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OECD Infrastructure Governance Indicators (IGIs) in
South-East Asia
Virtual workshop
6 November 2023
Jacobo Pastor Garcia Villarreal
Senior Specialist on Integrity and
Procurement Policies
Infrastructure gaps present a major challenge
SEA has a growing influence on the world economy and an
ambitious regional integration roadmap
Infrastructure gaps present a major challenge for deepening
regional economic integration and connectivity within the
ASEAN Economic Community
Over 60% of global carbon emissions derive from existing
infrastructure systems
Need for a balance between economic development and climate action
Infrastructure is central to deliver on the objectives of the Paris
Agreement on climate change
Despite strong economic growth, SEA is still looking for ways to
implement the deep reforms for sustainable and inclusive
What is built in the next five years in fast-growing Asia will set
emission trajectories for decades to come
Objectives of the Infrastructure Governance Indicators
Map strengths and
weaknesses in
Provide tools for self-
Contribute to discussion
on relationship between
governance and
Provide deeper
understanding of the
different dimensions of
Draw attention to data
availability to measure
Allow countries to identify
changes in performance
across time
Methodology for the implementation
of the IGIs in the SEA region
Potential SEA country participants and entities in the Philippines
Coordinating entity
Other entities
Department of Transportation (DOTr)
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
Department of ICT
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA)
Department of Energy (DOE)
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)-Water Resources Management Office (WRMO)
National Water Resources Board (NWRB)
Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA)
Department of Agriculture (DA)
Department of Finance (DOF)
Department of Budget and Management (DBM)
Public Private Partnership Center (PPPC)
Implementing agency
SEA countries
Steps for the implementation of the IGIs
Identification of survey respondents
Workshop for survey respondents
Data collection and validation
Discussion and presentation of
 Offers practical guidance for efficient, transparent and
responsive decision-making and delivery
 Covers the entire life cycle of infrastructure projects
 Puts special emphasis on regional, social, gender, and
environmental considerations.
 Comes at a time with stronger pressures to achieve
sustainable long-term growth
OECD Recommendation on the Governance of Infrastructure (2020)
A governance framework infrastructure policy and implementation
Long-term strategic vision for
Infrastructure plan and
project prioritisation
Planning coordination
Political consensus and
stakeholder participation
in the long-term plan
Alignment of the plan
with strategic objectives
Alignment of the plan
with budget allocations
Monitoring and vision
Level of stakeholder
Plan subject to parliament
Plan discussed and approved
by the cabinet
Q. What is the level of
participation of stakeholders
during the formulation of the long-
term national infrastructure plan?
Q. Which tools are used to
promote political consensus
during the formulation of the
infrastructure strategy?
Structure of the pillar on strategic vision
Before starting, take into account the following points
Each country can only submit one set of answers
Countries are required to answer all the mandatory questions
There are 3 types of questions: single-answer, multiple-answer and comments
Some questions are conditional i.e. they should be answered only if certain answers are
selected in the preceding question
Useful tips and glossary
When the answer option ‘other’ is selected, respondents are advised to specify and
provide additional information.
Respondents are advised to provide additional information, including references and
weblinks to support their answers, where applicable. This helps in data validation and the
identification of examples of best practices to illustrate in the Government at a Glance
A glossary is provided with the survey. In cases where the definitions suggested do not
match those used in your country, respondents are advised to use the comment boxes to
provide the definition used in their country and clarify their choice of response.
How to answer the survey?
The survey monitors policies and arrangements in place at the national/federal level
during the survey implementation and does not cover practices at subnational levels.
The survey covers different elements and stages of infrastructure governance. This
demands co-ordination across institutions to accurately answer the survey.
Respondents are advised to answer the survey based on the policies and arrangements in
place for infrastructure in general. In the instances where the question is answered
based on a specific sector(s), respondents are advised to specify the sectors applicable in
the comment boxes.
Main sectors for the purpose of the survey
 (Inland) transport infrastructure refers to the assets and networks that support transport systems, including road,
rail, inland waterways, maritime ports and airports.
 Energy infrastructure refers to the physical assets, networks and grids for the generation, transmission and
distribution of energy.
 Water infrastructure refers to the physical assets and networks used for water supply, treatment, storage,
transmission, water resource management, wastewater treatment and flood prevention.
 Social infrastructure refers to physical facilities and spaces used to provide social services, such as healthcare,
education and training, social housing programs, justice and public safety provisions, culture, sports and recreational
 Government office buildings are office buildings used by public authorities (e.g. government departments,
government agencies, public bodies).
How will data be used?
