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Annotated Bibliography
Due 16th September 2022
Weight – 25%
Length 1500 words
Assessment Task 2 – Annotated Bibliography
Task 2 - Annotated Bibliography
Due 16th September 2022
For the purpose of this assessment task, you are being asked to
identify at least ten (10) sources that are appropriate for your
area of inquiry and field of study (i.e your project)
The completed task has three parts.
The first part will consists of five (5) fully annotated sources;
The second part will have five (5) partially annotated sources;
The third part will be a synthesis of your findings from your
annotated bibliography.
Part one
Five fully annotated sources.
Each of these entries will consist of:
1. An accurate bibliographic entry.
2. Discuss not only the main arguments of the source you have
read, but also the key issues/problems it addresses and raises, as
well as the analytical methodologies or lenses it uses to
approach its research. The point here is not to offer a point-by-
point summary of the article.
3. Assessment/evaluation of the source in the context of the
field and your own research. Your annotations should
thoroughly evaluate, analyse, and discuss the relevance of the
source for your research project.
a) How and why is this text important or relevant to the field of
research as you understand it?
b) What has it added to your own emerging understanding of
this topic/issue/field?
c) How does this text complement, support, or contradict the
other sources you have included? (you do not need to discuss its
connection to every other source)
d) Why do you find this source trustworthy/credible?
Part two
Five partially annotated sources.
Each of those entries will include:
1. An accurate bibliographic entry. Remember, it should be
2. A few sentences explaining why these sources are currently
runner-ups for your final paper (in other words, they are decent,
fairly credible sources, but as of right now, you are uncertain
about using them for your capstone project).
Part three
The Synthesis and development of research topic.
The final part of this assessment task involves a synthesis of
your findings from your annotated bibliography.
In this section, use your findings and annotations to begi n
defining possible directions for your capstone project: what are
the major questions or problems (remaining to be addressed,
researched, answered, etc.) that have emerged from the research
you have done, and how do you plan to develop and structure
your own research project so that you can begin responding to
these questions/issues/problems?
Your synthesis should discuss and refer to the sources in your
annotated bibliography to show how your refined research
direction emerges from the research itself.
What sources should I choose to annotate?
You will need to carefully consider which texts to select for
your annotated bibliography. This is particularly the case for
the five sources you choose to fully annotate. Keep the
following questions in mind to help clarify your choices.
What topic/problem am I investigating?
What are the central question(s) I am exploring?
Identify the aim of your literature research.
What kind of material am I looking at and why?
Am I looking for journal articles, reports, policies or primary
historical data?
Am I being judicious in my selection of texts?
Does each text relate to my capstone project topic and
assignment requirements?
What are the essential or key texts on my topic?
Am I finding them?
Are the sources valuable or often referred to in other texts?
This website has multiple places to find Indigenous sources
Once you have your sources, you need to read them
This sounds obvious, but one mistake many students make is not
actually reading the source they are referring to. This is usually
pretty obvious to the marker, especially when what they are
saying isn’t actually supported by the source at all.
This video talks about effective ways to read your sources
As you read your sources, think critically about them and take
notes about their key ideas and themes
What is the author trying to convince you about?
Do you agree with them? Why?
Do you disagree with them? Why?
What are some examples of what they are talking about that you
can see in the world around you? Or examples of it in other
articles you’ve read?
How does what they are writing support your argument? Or does
it contradict you?
What evidence are they using to support their argument?
There are many great guides on how to write an annotated
Marking Criteria
Quality and authority of sources selected: Do the sources appear
reliable, authoritative and are they of good or high quality?
Identification & description of authority of sources: Do the
annotations fully, characterize author(s), audience and publisher
of those sources?
Quality & clarity of the summary of ideas in sources: Are the
main ideas of the sources, including nuances and subtleties,
clearly summarized?
Representation & discussion of relevance of sources to paper or
project: Is the relationship of the sources (and the key ideas
identified) clearly described in relationship to capstone project?
Quantity of sources cited: Does the annotated bibliography
include the required or an appropriate number of sources?
Accuracy of the citations: Are the citations complete? Are any
errors relatively minor?
Research strategies & tools: Is there a clear description of
research strategies employed and tools consulted?
