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What is CSS?

       Cascading St l Sh t (CSS) i the W3C
        C      di Style Sheets          is h W3C-approved d
        method for specifying and enriching the visual
        presentation of web pages.
                               p g
       CSS is not HTML but does enhance HTML by allowing
        you to redefine how pre-existing tags work.
       A style sheet is written according to the grammar
        defined in the W3C CSS 1 or CSS 2 recommendations.
       It
        I can b contained in :
              be        i di
         A text file (which has a .css suffix)
         Embedded within <style> element contained within the
          <head> element
         Inline within any element via the style= attribute.
Why CSS?

       There are numerous advantages of using CSS
                                       f       CSS:
         Greater  control over textual effects and page layout.
         Separates document content (HTML) from its
          appearance (CSS).
        R d i
          Reducing d li i of style commands.
                    duplication f l              d
         Increase ease in web site maintenance.

       The disadvantages of CSS is:
         Harder to learn than straight HTML
         Some unevenness with browser support
           IE   prior to vers. 7 in particular has several CSS bugs
So why is separating appearance from content so
    i         ?

        Currently ( ith t CSS) th vast majority of a given HTML
         C      tl (without CSS), the  t j it f        i
         document’s markup is devoted to formatting/layout.
        These types of documents are very hard to maintain and
             Using markup, there is no easy way to replicate a design change
              over an entire site
             Using markup for layout (i.e., tables) creates fragile and hard to
              change layouts.
        These documents are not accessible (i.e., not easily usable
         by people with visual disabilities).
        These documents are hard to index (e.g., by search engines)
                                              (e g
             Google “is in effect the world’s most active blind user” (Meyer, 3).

        Eric Meyer, Cascading Style Sheets, 2nd Ed,  (O’Reilly, 2004).
Example Problem

    What is the actual content of this document?
Example Problem

       This page’s content:
           Date
           Image
           News Navigation Links
               Link Newsroom
               Link Events
               Link Media Centre
               Link Mount Royal Experts
           News & Events
               Feature Story
                      Policy Studies program joins forces with Students' Association to host all-candidates debate
                      Just days before Canadians cast their votes in our federal election, Mount Royal College will host an all-
                       candidates debate
                      Link
                      Image
                      Caption
                                Tami Rothery VP Student Life etc
               Newsroom
                      Link
                      Link
                      Link
                      Link
                      Link
HTML for the Content
    <div id=“news”>
        <div id=“newsNavigationLinks”>
             <li><a href=???>NewsRoom</a></li>
             <li><a href=???>Events</a></li>
        <img src=???>
        <h1>News & Events</h1>
        <div id=“story”>
         <h2>Feature Story</h2>
         <p id=caption>Tami Rothery VP Student Life etc</p>
         <p><em>Policy Studies program joins forces with Students' Association 
              to host all‐candidates debate</em></p>
         <p>Just days before Canadians cast their votes in our federal 
              election, Mount Royal College will host an all‐candidates debate</p>
                      ,         y        g                                      p
         <a href=???>More</a>
        <div id=“newsLinks”>
             <li><a href=???>Current News</a></li>
                                          /   /
             <li><a href=???>News Archive</a></li>
Actual HTML (which contains content and presentation)

    <table width 720 border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" valign="top"><tr><td valign="top" width="620"
    <table width="720" border 0  align center  cellpadding 0  cellspacing 0  valign top ><tr><td valign top  width 620  
         height="9"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="620" height="9" border="0"></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="620" 
         height="29"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="63" height="5" border="0"><script language="JavaScript"><small><font color='white' 
         face='Arial' size='1'><b>January 11, 2006</b></font></small></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="620" height="98"><img 
         src="images/spacer.gif" width="620" height="98" border="0" alt="News & Events"></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><table 
         width="720" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td width="100" valign="top" bgcolor="#003399"><a 
                                                     _            g     _     jpg                          _            g      _    jpg      g
         href="newsroom.php" onMouseOver="document.ne_new.src='images/ne_newr.jpg'" onMouseOut="document.ne_new.src='images/ne_new.jpg'"><img 
         src="images/ne_new.jpg" alt="Newsroom" title="Newsroom" name="ne_new" border="0"></a><br><a href="events.php"
         onMouseOver="document.ne_eve.src='images/ne_ever.jpg'“ onMouseOut="document.ne_eve.src='images/ne_eve.jpg'"> <img 
         src="images/ne_eve.jpg" alt="Events" title="Events" name="ne_eve" border="0"></a><br>
          <a href="mediarelations.shtml" onMouseOver="document.ne_med.src='images/ne_medr.jpg'" 
         onMouseOut="document.ne_med.src='images/ne_med.jpg'"><img src="images/ne_med.jpg" alt="Media Centre" title="Media Centre" 
         name="ne_med" border="0"></a><br><a href="experts.php" onMouseOver="document.ne_exp.src='images/ne_expr.jpg'" 
         onMouseOut="document.ne_exp.src='images/ne_exp.jpg'"> <img src="images/ne_exp.jpg" alt="Mount Royal Experts" title="Mount Royal 
         Experts" name="ne_exp" border="0"></a></td><td width="35" valign="top"><img src="images/homepage_top1.jpg"></td><td width="550" 
         valign="top"><font face="arial" size="2"><img src="images/homepage_top2.jpg"><br><table width="550" align="center" cellpadding="0" 
         cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td width="355" valign="top" colspan="3"><img src="images/title_featurestory.jpg" alt="Feature 
         Story"></td><td width="35" valign="top"><img src="images/featureshadow1.jpg"></td><td width="160" valign="top"><img 
         src="images/title_newsroom.jpg" alt="Newsroom"></td></tr><tr><td width="355" height="163" valign="top" colspan="3" 
         background= images/feature_bg.jpg ><table width= 355 align center cellpadding 0 cellspacing 0 border 0 ><tr><td width= 355
         background "images/feature bg jpg"><table width "355" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td width "355" 
         height="12" colspan="5" valign="top"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="355" height="12" border="0"></td></tr><tr><td width="12" 
         height="139" valign="top"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="12" height="139" border="0"></td><td width="147" height="139" 
         valign="top"><img src="featurestories/images/candidatedebate.jpg" border="0" alt="Tami Rothery, V.P. Student Affairs and Jackie 
         Chuckrey, SAMRC President overlook the location of the upcoming candidates debate."></td><td width="12" height="139" 
         valign="top"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="12" height="139" border="0"></td><td width="171" height="139" valign="top"><font 
         size 2 face="arial"><strong>Policy Studies program joins forces with Students' Association to host all‐candidates
         size="2" face arial ><strong>Policy Studies program joins forces with Students  Association to host all candidates 
         debate</strong></font>  <p><font size="1" face="arial">Just days before Canadians cast their votes in our federal election, Mount 
         Royal College will host an all‐candidates debate... &nbsp;&nbsp;> <a href="featurestories/candidatedebate.shtml">More</a></font></p>  
         </td><td width="12" height="139" valign="top"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="12" height="139" border="0"></td></tr><tr><td 
         width="355" height="12" colspan="5" valign="top"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="355" height="12" 
         border="0"></td></tr></table></td><td width="35" valign="top"><img src="images/featureshadow2.jpg"></td><td width="160" 
             g     p                                 g         g    p     g                    g                              p p
         valign="top"><font face="arial" size="1"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="160" height="15"><br><a href="newsroom.php">Current 
         News</a> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="160" height="5"><br><a href="archive.php">News Archives</a> <img 
         src="images/spacer.gif" width="160" height="5"><br><a href="/alumni/e_news.shtml">Alumni News</a> <img src="images/spacer.gif" 
         width="160" height="5"><br><a href="">Cougar News</a> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="160" 
         height="5"><br><a href="/conservatory/news.php">Conservatory News</a></font></td></tr></table>
Mixing Presentation with Content

        Combining presentation and content makes the HTML h d
         C b                       d          k h          harder
         to understand and to maintain.
            Almost all of this sample consists of position markup (all the table
             tags), formatting markup, and gratuitous images (single pixels for
             spacing, simple text images for headings).
            This little code snippet has 8 font tags: each one made the same
             change (white color, font name=Arial and size=small).
            The entire page in fact had 20 font tags doing the same thing.
                To change to a different color and font and size, we will have to
                 change 60 attributes in a total of 20 tags.
            With CSS
             Wi h CSS, we can specify this font rule just once.
                                  if hi f         l j
                To make the same change we only have to make one change to three
                 CSS rules.
Mixing Presentation with Content

        In fact the entire main content pages (thousands of pages) of the site
         used to have tens of thousands of font tags, almost all of which were one of the following:

             <font   face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>
             <font   face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1>
             <font   face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
             <font   face "Arial">
             <font   size=2>
             <font   size=1>
             <font   size=4>
             <font   face="Arial" size=2 bgcolor=white>
             <font   face="Arial" size=2 bgcolor=black>
             <font   face="Arial" size=1 bgcolor=white>
             <font   face="Arial" size=1 bgcolor=black>
             <font   face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2 bgcolor=black>
             <font   face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1 bgcolor=black>
             <font   face="Arial" size=4 bgcolor=white>
             <font face="Arial" size=4 bgcolor=black>
               o t ace      a   s e    bgco o b ac
Mixing Presentation with Content

        To k
         T make a site-wide change to the font face, size, or
                       i   id h           h f f        i
         color, for site would take hundreds of
         very tedious hours.
        To change the font used in all the images would again
         take hundreds of very tedious hours
        If the same site had been designed to separate
         presentation from content and to properly structured
         that content, the same change would take under a
          An entire site can use a single CSS file.
          If the CSS is properly cascaded, we would only have to
           make a few changes to that one file.
What does cascading mean?

        CSS are considered cascading because the
         styles can use a hierarchy which passes styles
         down to the elements
        Previously defined styles are applied unless
         a new, overriding style change is made.
What does cascading mean?
          body         font-face: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: black;
                 h1     font-size:14pt;

                 p          font-size:10pt;

                 div id=story          font-size:12pt; font-weight: bold;

                 div id=news           background:white;

                      div id=story        position: relative; left: 125px; width: 200px

                        p                     font-weight: normal;
CSS Rules

        Style sheets consist of one or more rules.
        Each rule defines what an element should look like
         and how it should behave in the browser window.

