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Innovative Solutions and Practical Strategies to Cultivate
Career Progression and Leadership Success in the Ever
Changing Media, Communications and Digital Field
The Women in Media and
Leadership Summit 2015
Pre-Summit Workshop
23 September 2015
24 September 2015
Post-Summit Workshop
25 September 2015
Rendezvous Grand Hotel, Auckland
Inspiring stories of success from
accomplished leaders
Book & Pay by 1 July 2015 to
receive an additional Value Plus Discount!
Phone: +64 9 927 1500
Fax: +64 9 927 1525
Booking Code - P
Discover the authentic leadership
style that underpins your success
Embracing, managing and
thriving with change - The key
to future success in Media and
Optimise your industry knowledge
and the skills for where the sector is
Liquid Learning is delighted to present the Women in Media and
Communications Leadership Summit for both Auckland and Wellington
in 2015 - the premier event for driven, ambitious and high potential
women from across the Media and Communications landscape. The
event is attended by a who’s who of Media and Communications
management from diverse organisations, and industry leaders from the
media sector.
Louise Bond Chief Executive Officer
PHD Group
Lisa McCarthy Chief Executive Officer
Optimal Agility
Louise Nash Chief Strategy Officer
Kat Lee Director
Isobel Kerr-Newell Director of Communications
Saatchi & Saatchi
Sarah Henry Editor in Chief
Bauer Media Group
Cathy O’Sullivan Editor-in-Chief Auckland
Karen Bieleski Head of General Entertainment and Prime
Sky Network Television LTD
Megan Wiltshire Head of Internal Communication
Bank of New Zealand
Monique Caddy National Communications Manager
Coastguard New Zealand
Ashley Abbott Public Affairs and Communications Director
New Zealand Olympic Committee
Gillian Taylor Facilitator and Consultant
Taylored Solutions
Kelly Martin Chief Executive
South Pacific Pictures
9.00 - 4.30
Communication in the Digital Space - Finding Your Foothold in the New Terrain
Media and Communications is an ever evolving and expanding industry. Knowledge and experience within the digital media environment is quickly
becoming a requirement for communication professionals in order to remain relevant. Integrating social media with other alternative and traditional
communication activities can prove to be very valuable for a range of business functions. However, without the necessary resources or organisational
investment, it can be difficult to derive the full tangible benefits of the shift to the digital space.
In order to ensure that your organisation generates maximum value from digital media, it is imperative to create an effective strategy that engages
your audience and evolves in line with their changing behaviours. Although social media may be used in everyday life, in order to substantially add
value to your organisations activities, you must have a deep understanding of the audience consumption applications of these online networks and
Obtaining senior level buy in is a crucial element to achieving a successful social media strategy; however, creating a value proposition to
demonstrate return on investment can be a difficult task. By utilising media metrics, you can illustrate how increasing online community engagement
delivers stronger stakeholder relations and advocates your brand. This interactive workshop is intended to provide delegates with the practical tools
and techniques needed to drive a successful digital and social media strategy that will create organisational value. It will focus on methods to build an
active presence in your online community and enhance avenues to engage with stakeholders.
Participants will have the opportunity to explore innovative ways to apply media metrics and look at techniques to gauge the effectiveness of a social
media campaign. You will also discuss strategies to diffuse social media crises and learn to apply the concepts in a real world setting, whereby they
will work together to solve common, everyday problems. Key focuses:
• Establish the importance of social media in a media, communication and stakeholder engagement strategy
• Gain senior level buy-in to acquire optimum investment in social media
• Increase engagement with your online community to facilitate positive stakeholder relationships
• Communicate your brand and organisational purpose with authenticity to create a positive reputation
• Utilise tools to monitor social media presence and listen to your online community
• Follow online trends to stay relevant and maintain audience participation
• Handle social media crises and respond to adverse reactions
Expert Facilitator: Kat Lee Director
Kat is a digital strategist with over 10 years’ experience in content, web, search, optimization and social. She have worked on integrated campaigns
for major clients, including Vodafone and Orcon, including the award winning Iggy Pop campaign. Recently, Kat has developed a niche in social
media strategy for events, working with brands such as Auckland Art Fair, Beervana Festival and Splore Festival to create campaigns that reach new
audiences, grow their visitor base and achieve goals.
Creativity and technology are key to her approach. The simplicity of a straightforward idea, coupled with the right technology is how she builds a
holistic social strategy that speaks to many. She is at her best collaborating with others and empowering people to bring skills, passion and purpose
to this collaborative environment.
•	 8.30 - 9.00	 Registration
•	 9.00 - 10.40	 Session One
•	 10.40 - 11.00	Morning Tea
•	 11.00 - 12.30	Session Two
•	 12.30 - 1.30	 Lunch
•	 1.30 - 3.00	 Session Three
•	 3.00 - 3.20	 Afternoon Tea
•	 3.20 - 4.30	 Session Four
•	 4.30	 Close of Workshop
Phone: +64 9 927 1500
Fax: +64 9 927 1525
Receive up to $300 off registration if you
register and pay by 29 July 2015
Pre-Summit Workshop 23 September 2015
The media and communications profession is evolving rapidly and leaders in this sector need to continually adapt to remain relevant as they
face challenges of disruption and navigate the uncertainty of a dynamic global media environment. Leaders within corporate / government
communications, journalism, public relations and digital media hold considerable power and influence in shaping our society, culture, views,
consumption patterns and decisions. As such, it is imperative there is diversity at the senior level of all media and communications organisations and
departments to ensure the messages that are communicated are representative and reflective of our diverse population. While there has been some
improvement in recent times, there is still some way to go before gender diversity is seen across the board in media and communications.
