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How To Write A Reflective Reading Response
Reflective Reading Response In the chapter, "Equal Sharing Problems and Children's Strategies for
Solving them" the authors recommend fractions be introduced to students through equal sharing
problems that use countable quantities because they can be shared by people or other groupings. In
other words, quantities can be split, cut, or divided. Additionally, equal sharing problems assist
children to create "rich mental models "for fractions (p.10). Prior to reading the chapter, I had no
idea that the strategies students use to solve fractions had names. Such strategies include: additive
coordination, ratio, repeating halves, etc.. I always referred to other strategies as inventive strategies
or the common "other way" to get the solution.
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Personal Response to Emily Dickinson
"Write a personal response in relation to Dickinson's exploration of theme"
For me, the study of Emily Dickinson's poetry was the most memorable part of poetry this year.
The fact that all of Dickinson's poetry is highly personal and filled with meaning and sentiment
adds to the enjoyment of this renowned poets work. Dickinson is a highly elusive poet and we are
given the knowledge of Dickinson's sheltered upbringing but yet still it amazes me the fact that her
poems are still around to this day, one of the main contributing factors to this is down to the fact that
her themes are universal and are something everyone can relate to. A poem that's theme I found quite
thought provoking is "There 's a Certain Slant of Light". This more content...
The appearances seem to be neat but when you look deeply her life seems to be incomplete with
the hyphens peppered throughout her work. The repetition of "and" is a rush of words to try and
get her meaning off as quick as possible. There is sensory deprivation throughout the play. She only
feels and hears the funeral, does not see it. This could represent to a bad migrane. Only she knows
its there, everyone else is oblivious. The pain is so great it has aneschetized her senses. Imagery used
is aural. Dickinson is suffering from a catastrophic breakdown, and this once again highlights her
madness, the poems predominant theme. Dickinson uses enjanment to create a flowing effect
throughout her poetry, which shows she is rushed and doesn't follow rational poetic techniques,
she always ends her poems with either a hyphen or a question mark and this shows great confusion
amongst her poems and once again highlights her frail state of mind. "I felt a funeral in my brain"
is one of Dickinson's longest poems at 5 stanzas, her usual poems consist of 4 stanzas, this once
again shows the reader her madness and her deteorating state of mind. The rhyming scheme is
ABCB, it is imperfect rhythm and this is a good beat.
The final poem I would like to look at is " I taste a Liqour never Brewed". The once again universal
theme in this poem is Nature. Everyone can releate to it and this is the mitigating factor as to why
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Poetry Response Essay
For the rewrite assignment, you noted that the poem is very circular, as there is not any evident
logical flow in my writing. After re–reading the poem, I agree. You instructed me to, "write this
poem as something that keeps moving forward in its philosophical exploration... Then, rewrite the
poem to about one and a half times its current length, moving it continually forward." I re–evaluated
the poem and removed some lines that I thought where unnecessary. I also increased the length from
twelve to eighteen lines. Further, I wrote philosophical progression into the revised poem; instead of
being random ramblings (which, ironically, might be the fate of this solipsist after he discovers what
he believes to be the truth), the poem now flows more content...
However, the questions I ask about her double standards are worth examining (at least, worth it
enough to include it in the poem). Her infidelity in the face of claiming monogamy was one thing
that stood out to me during the relationship, so I included it in the poem. The primary critique
comes with the lines, "Sure, blame it on your friend Price cause she was "pressuring" you/But she
be cuffed with someone too? What kind of feminist are you?//She claims she's for monogamy
question it, that's misogyny/But how many real feminists use the booze as an apology?/I'm trying
to be constant but she is acting like it's different/If a man do it, he trippen', but a woman, she
indifferent." She initially blames her infidelity on peer pressure from her friend Price, who was also
cheating with some random guy at Bowdoin College, but this seems contrary to the empowering and
independent message of feminism. Should not one be able to make her own choices without being
controlled by others? Further, when her friends tried to justify her actions by mentioning the
possibility of alcohol involved, I could not help but consider the rejection of alcohol as an excuse
for men by feminists in similar
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Examples Of Response To Literature
Unit 1 – 5 Paragraph Jane Schaffer Essay Outline Response to Literature What I think of the
novels is sad because they have a hard life and some died. In the novel of the Pearl by John
Steinbeck and The Treasure of Lemon Brown by Walter Dean Myers, both books are sad. The
Pearl is about a man and a wife who are trying to get wealth but something bad comes in there way.
The Treasure of Lemon Brown is about a kid which learns what life is. The thesis is that you should
never mess with fate. In the beginning of The pearl Kino life it starts changing when he met the
scorpion trying to find a cure for Coyotito. "He threw it down and beat th
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Short Response Questions
"A goal is a dream with a deadline," once said Napoleon Hill. What does a goal mean to you?
Personally, a goal is an objective you want to complete or achieve. Last year in 7th grade, I had
set the following goal: I want to improve my reading comprehension. I was very competent when
it came to writing essays , conversely, it was not the same when it came to reading comprehension
in general. I tended to get half of the multiple choice questions incorrect which affected my
average in ELA negatively. The score on my short response questions kept my grade from
decreasing dramatically. I was never able to fully understand the context that I was reading and
inevitably had to reread it twice in order to grab a concept of it. I wasn't as successful
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A Strong Response Reflective Essay
Strong Response Reflective essay
You are confined only by the walls you build yourself, such a short phrase with an enormous
meaning. Isolation is increasing immensely in my life since social media is taking such a huge roll
in it. I notice the continuous blank stare at my phone as I roam the halls of Florida International
University. It's like my social anxiety is a broken leg and my cellphone is my crutch. My cellphone
brings me so much comfort, although I am comforted, I feel so disconnected with the world.
Learning is much easier through social media websites. I am so anti–social not only around school,
but with myself. Bringing me to the conclusion that social media is a negative impact in my daily
life for more than one more content...
After a few weeks, I decide that it is time to put my phone down and begin to make more
connections. For the first time, I walk around Graham Center with a smile on my face. I am ready
to start conversations I have urged to begin with my FIU peers and professors. I feel this explosion
of happiness as questions, conversations, and sign–up sheets are being thrown my way. To my
astonishment, these students are taking an interest in me because my eyes aren't locked to my
cellphone. Jessica Winter states "Instagram messes more with your sense of time" and I couldn't
agree more. I have been wasting precious time on social media that I can use to grow my circle
here at FIU instead. Filters and likes are all people seek on social media, but my thumbs and mind
take over me and give them what they want. This time it seems someone is letting me borrow a
spare key to unlock the handcuffs that chain my cellphone and I together. Sitting down in class, I
witness my professor coming through the door. He is ready to bring us new information that I
can't seem to understand sometimes. As our professor gets more in depth with our lesson, hands
are preparing to launch like a rocket ship. These students are ready to blast off with questions that
they plead answers for. I quietly say to myself that there is no need to raise my hand during class.
