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The Swedish Feeling of Wellness
Oriflame expertly formulates for your holistic beauty - healthy body, mind, and
skin. Our formulation philosophy ensures that we design our supplements
based on ingredients with integrity, that are stringently tested to be safe for
you, and deliver proven performance. Oriflame has a holistic approach to
wellness.We believe in the synergy of a healthy
diet, physical activity, sleep, emotional wellbeing, including social connection and
stress management as the foundation for physical and mental wellbeing. Our
nutritionists and dietitians understand the body’s needs throughout life, from
childhood through adulthood to healthy agers. Our core focus areas include:
Daily Wellbeing,Weight Management and Sport & Fitness.
‘Beauty by Sweden’ is at our core and so we look to the Nordic Diet for
inspiration in our formulations.The Nordic Diet is a way of eating that focuses
on locally sourced, seasonal, whole foods in the Nordic countries including
Sweden. Staple foods include berries and fruits, vegetables (cabbage and root
vegetables), oily fish (herring, mackerel and salmon), lean fish, dairy, legumes
(pea and faba bean), wholegrain cereals (barley, oats and rye), nuts and herbs.
The use of rapeseed (canola) oil is encouraged in cooking and salads.The
Nordic Diet has been linked with many health benefits (Renzella et al., 2018).
4 5
Many people are looking for shortcuts to a healthier lifestyle that are easy to implement
into their daily lives.At Oriflame, we believe in a holistic approach to health, one that
focuses on every single aspect of healthy living.We also believe that in order to have
consistency in your life, you need routines. Routines that you can keep.With Oriflame
Wellness routines, you can conveniently stick to the right kind of healthy lifestyle that
suits your needs.
Our Daily Wellness Routines
Nutritional supplements provide vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to complete or
enhance the nutritional content of the food we consume.
Nutritional supplements are used for many purposes.
• to help support over-all health and energy
• to provide immune system support and reduce the risks of age-related conditions
• to improve performance in athletics and mental activities
• to assist in nutrient intake during times of reduced food intake
• to assist with regularity
Regular supplementation is the perfect solution to help bridge the gap of any nutrient
shortfalls, based on our individual needs, and making sure we get everything we need
for our bodies to function at its best.
Supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet but instead as
a complement to a varied diet to ensure healthy levels of nutrients.Wellness by
Oriflame's products are based on the strictest EU safety standards. Our philosophy is
that we don't believe in mega dosing, so we have up to 100% of the NRV (Nutrient
ReferenceValue).That’s how we have a safe product that can be used long term, every
The Benefits of Regular
BSc, MSc
Senior Global Wellness Trainer in
Global Sales Support - Wellness,
Oriflame, Stockholm, Sweden.
• Registered Dietician RD
• BSc & MSc Human Nutrition &
Dietetics from Uppsala University and
Umeå University, Sweden
• Certified workout instructor &
massage therapist
• Started working with nutrition &
health trainings in 2009
• Expertise in sports nutrition
BSc, MSc
Scientific Communications Manager
- Wellness, Oriflame Research &
Development, Dublin, Ireland.
• Registered Nutritionist RNutr
• MSc Nutrition from Queen Margaret
University, Edinburgh, Scotland UK
• BSc Food Science from University
College Dublin, Ireland
• Dip Digital Marketing from the
Fitzwilliam Institute, Dublin, Ireland
• Extensive industry experience in new
product development, innovation, and
nutrition communication
• Expertise in nutrition research, sports
nutrition, and functional foods
BSc, MSc, PhL
Global Senior Nutritional Scientist in
Global Product Marketing - Wellness,
Oriflame, Stockholm, Sweden.
• Nutritionist
• BSc & MSc in Human Nutrition from
Stockholm University and Karolinska
Institute, Sweden
• PhL in Food Science from Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences,
• Author and co-author of five peer
reviewed scientific research articles in
the area of appetite and metabolism.
• Conducted clinical trials evaluating
the effects of wholegrain rye foods,
dietary fibre and plant protein on
appetite, hormones, metabolism and
gut responses in healthy adults.
• Experienced in sensory and
consumer innovation research in
the food and beverage category
combining different disciplines
such as quantitative, qualitative and
neuroscience for in-depth insights.
• Expertise in nutrition and appetite
Wellness by Oriflame’s Nutrition Council consists of our experienced nutritionists and
dietitians that are highly competent experts within nutrition and health.With their combined
knowledge they help us develop products and guide on nutritional topics.
Wellness by Oriflame's
Nutrition Council
Developed in Sweden, and
Produced to Internationally Accepted
Quality Standards
It is important to know that all Wellness by Oriflame products are developed and
produced with the highest safety, quality and efficacy standards. Safety and efficacy
must be backed up by recognised scientific data.
Standards and certifications that our products, manufacturers or suppliers bear:
All our products follow Wellness by Oriflame’s strict quality
and safety standards, and are further certified by different
organisations for fulfilling their specific criteria.
GMP is short for Good Manufacturing Practice and is a strict guideline that outlines
the aspects of production and testing that can impact the quality of a product.The
GMP quality is on a pharmaceutical level.
(Hazard analysis and critical control point) is a monitoring system for food
production, storage, and distribution, and aims to identify and control associated
health hazards.
To make sure that food supplements and foods are being produced in a safe
environment,Wellness by Oriflame works with manufacturing plants which are
either ISO (International Organization for Standardization), IFS (International Food
Standard) or BRC (British Retail Consortium) certified.
Quality you can Trust
Our fish oils are certified
sustainable by FOS
Our fish oils are certified sustainable by Friend of the Sea
(FOS). FOS is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation
(NGO), whose mission is the conservation of the marine
habitat. It is now a leading international certification project
for products originated from both sustainable fisheries and
aquaculture. FOS leads fisheries which join the certification
program to adopt selective fishing methods and reduce
ecosystem impact within maximum sustainable yield.The
certification also ensures high quality standards in terms of
energy efficiency and social accountability.
Our products are produced in compliance with the EU GMO
(genetically modified organism) labelling regulations 1829/2003
and 1830/2003.
The Natural Balance Soups, Prebiotic Fibre Drink and Meal
Replacement for Weight Control are registered with the Vegan
Society Trademark.Through The Vegan Society, we guarantee
raw materials and final products are free of ingredients derived
from animals.
The Story Behind
Natural Balance Shake
Wellness by Oriflame is a partner of Igelösa Life Science
Community, a medical research centre in Lund, Sweden.
Before he retired, Professor Stig Steen was a leading
surgeon in the field of heart and lung transplantation.
Professor Stig Steen and his team were focused on
developing new clinical methods and innovations within
organ transplantation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and
lifestyle related disease prevention.A crucial component
of their work is nutrition, and since Igelösa was founded in
1998, it has been placed in ever-greater focus. Igelösa is
globally recognized as a hub of innovation and is regularly
visited by research scientists and doctors from all over the
Robert af Jochnick, founder of Oriflame, met Professor Stig
Steen in 2006, through their common interests in science. It
was in the product development kitchen at Igelösa that the development and testing of
the first Natural Balance Shake formula initially took place, in an effort to find a way of
improving his patients’ nutritional status.This amazing achievement brings to life a shared
vision between Professor Stig Steen and Wellness by Oriflame to create positive changes
in people’s lives through proper nutrition.
Launched in 2008 and then further developed throughout the years, the Natural Balance
Shake has become one of the most beloved products within Oriflame. It is sold in more
than 40 countries by Wellness by Oriflame brand partners. Natural Balance Shake helps
to establish a healthy daily routine, alongside a healthy balanced diet.
Life is hectic, days move fast.When each moment is filled with meetings, deadlines, and
social duties, it’s easy to feel like there simply aren’t enough hours in a day, or days in a
week, to check everything off of your to-do-list – let alone find time to prioritise the
routines you need to keep your mental and physical health in tip top shape.
The WellnessPack Man/Woman is an effortlessly ideal way to help you meet your
recommended daily dose of essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and antioxidants, and
gives you the energy boost you need to grab life by the horns and greet each day with
gusto.What's more, it's developed in Sweden with safe and effective ingredients.
Multivitamin & Mineral: Provides 12 essential vitamins and 10 essential minerals that
are needed to support the unique nutritional and physiological requirements of men
and women, respectively. Helps to bridge the gap of any micronutrient shortfalls in the
diet.When taken alongside a balanced diet, these essential vitamins and minerals can
help to support immunity, metabolism, skin health and overall wellbeing.
Omega 3: Contains the essential fatty acids DHA and EPA that your body requires to
help support heart**, brain*** and eye*** health. Provides fish oil, naturally rich in
DHA and EPA, derived from sustainable fishing practices and certified by the Friend of
the Sea organisation.
Astaxanthin: Contains a combination of antioxidants that includes one of nature's
most powerful antioxidants, astaxanthin from microalgae, as well as bilberry extract,
vitamin C and vitamin E.This combination helps combat damaging oxidative stress
caused by excessive exposure to harmful free radicals.
Grab-and-go for now or later — the WellnessPack Man/Woman is the convenient
way to enjoy no-fuss, nutritional support every day!*
*Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet
**The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of EPA and DHA
***The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA
The Story Behind
per box
Natural Balance Shake
The Natural Balance Shake was originally developed by Professor Stig Steen. It
is an easy, tasty and convenient snack, high in both protein and dietary fibre. It
contains protein from the three different sources pea, egg and whey, and dietary
fibre from the three different sources apple, rosehip and sugar beet. It is easy
to mix with water to create tasty shakes and comes in three different flavours:
vanilla, strawberry and chocolate.*
*Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a balanced and varied diet.
• Use as a healthy snack.
• 1-2 servings a day.
• Add one scoop (18 g) of the Natural Balance Shake powder to
150 ml of water. Mix well until the powder is evenly distributed.
Providing 1.7 g of dietary fibre per serving from apple,
rosehip and sugar beet.
Providing 6.7-7.1 g of protein per serving, including
all 9 essential amino acids, from pea, egg and whey
of which saturated fat
Natural Balance Shake
Amount per serving (18 g)
of which essential
amino acids
of which sugars
of which lactose
71 Kcal 71 Kcal 70 Kcal
7.1 g 7.0 g 6.7 g
~3 g ~3 g ~3 g
6.4 g
6.3 g 6.1 g
3.8 g
3.6 g 3.5 g
1.7 g 1.6 g 1.6 g
1.6 g 1.6 g 1.8 g
1.6 g 1.7 g
1.5 g
0.4 g 0.4 g 0.4 g
0.26 g 0.25 g 0.23 g
*European Food Safety Authority
• High in protein
• Protein contributes to the maintenance and
growth of muscle
• High in fibre
• Non-GMO
• No artificial colourants, preservatives or flavours
• Halal Compliant Formula
• Gluten Free
Click here to buy these shakes
Q.What is sucralose?
A. Sucralose is a Low or No Calorie Sweetener (LNCS). It originates from natural
sugar (sucrose), but is approx. 600 times sweeter, so even a tiny amount will give a
pleasant sweetness. Sucralose has been extensively evaluated by different regulatory
authorities and deemed safe to consume and non-carcinogenic, even at levels that
greatly exceed the anticipated daily intake.An ADI (acceptable daily intake) of 15
mg/kg bodyweight has been established; for a person weighing 70 kg the ADI would
translate to approx. 70 x 15 = 1050 mg per day. One serving of the Natural Balance
Shake contains approx. 13 mg of sucralose, which is much lower than the ADI for the
average person.
Q. How many servings of the Natural Balance Shake can I consume in a day?
A. The recommended daily amount is 1-2 servings per day.The sucralose content in
the Natural Balance Shake is so low that it is perfectly safe to consume a couple of
times per day.
Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Shake as a meal replacement?
A. The Natural Balance Shake is not formulated nor intended as a meal replacement.
It is an easy, tasty and convenient snack that gives you high-quality protein and dietary
fibre.The Natural Balance Shake should not be promoted as a weight management
solution as it does not meet the strict energy and nutritional composition criteria to
be classified as a meal replacement.
Q. I exercise and go to the gym – can I take the Natural Balance Shake instead of
other protein and carbohydrate formulas on the market?
A. The Natural Balance Shake formula was developed as an easy, tasty and conve-
nient snack that you can enjoy during different occasions during the day.Although it
contains both protein and carbohydrates that are important for sports, the formula is
not optimized for sports nutrition. However, if you wish to take the Natural Balance
Shake for sports, please mix it with dairy milk or soy drink to increase the overall
protein, carbohydrate and calorie content.This will provide your body with fuel
during the workout and help your muscles grow and recover.
Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Shake if I have a disease and take medication?
A. The Natural Balance Shake is regarded as food. It is not a medicinal product and
is not intended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any
specific medical concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Shake if I have food intolerance/allergies?
A. Please review the ingredient list. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you
should avoid using the product.The Natural Balance Shakes are free from gluten and
contain a minimal amount of lactose (1.6-1.7 g per serving) that is well tolerated by
most lactose intolerant people. Nevertheless, if you experience discomfort, please
refrain from using the product.
Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Shake if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
A. The Natural Balance Shakes is regarded as food and is safe to consume if pregnant
Vanilla: Pea protein (Pisum sativum L.)(30.2%), Apple powder (Apple, Maize starch)(Malus pumila L.),
Whole egg powder (14.2%), Sweet whey powder (Milk)(12%), Rosehip powder (Rosa canina L.),
Whey protein concentrate (Milk)(5%), Hen egg albumen powder (4%), Sugar beet fibre, Natural
flavours, Antioxidant: L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), Sweetener: Sucralose.
Strawberry: Pea protein (Pisum sativum L.)(29.7%), Apple powder (Apple, Maize starch) (Malus
pumila L.),Whole egg powder (14%), Sweet whey powder (Milk)(11.4%), Rosehip powder (Rosa
canina L.),Whey protein concentrate (Milk)(5%), Hen egg albumen powder (4%), Natural flavours,
Sugar beet fibre, Beetroot juice powder (Red beetroot juice concentrate, Maltodextrin) (Beta
vulgaris L.), Antioxidant: L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), Sweetener: Sucralose.
Chocolate: Pea protein (Pisum sativum L.)(25.1%), Apple powder (Apple, Maize starch) (Malus
pumila L.),Whole egg powder (14.6%), Sweet whey powder (Milk)(10.7%), Fat reduced cocoa
powder, Rosehip powder (Rosa canina L.),Whey protein concentrate (Milk)(5%), Hen egg
albumen powder (3.8%), Natural flavours, Sugar beet fibre, Antioxidant: L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C),
Sweetener: Sucralose. Contains lactose, may contain traces of soy and is produced in a facility which
processes milk, soy, egg, gluten and celery.
Protein Blend
The Protein Blend was originally developed by Professor Stig Steen. It is a high
protein and high dietary fibre formula that contains protein from the three
different sources pea, egg and whey, and dietary fibre from the three different
sources apple, rosehip and sugar beet. It has a neutral taste as it is not flavoured
nor sweetened.The Protein Blend is designed to be mixed into a wide range of
foods and beverages that you enjoy.A perfect solution to enhance your daily
nutritional intake.
*Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a balanced and varied diet.
• 2-3 servings per day.
• Add one scoop (18 g) of the Protein Blend powder to your
food or beverage. Mix well until the powder is evenly distributed.
per box
Provides 1.7 g of dietary fibre per serving
from apple, rosehip and sugar beet.
Provides 8 g of protein per serving, including all 9
essential amino acids, from pea, egg and whey (milk)
No added flavours, sugars nor sweeteners
A highly versatile product that can be added to any
food or beverage.
Providing 1.7 g of dietary fibre per serving from apple,
rosehip and sugar beet.
• High in protein
• Protein contributes to the maintenance
and growth of muscle
• High in fibre
• Non-GMO
• No artificial colourants, preservatives or flavours
• Halal Compliant Formula
• Gluten Free
• No added sugar
• With natural origin ingredients
*European Food Safety Authority
Pea protein (Pisum sativum L.) (31.4%), Apple powder (Malus pumila L.) (Apple (65%), Maize starch),
Whole egg powder (14.5%), Rosehip powder (Rosa canina L.), Sweet whey powder (Milk)(9.3%),
Whey protein concentrate (Milk) (8.3%), Hen egg albumen powder, Sugar beet fibre, Antioxidant:
L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). Contains lactose and may contain traces of soy.
Click here to purchase Protein Blend
Q.What can I mix the Protein Blend into?
A. Because the Protein Blend’s formula is unflavoured with no added sugars nor
sweeteners there are so many ways to harness its numerous benefits while still
enjoying the flavours you love.The Protein Blend can be added to a wide range
of foods and beverages – either during the cooking/baking process, or by mixing
it into food at the table.Try it mixed in beverages, sauces, soups, baked goods,
cereal, yogurt… be creative and enjoy!
Q. I exercise and go to the gym – can I take the Protein Blend instead of other
protein and carbohydrate formulas on the market?
A.The Protein Blend formula was developed to be mixed into a wide range
of beverages and foods. It contains both protein and carbohydrates that are
important for sports. By adding it to your daily foods, you will increase the overall
protein, carbohydrate, and calorie content.This will provide your body with fuel
during the workout and help your muscles grow and recover.
Q. Can I use the Protein Blend if I have a disease and take medication?
A. The Protein Blend is regarded as food. It is not a medicinal product and is not in-
tended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any specific
medical concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Q. Can I use the Protein Blend if I have food intolerance/allergies?
A. Please review the ingredient list. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you
should avoid using the product.The Protein Blend is free from gluten and contain a
minimal amount of lactose (1.2 g per serving) that is well tolerated by most lactose
intolerant people. Nevertheless, if you experience discomfort, please refrain from
using the product.
Q. Can I use the Protein Blend if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
A. The Protein Blend is regarded as food and is safe to consume if pregnant or
NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Amount per serving (18 g)
of which essential
amino acids
of which sugars
of which saturated fat
of which lactose
*NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue
72 Kcal
8.0 g
3.7 g
0.5 g
1.2 g
~3 g
1.7 g
1.7 g
5.3 g
41.7 mg (52%*)
0.30 g
daily sachets
per pack
The WellnessPack provides a valuable spectrum of nutrients that help bridge the
gap of any micronutrient shortfalls in the diet for both men and women*.The
WellnessPack is a convenient one-a-day sachet with one Multivitamin & Mineral
tablet, two Omega 3 fish oil capsules and one Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract
1 sachet per day with a meal
Formulated for the individual needs of men and
Up to 100% of EU NRV (Nutrient ReferenceValue)
of 12 vitamins and 10 minerals.
A broad spectrum of essential nutrients adapted to
the needs of men and women to support metabolism,
energy levels, immunity, skin health and overall
Contains the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA that
your body requires to help support heart*, brain**
and eye** health.
A combination of powerful antioxidants including
vitamins C and E, and astaxanthin to help protect cells
against oxidative stress.
Omega 3 is certified by the association Friend of the
*Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a balanced and varied diet.
• Non-GMO
• No artificial colourants, preservatives or flavours
• Halal Compliant Formula
• Gluten Free
• No added sugar
• Friend of the Sea certified (Omega 3)
Multivitamin & Mineral
• High in vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6,
B7, B12 and folic acid
• High in minerals iron, zinc, copper, manganese,
selenium, iodine, chromium and molybdenum
• Source of minerals calcium and magnesium
Omega 3
• High in omega 3 fatty acids
Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract
• Source of vitamin C
• Source of vitamin E
*European Food Safety Authority
**The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of EPA and DHA.
***The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA.
Click here to order WellnessPacks
800 mcg (100%*) 700 mcg (87.5%*)
5 mcg (100%*) 5 mcg (100%*)
12 mg (100%*) 12 mg (100%*)
80 mg (100%*) 80 mg (100%*)
1.1 mg (100%*) 1.1 mg (100%*)
1.4 mg (100%*) 1.4 mg (100%*)
16 mg (100%*) 16 mg (100%*)
1.4 mg (100%*) 1.4 mg (100%*)
200 mcg (100%*) 200 mcg (100%*)
2.5 mcg (100%*) 2.5 mcg (100%*)
50 mcg (100%*) 50 mcg (100%*)
6 mg (100%) 6 mg (100%)
150 mg (19%*) 175 mg (22%*)
100 mg (27%*) 75 mg (20%*)
7 mg (50%*) 14 mg (100%*)
7mg (50%*) 14mg (100%*)
1000 mcg (100%*) 1000 mcg (100%*)
2 mg (100%*) 2 mg (100%*)
55 mcg (100%*) 40 mcg (73%*)
40 mcg (100%*) 30 mcg (75%*)
50 mcg (100%*) 50 mcg (100%*)
150 mcg (100%*) 150 mcg (100%*)
*NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue
Amount per 1 tablet (1060 mg)
Multivitamin & Mineral
Multivitamin & Mineral
mcg = microgram = µg
Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract: Sunflower oil, capsule shell (gelling agent: fish gelatine, humectant:
glycerol), astaxanthin (Haematococcus pluvialis L. (5%), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin), D-alpha-
tocopherol, L-ascorbyl 6-palmitate), bilberry extract 4:1 (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), thickener (beeswax),
L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), emulsifier (soy lecithin), D-alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E).
