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- ¿Cuál es su profesión?

Completa cada una de las distintas profesiones, siguiendo el ejemplo:

                                                         - engineer
                                                         - miner
                                                         - dentist
                                      She is a nurse
                                                         - teacher
                                                         - detective
                                                         - astronaut

 - Utilizar a / an donde sea necesario:

1. My sister is nurse.

2. He is policeman and his wife is engineer.

3. She is good musician.

4. What expensive car!

5. travel agent would give you information about reservations.

6. It is pleasure to do it.

7. He drinks wine three times day.

8. He broke arm in skiing accident.
9. hour.

10. I'll pay you thousand month.

- Utilizar a, the, - (sin artículo) donde sea necesario:

1. love is more important than money.
2. I couldn't hear him because of noise of the jet
3. He heard strange noise behind the wall.
4. What kind of music do you listen to?
5. I think guitar is the best instrument to play.
6. I think it's made of wood.
7. Would you like cup of tea?
8. I'm studying English language.
9. I don't use salt when I'm cooking.
10. It's half past seven.
11. What is name of this country?
12. Can you tell me time?

Forma frases con las palabras entre paréntesis y pon ' s ' / 'of ' según convenga.

I like Philip's car. ( the car - Philip )
I cried at the end of the film. ( the film - the end )

1- Do you like ? ( Anne -the coat )
2- Put his name at (The end - the page ).
3- I hate ( the car - Bob ).
4- The bar opens at ( the end - the winter ).
5- What is ? (the first day - the month)
6- What was ? ( the price - the flat ).
7- Which is ? ( the bag - Craig ).
8- is not very interesting. ( the Church - the Holy Grail).
9- is not far from de sea. ( the flat - Andy ).
10- What is ? ( the size- this T-shirt )

- Las siguientes frases tienen algún error. Escríbelas de forma correcta.

1. They have two blues cars.

2. The car small is in the garage.

3. Are John and Elizabeth having lunch in an restaurant expensive?

4. Pat is listening to bads news on the radio.

5. I sent my brother somes magazines.

- Escribe el comparativo

Ej. small - smaller

1. good
2. intelligent
3. old
4. dark
5. bad
6. large
7. narrow
8. new
9. easy
10. funny

- Completa las frases usando un comparativo.

Ej. My flat isn’t very big.- I want a bigger flat.

1. My motorbike isn’t very fast. I’d like .
2. My husband isn’t very rich. I need .
3. Your computer is getting old now. You need .
4. His camera isn’t very good. He needs .
5. It isn’t very hot today. It was yesterday.
6. I’m not very interested in football. I’m in tennis.

- Escribe frases que signifiquen lo mismo usando ‘as………as’.

Ej. A Porsche is faster than a Skoda. – A Skoda isn’t as fast as a Porsche.

1. Football is more popular than cricket in Spain.
Cricket isn’t
2. I work harder than you.

3. My car’s newer than yours.

4. His watch is more expensive than hers.

5. Your flat’s nicer than ours.

6. Paris is colder than Casablanca.

- Completa las frases con un superlativo.

Ej. He’s a very good footballer. He’s the best footballer in Europe at the moment.

1. She’s a pretty girl. She’s girl in my class.
2. There are many exciting cities in North America, but I think New York is .
3. August is a hot month in Spain. It’s usually month of the year.
4. I was so happy when I got married. My wedding day was day of my life.
5. It’s such an expensive restaurant. I think it’s the restaurant in Madrid.
6. It’s a very interesting book. It’s one of the books I’ve ever read.

    -    Pon el adjetivo interrogativo que corresponda

            ____ time is it? (What)
            ____ road should I take? (Which)
            ____ much wine shall I buy? (How)
            ____ house is that? (Whose)

         1. book is this? "It's mine".
         2. is your favourite car?
         3. trousers are these?
         4. is your nationality?
         5. nationality are you, English or Irish?
         6. kind of music do you prefer?
         7. fast is your car?
8. There's tea and coffee, would you like?
          9. 'old is he?
          10. shirt are you going to wear, the brown or the black?

    -     Emplea ‘who’, ‘whose’, ‘what’ o ‘which’ en los siguientes frases.