Out of the forty students, why would my professor choose me when I have a
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Creative Response Essay
Creative Response – Hunger Games Questions Quick note: I am not writing with my own person as
a character in this. I found inspiration, rolled with it. Sorry. – [ 7 ]– " The train ride is smooth, and
all the way there, I am left thinking of the event that will soon follow. I can't remember what
hunger games I'm participating in. The number doesn't matter anymore, it's a sure fact I'm going to
die, so I haven't held that much attention to it. It may be the 73rd. I don't know. All I can think of
is home. Home life wasn't bad, even considering the expansive hours I spent in the forest, chopping
down trees. I have a small amount of brawn, enough to be held as a proper competitor, I guess. My
mother told me that district twelve are always the weakest, more content...
"I'm Leon Pyresmith, and I'm going to be your stylist." – [7] – Fast forward an hour or two, and I
feel like something mystical, because I was dressed like something mystical. My face turns pink
with a light brush as I look into the mirror, if you were to look at me now, you would see a tree
spirit, a dryad. Not the sad boy who wanted to save a young life. It brought tears to my eyes, like
many of the events that have happened today. My skin was shimmering, intricate designs painted
on my face and over my arms and legs, the dark, robes that looked like leaves fell flatteringly over
my body, not revealing, but flattering. It was so perfect, it didn't feel real. There's no way that the
outfit could have been made to fit so well, to accommodate... everything different. Unless. I push the
thought out of my mind – it's not important anyway. What's important, is that I feel incredible, I feel
unstoppable, I feel like I could even possibly stand a chance in the games, and I... I feel like myself,
for the first time in my life, and I'm not even dressed like something I can ever
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How To Write A Rhetorical Response
I agree with Danielle, that the writers audience is toward the people who are ruing the island by
logging. I think this because in the essay he tries to say that he has nothing against logging, logger,
or the logging industry, but he tries to say why can't we, while having a chance stop this. Also, the
author continuously throughout the essay talks about his love for the island and all its beauty and
wanting to protect it. The author's organizational strategies. While reading the essay, I picked up on
a few organizational strategies that the author used, those being: Problem–solution– Bill Reid
proposes that the problem occurring is the logging of an island he loves, Windy Bay. He later on
says that we could stop while we have a chance
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Examples Of Reader Response Theory
Reader Response Theory Reader–response theory identifies the reader as an affective agent who
imparts real exist–ence and life to the work, completing its meaning through interpretation. Reader–
response criti–cism argues that literature should be viewed as art in which each reader creates his or
her own–most likely unique, text–related performance. I am using Wolfgang Iser and Stanley Fish's
takes on Reader Response for my study. Iser's Theory of Reception and Transactional Reader
Response Theory According to Iser, any literary text which is a product of the Writer's intentional
acts part–ly controls the response of a reader; however, this includes an abundance of gaps. In order
to comprehend more clearly, the reader must take action in active participation in attempting to
cre–atively fill these gaps with the given information of the test put before him; Thereby allowing
the Reader and the text to undergo a transactional process. Iser speaks of the Actual reader in
distinction to the Implied reader who is formed within a text and expected to react and respond in
specific ways to the response inducing structure of the text. The actual reader, however, is an
individual with its own personal experiences accumu–lated as baggage wherein responses actually
are continuously and inevitably more content...
What lies behind Fish's thinking is a strong view of the social construction of reality; as he firmly
believes that knowledge is not objective but always socially conditioned. All that one thinks and
knows is an interpretation that is only made possible by the social context in which one lives. For
Fish the very thought one thinks are made possible by presuppositions of the community in which
one lives and furthermore the socially conditioned individual, which all individuals are, cannot think
beyond the limits made possible by the culture. This culture is referred to by Fish as an interpre–tive
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Literary Response And Analysis
The revised LRA or Literary Response and Analysis is an example of mastery of Writing
Standard 5 that is about listening to peers and adults and making edits and revisions. To begin
with, one major revision made was improving and reworking the analysis to be more effective. On
the original LRA response, it states, " If it wasn't for Beorn, the dwarves, Gandalf, and Bilbo
probably wouldn't know what to do. Also, the crew would be starving and tired as well if Gandalf
didn't know who Beorn is." After receiving constructive criticism from my teacher, edits from the
analysis were made and now it states, " Therefore, if Bilbo and the dwarves did not encounter
Beorn, they would not know how to stay safe or where to go. Furthermore, Beorn
more content...
In particular, I wrote and rewrote a few rough drafts and also read through several peer review
sheets or comments left on the Google Doc itself. The peer edit sheets were extremely useful for
helping and correcting any mistakes because the other person could have different opinions on
how to improve the essay as well as being able to discover mistakes I probably accidentally read
over and did not notice it. Just as important were the self–assessment since that was most of the
revision part and leads to the final product. For example, before the first self–assessment, my essay
states, "However, the original novel already planned out the best beginning character personalities,
therefore changing the initial plan of the book is useless because it can backfire." After reviewing
the essay, I later wrote, "Changing the initial plan is useless because Tolkein already spent
countless hours thinking and trying to perfect the quest of Bilbo and the dwarves." The transition
aspect of the rubric improved my writing because it presented the expectation for how well the
essay is supposed to "flow" together and be more smooth to read. After the first assessment, I made
two more important changes after the peer review sheets. A major revision made was, "However, in
the movie The Hobbit directed by Peter Jackson, he had made
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How To Write A Response Speech
Today I will be typing a response essay to a political speech. The political speech that I chose was
when Former President Barack Obama gave his last speech to the United Nations which happened
near the end of last year. Barack Obama stated in his speech that "Indeed, our International order
has been so successful that we take it as a given that great powers no longer fight world wars; that
the end of the Cold War lifted the shadow of nuclear Armageddon; that the battlefields of Europe
have been replaced by Peaceful union; that China and India stay on a path of remarkable growth." I
chose this quote because it shows examples of great things that have happened around the world. A
couple of things that should be pointed out is when Barack Obama was speaking in the YouTube
video it showed faces of other world Leaders and representatives from other country's it seemed
like they had mixed emotions about the speech some showed a facial expression of acceptance
some seemed in deep thought and others showed faces of concern. Also, the reasoning on why this
speech was given is because he was trying to convince fellow world leaders to work together and
to criticize those who seek a simple rejection of global integration. When the speech was over effect
started to take place where some country' more content...