        The following contains two rules.
            The first indicates that the use of h2 should result in the
             text being colored green. The second indicates text in a
                  b i       l d            Th        d i di            i
             p tag should be 12pt Arial or some sans-serif font.

             h2 { color: green; }
             p   { font-size: 12pt; font-face: Arial, sans-serif;
CSS Rule Placement

        There are three ways in which rules can be applied
         to a document:
          Inlinestyles
          Embedded styles
          External styles
Inline Styles

        Are added to a tag via the style attribute.
           <h2 style="color: green;">
           <p   style="font-size: 12pt; font-face: Arial, sans-serif;">

        Affects only that instance of the tag.
        Not recommended
Embedded Styles

        Are added in the head of the page and affects all
         instance of the defined tag.
           <style type="text/css">
             h2 { color: green; }
             p   { font-size: 12pt; font-face: Arial sans-serif;
                                               Arial,              }
External Styles

        Are t d in
         A stored i an external fil and linked or imported i t a page.
                            t     l file d li k d i      t d into
        Generally the best approach since a single external stylesheet file
         can be used in multiple pages.
            They thus provide a way to achieve consistent styling across an entire
        Two approaches
            Linking
             <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">

            Importing
             <style type="text/css">
             @import url(styles.css);
             @import url(colours.css);
CSS Rule Composition

        A CSS rule i composed of two parts:
                 l is        d ft        t
            Selector
            Declaration block
        The selector defines which part of the document is to be affected.
        The declaration block consists of one or more declarations.
            Each declaration is separated by semicolons
            A declaration is a combination of CSS property and a value for that

                               Declaration Block

             h1 { color: green; font-size: 24pt; }

          Selector   Declaration            property   value
Document Structure

        As mentioned, XHTML should describe the structure
         and content of the document, while CSS describes
         its appearance.
          Understanding this XHTML structure is a necessary part
           of mastering CSS.
        XHTML documents contain a hierarchy of elements
            M                              y
Document Structure

                                                   body is an ancestor of img

             head                            body

                                                                     body is the parent of ul

     title      link          h1         p            a         ul         ul is a child of body

                                   a         img           li         li

                                       img is a descendent of body

        Selectors are what connect the style definitions to
         the specific tags that are to be modified.
        There are three basic forms of selectors:
          HTML   selectors
          Class selectors

          ID select
HTML Selectors

        You h
         Y have already seen HTML selectors. These are the styles
                     l d                 l      Th      h     l
         that directly effect an HTML tag element.
         h1 { color: red; }

        These selectors can also be grouped into comma-separated
         lists (this modifies all elements in list).
         h2, h3, p { color: blue; }
Class Selectors

        A class selector is used to specify the styles of
         elements that have been classified using the class
         attribute in the HTML tags.
          Theseallow you to define styles independently of the
           HTML elements.
           period indicating       list of property-
                                     st o p ope ty
           a class selector        value pairs

                .classname { property: value; }

                  name of
                  class selector
Class Selectors Examples

        An
         A HTML element can be classified using the class
                    l       b l ifi d i          h
            The following shows that two tag instances have been
             classified as warning tags:
              <em class="warning">Do not apply to exposed skin.</em>
              <h4 class="warning">Do not induce vomitting.</h4>
              <h4 l     "    i ">D     t i d       itti   </h4>

            With these elements classified, we can set up a style
             for the class “warning”:
                            warning :
             .warning { font‐size: 36pt; color: red; }

            We can also combine HTML and class selectors to
             more narrowly target some classes:
             b.warning { font size: 36pt; color: red; }
             b warning { font‐size: 36pt; color: red; }
             h4.warning { font‐size: 48pt; color: red; }
Class Selectors

        You can also specify multiple classes via the class

     .box {
       box {               <div class= box a >
                           <div class="box a">
     margin: 10px;         <div class="box b">
     .a {
     background: green;
     .b {
     background: red;
ID Selectors

        An ID selector is used to target specific instances
         (those with the ID) rather than classifying elements
         # symbol indicating   list of property-
         an ID selector        value pairs

                #idname { property: value; }

                 name off
                 ID selector
ID Selectors Examples

        An HTML element can be identified using the id
          The following shows that this tag instance has been
           identified with the value 5511:
           <p id="5511">hot sales on now!</p>

          With  this element identified, we can set up a style for
           the id “5511”
            h     “5511”:
           #5511 { font-style: italic; color: blue; }
ID Selectors Examples

        We can also combine HTML and ID selectors.

          p#5511 { font‐style: italic; color: blue; }

          #5511 { font‐style: italic; color: blue; }

          Both of these do the same thing.

          The fi t
          Th first one is however more self-
                       i h               lf
Class versus ID selectors

        Classes can be applied to any number of elements.
          Use classes to style a number of different but related
        IDs are used once and only once in an HTML
          Use   ids to style a unique element uniquely.
Contextual Selectors

        There are specialized contextual selectors:
          Descendant   selectors
          Child selectors

          Adjacent Sibling selectors
              j            g
          Attribute selectors
Contextual Selectors

        These are rules that operate only in specific
         structural or contextual situations.
          Forinstance, in the example below, let's change only the
           <h2> element within the <div> to green 24pt text.
           <div id="logo">
              <h1>Pearson Education</h1>
              <h2>Book Rep System</h2>
           <h2>Technical Books</h2>

          How    would we do this?
            We   could add an id to the specific h2 element (or a class if
             we had multiples). However, over time, our markup and css
             can become too bloated (and too complicated) with ids and
Descendant Selectors

        Instead, we could use a contextual selector.
          For instance, we could use a descendant selector, which
           selects/matches all elements that are descendants of an
          <div id="logo">
             <h1>Pearson Education</h1>
             <h2>Book Rep System</h2>
          <h2>Technical Books</h2>

                 a div that contains a h2

                      div h2 {color: green; font-size: 24pt; }

                                                      h2 is a descendant of the di
                       h2 contained within a div
                                                      div is the ancestor of the h2
Child Selectors

        Matches/selects all elements that are immediate
         child of a specified element, including elements that
         are not direct descendants.
          <div id="logo">
             <h1>Pearson Education</h1>
             <h2>Book Rep System</h2>
          <h2>Technical Books</h2>
                                                      NOT Supported by IE 6
           div>h2 {color: green; font-size: 24pt; }   or earlier

           h2 is direct child of div
Child Selectors

     <div class="box">
        <p>This text will be green</p>
        <p>This text will be green as well</p>
        <div class="title">
           <p>this text will be green as well if we use descendant selector, 
           <p>this text will be green as well if we use descendant selector
              but if we use a child selector it will be red.
     <p>What color will I be?</p>

     p {
     p { color: red; }
                   ; }                                           p { color: red; }
     .box p { color: green; }                                    .box>p { color: green; }
                                                                  b     {   l           }
Adjacent Sibling Selectors

        Selects all elements that are the adjacent (i.e.,
         follows immediate) siblings of an element.

           <h1>Pearson Education</h1>
           <p>This is the first</p>                 Only the first <p> will be
           <p>This is the second</p>                selected

           h1+p {color: green; font-size: 24pt; }
                                                    NOT Supported by IE 6
                                                    or earlier
            p is direct adjacent sibling of h1
Attribute Selectors

        Will match elements on the basis of the presence of
         an attribute or a match of the attribute value.
         input[type="text"] {
            background‐color: yellow;
            color: red;

         NOT Supported by IE 6
         or earlier
Attribute Selectors

            <label>Name </label>
            <label>Name </label>
            <input type="text" /><br/>
            <label>Phone </label>
            <input type="text" /><br/>
            <label>Password </label>
            <input type="password" /><br/>

            <input type="submit" />
                                               Matches elements that contain that
                                               attribute (regardless of its value)
     Matches only elements with a particular
     attribute value                           input[type] {
                                                  background‐color: yellow;
                                                  color: red;
     input[type="text"] {                      }
        background‐color: yellow;
        color: red;
Pseudo Classes

        Pseudo classes refer to a variety of additional
         labels that can be added to a selector based on its
         user state.
        Indicated via a colon (:)
Pseudo Classes

        In CSS 1, only the <a> element supports four
         different pseudo-classes
         A  link that is active, visited, unvisited, or when you
           mouse over a link can all be displayed in different
          E.g.
           a:link {color: blue;}
           a:visited {color: purple;}
           a:hover {color: red; text-decoration: none; font-weight:bold; }
           a:active {color: olive}

          Order     of these is important
            Link
             Link,   visited hover active
                     visited, hover,
Pseudo Classes

          CSS 2 introduced a few other pseudo classes (not
           uniformly supported by IE 7):
            :focus

            :first-child

            :first-letter
                              </ l>              <h1>Heading Is Here</h1>
 input[type="text"]:focus {
    border: 2px solid blue;   li:first‐child {   h1:first‐letter {
 }                               color: red;        color: green;
                              }                  }
Selectors Exercise

     <div id="logo">
        <img src="whatever.gif" />                    .extra { color: green; }
     </div>                                           div.extra { color: green; }
     <div class="header">
       <h1>Pearson Education</h1>
       <h2>Book Rep System</h2>                       #logo { color: green; }
       <p>Some random text.</p>
       <p>here is some more.</p>
     </div>                                           div p { color: green; }
                                                          p {        g    ; }
     <p>My name is Ishmael.</p>
     <p>Some years ago</p>                            div p:first‐child { color: green; }
     <div class="extra">
       <p>Some more random text.</p>                     p {        g    ; }
                                                      h2+p { color: green; }
       <p>This paragraph will be displayed.</p>
       <p>So will this one.</p>                       h2>p { color: green; }
       <div id="subtext">
          <p>never mind how long</p>
           p                   g p                    div>p { color: green; }
                                                          p {        g    ; }
     </div>                                           div[class] { color: green; }
     <p class="extra">having little or no money</p>
div.extra { color: green; }
     .extra { color: green; }
      extra { color: green; }
                                                              <div id="logo">
                                                                 <img src="whatever.gif" />
                                                              <div class="header">
                                                                <h1>Pearson Education</h1>
                                                                <h2>Book Rep System</h2>
                                                                <p>Some random text.</p>
                                                                <p>here is some more.</p>
                                                              <p>My name is Ishmael.</p>
                                                              <p>My name is Ishmael </p>
                                                              <p>Some years ago</p>
                                                              <div class="extra">
                                                                <p>Some more random text.</p>
                                                                <p>This paragraph will be displayed.</p
                                                                <p>So will this one.</p>
                                                                <div id="subtext">
                                                                   <p>never mind how long</p>
                                                              <p class extra >having little or no mone
                                                              <p class="extra">having little or no mone

