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Name: Hazel Joy M. Panado Date: 01/16/21
Year & Sec. BSED-SS 2-E Score:
Directions: Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer
Topic: Egyptians Civilizations Last 3000 years
1. The Nile River flows through two important regions in Egypt called
a. Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. c. Eastern Egypt and Western Egypt
b. Mesopotamia. d. Nubia and Cairo.
2. Which of the following best describes how Egyptian civilization developed?
a. Villages replaced towns. c. Cities broke off into scattered farms.
b. Farms grew into villages and then cities. d. Farms replaced cities and then pyramids.
3. Which of the following beliefs was central to Egyptian religion?
a. the afterlife b. the pyramids c. the pharaohs d. the heavens
4. What job employed the most people in Egypt?
a. merchant b. farmer c. scribe d. Architect
5. What was the purpose of the pyramids in ancient Egypt?
a. to protect the body of the pharaoh to help it reach the afterlife.
b. To create a memorial for the pharaoh.
c. To create a stairway from heaven to earth.
d. To provide jobs for the Egyptian people
Topic: Egyptians Religion and World View
6. It is also known The Hidden One because he was considered the king of the gods and goddesses, who
is she?
a. Amun-ra b. Mut c. God of earth d. None of the above
7. It is the ancient were a polytheistic people who believed that gods and goddesses controlled the
forces of the human, natural and supernatural world.
a. Christian Religion c. Islam Religion
b. Egyptian Religion d. All of the above
8. She is the primal deity who wears crowns on her head, each representing Upper and Lower Egypt.
Also entitled "She who gives birth". Who is she?
a. GEB: God of Earth c. MUT: The Mother Goddess
b. HATHOR: Goddes of Motherhood d. Amun-ra
9. She is also known as the mistress of the west and she exemplified motherhood and feminine love.
Who is she?
a. GEB: Mother of Earth c. Amun-ra
b. HATHOR: Goddess of Motherhood d. All of the above
10. He is the father of snakes with goose on his head, this bearded god believed to have caused
earthquakes whenever he laughed. Who is he?
a. Amun-ra c. MUT: The Mother Goddess
b. HATHOR: Goddes of Motherhood d. GEB: God of Earth
Topic: Language and Writing / Status of Women
11. Which statement below that describe the best?
a. A type of art using letters and sounds
b. A fancy way of writing the Greek alphabet
c. A type of writing similar to cursive
d. A form of writing using picture symbols
12. Who were the people that were specially trained to read and write hieroglyphs?
a. Pharaoh's b. Priests c. Scribes d. Authors
13. What was the special about the Rosetta Stone?
a. It had all of the hieroglyphics symbol written in one place
b. It describe how to tell which direction hieroglyphic were written
c. It had the same message written both the Greek language and hieroglyphics
d. It had a secret treasure map to one of pharaoh's tombs
14. What did wealthy women do in Egyptian Society?
a. Planned banquets c. Become a priestesses
b. Managed the servants d. All of the above
15. What was the typical education for women in Ancient Egypt?
a. They were taught to read and write
b. They were taught homemaking skills by their mother
c. They received the same education as men
d. All of the above
Topic: Science and Technology / Decline of the Old Kingdom
16. Ancient medical document that contains over 842 remedies for illnesses and injuries.
a. Ebers papyrus c. Edwin Smith papyrus
b. Hippocratic Corpus d. papyrus
17. Ancient Egypt was divided into 42 provinces called _______.
a. Norms b. Nomads c. Nomes d. None
18. The Old Kingdom is the name commonly given to the period when Egypt gained in complexity and
achievement, spanning from the ______________through the ______________.
a. Third Dynasty, Sixth Dynasty c. First Dynasty, Eight Dynasty
b. Third Dynasty, Fifth Dynasty d. Third Dynasty, Fourth Dynasty
19. The royal capital of Egypt during the Old Kingdom was located at?
a. Israel b. Memphis c. Jordan d. Lebanon
20. A king of the Old Kingdom, who used the greatest mass of stones in building pyramids.
a. Djoser c. Khafra
b. Pepi II d Sneferu
Topic: The Rule of the Middle Kingdom
21. What dynasties ruled Egypt during the middle kingdom?
a. 21st Dynasty b. 8th, 9th,10th Dynasties c. 1st Dynasty d. 11th, 12th,13th,14th Dynasties
22. How long does Mentuhotep II ruled the Egypt?
a. 51 years b. 98 years c. 9 months d. 24 years
23. What Dynasty ruled the peak of the Middle Kingdom?
a. 11th Dynasty c. 13th Dynasty
b. 12TH Dynasty d. 14th Dynasty
24. Who is the second pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt?
a. Sinusret III c. Amenemhet II
b. Mentuhotep I d. Sinusret I
25. Who is the pharaoh that is also known as the "warrior King"?
a. Hitler III c. Amenemhet III
b. Sinusret III d. Minusret III
Topic: Decline of Egyptian Civilization
26. A conflict within the Egyptian civilization which resulted to the splitting of the empire.
a. Economic conflict c. Military conflict
b. Climate Change d. none of the above
27. They ruled Egypt after the decline of Assyrian Empire
a. Americans b. Spaniards c. Persians d. none of the choices given
28. The river which primary source pf water for drinking and crop irrigation, was a temperamental river
during the Egyptian civilization.
a. Butuanon River c. Nile River
b. Pasig River d. All of the above
29. The pharaoh who was murdered that gives way to King Amenmesse.
a. Ramses VII b. Ramses c. Ramses III d. Ramses II
30. Religious leaders had controlled over _% of the Egypt’s land.
a. 50% b. 25% c. 30% d. 100%
Topic: Domination of Near East by Later Empires
31. What are the Five Empires of the Ancient Near East?
a. Assyrian Empire, Babylonian Empire, Persian Empire, Greek Empire, Roman Empire
b. Assyrian, Persian Empire, Greek Empire, Roman Empire, Sumerian Empire
c. Assyrian Empire, Babylonian Empire, Persian Empire, Egyptian Empire, Mesopotamia
d. Assyrian Empire, Babylonian Empire, Persian Empire, Greek Empire, Egyptian Empire
32. Who rebuilt Babylon into a magnificent city?
a. King Hammurabi c. Nebuchadnezzar
b. Alexander the Great d. King Cyrus the Great
33. When does Israel had been divided into its northern and southern kingdoms?
a. By the middle of the twelfth century B.C.
b. 722 B.C.
c. 701 B.C.
d. By the middle of the ninth century B.C
34. Who took Babylon in a bloodless coup and established Persia as the dominant force in the Near
a. King Hammurabi c. Alexander the Great
b. Persian King Cyrus d. Nebuchadnezzar
35. Who is the Persian religious teacher that began to teach that human begins had a choice between
doing good and doing evil?
a. Zoroaster b. Marduk c. Lamassu d. Saint Simon Zelotes
Topic: The Assyrian Empire/ Rise of the Babylonian Empire
36. It is the capital city of Assyria.
A. Uruk B. Larsa C. Nineveh D. Assur
37. He was the one who ordered the relocation of the statue of their Chief god Marduk and destroyed
the walls of Assyria.
A. King Tukulti- Ninurta B. Ashurbanipal C. King Ashur- Urballit I D. King Hammurabi
38. It is the famous Ziggurats that became well known as "The tower of Bable"
A. Etemenanki B. Itemenanki C. Atemenanki D. Etimenanki
39. Who declared war on his brother and besieged Babylon?
A. King Tukulti- Ninurta B. Ashurbanipal C. King Ashur- Urballit I D. King Hammurabi
40. He created the famous Hammurabi Code which was a set of laws and appliy the equivalent
punishment to the crimes committed.