Also that Barack Obama gave his last speech to the UN late last year this is a large problem and
he tried to convince other world leaders to form an alliance or some form of agreeable contract or
something with other countries to prevent large problems like huge wars that could spread and
become much worse than before. I told my readers what took place after the speech and what is
taking place as you read this essay. Finally, let's just hope stronger agreements are made for specific
countries to prevent any large war in the
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Reflection On My English 101 Experience
Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your
mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The
truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in
the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can
explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses.
Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before
taking this class, I use to always skip the pre–writing step considering that it is just an easy and
unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing, and most importantly I
struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to
the deadline that I do not have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class
that learned that pre–writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it holds the base of the
whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for
navigation to explain the importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I
have learned outlining before, but part of the pre–writing that I was fortunate enough to learning in
English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the
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Emotional Response Essay
WEEK TWO I had not considered emotional history to a great extent before the seminar, instead
focusing on the 'everyday' aspect of infant mortality (IM). Dyhouse and Newton's articles presented
questions, including why concern over IM grew, and why males were stoic rather than expressing
emotion; something I had not acknowledged as part of Victorian mannerism, attributing it to the
patriarchies of the postmodern world. Questioning whether the sources used by Newton portrayed
true emotions or were merely presentations of such expanded my understanding, and presented
further questions. Can we truly understand past emotions when all we have is a representation and
cannot experience them the same way? I suggested that we can merely interpret the presentation of
emotion, not the true emotions of the past, however, I now acknowledge that there is something of a
perpetual emotional response (PER) to the death of infants, and that we are able to interpret the
past's emotions through this more content...
The ruling classes had to maintain the empire, and as such, technocrats were forced to act to stop
the population decreasing. The rise of working class consciousness (WCC) was a reason behind
social reforms, as the elite wished to control their subordinates to a greater extent. I considered my
own perception of IM after the seminar. With no experience of it myself, I was unable to determine
whether a PER was entirely accurate, although I turned to examples I knew of. This brought my
attention back to AriГЁs' 'attitudes to death' and the changes in death's perception between the
Victorian period and
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How to Write 3 Paragraph Essay Responses
How to write 3 paragraph essay responses Before you read: Take note of the title, the author's name
and look to see if there is any biographical information on the author. Have you heard of this author
before? You might want to Google him/her. Go on the internet to look over the periodical
(publication) that the article came from. What do you already know about the subject, the
publication or the website it came from? I recommend that you print out a hard copy of the reading.
That way, you can write on the document if you have comments about the material, questions or just
want to make sure that you "get" what the author is saying. While you read: Put question marks by
anything you don't understand or want more content...
This is what Garamond looks like. This is what Arial looks like. (If your paper font doesn't look like
these three styles, it is not formatted correctly.) Use the same font and size consistently throughout
your paper– no big fonts for titles, no bold words for emphasis (or titles) and no fancy fonts for
fun or to be cute. Underlines should only be used for titles of certain works, like books and movie
titles. (Quotation marks should be used for titles of smaller works, such as articles, poems, song
titles, and short stories.) The rules may vary depending on the work in question, so consult your
instructor for any other concerns. Last name (2) Double space everything. Margins should be
one inch all the way around the paper (go to "File" then "Page Setup"). Keep in mind not to add
extra lines before or after a title or between paragraphs. In addition, remember to set a header,
which is your last name and the page number on the top right hand corner of each and every page.
There are plenty of other aspects to MLA format (such as use of numbers, quotes and citations)
which we will discuss in the coming weeks. Please note: titles of smaller works like magazine
/newspaper articles, songs, poems, etc are in "quotation marks". Longer works, like a book,
newspaper, magazine or CD are underlined or italicized, but not both. Choose one and stick with
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Reflective Essay Of My Writing
Writing is something magical and a good way of expressing myself. To be honest, I never thought
that writing, and English as a subject would be this enjoyable. At the beginning of the semester, I
was scared and nervous because of my grammar. I actually thought that I would be one of the
worst students when I was placed in the class because I had very low confidence. This was mainly
because of the fact that English is my second language. To my surprise, the grade "B" that I scored
on my first essay made me proud of myself, and it helped rise my confidence. The fear and worry I
had at the beginning is now washed away because currently, writing has become my favorite form
of art. My confidence has risen, and I owe it to my English 101 class. That aside, I am going to
recognize the improvements I have made in my writing, and how far I have come as a writer during
this semester.In the "Novice as Expert", Nancy Somme's and Laura Saltz argue that many students
continue to rely on the "high school idea that academic success is reflected in good grades." I will
admit that I was that student at the beginning of the semester. Due to that way of thinking, my
grades were never as high as they should have been. For the past few weeks, that way of thinking
has changed. I have learned to more content...
I have learned to get out of my comfort zone, and identify my mistakes. The best observation that I
have made so far is that I have read more than I used to before. I have also learned to incorporate
my ideas to the writer's arguments which was never the case before. Sitting down with my instructor,
Professor Valerie Jahns during the conference; I realized that I was not supporting my thesis with
relevant evidence from the course readings that were
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Reader Response: the Lottery
Reader Response #2: The Lottery "The Lottery" is a short story written by Shirley Jackson and
published in 1948. The title of the story initially leads readers to believe the story is going to be
about someone winning some kind of prize. Even the opening of the story seems to protest any foul
play or cruel behavior. What the reader is introduced to is a seemingly friendly gathering of a small
village community, members all gathered around anxiously awaiting their drawing for the lottery.
The village members all chatter amongst one another in a tone that kind neighbors would take with
one another. To the surprise of the reader, the story provides a shocking twist. The story is not about
someone winning a prize. Instead the story more content...
