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Reported speech
a. Where do we use reported speech at present?
b- Usage of reported speech in our daily life
1. Understanding short familiar materials
2. Communicating what she wants to say
3. Expressing opinions and making choices
1, Where do we use reported speech at present?
2. Usage of reported speech in our daily life
Başkalarının sözlerini
dolaylı olarak nasıl
„ söyleriz?
Dolaylı anlatım, konuşulmuş / konuşulmakta /
konuşulacak olan sözlerin üçüncü bir kimse yada
kimselere anlatılması, aktarılması demektir. Yazıda,
"dolaysız anlatım" tırnak içinde aynen verilerek, hat-
ta konuşurken de ses ve ton taklidi yapılarak gerçek-
"I am going to do it tonight."
- He said, "I am going to do it tonight." "Bu ak-
şam onu yapacağını" söyledi.
Gerekli yer, zaman ve kişi değişiklikleri yapılarak tır-
nak dışına çıkarılan aktarımlar ise "dolaylı anlatım" dır.
"I am going to do it tonight."
- He said (that) he was going to do it that night. (O
akşam onu yapacağını söyledi.)
Giriş / tanıştırma öbeği, "He says... He asked
me... He recommended... vb." gibi şekillerde karşı-
mıza çıkar. Aktarılan yahut rapor edilen sözlerde ise
mantığın gerektirdiği kişi, yer, zaman değişiklikleri
yer alır. Bunlara ilerleyen paragraflarda değineceğiz.
Bir kez daha söylersek :
Direkt anlatım = Direct Speech, konuşan veya
yazanın ifadesini dolaysız olarak kendi ağzından an-
lattığı anlatım şeklidir.
Dolaylı anlatımda ise, (Indirect Speech = Repor-
ted Speech) konuşan veya yazanın bir olayı, oluşu-
mu vs. başkasının ağzıyla anlatmasıdır. Aslında olay
veya hareket yaşayanın veya yapanın dışında olan
birisi tarafından söylenir, rapor edilir.
Reported Speech ifadesinin nedeni budur.Daha kes-
tirmeden söyleyelim; birisinin söylediği cümleyi ak-
tarmaya Reported speech denir. Konuşma dilinde
daha çok kullanılır.
Gerçekten, söylenen veya yazılan bir söz iki tür-
lü iletilebilir. Birincisi direkt, dolaysız ifadedir.
7. Sınıf İngilizce
Direkt Anlatım = Direct Speech: "I want to see
my aunt." = Teyzemi görmek istiyorum.
Dolaylı Anlatım = Indirect Speech = Reported
He says (that) he vvants to see his aunt. (Teyze-
sini görmek istediğini söyler.)
Birinci cümlede bir kimse, kendisiyle ilgili bir is-
teğini bizzat kendisi söylüyor. Teyzesini görmek iste-
yen ve bunu söyleyen aynı kişidir. Yani, cümle dolay-
sız bir anlatımı gösteriyor. Gördüğünüz gibi, cümle-
de iki taraf vardır.
a. Eylemi yapan ve aynı zamanda onu anla-
tan veya yazan.
b. Eylemi dinleyen veya okuyan ve başkala-
rına anlatan.
İkinci cümlede ise, fiilin sahibi başka, olayı anla-
tan veya yazan başkadır. Yani, teyzesini görmek is-
teyen başka, (mesela Ahmet) bunu dinleyenlere ve-
ya okuyanlara anlatan başkasıdır (mesela, Leyla).
Bu nedenle, bu tür cümlelere indirect speech =
dolaylı anlatım veya daha da yerinde olarak reported
i speech = rapor edilen anlatım denir. Gerçekten olay
j veya hal üçüncü bir kişi tarafından muhataplara söz-
| lü veya yazılı olarak iletilir. Bu nedenle, dolaylı anla-
i tımda üç taraf vardır.
a. Eylemi yapan, hali yaşayan,
b. Bunu görerek başkalarına anlatan veya
yazan üçüncü kişi,
c. Olayı üçüncü kişiden dinleyen veya oku-
Jj yan muhatap (muhatap = hitap edilen).
Eğer dolaylı anlatım yaparken "say" söylemek
kelimesi şimdiki zamansa, aktarılan cümlede bir de-
ğişiklik olmaz. Sadece olayı biz aktardığımız için şa-
hıslar ve buna bağlı yüklemler değişiklikleri yapılır.
Yalnız aktarılan eylem geçmişte yapılmışsa, cümle
bir derece geçmiş olur. Bunu ileriki yıllarda görece-
Şimdi örneklerle bunları pekiştirmeye çalışalım.
568 Enjjjlısh
İngilizce 7. Sınıf
Mr Brown : "I can play tennis"
Bay Brown : "Tennis oynayabilirim."
Mr Brown says he can play tennis.
Bay Brown tenis oynayabileceğini söylüyor. Görüldüğü gibi burada "I" ben şahıs zami
ri dolaylı anlatımda "he" oldu.
Jane : "I can play tennis."
Jane : Tenis oynayabilirim.
Jane says she can play tennis.
Görüldüğü gibi aktarılan cümledeki "I" dolaylı anlatımda "she" şahıs zamirine çev-
rildi. Jane tenis oynayabileceğini söylüyor.
Joe and Tom: "We can play tennis"
Joe ve Tom "Biz tenis oynayabiliriz"
Joe and Tom say they can play tennis.
Görüldüğü gibi dolaylı anlatımda "we" biz şahıs zamiri •
"they" oluyor. Joe ve Tom tenis oynadıklarını söylüyorlar.
Terry "I play tennis every day."
Terry her gün tenis oynarım
Terry says he plays tennis every day.
Aktarılan cümlede "play" yüklemi "I" ben şahıs zamirine göre, "s" takısı almaz ama do-
laylı anlatımda, Terry yerine "he" koyarsak yükleme "s" takısı eklenme zorunluluğu gelir.
Öyleyse özne durumundaki I (ben) şahıs zamiri, cinsiyete göre dolaylı anlatımda he ve she şahıs zamirlerine
dönüşür. We (biz) ise they (onlar) şahıs zamiri ile ifade edilir.
Jack : "I'm lifting my heavy book."
Jack : "Ağır kitabımı kaldırıyorum"
Jack says he is lifting his heavy book.
Jack ağır kitabını kaldırdığını söylüyor.
Aktarılan cümledeki "my" benim zarfı dolaylı anlatımda "his" oluyor.
Julia :"Today is my birthday"
Julia : "Bugün benim doğum günüm"
Julia says today is her birthday.
Burada Julia bayan olduğu için dolaylı anlatımda "my" "her" olmuştur.
7. Sınıf İngilizce
Change the sentences into indirect speech
1. Ali: "I didn't like baklava"
He says he didn't like baklava.
2. The students : "We listened to our teachers."
Thev sav thev listened to their teachers.
3. Tom says "I didn't clean my room."
9. They say: "We are going to water the flowers."
10. Robert says : "I'm going to open the door."
11. Ahmet says : "My bird is drinking water."
12. He says : "I read a newspaper every day."
4. They say "We wash our cars."
13. She says : I can't play the guitar."
S. She says "My father must park his car in the car
6. They say "They must wait at the red light."
7. She says : "I am ironing my shirts."
They say : "We are walking in the park now."
14. They say : "We mustn't walk on the grass."
15. Miss Clay says : "I don't wash the dishes."
16. Nazli says : "I visit my family on Sundays."
570 English
İngilizce 7. Sınıf
Aşağıdaki cümlelerin dolaylı
anlatımlarını bulun.
