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Write My Law Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic "Write My Law Essay" can pose a significant challenge, primarily
due to the need for a comprehensive understanding of legal principles, case studies, and the
ability to articulate complex legal concepts in a coherent manner. Legal essays often require a
deep dive into relevant statutes, precedents, and scholarly articles, demanding both time and
The complexity of legal language and the precision required in legal writing add an extra layer of
difficulty to the task. The writer must exhibit a clear grasp of legal terminology and an ability to
apply it appropriately within the essay. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of case law and legal
arguments is often necessary to support and substantiate the points made in the essay.
Additionally, legal essays typically necessitate meticulous citation and adherence to specific
formatting styles, such as Bluebook or APA, adding another layer of complexity. Proper
referencing of legal sources is crucial to the credibility and authenticity of the essay.
Furthermore, the ever-evolving nature of legal systems requires the writer to stay abreast of
recent developments and changes in the law relevant to the topic. This demands not only
research skills but also the ability to critically evaluate the legal landscape.
Despite the challenges, addressing the intricacies of the law with precision and clarity is
paramount. A successful legal essay must not only present well-reasoned arguments but also
adhere to the highest standards of academic and professional writing.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic "Write My Law Essay" is no easy feat. It demands a
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Write My Law Essay Write My Law Essay
The Argument Of Mercantilism s Theory Of Feudalism
At end of the seventeenth century Mercantilism is that ancient trade thought existing
in the world. Commercial revolution argument trade was one of typical explanation
of mercantilism trade thought. According to mercantilist, the concept of the
commercial revelation means the way of transformation, that transform the market
characteristic from local economic to national economic, from feudalism to
capitalism and from small scale trade to large scale trade. The philosophers of
mercantilismthey strongly suggest that if a country will gain from the international
tradeby, will promote the export performance and limited import. This would have a
positive gain for country gain thought trade. An accumulation precious metal (gold)
was the main... Show more content on ...
As pointed out by Sodersten and Reed(1994), this is a theory of long term general
equilibrium in which two factors of production labour and capital are both mobile
between sectors. Hereafter, further theory came which described the new growth
theory . It originated from the mechanism through which exports affect economic
growth. For instance, Grossman and Helpman (1990) proposed a two country growth
model with endogenous technological progress. In their model, exports help to
promote technology and knowledge diffusion and thus in recent period, the extensive
literature concerning the relationship between trade and growth is also the
consequence of the many changes that have taken place in the fields of development
economics and international trade policy. An example of these changes is the
tremendous modification from inward oriented policies to export promotion strategy.
By the early 1980s export led orientation and export promotion had already secured a
wide consensus among researchers and policy makers, to such an extent that they had
become conventional wisdom among most economists in the developing world
(Tyler, 1981; Balassa, 1985). This strategy is still advocated by some international
organizations, the international bank community and multilateral lenders such as the
World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and among the mainstream
policy makers.
Analysis Of Michael Billig s Theory On Banal Nationalism...
The Hmong are known to have tightly knitted communities that are created through
ties of kinship in a clan based society. This sense of kinship is essential as a catalyst
for the Hmong in developing and producing a strong sense of nationalism despite the
fact that they do not have a recognized political state or homeland. This is especially
important as the Hmong population has been dispersed to all parts of the world
following their involvement in a multitude of geopolitical struggles. Despite having a
scattered global population, the Hmong are continuously finding ways to remain
distinct and as a unified people, especially here in the United States. The Hmong
create and reproduce a sense of nationalism despite facing cultural decline and
having relatively separated communities built around different urban centers across
the United States. Additionally, this research will discuss how the sense of
nationalism can be a way for the Hmong to move forward despite facing cultural
decline. In this research, these elements will be explained and explored through
Michael Billig s theory on banal nationalism (Billig, 1995). Nationalism is most
often seen as a sudden spark of patriotism or strong feelings of loyalty and
appreciation to a nationstate after some sort of triggering event. Some of the most
recognizable moments in United States history that have sparked widespread
nationalism in its citizens include the Sandy Hook shooting, the bombing of the
World Trade center, and the
My Personal Statement On My Injury
I was sitting in the quiet wrestling trailer listening to the rustling of pads and the
click clack of cleats on the floor. Of course I was already dressed, my pre game
routine always on time unlike my teammates. Ten minutes early is on time and on
time is ten minutes late. Everything was tucked in perfectly, every string and
undone shoelace was taped down. Our trainer had taped my ankles perfectly, unlike
the useless student trainers who always tried to tape us before Andrew could get to
it. My cleats, tied as tight as possible. The spats on my cleats kept the jarring of the
torn ligaments in my ankle to a minimum. The compact tape made me feel safe, a
little painto know I was alive, just how I liked it. My compression kneesleeve reached
into my Nike socks, the white color faded and stained from the sweat and blood.
My knee brace followed, perfectly tightened at every strap. The amount of tape
covering every inch of my brace almost looked uncomfortable. White wrist tape
and white gloves, the underside of my left wrist bearing a date, 7 28 12 as a
reminder of the hard work. I could feel my hands clamming up underneath my
gloves with every tap on the shoulder I received as my coaches passed by. My heart
was racing, but my hands were still. I had forgotten the sound of the loud slow
rhythmic thumps of the drums as we lined up outside the trailer. Bum Bum Bum, I
was timing my steps with the slow beats as I got to the front. I locked hands with my
two best friends and began
Enzyme Reaction Rate
Enzymes play a critical role in metabolic processes by speeding up chemical
reactions. Enzymes lower energy barriers by acting as a catalyst for a reaction. An
example is hydrolysis that occurs in glucose. Without enzymes glucose will still
hydrolyze, but at a slow rate. With the right enzyme hydrolysis will occur even more
rapidly than before. Enzymes work by having a substrates enter their active site.
Induce fit (the substrates forms weak bonds with the enzymecausing the enzymes
shape to enfold the substrate) than occurs to the enzyme. It must be kept in mind
however, that the enzymes only work on specific substrates and not all of them also
known as enzyme specificity. There are many factors that may affect enzyme reaction
rates. The pH and temperatureof the environment that the enzyme is in may denature
the enzyme if it is not in the optimal area for the specific enzyme. If the pH and
temperature of the environment is in the optimal area than the enzyme will work at
its best if not than reaction rates may slow down. In competitive inhibition a
competitive inhibitor mimics the substrate. This causes the substrate not to enter the
active site of the enzyme. Likewise there is noncompetitive inhibition where a... Show
more content on ...
The final product then reacts the allosteric site of the first enzyme. This causes the
first enzyme shape to be altered, preventing the substrate from bonding to it a forming
a product. Without the first key enzyme to from a product none of the other enzymes
further down the series can catalyze a reaction. In the case of ATP, feedback
inhibition is key to regulating the molecule and preventing energy from being wasted.
When ATP is very abundant catabolism slows down as the molecule binds to enzymes
inhibiting them. When ADP (a ATP molecule that had a phosphate group removed) is
abundant than they act as an activator promoting the catabolism of
Eeoc Civil Rights
We sometimes forget how far we have come in our struggle with discrimination and
equal opportunity for all. While we still have many improvements to make in this
area The Civil Rights Act has helped us make significant progress over the years.
Probably the most well known act in the Civil Rights Movement is the Civil Rights
Act of 1964but prior to this act there were two federal laws and a voting rights bill
passed. These 3 acts are known as the Civil Rights Acts of 1866, 1875 and 1957.
After the passing of the 1964 act came the Civil Rights act of 1991 which amended
the 1964 act. All of these acts were put in place to try and decrease the amount of
racial discriminationin our country. The Civil Rights Act of 1866, 1875, 1957, 1964,
and 1991... Show more content on ...
165). The EEOC s main job is enforcing the federal laws that were put in place for
unlawful employment actions. When a claim is filed the EEOC will first try
mediation but both parties have to accept this option before it can happen. If
mediation is not an option the EEOC then has to start their investigation which
will involve questioning employees. If the EEOC feels the claim is true they will
then try to get the employer to change their ways and if they feel the claim is false
they will send out a right to sue letter. Claims filed against government agencies go
straight to the attorney generals and if there is a local law in regards to the
complaint made then the claims has to first be filed with the state then the EEOC.
Since the EEOC was established there have been thousands of cases filed and
surprisingly retaliation tends to be the top reason people file claims, racial
discrimination is a close second though. Retaliation can sometimes occur when an
individual files a complaint against the company they work for, this can obviously
make a company look bad and some managers react in ways they shouldn t. It is
important to still always file claims against wrongful employment acts
/discrimination regardless of what may come after you do; you also only have 180
days to file a claim with the
Conventions In Ancient Egyptian Art
Conventions in art adopt to portray things in different ways and these conventions
adopted by ancient Egyptian artists. Around 3000 BCE, Egypt was a consolidated
state. Egypt was previously divided into two kingdoms, the Lower Egypt and The
Upper Egypt. The powerful king of Upper kingdom conquered the lower kingdom. In
the Predynastic period, Egyptunifies and this period was from 5000 to 2950 BCE.
After unification of Egypt under one ruler, it ruled by the series of family dynasties
and after that it characterized as Dynasties . The ancient Egyptart was based on
religious practices and beliefs. The Egyptian built temples and tombs to please their
gods because their kings revered as gods in human life.
Predynastic period was a time of social ... Show more content on ...
On the rise of New Kingdom, they start working on extensive buildings programs
along the entire length of the Nile. Hatshepsut is responsible for one of the most
spectacular. Her imposing complex was designed for funeral rites commemorative
ceremonies and is much larger and more prominent than the tomb itself, reversing
the scale relationship in the Old Kingdom pyramid complexes. At that time, the
tomb Thebes was a most famous religious center throughout the New Kingdom.
The temple took the form of a house which was simple, flat roofed building and
rectangular proceeded by a courtyard and multiplied these elements. The gateway
was massive Pylon with tapering walls and courtyard was surrounded by columns
and the temple itself was outer Hypostyle hall . The rooms of temple became
smaller, darker and more exclusive sanctuary where they placed a image of their god.
The Great Temple of Amun at Karnak , Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut, and The
Tomb of Ramose are the most important architectures of the New
My Memories Of Science And Science
The earliest thing I can remember in science was in fifth grade. We made the three
types of clouds on a piece of construction paper with cotton balls. I can t recall
anything leading up to the creation of the clouds, but I remember what it looked like
when it was finished. Most of my memories of science were in middle school, mainly
because I joined Science Olympiad and that is when I discovered how much I
loved science. I started Science Olympiad in sixth grade, I was in rocks and
minerals and wheeled vehicle. I spent hours in my dad s machine shop creating my
wooden car, and my dad helped me with the design. Once it was created, I spent even
more time testing, recording times and distances, and perfecting everything. On
Science ... Show more content on ...
Nobody won a medal, in fact most only got to 25th place out of 54 schools. I was
super proud of myself because I got 13th place out of 54, I had scored higher than
all the seventh and eighth graders there with me. I went to Science Olympiad every
year that it was offered to me, until freshman year of high school when they dropped
the program to save more money for basketball. I know that Science Olympiad has
greatly influenced my science concentration that I have now, and I am so happy that
it did.
I had Mr. Spase for seventh and eighth grade science, where I remember making a
mitosis song (that I can still sing) and planet PowerPoints (mine was about Jupiter).
Even though this has nothing to do with science, I remember playing stump the
chump with Mr. Spase. It was a game where we asked him any question about
anything, and the goal was to stump him. Very few of us actually stumped him,
and most of those times, he was really close to getting it right. This helped us to see
him as more than just a teacher, and to respect him more. When we got into high
school, I had Biology and Chemistry 1 and 2 with Mr. Garber. In biology, we did a
bottle ecosystem with partners, and the reason I remember it is because our crickets
died fast, and I was really upset with my partner since I did all the work. In
Chemistry 2, Mr. Garber always had a really small class and so he did a fireworks
unit. As a big finale to the seniors graduating from that class, we make a
Case Study Of Macrolink Group
Abstract: As consumers level of consumption rises, more and more industrial
corporations have turned to investing in the entertainment sector due to the need for
sustainable growth.
In late 2017, a simple headline caught our attention. According to news from
Macrolink Group s official website as well as numerous other channels, the company
has decided to invest 22 million RMB in Tencent Music EntertainmentGroup, with
the deal being officially signed in September. Over 20 other companies, including
BHG Long Hills Capital, CMBI, and BOCOM International also participated in the
While the 22 million figure isn t particularly surprising given the sheer size of both
parties (Macrolink and Tencent), but the motivation behind the investment, ... Show
more content on ...
It holds various levels of shares in over 90 companies, 9 of which are publicly traded.
The Group was ranked #208 on the list of top 500 companies of China in 2017 with
its gross annual revenue reaching 83.3 billion RMB, a 15.97% increase from the
previous year.
Macrolink Real Estate Co., Ltd., the appropriately named real estate company under
Macrolink, went public in July of 2011 through a reverse takeover, aiming to
integrate its core services with cultural tourism. 5 years later after the company s IPO,
the company changed its name from Macrolink Real Estate to Macrolink
Culturaltainment Development to more accurately reflect its change in direction.
The corporation s winery company, JLF Investment Co. Ltd. saw a timely name
change as well, to New Silkroad Culturaltainment Limited.
Of course, this change is more than meets the eye. The company s adjustment in its
tourism business model led to the largest percentage of growth in both its gross
revenue and profit. According to an annual report published in April last year,
Macrolink Culturaltainment brought in an annual revenue of 7.5 billion RMB in
2016, an increase of 61.41%, and its growth in annual profit reached a staggering
70.35%, netting 524 million
Brook Trout Possibility Study
Cool, you want to get Brook Trout I think I can help you learn what they need.
Brook trout will need a few things, so when you are starting your aquarium you will
need to go shopping. First of all, trout need 7 10 ppm oxygen to survive or they will
get sluggish. You can buy an oxygen with an air pump and an airstone to pump the
oxygen in the tank. Trout also need food, I would recommend dry shrimp and it has to
be once a day, because of it easy and puffs up in the water. Next trout need clean
water or their tank will get polluted. Buy a water filter and clean their tank with new
water 2 times a week. Trout need a PH of a perfect 6.5 7.5. If the PH level is below
6.5 they will get sluggish and if the PH level is higher 7.5 then they will
Examples Of Tyranny In Animal Farm
In Animal Farm, Orwell subtly presents tyranny through the character of
Napoleon. In chapter 6, Orwell shows how Squealer is used by Napoleon to
persuade the animals. Surely none of you wishes to see Jones back? Orwell has
used a rhetorical question to show the manipulation and intelligence that the pigs
have. The use of you (second person) involves each animal as an individual instead
of referring to the group as a whole to intimidate them and uses the fear of Jones to
make them co operate. Orwell also does this to show the propaganda that Stalin
used during the Russian. However, Macbeth s style of tyranny is presented
differently to Napoleons, as Macbeth uses fear and violence to control the people of
Scotland. Hang those that talk of fear Shakespeare has done this not only to show
Macbeths cruelty but also his paranoia. Macbeth is suspicious and feels that... Show
more content on ...
Shakespeare shows how Macbeth hires murderers to kill Banquo as to not reveal
his plans to the common eye , and presents him as powerful yet in many ways
weak. The audience can also see how Macbeth has become paranoid and is not
entirely at ease. Our fears in Banquo Stick deep , Shakespeare shows how Macbeth
is afraid of Banquo as his act of murder now appears pointless and was committed
for Banquo s heirs. This also foreshadows Lady Macbeth s paranoia later on during
the play. However, in Animal Farm Napoleon publicly executes animals that
confess to have been secretly in touch with Snowball. The dogs promptly tore their
throats out . Orwell shows how Napoleon uses fear and his ruthlessness in order to
make the other animals understand what will happen if they disobey him.
However, like Macbeth, Napoleon uses the dogs to carry out the executions. The
dogs represent the NKVD, Stalin s secret police force, who helped him execute or
exile anyone who was perceived as a threat. Like the dogs, they were a cruel force
that allowed Stalin to remain in
John Steinbeck s East Of Eden
As a father hoping to leave an inspirational impression on his sons, John Steinbeck
portrays experiences he acquired from his childhood in the novel East of Eden
through the characters conflicts and actions to encourage them to write their own
story not dictated by their roots. Steinbeck admits in Journal of a Novel: The East of
Eden Letters that he hopes his two young sons will find meaning in life when they
grow and acquire the experiences to understand. Steinbeck s failure to feel accepted,
accept his father s failures, and failure to live up to his parents wishes. Steinbeck
explains his inability to fit in his throughout childhood, despite his parents
prominence in the town, through the brothers Cal and Aron. Each brother exhibits...
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According to Susan Shillinglaw, when Steinbeck s father s flour mill closes down
in 1911 due to financial bankruptcy, he felt the embarrassment of his father s
failure, similar to Aron s reaction when Adam s lettuce gamble failed; but yet learns
to move on from this failure like Cal, thus showing how Steinbeck felt ones parents
should not define them. Despite Steinbeck originating from modest means and the
twins contrastingly from a wealthy background, both felt their fathers failure very
deeply (436). Steinbeck was not faced with mocking remarks from his peers about
his father s failures in managing a flour mill, but yet internal embarrassment made
Steinbeck feel like he was being looked upon with mocking eyes comparable to the
scrutiny faced by the twins. Adam was viewed as a farseeing, forward looking,
pregressmined businessman but after the failure of the iced lettuce shipment,
Adam was viewed as a fool by these same men and in turn if the businessmen made
fun of Adam, the high school group was much more cruel (434,436). Aron
despised the shame of being called a Lettuce head . The harsh ridicule drove him
out of town; this is seen when he says I want to get out of this town. Everybody s
sneering at me. I can t stand it here (438). This is how Steinbeck felt in the moment
of his father s inaveducy, but he moved on from this feeling of resentment, wanting to
make a name for himself and achieve his own success
Gmc Truck Research Paper
2016 GMC Canyon The GMC Canyons are compact truck manufactured by the
General Motors. The company is all set with the latest 2016 GMC Canyon model
truck with many innovative and advanced features added to the vehicle. The new
mid size truck is expected to keep up the good performance as that of its
predecessors. The truck is very favorable for the people looking for a compact sized
vehicle for smaller pickups. The new model comes with few changes in the designs.
The front end of the truck will feature the front grille that is elegant and attractive.
The grille consists of three lines with the middle one depicting the GMC logo design.
The body elements have been changed completely with high quality components. The
cargo has been designed with... Show more content on ...
The seats have been made of high quality leather making it more soft and smooth.