The Women in Media and Communications Leadership Summit 2015 will explore the unique challenges that women in media and
communications face and provide proven and practical strategies to overcome them for enhanced career and leadership success. Inspirational
women from a variety of media and communications organisations and sectors will share their stories of success and provide critical advice for
current and emerging female leaders seeking to improve their leadership effectiveness and career potential. This event also provides a much needed
platform for the discussion of trending issues in media and communications, innovations in the field and closing the gap between the media industry
and the marketing / PR / corporate communications sector.
Summit 24 September 2015
Rising up and Conquering Industry Challenges
Plus Two Separately Bookable Full-Day
Workshops on 23 & 25 September 2015
8.30 - 8.55	 Registration and Morning Coffee
8.55 - 9.00	 Official Welcome and Opening Remarks from
the Chair
A media journey - How, what it took and why
Climbing to the top of the Media industry requires
intelligence, dedication and the ability to adapt while
staying true to your ideals. Recognising and developing
the style of leadership that works for you is paramount
in achieving your full potential. Kelly heads up one of
New Zealand’s premier media companies, South Pacific
Pictures and has a practised and proven leadership
model. Kelly will share:
• Her leadership story, challenges faced and overcome
• Strategies for keeping up career momentum
• Leadership challenges in the 21st century
Kelly Martin Chief Executive
South Pacific Pictures
9.40 - 9.50	 Questions and Discussion
“Future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades” -
Keeping up with now and preparing for what’s
coming next in communications
Communications is an ever changing and evolving
discipline. Leaders and professionals in this space have
had to radically transform and reinvent themselves
to keep pace with changes in technology and how
consumers interact with brands. The ability to stay agile
and predict changes in the market before they occur
are key survival traits in the current environment. Having
to transform yourself on a daily basis can be tough,
but there has also never been a more exciting time to
be in the industry. Isobel will share her journey through
the fields of Communications, PR and Advertising
commenting on the trends she has seen, mapped
against her own career progression and the direction she
expects the industry to go. Discuss:
• The rapid evolution of the industry and the hybrid skill-	
sets required to stay ahead
• The new models driving the most progressive	
• The integrated style of communications Saatchi &	
Saatchi has embedded within their organisation
Isobel Kerr-Newell Director of Communications
Saatchi & Saatchi
10.30 - 10.40	 Questions and Discussion
10.40 - 10.55	 Morning Tea
10.55 - 11.35	 CASE STUDY
Effectively manouvering a change to the digital
The significance of digital platforms has been growing
expeditiously for some time. As audience consumption
of media products and communication strategies
shift primarily into the digital space, it is essential to
have a plan in place to make this change efficiently
and successfully - retaining quality while increasing
accessibility. Cathy is at the forefront of the digital media
revolution and is providing results with Fairfax Media’s
leading news and entertainment site Cathy will
share her advice on:
• Successfully making the shift to the digital medium
• Overcoming unforeseen obstacles along the way
• Maximising your content while modernising your	
Cathy O’Sullivan Editor-in-Chief Auckland
11.35 - 11.45	Questions and Discussion
11.45 - 12.25	 CASE STUDY
Leading through change - Establishing your
leadership brand
Underpinning the success of any team in the Media and
Communications industry is the ability of the leader to
multi-manage both content and personnel. Couple this
with a working environment impacted by ever changing
technologies and delivery platforms, and being an effective
leader in this space is a daunting task. An effective way
of combating this is to establish your leadership brand,
consolidating your strengths and identifying the approach
that works for you. Louise understands the importance of
owning your leadership style and will discuss:
• Strategies for leading in a changing environment
• Tools for identifying the leadership path suited to you
• Playing to your strengths
Louise Nash Chief Strategy Officer
12.25 - 12.35	Questions and Discussion
12.35 - 1.35	 Networking Lunch
Leading with confidence - Rising to industry
challenges and expectations
Media and Communications is unique environment
undergoing dramatic change and disruption. Success
in the field requires resilience, adaptability and a wide
range of transferable skills. This, together with the rise of
social media and the ever changing landscape of media
consumption has made career progression an increasingly
daunting task. Women in Media and Communications
can strengthen their leadership presence and potential for
progression by cultivating a sense of self-assurance and
believing in their ability to adapt and overcome challenges.
Panellists will share their journey to leadership success and
how they overcame unforeseen obstacles, uncertainties
and seized opportunities along the way. Sharing:
• Tools for discovering your leadership brand
• How to find the confidence you need to succeed
• Effective strategies for overcoming unexpected	
• Turning challenges into opportunities
Sarah Henry Editor in Chief
Bauer Media Group
Louise Bond Chief Executive Officer
PHD Group
Monique Caddy National Communications
Coastguard New Zealand
Ashley Abbott Public Affairs and Communications
New Zealand Olympic Committee
Receive up to $400 off registration if
you register and pay by 1 July 2015
Follow this event on Twitter using the event hashtag
#WIM15z and @LiquidLearning for daily industry
•	 Communication Managers / Directors
•	 Internal Communication
•	 Media Advisors
•	 Government Communications
•	 Digital / Social Media
•	 Journalists
•	 Producers
•	 Public Relations
•	 Public Affairs
•	 Advertising
•	 Marketing Communication Professionals
•	 Agency Leaders
Aspiring, emerging and established female leaders in the Media and
Communications field, including roles such as:
Refine Leadership Style and Build your Profile
2.25 - 3.05	 CASE STUDY
When the going gets tough - Overcoming
unexpected obstacles and turning them into
It is challenging to maintain a career in today’s constantly
shifting media environment. Learning to view change as
an opportunity while never losing confidence in your own
abilities is crucial to achieving your potential. Karen has
significant experience in developing the skill set to cope
with industry and career change. Karen will discuss issues
• Using bad situations as a springboard to success
• Valuing yourself appropriately and ensuring others do	
the same
• Strategies for coping with change on a personal and	
professional level
• Understanding the importance of maintaining strong	
relationships both within your organisation and externally
Karen Bieleski Head of General Entertainment and
Sky Network Television LTD
3.05 - 3.15	 Questions and Discussion
3.15 - 3.30	 Afternoon Tea
Communicating through crisis - Keeping calm
and trusting yourself
Clear, concise and practical communication is essential
when dealing with crisis communication. Delivering the
right information to the right people, in the most efficient
method, is paramount in minimising the negative impact
on your company or product. By understanding your
audience, the medium they use and identifying the core
of the issue, it is possible to lead an effective crisis
communications team. Megan will discuss her journey
through Media and Communications and the skill she has
accumulated that have aided her successful leadership
approach. Sharing:
• Techniques for excellent crisis communication
• Strategies for leading in high pressured situations
Megan Wiltshire Head of Internal Communication
Bank of New Zealand
4.10 - 4.20	 Questions and Discussion
Lessons learnt and advice taken - What is next?
