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Shifting Perceptions – Mental Health in the Workplace
      Electrical Safety Authority, April 4th 2013

     Ann Marie Mac Donald , Executive Director
       Mood Disorders Association of Ontario
Context Setting

Workplaces commissioned by Great West Life found:
 18-25% of the working Canadian population experience depression
 That puts a premium on brain based skill sets
 70% of adults diagnosed with depression have lived with their symptoms since
Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. It affects people of every age and every walk of life:
 There isn’t anyone in Canada who hasn’t been affected in some way; if not yourself
  there will be someone you know – a spouse, a child, a sibling, an aunt, uncle or a
  cousin, or a grandparent; a friend; someone in your community
 When individuals do not receive treatment and support it affects the individual, their
  family members, the workplace, and the broader community

It doesn’t have to be that way, because…….

Build awareness about mental illness in the workplace:
   Signs & symptoms
   Underlying physiology
   Risk factors & triggers
   How to reach out for help
   How to reach out to those struggling
   Resources available
Fact #1

  One in five Canadians currently live with a mental illness.

Source: Making the Case for Investing in Mental Health, Mental Health Commission of Canada.
Fact #2

  People who will experience a mental
  health problem or illness by age 40.

Source: Making the Case for Investing in Mental Health, Mental Health Commission of Canada.
Fact #3

  Canadians are
  living with:

Source: Making the Case for Investing in Mental Health, Mental Health Commission of Canada.
Fact #4

Source: Making the Case for Investing in Mental Health, Mental Health Commission of Canada.
Common Mental Illnesses Briefly Defined

  Low mood, sadness, low self-esteem, loss of interest in normal activities
Bipolar Disorder:
  Extreme swings in mood, thinking & behaviour – depression/mania (elevated mood,
  extreme behaviours, unpredictable emotional changes)
General Anxiety:
  Frequent, excessive, uncontrollable worry about a number of things
Panic Disorder:
  Anxiety characterized by recurring, severe panic attacks
Postpartum Depression:
  Tearfulness, anxiety, irritability, emotional instability after child birth
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:
  Intrusive thoughts, all consuming worries, repetitive, ritualistic behaviours aimed at
  reducing anxiety
Which mental illness have these
                     famous people struggled with?

David Beckham                Depression

Barbra Streisand             Bipolar Disorder
J.K. Rowling                 General Anxiety

Winston Churchill
                             Panic Disorder

Donny Osmond
                             Postpartum Depression

Brooke Shields
                             Obsessive Compulsive
Depression          Harrison Ford
JK Rowling          Abraham Lincoln
                    Romeo D’allaire

                    Ted Turner
Bipolar Disorder    Robin Williams
Winston Churchill   Patti Duke
                    Hans Christian Anderson

General Anxiety     Carly Simon
Donny Osmond        Robbie Burns
                    Burt Reynolds
Panic Disorder                  David Bowie
Barbara Streisand               John Candy
                                Steve Martin
                                Johny Depp

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder   Howard Hughes
David Beckham                   Charles Darwin
                                Howie Mandel
                                Albert Einstein
                                Donald Trump

Postpartum Depression
Brooke Shields                  Courtney Cox
                                Gwynyth Paltrow
                                Lisa Marie Presley
                                Amy Sky
Depression and anxiety have many faces

                   Invisible disabilities - often misunderstood

Depression – a serious medical condition

Emotional symptoms
 Sadness
 Loss of interest
 Guilt
 Restlessness

Physical symptoms
 Fatigue
 Aches & pains
 Headaches
 Weight/sleep change

Cognitive symptoms
 Memory
 Focus
 Recall
 Concentration
 Difficulty – decisions
Depression – Risk Factors & Triggers

 Bereavement, separation/divorce
 Accident, illness, rape, abuse

Genetic predispositions - family history
Personal stress
 Perfectionism
 Difficulty taking care of oneself
 Lack of self esteem, difficulty letting go

Occupational stress
 Excessive workload
 Lack of control/knowledge/recognition
 Lack of consistency – values
 Conflict – interpersonal/organizational
Depression – Workplace Warning Signs

 Unusual behaviour
 Frequent late arrivals or absences
 Unusual performance difficulties
 Uncharacteristic distraction, concentration, memory loss
 Loss of interest, engagement
 Strange, grandiose ideas
 Excessive high or low energy
 Unusual inability to make decisions
 Mood swings, outbursts, weeping
 Signs pointing to substance abuse
The SAD truth about mental illness

