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MAWD Annual
Conference /
Christine Cissy White
Kathy MacDonald
May 20th, 2016
Self-Care is Not a Luxury:
Easing Toxic & Traumatic Stress
Dedicated to:
the Massachusetts
Association of WIC
Christine “Cissy” White
• Heal Write Now, Founder
• Writer, Mother, Trauma
Survivor, Activist & Writing
• Suck at Self-Care (student
with weekly practice)
Kathy MacDonald
• Self-Care Expert (teacher with daily practice)
• Life Coach
• Writer, Mother, Yogi, Writing & Group Facilitator
9:30a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Intention & Introduction ( 5 min.)
Guided Imagery (10 min.)
Talk: Toxic, Traumatic Stress &
Ways to Ease Burden on Body (25 min.)
Q&A (15 min.)
10:25 a.m. - 10:35 a.m.
10:35 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Guided Imagery (10 min.)
Talk: Writing for Wellness Talk (10 min.)
Writing for Wellness Exercises (25 min.)
Discussion (20 min.)
1. Presentation available online at so no need to take notes.
2. Guided imagery and writing for wellness exercises
are designed to give you the experience of stress
relief. It will be safe and gentle. You will not be
asked or required to share your writing. You can
write about any topic you wish.
3. We will talk about the impact of traumatic stress
and causes (though not in lots of detail).
4. Please take excellent care of you. Adjust seat,
stretch or break as needed.
5. Breathe. 
Please read letter from Heidi on every table. What you do is so important and it matters.
10% of
women will
get Post-
4% of men
with get
(Dept. of Veterans
Over ½ of us go through some kind of trauma.
8% of us will have PTSD at some point.
Traumatic Stress
• Accidents
• Atrocities
• Crimes
• Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
• Neglect
• Abuse
• Dysfunction
• Violence
• interpersonal
• sexual
• Domestic
• Gang
• Secondary trauma
• Vicarious trauma
• Toxic stress (work, home, etc.)
• Traumatic stress that doesn’t cause PTSD
We ALL have stress.
The majority of us have experienced some trauma.
Secondary Stress/Vicarious Trauma/Burn Out
• “It’s a tribute to the human condition
that peoples’ empathy gets them into
so much vicarious pain…. They are at
risk for this (post-traumatic stress)
and need to do some of these stress
hardiness exercises to keep
themselves in emotional shape.”
• Belleruth Naparstek, about first responders
Can We
Hold Space
Guided Imagery
Stress is often the cause of the difficulty we have
regulating stress/stressors.
Not just because of amount being carried, though there’s that.
Also, because when toxic/traumatic stress occurs, particularly
during development, it impacts our system.
• Biochemicals collect in the tissue.
• Fibromyalgia
• Migraine
• Chronic fatigue
• Pevlic Pain
• Back Pain
• 78% of these associated with post-
traumatic stress
Often shows
up as pain.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
carried into adulthood for many
Dr. Robert Anda
Research &
in Epidemiology
of the
ACE Study
Dr. Vincent Felitti (Kaiser)
Clinical Experience
Large Group Access
of Adversity
(3 Groups)
ACE Study Demographics
(17,421 people / 1998 first study
released, dozens since)
Female 54%
Male 46%
White 74.8%
Hispanic/Latino 11.2%
Other 1.9%
Age (years)
19-29 5.3%
30-39 9.8%
40-49 18.6%
50-59 19.9%
60 and over 46.4%
Not High
High School
Some College 35.9%
Graduate or
ACE Test Summarized
Before the age of 18 did you experience….___.
Answer yes/no
Score determined by number of categories (not incidences) of each occurring before the age of 19
1. Family member with substance abuse in home?_____
2. Mother was victim of domestic violence? _____
3. Jailed family member? _____
4. Diagnosed mental illness of a family member? _____
5. Sexual abuse? _____
6. Physical abuse? _____
7. Emotional abuse? _____
8. Physical neglect? _____
9. Emotional neglect? _____
10. The absence of parent (death, abandonment
or divorce? _____ *Other categories considered now but these were original 10
ACE SCORE = # of Yes Answers
(10 Questions on ACE Test)
Lowest Score Possible = 0
0 - - - - - - - - - - -> 10
Highest Score Possible = 10
Higher “dose” of ACE
Higher Prevalence
of Certain Behaviors
Health Issues 2015
Behaviors& ACE Scores
“Having an ACE score of 4
or more increases risks for
some conditions as
dramatically as smoking
raises the risk of lung
Maia Szalavitz & Bruce D. Perry, M.D., PH.D, Pgs. 164 & 165
“In other words, the
emotional loss we
suffer when we are
seven or ten or
twelve or sixteen
lives forever
– in our cells.”