1. He says: "I saw my history teacher yesterday."
A. He says he saw my history teacher yesterday.
B. He say he saw his history teacher yesterday.
C. He says he saw his history teacher yesterday.
D. His teacher says he saw me yesterday.
2. They say: "We mustn't take photos in the
A. They says they must take photos in the mu-
B. They say they must take photos in the museum.
C. They say they take photos in the museum.
D. They say they mustn't take photos in the mu-
3, She says: "l'm going to wash my dog"
A. She says she going to wash my dog.
B. She says she is going to wash my dog.
C. She says she is going to wash her dog.
D. She says l'm going to wash her dog.
6. My mother says: "I make a cake."
A. My mother says she makes a cake.
B. My mother says she make a cake.
C. My mother say she make a cake.
D. My mother say she makes a cake.
7. Ayşe says: "Osman climbs the mountain."
A. Ayşe say Osman climbs the mountain.
B. Ayşe say Osman climb the mountain.
C. Ayşe says Osman climb the mountain.
D. Ayşe says Osman climbs the mountain.
8. Rose says: "I always watch films."
A. Rose says she always watch films.
B. Rose say she always watch films.
C. Rose says she always watches films.
D. Rose says she always watchs films.
9. Eda and Selin say: "We never wash dishes."
A. Eda and Selin says we never wash dishes.
B. Eda and Selin says we never washes dishes.
C. Eda and Selin says they never washes dishes.
D. Eda and Selin say they never wash dishes.
4. They say: "We are dancing"
A. They say they are dancing.
B. They say we are dancing
C. They say she is dancing.
D. They say he is dancing.
10. They say: "We usually study Maths."
A. They say we usually study Maths.
B. They say they usually study Maths.
C. They says they usually study Maths.
D. They says we usually study Maths.
5. She says: "They must go out today"
A. She says we must go out.
B. She say they must go out.
C. She says they must go out.
D. She says we mustn't go out.
1 1 Suna says: "I can ride a camel"
A. Suna says she can ride a camel
B. Suna says he can ride a camel.
C. Suna say she can ride a camel.
D. Suna says he can ride a camel.
573 I
7. Sınıf İngilizce
12. Nell says: "I studied German two years ago."
A. Nell says I studied German two years ago.
B. Nell say I studied German two years ago.
C. Nell say he studied German two years ago.
D. Nell says he studied German two years ago.
13. Emir says: "The book is boring."
A. Emir says it is boring.
B. Emir say it is boring.
C. Emir says it will boring.
D. Emir say it will be boring.
The little boy was with his mother and said
"Mommy, mommy! Look at that man over there. He
doesn't have any hair at all!" The mother answered:
"sh - sh. He can hear you." The boy said "Oh! Do-
esn't he know it?
14. Tom says: "I am doing my homework."
A. Tom says he is doing his homework.
B. Tom says he is doing my homework
C. Tom say he is doing my homework
D. Tom say he is doing his homework.
@ Teacher: "John spell the word mouse."
1 John : "M O U S"
C/5 -
| Teacher: "But what"s at the end of it?"
- John : "A tail"
15. They say: "Our cat is going to catch a mouse."
A. They say our cat is going to catch a mouse.
B. They say their cat is going to catch a mouse.
C. They say his cat is going to catch a mouse.
D. They say her cat is going to catch a mouse.
Teacher: "Name five things that contain milk"
Omek : "Butter, cheese, ice cream and - and - two
16. AM says: "We are the champions of our class."
A. Ali says we are the champions of our class.
B. Ali says they are the champions of our class.
C. Ali says they are the champions of their class.
D. Ali say they are the champions of their class.
Doctor, Doctor I feel like spoon.
Sit still and don't stir.
1. Konuşan kişi "he" olduğu için, cümleyi aktaran
kişi biz olduğumuza göre, "I" şahıs zamirini "he"
şahıs zamirine çevirmeliyiz. My ise ona bağlı
olarak "his" olmalıdır.
Doğru yanıt "C" seçeneğidir.
2. Onlar bizim müzede fotoğraf çekmememiz gerek-
tiğini söylediler. "We" "they" şahıs zamirine çevril-
melidir. Başka bir değişiklik yapmamız gerekmez.
Doğru yanıt "D" seçeneğidir.
3. O köpeğini yıkayacağını söylüyor. Burada "my" be-
nim konuşan bayan olduğu için "her" kelimesine
dönüşmelidir. Cümlenin öznesi ise she olmalıdır.
Doğru yanıt "C" seçeneğidir.
4, "we" zamiri bu eylemi onlar yaptığı için "they"
Doğru yanıt "A " seçeneğidir.
5. O (bayan) bugün onlar dışarı çıkmak zorunda-
yım diyor. Bu cümlede tırnakları kaldırmaktan
başka değişiklik yok.
Doğru yanıt "C" seçeneğidir.
6. Annem kek yaptığını söylüyor. Burada önemli
olan "make" yüklemi "she"ye çevrilirken "s" al-
Doğru yanıt "A" seçeneğidir.
7. Sınıf
9. Eda ve Selin yerine onlar zamiri kullanabiliriz.
Başka bir değişiklik yoktur.
Doğru yanıt "D" seçeneğidir.
10. Biz her zaman matematik çalışırız. "We" "they"
zamirine çevrilmeli.
Doğru yanıt "B" seçeneğidir.
11. Suna yerine dolaylı anlatımda "she" gelmeli.
Doğru yanıt "A" seçeneğidir.
12. Nell yerine "he" kullanılmalıdır. Başka değişiklik
Doğru yanıt "D" seçeneğidir.
13. Emir kitabın sıkıcı olduğunu söylüyor. Kitap yerine
"it" kullanılmalıdır.
Doğru yanıt "A" seçeneğidir.
14. Tom yerine "he" ve "my" yerine "his" kullanılmalı-
Doğru yanıt "A" seçeneğidir.
7. Ayşe Osman'ın dağa tırmandığını söylüyor. Os-
man yerine "he" kullanmalıyız.
Doğru yanıt "D" seçeneğidir.
15. Burada bizim zamiri yerine onların anlamında
"their" kullanılmalıdır.
Doğru yanıt "B" seçeneğidir.
8. Rose her zaman film seyrettiğini söylüyor. Rose
bayan olduğu İçin O yani "she" olmalı. Ayrıca yük-
leme bu değişiklikten dolayı "s" gelmelidir.
Doğru yanıt "C" seçeneğidir.
16. Ali bizim sınıfın şampiyonu olduğunu söylüyor.
"We" "they" zamirine, "our" ise "their" zamirine dö-
Doğru yanıt "C" seçeneğidir.
English 573 I
7. Sınıf İngilizce
A b a d D r e a m
It was a rainy winter night. A strong wind was blowing. Mary's parents were out.
They were visiting her grandparents. Mary stayed at home because she had a lot
of Maths homework.
But she didn't finish her homework. 'There's a good horror film on TV.' she tho-
ught. 'Anyway, I don't have to finish it tonight.'
So she watched 'Blood and Bodies' and went to bed at eleven o'clock. About
half an hour later she heard a noise. Somebody was knocking at the door.
^ Mary got out of bed. 'It's my parents,' she said to herself. 'They've come back.'
She went downstairs and opened the door. There was nobody there. Mary felt very
I k frightened, so she closed the door quickly and went back, upstairs to her room. She
B W S w turned on the light and sat down in an armchair.
The noise of the wind got louder. It was shaking the trees. Suddenly she saw
» aaRjS? 1
i y P ç something moving. Somebody was opening the door of her room very slowly. Mary
V didn't move. She just sat and watched. A woman in a long black dress was stan-
ding at the door. It was Mrs Jordan. She was bad woman in the film.
Slowly and quietly, she came towards Mary and stood in front of her. Her eyes were cold and angry. 'Well,
Mary,' she said. 'Where's your homework?
"You must do your Maths homework.You mustn't watch TV. You have to go to bed early. I know you haven't
done it."
"So I'm going to punish you. You'll be very, very sorry."
Mary wanted to run away, but she felt very weak. She started to cry. Then she heard her mother. 'Mary! Mary!
Wake up!' Her mother was standing beside the bed.
'Where's Mrs Jordan?' Jane asked.
'Mrs Jordan?' asked her mother. 'What do you mean?
Yes, Mrs. Jordan She says I must do my Maths homework. She says she is going to punish me, and I ha-
ve to go to bed early.
Then Mary understood. 'It's all right, Mum,' she said. 'It was just a bad dream.'
Read the text again and find Adjectives and Adverbs
Parçada geçen sıfat ve zarf türü kelimeleri bulunuz.
