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     Jenoy Mathew
 The work done by a force is measured
 by the dot product of force and
 displacement. If a force F acting on a
 body displaces it through a
 displacement d,then the work done by
 the force is given by W=F.d

    Work done(W)=F.d




            Work done(W)=FcosӨ.d
Work is a scalar
 The body is not displaced in the
 perpendicular direction. So the work
 done by FsinӨ component of force is
 zero. Work done is the dot product of
 two vectors. So work done is a scalar
Types of Work

   Angle            d   F.d=FdcosӨ
 between F
and d is zero            =Fd cosO

Work done is +ve
W=F.d=F.d cosӨ
               =F.d cos 900
     Ө =90o


Work done is Zero
W= F.dcosӨ
       Ө=1800       =F.dcos1800
                      = -Fd

   F            d

The work done is -ve
Kinetic Energy
Kinetic Energy
It is the energy possessed
 by virtue of its motion
Regarding with K.E.
 K.E. is always a +ve scalar quantity.

 K.E. depends on the frame of reference.

 K.E.related to its momentum as
 K.E.=p2/2m,where m is the mass and p is
 the momentum
Work energy principle
 Work done by a force in displacing a
 body measures the change in
 kinetic energy of the body
U=O                             V

             By equation of
            motion, v2= u2+2aS
            U=O , So v2= 2aS
W = F.S = ma X v /2a             S = v2/2a
This work done appears as the
         K.E. Of the
    body, i.e.,K.E.=1/2mv 2
Work done by a variable force
                                      Work done for the
Force                                  displacement
                                        dx, dw=F.dx


            D                    C    Xf

        O       Xi     dx    Displacement
   The total work done on the body from A to B,

                 W=     = Area ABCD
Work energy theorem for a
variable force
The time rate of change of K.E. is, dK/dt=d/dt(1/2 mv2)

        =1/2m(2v).dv/dt=m dv/dt.v=F.v=F.dx/dt

   i.e,Ki – Kf =          =W

      dK= F.dx
Calculate the work done in lifting a mass of
5kg vertically through 8m
 Force on the mass = weight of the body =
 5 X 9.8 N
 Vertical lift = 8m
 Work done = Force X vertical lift = 5 X
 9.8 X 8 = 392 J
A man pushes a roller with a force of 50 N through
a distance of 20m.Calculate the work done if the
handle of the roller is inclined at an angle of 60o
with the ground?

 W = F X S cosϴ=50 X 20X cos60 = 500J
Calculate the work done in raising a stone of mass 5kg
and specific gravity 3 lying at the bed of a lake through
a height of 5m?
 Loss of weight of stone in water =

 =    kg wt.

 weight of stone in water =           kg wt =   kg wt

 Force,F =     kg wt =   X 9.8 N

W=       X 9.8 X 5 = 163.3 J
A bullet weighing 10g is fired with a velocity of
800m/s.After passing through a mud wall 1m thick, its
velocity decreases to 100m/s.Find the average
resistance offered by the mud wall?
 W = 1/2mv2 – 1/2mu2

 F.d = 1/2mv2 – 1/2mu2

F=       { v2 - u2}= -3150N
Potential energy
Potential energy
 The energy possessed by a body by virtue
 of its position (or configuration) in a
 field or state of strain is called Potential
 e.g. Water stored in the reservoir of a
 dam, an apple hanging on an apple tree.
Gravitational potential energy

    The energy possessed by a body due
    its position in the gravitational field
    of earth is called gravitational
    potential energy.
180o                   W=F.h

mg                   = F h cosϴ
                   = mgh cos 1800
                      = - mgh