Multivitamin & Mineral Man: Calcium carbonate, bulking agent (microclystalline cellulose),
magnesium oxide, L-ascorbic acid, maize starch, anti-caking agents (stearic acid, silicon dioxide,
magnesium stearate), ferrous fumarate, nicotinamide, D-alpha tocopherol acid succinate, zinc oxide,
glazing agents (hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, glycerol), beta-carotene, copper gluconate, calcium
D-pantothenate, manganese sulphate, cholecalciferol, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine
mononitrate, pteroylmonoglutamic acid, potassium iodide, chromium (III) chloride hexahydrate,
sodium selenite, ammonium molybdate, D-biotin, cyanocobalamine.
Multivitamin & Mineral Woman: Calcium carbonate, bulking agent (microclystalline cellulose),
magnesium oxide, L-ascorbic acid, maize starch, ferrous fumarate, anti-caking agents (stearic acid,
silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate), nicotinamide, D-alpha tocopherol acid succinate, glazing agents
(hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, glycerol), zinc oxide, beta-carotene, copper gluconate, calcium
D-pantothenate, manganese sulphate, cholecalciferol, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine
mononitrate, pteroylmonoglutamic acid, potassium iodide, chromium (III) chloride hexahydrate,
sodium selenite, ammonium molybdate, D-biotin, cyanocobalamine.
Omega 3: Fish oil (72%), capsule shell (gelling agent: fish gelatine, humectant: glycerol).
*NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue
50 mg
12 mg (15%*)
3 mg
1.8 mg (15%*)
Astaxanthin &
Bilberry Extract
Amount per 1 capsule (728 mg)
Omega 3
Amount per 2 capsules (1386 mg)
Q. Can I take the WellnessPack daily?
A.The WellnessPack is specifically formulated to provide valuable nutrients for
men and women, respectively. It provides up to 100% of the EU NRV (nutrient
reference value) of essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and antioxidants.The
WellnessPack provides daily necessary nutrients when consumed continuously, so
there is no benefit from stopping and starting. It is safe to take as recommended;
one sachet a day together with a meal for better uptake.
Q. Can I take the WellnessPack if I have a disease and take medication?
A. The WellnessPack is not a medicinal product and is not intended to treat,
alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any specific medical
concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Q. Can I take the WellnessPack if I have a food intolerance/allergy?
A. Both the Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract capsule and the Omega 3 capsule is
made of fish gelatine, and the Omega 3 comes from fish oil. If you are allergic to
fish or any other ingredient, you should avoid using the product. Please consult
your doctor to discuss usage.
Q. Can I take the WellnessPack if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
A. Most women are recommended food supplements; especially folic acid, iron,
omega 3, and calcium when pregnant or breastfeeding. If you plan for pregnancy,
are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Multivitamin & Mineral
- Man and Woman
The Multivitamin & Mineral is specifically formulated to provide valuable
nutrients daily for men and women, respectively. It helps bridge the gap of any
micronutrient shortfalls in the diet*.A simple and safe way to support the
nutritional needs of men and women. It provides 12 essential vitamins and 10
essential minerals that helps bridge the gap of any micronutrient shortfalls in
the diet*. It helps to support metabolism, energy levels, immunity, cognitive and
mental performance, skin health and overall wellbeing.
*Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a balanced and varied diet.
1 tablet per day with a meal
tablets per
Click here to order Multivitamins
•	 High in vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7,
B12 and folic acid
•	 High in minerals iron, zinc, copper, manganese,
selenium, iodine, chromium and molybdenum
•	 Source of minerals calcium and magnesium
•	 Non-GMO
•	 No artificial colourants, preservatives or
•	 Halal Compliant Formula
•	 Gluten Free
•	 No added sugar
*European Food Safety Authority
Formulated for the individual needs of men and
Up to 100% of EU NRV (Nutrient ReferenceValue).
A broad spectrum of essential nutrients adapted for
the needs of men and women to support metabolism,
energy levels, immunity, skin health and overall
Man: calcium carbonate, bulking agent (microclystalline cellulose), magnesium oxide, L-ascorbic acid,
maize starch, anti-caking agents (stearic acid, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate), ferrous fumarate,
nicotinamide, D-alpha tocopherol acid succinate, zinc oxide, glazing agents (hydroxypropylmethyl
cellulose, glycerol), beta-carotene, copper gluconate, calcium D-pantothenate, manganese sulphate,
cholecalciferol, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine mononitrate, pteroylmonoglutamic
acid, potassium iodide, chromium (III) chloride hexahydrate, sodium selenite, ammonium molybdate,
D-biotin, cyanocobalamine.
Woman: calcium carbonate, bulking agent (microclystalline cellulose), magnesium oxide, L-ascorbic
acid, maize starch, ferrous fumarate, anti-caking agents (stearic acid, silicon dioxide, magnesium
stearate), nicotinamide, D-alpha tocopherol acid succinate, glazing agents (hydroxypropylmethyl
cellulose, glycerol), zinc oxide, beta-carotene, copper gluconate, calcium D-pantothenate,
manganese sulphate, cholecalciferol, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine mononitrate,
pteroylmonoglutamic acid, potassium iodide, chromium (III) chloride hexahydrate, sodium selenite,
ammonium molybdate, D-biotin, cyanocobalamine.
800 mcg (100%*) 700 mcg (87.5%*)
5 mcg (100%*) 5 mcg (100%*)
12 mg (100%*) 12 mg (100%*)
80 mg (100%*) 80 mg (100%*)
1.1 mg (100%*) 1.1 mg (100%*)
1.4 mg (100%*) 1.4 mg (100%*)
16 mg (100%*) 16 mg (100%*)
1.4 mg (100%*) 1.4 mg (100%*)
200 mcg (100%*) 200 mcg (100%*)
2.5 mcg (100%*) 2.5 mcg (100%*)
50 mcg (100%*) 50 mcg (100%*)
6 mg (100%) 6 mg (100%)
150 mg (19%*) 175 mg (22%*)
100 mg (27%*) 75 mg (20%*)
7 mg (50%*) 14 mg (100%*)
7mg (50%*) 14mg (100%*)
1000 mcg (100%*) 1000 mcg (100%*)
2 mg (100%*) 2 mg (100%*)
55 mcg (100%*) 40 mcg (73%*)
40 mcg (100%*) 30 mcg (75%*)
50 mcg (100%*) 50 mcg (100%*)
150 mcg (100%*) 150 mcg (100%*)
*NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue
mcg = microgram = µg
Amount per 1 tablet (1060 mg)
Multivitamin & Mineral
Multivitamin & Mineral
Q. Can I take the Multivitamin & Mineral daily?
A. The Multivitamin & Mineral is specifically formulated to provide valuable micronu-
trients for men and women, respectively. It provides up to 100% of the EU NRV of
essential vitamins and minerals.The Multivitamin & Mineral provides daily necessary
nutrients when taken continuously, so there is no benefit from stopping and start-
ing. It is safe to take as recommended; one tablet per day together with a meal for
better uptake. Swallow with water or a cold drink; avoid hot tea or coffee for better
Q. Can I take the Multivitamin & Mineral if I have a disease and take medication?
A. The Multivitamin & Mineral is not a medicinal product and is not intended to treat,
alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any specific medical con-
cerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Q. Can I take the Multivitamin & Mineral if I have a food intolerance/allergy?
A. Please review the ingredient list. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you
should avoid using the product. Please consult your doctor to discuss usage.The
Multivitamin & Mineral is free from gluten and suitable for vegetarians.
Q. Can I take the Multivitamin & Mineral if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
A. Most women are recommended food supplements, especially folic acid, iron, and
calcium when pregnant or breastfeeding. If you plan for pregnancy, are pregnant or
breastfeeding, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Omega 3
The Omega 3 ensures a convenient daily intake of the important omega 3 fatty
acids. It provides fish oil sourced from sustainable fish stocks rich in the essential
long-chain fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid
(DHA)*. EPA and DHA are vital parts of all cell membranes in the body, including
the skin, and have important roles in a lot of organs and tissues, including
maintenance of the normal function of the heart**, brain*** and eye***. Regular
intake of omega 3 helps to support overall health and wellbeing.
2 capsules per day with a meal
*Food supplements should not be used to substitute for a balanced and varied diet.
**The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of EPA and DHA.
***The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA.
capsules per
Click here to order Omega 3
Supplies the fatty acids EPA and DHA that may be
missing from the diet.
All fish gelatine
No beef or pork gelatine
Removes any possible contaminants and ensures a
high quality, clean product.
Certified by the association Friend of the Sea.
Omega 3
Amount per 2 capsules (1386 mg)
*European Food Safety Authority
• High in omega 3 fatty acids
• Non-GMO
• No artificial colourants,
preservatives or flavours
• Halal Compliant Formula
• Gluten Free
• No added sugar
• With natural origin ingredients
• Friend of the Sea certified
Fish oil (72%), capsule shell (gelling agent: fish gelatine, humectant: glycerol).
Q. How much omega 3 should I consume?
A. By continuously eating a balanced and varied diet that every week includes
fish and vegetable oils, you would obtain the recommended amount of not only
omega 3, but also other important nutrients.The World Health Organization
(WHO) recommends consuming fatty fish, such as salmon, herring or mackerel,
at least 2 times per week to obtain adequate levels of DHA and EPA.And the
Nordic Nutrition Recommendations highlight the importance of consuming a
variety of both lean and fatty fish at least 2-3 times per week. Nevertheless, the
global intake of EPA and DHA are generally quite low and low levels of omega
3 are linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic inflammation and cognitive
impairment.To ensure you get the full health benefits, you can top up your daily
diet with an effective omega 3 supplement.
Q.Where does the omega 3 come from?
A. The Omega 3 fish oil is a natural triglyceride oil produced from whole wild-
caught small fish from a mix of species, such as anchovies, mackerel, sardines and
herring, that are naturally rich in the omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.The fish
are sustainably harvested in compliance to Friend of the Sea criteria for products
from Sustainable Fisheries that conform to European Regulations. Sustainable
fisheries mean that the fishing stocks are under strict governmental control to
ensure sustainability and therefore the fish are caught in different oceans, Pacific
Ocean or Atlantic Ocean, depending on the current situation.The fish oil under-
goes a 5-step refinement process that includes: neutralisation, bleaching, winteri-
sation, deodorisation and standardisation to ensure high quality.
Q.Why does the Omega 3 capsule consist of fish oil and not vegetable oil?
A. The important essential polyunsaturated omega 3 fatty acids can be found
in both fish and vegetable oils. However, fish oil from fatty fish, such as salmon,
mackerel, herring, sardines (also certain algae and krill), contains the long-chain
fatty acids EPA and DHA.Whereas vegetable oil from plants, such as rapeseed,
flaxseed, walnuts and soy, contains the medium-chain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA),
which is converted to EPA and DHA in the body. However, the conversion rate
of ALA to DHA and EPA occurs with lower efficiency than when consuming EPA
and DHA directly.Therefore, we chose fish oil over vegetable oil in our supple-
Q. Can I take the Omega 3 if I have a disease and take medication?
A. The Omega 3 is not a medicinal product and is not intended to treat, alleviate
or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any specific medical concerns,
please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Q. Can I take the Omega 3 if I have a food intolerance/allergy?
A. Please review the ingredient list.The Omega 3 oil comes from fish and the
capsule is made of fish gelatine. If you are allergic to fish or any other ingredient,
you should avoid using the product. Please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Q. Can I take the Omega 3 if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
A. The mother’s intake of DHA contributes to the normal brain and eye devel-
opment of the foetus and breastfed infants.The public health recommendation is
for pregnant women to consume omega 3 rich fatty fish at least once a week to
ensure proper development of the foetus. If you plan for pregnancy, are pregnant
or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
The Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract provides a convenient daily intake of a
combination of antioxidants that includes nature’s most powerful antioxidant
astaxanthin from microalgae (Haematococcus pluvialis L.) and extract from
bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.). In addition, it contains vitamin C and vitamin E
that contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress*.The combination
helps combat oxidative damage and support overall wellbeing.
Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract
per jar
• 1-2 capsules per day with a meal.
*Food supplements should not be used to substitute for a balanced and varied diet.
Contains several different types of antioxidants, among
them anthocyanins.
Water-soluble antioxidant that contributes to the
protection of cells from oxidative stress.
Naturally cultivated.
Unique molecular structure allowing it to span the
entire cell membrane, providing antioxidant protection
from the inside-out.
Fat-soluble antioxidant that contributes to the
protection of cells from oxidative stress.
All fish gelatine
No beef or pork gelatine
Sunflower oil, capsule shell (gelling agent: fish gelatine, humectant: glycerol), astaxanthin
(Haematococcus pluvialis L. (5%), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin), D-alpha-tocopherol, L-ascorbyl
6-palmitate), bilberry extract 4:1 (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), thickener (beeswax), L-ascorbic acid
(vitamin C), emulsifier (soy lecithin), D-alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E).
• Source of vitamin C
• Source of vitamin E
• Non-GMO
• No artificial colourants,
preservatives or flavours
• Halal Compliant Formula
• Gluten Free
• No added sugar
*European Food Safety Authority
*NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue
50mg 100mg
12mg (15%*) 24mg (30%*)
3mg 6mg
1.8mg (15%*) 3.6mg (30%*)
Amount per 1 capsule
(728 mg)
Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract
Amount per 2 capsules
(1456 mg)
Q. How many Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract capsules can I take in a day?
A. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has recently published a scientific
communication on astaxanthin and concluded that 8 mg of natural astaxanthin is safe
to consume daily. Recommended daily intake of the Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract
is therefore 1-2 capsules (3-6 mg astaxanthin) taken together with a meal for better
Q.What are oxidative stress and antioxidants?
A. Oxidative stress is a term used to describe the cell and tissue damage that is
caused by excessive exposure to harmful free radicals. Free radicals are generated in
excess by many different factors such as unhealthy diets low in fruits and vegetables,
alcohol consumption, tobacco smoke, UV exposure and air pollutants. Oxidative
damage can occur in every organ and tissue and plays a crucial role in everything
from skin ageing, muscle damage, heart disease to chronic inflammation. Our
bodies have mechanisms to keep oxidative damage in check and a big portion of
this defence comes from dietary factors known as antioxidants.Antioxidants have
been shown to protect cells from oxidative stress by neutralising the free radicals.
Many different nutrients act as antioxidants, such as carotenoids, vitamins, minerals
and bioactive compounds, that are naturally found in berries, fruits, vegetables,
wholegrains, nuts and seeds.
Q.What are the specific ingredients?
Astaxanthin is one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants. It is a naturally occurring
carotenoid most abundantly found in the freshwater microalgae Haematococcus
pluvialis commonly found in the Swedish archipelago.The microalgae is green during
Q. Can I take the Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract if I am pregnant or
A. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult a doctor before
using food supplements in general and this also applies to the Astaxanthin &
Bilberry Extract. No research studies have been conducted on the effects of
astaxanthin in pregnant or breastfeeding women. If you plan for pregnancy, are
pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
normal circumstances, but when exposed to environmental stressors it produces
astaxanthin for protection which turns it red. Many vibrantly red coloured animals
such as lobsters, salmon and flamingos have the microalgae as the staple food.
Natural astaxanthin is transported to all tissues of the body and its unique
molecular structure allows it to span the entire cell membrane thereby providing
antioxidant protection from the inside-out. In comparison, vitamin C protects only
on the outside and vitamin E protects only on the inside of the cell membrane.
The benefits of natural astaxanthin on the skin, immune system, heart, eyes,
muscle and joints have been studied in +60 human clinical trials.
Bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), or European blueberries, are small blue berries
that grow wild on shrubs that thrive in cool climates.They are very common
to Sweden; about 17% of Sweden’s surface is covered with bilberry shrubs.
Bilberry is often confused with American blueberry due to its similar appearance.
However, bilberries are smaller in size, darker in colour, softer in texture and have
a sweet taste that is slightly tart and acidic. Compared to blueberries, bilberries
have more anthocyanins, a type of flavonoids (polyphenols) with antioxidant
properties.The anthocyanins give the bilberry its dark blue colour. Bilberries have
been part of the Nordic cuisine for centuries and are preferably eaten fresh but
are often served prepared as jam, juice and cold or hot soup.
Vitamin C and E
The water-soluble vitamin C and the fat-soluble vitamin E are both vitamins with
antioxidant properties that contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative
stress. In addition, vitamin C contributes to the normal functioning of the immune
and nervous systems, as well as to the regeneration of the reduced form of
vitamin E.The regeneration is a beneficial physiological effect since this helps
restore the antioxidant properties of vitamin E.
Q. Can I take the Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract if I have a disease and take
A. The Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract is not a medicinal product and is not
intended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any
specific medical concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Q. Can I take the Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract if I have a food intolerance/
A. Please review the ingredient list.The Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract capsule is
made of fish gelatine instead of bovine or porcine gelatine. If you are allergic to
fish or any other ingredient, you should avoid using the product. Please consult
your doctor to discuss usage. It is free from gluten.
Natural Balance Soup
The Natural Balance Soup is an easy, tasty and convenient snack that is high in
protein coming from the three plant protein sources pea, soy and potato, but is
also a source of dietary fibre. It is easy to mix with hot water to create rich and
tasty soups and comes in two different flavours: tomato & basil and asparagus.
• Use as a healthy snack.
• 1-2 servings per day.
• Mix one scoop (20 g) of the Natural Balance Soup powder
with 150-200 ml hot (boiling) water and stir until smooth.
Alternatively, mix the powder with cold water in a pan and
bring to the boil on the stove.
servings per
*Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a balanced and varied diet.
*European Food Safety Authority
• High in protein
• Source of fibre
• Non-GMO
• No artificial colourants, preservatives
or flavours
• Gluten Free
• With natural origin ingredients
•Vegan (certified by theVegan Society)
Asparagus: Pea protein (Pisum sativum L.; 18.2%), soy protein (18.0%), maltodextrin, maize starch,
fructose, salt, flavour, non-dairy cream powder, spinach powder, asparagus tips (2.9%), potato protein
(Solanum tuberosum L.; 2.5%), inulin (from chicory root; 1.7%), rapeseed oil (1.4%), onion powder.
Tomato & Basil: Pea protein (Pisum sativum L.; 18.1%), soy protein (17.9%), tomato powder (17.9%),
fructose, maize starch, salt, flavour, potato protein (Solanum tuberosum L.; 2.5%), inulin (from chicory
root; 1.7%), rapeseed oil (1.4%), basil (0.4%), acid (citric acid), paprika extract (Capsicum annum L.),
sunflower oil, black pepper (piper nigrum L.).
69 kcal 76 kcal
7.3 g 7.1 g
7.6 g
4.6 g
8.8 g
2.8 g
0.7 g 0.6 g
0.9 g
0.2 g
1.3 g
0.4 g
1.36 g 1.45 g
Amount per serving (20 g)
Tomato & Basil
Amount per serving (20 g)
of which sugars
of which saturated fat
Certified by theVegan Society.
Providing 7.1-7.3 g of protein per serving, including all
9 essential amino acids, from pea, potato, soy.
Tomato & Basil
•Tomato powder
• Chicory root (inulin)
• Spinach powder
• Asparagus tips
• Chicory root (inulin)
Tomato & Basil – with tomato powder and dried basil
Asparagus – with spinach powder and asparagus tips
Natural Balance Soup
Q. How many servings of the Natural Balance Soup can I consume in a day?
A. Due to the salt content of the Natural Balance Soups (1 serving ≈ 1.4-1.5 g and
2 servings ≈ 2.8-3.0 g), we do not recommend consuming more than 2 servings per
day.The recommendation from the World Health Organization (WHO) is for adults
to consume less than 5 g of salt per day.
Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Soup as a meal replacement?
A. The Natural Balance Soup is not formulated nor intended as a meal replacement.
It is an easy, tasty and convenient snack that gives you high-quality protein.The Nat-
ural Balance Soup should not be promoted as a weight management solution as it
does not meet the strict energy and nutritional composition criteria to be classified
as a meal replacement.
Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Soup if I have a disease and take medication?
A. The Natural Balance Soup is regarded as food. It is not a medicinal product and
is not intended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any
specific medical concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Soup if I have high blood pressure?
