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The forecast

Meteorological Technology International, the only true review of climate,
weather, oceanic prediction, measurement, and analysis technologies                                                           Christopher Hounsfield
          t was a very dark,              system. It amazed me that the                No sooner had the storm started
                                                                                                                              Assistant editor
   I      oppressive night, hot and
          close. The nearest town was
                                          company says there are up to 24,000
                                          fatalities a year due to strikes, with
                                                                                   than it passed. My best friend and I
                                                                                   had completely forgotten about the         Bunny Richards
more than 60km away. The sound of         10 times more injuries. Almost as        exercise. But as the sky cleared, the
heavy gunfire was deafening. A             impressive is that the longest single    storm subsided and then the first           Chief sub-editor
whole regiment of tanks (57) were         flash detected was 120 miles long,        green curtain gently fell down from        Alex Bradley
firing their main 120mm rifled guns;        and lasted nearly two seconds.           the highest reaches of the ionosphere.     Sub-editor
each tank was also blasting off tracer         Despite being ‘in the field’ for     As I lay on my back atop a grassy          William Baker
bullets at a rate of knots from its two   almost three weeks, this night firing     hillock, smoking a cigarette, G&T in       Production manager
7.62mm coaxial machine guns.              exercise was different: I noticed a      hand, the amazing phenomenon of            Ian Donovan
Behind this were advancing two            change – a fresh chill in the            the aurora borealis (northern lights)      Production team
                                                                                                                              Carole Doran, Lewis Hopkins,
battalions of infantry, about 1,200       atmosphere and a thick blackness         began to play its dance across the
                                                                                                                              Cassie Inns, Robyn Skalsky
men, each soldier heavily armed and       that was creeping in from the west.      night sky. Mesmerizing; tranquility
using it. Behind them were two            The advancing gloom was                  amid mayhem, with greens, pinks,           Publication & sales director
mortar troops, and behind them a          interrupted with almighty flashes         and blues weaving and waving across        Barry Smith
battery of 155mm artillery. All this      within, and a rumble that was            the heavens, all caused by emissions
metal was getting really busy, all        starting to grow even louder than        of photons in the Earth’s upper            Art director
ammunition was live. This was             the massive roar around me. It did       atmosphere, which are excited by the       James Sutcliffe
BATUS (British Army Training Unit         not take long: within just a few         collision of solar wind particles being    Design team
Suffield) in a remote, but large corner    minutes the darkness swept across        funneled and accelerated along the         Louise Adams, Andy Bass,
                                                                                                                              Anna Davie, Andrew Locke,
of the Canadian prairies.                 us, and the rain hit, but this was       Earth’s magnetic field. Apparently,
                                                                                                                              Craig Marshall, Nicola Turner,
    On this particular night I was        something to be ignored. We were         storm skies are more prone to the          Julie Welby, Ben White
stuck somewhere in the middle of          under a vast sky. The nearest tree       spectacle, as storms leave an ‘auroral     Proofreaders
the slow move forward. I was a            was miles away – this was the            oval’ open, particularly in this region.   Aubrey Jacobs-Tyson,
‘battle captain’, ensuring fuel and       prairies – and bolts of lightning were   The only way to predict this is to         Frank Millard
ammo went to the forward units. But       flying across, from horizon to            study solar winds. It seemed the
the lack of involvement in the            horizon, up and down, and all            atmosphere was doing its job of            Editorial director
excitement was compensated by the         joined. It was absolutely spectacular.   keeping the radiation away, and I was      Anthony James
greatest meteorological experience I      Apparently an Irish Guards vehicle       happy to watch the greatest light          Managing director
have ever witnessed.                      was hit, with minor burn injuries,       show above Earth as a mighty encore        Graham Johnson
                                                                                   to the greatest light show ‘on’ Earth.     CEO
    In this issue of MTI the well-        but they had been shooting at our
                                                                                                                              Tony Robinson
established company Vaisala writes        tank bins for hours, so rough justice.       The inclusion of ‘total’ lightning
about lightning detection. It             It is said that streaks of lightning     sensors at weather stations allows
describes the establishment of a          with no obstacle can easily travel       detection of all types of lightning,
worldwide network that can detect         across 50 miles of sky, and I am         and therefore an increased ability to
lightning storms and, based on            certain this is what I witnessed.        ‘nowcast’ tracking of severe weather
existing data and modeling, predict       Fueled by massive daytime heating,       events. It could save lives, and a few               ISSN 2042-7190
exactly how the lightning storm will      the atmosphere is often highly           Irish Guards’ eyebrows.                                published by
perform, expand, dissipate, or            unstable, and extreme weather                                                             UKIP Media & Events Ltd
behave – an extraordinary global          virtually impossible to predict.         Christopher Hounsfield, editor              Contact us at:
                                                                                                                              Meteorological Technology
  October 18-20, Brussels, Belgium: The most significant dates of 2011!                                                        Abinger House, Church Street,
                                                                                                                              Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1DF, UK
 If you are looking for new measurement, forecasting,         inviting more than 10,000 key decision makers                   tel: +44 1306 743744
 or analysis technologies, weather or research                within the world’s major commercial purchasers of               email:
 service providers, Meteorological Technology World           meteorological measurement and forecasting
                                                                                                                                            Printed by
 Expo is your new must-attend event.                          equipment and services, including airports, marine                 Nuffield Press, 21 Nuffield Way,
    The international exhibition will be held from            ports, airlines, military operations, wind farms,                 Ashville Trading Estate, Abingdon,
 October 18-20, 2011, in the center of Brussels,              offshore facilities, and agriculture users, as well as                  Oxfordshire, OX14 1RL
 Belgium, one of Europe’s busiest hubs for                    all of the world’s national and regional met offices             The views expressed in the articles
 international business activity. Entrance to the expo        and research institutes. We’re expecting                        and technical papers are those of the
 is free and there will be free-to-attend forums that         Meteorological Technology World Expo to be the                  authors and are not necessarily
                                                                                                                              endorsed by the publisher. While every
 delve into the latest meteorological technologies,           largest exhibition of its kind ever staged.”                    care has been taken during
 trends, services, and concepts.                                 So whether you are looking for new business                  production, the publisher does not
    Graham Johnson, managing director of UKIP                 partners or to meet up with your established                    accept any liability for errors that may
                                                                                                                              have occurred. Copyright ©2011
 Media & Events Ltd, the global publishing and                suppliers in one convenient location, Meteorological
 exhibitions company that publishes Meteorological            Technology World Expo 2011 is the place to be. Visit                       Subscriptions
 Technology International and is staging the new                                       £60/US$108
 expo, says, “Meteorological Technology World Expo            for regular exhibitor and visitor updates and to
 will bring the pages of this magazine to life. We’re         register for your free entry pass.

