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Windows Phone
Marketplace Publishing in
a nutshell
Version: 2.0

Hosam Kamel
Developer & Platforms Evangelist

Microsoft Middle EAST & Africa
Table of Contents

FORWARD.................................................................................................................................................... 2

CONTRIBUTORS ......................................................................................................................................... 3

   Application artwork .................................................................................................................................. 6
       Tiles for the Application Installed on the Phone ................................................................................... 6
       Tile Artwork for the Windows Phone Marketplace .............................................................................. 8
       Application Screenshots........................................................................................................................ 9
       Panoramic Background Art ................................................................................................................. 10
   Themes .................................................................................................................................................... 11
   Textual Information ................................................................................................................................ 11
   Content Policies – Rating Certificates (WP Games) ................................................................................ 12
   Performance Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 16
   Behavior tests ......................................................................................................................................... 17
   Localization ............................................................................................................................................. 17
   XAP File ................................................................................................................................................... 17

MARKETPLACE TEST KIT: STEP-BY-STEP WALKTHROUGH ............................................................. 18
   Application Details .................................................................................................................................. 18
   Automated Tests ..................................................................................................................................... 20
   Monitored Tests ...................................................................................................................................... 21
   Manual Tests ........................................................................................................................................... 23

YALLAAPPS SUBMISSION PROCESS .................................................................................................... 26

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 27
   And more free learning materials at ....................................................................................................... 27


Dear WP7 Champs,
I am very pleased to introduce to you our Windows Phone 7 step by step guide to easy and smooth
Application publishing to Marketplace.
We have developed this guide in essence of helping you get exposed to the most common errors that
face developers when creating and submitting Applications on Market Place and provide prescriptive
guidance as to how to address those but more importantly how to proactively avoid pitfalls.
I hope you find this Guide and tools provided useful for you and help you maximize your productivity
and focus your time on innovating.

Best regards,
Sherif Abbas
Developer & Platforms Evangelism Group Lead
Microsoft Egypt

     : @Abbas_Sherif


               Mohamed Nar

                   Hosam Kamel

                Mohamed Yamama

Prepare Your Windows Phone Application for Marketplace Submission
Application artwork
Application artwork represents your application on Windows Phone devices and in the Windows Phone
Marketplace. Application artwork should capture the user’s attention and the essence of your
application. For art guidelines related to marketing your application in the Windows Phone Marketplace

Tiles for the Application Installed on the Phone
Customers see the application Tiles on the Start screen (apps and games), in the installed app list (apps
only), and in the Games Hub (games only)
The following table lists the size and file type requirements for application Tiles.
File            Size       File    Where used         Project file*                    Sample
                (pixels)   type
Small app       62 x 62    PNG     The list of
icon                               installed
                                   applications on
                                   the phone

Large app       173 x 1    PNG     The Start
Tile            73                 screen on the
                                   phone when
                                   the user pins
                                   the application

Small game      62 x 62    PNG     The list of
icon                               installed games
                                   on the phone

Large game   173 x 1   PNG   The Start
Tile         73              screen on the
                             phone when
                             the user pins
                             the game

Tile Artwork for the Windows Phone Marketplace
Customers see the application Tile artwork when browsing the Windows Phone Marketplace catalog
before making a purchase. This artwork must match closely the icons provided in the XAP package.
When you submit your application for certification, you must provide this artwork.
The following table lists the size and file type requirements for the Windows Phone Marketplace
application Tile artwork.
Artwork          Size       File    Where       App sample                     Game Sample
                 (pixels)   type    used
Small mobile     99 x 99    PNG     The
app Tile                            Marketpl
artwork                             ace
                                    on the
Large mobile     173 x 1    PNG     The
app Tile         73                 Marketpl
artwork                             ace
                                    on the

Large PC app     200 x 2    PNG     The
Tile artwork     00                 Marketpl
                                    on the PC

Application Screenshots
Customers see the screenshot of your application in the details page of the Windows Phone
Marketplace catalog. When you submit your application for certification, you must provide at least one,
and up to a maximum of eight, screenshots of your application. Each screenshot should be a direct
capture of the phone screen or emulator. Graphically-enhanced screenshots are not allowed. For more
information, see How to: Create Screenshots for Windows Phone Marketplace.