The dashboard has been designed with hi tech features. The 4G LTE cellular
connectivity, voice recognition, and GMC IntelliLink are some the new features
added in the new Canyon s model. The intelliLink allows the commands to be
recorded in the user s natural language. It is capable of being connected across
multiple devices. The standard features include the automatic climate control system,
cruise control system, and infotainment system with the 7 inches screen. The truck
can accommodate up to five adult passengers. The front seats are provided with
both heating and ventilation systems which comes as an optional feature. The
optional equipment includes the satellite navigation system, leather upholstery, etc.
The safety features of the new Canyon s model include the six airbags, the side
curtain airbags to avoid the risk of ejection during a crash or a rollover, a rearview
camera, trailer sway control, and hill descent control. The rear vision camera
provides a clear vision even in the tightest spots while parking or maneuvering the
vehicle. The other optional features are forward collision alert system and lane
departure warning system. These features will undergo some advancements when
compared to the previous
Professional Sports Ethical Analysis
I don t find that an agent representing more than one athlete on the same team to be
unethical. From the agent s perspective, it is important for him to build his clientele
thus building his reputation amongst athletes. When an athlete hires an agent, they
trust that person to handle almost all aspects of their career, which includes
negotiating endorsement deals, career advice, contract negotiations, and concierge
services. Also, if a few playersshare the same agenton the same team, it could
potentially build chemistry between the athletes as far as communicating in the
locker room. It is unethical for an agent to represent a coach and a player on the
same team as it could potentially lead to conflicting interests. Coaches deal with just
... Show more content on ...
I have seen a few examples of two players that share the same agent on the same
team when both are negotiating new contracts. This creates leverage for that
sports agent against the team. Surely, that team will want to keep their star player
but that price becomes steep when the same agent ups the asking price for the less
known player who also needs a new deal. An example I ll give involved LeBron
James and Tristan Thompson. They both share the same agent, Rich Paul. Another
caveat is that Rich Paul is a long time friend of LeBron James. Obviously, LeBron
is one of the best players of this generation. However, Tristan Thompson while is a
good player, is nowhere near being one of the top players in the league. In his
career, he has averaged 9.7 PPG and 8.5 RPG. Thompson was involved in a long
contract stalemate with the Cavs because he wanted a max contract. After months
of negotiations, Thompson received a 5 year $82 million dollar deal from
Cleveland. NBA executives around the league were surprised to see the deal that
Thompson got. Rich Paul benefitted greatly from this as his two clients were
getting paid max contract money from Cleveland. From the Cavs perspective, they
overpaid for a middle of the road player to keep their star player
The Corruption Of The Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic was discovered by Christopher Columbus on his first
voyage in 1492. He named it La Isla de EspaГ±ola. The capital, Santo Domingo was
founded in 1496 is the oldest European settlement in the Western Hemisphere. Spain
ceded the colony to France in 1795. The island was conquered in 1801 by Haitian
blacks under the command of Toussaint L Ouverture. In 1808 the people revolted and
captured Santo Domingo the next year, setting up the first republic. Led by Pedro
Santana the Haitians were thrown out and the Dominican Republicwas established.
Multiple attacks on the Island forced Santana to make the country a part of Spain
from 1861 to 1865. The first president, Buenaventura Baez had to deal with many
economic issues and in 1870 attempted to annex the country to the United States but
senate declined. Anarchy and corruption continued until the dictatorship of Ulises
Heureaux. The United States sent a group of Marines when chaos broke out once
again in 1924. Rafael Leonides Trujillo Molina a sergeant who was trained by the
marines established a dictatorship until 1961 when he was assassinated. Juan Bosch
represented the Dominican Revolutionary Party was the first president elected in
over 41 years. President Bosch was a scholar and a poet. His leftist policies included,
naturalization of certain foreign holdings, including land redistribution. In 1963
President Bosch was dethroned by COL Elias Wessin. Juan Bosch then moved to
Puerto Rico were he established
Nixon Vs. President Richard M. Nixon
Trace Haven
Mrs. Molzahn
American Literature
May 17, 2017
Nixon vs. People President Richard M. Nixon once said, I can see clearly now... that I
was wrong in not acting more decisively and more forthrightly in dealing with
Watergate ( Watergate Quotes ). The Watergate scandal began when five men
attempted to break into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at
the Watergate Complex. The government had to create an act in order to have the
right to view all surveillance footage from the headquarters. This break in sparked
more than enough attention in the United States and brought two big reporters onto
the case. It is stated that these two reporters were bigger than the stories they covered
( National Constitution ... Show more content on ...
It was later found that these men were there to plant and bug the telephones and
computer systems. After the men were in custody there was only one thing left to
do. Find out who the men were, and why they did it. James W. McCord was a
former CIA, FBI agent security supervisor for Republican National Committee.
McCord was the security advisor for the Committee of Re Election of the
President, (CREEP). Immediately after the break in and detainment McCord was
ousted from the two committees where he was the head of security. Virgilio R.
Gonzales was born in Cuba and the man who picked the lock at the Watergate
Complex. Gonzales was a refugee from Cuba after Castro s Takeover of Cuba.
Frank A. Sturgis, a member of many branches of the military, had many
connections to the CIA. Sturgis was a part of the anti Castro takeover organization
in 1959 when Fidel Castro took control of Cuba. Eugenio R. Martinez was another
member of the anti Castro takeover organization with many connections to the
CIA. Martinez was an employee of Barker Real Estate who was owned by the fifth
burglar, Bernard L. Barker. Barker was a realtor out of Miami, FL, along with being
a former CIA operative. All five burglars had CIA or FBI connections in one way or
another. With that being a point of interest in the investigation, it shined a light on the
Commander in
The Orbitofrontal Cortex and Social Behaviors
Within the realm if biological psychology, there are two known types of behaviour.
One being regulatory and the other, non regulatory. Regulatory behaviour is
controlled by the hypothalamus and maintains homeostasis in the body by continuing
the processes of the vital body systems. An example of this could be; eating.
Regulatory behaviour occurs in a person s everyday life without them noticing that it
happens. Non regulatory behaviour, on the other hand is not controlled by a
homeostatic mechanism in the hypothalamus but rather in the orbitofrontal cortex.
Example of non regulatory behaviour include; parenting, aggression and social
behaviour. (Swartz, L. et al, 2011)
The orbitofrontal cortex is a part of the brain that is located superiorly to the eye
socket and inferiorly to the frontal lobe. Part of its function is that it is involved in the
regulation of reward orientated behaviour, inhibiting unwanted behaviour as well as
being involved with emotions and decision making (Swartz, L et al, 2011).
The orbitofrontal cortex is greatly associated with social behaviour. With reference to
(Beer, J. S. et al), there are two theories that are coherent social short comings
associated with the orbitofrontal cortex. These are one, deficient emotional systems
and two, self monitoring . Deficient emotional systems or the lack of behavioural
monitoring can be characterized by the somatic marker hypothesis . This theory
suggests that the orbitofrontal cortex is an imperative part
Lorenzo De Medici Research Paper
Lorenzo De Medici, fabulously wealthy, brilliant statesman and equally brilliant
patron of the arts. He was quite possibly the greatest single contributor to the
Renaissance and it s fabulous wealth of art. His and his family s patronage of the arts,
amounting to hundreds of thousands of florins allowed artists such as Botticelli,
Michelangeloand Leonardo to flourish and thrive, creating some of their greatest
works with Medici money. Lorenzo was heir to one of the great fortunes of late
medieval Europe, through his family s ownership of the Medici bank. His
grandfather, Cosimo enhanced the bank s power to its apex and its wealth was
declining when Lorenzo came to power, but it was still an immensely wealthy
organization. Lorenzo assumed unofficial
Example Of Self-Visualizing In Sports
Visualizing. Self Visualizing is very important before every game because it tells the
mind what you want out of the game. For example, if you tell yourself to not mess up
during the game, all you will be thinking about is failure instead of winning and
success. (Mullins, 2008) Browne Mahoney claim that mental training is the use of
imagery to project future success. When athletes are negative, negative things are
visualized and therefore occur. Mental perpetration works best when paired with
practice, not on its own. An athlete still has to work at what they want to achieve, but
visualizing can help heighten performance. Scott (1997) claims that by using
imagery, which is a technique when athletes picture their goals which turns on
neurons... Show more content on ...
Focus, although not having an agreed upon definition in the sports psychology world,
is used to describe how much attention one is paying, and can include the state of
arousal which causes this attention. Focus includes only concentrating on the most
important aspects of the game, and blocking out all other distractions ( Cashmore,
2008). Kris Eiring, the Director of Clinical and Sports Psychology at the University of
Wisconsin Madison claims that The focus of athletes sometimes strays in
competition, Athletes may focus more on beating another competitor, rather than on
developing skills and performing these to optimal physical potential. (as cited in
Mullins, 2000) Hochwald (2004) advises athletes to stay focused on the game and the
moment, {as} your brain cannot concentrate on two or more things. Depending on
the sport, athletes can experience internal or external assocation. Internal Association
is when an athlete concentrates on thoughts or a feeling inside of themselves.
External Association refers to any outside object of focus. The focus can depend on
the sport an athlete, as well as position. A hockey goalie has to focus on where the
puck is, but a winger must monitor the puck, the goal, teammates, opponents and
offsides. External is more commonly seen in performance, which when paired with
positive self confidence, can allow athletes to focus on uncontrollable factors to them,
like opponent s tactics or
Essay on The English Patient
A young Canadian nurse, a Sikh bomb disposal expert, a thief turned spy, and a
man burnt beyond recognition, meet in the last moments of the Second World War.
The identity of the patient is the heart of the story as he tells his memories of a
doomed love affair in the North African desert. Love and passion are set against the
devastation of war in this inspired novel by Canadian writer Michael Ondaatje.
It is a novel of revelation, and just as the identity of the English patient is slowly
revealed as the novel progresses, so are the inner selves and spiritual identities of the
other characters in the novel. Ondaatje writes his novel of discovery revealing things
only briefly and subtile. Indeed, such brief moments abounds in this ... Show more
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The term identity
In general we differentiate between two kinds of identity. On the one hand there is
the so called social identity, which stresses self interpretation as a member of a
certain social group and on the other hand there is the personal identity, which puts
itВґs emphasis on individuality and distinctiveness. This distinction is widely known
as patchwork identity . Both identities are only a subgroup of many different
subjectively interpreted identities that everyone of us has innate.
Life is made up of many windows and real life is only one of them.
The question is, which of these identities will I present, which of them will I develop
and how do I realize other personsВґ identities? In the novel The English patient both
of the above mentioned identities can be discovered within all the expressingly
dynamic characters. If we take Hana as a first example we might simply say that
she is a canadian nurse aiding injured soldiers during the second world war. This
statement can be referred to as social identity it is the way Hana behaves within
society. Her personal identity, however, is much more subtile and not that easy,
neither to discover, nor to understand. The same, of course, applies to the other
characters, especially to the English patient, whose rediscovery of identity is the
focus of this novel and mainly dealt with. His story of identical background is told in
flashbacks, as he
The Rise Of The Great Depression Essay
By the end of the 1920s, the United States had the largest economy in the world.
With the destruction brought on by WWI, Europeans endured hardships while
Americans continued to thrive. Upon a successful victory of the presidency, Herbert
Hoover didn t have a doubt that the United States would soon witness the day when
poverty was exterminated. Then, in a moment of what seemed to be triumph,
everything collapsed in the U.S. With the stock market crashing in 1929, it set off a
chain of events that catapulted the U.S. into the longest and deepest economic crisis
it had ever seen. It is far too easy to put the blame of the Great Depressionon one
event, but when there is poor investing over time with the lack of government
programs and a drop in consumer purchasing power due to the market collapse it
can delay the process of fixing the economy for future leaders. It is far too simple
to view the stock market crash as the only cause of the Great Depression. A fit
economy can be revived from such devastation. Long term causes sent the nation
into a downward slope of despair. American firms acquired substantial profits during
the 1920s and immediately reinvested most of the funds into expansion. By 1929,
companies had come to the bubble point. Workers couldn t continue to help further
expansion, so a slowdown was unpreventable. While corporate profits soared and
wages improved over time, so did the spread of the distribution of wealth. The richest
people of American had over
When You Are Old By William Butler Yeats
When You Are Old is a poem that was written by William Butler Yeats in 1891. It is
a poem about a person who wants to be remembered by those he loves. It is a story
about dreams forgotten and memories long gone. Yeats captured a feeling of
longing in this poem that some people may never understand unless they have a
relationship that is more to them than any other relationship they will ever have.
When You Are Old talks about a woman who was loved by a man until he died. It is
a story of how a life should be remembered by a person who loved another. When
You Are Old is about the loveof a man for a woman whom he had on a pedestal. He
felt this woman was loved by many with a true and deep love and loved by others
with a false love. He felt this woman was loved much like people today love
celebrities. Yeats wrote about this woman as though he knew her intimately. He
asks her to slowly read, and dream of the soft look, Your eyes had once and of their
shadows deep (Yeats). He wants her to remember how things were in her youth.
He wants her to remember her dreams and think of how things were and how they
may have been. Yeats is asking her to take her time and day dream about her glory
days. In the first lines of the poem Yeats describes this woman as old and grey and
full of sleep (Yeats). The speaker of the poem addresses his beloved saying that
when she is aged she should read a particular book which will remind her of her
youth. She will remember the
The Effects Of Medical Tourism
Introduction Medical tourism is trending as time goes on and as the population
increase throughout the world. Medical tourism is a concept where individuals from
their native countries, visit foreign countries to receive the medical attention they
need that is not available in their native country (CDC, 2016). This is further divided
into outbound and inbound, inbound refers to the patients coming to the country and
outbound refers to the individuals leaving the country (Horowitz et al, 2007). First
world countries tend to hold most medical tourism out of all the other countries due
to the perception of better medical care, but it comes at a very high cost, thus
developing countries are building state of the art medical facilities to... Show more
content on ...
With progressive upgrades in developing countries, medical tourism is becoming a
viable option. Unorthodox locations for medical tourism such as Malaysia, Brazil,
and India are becoming pioneers in state of the art medical treatments and
equipment (Pashley H.S, 2012). For example, Turkey, India, and Singapore hold
the most Joint Commission International Accredited hospitals in the world
(Pashley H.S, 2012). Visiting developing countries is not only cost efficient, but
treatment effective as well; individuals seek medical tourism due to ridiculous wait
times and/or very expensive treatment. If an individual were to get a heart bypass
surgery in the land of the free, it would cost 80% more than in any developing
country($130,000), and a waiting period of 2 10 years depending on emergency
(Hodges J.R et al, 2012). Hospital revenue and the economy are major aspects that
hospitals and medical tourism operators have to consider and from the profit, India
is seeing due to medical tourism is sought worthy; India has anticipated $2 billion
industry in 2015 from inbound medical tourism alone (Henderson, 2014). Traveling
to foreign countries can deem beneficial for those that are uninsured/underinsured
and for those individuals who are not in an urgent emergency or are placed on a
long waiting period (Pashley H.S, 2012). In terms of Canadian Medical Tourism,
individuals not only receive superior
Once More Of The Lake
Once More to the Lake is a short essay written by E.B. White for his column in the
New Yorker, One Man s Meat. Once More to the Lake is a story about a father who
is taking his son to his childhood vacation spot. On the trip, the father finds himself
inside the memories of his past. Throughout the trip, the father finds differences in
the lake from when he was a child. While much of E.B. White s essay is set in the
present, the author explores his own mortality as he looks both to the past and to the
future. Elwyn Brooks White was born on July 11, 1899, in Mount Vernon, New York,
and died in 1985. Throughout his lifetime, White had traveled to many places and
held several jobs ranging from reporter to army private. He became a multifaceted
writer but primarily wrote style manual, fiction, poetry, and children s literature.
Throughout his life, White was surrounded by many other talented writers including
Dorothy Parker, Robert Benchley, and Stephen Leacock. White wrote the well known
children s stories Stuart Littleand Charlotte s Web. Many of White s works were
accomplished with the help of his wife, former editor, Katharine Angell. Once
More to the Lake was published in 1941 along with many other works on which he
and Katharine had collaborated. The year 1941 was the onset of World War II in
America. Other countries had been at war for some time. In 1941, however, the war
became increasingly eminent for Americans. E.B. White did not slow down his
writing during
Life Of A College Freshman
Whether you are a monster or a human you will find that in life there are going to
obstacles that you must overcome. The life of a college freshman is no different
than the life outside of college. By analyzing the main characters in the movies in
Back to School (BTS) and Monsters University (MU) we can see the direct effects
college has on these students lives. The similarities and differences of the movie
BTS and MU, reveal stereotypical incoming attitudes, the reasons for attendance,
and the lessons learned of closely connected, college freshman. In the movie MU,
one of the main characters is James Sullivan, or as more commonly known as
Sully. Living on the previous successes of his family, particularly his father, Sully
felt he had a lot to prove to his peers and professors. Which ultimately led to him
meeting, Mike, who would become his most unlikely, best friend. If we take a look
at Sully s stature we see that he possesses an innate ability to scare. His natural
scaring qualities ranged from his height and muscle, to his sharp, frightening teeth,
giving him an advantage that many other students did not possess. Taking into
account all of this information, it is no wonder that Sully did not have a goal for
going to college. It is this very point where we see a contrast between Sully and
Thornton from BTS. One of the similarities between Sully and Thornton are their
backgrounds. Just as Sully had a successful family, similarly Thornton did as well.
Rosenhan Experiment Essay
Rosenhan experiment The Rosenhan experiment was an experiment into the validity
of psychiatric diagnosis, conducted by David Rosenhan in 1973. The study is
considered an important and influential criticism of psychiatric diagnosis. Rosenhan s
study was done in two parts. The first part involved the use of healthy associates who
briefly simulated auditory hallucinations in an attempt to gain admission to 12
different psychiatric hospitals in five different states in various locations in the
United States. All were admitted and diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. After
admission, the pseudopatients acted normally and told staff that they felt fine and
had not experienced any more hallucinations. All were forced to admit to having a...
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The hospital staffs were not informed of the experiment. The pseudopatients included
a psychology graduate student in his twenties, three psychologists, a pediatrician, a
psychiatrist, a painter and a housewife. None had a history of mental illness.
Pseudopatients used pseudonyms, and those who worked in the mental health field
were given false jobs in a different sector to avoid invoking any special treatment or
scrutiny. Apart from giving false names and employment details, further biographical
details were truthfully reported. During their initial psychiatric assessment, they
claimed to be hearing voices of the same sex as the patient which were often unclear,
but which seemed to pronounce the words empty , hollow , thud and nothing else.
These words were chosen as they vaguely suggest some sort of existential crisis and
for the lack of any published literature referencing them as psychoticsymptoms. No
other psychiatric symptoms were claimed. If admitted, the pseudopatients were
instructed to act normally , reporting that they felt fine and no longer heard voices.