The challenges women face in the Media and
Communications industry continue to shift as the industry
moves away from the traditional landscape. While senior
leadership positions continue to open up for women within
the industry, there remains significant work to be done in
order to achieve overall equality. Reflecting on the central
ideas of this summit, Gillian will discuss key takeaways
from across the conference and equip attendees with a
practical plan to take back to the workplace. Exploring:
• Reflection - what leadership skills have been	
transcendent across the industry
• Discussion - what comes next for Media and	
Communications and who will lead the way?
Gillian Taylor Facilitator and Consultant
Taylored Solutions
5.00	 Concluding Remarks from the Chair
Receive up to $200 off registration if you
register and pay by 26 August 2015
Receive up to $300 off registration if you
register and pay by 29 July 2015
5.00 - 6.00
Make the most of your Liquid Learning experience, join us to
network over complimentary canapés and drinks
Pre-Summit Workshop
21 September 2015
22 September 2015
Post-Summit Workshop
23 September 2015
Copthorne Hotel Wellington
Oriental Bay
The Women in Media and Communications
Leadership Summit 2015 Wellington
Women in Banking and
Financial Services
Leadership Summit 2015
18, 19, 20 & 21 August 2015
Stamford Auckland
The 3rd Women in Media and
Leadership Summit 2015
14, 15, 16 & 17 September 2015
Mercure Sydney
9.00 - 4.30
Leap Into Agile Leadership - Make It Your Own
Those women we see in senior and executive positions in the Communications field have cultivated their leadership presence and have, over
time, learned skills and capacities for focus, time and effort. This workshop will equip women with the tools and practical knowledge for building
confidence in their leadership abilities and how to best position themselves to progress into leading management roles. Current and emerging leaders
will gain useful insight into how they can develop their leadership skill-sets and present their leadership case to higher management. Additionally, it
will explore how women can support and nurture women’s leadership development in this industry, looking at successful approaches to mentoring.
Workshop participants will be equipped with vital skills required to lead in a challenging Media and Communications environment, and how to
approach unexpected obstacles, reform and uncertainty with an executive leader’s mindset.
Session One: The Evolution of Leadership: There is no one size fits all definition or style of leadership
• Explore five different types of organisations and the leadership styles inherent in each
• Looking at the most advanced and emergent leadership practices from around the globe, and why they outperform more traditional models by a		
factor of 10:1
• Defining your current leadership style VS your desired
Session Two: Holding Up The Mirror:
Know thyself and perspective taking
• Bring out the best in those around us, we must first know and understand ourselves and others - and what makes us and others tick, as well as		
what holds us back
• Explore personality styles, strengths and talents, and building immunity to change
• How to apply what you have learnt for maximum effect
Session Three: Building Trust and Alignment
• High performing people and teams perform best in an environment of trust when they are aligned and moving in the same direction
• Importance of freedom to move, and safety to take some risks
• Incorporating the “four pillars” for building maximum engagement
Session Four: Let’s Leap
Sessions 1-3 provide the foundation from which to leap. In this session we explore asking questions, coaching, breakthrough and lateral thinking,
resourcefulness and improvisation, experimentation, and creating new possibilities.
Expert Facilitator: Lisa McCarthy Chief Executive Officer
Optimal Agility
Lisa McCarthy is the CEO of oAi as well as a business coach, leadership and strategic advisor, and the creator of Optimal Agility, oAi is core
methodology for creating the results organisations want, and most importantly need in a dynamic and rapidly changing world.
Lisa McCarthy is the driving force behind the vision and strategy for oAi, providing leadership and direction for partners and teams. Through her
speaking, writing, facilitation & coaching services; CEOs, executives and teams quickly discover new possibilities and opportunities, and develop the
desired adaptations in their culture and organisations that counteract the rapid market and environmental shifts that besiege them.
As a proven business leader, Lisa has spent her entire career solving problems for both large and small organisations - from start ups to corporates
working with technology, service and manufacturing organisations and everything in between. She has been extraordinarily successful in uncovering
and exploring otherwise neglected opportunities, and challenging the status quo while implementing the latest best practices from around the globe,
and the most innovative solutions in a way that delivers dramatic bottom line value.