A. The Natural Balance Soup contains per serving 1.36-1.45 g salt (544-580 mg of
sodium), depending on flavour. If you are on a salt restricted diet, determine if the
product fits in your daily allowance. If unsure, please consult your doctor to discuss
Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Soup if I have food intolerance/allergies?
A. Please review the ingredient list. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you
should avoid using the product.The Natural Balance Soup is free from gluten.
Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Soup if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
A. The Natural Balance Soup is regarded as food and is safe to consume if pregnant
Bulking agents (microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid), L-lysine hydrochloride, maltodextrin, apple
extract, L-cysteine hydrochloride, ascorbic acid, anti-caking agents (magnesium stearate, silicon
dioxide), ferrous fumarate, glazing agents (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, glycerol), zinc oxide,
sodium selenite.
*European Food Safety Authority
• Non-GMO
• No artificial colourants,
preservatives or flavours
• Gluten Free
• High in vitamin C
• High in iron
• Source of zinc
• Source of selenium
The Hair & Nail NutriComplex provides a combination of different nutrients
that are beneficial for hair and nail health. It contains the amino acids L-Lysine
and L-Cysteine, flavonoid rich apple extract, the antioxidant vitamin C, and the
mineral iron. In addition, it also contains the minerals selenium and zinc that
contribute to the maintenance of normal hair and nails*.
*Food supplements should not be used to substitute for a balanced and varied diet.
Hair & Nail NutriComplex
tablets per
• 2 tablets per day with a meal; consume for at least 3 months.
Building blocks of the protein keratin, the main
component of hair and nails.
Source of procyanidin B2, a type of flavonoid with
antioxidant properties.
Contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative
Increases iron absorption.
Contributes to normal oxygen transport in the body,
which is essential for healthy hair and nails.
Contribute to the maintenance of normal hair and
although the levels of vitamin C and iron are relatively high and may cause stomach
discomfort in some people. If experiencing discomfort, consume the products at
different times of the day.
We do not recommend combining the Hair & Nail NutriComplex with the
Meal Replacement for Weight Control – neither during weight loss nor weight
maintenance since the micronutrient levels are exceeded.
Q. Can I take the Hair & Nail NutriComplex if I have a disease and take
A. The Hair & Nail NutriComplex is not a medicinal product and is not intended to
treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any specific medical
concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Q. Can I take the Hair & Nail NutriComplex if I have a food intolerance/allergy?
A. Please review the ingredient list. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you
should avoid using the product. Please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Q. Can I take the Hair & Nail NutriComplex if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
A. Due to fluctuating oestrogen levels, women often experience thicker and shinier
hair during pregnancy compared to after when they often see increased hair loss for
a while but most often this is nothing to worry about. If you plan for pregnancy, are
pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Q.When can I expect to see results from the Hair & Nail NutriComplex?
A. The Hair & Nail NutriComplex is designed to specifically target hair and nail prob-
lems. Healthy hair grows by approx. 10 mm per month and nails by 3 mm per month,
but it also grows in stages, so you would need a little patience. Hair and nail problems
can occur due to numerous reasons, such as genetics (most common), hormones,
stress or inadequate nutrition, and therefore require a multi-factor approach where
consuming a balanced and varied diet, destressing and sleeping well are important
Q. Is it safe to take the Hair & Nail NutriComplex continuously without a break?
A. It is safe to consume the Hair & Nail NutriComplex continuously without a break.
Q.Will the Hair & Nail NutriComplex help me if I am a balding man?
A. The Hair & Nail NutriComplex will not grow your hair back, but it can contribute
to the maintenance of your existing hair.
Q.Will the Hair & Nail NutriComplex stimulate hair growth elsewhere on my
A. No, only hormone treatment can have that effect.
Q. Can I combine the Hair & Nail NutriComplex with the other Wellness
A. It is safe to combine the Hair & Nail NutriComplex with the WellnessPack,
30mg (38%*)
7mg (50%*)
8.25mcg (15%*)
1.5mg (15%*)
Hair & Nail NutriComplex
Amount per 2 tablets (1400 mg)
*NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue
mcg = microgram = µg
servings per
•	 High in omega 3 fatty acids
•	 High in vitamin E
•	 Non-GMO
•	 No artificial colourants,
preservatives or flavours
•	 Gluten Free
•	 No added sugar
•	 With natural origin ingredients
•	 Friend of the Sea certified
*European Food Safety Authority
WellnessKids Omega 3
The WellnessKids Omega 3 ensures a convenient daily intake of the important
omega 3 fatty acids. It is a lemon flavoured liquid fish oil of high purity and quality
sourced from sustainable fish stocks rich in the essential long-chain fatty acids
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)*. EPA and DHA
are vital parts of all cell membranes in the body and have important roles in a lot
of organs and tissues. In addition, the fish oil also has added vitamin E.
*Food supplements should not be used to substitute for a balanced and varied diet.
• From age 3: 1 teaspoon (5 ml) per day with a meal; consume directly
or add to foods.
Supplies the fatty acids EPA and DHA that may be
missing from the diet.
Easy to swallow.
Natural lemon flavour.
Removes any possible contaminants and ensures a
high quality, clean product.
Certified by the association Friend of the Sea.
An antioxidant.
Fish oil (99%), lemon oil, vitamin E (DL-alpha-tocopherylacetate), antioxidant (natural mixed
tocopherols), sunflower oil.
What can I do if my child does not like the taste of the WellnessKids Omega 3 fish
A. It can take up to three weeks before a child accepts the texture and taste of fish oil.
From the very beginning, include it as a part of your child’s daily meal, e.g. on bread or in
porridge, and make it an exciting occasion.
Where does the omega 3 come from?
A. The WellnessKids Omega 3 fish oil is a natural triglyceride oil produced from
whole wild-caught small fish from a mix of species, such as anchovies, mackerel,
sardines and herring, that are naturally rich in the omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.
The fish are sustainably harvested in compliance to Friend of the Sea criteria for
products from Sustainable Fisheries that conform to European Regulations. Sustain-
able fisheries mean that the fishing stocks are under strict governmental control
to ensure sustainability and therefore the fish are caught in different oceans, Pacific
Ocean or Atlantic Ocean, depending on the current situation.The fish oil undergoes
a 5-step refinement process that includes: neutralisation, bleaching, winterisation,
deodorisation and standardisation to ensure high quality.
Can I give the WellnessKids Omega 3 if my child has a disease and takes medica-
A. The WellnessKids Omega 3 is not a medicinal product and is not intended to
treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If your child has any specific medi-
cal concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Can I give the WellnessKids Omega 3 if my child has an allergy/intolerance?
A. Please review the ingredient list.The Omega 3 oil comes from fish and the capsule
is made of fish gelatine. If your child is allergic to fish or any other ingredient, he/she
should avoid using the product. Please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
WellnessKids Omega 3
Amount per 1 tsp (5 ml)
of which Omega 3 fat 1.4 g
of which polyunsaturated
2.3 g
VITAMIN E 5.5 mg (46%*)
of which DHA 500 mg
of which EPA 700 mg
*NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue
of which
saturated fat
1.2 g
of which
monounsaturated fat
1.1 g
FAT 4.6 g
*European Food Safety Authority
•	 High in vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6,
B12 and folic acid.
•	 High in minerals zinc, iodine, chromium and
•	 Source of vitamins K and B7, and minerals
iron, calcium, magnesium and selenium.
•	 Non-GMO
•	 No artificial colourants, preservatives or
•	 Gluten Free
• Ages 3-9: 1 tablet per day with a meal.
• Ages 10-14: 2 tablets per day with a meal
WellnessKids Multivitamins
and Minerals
The WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals is specifically formulated to provide
valuable nutrients for growing children. It is a chewable orange flavoured tablet
that provides up to 100% of the EU NRV (nutrient reference value) of 13
vitamins and 8 minerals to support the micronutrient needs of children and help
bridge the gap of any micronutrient shortfalls in the diet*.
*Food supplements should not be used to substitute for a balanced and varied diet.
tablets per box
Bulking agents (isomalt, steraric acid veg.), calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, sweeteners (xylitol,
sodium saccharin), natural flavours, ascorbic acid, nicotinamide, ferrous fumarate, zinc citrate,
anti-caking agents (magnesium stearate veg., silicon dioxide), acidity regulator (citric acid), D-alpha
tocopheryl hydrogen succinate, retinyl acetate, calcium d-pantothenate, thiamine mononitrate,
pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, cholecalciferol, phytomenadione, pteroylmonoglutamic
acid, potassium iodide, chromium (III) chloride, ammonium molybdate, sodium selenite, biotin,
Formulated according to the World Health
Organisation’s (WHO) micronutrient
recommendations for children aged 3-14 years old.
Easy for children to take
Natural Orange flavour
300mcg (38%*) 600mcg (76%*)
2.5mcg (50%*) 5 mcg (100%*)
0.5mg (45%*) 1mg (90%*)
0.5mg (36%*) 1.0 mg (72%*)
0.5mg (36%*) 1.0 mg (72%*)
0.9mcg (36%*) 1.8mcg (72%*)
30mg (38%*) 60mg (76%*)
5mg (42%*) 10mg (84%*)
6mg (38%*) 12mg (76%*)
20 mcg (27%) 40 mcg (54%)
2 mg (33%) 4 mg (55%)
100 mcg (50%*) 200mcg (100%*)
8 mcg (16%*) 16 mcg (32%*)
120 mg (15%*) 240 mg (30%*)
75 mcg (50%*) 150 mcg (100%*)
15 mcg (38%*) 30 mcg (76%*)
60mg (16%*) 120mg (32%*)
3 mcg (21%*) 6 mg (42%*)
20 mcg (40%*) 40 mcg (80%*)
13 mcg (24%*) 26 mcg (48%*)
4 mg (40%*) 8 mg (80%*)
Age 3-9 years
Amount per 1 tablet
(1060 mg)
WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals
Age 10-14 years
Amount per 2 tablets
(2120 mg)
*NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue mcg = microgram = µg
Q. Can I give the WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals to my child daily?
A. Childhood is a rapid stage of growth and children have high nutritional
requirements relative to their body size. Depending on their age, specific nutritional
requirements are required to support optimal growth and cognitive development.
WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals contains the daily recommended amounts
of micronutrients for children established by the WHO.The levels are well below
the upper tolerable limits and all the nutrients are at safe daily levels when taken as
Q. Can I give the WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals if my child takes other
vitamin(s) and/or mineral(s)?
A. It is not a good idea to use several food supplements that contain the same
micronutrients as this poses a risk for over-dosing certain vitamins and minerals.
Q. Can I give the WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals if my child has a disease
and takes medication?
A. The WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals is not a medicinal product and is not
intended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If your child has any
specific medical concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Q. Can I give the WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals if my child has a food
intolerance/ allergy?
A. Please review the ingredient list. If your child is allergic to any of the ingredients,
he/she should avoid using the product. Please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Marine Calcium &Vitamin D
Marine Calcium &Vitamin D ensures a convenient daily intake of the two
important nutrients calcium and vitamin D that help support bone mineral
density and healthy teeth*. It is a chewable supplement that contains the unique
sustainably sourced marine derived multi-mineral complex called AquaminTG™
that offers highly bioavailable calcium and +70 trace minerals.The addition of
vitamin D further helps enhance the absorption of calcium.Adequate intake of
calcium and vitamin D help build and maintain strong and healthy bones.
*Food supplements should not be used to substitute for a balanced and varied diet.
•1-2 tablets per day with a meal; consume at different times of the
day for better absorption.
tablets per
Calcium and vitamin D are essential to help support
building maximum bone mineral density and keeping
bones strong and healthy.They work together to help
protect the bones; calcium helps build bones and
vitamin D helps absorb calcium.
100% of highly bioavailable calcium from Aquamin
, a unique natural multi-mineral complex with
+70 trace minerals.AquaminTG™
is sustainably
harvested from red algae found in the pristine
Icelandic waters.
Vitamin D has been clinically proven to enable optimal
absorbtion, utilisation and concentration of calcium.
250 mg (31%*) 500 mg (62%*)
5 mcg (100%*) 10 mcg (200%*)
Amount per 1 tablet (1500 mg)
Marine Calcium & Vitamin D
Amount per 2 tablets (3000 mg)
*NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue
mcg = microgram = µg
•	 High in calcium
•	 High in vitamin D
•	 Non-GMO
•	 No artificial colourants, preservatives
or flavours
•	 Gluten Free
*European Food Safety Authority
Q.What is Aquamin TG™
A. AquaminTG™
is a unique natural marine-based multi-mineral complex high in
calcium. It is sustainably sourced from red algae (Lithothamnion sp.) found only in
certain aquatic locations such as the pristine Icelandic waters.AquaminTG™
has been
scientifically studied and shown enhanced bioavailability compared to other calcium
supplements, such as calcium carbonate from limestone.Although the calcium is
in the carbonate form, the honeycomb porous structure of AquaminTG™
and the
presence of +70 naturally occurring trace minerals results in enhanced calcium
bioavailability. Numerous studies have also shown that the trace minerals work in
sync with calcium to provide superior benefits to bone health (such as bone mineral
density) than calcium alone.AquaminTG™
is backed by 33 peer reviewed scientific
publications supporting its benefits to human health.
Q.Why is calcium important?
A. Calcium is essential for bone growth and mineralisation of bone and teeth. It
also plays a regulatory role in several parts of the body such as muscles, enzymes,
blood and metabolism.Adequate intake of calcium is one of several factors that are
important for obtaining bone mass and attaining peak bone mass.The bones grow
continuously from birth to the end of teenage years, reaching maximum bone mass
in the mid-20s.Adults begin to experience gradual bone mineral loss after the age of
40, which is accelerated in women after menopause.
In many countries, people do not consume enough calcium rich foods. Since calcium
is so important for numerous bodily functions, such as enabling the blood to clot,
muscles to contract and the heart to beat, when not consuming enough, it is taken
from the bones that overtime become weaker. Insufficient intake of calcium may lead
to low bone mineral density, which may have implications for bone health later in life
(increased risk of osteoporosis).
Many studies have shown that calcium combined with vitamin D increases bone
mineral density and reduces fracture risk. In fact, calcium can’t be absorbed without
the presence of vitamin D.
Q. How do I know if I should take 1 or 2 tablets of the Marine Calcium &
Vitamin D?
A. The general recommendation for adults is to consume 3 servings per day
of calcium rich dairy products, such as milk, yoghurt and cheese, to reach the
recommended amount of calcium. Other foods that are rich in calcium are
wholegrains, legumes, nuts, seeds and dark leafy greens. If you don’t get the
recommended amount through your diet, or are allergic to dairy, you might want to
fill the gap with a supplement. Depending on how much calcium rich foods you eat,
we recommend taking 1-2 tablets of the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D. For example,
if you eat 2 servings of calcium rich foods, you can take 1 tablet, but if you only eat 1
serving, you can take 2 tablets.
Q. Do I have to chew the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D tablet?
A. The Marine Calcium &Vitamin D tablet is chewable since calcium supplements are
usually quite big in size. But if you prefer to swallow the tablet whole you can do so,
the benefits are still the same and there is no change in absorption if you chew or
swallow the tablet.
Q. Can I take the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D with the Multivitamin & Mineral
A. Yes, it is safe to take the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D together with the
Multivitamin & Mineral. Since the EFSA has recommended to increase the NRV for
vitamin D from 5 mcg/day to 15 mcg/day, it is no problem that you reach 10 mcg or
15 mcg of vitamin D taking one or two tablets of the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D
in combination with one Multivitamin & Mineral tablet.We recommend taking the
different supplements at different times of the day since calcium may inhibit iron,
zinc and magnesium uptake.Although calcium has been shown to inhibit uptake of
other minerals such as magnesium, the effects is only seen if not consuming enough
magnesium overall or taking very high amounts of calcium.This is not an issue if
you follow the recommended intake of the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D and the
Multivitamin & Mineral.
Q. Can I take the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D if I have a disease and take
A. The Marine Calcium &Vitamin D is not a medicinal product and is not intended to
treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. Furthermore, calcium supplements
can interact with prescription medicine. If you have any specific medical concerns,
please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Marine calcium carbonate (Lithothamnion calcareum), sweetener (xylitol), acidity regulator (citric
acid), anti-caking agents (stearic acid, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate), cholecalciferol (vitamin
Q. Can I take the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D if I have a food intolerance/allergy?
A. Please review the ingredient list. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you
should avoid using the product. Please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
Q. Can I take the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D if pregnant or breastfeeding?
A. Most women are recommended calcium supplements when pregnant or
breastfeeding. If you plan for pregnancy, are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult
your doctor to discuss usage.
A nutrient is a substance in food that the body needs in order to work
properly.There are several factors influencing the amount of nutrients
needed by the body, such as age, gender, genetics and lifestyle. Many nu-
trients are essential, which means that they are vital for survival and must
be provided through food and/or dietary supplements as they cannot be
produced by the body. No single food provides all the nutrients that the
body needs to function properly, so it is key to consume a varied balanced
diet with healthy nutrition every day. Nutrients are commonly divided into
macro- and micronutrients.
Macronutrients are needed in large quantities (in gram range) to maintain
body functions and carry out the activities of daily life. Macronutrients include
water, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.Water does not provide energy, often
measured in kilocalories (kcal, or simply “calories”), to the body but is the most
important substance for life since it provides a medium in which all the metabolic
processes take place. As such it is necessary for the absorption of the three other
macronutrients that fuel the body.The main sources of energy in the diet consist
of carbohydrates and fats, but proteins also contribute to the daily intake. In
addition, alcohol also supplies the body with energy and is technically considered
a macronutrient but is often not included since it is not essential for the body to
Protein Recommendation
The amount of protein a person needs depends on their age, activity level,
and overall health. Specific groups such as growing children, pregnant and
breastfeeding women, athletes, healthy agers and people losing weight have
Protein Function
Proteins are large molecules consisting of one or more chains of amino acids. In
total there are 20 amino acids, of which 9 are essential.When protein is broken
down in the digestive system, the amino acids are released and are to some
extent used as fuel, but most are used as building blocks in the body. Proteins
build up and repair different structures, such as skin, hair, muscles, organs and
connective tissues.They also perform, as enzymes, hormones and antibodies,
several fundamental functions in the body. Proteins are really needed from our
heads to our toes and make life possible. Because of their diverse functions,
proteins are important for growth and development especially during childhood,
adolescence, and pregnancy.
7 kcal/g
4 kcal/g
9 kcal/g
4 kcal/g
0 kcal/g
Energy (kcal)
Non-Digestible Carbohydrates
In contrast to the digestible carbohydrates, the non-digestible (resistant)
carbohydrates, often referred to as complex carbohydrates, are not broken
down by our body’s enzymes since they are resistant to digestion. Instead they
pass through the small intestine reaching the large intestine intact. Here they
are broken down and used as energy by the gut microbiota in a process called
fermentation. In the process a small amount of energy is obtained (2 kcal/g of
dietary fibre) and different compounds are produced that are very important for
gut health and the overall health of our bodies.
The non-digestible carbohydrates are divided into dietary fibre and resistant
Digestible Carbohydrates
Digestible carbohydrates, often referred to as simple carbohydrates, are easily
broken down (digested) into sugar molecules by our body’s enzymes.They are
absorbed and used as energy by the cells of the body. Glucose (blood sugar) is
the main sugar used by the body and is very important as an energy source, e.g.
the brain and the red blood cells can only use glucose for energy.The pancreas
produces the hormone insulin that facilitates the uptake of glucose into the cells.
Any unused glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles to be used at
a later stage. Some researchers previously believed that a high insulin release was
the cause of weight gain, but this has been debunked as it is too much energy
(calories) from any food source that causes weight gain.
Digestible carbohydrates are divided into sugars and starches and are found
naturally in plant foods such as fruits, berries, vegetables, legumes, wholegrains
and dairy. But they are also added as refined and processed sugars to different
foods such as candy, cakes and soft drinks. Intake of refined and processed sugars
should be limited since they provide a lot of energy but have little nutritional
value. Instead the majority of carbohydrate intake should come from whole foods
that not only provide energy but also vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that
are important to health.
