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Welcome to the MEC Wine PK!

   Tonight:

   Wine and your health
   Wine defined
   Tasting
   Pairing Wine and Food
Plus ...

   Tips for serving and storing

   Great values in wine

   Understanding labels
But first say hello to Phil
About Tonight

   Meant to be very fun and interactive
   Questions are welcome
   At worst, you'll try a bunch of wine
   At best, you'll participate and learn a
    whole lot
   This presentation is available at … if
    you feel like reviewing it anytime
Wine & Health
   Is it good for you?
   Yep
   How much?
   1-2 glasses per day, but it's really
    between you, your doctor, and your
   Resveratrol and flavenoids are both
    present in wine
What is Wine?

   An alcoholic drink made by fermenting
    the juice of fruits or berries
   Most quality wine is made from wine
    grapes, of which there are thousands of
   Each has its own taste and flavour profile
   Sugar + yeast
    ==> alcohol +
    CO2 + heat
   So, the more
    sugar you start
    with, the more
    alcohol you can
    end up with
What this means

   Ripe grapes (ie grapes grown in
    warmer climates) produce wines with
    more alcohol than grapes grown in
    cool climates
   And, since body in wine is directly
    related to alcohol content, warm
    climate wines are usually fuller bodied
    than cool climate wines

        Germany, a cool
         region, produce
         s many wines <
         10% abv
        Australia often
         produces wines
         with more than
         15% abv

        Once you know
         where a wine
         comes from, you
         can get a pretty
         good idea of
         how light or full
         bodied it will be!
Labeling – How Wines are
   3 main ways:
   By grape type (Chardonnay, Cabernet)
   By region (Chianti, Bordeaux)
   By brand name (Tignanello, Dominus)

   Which of these do you figure is the
    most expensive?
Wine Tasting – Unleashing your
      Hidden Wine Snob
Goals of Tasting
   Better appreciate what's in your glass
   Determine if it's a good deal or a waste
    of money
   Figure out what aspects of wine you
    prefer, so you can experiment
    successfully with new styles
   Realize that it's not nearly as
    complicated as many would have you
Components of Wine

   Aromatic compounds
   Sugar
   Acidity
   Tannin
   Alcohol
   These elements, taken together, will
    determine balance
How to Taste

   It's really just
    like eating,
    utilizing the
    senses of sight,
    smell, taste and
   All we need to
    do is slow the
    process down
Step 1: Appearance

             Can give clues
              as to grape
              type, body, clim
              ate, oak
              treatment, expe
              flavours, and
              even age
Appearance – Some Clues

    Whites:
Lighter Colours       Darker
- lighter body            - fuller
- more acidic             - oak
- younger wine        - older wine
Appearance – Some Clues

    Reds:
Lighter Colours    Darker Colours

- lighter body     - fuller body
- more acid            - less acid
- cooler climate   - warmer
- older wine           - younger

        Hold the glass
         by the stem, tilt
         it away from you
         and look down
         at it over a white
Step 2: Aromas
           Often the most
            significant impact of
           Primary (from the fruit
            itself) and secondary
            (from winemaking
           Will help you to form
            expectations for taste
           Huge indicator of
            whether you'll like it

   Smell the wine
   Swirl the wine
   Smell it again
   Get your nose right into the glass
   Short, repeated sniffs work best
   Aromas give you the best indication of
Step 3 – Taste the Wine (finally)
    The tongue can only sense 5
     flavours, so it's really the nose that
     picks up the majority of a wine's flavour
    However, the tongue also senses:
    Weight or body
    Texture (acids and tannins)
    Balance
    Finish

   Take a very small sip of wine (¼
   Swirl gently to all areas of the mouth
   Evaluate:
   Weight
   Acidity
   Tannin (if applicable)
   Overall balance & length of finish

