers in the process.
My pants were still wrapped around my ankles when she pulled me on top of her. She took
my steel staff in her hand.
“It’s good to see little brother doesn’t have a little cock!” she said, and she slipped it into her
passion pit.
She locked her legs around mine and started humping. She was fucking my cock with her
pussy, not the other way around. Her sweet walls were trying to squeeze the semen out of
me. I had to pound her pretty hard just to keep up. My hands were under her ass and I
slipped a finger halfway into her asshole just to hold on. It was like a rodeo ride. I started
slinging it into her good and hard and she thrashed with each shove.
Karen is not a quiet lover. She doesn’t say that much, just the occasional ‘Oh Shit!’ or ‘Oh
Fuck!’, but she grunted and groaned and hissed and squawked with every power push. It
made me want to fuck her even harder.
She kept squeezing every inch of my dick, milking me with every ounce of thrust, until I knew
my rocket was about to blast off.
“I’m going to come…” I said.
“Yes! Give it to me!”
I didn’t think it would be possible but she picked up the pace even more and a few seconds
later I felt the rush rising up through me.
“I’m coming…”
“Me too…”
Then I felt like a wildcatter striking oil for the first time. I felt the gusher almost in slow motion
as it rose up through my shaft. I let out a loud groan with the first expulsion, which was large
and long, and five or six more followed, each lesser than the last. Karen writhed beneath me
as she discharged her own love potion for the second time.
When our big bang waned we shifted onto our sides and we held each other and kissed long,
soft kisses. I kept my cock inside her until it eventually went flaccid and when I pulled out our
combo cum oozed onto the towel, which was already soaked from her first orgasm.
As we lay in each other’s arms, the magnitude of what had just occurred hit me. I’m making
out with my sister! I just fucked my sister! And it was the best fuck I ever had.
Karen must have noticed something in my face because she asked me if anything was
“No, I was just thinking,” I said. “How we came together on our very first time. That’s
“I’m glad you said ‘first’ time,” Karen whispered.
“Well, it was,” I said.
“I know. But by saying ‘our first time’, you implied there would be more to come.”
A minute or two later I was still basking in our afterglow when Karen said: “I think you need a
I started to rub my chin and disagree before I got it. She hopped out of bed and carried the
bowl to the bathroom for fresh water.
“You’d didn’t think I was going to let you have all the fun, did you?” she called from the
bathroom. “Get in position and prepare to be groomed!”
She came back with the bowl and gear. I admired her sleek, naked body as she prepared.
She took the head of my limp biscuit in her hand and moved it around, doing a survey of my
“Hmm,” she said, “this is a big job!” she said playfully. “I’ll have to mow right through this
cabbage patch.”
She took the wet cloth and wiped me down and foamed me up. I loved the feel of her hands
on me, brushing my thighs, my balls, my penis.
She began shaving me. The gentle friction of the blade on my sensitive skin was erotic, I
never would have imagined it could be such a turn on, but it was. I’d flinch a little every now
and then when the razor was close to my equipment.
“Hold still!” Karen scolded.
My dick began to harden when she was about halfway done.
“Oh, it looks like somebody is enjoying this!” she said happily.
A couple of minutes later Karen was putting the finishing touches on her work. She held my
stiff Richard in her hand and moved it to and fro as she wiped down my clean-shaven skin.
“Not a bad job at all, I’d say,” she said, looking it over. “A masterpiece!” Then she kissed the
tip of my cock, looked at me and added, “Now I’m going to work on this masterpiece,” and
took me into her mouth.
She was a patient cocksucker. She kissed every square centimeter of it, ran her tongue over
the length of it, licked my scrotum, sucked me, took it all in her mouth, in and out, over and
over, and I swelled and swelled, moaned with pleasure, and I pushed into her as far as I
could. She held on hard, her head-vise clamped on my taut and tender meat, and soon I felt
it was on the way.
celebrity kink quivered and quaked as it rose within me and Karen knew it was time. She
sucked even harder and she gasped with a mouthful of hard cock when my Josh Jizz
spewed into the back of her throat.
When my tremors were over she put her open lips to mine and my tongue roamed in her
silken mouth and I could taste my cum in our kiss.
That’s how it started.
We slept like two rocks, our bodies molded together. When I awoke the next day I had my
usual morning tent pole between my legs. I turned slightly to face Karen and was looking at
her eyes when they opened. We both broke into smiles and started laughing softly.
“No regrets?” she said.
“No regrets,” I replied.
She kissed my lips and I slipped a hand between her legs.
“Good,” she said. “Because I’m going to sit on your face.”
I flipped my position quickly so that my mouth was in her crotch and my dick was in her face.
“Good idea!” Karen said.
Our mouths quickly went to work, and for the next few minutes, while accompanied by a
continuous soundtrack of our combined sighs and moans and groans and licks and sucks
and other such sounds of gratification, we sixty-nine’d our way along until both of us had a
mouthful of our cock-a-doodle dew.
We showered together and I got to wash every inch of Karen’s body, inside and out, and she
did the same to me. She told me to not let my dick get hard again because it’s more for her to
wash and we didn’t want to waste any soap. But of course she gleefully stroked it and
lathered that bad boy up and slid her hands up and down, over and over on its slick surface,
and pretty soon it was a steely, heat-seeking missile and the heat was between Karen’s legs.
She guided it into her hungry honey bun and hoisted her legs up around my waist. Her sugar
walls choked my soapy slammer and I pressed her up against the shower wall and started
pounding her. Hot spray surrounded us and a fresh cauldron of hot cum started to brew
within our joined loins. I fucked her mouth with my tongue in syncopated rhythm with our hip
percussion below.
“Let’s come together!” I said breathlessly.
“Tell me when you’re almost there…”
I slowed my pace a little, trying to hold back. She didn’t want that; she still wanted it deep and
hard. She cunt-clutched my cock, over and over, with more and more force while I tried to
delay my release.
“Going to come…” she murmured.
I again started nail gunning her to the wall.
She screamed when she started to climax and her vocal shits and fucks and damns echoed
off of the tiles. My cum catapulted into her, stream after stream, and she clenched me tight
and sucked on my tongue until our passions calmed.
That afternoon she moved in. She put all her stuff in the other bedroom but that was just for
show. Not that she had all that much stuff. She traveled light.
“How do you think Kelly is going to take all this?” Karen asked me. I was standing beside her
as she was unpacking.
“You’re my sister. It’s the brotherly thing to do,” I said with a silly grin.
She smiled, put down the sweater she was folding, and turned to face me.
“Well, unless she’s pretty stupid, she’s going to figure out pretty damn quick that there’s a
little more going on around here,” she said. She put her hand behind my head and kissed
me. “A lot more going on,” she added.
“Well, she’s not stupid. But Karen, I have to be honest with myself. My problem with Kelly
may be a minor thing to her, but it’s not to me. And the problem is not going away, so we are
probably doomed in the long run anyhow. Also, what you said to me last night is true. We are
consenting adults, doing what feels right and we’re not hurting anyone. And if you want to
know something else, I don’t feel guilty because it doesn’t even feel like cheating because
you’re my sister. I feel like my whole life changed for the better last night.”
“No josh?”
“No josh.”
“Thank you for saying that. Mine did too. We are now lovers. We just happen to have the
same parents.”
We kissed again, another long one, a kiss I was quickly getting used to.
“So what are you going to do?” she asked.
“I’m going to let her worry about it. And I’ll tell you something else I’m going to do.”
“What’s that?”
“I’m going to take my sister out to a nice dinner tonight, wine and dine her, bring her home
and try to get her in the sack. What do you think?”
Karen smiled her crooked little grin and said: “I think there’s only about a one hundred
percent chance of that happening.”
So, my sister and I were now roommates. I had a day job to go to, but Karen had taken a
leave of absence from hers when she and her husband split. That job was in a city about 400
miles away. She said she didn’t plan on going back to it, but she didn’t resign because she
didn’t want to appear unemployed. She’d been applying for positions closer to the local area.
She wanted to keep some distance between her and The Norwegian Nightmare.
She had arranged an interview in a small city about two hours away. The night before she
had the interview we were lying in bed talking and the subject of Kelly came up. Kelly had left
me a couple of messages two of the last three days.
“Are you going to call her?” Karen asked me.
“I don’t know, maybe. I’ll talk to her eventually.”
“Josh, you have to resolve the situation sooner or later, don’t you?”
“I guess. But I have all I need right here!” I said, and I buried my face between her bare
breasts, shook my head back and forth and made gurgling noises. She laughed giddily and
squirmed and then I latched my mouth onto her right nipple and nibbled and sucked and
hummed a buzzy tune into her tit as I tickled her tummy and thighs. She finally wiggled out of
my grasp.
“Here’s an idea,” she said.
I asked her, what?
“Tell her your sister wants to get in her pants.”
“What?” I asked skeptically.
“Tell her that I think she’s hot and I want to fuck her. That will throw her off.”
“Do you want to fuck her?”
“I’d fuck her with you.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“Josh, face it, you and Kelly are history. It’s just a matter of time. You said it yourself that you
and her were doomed. You two would just keep having fights. She has a major hang-up. I’m
not threatened by her, but she will be threatened by me. Then she’ll have another major
hang-up. So either break up with her or let’s get her into bed.”
I started to understand her crazy logic.
“You want to find out if she’ll let you eat her pussy,” I said.
She smiled at me and snuggled closer.
“It would be fun to try. But what would be even more fun is if I were successful, then we
would be successful. And I’d love to see you muff diving on that foxy chick. What a turn on
that would be! And I don’t believe for a second that you’d turn down going to bed with two
good looking women, one of them being me.”
She got that right. And I had to admit it would be pretty hot to see the two of them going at it.
“A trio before you go, kind of thing, huh?” I said with a smirk.
“Hey, it’s worth a shot. You blew her off, now she’s calling you. The timing could be right.”
“Of course, if she knew we were lying here naked in each other’s arms for the umpteenth
time, she wouldn’t be calling me.”
“This is true,” she said. “That’s the tricky part. First, you tell her I have the hots for her. Then I
come on to her. Then we have to make her believe that I’d be going to bed with you and her,
and not that she is going to bed with you and me.”
“Sounds complicated.”
“It could be. You better whip up another batch of mai tais.”
We kissed and tongue-danced and I massaged her nipples until I felt them grow rigid
between my fingers. Then I slipped two fingers into her moist vagina.
“I’ve got a fever,” I whispered.
“Go for it, Maestro,” she laughed. “Write another masterpiece. But go easy on me, no more
than four or five orgasms. I have a job interview tomorrow.” I buried my face between her
“God!” she moaned. “I wish I’d come home five years ago!”
We fucked the shit out of each other that night.
“I’ll ask to shave her,” Karen said.
We were standing in the kitchen early the next morning before she hit the road for her
interview. We were sipping coffee as Karen peeled a banana. She deep-throated it just to
tease me.
“Huh?” I muttered, half asleep.
“When I’m seducing Kelly, I’ll ask her if I can shave her, tell her it turns me on. You got off on
it; it might work on her.”
I remembered how erotic it was when Karen shaved me.
“That might do it. In fact, I’m getting a little itchy down there myself,” I said.
“Well, then we have something to look forward to tonight!”
She kissed me goodbye.
“Call her,” she said on her way out the door. “Tell her I want to fuck her ass with my tongue!”
I called Kelly that afternoon. I left a message and thought, oh here we go, we’re going to play
the phone tag game. Then a couple hours later she called back.
“Hi, Kelly,” I said with minor enthusiasm.
“Hi, Josh, long time no talk,” she said.
“Yeah, I know. I’ve been pretty busy.”
“I know what you mean, same here. Were you ever going to call me?”
“I don’t know. I thought I’d leave it up to you this time.”
“Karen has been staying with me while she’s looking for a job. In fact she is at an interview
this afternoon. She certainly couldn’t stay at my parents’ very long, that’s for sure, and she
wants to keep a lot of distance between her and her ex. We’ve been doing a lot of catching
up. She’s told me a lot of intriguing tales about her years in the ice circus. Not to mention one
tidbit that might interest you.”
“Oh yeah, what’s that?”
“I think she wants to get in your pants.”