          Screenshots must not contain emulator chrome and must not be transparent PNG images.
          Screenshots also must be the images of the application, not just the partial content images of
          the application such as some art work displayed within the application.

The following table lists the size and file type requirements for application screenshots.
Artwork                   Size (pixels) File type Sample
Application Screenshot 480 x 800         PNG

Panoramic Background Art
Customers see the Panorama Background Art image in the Windows Phone Marketplace catalog if your
application is chosen as a featured application. When you submit your application for certification, you
can optionally provide panoramic background art. For art guidelines related to the Panoramic
Background Art, see “Panorama” in Best Practices for Application Marketing.

The following table lists the size and file type requirements for background artwork.

Artwork         Size          File   Sample
                (pixels)      type
Panoramic       1000 x 800    PNG

Avoid controls and text washing-out by testing applications with the Theme Background set to “light”.

Textual Information
   -   Application Name: Your app name is programmatically pulled from the XAP file and is seen by
       consumers in the Marketplace. Apps and games are represented by titles and icons within
       Windows Phone Marketplace. We recommend that you consider the marketability of the title of
       your app or game, App Titles should:
            o Accurately represent the function of the app or game
            o Does the title accurately represent the app or game? Can a user quickly identify the
               purpose of the app from the title?
            o Be appealing and easy to remember
            o Is the title catchy? Does it stand out from other titles of similar apps and games in the
            o Be just the right length
            o Is the title too long? Will it fit on one line on the phone screen, or will it be truncated?
               The suggested title length is 11-15 characters. Titles that are longer than 15 characters
               may be truncated.
   -   Application Description: App and game descriptions are displayed on the App Details pages of
       the Windows Phone Marketplace, and may also be used for outbound marketing activities. The
       following are some best practices for writing descriptions.
            o Keep the description brief.
            o Use simple, plainspoken language. Write as if you were describing your application to a
               friend sitting next to you.
            o Highlight any features that are exclusive to Windows Phone, or that may be different
               between app releases.
            o Include bullet points to highlight features of the app. Bullet points should also be brief.
               Don't have more than six bullet points.
            o Proofread the description for spelling and grammar errors prior to submission.
            o If you're releasing an update to an application, don't reference the update at the top of
               the product description unless you're highlighting a compelling new feature.
            o The language you write the description in should match the language version of the
               application you're submitting.
   -   Featured Application Description: Very short description used if your application gets featured
       on the market place (optional)
   -   Keywords: list of keywords, used on Marketplace for search.
   -   Version Number:
-   Support information: A website address and email address that will allow users to contact you.

Content Policies – Rating Certificates (WP Games)
If your application is a game that has been rated by an approved ratings board (currently CERO, CRB,
DJCTZ, ESRB, FPB, GRB, OFLC - New Zealand, PEGI, and USK), you must submit a valid ratings certificate
for the application and include the appropriate content descriptors in your product description. Games
submitted to Brazil and South Korea requires game ratings.
According to your game rating, your application could be blocked from download based on Windows
Phone parental controls.
You can use PEGI Express, an online rating tool, to get an age rating for Windows Phone games. Here’s a
step by step tutorial on how to use the PEGI Express tool to rate your game:

   1- Submitting your game

2- Rating your Game

3- Finalizing

4- Download your License

Click here to use the tool and rate your game.

Performance Analysis
Your application must meet certain performance requirements to be published in the Marketplace.
You can use the Marketplace Testing Kit to identify some of those issues, but the performance Analysis
tool will help you determine the source of these issues in your applications.

           a. Applications must render the first screen within 5 seconds and be responsive to end
              user input within 20 seconds

Lear more about the Windows Phone Performance Analysis

Behavior tests
     -   Pressing the Back button must return the application to the previous page. Pressing the Back
         button from the first screen of an application must exit the application.
     -   If the current page displays a context menu or a dialog, the pressing of the Back button must
         close the menu or dialog and then must bring up the same page where the menu or dialog was
         opened from.