Carbohydrate Function
Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy and essential fuel for the
brain and red blood cells. They are made up of different sugar molecules and,
based on their structure, divided into digestible or non-digestible (resistant)
Animal vs Plant Proteins
Protein rich foods are often divided into groups depending on the source of the
protein: animal or plant. Proteins from animal sources, such as meat, egg, fish and
milk, are called high-quality (complete) proteins as they contain all nine essential
amino acids at sufficient levels and are digested and absorbed easily. Most plant
proteins, such as legumes, wholegrains, nuts and vegetables, are considered
incomplete proteins because they lack or have lower levels of one or more of
the essential amino acids, as well as being not as easily digested and absorbed
as animal proteins. Nonetheless, people who eat a vegetarian diet can still get
all essential amino acids at sufficient levels by combining different plant-based
protein foods that give a complete amino acid profile in the diet, e.g. combining
legumes (beans) with wholegrains (oats).Variety is key, ensure to eat a selection
of plant-based foods throughout the day to ensure optimal intake of essential
amino acids
However, animal-based protein sources usually contain higher levels of saturated
fats than plant-based protein sources. High consumption of red meat and
processed meats, such as sausages, bacon and ham, has been linked to increased
risk of heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer. Health experts at several well-
known research institutes, such as the World Cancer Research Fund (The World
Cancer Research Fund, 2018), recommend a limited intake of red meat, and
avoidance of processed meats, with a maximum intake of 500 g per week, or 70 g
per day.To put it in context, 70 g is equivalent to one of the following: 1/3 of an 8
oz sirloin steak, 5 slices of ham, 5 tablespoons of cooked mince, or 1/2 of a large
burger patty. Better alternatives are plant-based protein sources, such as peas,
beans and lentils, that are not only high in protein and low in saturated fats, but
also rich in dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals. Besides their health benefits, plant
proteins are also preferable from a sustainability perspective since they are more
resource efficient; less water and energy are required to produce 1 kg of plant
increased needs for protein. A higher protein intake is recommended when on an
energy restricted weight loss diet since adequate protein intake makes you feel
full and prevents muscle loss, which is beneficial as maintaining muscle mass helps
sustain overall energy metabolism.
Dietary patterns show that protein intake is often skewed towards dinner,
whereas breakfast is typically rich in carbohydrates and low in protein. However,
having a more evenly spread protein intake throughout the day would be better
at keeping you feeling full and is also more effective in stimulating muscle protein
synthesis for those that are active (Mamerow et al., 2014) and helps retain muscle
mass as you age (Paddon-Jones & Rasmussen, 2009). A good rule of thumb is to
consume high quality protein (20-30 g) at the three main meals: breakfast, lunch
and dinner. Depending on your goals and activity, protein rich snacks may be
required in-between meals.
protein compared to 1 kg of animal protein.
Fat Function
Fat is the nutrient that contains the most concentrated form of energy and
serves as the main energy store in the body. Fat is important for proper function
of the body, such as the brain and nervous system. Moreover, it plays a vital role
in maintaining healthy skin and hair, insulating body organs, promoting healthy cell
function, and production of hormones.
Saturated vs Unsaturated Fats
Different types of fat consist of different fatty acids and are grouped based on
their chemical structure into saturated and unsaturated fats.
Saturated fats are solid or hard in room temperature.They are mainly found
in animal-based foods such as meat and dairy (e.g. milk and cheese), but also in
plant-based foods such as coconut oil.
In contrast, unsaturated fats are liquid or soft in room temperature. Unsaturated
fats can be divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, and they are
Fat Quality
It is important to choose good types (quality) of fat and having a good balance
between them. A diet high in saturated fats leads to an increased risk of
developing non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, whereas
unsaturated fats have been shown to have protective and beneficial effects on
There is one type of fat that should be avoided completely and that is partially
hydrogenated fatty acids, commonly referred to as trans fats.Trans fats are
industrially made from unsaturated plant oil but behave similarly to saturated
fat as they are hard in room temperature.Trans fats were/are commonly used
in snack foods such as cookies, and deep frying since they are more stable than
plant oils, give a longer shelf life and good texture like saturated fats.Trans fats
increase the risk of cardiovascular disease as they elevate the levels of bad
cholesterol and promote inflammation.
One group of unsaturated fatty acids that are important to health are the
omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.The omega 3 fatty acids, alpha linolenic
acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),
are considered essential. In the body a small amount of ALA is converted to
eicosapentaenoic acid EPA and DHA, which are the two fatty acids that have
been mostly studied for their health benefits. EPA and DHA are parts of all
membranes in the body, including the skin.They support functions of the heart,
starches, which are in turn often classified as insoluble and soluble. Sugar beet
fibre and resistant starch are insoluble and function as bulking material that are
important for keeping the digestive system well-functioning. Soluble dietary fibre,
such as beta-glucans from oats, bind water and trap nutrients thereby decreasing
the absorption rate of e.g. glucose that is beneficial for blood glucose response.
Prebiotic fibres are soluble dietary fibre that selectively stimulates the growth
and/or activity of favourable gut microbes. Inulin and fructo-oligosaccharides are
considered prebiotics since they have been found to selectively stimulate the
growth of good gut microbes with positive benefits to health. Inulin is present in
many plant foods, such as asparagus, onions and garlic.
Much like the digestible carbohydrates, the non-digestible carbohydrates are
found naturally in plant foods such as fruits, berries, vegetables, legumes and
wholegrains. Although they only provide a small amount of energy, they contain
many important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that
are important to our health, not to mention our gut health. Foods rich in non-
digestible carbohydrates should make up most of your carbohydrate intake, for
example chose wholegrain bread and brown rice over refined and processed
white bread and white rice that are low in dietary fibre and nutrients. It is
important to choose good types (quality) of carbohydrates, so make it a habit
of checking the wholegrain and dietary fibre content in foods.To increase the
consumption of fibre rich foods is one of the global public health goals, and you
should aim for 25-35 g per day.
brain, eye and nervous system.They are also beneficial for lowering blood
cholesterol and blood pressure that are risk factors for cardiovascular disease
(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2010).
Omega 3 fatty acids are found naturally in both plant and animal foods. ALA is
found mainly in plant oils from nuts (e.g. walnuts), seeds (e.g. flaxseed and chia)
and legumes (e.g. soybeans).Whereas EPA and DHA are found in animal foods,
such as fish (e.g. salmon, herring and trout), seafood and algae. Dietary guidelines
recommend consuming at least 2 portions of fatty fish per week. However,
if allergic or not liking fish, include omega 3 rich plant oils in your diet and/or
complement with an omega 3 supplement.
In contrast to the macronutrients, micronutrients are, with a few exceptions,
essential nutrients needed in small amounts (in micro- to milligram range).
They do not provide the body with energy but work together with the energy-
providing macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats to make sure that the
body functions properly and to prevent disease.
Micronutrients enable the body to produce enzymes, hormones, and other
substances essential for proper growth, development and maintenance of the
body. Although they are only needed in small amounts, they are vital for health
and wellbeing; getting too little of certain micronutrients over a long period of
time can result in deficiencies and increase the risk of diseases.
Micronutrients are usually referred to as vitamins and minerals.Vitamins build
bones and tissues, support immunity and participate in energy yielding metabolic
processes. Some diseases can develop because of lack of a vitamin, e.g. vitamin
C deficiency causes scurvy. Minerals are used to regulate a wide range of body
processes, from bone formation to blood clotting, and are important for the
body’s structure. Minerals are often divided into macro minerals and trace
minerals, depending on the amount needed.
Well-balanced and varied diets rich in fruits, berries and vegetables will supply
most vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Health experts recommend +5
portions of fruits and vegetables every day; one portion is about 100 g. A rule of
thumb is to choose a variety of fruits, berries and vegetables with different bright
colours, e.g. green apples, blue bilberries, red berries, green broccoli, orange
carrots and red beets, to obtain different types of vitamins and minerals. Nuts,
such as almonds, walnuts and cashews, and seeds, such as chia and sunflower, are
also rich in vitamins and minerals. Fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts and seeds are
also rich sources of gut friendly dietary fibre and antioxidants that protect against
cell damage.
Antioxidants are substances that can protect healthy cells from oxidative damage
caused by free radicals. Antioxidants protect healthy cells from oxidation by
neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are unstable, highly reactive molecules that
are created in our bodies and all around us by breathing, UV radiation, pollution,
smoking, etc. Free radicals steal electrons from other molecules in the body and
trigger a chain reaction. Examples of antioxidants are vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin
E, selenium, zinc, polyphenols (such as anthocyanins), and carotenoids (such as
Vitamin B
Function: There are 8 recognized B vitamins and together they enable metabolism,
cell division, nerve- and muscle function, and more. As they are water-soluble and
sensitive to processing, many people are slightly deficient in one or the other due
to the widespread consumption of processed and cooked foods in modern diets.
Sources: Vegetables, fruit, root vegetables, nuts, wholegrain products, eggs, meat
and fish.
Vitamin C
Function: An important antioxidant. It plays an essential part in the process of
collagen formation in connective tissue and thus strengthens skin, teeth, bones
and blood vessels.Vitamin C also helps the body to extract iron from food.
Sources: Fruit, berries, sprouts, vegetables and root vegetables.
Found in fruit, vegetables and whole grains.They are transported around the body in
water which means that they cannot be stored, and any excess is passed through
urine.You need to eat foods containing these vitamins every day.Water-soluble
vitamins can be destroyed by cooking and are in the outer shells of grains, so it is
important to eat raw and whole foods to get optimum levels.
Usually found in nuts, vegetable oils, green vegetables, fish and animal products and
can be stored in your liver.
Vitamin A
Function: Important for your skin, eyes and vision. It is also important for the
body’s immune system and contributes to healthy levels of growth.The plant
kingdom offers vitamin A in the shape of beta carotene. Our bodies convert as
much beta carotene to vitamin A as it needs.
Sources: Green leafy vegetables, carrots, dried apricots, dairy products, eggs and
Vitamin D
Function: Enables calcium absorption from food and is necessary for the
normal function of the immune system, a healthy inflammatory response, and
maintenance of normal muscle function. A lack of vitamin D can cause bone
diseases like osteomalacia and rickets.The most important source of vitamin D is
sunlight, and a 30-minute walk in the sun in the middle of the day is said to be as
beneficial as drinking 10 glasses of milk.
Sources: Oily fish, egg yolk and enriched foods.
Vitamin E
Function: An antioxidant that protects the body’s cells and other components
free radicals. It works hand in hand with vitamin C.
Sources: Nuts, almonds, beans, eggs, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils and
various cereals.
Vitamin K
Function: Important for blood coagulation and integrity of the skeleton.Vitamin K
is not only obtained from the food that we eat, but also produced by bacteria in
Function: A functional component of enzymes involved in the central nervous
system, energy production, connective tissue formation (collagen and elastin in
skin but also in heart, blood vessel and bone tissues), melanin formation and
Minerals are also divided up into two – macro and trace.This is
due to the amounts we need them in.
Minerals we need in relatively large amounts (milligrams to grams).
Function: A structural component of bones, teeth and soft tissues. Calcium
regulates muscle and nerve function, glandular secretions, blood vessel dilation-
and contraction, and is essential for proper blood clotting.
Sources: Green leafy vegetables (the cow’s source of calcium!), sesame seeds,
almonds, beans, fruit and dairy products.
Function: Involved in more than 300 essential metabolic reactions including energy
production, conduction of nerve impulses, muscle contraction, and normal heart
rhythm. Just like iron is responsible for the red colour of blood, magnesium is
responsible for making leaves green. Men need slightly more magnesium than
women, but marginal magnesium deficiency is present in most people as they do
not reach the recommended intakes. Long-term consequences are believed to be
diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Sources: All green leafy vegetables and nuts (especially cashews and almonds),
seeds, and whole grains.
Function: Essential component of the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3)
and thyroxine (T4), which regulate metabolism, growth and development, and
reproductive function. Iodine-deficiency disorders include hypothyroidism, goitre
and mental retardation. Selenium deficiency can exacerbate the effects of iodine
Sources: Sea weeds, iodized salt, sea food, beans, potatoes, dairy products and
Minerals we only need minute quantities (micrograms to milligrams).
Function: Needed for the immune system to work properly, wound healing,
breakdown of carbohydrates, vision, skin, hair and the senses of smell and taste.
Sources: Sesame-, sunflower- and pumpkin seeds, nuts, meat, lentils, peanuts,
mushrooms and green peas.
Function: Incorporated into our proteins to make important antioxidant enzymes
which help prevent cellular damage from free radicals. Selenium deficiency may
contribute to poor heart function, hypothyroidism, and a weakened immune
Sources: Cereals, nuts and seeds, mushrooms, legumes and fish.
Sources: Beans, nuts, seeds, grains and mushrooms.
Function: To potentiate the action of insulin and improve glucose tolerance.
Deficiency symptoms of chromium appear as signs of diabetes such as impaired
glucose tolerance, insulin resistance and neuropathy.
Sources: Whole-grain products, green peppers, apples, bananas and spinach.
Function: In all organisms, iron is incorporated into a biological structure
called” heme” - an essential component of proteins involved in detoxification
and oxygenation reactions. Examples include the oxygen-carrying proteins
haemoglobin and myoglobin found in red blood cells and muscle cells,
Sources: Inorganic iron can be found in lentils, beans, peas, green leafy vegetables,
and strawberries. Organic (heme) iron comes from the flesh and blood of
Function: Necessary for healthy bones and cartilage, wound healing, collagen
production, and healthy arteries. It is a constituent of enzymes that partake in the
metabolism of cholesterol, carbohydrates, amino acids, and neurotransmitters, and
that protect tissues and cell components from free radical damages.
Sources: Unrefined cereals, nuts, leafy vegetables and tea.
Function: An essential trace element and functions as a cofactor for several
enzymes (molybdoenzymes) that catalyse metabolic reactions, especially
those involving the breakdown of nucleotides (DNA and RNA). Molybdenum
deficiency symptoms include rapid heart and respiratory rates, headache and
becoming comatose.
Sources: Legumes such as beans, lentils, and peas.
Healthy Eating
You’ve probably heard the sayings “An apple a day keeps the doctor
away” and “You are what you eat”. For optimal health, the body should
be provided with good nutrition. Nutrition is the science that explains the
existence, uptake and metabolism of nutrients from food in the body,
and their connection to our health.A healthy diet contains all the essen-
tial nutrients and energy requirements that the body needs to perform
at its best.
Wellness by Oriflame encourage a balanced healthy lifestyle that
includes eating well, regular physical activity, sufficient sleep, stress man-
agement and social connections that promotes health and wellbeing to
both body and mind.
Energy Balance
The human body requires energy to function.The amount of energy needed
depends on the persons gender, age, body size and composition, health and
activity level. Energy is not only used when performing physical activity but also
when sedentary, e.g. when sitting or sleeping.
A balanced energy intake not only ensures the maintenance of a healthy body,
but also a healthy mind. If there is balance between energy need (total energy
expenditure) and energy input (dietary energy intake), body weight will remain
the same. If not in balance, an increase in energy (more food and/or less activity)
will result in weight gain, whereas a reduction in energy (less food and/or more
activity) will result in weight loss. It is quite a simple equation in theory, but in
reality, many factors such as our biology, appetite and behaviours, as well as the
environment, will influence how well the balance is kept (Hopkins & Blundell,
There is no food nor macronutrient that is innate fattening; it is the total energy
(calories) consumed and expended that decide if you will maintain, gain or lose
body weight. It is however easier to gain body weight when consuming highly
palatable foods, that is foods high in fat and/or sugar, which provide a lot of
calories but without filling you up, e.g. cakes, pastries and sugary drinks. And, it is
easier to maintain or lose weight when consuming nutritious foods that fill you
up while being low in calories, such as lean high-quality protein and dietary fibre
rich vegetables and wholegrains (Smethers & Rolls, 2018).When feeling content
and not ravishing with hunger, it is usually also easier to adhere to a weight loss
diet without feeling deprived. It is the adherence that is key here; the better you
adhere to a specific diet, the better success you will have at losing unwanted
body weight (Gibson & Sainsbury, 2017).
Plate Model
Using the plate model is an easy way of ensuring a good balance of both energy
and nutrients in a meal thereby ensuring sufficient amounts of vitamins and
minerals. By filling the plate with primarily vegetables, you will get plenty of
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fibre that makes you feel full without
unnecessary calories. Add some high-quality lean protein and wholegrains, and a
dab of plant oil, and you will have a healthy meal!
The Plate Model pictured below can be used as a guideline for the
recommended proportions between different food categories for those that
do not need as much energy, e.g. when trying to lose weight or being mainly
sedentary. However, it does not tell you how much food you need, which would
be influenced by the energy need and your appetite
• Fill 1/2 of the plate with vegetables and root vegetables, such as tomato,
broccoli, carrots or beets.
• Fill 1/4 of the plate with protein, such as fish, eggs, poultry, dairy or legumes.
• Fill 1/4 of the plate with
carbohydrates, such as potatoes,
pasta, bulgur, rice or
To eat according to the Plate
Model is not just good for your
health but also good for the
planet(Willet et al., 2019). Increasing
the consumption of vegetables and
plant proteins while decreasing the
amount of animal protein is more
resource efficient and good for the
environment. For extra benefit, try
to choose locally sourced and in
• Follow the Plate Model guidelines to compose healthy meals.
• Chose mainly whole foods over processed foods for more
nutritious meals.
• Choose water as your meal beverage instead of sugar sweetened
beverages, juices and alcohol.
• Choose fish, eggs, poultry, dairy or legumes rather than red meat
or processed meats.
• Choose wholegrains instead of refined grains (for example brown rice
over white rice).
• Choose plant oils and nut spreads rather than butter.
• Choose low fat dairy instead of high fat dairy (for example cooking
cream over whipping cream).
• Avoid foods high in refined sugar and/or saturated fat that are low in
nutrients.They can be a small part of an overall healthy diet, although
eaten occasionally.
• Eat regular meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 1-2 snacks depending on
your energy needs.
• Incorporate 20-30 g of high-quality protein in the three main meals:
breakfast, lunch and dinner
• Try to steam, boil or oven-bake your food, rather than deep-frying
or frying it.
• Be present and mindful when you eat; do not work, scroll social media or
watch television while eating.
• Eat slowly and chew properly; it takes approximately 20 minutes before
you start feeling full.
• Take a daily WellnessPack to support your intake of vitamins, minerals,
essential fatty acids and antioxidants.
• For a healthy snack, have a Natural Balance Shake or Natural Balance Bar
to support your intake of protein and dietary fibre.
Checklist for Healthy Eating
season produce.
The Plate Model is a practical example of the dietary advice given in the joint
Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012,
2014).The recommendations also form the basis of the healthy Nordic Diet that
we at Oriflame draw inspiration from when we develop out food supplements.
Wellness by Oriflame product guide 2021
Wellness by Oriflame product guide 2021
Wellness by Oriflame product guide 2021

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Wellness by Oriflame product guide 2021

  • 2. 3 2 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 The Swedish Feeling of Wellness Oriflame expertly formulates for your holistic beauty - healthy body, mind, and skin. Our formulation philosophy ensures that we design our supplements based on ingredients with integrity, that are stringently tested to be safe for you, and deliver proven performance. Oriflame has a holistic approach to wellness.We believe in the synergy of a healthy diet, physical activity, sleep, emotional wellbeing, including social connection and stress management as the foundation for physical and mental wellbeing. Our nutritionists and dietitians understand the body’s needs throughout life, from childhood through adulthood to healthy agers. Our core focus areas include: Daily Wellbeing,Weight Management and Sport & Fitness. ‘Beauty by Sweden’ is at our core and so we look to the Nordic Diet for inspiration in our formulations.The Nordic Diet is a way of eating that focuses on locally sourced, seasonal, whole foods in the Nordic countries including Sweden. Staple foods include berries and fruits, vegetables (cabbage and root vegetables), oily fish (herring, mackerel and salmon), lean fish, dairy, legumes (pea and faba bean), wholegrain cereals (barley, oats and rye), nuts and herbs. The use of rapeseed (canola) oil is encouraged in cooking and salads.The Nordic Diet has been linked with many health benefits (Renzella et al., 2018).