Donna Jackson Nazakawa
ACE Score
0 ACE Score 1 or More ACE Score
Majority of
At Least
Only 1 in 3 Had None
Early Mortality!
“People with 6 or more
ACEs died nearly 20
years earlier on
average than those
without ACE’s.”
Dr. Anda & Dr. Felitti (ACE co-principals)
“I remember strongly
this can’t be true…
Someone would have
told me
in medical school
if this were true.”
Dr. Vince Felitti
“No single adversity trumped
another. They were almost
equal in their damage.”
Donna Jackson Nakazawa
Not just what did happen - ABUSE
but what didn’t happen – NEGLECT
& the environment where it happened &
we lived – DYSFUNCTION
The Null Effect
“With an Ace score of 0
you have a very
medically uninteresting
population. Non obese,
non smoking, non
alcoholic, non diabetic,
non hypertensive…
No internist has a chance
of making a living with
that group. But with an
ACE score of 4 or more,
this is big medicine.”
Dr. Vince Felitti
This is powerful motivation for prevention & for our own parenting
And appreciation if we’ve had great experiences as children.
Now What Can WE DO
with All this Information?
“You can recover from posttraumatic stress.
Certainly, you can significantly reduce - not
just manage - its symptoms. But - and here's
the thing - not with traditional treatment. The
problem is, a lot of my colleagues don't know
this yet. So they go about it in traditional ways
and pronounce the condition incurable, based
on the results they get. “
Huffington Post, 2010
& Research
Why & How
Portable & Affordable Practices
Collective Wisdom
Dr. Vincent Felitti / What Can Help
Scared Sick
Body Keeps Score
Childhood Disrupted
Karr-Morse: Scared Sick
Van Der Kolk
Jackson Nakazawa
The two most effective treatment
Eye-Movement Desensitization
& Reprocessing*
2. Ericksonian Hypnotherapy
Felitti said each of these approaches has “significant
effectiveness and accomplish (much) in a very small numbers
of sessions, making them affordable to more people.”
Dr. Vincent Felitti / What Can Help
Jane Stevens
Dr. Vincent Felitti
What Can Help
Cheri Huber /
Teaches How to End Self-Hate
Buddhist & Survivor
Sebern Fisher
“We’re saying this to the brain:
– chill – not to the person.
If the person could (chill or not
be afraid) they wouldn’t do or
need neurofeedback.
The person can’t just chill and
that’s the issue.”
Sebern Fisher/Neurofeedback
Combat brain's bias for bad
Compassion for Brain
Anxiety isn’t “bad” it’s our brain
Working too hard.
Remind self during worry how
“Most of the time – it’s o.k.!”
Rick Hanson: Neuroplasticity
Rick Hanson
Brain Bias for
there’s a
post. We
Rick Hanson: Neuroplasticity (2)
Grow Feel-Good
Give to Ourselves:
• Safety
• Joy
• Comfort
Rick Hanson
Marinate in &
on the good. Gratitude.
Your Life After
Practices to
Reclaim Your
Michele Rosenthal
Zahabiyah Khorakiwala
“Trauma symptoms
are registered as
sensations in the
Transcending Sexual
Violence through Yoga
Carol Redding (top 5)
ACEs Pioneer (ACE score, 10)
1. Love Keep an open heart.
2. Learn Keep an open mind.
3. Hope Dream.
4. Remember Happy memories (dwell).
5. Enjoy Life is full of beauty. See it. Contribute to it.
“Horses will
react to what
you’re feeling
inside not
just what
you’re saying
so that’s big.”
Julie Lovely
Wild Hearts,
Therapeutic Equestrian
Individual (insurance) and
group (free for veterans)
Guided Imagery
“”For a technique to work it
must be taught as a skill
and not as a cure for
It must first and foremost
find ways to re-regulate
the nervous system.”
Belleruth Naparstek,
Health Journeys
Guided Imagery:
“You just have to press play and it
will do the work for you.”