Be sure that all application text content is localized, be sure that the application description and the text
the application displays to end users is localized appropriately in the target language.
The following code shows how to set the natural resources language.
//Set natural resources language for assembly
[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute(“en”)]

‘Set natural resources language for assembly
<Assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute(“en”)>
         For more information refer to AppHub: Globalization and Localization and How to: Build a
         Localized Application for Windows Phone
             b. The product description must be written in the target market language even though it is
                for users using a different language in the specific market, such as Chinese users in the
                EN-US market.

XAP File
     -   Your XAP must be built in release; applications built in debug will be rejected.
     -   In the XAP file, you must be sure that the Neutral Language attribute has been set with the
         primary language of the application as mentioned in Localization

Marketplace Test Kit: Step-by-Step Walkthrough
This guide is composed of the following segments:

       Application Details.
       Automated Tests.
       Monitored Tests.
       Manual Tests.

Application Details
The Applications Details tab
   -    Lists the application package and enables you to specify images that will be evaluated later in
        the testing procedure.
   -    Enables you to specify the images that will represent your application in the Marketplace. These
        images will be tested as part of the test kit.

        If you do not specify the required images, your application will not pass the
        tests in the test kit. The following table lists the images that you can

What you need to specify
           Image                                          Size (pixels) Format Required
           Large application tile                         173 x 173     PNG       Yes
           Small application tile                         99 x 99       PNG       Yes
           Marketplace tile                               200 x 200     PNG       Yes
           Application screenshot                         480 x 800     PNG       Yes
           Up to 7 additional application screenshots 480 x 800         PNG       No

            c. For more information about the artwork required to submit an application, see
               Application artwork

Action                                          Screenshot
  1. In Visual Studio, open a Windows
     Phone application solution that targets
     Windows Phone OS 7.1 or later.
  2. In Solution Explorer, select the project
     you want to test.
  3. On the Project menu, choose the Open
     Marketplace Test Kit option.
The test kit opens in a new Visual Studio tab
named Marketplace Test Kit.

    1. Upload needed artworks using the
       guidelines mentioned above.

Automated Tests
The Automated Tests tab
    -    Provides tests that evaluate the basic criteria of your application, such as application size,
         capabilities required by your application, and the presence and size of application images.

Action                                            Screenshot
  1. In Visual Studio, open a Windows
     Phone application solution that
     targets Windows Phone OS 7.1 or
  2. In Solution Explorer, select the project
     you want to test.
  3. On the Project menu, choose the
     Open Marketplace Test Kit option.
The test kit opens in a new Visual Studio tab
named Marketplace Test Kit.
  4. Navigate to “Automated Tests” tab
    1. Click “Run Tests”
The testing kit will validate the following
    -    XAP Package Requirements
    -    Capability Validation
    -    Iconography
    -    Screenshots

Monitored Tests
The Monitored Tests tab provides a suite of tests that analyze the performance and reliability of your
application during use on a device.

            d. To run this suite of tests you must specify a device as the target for the Windows Phone
               project. You cannot run these tests while targeting the emulator. You start the tests by
               clicking the Start Application button. This deploys your application to a tethered device
               and starts the application and the monitored testing.
            e. When your application starts, you should navigate through your application and
               perform common user tasks. In addition, you should use the back button on the device
               while your application is running.
            f.   When you have completed navigating through the application, click Close Application
                 to stop your application and display the test results. For each test, the Result column
                 will be updated with Passed or Failed to indicate the status of the test and more details
                 about the test results display in the Error Message column.
            g. If a test fails you should use the provided information to fix the issue and run the tests
               in this section again. You should repeat this process until your application has passed all
               the tests in this section.