   Do the aromas make sense based on
   Do the flavours in the mouth follow the
    aromas sensed by the nose?
   Is it in balance?
   Does it have a short or long finish?
   In short, is this a well made wine or
    something less???
Comparing the Whites
   Which is darker in colour? What might
    this tell us?
   Which smells of riper fruits?
   Which is:
   More acidic? Fuller bodied?
   Longer finishing?
   Most importantly – which do you
About your tastes:

   If you prefer #1, chances are you'll
    enjoy Sauvignon Blanc, unoaked
    Chardonnay, Gruner Veltliner, Chenin
    Blanc and other whites from cool
   If you prefer #2, chances are you'll
    enjoy rich Chardonnays, Fume
    Blanc, Semillon and other whites from
    warm climates
Now the reds

   Evaluate on your own, remembering:
   Appearance
   Aroma
   Taste / texture / balance / finish
Comparing the Reds

   Which is lighter bodied?
   Which is more tannic?
   Which has better balance?
   Which has a longer finish?

   Which do you prefer?
About your tastes:

   If you prefer the 1st red, you'll also
    likely enjoy Barbera, Pinot
    Noir, Beaujolais and other light reds
    from cooler climates
   If you prefer the 2nd red, you'll also
    likely enjoy Bordeaux, Chianti, Rioja
    and other rich reds from warmer
Serving Wine

   Wine can be best enjoyed when
    served at appropriate temperatures
   In general in North America, we drink
    our whites too cold and our reds too
   The general term 'room temperature'
    wasn't coined when rooms were kept
    at 20 degrees
Wine Temperature

   More specifically, the lighter bodied a
    wine is, the cooler it can (and should)
    be served, regardless of colour
   So a light Beaujolais can be best
    appreciated fairly well chilled
   Conversely, a full-bodied Chardonnay
    can often be enjoyed at close to room
Wine Temperature

   TIPS:
   Never store wine in your car!!!
   Avoid storing your wine in your kitchen
   Chill most reds for 20 minutes in the
    fridge before you open them
   Take your whites out of the fridge for
    about 30 minutes before opening
Leftovers ???
   Doesn't happen much at my place, but...
   1st – store any wine (white or red) in fridge once
   Oxygen is what causes a wine to age quicker,
    so reduce it's impact by:
   Pouring leftover wine into half bottles
   Using Private Preserve, an inert gas that
    prevents oxygen from penetrating the wine
   Pumps aren't really that effective
Pairing Wine & Food

   1st, assemble your plate:
   1 piece of each of the following:
   Apple, lemon, fake crab, brie, blue
    cheese, plus a spoon of hot salsa and
    a couple of chips
Pairing Wine & Food
             Just like
              tasting, many
              sommeliers try to
              make this some sort
              of mystical art that
              no mere mortal can
              hope to achieve
             NEVER pay heed to
              the Sommelier who
              dictates which wine
              you'll best
              enjoy, until he/she
              has learned about
              your tastes
Pairing Wine & Food

   The thing is, there's no such thing as a
    'perfect' match
   Everybody's tastes are different!
   If I like 1 style of wine and you prefer
    another, who is to say what is a
    'perfect' match for both of us with a
    certain meal?
Pairing Wine & Food

   The new school of wine and food
    pairing focuses on individual
   We can predict how a certain wine will
    react with a certain food
   So, using this knowledge, we can then
    best select what will work best for us
Pairing Wine & Food
   The following demo will showcase how
    wine's flavours change when paired
    with various food flavours
   This will help you to determine how to
    best pair wine with what you're eating
   One thing to consider when pairing is
    the strongest flavour on the
    plate, which is often the sauce or

   To get the most out of this demo, it's
    key to follow along with my directions
   I promise some of these reactions will
    be quite a surprise
   Not everyone will agree on how each
    wine changes with certain foods, and
    that's to be expected
And on to the Demo

   Taste wine #1
   Take a bite of lemon, re-taste #1

   What happens?

   The wine gets sweeter!
   Who prefers it? Who doesn't?
The Demo Continues

   Taste wine #2
   Take a bite of lemon, re-taste #2

   What happens?