Hospital records obtained after the experiment indicate that all pseudopatients were
characterized as friendly and cooperative by staff. All were admitted, to 12 different
psychiatric hospitals across the United States, including rundown and underfunded
public hospitals in rural areas, urban
Rhetorical Devices In American Pie
Isiah Jones
Professor Harley
LA 201
29 November 2017
Essay 3
The song American Pie , by Don McLean, was a dominate rock and roll hit in 1971.
McLean illustrates famous rock star artist and songwriter Buddy Holly, who died in a
plane crash in 1962 by using rhetorical strategies. The different potential
interpretations of this song made it one of the most controversial songs from the
1970 s. McLean was hitting home with many emotional resonances defining moments
in the recent American experiences. American Piestarts out addressing McLean love
for music in the 50 s. During the 50 s, music was a tool for getting people off their
feet and on to the dance floors. And I knew if I had my chance, that I could make
those people dance, and maybe they d be happy for a while (McLean). This verse
symbolizes why he loves to create and perform for his fans. McLean then goes on to
mention his mentor Buddy Holly. But February made me shiver. With every paper, I
d deliver. Shocking news on the doorstep, I couldn t take one more step. I can t
remember if I cried. When I read about his widowed bride. But something touched
me deep inside. The day the music died (McLean). Buddy Holly died on February
3, 1959, in a plane crash. There are two theories on why the song was called
American Pie. It was rumored, American Pie was the name of the plane that took
Buddy Holly life. Also, someone refers it to a symbol of the beauty queen Miss
America (Morgan). Mclean remembered the paper boy delivering the morning
paper and there on the front page, was the story of the death of Buddy Holly. At
the time Holly s wife was pregnant and soon had a miscarriage afterward. McLean,
he says he can t remember if he cried in the moment or not. All this was in the first
few verses in American Pie. McLean incorporated these lines of imagery to help
the listener picture his past emotional experiences. I believe McLean wanted to
paint a picture for his audience could relate to. During these times it was tough for
McLean. Not only did Buddy Holly die but also rock star legends Richie Valens, and
the Big Bopper. For McLean music died for him and the rest of the world.
American Pie not only pays tribute to three talented musicians but also
Essay on Whole Foods Market s Tipping Point
In his book, The Tipping Point: How little things can make a big difference (2000),
Malcolm Gladwell highlights the power of intelligent action and the potential of little
changes for starting epidemics. Concepts such as the law of few, the stickiness factor,
and the power of context arouse epidemics both in macro level and in micro level. In
detail, the law of few affirms the influence on communication. Connectors, mavens,
and salesmen each has abilities to conjoin, collect, and cajole; they distribute
information globally. The stickiness factor refers to a technique, which emphasize
and allow information to stick in the minds of consumers. Last, the power of context
stresses that both individual s reaction and community s cohesion can... Show more
content on ...
It was a huge hit because there are less than six organic grocery stores in the nation.
Knowing his vision well, John Mackey, the main founder put his dream into
action. He used his ability as a connector, someone who has broad social network,
to integrate others people s ideas. Soon, expansion came to place starting from
Dallas to New Orleans. In order to guarantee each store s success, he did thorough
research on social class, eating habit, and supply and demand. He took his action
deliberately. The mergers with great reputation brands not only elevated Whole
Foods Market s character, but also stabled its market position. In 1991, Wellspring
Grocery joined Whole Foods Market. Similar to Whole Food, Wellspring Grocery
started with a positive attitude toward changing the market. Unlike other grocery
stores, it wanted to bring healthy diet on shelves, rather than pills and canned food.
This idea brought attention to what people are consuming daily. Second merger
happened one year after Wellspring Grocery s success. Bread and Circus, a
company that used to sell natural food and wooden toys, valued costumer s opinion.
Costumers were happy to shop in Bread and Circus. Its expeditiously expansion
caught Whole Foods Market s attention. In order to stable its market not only in
Taxes, it decided to purchase Bread and Circus. Last, Mrs. Gooch s, a grocery store
that targeted on allergic
The Existence Of Aliens In Area 51
Most of us have heard about the mysterious Area 51 and the rumors of the Aliens
and UFOs that are hidden within. However, these rumors are not true. There is
evidence that shows that there are no extraterrestrial beings in Area 51. Before a
reader can understand this essay, they must first know a little background about the
subject. In 1955, land was added to an existing grid of the AEC s Atomic Test Site.
This land was named Area 51. Over time, things such as accommodations for
personnel and a runway were added. For a long time, what went on in Area 51 was
kept top secret. This caused many people to speculate that the government was hiding
things such as aliens and crashed UFOs there. These speculations led to things such
as movies and TV... Show more content on ...
One example of hearsay evidence is Edward Price, a CIA spokesperson, who stated
that there are no aliens in Area 51, and that the rumors are all made up. What
readers won t find are any references to aliens or other conspiracy theories best left
to the realm of science fiction. (America Acknowledges Existence...,
2013).Another example of hearsay evidence is Chris Pocock, a British defence
journalist, who stated that everything about the U 2 program had to be kept top
secret. The U 2 was absolutely top secret , Chris Pocock, a British defence
journalist and author of histories of the programme, told the BBC. They had to
hide everything about it. (America Acknowledges Existence..., 2013).The final
example of hearsay evidence are Gregory Pedlow and Donald Welzenbach, authors
of the book of the history of the U 2 program stated that it was thought to be
impossible for planes to fly as high as the U 2 did, which could explain the UFO
sightings. At this time, no one believed manned flight was possible above 60,000
feet, so no one expected to see an object so high in the sky. , note authors Gregory
Pedlow and Donalds Welzenbach. (America Acknowledges Existence...,
Using Polystyrene ( Ps ) Standards For Calibration Essay
Introduction: Polyimides are high performance polymers with excellent electrical
properties, high thermal stability, and high strength and stiffness at elevated
temperatures. They also have a high chemical resistance and are therefore typically
not soluble in common solvents. Because of solubility issues the molecular weight
(MW) and molecular weight distribution (MWD) of polyimides is near impossible
to obtain and in some cases the data listed is based on soluble precursors to the
particular polyimide of interest. These precursors are typically only soluble in amide
solvents and because of this the results obtained are questionable due to strong
interactions that the polymer, mobile phase/eluent, and stationary phase/column have
with one another due to the polyelectrolyte effect. This article aims to determine MW
and MWD of polyimides via gel permeation chromatography(GPC) by using solution
imidization and thus not having to deal with the occurrence of the polyelectrolyte
effect. Therefore, the overall objective of this paper is to establish the proper
chromatographic conditions required to carry out this analysis with the use of
polystyrene (PS) standards for calibration.
Polyimide samples were prepared in N methylpyrrolidine (NMP) by using a step
wise reaction and end capping with m ethynylaniline in order to control the
molecular weight. Via this process, theoretical molecular weights of 5000, 10000,
and 15000 g/mol were achieved and analyzed with the
How Dress Code Takes Meaning And Life Out Of Clothes
Con Dress Code
Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them. A quote from Marc Jacobs. So
as you listen to the this speech think about what that means and how dress code
takes meaning and life out of clothes. Fashion is a personal art you can tell what
people like to do, eat, watch, and play when you look at their clothing. If you were
wearing a Marshall sweatshirt and I didn t know you I would immediately know
that you most likely go to marshall, root for marshall, and play a sport for marshall
I knew all of that by an item of clothing so when you tell us what to wear your
telling us what to say which is going against the bill of rights. Dress code is a
controversial topic. The people who are for dress code belive that it helps keep
order in the system. They also believe it teaches us what is or is not correct to wear
in a place of business. The others who are against dresscode belives that it makes us
conform to what society thinks is pretty or handsome and appropriate.As a young
girl in america I strongly believe that girls should have the right to wear whatever
they want to wear and anything that tries to conform the voice of just girls are sexist
childish and are teaching us that boys have more rights than girls.
School dress codes are ridiculous! Most schools have a dress code that their female,
and some male students don t agree with. There are things in the student body dress
code for mms, that I will now read to you. Students may wear
Charity Organization, The Giving Pledge Essay
1.Explain what The Giving Pledge is, and give an outline of the different attitudes
presented in texts 2 and 3.
The Giving Pledge is an organization for rich American people. This charity
organization consists of many wealthy people like Bill Gates who is the co founder
of Microsoft. Bill Gates launched this campaign and all the members have different
causes. Bill Gates wants to support improvements of the medical difficulties, for
example Bill Gates want to make vaccines reach everyone in the world.
All the members of the organization have agreed to donate at least 50% of their
fortune to a charity. Warren Buffetthas decided to donate 99% of his fortune to The
Giving Pledge . Warren Buffett lifestyle will not be affected by this... Show more
content on ...
In contrast to Peter Wilby, Jon Swartz does not see problem that the good
marketing will sell, for example Bill Gates will sell more on Windows operating
systems . Jon Swartz is using some quotes from Caroline Preston Nothing like this
has happened before . Jon Swartz is very excited and he is finding some good
quotes to back up his claims. I almost get the impression that The Giving Pledge has
paid Jon Swartz to write this article. Jon Swartz also points out how much money
they are donating. Among those who didn t sign the pledge, some preferred
anonymity, some were unavailable, and others were not interested. Jon Swartz got
some hatred for the people who did not sign the pledge; this is also showing that it is
biased and not neutral.
3.Taking your standpoint in one of the texts, argue for your own view of charitable
I think that these people have giant hearts and they are really generous. It is
unbelievable how rich these men are. I think it s an excellent idea donating money
to education and science. But taking Peter Wilby points in consideration I see that
it could be a business plan to create a better reputation and if u has a great reputation
you will sell more products or services. However it s a great idea to share your wealth
and through research you could get vaccines to all the people in the world. These
charities are great not only for science but also for innovation. All these Billion
dollars could be
What Does Ontological Position Influence Mixed Methods...
The main purpose of this paper is to reflect upon a methodological approach towards
in what extent does ontological position influence mixed methods research which
involves both collecting and analyzing the combination of quantitative and qualitative
data. This reflection will begin with defining the ontological position, then why this
approach influence mixed method researchand followed by a conclusion.
Defining ontological position
The term ontology is derived from the Greek word, with onto meaning being , and
logos usually interpreted as science ; so that ontology, as customarily understood, is
the science or study of being (Lawson, 2004). Also, ontology is a branch of
metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of ... Show more content on ...
Referring to the term Method for gathering and analyzing data such as survey
research or regression analysis on the quantitative side and metaphor analysis on the
qualitative or interpretive sides (Hatch and Yanow, 2008). Guba (1990) refers to
ontology as the nature of the knowable or the nature of reality . Thus, an assumption
of an ontological kind concern is that the very nature of social entities being
investigated (Dieronitou, 2014).
Besides that, I also figured out that epistemology is firmly grounded in the
ontological belief that the actions of human subjects is noticeable of a methodical
and ruled by administered of the external reality. Therefore, there is a theoretical view
that human behaviors and actions are principally determined by stimuli which are not
of their own making according to scholar Bracken, 2010. Therefore, there is an
understanding that a research methodology used by researchers which makes them
produces differing sets of data and to emphasize upon outcomes in contradictory ways
by depending upon on ontological and epistemological positioning. Hence, this paper
will focus on the ontological position of mixed methods methodology.
Using mix method why ontological influence this approach
The argument of this paper is that ever since almost all researchers, whether they give
credit to the positivist, constructivist or pragmatic tradition, implemented the
conventional term paradigm to suggest a fresh
George W Bush s Presidency Essay
George W Bush s presidency can be associated with an infamous term that stood
out from the State of the Union address, that term being Axis of Evil . In this
context, Bush categorised the countries of Iran, Iraq and North Korea as being evil
states. This neoconservative comment left little doubt as to what Bush s foreign
policy towards these states was going be (Baxter and Akbarzadeh, 2008). This
comment would then define George W Bush s presidency, due to the controversy
over this phrase and the results that it would have on US foreign policy as rarely
had such a rhetorical device had such devastating consequences (Ansari, 2006:186).
This paper will argue how the use of the word evil , and the categorisation of these
evil countries, had a large impact on US Iran relations.
The hypothesis of this essay will focus on the use of metaphors in speech by state
leaders to mobilise public opinion. In this instance, how does the metaphor and
imagery of the word evil , used by George W. Bush, mobilised the public opinion of
the American people towards policies for the War on Terror . Also, this essay will
argue that that using this term improved the domestic opinion of President Bush, at
the expense of relations between USA and Iran. This is not a new phenomenon; it
can be argued that the idea of using such emotive terminology to categorise states
together is one that has existed prior to Bush Jr. This essay will elaborate and
analyse examples of this. The hypothesis will
Article on Oprah
Amanda Lopez
Queen of Talk Under Bad Lighting As a leader and icon Oprah Winfrey has
redefined the meaning of success and has become one of the most praised women.
Oprah has had numerous articles, books, and magazines, dedicated to highlighting
her success. Another article in the New York Times summing up Ms. Winfrey s
accomplishments is nothing less than typical. However, what is uncommon is to
come across a writer such as gossip columnist Kitty Kelley, doing what no one
dares to do and confronting the negative and practically silent aspects of Oprahs s
stardom. In Kitty Kelley s Oprah biography, she provides her readers with a raw and
insightful view contradicting The New York Times view on Oprah as an ultimate
multimedia ... Show more content on ...
Kelley provides her readers with quotes such as these to question Ms. Winfrey s
truth in her story line that Oprah has created for the media. One of Kelley s theories
behind Oprah s ability to create such story as a talk show host is that Oprah possibly
feels that false comfort is better than no comfort (384). What about the comfort
towards Oprah s own family. Kelleys uses this as one her main arguments in her
books attempt to bring down Oprah. Kelley mentions how Oprah s blood family
knew they did not have Oprah s heart like the celebrity family she had re invented
for herself, and they resented their secondary position in her affections, but knew
their lack of acclaim could not enhance the image she wanted to present (144).
Celebrities most prized possession in their career is their image. Now, what gives
Kitty Kelley the right assume what would enhance Winfrey s image? Kelley is
was one of the few writers that went against one of the biggest Icons known. She
portrays a sense of fearlessness in her writing that majority of writers lack or will
not dare to do when writing about power house celebrities such as Oprah. The New
York Times article is a perfect example of what the average newspaper does for
stars like Ms. Winfrey. They create articles with no truth but only stated facts in
Oprah s career. Even with or without the facts newspapers want positive credibility
from Emmy and Oscar winning ( New York Times) Oprah. The difference between
Back injuries 6
Causes of back injuries 7
The following are common causes of back injuries: 7
Back injury prevention 8
Back injury preventative techniques 8
Techniques 9
Strategies 9
ORIGINAL LIFTING ... Show more content on ...
Back troubles are painful and reduce one s mobility and vitality they lead to long
absence from work, and in modern times are among the main causes of early
disability .
Ergonomics is concerned with the design of systems in which people carry out work.
Its name comes from the Greek words ergon which means work and monos which
means law . All work systems consist of a human component and a machine
component embedded in a local environment.
When designing any system where humans and machines work together to produce
something, we need to know about the characteristics of the people involved and be
able to apply this knowledge to the design. This activity is the fundamental function
of ergonomics.
Ergonomics came about as a consequence of the design and operational problems
presented by new work systems which had evolved with the advance of technology. It
owes its development to the same historical processes, which gave rise to the to other
work system disciplines such as industrial engineering and occupational medicine.
The practice of ergonomics requires that knowledge about human anatomy,
physiology, and psychology be applied to the design of work systems. Particular
emphasis is placed on the design of the human machine interface to ensure increased
safety and usability of equipment and the removal of harmful stressors.4
Homecoming Essay
Last September at Murphy High School during homecoming week I ran for
homecoming queen. I didn t know what I was getting myself into. All I knew, is
that I wanted to win and experience something I ve never experienced before. I
always thought it was so amazing how the queens dressed up with their crowns
and sash, walk across the filed during half time of the homecoming game with their
dads. Not only but walk in front of the entire football stadium filled with fans.
Taking the pictures would ve been my favorite part. While Papering for the voting
day is was a lot of hard work while working a part time job and going to school a full
8 hours a day. From posters, flyers, candy, and t shirts homecoming week was much
occupied. However, I didn t mind
Implementing A Flexible Open Architecture Based Radio
Software defined radio (SDR) aims to overcome the limitation of the conventional
radio by building a flexible open architecture based radio system. Functional
modules of the radio system are implemented on reprogrammable/reconfigurable
hardware platforms using software. So highly flexible. Useful for global roaming
services as SDR is able to interoperate with different wirelessprotocols, incorporate
new services, and upgrade to new standards. Hence for implementing a given radio
scheme, we required to identify the BBBs, place them in appropriate position,
replace the BBBs by the FUs and connect them through the switches. Data routing
from the output of one FU to the input(s) of one or more FUs can be achieved by
providing appropriate control signals to the switches which is generated by the
software. Thus, by changing control signals of these switches, different
communication schemes can be established. However, the BBUs that are used in
most of the schemes can be made static to reduce switching delay. The signal
processing functions (like adder, delay, multipliers, carrier oscillator generators
etc) are computationally intensive and they exhibit spatial or temporal parallelism
or both. In SDR, the signal processing function are implemented in Software by
simply downloading a new program and hence it is possible to incorporate to new
services. Efficient Signal processor for SDR is either a DSP processor or ASIC or
FPGA. ASIC /SOC offer low power Consumption, highest
National Security Requirements Exercised The Most...
National security requirements exercised the most significant influence on the
development of airpower in Europe and the United States before the Second World
War (WWII). Nations on both sides of the ocean had experienced the multifaceted
disastrous results of World War I (WWI) and airpower seemed to be the answer for
future wars. Understanding the context and consequences of WWI is vital to
comprehend airpower theorists like Douhet, Mitchell and Trenchard and their
revolutionary thoughts on airpower. The development of aircraft at the beginning of
the twentieth century challenged not only military leadership but also, more
important, the national security of modern states. The basic question was: How will
strategic bombing of enemy territory fit in to national security and military strategy?
This paper will narrow the view on Europe by selecting Great Britain as one of the
most relevant nations in WWII concerning strategic bombing. WWI was the first
total war in the industrial age with unprecedented casualties on all sides of the
belligerent nations. In spite of gigantic troop numbers, both sides expected a quick
war with a decisive victory. However, in 1915, the maneuvering part of the war was
over and resulted ultimately in bloody trench warfare. Furthermore, as the war
continued, attrition of the adversary became the main goal as the battle at Verdun
highlighted. Consequently, aircraft offered an alternative to the static warfare of the
trenches. These newly
An American Classic Children s Movie, The Lion King
An American classic children s movie, The Lion King, is a musical film produced by
Walt Disney. The original story focuses on a young lion who spirits into a self
imposed exile after believing he was at fault for his father s death. Although the film
targets a younger audience, it contains a substantial amount of symbolism that only
adults would understand.