Action                                          Screenshot
  5. In Visual Studio, open a Windows
     Phone application solution that
     targets Windows Phone OS 7.1 or
  6. In Solution Explorer, select the project
     you want to test.
  7. On the Project menu, choose the
     Open Marketplace Test Kit option.
The test kit opens in a new Visual Studio tab
named Marketplace Test Kit.
  8. Navigate to “Monitored Tests” tab
  9. Click “Start Application”
The testing kit will validate the following
    -    Launch time
    -    Peak memory consumption

-   Application Closure
Use of Back Button

Manual Tests
The Manual Tests tab provides a series of test cases that you should complete with your application
running on a Window Phone device.

           h.   These manual tests require you to navigate through your application and observe its
                behavior in several different conditions to make sure it meets the application
                certification guidelines.

           i.   To complete these tests you should follow the steps provided in the Test Description
                column. After observing your applications behavior, you can change the drop-down in
                the Result column to Passed or Failed depending on the results you receive.

           j.   If a test fails, you should make the appropriate changes to your application. When you
                have fixed the issue, you can, redeploy the application to a device and walk through the
                test steps again. You should repeat this process until your application has passed all the
                tests in this section.

Action                                           Screenshot
  10. In Visual Studio, open a Windows
      Phone application solution that
      targets Windows Phone OS 7.1 or
  11. In Solution Explorer, select the project
      you want to test.
  12. On the Project menu, choose the
      Open Marketplace Test Kit option.
The test kit opens in a new Visual Studio tab
named Marketplace Test Kit.
  13. Navigate to “Manual Tests” tab
  14. Click “Start Application”
The testing kit will validate a lot of manual
tests with each test you will have a complete
description of what this test should be

YallaApps Submission Process

Watch a full overview video here

  -   Windows Phone App Hub
  -   Windows Azure Platform
  -   Additional Requirements for Specific Application Types
  -   Creating Trial Applications for Windows Phone

And more free learning materials at

     Microsoft virtual academy – free e-courses on Virtualization and Management
     TechNet Portal – the essential portal for IT Professionals
     TechNet Wiki – collective knowledge of Microsoft experts and your peers
     TechNet Downloads – download free trials and betas of the latest Microsoft software
     IT Skills for the Cloud – all you need to set the sky as the limit for your career in a Cloud IT
     MSDN link – the key portal to knowledge base, free tools and
     MSDN Virtual Labs – it’s like a big full scale data-center but for your experiments and creativity
     MSDN News Flash – subscribe for the key news and special offers



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Windows phone marketplace publishing in a nutshell v2