Limited sponsorship and exhibition opportunities
available. For your chance to brand yourself as a
market leader, please call: +64 9 927 1500 or email:
•	 8.30 - 9.00	 Registration
•	 9.00 - 10.40	 Session One
•	 10.40 - 11.00	Morning Tea
•	 11.00 - 12.30	Session Two
•	 12.30 - 1.30	 Lunch
•	 1.30 - 3.00	 Session Three
•	 3.00 - 3.20	 Afternoon Tea
•	 3.20 - 4.30	 Session Four
•	 4.30	 Close of Workshop
Post-Summit Workshop 25 September 2015
The Women in Media and
Leadership Summit 2015
23, 24 & 25 September 2015
Booking Form
Registration Policy
If you are unable to attend this event, you may send a substitute delegate in your place at no additional cost. Please
advise us of any substitutions as soon as possible. Alternatively, you may transfer your registration to another event run
by Liquid Learning Limited. A 10% service fee may apply. Should you wish to cancel your registration, please notify us in
writing as soon as possible and a credit note will be issued valid for use towards any future event held by Liquid Learning
Limited in the twelve months following date of issuance. Cancellation notifications received less than 14 days from the
event running will receive a credit note to the value of the registration fee less a service fee of $400 plus GST. Liquid
Learning Limited does not provide refunds for cancellation. The prices above are based on one person per registration. It
is not possible for multiple people to attend within any day of the event on a single registration. Split tickets, i.e. a different
person attending each day of the event, can be arranged. A fee will apply. Please call us for details.
Liquid Learning Limited takes all care to produce high quality events that deliver as promised. All advertised details are
correct at time of publishing. However, when circumstances beyond our control prevail, we reserve the right to change
program content, facilitators or venues. We also reserve the right to cancel or reschedule events if circumstances arise
whereby performance of the event is no longer feasible, possible or legal. Liquid Learning Limited will not be responsible
for any loss or damage arising from any changes to or cancelling or rescheduling of an event. If an event is cancelled or
rescheduled, Liquid Learning Limited will make every effort to contact every registered delegate; if an event is cancelled
or you are unable to attend the rescheduled event you will be issued with a credit note valid for use towards any future
Liquid Learning Limited event held in the twelve months following date of issuance.
Liquid Learning Limited has taken due care in selecting qualified professionals as its authors and course facilitators. The
information provided by course facilitators is not produced by Liquid Learning Limited and should not be regarded as
advice. Liquid Learning Limited accepts no responsibility for reliance on such information and recommends that its clients
seek further professional advice.
Privacy Statement
Liquid Learning Limited is committed to your privacy. All information collected on this registration will be held in the
strictest of confidence and in accordance with the Privacy Act. Liquid Learning Limited will add your information to
a secure database. This will be used primarily to contact you for ongoing research, product development and notice
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To update or have your details deleted please advise our Database team at Liquid Learning Limited,
Level 18, BDO Tower, 120 Albert Street, Auckland 1010 New Zealand, PH: +64 9 927 1500, FX: +64 9 927 1525,
© 2015 Liquid Learning Limited IRD 104 - 525 - 695
Email this form to: or Call us on: +64 9 927 1500
Please Note: Payment is required prior to attending this event.
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Account Name: Liquid Learning Limited
Account No: 03 0252 0863638-00
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Authorising Manager’s Details: This registration is invalid without a signature.
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Fax Mail Email Phone
7 +64 9 927 1525
Liquid Learning Limited
Level 18, BDO Tower
120 Albert Street
Auckland 1010 New Zealand
) +64 9 927 1500
Rendezvous Grand Hotel, Auckland
71 Mayoral Drive, Cnr Vincent Street
Auckland 1010
Ph: +64 9 ­366 3000
Organisation Name
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* Please photocopy this form if more than three will attend
c Please confirm my registration for The Women in Media and Communications Leadership Summit 2015
All Prices listed in New Zealand Dollars
WIM0915za - P
Receive up to $300 off registration if
you register and pay by 29 July 2015
Receive up to $200 off registration if
you register and pay by 26 August 2015
Receive up to $400 off registration if
you register and pay by 1 July 2015
No. # Options (per person)
Conference + 2 Full-Day Workshops (3 days)
Conference + 1 Full-Day Workshop (2 days)
Conference Only (1 days)
2 Full-Day Workshops (2 days)
1 Full-Day Workshop (1 day)
Standard Rate
$2995 + GST = ($3444.25)
$2195 + GST = ($2524.25)
$1295 + GST = ($1489.25)
$2195 + GST = ($2524.25)
$1295 + GST = ($1489.25)
Early Bird Rate*
$2795 + GST = ($3214.25)
$2095 + GST = ($2409.25)
$1195 + GST = ($1374.25)
$2095 + GST = ($2409.25)
$1195 + GST = ($1374.25)
Super Saver Rate**
$2695 + GST = ($3099.25)
$1995 + GST = ($2294.25)
$1145 + GST = ($1316.75)
$1995 + GST = ($2294.25)
$1145 + GST = ($1316.75)
Value Plus Rate***
$2595 + GST = ($2984.25)
$1895 + GST = ($2179.25)
$1095 + GST = ($1259.25)
$1895 + GST = ($2179.25)
$1095 + GST = ($1259.25)
* Receive up to $200 off registration if you register and pay by 26 August 2015
** Receive up to $300 off registration if you register and pay by 29 July 2015
*** Receive up to $400 off registration if you register and pay by 1 July 2015
Group Discounts Available:
3 – 4 people: 10% off Standard Rate	 5 – 7 people: 15% off Standard Rate 	 8 + people: 20% off Standard Rate
Group Discounts apply for bookings made simultaneously. Only one discount applies. Group discounts apply to standard rates only. Group
discounts are not applicable to Value Plus, Super Saver and Early Bird rates. Discounts cannot be applied retrospectively and must be
claimed at the time of booking. Liquid Learning Group reserves the right to have sole discretion on an organisation’s eligibility for discounts.
Note: Course materials, refreshments & lunches are included. Travel and accommodation are NOT included. Registration Options are per
person only.