There was dead silence on the line.
“Are you there?” I asked.
“I’m here. She told you that?”
“Yes, pretty much. She’s said a few times how hot she thinks you are and kept asking me
when was I going to call you and when were you coming over next.”
Again the line was quiet for a few moments.
“Wow,” she softly said. “What do you think?”
“It sounds pretty hot to me. I get a chubby just thinking about it. So what do you think? Do
you want to come over?”
“Are you asking me to come over?”
“Yes. How about Friday night? Seven o’clock?”
I heard her sigh on the other end. “Okay.”
“All right, it’s set. We’ll have some drinks and relax. And whatever happens, happens. And
what happens in my apartment stays in my apartment!”
Karen called me during her drive home. She said she thought the interview went very well
and they would let her know in about a week if she got the job. I told her about our Friday
night date and she was happy about that.
“Good work, Josh, I’m getting horny just thinking about it! How did she react when you told
her I wanted to get in her knickers?”
“Great. When I get home we can make our plans.”
“Okay, drive safely. When you get home I have something I need to get straight between us!”
“Damn, boy, I’m doing seventy on the interstate, you tell me to drive safely and now you’re
going to make me drive even faster!”
We didn’t really come up with much of a plan, only that Karen would be there alone when
Kelly arrived, and maybe she could get the party rolling a little quicker that way. Kelly is
always prompt so I knew she wouldn’t be late. Then I’d show up later because I’d gone out
for more rum.
On Friday we got the bed ready with fresh linens, had a big thick towel at bedside and got
together everything we needed for a shave. That’s when I discovered that all I had were used
razors and would have to pick up some new ones when I went out.
That evening I was out killing time when, at 7:01, I got a text from Karen. Kelly was knocking
on the door.
At 7:35 I called and I asked Karen if she needed anything at the store. She said no, she was
good, and I asked if Kelly wanted anything.
“Ask her yourself, she’s right here.”
“Hi, Josh,” Kelly said.
“Hi,” I said. “I’m on the way home, do you want anything?”
“Oh, cut the crap, Josh. I’m sitting here making out with your sister. I know you’re fucking her.
Just get your ass over here or we’re going to start without you.”
Then Karen was back on the line.
“You were right.”
“Right about what?”
“She’s a smart girl.”
When I walked through the door they were standing by the breakfast bar sipping wine. Karen
was barefoot and wore short blue jean cutoffs and a cream button-down top. Kelly was
dressed like she came over expecting to fuck somebody. Her clothing clung to her slim,
shapely bod like a coat of paint: She wore only white fitted, thin cotton pants sporting a
raging cameltoe, a red sleeveless top, no bra, and her wild and long blond hair.
“Well, look who’s here!” Kelly said. “It’s my old boyfriend, Josh. Welcome home.”
They both had big grins on their faces.
“You two sure didn’t waste any time,” I said. “What did I miss?”
“We’ve been sucking tongues and feeling each other up waiting for you to get here!”
“She knew, Josh,” Karen said. “After our first kiss she said, ‘You’re fucking him aren’t you? I
wasn’t going to try to lie to her.”
“Tonight’s you’re lucky night, cowboy,” Kelly said.
“Our lucky night,” said Karen. She kissed Kelly, a deep one. Then she kissed me the same
I looked at Kelly and said, “You look magnificent. Good enough to eat.” Then it was our turn
to kiss. In mid-kiss I glanced at Karen and she winked at me.
“Did you pick up a razor?” Karen asked. I took the package out of my pocket.
“Good. Let’s get started. I promised Kelly a shave.”
Karen spread the towel on the bed and ran the water. I put my arms around Kelly from
behind and took her breasts in my hands, and her nipples were already firm. She spun
around to face me.
“You are one sneaky, sexy bastard, you know that! And your new girlfriend is pretty sexy and
sneaky too.” She shoved her tongue in my mouth, then I slipped my hands inside the back of
her pants and started pushing them down. She helped by unzipping and pushing down in the
front, and not breaking our kiss. Her pants reached the floor and as she was kicking them off
she raised her arms. I pulled her top off up over her head.
“Now you…” she said, reaching for my fly.
“Not yet. Undress Karen first.”
She turned to Karen, who by now was all set up. They embraced and I felt my dick enlarge
as two hot women shared a hot, hot kiss. Kelly unbuttoned Karen’s shirt from the bottom up.
They kissed again while she reached behind her and unhooked her bra. The top snap of the
cutoffs was open, so in a split second all that was left was Karen’s skimpy, meshy thong.
I watched as the curvy, naked body of Kelly knelt down and put her face to the thong and
kissed the thin fabric and Karen’s silky thighs. The thong came off and Karen pulled Kelly’s
head northward to hers and they kissed again, and I joined them and we all shared tongues
as they teamed up getting my clothes off. When there were three naked bodies Karen told
Kelly to lie on the bed. I lay down beside her to watch.
Kelly repeated the process that she had performed on me. She wet her down and lathered
her up. She opened the package of razors and took one out. She looked up at Kelly.
“You ready, girl?” Karen asked, and Kelly nodded.
Karen went to work. With short strokes she pulled the blade across Kelly’s fertile growth, and
row by row it disappeared. Kelly and I watched with anticipation.
“What a beautiful pussy!” Karen said, about halfway through.
When Karen was cleaning up I felt Kelly go tense. She grabbed my hand and squeezed. I put
my mouth on one nipple and sucked and pinched the other, alternating back and forth. Soon
she let out with a loud yelp and bucked like she’d been shocked by an electric eel. I looked
southward and saw Karen’s head between Kelly’s creamy thighs, her pretty face mashed
against that freshly cut never-never land.
I kissed Kelly hard and held her tight as she squirmed and adjusted to a new kind of sex.
Karen was humming into her twat, thrusting her head into her crotch, her lips and tongue
attached like glue as if trying to reach deep within her to pull out whatever might be
stockpiled inside.
Then I noticed that Kelly’s midsection was no longer bucking, but working in sync, gently
pushing, and matching the movements of Karen’s head. I felt Kelly’s hand go around my
rock-solid dick and pull it toward her. I repositioned and it was in her mouth and with my
hands at the back of her head I swung it into her, over and over, and she sucked me with a
resolve I couldn’t recall. The room was a symphony of Karen’s humming, Kelly’s moans and
my own grunts of elation.
“God, I’m ready to squirt,” I heard Karen say.
I looked at her and she scooted up and put her mouth on mine for a wet, sloppy French kiss
and told me to take over. Kelly looked at me and nodded.
Karen quickly straddled Kelly’s head and stuck her pussy in her mouth.
I moved on down and dove right in. I licked her lips and then wrapped my lips around her ripe
sweet pickle for the first time without her pitching a fit. Of course she was in no position to
pitch a fit with a foxy 110 pound babe sitting on her face.
I nibbled, sucked, chewed, gnawed, tongued, munched and crunched that clit like it was the
last one on Earth. There was a louder-by-the-second two-part harmony of rapture coming
from the two girls and Kelly’s hand was on my head and she ground her groin into my face,
as if it were possible for them to be any more affixed.
“Oh, shit, I’m going to come!” I heard Karen shout. “I’m going to come big!”
The bed was rocking and Kelly’s body was throbbing like a turbo-charged slinky beneath us.
“Oh, fuck, here it comes, Honey,” Karen blurted, and I heard groans as her vagina flooded
Kelly’s mouth and face.
I climbed up onto her and slipped my raging rod into her soaked slit. Now Kelly had a cock in
her cunt and a cunt in her face, and my cock was aching to blast a payload of my cum into
her one more time. I ramrodded her over and over with the thrust of a Lear Jet, and she
moved her body in concordance. As I pumped, I put my hands on Karen’s tits from behind
and kissed her neck and she turned her head and slipped her tongue in my mouth for a
sloppy kiss. Then she turned, got off and lay down beside Kelly. She kissed Kelly and lay
beside her to watch the show.
They were both watching me as I kept banging Kelly’s drum, with her moans accompanying.
They were staring at my face.
“Ooh, look at the determination on his face, Kelly. He’s ready to shoot you a load of sexy
Kelly added a little more force to her pushes and pulls, and Karen rose to give me a mouthful
of her tongue, and sure enough, I reached the point of no return. I felt the onrush rising up in
me, and I yelled when the first huge shot burned out of me and string after string vaulted from
inside me to inside her. Once I knew the well was dry I fell on top of her and she kissed me
with a savage intensity with which she never had before. I pulled out of her and settled
beside her as we kissed. Karen sucked her swollen breasts and stroked her clit with her
Then Kelly whimpered into my mouth, her body went into an involuntary seismic tremble, and
a torrent surged from her clean-shaven cockpit and all over the towel.
We took a break, wallowing in our abundance. I was lying between them with an arm around
each, splitting kisses and sharing tongues. My cock had slowly gone fairly limp, but kissing
these two beauties made the old drum stick spring back to life like it was doing a sound
check for a rock concert. They noticed.
“Uh oh,” Kelly said. “Josh’s joy stick is overloaded.”
“What should we do about that?” Karen asked. She kissed her.
“I have no idea,” Kelly said, and they kissed again.
“He’s your man, now. What do you think?”
“Follow me,” Karen said, and she lunged down and took my whole cock into her mouth and
I had two glorious women sucking me, taking turns. I slipped my fingers into both of them,
absorbed their sauce and licked my hands. Two women sucking it, licking it, kissing it. I felt a
finger delve into my asshole. That was Karen; she knew how that magnified the sensation for
My cock was in Kelly’s mouth when I was getting close.
“He’s ready,” Karen said. She put her mouth next to Kelly’s at the head of my dick.
I couldn’t help it, I unloaded. My cum flowed out scattershot, and I made deposits on their two
pretty faces. I watched them lick each other off.
I went to the bathroom. It was not easy pissing with a hard dick like that. I had to push that
candle down and hope I hit the target. My piss flew out in three different directions. When I
came back out Kelly was face down on the bed with Karen’s tongue in her ass.
“I’m getting her ready for you”, Karen said. What a nice, heart-shaped ass, huh, Josh?” I
agreed with that.
Kelly wiggled her ass and said, “Yes!”
“Let me give you guys a lube job.”
Karen reached into the drawer of the nightstand and retrieved the gel. She pinched a liberal
amount into the palm of her hand and scooped a healthy dollop into Kelly’s anus. Her finger
loitered inside, taking time, sloshing around. Kelly groaned and lifted her butt and squeezed
when she felt a second finger slip into her.
“Your turn,” Karen said. She pressed more gel into her hand and slathered it all over my
cock. We French-kissed while she stroked me up and down repeatedly until it was again at
maximum attention.
Karen scooted up to the head of the bed. She said she wanted to get a good seat. She sat
with her back to the headboard with her legs spread on either side of Kelly’s face.
I put the head of my pecker to the crack of her ass and spread her cheeks. She opened and
contracted her used sphincter as if she was waving at me. I figured she was waving goodbye
so I would try my best to make it one to remember.
I pushed and the head of my cock disappeared into her. Kelly groaned and raised her ass
and pushed back toward me and a little more slid into her. I started gently rocking, a little at a
time, in and out, in and out. With each sway I dove a little deeper in, and her face moved that
much closer to Karen’s open muffin.
Karen hands were caressing Kelly’s back and shoulders and neck and hair and she let out a
high-pitched cry of pleasure when Kelly’s tongue plunged into her tunnel of love.
When my cock was mostly inserted, I gradually increased the intensity of my movements,
more force with each stroke, and Kelly groaned louder and louder each time with a mouthful
of pussy.
Pretty soon I was sledgehammering her hard enough to chop wood. A layer of sweat broke
out on my forehead as I banged away. With each power slam the headboard kept rhythm,
slapping the wall, and Kelly’s face would bash Karen’s eager gash.
‘Unh, Unh, Unh,’ Kelly grunted with each thrust. I was fucking her as hard as I could, hoping
to extract one last sperm parade from way down deep. I fucked that fine ass like I was trying
to slam my cock all the way up to her throat.
“Ugh, I’m going to come again,” I heard Karen say.
Those words were music to my ears. I kept bashing that ass as hard as I could and I soon
felt my river rising.
Karen shrieked and her body shook.