Reference list
The UOW learning co-op has a guide to how to reference found
We recommend the Author-Date Harvard style of referencing
for INDS subjects which can be found here
Example of a reference list (bibliography):
Dolnicar, S, Crouch, GI & Long, P 2008, ‘Environment-friendly
tourists: what do we really know about them?’, Journal of
Sustainable Tourism, vol.16, no. 2, pp. 197-210.
Example of in-text referencing:
"the Nuer of southern Sudan lacked any..." (Metcalf 2005, p.
"The experience of ..." (Savage, Bagnall & Longhurst 2005, p.
1500 words +/- 10%
Your annotated bibliography should be size 12, Times New
Roman, and 1.5 spaced
You should use the Harvard (Author Date) style for referencing
Your pages should be numbered
You should have your name and student number on the first
Check out the UOW Indigenous terminology guide “You can’t
say that” before beginning your task.
Always capitalize Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, and
Never use the term Aborigine or ATSI to describe Indigenous
“Aboriginal people” is a better phrase than “Aboriginals”
Always reference where you got your information from
Turnitin will show us when you have copied your assessment.
Even work from overseas universities will show up on Turnitin
In INDS subjects, there are some common mistakes that
students have made in the past
Credit: Charlotte Allingham via Reachout
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days a week.
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13YARN [Thirteen YARN]
National crisis support line for Aboriginal & Torres Strait
Islander people who are feeling overwhelmed or having
difficulty coping. Speak with a confidential Aboriginal &
Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter who can provide crisis
support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone: 13 92 76
Image Credit: Charlotte Allingham via Reachout
Good Luck!
The Divide and Rule Policy in Colonialism and Its Importance
in the Construction of
Democracy to Eradicate Racism
A divide and rule strategy seeks to keep someone in power by
dividing groups of people
who would otherwise band together to oppose them. "Divide and
rule" refers to an imperialist
force's deliberate attempt to foster or exploit racial, linguistic,
cultural, tribal, or religious
divisions among the people of a colony under its control
(Acemoglu, et al. 2004). Colonialism is
the process of establishing a full or fractional administrative
governor over another nation,
settling there, and then economically exploiting that nation
(Horvath, 1972). It is best to maintain
and obtain power through conflict (Arbatli, et al. 2021). Divide
and rule tactics have been used to
undermine enemy military alliances, creating a vacuum that has
allowed the state to establish
military superiority. This is accomplished by spreading
propaganda in an attempt to cast doubt
on the relationship.
However, the divide and rule strategy does not take into account
the potential for the
enrolment of new rebels or the potential for it to be abused by
the political divisions among the
targeted population. Whether these distinctions are only
ideological or if there are additional
factors involved, such as ethnic and natural variances
(Fairclough, 2008). The goal of this study
is to uncover the issues that arise when the divide and rule
strategy is put into practice.
Democracy in a divide and rule system is crucial because it
fosters ideals like worker rights and
religious freedom, which also contribute to a more secure,
stable, and successful world (Achen,
et al 2017). This is accomplished by a system of governance in
which all of the eligible citizens
of a state, who are representatives, are elected.
A divide-and-conquer method divides a problem into two or
more sub-problems of the
same or closely related type until they are simple enough to
solve on their own. The solutions to
the sub-problems are then combined to provide a solution to the
main problem. It is important to
note that physical violence was not a factor in the selection of
these cases, although violence
against marginalized groups can result from societal injustice.
Although many of the cases
featured have historically or currently involved violence, and at
least two are thought to have
progressed to crimes against humanity, this study focuses solely
on the UN's involvement in
those instances based on anti-discrimination principles
(Farooqui, 2015). We do not select cases
in which the UN intervened to deal with the aftermath of
genocide (for example, Rwanda or
Guatemala), nor do we examine the use of UN procedures
intended to prevent genocide or ethnic
cleansing in these situations. On those mechanisms, there is
already a sizable and well-
established body of knowledge.
Additionally, To eliminate racism, racial discrimination,
xenophobia, and related
intolerance, current laws, policies, programs, activities, needs,
and human and institutional
resources will be taken into consideration in the baseline study.
