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With the election of Donald Trump, the United States, and
indeed the world, has entered into a new era of trade policy and
perspectives on the effects of trade. Trump promised a more
American-centric (protectionist) approach to trade, and so far he
has provided it. He has triggered a re-negotiation of NAFTA,
pulled the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement
(TPP), has imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports into
the US, and has imposed tariffs on a wide variety of Chinese
made imports. He believes this will benefit US workers in the
manufacturing sector, many of whom believe they have been
left behind by globalization.
Please write an essay explaining why protectionism is typically
not good for the US economy. Also include an explanation for
why it is unlikely to benefit US manufacturing workers either,
and what those workers should do to adapt to the evolving
Your essay should be academic. Make sure to do appropriate
research, write and structure it effectively, and use economic
theory and examples to support your argument. 1000 word
· No plagiarism
· Use APA format
· Use in-text citation where ever possible
· Use signal phrases
· Use direct quote and cite it.
Paper 2 : Text Based Research Paper
Overview :
In this unit, we have discussed current issues about the
Corporate Social Responsibility. Our readings have focused on
the benefits of CSR as well as the criticisms of CSR initiatives.
We have looked at the issue from the perspective of the
corporations, the consumers, as well as those benefiting from
the initiative.
Task :
You will be writing a paper that starts with a question or
problem related to our discussions on CSR that requires
collecting facts, opinions, and perspectives from various texts.
You need to analyze the texts, identify grounds for
grouping the textual components, and organize this textual
material under one or more controlling themes. The purpose
of this paper is to unravel or unfold a topic or question
concerning CSR’s effects on society to make it clearer to the
readers and argue for a particular viewpoint or position based
on this research.
You are required to synthesize the information from at least
three sources. Two or more of these sources must be
outside sources found using the library’s databases. You may
use the readings discussed in class for support for your
paper, but you will still need an additional two outside sources.
Any information retrieved from the Internet must be
credible and appropriate as discussed in class. Your paper
should be in APA format and 5-6 pages in length excluding
your reference page.
Procedure :
1. To begin we will analyze select readings from our class
2. Next, we will study chapters from the Engaging Questions
textbook to understand appropriate text-based
3. You will research your topic using the Love Library and
provide a detailed annotated bibliography of the sources
you read to prepare for this assignment.
4. You will organize your paper based on the activity in class
and develop a graphic organizer of your paper’s outline.
5. Finally, you will submit your paper to Turn It In on
Readings & Support :
Required readings:
• Bruce Horovitz – “Be Kind and They Will Come”
• Chrystia Freeland – “The Real Corporate Responsibility”
Textbook readings:
• Chapter 15 (pgs. 106-121)
Planning a Research Project
• Chapter 17 (pgs. 122-128)
Evaluating Sources
• Chapter 18 (pgs. 129-150)
Incorporating Source Materials
Optional readings
(may be relevant depending on chosen topic):
• Michael Hitzlik – “Corporations Need a Social
• Charles Duhigg and David Barboza – “In China, The
Human Costs are Built into an iPad”
• Tom Knudson – Starbucks Calls its Coffee Worker
• Eric Schlosser – “The Chain Never Stops”
Paper 2 : Text Based Research Paper
Project 2 :
Annotated Bibliography: /25 points
Paper 2 /75 points
Paper 2 Revisions /150 points
Schedule :
Rough Draft Due: 10/15/18
Final Draft Due: 10/29/18
Paper 2 : Text Based Research Paper
The paper responds
clearly and appropriately
to the prompt. The
author addresses a topic
specific to CSR and
develops a strong claim.
The author uses effective
and appropriate support
for his argument.
The argument was
constructed in a clear
and logical manner. The
organization supports
the argument and is
focused on ideas.
Paragraphs are
developed with
appropriate synthesizing
The author uses formal
academic language
throughout the paper.
There are no distracting
grammatical errors.
Appropriate word choice
is employed and a
sophisticated variety of
sentence structures is
Sources are both
appropriate to the topic
and credible. Paper
follows appropriate
formatting guidelines and
citations meet APA
standards. The essay
meets the required page
limit with an appropriate
Works Cited page.
The paper addresses the
prompt adequately.
There is a controlling
claim that is supported
with textual examples
and details, though some
may be ill-chosen.
The structure of the
argument is functional. It
may focus on ideas, but
in a basic manner.
Paragraphs are
developed enough to
meet the needs of the
The author uses a formal
tone. Sentence
structures are varied, but
tend to be basic. There
are few grammatical
errors that are
noticeable, but aren't
In general, APA
guidelines are followed
and sources appear to
be credible. There are
minor errors in formatting
The prompt is not
adequately addressed.
The analysis is unclear
and there isn't a lot of
textual support to
strengthen the argument.
The structure is difficult
to follow. It may be
organized by authors
instead of ideas.
Paragraphs need further
The author has difficulty
with sentence
coordination and
appropriate word choice.
There are quite a few
distracting errors
present. 7-9
There is an attempt to
follow APA guidelines,
but there are numerous
errors in the in-text
citations and the
reference page.
There is an attempt to
address the prompt, but
the analysis is unclear
and confusing. Few
areas of textual support.
The structure of the
essay is forced and
formulaic. The author's
paragraph development
is confused or simplistic.
Grammar and
mechanics are very poor
and interfere with the
reader's understanding.
APA guidelines were not
met. Sources were ill
The writer's attempt to
address the prompt
reflects confusion.
Analysis is
underdeveloped and
lacks textual support.
There is no clear
organizational pattern or
it is too difficult to follow.
There needs to be much
more development
throughout the essay.
There is an accumulation
of distracting mechanical
and grammatical errors.
Difficult to read.
The essay lacks outside
sources entirely or there
is no attempt to
document sources.
/75 /45 /15 /15
Total : /150
Subject:CQ Researcher: Protecting the Oceans - Oct. 17, 2014
A document from a CQ Press online resource was sent to you.
Select the link below to access the document.
Weeks, J. (2014, October 17). Protecting the oceans. CQ
Researcher, 24, 865-888. Retrieved
Subject:CQ Researcher: Protecting the Oceans - Oct. 17, 2014
A document from a CQ Press online resource was sent to you.
Select the link below to access the document.
Weeks, J. (2014, October 17). Protecting the oceans. CQ
Researcher, 24, 865-888. Retrieved
Court tester; BP and the oil spill
The Economist. 395.8688 (June 26, 2010): p66(US).
Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2010 Economist Intelligence Unit
N.A. Incorporated
Full Text:
Can't afford to waste a drop
The Obama administration battles the courts while BP battles
the slick
THOSE seeking to stem the flow of oil from the deep waters of
the Gulf of Mexico are now struggling on land as well as at sea.
A wayward robot briefly interrupted the flow from the "top hat"
BP is using to suck up oil from the ruptured pipes of its
Macondo well this week, although another supplementary
system attached to the well's failed blowout preventer was
working well. Meanwhile, a court threw out the six-month
moratorium on drilling in deep water imposed by the
administration after the original accident, despite fears that the
practice is inherently unsafe.
On June 22nd a federal judge sided with the oil industry and
issued an injunction against the moratorium, arguing that it was
"arbitrary and capricious" to assume that because one oil well
had failed all the others might be at risk too. The White House
said it would appeal and reimpose the moratorium. Drilling is
unlikely to resume amid the uncertainty.
At least BP's latest efforts to siphon off the black goo gushing
from the seabed are improving. It has been collecting 25,000
barrels a day (b/d) out of a flow estimated at 35,000-60,000 b/d.
Further improvements should boost its hoovering capacity to
50,000 b/d in the coming weeks. And relief wells are still on
course to stem the leak entirely in August, although the onset of
the hurricane season could yet undo these plans.
BP's share price merely slid, rather than plummeted, to a 13-
year low, although the stock of Tony Hayward, the firm's
beleaguered boss, continues to crumble. His defensiveness
before a congressional committee earlier this month did him no
favours, and his latest public-relations gaffe--participating in a
yacht race in Britain--has further infuriated residents of the oil-
soaked gulf coast. To bring in a fresh face (and an American
accent), BP appointed Bob Dudley, a former head of its troubled
Russian joint venture, to lead the campaign to tackle the spill.
The signs are that Mr Hayward is resigned to his fate. Mr
Dudley will report to a boss whom he is the leading candidate to
replace--perhaps sooner rather than later. But what will he
New allegations are surfacing about BP's awareness of problems
with the well before the accident on April 20th. Anadarko, a
25% partner in the project, has accused BP of "gross
negligence". If the charge sticks, the smaller oil company will
be off the hook for 25% of the clean-up costs--which BP says
have now exceeded $2 billion--along with fines and damages.
The final bill could be $40 billion or more. BP is preparing to
sell assets and raise cash in the bond market to pay. Keeping the
cash flowing to maintain huge investment commitments is as
important to BP's future as stanching the oil still pouring from
the seabed.
Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition)
"Court tester; BP and the oil spill." The Economist, 26 June
2010, p. 66(US). Academic
E?u=san96005&sid=AONE&xid=3a9e1238. Accessed 8 Oct.
Gale Document Number: GALE|A229736217
Copyright and Terms of Use:
BP's "Beyond Petroleum' positioning becomes toxic in wake of
Gulf oil spill
Rance Crain
Advertising Age. 81.19 (May 10, 2010): p18.
Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2010 Crain Communications, Inc.
Full Text:
I said it once and I'll say it again; British Petroleum should get
off its high horse and concentrate on being a better oil
Back in 2006 BP got in trouble after the disclosure that its
Prudhoe Bay pipeline was corroded and leaking for many years
because nobody was inspecting it.
After BP was forced to shut down the pipeline for repairs, a guy
who wrote BP's "Beyond Petroleum ads pronounced his
disillusionment with the ads in a New York Times article. The
author of the piece, John Kenney, said "I guess looking at it
now, "Beyond Petroleum' is just advertising. It's become mere
marketing perhaps it always wasinstead of a genuine attempt to
engage the public in the debate or a corporate rallying cry to
change the paradigm. Maybe I'm naive.
What must he think now? Back in those days BP was "at one of
the lowest points in its history; badly run, accident-prone and
accused in the aftermath of a deadly explosion at its Texas City
refinery of putting profits before safety, according to the Wall
Street Journal. The new regime, the Journal added, has "turned
BP around, boosting production, cutting costs and significantly
reducing on-the-job injuries. Last month, the new CEO was
observing an irreversible "change of culture.
And now the company is facing one of the most disastrous
environmental breaches ever, right up there with the Exxon
Valdez oil spill two decades ago.
The new CEO apparently changed everything but the
advertising. The problem is not that BP's ads didn't work, as
John Kenney lamented, but they worked too well. Sure, the
whole thing was "just advertising that BP had lofty
environmental ambitions, but it was advertising that for better
or for worse BP was judged by. Yes, it was concocted to cut
through the "corporate speak of big oil companies, but BP itself
bought into it a little too enthusiastically. "Beyond reality might
be a more appropriate slogan.
By talking about all those other sources of energy it's
developing, BP gives the impression that the oil business is no
longer its first priority. As I said in 2006, "I wish BP still
believed in the oil business But the company was way out there,
beyond petroleum, and I guess the oil business just wasn't
cutting-edge enough to warrant its attention.
Was BP too busy celebrating the U.S. Interior Department's
endorsement of the wind farms off the Cape Cod coast that it
didn't keep an eye on its leased oil rig on the Gulf of Mexico?
That's the kind of criticism its advertising has opened itself up
Look what happened the last time. Writing two days before Mr.
Kenney's article, The Times' Joe Nocera said he was walking
through an airport when he spotted a BP poster.
"You know the kind I'm talking about. The letters BP in lower-
case typemaking them look somehow warmer and fuzzier. Like
most BP ads, indeed like all BP marketing, it spoke of the
company's commitment to the environment.
"And here's what I thought when I saw it: "Oh, yeah, right.'
Mr. Nocera said if BP hadn't been so "holier than thou in its
marketing during the last few years, "I doubt that it would be
getting hammered right nowat least to this extent.
"And if there's one ironclad rule about marketing, it is that you
had better be practicing internally what you are preaching to the
Another ironclad rule also comes into play here: After every
disaster, the response level (or lack thereof) gets factored into
the next one. So because both local, state and federal
government reaction to Hurricane Katrina were universally
viewed as woefully inadequate, both BP and the federal
government's reaction to the drilling rig fire and sinking are
being measured by the same yardstick.
And even though the new BP CEO has "dialed back on the
Beyond Petroleum mantra, as the Journal put it, the company
must still live up to the highest levels of environmental striving
it has created for itself.
After the spill, BP considered and rejected running a "broad
advertising campaign to express its regrets for the incident, but
a company spokesman said "the big glossy expressions of regret
don't have a lot of credibility, according to the New York
Times. That non-decision, at least, is smart because any BP ads
would only remind people of the "Beyond Petroleum message
it's so diligently burning into consumers' heads.
