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Working with the admin
My background
John Cleveley
Trained as a Systems Engineer with BAE Systems
Started my own business in 2006
Created symfony apps for NHS, V&A Museum and
Currently work at the BBC using their Forge
platform (ZF)

Provide information beyond the docs
Update on what’s new
Suggest a few best practices
Real world examples of customising
How to get the best from the form framework
Utilise the various ways of extending
It’s super awesome.
Saves huge amount of development time and costs
Provides most common admin requirements out of
the box
Can be extended to provide bespoke needs
Fully tested and documented
It’s free!
What’s new since 1.0?
Completely re-written for the form framework
Relationships including m2m work without
Generator.yml is validated
Batch actions (delete)
Less reliance on generator.yml (DRY)
More templates and actions to override
Different configuration for the edit and new form
Adds a REST route for your module
New PHP configuration file
Configure generator via PHP to be more dynamic:

The generated class in the cache lists functions

You can also mix configuration between the two
New helper file
      Provides html snippets for action links
getUrlForAction ()
linkToDelete ()
linkToEdit ()
linkToList ()
linkToNew ()
linkToSave ()
linkToSaveAndAdd ()

    Create custom links with extra javascript etc
Your thoughts?

PHP!               YAML!
Is it the right tool?

Think requirements!

Don’t jump to use the admin generator
Analyse what’s needed first
A bespoke solution may be more appropriate
Misusing the admin generator could cause big
problems in the future
How do we decide?
Admin                           Bespoke
  Normal CRUD operations          Public interface to data
  Non – technical users           Sophisticated sorting
  need to add data                and searching of data
  Trusted site administrators
  Ownership of all records

        The admin site can take you a long way….
        …. But be careful it doesn’t become a mess.
The 10 Commandments
10 Commandments (1-5)
1. Understand the client’s workflow and customise
   admin to suit
2. Think about security from the start
3. Look through and understand the cached php
4. Change table_method to reduce db calls
5. Use bespoke Form class for admin if different
10 Commandments (6-10)
6. Keep all form form configuration in the Form Class
7. If you need to make changes to multiple admin
   modules – create a theme.
8. Think about small screens and target browser
9. Create functional tests – guard against regression
10. Maintain good MVC and decoupling practices
What’s the object-oriented way
    to become wealthy?
John’s Top tips!
1. The URL
  Clients don’t like using:

         Option 1:

        Option 2:
1. The URL: /admin
Modify web/.htaccess
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/admin/?
 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ admin.php [QSA,L]

 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]

Change all your standard routes – routing.yml
      url:   /admin
      param: { module: default, action: index }
      url: /admin/test
1. The URL: /admin
Change your route collections – routing.yml

  prefix_path:   /admin/module_name

Remove script name in urls – settings.yml

        no_script_name:   true
1. The URL:
Create a new virtual host in httpd.conf
   <VirtualHost *:80>
     DirectoryIndex admin.php
     DocumentRoot "/path/to/web/folder"
     <Directory "/path/to/web/folder">
       AllowOverride All
       Allow from All

Tell symfony not to output admin.php in urls
        no_script_name:   true
2. Dynamic MaxPerPage
    Add a select box within the _list_header.php
                                            js onchange
                                            submits to action

    Add an action to set a user attribute
public function executeChangeMaxPage(sfWebRequest $request){


2. Dynamic MaxPerPage

    Override getPagerMaxPerPage()

class employeeGeneratorConfiguration extends BaseEmployee
  public function getPagerMaxPerPage()
    $maxPage = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()
            ->getAttribute('maxPage', 10);
    return $maxPage;
3. Adding relations
Fewest clicks for common tasks
Relevant data placed together
Currently unsupported by the generator
Symfony provides functions to help
  sfForm : : mergeForm()
  sfForm : : embedForm()
  sfFormDoctrine : : embedRelation()
Employee has many phones
Employee:                    Phone:
  columns:                     columns:
    id:                          id:
      type: integer(4)              type: integer(4)
      primary: true                 primary: true
      autoincrement: true           autoincrement: true
    name:                        number:
      type: string(255)             type: string(255)
      notnull: true                 notnull: true
  relations:                     employee_id:
    Phones:                         type: integer(4)
      type: many                    notnull: true
      class: Phone               type:
      local: id                     type: enum
      foreign: employee_id          values: [mobile, home, work]
      onDelete: CASCADE
3. Adding relations
Add ability to edit existing phone numbers from
within employee form