A. King Tukulti- Ninurta B. Ashurbanipal C. King Ashur- Urballit I D. King Hammurabi
Topic: Chaldeans took over the Assyrians
41. Who succeeded Nabopolassar and continued to ensure that the borders of Mesopotamia were safe
from outside groups and even expanded the empire to include Phoenicians and Judah?
a. Nebuchadnezzar II c. Judah
b. Ashurbanipal d. Zedekiah
42. They Are the Grandchildren of the former Babylons.
a. Assyrians c. Hitties
b. Aryan d. Chaldeans
43. This building was the religious center and was a sense of pride for the community.
a. Hanging Garden c. Zigurrat
b. Ziguratt d. None of the Above
44. What was the name of their Moon God?
a. Hammurabi c. Buddha
b. Vishnu d. Sin
45. What were the Chaldeans most common occupation?
a. Mining b. Farming c. Welding d. All of the Above
Topic: The Rule of Nebuchadnezzar
46. It is called as the Neo Babylonian Empire.
a. Akkadian Empire c. Chaldean Empire
b. Assyrian Empire d. Persian Empire
47. The native governor of Chaldea during the Assyrian Empire that became the first king of the
Chaldean Empire.
a. Nabopolassar c. Amel-Marduk
b.Nebuchadnezzar d.Nabonidus
48. He is the daughter of King Cyaxares and wife of Nebuchadnezzar. And the reason for the famous
Hanging Garden of Babylon.
a. Amytis c. Shuadamqa of Babylon
b. Cleopatra d. Notcris of Babylon
49. Read the statements bellow and find the correct the answer.
i. In Chaldean society, Monogamy is the rule in having wife even though nobility could have concubines
ii. Women in Chaldean society are given with many rights
iii. Chaldeans are practicing polytheism
a. 1 only b. 1 and 3 only c. 2 only d. All of the above
50. It is the illness of King Nebuchadnezzar that is a psychological disorder in which the sufferer believes
he or she is a cow or ox.
a. Schizophrenia c. Porphyria
b. Insanity d. Boanthrop
Topic: Turn of the Persians
51. What is the first Empire in Persia?
a. Athenian Empire b. Persian Empire c. Achaemenid Empire d. Roman Empire
52. Who was the third Persian king in the Empire?
a. King Darius b. King Cyrus c. King Xerxes d. King Philip
53. Who was the founder of Persian Empire?
a. King Darius b. King Cyrus c. King Xerxes d. King Philip
54. Who defeated the Persian Empire?
a. Athenian b. Persia c. Greece d. Roman
55. What type of King is King Cyrus?
a. Believer b. Lazy C. Fair d. coward
Topic: The Aryans
56. The Indo- Aryans were governed by a:
a. Datu b. Raja c. Emperor d. King
57. What was the language does Aryan used?
a. Hindi b. Bengali c. Punjabi. d. Sanskrit
58. It is India's dominant religion that teaches that there is one supreme God who is in everything
a. Buddhism b. Hinduism c. Taoism d. Judaism
59. This tells a story in which the (good) Aryan king Rama destroys the (evil) pre-Aryan king Ravana.
a. Ramayana b. Beowulf c. Mahabharata d. Aeneid
60. It is a story that tells about Aryan wars where two clans battle it out, and one emerges victorious.
a. Ramayana b. Beowulf c. Mahabharata d. Aeneid
Topic: The Hitites/ The Lydians
61. He is the famous king which developed a monetary system invented money in lydians?
a. Croesus b. Hattusa c. Mursilli d. Suppiluliuma
62. Who is the first king of new Kingdom of hittites?
a. Tudhaliya b. Croesus c. Hattusa d. Mursilli
63. What was the lydians religion?
a. Catholic b. Iglesias c. Politheistic d. Polytheism
64. What do we know about the Hittites?
a. Developed their own c. Stupendous metal workers language
b. Wrote in cuneiform d. All of the above
65. Who is the first king of old Hittite kingdom?
a. Mursilli b. Labarna c. Hattusa d. Tudhaliya
Topic: The Phoenicians
66. Phoenicians are sometines called as_____
a. Purple People c. Both a and b
b. Tyrian People d. Only A
67. What did Phoenician used to create purple color?
a. Cedar trees c. Heated crayons
b. Seasnails d. None of the choices
68. At the Western end of the fertile Crescent, along the Mediterranean sea, was a land known
a. Phoenician b. Phoenicia c. Hebrews d. Carthage
69. How many letters did Phoenician alphabet contained?
a.26 b. 28 c. 24 d. 20
70. Most famous Phoenician monarchs.
a. King Solomon c. King Hiram
b. Alexander the Great d. None of the Choices
Topic: The Hebrews
71. What do you call an event that mostly occurred during the reign of the pharaoh Merneptah?
a. Torah b. Exodus c. Pogroms d. Old Testament
72. Who allowed the Hebrews to return to their holy city named Jerusalem?
a. Ramses II b. The Babylonians c. Saul d. Cyrus II
73. Who is the ancestral patriarch of the Hebrew people?
a. Abraham b. Isaac c. Jacob d. Ishmael
74. Who led the Hebrews back to Canaan?
a. Moses b. Joseph c. Joshua d. Abraham
75. The sacred text which comprises the first five books of the Old Testament of the Bible?
a. Torah b. Exodus c. Pogroms d. Old Testament
Topic: Beginnings of the Greek Civilization
76. He was a king of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia and a member of the Argent dynasty.
a. Alexander III. b. Alexander II. c. Philip III. d. Philip II.
77. What are the two powerful city-states in Ancient Greek?
a. Thebes and Memphis c. Tyre and Sidon
b. Athens and Sparta d. Rome and Athens
78. When did Greek Civilization started?
a. 1000 B.C - 1600 B.C c. 3000-BC - 1600 BC
b. 2000 B.C - 1600 B.C d. 2000 B.C - 1700 B.C
79. What does polytheistic mean?
a. belief in one god c. has its own god
b. belief in many gods d. No religion
80. What clothes did Ancient Greek wear?
a. men and women wore linen in the summer and wool in the winter
b. men and women wore a longer tunic
c. men and women wore two pieces of cloth
d. All of the above
Topic: Development of Greek City States
81. What B.C that started to slip their land into city-states?
a.801 B.C c. 800 B.C
b. 759 B.C d. 8000 B.C
82. The city –states are also called __________.
a. Poles c. Poleis
b. Polis d. Polies
83. Which of the following are wrong about the Spartans people?
a. When the sick baby they need to cure it.
b. They are strong-bodied and fearless people
c. The Spartan people they need to be brave, cunning and to endure the pain.
d. none of the above.
84. Who is Pisistratus?
a. Mathematician c. Politician
b. Engineer d. Farmer
85. What are the different types of government in the city-states of Greek?
a. democracy and monarchy c. theocracy and tyranny
b. aristocracy and democracy d. monarchy and aristocracy
Topic: Greek Art and Literature
86. The art of ancient Greece is usually divided into three different periodslera
What are those?
a. Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic c. Classical. Renaissance, Hellenistic
b. Archaic, Renaissance, Classical d. Classical, Medieval, Archaic
87. What are the three classical orders in Greek architecture?
a. Bolt, Zinc, Iron c. Cornic. Domnic, Iconic
b. Doric, lonic, Corinthian d. Dominic, Ionic, Copper
88. There are four concepts that apply to Greek architecture such as proportion,
symmetry, technical perfection, and
a. Alignment c. Harmony
b. Measurement d. Melody
89. Give the two most used themes in Greek literature.
a. Romance and Lust c. War and Peace
b. Tragedy and Conedy d. Horror and Romance
90. What is the most notable work of Homer in Greek literature?
a. The Illiad and The Odyssey c. Romeo and Juliet
b. The Girl in the Mirror d. The Sonnet
TOPIC: Development of Scientific Thought and Philosophy
91. The following are branches of Philosophy, except one;
a. metaphysics c. empirical
b. axiology d. logic
92. Which of the following defined science?
a. information gained by means of observation, experience, or experiment.
b. organized knowledge, especially when obtained by observation and testing of facts, about
physical world, natural laws, and society.
c. a suggested explaination for an observable phenomenon, or a reasoned proposal predicting a
causal correlation among multiple phenomena.