                    P.E. = V = mgh

Potential energy of a spring

  When a spring is stretched or
  compressed from its normal
position(x = 0),a restoring force is
     set up inside the spring
The same spring is stretched or
compressed as shown below. In which case
 does the force exerted by the spring have
          the largest magnitude?
 This restoring force is directly proportional to
  the displacement from the equilibrium
 i.e., F α - x
 F = -kx,where k is a constant called spring
 –ve sign indicates that restoring force is
 opposite to the displacement.
 The external force required to keep the spring

 at a displacement x is Fext = -F = +kx

 Therefore the total work done to stretch the

 spring from x = 0 to x = x is, W =       =

 = 1/2 kx2
From the graph



         x           Displacement
 For a particular displacement x,the
 area of the graph = area of ∆OAB
 area of ∆OAB = 1/2 x × kx = 1/2 kx2 = P.E.
Conservative forces
and Non-conservative forces
Conservative forces
 if the amount of work done against a
  force depends only on the initial and
  final positions of the body moved and
  not the path followed,then such a force
  is called conservative force.
 e.g. gravitational force,electrostatic
  force,elastic force,Magnetic
  force,Lorentz force
 If the workdone against a force depends
 on the path followed,such a force is
 called non-conservative force.
 e.g. Frictional force,Viscous
 force,Damping force,A force that
 generally depends on velocity
Conservation of mechanical energy
 Energy can neither be created nor
 destroyed.It can only be
 transformed from one form into
 another without gain or loss.i.e. the
 total energy of a closed system
 remains constant.
At A,                     A
       K.E.=1/2 mu2 = 0
        P.E.(V) = mgh
Total energy= K.E. +P.E. = mgh
          At B,
     P.E. = mg(h – x)
       K.E. = ½ mv2              h
For a free falling body,v =          B
So,K.E. = ½ m X 2gx = mgx
 Total energy = K.E.+P.E.
     = mg (h- x) + mgx
           = mgh
At C,
           P.E. = O           Energy
 Here velocity at C(V)=√2gh
        So K.E. = mgh
Total energy = mgh+ O = mgh          T.E.


 Variation of K.E.,P.E.
   And total energy
     with height
A ball is thrown vertically downward from a height of 20m with an
initial velocity u.After collision with the ground, it losses 40% of its
initial velocity and rebounds to the same height. Find out u ?
   Total energy of the ball when just thrown
    downwards = 1/2mu2 + mgh.
   Energy after collision = (1/2mu2 + mgh)60/10o
   Energy of the ball at a height ‘h’ after collision = mgh
   By conservation of
    energy,                   (1/2mu2 + mgh)60/10o =
   3/2mu2 = 2 mgh, i.e., u2 = 4/3 gh
   u = √4/3 9.8 20 = 16.17 m/s
A body of mass 1kg initially at rest is dropped
from a height of 2m on to a vertical spring having
force constant 490 N/m.Calculate the maximum
distance through which the spring will be
Loss in gravitational P.E. Of the body = Gain
           in the P.E. Of the spring

               Mg (h + x) = 1/2kx2
            1 9.8(2+x) = ½ 490 x2
    100 x2 – 4x – 8 = 0,on solving x = 0.303m
A rain drop of radius 2mm falls from a height of 250m above the
ground.What is the work done by the gravitational force on the
drop ?

 Volume,V = 4/3 πr3

 Mass, m = V d

 Work done by gravitational force(W) = mgh
  = 4/3 πr3    d    g   h

 W = 4/3     π    (2 10-3 )3   103   9.8   250 = 0.082 J
Different forms of energy
Light energy
 When an excited electron in an atom or
 molecule makes a transition to a lower energy
 level,this form of energy is produced
 Light transmitted as photons of energy E = hυ
Internal energy
 The molecules of a body are in random
  motion.The molecules thus possess K.E.
 The intermolecular attraction produces P.E.
 The sum of these kinetic and potential
  energies of the system is called internal
Heat or thermal energy
 Heat is a form of energy
 An object possesses heat energy due
 to the molecules moving in it
Nuclear energy
 The binding energy of
  nucleons(neutrons and protons) in the
  nucleus is called nuclear energy
 During nuclear reactions like nuclear
  fusion or fission, this energy is released
Electrical energy
 Electric charges develop an attraction or
  repulsion among them
 A work is to be done to move a charge in
  an electric field
 This work is stored as electrical energy
Mass energy equivalence
 When a mass ‘m’ is converted into energy E
 The corresponding energy released is E = mc2
    , Where c is the velocity of light
   This equation is known as Einstein’s mass energy
   If 1 kg of matter is converted as energy,then
   E = 1 ( 3 108 )2 = 9 1016 J
   The energy released during nuclear reaction is
    due to the conversion of mass into energy
About 4 1010 kg matter per second is converted
into energy in the sun.What is the power
output of the sun?
 E = mc2 = 4 1010 ( 3 108 )2 = 3.6   1027 J