Embed the ‘Phones’ relation in EmployeeForm::configure

   class EmployeeForm extends BaseEmployeeForm
     public function configure()
Hide employee_id in PhoneForm::configure()
class PhoneForm extends BasePhoneForm
  public function configure()
    $this->widgetSchema['employee_id'] =
      new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();

                                      No Delete?
                                      No Add?
There’s a symfony plugin for that!
 Thanks to ahDoctrineEasyEmbeddedRelationsPlugin by
 Daniel Lohse
4. Translate admin interface
  Add chosen culture to settings.yml
    i18n: on
    default_culture: fr

  ./symfony cc and delete browser cookies
4. Translate admin interface
Create a new startrek catalogue

Add vulcan XLIFF files to:
4. Translate admin interface
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
"http://www.oasis-" >
<xliff version="1.0">
  <file original="global" source-language="en" target-
language="vu_VU" datatype="plaintext">
    <header />
      <!-- Actions -->
4. Translate admin interface
  Tell admin generator to use alternative catalogue
             class: sfDoctrineGenerator
               i18n_catalogue: startrek

  Tell the forms as well – sfFormDoctrine::setup()
abstract class BaseFormDoctrine extends sfFormDoctrine
  public function setup()
5. Tidy up filters
Filters work great – but the default style is a bit off

A few CSS tweaks
#sf_admin_container #sf_admin_bar   {
   margin-left: 0px;
#sf_admin_container #sf_admin_bar   .sf_admin_filter table tr {
   clear: none;
   border: 1px solid #DDD;
   padding: 0px;
#sf_admin_container #sf_admin_bar   .sf_admin_filter table tr td {
   height: 50px;
   vertical-align: middle;
   border: none;
#sf_admin_container #sf_admin_bar   .sf_admin_filter table tbody {
   clear: none;
   float: left;
#sf_admin_container #sf_admin_bar   .sf_admin_filter table tbody tr {
   float: left;
   border-right: none;
#sf_admin_container #sf_admin_bar   .sf_admin_filter table tfoot {
   clear: none;
   float: right;
#sf_admin_container #sf_admin_bar   .sf_admin_filter table tfoot tr {
   float: right;
                                              Thanks to Sebastien
What is the definition of

Programmers are machines that turn
        coffee into code.
6. Timestampable fields
   Generally don’t need to edit these

   Simply unset them in form class
class NewsForm extends BaseNewsForm
  public function configure()
    unset($this['created_at'], $this['updated_at']);
6. Timestampable fields
What if you still need to see the value?
6. Timestampable fields
         Use sfWidgetFormPlain widget

public function configure()
   new sfWidgetFormPlain(array('value'=>$this->getObject()->created_at)));


  new sfWidgetFormPlain(array('value'=>$this->getObject()->updated_at)));


                                                            Thanks to Stephen.Ostrow
7. Pre-filter list
7. Pre-filter list
        Add an object action to generator.yml
    _edit:        ~
    viewPhones:   { label: Phone numbers, action: viewPhones }

        Set filter atribute in user session
class employeeActions extends autoEmployeeActions
   public function executeViewPhones($request){

            array('employee_id' => $request->getParameter('id')),
8. Row level ownership
Only allow owners of objects access
Example presumes:
  sfGuard plugin is installed
  Objects have a user_id field fk
8. Row level ownership
Secure the list page - moduleActions::buildquery()

protected function buildQuery(){

    $query = parent::buildQuery();

     'user_id = ?', $this->getUser()->getId()

    return $query;
}                            This belongs in the model!!
8. Row level ownership
        Secure all other actions - moduleActions::preExecute()
public function preExecute(){

    if($this->getActionName()!= 'new' &&
                       $this->getActionName()!= 'index'){