She certainly succeeded in shocking her audiences with the unforeseeable twist that arose at the
end of the story. I did not expect the ending that I read. Even when I realized that the woman of
the family who drew the winning ticket was arguing against the winnings, I had not ever thought
that perhaps someone would die as a result. The fact that children were also allowed to participate
in the drawing is what really made my stomach churn. Jackson certainly provided a detailed
enough picture in such a few short pages to pull a physical reaction from me. I cannot rightfully
say that the story was a good one, but it definitely was brilliant. It still amazes me that an author
can write so descriptively and so intelligently that he or she can pull physical, mental, and
emotional reactions from the person reading the story. In this case, I had several reactions to the
story. Not only did I feel disgusted at how the community members were so eager to stone the
woman to death, I also felt a mind–numbing sensation at the fact that such violence and cruelty
closely mirrors our own modern society without the archaic practices. As a modern society, we cut
down the individual members of society in new ways. While we may not string them up to hang
them, we do string them up publicly for the purpose of cruelty and humiliation. Just look at
cyberbullying or mass
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How to Write a Reading Response Essay
How to Write a Reading Response Essay
What is a Reading Response Essay?
A Reading Response essay: * Summarizes what you read. * Gives your reaction to the text.
Your reaction will be one or more of the following: * Agreement/disagreement with the ideas in the
text. * Reaction to how the ideas in the text relate to your own experience. * Reaction to how ideas
in the text relate to other things you've read. * Your analysis of the author and audience. * Your
evaluation of how this text tries to convince the reader and whether it is effective.
Bottom of Form
Reading Response Introduction and Conclusion Ideas Introduction| Conclusion| frame story: start a
story (personal or in reading)| Finish the story| more content...
Or you could open with a dilemma or problem and then close with the solution. A different version
of that is to re–tell the same story in the conclusion with a different (usually better) ending.
Examples: * On an essay about cell phone use in cars, you could open with a scenario showing a
person getting a call while driving and thinking about what to do. In the conclusion, you could have
the end of the scenario–maybe the driver pulls over to take the call, or decides to let voicemail take
it. * On an essay about dealing with a family member with Alzheimer's, you could open with a
conversation between family members trying to figure out what to do. You can conclude with a
conversation between the same people after they have decided to place that person in a nursing
home. * On an essay about oil drilling in the Gulf, you could open by describing vividly the
oil–soaked coastline and the dying wildlife. You could conclude with what that coastline looks like
now. * On any topic which you have personal experience, you can open with part of your story, and
then conclude with the ending of your story.
Transition and Thesis
Paragraph 2: Transition by explaining what the author of the article you have written has to say
about this topic. Briefly explain the main points of the article that you want to talk about. Then you
will give your thesis.
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Writing the Critical Response
A critique is an analysis of and a commentary on another piece of writing. It generally focuses on
technique as well as on content.
A critical response essay (or interpretive essay or review) has two missions: to summarize a source's
main idea and to respond to the source's main ideas with reactions based on your synthesis.
Introduction: attention–getting with a thesis statement
Body: clear critical reasoning and adequate examples
Analysis: Evaluate the evidence: sufficient (enough evidence, examples), representative (large
enough pool/sample), relevant (accurate correlations), accurate, claims fairly qualified
Response: base reaction on your own experience, prior knowledge, more content...
Hãy chắc chắn nguồn tà i liệu của bạn hoà n toà n.
TrбєЈ lб»ќi
Hiện tại của bạn quan điểm của riêng về chủ đề nà y
Cơ sở phản ứng trên kinh nghiệm của riêng bạn, trước khi kiến thức,
vГ ГЅ kiбєїn,
Tìm ý kiến của tác giả khác của cuốn sách khóa học hoặc các tà i
liệu đọc thêm.
CONSIDERATION According to new research published by Wayne State University 7
–6 days,
children use computers have better academic skills than children who do not have access to this
In a study in 122 children aged 3 to 5 years old, while doing the tests, the children used computers at
school and at home 3–4 times / week school readiness scores and learning than those who do not use.
Previously, some research suggests that computers help children more active, recognize letters and
numbers better. However, the relationship between the computer and language skills of children
remains controversial.
Effects The researchers also warned that children playing games is not good, and I rarely use
computer games, usually they like playing with toys or interact with friends.
Research results from 100,000 students in 31 countries around the world gave a surprising result that
the computer can cause children to become less intelligent and lazy.
Thomas Fuchs and Ludger Woessmann University of Munich general, the second author on the
study. Two experts have used the test of PISA system to measure the skills of 100,000 15
children in all countries.
The students
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In WR 121 this term the teacher teaches many things such as summary articles, evaluation, and
response essays or articles, but the most challenging is writing a response essay. I realize that the
writing process is similar playing tennis process. In research essays, students are required to do a lot
of research papers to find important, credible and important sources that could be responsive to my
topic. Students researched many subjects, and I felt interesting to respond to other author's ideas.
Before students answered the ideas of the authors, they spend the time to research many articles, and
then they chose credible and important information to put it in my essay. It was my problems because
I didn't do well about connecting information together, more content...
After teacher gave a low pass for that essay, I attempted to improve my weakness for writing every
day. I learn to develop a better arrangement and write essays with strong ideas, so my writing
become well than the beginning of this term. I realize that writing a response essay such as
practicing tennis. If people want to become good players, they should learn from others and the
internet. I learn tennis techniques such as how to serve, volley, smash, backhand, forehand on the
internet and other players. I usually look for videos on YouTube. I found out many video sources
on YouTube, and choose videos that people usually watch and popularize in the world. The Internet
contains a large helpful sources, but applying them into practice are rough. I must experience
hardships, exercised to improve my techniques, so my tennis skills increase as in the writing
process. Every time playing tennis, I always think about my writing. If I desire to improve writing
and tennis, I need to practice, and research resources on the Internet, and then use it in writing essays
and practicing
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A Response To Politics And The English Language
A Response to Politics and the English Language In his essay "Politics and the English language",
he states multiple examples of how politicians use the English Language against civilians. When he
wrote this essay, the people surrounding him were overcoming World War II. Due to the timing this
issue wasn't as important to them as it was for Orwell. He wanted people to understand the real
threat Politicians were having on their population. He emphasizes that politicians have learned the
best way to manipulate the general population. They used language that was extremely complicated
and unnecessary in order to control the way we think, talk, and act. Since no one had any idea what
these politicians were talking about; the only reasonable thing to do was to just listen and believe
what they told us. This is why George Orwell felt it necessary to spread his message, even if the
main focus was on overcoming World War II. more content...
The first example given is dying metaphors. Orwell believes that most writers use this method to
save time during their writing. Others examples in the text are operators and pretentious diction.