          1. ‘ time is it?’
          ‘It’s half past three.’
          2. ‘ jacket is this?’
          ‘It’s mine.’
          3. ‘I’ve got chocolate ice cream and vanilla ice cream, do you prefer?’
          4. ‘ is that man with your wife?’
          ‘It’s her boss.’
          5. ‘ did you say?’
          ‘I didn’t say anything.’

              - Elige la respuesta correcta.

              1. He’s got telephone number, but I haven’t got his.
              2. car is much faster than .
              3. We went to a disco with Stephanie, Terry and some friends of .
              4. I hate her! She’s no friend of .
              5. Is this bag or ?

 Escríbe el tiempo verbal correcto en las siguientes frases:

1. John to Mary now (talk)
2. I television every night. (watch)
3. The children usually to bed at nine o'clock. (go)
4. a book at the moment?. (Richard read)
5. They to the theatre very often. (not go)
6. I at the moment. (not study)
7. I English, although I at the moment. (not speak) / (study)
8. I in Valencia, though I in Madrid at the moment. (live) / (stay)
9. I in a hotel at the moment, although I my own apartment. (stay) / (have)
10. She from Chile, though she in New York just now. (come) / (live)

        1 - Cambia el tiempo verbal a 'past simple' en las siguientes frases, siguiendo el ejemplo:
        1. We love England          We loved England
        2. They don't like the film
        3. They work on a farm
        4. Do you work in this factory?
        5. Where do you live?
        6. I don't like Tokyo
        7. Does he play the guitar?
        8. I don't study French
        9. They hate waiting
        10. Does your son study here?

2 - Completa las frases escribiendo el tiempo de pasado que proceda.
1. He his motorbike when he suddenly felt ill. (ride)
2. We the television when it suddenly stopped working. (watch)
3. When the ambulance came they him inside. (put)
4. I to the radio when the phone rang. (listen)
5. When I arrived, they hello but continued studying. (say)
3 - Cambia las siguientes frases del ‘present perfect’ a frases con un significado parecido en el
‘present simple’ poniendo el verbo entre paréntesis. Sigue el ejemplo.

Luis has bought a new computer (have)

1. I’ve written the report. (finish)
2. Angeles has lost her keys. (not find)
3. Have you seen Ruben? (be)
4. I’ve bought a new camera. (have)
5. The secretary has gone to lunch. (not be)
6. We haven’t cleaned the flat. (be)
7. I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. (not remember)
8. Figo has broken his leg. (be)
9. Carolyn’s had a baby. (have)
10. The Pope has died. (be)

4 - Pon ‘since’ o ‘for’ en los espacios en blanco.

1. I’ve lived in Valencia five years.
2. Angeles and I have known each other 1998.
3. I haven’t eaten anything breakfast.
4. My parents have been married more than fifty years.
5. Israel has been an independent country 1948.
6. I’ve been really busy. I haven’t been out about two weeks.
7. We haven’t seen Luis and Manoli last Tuesday.
8. Graham has had his Porsche nearly a year.
9. Danny has been in Michigan two years.
10. I haven’t had a good steak ages.

5 - Ahora escríbe frases con ‘since’ y ‘for’ siguiendo el ejemplo

Craig and Angeles live together. They started living together five years ago.
Craig and Angeles have been living together / have lived together for five years.

1. Graham has a Porsche. He bought it two years ago.

2. Deek is studying German. He started in 1999.

3. Luis and Craig started working on La Mansión del Inglés in 2001.

4. Cathy is in Cuba. She went there three weeks ago.

5. Tom plays the saxophone. He began last March.

6. Craig teaches English. He started in 1991.

      A)- Pon los verbos en 'future simple' o 'present simple' según proceda:
      1. After I the old people's home, I you how grandma is. (visit) / (tell)
      2. As soon as she me I you know. (phone) / (let)
      3. I you before I to London. (see) / (fly)
      4. I Helen when we to Paris. (phone) / (get)
      5. I this report when I at home. (finish) / (be)

   B)- Completa las frases escribiendo el tiempo verbal en 'future simple' o 'future continuous'
1. At eight o'clock on Monday evening we over San Francisco. (fly)
   2. He our university next month. I him then. (visit) / (ask)
   3. I to lend you the bike tomorrow. I it all day. (not be able) / (use)
   4. What early on Saturday night?. (you do)
   5. Next month they in England. (live)

Traduce las siguientes frases al inglés:
1. Preferiría que no hicieras eso.