 An assessment tool to identify strengths and areas for
 Evidence to improve governance and deliver better and
more accessible public services
 SE Asia Government at a Glance will also provide a
platform for the participating countries to exchange
information and learn from one another
 Each indicator in the publication is presented in a user-
friendly format, consisting of graphs and/or charts
illustrating variations across countries
 Examples of best practices will be illustrated to support
the data presented in the publication
Next steps for the implementation of the IGIs in the Phillipines
• Introduction of the project
• Identification of survey
December 2023
• Workshop with the
potential survey
• Data collection
February 2024
• Data validation and
• Development of the
composite indicators
March 2024
• Workshop to present the
preliminary results
Results of the IGIs for OECD
An example of data presentation
Source: 2020 and 2022 OECD Surveys on the Governance of Infrastructure
Many countries have aligned their infrastructure plan with multiple
policy objectives
Source: 2020 OECD Survey on the Governance of Infrastructure
Most countries have goals and targets in the long-term plan to
promote sustainable infrastructure
Source: 2020 OECD Survey on the Governance of Infrastructure
Many countries have guidelines for integrating green considerations
into infrastructure planning
Source: 2022 OECD Survey on the Governance of Infrastructure
Need for greater use of methodologies to accommodate long-term goals
Source: 2020 OECD Survey on the Governance of Infrastructure
Need for greater use of methodological tools to integrate green
considerations into project prioritisation
Source: 2022 OECD Survey on the Governance of Infrastructure
Environmental impactassessment Climate impactassessment Integration ofadaptation measures into
Required Used for projectselection and prioritisation
Many countries estimate costs covering the entire life cycle to assess
affordability of new projects
Source: 2020 OECD Survey on the Governance of Infrastructure
Most countries use a combination of financial and qualitative criteria
to identify proposals offering the best value for money
Source: 2020 OECD Survey on the Governance of Infrastructure
Long-term strategic vision for
Why is strategic planning important?
Sound long-term strategic planning is indispensable for the successful
prioritisation of infrastructure projects in support of sustainability
Good infrastructure planning requires alignment with a country’s development aims,
economic conditions and climate commitments across sectors.
Weak or insufficient planning disrupts infrastructure delivery impeding resource
optimisation, coordination, implementation and operation.
Designing a clear and coherent long-term strategic plan is challenging, yet integrating
some pivotal processes can help propel countries towards quality infrastructure.
Structure of the pillar on strategic vision and potential respondents
Long-term strategic vision for
Infrastructure plan and
project prioritisation
Planning coordination
Political consensus and
stakeholder participation
in the long-term plan
Alignment of the plan
with strategic objectives
Alignment of the plan
with budget allocations
Monitoring and vision
14 survey questions
Glossary of relevant terms
Long-term national infrastructure plan
 politically sanctioned document that demands concrete action in terms of infrastructure services to society over the
 addresses multi-faceted infrastructure issues, cutting across a multiplicity of actors, sectors and interests
 should be anchored in central agencies, have substantial input from policy departments, sub-national governments,
civil society, and business stakeholders
Medium-term expenditure framework
 a framework for integrating fiscal policy and budgeting over the medium-term (typically over a 3-5 year period)
 involves systematic linkages between (a) aggregate fiscal forecasting, (b) maintaining detailed medium-term
budget estimates reflecting existing government policies, and (c) maintaining compliance with a normative fiscal
 a key objective is to establish multi-year expenditure ceilings which are effective for the purposes of planning and
Glossary of relevant terms
Short list
 a list of specific priority projects (within a long-term plan) for which there is
political commitment to make it happen within the medium term
 may apply to specific government programmes for an electoral cycle
Stakeholder participation
 all the ways in which stakeholders can be involved in the policy cycle and in
service design and delivery, including information, consultation, and
[QI1] Does your country have a national cross-sectoral infrastructure plan*? Please provide links to the document
if applicable.
Survey questions on the existence of national infrastructure plans
[QI2] Does your country have national sectoral infrastructure plans*? Please provide links to the documents if
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
[QI4] Does the national infrastructure plan* explicitly consider how to align the infrastructure strategic vision with
the following policies?
Survey question on alignment of the infrastructure plan with strategic
 National long-term vision or other national document setting strategic priorities
 Land use and spatial planning instruments
 Environmental or climate action plans
 Human rights commitments
 Inclusion and gender mainstreaming
 Regional development plans
 The plan does not explicitly consider how to align the vision with other development policies
 Other (please specify)
Survey question on sustainability goals and targets
[QI5] Does the national infrastructure plan* explicitly establish goals and targets to promote the following policy
objectives in sustainable infrastructure?