Disaggregated statistical data
will be gathered to uncover racism's patterns and the challenges
that need to be overcome to
eradicate racism and discrimination, with a focus on new and
developing forms of racial
prejudice. Xenophobia and Related Intolerance National Action
Plan to Combat Racism, Racial
(Jana & Sarkar, 2021). Discrimination is done by ensuring that
those who have been the victims
of racial discrimination have access to justice, by enforcing
anti-discrimination programs, and by
increasing public awareness of the prohibition of racial
discrimination among the general public
and potential victims.
Literature review
Ideally, Divide and conquer is a strategy used by both
colonialism and democracy, but
democracy also employs multiparty government, which is
equally dangerous. As a government,
it divides the elite into polarized political parties, with one
serving as the ruling party and the
other as the opposition. The nation's intellectual elite is divided,
and the proponents of
democracy move to subdue them. Deep schisms can
occasionally erupt into physical violence
against one another. The natives, on the other hand, are blind to
the true foe. The ruling party's
main focus is the struggle to maintain power at the expense of
national development. Instead of
truly cooperating to strengthen their position and utilize their
collective brainpower, the current
administration imprisons and executes its critics (King, 2002).
Democracy thrives when the
president is surrounded by flatterers and acclaimed appraisers.
Additionally, one of the most pervasive myths of our time is
that democracy is exercised
through voting by ordinary people who use their power to
decide how they are governed. The
claim persists that by exercising their right to vote, voters have
the power to end dangerous
policies of previous administrations, such as withdrawing
American troops from Iraq and
Afghanistan, which were based on false intelligence from the
start, closing the extremely
embarrassing Guantanamo Prison, guaranteeing a minimum
wage for workers, and so on. It's all
pretentious nonsense. Ordinary people are frequently misled
into believing they have electoral
power, although they do not have any power except through
violent revolution.
In addition, the locals have been misled into believing that they
practice democracy
because they have access to electricity. The world is ruled by
autocracy or self-interested
authority. There are both institutionalized and individualized
versions. While power is
institutionalized in Europe and North America, it has a history
of taking on individualized forms
in Africa. Western institutions are very authoritarian, and their
public relations directors are
frequently referred to incorrectly as Presidents or Prime
Ministers. In reality, the holders of these
positions have no authority other than their own words and
notoriety. The false assertion that
democracy includes not only elections but also other civic
liberties and compassionate treatment
is embarrassingly out of date. African history is littered with
civic regimes that have little to do
with how we currently define democracy. The notion that their
democracy guarantees and
equates with humanity and civil liberties is not only
problematically ahistorical but also a terrible
deception. Behind it is the claim that Africans have been duped
and that their resources are being
taken right in front of their eyes.
Moreover, the eulogy Slavoj Zizek wrote for Nelson Mandela
after his passing captures
the predatory peril of democracy. A conclusion is that Mandela
failed in his efforts to redistribute
land and lift apartheid victims out of the economic ghetto. Zizek
discusses the complex conflict
between capitalism and democracy, including how leaders are
mocked, fought as authoritarians,
and occasionally even slain. A leader or party gets elected with
widespread support and promises
of a "new world," but sooner or later, they face the crucial
choice of whether to touch the
workings of capitalism or to "play the game." Market
turbulence, economic turmoil, and other
"punishments" come extremely quickly if one upsets these
mechanisms (Michalopoulos &
Papaioannou, 2011). Although Zizek discusses outright hostility
from capitalists, we must
acknowledge that capitalism's exploitative nature has thrived
with "democracy" as its most
important enabler, its mechanism that most critically divides
and diverts resistance to
The three parts of the government's responsibility for upholding
human rights are
promotion, protection, and the prevention of violations,
sometimes known as the "3Ps" or
prosecution, protection, and prevention. The State is expressly
obligated by the elected
government's constitution to uphold, defend, and advance the
rights guaranteed by the Bill of
Rights. States are required by international law to respect,
safeguard, and uphold the human
rights of every individual who resides on their territory or is
subject to their authority, without
any form of discrimination (Morrock, 1973). Additionally,
States, including all divisions within
them, are primarily responsible for promoting and upholding all
human rights, including
preventing their abuses. States have a responsibility to guard
against violations of human rights
by outside parties, especially private actors. States may violate
their commitments under
international human rights law if they don't take the necessary
action to stop, look into, punish,
and address abuse by private actors.