One in five people suffer from mood disorders in their lifetime
 less than half seek treatment
 less than 1/3 get treatment they need
                                 1 in 10, twice as many women
      Depression                   most frequent diagnosis in health claims
                                   growing faster than cardiovascular diseases

         Anxiety                 1 in 8, most common mental illness
                                 close companion of workplace stress, precursor to
    Bipolar Disorder             1 in 40
                                 6th leading cause of disability worldwide
                                 10 year delay between onset & treatment / 8 years before
                                  correct diagnosis
 Related physical conditions the rule, not the exception
The Nature of STD & LTD

       Mental Health                                ?

             Cancer                                 ?

Musculoskeletal/Back                                ?



                   0%   20%   40%    60%   80%   100%

                        STD   LTD
Most frequent disability conditions – Watson Wyatt –
                                                                  “Staying @ Work”

Watson Wyatt – Staying @ Work 2007
GOOD news about early intervention
                                                     and illness mitigation

Depression is highly treatable
 80-90% success

Early intervention increases odds of success

     to treatment is key
Getting the right help is critical


 Screening
 Education
 Links to support
Impact on Everyone

 Is it OK to talk about it?
 Is it OK to reach out?
 How do we reach out?

3 workplace scenarios
 How, as an individual struggling, you might
  reach out for help
 How, as a co-worker, you might reach out
  to employee who is struggling
 How as a manager you might reach out to:
    an individual struggling
    co-workers
Scenario #1 – Nick

           Nick has worked for Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) for the
           past 14 years, and for the last five years as a Senior
           Nick has demonstrated tact and diplomacy in dealing with
           colleagues and customers and leading his team. His
           performance has been considered solid.
  Core     In recent months new amendments to the Ontario Electrical
Training   Safety Code (OESC) have been introduced. This has
           necessitated more extensive training for Nick. Nick is not
           accepting some of the new changes to the OESC and has
           not responded well or behaved appropriately during the
           training session.
           Since training, he has been absent frequently, complaining
           of migraine headaches and anxiety over reporting for work.
           His team has felt the effects. As well, he has been difficult to
           get along with, often communicating with his team members
           and colleagues in an agitated or angry manner.
           Unfortunately the situation and his performance are steadily
Scenario #1 – Nick

           How should the General Manager approach Nick?

           What role should the Chief Steward play?

  Core     How will performance be managed ?
           As co-workers how would you approach Nicole?

           How would you deal with Nick’s co-workers? Nick’s
Scenario #2 – Monica

           Monica has been working for 14 years in the customer
           service centre. She has been diagnosed with generalized
           anxiety disorder and depression.
           In January 2012 she had several setbacks in her personal
           life including the death of her brother, followed by the death
           of her 16 year old dog.
  Core     A supervisor, new to the policies, procedures and history of
Training   the workgroup, has been hired. He perceives that Monica is
           not performing up to his expectations.
           He has been trying to encourage Monica to take on more
           time-sensitive duties which are covered in her job
           This has led to several confrontations between them.
           During the same period of time, Monica stopped taking her
           prescribed medication.
           Eventually her supervisor started taking disciplinary
           measures to correct Monica’s behaviour.
           There was a disciplinary interview with Monica in May after
           which Monica left the workplace. She has now been
           approved for short-term sick leave.
Scenario #2 – Monica

           How could the Supervisor have handled the situation?

           How could the employee have handled the situation?

           How could we prepare Monica for her return to work?

  Core     How could we prepare Monica’s Supervisor for her
Training   return to work?

           Her co-workers?

           How could we accommodate Monica upon her return
           to work?
Scenario #3 – Bill

           Bill has worked at ESA as a Technical Advisor for the past
           20 years. Part of his job is to investigate incidents to
           identify the root cause to ensure that preventive
           maintenance (PM) is maintained.
           There was an incident that happened eight months ago
           where a 27 year old electrician died due to an arc flash
Training   Bill has struggled with this situation as the electrician
           (victim) was the same age as his son and he is having
           difficulty talking about it or even seeking help. He has
           been absent for days at a time complaining of migraine
           headaches and anxiety over reporting for work.
           When on the job, he often has difficulty getting along with
           others, often avoiding communicating with his colleagues.
           When he does communicate, it is in an agitated or angry
           manner. Unfortunately his performance is steadily
           deteriorating and he is often withdrawn.
           The manager is contemplating what disciplinary
           measures need to be taken, but also wants to find a way
           to help Bill.
Scenario #3 – Bill

           How should the General Manager approach Bill?