Copyright 2010 Crain Communications Inc. All Rights
Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition)
Crain, Rance. "BP's 'Beyond Petroleum' positioning becomes
toxic in wake of Gulf oil spill." Advertising Age, 10 May 2010,
p. 18. Academic
E?u=san96005&sid=AONE&xid=9add946a. Accessed 8 Oct.
Gale Document Number: GALE|A226059683
Copyright and Terms of Use:
Mississippi river delta worth more than BP
USA Today. 138.2782 (July 2010): p6+.
Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2010 Society for the Advancement of
Full Text:
The BP oil disaster, hurricanes, and wetlands loss threaten a net
value of $330,000,000,000 to 1.3 trillion dollars in natural
system goods and services, according to the first study of the
Mississippi River Delta as a capital asset. Even the low-end
estimate of the Delta's value exceeds BP's market capitalization
before the oil disaster on April 20 ($189,000,000,000). By
protecting against hurricanes, assuring water supply, buffering
climate instability, supporting fisheries and other food and fur
stocks, maintaining critical habitat, providing waste treatment,
and additional benefits, these natural systems provide
$12,000,000,-000 to $47,000,000,000 in benefits every year.
"These huge numbers show that the BP oil spill, hurricanes, and
continued wetland degradation threaten not only the Gulf
regional economy, but the national economy' cautions report
coauthor David Balker, executive director of Earth Economics,
Baton Rouge, La. "Unlike the Exxon Valdez oil disaster in
1989, we now have solid economics to put a value on the
damage done to natural systems and the resulting harm to
people. The Gulf economy needs nature to survive."
The report evaluates natural system goods and services,
including water supply and flow regulation; hurricane
protection; food and raw materials production; carbon
sequestration; atmospheric composition regulation; waste
treatment; and recreational, aesthetic, and habitat value. The
study points out the threatening confluence of oil pipelines,
flood protection, and Mississippi River levees that collectively
have degraded the wetlands that protect against hurricanes,
climate change, and sinking land.
The recommended solution is to restore the Mississippi River
Delta wetlands--which have lost mere land area since 1930,
2,300 square miles, than the size of the state of Delaware--by
using the energy;, water, and sediment of the Mississippi River
to rebuild them.
"The renewable resources under threat in coastal Louisiana are
crucial to ensure a sustainable and prosperous 21st-century
economy," emphasizes Paul Harrison, senior director of the
Mississippi River Project for the Environmental Defense Fund.
"It is time for the nation to focus on rebuilding the Mississippi
River Delta wetlands or risk dire economic consequences."
The report examines three future scenarios: continued wetlands
loss, minor wetlands restoration efforts, and a major wetlands
restoration. The study shows that large-scale wetlands
restoration is a good financial investment for the Gulf region
and the nation, bringing in an estimated present value of at least
$21,000,000,000 and avoiding $41,000,000,000 in damages.
For example, for about every 2.5 miles of wetlands, one foot of
a hurricane storm surge is removed. If coastal Louisiana had the
7,000 square miles of wetlands that it had in 1930, much of the
nearly $200,000,000,000 in damages from Hurricane Katrina
might have been avoided.
"Large diversions work, so the solution is clear," asserts John
Day, lifelong Delta resident, study coauthor, professor emeritus
from Louisiana State University, and former chairman of the
National Technical Review Committee to oversee and review
the Louisiana Coastal Area Project to restore the Mississippi
"Rebuilding the Mississippi Delta will provide hurricane
buffering, fisheries, recreation, clean water, and a host of other
highly valuable natural system goods and services. If healthy,
these wetlands will provide benefits in perpetuity."
Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition)
"Mississippi river delta worth more than BP." USA Today, July
2010, p. 6+. Academic
E?u=san96005&sid=AONE&xid=b4325995. Accessed 8 Oct.
Gale Document Number: GALE|A302769666
Copyright and Terms of Use:
Study links BP oil spill to sick, dead dolphins: La. fishermen
fear shrimp at risk, too
John DeSantis
National Fisherman. 94.12 (Apr. 2014): p15.
Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2014 Diversified Publications
Full Text:
ANOAA-funded study that links death and ill health of dolphins
in Louisiana to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil disaster is no
surprise to area fishermen and seafood dealers.
Lung disease, missing teeth and other abnormalities were found
in a study group of dolphins from Barataria Bay, including its
waters that lie adjacent to Grand Isle. Scientists said the
diseases were consistent with exposure to oil in the report,
which was released in December.
The scientists caught and examined about 30 dolphins from
Barataria Bay in 2011, then released them. Scientists predicted
that 17 percent of those dolphins, most of whom displayed
"unusual" symptoms, were likely to die.
A control group that was caught and examined in Sarasota, Fla.,
had no such prognoses. Barataria Bay was one of the most
heavily oiled areas after the spill; Sarasota experienced no oil.
The results were published in the peer-reviewed journal
Environmental Science and Technology.
[Image Omitted: ZI-3104-2014-APR00-IDSI-12-2.JPG ]
"We have been knowing that," Grand Isle shrimp dealer Dean
Blanchard said of sick and dead dolphins seen in the wake of
the spill. "Barataria Bay is more messed up than anywhere else.
"What scares me is that if Barataria Bay is as dead as we think
it is, what will be the long-term effect on shrimp populations?"
Blanchard continues. "I ain't no scientist, but I ain't no idiot
either. It didn't take me three years to know BP killed the
BP spokesmen have questioned the study from several
perspectives and say a causal link has not been effectively
Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition)
DeSantis, John. "Study links BP oil spill to sick, dead dolphins:
La. fishermen fear shrimp at risk, too." National Fisherman,
Apr. 2014, p. 15. General
?u=san96005&sid=ITOF&xid=f5c44c74. Accessed 8 Oct. 2018.
Gale Document Number: GALE|A362854153
Copyright and Terms of Use:
Running head: BP OIL SPILL AND CSR
Annotated Bibliography: How the BP Oil Spill Related to the
Corporate Social Responsibility
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Annotated Bibliography: How the BP Oil Spill Related to the
Corporate Social Responsibility
Mississippi river delta worth more than BP. (2010, July). USA
Today, 138(2782), 6+. Retrieved from Academic OneFile,
The author argues that BP has a role to play in restoring
Mississippi River Delta, which was damaged by the oil spill.
