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Winneshiek Co. Birds & Where to Find Them
Coon Creek is mostly dense woods, but about 1/4th of
the area is cropland or grasslands.
Coon Creek is found in far eastern Winneshiek County.
There are over 1700 acres to explore here.
Coon Creek is maybe the best place to find ruffed grouse
Wild turkeys share woodland habitat with ruffed grouse.
Pileated woodpeckers are our largest forest woodpecker.
Pileated Woodpeckers are about the size of a crow and
have a flaming red crest.
Pileated woodpeckers are
about the size of a crow
and have a flaming red
woodpeckers are
about the size of a
crow and have a
flaming red crest.
Pileated woodpeckers are spectacular sights in flight.
Male yellow-bellied sapsuckers have a red cap and a red
throat, with a yellowish wash on their belly.
Female yellow-bellied sapsuckers have a white throat.
Eastern towhees are pretty but secretive woodland
birds. This one’s a male. They nest at Coon Creek.
Eastern towhees scratch around on the ground like
chickens, hence the common name “ground robin”
Female eastern towhees look washed out.
The Eastern Towhee sings “Drink your Tea”The eastern towhee
sings “drink your
The hermit thrush comes back earlier than other
woodland thrushes, typically in early April.
The hermit thrush does not have a heavily spotted
Unlike the wood thrush, we can only hear the hermit
thrush singing in spring and fall.
The Gray-cheeked Thrush is another confusing cousin.The gray-cheeked thrush is another confusing
Compare the Gray-
cheeked Thrush,
right, with the
Swainson’s Thrush,
Compare the gray-
cheeked thrush,
right, with the
Swainson’s thrush,
Swainson’s thrush has a buffy eye ring.
This wood thrush is a real robin cousin.
Note the big spots on this wood thrush breast, not
unlike a baby robin.
Wood thrushes may have the most beautiful bird song.
Here’s a veery. They sound like they’re singing into a
The veery can be distinguished from other thrushes
by the lack of an eye ring and a buffy breast.
Ovenbird –note speckled breast and orange head stripeOvenbird –note speckled breast and orange head stripe.
Ovenbirds are often found on the ground, blending in
with the brown fallen leaves on the forest floor.
The ovenbird sings “teacher teacher teacher”.
Coon Creek is a trout stream that flows through a
wooded valley here.
Northern waterthrush – likes wooded stream banks too.
waterthrush – note
wider supercillium
Louisiana waterthrush –
note whiter supercillium.
Scarlet tanagers have a “chick-burr” call note.
Female scarlet tanagers are comparatively plain-colored.
This sparrow-like bird is a female indigo bunting, not
necessarily a beautiful bird.
Male indigo buntings are much easier to identify.
Indigo Buntings are the only birds in the woods that are
completely blue.
Indigo buntings are the only
birds in the woods that are
completely blue.
Indigo buntings sing “sweet-sweet, sweet-sweet”.
American redstarts often nest near water
American redstarts often nest
near water.
American redstart -
American redstart – female. They are common
summertime residents.
Golden-winged warblers have that golden wing swoosh.
warbler –
note that
Golden and blue-winged warblers hide in forest clearcuts
Blue-winged warblers do indeed have bluish wings.
Lawrence’s warbler – golden-winged X blue-winged cross.
Canada warblers wear a black necklace above their
bright yellow belly.
Canada warblers are late migrants, to the end of May.
warblers have
black sideburns
on their face.
They prefer
woods here in
northeast Iowa,
where they
forage down
among the
ferns on the
forest floor.
Listen for Kentucky warblers to be singing on
territory in early June.
Where to look for Kentucky or cerulean warblers.
warbler –
note all the
blue color.
live in
but they
occupy a
Cerulean warblers are found high up in the forest canopy.
Cerulean warblers like
the tree canopy
Cerulean warblers, like most colorful wood warblers,
need pristine forest habitat to survive & thrive.
Notice the blue-gray gnatcatcher’s long thin tail and
white eye ring. They are found in the forest canopy too.
This little olive-brown
bird is an eastern wood
This little olive-brown
bird is an eastern wood
Eastern phoebes look similar to eastern wood pewees, but
they typically wag their tails while perched.
Eastern phoebe arrive in early April but stick around
all season. Listen for their plain “phoebe” call
Eastern phoebes arrive in early April but stick around all
season. Listen for their plain “phoebe” call.