2. Me gustaría una cerveza, por favor.

3. ¿Le apetece ir al cine conmigo?

4. Solía ir a la playa con mi abuela todos los domingos.

5. Yo la telefoneé, pero ella no quiso hablarme.

- Escribe las siguientes frases en forma imperativa siguiendo el ejemplo:

1. The window is closed. Paul can open it.

2. It's time for Helen to get up.

3. I'd like Paul to turn down his radio.

4. I want Paul to bring me a newspaper.

5. I don't want Helen to be late tonight.

Read the story and write the verbs in a suitable form (passive or active) in
the spaces. Follow the example.

                             Is It Better To Have Loved And Lost?

I (love) her with an uncontrollable passion.

We normally spend our lives simply existing. But occasionally something (happen)
which wakes us up and makes us (feel) alive.

Her name was Ann-Marie, a tall, dark-haired, brown-eyed beauty from France. I
respectfully (admire) her from a distance while she (go out) with my best friend,
but when they (break up) I (open) my arms to her and (give) her my shoulder to
cry on. We (become) a couple and (rent) a flat together near the sea.

I (remember) the look on her face when we (make) love. Her spirituality (take)
her to a far away place. A place where only pleasure (exist). She (seem) to leave
her body and fly away to play with the angels. I (never/know) such pure intensity
before. I (never/love) with such passion by anyone since.

Plans were made, money (save) and possessions (sell). We (buy) plane tickets
for Paris. The night before we (be) due to leave she (tell) me about Sean, my
close friend. “I (sleep) with him for three weeks”, she told me. “ But he (live) in
America, and if I (go) with him, I (regret) it. My future is with you.

That night I (can/not) sleep. I (watch) the hours pass on the clock next to the
bed. In the morning the phone (ring) while we (have) breakfast. It was Sean. “ I
want (say) goodbye before you (leave)”, he said. “….and I want (apologize).”
“Our plane (leave) at 9.30 Sean, I have to go”, I replied coldly. “I can’t forgive you
Sean, you know why, don’t you? If I (am) you, I (learn) how to be a good friend.
You’re a selfish, self-centred bastard, Sean!” I (hang up) the phone.

Ann-Marie and I (pack) our lives in two large boxes and (ship) them to Marseilles.
We (arrive) at the airport just as our flight (call). “Last call for Air France flight
AF404 to Paris, now (board) at gate number 15.”

People often (look) for love and (be) unhappy when it (not/come). They think it
(make) them complete. It does, for a while, but it (not/last). Nothing lasts. We
started arguing. There was no trust in our relationship. The laughter and affection
that we used to have (replace) by jealousy and suspicion. Money (become) a
problem. She was bored and unemployed, I was drinking too much. We fought,
(shout), accused and (search) for the love we (lose) a long time ago in a
different country. Eventually we (say) goodbye. She (need) medical help to get
her life together. I (need/be) alone, to think, to lose myself in work and save
money for a fresh start.

It (be) a long time ago. I hope that Ann-Marie and Sean (be) both happy. I am
more careful now when I (wish) for things, just in case I (get) what I wish for.

                               MIXED VERB TENSES

· Here are some photographs Craig and Angeles took on their holidays. Complete
what Craig says about each photo using the given verb in the most suitable tense
(past continuous; past perfect or ‘going to’ future). Follow the examples.