Restoring the Mississippi River Delta should focus on assuring
water supply, protection against hurricanes, supporting
fisheries, waste treatment, addressing climate instability, and
maintaining critical habitat. The author notes that disasters,
such as hurricanes, wetland degradation, and BP oil spill do not
only threaten the regional economy of the Gulf, but also the
national economy. Borrowing from the report on the Mississippi
River delta as a capital asset by John Day and David Balker, the
author points out that large-scale wetlands’ restoration would
yield a present value of $21 billion and avoid a damage of $41
billion. I agree with the author’s argument because the region is
used by BP for its oil activities. It would be prudent for BP to
invest in the restoration of wetlands as a form of corporate
social responsibility.
Weeks, J. (2014). Protecting the Oceans: Can damage to marine
life be halted? CQ Researcher, 24(37), 865-888.
Weeks posits that human activities and climate change are the
major factors that contribute to pollute oceans. Oceans are
overfished, excess nutrients are deposited into oceans, and oil
spills continue to make oceans dead zones where there is no
adequate oxygen, making sea life a problem. BP’s 2010
Deepwater Horizon oil spill is a major issue that scientists
continue exploring its effects on marine life. The failure to
implement better protection measures will lead to long-lasting
damage to ocean water quality, marine habitats, and fish stocks.
Organizations, including BP, should make ocean protection part
of their corporate social responsibility to ensure that the quality
of oceans is maintained.
DeSantis, J. (2014, April). Study links BP oil spill to sick, dead
dolphins: La. fishermen fear shrimp at risk, too. National
Fisherman, 94(12), 15. Retrieved from Academic OneFile,
DeSantis borrows from an ANOAA-funded study that linked the
ill health and death of dolphins in Louisiana to the 2010 BP oil
spill. According to the study, a wide range of abnormalities in
dolphins were discovered, including missing teach and lung
disease. The study involved a group of dolphins from Barataria
Bay. DeSantis notes that BP spokesmen expressed
dissatisfaction in the study by stating that the causal link was
effectively demonstrated. I agree with the article that BP oil
spill may have contributed to the ill health and death because
oil is harmful to marine life. BP should take up the
responsibility and invest in protecting the lives of dolphins and
shrimps. In Genesis 1:26, God gave man authority over the sea
and he should ensure that all life in the sea is protected.
Crain, R. (2010, May 10). BP's "Beyond Petroleum' positioning
becomes toxic in wake of Gulf oil spill. Advertising Age,
81(19), 18. Retrieved from
Crain examines BP’s advertisements depicting the company as
environmentally conscious but failing to live up to the messages
communicated through their adverts. The author observes that
BP advisements inform about the alternative sources of energy
the company develops, which gives the impression that the oil
business is no longer a priority. Crain posits that BP’s failure to
inspect its leased oil rig on the Gil of Mexico could be a result
of the diversion of focus to the U.S Interior Department’s
endorsement of the wind farms off the Cape Cod cost. Crain
seems to argue that BP should adopt a holistic approach to
environmental conservation. I agree with Crain’s argument
because it would not make sense for BP to inform the public
about the alternative energy sources developed when oil cannot
be effectively managed to avoid environmental pollution.
Court tester; BP and the oil spill. (2010, June 26). The
Economist, 395(8688), 66(US). Retrieved from Academic
The author examines issues surrounding the BP oil spill where
the federal government and BP engaged the courts in addressing
the problem. A federal judge issued an injunction against the
six-month moratorium arguing that problems arising from a
single well could not imply that all the other wells were at risk,
but the White House was set to appeal. It was also alleged that
BP was aware of the problems before the oil spill occurred,
which would amount to gross negligence. BP would be forced to
sell assets to raise cash in bond to pay for damages. In my
view, the six-month moratorium was to be implemented to allow
BP to fix the current and other possible problems. If BP was
aware of the problems, then it would be in order to charge the
company with gross negligence.
Court tester; BP and the oil spill. (2010, June 26). The
Economist, 395(8688), 66(US). Retrieved from Academic
Crain, R. (2010, May 10). BP's "Beyond Petroleum' positioning
becomes toxic in wake of Gulf oil spill. Advertising Age,
81(19), 18. Retrieved from
DeSantis, J. (2014, April). Study links BP oil spill to sick, dead
dolphins: La. fishermen fear shrimp at risk, too. National
Fisherman, 94(12), 15. Retrieved from Academic OneFile,
Mississippi river delta worth more than BP. (2010, July). USA
Today, 138(2782), 6+. Retrieved from Academic OneFile,
The New International Version (NIV)
Weeks, J. (2014). Protecting the Oceans: Can damage to marine
life be halted? CQ Researcher, 24(37), 865-888.
Slides courtesy of Kendall Padrick. There is a corresponding
handout for students to practice hedging language.
Reasons for Hedging
Being unsure of something
It might rain tomorrow.
The results could indicate a problem, but it is not clear.
Reasons for Hedging
Added politeness or to soften your tone, especially when asking
someone to do something.
You might want to change your outfit.
Compare to “You should change your outfit.”
Could you finish the project tomorrow?
Compare to “Finish the project by tomorrow.”
Reasons for Hedging
For academic writing, when you need to avoid directly stating
an opinion.
Some people believe smoking should be banned.
Smoking should be banned.
This shows that advertising to children might cause negative
This shows that advertising to children causes negative effects.
Some could argue that eating meat is unhealthy.
Eating meat is unhealthy.
It is possible that chewing gum can help people study.
Chewing gum helps everyone study.
How to Hedge in Academic Writing
Indicate an opinion belongs to someone else, not you.
Some people argue…
Some critics say…
It is argued that…
There are … who say …
Some studies indicate watching television has negative effects
on children.
How to Hedge in Academic Writing
Careful verb selection. Use verbs with definitions/connotation
that are not forceful.
Raise a subject
Use the verb softener “help”
Help show
Help prove
How to Hedge in Academic Writing
Careful selection of phrases. Choose adverbs or phrases that
indicate uncertainty.
It is possible that …
How to Hedge in Academic Writing
Use of qualifiers before nouns. This makes it clear that it is not
always true, meaning there are exceptions.
How to Hedge in Academic Writing
Use certain modals: might/could/may
There might be evidence of negative effects.
You can hedge with “can” if you use other hedging techniques
as well.
It is possible that chewing gum can help you study.
Don’t use should/shall/will. These are too strong to hedge with.
You should study. (direct advice)
You might want to study. (suggestion)
How to Hedge in Academic Writing
Combine multiple hedging methods.
There are people who suggest that grades may help lower
students’ self-esteem.