  • 1. Windows Phone Marketplace Publishing in a nutshell Version: 2.0 Hosam Kamel Developer & Platforms Evangelist Microsoft Middle EAST & Africa @HosamKamel
  • 2. Table of Contents FORWARD.................................................................................................................................................... 2 CONTRIBUTORS ......................................................................................................................................... 3 PREPARE YOUR WINDOWS PHONE APPLICATION FOR MARKETPLACE SUBMISSION ................. 6 Application artwork .................................................................................................................................. 6 Tiles for the Application Installed on the Phone ................................................................................... 6 Tile Artwork for the Windows Phone Marketplace .............................................................................. 8 Application Screenshots........................................................................................................................ 9 Panoramic Background Art ................................................................................................................. 10 Themes .................................................................................................................................................... 11 Textual Information ................................................................................................................................ 11 Content Policies – Rating Certificates (WP Games) ................................................................................ 12 Performance Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 16 Behavior tests ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Localization ............................................................................................................................................. 17 XAP File ................................................................................................................................................... 17 MARKETPLACE TEST KIT: STEP-BY-STEP WALKTHROUGH ............................................................. 18 Application Details .................................................................................................................................. 18 Automated Tests ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Monitored Tests ...................................................................................................................................... 21 Manual Tests ........................................................................................................................................... 23 YALLAAPPS SUBMISSION PROCESS .................................................................................................... 26 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 27 And more free learning materials at ....................................................................................................... 27 1
  • 3. Forward Dear WP7 Champs, I am very pleased to introduce to you our Windows Phone 7 step by step guide to easy and smooth Application publishing to Marketplace. We have developed this guide in essence of helping you get exposed to the most common errors that face developers when creating and submitting Applications on Market Place and provide prescriptive guidance as to how to address those but more importantly how to proactively avoid pitfalls. I hope you find this Guide and tools provided useful for you and help you maximize your productivity and focus your time on innovating. Best regards, Sherif Abbas Developer & Platforms Evangelism Group Lead Microsoft Egypt : @Abbas_Sherif 2
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  • 7. Prepare Your Windows Phone Application for Marketplace Submission Application artwork Application artwork represents your application on Windows Phone devices and in the Windows Phone Marketplace. Application artwork should capture the user’s attention and the essence of your application. For art guidelines related to marketing your application in the Windows Phone Marketplace Tiles for the Application Installed on the Phone Customers see the application Tiles on the Start screen (apps and games), in the installed app list (apps only), and in the Games Hub (games only) The following table lists the size and file type requirements for application Tiles. File Size File Where used Project file* Sample (pixels) type Small app 62 x 62 PNG The list of icon installed applications on the phone Large app 173 x 1 PNG The Start Tile 73 screen on the phone when the user pins the application Small game 62 x 62 PNG The list of icon installed games on the phone 6
  • 8. Large game 173 x 1 PNG The Start Tile 73 screen on the phone when the user pins the game 7
  • 9. Tile Artwork for the Windows Phone Marketplace Customers see the application Tile artwork when browsing the Windows Phone Marketplace catalog before making a purchase. This artwork must match closely the icons provided in the XAP package. When you submit your application for certification, you must provide this artwork. The following table lists the size and file type requirements for the Windows Phone Marketplace application Tile artwork. Artwork Size File Where App sample Game Sample (pixels) type used Small mobile 99 x 99 PNG The app Tile Marketpl artwork ace catalog on the phone Large mobile 173 x 1 PNG The app Tile 73 Marketpl artwork ace catalog on the phone Large PC app 200 x 2 PNG The Tile artwork 00 Marketpl ace catalog on the PC 8
  • 10. Application Screenshots Customers see the screenshot of your application in the details page of the Windows Phone Marketplace catalog. When you submit your application for certification, you must provide at least one, and up to a maximum of eight, screenshots of your application. Each screenshot should be a direct capture of the phone screen or emulator. Graphically-enhanced screenshots are not allowed. For more information, see How to: Create Screenshots for Windows Phone Marketplace. Screenshots must not contain emulator chrome and must not be transparent PNG images. Screenshots also must be the images of the application, not just the partial content images of the application such as some art work displayed within the application. The following table lists the size and file type requirements for application screenshots. Artwork Size (pixels) File type Sample Application Screenshot 480 x 800 PNG 9