Both of these causes an increased amount of vagueness. The last example he gives is
Meaningless words. Meaningless word are words that have no overall meaning. Due to so many
politicians and other writers using these forms of writing a lot in their essays, or papers, George
Orwell blames these people for the deterioration of the English language. I disagree that the rules
Orwell provides in the essay will fix the entirety of the English
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Writing A Response Essay

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  • 2. Personal Response to Emily Dickinson "Write a personal response in relation to Dickinson's exploration of theme" For me, the study of Emily Dickinson's poetry was the most memorable part of poetry this year. The fact that all of Dickinson's poetry is highly personal and filled with meaning and sentiment adds to the enjoyment of this renowned poets work. Dickinson is a highly elusive poet and we are given the knowledge of Dickinson's sheltered upbringing but yet still it amazes me the fact that her poems are still around to this day, one of the main contributing factors to this is down to the fact that her themes are universal and are something everyone can relate to. A poem that's theme I found quite thought provoking is "There 's a Certain Slant of Light". This more content... The appearances seem to be neat but when you look deeply her life seems to be incomplete with the hyphens peppered throughout her work. The repetition of "and" is a rush of words to try and get her meaning off as quick as possible. There is sensory deprivation throughout the play. She only feels and hears the funeral, does not see it. This could represent to a bad migrane. Only she knows its there, everyone else is oblivious. The pain is so great it has aneschetized her senses. Imagery used is aural. Dickinson is suffering from a catastrophic breakdown, and this once again highlights her madness, the poems predominant theme. Dickinson uses enjanment to create a flowing effect throughout her poetry, which shows she is rushed and doesn't follow rational poetic techniques, she always ends her poems with either a hyphen or a question mark and this shows great confusion amongst her poems and once again highlights her frail state of mind. "I felt a funeral in my brain" is one of Dickinson's longest poems at 5 stanzas, her usual poems consist of 4 stanzas, this once again shows the reader her madness and her deteorating state of mind. The rhyming scheme is ABCB, it is imperfect rhythm and this is a good beat. The final poem I would like to look at is " I taste a Liqour never Brewed". The once again universal theme in this poem is Nature. Everyone can releate to it and this is the mitigating factor as to why Dickinson's Get more content on
  • 3. Poetry Response Essay For the rewrite assignment, you noted that the poem is very circular, as there is not any evident logical flow in my writing. After re–reading the poem, I agree. You instructed me to, "write this poem as something that keeps moving forward in its philosophical exploration... Then, rewrite the poem to about one and a half times its current length, moving it continually forward." I re–evaluated the poem and removed some lines that I thought where unnecessary. I also increased the length from twelve to eighteen lines. Further, I wrote philosophical progression into the revised poem; instead of being random ramblings (which, ironically, might be the fate of this solipsist after he discovers what he believes to be the truth), the poem now flows more content... However, the questions I ask about her double standards are worth examining (at least, worth it enough to include it in the poem). Her infidelity in the face of claiming monogamy was one thing that stood out to me during the relationship, so I included it in the poem. The primary critique comes with the lines, "Sure, blame it on your friend Price cause she was "pressuring" you/But she be cuffed with someone too? What kind of feminist are you?//She claims she's for monogamy question it, that's misogyny/But how many real feminists use the booze as an apology?/I'm trying to be constant but she is acting like it's different/If a man do it, he trippen', but a woman, she indifferent." She initially blames her infidelity on peer pressure from her friend Price, who was also cheating with some random guy at Bowdoin College, but this seems contrary to the empowering and independent message of feminism. Should not one be able to make her own choices without being controlled by others? Further, when her friends tried to justify her actions by mentioning the possibility of alcohol involved, I could not help but consider the rejection of alcohol as an excuse for men by feminists in similar Get more content on
  • 4. Examples Of Response To Literature Unit 1 – 5 Paragraph Jane Schaffer Essay Outline Response to Literature What I think of the novels is sad because they have a hard life and some died. In the novel of the Pearl by John Steinbeck and The Treasure of Lemon Brown by Walter Dean Myers, both books are sad. The Pearl is about a man and a wife who are trying to get wealth but something bad comes in there way. The Treasure of Lemon Brown is about a kid which learns what life is. The thesis is that you should never mess with fate. In the beginning of The pearl Kino life it starts changing when he met the scorpion trying to find a cure for Coyotito. "He threw it down and beat th Get more content on
  • 5. Short Response Questions "A goal is a dream with a deadline," once said Napoleon Hill. What does a goal mean to you? Personally, a goal is an objective you want to complete or achieve. Last year in 7th grade, I had set the following goal: I want to improve my reading comprehension. I was very competent when it came to writing essays , conversely, it was not the same when it came to reading comprehension in general. I tended to get half of the multiple choice questions incorrect which affected my average in ELA negatively. The score on my short response questions kept my grade from decreasing dramatically. I was never able to fully understand the context that I was reading and inevitably had to reread it twice in order to grab a concept of it. I wasn't as successful Get more content on
  • 6. A Strong Response Reflective Essay Strong Response Reflective essay You are confined only by the walls you build yourself, such a short phrase with an enormous meaning. Isolation is increasing immensely in my life since social media is taking such a huge roll in it. I notice the continuous blank stare at my phone as I roam the halls of Florida International University. It's like my social anxiety is a broken leg and my cellphone is my crutch. My cellphone brings me so much comfort, although I am comforted, I feel so disconnected with the world. Learning is much easier through social media websites. I am so anti–social not only around school, but with myself. Bringing me to the conclusion that social media is a negative impact in my daily life for more than one more content... After a few weeks, I decide that it is time to put my phone down and begin to make more connections. For the first time, I walk around Graham Center with a smile on my face. I am ready to start conversations I have urged to begin with my FIU peers and professors. I feel this explosion of happiness as questions, conversations, and sign–up sheets are being thrown my way. To my astonishment, these students are taking an interest in me because my eyes aren't locked to my cellphone. Jessica Winter states "Instagram messes more with your sense of time" and I couldn't agree more. I have been wasting precious time on social media that I can use to grow my circle here at FIU instead. Filters and likes are all people seek on social media, but my thumbs and mind take over me and give them what they want. This time it seems someone is letting me borrow a spare key to unlock the handcuffs that chain my cellphone and I together. Sitting down in class, I witness my professor coming through the door. He is ready to bring us new information that I can't seem to understand sometimes. As our professor gets more in depth with our lesson, hands are preparing to launch like a rocket ship. These students are ready to blast off with questions that they plead answers for. I quietly say to myself that there is no need to raise my hand during class. Out of the forty students, why would my professor choose me when I have a Get more content on