   The wine gets sweeter!
   Who prefers it? Who doesn't?
Wine / Food Rule #1

   Acidity in food works to minimize the
    effect of acidity in wine, and this results
    in emphasizing the fruit and sweetness
    of any wine!
   The cool thing is any wine built like #1
    or #2 will react in exactly the same way
    with acidic food, be it Sauvignon
    Blanc, Semillon, Muscadet or Viognier
And on we go...

   Take a sip of wine #1
   Take a bite of apple, re-taste wine #1

   What happens?

   The wine becomes less sweet
   Who prefers it? Who doesn't?
More apples
   Take a sip of wine #2
   Take a bite of apple, re-taste wine #2

   What happens?

   The wine becomes less sweet, nearly
   Who prefers it? Who doesn't?
Wine / Food Rule #2

   Sweetness in food works to negate
    sweetness in wine, making the wine
    taste more sour / more acidic
   The cool thing is any wine built like #1
    or #2 will react with sweet foods the
    same way, be it Gruner, Chenin
    Blanc, Semillon or Fume Blanc
A Crazy Match

   Take a sip of wine #3
   Take a bite of apple, re-taste wine #3

   What happens?
   Not all that much – not great, but not
Versatile Food Wines

   Wines like #3 are called versatile,
    mainly because they react minimally
    with a variety of foods
   Good acidity, low-moderate alcohol,
    and almost no tannins
   So there's your breakfast red wine!
A More 'Classic Match'

   Take a sip of wine #2
   Take a bit of 'crab', re-taste wine #2

   What happens? Good, bad?
   Who finds the wine gets a bit bitter?
   Supposedly a classic match, oaked
    chardonnay with crab

   Many seafoods contain 'umami',
    isolated as the fifth taste (prototype is
   This can cause a negative reaction
    with wine
   So … squeeze some lemon on the
    crab, and try again with the wine
Wine & Food Rule #3

   Citrus or salt helps negate the effects
    of umami, and in general helps a wide
    range of wines pair better with food
   Why does the restaurant often serve
    citrus slices as garnish with seafood?
   Ever notice restaurant foods are
    heavily salted?
More Combinations

   Now, sip wine #3
   Take a bite of brie, re-taste wine #3

   What happens?
   Maybe a bit better, but no big change
   Again, a fairly non-reactive wine
Another 'classic'

   Bury the rest of the brie in hot salsa
   Now, sip #4
   Eat the brie/salsa, re-taste wine #4

   What happens?
   Gets a little hotter, doesn't it?
Alcohol and Spice

   Although cheese and red meats tend
    to pair well with tannic red
    wines, higher alcohol levels in wine
    tend to turn up the heat on spicy foods
   Rule #4 – Spicy foods are made
    spicier when paired with higher alcohol
    red wines
Maybe the best yet ...

   Take a sip of wine #4 – note the
   Now, take a bite of blue cheese, and
    re-taste wine #4

   What happens?
   Smooth!
Wine & Food Rule #5

   Uncoagulated proteins, like those
    found in certain cheeses and rare to
    medium rare red meats, bind with
    tannin molecules in red wine and
    cause the wine to taste much
   Note – you won't get the same effect
    with red meat cooked medium to well!
The Power of Salt

   Take a sip of your least favourite wine
   Now, eat a potato chip, and re-taste
    the wine
   What happens? A little better?