           How will performance be managed?

           What role should the Union Rep play?
           How would you deal with Bill’s co-workers?
Workplace Stress


1.   Inconsistent performance management processes. Employees get raises but no reviews
     or get positive evaluation, but are laid off afterward.
2.   Being unappreciated.
3.   Lack of two-way communication up and down.
4.   Too much or too little to do. The feeling of not contributing and having a lack of control.

Referenced from the Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction and Mental
Workplace Stress


5.   Mistrust. Vicious office politics disrupt positive behaviour.
6.   Unclear company direction and policies.
7.   Career and job ambiguity. Things happen without the employee knowing why.

Referenced from the Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction and
Mental Health
Workplace Stress


8.    The treadmill syndrome. Too much to do at once, requiring the 24-hour workday.
9.    Random interruptions.
10.   Doubt. Employees aren’t sure what is happening, where things are headed.

Referenced from the Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction and
Mental Health
Suggestions for Individuals Struggling

 Indicate that you are experiencing health
 Seek and accept help
 Identify what you need to succeed in your job
 Identify what you can contribute
 Look for ways to manage the perceptions of co-
 Communicate regarding conflicts in “going-
  forward” language
 Help your manager understand how to approach
  and support you
 Learn about your rights and responsibilities
Create a Workplace Plan

Take control and responsibility for own well being
Develop an action plan that answers three
 What do you need to be successful at your job?
 How do you want future issues to be addressed,
  should they arise?
 For a successful contribution, what will you
  commit to?

Some other things to do:
 Think of the return-to-work process as another
  step in your recovery?
 Prepare for how you would like to answer
  questions from co-workers about why you were
  off work.
Suggestions for Co-Workers

 Don’t jump to conclusions
 Communicate - frame comments as observations of
 Be compassionate; ask if you can help
 Reinforce value of relationship
Suggestions for Managers

When warning signs appear “at work”:
 Meet informally; set stage for comfortable,
  confidential conversation
 Communicate observations of change in
  performance; emphasize strengths and prior
 Ask open ended questions - open door to raise
  personal issues
 Express concern, empathy, understanding
 Encourage employee to get help; point to sources of
  help, EAP provider
 Offer help – explore opportunities for how to support
  well-being & performance
Suggestions for Managers

When someone’s “off work”:
 Keep in touch – call from time to time
 Obtain assistance in planning return to work -
  appropriate resource persons – be able to offer
When someone’s “returning to work”
 Invite employee to meet week before, clarify plan,
  discuss how they would like to be welcomed
 Take time to welcome and check in routinely to
  gauge how things are going
 Respect wishes about what information is kept
  private and what is shared with others
 Discuss and provide any training , information or
  resources that may be needed
Suggestions for Managers

 Encourage routine screening; distribute self-care
 Organize information sessions; encourage employees
  to attend well-being activities within organization
 Learn more – mental illness, where to find help,
  accommodation & return to work programs, how to
  reach out

Key links:
Some things a union representative may do:

 Help members understand the options available in
  the return–to-work process.
 Participate in the development of the return-to-
  work plan that will allow members to be successful
 Learn enough about the members physical or
  emotional needs to support and understand what
  will enhance the safe and successful return to work
 Educate members on the benefits and
  responsibility associated with accommodating
 Respect wishes about what information in kept
  private and what is shared
 Encourage an atmosphere of respect and support
  among workers
Mood Disorders
Awareness, Education & Training
 Mental health promotion – education and training in the workplace
 A library of over 450 books, publications and audio-video materials
 Web-based resources attracting over 10,000 unique visitors monthly
 Innovative online tools created by MDAO, with the input of those with mood disorders
  and our partners in mental health
      Check Up from the Neck Up, which helps identify some symptoms of depression,
       anxiety or bipolar disorder so people can get help if they need it; and,
      My Mental Health M.A.P., an interactive website that helps people take control of
       their recovery using a holistic approach that touches on medication, therapy,
       exercise, healthy eating, support networks; workplace and crisis planning
Mood Disorders
Recovery Programs
Three core recovery programs, including:
 Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) – an eight-week, program guided by
  accredited facilitators, that empowers participants develop their own plan for recovery
  using the principles of hope, responsibility, education, self-advocacy and support.
  WRAP is widely used across North America, and was developed by Mary Ellen
  Copeland, a widely respected educator, and mental health advocate.
 Laughing Like Crazy – a 16-week program that teaches participants how to develop a
  stand-up comedy routine based on their experiences of mental health issues and the
  mental health system. The group combines the benefits of peer support with the
  physical, social and emotional benefits of laughter, and the challenge of public
  speaking and performance. Program graduates perform their routines for the public,
  creating a positive dialogue in the community.
 Touched By Fire – celebrates and supports the work of artists who have mood
  disorders. The program, which is in its seventh year, includes a non-juried, inclusive on-
  line gallery that displays remarkable artwork 365 days a year, and a juried annual art
  show which raises the profile of selected artists, who receive 100% of the proceeds
  from the sale of their work
Mood Disorders
Peer Support & Recovery
The Mood Disorders Association of Ontario is a peer recovery and peer support
 We are focused on initiatives that encourage routine mental health screening and early
  intervention to catch mental health issues as they arise and mitigate their progression
  and impact
 We have also grown our educational initiatives for those who are experiencing the
  impact of mental illness, their families and their communities
 We build awareness about mood disorders to help people interact more effectively with
  those who are experiencing a mental illness
 Dispel fear and confusion that often comes with a diagnosis of a mental illness
 Provide clinical support to individuals, families and youth
 Provide innovative workplace mental health programs, tools and training to support
  people in reclaiming their well-being at work, off work, and when returning to work
Closing Thoughts

 Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. It affects people of every age and every walk of life
 There isn’t anyone in Canada who hasn’t been affected in some way; if not yourself
  there will be someone you know – a spouse, a child, a sibling, an aunt, uncle or a
  cousin, or a grandparent; a friend; someone in your community
 When individuals do not receive treatment and support it affects the individual, their
  family members, the workplace, and the broader community
 It doesn’t have to be that way, because at the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario,
  you really can “talk to someone who’s been there.”
Educate and empower to improve mental health

         Call us if we can help
        1.888.486.8236 (226)
Ann Marie MacDonald, Executive Director
        416.486.8046 (226)

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ESA Presentation - Shifting Perceptions (April 4th)