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  • 1. EXPLORE Innovative Solutions and Practical Strategies to Cultivate Career Progression and Leadership Success in the Ever Changing Media, Communications and Digital Field The Women in Media and Communications Leadership Summit 2015 Pre-Summit Workshop 23 September 2015 Summit 24 September 2015 Post-Summit Workshop 25 September 2015 Rendezvous Grand Hotel, Auckland Inspiring stories of success from accomplished leaders EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTS Book & Pay by 1 July 2015 to receive an additional Value Plus Discount! Phone: +64 9 927 1500 Fax: +64 9 927 1525 Booking Code - P Discover the authentic leadership style that underpins your success Embracing, managing and thriving with change - The key to future success in Media and Communications Optimise your industry knowledge and the skills for where the sector is heading FEATURED SPEAKERS Liquid Learning is delighted to present the Women in Media and Communications Leadership Summit for both Auckland and Wellington in 2015 - the premier event for driven, ambitious and high potential women from across the Media and Communications landscape. The event is attended by a who’s who of Media and Communications management from diverse organisations, and industry leaders from the media sector. Louise Bond Chief Executive Officer PHD Group Lisa McCarthy Chief Executive Officer Optimal Agility Louise Nash Chief Strategy Officer Mediacom Kat Lee Director Datalove Isobel Kerr-Newell Director of Communications Saatchi & Saatchi Sarah Henry Editor in Chief Bauer Media Group Cathy O’Sullivan Editor-in-Chief Auckland Fairfax Karen Bieleski Head of General Entertainment and Prime Sky Network Television LTD Megan Wiltshire Head of Internal Communication Bank of New Zealand Monique Caddy National Communications Manager Coastguard New Zealand Ashley Abbott Public Affairs and Communications Director New Zealand Olympic Committee Gillian Taylor Facilitator and Consultant Taylored Solutions Kelly Martin Chief Executive South Pacific Pictures
  • 2. 9.00 - 4.30 Communication in the Digital Space - Finding Your Foothold in the New Terrain Media and Communications is an ever evolving and expanding industry. Knowledge and experience within the digital media environment is quickly becoming a requirement for communication professionals in order to remain relevant. Integrating social media with other alternative and traditional communication activities can prove to be very valuable for a range of business functions. However, without the necessary resources or organisational investment, it can be difficult to derive the full tangible benefits of the shift to the digital space. In order to ensure that your organisation generates maximum value from digital media, it is imperative to create an effective strategy that engages your audience and evolves in line with their changing behaviours. Although social media may be used in everyday life, in order to substantially add value to your organisations activities, you must have a deep understanding of the audience consumption applications of these online networks and tools. Obtaining senior level buy in is a crucial element to achieving a successful social media strategy; however, creating a value proposition to demonstrate return on investment can be a difficult task. By utilising media metrics, you can illustrate how increasing online community engagement delivers stronger stakeholder relations and advocates your brand. This interactive workshop is intended to provide delegates with the practical tools and techniques needed to drive a successful digital and social media strategy that will create organisational value. It will focus on methods to build an active presence in your online community and enhance avenues to engage with stakeholders. Participants will have the opportunity to explore innovative ways to apply media metrics and look at techniques to gauge the effectiveness of a social media campaign. You will also discuss strategies to diffuse social media crises and learn to apply the concepts in a real world setting, whereby they will work together to solve common, everyday problems. Key focuses: • Establish the importance of social media in a media, communication and stakeholder engagement strategy • Gain senior level buy-in to acquire optimum investment in social media • Increase engagement with your online community to facilitate positive stakeholder relationships • Communicate your brand and organisational purpose with authenticity to create a positive reputation • Utilise tools to monitor social media presence and listen to your online community • Follow online trends to stay relevant and maintain audience participation • Handle social media crises and respond to adverse reactions Expert Facilitator: Kat Lee Director Datalove Kat is a digital strategist with over 10 years’ experience in content, web, search, optimization and social. She have worked on integrated campaigns for major clients, including Vodafone and Orcon, including the award winning Iggy Pop campaign. Recently, Kat has developed a niche in social media strategy for events, working with brands such as Auckland Art Fair, Beervana Festival and Splore Festival to create campaigns that reach new audiences, grow their visitor base and achieve goals. Creativity and technology are key to her approach. The simplicity of a straightforward idea, coupled with the right technology is how she builds a holistic social strategy that speaks to many. She is at her best collaborating with others and empowering people to bring skills, passion and purpose to this collaborative environment. • 8.30 - 9.00 Registration • 9.00 - 10.40 Session One • 10.40 - 11.00 Morning Tea WORKSHOP SCHEDULE • 11.00 - 12.30 Session Two • 12.30 - 1.30 Lunch • 1.30 - 3.00 Session Three • 3.00 - 3.20 Afternoon Tea • 3.20 - 4.30 Session Four • 4.30 Close of Workshop Phone: +64 9 927 1500 Fax: +64 9 927 1525 SUPER SAVER DISCOUNT Receive up to $300 off registration if you register and pay by 29 July 2015 Pre-Summit Workshop 23 September 2015 ABOUT THE EVENT The media and communications profession is evolving rapidly and leaders in this sector need to continually adapt to remain relevant as they face challenges of disruption and navigate the uncertainty of a dynamic global media environment. Leaders within corporate / government communications, journalism, public relations and digital media hold considerable power and influence in shaping our society, culture, views, consumption patterns and decisions. As such, it is imperative there is diversity at the senior level of all media and communications organisations and departments to ensure the messages that are communicated are representative and reflective of our diverse population. While there has been some improvement in recent times, there is still some way to go before gender diversity is seen across the board in media and communications. The Women in Media and Communications Leadership Summit 2015 will explore the unique challenges that women in media and communications face and provide proven and practical strategies to overcome them for enhanced career and leadership success. Inspirational women from a variety of media and communications organisations and sectors will share their stories of success and provide critical advice for current and emerging female leaders seeking to improve their leadership effectiveness and career potential. This event also provides a much needed platform for the discussion of trending issues in media and communications, innovations in the field and closing the gap between the media industry and the marketing / PR / corporate communications sector.