  • 3. 4 5 Many people are looking for shortcuts to a healthier lifestyle that are easy to implement into their daily lives.At Oriflame, we believe in a holistic approach to health, one that focuses on every single aspect of healthy living.We also believe that in order to have consistency in your life, you need routines. Routines that you can keep.With Oriflame Wellness routines, you can conveniently stick to the right kind of healthy lifestyle that suits your needs. Our Daily Wellness Routines Nutritional supplements provide vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to complete or enhance the nutritional content of the food we consume. Nutritional supplements are used for many purposes. • to help support over-all health and energy • to provide immune system support and reduce the risks of age-related conditions • to improve performance in athletics and mental activities • to assist in nutrient intake during times of reduced food intake • to assist with regularity Regular supplementation is the perfect solution to help bridge the gap of any nutrient shortfalls, based on our individual needs, and making sure we get everything we need for our bodies to function at its best. Supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet but instead as a complement to a varied diet to ensure healthy levels of nutrients.Wellness by Oriflame's products are based on the strictest EU safety standards. Our philosophy is that we don't believe in mega dosing, so we have up to 100% of the NRV (Nutrient ReferenceValue).That’s how we have a safe product that can be used long term, every day. The Benefits of Regular Supplementation
  • 4. MARLENE NORDLANDER BSc, MSc Senior Global Wellness Trainer in Global Sales Support - Wellness, Oriflame, Stockholm, Sweden. • Registered Dietician RD • BSc & MSc Human Nutrition & Dietetics from Uppsala University and Umeå University, Sweden • Certified workout instructor & massage therapist • Started working with nutrition & health trainings in 2009 • Expertise in sports nutrition 7 6 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 CAROLINE CUMMINS BSc, MSc Scientific Communications Manager - Wellness, Oriflame Research & Development, Dublin, Ireland. • Registered Nutritionist RNutr • MSc Nutrition from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland UK • BSc Food Science from University College Dublin, Ireland • Dip Digital Marketing from the Fitzwilliam Institute, Dublin, Ireland • Extensive industry experience in new product development, innovation, and nutrition communication • Expertise in nutrition research, sports nutrition, and functional foods ISABELLA LEE BSc, MSc, PhL Global Senior Nutritional Scientist in Global Product Marketing - Wellness, Oriflame, Stockholm, Sweden. • Nutritionist • BSc & MSc in Human Nutrition from Stockholm University and Karolinska Institute, Sweden • PhL in Food Science from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden • Author and co-author of five peer reviewed scientific research articles in the area of appetite and metabolism. • Conducted clinical trials evaluating the effects of wholegrain rye foods, dietary fibre and plant protein on appetite, hormones, metabolism and gut responses in healthy adults. • Experienced in sensory and consumer innovation research in the food and beverage category combining different disciplines such as quantitative, qualitative and neuroscience for in-depth insights. • Expertise in nutrition and appetite research Wellness by Oriflame’s Nutrition Council consists of our experienced nutritionists and dietitians that are highly competent experts within nutrition and health.With their combined knowledge they help us develop products and guide on nutritional topics. Wellness by Oriflame's Nutrition Council
  • 5. 9 8 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 Developed in Sweden, and Produced to Internationally Accepted Quality Standards GERMANY PRODUCTION IRELAND RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT UNITED KINGDOM PRODUCTION CHINA FILLING & PACKING FOR CHINA MARKET INDIA FILLING & PACKING FOR INDIA MARKET OUR CERTIFIED MANUFACTURING PLANTS ACROSS THE GLOBE. It is important to know that all Wellness by Oriflame products are developed and produced with the highest safety, quality and efficacy standards. Safety and efficacy must be backed up by recognised scientific data. SWEDEN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Standards and certifications that our products, manufacturers or suppliers bear:
  • 6. NON- GMO PRODUCT 11 10 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 All our products follow Wellness by Oriflame’s strict quality and safety standards, and are further certified by different organisations for fulfilling their specific criteria. GMP GMP is short for Good Manufacturing Practice and is a strict guideline that outlines the aspects of production and testing that can impact the quality of a product.The GMP quality is on a pharmaceutical level. HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control point) is a monitoring system for food production, storage, and distribution, and aims to identify and control associated health hazards. ISO/IFS/BRC CERTIFICATION To make sure that food supplements and foods are being produced in a safe environment,Wellness by Oriflame works with manufacturing plants which are either ISO (International Organization for Standardization), IFS (International Food Standard) or BRC (British Retail Consortium) certified. MANUFACTURERS Quality you can Trust Our fish oils are certified sustainable by FOS FRIEND OF THE SEA Our fish oils are certified sustainable by Friend of the Sea (FOS). FOS is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO), whose mission is the conservation of the marine habitat. It is now a leading international certification project for products originated from both sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. FOS leads fisheries which join the certification program to adopt selective fishing methods and reduce ecosystem impact within maximum sustainable yield.The certification also ensures high quality standards in terms of energy efficiency and social accountability. INGREDIENTS NON-GMO Our products are produced in compliance with the EU GMO (genetically modified organism) labelling regulations 1829/2003 and 1830/2003. PRODUCT CERTIFICATES THEVEGAN SOCIETY TRADEMARK The Natural Balance Soups, Prebiotic Fibre Drink and Meal Replacement for Weight Control are registered with the Vegan Society Trademark.Through The Vegan Society, we guarantee raw materials and final products are free of ingredients derived from animals.
  • 7. 13 12 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 The Story Behind Natural Balance Shake Wellness by Oriflame is a partner of Igelösa Life Science Community, a medical research centre in Lund, Sweden. Before he retired, Professor Stig Steen was a leading surgeon in the field of heart and lung transplantation. Professor Stig Steen and his team were focused on developing new clinical methods and innovations within organ transplantation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and lifestyle related disease prevention.A crucial component of their work is nutrition, and since Igelösa was founded in 1998, it has been placed in ever-greater focus. Igelösa is globally recognized as a hub of innovation and is regularly visited by research scientists and doctors from all over the world. Robert af Jochnick, founder of Oriflame, met Professor Stig Steen in 2006, through their common interests in science. It was in the product development kitchen at Igelösa that the development and testing of the first Natural Balance Shake formula initially took place, in an effort to find a way of improving his patients’ nutritional status.This amazing achievement brings to life a shared vision between Professor Stig Steen and Wellness by Oriflame to create positive changes in people’s lives through proper nutrition. Launched in 2008 and then further developed throughout the years, the Natural Balance Shake has become one of the most beloved products within Oriflame. It is sold in more than 40 countries by Wellness by Oriflame brand partners. Natural Balance Shake helps to establish a healthy daily routine, alongside a healthy balanced diet.
  • 8. Life is hectic, days move fast.When each moment is filled with meetings, deadlines, and social duties, it’s easy to feel like there simply aren’t enough hours in a day, or days in a week, to check everything off of your to-do-list – let alone find time to prioritise the routines you need to keep your mental and physical health in tip top shape. The WellnessPack Man/Woman is an effortlessly ideal way to help you meet your recommended daily dose of essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and antioxidants, and gives you the energy boost you need to grab life by the horns and greet each day with gusto.What's more, it's developed in Sweden with safe and effective ingredients. EACH WELLNESSPACK SACHET CONTAINS: Multivitamin & Mineral: Provides 12 essential vitamins and 10 essential minerals that are needed to support the unique nutritional and physiological requirements of men and women, respectively. Helps to bridge the gap of any micronutrient shortfalls in the diet.When taken alongside a balanced diet, these essential vitamins and minerals can help to support immunity, metabolism, skin health and overall wellbeing. Omega 3: Contains the essential fatty acids DHA and EPA that your body requires to help support heart**, brain*** and eye*** health. Provides fish oil, naturally rich in DHA and EPA, derived from sustainable fishing practices and certified by the Friend of the Sea organisation. Astaxanthin: Contains a combination of antioxidants that includes one of nature's most powerful antioxidants, astaxanthin from microalgae, as well as bilberry extract, vitamin C and vitamin E.This combination helps combat damaging oxidative stress caused by excessive exposure to harmful free radicals. Grab-and-go for now or later — the WellnessPack Man/Woman is the convenient way to enjoy no-fuss, nutritional support every day!* *Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet **The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of EPA and DHA ***The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA 15 14 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 The Story Behind WellnessPack
  • 9. 21 servings per box 17 16 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 Natural Balance Shake The Natural Balance Shake was originally developed by Professor Stig Steen. It is an easy, tasty and convenient snack, high in both protein and dietary fibre. It contains protein from the three different sources pea, egg and whey, and dietary fibre from the three different sources apple, rosehip and sugar beet. It is easy to mix with water to create tasty shakes and comes in three different flavours: vanilla, strawberry and chocolate.* *Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a balanced and varied diet. USAGE RECOMMENDATION • Use as a healthy snack. • 1-2 servings a day. • Add one scoop (18 g) of the Natural Balance Shake powder to 150 ml of water. Mix well until the powder is evenly distributed. FEATURE BENEFIT 3 PROTEIN SOURCES 3 FIBRE SOURCES 3 DELICIOUS FLAVOURS Providing 1.7 g of dietary fibre per serving from apple, rosehip and sugar beet. Vanilla Strawberry Chocolate Providing 6.7-7.1 g of protein per serving, including all 9 essential amino acids, from pea, egg and whey (milk) NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION STRAWBERRY VANILLA CHOCOLATE ENERGY PROTEIN SALT Fat of which saturated fat Natural Balance Shake Amount per serving (18 g) of which essential amino acids CARBOHYDRATES of which sugars of which lactose DIETARY FIBRE 71 Kcal 71 Kcal 70 Kcal 7.1 g 7.0 g 6.7 g ~3 g ~3 g ~3 g 6.4 g 6.3 g 6.1 g 3.8 g 3.6 g 3.5 g 1.7 g 1.6 g 1.6 g 1.6 g 1.6 g 1.8 g 1.6 g 1.7 g 1.5 g 0.4 g 0.4 g 0.4 g 0.26 g 0.25 g 0.23 g *European Food Safety Authority CLAIMS: EFSA* NUTRITION CLAIMS OTHER REGULATED CLAIMS • High in protein • Protein contributes to the maintenance and growth of muscle • High in fibre • Non-GMO • No artificial colourants, preservatives or flavours • Halal Compliant Formula • Gluten Free DESCRIPTION: Click here to buy these shakes
  • 10. 19 18 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 Q.What is sucralose? A. Sucralose is a Low or No Calorie Sweetener (LNCS). It originates from natural sugar (sucrose), but is approx. 600 times sweeter, so even a tiny amount will give a pleasant sweetness. Sucralose has been extensively evaluated by different regulatory authorities and deemed safe to consume and non-carcinogenic, even at levels that greatly exceed the anticipated daily intake.An ADI (acceptable daily intake) of 15 mg/kg bodyweight has been established; for a person weighing 70 kg the ADI would translate to approx. 70 x 15 = 1050 mg per day. One serving of the Natural Balance Shake contains approx. 13 mg of sucralose, which is much lower than the ADI for the average person. Q. How many servings of the Natural Balance Shake can I consume in a day? A. The recommended daily amount is 1-2 servings per day.The sucralose content in the Natural Balance Shake is so low that it is perfectly safe to consume a couple of times per day. Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Shake as a meal replacement? A. The Natural Balance Shake is not formulated nor intended as a meal replacement. It is an easy, tasty and convenient snack that gives you high-quality protein and dietary fibre.The Natural Balance Shake should not be promoted as a weight management solution as it does not meet the strict energy and nutritional composition criteria to be classified as a meal replacement. COMMON QUESTIONS. Q. I exercise and go to the gym – can I take the Natural Balance Shake instead of other protein and carbohydrate formulas on the market? A. The Natural Balance Shake formula was developed as an easy, tasty and conve- nient snack that you can enjoy during different occasions during the day.Although it contains both protein and carbohydrates that are important for sports, the formula is not optimized for sports nutrition. However, if you wish to take the Natural Balance Shake for sports, please mix it with dairy milk or soy drink to increase the overall protein, carbohydrate and calorie content.This will provide your body with fuel during the workout and help your muscles grow and recover. Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Shake if I have a disease and take medication? A. The Natural Balance Shake is regarded as food. It is not a medicinal product and is not intended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any specific medical concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Shake if I have food intolerance/allergies? A. Please review the ingredient list. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you should avoid using the product.The Natural Balance Shakes are free from gluten and contain a minimal amount of lactose (1.6-1.7 g per serving) that is well tolerated by most lactose intolerant people. Nevertheless, if you experience discomfort, please refrain from using the product. Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Shake if I am pregnant or breastfeeding? A. The Natural Balance Shakes is regarded as food and is safe to consume if pregnant or breastfeeding (PLEASE ADAPTTO LOCAL LEGISLATION AND REGISTRA- TION). Vanilla: Pea protein (Pisum sativum L.)(30.2%), Apple powder (Apple, Maize starch)(Malus pumila L.), Whole egg powder (14.2%), Sweet whey powder (Milk)(12%), Rosehip powder (Rosa canina L.), Whey protein concentrate (Milk)(5%), Hen egg albumen powder (4%), Sugar beet fibre, Natural flavours, Antioxidant: L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), Sweetener: Sucralose. Strawberry: Pea protein (Pisum sativum L.)(29.7%), Apple powder (Apple, Maize starch) (Malus pumila L.),Whole egg powder (14%), Sweet whey powder (Milk)(11.4%), Rosehip powder (Rosa canina L.),Whey protein concentrate (Milk)(5%), Hen egg albumen powder (4%), Natural flavours, Sugar beet fibre, Beetroot juice powder (Red beetroot juice concentrate, Maltodextrin) (Beta vulgaris L.), Antioxidant: L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), Sweetener: Sucralose. Chocolate: Pea protein (Pisum sativum L.)(25.1%), Apple powder (Apple, Maize starch) (Malus pumila L.),Whole egg powder (14.6%), Sweet whey powder (Milk)(10.7%), Fat reduced cocoa powder, Rosehip powder (Rosa canina L.),Whey protein concentrate (Milk)(5%), Hen egg albumen powder (3.8%), Natural flavours, Sugar beet fibre, Antioxidant: L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), Sweetener: Sucralose. Contains lactose, may contain traces of soy and is produced in a facility which processes milk, soy, egg, gluten and celery. INGREDIENTS
  • 11. 21 20 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 Protein Blend The Protein Blend was originally developed by Professor Stig Steen. It is a high protein and high dietary fibre formula that contains protein from the three different sources pea, egg and whey, and dietary fibre from the three different sources apple, rosehip and sugar beet. It has a neutral taste as it is not flavoured nor sweetened.The Protein Blend is designed to be mixed into a wide range of foods and beverages that you enjoy.A perfect solution to enhance your daily nutritional intake. *Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a balanced and varied diet. USAGE RECOMMENDATION • 2-3 servings per day. • Add one scoop (18 g) of the Protein Blend powder to your food or beverage. Mix well until the powder is evenly distributed. 21 servings per box Provides 1.7 g of dietary fibre per serving from apple, rosehip and sugar beet. FEATURE BENEFIT 3 PROTEIN SOURCES Provides 8 g of protein per serving, including all 9 essential amino acids, from pea, egg and whey (milk) UNFLAVOURED No added flavours, sugars nor sweeteners A highly versatile product that can be added to any food or beverage. 3 FIBRE SOURCES Providing 1.7 g of dietary fibre per serving from apple, rosehip and sugar beet. CLAIM: EFSA* NUTRITION CLAIMS OTHER REGULATED CLAIMS DESCRIPTION: • High in protein • Protein contributes to the maintenance and growth of muscle • High in fibre • Non-GMO • No artificial colourants, preservatives or flavours • Halal Compliant Formula • Gluten Free • No added sugar • With natural origin ingredients *European Food Safety Authority Pea protein (Pisum sativum L.) (31.4%), Apple powder (Malus pumila L.) (Apple (65%), Maize starch), Whole egg powder (14.5%), Rosehip powder (Rosa canina L.), Sweet whey powder (Milk)(9.3%), Whey protein concentrate (Milk) (8.3%), Hen egg albumen powder, Sugar beet fibre, Antioxidant: L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). Contains lactose and may contain traces of soy. INGREDIENTS Click here to purchase Protein Blend
  • 12. 22 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 23 Q.What can I mix the Protein Blend into? A. Because the Protein Blend’s formula is unflavoured with no added sugars nor sweeteners there are so many ways to harness its numerous benefits while still enjoying the flavours you love.The Protein Blend can be added to a wide range of foods and beverages – either during the cooking/baking process, or by mixing it into food at the table.Try it mixed in beverages, sauces, soups, baked goods, cereal, yogurt… be creative and enjoy! Q. I exercise and go to the gym – can I take the Protein Blend instead of other protein and carbohydrate formulas on the market? A.The Protein Blend formula was developed to be mixed into a wide range of beverages and foods. It contains both protein and carbohydrates that are important for sports. By adding it to your daily foods, you will increase the overall protein, carbohydrate, and calorie content.This will provide your body with fuel during the workout and help your muscles grow and recover. Q. Can I use the Protein Blend if I have a disease and take medication? A. The Protein Blend is regarded as food. It is not a medicinal product and is not in- tended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any specific medical concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. Q. Can I use the Protein Blend if I have food intolerance/allergies? A. Please review the ingredient list. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you should avoid using the product.The Protein Blend is free from gluten and contain a minimal amount of lactose (1.2 g per serving) that is well tolerated by most lactose intolerant people. Nevertheless, if you experience discomfort, please refrain from using the product. Q. Can I use the Protein Blend if I am pregnant or breastfeeding? A. The Protein Blend is regarded as food and is safe to consume if pregnant or breastfeeding (PLEASE ADAPTTO LOCAL LEGISLATION AND REGISTRATION). COMMON QUESTIONS. NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Amount per serving (18 g) PROTEIN SALT of which essential amino acids CARBOHYDRATES of which sugars VITAMIN C of which saturated fat of which lactose FAT DIETARY FIBRE *NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue 72 Kcal 8.0 g 3.7 g 0.5 g 1.2 g ~3 g 1.7 g 1.7 g 5.3 g 41.7 mg (52%*) 0.30 g ENERGY
  • 13. 21 daily sachets per pack 25 24 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 25 24 WellnessPack The WellnessPack provides a valuable spectrum of nutrients that help bridge the gap of any micronutrient shortfalls in the diet for both men and women*.The WellnessPack is a convenient one-a-day sachet with one Multivitamin & Mineral tablet, two Omega 3 fish oil capsules and one Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract capsule. USAGE RECOMMENDATION 1 sachet per day with a meal MAN AND WOMAN FORMULAS MAN AND WOMAN FORMULAS FEATURE BENEFIT MULTIVITAMIN & MINERAL Formulated for the individual needs of men and women Up to 100% of EU NRV (Nutrient ReferenceValue) of 12 vitamins and 10 minerals. A broad spectrum of essential nutrients adapted to the needs of men and women to support metabolism, energy levels, immunity, skin health and overall wellbeing. OMEGA 3 ASTAXANTHIN & BILBERRY EXTRACT SUSTAINABLE Contains the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA that your body requires to help support heart*, brain** and eye** health. A combination of powerful antioxidants including vitamins C and E, and astaxanthin to help protect cells against oxidative stress. Omega 3 is certified by the association Friend of the Sea. *Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a balanced and varied diet. CLAIM: OTHER REGULATED CLAIMS DESCRIPTION: • Non-GMO • No artificial colourants, preservatives or flavours • Halal Compliant Formula • Gluten Free • No added sugar • Friend of the Sea certified (Omega 3) Multivitamin & Mineral • High in vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12 and folic acid • High in minerals iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, iodine, chromium and molybdenum • Source of minerals calcium and magnesium Omega 3 • High in omega 3 fatty acids Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract • Source of vitamin C • Source of vitamin E *European Food Safety Authority **The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of EPA and DHA. ***The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA. EFSA* NUTRITION CLAIMS Click here to order WellnessPacks
  • 14. 800 mcg (100%*) 700 mcg (87.5%*) 5 mcg (100%*) 5 mcg (100%*) 12 mg (100%*) 12 mg (100%*) 80 mg (100%*) 80 mg (100%*) 1.1 mg (100%*) 1.1 mg (100%*) 1.4 mg (100%*) 1.4 mg (100%*) 16 mg (100%*) 16 mg (100%*) 1.4 mg (100%*) 1.4 mg (100%*) 200 mcg (100%*) 200 mcg (100%*) 2.5 mcg (100%*) 2.5 mcg (100%*) 50 mcg (100%*) 50 mcg (100%*) 6 mg (100%) 6 mg (100%) 150 mg (19%*) 175 mg (22%*) 100 mg (27%*) 75 mg (20%*) 7 mg (50%*) 14 mg (100%*) 7mg (50%*) 14mg (100%*) 1000 mcg (100%*) 1000 mcg (100%*) 2 mg (100%*) 2 mg (100%*) 55 mcg (100%*) 40 mcg (73%*) 40 mcg (100%*) 30 mcg (75%*) 50 mcg (100%*) 50 mcg (100%*) 150 mcg (100%*) 150 mcg (100%*) NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION *NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue Amount per 1 tablet (1060 mg) Multivitamin & Mineral MAN Multivitamin & Mineral WOMAN 27 26 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 BIOTIN CALCIUM CHROMIUM COPPER FOLIC ACID IODINE IRON MAGNESIUM NIACIN PANTOTHENIC ACID SELENIUM THIAMINE (VITAMIN B1) VITAMIN B12 VITAMIN C VITAMIN D ZINC RIBOFLAVIN (VITAMIN B2) VITAMIN B6 VITAMIN E MANGANESE MOLYBDENUM VITAMIN A (BETA-CAROTENE) mcg = microgram = µg INGREDIENTS Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract: Sunflower oil, capsule shell (gelling agent: fish gelatine, humectant: glycerol), astaxanthin (Haematococcus pluvialis L. (5%), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin), D-alpha- tocopherol, L-ascorbyl 6-palmitate), bilberry extract 4:1 (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), thickener (beeswax), L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), emulsifier (soy lecithin), D-alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). Multivitamin & Mineral Man: Calcium carbonate, bulking agent (microclystalline cellulose), magnesium oxide, L-ascorbic acid, maize starch, anti-caking agents (stearic acid, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate), ferrous fumarate, nicotinamide, D-alpha tocopherol acid succinate, zinc oxide, glazing agents (hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, glycerol), beta-carotene, copper gluconate, calcium D-pantothenate, manganese sulphate, cholecalciferol, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine mononitrate, pteroylmonoglutamic acid, potassium iodide, chromium (III) chloride hexahydrate, sodium selenite, ammonium molybdate, D-biotin, cyanocobalamine. Multivitamin & Mineral Woman: Calcium carbonate, bulking agent (microclystalline cellulose), magnesium oxide, L-ascorbic acid, maize starch, ferrous fumarate, anti-caking agents (stearic acid, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate), nicotinamide, D-alpha tocopherol acid succinate, glazing agents (hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, glycerol), zinc oxide, beta-carotene, copper gluconate, calcium D-pantothenate, manganese sulphate, cholecalciferol, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine mononitrate, pteroylmonoglutamic acid, potassium iodide, chromium (III) chloride hexahydrate, sodium selenite, ammonium molybdate, D-biotin, cyanocobalamine. Omega 3: Fish oil (72%), capsule shell (gelling agent: fish gelatine, humectant: glycerol). *NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue 50 mg 12 mg (15%*) 3 mg 1.8 mg (15%*) BILBERRY EXTRACT VITAMIN C ASTAXANTHIN VITAMIN E Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract Amount per 1 capsule (728 mg) NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION 150mg 100mg Omega 3 Amount per 2 capsules (1386 mg) EICOSAPENTAENOIC ACID (EPA) DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID (DHA) NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION
  • 15. 29 28 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 Q. Can I take the WellnessPack daily? A.The WellnessPack is specifically formulated to provide valuable nutrients for men and women, respectively. It provides up to 100% of the EU NRV (nutrient reference value) of essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and antioxidants.The WellnessPack provides daily necessary nutrients when consumed continuously, so there is no benefit from stopping and starting. It is safe to take as recommended; one sachet a day together with a meal for better uptake. Q. Can I take the WellnessPack if I have a disease and take medication? A. The WellnessPack is not a medicinal product and is not intended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any specific medical concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. Q. Can I take the WellnessPack if I have a food intolerance/allergy? A. Both the Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract capsule and the Omega 3 capsule is made of fish gelatine, and the Omega 3 comes from fish oil. If you are allergic to fish or any other ingredient, you should avoid using the product. Please consult your doctor to discuss usage. Q. Can I take the WellnessPack if I am pregnant or breastfeeding? A. Most women are recommended food supplements; especially folic acid, iron, omega 3, and calcium when pregnant or breastfeeding. If you plan for pregnancy, are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. COMMON QUESTIONS. Multivitamin & Mineral - Man and Woman The Multivitamin & Mineral is specifically formulated to provide valuable nutrients daily for men and women, respectively. It helps bridge the gap of any micronutrient shortfalls in the diet*.A simple and safe way to support the nutritional needs of men and women. It provides 12 essential vitamins and 10 essential minerals that helps bridge the gap of any micronutrient shortfalls in the diet*. It helps to support metabolism, energy levels, immunity, cognitive and mental performance, skin health and overall wellbeing. *Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a balanced and varied diet. USAGE RECOMMENDATION 1 tablet per day with a meal 60 tablets per jar Click here to order Multivitamins
  • 16. 31 30 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 CLAIM: • High in vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12 and folic acid • High in minerals iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, iodine, chromium and molybdenum • Source of minerals calcium and magnesium • Non-GMO • No artificial colourants, preservatives or flavours • Halal Compliant Formula • Gluten Free • No added sugar DESCRIPTION: EFSA* HEALTH CLAIMS OTHER REGULATED CLAIMS *European Food Safety Authority 12VITAMINS AND 10 MINERALS MAN AND WOMAN FORMULAS Formulated for the individual needs of men and women Up to 100% of EU NRV (Nutrient ReferenceValue). A broad spectrum of essential nutrients adapted for the needs of men and women to support metabolism, energy levels, immunity, skin health and overall wellbeing. FEATURE BENEFIT INGREDIENTS Man: calcium carbonate, bulking agent (microclystalline cellulose), magnesium oxide, L-ascorbic acid, maize starch, anti-caking agents (stearic acid, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate), ferrous fumarate, nicotinamide, D-alpha tocopherol acid succinate, zinc oxide, glazing agents (hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, glycerol), beta-carotene, copper gluconate, calcium D-pantothenate, manganese sulphate, cholecalciferol, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine mononitrate, pteroylmonoglutamic acid, potassium iodide, chromium (III) chloride hexahydrate, sodium selenite, ammonium molybdate, D-biotin, cyanocobalamine. Woman: calcium carbonate, bulking agent (microclystalline cellulose), magnesium oxide, L-ascorbic acid, maize starch, ferrous fumarate, anti-caking agents (stearic acid, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate), nicotinamide, D-alpha tocopherol acid succinate, glazing agents (hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, glycerol), zinc oxide, beta-carotene, copper gluconate, calcium D-pantothenate, manganese sulphate, cholecalciferol, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine mononitrate, pteroylmonoglutamic acid, potassium iodide, chromium (III) chloride hexahydrate, sodium selenite, ammonium molybdate, D-biotin, cyanocobalamine. 800 mcg (100%*) 700 mcg (87.5%*) 5 mcg (100%*) 5 mcg (100%*) 12 mg (100%*) 12 mg (100%*) 80 mg (100%*) 80 mg (100%*) 1.1 mg (100%*) 1.1 mg (100%*) 1.4 mg (100%*) 1.4 mg (100%*) 16 mg (100%*) 16 mg (100%*) 1.4 mg (100%*) 1.4 mg (100%*) 200 mcg (100%*) 200 mcg (100%*) 2.5 mcg (100%*) 2.5 mcg (100%*) 50 mcg (100%*) 50 mcg (100%*) 6 mg (100%) 6 mg (100%) 150 mg (19%*) 175 mg (22%*) 100 mg (27%*) 75 mg (20%*) 7 mg (50%*) 14 mg (100%*) 7mg (50%*) 14mg (100%*) 1000 mcg (100%*) 1000 mcg (100%*) 2 mg (100%*) 2 mg (100%*) 55 mcg (100%*) 40 mcg (73%*) 40 mcg (100%*) 30 mcg (75%*) 50 mcg (100%*) 50 mcg (100%*) 150 mcg (100%*) 150 mcg (100%*) NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION *NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue BIOTIN CALCIUM CHROMIUM COPPER FOLIC ACID IODINE IRON MAGNESIUM NIACIN PANTOTHENIC ACID SELENIUM THIAMINE (VITAMIN B1) VITAMIN B12 VITAMIN C VITAMIN D ZINC RIBOFLAVIN (VITAMIN B2) VITAMIN B6 VITAMIN E MANGANESE MOLYBDENUM VITAMIN A (BETA-CAROTENE) mcg = microgram = µg Amount per 1 tablet (1060 mg) Multivitamin & Mineral MAN Multivitamin & Mineral WOMAN
  • 17. 33 32 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 COMMON QUESTIONS. Q. Can I take the Multivitamin & Mineral daily? A. The Multivitamin & Mineral is specifically formulated to provide valuable micronu- trients for men and women, respectively. It provides up to 100% of the EU NRV of essential vitamins and minerals.The Multivitamin & Mineral provides daily necessary nutrients when taken continuously, so there is no benefit from stopping and start- ing. It is safe to take as recommended; one tablet per day together with a meal for better uptake. Swallow with water or a cold drink; avoid hot tea or coffee for better absorption. Q. Can I take the Multivitamin & Mineral if I have a disease and take medication? A. The Multivitamin & Mineral is not a medicinal product and is not intended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any specific medical con- cerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. Q. Can I take the Multivitamin & Mineral if I have a food intolerance/allergy? A. Please review the ingredient list. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you should avoid using the product. Please consult your doctor to discuss usage.The Multivitamin & Mineral is free from gluten and suitable for vegetarians. Q. Can I take the Multivitamin & Mineral if I am pregnant or breastfeeding? A. Most women are recommended food supplements, especially folic acid, iron, and calcium when pregnant or breastfeeding. If you plan for pregnancy, are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. USAGE RECOMMENDATION Omega 3 The Omega 3 ensures a convenient daily intake of the important omega 3 fatty acids. It provides fish oil sourced from sustainable fish stocks rich in the essential long-chain fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)*. EPA and DHA are vital parts of all cell membranes in the body, including the skin, and have important roles in a lot of organs and tissues, including maintenance of the normal function of the heart**, brain*** and eye***. Regular intake of omega 3 helps to support overall health and wellbeing. 2 capsules per day with a meal *Food supplements should not be used to substitute for a balanced and varied diet. **The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of EPA and DHA. ***The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA. 60 capsules per jar Click here to order Omega 3
  • 18. 35 34 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 FISH GELATINE CAPSULE Supplies the fatty acids EPA and DHA that may be missing from the diet. All fish gelatine No beef or pork gelatine Removes any possible contaminants and ensures a high quality, clean product. Certified by the association Friend of the Sea. FEATURE BENEFIT SUSTAINABLE HIGH QUALITY OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS 5-STEP REFINEMENT PROCESS 150mg 100mg EICOSAPENTAENOIC ACID (EPA) DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID (DHA) Omega 3 Amount per 2 capsules (1386 mg) NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION CLAIM: EFSA* NUTRITION CLAIMS OTHER REGULATED CLAIMS DESCRIPTION: *European Food Safety Authority • High in omega 3 fatty acids • Non-GMO • No artificial colourants, preservatives or flavours • Halal Compliant Formula • Gluten Free • No added sugar • With natural origin ingredients • Friend of the Sea certified Fish oil (72%), capsule shell (gelling agent: fish gelatine, humectant: glycerol). INGREDIENTS Q. How much omega 3 should I consume? A. By continuously eating a balanced and varied diet that every week includes fish and vegetable oils, you would obtain the recommended amount of not only omega 3, but also other important nutrients.The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming fatty fish, such as salmon, herring or mackerel, at least 2 times per week to obtain adequate levels of DHA and EPA.And the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations highlight the importance of consuming a variety of both lean and fatty fish at least 2-3 times per week. Nevertheless, the global intake of EPA and DHA are generally quite low and low levels of omega 3 are linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic inflammation and cognitive impairment.To ensure you get the full health benefits, you can top up your daily diet with an effective omega 3 supplement. Q.Where does the omega 3 come from? A. The Omega 3 fish oil is a natural triglyceride oil produced from whole wild- caught small fish from a mix of species, such as anchovies, mackerel, sardines and herring, that are naturally rich in the omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.The fish are sustainably harvested in compliance to Friend of the Sea criteria for products from Sustainable Fisheries that conform to European Regulations. Sustainable fisheries mean that the fishing stocks are under strict governmental control to ensure sustainability and therefore the fish are caught in different oceans, Pacific Ocean or Atlantic Ocean, depending on the current situation.The fish oil under- goes a 5-step refinement process that includes: neutralisation, bleaching, winteri- sation, deodorisation and standardisation to ensure high quality.   Q.Why does the Omega 3 capsule consist of fish oil and not vegetable oil? A. The important essential polyunsaturated omega 3 fatty acids can be found in both fish and vegetable oils. However, fish oil from fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines (also certain algae and krill), contains the long-chain fatty acids EPA and DHA.Whereas vegetable oil from plants, such as rapeseed, flaxseed, walnuts and soy, contains the medium-chain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is converted to EPA and DHA in the body. However, the conversion rate of ALA to DHA and EPA occurs with lower efficiency than when consuming EPA and DHA directly.Therefore, we chose fish oil over vegetable oil in our supple- ment. Q. Can I take the Omega 3 if I have a disease and take medication? A. The Omega 3 is not a medicinal product and is not intended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any specific medical concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. COMMON QUESTIONS.
  • 19. 37 36 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 36 Q. Can I take the Omega 3 if I have a food intolerance/allergy? A. Please review the ingredient list.The Omega 3 oil comes from fish and the capsule is made of fish gelatine. If you are allergic to fish or any other ingredient, you should avoid using the product. Please consult your doctor to discuss usage. Q. Can I take the Omega 3 if I am pregnant or breastfeeding? A. The mother’s intake of DHA contributes to the normal brain and eye devel- opment of the foetus and breastfed infants.The public health recommendation is for pregnant women to consume omega 3 rich fatty fish at least once a week to ensure proper development of the foetus. If you plan for pregnancy, are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. The Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract provides a convenient daily intake of a combination of antioxidants that includes nature’s most powerful antioxidant astaxanthin from microalgae (Haematococcus pluvialis L.) and extract from bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.). In addition, it contains vitamin C and vitamin E that contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress*.The combination helps combat oxidative damage and support overall wellbeing. Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract 30 capsules per jar USAGE RECOMMENDATION • 1-2 capsules per day with a meal. *Food supplements should not be used to substitute for a balanced and varied diet.
  • 20. 39 38 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 Contains several different types of antioxidants, among them anthocyanins. BILBERRY EXTRACT Water-soluble antioxidant that contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. VITAMIN C Naturally cultivated. Unique molecular structure allowing it to span the entire cell membrane, providing antioxidant protection from the inside-out. ASTAXANTHIN Fat-soluble antioxidant that contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. VITAMIN E FEATURE BENEFIT FISH GELATINE CAPSULE All fish gelatine No beef or pork gelatine INGREDIENTS Sunflower oil, capsule shell (gelling agent: fish gelatine, humectant: glycerol), astaxanthin (Haematococcus pluvialis L. (5%), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin), D-alpha-tocopherol, L-ascorbyl 6-palmitate), bilberry extract 4:1 (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), thickener (beeswax), L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), emulsifier (soy lecithin), D-alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). OTHER REGULATED CLAIMS • Source of vitamin C • Source of vitamin E • Non-GMO • No artificial colourants, preservatives or flavours • Halal Compliant Formula • Gluten Free • No added sugar *European Food Safety Authority CLAIM: DESCRIPTION: EFSA* NUTRITION CLAIMS *NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue 50mg 100mg 12mg (15%*) 24mg (30%*) 3mg 6mg 1.8mg (15%*) 3.6mg (30%*) Amount per 1 capsule (728 mg) Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract Amount per 2 capsules (1456 mg) BILBERRY EXTRACT VITAMIN C ASTAXANTHIN VITAMIN E NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Q. How many Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract capsules can I take in a day? A. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has recently published a scientific communication on astaxanthin and concluded that 8 mg of natural astaxanthin is safe to consume daily. Recommended daily intake of the Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract is therefore 1-2 capsules (3-6 mg astaxanthin) taken together with a meal for better uptake (PLEASE ADAPTTO LOCAL LEGISLATION AND REGISTRATION). Q.What are oxidative stress and antioxidants? A. Oxidative stress is a term used to describe the cell and tissue damage that is caused by excessive exposure to harmful free radicals. Free radicals are generated in excess by many different factors such as unhealthy diets low in fruits and vegetables, alcohol consumption, tobacco smoke, UV exposure and air pollutants. Oxidative damage can occur in every organ and tissue and plays a crucial role in everything from skin ageing, muscle damage, heart disease to chronic inflammation. Our bodies have mechanisms to keep oxidative damage in check and a big portion of this defence comes from dietary factors known as antioxidants.Antioxidants have been shown to protect cells from oxidative stress by neutralising the free radicals. Many different nutrients act as antioxidants, such as carotenoids, vitamins, minerals and bioactive compounds, that are naturally found in berries, fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, nuts and seeds. Q.What are the specific ingredients? Astaxanthin Astaxanthin is one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants. It is a naturally occurring carotenoid most abundantly found in the freshwater microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis commonly found in the Swedish archipelago.The microalgae is green during COMMON QUESTIONS.
  • 21. 41 40 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 41   Q. Can I take the Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract if I am pregnant or breastfeeding? A. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult a doctor before using food supplements in general and this also applies to the Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract. No research studies have been conducted on the effects of astaxanthin in pregnant or breastfeeding women. If you plan for pregnancy, are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. normal circumstances, but when exposed to environmental stressors it produces astaxanthin for protection which turns it red. Many vibrantly red coloured animals such as lobsters, salmon and flamingos have the microalgae as the staple food. Natural astaxanthin is transported to all tissues of the body and its unique molecular structure allows it to span the entire cell membrane thereby providing antioxidant protection from the inside-out. In comparison, vitamin C protects only on the outside and vitamin E protects only on the inside of the cell membrane. The benefits of natural astaxanthin on the skin, immune system, heart, eyes, muscle and joints have been studied in +60 human clinical trials. Bilberry Bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), or European blueberries, are small blue berries that grow wild on shrubs that thrive in cool climates.They are very common to Sweden; about 17% of Sweden’s surface is covered with bilberry shrubs. Bilberry is often confused with American blueberry due to its similar appearance. However, bilberries are smaller in size, darker in colour, softer in texture and have a sweet taste that is slightly tart and acidic. Compared to blueberries, bilberries have more anthocyanins, a type of flavonoids (polyphenols) with antioxidant properties.The anthocyanins give the bilberry its dark blue colour. Bilberries have been part of the Nordic cuisine for centuries and are preferably eaten fresh but are often served prepared as jam, juice and cold or hot soup. Vitamin C and E The water-soluble vitamin C and the fat-soluble vitamin E are both vitamins with antioxidant properties that contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. In addition, vitamin C contributes to the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems, as well as to the regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E.The regeneration is a beneficial physiological effect since this helps restore the antioxidant properties of vitamin E. Q. Can I take the Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract if I have a disease and take medication? A. The Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract is not a medicinal product and is not intended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any specific medical concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. Q. Can I take the Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract if I have a food intolerance/ allergy? A. Please review the ingredient list.The Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract capsule is made of fish gelatine instead of bovine or porcine gelatine. If you are allergic to fish or any other ingredient, you should avoid using the product. Please consult your doctor to discuss usage. It is free from gluten.
  • 22. WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 43 Natural Balance Soup The Natural Balance Soup is an easy, tasty and convenient snack that is high in protein coming from the three plant protein sources pea, soy and potato, but is also a source of dietary fibre. It is easy to mix with hot water to create rich and tasty soups and comes in two different flavours: tomato & basil and asparagus. USAGE RECOMMENDATION • Use as a healthy snack. • 1-2 servings per day. • Mix one scoop (20 g) of the Natural Balance Soup powder with 150-200 ml hot (boiling) water and stir until smooth. Alternatively, mix the powder with cold water in a pan and bring to the boil on the stove. 21 servings per box *Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a balanced and varied diet.
  • 23. WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 45 44 CLAIM: DESCRIPTION: EFSA* HEALTH CLAIMS *European Food Safety Authority OTHER REGULATED CLAIMS • High in protein • Source of fibre • Non-GMO • No artificial colourants, preservatives or flavours • Gluten Free • With natural origin ingredients •Vegan (certified by theVegan Society) INGREDIENTS Asparagus: Pea protein (Pisum sativum L.; 18.2%), soy protein (18.0%), maltodextrin, maize starch, fructose, salt, flavour, non-dairy cream powder, spinach powder, asparagus tips (2.9%), potato protein (Solanum tuberosum L.; 2.5%), inulin (from chicory root; 1.7%), rapeseed oil (1.4%), onion powder. Tomato & Basil: Pea protein (Pisum sativum L.; 18.1%), soy protein (17.9%), tomato powder (17.9%), fructose, maize starch, salt, flavour, potato protein (Solanum tuberosum L.; 2.5%), inulin (from chicory root; 1.7%), rapeseed oil (1.4%), basil (0.4%), acid (citric acid), paprika extract (Capsicum annum L.), sunflower oil, black pepper (piper nigrum L.). 69 kcal 76 kcal 7.3 g 7.1 g 7.6 g 4.6 g 8.8 g 2.8 g 0.7 g 0.6 g 0.9 g 0.2 g 1.3 g 0.4 g 1.36 g 1.45 g ENERGY PROTEIN DIETARY FIBRE SALT NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Asparagus Amount per serving (20 g) Tomato & Basil Amount per serving (20 g) CARBOHYDRATES of which sugars FAT of which saturated fat FEATURE BENEFIT 3 PLANT PROTEIN SOURCES VEGAN FIBRE SOURCES 2 TASTY FLAVOURS Certified by theVegan Society. Providing 7.1-7.3 g of protein per serving, including all 9 essential amino acids, from pea, potato, soy. Tomato & Basil •Tomato powder • Chicory root (inulin) Asparagus • Spinach powder • Asparagus tips • Chicory root (inulin) Tomato & Basil – with tomato powder and dried basil Asparagus – with spinach powder and asparagus tips Natural Balance Soup
  • 24. WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 47 46 Q. How many servings of the Natural Balance Soup can I consume in a day? A. Due to the salt content of the Natural Balance Soups (1 serving ≈ 1.4-1.5 g and 2 servings ≈ 2.8-3.0 g), we do not recommend consuming more than 2 servings per day.The recommendation from the World Health Organization (WHO) is for adults to consume less than 5 g of salt per day. Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Soup as a meal replacement? A. The Natural Balance Soup is not formulated nor intended as a meal replacement. It is an easy, tasty and convenient snack that gives you high-quality protein.The Nat- ural Balance Soup should not be promoted as a weight management solution as it does not meet the strict energy and nutritional composition criteria to be classified as a meal replacement. Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Soup if I have a disease and take medication? A. The Natural Balance Soup is regarded as food. It is not a medicinal product and is not intended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any specific medical concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Soup if I have high blood pressure? A. The Natural Balance Soup contains per serving 1.36-1.45 g salt (544-580 mg of sodium), depending on flavour. If you are on a salt restricted diet, determine if the product fits in your daily allowance. If unsure, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Soup if I have food intolerance/allergies? A. Please review the ingredient list. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you should avoid using the product.The Natural Balance Soup is free from gluten. Q. Can I use the Natural Balance Soup if I am pregnant or breastfeeding? A. The Natural Balance Soup is regarded as food and is safe to consume if pregnant or breastfeeding (PLEASE ADAPTTO LOCAL LEGISLATION AND REGISTRA- TION). COMMON QUESTIONS.