I felt my first surge climbing up through my tube. I let out a raucous groan and they both
knew what that meant.
Karen released her outflow into Kelly’s open mouth a split second before my first shot of cum
spewed into her ass. I pulled out and ejaculated the remainder of my seed, three, four shots
on her ass and back and collapsed on the bed beside them just as Karen’s quivers were
coming to an end. Karen pulled my face to hers and we shared another long kiss.
Kelly started to get out of bed and we could see from the puddled sheet that she had had an
orgasm too.
“Damn, that was hot!” Karen said.
“Holy shit, Josh!” Kelly rasped. “What came over you? What were you doing, drilling for oil?
My asshole feels like I shit nails. I won’t be able to sit down for a week!” Then she went into
the bathroom.
“Damn, Josh,” Karen said to me. “We come together even when we’re fucking somebody
When Kelly emerged from the bathroom she started getting dressed. And she said a long
“Thanks, it’s been a blast, but I have to get going now. And Josh, I’d already decided when
we talked the other night that I was going to let you have your way with me. That’s why I
wore this slut suit. And it’s kind of a shame that when I’m finally ready, we’re through.
“But I’m flattered that you both went to such trouble to get me into bed, because it was
incredible. But you two are in love, that’s so fucking obvious. I can see it in the way you look
at each other, the way you kiss, the way you touch. You know, when I figured out what was
going on with you two, it was such a turn-on, just thinking about it. And tonight it was so hot
seeing you two, brother and sister in bed together. It helps me realize that it’s high time for
me to resolve some demons from my past that have affected me to this day. And looking at
you two—and being with you and going to bed with you—has helped give me the courage to
finally do something about it.
“So, goodbye. And thanks for a wild night. Take care of each other.”
She winked at Karen, blew her a kiss and said she’d let herself out. We were silent until we
heard the front door close behind her.
“Wow, some night, huh?” Karen said rhetorically.
“It couldn’t have worked out much better.”
We were wrapped up as usual: her head on my shoulder, my arm around her and my hand
caressing her breast.
“What did you all talk about before I got home tonight?” I asked.
“Oh, Josh, it was so weird! It was like an episode of The Twilight Zone when aliens come to
Earth and can read your mind. It’s like she knew what was going to happen!”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, first, the way she was dressed. Those big tits, no bra, her nipples jutting, no underwear
and her labia half hanging out. She knew what she came over here for.
“So we go into the kitchen and I was pouring some wine and she says, ‘Do you like my outfit?
I wore it for you.’ And then she kissed me!
“Then we’re sitting on the sofa and she asked me if she could kiss me again. So we kiss
again, and it starts kind of tentatively, but it turns into a pretty hot one, long and soft. And
when we break the kiss she says, ‘You’re fucking him aren’t you?’ I was caught so off-guard I
just said, ‘Yes’.
“Then she says something like, ‘I’m sure Josh has told you about what I would and wouldn’t
do in bed, but I’m ready to do it all. She asked what we were planning and I told her I’d love
to shave her because I find it so erotic and it would turn you on and then were making out
and then, a few minutes later you called.
“Wow.” That’s all I could think to say.
“Like you said before, she ain’t dumb.”
After a few seconds of silence, Karen said, “I have to admit that it was pretty steamy
watching you fuck a beautiful blond. But it was eerie, too. I hope you don’t make a habit of it.”
“You’d have to dye your hair for that to happen,” I said. She smiled and kissed me on the
“Do you think she’s right? Are we really in love?”
“She ain’t dumb.”
“Who’s going to be first to say it?”
There was a pregnant pause as the question hung there.
Then we both said, “I love you,” in perfect unison.
“You know something,” I said. “Tonight was fun, but our focus was mostly on Kelly. I’m glad
she left. I like it like this. Just us.”
Karen turned to face me and we kissed and our hands fondled our flesh. Soon I felt her hand
between my legs and she gently massaged my balls. Soon my penis was stirring and her
long fingers brushed it gently up and down.
“Well, sailor, do you think you could go one more round?”
“I think I have a little left in the tank,” I said.
She slid down and sucked me until my cock was back to full size. She rose back into my
arms and we shared long gentle kisses for several rapturous minutes. Then she rolled on top
of me, lowered herself onto my upright organ and we made love for the first time.
Karen was offered the job she’d interviewed for. We had discussed it before that if it was
offered she would accept it and we would move there together. Then we would live in “our”
I asked when she would start work.
“First of next month,” she said.
Ample time to give notice to my boss at work, and since my lease was month-to-month, it
was time enough for my landlord.
“Perfect timing!”
“That’s what I thought,” she said.
The next few weeks flew by. We busied ourselves packing and preparing to move. We rented
a small, two bedroom house convenient to Karen’s work. I applied for jobs.
On the day we moved, I pulled our rented van into a convenience store to buy some drinks
for our two hour drive to our new home. In the store I bumped into Kelly’s roommate.
“Hi, Josh, how are you doing?”
“I’m doing well, Mary. How are you?”
“Oh, fine. I’ve been keeping busy.”
I introduced her to Karen and then I asked her how Kelly was doing.
“Uh, I don’t know. I haven’t seen her for a while.”
“You haven’t seen her, really? Why not?”
“She moved out.”
“Moved out? She never mentioned she was thinking about moving. Where to?”
“She moved in with her brother.”
“Her brother?” I asked dubiously. “I thought she didn’t get along with her brother.” Karen had
a stern, wide-eyed look on her face.
“You’re right, she didn’t. Something about what happened when she was a little girl.”
“Man, that’s a surprise.”
“I know, it surprised me for sure. It was kind of sudden. I guess they’re working it out,
whatever it was.”
We said our cordial goodbyes and Karen and I walked back to the van.
“I guess now we know who traumatized her into not wanting her pussy licked,” Karen said
We climbed up into the cab and I turned the ignition. I put the van into gear, pulled out onto
the highway, and began driving us to our new life.

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I had sex with my sister. -- The story of real incest.

  • 1. I had sex with my sister. -- The story of real incest. I lay in bed half exhausted after another sweaty, athletic workout with her. Our sex is always like that, incredible, hot and nasty, the best I’ve ever had. After her third orgasm she had gotten up and gone into the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and then the water running in the sink. Then the bathroom door reopened and my sister sauntered over and got back into bed beside me. She rested her head on my shoulder and caressed my chest with her nimble fingers. I kissed her on her forehead and cupped her breast in my hand. She raised her head and kissed my lips and gave my tongue another taste of hers. “You’re incredible, Karen,” I said. “Another masterpiece.” “It takes two, little brother.” “I still can’t believe we’re doing this. And how fucking good it is.” It wasn’t the first time I’d said it. “You’re not regretting it, or feeling guilty again, are you Josh?” “No. Just hard to believe is all.” “Good. Because I didn’t feel guilty when I came on your face,” she said as she pinched my nipple. ---- We’d started having sex unexpectedly several weeks before. She had come over to my apartment one night and we had a few drinks, and were talking and listening to some music. My girlfriend Kelly wasn’t there. We’d had a spat as we were prone to do and I hadn’t seen her for a few days. I guess I should give a little background. My sister is eight years older so I didn’t really know her very well growing up. She was always a wild and free spirit and consistently clashed with my parents on just about everything, so she didn’t get along with them very well. On the day she graduated from high school she moved out of the house. She was still just seventeen but she’d saved some money and had already arranged to rent a room somewhere. I only saw her once after that. It was about six months later when she came to say goodbye. She told us she was moving to Europe and would ride the trains. She never forgot to send me a card on my birthdays and would write about all of the European cities she’d visited, and I’d find them in my atlas. She spent a few years working with a traveling ice skating show as a costume manager and seamstress. She said that the garments were always tearing, ripping, splitting, so seamstress was an important part of the job, she was always mending something. She then had come back to the States and was married for a while, but that hadn’t worked out. That’s when she popped back into my life.
  • 2. I was only nine or ten when she split so I didn’t remember much about her. I remembered she was attractive, thin with long, dark brown hair. Being that young, I don’t recall much of a sexual nature of course, but I do recall her being popular with the boys. As for now, her hair is shorter, but she is one sexy woman, with a slim, shapely body, pointy tits, a cute ass and an edgy wit. She’s thirty-three years old but she looks closer to my age. Karen’s relationship with my parents is still icy and it probably always will be. We had some family meals together after she returned but things were always awkward. I invited Kelly to one dinner just to help crack the ice but it didn’t help much and she asked me not to invite her again, and I couldn’t blame her. She likes Karen, and she likes my parents, but the oil and water don’t mix and it doesn’t help the food taste too good. Karen and I started spending more time together. We were getting to know each other better. And then on one particular night she came over to my place. We mixed up a big pitcher of mai tais and sat on the sofa with the stereo playing softly, and soon the conversation was flowing and getting a little looser with each sip. She was very easy to talk to; it felt natural to both of us. She told me about her days with the ice show, her job, and all the strange characters she’d met overseas. It sounded so exotic. After a while she got around to some of the sexual relationships she’d had. “Josh, let me tell you,” she said. “When a large group of people like that are traveling together, day in and day out, week after week after week, everybody gets pretty close and things are bound to happen!” I asked her if she’d fucked any of the skaters. “Hell, yeah!” she said. “Most of them. I ended up marrying one: the biggest asshole of them all!” We laughed and refilled our glasses. “There were these twins from Sweden, brother and sister, they were ice dancing partners. They were nineteen and blonds and the whitest people you ever saw. I fucked both of them. Neither one knew what they were doing.” “How old were you then?” I asked. “Oh, twenty-six or seven, something like that.” “I didn’t know you did girls,” I said softly. She looked me dead in the eye. “Sometimes things just happen because it feels right.” There was a silence while we sipped our drinks. Then she chuckled. “What?” I asked. “There was this midget in the show, one of the clowns,” she said, laughing again. “An older guy, in his forties, I guess. Most of the performers were younger but this guy was older and
  • 3. he would skate around doing belly-flops and pratfalls, comic relief between events. And there was xnxx going around that he had a ten inch dick!” “And…” “The rumors were true!” free porn laughed. “You fucked a midget?” I asked incredulously. “Yep. A lot of the girls did,” she replied. “The curiosity was too much.” Karen also told me about her failed marriage. “Then Erik came along. Or as he became known to me later, The Norwegian Nightmare. And despite what he thought about himself, his shit did stink!” “What happened?” “He swept me off my feet and right into bed. He was tall, dark and handsome and had the charm to go with it. It was fine at first, but then he pressured me to get married and come to the United States. I fell for it. Basically, he used me to get to America. But once we got here and had been married for a while he lost interest. We were together not quite two years.” We sipped in silence. “It’s an uncontested divorce, and now it’s ‘Hurry up and wait’,” she said. Then she shifted in her seat, turned a little more toward me and said, “So, little brother, it’s your turn. I’ve enthralled you with all of my sexcapades, now let’s hear about yours. Fair is fair.” She held up her glass and we clinked them together. I leaned forward and topped off my glass from the pitcher. “Well, not much to tell,” I said. “Pretty boring stuff compared to you.” “You’re not getting off that easy, kid,” she said. “Kelly is a hot-looking chick, you’re a good- looking guy, and you both seem to get along well, most of the time anyway. How is it in bed? Is the sex good?” I hesitated and squirmed in my seat. “Ah, okay I guess.” “Okay? Just okay? Well, that doesn’t sound good. A handsome couple like the two of you should be tearing it up! What’s wrong?” So here it was. Here was my opportunity to finally get it off my chest, and I was going to tell it to my own sister. I couldn’t very well refuse after the way she had shared with me, and the new bond we were forming. Our eyes were glued. “Most of it is good, but there’s something missing that would make it a lot better,” I said. “Better for me, anyway.”