It is possible that going to the gym might help some people
sleep better at night.

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  • 1. With the election of Donald Trump, the United States, and indeed the world, has entered into a new era of trade policy and perspectives on the effects of trade. Trump promised a more American-centric (protectionist) approach to trade, and so far he has provided it. He has triggered a re-negotiation of NAFTA, pulled the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP), has imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports into the US, and has imposed tariffs on a wide variety of Chinese made imports. He believes this will benefit US workers in the manufacturing sector, many of whom believe they have been left behind by globalization. Please write an essay explaining why protectionism is typically not good for the US economy. Also include an explanation for why it is unlikely to benefit US manufacturing workers either, and what those workers should do to adapt to the evolving economy. Your essay should be academic. Make sure to do appropriate research, write and structure it effectively, and use economic theory and examples to support your argument. 1000 word limit. · No plagiarism · Use APA format · Use in-text citation where ever possible · Use signal phrases · Use direct quote and cite it. Paper 2 : Text Based Research Paper Overview : In this unit, we have discussed current issues about the Corporate Social Responsibility. Our readings have focused on
  • 2. the benefits of CSR as well as the criticisms of CSR initiatives. We have looked at the issue from the perspective of the corporations, the consumers, as well as those benefiting from the initiative. Task : You will be writing a paper that starts with a question or problem related to our discussions on CSR that requires collecting facts, opinions, and perspectives from various texts. You need to analyze the texts, identify grounds for grouping the textual components, and organize this textual material under one or more controlling themes. The purpose of this paper is to unravel or unfold a topic or question concerning CSR’s effects on society to make it clearer to the readers and argue for a particular viewpoint or position based on this research. You are required to synthesize the information from at least three sources. Two or more of these sources must be outside sources found using the library’s databases. You may use the readings discussed in class for support for your paper, but you will still need an additional two outside sources. Any information retrieved from the Internet must be credible and appropriate as discussed in class. Your paper should be in APA format and 5-6 pages in length excluding your reference page. Procedure : 1. To begin we will analyze select readings from our class anthology. 2. Next, we will study chapters from the Engaging Questions textbook to understand appropriate text-based research. 3. You will research your topic using the Love Library and provide a detailed annotated bibliography of the sources
  • 3. you read to prepare for this assignment. 4. You will organize your paper based on the activity in class and develop a graphic organizer of your paper’s outline. 5. Finally, you will submit your paper to Turn It In on Blackboard. Readings & Support : Required readings: • Bruce Horovitz – “Be Kind and They Will Come” • Chrystia Freeland – “The Real Corporate Responsibility” Textbook readings: • Chapter 15 (pgs. 106-121) Planning a Research Project • Chapter 17 (pgs. 122-128) Evaluating Sources • Chapter 18 (pgs. 129-150) Incorporating Source Materials Optional readings (may be relevant depending on chosen topic): • Michael Hitzlik – “Corporations Need a Social Conscience” • Charles Duhigg and David Barboza – “In China, The Human Costs are Built into an iPad” • Tom Knudson – Starbucks Calls its Coffee Worker Friendly…” • Eric Schlosser – “The Chain Never Stops”
  • 4. Paper 2 : Text Based Research Paper Project 2 : Annotated Bibliography: /25 points Paper 2 /75 points Paper 2 Revisions /150 points Schedule : Rough Draft Due: 10/15/18 Final Draft Due: 10/29/18 Paper 2 : Text Based Research Paper CONTENT ORGANIZATION LANGUAGE FORMAT A The paper responds clearly and appropriately to the prompt. The author addresses a topic specific to CSR and develops a strong claim. The author uses effective and appropriate support for his argument. 60-75
  • 5. The argument was constructed in a clear and logical manner. The organization supports the argument and is focused on ideas. Paragraphs are developed with appropriate synthesizing techniques. 37-45 The author uses formal academic language throughout the paper. There are no distracting grammatical errors. Appropriate word choice is employed and a sophisticated variety of sentence structures is used. 13-15 Sources are both appropriate to the topic and credible. Paper follows appropriate formatting guidelines and citations meet APA standards. The essay meets the required page limit with an appropriate
  • 6. Works Cited page. 13-15 B The paper addresses the prompt adequately. There is a controlling claim that is supported with textual examples and details, though some may be ill-chosen. 45-60 The structure of the argument is functional. It may focus on ideas, but in a basic manner. Paragraphs are developed enough to meet the needs of the analysis. 28-36 The author uses a formal tone. Sentence structures are varied, but tend to be basic. There are few grammatical errors that are noticeable, but aren't distracting. 10-12
  • 7. In general, APA guidelines are followed and sources appear to be credible. There are minor errors in formatting standards. 10-12 C The prompt is not adequately addressed. The analysis is unclear and there isn't a lot of textual support to strengthen the argument. 30-45 The structure is difficult to follow. It may be organized by authors instead of ideas. Paragraphs need further development. 19-27 The author has difficulty with sentence coordination and appropriate word choice. There are quite a few distracting errors present. 7-9
  • 8. There is an attempt to follow APA guidelines, but there are numerous errors in the in-text citations and the reference page. 7-9 D There is an attempt to address the prompt, but the analysis is unclear and confusing. Few areas of textual support. 15-30 The structure of the essay is forced and formulaic. The author's paragraph development is confused or simplistic. 10-18 Grammar and mechanics are very poor and interfere with the reader's understanding. 4-6 APA guidelines were not met. Sources were ill
  • 9. chosen. 4-6 F The writer's attempt to address the prompt reflects confusion. Analysis is underdeveloped and lacks textual support. 0-15 There is no clear organizational pattern or it is too difficult to follow. There needs to be much more development throughout the essay. 0-9 There is an accumulation of distracting mechanical and grammatical errors. Difficult to read. 0-3 The essay lacks outside sources entirely or there is no attempt to document sources. 0-3
  • 10. /75 /45 /15 /15 Total : /150 Subject:CQ Researcher: Protecting the Oceans - Oct. 17, 2014 A document from a CQ Press online resource was sent to you. Select the link below to access the document. Weeks, J. (2014, October 17). Protecting the oceans. CQ Researcher, 24, 865-888. Retrieved from Document URL: 00 Subject:CQ Researcher: Protecting the Oceans - Oct. 17, 2014 A document from a CQ Press online resource was sent to you. Select the link below to access the document. Weeks, J. (2014, October 17). Protecting the oceans. CQ Researcher, 24, 865-888. Retrieved from Document URL: 00 Court tester; BP and the oil spill The Economist. 395.8688 (June 26, 2010): p66(US). Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2010 Economist Intelligence Unit N.A. Incorporated Full Text: Can't afford to waste a drop The Obama administration battles the courts while BP battles the slick
  • 11. THOSE seeking to stem the flow of oil from the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico are now struggling on land as well as at sea. A wayward robot briefly interrupted the flow from the "top hat" BP is using to suck up oil from the ruptured pipes of its Macondo well this week, although another supplementary system attached to the well's failed blowout preventer was working well. Meanwhile, a court threw out the six-month moratorium on drilling in deep water imposed by the administration after the original accident, despite fears that the practice is inherently unsafe. On June 22nd a federal judge sided with the oil industry and issued an injunction against the moratorium, arguing that it was "arbitrary and capricious" to assume that because one oil well had failed all the others might be at risk too. The White House said it would appeal and reimpose the moratorium. Drilling is unlikely to resume amid the uncertainty. At least BP's latest efforts to siphon off the black goo gushing from the seabed are improving. It has been collecting 25,000 barrels a day (b/d) out of a flow estimated at 35,000-60,000 b/d. Further improvements should boost its hoovering capacity to 50,000 b/d in the coming weeks. And relief wells are still on course to stem the leak entirely in August, although the onset of the hurricane season could yet undo these plans. BP's share price merely slid, rather than plummeted, to a 13- year low, although the stock of Tony Hayward, the firm's beleaguered boss, continues to crumble. His defensiveness before a congressional committee earlier this month did him no favours, and his latest public-relations gaffe--participating in a yacht race in Britain--has further infuriated residents of the oil- soaked gulf coast. To bring in a fresh face (and an American accent), BP appointed Bob Dudley, a former head of its troubled Russian joint venture, to lead the campaign to tackle the spill. The signs are that Mr Hayward is resigned to his fate. Mr Dudley will report to a boss whom he is the leading candidate to replace--perhaps sooner rather than later. But what will he inherit?