 Cross-sector synergies to avoid duplications and minimise negative environmental impacts (e.g.,
greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation, biodiversity loss)
 Resource efficiency in the construction and operation of infrastructure assets
 Assessment, upgrade and retrofitting of existing infrastructure assets to improve their environmental
 Investment in infrastructure projects that are key to enable the implementation of sustainability initiatives
(e.g., circular economy systems, sustainable mobility, net-zero carbon emissions, climate change
mitigation and adaptation)
 Research and development (R&D) to promote environmentally-friendly infrastructure design,
construction, operation and decommissioning
 None of the above
 Other (please specify)
Fiscal sustainability, affordability
and value for money
Why is fiscal sustainability and value for money important?
Methodologies for ensuring value for money, affordability and fiscal
sustainability of infrastructure projects are indispensable to improve
the investment decision-making process
Guarding fiscal sustainability, affordability, and value for money of infrastructure projects
requires dedicated processes, a capable organization and relevant skills.
Rigorous project appraisal and selection processes can help pay due consideration to social
and economic efficiency (taking into account economic, social, fiscal, environmental and
climate-related costs and benefits) and take into account the full cycle of the asset.
Supplementing cost-benefit analysis with other methodological tools to accommodate
multiple objectives and uses – such as infrastructure sustainability – helps establish
the overall societal return on investments.
Structure of the pillar on value for money
Fiscal sustainability, affordability, and
value for money
Budgeting for multi-year
projects and cost
Contingent liabilities
Project appraisal and
Independent assessment
Infrastructure risk
10 survey questions
Glossary of relevant terms
 taking into account the entire life cycle costs of infrastructure projects
 from a government’s perspective → projects can be accommodated within the current and future budget constraints
 from the end-users perspective → the ability and willingness to pay the tariffs or other user charges associated with
the access and use of the infrastructure asset
Contingent liabilities
 liabilities whose budgetary impact is dependent on future events, which may or may not occur
 common examples include government loan guarantees, government insurance programmes, and legal claims
against the government
Value for money
 includes both qualitative and quantitative aspects
 defined as what government considers to be an optimal combination of quality features and price, calculated over the
whole of the project’s lifetime
Survey questions on contingent liabilities
[QII3] How are contingent liabilities* associated with new infrastructure projects managed?
 Contingent liabilities are disclosed in accrual and accounting analysis
 Contingent liabilities are disclosed in budget documentation
 Contingent liabilities are regularly monitored
 No specific mechanism for contingent liability management
 Other (please specify)
[QII2] Is there a formal requirement to identify contingent liabilities* associated with new infrastructure projects?
 Contingent liabilities* borne by the government are identified
 Government’s exposure to fiscal risks is measured
 Costs of bearing contingent liabilities* are estimated
 No formal requirement
 Other (please specify)
Survey questions on risk allocation in infrastructure projects
[QII10] Which types of tools does the government use to support an adequate allocation of risks related to
infrastructure projects? Please provide additional information, including relevant weblinks and/or references.
 National strategy for risk management
 Central guidelines and methodologies to identify, measure and allocate risks in new infrastructure projects
 Special functions or units for risk analysis and management
 Guarantee funds that limit liabilities for government support to the value of its capitalisation
 Tools to monitor risk allocation
 None
 Other (please specify)
Public procurement of infrastructure
Why is efficient and effective public procurement important?
Procurement strategies based on strategic choices ensure infrastructure
delivery in a way that maximises the value generated for society as a
For quality infrastructure investment, procurement processes should be directed towards
generating broader value in terms of economic, environmental and social benefits.
Procurement can also be used strategically for incentivising innovation, in particular in the
transition towards low-carbon infrastructure and the adoption of digital technologies.
In accommodating these policy goals, procurement processes should also safeguard
transparency and objectivity.
Structure of the pillar on procurement
Efficient and effective public
Open, neutral and transparent
Competitive procurement
Bidder Selection
Delivery mode
Procurement workforce
Strategic use of public
procurement to achieve key
policy objectives
Balanced contractual
13 survey questions
Glossary of relevant terms
 integration of digital technologies in the replacement or redesign of paper-based
procedures throughout the procurement process
Open tendering
 offers the maximum level of competition, allowing for emerging suppliers to try securing
 for large projects, a pre-qualification process might take place producing a short-list of
suitable suppliers who then will be invited to tenders
Single-source procurement
 the non-competitive purchase of goods or services that takes place after negotiating
with only one supplier
Survey questions on delivery mode
[QIII6] Are there methodologies and guidelines for choosing the delivery mode of infrastructure projects? Please
indicate which entity is in charge of defining the methodologies, including relevant weblinks and/or references.
 Yes, applicable to all infrastructure projects
 Yes, applicable to some projects depending on the sector
 Yes, for projects above a certain threshold
 No methodologies available
 Other (please specify)
Survey questions on strategic use of public procurement
[QIII8] Are standardised frameworks to measure success against the objectives in the question above in place?
Please provide additional information, including relevant weblinks and/or references.