  • 11. Panoramic Background Art Customers see the Panorama Background Art image in the Windows Phone Marketplace catalog if your application is chosen as a featured application. When you submit your application for certification, you can optionally provide panoramic background art. For art guidelines related to the Panoramic Background Art, see “Panorama” in Best Practices for Application Marketing. The following table lists the size and file type requirements for background artwork. Artwork Size File Sample (pixels) type Panoramic 1000 x 800 PNG Background Art 10
  • 12. Themes Avoid controls and text washing-out by testing applications with the Theme Background set to “light”. Textual Information - Application Name: Your app name is programmatically pulled from the XAP file and is seen by consumers in the Marketplace. Apps and games are represented by titles and icons within Windows Phone Marketplace. We recommend that you consider the marketability of the title of your app or game, App Titles should: o Accurately represent the function of the app or game o Does the title accurately represent the app or game? Can a user quickly identify the purpose of the app from the title? o Be appealing and easy to remember o Is the title catchy? Does it stand out from other titles of similar apps and games in the catalog? o Be just the right length o Is the title too long? Will it fit on one line on the phone screen, or will it be truncated? The suggested title length is 11-15 characters. Titles that are longer than 15 characters may be truncated. - Application Description: App and game descriptions are displayed on the App Details pages of the Windows Phone Marketplace, and may also be used for outbound marketing activities. The following are some best practices for writing descriptions. o Keep the description brief. o Use simple, plainspoken language. Write as if you were describing your application to a friend sitting next to you. o Highlight any features that are exclusive to Windows Phone, or that may be different between app releases. o Include bullet points to highlight features of the app. Bullet points should also be brief. Don't have more than six bullet points. o Proofread the description for spelling and grammar errors prior to submission. o If you're releasing an update to an application, don't reference the update at the top of the product description unless you're highlighting a compelling new feature. o The language you write the description in should match the language version of the application you're submitting. - Featured Application Description: Very short description used if your application gets featured on the market place (optional) - Keywords: list of keywords, used on Marketplace for search. - Version Number: 11
  • 13. - Support information: A website address and email address that will allow users to contact you. Content Policies – Rating Certificates (WP Games) If your application is a game that has been rated by an approved ratings board (currently CERO, CRB, DJCTZ, ESRB, FPB, GRB, OFLC - New Zealand, PEGI, and USK), you must submit a valid ratings certificate for the application and include the appropriate content descriptors in your product description. Games submitted to Brazil and South Korea requires game ratings. According to your game rating, your application could be blocked from download based on Windows Phone parental controls. You can use PEGI Express, an online rating tool, to get an age rating for Windows Phone games. Here’s a step by step tutorial on how to use the PEGI Express tool to rate your game: 1- Submitting your game 12
  • 14. 2- Rating your Game 13
  • 16. 4- Download your License Click here to use the tool and rate your game. 15
  • 17. Performance Analysis Your application must meet certain performance requirements to be published in the Marketplace. You can use the Marketplace Testing Kit to identify some of those issues, but the performance Analysis tool will help you determine the source of these issues in your applications. a. Applications must render the first screen within 5 seconds and be responsive to end user input within 20 seconds Lear more about the Windows Phone Performance Analysis 16
  • 18. Behavior tests - Pressing the Back button must return the application to the previous page. Pressing the Back button from the first screen of an application must exit the application. - If the current page displays a context menu or a dialog, the pressing of the Back button must close the menu or dialog and then must bring up the same page where the menu or dialog was opened from. Localization Be sure that all application text content is localized, be sure that the application description and the text the application displays to end users is localized appropriately in the target language. The following code shows how to set the natural resources language. C# //Set natural resources language for assembly [assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute(“en”)] VB ‘Set natural resources language for assembly <Assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute(“en”)> For more information refer to AppHub: Globalization and Localization and How to: Build a Localized Application for Windows Phone b. The product description must be written in the target market language even though it is for users using a different language in the specific market, such as Chinese users in the EN-US market. XAP File - Your XAP must be built in release; applications built in debug will be rejected. - In the XAP file, you must be sure that the Neutral Language attribute has been set with the primary language of the application as mentioned in Localization 17