Problem statement
The phrase "divide-and-rule" refers to a tactic used by tyrants to
maintain control by
taking advantage of coordination issues among potential
enemies. Rulers can disrupt competing
power blocs by issuing discriminatory offers or fines or by
obliterating communication lines
between possible rivals. Using original data on cabinet changes,
I shall examine the effects of
"divide-and-rule" politics in this essay. In the empirical
analysis, I specifically examine whether
cabinet changes have an impact on the likelihood that a ruler
will be overthrown in a coup d’état
and the likelihood that a coup attempt will occur (Urbinati,
2014). The data shows that the
likelihood of a successful coup is reduced when there are
frequent government changes. Even
after adopting an instrumental variable technique to account for
econometrics, this conclusion
showed to be reliable. The outcomes also revealed that leaders
run the risk of increasing the
likelihood of coup attempts if they frequently reshuffle their
ministries (Ray, 2018). The
likelihood of a coup attempt is positively correlated with
cabinet volatility, which is determined
by the number of cabinet shuffles within six months.
Moreover, in democracy creation, It is unclear what the
relationship between "divide-
and-rule" politics and political instability is. When considering
the impact of each change as a
separate event, the data show no consistent relationship between
cabinet changes and the
likelihood of a successful coup (Dixon, et al 2015). However, a
cabinet reshuffle appears to
significantly increase the likelihood of a revolt. When divide -
and-rule politics is framed as a
leadership quality and the variable is quantified as the average
number of cabinet shuffles a
leader carried out each year while in office, the results become
more understandable. Leaders
who frequently change their cabinet appear to be less vulnerable
to a coup during their rule.
Reference Bibliography
Acemoglu, D., Verdier, T., & Robinson, J. A. (2004).
Kleptocracy and divide-and-rule: A model
of personal rule. Journal of the European Economic Association,
2(2-3), 162-192.
Achen, C. H., & Bartels, L. M. (2017). Democracy for realists.
In Democracy for Realists.
Princeton University Press.
Arbatli, E., & Rosenberg, D. (2021). United we stand, divided
we rule: how political polarization
erodes democracy. Democratization, 28(2), 285-307.
Fairclough, A. (2008). Race & democracy: the civil rights
struggle in Louisiana, 1915-1972.
University of Georgia Press.
Fairclough, A. (2008). Race & democracy: the civil rights
struggle in Louisiana, 1915-1972.
University of Georgia Press.
Farooqui, A. (2015). 'Divide and Rule? Race, Military
Recruitment and Society in Late
Nineteenth Century Colonial India. Social Scientist, 43(3/4),
Horvath, R. J. (1972). A definition of colonialism. Current
Anthropology, 13(1), 45-57.
Jana, T., & Sarkar, S. (2021). A Nation within a Nation: English
Education as a Tool of Divide
and Rule Policy in Colonial India. Rupkatha Journal on
Interdisciplinary Studies in
Humanities, 13(1).
King, D. S. (2002). Making Americans: Immigration, race, and
the origins of the diverse
democracy. Harvard University Press.
Michalopoulos, S., & Papaioannou, E. (2011). Divide and Rule
or the Rule of the Divided?
Evidence from Africa (No. w17184). National Bureau of
Economic Research.
Mishra, V., & Hodge, B. (2015). □ What is Post (-) colonialism?
In Colonial discourse and post-
colonial theory (pp. 276-290). Routledge.
Morrock, R. (1973). Heritage of Strife: The Effects of
Colonialist “Divide and Rule” Strategy
upon the Colonized Peoples. Science & Society, 37(2), 129–
Ray, S. (2018). Beyond divide and rule: Explaining the link
between British colonialism and
ethnic violence. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 24(4), 367-
Sandhu, A. H. (2009). Reality divide and Rule'in British India.
Pakistan Journal of History &
Culture, 30(1).
Dixon, J., Durrheim, K., Thomae, M., Tredoux, C., Kerr, P., &
Quayle, M. (2015). Divide and
rule, unite and resist: Contact, collective action and policy
attitudes among historically
disadvantaged groups. Journal of Social Issues, 71(3), 576-596.
Urbinati, N. (2014). Democracy disfigured. In Democracy
Disfigured. Harvard University Press.