  • 1. Shifting Perceptions – Mental Health in the Workplace Electrical Safety Authority, April 4th 2013 Ann Marie Mac Donald , Executive Director Mood Disorders Association of Ontario
  • 2. Context Setting Workplaces commissioned by Great West Life found:  18-25% of the working Canadian population experience depression  That puts a premium on brain based skill sets  70% of adults diagnosed with depression have lived with their symptoms since childhood Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. It affects people of every age and every walk of life:  There isn’t anyone in Canada who hasn’t been affected in some way; if not yourself there will be someone you know – a spouse, a child, a sibling, an aunt, uncle or a cousin, or a grandparent; a friend; someone in your community  When individuals do not receive treatment and support it affects the individual, their family members, the workplace, and the broader community It doesn’t have to be that way, because…….
  • 3. Objectives Build awareness about mental illness in the workplace:  Signs & symptoms  Underlying physiology  Risk factors & triggers  How to reach out for help  How to reach out to those struggling  Resources available
  • 4. Fact #1 One in five Canadians currently live with a mental illness. Source: Making the Case for Investing in Mental Health, Mental Health Commission of Canada.
  • 5. Fact #2 People who will experience a mental health problem or illness by age 40. Source: Making the Case for Investing in Mental Health, Mental Health Commission of Canada.
  • 6. Fact #3 Canadians are living with: Source: Making the Case for Investing in Mental Health, Mental Health Commission of Canada.
  • 7. Fact #4 Source: Making the Case for Investing in Mental Health, Mental Health Commission of Canada.
  • 8. Common Mental Illnesses Briefly Defined Depression: Low mood, sadness, low self-esteem, loss of interest in normal activities Bipolar Disorder: Extreme swings in mood, thinking & behaviour – depression/mania (elevated mood, extreme behaviours, unpredictable emotional changes) General Anxiety: Frequent, excessive, uncontrollable worry about a number of things Panic Disorder: Anxiety characterized by recurring, severe panic attacks Postpartum Depression: Tearfulness, anxiety, irritability, emotional instability after child birth Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Intrusive thoughts, all consuming worries, repetitive, ritualistic behaviours aimed at reducing anxiety
  • 9. Which mental illness have these famous people struggled with? David Beckham Depression Barbra Streisand Bipolar Disorder Core Training J.K. Rowling General Anxiety Winston Churchill Panic Disorder Donny Osmond Postpartum Depression Brooke Shields Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • 10. Depression Harrison Ford JK Rowling Abraham Lincoln Romeo D’allaire Ted Turner Bipolar Disorder Robin Williams Winston Churchill Patti Duke Napoleon Hans Christian Anderson General Anxiety Carly Simon Donny Osmond Robbie Burns Burt Reynolds
  • 11. Panic Disorder David Bowie Barbara Streisand John Candy Steve Martin Johny Depp Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Howard Hughes David Beckham Charles Darwin Howie Mandel Albert Einstein Donald Trump Postpartum Depression Brooke Shields Courtney Cox Gwynyth Paltrow Lisa Marie Presley Amy Sky
  • 12. Depression and anxiety have many faces Invisible disabilities - often misunderstood Core Training
  • 13. Depression – a serious medical condition Emotional symptoms  Sadness  Loss of interest  Guilt  Restlessness Physical symptoms  Fatigue  Aches & pains  Headaches  Weight/sleep change Cognitive symptoms  Memory  Focus  Recall  Concentration  Difficulty – decisions
  • 14. Depression – Risk Factors & Triggers Traumas  Bereavement, separation/divorce  Accident, illness, rape, abuse Genetic predispositions - family history Personal stress  Perfectionism  Difficulty taking care of oneself  Lack of self esteem, difficulty letting go Occupational stress  Excessive workload  Lack of control/knowledge/recognition  Lack of consistency – values  Conflict – interpersonal/organizational
  • 15. Depression – Workplace Warning Signs  Unusual behaviour  Frequent late arrivals or absences  Unusual performance difficulties  Uncharacteristic distraction, concentration, memory loss  Loss of interest, engagement  Strange, grandiose ideas  Excessive high or low energy  Unusual inability to make decisions  Mood swings, outbursts, weeping  Signs pointing to substance abuse
  • 16. The SAD truth about mental illness One in five people suffer from mood disorders in their lifetime  less than half seek treatment  less than 1/3 get treatment they need  1 in 10, twice as many women Depression  most frequent diagnosis in health claims  growing faster than cardiovascular diseases Anxiety  1 in 8, most common mental illness  close companion of workplace stress, precursor to depression Bipolar Disorder  1 in 40  6th leading cause of disability worldwide  10 year delay between onset & treatment / 8 years before correct diagnosis Related physical conditions the rule, not the exception
  • 17. The Nature of STD & LTD Mental Health ? Cancer ? Musculoskeletal/Back ? ? Cardiovascular ? Accident 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% STD LTD
  • 18. Most frequent disability conditions – Watson Wyatt – “Staying @ Work” Watson Wyatt – Staying @ Work 2007
  • 19. GOOD news about early intervention and illness mitigation Depression is highly treatable  80-90% success Early intervention increases odds of success TimeCore to treatment is key Training Getting the right help is critical •  Screening  Education  Links to support
  • 20. Impact on Everyone  Is it OK to talk about it?  Is it OK to reach out?  How do we reach out? 3 workplace scenarios  How, as an individual struggling, you might reach out for help  How, as a co-worker, you might reach out to employee who is struggling  How as a manager you might reach out to:  an individual struggling  co-workers