Belleruth Naperstek
As described by Belleruth Naperstek
Webinar, 2013
Belleruth Naperstek
• Lisc. Social worker and
• Created Health Journeys
which distrubutes guided-
imagery audio programs
by various people
• Used by the Red Cross,
Columbine High School,
Oklahoma City Disaster
Services and the Veteran’s
• Wrote Invisible Heroes:
Survivors of Trauma and
How They Heal, Staying
Well With Guided Imagery
and Your Sixth Sense.
• She tested scripts on trauma
survivors and took their
feedback on images/language.
Effectiveness of Guided Imagery
• Guided Imagery is a Relaxation Technique (like yoga, meditation, tai chi,
massage & others which has been found to :
• Reduce anxiety & Reduce depression
• Lower blood pressure & cholesterol
• Speed healing (of cuts, burns, blood loss)
• Reduce length of hospital stays
• Increase short-term immune function
• Reduce pain from arthritis and fibromyalgia
• Increase comfort during medical procedures
• Reduce fear of children getting MRI’s/needles
• Improve recovery from bulimia, stroke and diabetics
• Improve fertility
• Improve weight lose in those trying to lose
• Improve concentration in developmentally disabled adults
Lisa Vasile, NP
DINE on Health
D = Detox
(get toxins of all kinds out)
I = Inflammation
N = Nutrition
(improve diet (eat lots of colors, food with stickers,
look at vitamins/minerals)
E = Energy Work
(exercise, spiritual, getting toxins out of body, joy)
Guided Imagery
Two Kinds of Telling
1. Therapy
• Traditionally Talk
• Diagnosis
• Pay
• Isolating
2. Groups
• Peers/Equal
• Free/Low Cost
• Giving/Receiving
PTSD is Not Incurable
It turns out that people headed for a diagnosis of post-
traumatic stress can't just "talk about it"- the trauma isn't even
stored in the parts of the brain where language can access it.
Instead it's been cached as frozen, primitive, pre-language
experience - sensation, perception, emotion, images and
motor reactivity - in the survival-based structures of the brain.
In fact, if survivors can talk about traumatic events with
appropriate feeling and clear, sequential memory, it's a good
bet they're not going to acquire PTSD anyway.
• Huffington Post, 2010
“Talk therapy basically doesn’t cut it with this particular affliction, Post-Traumatic
• April 2013, “Downloading Treatment for PTS, Belleruth Naperstek
PTSD is Not Incurable
Threads of what she suggests as most helpful to veterans in particular but those
with PTSD in general are techniques that do the following:
1. They first and foremost find ways to re-regulate the nervous system.
2. They de-stigmatize and normalize the experience by explaining PTS as the
somatic and neurophysiologic condition it is.
3. They offer simple, self-administer-able tools that empower the end-user and
confer a sense of mastery and control.
4. The interventions are cast as training in skill sets, not the healing of
So, hopefully those of my colleagues who aren't up to speed will soon be learning
some new skills. And hopefully they'll stop talking to reporters and soldiers until
they do. In the meantime, the general public and our military need to demand
treatments like the ones cited above, and reject the idea that this condition is
Huffington Post, 2010
Write Heavy
Live Light
(Psychiatrist & Expressive Arts Facilitator & Trauma Survivor)
Most Affordable & Effective To Self-Soothe
While Post-Traumatically Stressed?
1. Guided Imagery (twice a day)
2. Expressive Writing with Friend
3. Yoga (works for me but only after I’m calm enough to do it)
“After a traumatic event, people much more likely
to get sick if they keep the event secret than if they
talk to other people.
Keeping a secret it seems is somehow
Dr. James Pennebaker
James Pennebaker, Univ. of Texas
Professor, TED Talk
Stress impacts way we see world. Writing can help us shift focus.
“People carry around
their stories forever in
their cells. And once
you get it out of you
and onto the page,
you’re never going to
forget it, but it’s not
as heavy. A lot of
writing is lightening
the load.”
Nancy Slonim Aronie
Photo by Eli Dagostino
Donna Jackson Nakazawa
Why it’s hard
Ways to Increase Our Own
Donna Jackson Research
(childhood disrupted)
Expressive Writing to Ease Trauma
New York Times Nancy Slonim Aronie Natalie Goldberg
Expressive Writing to Ease Trauma
/ James W. Pennebaker, Ph.D.