[QIII7] Does your country provide support to procurement officers on how to harness infrastructure procurement to
achieve the following objectives? Please specify the type of support, including relevant weblinks and/or references.
 Promote innovation
 Promote responsible business conduct*
 Promote gender equality
 Promote environmental protection
 Promote social policy objectives (e.g. inclusiveness, wage inequality)
 Guidelines do not include any mention of these objectives
 Other (please specify)
 Yes
 No
Environmentally sustainable and
climate-resilient infrastructure
Why is environmental sustainability and climate-resilience important?
Integrating environmental and climate considerations into
infrastructure decision making can help support the health, safety and
resilience of societies in current and future climates
Infrastructure decisions made today will have enduring consequences for the environment
and might lock-in vulnerability if they fail to consider climate change impacts.
The climate transition will depend to a large extent on governments’ ability to deliver
environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure.
Strengthening the quality of governments’ steering is thus key to delivering on greener and
cleaner infrastructure targets nationally and internationally, and to engage with the private
sector and the civil society to work collectively towards achieving these objectives.
Structure of the sub-pillar on enabling conditions
7 survey questions
Enabling conditions
Integrating environmental
and climate considerations
into the regulatory
Consultation on
environmental impacts
Environmental and climate
Infrastructure green
Structure of the sub-pillar on planning
8 survey questions
Integrating environmental
considerations into the
strategic vision
Planning for Nature-based
Climate planning
Planning for biodiversity
Co-ordination across
sectors and levels of
Structure of the sub-pillar on project prioritization and appraisal
8 survey questions
Project prioritisation and
Environmental Impact
Climate impact
considerations in project
Climate adaptation
considerations in project
Structure of the sub-pillar on green capital budgeting and
infrastructure financing
7 survey questions
Green capital budgeting and
infrastructure financing
Green capital budgeting
Infrastructure green
Accounting for natural
Structure of the sub-pillar on monitoring environmental and climate
impact throughout the life cycle
3 survey questions
Monitoring environmental and
climate impact throughout the
life cycle
Ex post analysis
Monitoring compliance
with environmental and
climate regulations
Mitigating environmental
and climate change
Glossary of relevant terms
Green budgeting
 the use of budgetary policy-making tools helping to achieve environmental and climate goals
 includes evaluating the environmental impact of budgetary and fiscal policies and assessing their coherence
towards the delivery of national and international commitments
Green financing
 stands for 'financing the green economy' or 'financing the green transition’
 corresponds to the aim of increasing the level of financial flows towards green investment
Green public procurement
 a process whereby public authorities seek to procure goods, services and works with a reduced environmental
impact throughout their life cycle when compared to goods, services and works with the same primary function
that would otherwise be procured
Glossary of relevant terms
Life cycle of public infrastructure
 the series of stages during the lifetime of a public infrastructure asset, starting from planning, prioritisation and
funding, to the design, procurement, construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning
Nature-based solutions (NbS)
 actions to protect, conserve, restore, sustainably use and manage natural or modified terrestrial, freshwater,
coastal and marine ecosystems
 address social, economic and environmental challenges effectively and adaptively
 simultaneously provide human well-being, ecosystem services and resilience and biodiversity benefits
 the capacity of systems to absorb a disturbance, recover from disruptions and adapt to changing conditions
while retaining essentially the same function as prior to the disruptive shock at an acceptable service level
[QIV7] Does your country consider the following environmental and climate dimensions when developing national
or sectoral infrastructure strategies? Please specify the sectors, including relevant weblinks and/or references.
Survey questions on planning for environmentally sustainable and
climate-resilient infrastructure
 Climate change mitigation
 Climate change adaptation
 Sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources
 Transition to a circular economy*
 Pollution prevention and control
 Protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems
 No
[QIV9] Are there mechanisms to ensure that infrastructure strategies and plans in the transport infrastructure*
sector contribute to nationally determined contributions (NDCs), net-zero strategies, long-term low emission
development strategies (LT-LEDS) or other overarching climate change strategy on mitigation? Please specify the
mechanisms, including relevant weblinks and/or references.
Survey questions on integrating green considerations into planning
for transport
[QIV11] Are infrastructure strategies and plans in the transport infrastructure* sector aligned with biodiversity
commitments, national biodiversity strategies and action plans or similar strategies?