  • 12. New allegations are surfacing about BP's awareness of problems with the well before the accident on April 20th. Anadarko, a 25% partner in the project, has accused BP of "gross negligence". If the charge sticks, the smaller oil company will be off the hook for 25% of the clean-up costs--which BP says have now exceeded $2 billion--along with fines and damages. The final bill could be $40 billion or more. BP is preparing to sell assets and raise cash in the bond market to pay. Keeping the cash flowing to maintain huge investment commitments is as important to BP's future as stanching the oil still pouring from the seabed. Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition) "Court tester; BP and the oil spill." The Economist, 26 June 2010, p. 66(US). Academic OneFile, E?u=san96005&sid=AONE&xid=3a9e1238. Accessed 8 Oct. 2018. Gale Document Number: GALE|A229736217 Copyright and Terms of Use: BP's "Beyond Petroleum' positioning becomes toxic in wake of Gulf oil spill Rance Crain Advertising Age. 81.19 (May 10, 2010): p18. Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2010 Crain Communications, Inc. Full Text: Byline: RANCE CRAIN I said it once and I'll say it again; British Petroleum should get off its high horse and concentrate on being a better oil company. Back in 2006 BP got in trouble after the disclosure that its Prudhoe Bay pipeline was corroded and leaking for many years
  • 13. because nobody was inspecting it. After BP was forced to shut down the pipeline for repairs, a guy who wrote BP's "Beyond Petroleum ads pronounced his disillusionment with the ads in a New York Times article. The author of the piece, John Kenney, said "I guess looking at it now, "Beyond Petroleum' is just advertising. It's become mere marketing perhaps it always wasinstead of a genuine attempt to engage the public in the debate or a corporate rallying cry to change the paradigm. Maybe I'm naive. What must he think now? Back in those days BP was "at one of the lowest points in its history; badly run, accident-prone and accused in the aftermath of a deadly explosion at its Texas City refinery of putting profits before safety, according to the Wall Street Journal. The new regime, the Journal added, has "turned BP around, boosting production, cutting costs and significantly reducing on-the-job injuries. Last month, the new CEO was observing an irreversible "change of culture. And now the company is facing one of the most disastrous environmental breaches ever, right up there with the Exxon Valdez oil spill two decades ago. The new CEO apparently changed everything but the advertising. The problem is not that BP's ads didn't work, as John Kenney lamented, but they worked too well. Sure, the whole thing was "just advertising that BP had lofty environmental ambitions, but it was advertising that for better or for worse BP was judged by. Yes, it was concocted to cut through the "corporate speak of big oil companies, but BP itself bought into it a little too enthusiastically. "Beyond reality might be a more appropriate slogan. By talking about all those other sources of energy it's developing, BP gives the impression that the oil business is no longer its first priority. As I said in 2006, "I wish BP still believed in the oil business But the company was way out there, beyond petroleum, and I guess the oil business just wasn't cutting-edge enough to warrant its attention. Was BP too busy celebrating the U.S. Interior Department's
  • 14. endorsement of the wind farms off the Cape Cod coast that it didn't keep an eye on its leased oil rig on the Gulf of Mexico? That's the kind of criticism its advertising has opened itself up to. Look what happened the last time. Writing two days before Mr. Kenney's article, The Times' Joe Nocera said he was walking through an airport when he spotted a BP poster. "You know the kind I'm talking about. The letters BP in lower- case typemaking them look somehow warmer and fuzzier. Like most BP ads, indeed like all BP marketing, it spoke of the company's commitment to the environment. "And here's what I thought when I saw it: "Oh, yeah, right.' Mr. Nocera said if BP hadn't been so "holier than thou in its marketing during the last few years, "I doubt that it would be getting hammered right nowat least to this extent. "And if there's one ironclad rule about marketing, it is that you had better be practicing internally what you are preaching to the world. Another ironclad rule also comes into play here: After every disaster, the response level (or lack thereof) gets factored into the next one. So because both local, state and federal government reaction to Hurricane Katrina were universally viewed as woefully inadequate, both BP and the federal government's reaction to the drilling rig fire and sinking are being measured by the same yardstick. And even though the new BP CEO has "dialed back on the Beyond Petroleum mantra, as the Journal put it, the company must still live up to the highest levels of environmental striving it has created for itself. After the spill, BP considered and rejected running a "broad advertising campaign to express its regrets for the incident, but a company spokesman said "the big glossy expressions of regret don't have a lot of credibility, according to the New York Times. That non-decision, at least, is smart because any BP ads would only remind people of the "Beyond Petroleum message it's so diligently burning into consumers' heads.