8. Row level ownership
    Add a new method to user class - myUser::isOwner()

class myUser extends sfGuardSecurityUser
  public function isOwner($obj){


          if($this->getId() == $obj->getUserId()) return true;

        return false;
8. Row level ownership
What about the user_id field in the form?
  Don’t want users to change owner
  Also be careful with injected data
8. Row level ownership
   We need to remove the widget - Form::configure()
           public function configure()

   Set the user_id manually – Form::doUpdateObject()
public function doUpdateObject($values){

        $userId = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getId();

        return parent::doUpdateObject($values);
9. Custom filters
Find out who has a birthday today
Add the new filter name to generator.yml
  display: [ name, birthday_today ]
      help: Employees who have a birthday today!

                           Based on info from Tomasz Ducin and dlepage
9. Custom filters
Create a new widget in - xxFormFilter::configure()
public function configure()
  $this->widgetSchema['birthday_today'] =
    new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox();

    $this->validatorSchema['birthday_today'] =
      new sfValidatorPass();

Filter form is now displayed
9. Custom filters
      Add a add*ColumnQuery to FormFilter class

public function addBirthdayTodayColumnQuery($query,$field,$value)
    $query->andWhere("SUBSTRING(`birthday`, 6, 5)
                    = SUBSTRING(NOW(), 6, 5)");

return $query;

      Now buy the presents!
     Kevin Bond
            Joomla style admin
            Adds a dashboard
            Configurable admin

            Replaces the admin css
            Manually add header
            component and footer
            partial to layout
       Gerald Estadieu
                 Looks stunning
                 Theme roller system
                 Popup filters
                 Tabs in edit view

                 Completely new admin
Optimist : The glass is half full.
Pessimist : The glass is half empty..
  Coder: The glass is twice as big as it needs
                     to be
Extending Methods

What degree of customisation do you need?
Will you need to re-use the functionality?
Extending - CSS
Define an alternative CSS
          class: sfDoctrineGenerator
            model_class:           News
            theme:                 admin
            non_verbose_templates: true
            with_show:             false
            singular:              ~
            plural:                ~
            route_prefix:          news
            with_doctrine_route:   1
            css:                   funkystyle
Extending - Override code
Override individual templates and actions
Quick and easy
Can’t be re-used between modules
Can become untidy
Extending – Create a theme
More work upfront
Can be used for multiple modules / projects
Much more scope for customising
Steep learning curve – PHP in PHP!
Extending – Create a theme
     Create container folder for new theme
    mkdir -p data/generator/sfDoctrineModule/newtheme

    Copy the generator files from sfDoctrine plugin
cp -r lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/

→ sfDoctrinePlugin/data/generator/sfDoctrineModule/admin/*

→   data/generator/sfDoctrineModule/newtheme/
Extending – Create a theme
      Name of theme

             Parts – Snippets of code
             included into cache

             Skeleton – copied to admin

                Templates – generated into
Extending – Create a theme
Change theme name in generator.yml
      class: sfDoctrineGenerator
        model_class:           News
        theme:                 newtheme

Clear cache

You’ve made your own theme!
Extending – Admin events
admin.pre_execute: Notified before any action is
admin.build_criteria: Filters the Criteria used for the
list view.
admin.save_object: Notified just after an object is
admin.delete_object: Notified just before an object
will be deleted.
So, what does…


Object history

Delete related
What do you want the admin generator to do?
What should the scope of the generator be?

Better support for embedded forms?
More customisable list view (sfGrid)?
Fulltext search in the fields?
Saving goes back to list view?
Nested sets? Ordering?
Inherit from multiple themes?
Thanks for listening!
   Twitter: @jcleveley

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Working With The Symfony Admin Generator