  • 4. “She won’t let you fuck her in the ass!” Karen guessed. I shook my head. “No, that’s not it.” “She won’t suck your cock?” xxx plugs let out a short snicker. I was enjoying hearing my older sister talk dirty. “No, that’s not it either,” I said. Karen got a perplexed look on her face and took a hefty swig of her drink. “Well,” she said, “If it’s not anal sex, and it’s not oral sex, then what the hell could it be?” Her eyes drilled into mine. “I didn’t say it wasn’t oral sex,” I said softly, returning her stare. She sat back and her shoulders sagged, thinking about it. “You mean…she doesn’t want?... She won’t let you…eat her pussy?” I shook my head. “No, she won’t let me. She cringes every time I try. We end up fighting about it.” She shook her head. “This is one I’ve never heard before. A chick that’ll take it up the ass but doesn’t want her pussy licked? Incredible! Did she tell you why?” “It was something that happened when she was a young girl. She grew up on a farm and I think one of the farm hands did something like that to her, and she can’t get past it.” “Damn, maybe she needs a shrink or something.” I nodded. “I’ve mentioned that a few times. It just pisses her off.” “Maybe you need to tie her down.” “I tried that one too.” “Maybe she needs a woman,” Karen said, as she rose from her seat. “I have to hit the john.” I watched her tight, denim-wrapped ass as she strode to the bathroom. I sipped my drink, listening to a soft trumpet solo and thought about her: my mysterious older sister, who had disappeared from my life when I was a little boy, and reappeared fifteen years later. Over the last few weeks we had quickly progressed from near strangers to close friends, confidants. I’d already told her something I’d never told anyone. But I’d wanted to tell her. She returned from the bathroom and sat back down beside me, a little closer than before. She took a sip of her drink and shook her head.
  • 5. “Well, we are quite a pair, aren’t we?” she said, and turned to look at me. “I’m trying to get rid of a cold fish, and you can’t get at Kelly’s catfish!” We both burst out laughing. The sofa shook from our hearty guffaws and the aura instantly eased around us. “I appreciate you telling me what you told me, Josh. I’m glad you trust me that much.” “I do trust you. It was easy to tell you. Especially after the way you opened up to me.” I looked at her pretty face, and into her dewy eyes. It was like looking into my own. I wanted to kiss her, and not like a brother would. Instead, I raised my left hand to the side of her head and gently ran my fingers through her hair. She must have been reading my mind, because that’s when she leaned toward me and put her lips to mine. It was not a long kiss, but there was a cushioned force behind it, there was intent, I could feel it. I felt her lips part slightly and the flick of her tongue before we parted. We held our gaze. Her eyes glistened; my heart and breath were on pause. Then I leaned to kiss her. Her lips parted instantly. She sucked my tongue into her mouth and hers entered mine. Our arms surrounded our bodies, pulling us close. It was a power kiss, one like I hadn’t had for a while. I had the feeling Karen felt the same way. I felt her nails dig into the back of my neck. It was a long kiss. When we finally separated I realized she was holding my hand. There was silence while we gazed at each other. “Uh oh. What did we just do?” I said. “We kissed,” was her obvious answer. “I know, but you’re my sister. I’m your brother.” It was the summer after Emily’s freshman year of college, and it was only the third time she had come home since her parents had dropped her off last August. It was great to finally be home for more than a few days, she thought. She was attending a big university several hours away, and the only times she’d been able to visit her family were for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now, though, she had the entire summer back home in Florida to work on her tan, relax, and spend time with her family. She had really missed her sister, especially, while she was away. Alex was fifteen when Emily went off to college – she was just getting to the age when years didn’t mean so much and the sisters had more in common. Now, back for the summer, Emily was looking forward to the opportunity to reconnect with her sister. Alex was 16 now, three years younger than Emily’s 19. It had been lonely for her, at first, when Emily left for college. She still had her year-older brother Joey around to hang out with, and they had grown closer over the past year, which was nice. But still, it was very different. There was no one at home to talk with about girl stuff – clothes, makeup… boys. She especially wished her sister was around so they could talk about boys. Alex had gone out
  • 6. with a few boys from school, and the farthest she had gone with any of them was kissing. Her last boyfriend, Mark, had gotten a few good makeout sessions before they ended up breaking up. The breakup was a shame, although Alex initiated it. She had really wanted to take their relationship to the next level, sexually, but didn’t really know what to do. Unfortunately, she had put it off too long, and Mark got impatient, apparently, and ended up coaxing a blowjob out of her slut friend Stacy. So obviously, Alex had to dump him when she found out. Alex was determined to get some advice from her older sister while she was back, so as to not let such a thing happen to her again. The first week Emily was back, she and Alex got plenty of time to hang out. Their parents worked all day, so the sisters would typically wake up late, head to the beach, find some lunch, then either go back to the beach in the afternoon or hang out with friends, or just head back to the house. One morning, while the sisters were lounging around at home about to go to the beach, Emily brought up the subject of boys. “So whatever happened to Mark, Alex?” Alex told her the story of him, and Stacy. “What an asshole! I can’t believe some guys!” “Yeah,” Alex replied, “but I guess it’s not totally his fault.” “Of course it is! He cheated on you, Alex…” “I know, I know. What I mean is… I don’t know, I guess I can’t help but feel at least a little responsible… you know? I mean, we were together for a few months, and anytime he tried to do that kind of stuff with me, I shot him down. I can’t say I blame him too much for getting head from Stacy when I wouldn’t do it for him.” “Oh… well why didn’t you do it for him? I’m just asking, you know – it’s totally cool if you want to wait for a while before getting into that kind of stuff. It’s definitely your decision. I’m just curious,” Emily said. “I know… but it’s not that I didn’t want to… I was just sort of scared, you know? I didn’t know where to start, and I didn’t want to do anything wrong.” “So you would have had sex with him if you knew what to do?” “Well yeah,” Alex replied, “God only knows how many times I rubbed myself raw after I got home from one of our dates…! I would have loved to have gone all the way with him, but I’d just heard so many horror stories of girls’ first times, and I knew if I got him naked then I would want to fuck him, then I wouldn’t know how to do it right, and…” Emily cut her off, “Calm down, sis! You’re underestimating yourself. But you’re right… from here on out, if you want to keep a guy, you’re going to have to give him a reason to stay!” “What about you? How are you doing in the boy department? What are college boys like?”
  • 7. Emily chuckled. “Well, if you must know, I’m doing quite well for myself. College boys only want to fuck… but, God, it’s so great! They take you out for dinner, then afterwards you go back to one of your places and give him a handjob or a blowjob or something… Then the next time, after the date, you get to fuck! Then after that, sometimes you don’t even go on a date… you just meet up for sex – between classes, in the middle of the night, whenever. And you can do it with more than one guy at the same time, too. Nobody cares!” “Wow,” Alex said, “That’s awesome… but everyone doesn’t think you’re a slut?” “Of course not, everybody does it this way.” “Well in that case, I definitely need to figure this out before I get to college. I don’t want everyone thinking I’m a prude or something.” Just then Emily saw Joey sleepily walking out of his bedroom towards the bathroom, wearing only his boxers. All this talk about sex had her thinking somewhat naughty thoughts about her little brother. He had really shaped up in the last year! A little bit of hair on his toned chest, some stubble on his face, nice abs… he was turning into one of the college boys she was used to having so much fun with. “Well I’d like to help you figure it out, sis. What do you say I teach you how to pleasure a guy?” Emily asked her sister. “Yeah, Em, that would be great… but how?” Joey was walking back toward his bedroom when Emily stood up and called out to him. “Hey Joey, come her for a sec.” Joey looked up, then walked into the living room. Emily walked up to him, then put her hands on his shoulders. “This is going to be so much fun!” she said to no one in particular. “Follow me, you two,” she said to her siblings. Joey was still a little sleepy after brushing his teeth and his morning piss, so he followed his older sister without much thought. Alex was a little confused, still not really understanding what her sister was up to, but she stood and followed anyway. Emily walked into her room with her brother and sister behind her. She told them to sit down on her bed, and they did. “What?” Joey asked her. “Shut up, Joey. You’ll love this,” Emily said to him, standing in front of her siblings. “Okay, Alex,” she said to her sister, “the first step is to get the guy good and horny.” “WHAT?” Joey said again. Alex looked at her sister incredulously. “Okay, Joey, you’re done talking for the rest of the day. This is about our sister. And Alex, you wanted my help, so here it is.”
  • 8. “Well yeah, but…” she replied. “But, nothing. We need a guy for this, and Joey’s pretty hot if you forget he’s our brother. You’re actually pretty lucky, you know. And you,” Emily directed towards her brother, “you’re really fucking lucky, so just go with it, okay?” “As I said,” Emily started again, “the first step is to get him good and horny. Usually this is done by the two of you making out.” Alex took a sideways glace at her brother, then glared at Emily again. “Go ahead, Alex,” Emily said. “I don’t know about this, Emily,” Alex said, with a somewhat worried look on her face. “Oh, for God’s sake!” Emily said in exasperation as she moved to the bed. She put her knees on the edge of the bed, on either side on Joey’s hips, and put her hands on his naked chest, pushing him back to a reclined position. She moved her hands to his shoulders, then lowered her face to his, pausing with her lips a fraction of an inch above his. Joey lay there, still in disbelief, with his lips parted. Emily pressed her lips to his, giving him an almost sisterly peck. Then, she pressed her tongue into his mouth finding his, closed her eyes, and gave him one sexy, several-second-long french kiss. She lifted her mouth from his, then stroked his hair with one hand as she went back down and sucked his bottom lip into her mouth. Joey finally moved his hands to rest on the sides of her ribcage as they finished their kiss. Emily lifted her head a bit and looked at her sister. “See,” she said, “Joey’s willing to play. Why don’t you join in?” Alex sighed, turned on by the sight of her two siblings entwined, then nodded. Emily raised up off their brother, and turned onto her side next to Joey. Alex was a little more hesitant than her sister, first gently taking one hand and resting it on her brother’s chest before sliding it down his abs to his navel. She smiled at her brother, then leaned over for a kiss. Instinct took over at this point, and Alex started making out with Joey like he was one of her boyfriends. She pressed her mouth over his, and took his lips in hers. He began to take initiative and slid his tongue in between her lips and into her mouth. Her tongue found his, and she let it swirl around his as they made out. She continued to rub her hand over his chest, and his hands found their way to the side of her head and her side. Emily took a moment to remove Alex’s shirt, which left her in her short shorts and bikini top. Joey enjoyed the fact that there was more skin to touch and his wandering hands began to turn on Alex that much more. He cupped her ass with one of his hands and gave a little squeeze. Alex cradled his head in her hands as she continued the assault with her mouth, stroking his head and hair as their warm mouths explored each other. Emily reached her hand down to the crotch of Joey’s boxers, feeling the tent that his growing erection was forming. She then took one of Alex’s hands in hers and led it to Joey’s covered cock. Alex instinctively grabbed his dick through his boxers loosely in her hand, and began to rub around it.
  • 9. “Okay children,” she said. “It looks like Joey is ready for step two.” Alex removed her mouth from her brother’s and smiled, biting her bottom lip as she looked into Joey’s eyes. Joey couldn’t help but smile, not believing the turn that his morning had taken. “Let’s start with a handjob. Sometimes, if you don’t want to go all the way with a guy yet, a handjob can be a good way of giving him something without doing too much. Joey, take off your boxers.” Joey grinned, then was out of his boxers in record time. Alex’s lips parted as she stared at Joey’s erection. It was so big, she thought. So hard… so beautiful. His hard cock was angled up towards the ceiling, and his balls lay loosely below it. Joey propped himself up on his elbows, waiting for whatever it was to come. “Nice dick, brother… I’m impressed! Okay, Alex. Wrap your little hand around Joey’s nice, hard cock that he is so kind to give us.” She did as she was told, feeling how hard, yet how soft, her brother’s shaft was. Joey sighed at the feeling of his sister’s touch and let his head fall back. God, this was getting better and better every second. “Now… pretty much, you just move your hand up and down on his dick. Don’t forget about his balls, too. Give them some attention, roll them around in your hand… Go ahead.” Alex started to slowly jack off her brother, sliding her hand up and down his dick. With her other hand, she cupped his balls and lifted up a bit, taking their weight in her hand. She jiggled them around, smiling as she explored her brother’s body. She began to speed up her action… it was kind of fun. Joey’s breathing had also sped up considerably by this point. His cock felt harder than it had ever been in his life, and his sister was actually doing a good job. They were both starting to get into it when Emily spoke up. “Well, that’s pretty much that.” “What?” Alex asked, stopping the motion of her hand and resting her hand on Joey’s cock. “I said, that’s a hand job. You did well. That’s about all there is to it.” “But what about when he cums? I mean, what happens then? That’s the important part, right?” Alex said, confused. Emily laughed. “Don’t worry about that, sis… I’m sure we’ll get to that part all too soon...” Alex relaxed and lifted her hand off of her brother’s still-hard cock. “A hand job is a great way to give a boy something to keep him coming back, without really giving him too much,” Emily taught her sister. “But,” she continued, “if you want to give him a little bit more, then we transition from using your hand to pleasure him to using your mouth.”