d. All of the Above
93. It is the constant questioning of your beliefs and conclusions
a. Metaphysics c. Epistemology
b. Rationalism d. Skepticism
94. Which form of reasoning aims to developing a theory?
a. Objective reasoning c. Inductive reasoning
b. Positivistic reasoning d. Deductive reasoning
95. In empiricism, which of the following observed through senses?
a. sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell
b. sight, hearing, taste, feel, mind
c. sight, throw, hearing, taste, feel
d. mind, sight, hearing, touch, smellaaa
TOPIC: Hellenistic Age
96. The word “Hellenistic” comes from the word Hellazein, which means:
a. write b. draw c. to speak greek d. read
97. He adopted greek culture and spread Hellenism throughout his empire.
a. Aristotle b. Ptolemy c. Alexander the Great d. Alexander Ford
98. An African City which was the center of trade and Hellenistic culture.
a. India b.Alexandria c. Egypt d. Persia
99. Contained a collection of 500, 000 papyrus scroll and masterpieces of ancient literature.
a. Ancient Library of Alexandria
b. Orthodox Library of Alexandria
c. Hellenistic Library of Alexandria
d. Old Library of Alexandria
100. Founder of Medicine and the greatest physician of his time.
a. Archimedes b. Euclid c. Pythagoras d. Hippocrates
TOPIC: The Roman Empire Crumbles
101. He was made dictator (absolute ruler) 45 BC. He realized Rome needed reforms, so he gave land to
the poor and more people granted citizenship. He was assassinated by some senators 44 BC.
a. Augustus Caesar c. Julius Caesar
b. Constantine d. Marc Antony
102. A wealthy, land-holding, upper-class, group of powerful Romans that made up the Senate in Rome.
a. Plebeian c. Patrician
b. Slaves d. Philosophers
103. Who became the first Roman Emperor?
a. Octavian c. Lepidus
b. Julius Caesar d. Hannibal
104. What is the term for a period of peace and prosperity in Rome?
a. PaxRomana c. Romania
b. Tax Romania d. Romina
105. Who were the leaders of the first triumvirate?
a. Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey c. Marc Anthony, Pompey, and Nero
b. Octavian, Augustus, and Caesar d. Crassus, Lepidus, and Hannibal
TOPIC: Christianity Spreads Throughout Europe
106. What is the biggest religion in Europe?
a. Buddhism c. Christianity
b.Judaism d. Muslim
107. When did Christianity spread in Europe?
a. AD 380 c. CE 390
b. BCE 370 d. AD 340
108. Who spreads the Christianity?
a. Muslim c. Pope
b. Missionaries d. Actors
109. Who established the First Christian Church in Canterbury?
a. Constantine c. Augustine of Canterbury
b. Saint Boniface d. Eric Bloodaxe
110. Who legalized the spread of Christianity in Europe?
a. Nicholas Breakspear c. Constantine
b. Augustine of Canterbury d. Alexander the Great
TOPIC: The Early Middle Ages
111. It occurred between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Rennaisance.
a. Late Ages b. Middle Ages c. Dark Ages d. History
112. During the ____, the Catholic church became the most dominant and powerful institution in Europe
influencing the monarchy.
a. Medieval Period b. Dark Ages c. Medieval Culture d. Middle Ages
113. It is the spread of disease that caused a huge decline in population that disseminated throughout
Europe between 1347 to 1350?
a. Hundred Years War b. Medieval Culture c Medieval Events d. The Black Death
114. From what year that the conflict began when King Edward III of England claimed that he was
rightful king of monarch?
a. 1337 to 1453 b. 1337 to 1473 c. 1336 to 1453 d. 1336 to 1454
115. It is the political system where land and power are exchanged for military services?
a. Monaliarism b. Fedaolism c. Feudalism d. Primogeniture
TOPIC: Medieval Europe in its Zenith
116. Like all pre-industrial societies, _________ had a predominantly agricultural economy.
a. Medieval Europe b. Medieval Italy c. Renaissance
117. The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire and the largest City in Europe during the Middle ages.
a. Europe b. Italy c. Constantinople
118. Landless peasants who tended the fields, could not lawfully leave.
a. Fief b. Serfs c. Knights
119. What kind of Trade process is much cheaper during the early medieval period on Europe?
a. Land b. Sea c. Air
120. Is often credited as the catalyst as the source of all these changes because it kind of exposes
Europe to the world.
a. Trade b. Crusades c. Black Death
TOPIC: The Church’s Authority Grows
121. It plays a central role in the daily life in Medieval Western Europe?
a. Roman Catholic Church c. Charlemagne
b. Roman Emperor d. Roman Soldiers
122. What building was the center of community activity and many parts of daily life?
a. Palace b. Museum c. Church d. Cemetery
123. By what year does the Church consider to be the largest landholder in europ?
a. 1521 b. 1050 c. 1451 d. 1040
124. The sacrament in which a aman becomes a priest?
a. confirmation b. Eucharist c. Holy Orders d. Communion
125. Who encourage the Church to teach people to read and write?
a. Pope Gregory VII c. Henry IV
b. Charlemagne d. Cyprus
TOPIC: The Culture of Medieval Europe
126. In early middle ages, what religion dominated by the catholic vcvhurch and was far more varied
than only orthodox authority?
a. Muslim b. Christianism c. Roman Catholic d. All of the above
127. Modus Vivendi is a latin translationof what?
a. the art of life b. the way of life c. the suffer of life d. the mood of life
128. He is one of the most universal thinkers to appear during the Middle Ages. Even more so than the
his most famous student, St. Thomas of Aquinas.
a. Alberto Magnus c. Gemhis Khan
b. William the conqueror d. Richard the lionheart
129. What period of art was used the same artistic media as the surrounding pagan culture. These
media included fresco, mosaic, sculpture, and manuscript illumination.
a. early Christian art c. Gothic art
b. early Romanesque art d. Insular art
130. What style of medieval art that developed in Northern France out of Romanesque art in the 12th
century AD and it spread to all of western Europe and much of northern, southern and central Europe
never quite effacing more classical styles in Italy.
a. early Christian art c. Gothic art
b. early Romanesque art d. Insular art
TOPIC: End of the Middle Ages
131. He is the person who coined the "Dark Ages"?
a. Johann Sebastian Bach c. Antonio Vivaldi
b. Francesco Petrarch d. George Friedrich Handel
132. This are the group of barbarians who invade the Roman Empire and build their own kingdom in
Western Europe?
a. Spaniards c. German Tribes
b. American Tribes d. Japanese Tribes
133. He is the King who encourage learning and set up schools?
a. Clovis c. King Canute
b. Charles Martel "The Hammer" d. Charlemagne "Charles the Great"
134. This is the deadliest pandemic recorded in human history?
a. COVID-19 c. HIV
b. Bubonic Plaque (Black death) d. AIDS
135. This is a period of time after the fall of Rome.
a. Renaissance Period c. Early Middle Age (Dark Age)
b. Baroque Period d. Modern Period
TOPIC: Development of Rich Byzantine Civilization
136. How does Byzantine empire was aroused during the late antiquity and in medieval
a. When Theodosius I died in 395 AD and divided the roman empire into western and eastern
b. When Theodosius I died in 398 AD and divided the roman empire into western and eastern
c. When Emperor Constantine 1 by 340 AD, moved the capital of the Roman Empire to a new
city called Constantinople, which he founded on the site of the ancient Greek city called
d. When Emperor Constantine 1 by 330 AD, moved the capital of the Roman Empire to a new
city called Constantinople, which he founded on the site of the ancient Greek city called
137. How did the Byzantine Empire make most of its wealth?
a. Through wars and conquering extensive territories
b. Through education
c. Through trading
d. Through architectural structures that would attract visitors and gain profit
138. What is the largest and richest city in Europe during the medieval period?
a. Cyrene b. Constantinople c. Rome d. Alexandria
139. What type of buildings were Byzantine Architects built?
a. Silkworm b. Collage c. Churches, forts and public buildings d. Mosaics
140. How does Constantinople fully end and became Muslim Istanbul today?
a. Through the hands of Ottoman Turks as they were conquered
b. Through the hands of Normans as they were conquered
c. Through the first crusade by the knights
d. Through the third Crusade by the knights.