  • 3. Summit 24 September 2015 Rising up and Conquering Industry Challenges PLUS TWO WORKSHOPS! Plus Two Separately Bookable Full-Day Workshops on 23 & 25 September 2015 8.30 - 8.55 Registration and Morning Coffee 8.55 - 9.00 Official Welcome and Opening Remarks from the Chair 9.00 - 9.40 OPENING KEYNOTE CASE STUDY A media journey - How, what it took and why Climbing to the top of the Media industry requires intelligence, dedication and the ability to adapt while staying true to your ideals. Recognising and developing the style of leadership that works for you is paramount in achieving your full potential. Kelly heads up one of New Zealand’s premier media companies, South Pacific Pictures and has a practised and proven leadership model. Kelly will share: • Her leadership story, challenges faced and overcome • Strategies for keeping up career momentum • Leadership challenges in the 21st century Kelly Martin Chief Executive South Pacific Pictures 9.40 - 9.50 Questions and Discussion 9.50 - 10.30 EXPERT COMMENTARY “Future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades” - Keeping up with now and preparing for what’s coming next in communications Communications is an ever changing and evolving discipline. Leaders and professionals in this space have had to radically transform and reinvent themselves to keep pace with changes in technology and how consumers interact with brands. The ability to stay agile and predict changes in the market before they occur are key survival traits in the current environment. Having to transform yourself on a daily basis can be tough, but there has also never been a more exciting time to be in the industry. Isobel will share her journey through the fields of Communications, PR and Advertising commenting on the trends she has seen, mapped against her own career progression and the direction she expects the industry to go. Discuss: • The rapid evolution of the industry and the hybrid skill- sets required to stay ahead • The new models driving the most progressive communications • The integrated style of communications Saatchi & Saatchi has embedded within their organisation Isobel Kerr-Newell Director of Communications Saatchi & Saatchi 10.30 - 10.40 Questions and Discussion 10.40 - 10.55 Morning Tea 10.55 - 11.35 CASE STUDY Effectively manouvering a change to the digital world The significance of digital platforms has been growing expeditiously for some time. As audience consumption of media products and communication strategies shift primarily into the digital space, it is essential to have a plan in place to make this change efficiently and successfully - retaining quality while increasing accessibility. Cathy is at the forefront of the digital media revolution and is providing results with Fairfax Media’s leading news and entertainment site Cathy will share her advice on: • Successfully making the shift to the digital medium • Overcoming unforeseen obstacles along the way • Maximising your content while modernising your platform Cathy O’Sullivan Editor-in-Chief Auckland Fairfax 11.35 - 11.45 Questions and Discussion 11.45 - 12.25 CASE STUDY Leading through change - Establishing your leadership brand Underpinning the success of any team in the Media and Communications industry is the ability of the leader to multi-manage both content and personnel. Couple this with a working environment impacted by ever changing technologies and delivery platforms, and being an effective leader in this space is a daunting task. An effective way of combating this is to establish your leadership brand, consolidating your strengths and identifying the approach that works for you. Louise understands the importance of owning your leadership style and will discuss: • Strategies for leading in a changing environment • Tools for identifying the leadership path suited to you • Playing to your strengths Louise Nash Chief Strategy Officer Mediacom 12.25 - 12.35 Questions and Discussion 12.35 - 1.35 Networking Lunch 1.35 - 2.25 INTERACTIVE PANEL DISCUSSION Leading with confidence - Rising to industry challenges and expectations Media and Communications is unique environment undergoing dramatic change and disruption. Success in the field requires resilience, adaptability and a wide range of transferable skills. This, together with the rise of social media and the ever changing landscape of media consumption has made career progression an increasingly daunting task. Women in Media and Communications can strengthen their leadership presence and potential for progression by cultivating a sense of self-assurance and believing in their ability to adapt and overcome challenges. Panellists will share their journey to leadership success and how they overcame unforeseen obstacles, uncertainties and seized opportunities along the way. Sharing: • Tools for discovering your leadership brand • How to find the confidence you need to succeed • Effective strategies for overcoming unexpected setbacks • Turning challenges into opportunities Sarah Henry Editor in Chief Bauer Media Group Louise Bond Chief Executive Officer PHD Group Monique Caddy National Communications Manager Coastguard New Zealand Ashley Abbott Public Affairs and Communications Director New Zealand Olympic Committee VALUE PLUS DISCOUNT Receive up to $400 off registration if you register and pay by 1 July 2015
  • 4. Follow this event on Twitter using the event hashtag #WIM15z and @LiquidLearning for daily industry updates! • Communication Managers / Directors • Internal Communication • Media Advisors • Government Communications • Digital / Social Media • Journalists • Producers • Public Relations • Public Affairs • Advertising • Marketing Communication Professionals • Agency Leaders WHO WILL ATTEND Aspiring, emerging and established female leaders in the Media and Communications field, including roles such as: Refine Leadership Style and Build your Profile 2.25 - 3.05 CASE STUDY When the going gets tough - Overcoming unexpected obstacles and turning them into opportunities It is challenging to maintain a career in today’s constantly shifting media environment. Learning to view change as an opportunity while never losing confidence in your own abilities is crucial to achieving your potential. Karen has significant experience in developing the skill set to cope with industry and career change. Karen will discuss issues including: • Using bad situations as a springboard to success • Valuing yourself appropriately and ensuring others do the same • Strategies for coping with change on a personal and professional level • Understanding the importance of maintaining strong relationships both within your organisation and externally Karen Bieleski Head of General Entertainment and Prime Sky Network Television LTD 3.05 - 3.15 Questions and Discussion 