In order to examine The Lion King, I will employ The Hero s Journey established by
Joseph Campbell s book The Hero with a Thousand Faces . There are twelve stages
in the Hero s Journey, but I will only discuss four tendencies due to time restraint. In
addition, it will also answer the research question, Does the Lion King s use of the
Hero s Journey push an agenda towards adults of previous life experiences that are
noteworthy, while still maintaining young children as the target audience ? We will
first outline Joseph Campbell s The Hero s Journey, then apply the model to The Lion
King, and finally discuss three implications, spiritual, environmental, and cinematic,
from the analysis.
Joseph Campbell s model includes twelve stages. Respectively in order, the stages are
Ordinary World, call to Adventure, Refusal of the Call, Meeting the Mentor, Crossing
the Threshold, Test, Allies, Enemies , Approach to the Inmost Cave, the Supreme
Ordeal, Reward, the Road Back, Resurrection, and the Return with the Elixir.
According to Campbell in his book,
The usual hero adventure begins with someone from whom has been taken,
The Needs of Our Society s Neglected Kids Discussed in...
In the book titled Finding fish: a memoir, the author addresses the need of our
society s neglected children to find love, safety and protection. Many children like
Antwone are subjected to different types of abuse such as: physical, emotional and
sexual. Foster care was an option for Antwone. Foster care is the placement for
children outside the custody of their parents or legal guardians after court finding
that the children have been abused or neglected. The court may also find the child to
be a person in need of supervision or have committed delinquent acts. The foster care
is a social service system with many component parts and complex interrelationships
between those parts (Downs, Moore and McFadden, 2009, p.274). Social... Show
more content on ...
213). Physical abuse is the most common type of child maltreatment. Boys and
girls are about equally likely to be physically abused. Physical abuse include:
hitting, kicking, shaking, throwing, burning, stabbing or shocking the child
(Downs, Moore and McFaden, 2009, pg. 211). Lastly, according to Downs, Moore
and McFadden sexual abuse is an act of a person, adult or child, which forces,
coerces, or threatens a child to have any form of sexual contact or to engage in any
type of sexual activity at the perpetrator s direction (2009,p214). The terms of
sexual abuse encompasses a wide range of behaviors which are the follow:
fondling, making a child touch an adult s sexual organs and penetrating a child s
vagina or anus (Downs, Moore and McFaden, 2009, p.214). Among the abuses
Antwone was subjected to, he was a victim of repeated sexual abuse. He did not
receive adequate supervision and he was always hoping that someone would find
out and stop the abuse. Surprisingly, The Child and Family services Review
(CFSR) report that the child instances of child maltreatment is less that one percent
for children in out of home care (Federal Resister, 2006, p.s32980, as cited in Downs,
Moore and McFadden, 2009, p.309). Downs, Moore, McFadden
The Day Of Old Cigars
He smelled like day old cigars. His hair was white as pages from a new book. As I
hugged his frail, bony structure I realized something. I was home. With my
grandfather, grandmother, and all the relatives I left behind and missed, I was home
once again and I was happy.
A few days after Christmas 2014, My mother made her weekly call to her parents.It
was the usual where, mom s voice reverated throuhout the house and could be
heard miles away. The topics jumped from her scolding my grandpa, over his
outlandish spending on the daily lottery and to her demanding my cousin to stay
on track of her school work, along with her constantly repeating the daily chores
she would have to partake to take care of both of our grandparents. I could hear my
grandmother begging for us to come to Haiti to see everyone. She has been begging
like this for the last nine years. Ever since my family began a new life in the United
States, our Haitian family has missed us. I haven t seen my grandparents and other
relatives since I was three years old. I still remember the hot, flaming sun shining
almost every single day. The mountains streams filled with prussian blue water. I
remember the farm animals my grandfather treated with care. I remember many
things but the memories diminished each year I grew older. As I continued reading
my latest book, my mother ended the call. I was surprised, by the next six words
were ever going to come out of my mother s mouth. Darline, Rinaude...we re going to
Lake District Research Paper
Lake District which is located in Cumbria is one the most famous place in England
involving Beatrix Potter who is best known for her beautifully illustrated children
s books of Peter Rabbit of all time. Being potrayed in the movie Miss Potter in 2006,
Lake District indeed stroke viewers for the first time for its superb and wild beauty.
After the death of the beloved man, she made a decision to buy Hill top farm and
spent the rest of her life here writing and developing a loveof landscape and flora.
After she passed away, Lake District was given to the National Trust and now
becomes the Lake District National Park.
As the location for film Miss Potter , Lake District astonished viewers by a
peacefully picturesque scence of Windermere
The Importance and History of the Steam Engine Essay
The wonderful progress of the present century is, in a very great degree, due to the
invention and improvement of the steam engine, and to the ingenious application of
its power to kinds of work that formerly taxed the physical energies of the human
race. ~Robert H. Thurston
The steam engine can easily be considered the single most important invention of the
entire industrial revolution. There is not one part of industry present in today s
society that can be examined without coming across some type of reference or
dependence upon the steam engine. But, who deserves the credit for this great
invention? Some give the credit to James Watt while others claim that Thomas
Newcomen was the original inventor. However, the idea of the ... Show more content
on ...
The idea using the power of steam to our advantage goes back nearly twenty one
centuries. A learned writer in ancient Alexandria, named Hero, wrote a manuscript
describing various devices and ideas of the time. Although it is not proven that
Hero was the inventor of any of these devices, he is given credit for the earliest
mention of steam power. Hero describes a method to open the doors of a temple
with the action of a fire on the alter at the front of the temple. A series of pipes runs
between the alter and the temple doors. The force of the steam created by the fire
on the alter is strong enough to open the temple doors. The essential principle that
Hero used was to change heat energy into mechanical energy or work. Supposedly,
Hero continued his work and ended up creating what is often called the First
Steam Engine. Hero s engine is featured on below on the right. The cauldron or
bowl like portion AB holds water. There is a steam tight cover place over top of
the cauldron. Two pipes extend from the lid and suspend a globe directly above the
cauldron. The water is heated, causing steam to be created and forced through the
pipes. The globe then fills with steam. Pipes K and H are located on opposite sides
of the globe and allow the steam to escape when the pressure becomes uneven. The
escaping steam then causes the globe to spin on its axis.
The power
Summer Holidays
It was the first of June. The sun was shining brightly and there was the flavor of joy,
happiness, and vacations in the air. I breathed it and truly felt how my body
overwhelmed with the freedom and desire to move the mountains in the pursuit of
great vacations. I planned my summer holidays during the whole year, and I knew
for sure that it had to be a marvelous time spent with friends, ocean, sunshine, fresh
fruits, and disco parties. My mother has changed everything that day. She decided
that charity was the best thing, which I could do in summer, and enrolled me to the
special program, aimed at attending the elderly homes and assisting senior people
there. Saying that I was disappointed is nothing. I was truly furious, because it...
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Nothing interesting. For me, they were outdated people, who knew nothing about
life in a real world. But I smiled, made the things they asked me to, and counted
minutes to return to my joyful life with cool friends, jokes, cafes and parties. One
day and one meeting have changed my whole life. I was walking down the
corridor, and accidentally glimpsed into the room, where sat old woman. She
resembled an exotic fluffy flower. She had light curly hair and sat near the
window. The sun was shining brightly that day, and her grey hair was full of sun
flashes, and there was such a feeling that there was a nimbus around her head. I
stopped and started looking at her. She was knitting and her fingers quickly did
something with the stitches. There was nothing particular about her, but her outer
look caught my eye and immediately attracted attention. Her skin resembled a
baked apple. It was covered with wrinkles, but it did not distort her appearance.
The most amazing thing were her eyes. Blue, round, energetic. There was such a
feeling that these were the eyes of a kid, who wants to investigate the world. They
eradiated kind miraculous light, and this light made me come closer and closer...
For the first time during the fortnight, I approached the old woman because I
wanted to do it, but not because I was obliged to so. It seemed that she was not
surprised at all, she looked at me, as if I came every single
The Exchange Rate And Auto Parts Manufactures
The case study The Exchange Rate and Auto Parts Manufactures shows two
companies which are suppliers to the US automobile company DaimerCrhrysler, and
that companies based outside of the US. As the consequence of the importing
machines from the United States, companies faced difficulties based on the exchange
rate fluctuations.
First company SMS were faced difficulties with the exchange rate of USD and euro.
The CEO of the SMS Elotherm company, Udo Pfeiffer, took measures to avoid the
loss. He raise price in dollars to compensate the fall in the value of dollar, but finally
manufacturers were constantly pressuring machine tool companies to lower prices,
not to raise them .
Another example of company shows us a company that was much more successful
than SMS, Keiper, which based in Germany and exporting metal frames for cars to
the US. Company invest money in the manufacture in Canada, when the exchange
rate of euro were equal to the US dollar. But there were some disadvantages of
being based in Canada and it raised a costs of the Keipers work. In addition,
company faced problems with exchange rate because the company still produces
some parts in Germany and sent to US.
Every country has its own currency, which is a means of payment and allows various
types of financial transactions within the country. However, between different
countries is also necessary to make any cash payments or transactions. An exchange
rate measures the value of one currency against the value
Health And Safety Requirements For Computer Aided
LO 1.1 Health Safety Requirements for Computer Aided Drafting and Design
(CADD) Users. The current requirements for health and safety for CADD users
who use Visual Display Units (VDUs) for their work, is specified by the Health
and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992. In this section of the
assignment, I will identify some of the most common health and safety concerns
and specify the steps that employers and employees need to follow in order to
comply with the law and to work safely, including guidelines for workstations,
work environment and other equipment. Physiological Factors Affecting CADD
Users VDUs is a term which encompasses monitors, display screen equipment
(DSEs) iPads etc; any screen (usually forming part of a computer) that displays
text, numerical data, or graphics. VDUs have been accused of causing a whole
range of health problems, but in general these health issues arise as a result of
VDUs being used incorrectly rather than the VDUs themselves. One of the most
commonly reported health issues relating to VDU usage is repetitive strain injury
(RSI) however the cause is usually a more generalised group of disorders known as
upper limb disorders . (Health and Safety Executive, 2011) Many of the disorders
affecting the upper body are exacerbated by stress that can be mitigated by making
some simple changes to the work environment. Firstly, ensuring that employees have
undertaken the correct training in how to use hardware, software and
Gospel Lighthouse Bible Book Store Case Study
Individual Project 1: Gospel Lighthouse Bible Book Store Ken Davis Liberty
University Gospel Lighthouse Bible Bookstore Gospel Lighthouse bible book store
in Pensacola, Florida is a family owned, non denominational Christian resource store
that sells Christian supplies and materials. The mission statement is to help locals
get the materials they need to reach a city, obeying the great commission of Jesus
Christ by supplying missionaries with gospel material (James Rhymes III, personal
communication, July 20, 2015). Gospel Lighthouse is based out of Pensacola,
Florida, and has a combined nine stores located in Northwest Florida (NWF), and
South Alabama (SA). The information gathered for this report is from the main store,
based in Pensacola, FL, on Navy... Show more content on ...
Not having current ITAM and NITT can be disadvantageous, due to technological,
paradigm shifts. Sometimes, the store receives requests for new material, which is
only available online, and are therefore unable to get the merchandise
expeditiously. For example, most gospel music and videos are free downloads
online, but the bookstore does not have the complete internet capability.
Meanwhile, in another section of the store, the shelves are stocked with cassette
disks (CD s), cassette tapes (CT s), plus the use of an mp3 player display as a
means of sampling the music. The other weakness is the NITT. The Gospel
Lighthouse is located near the Pensacola, Naval Air Station (NAS); where service
personal walk passes the lighthouse while on shore leave. As the new customers
transition in and out of town regularly, it is difficult to by passing the lighthouse
because faith in God is important. Although, the new customers stop by regularly and
service personnel is on shore leave because the Gospel Lighthouse has no NITT, new
customers are deterred from placing
Don T Like Dogs Research Paper
What? Who don t like dogs? The relationship between dogs humans have change
over time . Dogs are the best thing on the planet they are very helpful. They help
people if there blind,and if they are paralysis the dog will help them. Dogs can be use
for helping police those dogs are called drug dogs they are trained to smell for drugs
other dogs are made to keep people happy when they are sad or upset people need to
get a dogthey are very helpful.When you get a puppy you can trained it to be helpfull
for people that need them in the future because you don t know what can happen any
Dog have that people don t have they are color blind they can see stuff that we can
t see they can see in the dirk we can t we need flashlight they don t need any thing in
the dark when you shin a light on there eyes in the dark they are green my bulldog
eyes,one is blue and one is black he is white and brown he is still a puppy he is very
playfull at night and when we give hem the dog was very fuzzy and it was very
damp . What? Who don t like dogs? The relationship between dogs humans have
change over time . Dogs are the best thing on the planet they are very helpful. They
help people if there blind,and if they are paralysis the dog will help them. Dogs can
be use for helping police those dogs are called drug dogs they are trained to smell for
drugs other dogs are made to keep people happy when they are sad or upset people
need to get a dog they are very helpful.When you get a puppy you can trained it to ...
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Dog have that people don t have they are color blind they can see stuff that we can t
see they can see in the dark we can t we need flashlight they don t need any thing in
the dark when you shine a light on there eyes in the dark they are green my bulldog
eyes,one is blue and one is black he is white and brown he is still a puppy he is very
playful at night and when we give hem the dog was very fuzzy and it was very damp
.The dog was very hungry that he was eating dog
How Did Bob Marley Affect Jamaica
Millions and millions of people in the world are familiar with the name Bob Marley.
People all over the world love his songs, such as Buffalo Soldier and Three Little
Birds . Is This Love is the ultimate song to sit back and relax to. Many people,
however, don t recognize the political impact that Bob Marleyhad to Jamaica.
Jamaica, in the 1970 s, was a political and economic mess. Bob Marley s music, and
other Reggaemusicians, have conveyed messages of independence all over the world,
and inspired the people of Jamaica to change their country. Although some scholars
have argued that the turnaround of Jamaica s economy and politics can be attributed
to X and Y, Reggae music was the main factor because of the nationalism that it
inspired.... Show more content on ...
Where did it all begin?
When will it end?
Well, it seems like: total destruction the only solution,
And there ain t no use: no one can stop them now.
Ain t no use: nobody can stop them now.
Reggae brought racial and social awareness.
By bringing tourism and inspiring modernization, Reggae enabled Jamaica to go
through urbanization. Reggae brought money to Jamaica and caused it to become
more modern. [XXX SOURCE XXX] stated that Jamaica was in the process of
becoming urban and modern, and the young people who found themselves in the
capital of Kingston were no longer interested in the country music of their past .
The old traditional music of Jamaica had gone away, and Reggae took over.
Jamaica was become more and more modern because people started opening up
clubs, which people payed a lot of money to go to because they played new Reggae
music. Because of the tourists that visited Jamaica, Jamaica got a lot of money
which made it become more modern and urbanized. With all these new clubs
opening up, a lot of tourists from around the world wanted to experience the night
life of Jamaica and dance to the fun rythms of Reggae. [XX Source XX] stated that,
personal and economic freedom can strengthen local culture rather than debase it,
creating music so unique and infectious that imitators will spring up on the other side
of the globe. Music brought money which brought urbanization. People from all over
the world loved listening to Reggae, so many tourists were attracted to the country.
Will all this new incoming profit, Jamaica was able to reform their
Analysis Of I My Dear And Loving Husband, And
Poetry is a beautiful work of literature that expresses ideas and gives words and
phrases intense meaning that gets embedded permanently in the mind of the reader.
It s an art mastered by only a handful of talented poets who s writings stand the test
of time. Anne Bradstreet s poem To My Dear and Loving Husband and Christopher
Marlowes The Passionate Shepherd to His Loveare no exception. These two poems
share a common theme of love that uses strong imagery, figurative language, and
rhymeto portray the strong love and desire the writer s poses for their lovers. Love
is a feeling that every living thing wants to feel and experience, many have found
love like in the poem To My Dear and Loving Husband others are left chasing it like
in the poem The Passionate Shepherd to His Love . I have experienced both of these
dilemmas and because of my ability to strongly relate to these poems I have chosen
to discuss them.
Love is something that we as humans cannot help but want and need, it is a natural
instinct and desire that we seek to fulfill. In the poem To My Dear and Loving
Husband the speaker has clearly found that love. The main theme of this poem
appears to be love and more specifically marital love. The poet speaks of her strong
and true love towards her husband implying that there is no other wife out there that
loves her husband more by stating If ever man were loved by wife, then thee;
(Bradstreet 976). As we read further down the writer challenges other women
Better The Upper Class
Currently politics have always focused on how to better the upper class instead of
the lower class. The upper class is the property owning class, those who live from
earnings made from the ownership, control, and exploitation of property such as
land, capital, large businesses, or share holdings. According to the Boundless,
Wealthy, well educated Americans are more likely to vote and to donate money to
politicians than lower class individuals ( In other
words, rich people are more likely to vote rather than poor people. Wealthy people
would vote for a politician that has to do more with bettering him or herself, which is
usually the Republican Party. The Democratic Party usually makes it seem as they
are focused... Show more content on ...
The parties focus on current groups of people to get what they want. For instance,
Republicans go to religious people and talk about abortion. It is seen as ending the
life of a child before it is even born. Abortions have a big impact throughout the
United States for women. Every type of ethnicity is involved. When it comes to
religion they are against it. Abortion is an issue upon the lower class. A lot of
young women happen to get pregnant at a young age, and then decide that they don
t want the child. According to on the issues, Donald Trump believes abortion should
be banned at some point in pregnancy, with exceptions for rape, incest or life of the
mother ( In other words, abortions should be banned and only
allowed if they got pregnant because of being raped, has to do with something
incest, or the mother can die because of the birth. Their behavior towards this act is
wrong. Abortions should be decided upon the person giving birth. It should be
allowed in every state as Planned Parenthood.
Politics have always focused on how to better the upper class instead of the lower
class. There are many black and white people now in the United States with the
same equal rights. In the 1940 s white people didn t acknowledge the Negros.
Knowing that the population of the states out numbered them. Their goal was to
allow black people to vote only if they voted for Republicans. They
The Dome Of The Rock
With a beautiful gilt dome decorating the skyline of Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock
is the oldest and most famous Islamic building on the Temple Mount. As a religious
space with kinetic and interrelated characteristics, it not only functions as a Muslim
shrine, but also exhibits significance based on its history and relative location to the
Jewish Temple and Christian churches. Built on the site of Solomon s Temple and
decorated with mosaics symbolizing the Paradise and Jewish royalty, the Dome
reveals the inspiration of Jewish traditions on Early Islam. Modeled on Christian
churches with a competitive appearance and inscriptions about Qur anic Christology
against Christ, the Dome emphasizes the Islamic view against Christianity and the
rivalry between them. Along the foreign conquests of Jerusalem, the shrine has an
identity that was once shifted from an Islamic monument to a church and then
restored, showing it as a kinetic space reflecting the development of Early Islam.