#logo { color: green; }
                               div p { color: green; }

                                                         <div id="logo">
                                                            <img src="whatever.gif" />
                                                         <div class="header">
                                                           <h1>Pearson Education</h1>
                                                           <h2>Book Rep System</h2>
                                                           <p>Some random text.</p>
                                                           <p>here is some more.</p>
                                                         <p>My name is Ishmael.</p>
                                                         <p>My name is Ishmael </p>
                                                         <p>Some years ago</p>
                                                         <div class="extra">
                                                           <p>Some more random text.</p>
                                                           <p>This paragraph will be displayed.</p>
                                                           <p>So will this one.</p>
                                                           <div id="subtext">
                                                              <p>never mind how long</p>
                                                         <p class extra >having little or no money</
                                                         <p class="extra">having little or no money</

div p:first‐child { color: green; }
div p:first‐child { color: green; }
                                                           <div id="logo">
                                  h2+p { color: green; }
                                                              <img src="whatever.gif" />
                                                           <div class="header">
                                                             <h1>Pearson Education</h1>
                                                             <h2>Book Rep System</h2>
                                                             <p>Some random text.</p>
                                                             <p>here is some more.</p>
                                                           <p>My name is Ishmael.</p>
                                                           <p>My name is Ishmael </p>
                                                           <p>Some years ago</p>
                                                           <div class="extra">
                                                             <p>Some more random text.</p>
                                                             <p>This paragraph will be displayed.</p>
                                                             <p>So will this one.</p>
                                                             <div id="subtext">
                                                                <p>never mind how long</p>
                                                           <p class extra >having little or no money</
                                                           <p class="extra">having little or no money</

h2>p { color: green; }   div>p { color: green; }

                                                        <div id="logo">
                                                           <img src="whatever.gif" />
                                                        <div class="header">
                                                          <h1>Pearson Education</h1>
                                                          <h2>Book Rep System</h2>
                                                          <p>Some random text.</p>
                                                          <p>here is some more.</p>
                                                        <p>My name is Ishmael.</p>
                                                        <p>My name is Ishmael </p>
                                                        <p>Some years ago</p>
                                                        <div class="extra">
                                                          <p>Some more random text.</p>
                                                          <p>This paragraph will be displayed.</p>
                                                          <p>So will this one.</p>
                                                          <div id="subtext">
                                                             <p>never mind how long</p>
                                                        <p class extra >having little or no money</p
                                                        <p class="extra">having little or no money</p

div[class] { color: green; }

                                    <div id="logo">
                                       <img src="whatever.gif" />
                                    <div class="header">
                                      <h1>Pearson Education</h1>
                                      <h2>Book Rep System</h2>
                                      <p>Some random text.</p>
                                      <p>here is some more.</p>
                                      <p>here is some more </p>
                                    <p>My name is Ishmael.</p>
                                    <p>Some years ago</p>
                                    <div class="extra">
                                      <p>Some more random text.</p>
                                       h     d      /h
                                      <p>This paragraph will be displayed.</p>
                                      <p>So will this one.</p>
                                      <div id="subtext">
                                         <p>never mind how long</p>
                                    <p class="extra">having little or no money</p>

Font Formatting with CSS

        font formatting properties and possible values

     font-family: [family name], [family name], etc
     font-size: [height] | [percentage] | small | medium | large | smaller | etc
     font-style: italic | oblique | normal
     font-weight: normal | bold | bolder | lighter | etc
     font-variant: small-caps | normal
     font: [font-style]|[font-weight] [font-size][/line-height] [font-family]
Font Formatting with CSS

        The font-family property should always specify a
         generic font family name in case the computer
         viewing the page does not have one of the
         specified fonts.              Generic family name
         font-family: Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif;

        The font property allows you to combine multiple
         font styles into one declaration.
         font: bold 12pt Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif;
Platform Considerations

        Do not assume that a font you have is one that is on
         the viewer's computer.
          Fonts
               common (for most users) to both Mac and
            Arial,Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Comic Sans, Courier New
            Georgia, Impact, Tahoma, Times New Roman
            Trebuchet MS, Verdana
CSS Sizes

        Font sizes (and all CSS sizes) can be specified using
         absolute or relative units
          Relative
            smaller,   larger keywords
            Percentages
            em value
                  This is the height of the character box for the font
          Absolute
            small,   medium, large, etc keywords.
            Inches (in), points (pt), pixels (px), etc.
Sizing Fonts

        Generally, the most common approach is to set the
         size in pixels.

         h2 { font-size: 18px;   }

          Advantage  is that the designer has complete control
           over what the user sees in terms of the size of the font.
          Any problems with this?
Sizing Fonts

        Not all users have the same eye strength.
          Browsers  provide user with ability to resize font size.
          Unfortunately, with IE 6 and 7, if the page's CSS uses
           pixel unit to set font size then the text will not be
Sizing Fonts

        It is better to use a relative unit for sizing fonts, even
         though it is initially a bit tricky.
        Three approaches
          Use   keywords (x‐small, small, medium, large, etc)
                           x small, small, medium, large
            Unfortunatelynot as much control over ultimate size due to
             limited number of sizes.
          Use   em unit
             h2 { font-size: 1.5 em;     }

          Use   percentage size
             h2 { font-size: 120%;   }
Percentage Size

        This is a percentage of the elements parent's font
         size. body { font-size: 10px; }
                      font size:
              #logo { font-size: 150%; }
              h2 { font-size: 200%; }
              .dwarf { font-size: 75%; }

                  <div id="logo">
                      <h2>Book Rep System</h2>        30px ( (10*2.00)* 1.5 )
                  <h2>Technical Books</h2>            20px (10 * 2.00)
                  <p>Here is some regular text</p>    10px
                  <p class="dwarf">really small</p>   7.5px (10 * 0.75)
Percentage Size

        Unfortunately, the previous example doesn't allow
         resizing due to absolute setting of body font size.
        Instead, we should use a relative setting for the
Percentage Size

        body { font-size: 10px; }

               body { font-size: 100%; }
              #logo { font-size: 150%; }
               h2 { font-size: 200%; }
               .dwarf { font-size: 75%; }

        body { font-size: small; }
         #logo { font-size: 150%; }
         h2 { font-size: 200%; }
         .dwarf { font-size: 75%; }
Percentage Size

        Advantage to this approach is that you can change
         the overall size of text in your site by making just
         one change: the font-size of the body.
        Disadvantage is that it can get quite complicated
                     g                 g q          p
         with percentages and nested elements.
Em sizes

        As an alternative to percentages, you can use em
          An  em unit when used for sizing fonts is relative to the
           baseline size of the parent.
          If the parent of an element has a font size of 14 pixels,
           then 1em is 14 pixels; if the font size is 24 pixels, then
           1 em is 24 pixels.
        Most browsers have a default font size of 1em
         (about 16 pixels).
em sizes

     body { font-size: 1em; }
     #logo { font-size: 1.2em; }
     h2 { font-size: 1.5em; }
     .dwarf { font-size: 0
                    i    0.75em; }

         <div id="logo">
             <h2>Book Rep System</h2>        28px ( (16*1.2)* 1.5 )
         <h2>Technical Books</h2>            24px (16 * 1.5)
         <p>Here is some regular text</p>
          p                 g          p     16px
         <p class="dwarf">really small</p>   12px (16 * 0.75)
Conclusion: Font Sizes

        Set the base body font-size relatively (i.e., using
         keyword, em, or percentage).
        Use percentage or em for all other sizes,
         remembering that they are relative to the size set
                    g        y
         for the body.
Text Formatting

        text formatting properties and possible values.

     text-indent: [length] | [percentage]
     letter-spacing: [length] | normal
     word spacing:
     word-spacing: [length] | normal
     text-decoration: none | underline | line-through | overline
     line-height: [height] | [percentage] | normal | etc
     text-transform: uppercase | l
     t t t     f                 lowercase | capitalize | none
                                                it li
     text-align: left | center | right | justify
     vertical-align: middle | bottom | top | etc

        Just as with font sizes, you should use relative units
         (percentage or em) for lengths.
Block Level Inline Level
     Block-Level vs Inline-Level elements

        Block-level elements
          Generate    an element box that fills its parent element's
           content area.
          That is, they generate "breaks" before and after the
           element box.
          E.g. <p>, <div>, <ul>, <table>

        Inline-level elements
          Generate  an element box within a line of text
          E.g., <a>, <span>, <strong>
Element Boxes

        CSS assumes that every element generates a
         rectangular box called the element box (sometimes
         also called the box model).
        Each element box has
         a   content area,
          a background color and/or image
          a margin,

          a possible b d
                  ibl border
          internal padding.
Element Boxes

        CSS assumes that every HTML element exists in a
         rectangle called the element box.
                                               Background image
                                               and/or color

                 g                                                         border

                   This is a content area. CSS assumes that every HTML
                   element exists in a rectangle called the element box.



                                          Element box
Element Box

     Molly Holzschlag,”Thinking Outside the Grid”,
Element Box

        You can adjust the following parts of the box with
          Width    and Height
          Border
            Thickness,   style, and color of the border
          Margin
            Setthe distance between the box and adjacent element's
          Padding
            Set   the distance of the content from the border of the box
Width and Height

        You can change the width and height of the element
         box in quite a few different ways.
          The most straightforward way is via the width and
           height properties
           H1 { width: 50%; height: 25px; }

          Remember,    the width and height properties set the
           size of the content area, not the element box itself.
            i    f th      t t         t th l      t b it lf
                      This is a content area. CSS assumes that every HTML
                      element exists in a rectangle called the element box.


Width and Height

        Unfortunately, the width and height properties have
         a different meaning in CSS standard than in IE 5 or
         IE 6 in quirks mode.
          Recall  that unless you have a valid DOCTYPE specifying
           xhtml strict or xhtml transitional DTD, IE will display
           document in quirks mode.
          For IE in quirks mode, width and height refer to the
           element box not to the content area.