Weather routing
by Keith Thomson

Weather routing provides
a major role in vessel economy
A combination of weather forecasting and the study of ocean currents has led to the
rise of the shipping route agencies

         eather routing of ocean-going          compilation of atmospheric and                meteorological centres and private
 W        shipping has been practiced for
          many hundreds of years. Early Arab
                                                oceanographic data from ships’ log books
                                                meant that climatological averages of ocean
                                                                                              meteorological companies, and by
                                                                                              applying available surface and upper air
traders used the regular monsoons of the        weather and ocean currents became             forecasts to transoceanic shipping, it
Arabian Sea to navigate to East Africa and to   available to mariners, and this information   became possible to effectively avoid much
the Indian subcontinent, while 15th century     was used by early pioneers to develop         heavy weather while generally sailing
sailors took advantage of their knowledge of    seasonally recommended routes for sailing     shorter routes than previously.
prevailing trade winds and currents to          ships and early steam-powered vessels.           In the last 20 years, the rapid
optimize their routes from Spain and               In the mid 20 th century the modern        development of computers, the internet and
Portugal to the New World and back.             concept of ship weather routing began to      communications technology, together with
    In the 19th century, systematic             be put into operation by national             advances in meteorological analysis

Weather routing

                                                   “The more accurate the starting
                                                   analysis of the atmosphere from
                                                   which the model is run, the better
                                                   the final forecast will be”

  A typical bulk carrier which makes regular use     Output of forecast winds (wind barbs) and wave height (colored contours) from present day
  of weather routing services                        atmospheric and ocean wave models

techniques and atmospheric modeling, has           to the maritime industry for more than 20              pre-determined goal (fuel savings, avoiding
made a much more detailed and accurate             years. The company maintains two                       damage to cargo on deck and so on) and
weather routing service widely available to        operations centers; one in the USA and one             those services dedicated to passively
marine users on all scales.                        in the UK. Together the two offices deliver             tracking a vessel’s progress to evaluate the
                                                   24 hour marine weather forecasting and                 speed and consumption performance for
Weather routing services                           ship routing services to a global client base.         contractual purposes. In the case of
There are several private companies and                Across the industry there are different            Aerospace & Marine these services are
publicly funded bodies providing ship              variables to the traditional weather routing           Optimum Voyage Routing (OVR) and
routing services. One such private company         service. To a large extent two different               Performance Monitoring (PMO).
is Aerospace & Marine International (AMI)          groups can be identified; those actively                   The goal of OVR is to develop the best
which has been providing weather services          optimizing a vessel’s sea passage to achieve a         route for a ship based on existing weather