   Salt in food works to enhance the
    flavours of any wine paired with it
General Conclusions

   If a wine is too sweet for you, introduce
    some sweetness to the food,
    especially with a sauce or garnish
   If a wine is too sour for you, introduce
    some acidity to the food you're pairing
    with it
General Conclusions

   Look to 'versatile' food wines – namely
    wines with good acidity and low to
    moderate alcohol levels, as well as
    very soft tannins when you're not sure
    what to pair or you're having a wide
    range of foods
   A bit of sweetness in a white helps
    even more!
General Conclusions

   If you get a bitter taste in wine with a
    certain food, try introducing some more
    salt or citrus to the food to counter the
    effects of umami
General Conclusions

   Remember hot foods get hotter with
    high-test reds, so if you're having the
    pepper steak you might want to re-
    think the wine choice
   Rough and tannic reds can be
    softened with blue cheeses and/or rare
    to medium rare red meat
General Conclusions

   Salt is your friend when pairing wine
    and food!
   If the wine is blah, over season your
    food to get the most out of the wine
General Conclusions

   The previous reactions work with all
    wines – not just the ones we've tried
   Any wine that is structurally similar to
    the wines tonight will react in the same
    way with food
Buying for Value

   Any wine is good, if you like it – doesn't
    matter if it's $6 or $60
   That said, there are some to avoid and
    others to seek out if you want bang for
    your buck
Buying for Value

   Avoid 'super popular' grape types, as
    there's a ton of demand:
   Cabernet
    Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Sauvignon
   Look instead to blends and alternatives
    that are similar
Buying for Value

   Avoid current 'trendy' regions – look
    instead to up-and-coming areas or
    regions that are beneath the radar
   Buy Ontario (especially if you like
    lower alcohol, reserved wines) – we
    get a reasonable discount on these
Buying for Value

   Try lesser known grapes...
   Whites: Gruner
    Veltliner, Muscadet, Semillon, Viognier
    , Albarino
   Reds:
    Grenache, Tempranillo, Primitivo
Buying for Value

   Buy the wines nobody else is:
   Entry level Bordeaux, Rioja and
    Sicilian reds are terrific bargains
   Reds from the Cotes du Rhone have
    always been fantastic value
   Spain is one of my top choices for
    bargain reds
Buying for Value

   Look to regions that specialize in entry
    levels wines:
   Chile, Argentina
   South Africa
   Australia
   Southern France
Buying for Value

   Pay attention to trends, check out for news updates:
   Australia is experiencing a wine glut
    (producing more than they sell) – this'll
    mean they'll be reducing prices in a
    year or less
   Same thing happened in California 3
    years ago and their prices have fallen
Thank you!!!