One of the most recognizable landmarks of Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock is an
octagonal shrine built in a similar architectural style used in Christian churches in
Palestine at that time. Completed in 692 AD under the rule of Umayyad caliph Abd
al Malik, the building has two ambulatories forming an octagonal shape around a
circular arcade, and within it lays the Foundation Rock. Its wooden gilt doom rises
like a tall cylinder and reaches an overall height of thirty meters (Grabar 1996: 52).
Most parts

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  • 1. Write My Law Essay Crafting an essay on the topic "Write My Law Essay" can pose a significant challenge, primarily due to the need for a comprehensive understanding of legal principles, case studies, and the ability to articulate complex legal concepts in a coherent manner. Legal essays often require a deep dive into relevant statutes, precedents, and scholarly articles, demanding both time and dedication. The complexity of legal language and the precision required in legal writing add an extra layer of difficulty to the task. The writer must exhibit a clear grasp of legal terminology and an ability to apply it appropriately within the essay. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of case law and legal arguments is often necessary to support and substantiate the points made in the essay. Additionally, legal essays typically necessitate meticulous citation and adherence to specific formatting styles, such as Bluebook or APA, adding another layer of complexity. Proper referencing of legal sources is crucial to the credibility and authenticity of the essay. Furthermore, the ever-evolving nature of legal systems requires the writer to stay abreast of recent developments and changes in the law relevant to the topic. This demands not only research skills but also the ability to critically evaluate the legal landscape. Despite the challenges, addressing the intricacies of the law with precision and clarity is paramount. A successful legal essay must not only present well-reasoned arguments but also adhere to the highest standards of academic and professional writing. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic "Write My Law Essay" is no easy feat. It demands a combination of legal expertise, research skills, and the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. For those seeking assistance with such essays, it's worth exploring professional services like, where similar essays and a plethora of other writing services can be readily accessed. Write My Law Essay Write My Law Essay
  • 2. The Argument Of Mercantilism s Theory Of Feudalism At end of the seventeenth century Mercantilism is that ancient trade thought existing in the world. Commercial revolution argument trade was one of typical explanation of mercantilism trade thought. According to mercantilist, the concept of the commercial revelation means the way of transformation, that transform the market characteristic from local economic to national economic, from feudalism to capitalism and from small scale trade to large scale trade. The philosophers of mercantilismthey strongly suggest that if a country will gain from the international tradeby, will promote the export performance and limited import. This would have a positive gain for country gain thought trade. An accumulation precious metal (gold) was the main... Show more content on ... As pointed out by Sodersten and Reed(1994), this is a theory of long term general equilibrium in which two factors of production labour and capital are both mobile between sectors. Hereafter, further theory came which described the new growth theory . It originated from the mechanism through which exports affect economic growth. For instance, Grossman and Helpman (1990) proposed a two country growth model with endogenous technological progress. In their model, exports help to promote technology and knowledge diffusion and thus in recent period, the extensive literature concerning the relationship between trade and growth is also the consequence of the many changes that have taken place in the fields of development economics and international trade policy. An example of these changes is the tremendous modification from inward oriented policies to export promotion strategy. By the early 1980s export led orientation and export promotion had already secured a wide consensus among researchers and policy makers, to such an extent that they had become conventional wisdom among most economists in the developing world (Tyler, 1981; Balassa, 1985). This strategy is still advocated by some international organizations, the international bank community and multilateral lenders such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and among the mainstream policy makers.
  • 3. Analysis Of Michael Billig s Theory On Banal Nationalism... The Hmong are known to have tightly knitted communities that are created through ties of kinship in a clan based society. This sense of kinship is essential as a catalyst for the Hmong in developing and producing a strong sense of nationalism despite the fact that they do not have a recognized political state or homeland. This is especially important as the Hmong population has been dispersed to all parts of the world following their involvement in a multitude of geopolitical struggles. Despite having a scattered global population, the Hmong are continuously finding ways to remain distinct and as a unified people, especially here in the United States. The Hmong create and reproduce a sense of nationalism despite facing cultural decline and having relatively separated communities built around different urban centers across the United States. Additionally, this research will discuss how the sense of nationalism can be a way for the Hmong to move forward despite facing cultural decline. In this research, these elements will be explained and explored through Michael Billig s theory on banal nationalism (Billig, 1995). Nationalism is most often seen as a sudden spark of patriotism or strong feelings of loyalty and appreciation to a nationstate after some sort of triggering event. Some of the most recognizable moments in United States history that have sparked widespread nationalism in its citizens include the Sandy Hook shooting, the bombing of the World Trade center, and the
  • 4. My Personal Statement On My Injury I was sitting in the quiet wrestling trailer listening to the rustling of pads and the click clack of cleats on the floor. Of course I was already dressed, my pre game routine always on time unlike my teammates. Ten minutes early is on time and on time is ten minutes late. Everything was tucked in perfectly, every string and undone shoelace was taped down. Our trainer had taped my ankles perfectly, unlike the useless student trainers who always tried to tape us before Andrew could get to it. My cleats, tied as tight as possible. The spats on my cleats kept the jarring of the torn ligaments in my ankle to a minimum. The compact tape made me feel safe, a little painto know I was alive, just how I liked it. My compression kneesleeve reached into my Nike socks, the white color faded and stained from the sweat and blood. My knee brace followed, perfectly tightened at every strap. The amount of tape covering every inch of my brace almost looked uncomfortable. White wrist tape and white gloves, the underside of my left wrist bearing a date, 7 28 12 as a reminder of the hard work. I could feel my hands clamming up underneath my gloves with every tap on the shoulder I received as my coaches passed by. My heart was racing, but my hands were still. I had forgotten the sound of the loud slow rhythmic thumps of the drums as we lined up outside the trailer. Bum Bum Bum, I was timing my steps with the slow beats as I got to the front. I locked hands with my two best friends and began
  • 5. Enzyme Reaction Rate Enzymes play a critical role in metabolic processes by speeding up chemical reactions. Enzymes lower energy barriers by acting as a catalyst for a reaction. An example is hydrolysis that occurs in glucose. Without enzymes glucose will still hydrolyze, but at a slow rate. With the right enzyme hydrolysis will occur even more rapidly than before. Enzymes work by having a substrates enter their active site. Induce fit (the substrates forms weak bonds with the enzymecausing the enzymes shape to enfold the substrate) than occurs to the enzyme. It must be kept in mind however, that the enzymes only work on specific substrates and not all of them also known as enzyme specificity. There are many factors that may affect enzyme reaction rates. The pH and temperatureof the environment that the enzyme is in may denature the enzyme if it is not in the optimal area for the specific enzyme. If the pH and temperature of the environment is in the optimal area than the enzyme will work at its best if not than reaction rates may slow down. In competitive inhibition a competitive inhibitor mimics the substrate. This causes the substrate not to enter the active site of the enzyme. Likewise there is noncompetitive inhibition where a... Show more content on ... The final product then reacts the allosteric site of the first enzyme. This causes the first enzyme shape to be altered, preventing the substrate from bonding to it a forming a product. Without the first key enzyme to from a product none of the other enzymes further down the series can catalyze a reaction. In the case of ATP, feedback inhibition is key to regulating the molecule and preventing energy from being wasted. When ATP is very abundant catabolism slows down as the molecule binds to enzymes inhibiting them. When ADP (a ATP molecule that had a phosphate group removed) is abundant than they act as an activator promoting the catabolism of
  • 6. Eeoc Civil Rights We sometimes forget how far we have come in our struggle with discrimination and equal opportunity for all. While we still have many improvements to make in this area The Civil Rights Act has helped us make significant progress over the years. Probably the most well known act in the Civil Rights Movement is the Civil Rights Act of 1964but prior to this act there were two federal laws and a voting rights bill passed. These 3 acts are known as the Civil Rights Acts of 1866, 1875 and 1957. After the passing of the 1964 act came the Civil Rights act of 1991 which amended the 1964 act. All of these acts were put in place to try and decrease the amount of racial discriminationin our country. The Civil Rights Act of 1866, 1875, 1957, 1964, and 1991... Show more content on ... 165). The EEOC s main job is enforcing the federal laws that were put in place for unlawful employment actions. When a claim is filed the EEOC will first try mediation but both parties have to accept this option before it can happen. If mediation is not an option the EEOC then has to start their investigation which will involve questioning employees. If the EEOC feels the claim is true they will then try to get the employer to change their ways and if they feel the claim is false they will send out a right to sue letter. Claims filed against government agencies go straight to the attorney generals and if there is a local law in regards to the complaint made then the claims has to first be filed with the state then the EEOC. Since the EEOC was established there have been thousands of cases filed and surprisingly retaliation tends to be the top reason people file claims, racial discrimination is a close second though. Retaliation can sometimes occur when an individual files a complaint against the company they work for, this can obviously make a company look bad and some managers react in ways they shouldn t. It is important to still always file claims against wrongful employment acts /discrimination regardless of what may come after you do; you also only have 180 days to file a claim with the
  • 7. Conventions In Ancient Egyptian Art Conventions in art adopt to portray things in different ways and these conventions adopted by ancient Egyptian artists. Around 3000 BCE, Egypt was a consolidated state. Egypt was previously divided into two kingdoms, the Lower Egypt and The Upper Egypt. The powerful king of Upper kingdom conquered the lower kingdom. In the Predynastic period, Egyptunifies and this period was from 5000 to 2950 BCE. After unification of Egypt under one ruler, it ruled by the series of family dynasties and after that it characterized as Dynasties . The ancient Egyptart was based on religious practices and beliefs. The Egyptian built temples and tombs to please their gods because their kings revered as gods in human life. Predynastic period was a time of social ... Show more content on ... On the rise of New Kingdom, they start working on extensive buildings programs along the entire length of the Nile. Hatshepsut is responsible for one of the most spectacular. Her imposing complex was designed for funeral rites commemorative ceremonies and is much larger and more prominent than the tomb itself, reversing the scale relationship in the Old Kingdom pyramid complexes. At that time, the tomb Thebes was a most famous religious center throughout the New Kingdom. The temple took the form of a house which was simple, flat roofed building and rectangular proceeded by a courtyard and multiplied these elements. The gateway was massive Pylon with tapering walls and courtyard was surrounded by columns and the temple itself was outer Hypostyle hall . The rooms of temple became smaller, darker and more exclusive sanctuary where they placed a image of their god. The Great Temple of Amun at Karnak , Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut, and The Tomb of Ramose are the most important architectures of the New
  • 8. My Memories Of Science And Science Recall: The earliest thing I can remember in science was in fifth grade. We made the three types of clouds on a piece of construction paper with cotton balls. I can t recall anything leading up to the creation of the clouds, but I remember what it looked like when it was finished. Most of my memories of science were in middle school, mainly because I joined Science Olympiad and that is when I discovered how much I loved science. I started Science Olympiad in sixth grade, I was in rocks and minerals and wheeled vehicle. I spent hours in my dad s machine shop creating my wooden car, and my dad helped me with the design. Once it was created, I spent even more time testing, recording times and distances, and perfecting everything. On Science ... Show more content on ... Nobody won a medal, in fact most only got to 25th place out of 54 schools. I was super proud of myself because I got 13th place out of 54, I had scored higher than all the seventh and eighth graders there with me. I went to Science Olympiad every year that it was offered to me, until freshman year of high school when they dropped the program to save more money for basketball. I know that Science Olympiad has greatly influenced my science concentration that I have now, and I am so happy that it did. I had Mr. Spase for seventh and eighth grade science, where I remember making a mitosis song (that I can still sing) and planet PowerPoints (mine was about Jupiter). Even though this has nothing to do with science, I remember playing stump the chump with Mr. Spase. It was a game where we asked him any question about anything, and the goal was to stump him. Very few of us actually stumped him, and most of those times, he was really close to getting it right. This helped us to see him as more than just a teacher, and to respect him more. When we got into high school, I had Biology and Chemistry 1 and 2 with Mr. Garber. In biology, we did a bottle ecosystem with partners, and the reason I remember it is because our crickets died fast, and I was really upset with my partner since I did all the work. In Chemistry 2, Mr. Garber always had a really small class and so he did a fireworks unit. As a big finale to the seniors graduating from that class, we make a
  • 9. Case Study Of Macrolink Group Abstract: As consumers level of consumption rises, more and more industrial corporations have turned to investing in the entertainment sector due to the need for sustainable growth. In late 2017, a simple headline caught our attention. According to news from Macrolink Group s official website as well as numerous other channels, the company has decided to invest 22 million RMB in Tencent Music EntertainmentGroup, with the deal being officially signed in September. Over 20 other companies, including BHG Long Hills Capital, CMBI, and BOCOM International also participated in the investment. While the 22 million figure isn t particularly surprising given the sheer size of both parties (Macrolink and Tencent), but the motivation behind the investment, ... Show more content on ... It holds various levels of shares in over 90 companies, 9 of which are publicly traded. The Group was ranked #208 on the list of top 500 companies of China in 2017 with its gross annual revenue reaching 83.3 billion RMB, a 15.97% increase from the previous year. Macrolink Real Estate Co., Ltd., the appropriately named real estate company under Macrolink, went public in July of 2011 through a reverse takeover, aiming to integrate its core services with cultural tourism. 5 years later after the company s IPO, the company changed its name from Macrolink Real Estate to Macrolink Culturaltainment Development to more accurately reflect its change in direction. The corporation s winery company, JLF Investment Co. Ltd. saw a timely name change as well, to New Silkroad Culturaltainment Limited. Of course, this change is more than meets the eye. The company s adjustment in its tourism business model led to the largest percentage of growth in both its gross revenue and profit. According to an annual report published in April last year, Macrolink Culturaltainment brought in an annual revenue of 7.5 billion RMB in 2016, an increase of 61.41%, and its growth in annual profit reached a staggering 70.35%, netting 524 million
  • 10. Brook Trout Possibility Study Cool, you want to get Brook Trout I think I can help you learn what they need. Brook trout will need a few things, so when you are starting your aquarium you will need to go shopping. First of all, trout need 7 10 ppm oxygen to survive or they will get sluggish. You can buy an oxygen with an air pump and an airstone to pump the oxygen in the tank. Trout also need food, I would recommend dry shrimp and it has to be once a day, because of it easy and puffs up in the water. Next trout need clean water or their tank will get polluted. Buy a water filter and clean their tank with new water 2 times a week. Trout need a PH of a perfect 6.5 7.5. If the PH level is below 6.5 they will get sluggish and if the PH level is higher 7.5 then they will
  • 11. Examples Of Tyranny In Animal Farm In Animal Farm, Orwell subtly presents tyranny through the character of Napoleon. In chapter 6, Orwell shows how Squealer is used by Napoleon to persuade the animals. Surely none of you wishes to see Jones back? Orwell has used a rhetorical question to show the manipulation and intelligence that the pigs have. The use of you (second person) involves each animal as an individual instead of referring to the group as a whole to intimidate them and uses the fear of Jones to make them co operate. Orwell also does this to show the propaganda that Stalin used during the Russian. However, Macbeth s style of tyranny is presented differently to Napoleons, as Macbeth uses fear and violence to control the people of Scotland. Hang those that talk of fear Shakespeare has done this not only to show Macbeths cruelty but also his paranoia. Macbeth is suspicious and feels that... Show more content on ... Shakespeare shows how Macbeth hires murderers to kill Banquo as to not reveal his plans to the common eye , and presents him as powerful yet in many ways weak. The audience can also see how Macbeth has become paranoid and is not entirely at ease. Our fears in Banquo Stick deep , Shakespeare shows how Macbeth is afraid of Banquo as his act of murder now appears pointless and was committed for Banquo s heirs. This also foreshadows Lady Macbeth s paranoia later on during the play. However, in Animal Farm Napoleon publicly executes animals that confess to have been secretly in touch with Snowball. The dogs promptly tore their throats out . Orwell shows how Napoleon uses fear and his ruthlessness in order to make the other animals understand what will happen if they disobey him. However, like Macbeth, Napoleon uses the dogs to carry out the executions. The dogs represent the NKVD, Stalin s secret police force, who helped him execute or exile anyone who was perceived as a threat. Like the dogs, they were a cruel force that allowed Stalin to remain in
  • 12. John Steinbeck s East Of Eden As a father hoping to leave an inspirational impression on his sons, John Steinbeck portrays experiences he acquired from his childhood in the novel East of Eden through the characters conflicts and actions to encourage them to write their own story not dictated by their roots. Steinbeck admits in Journal of a Novel: The East of Eden Letters that he hopes his two young sons will find meaning in life when they grow and acquire the experiences to understand. Steinbeck s failure to feel accepted, accept his father s failures, and failure to live up to his parents wishes. Steinbeck explains his inability to fit in his throughout childhood, despite his parents prominence in the town, through the brothers Cal and Aron. Each brother exhibits... Show more content on ... According to Susan Shillinglaw, when Steinbeck s father s flour mill closes down in 1911 due to financial bankruptcy, he felt the embarrassment of his father s failure, similar to Aron s reaction when Adam s lettuce gamble failed; but yet learns to move on from this failure like Cal, thus showing how Steinbeck felt ones parents should not define them. Despite Steinbeck originating from modest means and the twins contrastingly from a wealthy background, both felt their fathers failure very deeply (436). Steinbeck was not faced with mocking remarks from his peers about his father s failures in managing a flour mill, but yet internal embarrassment made Steinbeck feel like he was being looked upon with mocking eyes comparable to the scrutiny faced by the twins. Adam was viewed as a farseeing, forward looking, pregressmined businessman but after the failure of the iced lettuce shipment, Adam was viewed as a fool by these same men and in turn if the businessmen made fun of Adam, the high school group was much more cruel (434,436). Aron despised the shame of being called a Lettuce head . The harsh ridicule drove him out of town; this is seen when he says I want to get out of this town. Everybody s sneering at me. I can t stand it here (438). This is how Steinbeck felt in the moment of his father s inaveducy, but he moved on from this feeling of resentment, wanting to make a name for himself and achieve his own success