Technique to Improve Health
• 20 min. a day
• 4 days in a row
• Don’t stop writing
• Write about trauma
• Express feelings
• Affordable & Accessible
Write to Relieve
Traumatic Stress
“The first studies indicated that
writing about traumatic experiences
for as little as twenty minutes a day
for three or four days can produce
measurable changes in people’s
physical and mental health.”
Expressive Writing, Words that Heal, James W.
Pennebaker, Ph.D. & John F. Evans, Ed.D.
Healing Benefits of Writing
Improved Physical Health
• Improved immune function
• Reduced blood pressure (up to
six weeks)
• Reduced doctor visits
• Reduced missed school/work
“Not only helps patients to get better, keeps them from getting worse.”
“There is no greater agony
than bearing
an untold story
within you.”
Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou
American author, poet born 1928
Guided Imagery
Practice (2)
Expressive Writing
Expressive Writing
Practice (2)
I want to unfold.
I don’t want to stay folded anywhere,
because where I am folded, there I
am a lie.
and I want my grasp of things to be
true before you. I want to describe
like a painting that I looked at
closely for a long time,
like a saying that I finally understood,
like the pitcher I use every day,
like the face of my mother,
like a ship
that carried me
through the wildest storm of all.”
Rainer Maria Rilke
Write to
Survivor Community
Presentation is all online.
Online Communities ISurvivor Led, Partnered or Safe:
AcesConnection Beating Trauma Trigger Points Anthology Parenting with ACEs
Say It, Survivor Report It, Girl Voices & Faces Project Mama Bear Effect
RAINN PTSD:Gift from Within Surviving in Numbers #FacesOfPTSD
Bill Murray SNAP Laura Davis Writer’s Journey Chilmark Writing Workshop
Health Journeys Buddha’s Brain The Breathe Network Wild Hearts
Transcending Sexual Violence with Yoga
Heal Write Now (my own)
There are SO MANY Fabulous Online Activists & Silence Breakers & Supporters if they are not here it is MY oversight!
• Mindfulness (can be hard if you have PTS because requires focus,
• Trauma Incident Reduction (TIR)
• Tapas
• Breathwork
• Yoga, Tai Chi, Yoga Nidra
• Biofeedback, Neurofeedback
• Somatic Processing, Trauma Releasing Exercises
• Prolonged Exposure (*can be triggering though)
• Therapeutic Massage (with Guided Imagery)
• Reiki & Energy Healing
• Guided Imagery
• As described by Belleruth Naperstek Webinar, 2013
What Else Helps Post-Traumatic Stress
per Belleruth Naparstek
Apps Belleruth Naperstek Recommends
Breathe to Relax
Mood Tracker
PTSD Coach
CBT Prolonged Exposure
PTSD Eraser
My Vet Advisor (coaching, not therapy)
No insurance but a coaching model
As described by Belleruth Naperstek Webinar, 2013
Kathy Page (her blog, any links to

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WIC Directors MAWD

  • 1. MAWD Annual Conference / Christine Cissy White & Kathy MacDonald May 20th, 2016
  • 2. Self-Care is Not a Luxury: Easing Toxic & Traumatic Stress Dedicated to: the Massachusetts Association of WIC Directors
  • 3. Christine “Cissy” White • Heal Write Now, Founder • Writer, Mother, Trauma Survivor, Activist & Writing Facilitator • Suck at Self-Care (student with weekly practice) Kathy MacDonald • Self-Care Expert (teacher with daily practice) • Life Coach • Writer, Mother, Yogi, Writing & Group Facilitator
  • 4. Agenda 9:30a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Intention & Introduction ( 5 min.) Guided Imagery (10 min.) Talk: Toxic, Traumatic Stress & Ways to Ease Burden on Body (25 min.) Q&A (15 min.) 10:25 a.m. - 10:35 a.m. Break 10:35 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Guided Imagery (10 min.) Talk: Writing for Wellness Talk (10 min.) Writing for Wellness Exercises (25 min.) Discussion (20 min.) Reminders 1. Presentation available online at so no need to take notes. 2. Guided imagery and writing for wellness exercises are designed to give you the experience of stress relief. It will be safe and gentle. You will not be asked or required to share your writing. You can write about any topic you wish. 3. We will talk about the impact of traumatic stress and causes (though not in lots of detail). 4. Please take excellent care of you. Adjust seat, stretch or break as needed. 5. Breathe.  Please read letter from Heidi on every table. What you do is so important and it matters.