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  • 1. Welcome to the MEC Wine PK!  Tonight:  Wine and your health  Wine defined  Tasting  Pairing Wine and Food
  • 2. Plus ...  Tips for serving and storing  Great values in wine  Understanding labels
  • 3. But first say hello to Phil
  • 4. About Tonight  Meant to be very fun and interactive  Questions are welcome  At worst, you'll try a bunch of wine  At best, you'll participate and learn a whole lot  This presentation is available at … if you feel like reviewing it anytime
  • 5. Wine & Health  Is it good for you?  Yep  How much?  1-2 glasses per day, but it's really between you, your doctor, and your liver  Resveratrol and flavenoids are both present in wine
  • 6. What is Wine?  An alcoholic drink made by fermenting the juice of fruits or berries  Most quality wine is made from wine grapes, of which there are thousands of types  Each has its own taste and flavour profile
  • 7. FERMENTATION  Sugar + yeast ==> alcohol + CO2 + heat  So, the more sugar you start with, the more alcohol you can end up with
  • 8. What this means  Ripe grapes (ie grapes grown in warmer climates) produce wines with more alcohol than grapes grown in cool climates  And, since body in wine is directly related to alcohol content, warm climate wines are usually fuller bodied than cool climate wines
  • 9. Examples  Germany, a cool growing region, produce s many wines < 10% abv  Australia often produces wines with more than 15% abv
  • 10. So  Once you know where a wine comes from, you can get a pretty good idea of how light or full bodied it will be!
  • 11. Labeling – How Wines are Named  3 main ways:  By grape type (Chardonnay, Cabernet)  By region (Chianti, Bordeaux)  By brand name (Tignanello, Dominus)  Which of these do you figure is the most expensive?
  • 12. Wine Tasting – Unleashing your Hidden Wine Snob
  • 13. Goals of Tasting  Better appreciate what's in your glass  Determine if it's a good deal or a waste of money  Figure out what aspects of wine you prefer, so you can experiment successfully with new styles  Realize that it's not nearly as complicated as many would have you believe
  • 14. Components of Wine  Aromatic compounds  Sugar  Acidity  Tannin  Alcohol  These elements, taken together, will determine balance
  • 15. How to Taste  It's really just like eating, utilizing the senses of sight, smell, taste and touch  All we need to do is slow the process down
  • 16. Step 1: Appearance  Can give clues as to grape type, body, clim ate, oak treatment, expe cted flavours, and even age
  • 17. Appearance – Some Clues  Whites: Lighter Colours Darker Colours - lighter body - fuller body - more acidic - oak - younger wine - older wine
  • 18. Appearance – Some Clues  Reds: Lighter Colours Darker Colours - lighter body - fuller body - more acid - less acid - cooler climate - warmer climate - older wine - younger wine
  • 19. Technique  Hold the glass by the stem, tilt it away from you and look down at it over a white background
  • 20. Step 2: Aromas  Often the most significant impact of taste  Primary (from the fruit itself) and secondary (from winemaking techniques)  Will help you to form expectations for taste  Huge indicator of whether you'll like it
  • 21. Technique  Smell the wine  Swirl the wine  Smell it again  Get your nose right into the glass  Short, repeated sniffs work best  Aromas give you the best indication of flavour
  • 22. Step 3 – Taste the Wine (finally)  The tongue can only sense 5 flavours, so it's really the nose that picks up the majority of a wine's flavour  However, the tongue also senses:  Weight or body  Texture (acids and tannins)  Balance  Finish
  • 23. Technique  Take a very small sip of wine (¼ ounce)  Swirl gently to all areas of the mouth  Evaluate:  Weight  Acidity  Tannin (if applicable)  Overall balance & length of finish
  • 24. Analysis  Do the aromas make sense based on appearance?  Do the flavours in the mouth follow the aromas sensed by the nose?  Is it in balance?  Does it have a short or long finish?  In short, is this a well made wine or something less???
  • 25. Comparing the Whites  Which is darker in colour? What might this tell us?  Which smells of riper fruits?  Which is:  More acidic? Fuller bodied?  Longer finishing?  Most importantly – which do you prefer?
  • 26. About your tastes:  If you prefer #1, chances are you'll enjoy Sauvignon Blanc, unoaked Chardonnay, Gruner Veltliner, Chenin Blanc and other whites from cool climates  If you prefer #2, chances are you'll enjoy rich Chardonnays, Fume Blanc, Semillon and other whites from warm climates
  • 27. Now the reds  Evaluate on your own, remembering:  Appearance  Aroma  Taste / texture / balance / finish