TOPIC: Spread of Islam in Asia and Africa
141. Where does Islam originated?_____
a. Southeast Asia c. East Asia
b. Southwest Asia d. Central Asia
142. Why does Muslim rulers did not force the people living in the lands they conquered to convert
a. Because they are slaves, they do not need it.
b. Because Islam is for Arabs only
c. Because they do not deserve to convert in Islam due to their race.
d. Because according to Qur’an, there must be no compulsion in religion.
143Who were the first Africans to convert in Islam?_____
a. The King of Mali c. The Merchants of Sudan
b. The Businessmen in Ghana d. The Merchants of Gao near Niger River
144. What do you called the major trade city where merchants exchange salt for gold?_____
a. Timbuktu b. Ghana c. Songhai d. Mali
145. Whose travel records proved that the spread of Islam throughout African continent was neither
simultaneous nor organized?_____
a. The Great Mansa Musa c. The Great Traveller Ibn Battuta
b. King Ibn Saud d. The Great Traveller Marco Polo
TOPIC: New Empires Dominate Asia and Africa
146. It is the continuation of The Roman Empire and is also referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire.
a. Safavid Empire b. Byzantine Empire c. Empire State d. Islamic Empire
147. He was known as the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
a. Justinian I b. Shah Ismail I c. Osman I d. Constantine the great
148. He rebuilt the Byzantium in 324 c., and he renamed the city Constantinople.
a. Justinian I b. Shah Ismail I c. Osman I d. Constantine the great
149.What Islamic empire is the largest among the three islamic states?
a. Safavid Empire b. Ottoman Empire c. Mughal Empire d. Islamic Empire
150. What Islamic empire lived the longest among the three early modern Islamic empire?
a. Safavid Empire b. Ottoman Empire c. Mughal Empire d. Islamic Empire
TOPIC: Development of Indian Civilization
151. The nameis used as a designation for the country in their constitution referencing the ancient
mythological emperor.
a. Mahabhrata b. Bharata c. Pharata d. Indus
152. According to this writings, Bharata conquered the whole subcontinent of India and ruled the land in
peace and harmony.
a. Bible b. Harappan c. Puranas d. Bharata
153. The Valley Civilization, located in modern Pakistan, was one of the world’s three earliest
widespread societies.
a. Indus River b. Indus ocean c. Indus lake d. None of the above
154. One theory suggested that a nomadic, tribe, called the Aryans, invaded and conquered the Indus
Valley Civilization.
a. Indo-Ueropean b. Navajos c. Indus d. None of the above
155. He led an excavation campaign in 1921-1922, during which he discovered the ruins of the city of
a. Sir Mortimer Wheeler c. Sir Francis Drake
b. Sir John Hubert Marshall d. None of the above
TOPIC: Religious Thoughts Shapes Indian Shapes Society
156. It is the oldest world religion & 3rd largest religion in world?
a. Roman Catholic b. Hinduism c. Buddhism d. Muslim
157. The one who brought a rich collection of myths (tales of their many gods they believed controlled
the forces of nature)?
a. Aryans b. Dravidians c. Romanian d. Persian
158. Is a system where people are born into certain social classes?
a. Religious System b. Case System c. Social System
159. A collection of writings that describe the fundamental teachings?
a. Vedas and Uphnishad b. Karma c. Puja
160. Is the concept that the soul is immortal, and all life forms reborn into a new entity after death?
a. Karma b. Reincarnation c.Moksha
TOPIC: Muslim Rule
161. He was a great Muslim hero and commander, entered India as a conqueror and live there for three
Years. he introduced Islamic system and left an indelible impact on Indian society by the example of
this character and generosity.
A. Muhammad Bin Qasim B. Delhi Sultans C. Hayal Thumri D. Tarana
162.What Are The Two Religious Movements Developed,The Muslims And Hindus?
A. Khayal And Tamara B.Humayun Kabir C.Sufism And Bhakti D. Persians And Greeks
163.In The Rule Of There Are Constuctions Which Are Designed By Muslims And Built
By Hindus Who Could Not Shun? Their Artistic Excellence Which They Have Shown In Temple
A. Delhi Sultans C. Zaheeruddin Babar
B.Dr. Pattabhi Sitamaramayya D.Pandit Jawaharlaw
164. What Do You Called The Mosque Was A School Where People Were Taught To Read And Study The
A.Caste System B.Purdah C.Madersa D.Quran
165.Played An Important Role In Spread In Islam In India?
A.Sanskrit B. Sufis C.Parakrit D.Mughal
TOPIC: The Chinese Establish Lasting Traditions
166.What is a fast approaching and with it comes a host of superstitious that will apparently
dictate how the next twelve months will play out for each of us.
A. Chinese calendar C.Chinese food
B.Chinese zodiac D.Chinese new year
167. It is simplest of all traditional Chinese clothes?
A. The hanfu C. Tang suit
B. Zongshan suit D. The Chang pao
168.What do you call that based on a twelve year cycle each year in that cycle related to an
animal sign?
A.chinese zodiac sign C.Zodiac animal
B.Chinese lunar New year D.Chinese tradition
169.What is exactly the same thing as the Lien Fu but the unique thing about this dress that both
pieces any stitched together.
A.Cheongsam C.Chinese clothing
B.Chinese embroidery D.The Shenyi
170. What is countless , delicious and fantastic dishes and people from different cuisine types
which can be bland ,sweet ,salty, spicy or sour ?
A. Chinese traditional C.Chinese hamburger
B.Chow mein D.Chinese food
TOPIC: Chinese Empire and Its Domination of Asia
171. Which of the below best describes what a dynasty is?
A. A democratic government run by the people where new officials are elected every four to six
B. When a land is ruled by one family for a long period of time and power is handed down to
each new generation.
C. When the land is ruled by a single emperor for a long period of time.
D. When warlords rule over different small areas of the land and are loyal to the king or
172. What was it called when the people believed that the emperor of China was given the right
to rule by the gods?
A. Manifest Destiny B. Rules of the Gods C. Emperor’s blessing D. Mandate of heaven
173. What is the tang dynasty known for?
A. It was first dynasty to rule china
B. The tang built the entire great wall
C. A time of peace and prosperity known as the golden age of China
D. A time of war with the Mongols
174. Which dynasty is considered to have been the first dynasty of ancient China?
A. Ming B. Song C. Yuan D. Xia
175. Which dynasty was ruled by the Mongol leader Kublai Khan?
A. Ming B. Song C. Yuan D. Xia
TOPIC: Japanese Feudal Society
176. Era of Japanese Feudalism.
a. 1186-1600 b 1184-1541 c.1231-1896 d. 1187-1601
177. He was the 79th Emperor of Japan.
a. Emperor Kyurako b. Emperor Hiroshi c. Emperor Shinra d. Emperor Rokoju
178. The Code of Ethics of Samurai.
a. Ryukin b. Bushido c. Daimyo d. Asagi
179. Mercenary agents of feudal japan.
a. Samurai b. Ninja c. Daimyo d. Katakana
180. Also known as Kami-no-michi
a. Buddhism b. Shintoism c. Torii d. Sikhism
TOPIC: Japanese Unification under Tokugawa Shoguns
181. The period of incessant warfare among competing feudal lords is known as?
a. World war I b. Country at War c. Feudal War d. War Country
182. The shogun that utilized ruthless force and was first to use guns effectively and eliminated Buddhist
Rivals that refused to accept rule by the emperor.
a. Prince Shotoku c. Toyotomi Hideyoshi
b. Oda Nobunaga d. Tokugawa Ieyasu
183. One of the three unifiers who used feudal ties, adoption and marriage to help him maintain control
of Japan.
a. Prince Shotoku c. Toyotomi Hideyoshi
b. Oda Nobunaga d. Tokugawa Ieyasu
184. How many years does Tokugawa’s successors ruled Japan as shoguns?
a. 300 years c. 150 years
b. 200 years d.250 years
185. What are the changes happened in Japan during Tokugawa Period?
a. Japan enjoyed more than two and a half centuries of stability, prosperity and isolation under
tokugawa shoguns.
b. Farmers produced more food and the population rose.
c. Banned foreigners and Christianity and began isolationism.
d. All of the above.