 This much of energy is liberated per second

 Power out put of sun = 3.6 1027 J/s = 3.6 1027 W
 Power is defined as the rate at which work is done

 If W is the work in a time t,the average
 power,    P= W/t
 If dw is the work done in a small time interval
 dt,then the instantaneous power, P= dw/dt
 Power is a scalar quantity

 P=W/t = F.S/t= F.v (since v=S/t)
A water pump driven by petrol raises water at a rate of
0.5 m3/min from a depth of 30m.If the pump is 70%
efficient,what power is developed by the engine
 Volume of water taken/s = 0.5/60 m3/s

 Mass of water taken/s = 0.5/60 X 103 kg/s

 Out put power=mgh/t=0.5/60 X 103 X9.8 X 30=2450W

 i.e , Input power = output power/efficiency

 2450/70/100=2450 X 100 /70 = 3500 W
A railway engine of mass 12000kg is moving at a
constant speed 5m/s up an inclined plane of
150.Calculate the power of the engine?
(Take g=9.8 m/s)
                           R          F

                 Mg sinϴ

                                    Mg cos ϴ
 Force (F) = mg sinϴ

 F = 12000 X 9.8 X sin 150 = 3.04 X 104 N

 P = F X v = 3.04 X 104 N X v

 P = F X v = 3.04 X 104 X 5 = 152000 W
 = 152 kW
 The abrupt change to the path of a
  moving body(or bodies)due to its
  interaction with other body(or bodies)is
  called collision.
 The magnitude and direction of the
  velocity of the colliding bodies may
  change in a collision.
Types of collisions
 Perfectly elastic collision
 The collision in which,both K.E. and
 linear momentum of the colliding
 bodies remain conserved is called
 perfectly elastic collision.
 Inelastic collision

 The collision in which linear
 momentum of the system remains
 conserved but its kinetic energy is not
 conserved is called inelastic collision.
 Perfectly inelastic collisions

 A collision is said to be perfectly
 inelastic if after collision,the two bodies
 stick together an move as a single system
Elastic collision in One Dimension

m1                  m2

     u1              u2
                     At the time of
          Before collision
After collision
         V1                       V2

m1                m2

      The collision is elastic, the K.E. And
     linear momentum remain conserved
By conservation of momentum,
              m1 u 1+m2 u2 = m1 v 1+m2 v2
           m1(u 1 - v 1 ) = m2 (v2 - u2) ------- (1)
                By conservation of K.E.,
    1/2 m1 u 1 2+1/2m2 u2 2 = 1/2m1 v 1 2+1/2 m2 v2 2
               m1(u 12 - v 12 ) = m2 (v22 -u22)
m1(u 1 + v 1 ) (u 1 - v 1 ) = m2 (v2 + u2) m2 (v2 - u2)-----(2)

                   Dividing eq (2) by (1),
                 u 1 + v 1 = v2 + u2 -------(3)
               i.e., u 1 - u2 = v2 - v 1 -------(4)
(u 1 - u2 ) is the relative velocity of approach
   and (v2 - v 1 ) is the relative velocity of
Velocities after collision

From equation ( 3) ,      v2 = u 1 + v 1 - u2

    Substituting the value of v2 in Eq.(1),
       m1(u 1 - v 1 ) = m2 (u 1 + v 1 - u2- u2)
      m1 u 1 - m1 v 1= m2 u 1 +m2 v 1- 2m2 u2
      m1 u 1- m2 u 1+ 2m2 u2 = v 1( m1+ m2 )
There fore,
v 1 ={ ( m1- m2 ) u 1 / ( m1+ m2 ) }+ {2 m2 u2/ ( m1+ m2 )}

               Similarly we can see that,
v 2 ={ ( m2- m1 ) u 2 / ( m1+ m2 ) }+ {2 m1 u1/ ( m1+ m2 )}
Special cases
 When the two bodies have equal masses,i.e., m1 = m2 = m
  v 1 = 2m u2/2m = u2 and v 2 = u 1 . So if the two bodies
  have equal masses after elastic collision in one
  dimension,exchange their velocities