  • 28. Comparing the Reds  Which is lighter bodied?  Which is more tannic?  Which has better balance?  Which has a longer finish?  Which do you prefer?
  • 29. About your tastes:  If you prefer the 1st red, you'll also likely enjoy Barbera, Pinot Noir, Beaujolais and other light reds from cooler climates  If you prefer the 2nd red, you'll also likely enjoy Bordeaux, Chianti, Rioja and other rich reds from warmer climates
  • 30. Serving Wine  Wine can be best enjoyed when served at appropriate temperatures  In general in North America, we drink our whites too cold and our reds too warm  The general term 'room temperature' wasn't coined when rooms were kept at 20 degrees
  • 31. Wine Temperature  More specifically, the lighter bodied a wine is, the cooler it can (and should) be served, regardless of colour  So a light Beaujolais can be best appreciated fairly well chilled  Conversely, a full-bodied Chardonnay can often be enjoyed at close to room temperature
  • 32.
  • 33. Wine Temperature  TIPS:  Never store wine in your car!!!  Avoid storing your wine in your kitchen  Chill most reds for 20 minutes in the fridge before you open them  Take your whites out of the fridge for about 30 minutes before opening
  • 34. Leftovers ???  Doesn't happen much at my place, but...  1st – store any wine (white or red) in fridge once opened  Oxygen is what causes a wine to age quicker, so reduce it's impact by:  Pouring leftover wine into half bottles  Using Private Preserve, an inert gas that prevents oxygen from penetrating the wine  Pumps aren't really that effective
  • 35. Pairing Wine & Food  1st, assemble your plate:  1 piece of each of the following:  Apple, lemon, fake crab, brie, blue cheese, plus a spoon of hot salsa and a couple of chips
  • 36. Pairing Wine & Food  Just like tasting, many sommeliers try to make this some sort of mystical art that no mere mortal can hope to achieve  NEVER pay heed to the Sommelier who dictates which wine you'll best enjoy, until he/she has learned about your tastes
  • 37. Pairing Wine & Food  The thing is, there's no such thing as a 'perfect' match  Everybody's tastes are different!  If I like 1 style of wine and you prefer another, who is to say what is a 'perfect' match for both of us with a certain meal?
  • 38. Pairing Wine & Food  The new school of wine and food pairing focuses on individual preferences  We can predict how a certain wine will react with a certain food  So, using this knowledge, we can then best select what will work best for us
  • 39. Pairing Wine & Food  The following demo will showcase how wine's flavours change when paired with various food flavours  This will help you to determine how to best pair wine with what you're eating  One thing to consider when pairing is the strongest flavour on the plate, which is often the sauce or garnish
  • 40. Important  To get the most out of this demo, it's key to follow along with my directions  I promise some of these reactions will be quite a surprise  Not everyone will agree on how each wine changes with certain foods, and that's to be expected
  • 41. And on to the Demo  Taste wine #1  Take a bite of lemon, re-taste #1  What happens?  The wine gets sweeter!  Who prefers it? Who doesn't?
  • 42. The Demo Continues  Taste wine #2  Take a bite of lemon, re-taste #2  What happens?  The wine gets sweeter!  Who prefers it? Who doesn't?
  • 43. Wine / Food Rule #1  Acidity in food works to minimize the effect of acidity in wine, and this results in emphasizing the fruit and sweetness of any wine!  The cool thing is any wine built like #1 or #2 will react in exactly the same way with acidic food, be it Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon, Muscadet or Viognier
  • 44. And on we go...  Take a sip of wine #1  Take a bite of apple, re-taste wine #1  What happens?  The wine becomes less sweet  Who prefers it? Who doesn't?
  • 45. More apples  Take a sip of wine #2  Take a bite of apple, re-taste wine #2  What happens?  The wine becomes less sweet, nearly bitter  Who prefers it? Who doesn't?
  • 46. Wine / Food Rule #2  Sweetness in food works to negate sweetness in wine, making the wine taste more sour / more acidic  The cool thing is any wine built like #1 or #2 will react with sweet foods the same way, be it Gruner, Chenin Blanc, Semillon or Fume Blanc
  • 47. A Crazy Match  Take a sip of wine #3  Take a bite of apple, re-taste wine #3  What happens?  Not all that much – not great, but not awful
  • 48. Versatile Food Wines  Wines like #3 are called versatile, mainly because they react minimally with a variety of foods  Good acidity, low-moderate alcohol, and almost no tannins  So there's your breakfast red wine!