        Can specify each axis individually, e.g.
         border-top-style: dashed;
         border left color:
         border-left-color: red;
         border-right-width: 5px;

        Can specify all 4 axis at once identically, e.g.
              p y                                 y, g
         border-style: solid;
         border-color: green;

        Can
         C specify multiple axis at once i di id ll e.g.
               if    li l     i          individually,
         border-width: 2px 3px 4px 5px;                                 TOP

         p p
         property: top right bottom left
                y    p   g                         TRouBLe       left            right
         border-color: green red;          green red green red
        Can also specify multiple properties at once
         border: 1px double green;
         border: width style color;

        The space between the border and the content area
        Can specify each side individually or all at once, e.g.,
         padding-top: 5px;                                  TOP

         padding: 3px 2px 5px 4px;                   left         right

        Default is no padding                          bottom

        If you have a border on box containing text, it is a good
         idea to add padding

        Margins provide separation between element boxes
        Can specify each side individually or all at once,
               p y                        y               ,
         margin-top: 5px;
         margin: 3px 2px 5px 4px;
Margin Demo
              <h1>Margin demo</h1>
74            <p>Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the W3C-approved
              method for specifying and enriching the visual
              presentation of web pages.</p>
                       i    f   b        /
              <p>CSS is not HTML but does enhance HTML by allowing
              you to redefine how pre-existing tags work. A style
              sheet is written according to the grammar defined in
              the W3C CSS 1 or CSS 2 recommendations. </p>

                               * { border: 1px solid black; }

                              * { border: 1px solid black; margin: 0; }
Padding versus Margins


Collapsing Margins

        For adjacent vertical block-level elements in the
         normal document flow, only the margin of the
         element with the largest margin value will be
          while the margin of the element with the smaller margin
           value will be collapsed to zero.
Collapsing Margins                                 <div>before</div>
                                                           <p>line one</p>
                                                           <p>line two</p>
77                                                         <p>line three</p>
      div { border: 1px solid black; margin: 0;}
      p { background-color: silver; height: 50px;
           margin-top: 50px; margin-bottom: 0px;}
                                           div { border: 1px solid black; margin: 0;}
                                           p { background-color: silver; height: 50px;
                                                margin-top: 50px; margin-bottom: 20px;}

                                                         Notice that vertical margins collapse!!!
                                                          o       a        a ag        o ap

                                                         When top and bottom margins meet
                                                         they overlap until one of the margins
                                                         touches the border of the other element
Collapsing Margins

     .box {
        margin: 10px;
                                                    <div class="box a">
                                                        <div class="box b">
     .a {
                                                            <div class="box c">
        background: #777;
                                                                <div class="box d">
                                                                    <div class="box e">
     .b {
       b {
                                                                    The top and bottom margins collapse but the left and 
        background: #999;
                                                                    right margins don't. The top and bottom  margins also 
                                                                    collapse in IE 7 because the elements don't have a 
     .c {
        background: #bbb;
     .d {
     .d {
        background: #ddd;
     .e {
        background: #fff;

         Tommy Olsson & Paul O’Brien, The Ultimate CSS Reference   (SitePoint, 2008).
Collapsing Margins

        You can stop vertical margins collapsing by adding
         a border or padding.

         .box {
           margin: 10px;
           padding: 1px;
Collapsing Margins

           However, IE 7 will NOT collapse margins if the
            collapsed element has layout (i.e., has a width

 .box {
   margin: 10px;
   width: 400px;

     IE 7
Collapsing Margins

        Also, margins don’t collapse (in all browsers) for:
          floated  elements
          absolutely positioned elements

          inline-block elements

          cleared elements

          overflow set to anything other than visible
Collapsing Margins

     .box {
       margin: 10px;
       float: left;

                           Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE8

                           IE 7
Can I just forget IE 7 (and 6)?
Element box size revisited

        Recall that in CSS standard, the width and height
         properties set the size of the content area, not the
         element box itself.
        Any p
            y padding or borders increases the size of the
         element box
        However,
         However with IE in quirks mode (or version 5) the
         width and height indicate the size of the element
          Padding   and borders thus shrinks the size of the content
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
           "">        IE in quirks mode

  p { background-color: silver;
      height: 100px; width: 100px; }                   100px                       100px

                                             100px                      100px
  p { background-color: silver;
      height: 100px; width: 100px;
      padding: 20px; }
 </style>                                                 140px                     100px


      p { background-color: silver;
          height: 100px; width: 100px;
          padding: 20px;                                                           100px
          border: 6px solid black; }                           152px
      / y

85                                                                      100px

Containing Boxes

        Block boxes act as a containing block for any
         boxes within them.

           This is the first sentence.
           <p>This is the second sentence.</p>

        In this code, the div element establishes a containing
                     ,                                        g
         block for both the first string of text and the P
        The p element in turn creates a containing block for
         the second text string

        You can change the position of an element box via
         the position, top, left, bottom, and right properties.
          Note: it doesn’t make sense to set both left and right.
          Note: it doesn’t make sense to set both top and bottom.
Positioning Property Values

       static
         Eachposition is laid out based on the normal flow of the
          document (default)
       relative
         Moves    an element relative to its normal (static) position.
       absolute
         Moves an element absolutely relative to its containing block,
                                      y                        g      ,
          and not relative to the page or window.
       fixed
         Moves   an element absolutely relative to the browser window
          so that the element never moves, even when the page is
          scrolled (not supported in IE 6 or lower).
         This can be used to replicate HTML frames in CSS
Static Positioning

        Element boxes flow vertically starting at the top
         of their containing block with each placed
         directly below the preceding one.
        Inline boxes flow horizontally from left to right.

        positioned elements are placed in relation to their
                  d l             l d        l          h
         containing blocks (but are not confined by this
         containing block)
        Fixed
            Containing block is browser window
        Absolute
          Containing bo is closest positioned ancestor
                        box                       ancestor.
          If there is no positioned ancestor, the initial containing block
           is the browser window.
        Relative
          Does not have a containing block.
          It is positioning away from its normal (static) position.
<style type="text/css">
        #logo {
          border: 1
                  1px solid black; width: 300
                         i          i     300px;
          position: relative; top: 200px; left: 100px; }

     <body>                                              <body>
     <div id="logo">                                     You can change the position of an element …
        <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1>          You can change the position of an element …
        <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2>            You can change the position of an element …
     </div>                                              <div id="logo">
     </body>                                                <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1>
                                                            <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2>

91             Remember that relative moves an element relative to its normal position
<style type="text/css">
        #logo {
          border: 1
                  1px solid black; width: 300
                         i          i     300px;
          position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px; }

     <body>                                       <body>
     <div id="logo">                              You can change the position of an element …
        <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1>   You can change the position of an element …
        <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2>     You can change the position of an element …
     </div>                                       <div id="logo">
     </body>                                         <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1>
                                                     <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2>

    <div id="logo">
       <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1>
       <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2>

                                         <style type="text/css">
                                           #logo {
                                             border: 1px solid black;
                                             width: 300px; height: 100px;
                                             position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px; }
                                           #logo h2 {
                                             position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 100px; }

                                         <style type="text/css">
                                            y     yp
                                           #logo {
                                              border: 1px solid black;
                                              width: 300px; height: 100px;
                                              position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px; }
                                           #logo h2 {
                                              position: relative; top: 20px; left: 100px; }

   Remember that absolute moves an element absolutely relative to its containing block, and
93 not relative to the page or window.
                                                                     <div id="logo">
                                                                        <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1>
                                                                        <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2>
                                                                     </di >



   <style type="text/css">
     #logo {
       border: 1px solid black;
       width: 300px; height: 100px;
       position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px; }
     #logo h2 {
       position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 100px; }

   Remember that absolute moves an element absolutely relative to its containing block, and
94 not relative to the page or window.


                                                                           <style type="text/css">
                                                                             #logo {
                                                                               border: 1px solid black;
                                                                                        p             ;
                                                                               width: 300px; height: 100px;
                                                                               position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px; }
                                                                             #logo h2 {
                                                                               position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 100px; }

   <style type="text/css">
     #logo {                                                                <body>
       border: 1px solid black;                                             <div id="logo">
                                                                               <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1>
       width: 300px; height: 100px;                                            <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2>
                                                                                h2       B k R    S t    /      /h2
   }                                                                        </div>
     #logo h2 {                                                             </body>

       position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 100px; }

   Remember that absolute moves an element absolutely relative to its containing block, which is closest
95 positioned ancestor; if none, then container is browser window.


     <style type="text/css">                       Without #logo h2 positioning
       #logo {
          border: 1px solid black;
          width: 300px; height: 100px;
          position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px; }
       #logo h2 {
          position: relative; top: 20px; left: 100px; }              <body>
     </style>                                                        <div id="logo">
                                                                             <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1>
                                                                             <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2>

96    Remember that relative moves an element relative to its normal position

        Absolute positioning is sometimes used to position an
         element off-screen.
          An  example is the click to skip navigation link added for
           screen readers.

               Floating is achieved by setting the float property on
                an element's style to either left or right.
               Non-floated content will flow along the side
                opposite to the specified float direction.
                 pp              p
                                                            .image { float: left; }

     No float                                          .image { float: right; }

     <img src="images/pic.gif" class="image" />
     Floated boxes will move to the left or right until …
Clearing Floats

        Block-level elements will continue to wrap around
         floated element for the entire height of floated
Clearing Floats

         The CSS property clear forces an element to
          display beneath any floated elements.
                                   No clear

                                    .clear {
                                     clear: both;

                                    <img src="images/pic.gif" class="image" />
                                    <p>Float boxes …
                                    <p class="clear">Floating an image …

         clear: l f
           l     left
             The element is moved below the bottom outer edge of any
              left-floating boxes that resulted from elements earlier in the
              source document.
         clear: right
             The element is moved below the bottom outer edge of any
              right-floating boxes that resulted from elements earlier in
              the source document.
         clear: both
             The element is moved below all floating boxes of earlier
              elements in the source d
               l       i h           document.
         clear: none

          Floated boxes will move to the left or right until
           their outer edge touches the containing block edge
           or the outer edge of another float.