  • 7. Creative Response Essay Creative Response – Hunger Games Questions Quick note: I am not writing with my own person as a character in this. I found inspiration, rolled with it. Sorry. – [ 7 ]– " The train ride is smooth, and all the way there, I am left thinking of the event that will soon follow. I can't remember what hunger games I'm participating in. The number doesn't matter anymore, it's a sure fact I'm going to die, so I haven't held that much attention to it. It may be the 73rd. I don't know. All I can think of is home. Home life wasn't bad, even considering the expansive hours I spent in the forest, chopping down trees. I have a small amount of brawn, enough to be held as a proper competitor, I guess. My mother told me that district twelve are always the weakest, more content... "I'm Leon Pyresmith, and I'm going to be your stylist." – [7] – Fast forward an hour or two, and I feel like something mystical, because I was dressed like something mystical. My face turns pink with a light brush as I look into the mirror, if you were to look at me now, you would see a tree spirit, a dryad. Not the sad boy who wanted to save a young life. It brought tears to my eyes, like many of the events that have happened today. My skin was shimmering, intricate designs painted on my face and over my arms and legs, the dark, robes that looked like leaves fell flatteringly over my body, not revealing, but flattering. It was so perfect, it didn't feel real. There's no way that the outfit could have been made to fit so well, to accommodate... everything different. Unless. I push the thought out of my mind – it's not important anyway. What's important, is that I feel incredible, I feel unstoppable, I feel like I could even possibly stand a chance in the games, and I... I feel like myself, for the first time in my life, and I'm not even dressed like something I can ever Get more content on
  • 8. How To Write A Rhetorical Response I agree with Danielle, that the writers audience is toward the people who are ruing the island by logging. I think this because in the essay he tries to say that he has nothing against logging, logger, or the logging industry, but he tries to say why can't we, while having a chance stop this. Also, the author continuously throughout the essay talks about his love for the island and all its beauty and wanting to protect it. The author's organizational strategies. While reading the essay, I picked up on a few organizational strategies that the author used, those being: Problem–solution– Bill Reid proposes that the problem occurring is the logging of an island he loves, Windy Bay. He later on says that we could stop while we have a chance Get more content on
  • 9. Examples Of Reader Response Theory Reader Response Theory Reader–response theory identifies the reader as an affective agent who imparts real exist–ence and life to the work, completing its meaning through interpretation. Reader– response criti–cism argues that literature should be viewed as art in which each reader creates his or her own–most likely unique, text–related performance. I am using Wolfgang Iser and Stanley Fish's takes on Reader Response for my study. Iser's Theory of Reception and Transactional Reader Response Theory According to Iser, any literary text which is a product of the Writer's intentional acts part–ly controls the response of a reader; however, this includes an abundance of gaps. In order to comprehend more clearly, the reader must take action in active participation in attempting to cre–atively fill these gaps with the given information of the test put before him; Thereby allowing the Reader and the text to undergo a transactional process. Iser speaks of the Actual reader in distinction to the Implied reader who is formed within a text and expected to react and respond in specific ways to the response inducing structure of the text. The actual reader, however, is an individual with its own personal experiences accumu–lated as baggage wherein responses actually are continuously and inevitably more content... What lies behind Fish's thinking is a strong view of the social construction of reality; as he firmly believes that knowledge is not objective but always socially conditioned. All that one thinks and knows is an interpretation that is only made possible by the social context in which one lives. For Fish the very thought one thinks are made possible by presuppositions of the community in which one lives and furthermore the socially conditioned individual, which all individuals are, cannot think beyond the limits made possible by the culture. This culture is referred to by Fish as an interpre–tive Get more content on
  • 10. Literary Response And Analysis The revised LRA or Literary Response and Analysis is an example of mastery of Writing Standard 5 that is about listening to peers and adults and making edits and revisions. To begin with, one major revision made was improving and reworking the analysis to be more effective. On the original LRA response, it states, " If it wasn't for Beorn, the dwarves, Gandalf, and Bilbo probably wouldn't know what to do. Also, the crew would be starving and tired as well if Gandalf didn't know who Beorn is." After receiving constructive criticism from my teacher, edits from the analysis were made and now it states, " Therefore, if Bilbo and the dwarves did not encounter Beorn, they would not know how to stay safe or where to go. Furthermore, Beorn more content... In particular, I wrote and rewrote a few rough drafts and also read through several peer review sheets or comments left on the Google Doc itself. The peer edit sheets were extremely useful for helping and correcting any mistakes because the other person could have different opinions on how to improve the essay as well as being able to discover mistakes I probably accidentally read over and did not notice it. Just as important were the self–assessment since that was most of the revision part and leads to the final product. For example, before the first self–assessment, my essay states, "However, the original novel already planned out the best beginning character personalities, therefore changing the initial plan of the book is useless because it can backfire." After reviewing the essay, I later wrote, "Changing the initial plan is useless because Tolkein already spent countless hours thinking and trying to perfect the quest of Bilbo and the dwarves." The transition aspect of the rubric improved my writing because it presented the expectation for how well the essay is supposed to "flow" together and be more smooth to read. After the first assessment, I made two more important changes after the peer review sheets. A major revision made was, "However, in the movie The Hobbit directed by Peter Jackson, he had made Get more content on
  • 11. How To Write A Response Speech Today I will be typing a response essay to a political speech. The political speech that I chose was when Former President Barack Obama gave his last speech to the United Nations which happened near the end of last year. Barack Obama stated in his speech that "Indeed, our International order has been so successful that we take it as a given that great powers no longer fight world wars; that the end of the Cold War lifted the shadow of nuclear Armageddon; that the battlefields of Europe have been replaced by Peaceful union; that China and India stay on a path of remarkable growth." I chose this quote because it shows examples of great things that have happened around the world. A couple of things that should be pointed out is when Barack Obama was speaking in the YouTube video it showed faces of other world Leaders and representatives from other country's it seemed like they had mixed emotions about the speech some showed a facial expression of acceptance some seemed in deep thought and others showed faces of concern. Also, the reasoning on why this speech was given is because he was trying to convince fellow world leaders to work together and to criticize those who seek a simple rejection of global integration. When the speech was over effect started to take place where some country' more content... Also that Barack Obama gave his last speech to the UN late last year this is a large problem and he tried to convince other world leaders to form an alliance or some form of agreeable contract or something with other countries to prevent large problems like huge wars that could spread and become much worse than before. I told my readers what took place after the speech and what is taking place as you read this essay. Finally, let's just hope stronger agreements are made for specific countries to prevent any large war in the Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection On My English 101 Experience Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses. Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before taking this class, I use to always skip the pre–writing step considering that it is just an easy and unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing, and most importantly I struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to the deadline that I do not have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class that learned that pre–writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it holds the base of the whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for navigation to explain the importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I have learned outlining before, but part of the pre–writing that I was fortunate enough to learning in English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the Get more content on