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
For more information, please contact:
Jacobo Pastor Garcia Villarreal (
X (Twitter): @Jacobo_Pastor_Garcia

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Workshop on Infrastructure Governance Indicators in the Phillipines

  • 1. 1 OECD Infrastructure Governance Indicators (IGIs) in South-East Asia Virtual workshop 6 November 2023 Jacobo Pastor Garcia Villarreal Senior Specialist on Integrity and Procurement Policies
  • 2. Infrastructure gaps present a major challenge SEA has a growing influence on the world economy and an ambitious regional integration roadmap Infrastructure gaps present a major challenge for deepening regional economic integration and connectivity within the ASEAN Economic Community 2 Over 60% of global carbon emissions derive from existing infrastructure systems
  • 3. Need for a balance between economic development and climate action Infrastructure is central to deliver on the objectives of the Paris Agreement on climate change Despite strong economic growth, SEA is still looking for ways to implement the deep reforms for sustainable and inclusive growth 3 What is built in the next five years in fast-growing Asia will set emission trajectories for decades to come
  • 4. Objectives of the Infrastructure Governance Indicators Map strengths and weaknesses in infrastructure governance Provide tools for self- assessment Contribute to discussion on relationship between infrastructure governance and outcomes Provide deeper understanding of the different dimensions of infrastructure governance Draw attention to data availability to measure infrastructure governance Allow countries to identify changes in performance across time
  • 5. Methodology for the implementation of the IGIs in the SEA region 5
  • 6. 6 Potential SEA country participants and entities in the Philippines Coordinating entity NEDA Other entities Department of Transportation (DOTr) Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Department of ICT Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) Department of Energy (DOE) Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)-Water Resources Management Office (WRMO) National Water Resources Board (NWRB) Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) Department of Agriculture (DA) Department of Finance (DOF) Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Public Private Partnership Center (PPPC) Implementing agency OECD SEA countries
  • 7. Steps for the implementation of the IGIs Identification of survey respondents Workshop for survey respondents Data collection and validation Discussion and presentation of results
  • 8. 8  Offers practical guidance for efficient, transparent and responsive decision-making and delivery  Covers the entire life cycle of infrastructure projects  Puts special emphasis on regional, social, gender, and environmental considerations.  Comes at a time with stronger pressures to achieve sustainable long-term growth OECD Recommendation on the Governance of Infrastructure (2020)
  • 9. A governance framework infrastructure policy and implementation 9
  • 10. 10 Long-term strategic vision for infrastructure Infrastructure plan and project prioritisation Planning coordination mechanisms Political consensus and stakeholder participation in the long-term plan Alignment of the plan with strategic objectives Alignment of the plan with budget allocations Monitoring and vision update Sub-pillars (weighted) Variables (weighted) Level of stakeholder participation Plan subject to parliament discussions Plan discussed and approved by the cabinet Pillar Q. What is the level of participation of stakeholders during the formulation of the long- term national infrastructure plan? Q. Which tools are used to promote political consensus during the formulation of the infrastructure strategy? Survey questions Structure of the pillar on strategic vision
  • 11. Before starting, take into account the following points Each country can only submit one set of answers Countries are required to answer all the mandatory questions There are 3 types of questions: single-answer, multiple-answer and comments Some questions are conditional i.e. they should be answered only if certain answers are selected in the preceding question
  • 12. Useful tips and glossary When the answer option ‘other’ is selected, respondents are advised to specify and provide additional information. Respondents are advised to provide additional information, including references and weblinks to support their answers, where applicable. This helps in data validation and the identification of examples of best practices to illustrate in the Government at a Glance publication. A glossary is provided with the survey. In cases where the definitions suggested do not match those used in your country, respondents are advised to use the comment boxes to provide the definition used in their country and clarify their choice of response.
  • 13. How to answer the survey? The survey monitors policies and arrangements in place at the national/federal level during the survey implementation and does not cover practices at subnational levels. The survey covers different elements and stages of infrastructure governance. This demands co-ordination across institutions to accurately answer the survey. Respondents are advised to answer the survey based on the policies and arrangements in place for infrastructure in general. In the instances where the question is answered based on a specific sector(s), respondents are advised to specify the sectors applicable in the comment boxes.
  • 14. Main sectors for the purpose of the survey  (Inland) transport infrastructure refers to the assets and networks that support transport systems, including road, rail, inland waterways, maritime ports and airports.  Energy infrastructure refers to the physical assets, networks and grids for the generation, transmission and distribution of energy.  Water infrastructure refers to the physical assets and networks used for water supply, treatment, storage, transmission, water resource management, wastewater treatment and flood prevention.  Social infrastructure refers to physical facilities and spaces used to provide social services, such as healthcare, education and training, social housing programs, justice and public safety provisions, culture, sports and recreational facilities.  Government office buildings are office buildings used by public authorities (e.g. government departments, government agencies, public bodies).