Example 1: When this was taken, we (travel) around the Mekong Delta in
Example 2: When I took this photo, Angeles (walk) in monsoon rain for three
1. When I took this one, we (have) a coffee in The Peninsula Hotel, Hong Kong
2. When Angeles took this one, Craig (just/wake up) in the airport departure
3. When I took this one, Angeles and I (wait) to go onto the Coliseum in Rome.
4. When this was taken, we (just/be) to the top of the Empire State Building.
5. When Angeles took this picture, I (eat) a big steak in Galicia, Spain.
6. When I took this one, Angeles (watch) by a friendly elephant on Safari in
7. When I took this one, Angeles (walk) on the beach in Zanzibar.
8. When Angeles took this photo, I (enjoy) the view at the top of the CN Tower,
9. When Angeles took this one. We (cross) the highest road in the world in the
10. When I took this one, Angeles (stand) in front of Niagara Falls, Canada.
11. When Angeles took this one, we (climb) Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
12. When I took this one, we (eat) a wonderful meal in Ladakh, India.


· Elije can o can’t si es posible. Si no, elige could o will be able to.

1. I’m sorry, I take you to the airport in the morning because I’ve got a business
meeting at 9 o’clock.
2. I think I pass my driving test before my 50th birthday.
3. One day in the future I think we live on the moon.
4. If we left now, we before the shops close.
5. I’m not working this weekend so we go cycling on Sunday.
6. I meet you for coffee at 11, but I’ll only have fifteen minutes.
7. I’ll do the washing and the ironing, but I do the shopping.
8. If we worked together, we finish it before the film starts.
9. She was bad after the accident, but I think she go back to work next week.
10. It’s not possible yet, but I think computers do the housework for us in a few
11. I go for a run this evening. My parents are coming to visit and I won’t have
12. I do your job. It’s so complicated and stressful.


Choose can’t or must. Follow the example.
Elige can’t o must. Sigue el ejemplo.

Example: That pub be very popular. It’s always full of people.

1. You’ve been working all day. You be very tired.
2. Congratulations on passing your driving test. You be very happy to have a
driving licence.
3. You got here very quickly. You have walked.
4. Amparo and Santi had terrible weather and they lost their passports and video
camera. They have had a very nice holiday.
5. The neighbours have just bought a new Porsche. They be short of money.
6. You’re going on holiday next week, aren’t you? You be looking forward to it.
7. That new restaurant be very good. It’s always empty.

                    What's the time?
                    - Escríbe la hora para cada reloj, siguiendo el ejemplo:

                                 1.                          2.

5.   6.