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  • 1. QUIZ IN WORLD HISTORY 1 Name: Hazel Joy M. Panado Date: 01/16/21 Year & Sec. BSED-SS 2-E Score: Directions: Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer Topic: Egyptians Civilizations Last 3000 years 1. The Nile River flows through two important regions in Egypt called a. Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. c. Eastern Egypt and Western Egypt b. Mesopotamia. d. Nubia and Cairo. 2. Which of the following best describes how Egyptian civilization developed? a. Villages replaced towns. c. Cities broke off into scattered farms. b. Farms grew into villages and then cities. d. Farms replaced cities and then pyramids. 3. Which of the following beliefs was central to Egyptian religion? a. the afterlife b. the pyramids c. the pharaohs d. the heavens 4. What job employed the most people in Egypt? a. merchant b. farmer c. scribe d. Architect 5. What was the purpose of the pyramids in ancient Egypt? a. to protect the body of the pharaoh to help it reach the afterlife. b. To create a memorial for the pharaoh. c. To create a stairway from heaven to earth. d. To provide jobs for the Egyptian people Topic: Egyptians Religion and World View 6. It is also known The Hidden One because he was considered the king of the gods and goddesses, who is she? a. Amun-ra b. Mut c. God of earth d. None of the above 7. It is the ancient were a polytheistic people who believed that gods and goddesses controlled the forces of the human, natural and supernatural world. a. Christian Religion c. Islam Religion b. Egyptian Religion d. All of the above 8. She is the primal deity who wears crowns on her head, each representing Upper and Lower Egypt. Also entitled "She who gives birth". Who is she? a. GEB: God of Earth c. MUT: The Mother Goddess b. HATHOR: Goddes of Motherhood d. Amun-ra
  • 2. 9. She is also known as the mistress of the west and she exemplified motherhood and feminine love. Who is she? a. GEB: Mother of Earth c. Amun-ra b. HATHOR: Goddess of Motherhood d. All of the above 10. He is the father of snakes with goose on his head, this bearded god believed to have caused earthquakes whenever he laughed. Who is he? a. Amun-ra c. MUT: The Mother Goddess b. HATHOR: Goddes of Motherhood d. GEB: God of Earth Topic: Language and Writing / Status of Women 11. Which statement below that describe the best? a. A type of art using letters and sounds b. A fancy way of writing the Greek alphabet c. A type of writing similar to cursive d. A form of writing using picture symbols 12. Who were the people that were specially trained to read and write hieroglyphs? a. Pharaoh's b. Priests c. Scribes d. Authors 13. What was the special about the Rosetta Stone? a. It had all of the hieroglyphics symbol written in one place b. It describe how to tell which direction hieroglyphic were written c. It had the same message written both the Greek language and hieroglyphics d. It had a secret treasure map to one of pharaoh's tombs 14. What did wealthy women do in Egyptian Society? a. Planned banquets c. Become a priestesses b. Managed the servants d. All of the above 15. What was the typical education for women in Ancient Egypt? a. They were taught to read and write b. They were taught homemaking skills by their mother c. They received the same education as men d. All of the above Topic: Science and Technology / Decline of the Old Kingdom 16. Ancient medical document that contains over 842 remedies for illnesses and injuries. a. Ebers papyrus c. Edwin Smith papyrus b. Hippocratic Corpus d. papyrus 17. Ancient Egypt was divided into 42 provinces called _______. a. Norms b. Nomads c. Nomes d. None 18. The Old Kingdom is the name commonly given to the period when Egypt gained in complexity and achievement, spanning from the ______________through the ______________. a. Third Dynasty, Sixth Dynasty c. First Dynasty, Eight Dynasty b. Third Dynasty, Fifth Dynasty d. Third Dynasty, Fourth Dynasty 19. The royal capital of Egypt during the Old Kingdom was located at?
  • 3. a. Israel b. Memphis c. Jordan d. Lebanon 20. A king of the Old Kingdom, who used the greatest mass of stones in building pyramids. a. Djoser c. Khafra b. Pepi II d Sneferu Topic: The Rule of the Middle Kingdom 21. What dynasties ruled Egypt during the middle kingdom? a. 21st Dynasty b. 8th, 9th,10th Dynasties c. 1st Dynasty d. 11th, 12th,13th,14th Dynasties 22. How long does Mentuhotep II ruled the Egypt? a. 51 years b. 98 years c. 9 months d. 24 years 23. What Dynasty ruled the peak of the Middle Kingdom? a. 11th Dynasty c. 13th Dynasty b. 12TH Dynasty d. 14th Dynasty 24. Who is the second pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt? a. Sinusret III c. Amenemhet II b. Mentuhotep I d. Sinusret I 25. Who is the pharaoh that is also known as the "warrior King"? a. Hitler III c. Amenemhet III b. Sinusret III d. Minusret III Topic: Decline of Egyptian Civilization 26. A conflict within the Egyptian civilization which resulted to the splitting of the empire. a. Economic conflict c. Military conflict b. Climate Change d. none of the above 27. They ruled Egypt after the decline of Assyrian Empire a. Americans b. Spaniards c. Persians d. none of the choices given 28. The river which primary source pf water for drinking and crop irrigation, was a temperamental river during the Egyptian civilization. a. Butuanon River c. Nile River b. Pasig River d. All of the above 29. The pharaoh who was murdered that gives way to King Amenmesse. a. Ramses VII b. Ramses c. Ramses III d. Ramses II 30. Religious leaders had controlled over _% of the Egypt’s land. a. 50% b. 25% c. 30% d. 100% Topic: Domination of Near East by Later Empires 31. What are the Five Empires of the Ancient Near East? a. Assyrian Empire, Babylonian Empire, Persian Empire, Greek Empire, Roman Empire b. Assyrian, Persian Empire, Greek Empire, Roman Empire, Sumerian Empire c. Assyrian Empire, Babylonian Empire, Persian Empire, Egyptian Empire, Mesopotamia d. Assyrian Empire, Babylonian Empire, Persian Empire, Greek Empire, Egyptian Empire 32. Who rebuilt Babylon into a magnificent city? a. King Hammurabi c. Nebuchadnezzar
  • 4. b. Alexander the Great d. King Cyrus the Great 33. When does Israel had been divided into its northern and southern kingdoms? a. By the middle of the twelfth century B.C. b. 722 B.C. c. 701 B.C. d. By the middle of the ninth century B.C 34. Who took Babylon in a bloodless coup and established Persia as the dominant force in the Near East? a. King Hammurabi c. Alexander the Great b. Persian King Cyrus d. Nebuchadnezzar 35. Who is the Persian religious teacher that began to teach that human begins had a choice between doing good and doing evil? a. Zoroaster b. Marduk c. Lamassu d. Saint Simon Zelotes Topic: The Assyrian Empire/ Rise of the Babylonian Empire 36. It is the capital city of Assyria. A. Uruk B. Larsa C. Nineveh D. Assur 37. He was the one who ordered the relocation of the statue of their Chief god Marduk and destroyed the walls of Assyria. A. King Tukulti- Ninurta B. Ashurbanipal C. King Ashur- Urballit I D. King Hammurabi 38. It is the famous Ziggurats that became well known as "The tower of Bable" A. Etemenanki B. Itemenanki C. Atemenanki D. Etimenanki 39. Who declared war on his brother and besieged Babylon? A. King Tukulti- Ninurta B. Ashurbanipal C. King Ashur- Urballit I D. King Hammurabi 40. He created the famous Hammurabi Code which was a set of laws and appliy the equivalent punishment to the crimes committed. A. King Tukulti- Ninurta B. Ashurbanipal C. King Ashur- Urballit I D. King Hammurabi Topic: Chaldeans took over the Assyrians 41. Who succeeded Nabopolassar and continued to ensure that the borders of Mesopotamia were safe from outside groups and even expanded the empire to include Phoenicians and Judah? a. Nebuchadnezzar II c. Judah b. Ashurbanipal d. Zedekiah 42. They Are the Grandchildren of the former Babylons. a. Assyrians c. Hitties b. Aryan d. Chaldeans 43. This building was the religious center and was a sense of pride for the community. a. Hanging Garden c. Zigurrat b. Ziguratt d. None of the Above 44. What was the name of their Moon God? a. Hammurabi c. Buddha b. Vishnu d. Sin