Adjectives Adverbs
rainy tonight - (adverb of time, zaman zarfı)
strong at home - (adverb of place, yer zarfı)
long suddenly - (adverb of manner, durum hal zarfı)
black slowly
İngilizce 7. Sınıf
About Mary
1. When was it?
A. It was winter B. It was summer
C. It was spring D. It was autumn
2. What kind of wind was blowing?
A. A weak wind B. An Autumn wind
C. A strong wind D. A breeze wind
3. Where did Mary's parents go?
A. To the cinema B. To their parents
C. To their uncle D. To the restaurant
4. Why didn't Mary go with her parents?
A. Because she has a lot of homework.
B. Because there was a good film on TV.
C. Because she was ill.
D. Because sha had maths homework.
5. Why didn't Mary do her homework?
A. Because the electricity went off.
B. Because she needn't sleeping.
C. Because there was a good film on TV.
D. Because there wasn't any homework.
6. What sort of film was it?
A. It was love story film.
B. It was a horror film.
C. It was comedy film.
D. It was western film.
7. What time did she go to bed?
A. At 11 o'clock B. At 10 o'clock
C. At 10.30 o'clock D. At 11.30 o'clock
8. Who was knocking at the door?
A. Mary's parents B. A postman
C. Mary's teacher D. Somebody
9. What time did she hear a noise?
A. At 11.00 B. At 12.00
C. At 11.30 D. At 10.30
10. How did the door open?
A. Loudly B. Slowly C. Quickly D. Fast
11. How were Mrs.Jordan's eyes?
A. Warm B. Hot C. Cheerful D. Cold
12. Why was Mrs.Jordan so angry?
A. Because she stayed at home.
B. Because she went to their grandparents.
C. Because she didn't do her homework.
D. Because she went to the cinema.
_ 13. What must Mary do?
A. She must do her homework.
B. She must help her mother.
2 C. She must watch the film.
x D. She must go to bed late.
14. What does Mrs.Jordan say in Mary's dream?
A. She says she must watch TV.
B. She says I mustn't watch TV.
C. She says he mustn't watch TV.
D. She says she mustn't watch TV.
15. What else does Mrs.Jordan say in Mary's dre-
A. She says she has to go to bed early.
B. She says she has to go to bed late.
C. She says she mustn't do Maths homework.
D. She says she must watch TV.
16. How was the dream?
A. A bad dream
B. A funny dream
C. A good dream
D. An interesting dream
English 573 I
7. Sınıf İngilizce
A puzzle of reported speech
1. The secretary says she can type very .
4. After the car crashed the driver says he's very sorry for the .
5. Jane goes to the dentist every year and the says she mustn't eat so many sweets.
7, Mr. Green is ill. So he says he has to the doctor.
9. They say they are football.
2. I have my check-up every year and the doctor says I should some weight.
3. Ayşe and Cemile say they have to help their every day.
4. Jane says they are going to go to this summer.
8. I always get up late in the mornings and my mother I must go to bed earlier.
8, Mary says she wants to learn .
İngilizce 7. Sınıf
Choose the correct answer
(Reported speech)
1. A: I'm making a survey about films on TV.
B: What's does she say?
C: She says
films on TV.
A. you're making
C. she's making
a survey about
B. he's making
D. they're making
2. "I have a cold" He says.
A. He says I have a cold.
B. He says he has a cold.
C. I say I have a cold.
D. I says he has a cold.
Ayşe : "It is good."
What does she say?
A. She said it's good.
B. She said it was good.
C. She says it was good.
D. She says it's good.
4. What does he say?_
A. He says
C. He say
Jt's interesting.
B. He said
D. He is say
5. What does he say about your friends?
A. He says she is nice.
B. He says you are nice.
C. He says I'm nice.
D. He says they are nice.
6. What does the waiter say about dessert?
A. He says it's delicious.
B. He says he's delicious.
C. He says she's delicious.
D. They say it's delicious.
7. What does Mary's teacher say about homework?
A. They say the homework is done.
B. She says the homework are done.
C. She says the homework is done.
D. They say the homeworks are done.
8. A: The film is very boring.
B: What do they say?
C: the film is very boring.
A. She says
C. We said
B. They say
D. I said
9. Ash: I'm going to have a birthday party on
Saturday night.
Cem: What does Aslı say?
Canan: She says a birthday
party on Saturday night.
A. he's going to have
B. I'm going to have
C. she's going to have
D. you're going to have
10. A: You must study English.
B: What do they say?
A. They say they must study English.
B. They say she must study English.
C. They say he must study English.
D. They say I must study English.
573 I
English 577
7. Sınıf İngilizce
11. A: The shoes are expensive.
B: What does he say?
A. He say are the shoes expensive.
B. He says the shoes are expensive.
C. He says the shoes expensive.
D. He says the shoes aren't expensive.
12. Robert "I am late for work".
A. He says I'm late for work.
B. He says he isn't late for work.
C. He says he was late for work.
D. He says he's late for work.
13. Mother "There's somebody at the door."
What does she say?
A. She says there's somebody at the door.
B. She says there somebody at the door.
C. She says is there somebody at the door.
D. She said there's somebody at the door.
14. She says "My cat is drinking milk."
She .
A. says I'm drinking milk
B. says she's drinking milk
C. says her cat is drinking milk.
D. says the cat it drinking milk.
15. Erhan "I am not studying German."
A. He says I'm not studying German.
B. He says he's not studying German.
C. He says he's studying German.
D. He says I'm studying German.
16. Seren says "I brush my teeth every day."
A. She says she brushes her teeth every day.
B. She says she brush her teeth every day.
C. She says I brush my teeth every day.
D. She says she is brushing her teeth every day.
j i
Hoca decides to be a pickle man. He buys a
donkey from a pickleman and starts working.
But whenever he goes into crowd, the donkey
starts to bray before Hoca. Hoca can't call out for
One day same thing happens again. Hoca gets
angry and starts to yell at the donkey.
"Look at me ! Is it you or me who is selling pick-
One night Hoca asked
"What do they do with old full moons?"
"They cut them into small pieces and make stars
from them"
D O N ' T B E İ N S İ D E
One day they ask Hoca
"In the funeral ceromanies, is it better to be on
the right side or left side?
"It isn't important if you aren't inside."
İngilizce 7. Sınıf
1. A : Which dress do you like? These dresses
or those dresses?
B : I like these
A. ones
C. two
He doesn't want that
these .
A ones / one
C. one / ones
B. one
D. twos
_, he wants
B. ones / ones
D. one / one
3. The walls are wet. He has
A. never
C. yet
She hasn't made a cake
ing to make it later.
B. not
D. just
. painted them.
. She's go-
A. already
C. yet
B. just
D. now
5. A : Are you going to buy a new ring for you?
B : No. Look! I have bought one.
A. already B. often
C. yet D. usually
6. A I open the window, madam?
B : Yes, certainly.
A. Did
C. Have
B. May
D. Do
7. Where
A. will
C. have
8. Mother : You
A. mustn't
C. has to
you go next summer?
B. did
D. was
drink cold water.
B. have to
D. do
9. Mother says: "I like playing football with my
Ali : Her mother says she likes playing foot-
ball with children.
A. my
C. their
10. A :
B. her
D. his
you open the door, please?
B : Yes, of course.
A. Do
C. Could
B. Did
D. Have
11. A :
B :
A. When / B y
C. when / In
12. Cotton is
. will they go on holiday?
B. How / In
D. How / By
in Adana.
A. grow
C. grown
B. grew
D. produced
13. Joe's favourite sport is swimming. He likes
swimming .
A. more
C. some
B. most
D. much
14. Ali passed his driving test, so he
go to the course again.
A. have to
C. had to
15. You
B. has to
D. doesn't have to
take the photographs in the
museum. It's forbidden.
A. must B. mustn't
C. don't have D. have to
16. My mother has just watered the flowers.
You water the flowers.
A. doesn't have to
C. must
B. don't have to
D. mustn't
English 573 I
7. Sınıf İngilizce
A. My
C. Me
pen is bigger than your pen.
B. Mine
D. You
2. A: Have you seen George and Julian recently?
B : No, I wrote a letter to .
A. they
C. it
B. them
D. itself
3. A : Where are you going?
B : I'm going shopping with Pauline. Do you
want to come with .
A. us
C. they
4. A : Ali has hurt,
B. them
D. we
is in the
C. herself / She / her
5. Be careful. You
the cupboard.
A. won't
C. are going to
B. shall
D. is
6. Don't wash your hair with that shampoo.
It's .
A. my B. me
C. mine D. I
7. You
A. don't have to
C. can't
B. needn't
D. isn't
8. He
was ten years old.
A. don't have to
C. may
B. could
D. mustn't
B : Really? Let's go and visit .
A. himself / She / her B. himself/He/him
D. herself / He / him
hit your head on
_ play the ball games near the window.
speak two languages when he
A. Whose
C. Who's
dog is this?
B. Who
D. Whom
10. Rose a luxury yacht.
A. has already buy
C. has buyed
B. has already bought
D. has already buy
11. I fairy tales when I was a child.
A. were reading
C. shouldn't
B. used to read
D. won't
12. You
A. couldn't
C. shouldn't
13. Where
go to bed late during the we-
B. shall
D. won't
_we meet? At my place.