  • 15. How will data be used?  An assessment tool to identify strengths and areas for improvement  Evidence to improve governance and deliver better and more accessible public services  SE Asia Government at a Glance will also provide a platform for the participating countries to exchange information and learn from one another  Each indicator in the publication is presented in a user- friendly format, consisting of graphs and/or charts illustrating variations across countries  Examples of best practices will be illustrated to support the data presented in the publication
  • 16. Next steps for the implementation of the IGIs in the Phillipines August-October 2023 • Introduction of the project • Identification of survey respondents November- December 2023 • Workshop with the potential survey respondents • Data collection January- February 2024 • Data validation and cleaning • Development of the composite indicators March 2024 • Workshop to present the preliminary results
  • 17. Results of the IGIs for OECD countries 17
  • 18. 18 An example of data presentation Source: 2020 and 2022 OECD Surveys on the Governance of Infrastructure
  • 19. 19 Many countries have aligned their infrastructure plan with multiple policy objectives Source: 2020 OECD Survey on the Governance of Infrastructure
  • 20. 20 Most countries have goals and targets in the long-term plan to promote sustainable infrastructure Source: 2020 OECD Survey on the Governance of Infrastructure
  • 21. 21 Many countries have guidelines for integrating green considerations into infrastructure planning Source: 2022 OECD Survey on the Governance of Infrastructure
  • 22. 22 Need for greater use of methodologies to accommodate long-term goals Source: 2020 OECD Survey on the Governance of Infrastructure
  • 23. 23 Need for greater use of methodological tools to integrate green considerations into project prioritisation Source: 2022 OECD Survey on the Governance of Infrastructure 100.0% 63.0% 46.2% 67.9% 44.4% 34.6% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Environmental impactassessment Climate impactassessment Integration ofadaptation measures into design % of countries Required Used for projectselection and prioritisation
  • 24. 24 Many countries estimate costs covering the entire life cycle to assess affordability of new projects Source: 2020 OECD Survey on the Governance of Infrastructure
  • 25. 25 Most countries use a combination of financial and qualitative criteria to identify proposals offering the best value for money Source: 2020 OECD Survey on the Governance of Infrastructure
  • 26. Long-term strategic vision for infrastructure 26
  • 27. 27 Why is strategic planning important? Sound long-term strategic planning is indispensable for the successful prioritisation of infrastructure projects in support of sustainability Good infrastructure planning requires alignment with a country’s development aims, economic conditions and climate commitments across sectors. Weak or insufficient planning disrupts infrastructure delivery impeding resource optimisation, coordination, implementation and operation. Designing a clear and coherent long-term strategic plan is challenging, yet integrating some pivotal processes can help propel countries towards quality infrastructure.
  • 28. 28 Structure of the pillar on strategic vision and potential respondents Long-term strategic vision for infrastructure Infrastructure plan and project prioritisation Planning coordination mechanisms Political consensus and stakeholder participation in the long-term plan Alignment of the plan with strategic objectives Alignment of the plan with budget allocations Monitoring and vision update 14 survey questions
  • 29. Glossary of relevant terms Long-term national infrastructure plan  politically sanctioned document that demands concrete action in terms of infrastructure services to society over the long-term  addresses multi-faceted infrastructure issues, cutting across a multiplicity of actors, sectors and interests  should be anchored in central agencies, have substantial input from policy departments, sub-national governments, civil society, and business stakeholders Medium-term expenditure framework  a framework for integrating fiscal policy and budgeting over the medium-term (typically over a 3-5 year period)  involves systematic linkages between (a) aggregate fiscal forecasting, (b) maintaining detailed medium-term budget estimates reflecting existing government policies, and (c) maintaining compliance with a normative fiscal framework  a key objective is to establish multi-year expenditure ceilings which are effective for the purposes of planning and prioritisation
  • 30. Glossary of relevant terms Short list  a list of specific priority projects (within a long-term plan) for which there is political commitment to make it happen within the medium term  may apply to specific government programmes for an electoral cycle Stakeholder participation  all the ways in which stakeholders can be involved in the policy cycle and in service design and delivery, including information, consultation, and engagement
  • 31. [QI1] Does your country have a national cross-sectoral infrastructure plan*? Please provide links to the document if applicable. Survey questions on the existence of national infrastructure plans 31 [QI2] Does your country have national sectoral infrastructure plans*? Please provide links to the documents if applicable.  Yes  No  Yes  No
  • 32. [QI4] Does the national infrastructure plan* explicitly consider how to align the infrastructure strategic vision with the following policies? Survey question on alignment of the infrastructure plan with strategic objectives 32  National long-term vision or other national document setting strategic priorities  Land use and spatial planning instruments  Environmental or climate action plans  Human rights commitments  Inclusion and gender mainstreaming  Regional development plans  The plan does not explicitly consider how to align the vision with other development policies  Other (please specify)
  • 33. Survey question on sustainability goals and targets 33 [QI5] Does the national infrastructure plan* explicitly establish goals and targets to promote the following policy objectives in sustainable infrastructure?  Cross-sector synergies to avoid duplications and minimise negative environmental impacts (e.g., greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation, biodiversity loss)  Resource efficiency in the construction and operation of infrastructure assets  Assessment, upgrade and retrofitting of existing infrastructure assets to improve their environmental performance  Investment in infrastructure projects that are key to enable the implementation of sustainability initiatives (e.g., circular economy systems, sustainable mobility, net-zero carbon emissions, climate change mitigation and adaptation)  Research and development (R&D) to promote environmentally-friendly infrastructure design, construction, operation and decommissioning  None of the above  Other (please specify)
  • 35. 35 Why is fiscal sustainability and value for money important? Methodologies for ensuring value for money, affordability and fiscal sustainability of infrastructure projects are indispensable to improve the investment decision-making process Guarding fiscal sustainability, affordability, and value for money of infrastructure projects requires dedicated processes, a capable organization and relevant skills. Rigorous project appraisal and selection processes can help pay due consideration to social and economic efficiency (taking into account economic, social, fiscal, environmental and climate-related costs and benefits) and take into account the full cycle of the asset. Supplementing cost-benefit analysis with other methodological tools to accommodate multiple objectives and uses – such as infrastructure sustainability – helps establish the overall societal return on investments.