  • 5. 45. What were the Chaldeans most common occupation? a. Mining b. Farming c. Welding d. All of the Above Topic: The Rule of Nebuchadnezzar 46. It is called as the Neo Babylonian Empire. a. Akkadian Empire c. Chaldean Empire b. Assyrian Empire d. Persian Empire 47. The native governor of Chaldea during the Assyrian Empire that became the first king of the Chaldean Empire. a. Nabopolassar c. Amel-Marduk b.Nebuchadnezzar d.Nabonidus 48. He is the daughter of King Cyaxares and wife of Nebuchadnezzar. And the reason for the famous Hanging Garden of Babylon. a. Amytis c. Shuadamqa of Babylon b. Cleopatra d. Notcris of Babylon 49. Read the statements bellow and find the correct the answer. i. In Chaldean society, Monogamy is the rule in having wife even though nobility could have concubines ii. Women in Chaldean society are given with many rights iii. Chaldeans are practicing polytheism a. 1 only b. 1 and 3 only c. 2 only d. All of the above 50. It is the illness of King Nebuchadnezzar that is a psychological disorder in which the sufferer believes he or she is a cow or ox. a. Schizophrenia c. Porphyria b. Insanity d. Boanthrop Topic: Turn of the Persians 51. What is the first Empire in Persia? a. Athenian Empire b. Persian Empire c. Achaemenid Empire d. Roman Empire 52. Who was the third Persian king in the Empire? a. King Darius b. King Cyrus c. King Xerxes d. King Philip 53. Who was the founder of Persian Empire? a. King Darius b. King Cyrus c. King Xerxes d. King Philip 54. Who defeated the Persian Empire? a. Athenian b. Persia c. Greece d. Roman 55. What type of King is King Cyrus? a. Believer b. Lazy C. Fair d. coward Topic: The Aryans 56. The Indo- Aryans were governed by a: a. Datu b. Raja c. Emperor d. King 57. What was the language does Aryan used? a. Hindi b. Bengali c. Punjabi. d. Sanskrit 58. It is India's dominant religion that teaches that there is one supreme God who is in everything a. Buddhism b. Hinduism c. Taoism d. Judaism
  • 6. 59. This tells a story in which the (good) Aryan king Rama destroys the (evil) pre-Aryan king Ravana. a. Ramayana b. Beowulf c. Mahabharata d. Aeneid 60. It is a story that tells about Aryan wars where two clans battle it out, and one emerges victorious. a. Ramayana b. Beowulf c. Mahabharata d. Aeneid Topic: The Hitites/ The Lydians 61. He is the famous king which developed a monetary system invented money in lydians? a. Croesus b. Hattusa c. Mursilli d. Suppiluliuma 62. Who is the first king of new Kingdom of hittites? a. Tudhaliya b. Croesus c. Hattusa d. Mursilli 63. What was the lydians religion? a. Catholic b. Iglesias c. Politheistic d. Polytheism 64. What do we know about the Hittites? a. Developed their own c. Stupendous metal workers language b. Wrote in cuneiform d. All of the above 65. Who is the first king of old Hittite kingdom? a. Mursilli b. Labarna c. Hattusa d. Tudhaliya Topic: The Phoenicians 66. Phoenicians are sometines called as_____ a. Purple People c. Both a and b b. Tyrian People d. Only A 67. What did Phoenician used to create purple color? a. Cedar trees c. Heated crayons b. Seasnails d. None of the choices 68. At the Western end of the fertile Crescent, along the Mediterranean sea, was a land known as______ a. Phoenician b. Phoenicia c. Hebrews d. Carthage 69. How many letters did Phoenician alphabet contained? a.26 b. 28 c. 24 d. 20 70. Most famous Phoenician monarchs. a. King Solomon c. King Hiram b. Alexander the Great d. None of the Choices Topic: The Hebrews 71. What do you call an event that mostly occurred during the reign of the pharaoh Merneptah? a. Torah b. Exodus c. Pogroms d. Old Testament 72. Who allowed the Hebrews to return to their holy city named Jerusalem? a. Ramses II b. The Babylonians c. Saul d. Cyrus II 73. Who is the ancestral patriarch of the Hebrew people? a. Abraham b. Isaac c. Jacob d. Ishmael 74. Who led the Hebrews back to Canaan? a. Moses b. Joseph c. Joshua d. Abraham 75. The sacred text which comprises the first five books of the Old Testament of the Bible?
  • 7. a. Torah b. Exodus c. Pogroms d. Old Testament Topic: Beginnings of the Greek Civilization 76. He was a king of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia and a member of the Argent dynasty. a. Alexander III. b. Alexander II. c. Philip III. d. Philip II. 77. What are the two powerful city-states in Ancient Greek? a. Thebes and Memphis c. Tyre and Sidon b. Athens and Sparta d. Rome and Athens 78. When did Greek Civilization started? a. 1000 B.C - 1600 B.C c. 3000-BC - 1600 BC b. 2000 B.C - 1600 B.C d. 2000 B.C - 1700 B.C 79. What does polytheistic mean? a. belief in one god c. has its own god b. belief in many gods d. No religion 80. What clothes did Ancient Greek wear? a. men and women wore linen in the summer and wool in the winter b. men and women wore a longer tunic c. men and women wore two pieces of cloth d. All of the above Topic: Development of Greek City States 81. What B.C that started to slip their land into city-states? a.801 B.C c. 800 B.C b. 759 B.C d. 8000 B.C 82. The city –states are also called __________. a. Poles c. Poleis b. Polis d. Polies 83. Which of the following are wrong about the Spartans people? a. When the sick baby they need to cure it. b. They are strong-bodied and fearless people c. The Spartan people they need to be brave, cunning and to endure the pain. d. none of the above. 84. Who is Pisistratus? a. Mathematician c. Politician b. Engineer d. Farmer 85. What are the different types of government in the city-states of Greek? a. democracy and monarchy c. theocracy and tyranny b. aristocracy and democracy d. monarchy and aristocracy Topic: Greek Art and Literature 86. The art of ancient Greece is usually divided into three different periodslera What are those? a. Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic c. Classical. Renaissance, Hellenistic b. Archaic, Renaissance, Classical d. Classical, Medieval, Archaic 87. What are the three classical orders in Greek architecture?
  • 8. a. Bolt, Zinc, Iron c. Cornic. Domnic, Iconic b. Doric, lonic, Corinthian d. Dominic, Ionic, Copper 88. There are four concepts that apply to Greek architecture such as proportion, symmetry, technical perfection, and a. Alignment c. Harmony b. Measurement d. Melody 89. Give the two most used themes in Greek literature. a. Romance and Lust c. War and Peace b. Tragedy and Conedy d. Horror and Romance 90. What is the most notable work of Homer in Greek literature? a. The Illiad and The Odyssey c. Romeo and Juliet b. The Girl in the Mirror d. The Sonnet TOPIC: Development of Scientific Thought and Philosophy 91. The following are branches of Philosophy, except one; a. metaphysics c. empirical b. axiology d. logic 92. Which of the following defined science? a. information gained by means of observation, experience, or experiment. b. organized knowledge, especially when obtained by observation and testing of facts, about physical world, natural laws, and society. c. a suggested explaination for an observable phenomenon, or a reasoned proposal predicting a causal correlation among multiple phenomena. d. All of the Above 93. It is the constant questioning of your beliefs and conclusions a. Metaphysics c. Epistemology b. Rationalism d. Skepticism 94. Which form of reasoning aims to developing a theory? a. Objective reasoning c. Inductive reasoning b. Positivistic reasoning d. Deductive reasoning 95. In empiricism, which of the following observed through senses? a. sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell b. sight, hearing, taste, feel, mind c. sight, throw, hearing, taste, feel d. mind, sight, hearing, touch, smellaaa TOPIC: Hellenistic Age 96. The word “Hellenistic” comes from the word Hellazein, which means: a. write b. draw c. to speak greek d. read 97. He adopted greek culture and spread Hellenism throughout his empire. a. Aristotle b. Ptolemy c. Alexander the Great d. Alexander Ford 98. An African City which was the center of trade and Hellenistic culture. a. India b.Alexandria c. Egypt d. Persia 99. Contained a collection of 500, 000 papyrus scroll and masterpieces of ancient literature.