  • 25. WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 INGREDIENTS Bulking agents (microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid), L-lysine hydrochloride, maltodextrin, apple extract, L-cysteine hydrochloride, ascorbic acid, anti-caking agents (magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide), ferrous fumarate, glazing agents (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, glycerol), zinc oxide, sodium selenite. *European Food Safety Authority DESCRIPTION: CLAIM: EFSA* HEALTH CLAIMS OTHER REGULATED CLAIMS • Non-GMO • No artificial colourants, preservatives or flavours • Gluten Free • High in vitamin C • High in iron • Source of zinc • Source of selenium 53 52 The Hair & Nail NutriComplex provides a combination of different nutrients that are beneficial for hair and nail health. It contains the amino acids L-Lysine and L-Cysteine, flavonoid rich apple extract, the antioxidant vitamin C, and the mineral iron. In addition, it also contains the minerals selenium and zinc that contribute to the maintenance of normal hair and nails*. *Food supplements should not be used to substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Hair & Nail NutriComplex 42 tablets per package • 2 tablets per day with a meal; consume for at least 3 months. USAGE RECOMMENDATION L-LYSINE AND L-CYSTEINE ZINC AND SELENIUM APPLE EXTRACT IRON VITAMIN C FEATURE BENEFIT Building blocks of the protein keratin, the main component of hair and nails. Source of procyanidin B2, a type of flavonoid with antioxidant properties. Contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Increases iron absorption. Contributes to normal oxygen transport in the body, which is essential for healthy hair and nails. Contribute to the maintenance of normal hair and nails.
  • 26. WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 although the levels of vitamin C and iron are relatively high and may cause stomach discomfort in some people. If experiencing discomfort, consume the products at different times of the day. We do not recommend combining the Hair & Nail NutriComplex with the Meal Replacement for Weight Control – neither during weight loss nor weight maintenance since the micronutrient levels are exceeded. Q. Can I take the Hair & Nail NutriComplex if I have a disease and take medication? A. The Hair & Nail NutriComplex is not a medicinal product and is not intended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If you have any specific medical concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. Q. Can I take the Hair & Nail NutriComplex if I have a food intolerance/allergy? A. Please review the ingredient list. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you should avoid using the product. Please consult your doctor to discuss usage. Q. Can I take the Hair & Nail NutriComplex if I am pregnant or breastfeeding? A. Due to fluctuating oestrogen levels, women often experience thicker and shinier hair during pregnancy compared to after when they often see increased hair loss for a while but most often this is nothing to worry about. If you plan for pregnancy, are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. 54 Q.When can I expect to see results from the Hair & Nail NutriComplex? A. The Hair & Nail NutriComplex is designed to specifically target hair and nail prob- lems. Healthy hair grows by approx. 10 mm per month and nails by 3 mm per month, but it also grows in stages, so you would need a little patience. Hair and nail problems can occur due to numerous reasons, such as genetics (most common), hormones, stress or inadequate nutrition, and therefore require a multi-factor approach where consuming a balanced and varied diet, destressing and sleeping well are important parts. Q. Is it safe to take the Hair & Nail NutriComplex continuously without a break? A. It is safe to consume the Hair & Nail NutriComplex continuously without a break. Q.Will the Hair & Nail NutriComplex help me if I am a balding man? A. The Hair & Nail NutriComplex will not grow your hair back, but it can contribute to the maintenance of your existing hair. Q.Will the Hair & Nail NutriComplex stimulate hair growth elsewhere on my body? A. No, only hormone treatment can have that effect. Q. Can I combine the Hair & Nail NutriComplex with the other Wellness Products? A. It is safe to combine the Hair & Nail NutriComplex with the WellnessPack, COMMON QUESTIONS. 55 200mg 140mg 50mg 30mg (38%*) 7mg (50%*) 8.25mcg (15%*) 1.5mg (15%*) APPLE EXTRACT IRON VITAMIN C L-LYSINE L-CYSTEINE SELENIUM ZINC NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Hair & Nail NutriComplex Amount per 2 tablets (1400 mg) *NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue mcg = microgram = µg
  • 27. WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 21 servings per jar • High in omega 3 fatty acids • High in vitamin E • Non-GMO • No artificial colourants, preservatives or flavours • Gluten Free • No added sugar • With natural origin ingredients • Friend of the Sea certified *European Food Safety Authority DESCRIPTION: CLAIM: EFSA* HEALTH CLAIMS OTHER REGULATED CLAIMS 56 WellnessKids Omega 3 The WellnessKids Omega 3 ensures a convenient daily intake of the important omega 3 fatty acids. It is a lemon flavoured liquid fish oil of high purity and quality sourced from sustainable fish stocks rich in the essential long-chain fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)*. EPA and DHA are vital parts of all cell membranes in the body and have important roles in a lot of organs and tissues. In addition, the fish oil also has added vitamin E. *Food supplements should not be used to substitute for a balanced and varied diet. USAGE RECOMMENDATION • From age 3: 1 teaspoon (5 ml) per day with a meal; consume directly or add to foods. 57 HIGH QUALITY OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS LIQUID FORMULA TASTY 5-STEP REFINEMENT PROCESS SUSTAINABLE FEATURE BENEFIT Supplies the fatty acids EPA and DHA that may be missing from the diet. Easy to swallow. Natural lemon flavour. Removes any possible contaminants and ensures a high quality, clean product. Certified by the association Friend of the Sea. An antioxidant. VITAMIN E INGREDIENTS Fish oil (99%), lemon oil, vitamin E (DL-alpha-tocopherylacetate), antioxidant (natural mixed tocopherols), sunflower oil.
  • 28. What can I do if my child does not like the taste of the WellnessKids Omega 3 fish oil? A. It can take up to three weeks before a child accepts the texture and taste of fish oil. From the very beginning, include it as a part of your child’s daily meal, e.g. on bread or in porridge, and make it an exciting occasion. 59 58 Where does the omega 3 come from? A. The WellnessKids Omega 3 fish oil is a natural triglyceride oil produced from whole wild-caught small fish from a mix of species, such as anchovies, mackerel, sardines and herring, that are naturally rich in the omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. The fish are sustainably harvested in compliance to Friend of the Sea criteria for products from Sustainable Fisheries that conform to European Regulations. Sustain- able fisheries mean that the fishing stocks are under strict governmental control to ensure sustainability and therefore the fish are caught in different oceans, Pacific Ocean or Atlantic Ocean, depending on the current situation.The fish oil undergoes a 5-step refinement process that includes: neutralisation, bleaching, winterisation, deodorisation and standardisation to ensure high quality. Can I give the WellnessKids Omega 3 if my child has a disease and takes medica- tion? A. The WellnessKids Omega 3 is not a medicinal product and is not intended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If your child has any specific medi- cal concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. Can I give the WellnessKids Omega 3 if my child has an allergy/intolerance? A. Please review the ingredient list.The Omega 3 oil comes from fish and the capsule is made of fish gelatine. If your child is allergic to fish or any other ingredient, he/she should avoid using the product. Please consult your doctor to discuss usage. COMMON QUESTIONS. NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION WellnessKids Omega 3 Amount per 1 tsp (5 ml) of which Omega 3 fat 1.4 g of which polyunsaturated fat 2.3 g VITAMIN E 5.5 mg (46%*) of which DHA 500 mg of which EPA 700 mg *NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue of which saturated fat 1.2 g of which monounsaturated fat 1.1 g FAT 4.6 g
  • 29. WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 *European Food Safety Authority DESCRIPTION: CLAIM: EFSA* HEALTH CLAIMS OTHER REGULATED CLAIMS • High in vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and folic acid. • High in minerals zinc, iodine, chromium and molybdenum. • Source of vitamins K and B7, and minerals iron, calcium, magnesium and selenium. • Non-GMO • No artificial colourants, preservatives or flavours • Gluten Free 61 60 USAGE RECOMMENDATION • Ages 3-9: 1 tablet per day with a meal. • Ages 10-14: 2 tablets per day with a meal WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals The WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals is specifically formulated to provide valuable nutrients for growing children. It is a chewable orange flavoured tablet that provides up to 100% of the EU NRV (nutrient reference value) of 13 vitamins and 8 minerals to support the micronutrient needs of children and help bridge the gap of any micronutrient shortfalls in the diet*. *Food supplements should not be used to substitute for a balanced and varied diet. 21 chewable tablets per box INGREDIENTS Bulking agents (isomalt, steraric acid veg.), calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, sweeteners (xylitol, sodium saccharin), natural flavours, ascorbic acid, nicotinamide, ferrous fumarate, zinc citrate, anti-caking agents (magnesium stearate veg., silicon dioxide), acidity regulator (citric acid), D-alpha tocopheryl hydrogen succinate, retinyl acetate, calcium d-pantothenate, thiamine mononitrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, cholecalciferol, phytomenadione, pteroylmonoglutamic acid, potassium iodide, chromium (III) chloride, ammonium molybdate, sodium selenite, biotin, cyanocobalamine. FEATURE BENEFIT 13VITAMINS AND 8 MINERALS CHEWABLE TASTY Formulated according to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) micronutrient recommendations for children aged 3-14 years old. Easy for children to take Natural Orange flavour
  • 30. WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 62 300mcg (38%*) 600mcg (76%*) 2.5mcg (50%*) 5 mcg (100%*) 0.5mg (45%*) 1mg (90%*) 0.5mg (36%*) 1.0 mg (72%*) 0.5mg (36%*) 1.0 mg (72%*) 0.9mcg (36%*) 1.8mcg (72%*) 30mg (38%*) 60mg (76%*) 5mg (42%*) 10mg (84%*) 6mg (38%*) 12mg (76%*) 20 mcg (27%) 40 mcg (54%) 2 mg (33%) 4 mg (55%) 100 mcg (50%*) 200mcg (100%*) 8 mcg (16%*) 16 mcg (32%*) 120 mg (15%*) 240 mg (30%*) 75 mcg (50%*) 150 mcg (100%*) 15 mcg (38%*) 30 mcg (76%*) 60mg (16%*) 120mg (32%*) 3 mcg (21%*) 6 mg (42%*) 20 mcg (40%*) 40 mcg (80%*) 13 mcg (24%*) 26 mcg (48%*) 4 mg (40%*) 8 mg (80%*) NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION BIOTIN CALCIUM CHROMIUM FOLIC ACID IODINE IRON MAGNESIUM NIACIN PANTOTHENIC ACID SELENIUM THIAMINE (VITAMIN B1) VITAMIN B12 VITAMIN C VITAMIN D ZINC RIBOFLAVIN (VITAMIN B2) VITAMIN B6 VITAMIN E MOLYBDENUM VITAMIN A (RE) Age 3-9 years Amount per 1 tablet (1060 mg) WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals Age 10-14 years Amount per 2 tablets (2120 mg) VITAMIN K *NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue mcg = microgram = µg 63 Q. Can I give the WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals to my child daily? A. Childhood is a rapid stage of growth and children have high nutritional requirements relative to their body size. Depending on their age, specific nutritional requirements are required to support optimal growth and cognitive development. WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals contains the daily recommended amounts of micronutrients for children established by the WHO.The levels are well below the upper tolerable limits and all the nutrients are at safe daily levels when taken as recommended. Q. Can I give the WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals if my child takes other vitamin(s) and/or mineral(s)? A. It is not a good idea to use several food supplements that contain the same micronutrients as this poses a risk for over-dosing certain vitamins and minerals. Q. Can I give the WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals if my child has a disease and takes medication? A. The WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals is not a medicinal product and is not intended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. If your child has any specific medical concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. Q. Can I give the WellnessKids Multivitamins and Minerals if my child has a food intolerance/ allergy? A. Please review the ingredient list. If your child is allergic to any of the ingredients, he/she should avoid using the product. Please consult your doctor to discuss usage. COMMON QUESTIONS.
  • 31. 65 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 64 Marine Calcium &Vitamin D Marine Calcium &Vitamin D ensures a convenient daily intake of the two important nutrients calcium and vitamin D that help support bone mineral density and healthy teeth*. It is a chewable supplement that contains the unique sustainably sourced marine derived multi-mineral complex called AquaminTG™ that offers highly bioavailable calcium and +70 trace minerals.The addition of vitamin D further helps enhance the absorption of calcium.Adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D help build and maintain strong and healthy bones. *Food supplements should not be used to substitute for a balanced and varied diet. USAGE RECOMMENDATION •1-2 tablets per day with a meal; consume at different times of the day for better absorption. 30 tablets per jar THE AQUAMIN TGTM ADVANTAGE ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS NATURALVITAMIN D Calcium and vitamin D are essential to help support building maximum bone mineral density and keeping bones strong and healthy.They work together to help protect the bones; calcium helps build bones and vitamin D helps absorb calcium. 100% of highly bioavailable calcium from Aquamin TG™ , a unique natural multi-mineral complex with +70 trace minerals.AquaminTG™ is sustainably harvested from red algae found in the pristine Icelandic waters. Vitamin D has been clinically proven to enable optimal absorbtion, utilisation and concentration of calcium. FEATURE BENEFIT 250 mg (31%*) 500 mg (62%*) 5 mcg (100%*) 10 mcg (200%*) CALCIUM (AQUAMIN TG™) VITAMIN D NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Amount per 1 tablet (1500 mg) Marine Calcium & Vitamin D Amount per 2 tablets (3000 mg) *NRV= Nutrient ReferenceValue mcg = microgram = µg EFSA* NUTRITION CLAIMS OTHER REGULATED CLAIMS CLAIM: DESCRIPTION: • High in calcium • High in vitamin D • Non-GMO • No artificial colourants, preservatives or flavours • Gluten Free *European Food Safety Authority
  • 32. 67 66 COMMON QUESTIONS. Q.What is Aquamin TG™ ? A. AquaminTG™ is a unique natural marine-based multi-mineral complex high in calcium. It is sustainably sourced from red algae (Lithothamnion sp.) found only in certain aquatic locations such as the pristine Icelandic waters.AquaminTG™ has been scientifically studied and shown enhanced bioavailability compared to other calcium supplements, such as calcium carbonate from limestone.Although the calcium is in the carbonate form, the honeycomb porous structure of AquaminTG™ and the presence of +70 naturally occurring trace minerals results in enhanced calcium bioavailability. Numerous studies have also shown that the trace minerals work in sync with calcium to provide superior benefits to bone health (such as bone mineral density) than calcium alone.AquaminTG™ is backed by 33 peer reviewed scientific publications supporting its benefits to human health.   Q.Why is calcium important? A. Calcium is essential for bone growth and mineralisation of bone and teeth. It also plays a regulatory role in several parts of the body such as muscles, enzymes, blood and metabolism.Adequate intake of calcium is one of several factors that are important for obtaining bone mass and attaining peak bone mass.The bones grow continuously from birth to the end of teenage years, reaching maximum bone mass in the mid-20s.Adults begin to experience gradual bone mineral loss after the age of 40, which is accelerated in women after menopause. In many countries, people do not consume enough calcium rich foods. Since calcium is so important for numerous bodily functions, such as enabling the blood to clot, muscles to contract and the heart to beat, when not consuming enough, it is taken from the bones that overtime become weaker. Insufficient intake of calcium may lead to low bone mineral density, which may have implications for bone health later in life (increased risk of osteoporosis). Many studies have shown that calcium combined with vitamin D increases bone mineral density and reduces fracture risk. In fact, calcium can’t be absorbed without the presence of vitamin D. Q. How do I know if I should take 1 or 2 tablets of the Marine Calcium & Vitamin D? A. The general recommendation for adults is to consume 3 servings per day of calcium rich dairy products, such as milk, yoghurt and cheese, to reach the recommended amount of calcium. Other foods that are rich in calcium are wholegrains, legumes, nuts, seeds and dark leafy greens. If you don’t get the recommended amount through your diet, or are allergic to dairy, you might want to fill the gap with a supplement. Depending on how much calcium rich foods you eat, we recommend taking 1-2 tablets of the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D. For example, if you eat 2 servings of calcium rich foods, you can take 1 tablet, but if you only eat 1 serving, you can take 2 tablets. Q. Do I have to chew the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D tablet? A. The Marine Calcium &Vitamin D tablet is chewable since calcium supplements are usually quite big in size. But if you prefer to swallow the tablet whole you can do so, the benefits are still the same and there is no change in absorption if you chew or swallow the tablet. Q. Can I take the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D with the Multivitamin & Mineral Man/Woman? A. Yes, it is safe to take the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D together with the Multivitamin & Mineral. Since the EFSA has recommended to increase the NRV for vitamin D from 5 mcg/day to 15 mcg/day, it is no problem that you reach 10 mcg or 15 mcg of vitamin D taking one or two tablets of the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D in combination with one Multivitamin & Mineral tablet.We recommend taking the different supplements at different times of the day since calcium may inhibit iron, zinc and magnesium uptake.Although calcium has been shown to inhibit uptake of other minerals such as magnesium, the effects is only seen if not consuming enough magnesium overall or taking very high amounts of calcium.This is not an issue if you follow the recommended intake of the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D and the Multivitamin & Mineral. Q. Can I take the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D if I have a disease and take medication? A. The Marine Calcium &Vitamin D is not a medicinal product and is not intended to treat, alleviate or cure any deficiencies or diseases. Furthermore, calcium supplements can interact with prescription medicine. If you have any specific medical concerns, please consult your doctor to discuss usage. INGREDIENTS Marine calcium carbonate (Lithothamnion calcareum), sweetener (xylitol), acidity regulator (citric acid), anti-caking agents (stearic acid, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate), cholecalciferol (vitamin D). WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021
  • 33. 68 Q. Can I take the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D if I have a food intolerance/allergy? A. Please review the ingredient list. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you should avoid using the product. Please consult your doctor to discuss usage. Q. Can I take the Marine Calcium &Vitamin D if pregnant or breastfeeding? A. Most women are recommended calcium supplements when pregnant or breastfeeding. If you plan for pregnancy, are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor to discuss usage.