A. must B. does
C. did D. shall
14. You cross the road without looking at
the traffic lights. It's dangerous.
A. needn't
C. don't have to
B. mustn't
D. doesn't have to
15. Yesterday at four o'clock in the afternoon, Chris
his birthday presents.
A. opens
C. has opened
16. George
and began to read.
A. sit
C. is sitting
B. was opening
D. open
down, opened the book
B. sat
D. satted
İngilizce 7. Sınıf
I always go fishing with
my father every weekend.
Ahmet Yunus
Yunus, Ahmet'in söylediği bu sözü arkadaşı
Kemal'e aktarırken aralarında geçebilecek
konuşma aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
JİİnHe says he always goes
fishing with his father
every weekend.
B. i He says he always goes
. « 1 1 fishing with my father
What did Ahmet say? 1 1 every weekend.
HHe says he always go
fishing with his father
every weekend.
nHe says he always go
fishing with his father
every weekend.
My friends
They invite us playing
I would like to play
Yukarıdaki iki kişi arasında geçen diyalogda
boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun ifade aşağıda-
kilerden hangisidir?
A. say they are going to play basketball.
B. says they are going to play basketball.
C. say we are going to play baskelball.
D. say we are going to play basketball.
3. Erdal'ın sevdiği ve sevmediği bazı olaylar aşa-
ğıdaki grafikte verilmiştir.
• Like
Hate Tenis Swimming Chating Surfing
Bu grafiğe göre, aşağıdaki ifadelerden han-
gisi yanlıştır?
A. Erdal says he doesn't like chating.
B. Erdal says he likes swimming more than
C. Erdal says he hates chating more than tenis.
D. Erdal says he doesn't hate tenis.
Yukarıdaki diyalogda boşluğa gelebilecek
cevaplardan bir tanesi aşağıdakilerden han-
A. My friend says we have to drink some water.
B. A police says nobody sits on grass.
C. My father says they are going to fish.
D. People say we can sit on grass.
English 573 I
7. Sınıf İngilizce
1. I
A. will
C. have
writing a letter now.
2. They
A. are
C. have
3. My aunt
A. will
C. was
B. am
D. has
played football.
B. will
D. was
come to visit us tomorrow.
4. He
A. has
C. had
5. He
A. is
C. has
B. is
D. were
just finished the race.
B. will
D. can
help us, won't he?
B. will
D. can
A. will
C. are
7. Look ! They
A. will
C. is
B. has
D. is going to
coming here.
B. has
D. are
8. It rain. Take your umbrella.
A. was B. will
C. is D. are
9. I
6. In the future the hole in the ozone layer
get bigger.
A. will
C. have
seen him with her.
10. I'm afraid. She
A. will
C. is not going to
B. am
D. has
come to party.
B. won't
D. is going to
11. My sister's birthday is next month. She
be 20.
A. will
C. is not going to
B. won't
D. is going to
12. your life be better in ten years?
A. Will B. Won't
C. Is D. Are
o 13. He came to my party,
A. didn't he
C. hadn't he
14. Bottles are made
B. wasn't he
D. don't he
A. of
C. in
15. Shoes are made
A. of
C. in
B. from
D. by
B. from
D. by
16. The best towels are made
A. of
C. in
B. from
D. by
İngilizce 7. Sınıf
_ books do we read every month?
A. How much
C. How many
B. How
D. What
2. A : Which month is the shortest?
B :
A. January
C. March
B. February
D. April
3. In our school Orhan is very tall boy,
A. is he
C. are he
4. She is ill, so she
A. has to
C. is
B. isn't he
D. aren't he
go to the doctor.
B. have to
D. are
5. Janet: My skirt is very old.
Mother : We buy a new one.
A. has to
C. mustn't
6. They
A. ride
C. rideden
B. must
D. have to
their bikes yesterday.
B. tided
D. rode
8. No, he didn't
A. threw
C. meet
the stone.
B. throw
D. met
he drink a cup of coffee last Sunday?
A. Does B. Did
C. Do D. Has
9. Ayşe : My mother ordered a hamburger yesterday.
Ali : Sorry did she order?
A. what B. who
C. when D. which
10. It really cold last Friday. The tempe-
rature three below zero.
A. were / was
C. was / was
B. was / were
D. wasn't / wasn't
11. The film lasted too long,
A. did it
C. didn't it
B. did the film
D. didn't the film
12. The children can't swim in this lake,
A. can he
C. can't he
13. A : He has two dogs.
B. can they
D. can't they
B : Sorry. Could you repeat. How many dogs
he have?
A. does
C. did
B. do
D. can
14. These are our coats. Bring to
A. them / me
C. us / them
B. them / us
D. it / me
15. Ali's and Ahmet's bags are black,
are black.
A. Their
C. Her
B. Mine
D. His
16. Mary is beautiful, but Janet is
A. far
C. fast
B. small
D. ugly
English 573 I
7. Sınıf İngilizce
Oenaral Test — 5
1. They have already
A. be
C. been
2. They built that bridge
A. in the past
C. at present
to the cinema.
B. was
D. were
B. in the future
D. yet
3. They will give him a party
A. yesterday
C. just
B. tomorrow
D. now
4. He fights with his friends.
A. already B. sometimes
C. now D. just
5. She hasn't.
A. go
C. gone
6. The birds
to the cinema.
A. is flying
C. was flying
B. went
D. going
in the sky at the moment.
B. are flying
D. were flying
you hear the teacher in this noisy class?
A. May B. Shall
C. Can D. Will
I draw your picture, sir?
A. May B. Shall
C. Must D. Have to
9. they
on Tuesday?
A. Does / have to
C. Does / has to
bring their homework
B. Do / have to
D. Do/has to
10. I haven't eaten anyhing, so I'm
A. ugly
C. hungry
11. Maths is my
A. worst
C. better
B. comfortable
D. thirsty
B. cheapest
D. highest
12. I
A. could
C. must
like to buy a pair of shoes, please.
B. would
D. have to
13. Yesterday, I
A. get up
C. got up
at seven o'clock.
B. gat up
D. gotten up
14. Kemal Sunal wasn't a writer,
A. didn't he
C. was he
B. wasn't he
D. can he
15. I
A. have
C. were
born in Izmir.
B. was
D. has
16. There is some milk in the bottle,_
A, isn't there
C. is there
B. isn't it
D. is it
584 English
İngilizce 7. Sınıf
Aşağıdaki grafikte Şule ve Ayça'nın piyano çal-
mayı, dağ gezintisini ve bisiklet sürmeyi ne ka-
dar sevdikleri gösterilmiştir.
Pbno Tratkhg
King Pljııo TtacMiifl Cfdhg
Bu grafiklere göre aşağıdaki yargılardan
hangisi yanlıştır?
A. Ayça says she likes tracking, but Şule says
she doesn't like it.
B. Ayça says she doesn't like cycling, but Şule
says she does.
C. Şule and Ayça say they hate tracking.
D. Both Şule and Ayça say they like playing
Oh! I'm upset. I want
to see Hüseyin in my
birthday party.
7 —
Ismail H I I F Erhan'
Erhan'ın ifadesine göre İsmail, Hüseyin ile il-
gili aşağıdakilerden hangisini söylemiş ola-
A. Hüseyin says he is going to visit his friend.
His friend is ill.
B. Hüseyin says his friend will come his home.
C. Hüseyin says he has to paint his house.
D. Hüseyin says he always goes to parties.
Yukarıdaki diyalogu en uygun şekilde doldu-
racak ifade aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A. says it was very interesting.
B. says it wasn't expensive.
C. says it was very boring.
D. says it wasn't very short.
Halil say I am Halil says
going to repair my going
bicycle by myself. ^ ^ bicycle
Halil: "I am going to
repair my bicycle by
i Halil says he is 1 I V
I i
; going to repair my
• bicycle by himself. J
Ortadaki ifadenin "reported speech" dönü-
şümü numaralı cümlelerden hangisidir?
A. I B.
Where is Sinan?
J l
C. Ill
I think, He is at
hospital^ _
Why do you think that? I I
Yukarıdaki diyaloğu tamamlayabilecek ifade
aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A. He says he needs some cheese.
B. He says he has got a toothache.
C. He says he is going to repair his bike.
D. He says he can swim there.
Dağınık odayı gören anne, oğlu ile ilgili aşa-
ğıdakilerden hangisini söylemiş olabilir?