  • 36. 36 Structure of the pillar on value for money Fiscal sustainability, affordability, and value for money Budgeting for multi-year projects and cost estimations Contingent liabilities Project appraisal and selection Independent assessment Infrastructure risk management 10 survey questions
  • 37. Glossary of relevant terms Affordability  taking into account the entire life cycle costs of infrastructure projects  from a government’s perspective → projects can be accommodated within the current and future budget constraints  from the end-users perspective → the ability and willingness to pay the tariffs or other user charges associated with the access and use of the infrastructure asset Contingent liabilities  liabilities whose budgetary impact is dependent on future events, which may or may not occur  common examples include government loan guarantees, government insurance programmes, and legal claims against the government Value for money  includes both qualitative and quantitative aspects  defined as what government considers to be an optimal combination of quality features and price, calculated over the whole of the project’s lifetime
  • 38. Survey questions on contingent liabilities 38 [QII3] How are contingent liabilities* associated with new infrastructure projects managed?  Contingent liabilities are disclosed in accrual and accounting analysis  Contingent liabilities are disclosed in budget documentation  Contingent liabilities are regularly monitored  No specific mechanism for contingent liability management  Other (please specify) [QII2] Is there a formal requirement to identify contingent liabilities* associated with new infrastructure projects?  Contingent liabilities* borne by the government are identified  Government’s exposure to fiscal risks is measured  Costs of bearing contingent liabilities* are estimated  No formal requirement  Other (please specify)
  • 39. Survey questions on risk allocation in infrastructure projects 39 [QII10] Which types of tools does the government use to support an adequate allocation of risks related to infrastructure projects? Please provide additional information, including relevant weblinks and/or references.  National strategy for risk management  Central guidelines and methodologies to identify, measure and allocate risks in new infrastructure projects  Special functions or units for risk analysis and management  Guarantee funds that limit liabilities for government support to the value of its capitalisation  Tools to monitor risk allocation  None  Other (please specify)
  • 40. Public procurement of infrastructure 40
  • 41. 41 Why is efficient and effective public procurement important? Procurement strategies based on strategic choices ensure infrastructure delivery in a way that maximises the value generated for society as a whole For quality infrastructure investment, procurement processes should be directed towards generating broader value in terms of economic, environmental and social benefits. Procurement can also be used strategically for incentivising innovation, in particular in the transition towards low-carbon infrastructure and the adoption of digital technologies. In accommodating these policy goals, procurement processes should also safeguard transparency and objectivity.