  • 15. Copyright 2010 Crain Communications Inc. All Rights Reserved. RANCE CRAIN Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition) Crain, Rance. "BP's 'Beyond Petroleum' positioning becomes toxic in wake of Gulf oil spill." Advertising Age, 10 May 2010, p. 18. Academic OneFile, E?u=san96005&sid=AONE&xid=9add946a. Accessed 8 Oct. 2018. Gale Document Number: GALE|A226059683 Copyright and Terms of Use: Mississippi river delta worth more than BP USA Today. 138.2782 (July 2010): p6+. Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2010 Society for the Advancement of Education Full Text: The BP oil disaster, hurricanes, and wetlands loss threaten a net value of $330,000,000,000 to 1.3 trillion dollars in natural system goods and services, according to the first study of the Mississippi River Delta as a capital asset. Even the low-end estimate of the Delta's value exceeds BP's market capitalization before the oil disaster on April 20 ($189,000,000,000). By protecting against hurricanes, assuring water supply, buffering climate instability, supporting fisheries and other food and fur stocks, maintaining critical habitat, providing waste treatment, and additional benefits, these natural systems provide $12,000,000,-000 to $47,000,000,000 in benefits every year. "These huge numbers show that the BP oil spill, hurricanes, and continued wetland degradation threaten not only the Gulf regional economy, but the national economy' cautions report
  • 16. coauthor David Balker, executive director of Earth Economics, Baton Rouge, La. "Unlike the Exxon Valdez oil disaster in 1989, we now have solid economics to put a value on the damage done to natural systems and the resulting harm to people. The Gulf economy needs nature to survive." The report evaluates natural system goods and services, including water supply and flow regulation; hurricane protection; food and raw materials production; carbon sequestration; atmospheric composition regulation; waste treatment; and recreational, aesthetic, and habitat value. The study points out the threatening confluence of oil pipelines, flood protection, and Mississippi River levees that collectively have degraded the wetlands that protect against hurricanes, climate change, and sinking land. The recommended solution is to restore the Mississippi River Delta wetlands--which have lost mere land area since 1930, 2,300 square miles, than the size of the state of Delaware--by using the energy;, water, and sediment of the Mississippi River to rebuild them. "The renewable resources under threat in coastal Louisiana are crucial to ensure a sustainable and prosperous 21st-century economy," emphasizes Paul Harrison, senior director of the Mississippi River Project for the Environmental Defense Fund. "It is time for the nation to focus on rebuilding the Mississippi River Delta wetlands or risk dire economic consequences." The report examines three future scenarios: continued wetlands loss, minor wetlands restoration efforts, and a major wetlands restoration. The study shows that large-scale wetlands restoration is a good financial investment for the Gulf region and the nation, bringing in an estimated present value of at least $21,000,000,000 and avoiding $41,000,000,000 in damages. For example, for about every 2.5 miles of wetlands, one foot of a hurricane storm surge is removed. If coastal Louisiana had the 7,000 square miles of wetlands that it had in 1930, much of the nearly $200,000,000,000 in damages from Hurricane Katrina might have been avoided.
  • 17. "Large diversions work, so the solution is clear," asserts John Day, lifelong Delta resident, study coauthor, professor emeritus from Louisiana State University, and former chairman of the National Technical Review Committee to oversee and review the Louisiana Coastal Area Project to restore the Mississippi Delta. "Rebuilding the Mississippi Delta will provide hurricane buffering, fisheries, recreation, clean water, and a host of other highly valuable natural system goods and services. If healthy, these wetlands will provide benefits in perpetuity." Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition) "Mississippi river delta worth more than BP." USA Today, July 2010, p. 6+. Academic OneFile, E?u=san96005&sid=AONE&xid=b4325995. Accessed 8 Oct. 2018. Gale Document Number: GALE|A302769666 Copyright and Terms of Use: Study links BP oil spill to sick, dead dolphins: La. fishermen fear shrimp at risk, too John DeSantis National Fisherman. 94.12 (Apr. 2014): p15. Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2014 Diversified Publications Full Text: ANOAA-funded study that links death and ill health of dolphins in Louisiana to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil disaster is no surprise to area fishermen and seafood dealers. Lung disease, missing teeth and other abnormalities were found in a study group of dolphins from Barataria Bay, including its waters that lie adjacent to Grand Isle. Scientists said the
  • 18. diseases were consistent with exposure to oil in the report, which was released in December. The scientists caught and examined about 30 dolphins from Barataria Bay in 2011, then released them. Scientists predicted that 17 percent of those dolphins, most of whom displayed "unusual" symptoms, were likely to die. A control group that was caught and examined in Sarasota, Fla., had no such prognoses. Barataria Bay was one of the most heavily oiled areas after the spill; Sarasota experienced no oil. The results were published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Science and Technology. [Image Omitted: ZI-3104-2014-APR00-IDSI-12-2.JPG ] "We have been knowing that," Grand Isle shrimp dealer Dean Blanchard said of sick and dead dolphins seen in the wake of the spill. "Barataria Bay is more messed up than anywhere else. "What scares me is that if Barataria Bay is as dead as we think it is, what will be the long-term effect on shrimp populations?" Blanchard continues. "I ain't no scientist, but I ain't no idiot either. It didn't take me three years to know BP killed the dolphins." BP spokesmen have questioned the study from several perspectives and say a causal link has not been effectively demonstrated. Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition) DeSantis, John. "Study links BP oil spill to sick, dead dolphins: La. fishermen fear shrimp at risk, too." National Fisherman, Apr. 2014, p. 15. General OneFile, ?u=san96005&sid=ITOF&xid=f5c44c74. Accessed 8 Oct. 2018. Gale Document Number: GALE|A362854153 Copyright and Terms of Use:
  • 19. Running head: BP OIL SPILL AND CSR 1 Annotated Bibliography: How the BP Oil Spill Related to the Corporate Social Responsibility Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Annotated Bibliography: How the BP Oil Spill Related to the Corporate Social Responsibility Mississippi river delta worth more than BP. (2010, July). USA Today, 138(2782), 6+. Retrieved from Academic OneFile, 6005&sid=AONE&xid=b4325995 The author argues that BP has a role to play in restoring Mississippi River Delta, which was damaged by the oil spill. Restoring the Mississippi River Delta should focus on assuring water supply, protection against hurricanes, supporting fisheries, waste treatment, addressing climate instability, and maintaining critical habitat. The author notes that disasters, such as hurricanes, wetland degradation, and BP oil spill do not only threaten the regional economy of the Gulf, but also the national economy. Borrowing from the report on the Mississippi River delta as a capital asset by John Day and David Balker, the author points out that large-scale wetlands’ restoration would yield a present value of $21 billion and avoid a damage of $41 billion. I agree with the author’s argument because the region is used by BP for its oil activities. It would be prudent for BP to invest in the restoration of wetlands as a form of corporate social responsibility. Weeks, J. (2014). Protecting the Oceans: Can damage to marine life be halted? CQ Researcher, 24(37), 865-888.