A. Cem says he is going to tidy up his room.
B. Cem says he will repair his room.
C. Cem says he hasn't got enough time.
D. Cem says he always does this.
English 585

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  • 1. I e N m F l W O H L D Reported speech a. Where do we use reported speech at present? b- Usage of reported speech in our daily life
  • 2.
  • 3. F U N C T I O N 1. Understanding short familiar materials 2. Communicating what she wants to say 3. Expressing opinions and making choices KEY STRUCTURE 1, Where do we use reported speech at present? 2. Usage of reported speech in our daily life Başkalarının sözlerini dolaylı olarak nasıl „ söyleriz? I N D I R E C T S P E E C H A T P R E S E N T Dolaylı anlatım, konuşulmuş / konuşulmakta / konuşulacak olan sözlerin üçüncü bir kimse yada kimselere anlatılması, aktarılması demektir. Yazıda, "dolaysız anlatım" tırnak içinde aynen verilerek, hat- ta konuşurken de ses ve ton taklidi yapılarak gerçek- leştirilir. "I am going to do it tonight." - He said, "I am going to do it tonight." "Bu ak- şam onu yapacağını" söyledi. Gerekli yer, zaman ve kişi değişiklikleri yapılarak tır- nak dışına çıkarılan aktarımlar ise "dolaylı anlatım" dır. "I am going to do it tonight." - He said (that) he was going to do it that night. (O akşam onu yapacağını söyledi.) © (S CO je JÉ (S X ï— <D X Giriş / tanıştırma öbeği, "He says... He asked me... He recommended... vb." gibi şekillerde karşı- mıza çıkar. Aktarılan yahut rapor edilen sözlerde ise mantığın gerektirdiği kişi, yer, zaman değişiklikleri yer alır. Bunlara ilerleyen paragraflarda değineceğiz. Bir kez daha söylersek : Direkt anlatım = Direct Speech, konuşan veya yazanın ifadesini dolaysız olarak kendi ağzından an- lattığı anlatım şeklidir. Dolaylı anlatımda ise, (Indirect Speech = Repor- ted Speech) konuşan veya yazanın bir olayı, oluşu- mu vs. başkasının ağzıyla anlatmasıdır. Aslında olay veya hareket yaşayanın veya yapanın dışında olan birisi tarafından söylenir, rapor edilir. Reported Speech ifadesinin nedeni budur.Daha kes- tirmeden söyleyelim; birisinin söylediği cümleyi ak- tarmaya Reported speech denir. Konuşma dilinde daha çok kullanılır. Gerçekten, söylenen veya yazılan bir söz iki tür- lü iletilebilir. Birincisi direkt, dolaysız ifadedir.
  • 4. 7. Sınıf İngilizce Direkt Anlatım = Direct Speech: "I want to see my aunt." = Teyzemi görmek istiyorum. Dolaylı Anlatım = Indirect Speech = Reported Speech He says (that) he vvants to see his aunt. (Teyze- sini görmek istediğini söyler.) Birinci cümlede bir kimse, kendisiyle ilgili bir is- teğini bizzat kendisi söylüyor. Teyzesini görmek iste- yen ve bunu söyleyen aynı kişidir. Yani, cümle dolay- sız bir anlatımı gösteriyor. Gördüğünüz gibi, cümle- de iki taraf vardır. a. Eylemi yapan ve aynı zamanda onu anla- tan veya yazan. b. Eylemi dinleyen veya okuyan ve başkala- rına anlatan. İkinci cümlede ise, fiilin sahibi başka, olayı anla- tan veya yazan başkadır. Yani, teyzesini görmek is- teyen başka, (mesela Ahmet) bunu dinleyenlere ve- ya okuyanlara anlatan başkasıdır (mesela, Leyla). Bu nedenle, bu tür cümlelere indirect speech = dolaylı anlatım veya daha da yerinde olarak reported i speech = rapor edilen anlatım denir. Gerçekten olay j veya hal üçüncü bir kişi tarafından muhataplara söz- | lü veya yazılı olarak iletilir. Bu nedenle, dolaylı anla- i tımda üç taraf vardır. a. Eylemi yapan, hali yaşayan, b. Bunu görerek başkalarına anlatan veya yazan üçüncü kişi, © 3c (0 C/5 c. Olayı üçüncü kişiden dinleyen veya oku- ra x Jj yan muhatap (muhatap = hitap edilen). Eğer dolaylı anlatım yaparken "say" söylemek kelimesi şimdiki zamansa, aktarılan cümlede bir de- ğişiklik olmaz. Sadece olayı biz aktardığımız için şa- hıslar ve buna bağlı yüklemler değişiklikleri yapılır. Yalnız aktarılan eylem geçmişte yapılmışsa, cümle bir derece geçmiş olur. Bunu ileriki yıllarda görece- ğiz- Şimdi örneklerle bunları pekiştirmeye çalışalım. 568 Enjjjlısh
  • 5. İngilizce 7. Sınıf Mr Brown : "I can play tennis" Bay Brown : "Tennis oynayabilirim." Mr Brown says he can play tennis. Bay Brown tenis oynayabileceğini söylüyor. Görüldüğü gibi burada "I" ben şahıs zami ri dolaylı anlatımda "he" oldu. Jane : "I can play tennis." Jane : Tenis oynayabilirim. Jane says she can play tennis. Görüldüğü gibi aktarılan cümledeki "I" dolaylı anlatımda "she" şahıs zamirine çev- rildi. Jane tenis oynayabileceğini söylüyor. Joe and Tom: "We can play tennis" Joe ve Tom "Biz tenis oynayabiliriz" Joe and Tom say they can play tennis. Görüldüğü gibi dolaylı anlatımda "we" biz şahıs zamiri • "they" oluyor. Joe ve Tom tenis oynadıklarını söylüyorlar. Terry "I play tennis every day." Terry her gün tenis oynarım Terry says he plays tennis every day. Aktarılan cümlede "play" yüklemi "I" ben şahıs zamirine göre, "s" takısı almaz ama do- laylı anlatımda, Terry yerine "he" koyarsak yükleme "s" takısı eklenme zorunluluğu gelir. Öyleyse özne durumundaki I (ben) şahıs zamiri, cinsiyete göre dolaylı anlatımda he ve she şahıs zamirlerine dönüşür. We (biz) ise they (onlar) şahıs zamiri ile ifade edilir. Jack : "I'm lifting my heavy book." Jack : "Ağır kitabımı kaldırıyorum" Jack says he is lifting his heavy book. Jack ağır kitabını kaldırdığını söylüyor. Aktarılan cümledeki "my" benim zarfı dolaylı anlatımda "his" oluyor. Julia :"Today is my birthday" Julia : "Bugün benim doğum günüm" Julia says today is her birthday. Burada Julia bayan olduğu için dolaylı anlatımda "my" "her" olmuştur.