  • 9. a. Ancient Library of Alexandria b. Orthodox Library of Alexandria c. Hellenistic Library of Alexandria d. Old Library of Alexandria 100. Founder of Medicine and the greatest physician of his time. a. Archimedes b. Euclid c. Pythagoras d. Hippocrates TOPIC: The Roman Empire Crumbles 101. He was made dictator (absolute ruler) 45 BC. He realized Rome needed reforms, so he gave land to the poor and more people granted citizenship. He was assassinated by some senators 44 BC. a. Augustus Caesar c. Julius Caesar b. Constantine d. Marc Antony 102. A wealthy, land-holding, upper-class, group of powerful Romans that made up the Senate in Rome. a. Plebeian c. Patrician b. Slaves d. Philosophers 103. Who became the first Roman Emperor? a. Octavian c. Lepidus b. Julius Caesar d. Hannibal 104. What is the term for a period of peace and prosperity in Rome? a. PaxRomana c. Romania b. Tax Romania d. Romina 105. Who were the leaders of the first triumvirate? a. Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey c. Marc Anthony, Pompey, and Nero b. Octavian, Augustus, and Caesar d. Crassus, Lepidus, and Hannibal TOPIC: Christianity Spreads Throughout Europe 106. What is the biggest religion in Europe? a. Buddhism c. Christianity b.Judaism d. Muslim 107. When did Christianity spread in Europe? a. AD 380 c. CE 390 b. BCE 370 d. AD 340 108. Who spreads the Christianity? a. Muslim c. Pope b. Missionaries d. Actors 109. Who established the First Christian Church in Canterbury? a. Constantine c. Augustine of Canterbury b. Saint Boniface d. Eric Bloodaxe 110. Who legalized the spread of Christianity in Europe? a. Nicholas Breakspear c. Constantine b. Augustine of Canterbury d. Alexander the Great TOPIC: The Early Middle Ages 111. It occurred between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Rennaisance.
  • 10. a. Late Ages b. Middle Ages c. Dark Ages d. History 112. During the ____, the Catholic church became the most dominant and powerful institution in Europe influencing the monarchy. a. Medieval Period b. Dark Ages c. Medieval Culture d. Middle Ages 113. It is the spread of disease that caused a huge decline in population that disseminated throughout Europe between 1347 to 1350? a. Hundred Years War b. Medieval Culture c Medieval Events d. The Black Death 114. From what year that the conflict began when King Edward III of England claimed that he was rightful king of monarch? a. 1337 to 1453 b. 1337 to 1473 c. 1336 to 1453 d. 1336 to 1454 115. It is the political system where land and power are exchanged for military services? a. Monaliarism b. Fedaolism c. Feudalism d. Primogeniture TOPIC: Medieval Europe in its Zenith 116. Like all pre-industrial societies, _________ had a predominantly agricultural economy. a. Medieval Europe b. Medieval Italy c. Renaissance 117. The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire and the largest City in Europe during the Middle ages. a. Europe b. Italy c. Constantinople 118. Landless peasants who tended the fields, could not lawfully leave. a. Fief b. Serfs c. Knights 119. What kind of Trade process is much cheaper during the early medieval period on Europe? a. Land b. Sea c. Air 120. Is often credited as the catalyst as the source of all these changes because it kind of exposes Europe to the world. a. Trade b. Crusades c. Black Death TOPIC: The Church’s Authority Grows 121. It plays a central role in the daily life in Medieval Western Europe? a. Roman Catholic Church c. Charlemagne b. Roman Emperor d. Roman Soldiers 122. What building was the center of community activity and many parts of daily life? a. Palace b. Museum c. Church d. Cemetery 123. By what year does the Church consider to be the largest landholder in europ? a. 1521 b. 1050 c. 1451 d. 1040 124. The sacrament in which a aman becomes a priest? a. confirmation b. Eucharist c. Holy Orders d. Communion 125. Who encourage the Church to teach people to read and write? a. Pope Gregory VII c. Henry IV b. Charlemagne d. Cyprus TOPIC: The Culture of Medieval Europe 126. In early middle ages, what religion dominated by the catholic vcvhurch and was far more varied than only orthodox authority? a. Muslim b. Christianism c. Roman Catholic d. All of the above 127. Modus Vivendi is a latin translationof what?
  • 11. a. the art of life b. the way of life c. the suffer of life d. the mood of life 128. He is one of the most universal thinkers to appear during the Middle Ages. Even more so than the his most famous student, St. Thomas of Aquinas. a. Alberto Magnus c. Gemhis Khan b. William the conqueror d. Richard the lionheart 129. What period of art was used the same artistic media as the surrounding pagan culture. These media included fresco, mosaic, sculpture, and manuscript illumination. a. early Christian art c. Gothic art b. early Romanesque art d. Insular art 130. What style of medieval art that developed in Northern France out of Romanesque art in the 12th century AD and it spread to all of western Europe and much of northern, southern and central Europe never quite effacing more classical styles in Italy. a. early Christian art c. Gothic art b. early Romanesque art d. Insular art TOPIC: End of the Middle Ages 131. He is the person who coined the "Dark Ages"? a. Johann Sebastian Bach c. Antonio Vivaldi b. Francesco Petrarch d. George Friedrich Handel 132. This are the group of barbarians who invade the Roman Empire and build their own kingdom in Western Europe? a. Spaniards c. German Tribes b. American Tribes d. Japanese Tribes 133. He is the King who encourage learning and set up schools? a. Clovis c. King Canute b. Charles Martel "The Hammer" d. Charlemagne "Charles the Great" 134. This is the deadliest pandemic recorded in human history? a. COVID-19 c. HIV b. Bubonic Plaque (Black death) d. AIDS 135. This is a period of time after the fall of Rome. a. Renaissance Period c. Early Middle Age (Dark Age) b. Baroque Period d. Modern Period TOPIC: Development of Rich Byzantine Civilization 136. How does Byzantine empire was aroused during the late antiquity and in medieval a. When Theodosius I died in 395 AD and divided the roman empire into western and eastern halves. b. When Theodosius I died in 398 AD and divided the roman empire into western and eastern halves. c. When Emperor Constantine 1 by 340 AD, moved the capital of the Roman Empire to a new city called Constantinople, which he founded on the site of the ancient Greek city called Byzantium.