  • 10. “Okay,” Alex responded, “What do I do?” “It’s really hard to do it too wrong,” Emily answered, “but start by holding his dick in your hand and taking the tip into your mouth. The head of the penis is the most sensitive part, so it’s really important that you stimulate it. If you can take it further, then it feels really good to the guy if you’re able to take more into your mouth… It’s best if you let your lips and tongue rub along his shaft as you bob your head up and down on his cock.” Joey smiled and eagerly nodded his head in agreement. “Come on,” Emily said, “give it a try! Joey’s waiting…” Alex smiled a shy smile as she was really about to cross a new barrier. Of course, today was the first time she’d ever held a guy’s cock, so that was definitely a milestone… But to actually take a penis in her mouth! That was a big step! And God, not to mention whose dick it was… her own brother’s! This was almost too much for her. She took a deep breath and re-gripped Joey’s dick. She looked up at Joey as her head lowered towards his crotch and saw his big grin. Well, if nothing else, she thought, she was helping out her big brother and making him feel good. Her face stopped an inch from the tip of his dick. She gingerly extended her tongue until the tip contacted the head of his penis. At the moment of contact, his cock jumped at the sensation. She smiled, then swirled her tongue around the perimeter of Joey’s manhood. She took one hand and cupped his balls again, then enclosed the tip of his penis into her warm mouth. “Ah… ohh, God, sis… that… feels so good,” Joey managed to say. Joey’s encouragement made Alex feel a little bit more at ease. She took another half inch of Joey’s dick into her mouth, then pulled up to its tip. She started to get into a bobbing motion, able to take a little bit more of Joey’s cock into her mouth each time, until she maxed out at a little more than half of his length. She blew him slowly, drawing out her motions as her lips slid along all sides of his cock as she bobbed up and down. “Okay, Alex… From the looks of Joey’s face, he’s getting pretty close to an orgasm. I don’t blame him… he’s had an exciting morning so far. You have a couple options here. You could either take it out of your mouth and jack him off as he cums; or, you could leave it in and let him cum into your mouth.” Alex momentarily popped her brother’s dick out of her mouth to ask, “Which is better for him?” “Leave it in,” both Emily and Joey answered at the same time. Alex resumed the blowjob with a new sense of purpose. She was about to make her brother cum. The first guy ever that would orgasm as a result of her efforts and hard work… She had to make this good. She looked up at Joey and made eye contact as she sucked him. His face was scrunching up a bit, and his mouth was hanging open. He rested his hand on the back of Alex’s head and loosely grabbed her hair.
  • 11. “Alright, Alex, here it comes,” Emily warned her sister, experienced with guys at their moment of orgasm. Alex swirled her tongue around the tip of Joey’s cock as the first ribbon of semen spewed from his cock. She continued to suck him in as the second, then third, and fourth spurts of Joey’s cum shot into her mouth. Alex instinctively swallowed the thick liquid that was invading her mouth as she felt Joey’s balls twitching in her hand, feeding his cum into her waiting mouth. Joey was mildly bucking his hips at this point, absolutely loving the warm sensation of his sister’s mouth enclosing his most prized possession as he came. He shot more semen that he thought he probably ever had before during this seemingly never-ending orgasm. Finally, his orgasm died down, his body collapsed, and he let out the breath he had been holding in for several seconds. Alex gave one last swallow and removed her mouth from his cock, letting it go with a sloppy ‘pop’. She smiled up at her brother with a small glob of his cum showing on her bottom lip. “That was so fucking hot!” Emily said as she dropped to her knees. She took Alex’s face in her hands and, before her sister knew it, gave her a full-on, full-tongue kiss. Although surprised, Alex wasted no time in embracing her sister’s kiss. She moaned into Emily’s mouth as their tongues danced. Emily gave her sister one last peck on the lips, then caught the one glob of Joey’s cum that was still hanging on Alex’s lip with her tongue before she leaned back and admired her sister. “Damn our brother tastes good, don’t you think?” she said. Alex smiled as she sat back on her heels, tasting her brother’s flavor in her mouth. Emily took the quiet moment as an opportunity to continue her lesson. “A blow job is always a good move. Apparently it feels amazing, so the boy is always satisfied if that’s as far as you’re going to take it that night. Also, guys are always way too excited their first time with you, so if you want to fuck him it’s still a good move to get him to cum once before he penetrates you. That way, he lasts longer when he does fuck you.” “Before he penetrates me with this?” Alex asked, lifting and dropping her brother’s limp cock. “Well, obviously we need to get him hard again…” Emily continued, “A good way to get him nice and horny is to let him eat you out. It’s a good way to get yourself warmed up, too.” Joey already began to perk up a bit from the nature of his sisters’ talk. “Okay…” Alex replied, a little nervous about completely exposing herself in front of her big brother, even though she knew it would happen eventually… and even though she had just swallowed a load of his semen. She kind of knew from the start that she and Joey would be fucking by the end of Emily’s lesson, but as of this point she was still wearing both her bikini top and bottom, and her shorts. “Well, the first step is to get that top off…” Emily said, getting impatient.
  • 12. Alex faced Joey on the bed, then reached up and untied her top, letting it fall to the floor. Joey was in awe as he stared at his younger sister’s full, perfect breasts. God, had her chest changed since last time he saw it when they used to bathe together as kids. Her breasts weren’t large, but they definitely weren’t too small. They were just… perfect. Small, dark, erect nipples capped the tips of her beautiful tits as they hung from her chest magnificently. Joey couldn’t help but stare. “Alright Joey, I’m pretty sure instinct should take over at this point,” Emily coaxed him. “Make our little sister feel good.” Joey tenderly reached out and cupped Alex’s breasts with both hands. He had never really fantasized about his younger sister before, but he had certainly noticed how she had grown into a beautiful young woman. It was never really sexual… he just admired her, he guessed. But now, it was definitely sexual feelings that he had. All of the pent-up, unrealized feelings that he had for his little sister came to consciousness as he held her breasts in his hands. He leaned his sister back until she lay flat on the bed, then he bent down and took one of her glorious nipples into his mouth and sucked. Alex dropped her head to the mattress and let out a sigh. Even after all the fun she and Joey had had this morning, this moment was still the first real sexual pleasure she had ever felt from a man. Joey continued to tenderly suck on her breast as his hands wandered around her chest and abs, then down to her crotch. Alex jumped a bit at the feeling of his strong hand on her pubic mound, but quickly relaxed as she realized that she would rather be nowhere else at this moment. As he reached his mouth up to give Alex another sensual kiss, Emily helped out by first pulling off her sister’s shorts, then her bikini bottom. Both of Emily’s siblings were now completely nude. The new change in attire allowed Joey’s wandering hand full access to Alex’s beautiful young body. His fingers found the entrance to her vagina as he continued to make out with her. As one of his fingers made its way into her sopping wet pussy, Alex came out of her stupor and began to rub her hands over her brother’s back. She gripped his shoulders as he began to finger her pussy. “Ahh… that feels so nice, Joey…” Alex moaned as their mouths parted. Joey slid down the bed until he was on his knees on the floor. Alex’s ass was on the bed with her pussy at the edge. Joey positioned himself so her legs were spread and resting on his shoulders and his face was near her crotch. He looked up as Alex grinned down at her brother, anticipating the pleasure that he was about to bring her. Joey concentrated his effort back to the task at hand. He had eaten out a couple of girls before, but he felt like he was really being put to the test here as his older sister watched. Joey extended his tongue and let it drag across one of the outside lips of Alex’s sex. Her abs clenched and she drew a sharp breath in. Yes, she had masturbated before… but this was already so much better. Her hand came down to rest on the side of her brother’s head as he teased her. He continued to lick around her pussy without making contact until Alex broke down and pulled his face towards her pleasure center. He obliged and thrust his tongue into her.
  • 13. “Oh God Joey, yes!” she yelled. He swirled his tongue around inside her sex before contacting her clit, which sent her overboard. She clenched his short hair with both hands and spread her legs wide as he ate her out. The sharp pleasure she felt flooded her head and she lost track of time as her brother’s tongue worked wonders on her. Just as her breath began to quicken, she barely heard her sister once again call off their fun. She lifted her head and looked down to see Emily behind Joey with her head on his shoulder and her hand around Joey’s rock hard cock, gently stroking him. “I said,” Emily repeated, “he’s hard again. It’s time for our Joey to fuck your brains out. You ready sis?” Alex stroked her brother’s hair lovingly. “Oh yeah!” she answered. Neither Joey nor his sister had been this far before. Although neither of them had previously considered the other a candidate for sexual pleasure, they were so entwined in their current affair that all they could think about was fucking. The two siblings wanted nothing more than to fuck each other until they were both satisfied. “Alright, Joey,” Emily said, “this is your time to shine.” Joey gave Alex one last lick for good measure, then rose to the bed beside his sister. He lay on his side next to Alex, and rubbed his hand over her stomach and breasts. He lowered his head to hers and forced his tongue into her mouth, where it swirled about with hers. While they kissed, he swung one leg between Alex’s knees as he settled himself on top of her, then he spread her legs with his other knee. He broke the kiss as Alex reached down and grabbed his hard cock, pointing it toward the entrance to her warm, sopping wet hole. He lowered his buttocks until his dick was pressed against her opening, then gave a push until the head of his penis was enclosed comfortably within her. Both of them stayed in this position as they breathed heavily, their mouths open, waiting for the next step. Finally, Joey grabbed her shoulders and pushed all the way inside her, letting out his held breath and nearly collapsing on top of her. “Ahh… Oh, Joey… God… oh fuck,” Alex moaned. She breathed heavily, savoring the feeling of fullness she felt as her brother’s long cock was sheathed entirely within her. She relished the feel of his muscular body covering hers, his toned body pressed on her pert breasts, her nipples smashed to his chest, the stubble of his face resting against her smooth cheeks. She wrapped her arms around his body, her hands resting on his shoulder blades as they lay, growing accustom to one another. Joey kissed his sister once again, then withdrew his cock from her. He gently slid it back into her warmth as she moaned, then withdrew once again. Alex’s lips were parted and her eyes were tightly shut, concentrating only on their joining. Joey was now getting into a rhythm, pulling out and entering again as Alex’s hands slid down to the sides of his rib cage. Joey sucked on the nape of her neck as he continued his assault on her body. Her legs wrapped around his lower back, pulling his cock further into her with every thrust as he continued to fuck his sister’s young body.