3.15 - 3.30 Afternoon Tea 3.30 - 4.10 EXPERT COMMENTARY Communicating through crisis - Keeping calm and trusting yourself Clear, concise and practical communication is essential when dealing with crisis communication. Delivering the right information to the right people, in the most efficient method, is paramount in minimising the negative impact on your company or product. By understanding your audience, the medium they use and identifying the core of the issue, it is possible to lead an effective crisis communications team. Megan will discuss her journey through Media and Communications and the skill she has accumulated that have aided her successful leadership approach. Sharing: • Techniques for excellent crisis communication • Strategies for leading in high pressured situations Megan Wiltshire Head of Internal Communication Bank of New Zealand 4.10 - 4.20 Questions and Discussion 4.20 - 5.00 INTERACTIVE ROUNDTABLE Lessons learnt and advice taken - What is next? The challenges women face in the Media and Communications industry continue to shift as the industry moves away from the traditional landscape. While senior leadership positions continue to open up for women within the industry, there remains significant work to be done in order to achieve overall equality. Reflecting on the central ideas of this summit, Gillian will discuss key takeaways from across the conference and equip attendees with a practical plan to take back to the workplace. Exploring: • Reflection - what leadership skills have been transcendent across the industry • Discussion - what comes next for Media and Communications and who will lead the way? Gillian Taylor Facilitator and Consultant Taylored Solutions 5.00 Concluding Remarks from the Chair EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT Receive up to $200 off registration if you register and pay by 26 August 2015 SUPER SAVER DISCOUNT Receive up to $300 off registration if you register and pay by 29 July 2015 NETWORKING RECEPTION 5.00 - 6.00 Make the most of your Liquid Learning experience, join us to network over complimentary canapés and drinks ALSO AVAILABLE Pre-Summit Workshop 21 September 2015 Summit 22 September 2015 Post-Summit Workshop 23 September 2015 Copthorne Hotel Wellington Oriental Bay The Women in Media and Communications Leadership Summit 2015 Wellington
  • 5. Women in Banking and Financial Services Leadership Summit 2015 18, 19, 20 & 21 August 2015 Stamford Auckland The 3rd Women in Media and Communications Leadership Summit 2015 14, 15, 16 & 17 September 2015 Mercure Sydney 9.00 - 4.30 Leap Into Agile Leadership - Make It Your Own Those women we see in senior and executive positions in the Communications field have cultivated their leadership presence and have, over time, learned skills and capacities for focus, time and effort. This workshop will equip women with the tools and practical knowledge for building confidence in their leadership abilities and how to best position themselves to progress into leading management roles. Current and emerging leaders will gain useful insight into how they can develop their leadership skill-sets and present their leadership case to higher management. Additionally, it will explore how women can support and nurture women’s leadership development in this industry, looking at successful approaches to mentoring. Workshop participants will be equipped with vital skills required to lead in a challenging Media and Communications environment, and how to approach unexpected obstacles, reform and uncertainty with an executive leader’s mindset. Session One: The Evolution of Leadership: There is no one size fits all definition or style of leadership • Explore five different types of organisations and the leadership styles inherent in each • Looking at the most advanced and emergent leadership practices from around the globe, and why they outperform more traditional models by a factor of 10:1 • Defining your current leadership style VS your desired Session Two: Holding Up The Mirror: Know thyself and perspective taking • Bring out the best in those around us, we must first know and understand ourselves and others - and what makes us and others tick, as well as what holds us back • Explore personality styles, strengths and talents, and building immunity to change • How to apply what you have learnt for maximum effect Session Three: Building Trust and Alignment • High performing people and teams perform best in an environment of trust when they are aligned and moving in the same direction • Importance of freedom to move, and safety to take some risks • Incorporating the “four pillars” for building maximum engagement Session Four: Let’s Leap Sessions 1-3 provide the foundation from which to leap. In this session we explore asking questions, coaching, breakthrough and lateral thinking, resourcefulness and improvisation, experimentation, and creating new possibilities. Expert Facilitator: Lisa McCarthy Chief Executive Officer Optimal Agility Lisa McCarthy is the CEO of oAi as well as a business coach, leadership and strategic advisor, and the creator of Optimal Agility, oAi is core methodology for creating the results organisations want, and most importantly need in a dynamic and rapidly changing world. Lisa McCarthy is the driving force behind the vision and strategy for oAi, providing leadership and direction for partners and teams. Through her speaking, writing, facilitation & coaching services; CEOs, executives and teams quickly discover new possibilities and opportunities, and develop the desired adaptations in their culture and organisations that counteract the rapid market and environmental shifts that besiege them. As a proven business leader, Lisa has spent her entire career solving problems for both large and small organisations - from start ups to corporates working with technology, service and manufacturing organisations and everything in between. She has been extraordinarily successful in uncovering and exploring otherwise neglected opportunities, and challenging the status quo while implementing the latest best practices from around the globe, and the most innovative solutions in a way that delivers dramatic bottom line value. SPONSOR TODAY! Limited sponsorship and exhibition opportunities available. For your chance to brand yourself as a market leader, please call: +64 9 927 1500 or email: • 8.30 - 9.00 Registration • 9.00 - 10.40 Session One • 10.40 - 11.00 Morning Tea WORKSHOP SCHEDULE • 11.00 - 12.30 Session Two • 12.30 - 1.30 Lunch • 1.30 - 3.00 Session Three • 3.00 - 3.20 Afternoon Tea • 3.20 - 4.30 Session Four • 4.30 Close of Workshop Post-Summit Workshop 25 September 2015 ALSO AVAILABLE