  • 1. Working with the admin generator
  • 2. My background John Cleveley Trained as a Systems Engineer with BAE Systems Started my own business in 2006 Created symfony apps for NHS, V&A Museum and Hornby. Currently work at the BBC using their Forge platform (ZF)
  • 3.
  • 4. Objectives Provide information beyond the docs Update on what’s new Suggest a few best practices Real world examples of customising How to get the best from the form framework Utilise the various ways of extending
  • 5. It’s super awesome. Saves huge amount of development time and costs Provides most common admin requirements out of the box Can be extended to provide bespoke needs Fully tested and documented It’s free!
  • 6. What’s new since 1.0? Completely re-written for the form framework Relationships including m2m work without configuration Generator.yml is validated Batch actions (delete) Less reliance on generator.yml (DRY) More templates and actions to override Different configuration for the edit and new form Adds a REST route for your module
  • 7. New PHP configuration file Configure generator via PHP to be more dynamic: lib/newsGeneratorConfiguration.class.php The generated class in the cache lists functions cache/backend/dev/modules/autoNews/lib/BaseNe wsGeneratorConfiguration.class.php You can also mix configuration between the two
  • 8. New helper file Provides html snippets for action links lib/[module]GeneratorHelper.class.php getUrlForAction () linkToDelete () linkToEdit () linkToList () linkToNew () linkToSave () linkToSaveAndAdd () Create custom links with extra javascript etc
  • 10. Is it the right tool? …maybe.
  • 11. Think requirements! Don’t jump to use the admin generator Analyse what’s needed first A bespoke solution may be more appropriate Misusing the admin generator could cause big problems in the future
  • 12. How do we decide? Admin Bespoke Normal CRUD operations Public interface to data Non – technical users Sophisticated sorting need to add data and searching of data Trusted site administrators Ownership of all records The admin site can take you a long way…. …. But be careful it doesn’t become a mess.
  • 14. 10 Commandments (1-5) 1. Understand the client’s workflow and customise admin to suit 2. Think about security from the start 3. Look through and understand the cached php files 4. Change table_method to reduce db calls 5. Use bespoke Form class for admin if different
  • 15. 10 Commandments (6-10) 6. Keep all form form configuration in the Form Class 7. If you need to make changes to multiple admin modules – create a theme. 8. Think about small screens and target browser 9. Create functional tests – guard against regression 10. Maintain good MVC and decoupling practices
  • 16. What’s the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Inheritance!
  • 18. 1. The URL Clients don’t like using: Option 1: Option 2:
  • 19. 1. The URL: /admin Modify web/.htaccess RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/admin/? RewriteRule ^(.*)$ admin.php [QSA,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L] Change all your standard routes – routing.yml homepage: url: /admin param: { module: default, action: index } test: url: /admin/test ...
  • 20. 1. The URL: /admin Change your route collections – routing.yml prefix_path: /admin/module_name Remove script name in urls – settings.yml prod: .settings: no_script_name: true
  • 21. 1. The URL: Create a new virtual host in httpd.conf <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DirectoryIndex admin.php DocumentRoot "/path/to/web/folder" <Directory "/path/to/web/folder"> AllowOverride All Allow from All </Directory> </VirtualHost> Tell symfony not to output admin.php in urls Prod .settings: no_script_name: true
  • 22. 2. Dynamic MaxPerPage Add a select box within the _list_header.php js onchange submits to action Add an action to set a user attribute public function executeChangeMaxPage(sfWebRequest $request){ $this->getUser()->setAttribute('maxPage', $request->getParameter('maxPage')); $this->redirect($request->getReferer()); }
  • 23. 2. Dynamic MaxPerPage Override getPagerMaxPerPage() class employeeGeneratorConfiguration extends BaseEmployee { public function getPagerMaxPerPage() { $maxPage = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser() ->getAttribute('maxPage', 10); return $maxPage; } }
  • 24. 3. Adding relations Fewest clicks for common tasks Relevant data placed together Currently unsupported by the generator Symfony provides functions to help sfForm : : mergeForm() sfForm : : embedForm() sfFormDoctrine : : embedRelation()