 If the second body is at rest before collision.then, u2 =
  O, also m1 = m2 = m ,after collision v 1 = O and v 2 = u 1
 If m1>> m2 ,we can neglect m2 and u2 = O,then
 v 1 = m1 u 1 / m1 = u 1 , v 2 = 2m1 u 1 / m1 = 2 u 1 .i.e.,If a
 heavy body collides with a light body,there is no
 change in the velocity for the heavy body and the
 light body moves with twice the velocity of the
 heavy body
 If m1<< m2 , here we can neglect m1. Also if u2 = O
 then, v 1 = - m2 u 1 / m2 = u 1 , v 2= 2m1 u 1 / m2 = O.
 i.e,if a light body collides with a heavy body at
 rest,then it rebounds with its initial velocity,while
 the heavy body remains at rest
Inelastic collision in one dimension
 Consider a perfectly in elastic collision.After
 collision,the two bodies stick together and
 By conservation of
 momentum,                                    m1 u
 1+m2 u2   = ( m1+ m2 )V ,where V is the velocity of
 the combined mass after collision.
 V = m1 u 1+m2 u2 / ( m1+ m2 )
 The loss in K.E. is
  ∆K = 1/2 m1 u 1 2+1/2m2 u2 2 - ½(m1+ m2 )v2
 ∆K = 1/2 m1 u 1 2+1/2m2 u2 2 - ½{(m1 u 1+m2 u2 )2}/ (m1+ m2 )

 i.e., ∆K = m1 m2 (u 1- u2 )2 /2(m1+ m2 )

 ∆K is +ve and hence there is always a loss in K.E.
Elastic collision in 2 dimension


                                     ϴ1        X
m1                 m2

m1 v 1 sin ϴ1


                                    m1 v 1 cos ϴ1

By conservation of momentum along X direction,
     m1 u 1= m1 v 1 cos ϴ1 + m2 v 2 cos ϴ2
Conservation of momentum along Y direction,
         O = m1 v 1 sin ϴ1- m2 v 2 sin ϴ2

     During elastic collision,K.E. Is conserved,
               m1 u 1 2= m1 v 1 2+ m2 v2 2
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Work, energy and power