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  • 1. INDS302 Annotated Bibliography Due 16th September 2022 Weight – 25% Length 1500 words Assessment Task 2 – Annotated Bibliography Task 2 - Annotated Bibliography Due 16th September 2022 For the purpose of this assessment task, you are being asked to identify at least ten (10) sources that are appropriate for your area of inquiry and field of study (i.e your project) The completed task has three parts.
  • 2. The first part will consists of five (5) fully annotated sources; The second part will have five (5) partially annotated sources; The third part will be a synthesis of your findings from your annotated bibliography. Part one Five fully annotated sources. Each of these entries will consist of: 1. An accurate bibliographic entry. 2. Discuss not only the main arguments of the source you have read, but also the key issues/problems it addresses and raises, as well as the analytical methodologies or lenses it uses to approach its research. The point here is not to offer a point-by- point summary of the article. 3. Assessment/evaluation of the source in the context of the field and your own research. Your annotations should thoroughly evaluate, analyse, and discuss the relevance of the source for your research project. a) How and why is this text important or relevant to the field of research as you understand it? b) What has it added to your own emerging understanding of this topic/issue/field? c) How does this text complement, support, or contradict the other sources you have included? (you do not need to discuss its
  • 3. connection to every other source) d) Why do you find this source trustworthy/credible? Part two Five partially annotated sources. Each of those entries will include: 1. An accurate bibliographic entry. Remember, it should be alphabetic. 2. A few sentences explaining why these sources are currently runner-ups for your final paper (in other words, they are decent, fairly credible sources, but as of right now, you are uncertain about using them for your capstone project). Part three The Synthesis and development of research topic. The final part of this assessment task involves a synthesis of your findings from your annotated bibliography.
  • 4. In this section, use your findings and annotations to begi n defining possible directions for your capstone project: what are the major questions or problems (remaining to be addressed, researched, answered, etc.) that have emerged from the research you have done, and how do you plan to develop and structure your own research project so that you can begin responding to these questions/issues/problems? Your synthesis should discuss and refer to the sources in your annotated bibliography to show how your refined research direction emerges from the research itself. What sources should I choose to annotate? You will need to carefully consider which texts to select for your annotated bibliography. This is particularly the case for the five sources you choose to fully annotate. Keep the following questions in mind to help clarify your choices. What topic/problem am I investigating? What are the central question(s) I am exploring? Identify the aim of your literature research. What kind of material am I looking at and why? Am I looking for journal articles, reports, policies or primary historical data?
  • 5. Am I being judicious in my selection of texts? Does each text relate to my capstone project topic and assignment requirements? What are the essential or key texts on my topic? Am I finding them? Are the sources valuable or often referred to in other texts? This website has multiple places to find Indigenous sources Once you have your sources, you need to read them This sounds obvious, but one mistake many students make is not actually reading the source they are referring to. This is usually pretty obvious to the marker, especially when what they are saying isn’t actually supported by the source at all. This video talks about effective ways to read your sources video-6-tips-to-improve-reading-and-note-taking As you read your sources, think critically about them and take notes about their key ideas and themes
  • 6. What is the author trying to convince you about? Do you agree with them? Why? Do you disagree with them? Why? What are some examples of what they are talking about that you can see in the world around you? Or examples of it in other articles you’ve read? How does what they are writing support your argument? Or does it contradict you? What evidence are they using to support their argument? There are many great guides on how to write an annotated bibliography: write.../annotated-bibliography op/assessments/annotated-bibliography/
  • 7. Marking Criteria Quality and authority of sources selected: Do the sources appear reliable, authoritative and are they of good or high quality? Identification & description of authority of sources: Do the annotations fully, characterize author(s), audience and publisher of those sources? Quality & clarity of the summary of ideas in sources: Are the main ideas of the sources, including nuances and subtleties, clearly summarized? Representation & discussion of relevance of sources to paper or project: Is the relationship of the sources (and the key ideas identified) clearly described in relationship to capstone project? Quantity of sources cited: Does the annotated bibliography include the required or an appropriate number of sources? Accuracy of the citations: Are the citations complete? Are any errors relatively minor? Research strategies & tools: Is there a clear description of research strategies employed and tools consulted?