  • 49. A More 'Classic Match'  Take a sip of wine #2  Take a bit of 'crab', re-taste wine #2  What happens? Good, bad?  Who finds the wine gets a bit bitter?  Supposedly a classic match, oaked chardonnay with crab
  • 50. Umami  Many seafoods contain 'umami', isolated as the fifth taste (prototype is MSG)  This can cause a negative reaction with wine  So … squeeze some lemon on the crab, and try again with the wine
  • 51. Wine & Food Rule #3  Citrus or salt helps negate the effects of umami, and in general helps a wide range of wines pair better with food  Why does the restaurant often serve citrus slices as garnish with seafood?  Ever notice restaurant foods are heavily salted?
  • 52. More Combinations  Now, sip wine #3  Take a bite of brie, re-taste wine #3  What happens?  Maybe a bit better, but no big change  Again, a fairly non-reactive wine
  • 53. Another 'classic'  Bury the rest of the brie in hot salsa  Now, sip #4  Eat the brie/salsa, re-taste wine #4  What happens?  Gets a little hotter, doesn't it?
  • 54. Alcohol and Spice  Although cheese and red meats tend to pair well with tannic red wines, higher alcohol levels in wine tend to turn up the heat on spicy foods  Rule #4 – Spicy foods are made spicier when paired with higher alcohol red wines
  • 55. Maybe the best yet ...  Take a sip of wine #4 – note the tannins  Now, take a bite of blue cheese, and re-taste wine #4  What happens?  Smooth!
  • 56. Wine & Food Rule #5  Uncoagulated proteins, like those found in certain cheeses and rare to medium rare red meats, bind with tannin molecules in red wine and cause the wine to taste much smoother  Note – you won't get the same effect with red meat cooked medium to well!
  • 57. The Power of Salt  Take a sip of your least favourite wine  Now, eat a potato chip, and re-taste the wine  What happens? A little better?  Salt in food works to enhance the flavours of any wine paired with it
  • 58. General Conclusions  If a wine is too sweet for you, introduce some sweetness to the food, especially with a sauce or garnish  If a wine is too sour for you, introduce some acidity to the food you're pairing with it
  • 59. General Conclusions  Look to 'versatile' food wines – namely wines with good acidity and low to moderate alcohol levels, as well as very soft tannins when you're not sure what to pair or you're having a wide range of foods  A bit of sweetness in a white helps even more!
  • 60. General Conclusions  If you get a bitter taste in wine with a certain food, try introducing some more salt or citrus to the food to counter the effects of umami
  • 61. General Conclusions  Remember hot foods get hotter with high-test reds, so if you're having the pepper steak you might want to re- think the wine choice  Rough and tannic reds can be softened with blue cheeses and/or rare to medium rare red meat
  • 62. General Conclusions  Salt is your friend when pairing wine and food!  If the wine is blah, over season your food to get the most out of the wine
  • 63. General Conclusions  The previous reactions work with all wines – not just the ones we've tried  Any wine that is structurally similar to the wines tonight will react in the same way with food
  • 64. Buying for Value  Any wine is good, if you like it – doesn't matter if it's $6 or $60  That said, there are some to avoid and others to seek out if you want bang for your buck
  • 65. Buying for Value  Avoid 'super popular' grape types, as there's a ton of demand:  Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc  Look instead to blends and alternatives that are similar
  • 66. Buying for Value  Avoid current 'trendy' regions – look instead to up-and-coming areas or regions that are beneath the radar  Buy Ontario (especially if you like lower alcohol, reserved wines) – we get a reasonable discount on these wines
  • 67. Buying for Value  Try lesser known grapes...  Whites: Gruner Veltliner, Muscadet, Semillon, Viognier , Albarino  Reds: Grenache, Tempranillo, Primitivo
  • 68. Buying for Value  Buy the wines nobody else is:  Entry level Bordeaux, Rioja and Sicilian reds are terrific bargains  Reds from the Cotes du Rhone have always been fantastic value  Spain is one of my top choices for bargain reds
  • 69. Buying for Value  Look to regions that specialize in entry levels wines:  Chile, Argentina  South Africa  Australia  Southern France
  • 70. Buying for Value  Pay attention to trends, check out for news updates:  Australia is experiencing a wine glut (producing more than they sell) – this'll mean they'll be reducing prices in a year or less  Same thing happened in California 3 years ago and their prices have fallen