  • 5. 10% of women will get Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder 4% of men with get Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder (Dept. of Veterans Affairs) Over ½ of us go through some kind of trauma. 8% of us will have PTSD at some point.
  • 6. Traumatic Stress • Accidents • Atrocities • Crimes • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) • Neglect • Abuse • Dysfunction • Violence • interpersonal • sexual • Domestic • Gang • Secondary trauma • Vicarious trauma • Toxic stress (work, home, etc.) • Traumatic stress that doesn’t cause PTSD We ALL have stress. The majority of us have experienced some trauma.
  • 7. Secondary Stress/Vicarious Trauma/Burn Out • “It’s a tribute to the human condition that peoples’ empathy gets them into so much vicarious pain…. They are at risk for this (post-traumatic stress) and need to do some of these stress hardiness exercises to keep themselves in emotional shape.” • Belleruth Naparstek, about first responders
  • 10. Stress is often the cause of the difficulty we have regulating stress/stressors. Not just because of amount being carried, though there’s that. Also, because when toxic/traumatic stress occurs, particularly during development, it impacts our system.
  • 11. • Biochemicals collect in the tissue. • Fibromyalgia • Migraine • Chronic fatigue • Pevlic Pain • Back Pain • 78% of these associated with post- traumatic stress Often shows up as pain.
  • 12. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) carried into adulthood for many
  • 13. Dr. Robert Anda (CDC) Research & Analysis in Epidemiology Co-Principals of the ACE Study Dr. Vincent Felitti (Kaiser) Clinical Experience & Large Group Access
  • 15. ACE Study Demographics (17,421 people / 1998 first study released, dozens since) Gender Female 54% Male 46% Race White 74.8% Hispanic/Latino 11.2% Asian/Pacific Islander 7.2% African- American 4.6% Other 1.9% Age (years) 19-29 5.3% 30-39 9.8% 40-49 18.6% 50-59 19.9% 60 and over 46.4% Education Not High School Graduate 7.2% High School Graduate 17.6% Some College 35.9% College Graduate or Higher 39.3%
  • 16. ACE Test Summarized Before the age of 18 did you experience….___. Answer yes/no Score determined by number of categories (not incidences) of each occurring before the age of 19 1. Family member with substance abuse in home?_____ 2. Mother was victim of domestic violence? _____ 3. Jailed family member? _____ 4. Diagnosed mental illness of a family member? _____ 5. Sexual abuse? _____ 6. Physical abuse? _____ 7. Emotional abuse? _____ 8. Physical neglect? _____ 9. Emotional neglect? _____ 10. The absence of parent (death, abandonment or divorce? _____ *Other categories considered now but these were original 10
  • 17. ACE SCORE = # of Yes Answers (10 Questions on ACE Test) Lowest Score Possible = 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - -> 10 Highest Score Possible = 10
  • 18. DOSE RESPONSE CURVE Higher “dose” of ACE = Higher Prevalence of Certain Behaviors & Health Issues 2015
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 24.
  • 25. “Having an ACE score of 4 or more increases risks for some conditions as dramatically as smoking raises the risk of lung cancer.” Maia Szalavitz & Bruce D. Perry, M.D., PH.D, Pgs. 164 & 165
  • 26. “In other words, the emotional loss we suffer when we are seven or ten or twelve or sixteen lives forever – in our cells.” Donna Jackson Nazakawa
  • 27. • 33% 67% ACE Score 0 ACE Score 1 or More ACE Score Majority of People Had At Least 1 Adverse Childhood Experience Only 1 in 3 Had None
  • 28. Early Mortality! “People with 6 or more ACEs died nearly 20 years earlier on average than those without ACE’s.” Dr. Anda & Dr. Felitti (ACE co-principals)
  • 29. “I remember strongly feeling this can’t be true… Someone would have told me in medical school if this were true.” Dr. Vince Felitti
  • 30. “No single adversity trumped another. They were almost equal in their damage.” Donna Jackson Nakazawa Not just what did happen - ABUSE but what didn’t happen – NEGLECT & the environment where it happened & we lived – DYSFUNCTION
  • 31. The Null Effect “With an Ace score of 0 you have a very medically uninteresting population. Non obese, non smoking, non alcoholic, non diabetic, non hypertensive… No internist has a chance of making a living with that group. But with an ACE score of 4 or more, this is big medicine.” Dr. Vince Felitti This is powerful motivation for prevention & for our own parenting And appreciation if we’ve had great experiences as children.