  • 14. Alex loved the feeling of her brother inside her. She couldn’t imagine a person more suited to take her virginity than Joey, who she knew loved her and would take care of her. Likewise, Joey was certainly enjoying the sensations that his sister’s soft, slick, warm pussy was giving him as they were joined on the bed. Alex reached down and gently grabbed and massaged Joey’s balls in her hand as he fucked her. Every time his cock entered her body, it gradually stretched her insides until it bottomed out inside her as her narrow canal squeezed the head of his cock. Then she would feel him pull out until only his engorged head was left inside her. By now, she was getting warmed up to the point that her hips were beginning to rise and fall to compliment his thrusts. She began to buck her hips as a warm, tingling sensation started to build up in her loins. Her breath began to become sharper and more frequent as Joey’s efforts paid off. “Oh God Joey, this is so… fucking… GOOD!” His confidence boosted yet again as he sped up his thrusts. Alex wrapped her hands around her brother’s neck and pulled his face to hers, once again interlocking their lips and tongues as they pleasured each other. As the pleasure began to build within her to an almost unbearable level, Alex spread her legs wide and began to hump her butt off the sheets. All at once, the pleasure crashed down as she began to come. Alex’s pussy began to rhythmically clench and release her brother’s cock as he pumped into her still. She closed her eyes and let out a soft, prolonged moan as her orgasm took over. Joey, realizing that his sister was cumming, allowed himself to finish as well. He grabbed her shoulders from beneath and pumped into her depths for all that he was worth. He released one strong rope of semen into his sister as his orgasm took over his body. He managed to pull his spewing cock from its home after the first spurt as he collapsed onto his sister. Joey continued to thrust as his cock slid, slick from his sister’s pussy, between his and his sisters’ stomachs, pressed tightly together. He squirted three, then four more gradually weaker spurts between their hot bodies until he finally completely collapsed onto Alex. They lay there catching their breath for several moments as they regained composure from their mutual orgasm, their sweaty cheeks pressed against one another. Finally, Joey raised up onto his elbows, separating their stomachs and leaving a string of cum connecting them. He rolled onto his side and stared at his sister, drained and sexually satisfied. She opened her eyes weakly, smiling at her brother with her hand on his side. She eyed him up and down, from his sweaty matted hair to his heaving toned chest to his gradually softening cock, admiring the man that her brother had grown into. She wiped his cum from his stomach and spread it onto hers, joining it with the semen that he had deposited on her during his orgasm. “I’m almost speechless,” Emily said, watching her siblings in their post-orgasmic glow. “I’d have to say our lesson is complete. You’re ready for college, little sis!” “Maybe…,” Alex said, biting her bottom lip and still looking at her brother. “But I think we might have to practice again later, just to make sure.”“I’m a woman. You’re a man.” “I know that... But isn’t that…?”
  • 15. “We kissed. Did you like it? It seems like you did judging by the lumber in your pants.” She had me there. I tried to relax a little bit. This was new territory for me. “Of course I did. I wanted to kiss you. But…” “But, what? Come on, Josh, we’re not kids. We’re not going to damage each other for life, are we? “No.” “Kiss me.” I kissed her. She kissed me. It was better and longer than the last one. Her tongue was like a python trying to wriggle down my throat. Then she put her hands on my shoulders and locked her eyes onto mine. “Josh, I think we can help each other out,” she said. “How so?” We were both a little tipsy by this time. I remembered when she’d gone to the bathroom a little while before, and I’d briefly thought about her in there, unsnapping her jeans, lowering them, sitting on the toilet and wondering what kind of panties she had on. I admitted to myself, I wanted her. “We’re both frustrated,” she said. “Obviously we are attracted to each other. You want to eat pussy, and I’m aching for it. I’m going through a divorce. I haven’t been laid in two months. We can help each other.” “Karen, if I go down on you, I won’t be able to stop. My problem is that going down on a woman turns me on so much, it makes me go crazy, makes everything else so much better! I want to do it all, I can’t stop.” “I’m counting on that,” she said. We kissed again, hot and deep and lingering. She squeezed my hand and said, “Will you do me a favor?” “Sure, what?” I replied. “Shave me.” “Shave you?” “Yes. Shave me. Like I said, it’s been a while.”
  • 16. “Where? Down there?” I said, nodding at her crotch. “Yes, down there. Where do you think?” “I don’t know how to do that.” “You shave your face, don’t you?” “Well, yeah, but that’s a…” “It’s the same thing, Josh. Just a lot more fun.” She smiled and winked at me. I smiled too and she led me to my bedroom. We spread a large towel on the bed and while Karen fetched a bowl of hot water, I found a new razor and some shaving cream. Then we stood at the foot of my bed. We broke into grins and kissed. Then she started unbuttoning her blouse. “I’ll take off my top,” she said. “You can take off my bottom.” It was then I noticed that she was not wearing a bra: she must have taken it off when she was in the bathroom. She removed her blouse and tossed it on a chair. Then she started unbuttoning my shirt. “No man should ever shave with his shirt on,” she said. We were both topless, facing each other, the lines of her beautiful body and her luscious tits only inches away. We stood still, a frozen moment staring into one another’s’ eyes. “What are you waiting for?” she asked softly. I swallowed and reached down to the front of her jeans. I unsnapped them. I heard her let out a little sigh as I gripped the pull tab of her zipper between my thumb and forefinger. I pulled it down. The front of her jeans opened and I saw she wore no panties. I wondered if they were also left in the bathroom. I hooked my thumbs into a couple belt loops and started pushing down her pants. Karen wiggled her hips to help the process. When her jeans were down to her knees she sat on the edge of the bed and lifted her leg. I pulled one pant leg off, then the other. She scooted back on the bed so her ass was right in the center of the towel and lay back. She stacked three pillows behind her head. She said she wanted to watch. She had pubic hair, but it wasn’t a wild bunch. It was neatly trimmed. But she wanted it shaved off and that’s what I was going to do. I moved into position and dipped a washcloth in the hot water. I looked at Karen and she had a cute smirk on her face. Then I pressed the warm, wet cloth onto my sister’s comely cooch. I took a good look at her pussy while I shook the can of shaving cream and streamed some lather into my hand. It was beautiful, its large, lush lips beckoning. I touched her, and she
  • 17. moaned softly as I spread a thick, even layer of cream all over her pubes. I wiped my hands on the towel and picked up the razor. I looked at her and said, “I’ll try to hold this steady.” “You’ll do fine,” she said. “I just hope I don’t come before you’re finished. Cause it will be a whopper.” I went to work. I started at the top with short little strokes. Four strokes, rinse. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Karen oohed and aahed and whimpered as I shaved and I was very careful the closer I got to her wet, open snatch. I took my time because this surely was one thing I didn’t want to screw up. When I was done shaving I took the wet cloth and cleaned her off and she squirmed with the soft pressure of my touch. Her clit was aroused and swollen. I placed the bowl and the tools on the floor. “Excellent job,” she said, nodding her head. I spread her legs and knelt between them. I slipped my hands under her and gripped her ass cheeks and squeezed. Then I slipped my tongue into her salt mine and massaged her love bud with my lips. She squealed and dug her strong fingers into my head and held it while she grinded her crotch into my face. I ate her with a passion I hadn’t felt in a long time. I fucked her with my mouth and choked her cheeks in unison with every stroke of my lips and tongue. I tasted her zesty tang and smelled the sweet funk of cunt and shaving cream, as hands, tongues, lips and Karen’s groin motored in perfect sync. It had been so long, so frustrating, but finally here I was, going down on a beautiful, sexy woman, eating her delicious pussy, and it was the pussy of my own long lost sister! “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna come…” Karen screeched after a few short minutes, and with violent spasms, she hosed me with her pent up spunk. Her body quivered as she sprayed and I sucked on her clit like I was hanging onto the edge of a cliff. She moaned and half-screamed throughout her eruption. When her spasms finally subsided she yanked my head up to hers and jammed her tongue into my mouth and we kissed with savage strength for thirty seconds or so until she pushed me away. “Take off your pants,” she hissed, and groped for the front of my jeans. “Fuck me!” I got them open and she helped me pull them down, almost ripping my boxers in the process. My pants were still wrapped around my ankles when she pulled me on top of her. She took my steel staff in her hand. “It’s good to see little brother doesn’t have a little cock!” she said, and she slipped it into her passion pit.
  • 18. She locked her legs around mine and started humping. She was fucking my cock with her pussy, not the other way around. Her sweet walls were trying to squeeze the semen out of me. I had to pound her pretty hard just to keep up. My hands were under her ass and I slipped a finger halfway into her asshole just to hold on. It was like a rodeo ride. I started slinging it into her good and hard and she thrashed with each shove. Karen is not a quiet lover. She doesn’t say that much, just the occasional ‘Oh Shit!’ or ‘Oh Fuck!’, but she grunted and groaned and hissed and squawked with every power push. It made me want to fuck her even harder. She kept squeezing every inch of my dick, milking me with every ounce of thrust, until I knew my rocket was about to blast off. “I’m going to come…” I said. “Yes! Give it to me!” I didn’t think it would be possible but she picked up the pace even more and a few seconds later I felt the rush rising up through me. “I’m coming…” “Me too…” Then I felt like a wildcatter striking oil for the first time. I felt the gusher almost in slow motion as it rose up through my shaft. I let out a loud groan with the first expulsion, which was large and long, and five or six more followed, each lesser than the last. Karen writhed beneath me as she discharged her own love potion for the second time. When our big bang waned we shifted onto our sides and we held each other and kissed long, soft kisses. I kept my cock inside her until it eventually went flaccid and when I pulled out our combo cum oozed onto the towel, which was already soaked from her first orgasm. As we lay in each other’s arms, the magnitude of what had just occurred hit me. I’m making out with my sister! I just fucked my sister! And it was the best fuck I ever had. Karen must have noticed something in my face because she asked me if anything was wrong. “No, I was just thinking,” I said. “How we came together on our very first time. That’s amazing!” “I’m glad you said ‘first’ time,” Karen whispered. “Well, it was,” I said. “I know. But by saying ‘our first time’, you implied there would be more to come.” A minute or two later I was still basking in our afterglow when Karen said: “I think you need a
  • 19. shave!” I started to rub my chin and disagree before I got it. She hopped out of bed and carried the bowl to the bathroom for fresh water. “You’d didn’t think I was going to let you have all the fun, did you?” she called from the bathroom. “Get in position and prepare to be groomed!” She came back with the bowl and gear. I admired her sleek, naked body as she prepared. She took the head of my limp biscuit in her hand and moved it around, doing a survey of my property. “Hmm,” she said, “this is a big job!” she said playfully. “I’ll have to mow right through this cabbage patch.” She took the wet cloth and wiped me down and foamed me up. I loved the feel of her hands on me, brushing my thighs, my balls, my penis. She began shaving me. The gentle friction of the blade on my sensitive skin was erotic, I never would have imagined it could be such a turn on, but it was. I’d flinch a little every now and then when the razor was close to my equipment. “Hold still!” Karen scolded. My dick began to harden when she was about halfway done. “Oh, it looks like somebody is enjoying this!” she said happily. A couple of minutes later Karen was putting the finishing touches on her work. She held my stiff Richard in her hand and moved it to and fro as she wiped down my clean-shaven skin. “Not a bad job at all, I’d say,” she said, looking it over. “A masterpiece!” Then she kissed the tip of my cock, looked at me and added, “Now I’m going to work on this masterpiece,” and took me into her mouth. She was a patient cocksucker. She kissed every square centimeter of it, ran her tongue over the length of it, licked my scrotum, sucked me, took it all in her mouth, in and out, over and over, and I swelled and swelled, moaned with pleasure, and I pushed into her as far as I could. She held on hard, her head-vise clamped on my taut and tender meat, and soon I felt it was on the way. celebrity kink quivered and quaked as it rose within me and Karen knew it was time. She sucked even harder and she gasped with a mouthful of hard cock when my Josh Jizz spewed into the back of her throat. When my tremors were over she put her open lips to mine and my tongue roamed in her silken mouth and I could taste my cum in our kiss. ---- That’s how it started.