  • 6. 7. Sınıf İngilizce ACTIVITY Change the sentences into indirect speech 1. Ali: "I didn't like baklava" He says he didn't like baklava. 2. The students : "We listened to our teachers." Thev sav thev listened to their teachers. 3. Tom says "I didn't clean my room." 9. They say: "We are going to water the flowers." 10. Robert says : "I'm going to open the door." 11. Ahmet says : "My bird is drinking water." 12. He says : "I read a newspaper every day." 4. They say "We wash our cars." © je <0 w .sJC ra I 1 13. She says : I can't play the guitar." S. She says "My father must park his car in the car park." 6. They say "They must wait at the red light." 7. She says : "I am ironing my shirts." They say : "We are walking in the park now." 14. They say : "We mustn't walk on the grass." 15. Miss Clay says : "I don't wash the dishes." 16. Nazli says : "I visit my family on Sundays." 570 English 3
  • 7. İngilizce 7. Sınıf ÇÔZÛMLO TEST Aşağıdaki cümlelerin dolaylı anlatımlarını bulun. 1. He says: "I saw my history teacher yesterday." A. He says he saw my history teacher yesterday. B. He say he saw his history teacher yesterday. C. He says he saw his history teacher yesterday. D. His teacher says he saw me yesterday. 2. They say: "We mustn't take photos in the museum." A. They says they must take photos in the mu- seum. B. They say they must take photos in the museum. C. They say they take photos in the museum. D. They say they mustn't take photos in the mu- seum. 3, She says: "l'm going to wash my dog" A. She says she going to wash my dog. B. She says she is going to wash my dog. C. She says she is going to wash her dog. D. She says l'm going to wash her dog. © <0 w (0 I CD I 6. My mother says: "I make a cake." A. My mother says she makes a cake. B. My mother says she make a cake. C. My mother say she make a cake. D. My mother say she makes a cake. 7. Ayşe says: "Osman climbs the mountain." A. Ayşe say Osman climbs the mountain. B. Ayşe say Osman climb the mountain. C. Ayşe says Osman climb the mountain. D. Ayşe says Osman climbs the mountain. 8. Rose says: "I always watch films." A. Rose says she always watch films. B. Rose say she always watch films. C. Rose says she always watches films. D. Rose says she always watchs films. 9. Eda and Selin say: "We never wash dishes." A. Eda and Selin says we never wash dishes. B. Eda and Selin says we never washes dishes. C. Eda and Selin says they never washes dishes. D. Eda and Selin say they never wash dishes. 4. They say: "We are dancing" A. They say they are dancing. B. They say we are dancing C. They say she is dancing. D. They say he is dancing. 10. They say: "We usually study Maths." A. They say we usually study Maths. B. They say they usually study Maths. C. They says they usually study Maths. D. They says we usually study Maths. 5. She says: "They must go out today" A. She says we must go out. B. She say they must go out. C. She says they must go out. D. She says we mustn't go out. English 1 1 Suna says: "I can ride a camel" A. Suna says she can ride a camel B. Suna says he can ride a camel. C. Suna say she can ride a camel. D. Suna says he can ride a camel. 573 I
  • 8. 7. Sınıf İngilizce 12. Nell says: "I studied German two years ago." A. Nell says I studied German two years ago. B. Nell say I studied German two years ago. C. Nell say he studied German two years ago. D. Nell says he studied German two years ago. 13. Emir says: "The book is boring." A. Emir says it is boring. B. Emir say it is boring. C. Emir says it will boring. D. Emir say it will be boring. THE LITTLE BOY The little boy was with his mother and said "Mommy, mommy! Look at that man over there. He doesn't have any hair at all!" The mother answered: "sh - sh. He can hear you." The boy said "Oh! Do- esn't he know it? 14. Tom says: "I am doing my homework." A. Tom says he is doing his homework. B. Tom says he is doing my homework C. Tom say he is doing my homework D. Tom say he is doing his homework. M_0_U_S_E @ Teacher: "John spell the word mouse." •5 1 John : "M O U S" C/5 - | Teacher: "But what"s at the end of it?" 0) X - John : "A tail" 15. They say: "Our cat is going to catch a mouse." A. They say our cat is going to catch a mouse. B. They say their cat is going to catch a mouse. C. They say his cat is going to catch a mouse. D. They say her cat is going to catch a mouse. MILK ' Teacher: "Name five things that contain milk" Omek : "Butter, cheese, ice cream and - and - two cows" 16. AM says: "We are the champions of our class." A. Ali says we are the champions of our class. B. Ali says they are the champions of our class. C. Ali says they are the champions of their class. D. Ali say they are the champions of their class. S P O O N Doctor, Doctor I feel like spoon. Sit still and don't stir.
  • 9. İngilizce ÇÖZOMLO TESTİN YANITLADI 1. Konuşan kişi "he" olduğu için, cümleyi aktaran kişi biz olduğumuza göre, "I" şahıs zamirini "he" şahıs zamirine çevirmeliyiz. My ise ona bağlı olarak "his" olmalıdır. Doğru yanıt "C" seçeneğidir. 2. Onlar bizim müzede fotoğraf çekmememiz gerek- tiğini söylediler. "We" "they" şahıs zamirine çevril- melidir. Başka bir değişiklik yapmamız gerekmez. Doğru yanıt "D" seçeneğidir. 3. O köpeğini yıkayacağını söylüyor. Burada "my" be- nim konuşan bayan olduğu için "her" kelimesine dönüşmelidir. Cümlenin öznesi ise she olmalıdır. Doğru yanıt "C" seçeneğidir. 4, "we" zamiri bu eylemi onlar yaptığı için "they" olacak. Doğru yanıt "A " seçeneğidir. 5. O (bayan) bugün onlar dışarı çıkmak zorunda- yım diyor. Bu cümlede tırnakları kaldırmaktan başka değişiklik yok. Doğru yanıt "C" seçeneğidir. 6. Annem kek yaptığını söylüyor. Burada önemli olan "make" yüklemi "she"ye çevrilirken "s" al- malıdır. Doğru yanıt "A" seçeneğidir. 7. Sınıf 9. Eda ve Selin yerine onlar zamiri kullanabiliriz. Başka bir değişiklik yoktur. Doğru yanıt "D" seçeneğidir. 10. Biz her zaman matematik çalışırız. "We" "they" zamirine çevrilmeli. Doğru yanıt "B" seçeneğidir. 11. Suna yerine dolaylı anlatımda "she" gelmeli. Doğru yanıt "A" seçeneğidir. 12. Nell yerine "he" kullanılmalıdır. Başka değişiklik yoktur. Doğru yanıt "D" seçeneğidir. 13. Emir kitabın sıkıcı olduğunu söylüyor. Kitap yerine "it" kullanılmalıdır. Doğru yanıt "A" seçeneğidir. 14. Tom yerine "he" ve "my" yerine "his" kullanılmalı- dır. Doğru yanıt "A" seçeneğidir. © ra CO X o X 7. Ayşe Osman'ın dağa tırmandığını söylüyor. Os- man yerine "he" kullanmalıyız. Doğru yanıt "D" seçeneğidir. 15. Burada bizim zamiri yerine onların anlamında "their" kullanılmalıdır. Doğru yanıt "B" seçeneğidir. 8. Rose her zaman film seyrettiğini söylüyor. Rose bayan olduğu İçin O yani "she" olmalı. Ayrıca yük- leme bu değişiklikten dolayı "s" gelmelidir. Doğru yanıt "C" seçeneğidir. 16. Ali bizim sınıfın şampiyonu olduğunu söylüyor. "We" "they" zamirine, "our" ise "their" zamirine dö- nüşecektir. Doğru yanıt "C" seçeneğidir. English 573 I
  • 10. 7. Sınıf İngilizce A b a d D r e a m It was a rainy winter night. A strong wind was blowing. Mary's parents were out. They were visiting her grandparents. Mary stayed at home because she had a lot of Maths homework. But she didn't finish her homework. 'There's a good horror film on TV.' she tho- ught. 'Anyway, I don't have to finish it tonight.' So she watched 'Blood and Bodies' and went to bed at eleven o'clock. About half an hour later she heard a noise. Somebody was knocking at the door. ^ Mary got out of bed. 'It's my parents,' she said to herself. 'They've come back.' She went downstairs and opened the door. There was nobody there. Mary felt very I k frightened, so she closed the door quickly and went back, upstairs to her room. She B W S w turned on the light and sat down in an armchair. The noise of the wind got louder. It was shaking the trees. Suddenly she saw » aaRjS? 1 i y P ç something moving. Somebody was opening the door of her room very slowly. Mary V didn't move. She just sat and watched. A woman in a long black dress was stan- ding at the door. It was Mrs Jordan. She was bad woman in the film. Slowly and quietly, she came towards Mary and stood in front of her. Her eyes were cold and angry. 'Well, Mary,' she said. 'Where's your homework? "You must do your Maths homework.You mustn't watch TV. You have to go to bed early. I know you haven't done it." "So I'm going to punish you. You'll be very, very sorry." Mary wanted to run away, but she felt very weak. She started to cry. Then she heard her mother. 'Mary! Mary! Wake up!' Her mother was standing beside the bed. 'Where's Mrs Jordan?' Jane asked. 'Mrs Jordan?' asked her mother. 'What do you mean? Yes, Mrs. Jordan She says I must do my Maths homework. She says she is going to punish me, and I ha- ve to go to bed early. Then Mary understood. 'It's all right, Mum,' she said. 'It was just a bad dream.' Read the text again and find Adjectives and Adverbs Parçada geçen sıfat ve zarf türü kelimeleri bulunuz. Adjectives Adverbs rainy tonight - (adverb of time, zaman zarfı) strong at home - (adverb of place, yer zarfı) long suddenly - (adverb of manner, durum hal zarfı) black slowly
  • 11. İngilizce 7. Sınıf About Mary 1. When was it? A. It was winter B. It was summer C. It was spring D. It was autumn 2. What kind of wind was blowing? A. A weak wind B. An Autumn wind C. A strong wind D. A breeze wind 3. Where did Mary's parents go? A. To the cinema B. To their parents C. To their uncle D. To the restaurant 4. Why didn't Mary go with her parents? A. Because she has a lot of homework. B. Because there was a good film on TV. C. Because she was ill. D. Because sha had maths homework. 5. Why didn't Mary do her homework? A. Because the electricity went off. B. Because she needn't sleeping. C. Because there was a good film on TV. D. Because there wasn't any homework. 6. What sort of film was it? A. It was love story film. B. It was a horror film. C. It was comedy film. D. It was western film. 7. What time did she go to bed? A. At 11 o'clock B. At 10 o'clock C. At 10.30 o'clock D. At 11.30 o'clock 8. Who was knocking at the door? A. Mary's parents B. A postman C. Mary's teacher D. Somebody 9. What time did she hear a noise? A. At 11.00 B. At 12.00 C. At 11.30 D. At 10.30 10. How did the door open? A. Loudly B. Slowly C. Quickly D. Fast 11. How were Mrs.Jordan's eyes? A. Warm B. Hot C. Cheerful D. Cold 12. Why was Mrs.Jordan so angry? A. Because she stayed at home. B. Because she went to their grandparents. C. Because she didn't do her homework. D. Because she went to the cinema. _ 13. What must Mary do? © A. She must do her homework. B. She must help her mother. w 2 C. She must watch the film. ^ x D. She must go to bed late. ID I 14. What does Mrs.Jordan say in Mary's dream? A. She says she must watch TV. B. She says I mustn't watch TV. C. She says he mustn't watch TV. D. She says she mustn't watch TV. 15. What else does Mrs.Jordan say in Mary's dre- am? A. She says she has to go to bed early. B. She says she has to go to bed late. C. She says she mustn't do Maths homework. D. She says she must watch TV. 16. How was the dream? A. A bad dream B. A funny dream C. A good dream D. An interesting dream English 573 I
  • 12. 7. Sınıf İngilizce A puzzle of reported speech Across 1. The secretary says she can type very . 4. After the car crashed the driver says he's very sorry for the . 5. Jane goes to the dentist every year and the says she mustn't eat so many sweets. 7, Mr. Green is ill. So he says he has to the doctor. 9. They say they are football. Down 2. I have my check-up every year and the doctor says I should some weight. 3. Ayşe and Cemile say they have to help their every day. 4. Jane says they are going to go to this summer. 8. I always get up late in the mornings and my mother I must go to bed earlier. 8, Mary says she wants to learn .