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a/an and the articles


  • 1. Examen Ejercicios - ¿Cuál es su profesión? Completa cada una de las distintas profesiones, siguiendo el ejemplo: - engineer - miner - dentist She is a nurse - teacher - detective - astronaut - Utilizar a / an donde sea necesario: 1. My sister is nurse. 2. He is policeman and his wife is engineer. 3. She is good musician. 4. What expensive car! 5. travel agent would give you information about reservations. 6. It is pleasure to do it. 7. He drinks wine three times day. 8. He broke arm in skiing accident.
  • 2. 9. hour. 10. I'll pay you thousand month. - Utilizar a, the, - (sin artículo) donde sea necesario: 1. love is more important than money. 2. I couldn't hear him because of noise of the jet 3. He heard strange noise behind the wall. 4. What kind of music do you listen to? 5. I think guitar is the best instrument to play. 6. I think it's made of wood. 7. Would you like cup of tea? 8. I'm studying English language. 9. I don't use salt when I'm cooking. 10. It's half past seven. 11. What is name of this country? 12. Can you tell me time? Forma frases con las palabras entre paréntesis y pon ' s ' / 'of ' según convenga. I like Philip's car. ( the car - Philip ) I cried at the end of the film. ( the film - the end ) 1- Do you like ? ( Anne -the coat ) 2- Put his name at (The end - the page ). 3- I hate ( the car - Bob ). 4- The bar opens at ( the end - the winter ). 5- What is ? (the first day - the month) 6- What was ? ( the price - the flat ). 7- Which is ? ( the bag - Craig ). 8- is not very interesting. ( the Church - the Holy Grail). 9- is not far from de sea. ( the flat - Andy ). 10- What is ? ( the size- this T-shirt ) - Las siguientes frases tienen algún error. Escríbelas de forma correcta. 1. They have two blues cars. 2. The car small is in the garage. 3. Are John and Elizabeth having lunch in an restaurant expensive? 4. Pat is listening to bads news on the radio. 5. I sent my brother somes magazines. - Escribe el comparativo Ej. small - smaller 1. good 2. intelligent 3. old 4. dark 5. bad 6. large
  • 3. 7. narrow 8. new 9. easy 10. funny - Completa las frases usando un comparativo. Ej. My flat isn’t very big.- I want a bigger flat. 1. My motorbike isn’t very fast. I’d like . 2. My husband isn’t very rich. I need . 3. Your computer is getting old now. You need . 4. His camera isn’t very good. He needs . 5. It isn’t very hot today. It was yesterday. 6. I’m not very interested in football. I’m in tennis. - Escribe frases que signifiquen lo mismo usando ‘as………as’. Ej. A Porsche is faster than a Skoda. – A Skoda isn’t as fast as a Porsche. 1. Football is more popular than cricket in Spain. Cricket isn’t 2. I work harder than you. 3. My car’s newer than yours. 4. His watch is more expensive than hers. 5. Your flat’s nicer than ours. 6. Paris is colder than Casablanca. - Completa las frases con un superlativo. Ej. He’s a very good footballer. He’s the best footballer in Europe at the moment. 1. She’s a pretty girl. She’s girl in my class. 2. There are many exciting cities in North America, but I think New York is . 3. August is a hot month in Spain. It’s usually month of the year. 4. I was so happy when I got married. My wedding day was day of my life. 5. It’s such an expensive restaurant. I think it’s the restaurant in Madrid. 6. It’s a very interesting book. It’s one of the books I’ve ever read. - Pon el adjetivo interrogativo que corresponda ____ time is it? (What) ____ road should I take? (Which) ____ much wine shall I buy? (How) ____ house is that? (Whose) 1. book is this? "It's mine". 2. is your favourite car? 3. trousers are these? 4. is your nationality? 5. nationality are you, English or Irish? 6. kind of music do you prefer? 7. fast is your car?
  • 4. 8. There's tea and coffee, would you like? 9. 'old is he? 10. shirt are you going to wear, the brown or the black? - Emplea ‘who’, ‘whose’, ‘what’ o ‘which’ en los siguientes frases. 1. ‘ time is it?’ ‘It’s half past three.’ 2. ‘ jacket is this?’ ‘It’s mine.’ 3. ‘I’ve got chocolate ice cream and vanilla ice cream, do you prefer?’ 4. ‘ is that man with your wife?’ ‘It’s her boss.’ 5. ‘ did you say?’ ‘I didn’t say anything.’ - Elige la respuesta correcta. 1. He’s got telephone number, but I haven’t got his. 2. car is much faster than . 3. We went to a disco with Stephanie, Terry and some friends of . 4. I hate her! She’s no friend of . 