The largest flycatcher in the woods is the Great Crested
The largest flycatcher in the
woods is the great crested
Great Crested
Flycatchers are
quite colorful for
a “flycatcher”.
They say “fleep
Great crested
flycatchers are
quite colorful
for a
Note the
yellow belly
and brown
crest. They
say “fleep
Chipera Prairie is found in SW Winneshiek Co. near
Jackson Junction. There are 80 acres here.
Chipera Prairie is a mix of grassland and brush habitats.
The prairie here is attractive to grassland nesters.
Prairie blazing star blooms in August.
Eastern meadowlarks are expert at hiding their eggs.
Eastern meadowlarks are very melodious.
Eastern meadowlarks are
very melodious.
Bobolinks reliably nest at Chipera Prairie too. Look for
them in June and July.
Male bobolinks have very bold distinctive colors.
Male bobolinks often sing on the wing.
Sedge wrens arrive to nest in June.
Sedge wrens sound somewhat like a house wren.
Henslow’s sparrow has faint chest & facial streaks.
Henslow’s sparrows are only rare summer nesters.
White-throated sparrows whistle “Oh sweet Canada Canada
Canada” – where they spend the summer.
White-throated sparrows have a pure white throat.
White-throated sparrows also have a little yellow spot above and
behind their beak.
White-throated sparrows like this brushy habitat.
White-crowned sparrows wear a bright white crown.
White-crowned sparrows visit us in the springtime from down south
& during autumn from farther north.
White-crowned sparrows have a gray neck that sets them apart
Fox sparrows pass through the area in spring and fall.
Fox sparrows have a pleasant whistling song.
Fox sparrows are big for a sparrow, with rusty red backs and red
streaked chests.
Harris’ sparrows show up in spring and fall migrations. Note the
pink bill and black face mask.
Young Harris’ sparrows lack the black face mask.
An old farm grove at Chipera is always an interesting
area to check out too, especially for migrating warblers.
Orange-crowned warblers forage low to the ground (fall).
Yellow-billed cuckoos have a half-yellow bill. A nester.
Yellow-billed cuckoos have a creepy tropical call.
Brown thrashers live in the same thicket habitat as cuckoos. They
have a rusty red back and tail.
Brown thrashers also have a bright yellow eye.
Brown thrashers are related to
mockingbirds and repeat every varied
note they sing.
Brown thrashers are related to
mockingbirds and repeat every varied
note they sing.
Gray catbirds share brushy habitat with brown thrashers
Gray catbirds are mostly shades of gray, with a reddish rump that
only shows off when they lift their tail up.
Gray catbirds are great singers and can imitate a mewing
Ring-necked pheasant roosters are handsome fellows. Notice his
white neck ring. Native to China.
Ring-necked pheasant hens are boringly brown.
Lake Meyer Park near Calmar is 150 acres. There’s a 35
acre lake and some nice timber too.
Ospreys could be
considered half-hawk
and half-eagle.
Commonly called a
fish eagle.
Ospreys have that
distinctive black stripe
through their eye, and
often hover in place
over open water.
The diverse forest habitat here at Lake Meyer is home
to most nesting NE Iowa tree dwellers.
Downy woodpeckers are the most abundant
woodpeckers around here
Downy woodpeckers are
the most abundant
woodpeckers around here.
Dad Downy woodpecker has a little red spot on the back
of his head.
Dad downy woodpecker has a little red spot
on the back of his head.
Mom downy woodpecker is only black and white.
Downy woodpeckers are slightly larger than a sparrow.
Hairy woodpeckers have stouter beaks than downy
woodpeckers. Note the pure white outer tail feathers.
There’s probably six downies for every hairy flying
around in the forest.
There are about 6 downies for every hairy woodpecker
flying around in the woods. This female’s lacks any red.
Woodpeckers are
bigger than Hairy
Woodpeckers. I call
them the Zebra
Woodpecker because
of their striped
backs. Males have a
red cap running from
the back of their
neck right up to
their beak.
Red-bellied woodpeckers are bigger than hairy
woodpeckers. I call them the zebra woodpecker because
of their striped backs. Males have a red cap running
from the back of their neck right up to their beak.
mom’s red
head strip
gets cut
halfway to
her beak.