  • 6. The Women in Media and Communications Leadership Summit 2015 23, 24 & 25 September 2015 Booking Form Registration Policy If you are unable to attend this event, you may send a substitute delegate in your place at no additional cost. Please advise us of any substitutions as soon as possible. Alternatively, you may transfer your registration to another event run by Liquid Learning Limited. A 10% service fee may apply. Should you wish to cancel your registration, please notify us in writing as soon as possible and a credit note will be issued valid for use towards any future event held by Liquid Learning Limited in the twelve months following date of issuance. Cancellation notifications received less than 14 days from the event running will receive a credit note to the value of the registration fee less a service fee of $400 plus GST. Liquid Learning Limited does not provide refunds for cancellation. The prices above are based on one person per registration. It is not possible for multiple people to attend within any day of the event on a single registration. Split tickets, i.e. a different person attending each day of the event, can be arranged. A fee will apply. Please call us for details. Liquid Learning Limited takes all care to produce high quality events that deliver as promised. All advertised details are correct at time of publishing. However, when circumstances beyond our control prevail, we reserve the right to change program content, facilitators or venues. We also reserve the right to cancel or reschedule events if circumstances arise whereby performance of the event is no longer feasible, possible or legal. Liquid Learning Limited will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from any changes to or cancelling or rescheduling of an event. If an event is cancelled or rescheduled, Liquid Learning Limited will make every effort to contact every registered delegate; if an event is cancelled or you are unable to attend the rescheduled event you will be issued with a credit note valid for use towards any future Liquid Learning Limited event held in the twelve months following date of issuance. Disclaimer Liquid Learning Limited has taken due care in selecting qualified professionals as its authors and course facilitators. The information provided by course facilitators is not produced by Liquid Learning Limited and should not be regarded as advice. Liquid Learning Limited accepts no responsibility for reliance on such information and recommends that its clients seek further professional advice. Privacy Statement Liquid Learning Limited is committed to your privacy. All information collected on this registration will be held in the strictest of confidence and in accordance with the Privacy Act. 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If you do not wish to receive such information please tick this box:c To update or have your details deleted please advise our Database team at Liquid Learning Limited, Level 18, BDO Tower, 120 Albert Street, Auckland 1010 New Zealand, PH: +64 9 927 1500, FX: +64 9 927 1525, email: © 2015 Liquid Learning Limited IRD 104 - 525 - 695 1 2 Email this form to: or Call us on: +64 9 927 1500 PaymentDetails Please Note: Payment is required prior to attending this event. c Credit Card c Cheque (payable to Liquid Learning Limited) c Electronic Funds Transfer c Please invoice me: Purchase Order No. # Credit Card Details - Please charge my credit card for this registration: Card Type c Visa c MasterCard c American Express Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Please transfer funds directly to: Westpac New Zealand Limited Account Name: Liquid Learning Limited Account No: 03 0252 0863638-00 SWIFT Code: WPACNZ2W Amount Please quote ref WIM0915za and registrant name Note: 2% surcharge applies to American Express payments Card Number Expiry Full Name as on card Cardholder’s Contact Number Signature X Authorisation Authorising Manager’s Details: This registration is invalid without a signature. Name Position Signature X Date SendTo Fax Mail Email Phone 7 +64 9 927 1525 * Liquid Learning Limited Level 18, BDO Tower 120 Albert Street Auckland 1010 New Zealand : ) +64 9 927 1500 3 4 5 Rendezvous Grand Hotel, Auckland 71 Mayoral Drive, Cnr Vincent Street Auckland 1010 Ph: +64 9 ­366 3000 RegistrationInformation Organisation Name Address Suburb State Postcode Title Full Name or TBA Title Full Name or TBA Title Full Name or TBA Position Position Position Phone Fax Phone Fax Phone Fax Email Email Email c Pre-Workshop c Summit c Post-Workshop c Pre-Workshop c Summit c Post-Workshop c Pre-Workshop c Summit c Post-Workshop * Please photocopy this form if more than three will attend YourInvestment c Please confirm my registration for The Women in Media and Communications Leadership Summit 2015 TOTAL incl GST All Prices listed in New Zealand Dollars WIM0915za - P SUPER SAVER DISCOUNT Receive up to $300 off registration if you register and pay by 29 July 2015 EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT Receive up to $200 off registration if you register and pay by 26 August 2015 VALUE PLUS DISCOUNT Receive up to $400 off registration if you register and pay by 1 July 2015 No. # Options (per person) Conference + 2 Full-Day Workshops (3 days) Conference + 1 Full-Day Workshop (2 days) Conference Only (1 days) 2 Full-Day Workshops (2 days) 1 Full-Day Workshop (1 day) Standard Rate $2995 + GST = ($3444.25) $2195 + GST = ($2524.25) $1295 + GST = ($1489.25) $2195 + GST = ($2524.25) $1295 + GST = ($1489.25) Early Bird Rate* $2795 + GST = ($3214.25) $2095 + GST = ($2409.25) $1195 + GST = ($1374.25) $2095 + GST = ($2409.25) $1195 + GST = ($1374.25) Super Saver Rate** $2695 + GST = ($3099.25) $1995 + GST = ($2294.25) $1145 + GST = ($1316.75) $1995 + GST = ($2294.25) $1145 + GST = ($1316.75) Value Plus Rate*** $2595 + GST = ($2984.25) $1895 + GST = ($2179.25) $1095 + GST = ($1259.25) $1895 + GST = ($2179.25) $1095 + GST = ($1259.25) * Receive up to $200 off registration if you register and pay by 26 August 2015 ** Receive up to $300 off registration if you register and pay by 29 July 2015 *** Receive up to $400 off registration if you register and pay by 1 July 2015 Group Discounts Available: 3 – 4 people: 10% off Standard Rate 5 – 7 people: 15% off Standard Rate 8 + people: 20% off Standard Rate Conditions: Group Discounts apply for bookings made simultaneously. Only one discount applies. Group discounts apply to standard rates only. Group discounts are not applicable to Value Plus, Super Saver and Early Bird rates. Discounts cannot be applied retrospectively and must be claimed at the time of booking. Liquid Learning Group reserves the right to have sole discretion on an organisation’s eligibility for discounts. Note: Course materials, refreshments & lunches are included. Travel and accommodation are NOT included. Registration Options are per person only.