  • 13. Gmc Truck Research Paper 2016 GMC Canyon The GMC Canyons are compact truck manufactured by the General Motors. The company is all set with the latest 2016 GMC Canyon model truck with many innovative and advanced features added to the vehicle. The new mid size truck is expected to keep up the good performance as that of its predecessors. The truck is very favorable for the people looking for a compact sized vehicle for smaller pickups. The new model comes with few changes in the designs. The front end of the truck will feature the front grille that is elegant and attractive. The grille consists of three lines with the middle one depicting the GMC logo design. The body elements have been changed completely with high quality components. The cargo has been designed with... Show more content on ... The seats have been made of high quality leather making it more soft and smooth. The dashboard has been designed with hi tech features. The 4G LTE cellular connectivity, voice recognition, and GMC IntelliLink are some the new features added in the new Canyon s model. The intelliLink allows the commands to be recorded in the user s natural language. It is capable of being connected across multiple devices. The standard features include the automatic climate control system, cruise control system, and infotainment system with the 7 inches screen. The truck can accommodate up to five adult passengers. The front seats are provided with both heating and ventilation systems which comes as an optional feature. The optional equipment includes the satellite navigation system, leather upholstery, etc. The safety features of the new Canyon s model include the six airbags, the side curtain airbags to avoid the risk of ejection during a crash or a rollover, a rearview camera, trailer sway control, and hill descent control. The rear vision camera provides a clear vision even in the tightest spots while parking or maneuvering the vehicle. The other optional features are forward collision alert system and lane departure warning system. These features will undergo some advancements when compared to the previous
  • 14. Professional Sports Ethical Analysis I don t find that an agent representing more than one athlete on the same team to be unethical. From the agent s perspective, it is important for him to build his clientele thus building his reputation amongst athletes. When an athlete hires an agent, they trust that person to handle almost all aspects of their career, which includes negotiating endorsement deals, career advice, contract negotiations, and concierge services. Also, if a few playersshare the same agenton the same team, it could potentially build chemistry between the athletes as far as communicating in the locker room. It is unethical for an agent to represent a coach and a player on the same team as it could potentially lead to conflicting interests. Coaches deal with just ... Show more content on ... I have seen a few examples of two players that share the same agent on the same team when both are negotiating new contracts. This creates leverage for that sports agent against the team. Surely, that team will want to keep their star player but that price becomes steep when the same agent ups the asking price for the less known player who also needs a new deal. An example I ll give involved LeBron James and Tristan Thompson. They both share the same agent, Rich Paul. Another caveat is that Rich Paul is a long time friend of LeBron James. Obviously, LeBron is one of the best players of this generation. However, Tristan Thompson while is a good player, is nowhere near being one of the top players in the league. In his career, he has averaged 9.7 PPG and 8.5 RPG. Thompson was involved in a long contract stalemate with the Cavs because he wanted a max contract. After months of negotiations, Thompson received a 5 year $82 million dollar deal from Cleveland. NBA executives around the league were surprised to see the deal that Thompson got. Rich Paul benefitted greatly from this as his two clients were getting paid max contract money from Cleveland. From the Cavs perspective, they overpaid for a middle of the road player to keep their star player
  • 15. The Corruption Of The Dominican Republic The Dominican Republic was discovered by Christopher Columbus on his first voyage in 1492. He named it La Isla de EspaГ±ola. The capital, Santo Domingo was founded in 1496 is the oldest European settlement in the Western Hemisphere. Spain ceded the colony to France in 1795. The island was conquered in 1801 by Haitian blacks under the command of Toussaint L Ouverture. In 1808 the people revolted and captured Santo Domingo the next year, setting up the first republic. Led by Pedro Santana the Haitians were thrown out and the Dominican Republicwas established. Multiple attacks on the Island forced Santana to make the country a part of Spain from 1861 to 1865. The first president, Buenaventura Baez had to deal with many economic issues and in 1870 attempted to annex the country to the United States but senate declined. Anarchy and corruption continued until the dictatorship of Ulises Heureaux. The United States sent a group of Marines when chaos broke out once again in 1924. Rafael Leonides Trujillo Molina a sergeant who was trained by the marines established a dictatorship until 1961 when he was assassinated. Juan Bosch represented the Dominican Revolutionary Party was the first president elected in over 41 years. President Bosch was a scholar and a poet. His leftist policies included, naturalization of certain foreign holdings, including land redistribution. In 1963 President Bosch was dethroned by COL Elias Wessin. Juan Bosch then moved to Puerto Rico were he established
  • 16. Nixon Vs. President Richard M. Nixon Trace Haven Mrs. Molzahn American Literature May 17, 2017 Nixon vs. People President Richard M. Nixon once said, I can see clearly now... that I was wrong in not acting more decisively and more forthrightly in dealing with Watergate ( Watergate Quotes ). The Watergate scandal began when five men attempted to break into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate Complex. The government had to create an act in order to have the right to view all surveillance footage from the headquarters. This break in sparked more than enough attention in the United States and brought two big reporters onto the case. It is stated that these two reporters were bigger than the stories they covered ( National Constitution ... Show more content on ... It was later found that these men were there to plant and bug the telephones and computer systems. After the men were in custody there was only one thing left to do. Find out who the men were, and why they did it. James W. McCord was a former CIA, FBI agent security supervisor for Republican National Committee. McCord was the security advisor for the Committee of Re Election of the President, (CREEP). Immediately after the break in and detainment McCord was ousted from the two committees where he was the head of security. Virgilio R. Gonzales was born in Cuba and the man who picked the lock at the Watergate Complex. Gonzales was a refugee from Cuba after Castro s Takeover of Cuba. Frank A. Sturgis, a member of many branches of the military, had many connections to the CIA. Sturgis was a part of the anti Castro takeover organization in 1959 when Fidel Castro took control of Cuba. Eugenio R. Martinez was another member of the anti Castro takeover organization with many connections to the CIA. Martinez was an employee of Barker Real Estate who was owned by the fifth burglar, Bernard L. Barker. Barker was a realtor out of Miami, FL, along with being a former CIA operative. All five burglars had CIA or FBI connections in one way or another. With that being a point of interest in the investigation, it shined a light on the Commander in
  • 17. The Orbitofrontal Cortex and Social Behaviors Within the realm if biological psychology, there are two known types of behaviour. One being regulatory and the other, non regulatory. Regulatory behaviour is controlled by the hypothalamus and maintains homeostasis in the body by continuing the processes of the vital body systems. An example of this could be; eating. Regulatory behaviour occurs in a person s everyday life without them noticing that it happens. Non regulatory behaviour, on the other hand is not controlled by a homeostatic mechanism in the hypothalamus but rather in the orbitofrontal cortex. Example of non regulatory behaviour include; parenting, aggression and social behaviour. (Swartz, L. et al, 2011) The orbitofrontal cortex is a part of the brain that is located superiorly to the eye socket and inferiorly to the frontal lobe. Part of its function is that it is involved in the regulation of reward orientated behaviour, inhibiting unwanted behaviour as well as being involved with emotions and decision making (Swartz, L et al, 2011). The orbitofrontal cortex is greatly associated with social behaviour. With reference to (Beer, J. S. et al), there are two theories that are coherent social short comings associated with the orbitofrontal cortex. These are one, deficient emotional systems and two, self monitoring . Deficient emotional systems or the lack of behavioural monitoring can be characterized by the somatic marker hypothesis . This theory suggests that the orbitofrontal cortex is an imperative part
  • 18. Lorenzo De Medici Research Paper Lorenzo De Medici, fabulously wealthy, brilliant statesman and equally brilliant patron of the arts. He was quite possibly the greatest single contributor to the Renaissance and it s fabulous wealth of art. His and his family s patronage of the arts, amounting to hundreds of thousands of florins allowed artists such as Botticelli, Michelangeloand Leonardo to flourish and thrive, creating some of their greatest works with Medici money. Lorenzo was heir to one of the great fortunes of late medieval Europe, through his family s ownership of the Medici bank. His grandfather, Cosimo enhanced the bank s power to its apex and its wealth was declining when Lorenzo came to power, but it was still an immensely wealthy organization. Lorenzo assumed unofficial
  • 19. Example Of Self-Visualizing In Sports Visualizing. Self Visualizing is very important before every game because it tells the mind what you want out of the game. For example, if you tell yourself to not mess up during the game, all you will be thinking about is failure instead of winning and success. (Mullins, 2008) Browne Mahoney claim that mental training is the use of imagery to project future success. When athletes are negative, negative things are visualized and therefore occur. Mental perpetration works best when paired with practice, not on its own. An athlete still has to work at what they want to achieve, but visualizing can help heighten performance. Scott (1997) claims that by using imagery, which is a technique when athletes picture their goals which turns on neurons... Show more content on ... Focus, although not having an agreed upon definition in the sports psychology world, is used to describe how much attention one is paying, and can include the state of arousal which causes this attention. Focus includes only concentrating on the most important aspects of the game, and blocking out all other distractions ( Cashmore, 2008). Kris Eiring, the Director of Clinical and Sports Psychology at the University of Wisconsin Madison claims that The focus of athletes sometimes strays in competition, Athletes may focus more on beating another competitor, rather than on developing skills and performing these to optimal physical potential. (as cited in Mullins, 2000) Hochwald (2004) advises athletes to stay focused on the game and the moment, {as} your brain cannot concentrate on two or more things. Depending on the sport, athletes can experience internal or external assocation. Internal Association is when an athlete concentrates on thoughts or a feeling inside of themselves. External Association refers to any outside object of focus. The focus can depend on the sport an athlete, as well as position. A hockey goalie has to focus on where the puck is, but a winger must monitor the puck, the goal, teammates, opponents and offsides. External is more commonly seen in performance, which when paired with positive self confidence, can allow athletes to focus on uncontrollable factors to them, like opponent s tactics or
  • 20. Essay on The English Patient A young Canadian nurse, a Sikh bomb disposal expert, a thief turned spy, and a man burnt beyond recognition, meet in the last moments of the Second World War. The identity of the patient is the heart of the story as he tells his memories of a doomed love affair in the North African desert. Love and passion are set against the devastation of war in this inspired novel by Canadian writer Michael Ondaatje. It is a novel of revelation, and just as the identity of the English patient is slowly revealed as the novel progresses, so are the inner selves and spiritual identities of the other characters in the novel. Ondaatje writes his novel of discovery revealing things only briefly and subtile. Indeed, such brief moments abounds in this ... Show more content on ... The term identity In general we differentiate between two kinds of identity. On the one hand there is the so called social identity, which stresses self interpretation as a member of a certain social group and on the other hand there is the personal identity, which puts itВґs emphasis on individuality and distinctiveness. This distinction is widely known as patchwork identity . Both identities are only a subgroup of many different subjectively interpreted identities that everyone of us has innate. Life is made up of many windows and real life is only one of them. The question is, which of these identities will I present, which of them will I develop and how do I realize other personsВґ identities? In the novel The English patient both of the above mentioned identities can be discovered within all the expressingly dynamic characters. If we take Hana as a first example we might simply say that she is a canadian nurse aiding injured soldiers during the second world war. This statement can be referred to as social identity it is the way Hana behaves within society. Her personal identity, however, is much more subtile and not that easy, neither to discover, nor to understand. The same, of course, applies to the other characters, especially to the English patient, whose rediscovery of identity is the focus of this novel and mainly dealt with. His story of identical background is told in flashbacks, as he
  • 21. The Rise Of The Great Depression Essay By the end of the 1920s, the United States had the largest economy in the world. With the destruction brought on by WWI, Europeans endured hardships while Americans continued to thrive. Upon a successful victory of the presidency, Herbert Hoover didn t have a doubt that the United States would soon witness the day when poverty was exterminated. Then, in a moment of what seemed to be triumph, everything collapsed in the U.S. With the stock market crashing in 1929, it set off a chain of events that catapulted the U.S. into the longest and deepest economic crisis it had ever seen. It is far too easy to put the blame of the Great Depressionon one event, but when there is poor investing over time with the lack of government programs and a drop in consumer purchasing power due to the market collapse it can delay the process of fixing the economy for future leaders. It is far too simple to view the stock market crash as the only cause of the Great Depression. A fit economy can be revived from such devastation. Long term causes sent the nation into a downward slope of despair. American firms acquired substantial profits during the 1920s and immediately reinvested most of the funds into expansion. By 1929, companies had come to the bubble point. Workers couldn t continue to help further expansion, so a slowdown was unpreventable. While corporate profits soared and wages improved over time, so did the spread of the distribution of wealth. The richest people of American had over
  • 22. When You Are Old By William Butler Yeats When You Are Old is a poem that was written by William Butler Yeats in 1891. It is a poem about a person who wants to be remembered by those he loves. It is a story about dreams forgotten and memories long gone. Yeats captured a feeling of longing in this poem that some people may never understand unless they have a relationship that is more to them than any other relationship they will ever have. When You Are Old talks about a woman who was loved by a man until he died. It is a story of how a life should be remembered by a person who loved another. When You Are Old is about the loveof a man for a woman whom he had on a pedestal. He felt this woman was loved by many with a true and deep love and loved by others with a false love. He felt this woman was loved much like people today love celebrities. Yeats wrote about this woman as though he knew her intimately. He asks her to slowly read, and dream of the soft look, Your eyes had once and of their shadows deep (Yeats). He wants her to remember how things were in her youth. He wants her to remember her dreams and think of how things were and how they may have been. Yeats is asking her to take her time and day dream about her glory days. In the first lines of the poem Yeats describes this woman as old and grey and full of sleep (Yeats). The speaker of the poem addresses his beloved saying that when she is aged she should read a particular book which will remind her of her youth. She will remember the
  • 23. The Effects Of Medical Tourism Introduction Medical tourism is trending as time goes on and as the population increase throughout the world. Medical tourism is a concept where individuals from their native countries, visit foreign countries to receive the medical attention they need that is not available in their native country (CDC, 2016). This is further divided into outbound and inbound, inbound refers to the patients coming to the country and outbound refers to the individuals leaving the country (Horowitz et al, 2007). First world countries tend to hold most medical tourism out of all the other countries due to the perception of better medical care, but it comes at a very high cost, thus developing countries are building state of the art medical facilities to... Show more content on ... With progressive upgrades in developing countries, medical tourism is becoming a viable option. Unorthodox locations for medical tourism such as Malaysia, Brazil, and India are becoming pioneers in state of the art medical treatments and equipment (Pashley H.S, 2012). For example, Turkey, India, and Singapore hold the most Joint Commission International Accredited hospitals in the world (Pashley H.S, 2012). Visiting developing countries is not only cost efficient, but treatment effective as well; individuals seek medical tourism due to ridiculous wait times and/or very expensive treatment. If an individual were to get a heart bypass surgery in the land of the free, it would cost 80% more than in any developing country($130,000), and a waiting period of 2 10 years depending on emergency (Hodges J.R et al, 2012). Hospital revenue and the economy are major aspects that hospitals and medical tourism operators have to consider and from the profit, India is seeing due to medical tourism is sought worthy; India has anticipated $2 billion industry in 2015 from inbound medical tourism alone (Henderson, 2014). Traveling to foreign countries can deem beneficial for those that are uninsured/underinsured and for those individuals who are not in an urgent emergency or are placed on a long waiting period (Pashley H.S, 2012). In terms of Canadian Medical Tourism, individuals not only receive superior
  • 24. Once More Of The Lake Once More to the Lake is a short essay written by E.B. White for his column in the New Yorker, One Man s Meat. Once More to the Lake is a story about a father who is taking his son to his childhood vacation spot. On the trip, the father finds himself inside the memories of his past. Throughout the trip, the father finds differences in the lake from when he was a child. While much of E.B. White s essay is set in the present, the author explores his own mortality as he looks both to the past and to the future. Elwyn Brooks White was born on July 11, 1899, in Mount Vernon, New York, and died in 1985. Throughout his lifetime, White had traveled to many places and held several jobs ranging from reporter to army private. He became a multifaceted writer but primarily wrote style manual, fiction, poetry, and children s literature. Throughout his life, White was surrounded by many other talented writers including Dorothy Parker, Robert Benchley, and Stephen Leacock. White wrote the well known children s stories Stuart Littleand Charlotte s Web. Many of White s works were accomplished with the help of his wife, former editor, Katharine Angell. Once More to the Lake was published in 1941 along with many other works on which he and Katharine had collaborated. The year 1941 was the onset of World War II in America. Other countries had been at war for some time. In 1941, however, the war became increasingly eminent for Americans. E.B. White did not slow down his writing during
  • 25. Life Of A College Freshman Whether you are a monster or a human you will find that in life there are going to obstacles that you must overcome. The life of a college freshman is no different than the life outside of college. By analyzing the main characters in the movies in Back to School (BTS) and Monsters University (MU) we can see the direct effects college has on these students lives. The similarities and differences of the movie BTS and MU, reveal stereotypical incoming attitudes, the reasons for attendance, and the lessons learned of closely connected, college freshman. In the movie MU, one of the main characters is James Sullivan, or as more commonly known as Sully. Living on the previous successes of his family, particularly his father, Sully felt he had a lot to prove to his peers and professors. Which ultimately led to him meeting, Mike, who would become his most unlikely, best friend. If we take a look at Sully s stature we see that he possesses an innate ability to scare. His natural scaring qualities ranged from his height and muscle, to his sharp, frightening teeth, giving him an advantage that many other students did not possess. Taking into account all of this information, it is no wonder that Sully did not have a goal for going to college. It is this very point where we see a contrast between Sully and Thornton from BTS. One of the similarities between Sully and Thornton are their backgrounds. Just as Sully had a successful family, similarly Thornton did as well.