                                                                 <div id="logo">
                                                                    <img src="images/pic.gif" class="image" />
                                                                    Floated boxes will … 

  #logo { margin: 50px;  border: 1px solid black;}

  div p {background‐color: yellow; border: 1px dashed black; }

  .image { float: left; }
Floating Left and Right

         You can float items in a container both left and

                                       .leftImage { float: left; }
                                       .rightImage { float: right; }

                                       <img src= images/pic.gif class="leftImage" />
                                       <img src="images/pic gif" class= leftImage  />
                                       <img src="images/pic.gif" class="rightImage" />
Floating Left and Right

         Once you’ve floated all the elements within a
          container, that container will no longer have any
          non-floated content, so the container will collapse to
          zero height.
                                                          Notice no background color

                                           <div id="logo">
      #logo { margin: 50px; 
                                             <img src="images/pic.gif" class="leftImage" />
              border: 1px solid black; 
                                             <img src="images/pic.gif" class="rightImage" />
              background‐color:yellow; }
Floating Left and Right

         To avoid this problem, set an explicit height for the
          containing block.

          #logo { margin: 50px; 
                  height: 120px;
                  border: 1px solid black; 
                  background‐color:yellow; }
Multi Column
      Multi-Column Layouts

         Two approaches for creating multi-column layouts:
           Using floats
           Using positioning

         Note: this refers to how the basic multi-column
                                             multi column
          layout is created.
           One might still use floats (for other elements, such as a
            header) within a layout created via positioning.
Multi Column
      Multi-Column Layouts

         A complicated float-based layout:
           canbe tricky and fragile (esp. in IE before version 8).
           Hard to preserve source-order (see next slide).

         A complicated position-based layout:
                        position based
           has   fewer problems with IE
           it i really t
               is    ll troublesome to di l a f t b l th
                            bl      t display footer below the
Source Order

         refers to how page elements are arranged, or
          ordered in the source.
         This is important for:
           accessibility
           SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
             We  want the page s content to appear in the markup
              before things like secondary navigation columns.