  • 19. Marketplace Test Kit: Step-by-Step Walkthrough This guide is composed of the following segments:  Application Details.  Automated Tests.  Monitored Tests.  Manual Tests. Application Details The Applications Details tab - Lists the application package and enables you to specify images that will be evaluated later in the testing procedure. - Enables you to specify the images that will represent your application in the Marketplace. These images will be tested as part of the test kit. If you do not specify the required images, your application will not pass the tests in the test kit. The following table lists the images that you can specify. What you need to specify Image Size (pixels) Format Required Large application tile 173 x 173 PNG Yes Small application tile 99 x 99 PNG Yes Marketplace tile 200 x 200 PNG Yes Application screenshot 480 x 800 PNG Yes Up to 7 additional application screenshots 480 x 800 PNG No c. For more information about the artwork required to submit an application, see Application artwork 18
  • 20. Action Screenshot 1. In Visual Studio, open a Windows Phone application solution that targets Windows Phone OS 7.1 or later. 2. In Solution Explorer, select the project you want to test. 3. On the Project menu, choose the Open Marketplace Test Kit option. The test kit opens in a new Visual Studio tab named Marketplace Test Kit. 1. Upload needed artworks using the guidelines mentioned above. 19
  • 21. Automated Tests The Automated Tests tab - Provides tests that evaluate the basic criteria of your application, such as application size, capabilities required by your application, and the presence and size of application images. Action Screenshot 1. In Visual Studio, open a Windows Phone application solution that targets Windows Phone OS 7.1 or later. 2. In Solution Explorer, select the project you want to test. 3. On the Project menu, choose the Open Marketplace Test Kit option. The test kit opens in a new Visual Studio tab named Marketplace Test Kit. 4. Navigate to “Automated Tests” tab 1. Click “Run Tests” The testing kit will validate the following items: - XAP Package Requirements - Capability Validation - Iconography - Screenshots 20
  • 22. Monitored Tests The Monitored Tests tab provides a suite of tests that analyze the performance and reliability of your application during use on a device. d. To run this suite of tests you must specify a device as the target for the Windows Phone project. You cannot run these tests while targeting the emulator. You start the tests by clicking the Start Application button. This deploys your application to a tethered device and starts the application and the monitored testing. e. When your application starts, you should navigate through your application and perform common user tasks. In addition, you should use the back button on the device while your application is running. f. When you have completed navigating through the application, click Close Application to stop your application and display the test results. For each test, the Result column will be updated with Passed or Failed to indicate the status of the test and more details about the test results display in the Error Message column. g. If a test fails you should use the provided information to fix the issue and run the tests in this section again. You should repeat this process until your application has passed all the tests in this section. Action Screenshot 5. In Visual Studio, open a Windows Phone application solution that targets Windows Phone OS 7.1 or later. 6. In Solution Explorer, select the project you want to test. 7. On the Project menu, choose the Open Marketplace Test Kit option. The test kit opens in a new Visual Studio tab named Marketplace Test Kit. 8. Navigate to “Monitored Tests” tab 9. Click “Start Application” The testing kit will validate the following items: - Launch time - Peak memory consumption 21
  • 23. - Application Closure Use of Back Button 22
  • 24. Manual Tests The Manual Tests tab provides a series of test cases that you should complete with your application running on a Window Phone device. h. These manual tests require you to navigate through your application and observe its behavior in several different conditions to make sure it meets the application certification guidelines. i. To complete these tests you should follow the steps provided in the Test Description column. After observing your applications behavior, you can change the drop-down in the Result column to Passed or Failed depending on the results you receive. j. If a test fails, you should make the appropriate changes to your application. When you have fixed the issue, you can, redeploy the application to a device and walk through the test steps again. You should repeat this process until your application has passed all the tests in this section. 23
  • 25. Action Screenshot 10. In Visual Studio, open a Windows Phone application solution that targets Windows Phone OS 7.1 or later. 11. In Solution Explorer, select the project you want to test. 12. On the Project menu, choose the Open Marketplace Test Kit option. The test kit opens in a new Visual Studio tab named Marketplace Test Kit. 13. Navigate to “Manual Tests” tab 14. Click “Start Application” The testing kit will validate a lot of manual tests with each test you will have a complete description of what this test should be performed. 24
  • 26. 25
  • 27. YallaApps Submission Process Watch a full overview video here 26
  • 28. References - Windows Phone App Hub - Windows Azure Platform - Additional Requirements for Specific Application Types us/library/hh184838%28VS.92%29.aspx - Creating Trial Applications for Windows Phone us/library/ff967554(v=VS.92).aspx And more free learning materials at  Microsoft virtual academy – free e-courses on Virtualization and Management  TechNet Portal – the essential portal for IT Professionals  TechNet Wiki – collective knowledge of Microsoft experts and your peers  TechNet Downloads – download free trials and betas of the latest Microsoft software  IT Skills for the Cloud – all you need to set the sky as the limit for your career in a Cloud IT environment  MSDN link – the key portal to knowledge base, free tools and  MSDN Virtual Labs – it’s like a big full scale data-center but for your experiments and creativity only  MSDN News Flash – subscribe for the key news and special offers - 27