  • 34. 94 93 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 Nutrients A nutrient is a substance in food that the body needs in order to work properly.There are several factors influencing the amount of nutrients needed by the body, such as age, gender, genetics and lifestyle. Many nu- trients are essential, which means that they are vital for survival and must be provided through food and/or dietary supplements as they cannot be produced by the body. No single food provides all the nutrients that the body needs to function properly, so it is key to consume a varied balanced diet with healthy nutrition every day. Nutrients are commonly divided into macro- and micronutrients. Macronutrients Macronutrients are needed in large quantities (in gram range) to maintain body functions and carry out the activities of daily life. Macronutrients include water, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.Water does not provide energy, often measured in kilocalories (kcal, or simply “calories”), to the body but is the most important substance for life since it provides a medium in which all the metabolic processes take place. As such it is necessary for the absorption of the three other macronutrients that fuel the body.The main sources of energy in the diet consist of carbohydrates and fats, but proteins also contribute to the daily intake. In addition, alcohol also supplies the body with energy and is technically considered a macronutrient but is often not included since it is not essential for the body to function. PROTEIN Protein Recommendation The amount of protein a person needs depends on their age, activity level, and overall health. Specific groups such as growing children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, athletes, healthy agers and people losing weight have Protein Function Proteins are large molecules consisting of one or more chains of amino acids. In total there are 20 amino acids, of which 9 are essential.When protein is broken down in the digestive system, the amino acids are released and are to some extent used as fuel, but most are used as building blocks in the body. Proteins build up and repair different structures, such as skin, hair, muscles, organs and connective tissues.They also perform, as enzymes, hormones and antibodies, several fundamental functions in the body. Proteins are really needed from our heads to our toes and make life possible. Because of their diverse functions, proteins are important for growth and development especially during childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy. ALCOHOL CARBOHYDRATES FATS PROTEINS WATER 7 kcal/g 4 kcal/g 9 kcal/g 4 kcal/g 0 kcal/g Energy (kcal) contribution
  • 35. 96 95 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 Non-Digestible Carbohydrates In contrast to the digestible carbohydrates, the non-digestible (resistant) carbohydrates, often referred to as complex carbohydrates, are not broken down by our body’s enzymes since they are resistant to digestion. Instead they pass through the small intestine reaching the large intestine intact. Here they are broken down and used as energy by the gut microbiota in a process called fermentation. In the process a small amount of energy is obtained (2 kcal/g of dietary fibre) and different compounds are produced that are very important for gut health and the overall health of our bodies. The non-digestible carbohydrates are divided into dietary fibre and resistant CARBOHYDRATES Digestible Carbohydrates Digestible carbohydrates, often referred to as simple carbohydrates, are easily broken down (digested) into sugar molecules by our body’s enzymes.They are absorbed and used as energy by the cells of the body. Glucose (blood sugar) is the main sugar used by the body and is very important as an energy source, e.g. the brain and the red blood cells can only use glucose for energy.The pancreas produces the hormone insulin that facilitates the uptake of glucose into the cells. Any unused glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles to be used at a later stage. Some researchers previously believed that a high insulin release was the cause of weight gain, but this has been debunked as it is too much energy (calories) from any food source that causes weight gain. Digestible carbohydrates are divided into sugars and starches and are found naturally in plant foods such as fruits, berries, vegetables, legumes, wholegrains and dairy. But they are also added as refined and processed sugars to different foods such as candy, cakes and soft drinks. Intake of refined and processed sugars should be limited since they provide a lot of energy but have little nutritional value. Instead the majority of carbohydrate intake should come from whole foods that not only provide energy but also vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that are important to health. Carbohydrate Function Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy and essential fuel for the brain and red blood cells. They are made up of different sugar molecules and, based on their structure, divided into digestible or non-digestible (resistant) carbohydrates. Animal vs Plant Proteins Protein rich foods are often divided into groups depending on the source of the protein: animal or plant. Proteins from animal sources, such as meat, egg, fish and milk, are called high-quality (complete) proteins as they contain all nine essential amino acids at sufficient levels and are digested and absorbed easily. Most plant proteins, such as legumes, wholegrains, nuts and vegetables, are considered incomplete proteins because they lack or have lower levels of one or more of the essential amino acids, as well as being not as easily digested and absorbed as animal proteins. Nonetheless, people who eat a vegetarian diet can still get all essential amino acids at sufficient levels by combining different plant-based protein foods that give a complete amino acid profile in the diet, e.g. combining legumes (beans) with wholegrains (oats).Variety is key, ensure to eat a selection of plant-based foods throughout the day to ensure optimal intake of essential amino acids However, animal-based protein sources usually contain higher levels of saturated fats than plant-based protein sources. High consumption of red meat and processed meats, such as sausages, bacon and ham, has been linked to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer. Health experts at several well- known research institutes, such as the World Cancer Research Fund (The World Cancer Research Fund, 2018), recommend a limited intake of red meat, and avoidance of processed meats, with a maximum intake of 500 g per week, or 70 g per day.To put it in context, 70 g is equivalent to one of the following: 1/3 of an 8 oz sirloin steak, 5 slices of ham, 5 tablespoons of cooked mince, or 1/2 of a large burger patty. Better alternatives are plant-based protein sources, such as peas, beans and lentils, that are not only high in protein and low in saturated fats, but also rich in dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals. Besides their health benefits, plant proteins are also preferable from a sustainability perspective since they are more resource efficient; less water and energy are required to produce 1 kg of plant increased needs for protein. A higher protein intake is recommended when on an energy restricted weight loss diet since adequate protein intake makes you feel full and prevents muscle loss, which is beneficial as maintaining muscle mass helps sustain overall energy metabolism. Dietary patterns show that protein intake is often skewed towards dinner, whereas breakfast is typically rich in carbohydrates and low in protein. However, having a more evenly spread protein intake throughout the day would be better at keeping you feeling full and is also more effective in stimulating muscle protein synthesis for those that are active (Mamerow et al., 2014) and helps retain muscle mass as you age (Paddon-Jones & Rasmussen, 2009). A good rule of thumb is to consume high quality protein (20-30 g) at the three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Depending on your goals and activity, protein rich snacks may be required in-between meals. protein compared to 1 kg of animal protein.
  • 36. 98 97 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 Fat Function Fat is the nutrient that contains the most concentrated form of energy and serves as the main energy store in the body. Fat is important for proper function of the body, such as the brain and nervous system. Moreover, it plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin and hair, insulating body organs, promoting healthy cell function, and production of hormones. Saturated vs Unsaturated Fats Different types of fat consist of different fatty acids and are grouped based on their chemical structure into saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are solid or hard in room temperature.They are mainly found in animal-based foods such as meat and dairy (e.g. milk and cheese), but also in plant-based foods such as coconut oil. In contrast, unsaturated fats are liquid or soft in room temperature. Unsaturated fats can be divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, and they are Fat Quality It is important to choose good types (quality) of fat and having a good balance between them. A diet high in saturated fats leads to an increased risk of developing non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, whereas unsaturated fats have been shown to have protective and beneficial effects on health. There is one type of fat that should be avoided completely and that is partially hydrogenated fatty acids, commonly referred to as trans fats.Trans fats are industrially made from unsaturated plant oil but behave similarly to saturated fat as they are hard in room temperature.Trans fats were/are commonly used in snack foods such as cookies, and deep frying since they are more stable than plant oils, give a longer shelf life and good texture like saturated fats.Trans fats increase the risk of cardiovascular disease as they elevate the levels of bad cholesterol and promote inflammation. One group of unsaturated fatty acids that are important to health are the omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.The omega 3 fatty acids, alpha linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are considered essential. In the body a small amount of ALA is converted to eicosapentaenoic acid EPA and DHA, which are the two fatty acids that have been mostly studied for their health benefits. EPA and DHA are parts of all membranes in the body, including the skin.They support functions of the heart, FATS starches, which are in turn often classified as insoluble and soluble. Sugar beet fibre and resistant starch are insoluble and function as bulking material that are important for keeping the digestive system well-functioning. Soluble dietary fibre, such as beta-glucans from oats, bind water and trap nutrients thereby decreasing the absorption rate of e.g. glucose that is beneficial for blood glucose response. Prebiotic fibres are soluble dietary fibre that selectively stimulates the growth and/or activity of favourable gut microbes. Inulin and fructo-oligosaccharides are considered prebiotics since they have been found to selectively stimulate the growth of good gut microbes with positive benefits to health. Inulin is present in many plant foods, such as asparagus, onions and garlic. Much like the digestible carbohydrates, the non-digestible carbohydrates are found naturally in plant foods such as fruits, berries, vegetables, legumes and wholegrains. Although they only provide a small amount of energy, they contain many important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that are important to our health, not to mention our gut health. Foods rich in non- digestible carbohydrates should make up most of your carbohydrate intake, for example chose wholegrain bread and brown rice over refined and processed white bread and white rice that are low in dietary fibre and nutrients. It is important to choose good types (quality) of carbohydrates, so make it a habit of checking the wholegrain and dietary fibre content in foods.To increase the consumption of fibre rich foods is one of the global public health goals, and you should aim for 25-35 g per day.
  • 37. 100 99 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 brain, eye and nervous system.They are also beneficial for lowering blood cholesterol and blood pressure that are risk factors for cardiovascular disease (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2010). Omega 3 fatty acids are found naturally in both plant and animal foods. ALA is found mainly in plant oils from nuts (e.g. walnuts), seeds (e.g. flaxseed and chia) and legumes (e.g. soybeans).Whereas EPA and DHA are found in animal foods, such as fish (e.g. salmon, herring and trout), seafood and algae. Dietary guidelines recommend consuming at least 2 portions of fatty fish per week. However, if allergic or not liking fish, include omega 3 rich plant oils in your diet and/or complement with an omega 3 supplement. Micronutrients In contrast to the macronutrients, micronutrients are, with a few exceptions, essential nutrients needed in small amounts (in micro- to milligram range). They do not provide the body with energy but work together with the energy- providing macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats to make sure that the body functions properly and to prevent disease. Micronutrients enable the body to produce enzymes, hormones, and other substances essential for proper growth, development and maintenance of the body. Although they are only needed in small amounts, they are vital for health and wellbeing; getting too little of certain micronutrients over a long period of time can result in deficiencies and increase the risk of diseases. Micronutrients are usually referred to as vitamins and minerals.Vitamins build bones and tissues, support immunity and participate in energy yielding metabolic processes. Some diseases can develop because of lack of a vitamin, e.g. vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy. Minerals are used to regulate a wide range of body processes, from bone formation to blood clotting, and are important for the body’s structure. Minerals are often divided into macro minerals and trace minerals, depending on the amount needed. Well-balanced and varied diets rich in fruits, berries and vegetables will supply most vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Health experts recommend +5 portions of fruits and vegetables every day; one portion is about 100 g. A rule of thumb is to choose a variety of fruits, berries and vegetables with different bright colours, e.g. green apples, blue bilberries, red berries, green broccoli, orange carrots and red beets, to obtain different types of vitamins and minerals. Nuts, such as almonds, walnuts and cashews, and seeds, such as chia and sunflower, are also rich in vitamins and minerals. Fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts and seeds are also rich sources of gut friendly dietary fibre and antioxidants that protect against cell damage. Antioxidants are substances that can protect healthy cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants protect healthy cells from oxidation by neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are unstable, highly reactive molecules that are created in our bodies and all around us by breathing, UV radiation, pollution, smoking, etc. Free radicals steal electrons from other molecules in the body and trigger a chain reaction. Examples of antioxidants are vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, selenium, zinc, polyphenols (such as anthocyanins), and carotenoids (such as astaxanthin).
  • 38. 102 101 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 Vitamin B Function: There are 8 recognized B vitamins and together they enable metabolism, cell division, nerve- and muscle function, and more. As they are water-soluble and sensitive to processing, many people are slightly deficient in one or the other due to the widespread consumption of processed and cooked foods in modern diets. Sources: Vegetables, fruit, root vegetables, nuts, wholegrain products, eggs, meat and fish. Vitamin C Function: An important antioxidant. It plays an essential part in the process of collagen formation in connective tissue and thus strengthens skin, teeth, bones and blood vessels.Vitamin C also helps the body to extract iron from food. Sources: Fruit, berries, sprouts, vegetables and root vegetables. WATER-SOLUBLE VITAMINS Found in fruit, vegetables and whole grains.They are transported around the body in water which means that they cannot be stored, and any excess is passed through urine.You need to eat foods containing these vitamins every day.Water-soluble vitamins can be destroyed by cooking and are in the outer shells of grains, so it is important to eat raw and whole foods to get optimum levels. FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS Usually found in nuts, vegetable oils, green vegetables, fish and animal products and can be stored in your liver. Vitamin A Function: Important for your skin, eyes and vision. It is also important for the body’s immune system and contributes to healthy levels of growth.The plant kingdom offers vitamin A in the shape of beta carotene. Our bodies convert as much beta carotene to vitamin A as it needs. Sources: Green leafy vegetables, carrots, dried apricots, dairy products, eggs and fish. Vitamin D Function: Enables calcium absorption from food and is necessary for the normal function of the immune system, a healthy inflammatory response, and maintenance of normal muscle function. A lack of vitamin D can cause bone diseases like osteomalacia and rickets.The most important source of vitamin D is sunlight, and a 30-minute walk in the sun in the middle of the day is said to be as beneficial as drinking 10 glasses of milk. Sources: Oily fish, egg yolk and enriched foods. Vitamin E Function: An antioxidant that protects the body’s cells and other components from free radicals. It works hand in hand with vitamin C. Sources: Nuts, almonds, beans, eggs, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils and various cereals. Vitamin K Function: Important for blood coagulation and integrity of the skeleton.Vitamin K is not only obtained from the food that we eat, but also produced by bacteria in VITAMINS
  • 39. 104 103 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 Copper Function: A functional component of enzymes involved in the central nervous system, energy production, connective tissue formation (collagen and elastin in skin but also in heart, blood vessel and bone tissues), melanin formation and MINERALS Minerals are also divided up into two – macro and trace.This is due to the amounts we need them in. MACROMINERALS Minerals we need in relatively large amounts (milligrams to grams). Calcium Function: A structural component of bones, teeth and soft tissues. Calcium regulates muscle and nerve function, glandular secretions, blood vessel dilation- and contraction, and is essential for proper blood clotting. Sources: Green leafy vegetables (the cow’s source of calcium!), sesame seeds, almonds, beans, fruit and dairy products. Magnesium Function: Involved in more than 300 essential metabolic reactions including energy production, conduction of nerve impulses, muscle contraction, and normal heart rhythm. Just like iron is responsible for the red colour of blood, magnesium is responsible for making leaves green. Men need slightly more magnesium than women, but marginal magnesium deficiency is present in most people as they do not reach the recommended intakes. Long-term consequences are believed to be diseases of the cardiovascular system. Sources: All green leafy vegetables and nuts (especially cashews and almonds), seeds, and whole grains. Iodine Function: Essential component of the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which regulate metabolism, growth and development, and reproductive function. Iodine-deficiency disorders include hypothyroidism, goitre and mental retardation. Selenium deficiency can exacerbate the effects of iodine deficiency. Sources: Sea weeds, iodized salt, sea food, beans, potatoes, dairy products and eggs. TRACE ELEMENTS Minerals we only need minute quantities (micrograms to milligrams). Zinc Function: Needed for the immune system to work properly, wound healing, breakdown of carbohydrates, vision, skin, hair and the senses of smell and taste. Sources: Sesame-, sunflower- and pumpkin seeds, nuts, meat, lentils, peanuts, mushrooms and green peas. Selenium Function: Incorporated into our proteins to make important antioxidant enzymes which help prevent cellular damage from free radicals. Selenium deficiency may contribute to poor heart function, hypothyroidism, and a weakened immune system. Sources: Cereals, nuts and seeds, mushrooms, legumes and fish.
  • 40. 105 antioxidation. Sources: Beans, nuts, seeds, grains and mushrooms. Chromium Function: To potentiate the action of insulin and improve glucose tolerance. Deficiency symptoms of chromium appear as signs of diabetes such as impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance and neuropathy. Sources: Whole-grain products, green peppers, apples, bananas and spinach. Iron Function: In all organisms, iron is incorporated into a biological structure called” heme” - an essential component of proteins involved in detoxification and oxygenation reactions. Examples include the oxygen-carrying proteins haemoglobin and myoglobin found in red blood cells and muscle cells, respectively. Sources: Inorganic iron can be found in lentils, beans, peas, green leafy vegetables, and strawberries. Organic (heme) iron comes from the flesh and blood of animals. Manganese Function: Necessary for healthy bones and cartilage, wound healing, collagen production, and healthy arteries. It is a constituent of enzymes that partake in the metabolism of cholesterol, carbohydrates, amino acids, and neurotransmitters, and that protect tissues and cell components from free radical damages. Sources: Unrefined cereals, nuts, leafy vegetables and tea. Molybdenum Function: An essential trace element and functions as a cofactor for several enzymes (molybdoenzymes) that catalyse metabolic reactions, especially those involving the breakdown of nucleotides (DNA and RNA). Molybdenum deficiency symptoms include rapid heart and respiratory rates, headache and becoming comatose. Sources: Legumes such as beans, lentils, and peas.
  • 41. Healthy Eating You’ve probably heard the sayings “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” and “You are what you eat”. For optimal health, the body should be provided with good nutrition. Nutrition is the science that explains the existence, uptake and metabolism of nutrients from food in the body, and their connection to our health.A healthy diet contains all the essen- tial nutrients and energy requirements that the body needs to perform at its best. Wellness by Oriflame encourage a balanced healthy lifestyle that includes eating well, regular physical activity, sufficient sleep, stress man- agement and social connections that promotes health and wellbeing to both body and mind. Energy Balance The human body requires energy to function.The amount of energy needed depends on the persons gender, age, body size and composition, health and activity level. Energy is not only used when performing physical activity but also when sedentary, e.g. when sitting or sleeping. A balanced energy intake not only ensures the maintenance of a healthy body, but also a healthy mind. If there is balance between energy need (total energy expenditure) and energy input (dietary energy intake), body weight will remain the same. If not in balance, an increase in energy (more food and/or less activity) will result in weight gain, whereas a reduction in energy (less food and/or more activity) will result in weight loss. It is quite a simple equation in theory, but in reality, many factors such as our biology, appetite and behaviours, as well as the environment, will influence how well the balance is kept (Hopkins & Blundell, 2016). There is no food nor macronutrient that is innate fattening; it is the total energy (calories) consumed and expended that decide if you will maintain, gain or lose body weight. It is however easier to gain body weight when consuming highly palatable foods, that is foods high in fat and/or sugar, which provide a lot of calories but without filling you up, e.g. cakes, pastries and sugary drinks. And, it is easier to maintain or lose weight when consuming nutritious foods that fill you up while being low in calories, such as lean high-quality protein and dietary fibre rich vegetables and wholegrains (Smethers & Rolls, 2018).When feeling content and not ravishing with hunger, it is usually also easier to adhere to a weight loss diet without feeling deprived. It is the adherence that is key here; the better you adhere to a specific diet, the better success you will have at losing unwanted body weight (Gibson & Sainsbury, 2017). 108 107 WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 Plate Model Using the plate model is an easy way of ensuring a good balance of both energy and nutrients in a meal thereby ensuring sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. By filling the plate with primarily vegetables, you will get plenty of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fibre that makes you feel full without unnecessary calories. Add some high-quality lean protein and wholegrains, and a dab of plant oil, and you will have a healthy meal! The Plate Model pictured below can be used as a guideline for the recommended proportions between different food categories for those that do not need as much energy, e.g. when trying to lose weight or being mainly sedentary. However, it does not tell you how much food you need, which would be influenced by the energy need and your appetite • Fill 1/2 of the plate with vegetables and root vegetables, such as tomato, broccoli, carrots or beets. • Fill 1/4 of the plate with protein, such as fish, eggs, poultry, dairy or legumes. • Fill 1/4 of the plate with carbohydrates, such as potatoes, pasta, bulgur, rice or bread. To eat according to the Plate Model is not just good for your health but also good for the planet(Willet et al., 2019). Increasing the consumption of vegetables and plant proteins while decreasing the amount of animal protein is more resource efficient and good for the environment. For extra benefit, try to choose locally sourced and in
  • 42. 110 109 • Follow the Plate Model guidelines to compose healthy meals. • Chose mainly whole foods over processed foods for more nutritious meals. • Choose water as your meal beverage instead of sugar sweetened beverages, juices and alcohol. • Choose fish, eggs, poultry, dairy or legumes rather than red meat or processed meats. • Choose wholegrains instead of refined grains (for example brown rice over white rice). • Choose plant oils and nut spreads rather than butter. • Choose low fat dairy instead of high fat dairy (for example cooking cream over whipping cream). • Avoid foods high in refined sugar and/or saturated fat that are low in nutrients.They can be a small part of an overall healthy diet, although eaten occasionally. • Eat regular meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 1-2 snacks depending on your energy needs. • Incorporate 20-30 g of high-quality protein in the three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner • Try to steam, boil or oven-bake your food, rather than deep-frying or frying it. • Be present and mindful when you eat; do not work, scroll social media or watch television while eating. • Eat slowly and chew properly; it takes approximately 20 minutes before you start feeling full. • Take a daily WellnessPack to support your intake of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and antioxidants. • For a healthy snack, have a Natural Balance Shake or Natural Balance Bar to support your intake of protein and dietary fibre. Checklist for Healthy Eating season produce. The Plate Model is a practical example of the dietary advice given in the joint Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012, 2014).The recommendations also form the basis of the healthy Nordic Diet that we at Oriflame draw inspiration from when we develop out food supplements. WELLNESS BY ORIFLAME | PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 110