  • 8. Reference list The UOW learning co-op has a guide to how to reference found here op/referencing-and-citing/ We recommend the Author-Date Harvard style of referencing for INDS subjects which can be found here Example of a reference list (bibliography): Dolnicar, S, Crouch, GI & Long, P 2008, ‘Environment-friendly tourists: what do we really know about them?’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, vol.16, no. 2, pp. 197-210. Example of in-text referencing: "the Nuer of southern Sudan lacked any..." (Metcalf 2005, p. 184) "The experience of ..." (Savage, Bagnall & Longhurst 2005, p. 28) Formatting 1500 words +/- 10%
  • 9. Your annotated bibliography should be size 12, Times New Roman, and 1.5 spaced You should use the Harvard (Author Date) style for referencing Your pages should be numbered You should have your name and student number on the first page Check out the UOW Indigenous terminology guide “You can’t say that” before beginning your task. Always capitalize Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, and Indigenous Never use the term Aborigine or ATSI to describe Indigenous people “Aboriginal people” is a better phrase than “Aboriginals” Always reference where you got your information from Turnitin will show us when you have copied your assessment. Even work from overseas universities will show up on Turnitin In INDS subjects, there are some common mistakes that
  • 10. students have made in the past c/documents/doc/uow257281.pdf Credit: Charlotte Allingham via Reachout ( aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-people) Mental Health and Support Services Beyond Blue Information and support for anxiety, depression and suicide prevention for everyone in Australia, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Phone: 1300 22 46 36 UOW Wellbeing Free and confidential help for UOW students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Phone: 1300 036 149 13YARN [Thirteen YARN] National crisis support line for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people who are feeling overwhelmed or having
  • 11. difficulty coping. Speak with a confidential Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter who can provide crisis support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Phone: 13 92 76 Image Credit: Charlotte Allingham via Reachout ( aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-people) Good Luck! image1.png image2.png image3.jpg image4.jpg image5.png image6.jpg image7.jpg image8.jpg image9.png
  • 12. image10.jpg image11.jpg image12.jpg image13.jpg image14.jpg image15.png image16.png 1 RENJU PETER 6587690 The Divide and Rule Policy in Colonialism and Its Importance in the Construction of Democracy to Eradicate Racism A divide and rule strategy seeks to keep someone in power by dividing groups of people who would otherwise band together to oppose them. "Divide and rule" refers to an imperialist force's deliberate attempt to foster or exploit racial, linguistic, cultural, tribal, or religious divisions among the people of a colony under its control (Acemoglu, et al. 2004). Colonialism is the process of establishing a full or fractional administrative governor over another nation,
  • 13. settling there, and then economically exploiting that nation (Horvath, 1972). It is best to maintain and obtain power through conflict (Arbatli, et al. 2021). Divide and rule tactics have been used to undermine enemy military alliances, creating a vacuum that has allowed the state to establish military superiority. This is accomplished by spreading propaganda in an attempt to cast doubt on the relationship. However, the divide and rule strategy does not take into account the potential for the enrolment of new rebels or the potential for it to be abused by the political divisions among the targeted population. Whether these distinctions are only ideological or if there are additional 2 factors involved, such as ethnic and natural variances (Fairclough, 2008). The goal of this study is to uncover the issues that arise when the divide and rule strategy is put into practice. Democracy in a divide and rule system is crucial because it fosters ideals like worker rights and
  • 14. religious freedom, which also contribute to a more secure, stable, and successful world (Achen, et al 2017). This is accomplished by a system of governance in which all of the eligible citizens of a state, who are representatives, are elected. Rationale A divide-and-conquer method divides a problem into two or more sub-problems of the same or closely related type until they are simple enough to solve on their own. The solutions to the sub-problems are then combined to provide a solution to the main problem. It is important to note that physical violence was not a factor in the selection of these cases, although violence against marginalized groups can result from societal injustice. Although many of the cases featured have historically or currently involved violence, and at least two are thought to have progressed to crimes against humanity, this study focuses solely on the UN's involvement in those instances based on anti-discrimination principles (Farooqui, 2015). We do not select cases in which the UN intervened to deal with the aftermath of genocide (for example, Rwanda or