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  • 3. What is CSS? 3  Cascading St l Sh t (CSS) i the W3C C di Style Sheets is h W3C-approved d method for specifying and enriching the visual p presentation of web pages. p g  CSS is not HTML but does enhance HTML by allowing you to redefine how pre-existing tags work.  A style sheet is written according to the grammar defined in the W3C CSS 1 or CSS 2 recommendations.  It I can b contained in : be i di  A text file (which has a .css suffix)  Embedded within <style> element contained within the <head> element  Inline within any element via the style= attribute.
  • 4. Why CSS? 4  There are numerous advantages of using CSS f CSS:  Greater control over textual effects and page layout.  Separates document content (HTML) from its appearance (CSS). R d i Reducing d li i of style commands. duplication f l d  Increase ease in web site maintenance.  The disadvantages of CSS is: f  Harder to learn than straight HTML  Some unevenness with browser support  IE prior to vers. 7 in particular has several CSS bugs
  • 5. So why is separating appearance from content so important? i ? 5  Currently ( ith t CSS) th vast majority of a given HTML C tl (without CSS), the t j it f i document’s markup is devoted to formatting/layout.  These types of documents are very hard to maintain and change.  Using markup, there is no easy way to replicate a design change over an entire site site.  Using markup for layout (i.e., tables) creates fragile and hard to change layouts.  These documents are not accessible (i.e., not easily usable by people with visual disabilities).  These documents are hard to index (e.g., by search engines) (e g accurately.  Google “is in effect the world’s most active blind user” (Meyer, 3). Eric Meyer, Cascading Style Sheets, 2nd Ed,  (O’Reilly, 2004).
  • 6. Example Problem 6 What is the actual content of this document?
  • 7. Example Problem 7  This page’s content:  Date  Image  News Navigation Links  Link Newsroom  Link Events  Link Media Centre  Link Mount Royal Experts  News & Events  Feature Story  Policy Studies program joins forces with Students' Association to host all-candidates debate  Just days before Canadians cast their votes in our federal election, Mount Royal College will host an all- all candidates debate  Link  Image  Caption  Tami Rothery VP Student Life etc  Newsroom  Link  Link  Link  Link  Link
  • 8. HTML for the Content 8 <div id=“news”> <div id=“newsNavigationLinks”> <ul> <li><a href=???>NewsRoom</a></li> <li><a href=???>Events</a></li> etc </ul> </div> <p>Date</p> <img src=???> <h1>News & Events</h1> <div id=“story”> <h2>Feature Story</h2> y <img> <p id=caption>Tami Rothery VP Student Life etc</p> <p><em>Policy Studies program joins forces with Students' Association  to host all‐candidates debate</em></p> <p>Just days before Canadians cast their votes in our federal  election, Mount Royal College will host an all‐candidates debate</p> , y g p <a href=???>More</a> </div> <div id=“newsLinks”> <h2>Newsroom</h2> <ul> <li><a href=???>Current News</a></li> / / <li><a href=???>News Archive</a></li> etc </ul> </div> </div>
  • 9. Actual HTML (which contains content and presentation) 9 <table width 720 border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" valign="top"><tr><td valign="top" width="620" <table width="720" border 0  align center  cellpadding 0  cellspacing 0  valign top ><tr><td valign top  width 620   height="9"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="620" height="9" border="0"></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="620"  height="29"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="63" height="5" border="0"><script language="JavaScript"><small><font color='white'  face='Arial' size='1'><b>January 11, 2006</b></font></small></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="620" height="98"><img  src="images/spacer.gif" width="620" height="98" border="0" alt="News & Events"></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><table  width="720" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td width="100" valign="top" bgcolor="#003399"><a  _ g _ jpg _ g _ jpg g href="newsroom.php" onMouseOver="document.ne_new.src='images/ne_newr.jpg'" onMouseOut="document.ne_new.src='images/ne_new.jpg'"><img  src="images/ne_new.jpg" alt="Newsroom" title="Newsroom" name="ne_new" border="0"></a><br><a href="events.php" onMouseOver="document.ne_eve.src='images/ne_ever.jpg'“ onMouseOut="document.ne_eve.src='images/ne_eve.jpg'"> <img  src="images/ne_eve.jpg" alt="Events" title="Events" name="ne_eve" border="0"></a><br> <a href="mediarelations.shtml" onMouseOver="document.ne_med.src='images/ne_medr.jpg'"  onMouseOut="document.ne_med.src='images/ne_med.jpg'"><img src="images/ne_med.jpg" alt="Media Centre" title="Media Centre"  name="ne_med" border="0"></a><br><a href="experts.php" onMouseOver="document.ne_exp.src='images/ne_expr.jpg'"  onMouseOut="document.ne_exp.src='images/ne_exp.jpg'"> <img src="images/ne_exp.jpg" alt="Mount Royal Experts" title="Mount Royal  Experts" name="ne_exp" border="0"></a></td><td width="35" valign="top"><img src="images/homepage_top1.jpg"></td><td width="550"  valign="top"><font face="arial" size="2"><img src="images/homepage_top2.jpg"><br><table width="550" align="center" cellpadding="0"  cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td width="355" valign="top" colspan="3"><img src="images/title_featurestory.jpg" alt="Feature  Story"></td><td width="35" valign="top"><img src="images/featureshadow1.jpg"></td><td width="160" valign="top"><img  src="images/title_newsroom.jpg" alt="Newsroom"></td></tr><tr><td width="355" height="163" valign="top" colspan="3"  background= images/feature_bg.jpg ><table width= 355 align center cellpadding 0 cellspacing 0 border 0 ><tr><td width= 355 background "images/feature bg jpg"><table width "355" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td width "355"  height="12" colspan="5" valign="top"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="355" height="12" border="0"></td></tr><tr><td width="12"  height="139" valign="top"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="12" height="139" border="0"></td><td width="147" height="139"  valign="top"><img src="featurestories/images/candidatedebate.jpg" border="0" alt="Tami Rothery, V.P. Student Affairs and Jackie  Chuckrey, SAMRC President overlook the location of the upcoming candidates debate."></td><td width="12" height="139"  valign="top"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="12" height="139" border="0"></td><td width="171" height="139" valign="top"><font  size 2 face="arial"><strong>Policy Studies program joins forces with Students' Association to host all‐candidates size="2" face arial ><strong>Policy Studies program joins forces with Students  Association to host all candidates  debate</strong></font>  <p><font size="1" face="arial">Just days before Canadians cast their votes in our federal election, Mount  Royal College will host an all‐candidates debate... &nbsp;&nbsp;> <a href="featurestories/candidatedebate.shtml">More</a></font></p>   </td><td width="12" height="139" valign="top"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="12" height="139" border="0"></td></tr><tr><td  width="355" height="12" colspan="5" valign="top"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="355" height="12"  border="0"></td></tr></table></td><td width="35" valign="top"><img src="images/featureshadow2.jpg"></td><td width="160"  g p g g p g g p p valign="top"><font face="arial" size="1"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="160" height="15"><br><a href="newsroom.php">Current  News</a> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="160" height="5"><br><a href="archive.php">News Archives</a> <img  src="images/spacer.gif" width="160" height="5"><br><a href="/alumni/e_news.shtml">Alumni News</a> <img src="images/spacer.gif"  width="160" height="5"><br><a href="">Cougar News</a> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="160"  height="5"><br><a href="/conservatory/news.php">Conservatory News</a></font></td></tr></table>
  • 10. Mixing Presentation with Content 10  Combining presentation and content makes the HTML h d C b d k h harder to understand and to maintain.  Almost all of this sample consists of position markup (all the table tags), formatting markup, and gratuitous images (single pixels for spacing, simple text images for headings).  This little code snippet has 8 font tags: each one made the same change (white color, font name=Arial and size=small).  The entire page in fact had 20 font tags doing the same thing.  To change to a different color and font and size, we will have to change 60 attributes in a total of 20 tags.  With CSS Wi h CSS, we can specify this font rule just once. if hi f l j  To make the same change we only have to make one change to three CSS rules.
  • 11. Mixing Presentation with Content 11  In fact the entire main content pages (thousands of pages) of the site used to have tens of thousands of font tags, almost all of which were one of the following: <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> <font face "Arial"> face="Arial"> <font size=2> <font size=1> <font size=4> <font face="Arial" size=2 bgcolor=white> <font face="Arial" size=2 bgcolor=black> <font face="Arial" size=1 bgcolor=white> <font face="Arial" size=1 bgcolor=black> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2 bgcolor=black> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1 bgcolor=black> <font face="Arial" size=4 bgcolor=white> <font face="Arial" size=4 bgcolor=black> o t ace a s e bgco o b ac
  • 12. Mixing Presentation with Content 12  To k T make a site-wide change to the font face, size, or i id h h f f i color, for site would take hundreds of very tedious hours. y  To change the font used in all the images would again take hundreds of very tedious hours  If the same site had been designed to separate presentation from content and to properly structured that content, the same change would take under a content minute.  An entire site can use a single CSS file.  If the CSS is properly cascaded, we would only have to make a few changes to that one file.
  • 13. What does cascading mean? 13  CSS are considered cascading because the styles can use a hierarchy which passes styles down to the elements elements.  Previously defined styles are applied unless a new, overriding style change is made.
  • 14. What does cascading mean? g body font-face: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: black; 14 h1 font-size:14pt; p font-size:10pt; div id=story font-size:12pt; font-weight: bold; div id=news background:white; div id=story position: relative; left: 125px; width: 200px p font-weight: normal;
  • 15. CSS Rules 15  Style sheets consist of one or more rules.  Each rule defines what an element should look like and how it should behave in the browser window.  The following contains two rules.  The first indicates that the use of h2 should result in the text being colored green. The second indicates text in a b i l d Th d i di i p tag should be 12pt Arial or some sans-serif font. h2 { color: green; } p { font-size: 12pt; font-face: Arial, sans-serif; }
  • 16. CSS Rule Placement 16  There are three ways in which rules can be applied to a document:  Inlinestyles  Embedded styles y  External styles
  • 17. Inline Styles 17  Are added to a tag via the style attribute. <h2 style="color: green;"> <p style="font-size: 12pt; font-face: Arial, sans-serif;">  Affects only that instance of the tag.  Not recommended recommended.
  • 18. Embedded Styles 18  Are added in the head of the page and affects all instance of the defined tag. <head> <style type="text/css"> h2 { color: green; } p { font-size: 12pt; font-face: Arial sans-serif; Arial, } </style> </head>
  • 19. External Styles 19  Are t d in A stored i an external fil and linked or imported i t a page. t l file d li k d i t d into  Generally the best approach since a single external stylesheet file can be used in multiple pages.  They thus provide a way to achieve consistent styling across an entire site.  Two approaches pp  Linking <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css"> </head>  Importing <style type="text/css"> @import url(styles.css); @import url(colours.css); </style>
  • 20. CSS Rule Composition 20  A CSS rule i composed of two parts: l is d ft t  Selector  Declaration block  The selector defines which part of the document is to be affected.  The declaration block consists of one or more declarations.  Each declaration is separated by semicolons semicolons.  A declaration is a combination of CSS property and a value for that property. Declaration Block h1 { color: green; font-size: 24pt; } Selector Declaration property value
  • 21. Document Structure 21  As mentioned, XHTML should describe the structure and content of the document, while CSS describes its appearance.  Understanding this XHTML structure is a necessary part of mastering CSS.  XHTML documents contain a hierarchy of elements M y
  • 22. Document Structure 22 html body is an ancestor of img head body body is the parent of ul title link h1 p a ul ul is a child of body a img li li img is a descendent of body
  • 23. Selectors 23  Selectors are what connect the style definitions to the specific tags that are to be modified.  There are three basic forms of selectors:  HTML selectors  Class selectors  ID select
  • 24. HTML Selectors 24  You h Y have already seen HTML selectors. These are the styles l d l Th h l that directly effect an HTML tag element. h1 { color: red; }  These selectors can also be grouped into comma-separated lists (this modifies all elements in list). h2, h3, p { color: blue; }
  • 25. Class Selectors 25  A class selector is used to specify the styles of elements that have been classified using the class attribute in the HTML tags.  Theseallow you to define styles independently of the HTML elements. period indicating list of property- st o p ope ty a class selector value pairs .classname { property: value; } name of class selector
  • 26. Class Selectors Examples 26  An A HTML element can be classified using the class l b l ifi d i h attribute.  The following shows that two tag instances have been classified as warning tags: <em class="warning">Do not apply to exposed skin.</em> <h4 class="warning">Do not induce vomitting.</h4> <h4 l " i ">D t i d itti </h4>  With these elements classified, we can set up a style for the class “warning”: warning : .warning { font‐size: 36pt; color: red; }  We can also combine HTML and class selectors to more narrowly target some classes: b.warning { font size: 36pt; color: red; } b warning { font‐size: 36pt; color: red; } h4.warning { font‐size: 48pt; color: red; }
  • 27. Class Selectors 27  You can also specify multiple classes via the class attribute. .box { box { <div class= box a > <div class="box a"> margin: 10px; <div class="box b"> } .a { background: green; } .b { background: red; }