  • 26. Rosenhan Experiment Essay Rosenhan experiment The Rosenhan experiment was an experiment into the validity of psychiatric diagnosis, conducted by David Rosenhan in 1973. The study is considered an important and influential criticism of psychiatric diagnosis. Rosenhan s study was done in two parts. The first part involved the use of healthy associates who briefly simulated auditory hallucinations in an attempt to gain admission to 12 different psychiatric hospitals in five different states in various locations in the United States. All were admitted and diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. After admission, the pseudopatients acted normally and told staff that they felt fine and had not experienced any more hallucinations. All were forced to admit to having a... Show more content on ... The hospital staffs were not informed of the experiment. The pseudopatients included a psychology graduate student in his twenties, three psychologists, a pediatrician, a psychiatrist, a painter and a housewife. None had a history of mental illness. Pseudopatients used pseudonyms, and those who worked in the mental health field were given false jobs in a different sector to avoid invoking any special treatment or scrutiny. Apart from giving false names and employment details, further biographical details were truthfully reported. During their initial psychiatric assessment, they claimed to be hearing voices of the same sex as the patient which were often unclear, but which seemed to pronounce the words empty , hollow , thud and nothing else. These words were chosen as they vaguely suggest some sort of existential crisis and for the lack of any published literature referencing them as psychoticsymptoms. No other psychiatric symptoms were claimed. If admitted, the pseudopatients were instructed to act normally , reporting that they felt fine and no longer heard voices. Hospital records obtained after the experiment indicate that all pseudopatients were characterized as friendly and cooperative by staff. All were admitted, to 12 different psychiatric hospitals across the United States, including rundown and underfunded public hospitals in rural areas, urban
  • 27. Rhetorical Devices In American Pie Isiah Jones Professor Harley LA 201 29 November 2017 Essay 3 The song American Pie , by Don McLean, was a dominate rock and roll hit in 1971. McLean illustrates famous rock star artist and songwriter Buddy Holly, who died in a plane crash in 1962 by using rhetorical strategies. The different potential interpretations of this song made it one of the most controversial songs from the 1970 s. McLean was hitting home with many emotional resonances defining moments in the recent American experiences. American Piestarts out addressing McLean love for music in the 50 s. During the 50 s, music was a tool for getting people off their feet and on to the dance floors. And I knew if I had my chance, that I could make those people dance, and maybe they d be happy for a while (McLean). This verse symbolizes why he loves to create and perform for his fans. McLean then goes on to mention his mentor Buddy Holly. But February made me shiver. With every paper, I d deliver. Shocking news on the doorstep, I couldn t take one more step. I can t remember if I cried. When I read about his widowed bride. But something touched me deep inside. The day the music died (McLean). Buddy Holly died on February 3, 1959, in a plane crash. There are two theories on why the song was called American Pie. It was rumored, American Pie was the name of the plane that took Buddy Holly life. Also, someone refers it to a symbol of the beauty queen Miss America (Morgan). Mclean remembered the paper boy delivering the morning paper and there on the front page, was the story of the death of Buddy Holly. At the time Holly s wife was pregnant and soon had a miscarriage afterward. McLean, he says he can t remember if he cried in the moment or not. All this was in the first few verses in American Pie. McLean incorporated these lines of imagery to help the listener picture his past emotional experiences. I believe McLean wanted to paint a picture for his audience could relate to. During these times it was tough for McLean. Not only did Buddy Holly die but also rock star legends Richie Valens, and the Big Bopper. For McLean music died for him and the rest of the world. American Pie not only pays tribute to three talented musicians but also
  • 28. Essay on Whole Foods Market s Tipping Point In his book, The Tipping Point: How little things can make a big difference (2000), Malcolm Gladwell highlights the power of intelligent action and the potential of little changes for starting epidemics. Concepts such as the law of few, the stickiness factor, and the power of context arouse epidemics both in macro level and in micro level. In detail, the law of few affirms the influence on communication. Connectors, mavens, and salesmen each has abilities to conjoin, collect, and cajole; they distribute information globally. The stickiness factor refers to a technique, which emphasize and allow information to stick in the minds of consumers. Last, the power of context stresses that both individual s reaction and community s cohesion can... Show more content on ... It was a huge hit because there are less than six organic grocery stores in the nation. Knowing his vision well, John Mackey, the main founder put his dream into action. He used his ability as a connector, someone who has broad social network, to integrate others people s ideas. Soon, expansion came to place starting from Dallas to New Orleans. In order to guarantee each store s success, he did thorough research on social class, eating habit, and supply and demand. He took his action deliberately. The mergers with great reputation brands not only elevated Whole Foods Market s character, but also stabled its market position. In 1991, Wellspring Grocery joined Whole Foods Market. Similar to Whole Food, Wellspring Grocery started with a positive attitude toward changing the market. Unlike other grocery stores, it wanted to bring healthy diet on shelves, rather than pills and canned food. This idea brought attention to what people are consuming daily. Second merger happened one year after Wellspring Grocery s success. Bread and Circus, a company that used to sell natural food and wooden toys, valued costumer s opinion. Costumers were happy to shop in Bread and Circus. Its expeditiously expansion caught Whole Foods Market s attention. In order to stable its market not only in Taxes, it decided to purchase Bread and Circus. Last, Mrs. Gooch s, a grocery store that targeted on allergic
  • 29. The Existence Of Aliens In Area 51 Most of us have heard about the mysterious Area 51 and the rumors of the Aliens and UFOs that are hidden within. However, these rumors are not true. There is evidence that shows that there are no extraterrestrial beings in Area 51. Before a reader can understand this essay, they must first know a little background about the subject. In 1955, land was added to an existing grid of the AEC s Atomic Test Site. This land was named Area 51. Over time, things such as accommodations for personnel and a runway were added. For a long time, what went on in Area 51 was kept top secret. This caused many people to speculate that the government was hiding things such as aliens and crashed UFOs there. These speculations led to things such as movies and TV... Show more content on ... One example of hearsay evidence is Edward Price, a CIA spokesperson, who stated that there are no aliens in Area 51, and that the rumors are all made up. What readers won t find are any references to aliens or other conspiracy theories best left to the realm of science fiction. (America Acknowledges Existence..., 2013).Another example of hearsay evidence is Chris Pocock, a British defence journalist, who stated that everything about the U 2 program had to be kept top secret. The U 2 was absolutely top secret , Chris Pocock, a British defence journalist and author of histories of the programme, told the BBC. They had to hide everything about it. (America Acknowledges Existence..., 2013).The final example of hearsay evidence are Gregory Pedlow and Donald Welzenbach, authors of the book of the history of the U 2 program stated that it was thought to be impossible for planes to fly as high as the U 2 did, which could explain the UFO sightings. At this time, no one believed manned flight was possible above 60,000 feet, so no one expected to see an object so high in the sky. , note authors Gregory Pedlow and Donalds Welzenbach. (America Acknowledges Existence...,
  • 30. Using Polystyrene ( Ps ) Standards For Calibration Essay Introduction: Polyimides are high performance polymers with excellent electrical properties, high thermal stability, and high strength and stiffness at elevated temperatures. They also have a high chemical resistance and are therefore typically not soluble in common solvents. Because of solubility issues the molecular weight (MW) and molecular weight distribution (MWD) of polyimides is near impossible to obtain and in some cases the data listed is based on soluble precursors to the particular polyimide of interest. These precursors are typically only soluble in amide solvents and because of this the results obtained are questionable due to strong interactions that the polymer, mobile phase/eluent, and stationary phase/column have with one another due to the polyelectrolyte effect. This article aims to determine MW and MWD of polyimides via gel permeation chromatography(GPC) by using solution imidization and thus not having to deal with the occurrence of the polyelectrolyte effect. Therefore, the overall objective of this paper is to establish the proper chromatographic conditions required to carry out this analysis with the use of polystyrene (PS) standards for calibration. Experimental: Polyimide samples were prepared in N methylpyrrolidine (NMP) by using a step wise reaction and end capping with m ethynylaniline in order to control the molecular weight. Via this process, theoretical molecular weights of 5000, 10000, and 15000 g/mol were achieved and analyzed with the
  • 31. How Dress Code Takes Meaning And Life Out Of Clothes Con Dress Code Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them. A quote from Marc Jacobs. So as you listen to the this speech think about what that means and how dress code takes meaning and life out of clothes. Fashion is a personal art you can tell what people like to do, eat, watch, and play when you look at their clothing. If you were wearing a Marshall sweatshirt and I didn t know you I would immediately know that you most likely go to marshall, root for marshall, and play a sport for marshall I knew all of that by an item of clothing so when you tell us what to wear your telling us what to say which is going against the bill of rights. Dress code is a controversial topic. The people who are for dress code belive that it helps keep order in the system. They also believe it teaches us what is or is not correct to wear in a place of business. The others who are against dresscode belives that it makes us conform to what society thinks is pretty or handsome and appropriate.As a young girl in america I strongly believe that girls should have the right to wear whatever they want to wear and anything that tries to conform the voice of just girls are sexist childish and are teaching us that boys have more rights than girls. School dress codes are ridiculous! Most schools have a dress code that their female, and some male students don t agree with. There are things in the student body dress code for mms, that I will now read to you. Students may wear
  • 32. Charity Organization, The Giving Pledge Essay 1.Explain what The Giving Pledge is, and give an outline of the different attitudes presented in texts 2 and 3. The Giving Pledge is an organization for rich American people. This charity organization consists of many wealthy people like Bill Gates who is the co founder of Microsoft. Bill Gates launched this campaign and all the members have different causes. Bill Gates wants to support improvements of the medical difficulties, for example Bill Gates want to make vaccines reach everyone in the world. All the members of the organization have agreed to donate at least 50% of their fortune to a charity. Warren Buffetthas decided to donate 99% of his fortune to The Giving Pledge . Warren Buffett lifestyle will not be affected by this... Show more content on ... In contrast to Peter Wilby, Jon Swartz does not see problem that the good marketing will sell, for example Bill Gates will sell more on Windows operating systems . Jon Swartz is using some quotes from Caroline Preston Nothing like this has happened before . Jon Swartz is very excited and he is finding some good quotes to back up his claims. I almost get the impression that The Giving Pledge has paid Jon Swartz to write this article. Jon Swartz also points out how much money they are donating. Among those who didn t sign the pledge, some preferred anonymity, some were unavailable, and others were not interested. Jon Swartz got some hatred for the people who did not sign the pledge; this is also showing that it is biased and not neutral. 3.Taking your standpoint in one of the texts, argue for your own view of charitable giving. I think that these people have giant hearts and they are really generous. It is unbelievable how rich these men are. I think it s an excellent idea donating money to education and science. But taking Peter Wilby points in consideration I see that it could be a business plan to create a better reputation and if u has a great reputation you will sell more products or services. However it s a great idea to share your wealth and through research you could get vaccines to all the people in the world. These charities are great not only for science but also for innovation. All these Billion dollars could be
  • 33. What Does Ontological Position Influence Mixed Methods... The main purpose of this paper is to reflect upon a methodological approach towards in what extent does ontological position influence mixed methods research which involves both collecting and analyzing the combination of quantitative and qualitative data. This reflection will begin with defining the ontological position, then why this approach influence mixed method researchand followed by a conclusion. Defining ontological position The term ontology is derived from the Greek word, with onto meaning being , and logos usually interpreted as science ; so that ontology, as customarily understood, is the science or study of being (Lawson, 2004). Also, ontology is a branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of ... Show more content on ... Referring to the term Method for gathering and analyzing data such as survey research or regression analysis on the quantitative side and metaphor analysis on the qualitative or interpretive sides (Hatch and Yanow, 2008). Guba (1990) refers to ontology as the nature of the knowable or the nature of reality . Thus, an assumption of an ontological kind concern is that the very nature of social entities being investigated (Dieronitou, 2014). Besides that, I also figured out that epistemology is firmly grounded in the ontological belief that the actions of human subjects is noticeable of a methodical and ruled by administered of the external reality. Therefore, there is a theoretical view that human behaviors and actions are principally determined by stimuli which are not of their own making according to scholar Bracken, 2010. Therefore, there is an understanding that a research methodology used by researchers which makes them produces differing sets of data and to emphasize upon outcomes in contradictory ways by depending upon on ontological and epistemological positioning. Hence, this paper will focus on the ontological position of mixed methods methodology. Using mix method why ontological influence this approach The argument of this paper is that ever since almost all researchers, whether they give credit to the positivist, constructivist or pragmatic tradition, implemented the conventional term paradigm to suggest a fresh
  • 34. George W Bush s Presidency Essay George W Bush s presidency can be associated with an infamous term that stood out from the State of the Union address, that term being Axis of Evil . In this context, Bush categorised the countries of Iran, Iraq and North Korea as being evil states. This neoconservative comment left little doubt as to what Bush s foreign policy towards these states was going be (Baxter and Akbarzadeh, 2008). This comment would then define George W Bush s presidency, due to the controversy over this phrase and the results that it would have on US foreign policy as rarely had such a rhetorical device had such devastating consequences (Ansari, 2006:186). This paper will argue how the use of the word evil , and the categorisation of these evil countries, had a large impact on US Iran relations. The hypothesis of this essay will focus on the use of metaphors in speech by state leaders to mobilise public opinion. In this instance, how does the metaphor and imagery of the word evil , used by George W. Bush, mobilised the public opinion of the American people towards policies for the War on Terror . Also, this essay will argue that that using this term improved the domestic opinion of President Bush, at the expense of relations between USA and Iran. This is not a new phenomenon; it can be argued that the idea of using such emotive terminology to categorise states together is one that has existed prior to Bush Jr. This essay will elaborate and analyse examples of this. The hypothesis will
  • 35. Article on Oprah Amanda Lopez Stock1 Queen of Talk Under Bad Lighting As a leader and icon Oprah Winfrey has redefined the meaning of success and has become one of the most praised women. Oprah has had numerous articles, books, and magazines, dedicated to highlighting her success. Another article in the New York Times summing up Ms. Winfrey s accomplishments is nothing less than typical. However, what is uncommon is to come across a writer such as gossip columnist Kitty Kelley, doing what no one dares to do and confronting the negative and practically silent aspects of Oprahs s stardom. In Kitty Kelley s Oprah biography, she provides her readers with a raw and insightful view contradicting The New York Times view on Oprah as an ultimate multimedia ... Show more content on ... Kelley provides her readers with quotes such as these to question Ms. Winfrey s truth in her story line that Oprah has created for the media. One of Kelley s theories behind Oprah s ability to create such story as a talk show host is that Oprah possibly feels that false comfort is better than no comfort (384). What about the comfort towards Oprah s own family. Kelleys uses this as one her main arguments in her books attempt to bring down Oprah. Kelley mentions how Oprah s blood family knew they did not have Oprah s heart like the celebrity family she had re invented for herself, and they resented their secondary position in her affections, but knew their lack of acclaim could not enhance the image she wanted to present (144). Celebrities most prized possession in their career is their image. Now, what gives Kitty Kelley the right assume what would enhance Winfrey s image? Kelley is was one of the few writers that went against one of the biggest Icons known. She portrays a sense of fearlessness in her writing that majority of writers lack or will not dare to do when writing about power house celebrities such as Oprah. The New York Times article is a perfect example of what the average newspaper does for stars like Ms. Winfrey. They create articles with no truth but only stated facts in Oprah s career. Even with or without the facts newspapers want positive credibility from Emmy and Oscar winning ( New York Times) Oprah. The difference between
  • 36. OCCUPATIONAL BACK INJURIES DURING MANUAL HANDLING OF... INDEX PAGE INTRODUCTION 3 ERGONOMICS 4 OBJECTIVES OF ERGONOMICS 4 RESULTS OF ERGONOMIC APPLICATIONS 5 THE BACK STRUTURE 6 BACK AND BACK PROBLEMS 6 Back injuries 6 Causes of back injuries 7 The following are common causes of back injuries: 7 Back injury prevention 8 Back injury preventative techniques 8 Techniques 9 Strategies 9 ORIGINAL LIFTING ... Show more content on ... Back troubles are painful and reduce one s mobility and vitality they lead to long absence from work, and in modern times are among the main causes of early disability . ERGONOMICS Ergonomics is concerned with the design of systems in which people carry out work. Its name comes from the Greek words ergon which means work and monos which means law . All work systems consist of a human component and a machine component embedded in a local environment. When designing any system where humans and machines work together to produce something, we need to know about the characteristics of the people involved and be able to apply this knowledge to the design. This activity is the fundamental function of ergonomics. Ergonomics came about as a consequence of the design and operational problems presented by new work systems which had evolved with the advance of technology. It owes its development to the same historical processes, which gave rise to the to other work system disciplines such as industrial engineering and occupational medicine. The practice of ergonomics requires that knowledge about human anatomy, physiology, and psychology be applied to the design of work systems. Particular emphasis is placed on the design of the human machine interface to ensure increased safety and usability of equipment and the removal of harmful stressors.4 OBJECTIVES OF ERGONOMICS
  • 37. Homecoming Essay Last September at Murphy High School during homecoming week I ran for homecoming queen. I didn t know what I was getting myself into. All I knew, is that I wanted to win and experience something I ve never experienced before. I always thought it was so amazing how the queens dressed up with their crowns and sash, walk across the filed during half time of the homecoming game with their dads. Not only but walk in front of the entire football stadium filled with fans. Taking the pictures would ve been my favorite part. While Papering for the voting day is was a lot of hard work while working a part time job and going to school a full 8 hours a day. From posters, flyers, candy, and t shirts homecoming week was much occupied. However, I didn t mind
  • 38. Implementing A Flexible Open Architecture Based Radio System Software defined radio (SDR) aims to overcome the limitation of the conventional radio by building a flexible open architecture based radio system. Functional modules of the radio system are implemented on reprogrammable/reconfigurable hardware platforms using software. So highly flexible. Useful for global roaming services as SDR is able to interoperate with different wirelessprotocols, incorporate new services, and upgrade to new standards. Hence for implementing a given radio scheme, we required to identify the BBBs, place them in appropriate position, replace the BBBs by the FUs and connect them through the switches. Data routing from the output of one FU to the input(s) of one or more FUs can be achieved by providing appropriate control signals to the switches which is generated by the software. Thus, by changing control signals of these switches, different communication schemes can be established. However, the BBUs that are used in most of the schemes can be made static to reduce switching delay. The signal processing functions (like adder, delay, multipliers, carrier oscillator generators etc) are computationally intensive and they exhibit spatial or temporal parallelism or both. In SDR, the signal processing function are implemented in Software by simply downloading a new program and hence it is possible to incorporate to new services. Efficient Signal processor for SDR is either a DSP processor or ASIC or FPGA. ASIC /SOC offer low power Consumption, highest
  • 39. National Security Requirements Exercised The Most... National security requirements exercised the most significant influence on the development of airpower in Europe and the United States before the Second World War (WWII). Nations on both sides of the ocean had experienced the multifaceted disastrous results of World War I (WWI) and airpower seemed to be the answer for future wars. Understanding the context and consequences of WWI is vital to comprehend airpower theorists like Douhet, Mitchell and Trenchard and their revolutionary thoughts on airpower. The development of aircraft at the beginning of the twentieth century challenged not only military leadership but also, more important, the national security of modern states. The basic question was: How will strategic bombing of enemy territory fit in to national security and military strategy? This paper will narrow the view on Europe by selecting Great Britain as one of the most relevant nations in WWII concerning strategic bombing. WWI was the first total war in the industrial age with unprecedented casualties on all sides of the belligerent nations. In spite of gigantic troop numbers, both sides expected a quick war with a decisive victory. However, in 1915, the maneuvering part of the war was over and resulted ultimately in bloody trench warfare. Furthermore, as the war continued, attrition of the adversary became the main goal as the battle at Verdun highlighted. Consequently, aircraft offered an alternative to the static warfare of the trenches. These newly