  • 21. Scenario #1 – Nick Nick has worked for Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) for the past 14 years, and for the last five years as a Senior Inspector. Nick has demonstrated tact and diplomacy in dealing with colleagues and customers and leading his team. His performance has been considered solid. Core In recent months new amendments to the Ontario Electrical Training Safety Code (OESC) have been introduced. This has necessitated more extensive training for Nick. Nick is not accepting some of the new changes to the OESC and has not responded well or behaved appropriately during the training session. Since training, he has been absent frequently, complaining of migraine headaches and anxiety over reporting for work. His team has felt the effects. As well, he has been difficult to get along with, often communicating with his team members and colleagues in an agitated or angry manner. Unfortunately the situation and his performance are steadily deteriorating.
  • 22. Scenario #1 – Nick How should the General Manager approach Nick? What role should the Chief Steward play? Core How will performance be managed ? Training As co-workers how would you approach Nicole? How would you deal with Nick’s co-workers? Nick’s team?
  • 23. Scenario #2 – Monica Monica has been working for 14 years in the customer service centre. She has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and depression. In January 2012 she had several setbacks in her personal life including the death of her brother, followed by the death of her 16 year old dog. Core A supervisor, new to the policies, procedures and history of Training the workgroup, has been hired. He perceives that Monica is not performing up to his expectations. He has been trying to encourage Monica to take on more time-sensitive duties which are covered in her job description. This has led to several confrontations between them. During the same period of time, Monica stopped taking her prescribed medication. Eventually her supervisor started taking disciplinary measures to correct Monica’s behaviour. There was a disciplinary interview with Monica in May after which Monica left the workplace. She has now been approved for short-term sick leave.
  • 24. Scenario #2 – Monica How could the Supervisor have handled the situation? How could the employee have handled the situation? How could we prepare Monica for her return to work? Core How could we prepare Monica’s Supervisor for her Training return to work? Her co-workers? How could we accommodate Monica upon her return to work?
  • 25. Scenario #3 – Bill Bill has worked at ESA as a Technical Advisor for the past 20 years. Part of his job is to investigate incidents to identify the root cause to ensure that preventive maintenance (PM) is maintained. There was an incident that happened eight months ago where a 27 year old electrician died due to an arc flash blast. Core Training Bill has struggled with this situation as the electrician (victim) was the same age as his son and he is having difficulty talking about it or even seeking help. He has been absent for days at a time complaining of migraine headaches and anxiety over reporting for work. When on the job, he often has difficulty getting along with others, often avoiding communicating with his colleagues. When he does communicate, it is in an agitated or angry manner. Unfortunately his performance is steadily deteriorating and he is often withdrawn. The manager is contemplating what disciplinary measures need to be taken, but also wants to find a way to help Bill.
  • 26. Scenario #3 – Bill How should the General Manager approach Bill? How will performance be managed? What role should the Union Rep play? Core How would you deal with Bill’s co-workers? Training
  • 27. Workplace Stress TOP 10 SOURCES OF WORKPLACE STRESS 1. Inconsistent performance management processes. Employees get raises but no reviews or get positive evaluation, but are laid off afterward. 2. Being unappreciated. 3. Lack of two-way communication up and down. 4. Too much or too little to do. The feeling of not contributing and having a lack of control. Referenced from the Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction and Mental Health
  • 28. Workplace Stress TOP 10 SOURCES OF WORKPLACE STRESS 5. Mistrust. Vicious office politics disrupt positive behaviour. 6. Unclear company direction and policies. 7. Career and job ambiguity. Things happen without the employee knowing why. Referenced from the Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction and Mental Health
  • 29. Workplace Stress TOP 10 SOURCES OF WORKPLACE STRESS 8. The treadmill syndrome. Too much to do at once, requiring the 24-hour workday. 9. Random interruptions. 10. Doubt. Employees aren’t sure what is happening, where things are headed. Referenced from the Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction and Mental Health
  • 30. Suggestions for Individuals Struggling  Indicate that you are experiencing health challenges  Seek and accept help  Identify what you need to succeed in your job  Identify what you can contribute  Look for ways to manage the perceptions of co- workers  Communicate regarding conflicts in “going- forward” language  Help your manager understand how to approach and support you  Learn about your rights and responsibilities
  • 31. Create a Workplace Plan Take control and responsibility for own well being Develop an action plan that answers three questions:  What do you need to be successful at your job?  How do you want future issues to be addressed, should they arise?  For a successful contribution, what will you commit to? Some other things to do:  Think of the return-to-work process as another step in your recovery?  Prepare for how you would like to answer questions from co-workers about why you were off work.