  • 25. Employee has many phones Employee: Phone: columns: columns: id: id: type: integer(4) type: integer(4) primary: true primary: true autoincrement: true autoincrement: true name: number: type: string(255) type: string(255) notnull: true notnull: true relations: employee_id: Phones: type: integer(4) type: many notnull: true class: Phone type: local: id type: enum foreign: employee_id values: [mobile, home, work] onDelete: CASCADE
  • 26. 3. Adding relations Add ability to edit existing phone numbers from within employee form Embed the ‘Phones’ relation in EmployeeForm::configure class EmployeeForm extends BaseEmployeeForm { public function configure() { $this->embedRelation('Phones'); } }
  • 27. Hide employee_id in PhoneForm::configure() class PhoneForm extends BasePhoneForm { public function configure() { $this->widgetSchema['employee_id'] = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(); ... No Delete? No Add?
  • 28. There’s a symfony plugin for that! Thanks to ahDoctrineEasyEmbeddedRelationsPlugin by Daniel Lohse
  • 29. 4. Translate admin interface Add chosen culture to settings.yml .all: .settings: i18n: on default_culture: fr ./symfony cc and delete browser cookies
  • 30. 4. Translate admin interface Create a new startrek catalogue Add vulcan XLIFF files to: apps/admin/il8n/ • •
  • 31. 4. Translate admin interface <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE xliff PUBLIC "-//XLIFF//DTD XLIFF//EN" "http://www.oasis-" > <xliff version="1.0"> <file original="global" source-language="en" target- language="vu_VU" datatype="plaintext"> <header /> <body> <!-- Actions --> <trans-unit> <source>New</source> <target>Uzh</target> </trans-unit> <trans-unit> <source>Edit</source> <target>Ver-tor</target> </trans-unit> ...
  • 32. 4. Translate admin interface Tell admin generator to use alternative catalogue generator: class: sfDoctrineGenerator param: i18n_catalogue: startrek Tell the forms as well – sfFormDoctrine::setup() abstract class BaseFormDoctrine extends sfFormDoctrine { public function setup() { $this->widgetSchema->getFormFormatter() ->setTranslationCatalogue('startrek_forms'); } }
  • 33. 5. Tidy up filters Filters work great – but the default style is a bit off A few CSS tweaks
  • 34. #sf_admin_container #sf_admin_bar { float:none; margin-left: 0px; } #sf_admin_container #sf_admin_bar .sf_admin_filter table tr { clear: none; border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 0px; } #sf_admin_container #sf_admin_bar .sf_admin_filter table tr td { height: 50px; vertical-align: middle; border: none; } #sf_admin_container #sf_admin_bar .sf_admin_filter table tbody { clear: none; float: left; } #sf_admin_container #sf_admin_bar .sf_admin_filter table tbody tr { float: left; border-right: none; } #sf_admin_container #sf_admin_bar .sf_admin_filter table tfoot { clear: none; float: right; } #sf_admin_container #sf_admin_bar .sf_admin_filter table tfoot tr { float: right; } Thanks to Sebastien
  • 35. What is the definition of programmer? Programmers are machines that turn coffee into code.
  • 36. 6. Timestampable fields Generally don’t need to edit these Simply unset them in form class class NewsForm extends BaseNewsForm { public function configure() { unset($this['created_at'], $this['updated_at']); } }
  • 37. 6. Timestampable fields What if you still need to see the value?
  • 38. 6. Timestampable fields Use sfWidgetFormPlain widget public function configure() { $this->setWidget('created_at', new sfWidgetFormPlain(array('value'=>$this->getObject()->created_at))); unset($this->validatorSchema['created_at']); $this->setWidget('updated_at', new sfWidgetFormPlain(array('value'=>$this->getObject()->updated_at))); unset($this->validatorSchema['updated_at']); ... Thanks to Stephen.Ostrow
  • 40. 7. Pre-filter list Add an object action to generator.yml list: object_actions: _edit: ~ viewPhones: { label: Phone numbers, action: viewPhones } Set filter atribute in user session class employeeActions extends autoEmployeeActions { public function executeViewPhones($request){ $this->getUser()->setAttribute( 'phone.filters', array('employee_id' => $request->getParameter('id')), 'admin_module' ); $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('phone')); } }
  • 41. 8. Row level ownership Only allow owners of objects access Example presumes: sfGuard plugin is installed Objects have a user_id field fk