  • 13. İngilizce 7. Sınıf Choose the correct answer (Reported speech) 1. A: I'm making a survey about films on TV. B: What's does she say? C: She says films on TV. A. you're making C. she's making a survey about B. he's making D. they're making 2. "I have a cold" He says. A. He says I have a cold. B. He says he has a cold. C. I say I have a cold. D. I says he has a cold. Ayşe : "It is good." What does she say? A. She said it's good. B. She said it was good. C. She says it was good. D. She says it's good. © y CO CO .2 a X 0 X 4. What does he say?_ A. He says C. He say Jt's interesting. B. He said D. He is say 5. What does he say about your friends? A. He says she is nice. B. He says you are nice. C. He says I'm nice. D. He says they are nice. 6. What does the waiter say about dessert? A. He says it's delicious. B. He says he's delicious. C. He says she's delicious. D. They say it's delicious. 7. What does Mary's teacher say about homework? A. They say the homework is done. B. She says the homework are done. C. She says the homework is done. D. They say the homeworks are done. 8. A: The film is very boring. B: What do they say? C: the film is very boring. A. She says C. We said B. They say D. I said 9. Ash: I'm going to have a birthday party on Saturday night. Cem: What does Aslı say? Canan: She says a birthday party on Saturday night. A. he's going to have B. I'm going to have C. she's going to have D. you're going to have 10. A: You must study English. B: What do they say? A. They say they must study English. B. They say she must study English. C. They say he must study English. D. They say I must study English. 573 I English 577
  • 14. 7. Sınıf İngilizce 11. A: The shoes are expensive. B: What does he say? A. He say are the shoes expensive. B. He says the shoes are expensive. C. He says the shoes expensive. D. He says the shoes aren't expensive. 12. Robert "I am late for work". A. He says I'm late for work. B. He says he isn't late for work. C. He says he was late for work. D. He says he's late for work. 13. Mother "There's somebody at the door." What does she say? A. She says there's somebody at the door. B. She says there somebody at the door. C. She says is there somebody at the door. D. She said there's somebody at the door. 14. She says "My cat is drinking milk." She . A. says I'm drinking milk B. says she's drinking milk C. says her cat is drinking milk. D. says the cat it drinking milk. 15. Erhan "I am not studying German." A. He says I'm not studying German. B. He says he's not studying German. C. He says he's studying German. D. He says I'm studying German. 16. Seren says "I brush my teeth every day." A. She says she brushes her teeth every day. B. She says she brush her teeth every day. C. She says I brush my teeth every day. D. She says she is brushing her teeth every day. © j i S C/5 2jt <B X <D X WITH N A S R E D D I N H O C A Hoca decides to be a pickle man. He buys a donkey from a pickleman and starts working. But whenever he goes into crowd, the donkey starts to bray before Hoca. Hoca can't call out for pickles. One day same thing happens again. Hoca gets angry and starts to yell at the donkey. "Look at me ! Is it you or me who is selling pick- les" O L D M O O N One night Hoca asked "What do they do with old full moons?" "They cut them into small pieces and make stars from them" D O N ' T B E İ N S İ D E One day they ask Hoca "In the funeral ceromanies, is it better to be on the right side or left side? "It isn't important if you aren't inside."
  • 15. İngilizce 7. Sınıf GENERAL TtST - 1 1. A : Which dress do you like? These dresses or those dresses? 2. B : I like these A. ones C. two He doesn't want that these . A ones / one C. one / ones B. one D. twos _, he wants B. ones / ones D. one / one 3. The walls are wet. He has A. never C. yet She hasn't made a cake ing to make it later. B. not D. just . painted them. . She's go- A. already C. yet B. just D. now 5. A : Are you going to buy a new ring for you? B : No. Look! I have bought one. A. already B. often C. yet D. usually 6. A I open the window, madam? B : Yes, certainly. A. Did C. Have B. May D. Do 7. Where A. will C. have 8. Mother : You A. mustn't C. has to you go next summer? B. did D. was drink cold water. B. have to D. do © ta V) ta X d) X 9. Mother says: "I like playing football with my children" Ali : Her mother says she likes playing foot- ball with children. A. my C. their 10. A : B. her D. his you open the door, please? B : Yes, of course. A. Do C. Could B. Did D. Have 11. A : B : A. When / B y C. when / In 12. Cotton is . will they go on holiday? bus. B. How / In D. How / By in Adana. A. grow C. grown B. grew D. produced 13. Joe's favourite sport is swimming. He likes swimming . A. more C. some B. most D. much 14. Ali passed his driving test, so he go to the course again. A. have to C. had to 15. You B. has to D. doesn't have to take the photographs in the museum. It's forbidden. A. must B. mustn't C. don't have D. have to 16. My mother has just watered the flowers. You water the flowers. A. doesn't have to C. must B. don't have to D. mustn't English 573 I
  • 16. 7. Sınıf İngilizce A. My C. Me &ENEKAL TEST - 1 pen is bigger than your pen. B. Mine D. You 2. A: Have you seen George and Julian recently? B : No, I wrote a letter to . A. they C. it B. them D. itself 3. A : Where are you going? B : I'm going shopping with Pauline. Do you want to come with . A. us C. they 4. A : Ali has hurt, hospital. B. them D. we is in the C. herself / She / her 5. Be careful. You the cupboard. A. won't C. are going to B. shall D. is 6. Don't wash your hair with that shampoo. It's . A. my B. me C. mine D. I 7. You A. don't have to C. can't B. needn't D. isn't 8. He was ten years old. A. don't have to C. may B. could D. mustn't 580 B : Really? Let's go and visit . A. himself / She / her B. himself/He/him D. herself / He / him hit your head on © -5 2 es w ra X d) X _ play the ball games near the window. speak two languages when he 9. A. Whose C. Who's dog is this? B. Who D. Whom 10. Rose a luxury yacht. A. has already buy C. has buyed B. has already bought D. has already buy 11. I fairy tales when I was a child. A. were reading C. shouldn't B. used to read D. won't 12. You ek. A. couldn't C. shouldn't 13. Where go to bed late during the we- B. shall D. won't _we meet? At my place. A. must B. does C. did D. shall 14. You cross the road without looking at the traffic lights. It's dangerous. A. needn't C. don't have to B. mustn't D. doesn't have to 15. Yesterday at four o'clock in the afternoon, Chris his birthday presents. A. opens C. has opened 16. George and began to read. A. sit C. is sitting B. was opening D. open down, opened the book B. sat D. satted English 3