5. Is this bag or ? Escríbe el tiempo verbal correcto en las siguientes frases: 1. John to Mary now (talk) 2. I television every night. (watch) 3. The children usually to bed at nine o'clock. (go) 4. a book at the moment?. (Richard read) 5. They to the theatre very often. (not go) 6. I at the moment. (not study) 7. I English, although I at the moment. (not speak) / (study) 8. I in Valencia, though I in Madrid at the moment. (live) / (stay) 9. I in a hotel at the moment, although I my own apartment. (stay) / (have) 10. She from Chile, though she in New York just now. (come) / (live) 1 - Cambia el tiempo verbal a 'past simple' en las siguientes frases, siguiendo el ejemplo: 1. We love England We loved England 2. They don't like the film 3. They work on a farm 4. Do you work in this factory? 5. Where do you live? 6. I don't like Tokyo 7. Does he play the guitar? 8. I don't study French 9. They hate waiting 10. Does your son study here? 2 - Completa las frases escribiendo el tiempo de pasado que proceda. 1. He his motorbike when he suddenly felt ill. (ride) 2. We the television when it suddenly stopped working. (watch) 3. When the ambulance came they him inside. (put) 4. I to the radio when the phone rang. (listen) 5. When I arrived, they hello but continued studying. (say)
  • 5. 3 - Cambia las siguientes frases del ‘present perfect’ a frases con un significado parecido en el ‘present simple’ poniendo el verbo entre paréntesis. Sigue el ejemplo. Luis has bought a new computer (have) 1. I’ve written the report. (finish) 2. Angeles has lost her keys. (not find) 3. Have you seen Ruben? (be) 4. I’ve bought a new camera. (have) 5. The secretary has gone to lunch. (not be) 6. We haven’t cleaned the flat. (be) 7. I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. (not remember) 8. Figo has broken his leg. (be) 9. Carolyn’s had a baby. (have) 10. The Pope has died. (be) 4 - Pon ‘since’ o ‘for’ en los espacios en blanco. 1. I’ve lived in Valencia five years. 2. Angeles and I have known each other 1998. 3. I haven’t eaten anything breakfast. 4. My parents have been married more than fifty years. 5. Israel has been an independent country 1948. 6. I’ve been really busy. I haven’t been out about two weeks. 7. We haven’t seen Luis and Manoli last Tuesday. 8. Graham has had his Porsche nearly a year. 9. Danny has been in Michigan two years. 10. I haven’t had a good steak ages. 5 - Ahora escríbe frases con ‘since’ y ‘for’ siguiendo el ejemplo Craig and Angeles live together. They started living together five years ago. Craig and Angeles have been living together / have lived together for five years. 1. Graham has a Porsche. He bought it two years ago. 2. Deek is studying German. He started in 1999. 3. Luis and Craig started working on La Mansión del Inglés in 2001. 4. Cathy is in Cuba. She went there three weeks ago. 5. Tom plays the saxophone. He began last March. 6. Craig teaches English. He started in 1991. A)- Pon los verbos en 'future simple' o 'present simple' según proceda: 1. After I the old people's home, I you how grandma is. (visit) / (tell) 2. As soon as she me I you know. (phone) / (let) 3. I you before I to London. (see) / (fly) 4. I Helen when we to Paris. (phone) / (get) 5. I this report when I at home. (finish) / (be) B)- Completa las frases escribiendo el tiempo verbal en 'future simple' o 'future continuous'
  • 6. 1. At eight o'clock on Monday evening we over San Francisco. (fly) 2. He our university next month. I him then. (visit) / (ask) 3. I to lend you the bike tomorrow. I it all day. (not be able) / (use) 4. What early on Saturday night?. (you do) 5. Next month they in England. (live) Traduce las siguientes frases al inglés: 1. Preferiría que no hicieras eso. 2. Me gustaría una cerveza, por favor. 3. ¿Le apetece ir al cine conmigo? 4. Solía ir a la playa con mi abuela todos los domingos. 5. Yo la telefoneé, pero ella no quiso hablarme. - Escribe las siguientes frases en forma imperativa siguiendo el ejemplo: 1. The window is closed. Paul can open it. 2. It's time for Helen to get up. 3. I'd like Paul to turn down his radio. 4. I want Paul to bring me a newspaper. 5. I don't want Helen to be late tonight. Read the story and write the verbs in a suitable form (passive or active) in the spaces. Follow the example. Is It Better To Have Loved And Lost? I (love) her with an uncontrollable passion. We normally spend our lives simply existing. But occasionally something (happen) which wakes us up and makes us (feel) alive. Her name was Ann-Marie, a tall, dark-haired, brown-eyed beauty from France. I respectfully (admire) her from a distance while she (go out) with my best friend, but when they (break up) I (open) my arms to her and (give) her my shoulder to cry on. We (become) a couple and (rent) a flat together near the sea. I (remember) the look on her face when we (make) love. Her spirituality (take) her to a far away place. A place where only pleasure (exist). She (seem) to leave her body and fly away to play with the angels. I (never/know) such pure intensity before. I (never/love) with such passion by anyone since. Plans were made, money (save) and possessions (sell). We (buy) plane tickets for Paris. The night before we (be) due to leave she (tell) me about Sean, my close friend. “I (sleep) with him for three weeks”, she told me. “ But he (live) in America, and if I (go) with him, I (regret) it. My future is with you. That night I (can/not) sleep. I (watch) the hours pass on the clock next to the bed. In the morning the phone (ring) while we (have) breakfast. It was Sean. “ I