  • 20. We slept like two rocks, our bodies molded together. When I awoke the next day I had my usual morning tent pole between my legs. I turned slightly to face Karen and was looking at her eyes when they opened. We both broke into smiles and started laughing softly. “No regrets?” she said. “No regrets,” I replied. She kissed my lips and I slipped a hand between her legs. “Good,” she said. “Because I’m going to sit on your face.” I flipped my position quickly so that my mouth was in her crotch and my dick was in her face. “Good idea!” Karen said. Our mouths quickly went to work, and for the next few minutes, while accompanied by a continuous soundtrack of our combined sighs and moans and groans and licks and sucks and other such sounds of gratification, we sixty-nine’d our way along until both of us had a mouthful of our cock-a-doodle dew. We showered together and I got to wash every inch of Karen’s body, inside and out, and she did the same to me. She told me to not let my dick get hard again because it’s more for her to wash and we didn’t want to waste any soap. But of course she gleefully stroked it and lathered that bad boy up and slid her hands up and down, over and over on its slick surface, and pretty soon it was a steely, heat-seeking missile and the heat was between Karen’s legs. She guided it into her hungry honey bun and hoisted her legs up around my waist. Her sugar walls choked my soapy slammer and I pressed her up against the shower wall and started pounding her. Hot spray surrounded us and a fresh cauldron of hot cum started to brew within our joined loins. I fucked her mouth with my tongue in syncopated rhythm with our hip percussion below. “Let’s come together!” I said breathlessly. “Yes!” “Tell me when you’re almost there…” I slowed my pace a little, trying to hold back. She didn’t want that; she still wanted it deep and hard. She cunt-clutched my cock, over and over, with more and more force while I tried to delay my release. “Going to come…” she murmured. I again started nail gunning her to the wall. She screamed when she started to climax and her vocal shits and fucks and damns echoed off of the tiles. My cum catapulted into her, stream after stream, and she clenched me tight
  • 21. and sucked on my tongue until our passions calmed. ---- That afternoon she moved in. She put all her stuff in the other bedroom but that was just for show. Not that she had all that much stuff. She traveled light. “How do you think Kelly is going to take all this?” Karen asked me. I was standing beside her as she was unpacking. “You’re my sister. It’s the brotherly thing to do,” I said with a silly grin. She smiled, put down the sweater she was folding, and turned to face me. “Well, unless she’s pretty stupid, she’s going to figure out pretty damn quick that there’s a little more going on around here,” she said. She put her hand behind my head and kissed me. “A lot more going on,” she added. “Well, she’s not stupid. But Karen, I have to be honest with myself. My problem with Kelly may be a minor thing to her, but it’s not to me. And the problem is not going away, so we are probably doomed in the long run anyhow. Also, what you said to me last night is true. We are consenting adults, doing what feels right and we’re not hurting anyone. And if you want to know something else, I don’t feel guilty because it doesn’t even feel like cheating because you’re my sister. I feel like my whole life changed for the better last night.” “No josh?” “No josh.” “Thank you for saying that. Mine did too. We are now lovers. We just happen to have the same parents.” We kissed again, another long one, a kiss I was quickly getting used to. “So what are you going to do?” she asked. “I’m going to let her worry about it. And I’ll tell you something else I’m going to do.” “What’s that?” “I’m going to take my sister out to a nice dinner tonight, wine and dine her, bring her home and try to get her in the sack. What do you think?” Karen smiled her crooked little grin and said: “I think there’s only about a one hundred percent chance of that happening.” ---- So, my sister and I were now roommates. I had a day job to go to, but Karen had taken a leave of absence from hers when she and her husband split. That job was in a city about 400 miles away. She said she didn’t plan on going back to it, but she didn’t resign because she didn’t want to appear unemployed. She’d been applying for positions closer to the local area. She wanted to keep some distance between her and The Norwegian Nightmare.
  • 22. She had arranged an interview in a small city about two hours away. The night before she had the interview we were lying in bed talking and the subject of Kelly came up. Kelly had left me a couple of messages two of the last three days. “Are you going to call her?” Karen asked me. “I don’t know, maybe. I’ll talk to her eventually.” “Josh, you have to resolve the situation sooner or later, don’t you?” “I guess. But I have all I need right here!” I said, and I buried my face between her bare breasts, shook my head back and forth and made gurgling noises. She laughed giddily and squirmed and then I latched my mouth onto her right nipple and nibbled and sucked and hummed a buzzy tune into her tit as I tickled her tummy and thighs. She finally wiggled out of my grasp. “Here’s an idea,” she said. I asked her, what? “Tell her your sister wants to get in her pants.” “What?” I asked skeptically. “Tell her that I think she’s hot and I want to fuck her. That will throw her off.” “Do you want to fuck her?” “I’d fuck her with you.” “What the hell does that mean?” “Josh, face it, you and Kelly are history. It’s just a matter of time. You said it yourself that you and her were doomed. You two would just keep having fights. She has a major hang-up. I’m not threatened by her, but she will be threatened by me. Then she’ll have another major hang-up. So either break up with her or let’s get her into bed.” I started to understand her crazy logic. “You want to find out if she’ll let you eat her pussy,” I said. She smiled at me and snuggled closer. “It would be fun to try. But what would be even more fun is if I were successful, then we would be successful. And I’d love to see you muff diving on that foxy chick. What a turn on that would be! And I don’t believe for a second that you’d turn down going to bed with two good looking women, one of them being me.”
  • 23. She got that right. And I had to admit it would be pretty hot to see the two of them going at it. “A trio before you go, kind of thing, huh?” I said with a smirk. “Hey, it’s worth a shot. You blew her off, now she’s calling you. The timing could be right.” “Of course, if she knew we were lying here naked in each other’s arms for the umpteenth time, she wouldn’t be calling me.” “This is true,” she said. “That’s the tricky part. First, you tell her I have the hots for her. Then I come on to her. Then we have to make her believe that I’d be going to bed with you and her, and not that she is going to bed with you and me.” “Sounds complicated.” “It could be. You better whip up another batch of mai tais.” We kissed and tongue-danced and I massaged her nipples until I felt them grow rigid between my fingers. Then I slipped two fingers into her moist vagina. “I’ve got a fever,” I whispered. “Go for it, Maestro,” she laughed. “Write another masterpiece. But go easy on me, no more than four or five orgasms. I have a job interview tomorrow.” I buried my face between her thighs. “God!” she moaned. “I wish I’d come home five years ago!” We fucked the shit out of each other that night. ---- “I’ll ask to shave her,” Karen said. We were standing in the kitchen early the next morning before she hit the road for her interview. We were sipping coffee as Karen peeled a banana. She deep-throated it just to tease me. “Huh?” I muttered, half asleep. “When I’m seducing Kelly, I’ll ask her if I can shave her, tell her it turns me on. You got off on it; it might work on her.” I remembered how erotic it was when Karen shaved me. “That might do it. In fact, I’m getting a little itchy down there myself,” I said. “Well, then we have something to look forward to tonight!” She kissed me goodbye.
  • 24. “Call her,” she said on her way out the door. “Tell her I want to fuck her ass with my tongue!” ---- I called Kelly that afternoon. I left a message and thought, oh here we go, we’re going to play the phone tag game. Then a couple hours later she called back. “Hi, Kelly,” I said with minor enthusiasm. “Hi, Josh, long time no talk,” she said. “Yeah, I know. I’ve been pretty busy.” “I know what you mean, same here. Were you ever going to call me?” “I don’t know. I thought I’d leave it up to you this time.” “Oh.” “Karen has been staying with me while she’s looking for a job. In fact she is at an interview this afternoon. She certainly couldn’t stay at my parents’ very long, that’s for sure, and she wants to keep a lot of distance between her and her ex. We’ve been doing a lot of catching up. She’s told me a lot of intriguing tales about her years in the ice circus. Not to mention one tidbit that might interest you.” “Oh yeah, what’s that?” “I think she wants to get in your pants.” There was dead silence on the line. “Are you there?” I asked. “I’m here. She told you that?” “Yes, pretty much. She’s said a few times how hot she thinks you are and kept asking me when was I going to call you and when were you coming over next.” Again the line was quiet for a few moments. “Wow,” she softly said. “What do you think?” “It sounds pretty hot to me. I get a chubby just thinking about it. So what do you think? Do you want to come over?” “Are you asking me to come over?” “Yes. How about Friday night? Seven o’clock?” I heard her sigh on the other end. “Okay.”
  • 25. “All right, it’s set. We’ll have some drinks and relax. And whatever happens, happens. And what happens in my apartment stays in my apartment!” ---- Karen called me during her drive home. She said she thought the interview went very well and they would let her know in about a week if she got the job. I told her about our Friday night date and she was happy about that. “Good work, Josh, I’m getting horny just thinking about it! How did she react when you told her I wanted to get in her knickers?” “Speechless.” “Great. When I get home we can make our plans.” “Okay, drive safely. When you get home I have something I need to get straight between us!” “Damn, boy, I’m doing seventy on the interstate, you tell me to drive safely and now you’re going to make me drive even faster!” ---- We didn’t really come up with much of a plan, only that Karen would be there alone when Kelly arrived, and maybe she could get the party rolling a little quicker that way. Kelly is always prompt so I knew she wouldn’t be late. Then I’d show up later because I’d gone out for more rum. On Friday we got the bed ready with fresh linens, had a big thick towel at bedside and got together everything we needed for a shave. That’s when I discovered that all I had were used razors and would have to pick up some new ones when I went out. That evening I was out killing time when, at 7:01, I got a text from Karen. Kelly was knocking on the door. At 7:35 I called and I asked Karen if she needed anything at the store. She said no, she was good, and I asked if Kelly wanted anything. “Ask her yourself, she’s right here.” “Hi, Josh,” Kelly said. “Hi,” I said. “I’m on the way home, do you want anything?” “Oh, cut the crap, Josh. I’m sitting here making out with your sister. I know you’re fucking her. Just get your ass over here or we’re going to start without you.” Then Karen was back on the line. “Josh…” “Yes…”
  • 26. “You were right.” “Right about what?” “She’s a smart girl.” ---- When I walked through the door they were standing by the breakfast bar sipping wine. Karen was barefoot and wore short blue jean cutoffs and a cream button-down top. Kelly was dressed like she came over expecting to fuck somebody. Her clothing clung to her slim, shapely bod like a coat of paint: She wore only white fitted, thin cotton pants sporting a raging cameltoe, a red sleeveless top, no bra, and her wild and long blond hair. “Well, look who’s here!” Kelly said. “It’s my old boyfriend, Josh. Welcome home.” They both had big grins on their faces. “You two sure didn’t waste any time,” I said. “What did I miss?” “We’ve been sucking tongues and feeling each other up waiting for you to get here!” “She knew, Josh,” Karen said. “After our first kiss she said, ‘You’re fucking him aren’t you? I wasn’t going to try to lie to her.” “Tonight’s you’re lucky night, cowboy,” Kelly said. “Our lucky night,” said Karen. She kissed Kelly, a deep one. Then she kissed me the same way. I looked at Kelly and said, “You look magnificent. Good enough to eat.” Then it was our turn to kiss. In mid-kiss I glanced at Karen and she winked at me. “Did you pick up a razor?” Karen asked. I took the package out of my pocket. “Good. Let’s get started. I promised Kelly a shave.” Karen spread the towel on the bed and ran the water. I put my arms around Kelly from behind and took her breasts in my hands, and her nipples were already firm. She spun around to face me. “You are one sneaky, sexy bastard, you know that! And your new girlfriend is pretty sexy and sneaky too.” She shoved her tongue in my mouth, then I slipped my hands inside the back of her pants and started pushing them down. She helped by unzipping and pushing down in the front, and not breaking our kiss. Her pants reached the floor and as she was kicking them off she raised her arms. I pulled her top off up over her head. “Now you…” she said, reaching for my fly. “Not yet. Undress Karen first.”
  • 27. She turned to Karen, who by now was all set up. They embraced and I felt my dick enlarge as two hot women shared a hot, hot kiss. Kelly unbuttoned Karen’s shirt from the bottom up. They kissed again while she reached behind her and unhooked her bra. The top snap of the cutoffs was open, so in a split second all that was left was Karen’s skimpy, meshy thong. I watched as the curvy, naked body of Kelly knelt down and put her face to the thong and kissed the thin fabric and Karen’s silky thighs. The thong came off and Karen pulled Kelly’s head northward to hers and they kissed again, and I joined them and we all shared tongues as they teamed up getting my clothes off. When there were three naked bodies Karen told Kelly to lie on the bed. I lay down beside her to watch. Kelly repeated the process that she had performed on me. She wet her down and lathered her up. She opened the package of razors and took one out. She looked up at Kelly. “You ready, girl?” Karen asked, and Kelly nodded. Karen went to work. With short strokes she pulled the blade across Kelly’s fertile growth, and row by row it disappeared. Kelly and I watched with anticipation. “What a beautiful pussy!” Karen said, about halfway through. When Karen was cleaning up I felt Kelly go tense. She grabbed my hand and squeezed. I put my mouth on one nipple and sucked and pinched the other, alternating back and forth. Soon she let out with a loud yelp and bucked like she’d been shocked by an electric eel. I looked southward and saw Karen’s head between Kelly’s creamy thighs, her pretty face mashed against that freshly cut never-never land. I kissed Kelly hard and held her tight as she squirmed and adjusted to a new kind of sex. Karen was humming into her twat, thrusting her head into her crotch, her lips and tongue attached like glue as if trying to reach deep within her to pull out whatever might be stockpiled inside. Then I noticed that Kelly’s midsection was no longer bucking, but working in sync, gently pushing, and matching the movements of Karen’s head. I felt Kelly’s hand go around my rock-solid dick and pull it toward her. I repositioned and it was in her mouth and with my hands at the back of her head I swung it into her, over and over, and she sucked me with a resolve I couldn’t recall. The room was a symphony of Karen’s humming, Kelly’s moans and my own grunts of elation. “God, I’m ready to squirt,” I heard Karen say. I looked at her and she scooted up and put her mouth on mine for a wet, sloppy French kiss and told me to take over. Kelly looked at me and nodded. Karen quickly straddled Kelly’s head and stuck her pussy in her mouth. I moved on down and dove right in. I licked her lips and then wrapped my lips around her ripe sweet pickle for the first time without her pitching a fit. Of course she was in no position to pitch a fit with a foxy 110 pound babe sitting on her face.