  • 1. By Jenoy Mathew A.K.M.H.S.S,Kottoor
  • 2. Work  The work done by a force is measured by the dot product of force and displacement. If a force F acting on a body displaces it through a displacement d,then the work done by the force is given by W=F.d
  • 3. F dd Work done(W)=F.d
  • 4. Ө FsinӨ F FcosӨ d Work done(W)=FcosӨ.d
  • 5. Work is a scalar  The body is not displaced in the perpendicular direction. So the work done by FsinӨ component of force is zero. Work done is the dot product of two vectors. So work done is a scalar quantity.
  • 7. F Angle d F.d=FdcosӨ between F and d is zero =Fd cosO =Fd Work done is +ve
  • 8. W=F.d=F.d cosӨ =F.d cos 900 =zero F Ө =90o d Work done is Zero
  • 9. W= F.dcosӨ Ө=1800 =F.dcos1800 = -Fd F d The work done is -ve
  • 11. Kinetic Energy It is the energy possessed by virtue of its motion
  • 12. Regarding with K.E.  K.E. is always a +ve scalar quantity.  K.E. depends on the frame of reference.  K.E.related to its momentum as K.E.=p2/2m,where m is the mass and p is the momentum
  • 13. Work energy principle  Work done by a force in displacing a body measures the change in kinetic energy of the body
  • 14. U=O V m S By equation of motion, v2= u2+2aS U=O , So v2= 2aS 2 W = F.S = ma X v /2a S = v2/2a =1/2mv2
  • 15. This work done appears as the K.E. Of the body, i.e.,K.E.=1/2mv 2
  • 16. Work done by a variable force
  • 17. B Work done for the Force displacement dx, dw=F.dx A D C Xf O Xi dx Displacement The total work done on the body from A to B, W= = Area ABCD
  • 18. Work energy theorem for a variable force
  • 19. The time rate of change of K.E. is, dK/dt=d/dt(1/2 mv2) =1/2m(2v).dv/dt=m dv/dt.v=F.v=F.dx/dt = i.e,Ki – Kf = =W dK= F.dx
  • 21. Calculate the work done in lifting a mass of 5kg vertically through 8m  Force on the mass = weight of the body = 5 X 9.8 N  Vertical lift = 8m  Work done = Force X vertical lift = 5 X 9.8 X 8 = 392 J
  • 22. A man pushes a roller with a force of 50 N through a distance of 20m.Calculate the work done if the handle of the roller is inclined at an angle of 60o with the ground?  W = F X S cosϴ=50 X 20X cos60 = 500J
  • 23. Calculate the work done in raising a stone of mass 5kg and specific gravity 3 lying at the bed of a lake through a height of 5m?  Loss of weight of stone in water =  = kg wt.  weight of stone in water = kg wt = kg wt  Force,F = kg wt = X 9.8 N W= X 9.8 X 5 = 163.3 J
  • 24. A bullet weighing 10g is fired with a velocity of 800m/s.After passing through a mud wall 1m thick, its velocity decreases to 100m/s.Find the average resistance offered by the mud wall?  W = 1/2mv2 – 1/2mu2  F.d = 1/2mv2 – 1/2mu2 F= { v2 - u2}= -3150N
  • 26. Potential energy  The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position (or configuration) in a field or state of strain is called Potential energy.  e.g. Water stored in the reservoir of a dam, an apple hanging on an apple tree.
  • 27. Gravitational potential energy  The energy possessed by a body due its position in the gravitational field of earth is called gravitational potential energy.
  • 28. h 180o W=F.h mg = F h cosϴ = mgh cos 1800 h = - mgh P.E. = V = mgh Earth
  • 29. Potential energy of a spring When a spring is stretched or compressed from its normal position(x = 0),a restoring force is set up inside the spring
  • 30. The same spring is stretched or compressed as shown below. In which case does the force exerted by the spring have the largest magnitude?
  • 31.  This restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium position.  i.e., F α - x  F = -kx,where k is a constant called spring constant.  –ve sign indicates that restoring force is opposite to the displacement.
  • 32.  The external force required to keep the spring at a displacement x is Fext = -F = +kx  Therefore the total work done to stretch the spring from x = 0 to x = x is, W = = = 1/2 kx2
  • 33. From the graph Force kx x Displacement
  • 34.  For a particular displacement x,the area of the graph = area of ∆OAB  area of ∆OAB = 1/2 x × kx = 1/2 kx2 = P.E.