  • 32. Now What Can WE DO with All this Information? PLENTY!
  • 33. “You can recover from posttraumatic stress. Certainly, you can significantly reduce - not just manage - its symptoms. But - and here's the thing - not with traditional treatment. The problem is, a lot of my colleagues don't know this yet. So they go about it in traditional ways and pronounce the condition incurable, based on the results they get. “ Huffington Post, 2010
  • 34. Interviews & Research Prioritizing Self-Care Why & How Portable & Affordable Practices Collective Wisdom
  • 35. Dr. Vincent Felitti / What Can Help Books Scared Sick Body Keeps Score Childhood Disrupted Karr-Morse: Scared Sick Van Der Kolk Jackson Nakazawa
  • 36. Dr. The two most effective treatment approaches 1.EMDR Eye-Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing* 2. Ericksonian Hypnotherapy Felitti said each of these approaches has “significant effectiveness and accomplish (much) in a very small numbers of sessions, making them affordable to more people.” Dr. Vincent Felitti / What Can Help
  • 37. Dr. Websites Jane Stevens Dr. Vincent Felitti What Can Help
  • 39. Cheri Huber / Teaches How to End Self-Hate Buddhist & Survivor
  • 41. “We’re saying this to the brain: – chill – not to the person. If the person could (chill or not be afraid) they wouldn’t do or need neurofeedback. The person can’t just chill and that’s the issue.” Sebern Fisher/Neurofeedback
  • 42. Combat brain's bias for bad Compassion for Brain Anxiety isn’t “bad” it’s our brain Working too hard. Remind self during worry how “Most of the time – it’s o.k.!” Rick Hanson: Neuroplasticity
  • 43. Rick Hanson Brain Bias for Bad “negativity sticks”
  • 44. Celebrate Survival Having post- traumatic stress means there’s a post. We survived! Rick Hanson: Neuroplasticity (2) Grow Feel-Good Resilience Give to Ourselves: • Safety • Joy • Comfort
  • 45. Rick Hanson Marinate in & on the good. Gratitude.
  • 46. Your Life After Trauma: Powerful Practices to Reclaim Your Identity Michele Rosenthal
  • 48. Zahabiyah Khorakiwala “Trauma symptoms are registered as sensations in the body.” -Zabie Transcending Sexual Violence through Yoga
  • 49. Carol Redding (top 5) ACEs Pioneer (ACE score, 10) 1. Love Keep an open heart. 2. Learn Keep an open mind. 3. Hope Dream. 4. Remember Happy memories (dwell). 5. Enjoy Life is full of beauty. See it. Contribute to it.
  • 50. “Horses will react to what you’re feeling inside not just what you’re saying so that’s big.” Julie Lovely Wild Hearts, Therapeutic Equestrian (Equine-Facilitated Individual (insurance) and group (free for veterans)
  • 51. Guided Imagery “”For a technique to work it must be taught as a skill and not as a cure for pathology. It must first and foremost find ways to re-regulate the nervous system.” Belleruth Naparstek, Health Journeys
  • 52. Guided Imagery: “You just have to press play and it will do the work for you.” Belleruth Naperstek As described by Belleruth Naperstek Webinar, 2013
  • 53. Belleruth Naperstek • Lisc. Social worker and psychotherapist • Created Health Journeys which distrubutes guided- imagery audio programs by various people • Used by the Red Cross, Columbine High School, Oklahoma City Disaster Services and the Veteran’s Administration • • Wrote Invisible Heroes: Survivors of Trauma and How They Heal, Staying Well With Guided Imagery and Your Sixth Sense. • She tested scripts on trauma survivors and took their feedback on images/language.