  • 28. I nibbled, sucked, chewed, gnawed, tongued, munched and crunched that clit like it was the last one on Earth. There was a louder-by-the-second two-part harmony of rapture coming from the two girls and Kelly’s hand was on my head and she ground her groin into my face, as if it were possible for them to be any more affixed. “Oh, shit, I’m going to come!” I heard Karen shout. “I’m going to come big!” The bed was rocking and Kelly’s body was throbbing like a turbo-charged slinky beneath us. “Oh, fuck, here it comes, Honey,” Karen blurted, and I heard groans as her vagina flooded Kelly’s mouth and face. I climbed up onto her and slipped my raging rod into her soaked slit. Now Kelly had a cock in her cunt and a cunt in her face, and my cock was aching to blast a payload of my cum into her one more time. I ramrodded her over and over with the thrust of a Lear Jet, and she moved her body in concordance. As I pumped, I put my hands on Karen’s tits from behind and kissed her neck and she turned her head and slipped her tongue in my mouth for a sloppy kiss. Then she turned, got off and lay down beside Kelly. She kissed Kelly and lay beside her to watch the show. They were both watching me as I kept banging Kelly’s drum, with her moans accompanying. They were staring at my face. “Ooh, look at the determination on his face, Kelly. He’s ready to shoot you a load of sexy syrup.” Kelly added a little more force to her pushes and pulls, and Karen rose to give me a mouthful of her tongue, and sure enough, I reached the point of no return. I felt the onrush rising up in me, and I yelled when the first huge shot burned out of me and string after string vaulted from inside me to inside her. Once I knew the well was dry I fell on top of her and she kissed me with a savage intensity with which she never had before. I pulled out of her and settled beside her as we kissed. Karen sucked her swollen breasts and stroked her clit with her fingers. Then Kelly whimpered into my mouth, her body went into an involuntary seismic tremble, and a torrent surged from her clean-shaven cockpit and all over the towel. ---- We took a break, wallowing in our abundance. I was lying between them with an arm around each, splitting kisses and sharing tongues. My cock had slowly gone fairly limp, but kissing these two beauties made the old drum stick spring back to life like it was doing a sound check for a rock concert. They noticed. “Uh oh,” Kelly said. “Josh’s joy stick is overloaded.” “What should we do about that?” Karen asked. She kissed her. “I have no idea,” Kelly said, and they kissed again.
  • 29. “He’s your man, now. What do you think?” “Follow me,” Karen said, and she lunged down and took my whole cock into her mouth and throat. I had two glorious women sucking me, taking turns. I slipped my fingers into both of them, absorbed their sauce and licked my hands. Two women sucking it, licking it, kissing it. I felt a finger delve into my asshole. That was Karen; she knew how that magnified the sensation for us. My cock was in Kelly’s mouth when I was getting close. “He’s ready,” Karen said. She put her mouth next to Kelly’s at the head of my dick. I couldn’t help it, I unloaded. My cum flowed out scattershot, and I made deposits on their two pretty faces. I watched them lick each other off. ---- I went to the bathroom. It was not easy pissing with a hard dick like that. I had to push that candle down and hope I hit the target. My piss flew out in three different directions. When I came back out Kelly was face down on the bed with Karen’s tongue in her ass. “I’m getting her ready for you”, Karen said. What a nice, heart-shaped ass, huh, Josh?” I agreed with that. Kelly wiggled her ass and said, “Yes!” “Let me give you guys a lube job.” Karen reached into the drawer of the nightstand and retrieved the gel. She pinched a liberal amount into the palm of her hand and scooped a healthy dollop into Kelly’s anus. Her finger loitered inside, taking time, sloshing around. Kelly groaned and lifted her butt and squeezed when she felt a second finger slip into her. “Your turn,” Karen said. She pressed more gel into her hand and slathered it all over my cock. We French-kissed while she stroked me up and down repeatedly until it was again at maximum attention. Karen scooted up to the head of the bed. She said she wanted to get a good seat. She sat with her back to the headboard with her legs spread on either side of Kelly’s face. I put the head of my pecker to the crack of her ass and spread her cheeks. She opened and contracted her used sphincter as if she was waving at me. I figured she was waving goodbye so I would try my best to make it one to remember. I pushed and the head of my cock disappeared into her. Kelly groaned and raised her ass and pushed back toward me and a little more slid into her. I started gently rocking, a little at a time, in and out, in and out. With each sway I dove a little deeper in, and her face moved that much closer to Karen’s open muffin.
  • 30. Karen hands were caressing Kelly’s back and shoulders and neck and hair and she let out a high-pitched cry of pleasure when Kelly’s tongue plunged into her tunnel of love. When my cock was mostly inserted, I gradually increased the intensity of my movements, more force with each stroke, and Kelly groaned louder and louder each time with a mouthful of pussy. Pretty soon I was sledgehammering her hard enough to chop wood. A layer of sweat broke out on my forehead as I banged away. With each power slam the headboard kept rhythm, slapping the wall, and Kelly’s face would bash Karen’s eager gash. ‘Unh, Unh, Unh,’ Kelly grunted with each thrust. I was fucking her as hard as I could, hoping to extract one last sperm parade from way down deep. I fucked that fine ass like I was trying to slam my cock all the way up to her throat. “Ugh, I’m going to come again,” I heard Karen say. Those words were music to my ears. I kept bashing that ass as hard as I could and I soon felt my river rising. Karen shrieked and her body shook. I felt my first surge climbing up through my tube. I let out a raucous groan and they both knew what that meant. Karen released her outflow into Kelly’s open mouth a split second before my first shot of cum spewed into her ass. I pulled out and ejaculated the remainder of my seed, three, four shots on her ass and back and collapsed on the bed beside them just as Karen’s quivers were coming to an end. Karen pulled my face to hers and we shared another long kiss. Kelly started to get out of bed and we could see from the puddled sheet that she had had an orgasm too. “Damn, that was hot!” Karen said. “Holy shit, Josh!” Kelly rasped. “What came over you? What were you doing, drilling for oil? My asshole feels like I shit nails. I won’t be able to sit down for a week!” Then she went into the bathroom. “Damn, Josh,” Karen said to me. “We come together even when we’re fucking somebody else!” ---- When Kelly emerged from the bathroom she started getting dressed. And she said a long goodbye. “Thanks, it’s been a blast, but I have to get going now. And Josh, I’d already decided when we talked the other night that I was going to let you have your way with me. That’s why I wore this slut suit. And it’s kind of a shame that when I’m finally ready, we’re through.
  • 31. “But I’m flattered that you both went to such trouble to get me into bed, because it was incredible. But you two are in love, that’s so fucking obvious. I can see it in the way you look at each other, the way you kiss, the way you touch. You know, when I figured out what was going on with you two, it was such a turn-on, just thinking about it. And tonight it was so hot seeing you two, brother and sister in bed together. It helps me realize that it’s high time for me to resolve some demons from my past that have affected me to this day. And looking at you two—and being with you and going to bed with you—has helped give me the courage to finally do something about it. “So, goodbye. And thanks for a wild night. Take care of each other.” She winked at Karen, blew her a kiss and said she’d let herself out. We were silent until we heard the front door close behind her. “Wow, some night, huh?” Karen said rhetorically. “It couldn’t have worked out much better.” We were wrapped up as usual: her head on my shoulder, my arm around her and my hand caressing her breast. “What did you all talk about before I got home tonight?” I asked. “Oh, Josh, it was so weird! It was like an episode of The Twilight Zone when aliens come to Earth and can read your mind. It’s like she knew what was going to happen!” “What do you mean?” “Well, first, the way she was dressed. Those big tits, no bra, her nipples jutting, no underwear and her labia half hanging out. She knew what she came over here for. “So we go into the kitchen and I was pouring some wine and she says, ‘Do you like my outfit? I wore it for you.’ And then she kissed me! “Then we’re sitting on the sofa and she asked me if she could kiss me again. So we kiss again, and it starts kind of tentatively, but it turns into a pretty hot one, long and soft. And when we break the kiss she says, ‘You’re fucking him aren’t you?’ I was caught so off-guard I just said, ‘Yes’. “Then she says something like, ‘I’m sure Josh has told you about what I would and wouldn’t do in bed, but I’m ready to do it all. She asked what we were planning and I told her I’d love to shave her because I find it so erotic and it would turn you on and then were making out and then, a few minutes later you called. “Wow.” That’s all I could think to say. “Like you said before, she ain’t dumb.” After a few seconds of silence, Karen said, “I have to admit that it was pretty steamy
  • 32. watching you fuck a beautiful blond. But it was eerie, too. I hope you don’t make a habit of it.” “You’d have to dye your hair for that to happen,” I said. She smiled and kissed me on the chin. “Do you think she’s right? Are we really in love?” “She ain’t dumb.” “Who’s going to be first to say it?” There was a pregnant pause as the question hung there. Then we both said, “I love you,” in perfect unison. “You know something,” I said. “Tonight was fun, but our focus was mostly on Kelly. I’m glad she left. I like it like this. Just us.” Karen turned to face me and we kissed and our hands fondled our flesh. Soon I felt her hand between my legs and she gently massaged my balls. Soon my penis was stirring and her long fingers brushed it gently up and down. “Well, sailor, do you think you could go one more round?” “I think I have a little left in the tank,” I said. She slid down and sucked me until my cock was back to full size. She rose back into my arms and we shared long gentle kisses for several rapturous minutes. Then she rolled on top of me, lowered herself onto my upright organ and we made love for the first time. ---- Karen was offered the job she’d interviewed for. We had discussed it before that if it was offered she would accept it and we would move there together. Then we would live in “our” place. I asked when she would start work. “First of next month,” she said. Ample time to give notice to my boss at work, and since my lease was month-to-month, it was time enough for my landlord. “Perfect timing!” “That’s what I thought,” she said. ---- The next few weeks flew by. We busied ourselves packing and preparing to move. We rented a small, two bedroom house convenient to Karen’s work. I applied for jobs. On the day we moved, I pulled our rented van into a convenience store to buy some drinks for our two hour drive to our new home. In the store I bumped into Kelly’s roommate.
  • 33. “Hi, Josh, how are you doing?” “I’m doing well, Mary. How are you?” “Oh, fine. I’ve been keeping busy.” I introduced her to Karen and then I asked her how Kelly was doing. “Uh, I don’t know. I haven’t seen her for a while.” “You haven’t seen her, really? Why not?” “She moved out.” “Moved out? She never mentioned she was thinking about moving. Where to?” “She moved in with her brother.” “Her brother?” I asked dubiously. “I thought she didn’t get along with her brother.” Karen had a stern, wide-eyed look on her face. “You’re right, she didn’t. Something about what happened when she was a little girl.” “Man, that’s a surprise.” “I know, it surprised me for sure. It was kind of sudden. I guess they’re working it out, whatever it was.” We said our cordial goodbyes and Karen and I walked back to the van. “I guess now we know who traumatized her into not wanting her pussy licked,” Karen said sadly. We climbed up into the cab and I turned the ignition. I put the van into gear, pulled out onto the highway, and began driving us to our new life.