  • 32. Suggestions for Co-Workers  Don’t jump to conclusions  Communicate - frame comments as observations of change  Be compassionate; ask if you can help  Reinforce value of relationship
  • 33. Suggestions for Managers When warning signs appear “at work”:  Meet informally; set stage for comfortable, confidential conversation  Communicate observations of change in performance; emphasize strengths and prior contribution  Ask open ended questions - open door to raise personal issues  Express concern, empathy, understanding  Encourage employee to get help; point to sources of help, EAP provider  Offer help – explore opportunities for how to support well-being & performance
  • 34. Suggestions for Managers When someone’s “off work”:  Keep in touch – call from time to time  Obtain assistance in planning return to work - appropriate resource persons – be able to offer options When someone’s “returning to work”  Invite employee to meet week before, clarify plan, discuss how they would like to be welcomed  Take time to welcome and check in routinely to gauge how things are going  Respect wishes about what information is kept private and what is shared with others  Discuss and provide any training , information or resources that may be needed
  • 35. Suggestions for Managers On-going  Encourage routine screening; distribute self-care materials  Organize information sessions; encourage employees to attend well-being activities within organization  Learn more – mental illness, where to find help, accommodation & return to work programs, how to reach out Key links:
  • 36. Some things a union representative may do:  Help members understand the options available in the return–to-work process.  Participate in the development of the return-to- work plan that will allow members to be successful  Learn enough about the members physical or emotional needs to support and understand what will enhance the safe and successful return to work  Educate members on the benefits and responsibility associated with accommodating workers  Respect wishes about what information in kept private and what is shared  Encourage an atmosphere of respect and support among workers
  • 37. Mood Disorders Awareness, Education & Training  Mental health promotion – education and training in the workplace  A library of over 450 books, publications and audio-video materials  Web-based resources attracting over 10,000 unique visitors monthly  Innovative online tools created by MDAO, with the input of those with mood disorders and our partners in mental health  Check Up from the Neck Up, which helps identify some symptoms of depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder so people can get help if they need it; and,  My Mental Health M.A.P., an interactive website that helps people take control of their recovery using a holistic approach that touches on medication, therapy, exercise, healthy eating, support networks; workplace and crisis planning
  • 38. Mood Disorders Recovery Programs Three core recovery programs, including:  Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) – an eight-week, program guided by accredited facilitators, that empowers participants develop their own plan for recovery using the principles of hope, responsibility, education, self-advocacy and support. WRAP is widely used across North America, and was developed by Mary Ellen Copeland, a widely respected educator, and mental health advocate.  Laughing Like Crazy – a 16-week program that teaches participants how to develop a stand-up comedy routine based on their experiences of mental health issues and the mental health system. The group combines the benefits of peer support with the physical, social and emotional benefits of laughter, and the challenge of public speaking and performance. Program graduates perform their routines for the public, creating a positive dialogue in the community.  Touched By Fire – celebrates and supports the work of artists who have mood disorders. The program, which is in its seventh year, includes a non-juried, inclusive on- line gallery that displays remarkable artwork 365 days a year, and a juried annual art show which raises the profile of selected artists, who receive 100% of the proceeds from the sale of their work
  • 39. Mood Disorders Peer Support & Recovery The Mood Disorders Association of Ontario is a peer recovery and peer support organization.  We are focused on initiatives that encourage routine mental health screening and early intervention to catch mental health issues as they arise and mitigate their progression and impact  We have also grown our educational initiatives for those who are experiencing the impact of mental illness, their families and their communities  We build awareness about mood disorders to help people interact more effectively with those who are experiencing a mental illness  Dispel fear and confusion that often comes with a diagnosis of a mental illness  Provide clinical support to individuals, families and youth  Provide innovative workplace mental health programs, tools and training to support people in reclaiming their well-being at work, off work, and when returning to work
  • 40. Closing Thoughts  Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. It affects people of every age and every walk of life  There isn’t anyone in Canada who hasn’t been affected in some way; if not yourself there will be someone you know – a spouse, a child, a sibling, an aunt, uncle or a cousin, or a grandparent; a friend; someone in your community  When individuals do not receive treatment and support it affects the individual, their family members, the workplace, and the broader community  It doesn’t have to be that way, because at the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario, you really can “talk to someone who’s been there.”
  • 41. Educate and empower to improve mental health Call us if we can help 1.888.486.8236 (226) Ann Marie MacDonald, Executive Director 416.486.8046 (226)