  • 42. 8. Row level ownership Secure the list page - moduleActions::buildquery() protected function buildQuery(){ $query = parent::buildQuery(); $query->andWhere( 'user_id = ?', $this->getUser()->getId() ); return $query; } This belongs in the model!!
  • 43. 8. Row level ownership Secure all other actions - moduleActions::preExecute() public function preExecute(){ if($this->getActionName()!= 'new' && $this->getActionName()!= 'index'){ $this->forward404Unless( $this->getUser()->isOwner($this->getRoute()->getObject()) ); } parent::preExecute(); }
  • 44. 8. Row level ownership Add a new method to user class - myUser::isOwner() class myUser extends sfGuardSecurityUser { public function isOwner($obj){ if(is_object($obj)){ if($this->getId() == $obj->getUserId()) return true; } return false; } }
  • 45. 8. Row level ownership What about the user_id field in the form? Don’t want users to change owner Also be careful with injected data
  • 46. 8. Row level ownership We need to remove the widget - Form::configure() public function configure() { unset($this['user_id']); ... Set the user_id manually – Form::doUpdateObject() public function doUpdateObject($values){ $userId = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getId(); $this->getObject()->setUserId($userId); return parent::doUpdateObject($values); }
  • 47. 9. Custom filters Find out who has a birthday today Add the new filter name to generator.yml filter: display: [ name, birthday_today ] fields: birthday_today: help: Employees who have a birthday today! Based on info from Tomasz Ducin and dlepage
  • 48. 9. Custom filters Create a new widget in - xxFormFilter::configure() public function configure() { $this->widgetSchema['birthday_today'] = new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox(); $this->validatorSchema['birthday_today'] = new sfValidatorPass(); } Filter form is now displayed
  • 49. 9. Custom filters Add a add*ColumnQuery to FormFilter class public function addBirthdayTodayColumnQuery($query,$field,$value) { if($value){ $query->andWhere("SUBSTRING(`birthday`, 6, 5) = SUBSTRING(NOW(), 6, 5)"); } return $query; } Now buy the presents!
  • 51. sfAdminDashPlugin Kevin Bond Joomla style admin Adds a dashboard Configurable admin navigation Replaces the admin css Manually add header component and footer partial to layout
  • 52. sfAdminThemejRollerPlugin Gerald Estadieu Looks stunning jQuery Theme roller system Popup filters Tabs in edit view Completely new admin theme
  • 53. Optimist : The glass is half full. Pessimist : The glass is half empty.. Coder: The glass is twice as big as it needs to be
  • 54. Extending Methods What degree of customisation do you need? Will you need to re-use the functionality?
  • 55. Extending - CSS Define an alternative CSS generator: class: sfDoctrineGenerator param: model_class: News theme: admin non_verbose_templates: true with_show: false singular: ~ plural: ~ route_prefix: news with_doctrine_route: 1 css: funkystyle
  • 56. Extending - Override code Override individual templates and actions Quick and easy Can’t be re-used between modules Can become untidy
  • 57. Extending – Create a theme More work upfront Can be used for multiple modules / projects Much more scope for customising Steep learning curve – PHP in PHP!
  • 58. Extending – Create a theme Create container folder for new theme mkdir -p data/generator/sfDoctrineModule/newtheme Copy the generator files from sfDoctrine plugin cp -r lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/ → sfDoctrinePlugin/data/generator/sfDoctrineModule/admin/* → data/generator/sfDoctrineModule/newtheme/
  • 59. Extending – Create a theme Name of theme Parts – Snippets of code included into cache Skeleton – copied to admin module Templates – generated into cache
  • 60. Extending – Create a theme Change theme name in generator.yml generator: class: sfDoctrineGenerator param: model_class: News theme: newtheme ... Clear cache You’ve made your own theme!
  • 61. Extending – Admin events admin.pre_execute: Notified before any action is executed. admin.build_criteria: Filters the Criteria used for the list view. admin.save_object: Notified just after an object is saved. admin.delete_object: Notified just before an object will be deleted.
  • 65. Future…. What do you want the admin generator to do? What should the scope of the generator be? Better support for embedded forms? More customisable list view (sfGrid)? Fulltext search in the fields? Saving goes back to list view? Dashboard? Nested sets? Ordering? Inherit from multiple themes?
  • 66. Thanks for listening! Twitter: @jcleveley