  • 54. Effectiveness of Guided Imagery • Guided Imagery is a Relaxation Technique (like yoga, meditation, tai chi, massage & others which has been found to : • Reduce anxiety & Reduce depression • Lower blood pressure & cholesterol • Speed healing (of cuts, burns, blood loss) • Reduce length of hospital stays • Increase short-term immune function • Reduce pain from arthritis and fibromyalgia • Increase comfort during medical procedures • Reduce fear of children getting MRI’s/needles • Improve recovery from bulimia, stroke and diabetics • Improve fertility • Improve weight lose in those trying to lose • Improve concentration in developmentally disabled adults
  • 55. Lisa Vasile, NP DINE on Health D = Detox (get toxins of all kinds out) I = Inflammation (address) N = Nutrition (improve diet (eat lots of colors, food with stickers, look at vitamins/minerals) E = Energy Work (exercise, spiritual, getting toxins out of body, joy)
  • 57. Two Kinds of Telling 1. Therapy • Traditionally Talk • Diagnosis • Pay • Isolating 2. Groups (Healing/Creative) • Peers/Equal • Free/Low Cost • Giving/Receiving
  • 58. PTSD is Not Incurable It turns out that people headed for a diagnosis of post- traumatic stress can't just "talk about it"- the trauma isn't even stored in the parts of the brain where language can access it. Instead it's been cached as frozen, primitive, pre-language experience - sensation, perception, emotion, images and motor reactivity - in the survival-based structures of the brain. In fact, if survivors can talk about traumatic events with appropriate feeling and clear, sequential memory, it's a good bet they're not going to acquire PTSD anyway. • Huffington Post, 2010 “Talk therapy basically doesn’t cut it with this particular affliction, Post-Traumatic Stress.” • April 2013, “Downloading Treatment for PTS, Belleruth Naperstek
  • 59. PTSD is Not Incurable Threads of what she suggests as most helpful to veterans in particular but those with PTSD in general are techniques that do the following: 1. They first and foremost find ways to re-regulate the nervous system. 2. They de-stigmatize and normalize the experience by explaining PTS as the somatic and neurophysiologic condition it is. 3. They offer simple, self-administer-able tools that empower the end-user and confer a sense of mastery and control. 4. The interventions are cast as training in skill sets, not the healing of pathology. So, hopefully those of my colleagues who aren't up to speed will soon be learning some new skills. And hopefully they'll stop talking to reporters and soldiers until they do. In the meantime, the general public and our military need to demand treatments like the ones cited above, and reject the idea that this condition is incurable. Huffington Post, 2010
  • 61. Make Create Play (Psychiatrist & Expressive Arts Facilitator & Trauma Survivor)
  • 62. Most Affordable & Effective To Self-Soothe While Post-Traumatically Stressed? 1. Guided Imagery (twice a day) 2. Expressive Writing with Friend 3. Yoga (works for me but only after I’m calm enough to do it)
  • 63. “After a traumatic event, people much more likely to get sick if they keep the event secret than if they talk to other people. Keeping a secret it seems is somehow toxic.” Dr. James Pennebaker James Pennebaker, Univ. of Texas Professor, TED Talk
  • 64. Stress impacts way we see world. Writing can help us shift focus.
  • 65. WRITING FROM THE HEART “People carry around their stories forever in their cells. And once you get it out of you and onto the page, you’re never going to forget it, but it’s not as heavy. A lot of writing is lightening the load.” Nancy Slonim Aronie Photo by Eli Dagostino
  • 67. Ways to Increase Our Own Power Donna Jackson Research (childhood disrupted)
  • 68. Expressive Writing to Ease Trauma New York Times Nancy Slonim Aronie Natalie Goldberg
  • 69. Expressive Writing to Ease Trauma / James W. Pennebaker, Ph.D. Technique to Improve Health • 20 min. a day • 4 days in a row • Don’t stop writing • Write about trauma • Express feelings • Affordable & Accessible
  • 70. Write to Relieve Traumatic Stress “The first studies indicated that writing about traumatic experiences for as little as twenty minutes a day for three or four days can produce measurable changes in people’s physical and mental health.” Expressive Writing, Words that Heal, James W. Pennebaker, Ph.D. & John F. Evans, Ed.D.
  • 71. Healing Benefits of Writing Improved Physical Health • Improved immune function • Reduced blood pressure (up to six weeks) • Reduced doctor visits • Reduced missed school/work “Not only helps patients to get better, keeps them from getting worse.” Nakazawa
  • 72. “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story within you.” Maya Angelou Maya Angelou American author, poet born 1928
  • 73.