  • 28. ID Selectors 28  An ID selector is used to target specific instances (those with the ID) rather than classifying elements # symbol indicating list of property- an ID selector value pairs #idname { property: value; } name off ID selector
  • 29. ID Selectors Examples 29  An HTML element can be identified using the id attribute.  The following shows that this tag instance has been identified with the value 5511: <p id="5511">hot sales on now!</p>  With this element identified, we can set up a style for the id “5511” h “5511”: #5511 { font-style: italic; color: blue; }
  • 30. ID Selectors Examples 30  We can also combine HTML and ID selectors. p#5511 { font‐style: italic; color: blue; } #5511 { font‐style: italic; color: blue; } Both of these do the same thing. The fi t Th first one is however more self- i h lf documenting.
  • 31. Class versus ID selectors 31  Classes can be applied to any number of elements.  Use classes to style a number of different but related elements.  IDs are used once and only once in an HTML y document.  Use ids to style a unique element uniquely.
  • 32. Contextual Selectors 32  There are specialized contextual selectors:  Descendant selectors  Child selectors  Adjacent Sibling selectors j g  Attribute selectors
  • 33. Contextual Selectors 33  These are rules that operate only in specific structural or contextual situations.  Forinstance, in the example below, let's change only the <h2> element within the <div> to green 24pt text. <div id="logo"> <h1>Pearson Education</h1> <h2>Book Rep System</h2> </div> <h2>Technical Books</h2>  How would we do this?  We could add an id to the specific h2 element (or a class if we had multiples). However, over time, our markup and css can become too bloated (and too complicated) with ids and classes.
  • 34. Descendant Selectors 34  Instead, we could use a contextual selector.  For instance, we could use a descendant selector, which selects/matches all elements that are descendants of an element. <div id="logo"> <h1>Pearson Education</h1> <h2>Book Rep System</h2> </div> <h2>Technical Books</h2> / a div that contains a h2 div h2 {color: green; font-size: 24pt; } h2 is a descendant of the di div h2 contained within a div div is the ancestor of the h2
  • 35. Child Selectors 35  Matches/selects all elements that are immediate child of a specified element, including elements that are not direct descendants. <div id="logo"> <h1>Pearson Education</h1> <h2>Book Rep System</h2> </div> <h2>Technical Books</h2> / NOT Supported by IE 6 div>h2 {color: green; font-size: 24pt; } or earlier h2 is direct child of div
  • 36. Child Selectors 36 <div class="box"> <p>This text will be green</p> <p>This text will be green as well</p> <div class="title"> <p>this text will be green as well if we use descendant selector,  <p>this text will be green as well if we use descendant selector but if we use a child selector it will be red. </p> </div> </div> <p>What color will I be?</p> p { p { color: red; } ; } p { color: red; } .box p { color: green; } .box>p { color: green; } b { l }
  • 37. Adjacent Sibling Selectors 37  Selects all elements that are the adjacent (i.e., follows immediate) siblings of an element. <h1>Pearson Education</h1> / <p>This is the first</p> Only the first <p> will be <p>This is the second</p> selected h1+p {color: green; font-size: 24pt; } NOT Supported by IE 6 or earlier p is direct adjacent sibling of h1
  • 38. Attribute Selectors 38  Will match elements on the basis of the presence of an attribute or a match of the attribute value. input[type="text"] { background‐color: yellow; color: red; } NOT Supported by IE 6 or earlier
  • 39. Attribute Selectors 39 <label>Name </label> <label>Name </label> <input type="text" /><br/> <label>Phone </label> <input type="text" /><br/> <label>Password </label> <input type="password" /><br/> <input type="submit" /> Matches elements that contain that attribute (regardless of its value) Matches only elements with a particular attribute value input[type] { background‐color: yellow; color: red; input[type="text"] { } background‐color: yellow; color: red; }
  • 40. Pseudo Classes 40  Pseudo classes refer to a variety of additional labels that can be added to a selector based on its user state.  Indicated via a colon (:) ()
  • 41. Pseudo Classes 41  In CSS 1, only the <a> element supports four different pseudo-classes A link that is active, visited, unvisited, or when you mouse over a link can all be displayed in different ways.  E.g. a:link {color: blue;} a:visited {color: purple;} a:hover {color: red; text-decoration: none; font-weight:bold; } a:active {color: olive}  Order of these is important  Link Link, visited hover active visited, hover,
  • 42. Pseudo Classes 42  CSS 2 introduced a few other pseudo classes (not uniformly supported by IE 7):  :focus  :first-child  :first-letter <ul> <li>One</li> <li>Two</li> <li>Three</li> </ul> </ l> <h1>Heading Is Here</h1> input[type="text"]:focus { border: 2px solid blue; li:first‐child { h1:first‐letter { } color: red; color: green; } }
  • 43. Selectors Exercise 43 <div id="logo"> <img src="whatever.gif" /> .extra { color: green; } <p>tagline</p> </div> div.extra { color: green; } <div class="header"> <h1>Pearson Education</h1> <h2>Book Rep System</h2> #logo { color: green; } <p>Some random text.</p> <p>here is some more.</p> </div> div p { color: green; } p { g ; } <p>My name is Ishmael.</p> <p>Some years ago</p> div p:first‐child { color: green; } <div class="extra"> <p>Some more random text.</p> p { g ; } h2+p { color: green; } <h2>Products</h2> <p>This paragraph will be displayed.</p> <p>So will this one.</p> h2>p { color: green; } <div id="subtext"> <p>never mind how long</p> p g p div>p { color: green; } p { g ; } </div> </div> div[class] { color: green; } <p class="extra">having little or no money</p>
  • 44. div.extra { color: green; } .extra { color: green; } extra { color: green; } <div id="logo"> <img src="whatever.gif" /> <p>tagline</p> </div> <div class="header"> <h1>Pearson Education</h1> <h2>Book Rep System</h2> <p>Some random text.</p> <p>here is some more.</p> </div> <p>My name is Ishmael.</p> <p>My name is Ishmael </p> <p>Some years ago</p> <div class="extra"> <p>Some more random text.</p> <h2>Products</h2> <p>This paragraph will be displayed.</p <p>So will this one.</p> <div id="subtext"> <p>never mind how long</p> </div> </div> <p class extra >having little or no mone <p class="extra">having little or no mone 44
  • 45. #logo { color: green; } div p { color: green; } <div id="logo"> <img src="whatever.gif" /> <p>tagline</p> </div> <div class="header"> <h1>Pearson Education</h1> <h2>Book Rep System</h2> <p>Some random text.</p> <p>here is some more.</p> </div> <p>My name is Ishmael.</p> <p>My name is Ishmael </p> <p>Some years ago</p> <div class="extra"> <p>Some more random text.</p> <h2>Products</h2> <p>This paragraph will be displayed.</p> <p>So will this one.</p> <div id="subtext"> <p>never mind how long</p> </div> </div> <p class extra >having little or no money</ <p class="extra">having little or no money</ 45
  • 46. div p:first‐child { color: green; } div p:first‐child { color: green; } <div id="logo"> h2+p { color: green; } <img src="whatever.gif" /> <p>tagline</p> </div> <div class="header"> <h1>Pearson Education</h1> <h2>Book Rep System</h2> <p>Some random text.</p> <p>here is some more.</p> </div> <p>My name is Ishmael.</p> <p>My name is Ishmael </p> <p>Some years ago</p> <div class="extra"> <p>Some more random text.</p> <h2>Products</h2> <p>This paragraph will be displayed.</p> <p>So will this one.</p> <div id="subtext"> <p>never mind how long</p> </div> </div> <p class extra >having little or no money</ <p class="extra">having little or no money</ 46
  • 47. h2>p { color: green; } div>p { color: green; } <div id="logo"> <img src="whatever.gif" /> <p>tagline</p> </div> <div class="header"> <h1>Pearson Education</h1> <h2>Book Rep System</h2> <p>Some random text.</p> <p>here is some more.</p> </div> <p>My name is Ishmael.</p> <p>My name is Ishmael </p> <p>Some years ago</p> <div class="extra"> <p>Some more random text.</p> <h2>Products</h2> <p>This paragraph will be displayed.</p> <p>So will this one.</p> <div id="subtext"> <p>never mind how long</p> </div> </div> <p class extra >having little or no money</p <p class="extra">having little or no money</p 47
  • 48. div[class] { color: green; } <div id="logo"> <img src="whatever.gif" /> <p>tagline</p> </div> <div class="header"> <h1>Pearson Education</h1> <h2>Book Rep System</h2> <p>Some random text.</p> <p>here is some more.</p> <p>here is some more </p> </div> <p>My name is Ishmael.</p> <p>Some years ago</p> <div class="extra"> <p>Some more random text.</p> <h2>Products</h2> h d /h <p>This paragraph will be displayed.</p> <p>So will this one.</p> <div id="subtext"> <p>never mind how long</p> / </div> </div> <p class="extra">having little or no money</p> 48
  • 49. Font Formatting with CSS 49  font formatting properties and possible values values. font-family: [family name], [family name], etc font-size: [height] | [percentage] | small | medium | large | smaller | etc font-style: italic | oblique | normal font-weight: normal | bold | bolder | lighter | etc font-variant: small-caps | normal font: [font-style]|[font-weight] [font-size][/line-height] [font-family]
  • 50. Font Formatting with CSS 50  The font-family property should always specify a generic font family name in case the computer viewing the page does not have one of the specified fonts. Generic family name font-family: Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif;  The font property allows you to combine multiple font styles into one declaration. font: bold 12pt Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif;
  • 51. Platform Considerations 51  Do not assume that a font you have is one that is on the viewer's computer.  Fonts common (for most users) to both Mac and Windows:  Arial,Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Comic Sans, Courier New  Georgia, Impact, Tahoma, Times New Roman  Trebuchet MS, Verdana
  • 52. CSS Sizes 52  Font sizes (and all CSS sizes) can be specified using absolute or relative units  Relative  smaller, larger keywords  Percentages  em value  This is the height of the character box for the font  Absolute  small, medium, large, etc keywords.  Inches (in), points (pt), pixels (px), etc.
  • 53. Sizing Fonts 53  Generally, the most common approach is to set the size in pixels. h2 { font-size: 18px; }  Advantage is that the designer has complete control over what the user sees in terms of the size of the font.  Any problems with this? yp
  • 54. Sizing Fonts 54  Not all users have the same eye strength.  Browsers provide user with ability to resize font size.  Unfortunately, with IE 6 and 7, if the page's CSS uses pixel unit to set font size then the text will not be resized.
  • 55. Sizing Fonts 55  It is better to use a relative unit for sizing fonts, even though it is initially a bit tricky.  Three approaches  Use keywords (x‐small, small, medium, large, etc) x small, small, medium, large  Unfortunatelynot as much control over ultimate size due to limited number of sizes.  Use em unit h2 { font-size: 1.5 em; }  Use percentage size h2 { font-size: 120%; }
  • 56. Percentage Size 56  This is a percentage of the elements parent's font size. body { font-size: 10px; } font size: #logo { font-size: 150%; } h2 { font-size: 200%; } .dwarf { font-size: 75%; } <body> <div id="logo"> <h2>Book Rep System</h2> 30px ( (10*2.00)* 1.5 ) </div> <h2>Technical Books</h2> 20px (10 * 2.00) <p>Here is some regular text</p> 10px <p class="dwarf">really small</p> 7.5px (10 * 0.75) </body> y
  • 57. Percentage Size 57  Unfortunately, the previous example doesn't allow resizing due to absolute setting of body font size.  Instead, we should use a relative setting for the body.y
  • 58. Percentage Size 58  body { font-size: 10px; } body { font-size: 100%; }  #logo { font-size: 150%; } h2 { font-size: 200%; } .dwarf { font-size: 75%; }  body { font-size: small; } #logo { font-size: 150%; } g h2 { font-size: 200%; } .dwarf { font-size: 75%; }
  • 59. Percentage Size 59  Advantage to this approach is that you can change the overall size of text in your site by making just one change: the font-size of the body.  Disadvantage is that it can get quite complicated g g q p with percentages and nested elements.
  • 60. Em sizes 60  As an alternative to percentages, you can use em sizes.  An em unit when used for sizing fonts is relative to the baseline size of the parent.  If the parent of an element has a font size of 14 pixels, then 1em is 14 pixels; if the font size is 24 pixels, then 1 em is 24 pixels.  Most browsers have a default font size of 1em (about 16 pixels).
  • 61. em sizes 61 body { font-size: 1em; } #logo { font-size: 1.2em; } h2 { font-size: 1.5em; } .dwarf { font-size: 0 i 0.75em; } <body> <div id="logo"> g <h2>Book Rep System</h2> 28px ( (16*1.2)* 1.5 ) </div> <h2>Technical Books</h2> 24px (16 * 1.5) <p>Here is some regular text</p> p g p 16px p <p class="dwarf">really small</p> 12px (16 * 0.75) </body>
  • 62. Conclusion: Font Sizes 62  Set the base body font-size relatively (i.e., using keyword, em, or percentage).  Use percentage or em for all other sizes, remembering that they are relative to the size set g y for the body.
  • 63. Text Formatting 63  text formatting properties and possible values. text-indent: [length] | [percentage] letter-spacing: [length] | normal word spacing: word-spacing: [length] | normal text-decoration: none | underline | line-through | overline line-height: [height] | [percentage] | normal | etc text-transform: uppercase | l t t t f lowercase | capitalize | none it li text-align: left | center | right | justify vertical-align: middle | bottom | top | etc  Just as with font sizes, you should use relative units (percentage or em) for lengths.
  • 64. Block Level Inline Level Block-Level vs Inline-Level elements 64  Block-level elements  Generate an element box that fills its parent element's content area.  That is, they generate "breaks" before and after the element box.  E.g. <p>, <div>, <ul>, <table>  Inline-level elements  Generate an element box within a line of text text.  E.g., <a>, <span>, <strong>
  • 65. Element Boxes 65  CSS assumes that every element generates a rectangular box called the element box (sometimes also called the box model).  Each element box has a content area,  a background color and/or image image,  a margin,  a possible b d ibl border  internal padding.
  • 66. Element Boxes 66  CSS assumes that every HTML element exists in a rectangle called the element box. Background image and/or color margin g border padding This is a content area. CSS assumes that every HTML element exists in a rectangle called the element box. height width Element box
  • 67. Element Box 67 Molly Holzschlag,”Thinking Outside the Grid”,