  • 12. d. When Emperor Constantine 1 by 330 AD, moved the capital of the Roman Empire to a new city called Constantinople, which he founded on the site of the ancient Greek city called Byzantium. 137. How did the Byzantine Empire make most of its wealth? a. Through wars and conquering extensive territories b. Through education c. Through trading d. Through architectural structures that would attract visitors and gain profit 138. What is the largest and richest city in Europe during the medieval period? a. Cyrene b. Constantinople c. Rome d. Alexandria 139. What type of buildings were Byzantine Architects built? a. Silkworm b. Collage c. Churches, forts and public buildings d. Mosaics 140. How does Constantinople fully end and became Muslim Istanbul today? a. Through the hands of Ottoman Turks as they were conquered b. Through the hands of Normans as they were conquered c. Through the first crusade by the knights d. Through the third Crusade by the knights. TOPIC: Spread of Islam in Asia and Africa 141. Where does Islam originated?_____ a. Southeast Asia c. East Asia b. Southwest Asia d. Central Asia 142. Why does Muslim rulers did not force the people living in the lands they conquered to convert Islam?_____ a. Because they are slaves, they do not need it. b. Because Islam is for Arabs only c. Because they do not deserve to convert in Islam due to their race. d. Because according to Qur’an, there must be no compulsion in religion. 143Who were the first Africans to convert in Islam?_____ a. The King of Mali c. The Merchants of Sudan b. The Businessmen in Ghana d. The Merchants of Gao near Niger River 144. What do you called the major trade city where merchants exchange salt for gold?_____ a. Timbuktu b. Ghana c. Songhai d. Mali 145. Whose travel records proved that the spread of Islam throughout African continent was neither simultaneous nor organized?_____ a. The Great Mansa Musa c. The Great Traveller Ibn Battuta b. King Ibn Saud d. The Great Traveller Marco Polo TOPIC: New Empires Dominate Asia and Africa 146. It is the continuation of The Roman Empire and is also referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire. a. Safavid Empire b. Byzantine Empire c. Empire State d. Islamic Empire 147. He was known as the founder of the Ottoman Empire. a. Justinian I b. Shah Ismail I c. Osman I d. Constantine the great 148. He rebuilt the Byzantium in 324 c., and he renamed the city Constantinople.
  • 13. a. Justinian I b. Shah Ismail I c. Osman I d. Constantine the great 149.What Islamic empire is the largest among the three islamic states? a. Safavid Empire b. Ottoman Empire c. Mughal Empire d. Islamic Empire 150. What Islamic empire lived the longest among the three early modern Islamic empire? a. Safavid Empire b. Ottoman Empire c. Mughal Empire d. Islamic Empire TOPIC: Development of Indian Civilization 151. The nameis used as a designation for the country in their constitution referencing the ancient mythological emperor. a. Mahabhrata b. Bharata c. Pharata d. Indus 152. According to this writings, Bharata conquered the whole subcontinent of India and ruled the land in peace and harmony. a. Bible b. Harappan c. Puranas d. Bharata 153. The Valley Civilization, located in modern Pakistan, was one of the world’s three earliest widespread societies. a. Indus River b. Indus ocean c. Indus lake d. None of the above 154. One theory suggested that a nomadic, tribe, called the Aryans, invaded and conquered the Indus Valley Civilization. a. Indo-Ueropean b. Navajos c. Indus d. None of the above 155. He led an excavation campaign in 1921-1922, during which he discovered the ruins of the city of Harappa. a. Sir Mortimer Wheeler c. Sir Francis Drake b. Sir John Hubert Marshall d. None of the above TOPIC: Religious Thoughts Shapes Indian Shapes Society 156. It is the oldest world religion & 3rd largest religion in world? a. Roman Catholic b. Hinduism c. Buddhism d. Muslim 157. The one who brought a rich collection of myths (tales of their many gods they believed controlled the forces of nature)? a. Aryans b. Dravidians c. Romanian d. Persian 158. Is a system where people are born into certain social classes? a. Religious System b. Case System c. Social System 159. A collection of writings that describe the fundamental teachings? a. Vedas and Uphnishad b. Karma c. Puja 160. Is the concept that the soul is immortal, and all life forms reborn into a new entity after death? a. Karma b. Reincarnation c.Moksha TOPIC: Muslim Rule 161. He was a great Muslim hero and commander, entered India as a conqueror and live there for three Years. he introduced Islamic system and left an indelible impact on Indian society by the example of this character and generosity. A. Muhammad Bin Qasim B. Delhi Sultans C. Hayal Thumri D. Tarana 162.What Are The Two Religious Movements Developed,The Muslims And Hindus? A. Khayal And Tamara B.Humayun Kabir C.Sufism And Bhakti D. Persians And Greeks 163.In The Rule Of There Are Constuctions Which Are Designed By Muslims And Built
  • 14. By Hindus Who Could Not Shun? Their Artistic Excellence Which They Have Shown In Temple Constructions. A. Delhi Sultans C. Zaheeruddin Babar B.Dr. Pattabhi Sitamaramayya D.Pandit Jawaharlaw 164. What Do You Called The Mosque Was A School Where People Were Taught To Read And Study The Quran? A.Caste System B.Purdah C.Madersa D.Quran 165.Played An Important Role In Spread In Islam In India? A.Sanskrit B. Sufis C.Parakrit D.Mughal TOPIC: The Chinese Establish Lasting Traditions 166.What is a fast approaching and with it comes a host of superstitious that will apparently dictate how the next twelve months will play out for each of us. A. Chinese calendar C.Chinese food B.Chinese zodiac D.Chinese new year 167. It is simplest of all traditional Chinese clothes? A. The hanfu C. Tang suit B. Zongshan suit D. The Chang pao 168.What do you call that based on a twelve year cycle each year in that cycle related to an animal sign? A.chinese zodiac sign C.Zodiac animal B.Chinese lunar New year D.Chinese tradition 169.What is exactly the same thing as the Lien Fu but the unique thing about this dress that both pieces any stitched together. A.Cheongsam C.Chinese clothing B.Chinese embroidery D.The Shenyi 170. What is countless , delicious and fantastic dishes and people from different cuisine types which can be bland ,sweet ,salty, spicy or sour ? A. Chinese traditional C.Chinese hamburger B.Chow mein D.Chinese food TOPIC: Chinese Empire and Its Domination of Asia 171. Which of the below best describes what a dynasty is? A. A democratic government run by the people where new officials are elected every four to six years. B. When a land is ruled by one family for a long period of time and power is handed down to each new generation. C. When the land is ruled by a single emperor for a long period of time. D. When warlords rule over different small areas of the land and are loyal to the king or emperor 172. What was it called when the people believed that the emperor of China was given the right to rule by the gods?
  • 15. A. Manifest Destiny B. Rules of the Gods C. Emperor’s blessing D. Mandate of heaven 173. What is the tang dynasty known for? A. It was first dynasty to rule china B. The tang built the entire great wall C. A time of peace and prosperity known as the golden age of China D. A time of war with the Mongols 174. Which dynasty is considered to have been the first dynasty of ancient China? A. Ming B. Song C. Yuan D. Xia 175. Which dynasty was ruled by the Mongol leader Kublai Khan? A. Ming B. Song C. Yuan D. Xia TOPIC: Japanese Feudal Society 176. Era of Japanese Feudalism. a. 1186-1600 b 1184-1541 c.1231-1896 d. 1187-1601 177. He was the 79th Emperor of Japan. a. Emperor Kyurako b. Emperor Hiroshi c. Emperor Shinra d. Emperor Rokoju 178. The Code of Ethics of Samurai. a. Ryukin b. Bushido c. Daimyo d. Asagi 179. Mercenary agents of feudal japan. a. Samurai b. Ninja c. Daimyo d. Katakana 180. Also known as Kami-no-michi a. Buddhism b. Shintoism c. Torii d. Sikhism TOPIC: Japanese Unification under Tokugawa Shoguns 181. The period of incessant warfare among competing feudal lords is known as? a. World war I b. Country at War c. Feudal War d. War Country 182. The shogun that utilized ruthless force and was first to use guns effectively and eliminated Buddhist Rivals that refused to accept rule by the emperor. a. Prince Shotoku c. Toyotomi Hideyoshi b. Oda Nobunaga d. Tokugawa Ieyasu 183. One of the three unifiers who used feudal ties, adoption and marriage to help him maintain control of Japan. a. Prince Shotoku c. Toyotomi Hideyoshi b. Oda Nobunaga d. Tokugawa Ieyasu 184. How many years does Tokugawa’s successors ruled Japan as shoguns? a. 300 years c. 150 years b. 200 years d.250 years 185. What are the changes happened in Japan during Tokugawa Period? a. Japan enjoyed more than two and a half centuries of stability, prosperity and isolation under tokugawa shoguns. b. Farmers produced more food and the population rose. c. Banned foreigners and Christianity and began isolationism. d. All of the above.