  • 7. want (say) goodbye before you (leave)”, he said. “….and I want (apologize).” “Our plane (leave) at 9.30 Sean, I have to go”, I replied coldly. “I can’t forgive you Sean, you know why, don’t you? If I (am) you, I (learn) how to be a good friend. You’re a selfish, self-centred bastard, Sean!” I (hang up) the phone. Ann-Marie and I (pack) our lives in two large boxes and (ship) them to Marseilles. We (arrive) at the airport just as our flight (call). “Last call for Air France flight AF404 to Paris, now (board) at gate number 15.” People often (look) for love and (be) unhappy when it (not/come). They think it (make) them complete. It does, for a while, but it (not/last). Nothing lasts. We started arguing. There was no trust in our relationship. The laughter and affection that we used to have (replace) by jealousy and suspicion. Money (become) a problem. She was bored and unemployed, I was drinking too much. We fought, (shout), accused and (search) for the love we (lose) a long time ago in a different country. Eventually we (say) goodbye. She (need) medical help to get her life together. I (need/be) alone, to think, to lose myself in work and save money for a fresh start. It (be) a long time ago. I hope that Ann-Marie and Sean (be) both happy. I am more careful now when I (wish) for things, just in case I (get) what I wish for. MIXED VERB TENSES · Here are some photographs Craig and Angeles took on their holidays. Complete what Craig says about each photo using the given verb in the most suitable tense (past continuous; past perfect or ‘going to’ future). Follow the examples. Example 1: When this was taken, we (travel) around the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. Example 2: When I took this photo, Angeles (walk) in monsoon rain for three hours. 1. When I took this one, we (have) a coffee in The Peninsula Hotel, Hong Kong 2. When Angeles took this one, Craig (just/wake up) in the airport departure lounge. 3. When I took this one, Angeles and I (wait) to go onto the Coliseum in Rome. 4. When this was taken, we (just/be) to the top of the Empire State Building. 5. When Angeles took this picture, I (eat) a big steak in Galicia, Spain. 6. When I took this one, Angeles (watch) by a friendly elephant on Safari in Africa. 7. When I took this one, Angeles (walk) on the beach in Zanzibar. 8. When Angeles took this photo, I (enjoy) the view at the top of the CN Tower, Toronto. 9. When Angeles took this one. We (cross) the highest road in the world in the Himalayas 10. When I took this one, Angeles (stand) in front of Niagara Falls, Canada. 11. When Angeles took this one, we (climb) Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. 12. When I took this one, we (eat) a wonderful meal in Ladakh, India. EJERCICIOS · Elije can o can’t si es posible. Si no, elige could o will be able to. 1. I’m sorry, I take you to the airport in the morning because I’ve got a business
  • 8. meeting at 9 o’clock. 2. I think I pass my driving test before my 50th birthday. 3. One day in the future I think we live on the moon. 4. If we left now, we before the shops close. 5. I’m not working this weekend so we go cycling on Sunday. 6. I meet you for coffee at 11, but I’ll only have fifteen minutes. 7. I’ll do the washing and the ironing, but I do the shopping. 8. If we worked together, we finish it before the film starts. 9. She was bad after the accident, but I think she go back to work next week. 10. It’s not possible yet, but I think computers do the housework for us in a few years. 11. I go for a run this evening. My parents are coming to visit and I won’t have time. 12. I do your job. It’s so complicated and stressful. EXERCISE 1 Choose can’t or must. Follow the example. Elige can’t o must. Sigue el ejemplo. Example: That pub be very popular. It’s always full of people. 1. You’ve been working all day. You be very tired. 2. Congratulations on passing your driving test. You be very happy to have a driving licence. 3. You got here very quickly. You have walked. 4. Amparo and Santi had terrible weather and they lost their passports and video camera. They have had a very nice holiday. 5. The neighbours have just bought a new Porsche. They be short of money. 6. You’re going on holiday next week, aren’t you? You be looking forward to it. 7. That new restaurant be very good. It’s always empty. What's the time? - Escríbe la hora para cada reloj, siguiendo el ejemplo: 1. 2.
  • 9. 3. 4. 5. 6.