  • 40. An American Classic Children s Movie, The Lion King Essay An American classic children s movie, The Lion King, is a musical film produced by Walt Disney. The original story focuses on a young lion who spirits into a self imposed exile after believing he was at fault for his father s death. Although the film targets a younger audience, it contains a substantial amount of symbolism that only adults would understand. In order to examine The Lion King, I will employ The Hero s Journey established by Joseph Campbell s book The Hero with a Thousand Faces . There are twelve stages in the Hero s Journey, but I will only discuss four tendencies due to time restraint. In addition, it will also answer the research question, Does the Lion King s use of the Hero s Journey push an agenda towards adults of previous life experiences that are noteworthy, while still maintaining young children as the target audience ? We will first outline Joseph Campbell s The Hero s Journey, then apply the model to The Lion King, and finally discuss three implications, spiritual, environmental, and cinematic, from the analysis. Joseph Campbell s model includes twelve stages. Respectively in order, the stages are Ordinary World, call to Adventure, Refusal of the Call, Meeting the Mentor, Crossing the Threshold, Test, Allies, Enemies , Approach to the Inmost Cave, the Supreme Ordeal, Reward, the Road Back, Resurrection, and the Return with the Elixir. According to Campbell in his book, The usual hero adventure begins with someone from whom has been taken,
  • 41. The Needs of Our Society s Neglected Kids Discussed in... In the book titled Finding fish: a memoir, the author addresses the need of our society s neglected children to find love, safety and protection. Many children like Antwone are subjected to different types of abuse such as: physical, emotional and sexual. Foster care was an option for Antwone. Foster care is the placement for children outside the custody of their parents or legal guardians after court finding that the children have been abused or neglected. The court may also find the child to be a person in need of supervision or have committed delinquent acts. The foster care is a social service system with many component parts and complex interrelationships between those parts (Downs, Moore and McFadden, 2009, p.274). Social... Show more content on ... 213). Physical abuse is the most common type of child maltreatment. Boys and girls are about equally likely to be physically abused. Physical abuse include: hitting, kicking, shaking, throwing, burning, stabbing or shocking the child (Downs, Moore and McFaden, 2009, pg. 211). Lastly, according to Downs, Moore and McFadden sexual abuse is an act of a person, adult or child, which forces, coerces, or threatens a child to have any form of sexual contact or to engage in any type of sexual activity at the perpetrator s direction (2009,p214). The terms of sexual abuse encompasses a wide range of behaviors which are the follow: fondling, making a child touch an adult s sexual organs and penetrating a child s vagina or anus (Downs, Moore and McFaden, 2009, p.214). Among the abuses Antwone was subjected to, he was a victim of repeated sexual abuse. He did not receive adequate supervision and he was always hoping that someone would find out and stop the abuse. Surprisingly, The Child and Family services Review (CFSR) report that the child instances of child maltreatment is less that one percent for children in out of home care (Federal Resister, 2006, p.s32980, as cited in Downs, Moore and McFadden, 2009, p.309). Downs, Moore, McFadden
  • 42. The Day Of Old Cigars He smelled like day old cigars. His hair was white as pages from a new book. As I hugged his frail, bony structure I realized something. I was home. With my grandfather, grandmother, and all the relatives I left behind and missed, I was home once again and I was happy. A few days after Christmas 2014, My mother made her weekly call to her parents.It was the usual where, mom s voice reverated throuhout the house and could be heard miles away. The topics jumped from her scolding my grandpa, over his outlandish spending on the daily lottery and to her demanding my cousin to stay on track of her school work, along with her constantly repeating the daily chores she would have to partake to take care of both of our grandparents. I could hear my grandmother begging for us to come to Haiti to see everyone. She has been begging like this for the last nine years. Ever since my family began a new life in the United States, our Haitian family has missed us. I haven t seen my grandparents and other relatives since I was three years old. I still remember the hot, flaming sun shining almost every single day. The mountains streams filled with prussian blue water. I remember the farm animals my grandfather treated with care. I remember many things but the memories diminished each year I grew older. As I continued reading my latest book, my mother ended the call. I was surprised, by the next six words were ever going to come out of my mother s mouth. Darline, Rinaude...we re going to
  • 43. Lake District Research Paper Lake District which is located in Cumbria is one the most famous place in England involving Beatrix Potter who is best known for her beautifully illustrated children s books of Peter Rabbit of all time. Being potrayed in the movie Miss Potter in 2006, Lake District indeed stroke viewers for the first time for its superb and wild beauty. After the death of the beloved man, she made a decision to buy Hill top farm and spent the rest of her life here writing and developing a loveof landscape and flora. After she passed away, Lake District was given to the National Trust and now becomes the Lake District National Park. As the location for film Miss Potter , Lake District astonished viewers by a peacefully picturesque scence of Windermere
  • 44. The Importance and History of the Steam Engine Essay The wonderful progress of the present century is, in a very great degree, due to the invention and improvement of the steam engine, and to the ingenious application of its power to kinds of work that formerly taxed the physical energies of the human race. ~Robert H. Thurston The steam engine can easily be considered the single most important invention of the entire industrial revolution. There is not one part of industry present in today s society that can be examined without coming across some type of reference or dependence upon the steam engine. But, who deserves the credit for this great invention? Some give the credit to James Watt while others claim that Thomas Newcomen was the original inventor. However, the idea of the ... Show more content on ... Thurston. The idea using the power of steam to our advantage goes back nearly twenty one centuries. A learned writer in ancient Alexandria, named Hero, wrote a manuscript describing various devices and ideas of the time. Although it is not proven that Hero was the inventor of any of these devices, he is given credit for the earliest mention of steam power. Hero describes a method to open the doors of a temple with the action of a fire on the alter at the front of the temple. A series of pipes runs between the alter and the temple doors. The force of the steam created by the fire on the alter is strong enough to open the temple doors. The essential principle that Hero used was to change heat energy into mechanical energy or work. Supposedly, Hero continued his work and ended up creating what is often called the First Steam Engine. Hero s engine is featured on below on the right. The cauldron or bowl like portion AB holds water. There is a steam tight cover place over top of the cauldron. Two pipes extend from the lid and suspend a globe directly above the cauldron. The water is heated, causing steam to be created and forced through the pipes. The globe then fills with steam. Pipes K and H are located on opposite sides of the globe and allow the steam to escape when the pressure becomes uneven. The escaping steam then causes the globe to spin on its axis. The power
  • 45. Summer Holidays It was the first of June. The sun was shining brightly and there was the flavor of joy, happiness, and vacations in the air. I breathed it and truly felt how my body overwhelmed with the freedom and desire to move the mountains in the pursuit of great vacations. I planned my summer holidays during the whole year, and I knew for sure that it had to be a marvelous time spent with friends, ocean, sunshine, fresh fruits, and disco parties. My mother has changed everything that day. She decided that charity was the best thing, which I could do in summer, and enrolled me to the special program, aimed at attending the elderly homes and assisting senior people there. Saying that I was disappointed is nothing. I was truly furious, because it... Show more content on ... Nothing interesting. For me, they were outdated people, who knew nothing about life in a real world. But I smiled, made the things they asked me to, and counted minutes to return to my joyful life with cool friends, jokes, cafes and parties. One day and one meeting have changed my whole life. I was walking down the corridor, and accidentally glimpsed into the room, where sat old woman. She resembled an exotic fluffy flower. She had light curly hair and sat near the window. The sun was shining brightly that day, and her grey hair was full of sun flashes, and there was such a feeling that there was a nimbus around her head. I stopped and started looking at her. She was knitting and her fingers quickly did something with the stitches. There was nothing particular about her, but her outer look caught my eye and immediately attracted attention. Her skin resembled a baked apple. It was covered with wrinkles, but it did not distort her appearance. The most amazing thing were her eyes. Blue, round, energetic. There was such a feeling that these were the eyes of a kid, who wants to investigate the world. They eradiated kind miraculous light, and this light made me come closer and closer... For the first time during the fortnight, I approached the old woman because I wanted to do it, but not because I was obliged to so. It seemed that she was not surprised at all, she looked at me, as if I came every single
  • 46. The Exchange Rate And Auto Parts Manufactures The case study The Exchange Rate and Auto Parts Manufactures shows two companies which are suppliers to the US automobile company DaimerCrhrysler, and that companies based outside of the US. As the consequence of the importing machines from the United States, companies faced difficulties based on the exchange rate fluctuations. First company SMS were faced difficulties with the exchange rate of USD and euro. The CEO of the SMS Elotherm company, Udo Pfeiffer, took measures to avoid the loss. He raise price in dollars to compensate the fall in the value of dollar, but finally manufacturers were constantly pressuring machine tool companies to lower prices, not to raise them . Another example of company shows us a company that was much more successful than SMS, Keiper, which based in Germany and exporting metal frames for cars to the US. Company invest money in the manufacture in Canada, when the exchange rate of euro were equal to the US dollar. But there were some disadvantages of being based in Canada and it raised a costs of the Keipers work. In addition, company faced problems with exchange rate because the company still produces some parts in Germany and sent to US. Every country has its own currency, which is a means of payment and allows various types of financial transactions within the country. However, between different countries is also necessary to make any cash payments or transactions. An exchange rate measures the value of one currency against the value
  • 47. Health And Safety Requirements For Computer Aided Drafting... LO 1.1 Health Safety Requirements for Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) Users. The current requirements for health and safety for CADD users who use Visual Display Units (VDUs) for their work, is specified by the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992. In this section of the assignment, I will identify some of the most common health and safety concerns and specify the steps that employers and employees need to follow in order to comply with the law and to work safely, including guidelines for workstations, work environment and other equipment. Physiological Factors Affecting CADD Users VDUs is a term which encompasses monitors, display screen equipment (DSEs) iPads etc; any screen (usually forming part of a computer) that displays text, numerical data, or graphics. VDUs have been accused of causing a whole range of health problems, but in general these health issues arise as a result of VDUs being used incorrectly rather than the VDUs themselves. One of the most commonly reported health issues relating to VDU usage is repetitive strain injury (RSI) however the cause is usually a more generalised group of disorders known as upper limb disorders . (Health and Safety Executive, 2011) Many of the disorders affecting the upper body are exacerbated by stress that can be mitigated by making some simple changes to the work environment. Firstly, ensuring that employees have undertaken the correct training in how to use hardware, software and
  • 48. Gospel Lighthouse Bible Book Store Case Study Individual Project 1: Gospel Lighthouse Bible Book Store Ken Davis Liberty University Gospel Lighthouse Bible Bookstore Gospel Lighthouse bible book store in Pensacola, Florida is a family owned, non denominational Christian resource store that sells Christian supplies and materials. The mission statement is to help locals get the materials they need to reach a city, obeying the great commission of Jesus Christ by supplying missionaries with gospel material (James Rhymes III, personal communication, July 20, 2015). Gospel Lighthouse is based out of Pensacola, Florida, and has a combined nine stores located in Northwest Florida (NWF), and South Alabama (SA). The information gathered for this report is from the main store, based in Pensacola, FL, on Navy... Show more content on ... Not having current ITAM and NITT can be disadvantageous, due to technological, paradigm shifts. Sometimes, the store receives requests for new material, which is only available online, and are therefore unable to get the merchandise expeditiously. For example, most gospel music and videos are free downloads online, but the bookstore does not have the complete internet capability. Meanwhile, in another section of the store, the shelves are stocked with cassette disks (CD s), cassette tapes (CT s), plus the use of an mp3 player display as a means of sampling the music. The other weakness is the NITT. The Gospel Lighthouse is located near the Pensacola, Naval Air Station (NAS); where service personal walk passes the lighthouse while on shore leave. As the new customers transition in and out of town regularly, it is difficult to by passing the lighthouse because faith in God is important. Although, the new customers stop by regularly and service personnel is on shore leave because the Gospel Lighthouse has no NITT, new customers are deterred from placing
  • 49. Don T Like Dogs Research Paper What? Who don t like dogs? The relationship between dogs humans have change over time . Dogs are the best thing on the planet they are very helpful. They help people if there blind,and if they are paralysis the dog will help them. Dogs can be use for helping police those dogs are called drug dogs they are trained to smell for drugs other dogs are made to keep people happy when they are sad or upset people need to get a dogthey are very helpful.When you get a puppy you can trained it to be helpfull for people that need them in the future because you don t know what can happen any time. Dog have that people don t have they are color blind they can see stuff that we can t see they can see in the dirk we can t we need flashlight they don t need any thing in the dark when you shin a light on there eyes in the dark they are green my bulldog eyes,one is blue and one is black he is white and brown he is still a puppy he is very playfull at night and when we give hem the dog was very fuzzy and it was very damp . What? Who don t like dogs? The relationship between dogs humans have change over time . Dogs are the best thing on the planet they are very helpful. They help people if there blind,and if they are paralysis the dog will help them. Dogs can be use for helping police those dogs are called drug dogs they are trained to smell for drugs other dogs are made to keep people happy when they are sad or upset people need to get a dog they are very helpful.When you get a puppy you can trained it to ... Show more content on ... Dog have that people don t have they are color blind they can see stuff that we can t see they can see in the dark we can t we need flashlight they don t need any thing in the dark when you shine a light on there eyes in the dark they are green my bulldog eyes,one is blue and one is black he is white and brown he is still a puppy he is very playful at night and when we give hem the dog was very fuzzy and it was very damp .The dog was very hungry that he was eating dog
  • 50. How Did Bob Marley Affect Jamaica Millions and millions of people in the world are familiar with the name Bob Marley. People all over the world love his songs, such as Buffalo Soldier and Three Little Birds . Is This Love is the ultimate song to sit back and relax to. Many people, however, don t recognize the political impact that Bob Marleyhad to Jamaica. Jamaica, in the 1970 s, was a political and economic mess. Bob Marley s music, and other Reggaemusicians, have conveyed messages of independence all over the world, and inspired the people of Jamaica to change their country. Although some scholars have argued that the turnaround of Jamaica s economy and politics can be attributed to X and Y, Reggae music was the main factor because of the nationalism that it inspired.... Show more content on ... Where did it all begin? When will it end? Well, it seems like: total destruction the only solution, And there ain t no use: no one can stop them now. Ain t no use: nobody can stop them now. Reggae brought racial and social awareness. By bringing tourism and inspiring modernization, Reggae enabled Jamaica to go through urbanization. Reggae brought money to Jamaica and caused it to become more modern. [XXX SOURCE XXX] stated that Jamaica was in the process of becoming urban and modern, and the young people who found themselves in the capital of Kingston were no longer interested in the country music of their past . The old traditional music of Jamaica had gone away, and Reggae took over. Jamaica was become more and more modern because people started opening up clubs, which people payed a lot of money to go to because they played new Reggae music. Because of the tourists that visited Jamaica, Jamaica got a lot of money which made it become more modern and urbanized. With all these new clubs opening up, a lot of tourists from around the world wanted to experience the night life of Jamaica and dance to the fun rythms of Reggae. [XX Source XX] stated that, personal and economic freedom can strengthen local culture rather than debase it, creating music so unique and infectious that imitators will spring up on the other side of the globe. Music brought money which brought urbanization. People from all over the world loved listening to Reggae, so many tourists were attracted to the country. Will all this new incoming profit, Jamaica was able to reform their
  • 51. Analysis Of I My Dear And Loving Husband, And Christopher... Poetry is a beautiful work of literature that expresses ideas and gives words and phrases intense meaning that gets embedded permanently in the mind of the reader. It s an art mastered by only a handful of talented poets who s writings stand the test of time. Anne Bradstreet s poem To My Dear and Loving Husband and Christopher Marlowes The Passionate Shepherd to His Loveare no exception. These two poems share a common theme of love that uses strong imagery, figurative language, and rhymeto portray the strong love and desire the writer s poses for their lovers. Love is a feeling that every living thing wants to feel and experience, many have found love like in the poem To My Dear and Loving Husband others are left chasing it like in the poem The Passionate Shepherd to His Love . I have experienced both of these dilemmas and because of my ability to strongly relate to these poems I have chosen to discuss them. Love is something that we as humans cannot help but want and need, it is a natural instinct and desire that we seek to fulfill. In the poem To My Dear and Loving Husband the speaker has clearly found that love. The main theme of this poem appears to be love and more specifically marital love. The poet speaks of her strong and true love towards her husband implying that there is no other wife out there that loves her husband more by stating If ever man were loved by wife, then thee; (Bradstreet 976). As we read further down the writer challenges other women
  • 52. Better The Upper Class Currently politics have always focused on how to better the upper class instead of the lower class. The upper class is the property owning class, those who live from earnings made from the ownership, control, and exploitation of property such as land, capital, large businesses, or share holdings. According to the Boundless, Wealthy, well educated Americans are more likely to vote and to donate money to politicians than lower class individuals ( In other words, rich people are more likely to vote rather than poor people. Wealthy people would vote for a politician that has to do more with bettering him or herself, which is usually the Republican Party. The Democratic Party usually makes it seem as they are focused... Show more content on ... The parties focus on current groups of people to get what they want. For instance, Republicans go to religious people and talk about abortion. It is seen as ending the life of a child before it is even born. Abortions have a big impact throughout the United States for women. Every type of ethnicity is involved. When it comes to religion they are against it. Abortion is an issue upon the lower class. A lot of young women happen to get pregnant at a young age, and then decide that they don t want the child. According to on the issues, Donald Trump believes abortion should be banned at some point in pregnancy, with exceptions for rape, incest or life of the mother ( In other words, abortions should be banned and only allowed if they got pregnant because of being raped, has to do with something incest, or the mother can die because of the birth. Their behavior towards this act is wrong. Abortions should be decided upon the person giving birth. It should be allowed in every state as Planned Parenthood. Politics have always focused on how to better the upper class instead of the lower class. There are many black and white people now in the United States with the same equal rights. In the 1940 s white people didn t acknowledge the Negros. Knowing that the population of the states out numbered them. Their goal was to allow black people to vote only if they voted for Republicans. They
  • 53. The Dome Of The Rock With a beautiful gilt dome decorating the skyline of Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock is the oldest and most famous Islamic building on the Temple Mount. As a religious space with kinetic and interrelated characteristics, it not only functions as a Muslim shrine, but also exhibits significance based on its history and relative location to the Jewish Temple and Christian churches. Built on the site of Solomon s Temple and decorated with mosaics symbolizing the Paradise and Jewish royalty, the Dome reveals the inspiration of Jewish traditions on Early Islam. Modeled on Christian churches with a competitive appearance and inscriptions about Qur anic Christology against Christ, the Dome emphasizes the Islamic view against Christianity and the rivalry between them. Along the foreign conquests of Jerusalem, the shrine has an identity that was once shifted from an Islamic monument to a church and then restored, showing it as a kinetic space reflecting the development of Early Islam. One of the most recognizable landmarks of Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock is an octagonal shrine built in a similar architectural style used in Christian churches in Palestine at that time. Completed in 692 AD under the rule of Umayyad caliph Abd al Malik, the building has two ambulatories forming an octagonal shape around a circular arcade, and within it lays the Foundation Rock. Its wooden gilt doom rises like a tall cylinder and reaches an overall height of thirty meters (Grabar 1996: 52). Most parts