  • 68. Element Box 68  You can adjust the following parts of the box with CSS  Width and Height  Border  Thickness, style, and color of the border  Margin g  Setthe distance between the box and adjacent element's boxes  Padding  Set the distance of the content from the border of the box
  • 69. Width and Height 69  You can change the width and height of the element box in quite a few different ways.  The most straightforward way is via the width and height properties H1 { width: 50%; height: 25px; }  Remember, the width and height properties set the size of the content area, not the element box itself. i f th t t t th l t b it lf margin p padding g This is a content area. CSS assumes that every HTML element exists in a rectangle called the element box. height width
  • 70. Width and Height 70  Unfortunately, the width and height properties have a different meaning in CSS standard than in IE 5 or IE 6 in quirks mode.  Recall that unless you have a valid DOCTYPE specifying xhtml strict or xhtml transitional DTD, IE will display document in quirks mode.  For IE in quirks mode, width and height refer to the element box not to the content area.
  • 71. Border 71  Can specify each axis individually, e.g. border-top-style: dashed; border left color: border-left-color: red; border-right-width: 5px;  Can specify all 4 axis at once identically, e.g. p y y, g border-style: solid; border-color: green;  Can C specify multiple axis at once i di id ll e.g. if li l i individually, border-width: 2px 3px 4px 5px; TOP p p property: top right bottom left y p g TRouBLe left right border-color: green red; green red green red bottom  Can also specify multiple properties at once border: 1px double green; border: width style color;
  • 72. Padding 72  The space between the border and the content area  Can specify each side individually or all at once, e.g., padding-top: 5px; TOP padding: 3px 2px 5px 4px; left right  Default is no padding bottom  If you have a border on box containing text, it is a good idea to add padding padding.
  • 73. Margins 73  Margins provide separation between element boxes  Can specify each side individually or all at once, p y y , e.g., margin-top: 5px; margin: 3px 2px 5px 4px;
  • 74. Margin Demo <h1>Margin demo</h1> 74 <p>Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the W3C-approved method for specifying and enriching the visual presentation of web pages.</p> i f b / <p>CSS is not HTML but does enhance HTML by allowing you to redefine how pre-existing tags work. A style sheet is written according to the grammar defined in the W3C CSS 1 or CSS 2 recommendations. </p> <style> * { border: 1px solid black; } </style> <style> * { border: 1px solid black; margin: 0; } </style>
  • 75. Padding versus Margins 75 padding margin
  • 76. Collapsing Margins 76  For adjacent vertical block-level elements in the normal document flow, only the margin of the element with the largest margin value will be honoured,  while the margin of the element with the smaller margin value will be collapsed to zero.
  • 77. Collapsing Margins <div>before</div> <p>line one</p> <p>line two</p> 77 <p>line three</p> <div>after</div> <style> div { border: 1px solid black; margin: 0;} p { background-color: silver; height: 50px; margin-top: 50px; margin-bottom: 0px;} </style> <style> div { border: 1px solid black; margin: 0;} p { background-color: silver; height: 50px; margin-top: 50px; margin-bottom: 20px;} </style> Notice that vertical margins collapse!!! o a a ag o ap When top and bottom margins meet they overlap until one of the margins touches the border of the other element element.
  • 78. Collapsing Margins 78 .box { margin: 10px; <div class="box a"> } <div class="box b"> .a { <div class="box c"> background: #777; <div class="box d"> } <div class="box e"> .b { b { The top and bottom margins collapse but the left and  background: #999; right margins don't. The top and bottom  margins also  } collapse in IE 7 because the elements don't have a  .c { layout. background: #bbb; </div> } </div> .d { .d { </div> background: #ddd; </div> } </div> .e { background: #fff; } Tommy Olsson & Paul O’Brien, The Ultimate CSS Reference (SitePoint, 2008).
  • 79. Collapsing Margins 79  You can stop vertical margins collapsing by adding a border or padding. .box { margin: 10px; padding: 1px; }
  • 80. Collapsing Margins 80  However, IE 7 will NOT collapse margins if the collapsed element has layout (i.e., has a width setting). .box { margin: 10px; width: 400px; } Firefox IE 7
  • 81. Collapsing Margins 81  Also, margins don’t collapse (in all browsers) for:  floated elements  absolutely positioned elements  inline-block elements  cleared elements  overflow set to anything other than visible
  • 82. Collapsing Margins 82 .box { margin: 10px; float: left; } Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE8 IE 7
  • 83. Can I just forget IE 7 (and 6)? 83
  • 84. Element box size revisited 84  Recall that in CSS standard, the width and height properties set the size of the content area, not the element box itself.  Any p y padding or borders increases the size of the g element box  However, However with IE in quirks mode (or version 5) the 5), width and height indicate the size of the element box. box  Padding and borders thus shrinks the size of the content area.
  • 85. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> IE in quirks mode <style> p { background-color: silver; height: 100px; width: 100px; } 100px 100px </style> 100px 100px <style> p { background-color: silver; height: 100px; width: 100px; padding: 20px; } </style> 140px 100px 100px 100 140px <style> p { background-color: silver; height: 100px; width: 100px; padding: 20px; 100px border: 6px solid black; } 152px / y </style> 85 100px 152px
  • 86. Containing Boxes 86  Block boxes act as a containing block for any boxes within them. <div> This is the first sentence. <p>This is the second sentence.</p> </div>  In this code, the div element establishes a containing , g block for both the first string of text and the P element.  The p element in turn creates a containing block for the second text string string.
  • 87. Positioning 87  You can change the position of an element box via the position, top, left, bottom, and right properties.  Note: it doesn’t make sense to set both left and right.  Note: it doesn’t make sense to set both top and bottom.
  • 88. Positioning Property Values 88  static  Eachposition is laid out based on the normal flow of the document (default)  relative  Moves an element relative to its normal (static) position.  absolute  Moves an element absolutely relative to its containing block, y g , and not relative to the page or window.  fixed  Moves an element absolutely relative to the browser window so that the element never moves, even when the page is scrolled (not supported in IE 6 or lower).  This can be used to replicate HTML frames in CSS
  • 89. Static Positioning 89  Element boxes flow vertically starting at the top of their containing block with each placed directly below the preceding one.  Inline boxes flow horizontally from left to right.
  • 90. Positioning 90  positioned elements are placed in relation to their d l l d l h containing blocks (but are not confined by this containing block) block).  Fixed  Containing block is browser window  Absolute  Containing bo is closest positioned ancestor box ancestor.  If there is no positioned ancestor, the initial containing block is the browser window.  Relative  Does not have a containing block.  It is positioning away from its normal (static) position.
  • 91. <style type="text/css"> #logo { border: 1 1px solid black; width: 300 i i 300px; position: relative; top: 200px; left: 100px; } </style> <body> <body> <div id="logo"> You can change the position of an element … <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1> You can change the position of an element … <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2> You can change the position of an element … </div> <div id="logo"> </body> <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1> <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2> </div> </body> 91 Remember that relative moves an element relative to its normal position
  • 92. <style type="text/css"> #logo { border: 1 1px solid black; width: 300 i i 300px; position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px; } </style> <body> <body> <div id="logo"> You can change the position of an element … <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1> You can change the position of an element … <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2> You can change the position of an element … </div> <div id="logo"> </body> <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1> <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2> </div> </body> 92
  • 93. <body> <div id="logo"> <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1> <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2> </div> </body> <style type="text/css"> #logo { border: 1px solid black; width: 300px; height: 100px; position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px; } #logo h2 { position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 100px; } </style> <style type="text/css"> y yp #logo { border: 1px solid black; width: 300px; height: 100px; position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px; } #logo h2 { position: relative; top: 20px; left: 100px; } </style> Remember that absolute moves an element absolutely relative to its containing block, and 93 not relative to the page or window.
  • 94. <body> <div id="logo"> <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1> <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2> </div> </di > </body> 100px 20px <style type="text/css"> #logo { border: 1px solid black; width: 300px; height: 100px; position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px; } #logo h2 { position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 100px; } </style> Remember that absolute moves an element absolutely relative to its containing block, and 94 not relative to the page or window.
  • 95. 20px 100px <style type="text/css"> #logo { border: 1px solid black; p ; width: 300px; height: 100px; position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px; } #logo h2 { position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 100px; } </style> <style type="text/css"> #logo { <body> border: 1px solid black; <div id="logo"> <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1> width: 300px; height: 100px; <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2> h2 B k R S t / /h2 } </div> #logo h2 { </body> position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 100px; } </style> Remember that absolute moves an element absolutely relative to its containing block, which is closest 95 positioned ancestor; if none, then container is browser window.
  • 96. 100px 20px <style type="text/css"> Without #logo h2 positioning #logo { #l border: 1px solid black; width: 300px; height: 100px; position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px; } #logo h2 { position: relative; top: 20px; left: 100px; } <body> </style> <div id="logo"> <h1><span>Pearson Education</span></h1> <h2><span>Book Rep System</span></h2> </div> </body> y 96 Remember that relative moves an element relative to its normal position
  • 97. Positioning 97  Absolute positioning is sometimes used to position an element off-screen.  An example is the click to skip navigation link added for screen readers.
  • 98. Floats 98  Floating is achieved by setting the float property on an element's style to either left or right.  Non-floated content will flow along the side opposite to the specified float direction. pp p .image { float: left; } No float .image { float: right; } <img src="images/pic.gif" class="image" /> <p> Floated boxes will move to the left or right until … </p>
  • 99. Clearing Floats 99  Block-level elements will continue to wrap around floated element for the entire height of floated element.
  • 100. Clearing Floats 100  The CSS property clear forces an element to display beneath any floated elements. No clear .clear { clear: both; ; } <img src="images/pic.gif" class="image" /> <p>Float boxes … <p class="clear">Floating an image …
  • 101. Clear 101  clear: l f l left  The element is moved below the bottom outer edge of any left-floating boxes that resulted from elements earlier in the g source document.  clear: right  The element is moved below the bottom outer edge of any right-floating boxes that resulted from elements earlier in the source document.  clear: both  The element is moved below all floating boxes of earlier elements in the source d l i h document.  clear: none
  • 102. Floats 102  Floated boxes will move to the left or right until their outer edge touches the containing block edge or the outer edge of another float. <div id="logo"> <img src="images/pic.gif" class="image" /> <p> Floated boxes will …  </p> </div> #logo { margin: 50px;  border: 1px solid black;} div p {background‐color: yellow; border: 1px dashed black; } .image { float: left; }
  • 103. Floating Left and Right 103  You can float items in a container both left and right. .leftImage { float: left; } .rightImage { float: right; } <img src= images/pic.gif class="leftImage" /> <img src="images/pic gif" class= leftImage  /> <img src="images/pic.gif" class="rightImage" />
  • 104. Floating Left and Right 104  Once you’ve floated all the elements within a container, that container will no longer have any non-floated content, so the container will collapse to zero height. Notice no background color <div id="logo"> #logo { margin: 50px;  <img src="images/pic.gif" class="leftImage" /> border: 1px solid black;  <img src="images/pic.gif" class="rightImage" /> background‐color:yellow; } </div>
  • 105. Floating Left and Right 105  To avoid this problem, set an explicit height for the containing block. #logo { margin: 50px;  height: 120px; border: 1px solid black;  background‐color:yellow; }
  • 106. Multi Column Multi-Column Layouts 106  Two approaches for creating multi-column layouts:  Using floats  Using positioning  Note: this refers to how the basic multi-column multi column layout is created.  One might still use floats (for other elements, such as a elements header) within a layout created via positioning.
  • 107. Multi Column Multi-Column Layouts 107  A complicated float-based layout:  canbe tricky and fragile (esp. in IE before version 8).  Hard to preserve source-order (see next slide).  A complicated position-based layout: position based  has fewer problems with IE  it i really t is ll troublesome to di l a f t b l th bl t display footer below the columns.
  • 108. Source Order 108  refers to how page elements are arranged, or ordered in the source.  This is important for:  accessibility reasons  SEO (Search Engine Optimization)  We want the page s content to appear in the markup page’s before things like secondary navigation columns.