  • 15. Guatemala), nor do we examine the use of UN procedures intended to prevent genocide or ethnic cleansing in these situations. On those mechanisms, there is already a sizable and well- established body of knowledge. Additionally, To eliminate racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance, current laws, policies, programs, activities, needs, and human and institutional resources will be taken into consideration in the baseline study. Disaggregated statistical data 3 will be gathered to uncover racism's patterns and the challenges that need to be overcome to eradicate racism and discrimination, with a focus on new and developing forms of racial prejudice. Xenophobia and Related Intolerance National Action Plan to Combat Racism, Racial (Jana & Sarkar, 2021). Discrimination is done by ensuring that those who have been the victims of racial discrimination have access to justice, by enforcing anti-discrimination programs, and by
  • 16. increasing public awareness of the prohibition of racial discrimination among the general public and potential victims. Literature review Ideally, Divide and conquer is a strategy used by both colonialism and democracy, but democracy also employs multiparty government, which is equally dangerous. As a government, it divides the elite into polarized political parties, with one serving as the ruling party and the other as the opposition. The nation's intellectual elite is divided, and the proponents of democracy move to subdue them. Deep schisms can occasionally erupt into physical violence against one another. The natives, on the other hand, are blind to the true foe. The ruling party's main focus is the struggle to maintain power at the expense of national development. Instead of truly cooperating to strengthen their position and utilize their collective brainpower, the current administration imprisons and executes its critics (King, 2002). Democracy thrives when the president is surrounded by flatterers and acclaimed appraisers.
  • 17. Additionally, one of the most pervasive myths of our time is that democracy is exercised through voting by ordinary people who use their power to decide how they are governed. The claim persists that by exercising their right to vote, voters have the power to end dangerous policies of previous administrations, such as withdrawing American troops from Iraq and 4 Afghanistan, which were based on false intelligence from the start, closing the extremely embarrassing Guantanamo Prison, guaranteeing a minimum wage for workers, and so on. It's all pretentious nonsense. Ordinary people are frequently misled into believing they have electoral power, although they do not have any power except through violent revolution. In addition, the locals have been misled into believing that they practice democracy because they have access to electricity. The world is ruled by autocracy or self-interested authority. There are both institutionalized and individualized
  • 18. versions. While power is institutionalized in Europe and North America, it has a history of taking on individualized forms in Africa. Western institutions are very authoritarian, and their public relations directors are frequently referred to incorrectly as Presidents or Prime Ministers. In reality, the holders of these positions have no authority other than their own words and notoriety. The false assertion that democracy includes not only elections but also other civic liberties and compassionate treatment is embarrassingly out of date. African history is littered with civic regimes that have little to do with how we currently define democracy. The notion that their democracy guarantees and equates with humanity and civil liberties is not only problematically ahistorical but also a terrible deception. Behind it is the claim that Africans have been duped and that their resources are being taken right in front of their eyes. Moreover, the eulogy Slavoj Zizek wrote for Nelson Mandela after his passing captures the predatory peril of democracy. A conclusion is that Mandela failed in his efforts to redistribute
  • 19. land and lift apartheid victims out of the economic ghetto. Zizek discusses the complex conflict between capitalism and democracy, including how leaders are mocked, fought as authoritarians, and occasionally even slain. A leader or party gets elected with widespread support and promises of a "new world," but sooner or later, they face the crucial choice of whether to touch the 5 workings of capitalism or to "play the game." Market turbulence, economic turmoil, and other "punishments" come extremely quickly if one upsets these mechanisms (Michalopoulos & Papaioannou, 2011). Although Zizek discusses outright hostility from capitalists, we must acknowledge that capitalism's exploitative nature has thrived with "democracy" as its most important enabler, its mechanism that most critically divides and diverts resistance to exploitation. The three parts of the government's responsibility for upholding human rights are