  • 17. İngilizce 7. Sınıf TEST ACTIVITY - 1 I always go fishing with my father every weekend. Ahmet Yunus Yunus, Ahmet'in söylediği bu sözü arkadaşı Kemal'e aktarırken aralarında geçebilecek konuşma aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? JİİnHe says he always goes fishing with his father every weekend. B. i He says he always goes . « 1 1 fishing with my father What did Ahmet say? 1 1 every weekend. HHe says he always go fishing with his father every weekend. nHe says he always go fishing with his father every weekend. V Kema! CS W ra x 1» o X My friends They invite us playing basketball. I would like to play basketball. Yukarıdaki iki kişi arasında geçen diyalogda boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun ifade aşağıda- kilerden hangisidir? A. say they are going to play basketball. B. says they are going to play basketball. C. say we are going to play baskelball. D. say we are going to play basketball. 3. Erdal'ın sevdiği ve sevmediği bazı olaylar aşa- ğıdaki grafikte verilmiştir. • Like Hate Tenis Swimming Chating Surfing Bu grafiğe göre, aşağıdaki ifadelerden han- gisi yanlıştır? A. Erdal says he doesn't like chating. B. Erdal says he likes swimming more than surfing. C. Erdal says he hates chating more than tenis. D. Erdal says he doesn't hate tenis. 4, Yukarıdaki diyalogda boşluğa gelebilecek cevaplardan bir tanesi aşağıdakilerden han- gisidir? A. My friend says we have to drink some water. B. A police says nobody sits on grass. C. My father says they are going to fish. D. People say we can sit on grass. English 573 I
  • 18. 7. Sınıf İngilizce 1. I A. will C. have GENE-RAL TEST - 3 writing a letter now. 2. They A. are C. have 3. My aunt A. will C. was B. am D. has played football. B. will D. was come to visit us tomorrow. 4. He A. has C. had 5. He A. is C. has B. is D. were just finished the race. B. will D. can help us, won't he? B. will D. can A. will C. are 7. Look ! They A. will C. is B. has D. is going to coming here. B. has D. are 8. It rain. Take your umbrella. A. was B. will C. is D. are 9. I ©V. -g to C/5 O X 6. In the future the hole in the ozone layer get bigger. A. will C. have seen him with her. 10. I'm afraid. She A. will C. is not going to B. am D. has come to party. B. won't D. is going to 11. My sister's birthday is next month. She be 20. A. will C. is not going to B. won't D. is going to 12. your life be better in ten years? A. Will B. Won't C. Is D. Are o 13. He came to my party, A. didn't he C. hadn't he 14. Bottles are made B. wasn't he D. don't he sand. A. of C. in 15. Shoes are made A. of C. in B. from D. by leather. B. from D. by 16. The best towels are made A. of C. in B. from D. by Bursa.
  • 19. İngilizce 7. Sınıf GZNEKAL TEST - H _ books do we read every month? A. How much C. How many B. How D. What 2. A : Which month is the shortest? B : A. January C. March B. February D. April 3. In our school Orhan is very tall boy, ? A. is he C. are he 4. She is ill, so she A. has to C. is B. isn't he D. aren't he go to the doctor. B. have to D. are 5. Janet: My skirt is very old. Mother : We buy a new one. A. has to C. mustn't 6. They A. ride C. rideden B. must D. have to their bikes yesterday. B. tided D. rode 8. No, he didn't A. threw C. meet the stone. B. throw D. met © <a co S <0 X o X he drink a cup of coffee last Sunday? A. Does B. Did C. Do D. Has 9. Ayşe : My mother ordered a hamburger yesterday. Ali : Sorry did she order? A. what B. who C. when D. which 10. It really cold last Friday. The tempe- rature three below zero. A. were / was C. was / was B. was / were D. wasn't / wasn't 11. The film lasted too long, A. did it C. didn't it B. did the film D. didn't the film 12. The children can't swim in this lake, A. can he C. can't he 13. A : He has two dogs. B. can they D. can't they B : Sorry. Could you repeat. How many dogs he have? A. does C. did B. do D. can 14. These are our coats. Bring to A. them / me C. us / them B. them / us D. it / me 15. Ali's and Ahmet's bags are black, are black. bags A. Their C. Her B. Mine D. His 16. Mary is beautiful, but Janet is A. far C. fast B. small D. ugly English 573 I
  • 20. 7. Sınıf İngilizce Oenaral Test — 5 1. They have already A. be C. been 2. They built that bridge A. in the past C. at present to the cinema. B. was D. were B. in the future D. yet 3. They will give him a party A. yesterday C. just B. tomorrow D. now 4. He fights with his friends. A. already B. sometimes C. now D. just 5. She hasn't. A. go C. gone 6. The birds to the cinema. A. is flying C. was flying B. went D. going in the sky at the moment. B. are flying D. were flying 7. 8. you hear the teacher in this noisy class? A. May B. Shall C. Can D. Will I draw your picture, sir? A. May B. Shall C. Must D. Have to © XL cs C/3 5.JÉ <0 I 1— CD I 9. they on Tuesday? A. Does / have to C. Does / has to bring their homework B. Do / have to D. Do/has to 10. I haven't eaten anyhing, so I'm A. ugly C. hungry 11. Maths is my A. worst C. better B. comfortable D. thirsty subject. B. cheapest D. highest 12. I A. could C. must like to buy a pair of shoes, please. B. would D. have to 13. Yesterday, I A. get up C. got up at seven o'clock. B. gat up D. gotten up 14. Kemal Sunal wasn't a writer, A. didn't he C. was he B. wasn't he D. can he 15. I A. have C. were born in Izmir. B. was D. has 16. There is some milk in the bottle,_ A, isn't there C. is there B. isn't it D. is it 584 English
  • 21. İngilizce 7. Sınıf TEST ACTIVITY - 1 Aşağıdaki grafikte Şule ve Ayça'nın piyano çal- mayı, dağ gezintisini ve bisiklet sürmeyi ne ka- dar sevdikleri gösterilmiştir. »Lite Pbno Tratkhg ¿ui« King Pljııo TtacMiifl Cfdhg Ayça 2. Bu grafiklere göre aşağıdaki yargılardan hangisi yanlıştır? A. Ayça says she likes tracking, but Şule says she doesn't like it. B. Ayça says she doesn't like cycling, but Şule says she does. C. Şule and Ayça say they hate tracking. D. Both Şule and Ayça say they like playing piano. Oh! I'm upset. I want to see Hüseyin in my birthday party. 7 — Ismail H I I F Erhan' Erhan'ın ifadesine göre İsmail, Hüseyin ile il- gili aşağıdakilerden hangisini söylemiş ola- maz? A. Hüseyin says he is going to visit his friend. His friend is ill. B. Hüseyin says his friend will come his home. C. Hüseyin says he has to paint his house. D. Hüseyin says he always goes to parties. Yukarıdaki diyalogu en uygun şekilde doldu- racak ifade aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A. says it was very interesting. B. says it wasn't expensive. C. says it was very boring. D. says it wasn't very short. 4. © <o CO s (0 I 0 x fH b Halil say I am Halil says going to repair my going bicycle by myself. ^ ^ bicycle Halil: "I am going to repair my bicycle by myself." i Halil says he is 1 I V I i ; going to repair my • bicycle by himself. J Ortadaki ifadenin "reported speech" dönü- şümü numaralı cümlelerden hangisidir? A. I B. Where is Sinan? J l C. Ill I think, He is at hospital^ _ D. IV Why do you think that? I I Yukarıdaki diyaloğu tamamlayabilecek ifade aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A. He says he needs some cheese. B. He says he has got a toothache. C. He says he is going to repair his bike. D. He says he can swim there. Dağınık odayı gören anne, oğlu ile ilgili aşa- ğıdakilerden hangisini söylemiş olabilir? A. Cem says he is going to tidy up his room. B. Cem says he will repair his room. C. Cem says he hasn't got enough time. D. Cem says he always does this. English 585