Mother shows why they’re red-bellied woodpeckers.
flickers are a
little different,
being mostly
By the way, this is
a female northern
flicker, since she
doesn’t develop a
Notice the male
flicker’s black
flicker –
says its name
“flicker flicker
Brown creepers are very tiny and creep around on tree
bark like a woodpecker would.
Think of the white-breasted nuthatch as the “upside-
down bird” as they can see insects missed by brown
creepers and woodpeckers.
Black-capped chickadees are cute little gray forest birds
too – they say their name.
While hiking the trails at Lake Meyer in spring, summer
and fall, you might also spy these birds.
Blue jays are the woodland’s watchdogs.
Northern Cardinals whistle “What Cheer, What Cheer,
What What What”
Northern cardinals whistle “what cheer, what cheer,
what what what”
Mama northern cardinal can’t brag about her bright colors, but she still
has that characteristic crest and seed-crushing beak.
Baltimore orioles posture a black & orange color scheme.
Orchard orioles are chocolate-colored instead of orange.
Rose-breasted grosbeaks sound like a robin that’s
taken singing lessons.
Female Rose-
like giant
sitting on a
Female rose-
look like a
sparrow with
a big beak.
Oak timbers at Lake Meyer attract many warblers in
spring migration during May.
Ruby-crowned kinglet – note light eye ring too.
Golden-crowned kinglet – note gold crown.
Pine warblers are rare but regular around mid-April.
Look for pine
warblers at suet
Look for pine
warblers at suet
warbler male
with diagnostic
yellow rump
Male yellow-rumped warblers sport yellow shoulder
stripes too.
Black & white warblers are a case of contrasting colors.
Blackpoll warbler male – note black cap & pink legs .
Palm warblerThe palm warbler wears a rusty cap with lots of
streaked yellow below.
warbler – note
yellow cap
warblers return in
early May and some
stay to nest.
Bay-breasted warbler male has a dark face
Bay-breasted warbler
male also has a dark
face mask.
Cape May warbler
male – note brown
face patch
Cape May warbler
male – note brown
face patch.
Blackburnian warbler
Blackburnian warblers
are arguably the most
beautiful warblers.
Wilson’s warbler
Wilson’s warbler wears
a black cap.
They migrate through
in early May.
Northern parula
warbler male – note
yellow bib
Northern parula
warbler males wear
a bright yellow bib.
green warbler –
note black bib
green warbler
flaunting that
Tennessee warbler
– note eye stripe
Tennessee warbler – note that dark eye stripe.
Nashville warbler – note the obvious eye ring.
Birdhouses at Lake Meyer always attract attention
during the summer nesting season.
Eastern bluebirds are always looking for a nice new birdhouse home.
House wrens love to live in birdhouses.
Tree swallows like to nest in houses located by the lake.
Winter birds are attracted to feeders at Lake Meyer Park.
Winter finches can be found at thistle feeders.
goldfinches are
sometimes called
wild canaries. They
call “tea and
Pine siskins look similar to goldfinches and often show up in the winter.
Look for the pine siskin’s streaked belly.
Common redpolls resemble pine siskins, but with a red forehead.
Purple finch male showing rosy tinge around the head.
Purple finch females aren’t purple & can be confused with sparrows.
House finches can be confused with purple finches.
Female house finches are brown but lack the white head stripe seen
on their purple finch female counterparts.
Dark-eyed juncos show up in October from areas way up north and stay
here in Iowa until April. Think of juncos as true snowbirds.
Decorah Fish Hatchery
The world-famous Decorah eagles live there.
Trout Run flows from the hatchery and offers birds both
food and cover found on stream banks.
Chipping sparrows sport a black eye stripe & red cap.
Chipping sparrows have a rapid “chippy” call.
Trout Run Trail extends from the Decorah Fish
Hatchery along Trout Run stream to the east.
American tree sparrows winter along the trail here.
Decorah Prairie, planted beside the Upper Iowa River, is
another good spot to see birds in Decorah.
Field sparrows show a noticeable white eye ring.
Male Brown-headed Cowbirds have a brownish head
a black body.
Male brown-headed
cowbirds have a
brownish head a
black body.
Female cowbirds look like brown, blackbird-size
Common grackles often feed on our lawns.
American crows have that characteristic “caw” call.