  • 36. Conservative forces  if the amount of work done against a force depends only on the initial and final positions of the body moved and not the path followed,then such a force is called conservative force.  e.g. gravitational force,electrostatic force,elastic force,Magnetic force,Lorentz force
  • 37. Non-conservative  If the workdone against a force depends on the path followed,such a force is called non-conservative force.  e.g. Frictional force,Viscous force,Damping force,A force that generally depends on velocity
  • 38. Conservation of mechanical energy  Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.It can only be transformed from one form into another without gain or loss.i.e. the total energy of a closed system remains constant.
  • 39. At A, A K.E.=1/2 mu2 = 0 P.E.(V) = mgh Total energy= K.E. +P.E. = mgh x At B, P.E. = mg(h – x) K.E. = ½ mv2 h For a free falling body,v = B √2gx So,K.E. = ½ m X 2gx = mgx Total energy = K.E.+P.E. = mg (h- x) + mgx C = mgh
  • 40. At C, P.E. = O Energy Here velocity at C(V)=√2gh So K.E. = mgh Total energy = mgh+ O = mgh T.E. K.E Variation of K.E.,P.E. P.E. And total energy with height Height
  • 42. A ball is thrown vertically downward from a height of 20m with an initial velocity u.After collision with the ground, it losses 40% of its initial velocity and rebounds to the same height. Find out u ?  Total energy of the ball when just thrown downwards = 1/2mu2 + mgh.  Energy after collision = (1/2mu2 + mgh)60/10o  Energy of the ball at a height ‘h’ after collision = mgh  By conservation of energy, (1/2mu2 + mgh)60/10o = mgh  3/2mu2 = 2 mgh, i.e., u2 = 4/3 gh  u = √4/3 9.8 20 = 16.17 m/s
  • 43. A body of mass 1kg initially at rest is dropped from a height of 2m on to a vertical spring having force constant 490 N/m.Calculate the maximum distance through which the spring will be compressed Loss in gravitational P.E. Of the body = Gain in the P.E. Of the spring Mg (h + x) = 1/2kx2 1 9.8(2+x) = ½ 490 x2 100 x2 – 4x – 8 = 0,on solving x = 0.303m
  • 44. A rain drop of radius 2mm falls from a height of 250m above the ground.What is the work done by the gravitational force on the drop ?  Volume,V = 4/3 πr3  Mass, m = V d  Work done by gravitational force(W) = mgh = 4/3 πr3 d g h  W = 4/3 π (2 10-3 )3 103 9.8 250 = 0.082 J
  • 46. Light energy  When an excited electron in an atom or molecule makes a transition to a lower energy level,this form of energy is produced  Light transmitted as photons of energy E = hυ
  • 47. Internal energy  The molecules of a body are in random motion.The molecules thus possess K.E.  The intermolecular attraction produces P.E.  The sum of these kinetic and potential energies of the system is called internal energy.
  • 48. Heat or thermal energy  Heat is a form of energy  An object possesses heat energy due to the molecules moving in it
  • 49. Nuclear energy  The binding energy of nucleons(neutrons and protons) in the nucleus is called nuclear energy  During nuclear reactions like nuclear fusion or fission, this energy is released
  • 50. Electrical energy  Electric charges develop an attraction or repulsion among them  A work is to be done to move a charge in an electric field  This work is stored as electrical energy
  • 51. Mass energy equivalence  When a mass ‘m’ is converted into energy E  The corresponding energy released is E = mc2 , Where c is the velocity of light  This equation is known as Einstein’s mass energy equivalence  If 1 kg of matter is converted as energy,then  E = 1 ( 3 108 )2 = 9 1016 J  The energy released during nuclear reaction is due to the conversion of mass into energy
  • 52. About 4 1010 kg matter per second is converted into energy in the sun.What is the power output of the sun?  E = mc2 = 4 1010 ( 3 108 )2 = 3.6 1027 J  This much of energy is liberated per second  Power out put of sun = 3.6 1027 J/s = 3.6 1027 W
  • 53. Power  Power is defined as the rate at which work is done  If W is the work in a time t,the average power, P= W/t  If dw is the work done in a small time interval dt,then the instantaneous power, P= dw/dt  Power is a scalar quantity  P=W/t = F.S/t= F.v (since v=S/t)