  • 13. Emotional Response Essay WEEK TWO I had not considered emotional history to a great extent before the seminar, instead focusing on the 'everyday' aspect of infant mortality (IM). Dyhouse and Newton's articles presented questions, including why concern over IM grew, and why males were stoic rather than expressing emotion; something I had not acknowledged as part of Victorian mannerism, attributing it to the patriarchies of the postmodern world. Questioning whether the sources used by Newton portrayed true emotions or were merely presentations of such expanded my understanding, and presented further questions. Can we truly understand past emotions when all we have is a representation and cannot experience them the same way? I suggested that we can merely interpret the presentation of emotion, not the true emotions of the past, however, I now acknowledge that there is something of a perpetual emotional response (PER) to the death of infants, and that we are able to interpret the past's emotions through this more content... The ruling classes had to maintain the empire, and as such, technocrats were forced to act to stop the population decreasing. The rise of working class consciousness (WCC) was a reason behind social reforms, as the elite wished to control their subordinates to a greater extent. I considered my own perception of IM after the seminar. With no experience of it myself, I was unable to determine whether a PER was entirely accurate, although I turned to examples I knew of. This brought my attention back to AriГЁs' 'attitudes to death' and the changes in death's perception between the Victorian period and Get more content on
  • 14. How to Write 3 Paragraph Essay Responses How to write 3 paragraph essay responses Before you read: Take note of the title, the author's name and look to see if there is any biographical information on the author. Have you heard of this author before? You might want to Google him/her. Go on the internet to look over the periodical (publication) that the article came from. What do you already know about the subject, the publication or the website it came from? I recommend that you print out a hard copy of the reading. That way, you can write on the document if you have comments about the material, questions or just want to make sure that you "get" what the author is saying. While you read: Put question marks by anything you don't understand or want more content... This is what Garamond looks like. This is what Arial looks like. (If your paper font doesn't look like these three styles, it is not formatted correctly.) Use the same font and size consistently throughout your paper– no big fonts for titles, no bold words for emphasis (or titles) and no fancy fonts for fun or to be cute. Underlines should only be used for titles of certain works, like books and movie titles. (Quotation marks should be used for titles of smaller works, such as articles, poems, song titles, and short stories.) The rules may vary depending on the work in question, so consult your instructor for any other concerns. Last name (2) Double space everything. Margins should be one inch all the way around the paper (go to "File" then "Page Setup"). Keep in mind not to add extra lines before or after a title or between paragraphs. In addition, remember to set a header, which is your last name and the page number on the top right hand corner of each and every page. There are plenty of other aspects to MLA format (such as use of numbers, quotes and citations) which we will discuss in the coming weeks. Please note: titles of smaller works like magazine /newspaper articles, songs, poems, etc are in "quotation marks". Longer works, like a book, newspaper, magazine or CD are underlined or italicized, but not both. Choose one and stick with Get more content on
  • 15. Reflective Essay Of My Writing Writing is something magical and a good way of expressing myself. To be honest, I never thought that writing, and English as a subject would be this enjoyable. At the beginning of the semester, I was scared and nervous because of my grammar. I actually thought that I would be one of the worst students when I was placed in the class because I had very low confidence. This was mainly because of the fact that English is my second language. To my surprise, the grade "B" that I scored on my first essay made me proud of myself, and it helped rise my confidence. The fear and worry I had at the beginning is now washed away because currently, writing has become my favorite form of art. My confidence has risen, and I owe it to my English 101 class. That aside, I am going to recognize the improvements I have made in my writing, and how far I have come as a writer during this semester.In the "Novice as Expert", Nancy Somme's and Laura Saltz argue that many students continue to rely on the "high school idea that academic success is reflected in good grades." I will admit that I was that student at the beginning of the semester. Due to that way of thinking, my grades were never as high as they should have been. For the past few weeks, that way of thinking has changed. I have learned to more content... I have learned to get out of my comfort zone, and identify my mistakes. The best observation that I have made so far is that I have read more than I used to before. I have also learned to incorporate my ideas to the writer's arguments which was never the case before. Sitting down with my instructor, Professor Valerie Jahns during the conference; I realized that I was not supporting my thesis with relevant evidence from the course readings that were Get more content on
  • 16. Reader Response: the Lottery Reader Response #2: The Lottery "The Lottery" is a short story written by Shirley Jackson and published in 1948. The title of the story initially leads readers to believe the story is going to be about someone winning some kind of prize. Even the opening of the story seems to protest any foul play or cruel behavior. What the reader is introduced to is a seemingly friendly gathering of a small village community, members all gathered around anxiously awaiting their drawing for the lottery. The village members all chatter amongst one another in a tone that kind neighbors would take with one another. To the surprise of the reader, the story provides a shocking twist. The story is not about someone winning a prize. Instead the story more content... She certainly succeeded in shocking her audiences with the unforeseeable twist that arose at the end of the story. I did not expect the ending that I read. Even when I realized that the woman of the family who drew the winning ticket was arguing against the winnings, I had not ever thought that perhaps someone would die as a result. The fact that children were also allowed to participate in the drawing is what really made my stomach churn. Jackson certainly provided a detailed enough picture in such a few short pages to pull a physical reaction from me. I cannot rightfully say that the story was a good one, but it definitely was brilliant. It still amazes me that an author can write so descriptively and so intelligently that he or she can pull physical, mental, and emotional reactions from the person reading the story. In this case, I had several reactions to the story. Not only did I feel disgusted at how the community members were so eager to stone the woman to death, I also felt a mind–numbing sensation at the fact that such violence and cruelty closely mirrors our own modern society without the archaic practices. As a modern society, we cut down the individual members of society in new ways. While we may not string them up to hang them, we do string them up publicly for the purpose of cruelty and humiliation. Just look at cyberbullying or mass Get more content on