  • 42. 42 Structure of the pillar on procurement Efficient and effective public procurement Open, neutral and transparent procurement Competitive procurement processes Bidder Selection Delivery mode Procurement workforce Strategic use of public procurement to achieve key policy objectives Balanced contractual relationships 13 survey questions
  • 43. Glossary of relevant terms E-procurement  integration of digital technologies in the replacement or redesign of paper-based procedures throughout the procurement process Open tendering  offers the maximum level of competition, allowing for emerging suppliers to try securing work  for large projects, a pre-qualification process might take place producing a short-list of suitable suppliers who then will be invited to tenders Single-source procurement  the non-competitive purchase of goods or services that takes place after negotiating with only one supplier
  • 44. Survey questions on delivery mode 44 [QIII6] Are there methodologies and guidelines for choosing the delivery mode of infrastructure projects? Please indicate which entity is in charge of defining the methodologies, including relevant weblinks and/or references.  Yes, applicable to all infrastructure projects  Yes, applicable to some projects depending on the sector  Yes, for projects above a certain threshold  No methodologies available  Other (please specify)
  • 45. Survey questions on strategic use of public procurement 45 [QIII8] Are standardised frameworks to measure success against the objectives in the question above in place? Please provide additional information, including relevant weblinks and/or references. [QIII7] Does your country provide support to procurement officers on how to harness infrastructure procurement to achieve the following objectives? Please specify the type of support, including relevant weblinks and/or references.  Promote innovation  Promote responsible business conduct*  Promote gender equality  Promote environmental protection  Promote social policy objectives (e.g. inclusiveness, wage inequality)  Guidelines do not include any mention of these objectives  Other (please specify)  Yes  No
  • 47. 47 Why is environmental sustainability and climate-resilience important? Integrating environmental and climate considerations into infrastructure decision making can help support the health, safety and resilience of societies in current and future climates Infrastructure decisions made today will have enduring consequences for the environment and might lock-in vulnerability if they fail to consider climate change impacts. The climate transition will depend to a large extent on governments’ ability to deliver environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure. Strengthening the quality of governments’ steering is thus key to delivering on greener and cleaner infrastructure targets nationally and internationally, and to engage with the private sector and the civil society to work collectively towards achieving these objectives.
  • 48. 48 Structure of the sub-pillar on enabling conditions 7 survey questions Enabling conditions Integrating environmental and climate considerations into the regulatory framework Consultation on environmental impacts Environmental and climate data Infrastructure green procurement
  • 49. 49 Structure of the sub-pillar on planning 8 survey questions Planning Integrating environmental considerations into the strategic vision Planning for Nature-based Solutions Climate planning Planning for biodiversity Co-ordination across sectors and levels of government
  • 50. 50 Structure of the sub-pillar on project prioritization and appraisal 8 survey questions Project prioritisation and appraisal Environmental Impact Assessment Climate impact considerations in project appraisal Climate adaptation considerations in project appraisal
  • 51. 51 Structure of the sub-pillar on green capital budgeting and infrastructure financing 7 survey questions Green capital budgeting and infrastructure financing Green capital budgeting Infrastructure green financing Accounting for natural assets
  • 52. 52 Structure of the sub-pillar on monitoring environmental and climate impact throughout the life cycle 3 survey questions Monitoring environmental and climate impact throughout the life cycle Ex post analysis Monitoring compliance with environmental and climate regulations Mitigating environmental and climate change risks
  • 53. Glossary of relevant terms Green budgeting  the use of budgetary policy-making tools helping to achieve environmental and climate goals  includes evaluating the environmental impact of budgetary and fiscal policies and assessing their coherence towards the delivery of national and international commitments Green financing  stands for 'financing the green economy' or 'financing the green transition’  corresponds to the aim of increasing the level of financial flows towards green investment Green public procurement  a process whereby public authorities seek to procure goods, services and works with a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle when compared to goods, services and works with the same primary function that would otherwise be procured
  • 54. Glossary of relevant terms Life cycle of public infrastructure  the series of stages during the lifetime of a public infrastructure asset, starting from planning, prioritisation and funding, to the design, procurement, construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning Nature-based solutions (NbS)  actions to protect, conserve, restore, sustainably use and manage natural or modified terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems  address social, economic and environmental challenges effectively and adaptively  simultaneously provide human well-being, ecosystem services and resilience and biodiversity benefits Resilience  the capacity of systems to absorb a disturbance, recover from disruptions and adapt to changing conditions while retaining essentially the same function as prior to the disruptive shock at an acceptable service level
  • 55. [QIV7] Does your country consider the following environmental and climate dimensions when developing national or sectoral infrastructure strategies? Please specify the sectors, including relevant weblinks and/or references. Survey questions on planning for environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure 55  Climate change mitigation  Climate change adaptation  Sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources  Transition to a circular economy*  Pollution prevention and control  Protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems  No
  • 56. [QIV9] Are there mechanisms to ensure that infrastructure strategies and plans in the transport infrastructure* sector contribute to nationally determined contributions (NDCs), net-zero strategies, long-term low emission development strategies (LT-LEDS) or other overarching climate change strategy on mitigation? Please specify the mechanisms, including relevant weblinks and/or references. Survey questions on integrating green considerations into planning for transport 56 [QIV11] Are infrastructure strategies and plans in the transport infrastructure* sector aligned with biodiversity commitments, national biodiversity strategies and action plans or similar strategies?  Yes  No  Yes  No
  • 57. DRAFT / UNDER DEVELOPMENT 57 For more information, please contact: Jacobo Pastor Garcia Villarreal ( X (Twitter): @Jacobo_Pastor_Garcia