  • 55. A water pump driven by petrol raises water at a rate of 0.5 m3/min from a depth of 30m.If the pump is 70% efficient,what power is developed by the engine  Volume of water taken/s = 0.5/60 m3/s  Mass of water taken/s = 0.5/60 X 103 kg/s  Out put power=mgh/t=0.5/60 X 103 X9.8 X 30=2450W  i.e , Input power = output power/efficiency  2450/70/100=2450 X 100 /70 = 3500 W
  • 56. A railway engine of mass 12000kg is moving at a constant speed 5m/s up an inclined plane of 150.Calculate the power of the engine? (Take g=9.8 m/s) R F Mg sinϴ Mg cos ϴ Mg 150
  • 57.  Force (F) = mg sinϴ  F = 12000 X 9.8 X sin 150 = 3.04 X 104 N  P = F X v = 3.04 X 104 N X v  P = F X v = 3.04 X 104 X 5 = 152000 W = 152 kW
  • 59.  The abrupt change to the path of a moving body(or bodies)due to its interaction with other body(or bodies)is called collision.  The magnitude and direction of the velocity of the colliding bodies may change in a collision.
  • 60. Types of collisions  Perfectly elastic collision  The collision in which,both K.E. and linear momentum of the colliding bodies remain conserved is called perfectly elastic collision.
  • 61.  Inelastic collision  The collision in which linear momentum of the system remains conserved but its kinetic energy is not conserved is called inelastic collision.
  • 62.  Perfectly inelastic collisions  A collision is said to be perfectly inelastic if after collision,the two bodies stick together an move as a single system
  • 63. Elastic collision in One Dimension m1 m2 u1 u2 At the time of collision Before collision
  • 64. After collision V1 V2 m1 m2 The collision is elastic, the K.E. And linear momentum remain conserved
  • 65. By conservation of momentum, m1 u 1+m2 u2 = m1 v 1+m2 v2 m1(u 1 - v 1 ) = m2 (v2 - u2) ------- (1) By conservation of K.E., 1/2 m1 u 1 2+1/2m2 u2 2 = 1/2m1 v 1 2+1/2 m2 v2 2 m1(u 12 - v 12 ) = m2 (v22 -u22) m1(u 1 + v 1 ) (u 1 - v 1 ) = m2 (v2 + u2) m2 (v2 - u2)-----(2) Dividing eq (2) by (1), u 1 + v 1 = v2 + u2 -------(3) i.e., u 1 - u2 = v2 - v 1 -------(4)
  • 66. (u 1 - u2 ) is the relative velocity of approach and (v2 - v 1 ) is the relative velocity of separation
  • 67. Velocities after collision From equation ( 3) , v2 = u 1 + v 1 - u2 Substituting the value of v2 in Eq.(1), m1(u 1 - v 1 ) = m2 (u 1 + v 1 - u2- u2) m1 u 1 - m1 v 1= m2 u 1 +m2 v 1- 2m2 u2 m1 u 1- m2 u 1+ 2m2 u2 = v 1( m1+ m2 )
  • 68. There fore, v 1 ={ ( m1- m2 ) u 1 / ( m1+ m2 ) }+ {2 m2 u2/ ( m1+ m2 )} Similarly we can see that, v 2 ={ ( m2- m1 ) u 2 / ( m1+ m2 ) }+ {2 m1 u1/ ( m1+ m2 )}
  • 69. Special cases  When the two bodies have equal masses,i.e., m1 = m2 = m v 1 = 2m u2/2m = u2 and v 2 = u 1 . So if the two bodies have equal masses after elastic collision in one dimension,exchange their velocities  If the second body is at rest before collision.then, u2 = O, also m1 = m2 = m ,after collision v 1 = O and v 2 = u 1
  • 70.  If m1>> m2 ,we can neglect m2 and u2 = O,then v 1 = m1 u 1 / m1 = u 1 , v 2 = 2m1 u 1 / m1 = 2 u 1 .i.e.,If a heavy body collides with a light body,there is no change in the velocity for the heavy body and the light body moves with twice the velocity of the heavy body
  • 71.  If m1<< m2 , here we can neglect m1. Also if u2 = O then, v 1 = - m2 u 1 / m2 = u 1 , v 2= 2m1 u 1 / m2 = O. i.e,if a light body collides with a heavy body at rest,then it rebounds with its initial velocity,while the heavy body remains at rest
  • 72. Inelastic collision in one dimension  Consider a perfectly in elastic collision.After collision,the two bodies stick together and move.  By conservation of momentum, m1 u 1+m2 u2 = ( m1+ m2 )V ,where V is the velocity of the combined mass after collision.  V = m1 u 1+m2 u2 / ( m1+ m2 )
  • 73.  The loss in K.E. is ∆K = 1/2 m1 u 1 2+1/2m2 u2 2 - ½(m1+ m2 )v2  ∆K = 1/2 m1 u 1 2+1/2m2 u2 2 - ½{(m1 u 1+m2 u2 )2}/ (m1+ m2 )  i.e., ∆K = m1 m2 (u 1- u2 )2 /2(m1+ m2 )  ∆K is +ve and hence there is always a loss in K.E.
  • 74. Elastic collision in 2 dimension v1 ϴ1 X m1 m2 ϴ2 u1 v2
  • 75. m1 v 1 sin ϴ1 ϴ1 m1 v 1 cos ϴ1 By conservation of momentum along X direction, m1 u 1= m1 v 1 cos ϴ1 + m2 v 2 cos ϴ2
  • 76. Conservation of momentum along Y direction, O = m1 v 1 sin ϴ1- m2 v 2 sin ϴ2 During elastic collision,K.E. Is conserved, m1 u 1 2= m1 v 1 2+ m2 v2 2