  • 20. promotion, protection, and the prevention of violations, sometimes known as the "3Ps" or prosecution, protection, and prevention. The State is expressly obligated by the elected government's constitution to uphold, defend, and advance the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. States are required by international law to respect, safeguard, and uphold the human rights of every individual who resides on their territory or is subject to their authority, without any form of discrimination (Morrock, 1973). Additionally, States, including all divisions within them, are primarily responsible for promoting and upholding all human rights, including preventing their abuses. States have a responsibility to guard against violations of human rights by outside parties, especially private actors. States may violate their commitments under international human rights law if they don't take the necessary action to stop, look into, punish, and address abuse by private actors. Problem statement The phrase "divide-and-rule" refers to a tactic used by tyrants to
  • 21. maintain control by taking advantage of coordination issues among potential enemies. Rulers can disrupt competing power blocs by issuing discriminatory offers or fines or by obliterating communication lines 6 between possible rivals. Using original data on cabinet changes, I shall examine the effects of "divide-and-rule" politics in this essay. In the empirical analysis, I specifically examine whether cabinet changes have an impact on the likelihood that a ruler will be overthrown in a coup d’état and the likelihood that a coup attempt will occur (Urbinati, 2014). The data shows that the likelihood of a successful coup is reduced when there are frequent government changes. Even after adopting an instrumental variable technique to account for econometrics, this conclusion showed to be reliable. The outcomes also revealed that leaders run the risk of increasing the likelihood of coup attempts if they frequently reshuffle their ministries (Ray, 2018). The
  • 22. likelihood of a coup attempt is positively correlated with cabinet volatility, which is determined by the number of cabinet shuffles within six months. Moreover, in democracy creation, It is unclear what the relationship between "divide- and-rule" politics and political instability is. When considering the impact of each change as a separate event, the data show no consistent relationship between cabinet changes and the likelihood of a successful coup (Dixon, et al 2015). However, a cabinet reshuffle appears to significantly increase the likelihood of a revolt. When divide - and-rule politics is framed as a leadership quality and the variable is quantified as the average number of cabinet shuffles a leader carried out each year while in office, the results become more understandable. Leaders who frequently change their cabinet appear to be less vulnerable to a coup during their rule. Reference Bibliography 7 Acemoglu, D., Verdier, T., & Robinson, J. A. (2004).
  • 23. Kleptocracy and divide-and-rule: A model of personal rule. Journal of the European Economic Association, 2(2-3), 162-192. Achen, C. H., & Bartels, L. M. (2017). Democracy for realists. In Democracy for Realists. Princeton University Press. Arbatli, E., & Rosenberg, D. (2021). United we stand, divided we rule: how political polarization erodes democracy. Democratization, 28(2), 285-307. Fairclough, A. (2008). Race & democracy: the civil rights struggle in Louisiana, 1915-1972. University of Georgia Press. Fairclough, A. (2008). Race & democracy: the civil rights struggle in Louisiana, 1915-1972. University of Georgia Press. Farooqui, A. (2015). 'Divide and Rule? Race, Military Recruitment and Society in Late Nineteenth Century Colonial India. Social Scientist, 43(3/4), 49-59. Horvath, R. J. (1972). A definition of colonialism. Current Anthropology, 13(1), 45-57. Jana, T., & Sarkar, S. (2021). A Nation within a Nation: English Education as a Tool of Divide
  • 24. and Rule Policy in Colonial India. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 13(1). King, D. S. (2002). Making Americans: Immigration, race, and the origins of the diverse democracy. Harvard University Press. Michalopoulos, S., & Papaioannou, E. (2011). Divide and Rule or the Rule of the Divided? Evidence from Africa (No. w17184). National Bureau of Economic Research. Mishra, V., & Hodge, B. (2015). □ What is Post (-) colonialism? In Colonial discourse and post- colonial theory (pp. 276-290). Routledge. 8 Morrock, R. (1973). Heritage of Strife: The Effects of Colonialist “Divide and Rule” Strategy upon the Colonized Peoples. Science & Society, 37(2), 129– 151. Ray, S. (2018). Beyond divide and rule: Explaining the link between British colonialism and
  • 25. ethnic violence. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 24(4), 367- 388. Sandhu, A. H. (2009). Reality divide and Rule'in British India. Pakistan Journal of History & Culture, 30(1). Dixon, J., Durrheim, K., Thomae, M., Tredoux, C., Kerr, P., & Quayle, M. (2015). Divide and rule, unite and resist: Contact, collective action and policy attitudes among historically disadvantaged groups. Journal of Social Issues, 71(3), 576-596. Urbinati, N. (2014). Democracy disfigured. In Democracy Disfigured. Harvard University Press.