  • 17. How to Write a Reading Response Essay How to Write a Reading Response Essay What is a Reading Response Essay? A Reading Response essay: * Summarizes what you read. * Gives your reaction to the text. Your reaction will be one or more of the following: * Agreement/disagreement with the ideas in the text. * Reaction to how the ideas in the text relate to your own experience. * Reaction to how ideas in the text relate to other things you've read. * Your analysis of the author and audience. * Your evaluation of how this text tries to convince the reader and whether it is effective. Bottom of Form Reading Response Introduction and Conclusion Ideas Introduction| Conclusion| frame story: start a story (personal or in reading)| Finish the story| more content... Or you could open with a dilemma or problem and then close with the solution. A different version of that is to re–tell the same story in the conclusion with a different (usually better) ending. Examples: * On an essay about cell phone use in cars, you could open with a scenario showing a person getting a call while driving and thinking about what to do. In the conclusion, you could have the end of the scenario–maybe the driver pulls over to take the call, or decides to let voicemail take it. * On an essay about dealing with a family member with Alzheimer's, you could open with a conversation between family members trying to figure out what to do. You can conclude with a conversation between the same people after they have decided to place that person in a nursing home. * On an essay about oil drilling in the Gulf, you could open by describing vividly the oil–soaked coastline and the dying wildlife. You could conclude with what that coastline looks like now. * On any topic which you have personal experience, you can open with part of your story, and then conclude with the ending of your story. Transition and Thesis Paragraph 2: Transition by explaining what the author of the article you have written has to say about this topic. Briefly explain the main points of the article that you want to talk about. Then you will give your thesis. Get more content on
  • 18. Writing the Critical Response WRITING THE CRITICAL RESPONSE A critique is an analysis of and a commentary on another piece of writing. It generally focuses on technique as well as on content. A critical response essay (or interpretive essay or review) has two missions: to summarize a source's main idea and to respond to the source's main ideas with reactions based on your synthesis. Organization Introduction: attention–getting with a thesis statement Body: clear critical reasoning and adequate examples Summary Analysis: Evaluate the evidence: sufficient (enough evidence, examples), representative (large enough pool/sample), relevant (accurate correlations), accurate, claims fairly qualified Response: base reaction on your own experience, prior knowledge, more content... HГЈy chбєЇc chбєЇn nguб»“n tГ i liệu của bбєЎn hoГ n toГ n. TrбєЈ lб»ќi Hiện tбєЎi của bбєЎn quan Д‘iб»ѓm của riГЄng vб»Ѓ chủ Д‘б»Ѓ nГ y CЖЎ sб»џ phбєЈn б»©ng trГЄn kinh nghiệm của riГЄng bбєЎn, trЖ°б»›c khi kiбєїn thб»©c, vГ ГЅ kiбєїn, TГ¬m ГЅ kiбєїn của tГЎc giбєЈ khГЎc của cuб»‘n sГЎch khГіa hб»Ќc hoбє·c cГЎc tГ i liệu Д‘б»Ќc thГЄm. CONSIDERATION According to new research published by Wayne State University 7 –6 days, children use computers have better academic skills than children who do not have access to this device. In a study in 122 children aged 3 to 5 years old, while doing the tests, the children used computers at school and at home 3–4 times / week school readiness scores and learning than those who do not use. Previously, some research suggests that computers help children more active, recognize letters and numbers better. However, the relationship between the computer and language skills of children remains controversial. Effects The researchers also warned that children playing games is not good, and I rarely use computer games, usually they like playing with toys or interact with friends. Research results from 100,000 students in 31 countries around the world gave a surprising result that the computer can cause children to become less intelligent and lazy. Thomas Fuchs and Ludger Woessmann University of Munich general, the second author on the study. Two experts have used the test of PISA system to measure the skills of 100,000 15 –year–old
  • 19. children in all countries. The students Get more content on
  • 20. In WR 121 this term the teacher teaches many things such as summary articles, evaluation, and response essays or articles, but the most challenging is writing a response essay. I realize that the writing process is similar playing tennis process. In research essays, students are required to do a lot of research papers to find important, credible and important sources that could be responsive to my topic. Students researched many subjects, and I felt interesting to respond to other author's ideas. Before students answered the ideas of the authors, they spend the time to research many articles, and then they chose credible and important information to put it in my essay. It was my problems because I didn't do well about connecting information together, more content... After teacher gave a low pass for that essay, I attempted to improve my weakness for writing every day. I learn to develop a better arrangement and write essays with strong ideas, so my writing become well than the beginning of this term. I realize that writing a response essay such as practicing tennis. If people want to become good players, they should learn from others and the internet. I learn tennis techniques such as how to serve, volley, smash, backhand, forehand on the internet and other players. I usually look for videos on YouTube. I found out many video sources on YouTube, and choose videos that people usually watch and popularize in the world. The Internet contains a large helpful sources, but applying them into practice are rough. I must experience hardships, exercised to improve my techniques, so my tennis skills increase as in the writing process. Every time playing tennis, I always think about my writing. If I desire to improve writing and tennis, I need to practice, and research resources on the Internet, and then use it in writing essays and practicing Get more content on
  • 21. A Response To Politics And The English Language A Response to Politics and the English Language In his essay "Politics and the English language", he states multiple examples of how politicians use the English Language against civilians. When he wrote this essay, the people surrounding him were overcoming World War II. Due to the timing this issue wasn't as important to them as it was for Orwell. He wanted people to understand the real threat Politicians were having on their population. He emphasizes that politicians have learned the best way to manipulate the general population. They used language that was extremely complicated and unnecessary in order to control the way we think, talk, and act. Since no one had any idea what these politicians were talking about; the only reasonable thing to do was to just listen and believe what they told us. This is why George Orwell felt it necessary to spread his message, even if the main focus was on overcoming World War II. more content... The first example given is dying metaphors. Orwell believes that most writers use this method to save time during their writing. Others examples in the text are operators and pretentious diction. Both of these causes an increased amount of vagueness. The last example he gives is Meaningless words. Meaningless word are words that have no overall meaning. Due to so many politicians and other writers using these forms of writing a lot in their essays, or papers, George Orwell blames these people for the deterioration of the English language. I disagree that the rules Orwell provides in the essay will fix the entirety of the English Get more content on