Dunning’s Spring is a scenic spot to search for birds.
Winter wren – note tail, habitat type & drab color.
Tufted titmouseThe tufted titmouse is a
cousin to the chickadee,
but has a sharp tuft on
its head.
Tufted titmouse sings “peto peto peto”
The tufted
sings “peto
peto peto”.
Twin Springs is another Decorah birding hotspot.
The tufted
sings “peto
peto peto”.
Red-eyed vireos do indeed have red eyes. Common nesters.
The tufted
sings “peto
peto peto”.
The blue-headed vireo wears white spectacles!
The tufted
sings “peto
peto peto”.
Yellow-throated vireos are uncommon summer nesters.
The tufted
sings “peto
peto peto”.
Palisades Park is a pretty place to go birding on the
bluffs beside the Upper Iowa River.
Unlike sharp-shinned hawks that only show up in winter for
the most part, Cooper’s hawks are year-round residents.
hawks are a slim-
profile hawk
Look for them to
arrive in
Winneshiek Co. in
the fall.
Mourning dove
Renowned bird
hunters, sharp-
shinned hawks
have been called
little blue darters.
Turkey vultures
return to Iowa in
March after
wintering in warm
areas like Texas.
Turkey vultures
return to Iowa in
March after
wintering in warm
areas like Texas.
Turkey vultures are sometimes mistaken for eagles.
Vultures’ wings spread to 6 feet, a foot shorter than eagles’.
Turkey vultures always bend their wings up in V-shape,
whereas hawks and eagles hold their wings horizontal.
Cardinal Marsh is a real birding “hotspot”. There are
1200 acres of public hunting land on this property.
Greater white-fronted geese & snow goose on Mar. 16.
Trumpeter swans on Mar. 16. Waterfowl starts flooding
into Cardinal Marsh as soon as open water appears.
Diving ducks arrive quite early in the spring too.
Redheads and ring-necked ducks are resting and
feeding on marsh segment 3.
Puddle ducks like these blue-winged teal pile in later.
15 waterfowl species might be seen in a single day.
American coot, northern shoveler drake & pied-billed
grebe on April 10, 2015. The coot and grebe may stay to
nest during the summer.
Mallards, greater white-fronted goose & sandhill crane.
Sandhill cranes are a prize find at Cardinal Marsh.
Canada geese are common summer nesters.
If water levels are low in May, shorebirds will stop by to
feed on the exposed mudflats. Same scenario in August.
Semipalated sandpipers & dunlins are among the many
shorebird species that might be found here then.
Red-necked phalarope, stilt sandpipers, lesser
yellowlegs & greater yellowlegs are feeding together.
A spotting scope is helpful for positively identifying
shorebirds since they are usually some distance away.
Semipalmated plovers are a small and cute species.
Wilson’s snipe have long bills for probing down in the
soft mud for different worms to eat.
We’re more likely to hear a sora rail than see one.
Ring-billed gull on Mar. 15. Surprisingly, gulls are a rare
find at Cardinal Marsh.
Black terns don’t swing by until mid-May.
Belted kingfisher female – found from spring until fall.
Green herons slowly patrol swamp shorelines.
Great blue herons are fond of leopard frogs.
Great egrets look like albino herons when they stop by.
American white pelicans are always a nice surprise find.
Peregrine falcons show up to hunt ducks and other birds
merlinMerlins do the same, but
typically target songbirds.
Find them in spring & fall.
Northern harrier juvenile – could be found year-round.
Rough-legged hawks are uncommon winter visitors.
Northern shrikes are another uncommon winter bird of
prey. They hunt for small birds and meadow voles.
Cedar waxwings may be seen at any season.
Eastern kingbirds are common summer nesters. They
feed on flying bugs, primarily bees.
Willow flycatchers nest in willow thickets.
Yellow warblers also like to nest in those willow bats.
Marsh wrens nest in dense cattail stands.
Common yellowthroats can nest in cattails too.
Yellow-headed blackbirds call Cardinal Marsh home.
Red-winged blackbirds like cattail stands too.
Seed Saver’s Exchange encourages people to come out
to their farm and enjoy nature along their nature trails.
Birds can be found around their gardens, woodlands,
streambanks and orchard area.
Burr Oak pond by Bluffton is worth checking out for
waterfowl and shorebirds when in the area. Private.

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