  • 77. I want to unfold. I don’t want to stay folded anywhere, because where I am folded, there I am a lie. and I want my grasp of things to be true before you. I want to describe myself like a painting that I looked at closely for a long time, like a saying that I finally understood, like the pitcher I use every day, like the face of my mother, like a ship that carried me through the wildest storm of all.” Rainer Maria Rilke Write to Unfold
  • 80. Online Communities ISurvivor Led, Partnered or Safe: AcesConnection Beating Trauma Trigger Points Anthology Parenting with ACEs Say It, Survivor Report It, Girl Voices & Faces Project Mama Bear Effect RAINN PTSD:Gift from Within Surviving in Numbers #FacesOfPTSD Bill Murray SNAP Laura Davis Writer’s Journey Chilmark Writing Workshop Health Journeys Buddha’s Brain The Breathe Network Wild Hearts Transcending Sexual Violence with Yoga Heal Write Now (my own) There are SO MANY Fabulous Online Activists & Silence Breakers & Supporters if they are not here it is MY oversight!
  • 81. • Mindfulness (can be hard if you have PTS because requires focus, discipline) • Trauma Incident Reduction (TIR) • Tapas • EMDR/EFT • Breathwork • Yoga, Tai Chi, Yoga Nidra • Biofeedback, Neurofeedback • IRT • Somatic Processing, Trauma Releasing Exercises • Prolonged Exposure (*can be triggering though) • Therapeutic Massage (with Guided Imagery) • Reiki & Energy Healing • Guided Imagery • As described by Belleruth Naperstek Webinar, 2013 What Else Helps Post-Traumatic Stress per Belleruth Naparstek
  • 82. Apps Belleruth Naperstek Recommends Breathe to Relax Mood Tracker PTSD Coach CBT Prolonged Exposure PTSD Eraser My Vet Advisor (coaching, not therapy) No insurance but a coaching model As described by Belleruth Naperstek Webinar, 2013
  • 83. Kathy Page (her blog, any links to Spark?)

Editor's Notes

  1. The less clinical, the specific. Difference between telling in therapy vs. telling in writing.
  2. Take care of yourself as a listener. We can’t trigger proof life or know what triggers others but we can always take care of ourselves (doodle, take a break or give yourself space)..
  3. Take care of yourself as a listener. Can’t trigger proof life.
  4. CDC website
  5. 1995 to 1997 data collected from. Follow-Up:Ongoing
  6. “Even those who don’t misuse alcohol or other drugs or become obese have measureable elevations in their risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and some cancers and infectious diseases.”
  7. True for adult traumas too – they don’t happen during development but still damaging. Some, with secrecy shame (rape,combat) higher rates of PTSD.
  8. Baseline survey data on health behaviors, health status, and exposure to ACEs were collected from 17,337 adults aged >18 years during 1995-1997. The ACEs included abuse (emotional, physical, sexual); witnessing domestic violence; parental separation or divorce; and growing up in a household where members were mentally ill, substance abusers, or sent to prison. The ACE score (an integer count of the eight categories of ACEs) was used as a measure of cumulative exposure to traumatic stress during childhood. Deaths were identified during follow-up assessments (between baseline appointment date and December 31, 2006) using mortality records obtained from a search of the National Death Index. Expected years of life lost (YLL) and years of potential life lost (YPLL) were computed using standard methods. The relative risk of death from all causes at age < or =65 years and at age < or =75 years was estimated across the number of categories of ACEs using multivariable-adjusted Cox proportional hazards regression. Analysis was conducted during January-February 2009. RESULTS: Overall, 1539 people died during follow-up; the crude death rate was 91.0 per 1000; the age-adjusted rate was 54.7 per 1000. People with six or more ACEs died nearly 20 years earlier on average than those without ACEs (60.6 years, 95% CI=56.2, 65.1, vs 79.1 years, 95% CI=78.4, 79.9). Average YLL per death was nearly three times greater among people with six or more ACEs (25.2 years) than those without ACEs (9.2 years). Roughly one third (n=526) of those who died during follow-up were aged < or =75 years at the time of death, accounting for 4792 YPLL. After multivariable adjustment, adults with six or more ACEs were 1.7 (95% CI=1.06, 2.83) times more likely to die when aged < or =75 years and 2.4 (95% CI=1.30, 4.39) times more likely to die when aged < or =65 years.
  9. Take care of yourself as a listener. Can’t trigger proof life.
  10. Events have health consequences – so does secrecy.
  11. Translating upsetting experiences into words makes a difference.”
  12. Take care of yourself as a listener. Can’t trigger proof life.
  13. Take care of yourself as a listener. Can’t trigger proof life.
  14. Take care of yourself as a listener. Can’t trigger proof life.
  15. Take care of yourself as a listener. Can’t trigger proof life.