  • 20. Weeks posits that human activities and climate change are the major factors that contribute to pollute oceans. Oceans are overfished, excess nutrients are deposited into oceans, and oil spills continue to make oceans dead zones where there is no adequate oxygen, making sea life a problem. BP’s 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill is a major issue that scientists continue exploring its effects on marine life. The failure to implement better protection measures will lead to long-lasting damage to ocean water quality, marine habitats, and fish stocks. Organizations, including BP, should make ocean protection part of their corporate social responsibility to ensure that the quality of oceans is maintained. DeSantis, J. (2014, April). Study links BP oil spill to sick, dead dolphins: La. fishermen fear shrimp at risk, too. National Fisherman, 94(12), 15. Retrieved from Academic OneFile, 005&sid=ITOF&xid=f5c44c74 DeSantis borrows from an ANOAA-funded study that linked the ill health and death of dolphins in Louisiana to the 2010 BP oil spill. According to the study, a wide range of abnormalities in dolphins were discovered, including missing teach and lung disease. The study involved a group of dolphins from Barataria Bay. DeSantis notes that BP spokesmen expressed dissatisfaction in the study by stating that the causal link was effectively demonstrated. I agree with the article that BP oil spill may have contributed to the ill health and death because oil is harmful to marine life. BP should take up the responsibility and invest in protecting the lives of dolphins and shrimps. In Genesis 1:26, God gave man authority over the sea and he should ensure that all life in the sea is protected. Crain, R. (2010, May 10). BP's "Beyond Petroleum' positioning becomes toxic in wake of Gulf oil spill. Advertising Age, 81(19), 18. Retrieved from 6005&sid=AONE&xid=9add946a Crain examines BP’s advertisements depicting the company as
  • 21. environmentally conscious but failing to live up to the messages communicated through their adverts. The author observes that BP advisements inform about the alternative sources of energy the company develops, which gives the impression that the oil business is no longer a priority. Crain posits that BP’s failure to inspect its leased oil rig on the Gil of Mexico could be a result of the diversion of focus to the U.S Interior Department’s endorsement of the wind farms off the Cape Cod cost. Crain seems to argue that BP should adopt a holistic approach to environmental conservation. I agree with Crain’s argument because it would not make sense for BP to inform the public about the alternative energy sources developed when oil cannot be effectively managed to avoid environmental pollution. Court tester; BP and the oil spill. (2010, June 26). The Economist, 395(8688), 66(US). Retrieved from Academic OneFile, 6005&sid=AONE&xid=3a9e1238 The author examines issues surrounding the BP oil spill where the federal government and BP engaged the courts in addressing the problem. A federal judge issued an injunction against the six-month moratorium arguing that problems arising from a single well could not imply that all the other wells were at risk, but the White House was set to appeal. It was also alleged that BP was aware of the problems before the oil spill occurred, which would amount to gross negligence. BP would be forced to sell assets to raise cash in bond to pay for damages. In my view, the six-month moratorium was to be implemented to allow BP to fix the current and other possible problems. If BP was aware of the problems, then it would be in order to charge the company with gross negligence. References Court tester; BP and the oil spill. (2010, June 26). The Economist, 395(8688), 66(US). Retrieved from Academic OneFile,
  • 22. 6005&sid=AONE&xid=3a9e1238 Crain, R. (2010, May 10). BP's "Beyond Petroleum' positioning becomes toxic in wake of Gulf oil spill. Advertising Age, 81(19), 18. Retrieved from 6005&sid=AONE&xid=9add946a DeSantis, J. (2014, April). Study links BP oil spill to sick, dead dolphins: La. fishermen fear shrimp at risk, too. National Fisherman, 94(12), 15. Retrieved from Academic OneFile, 005&sid=ITOF&xid=f5c44c74 Mississippi river delta worth more than BP. (2010, July). USA Today, 138(2782), 6+. Retrieved from Academic OneFile, 6005&sid=AONE&xid=b4325995 The New International Version (NIV) Weeks, J. (2014). Protecting the Oceans: Can damage to marine life be halted? CQ Researcher, 24(37), 865-888. Hedging Slides courtesy of Kendall Padrick. There is a corresponding handout for students to practice hedging language. Reasons for Hedging Being unsure of something
  • 23. It might rain tomorrow. The results could indicate a problem, but it is not clear. Reasons for Hedging Added politeness or to soften your tone, especially when asking someone to do something. You might want to change your outfit. Compare to “You should change your outfit.” Could you finish the project tomorrow? Compare to “Finish the project by tomorrow.” Reasons for Hedging For academic writing, when you need to avoid directly stating an opinion. Some people believe smoking should be banned. Smoking should be banned. This shows that advertising to children might cause negative effects. This shows that advertising to children causes negative effects. Some could argue that eating meat is unhealthy. Eating meat is unhealthy. It is possible that chewing gum can help people study. Chewing gum helps everyone study. How to Hedge in Academic Writing Indicate an opinion belongs to someone else, not you. Some people argue… Some critics say… It is argued that…
  • 24. There are … who say … Some studies indicate watching television has negative effects on children. How to Hedge in Academic Writing Careful verb selection. Use verbs with definitions/connotation that are not forceful. Suggest Indicate Raise a subject Use the verb softener “help” Help show Help prove How to Hedge in Academic Writing Careful selection of phrases. Choose adverbs or phrases that indicate uncertainty. It is possible that … Possibly… Potentially… How to Hedge in Academic Writing Use of qualifiers before nouns. This makes it clear that it is not always true, meaning there are exceptions. Some Many Much
  • 25. How to Hedge in Academic Writing Use certain modals: might/could/may There might be evidence of negative effects. You can hedge with “can” if you use other hedging techniques as well. It is possible that chewing gum can help you study. Don’t use should/shall/will. These are too strong to hedge with. You should study. (direct advice) You might want to study. (suggestion) How to Hedge in Academic Writing Combine multiple hedging methods. There are people who suggest that grades may help lower students’ self-esteem. It is possible that going to the gym might help some people sleep better at night.