                                                                             ME TEOROLOGICA L TECHNOLOGY IN TER N ATION A L M AY 2011 • 7
Weather routing

forecasts, ocean current patterns, ship
characteristics and special cargo
requirements. For most transits this will
mean the minimum transit time that avoids
                                                    OPTIMUM SHIP ROUTING
significant risk to the vessel, crew and             For most transits optimum shipping routing       to the voyage. A preliminary routing
cargo. The aim is not to avoid all adverse          will mean the minimum transit time that          message is transmitted to the master of a
weather but to find the best balance to              avoids significant risk to the vessel, crew       vessel prior to departure with a detailed
minimize time of transit and fuel                   and cargo. The goal is not to avoid all          forecast of expected storm tracks, an
consumption without placing the vessel at           adverse weather but to find the best              initial route proposal with reasoning
risk to weather damage or crew injury.              balance to minimize time of transit and fuel     behind the recommendation, and also
During the voyage, regular forecasts and            consumption without placing the vessel at        the expected weather conditions to be
route recommendations are provided to the           risk to weather damage or crew injury.           encountered along that route.
vessel to aid the master in choosing the               Route planning normally will start by            This allows the master to better plan
best route as described.                            reviewing the appropriate Pilot Chart            his route and offers an opportunity to
    In contrast to active routing, the goal of      Atlases and Sailing Directions (planning         communicate with the service any
performance monitoring is to measure and            guides) to determine the normal weather          special concerns that he or she might
prepare a report on the performance of the          patterns, weather risks and prevailing           have due to special cargo requirements
subject vessel in terms of speed and                ocean currents. The Routing Service then         or ship condition. Once the vessel
consumption of fuel along its route versus          reviews recent weather patterns and              departs, the vessel’s progress is
the contractual speed and consumption for           weather forecast charts to determine the         monitored closely with weather and route
the same vessel. This report requires an            most likely conditions during the course         updates sent as needed.
independent analysis to determine what loss
of speed was due to weather and currents,
and what was due to the vessel’s                                                                    surface has meant that dynamic ocean
‘malfunction’ if any.                                                                               current models are now initialized with
    The route forecaster uses specialized                                                           real-time surface elevation data. This
geographic information system software                                                              allows much greater precision in the
which enables display of the vessel route                                                           modeling of ocean currents down to a fine
on charts overlain with wind, wave,                                                                 scale of a few miles and it means that ships
current, and several other types of                                                                 can be routed much more accurately in
relevant meteorological factors such as sea                                                         relation to adverse or favorable currents.
ice, icebergs, and freezing spray. The route                                                            For example, strong current gyres in the
waypoints are plotted and compared to                                                               Gulf of Mexico change only slowly over a
several other reasonable variations of the                                                          period of days and these can be used to
same route. The full set of routes is then                                                          great effect by the routing agency to reduce
simulated taking into account the vessel                                                            sailing times by a couple of hours for the
characteristics, forecast weather and ocean                                                         addition of a few extra miles. Slower vessels
currents so that the optimum route can              Ocean current chart showing a vessel route to   are much more affected by currents, as the
easily be determined. Once underway the             take maximum advantage of favorable Brazil      speed of the current is a much larger
                                                    westerly current
vessel’s actual positions are added to the                                                          percentage of the vessel speed, and the
route, and the vessel’s progress is                                                                 vessel remains under the influence of the
continuously monitored and updated                graph on the previous page. This means that       current for longer. A good example is shown
when necessary, due to adverse weather or         vessels can be routed to avoid an expected        in the graph above left which depicts a
other factors.                                    storm which may not even exist yet, but           typical westbound track taking advantage of
                                                  which with a high level of certainty will         the current patterns off the north-east coast
Latest technologies in forecasting                form somewhere ahead along the vessel’s           of Brazil, close to the Equator.
There have been major advances in recent          present track. The global models are also             A very strong current flows parallel to
years in meteorological analysis                  now beginning to pick up some tropical            the coast from east to west throughout the
techniques and atmospheric modeling.              storm development days before the storm           year, and this strong current occasionally
Much effort has been applied to                   has even been officially recognized by the         breaks down into an eddy so that there is a
developing methods to assimilate the vast         respective regional forecast centers.             branch moving from west to east some way
amounts of available satellite and other              Another area where there has been a           to the north. A slow vessel, say a drilling rig
forms of remotely measured data into              significant improvement is in the modeling         being towed by a tug, can save three days or
global atmospheric models.                        of ocean currents. In the past, current data      more on a trip from the Gulf of Mexico to
    The more accurate the starting analysis       was painstakingly extracted from ships’           Brazil despite adding 100-200 miles to the
of the atmosphere from which the model is         logs by comparing distance sailed over            journey, by remaining to the north of the
run, the better the final forecast will be. As a   ground with distance actually sailed              strong adverse current core and in the
result these models are now capable of            through the water, and these observations         following current branch of the eddy.
producing accurate global forecasts of winds      were collated into charts of monthly              Vessels sailing east to west stay further
and waves for up to a week ahead, and to          averages which were the main source of            south within the core of the current and in
give some detail about larger scale patterns      ocean current information for masters and         this way can improve voyage times by
for another week beyond that.                     other interested parties. The introduction        several days.
    An example of the type of output              of satellites capable of measuring to a high          These regions of strong current were
available from such models is shown in the        degree of accuracy the elevation of the sea       depicted on the historic monthly averaged

                                                                            ME TEOROLOGICA L TECHNOLOGY IN TER N ATION A L M AY 2011 • 9
Weather routing

  Tropical storm charts depicting historic and
  forecast track and area of uncertainty in relation to
  a deep sea tow’s track

charts, but the day-to-day fine detail was
not available from these charts and masters
would find the favorable currents or avoid
the adverse currents by trial and error.
Nowadays the routing company has access
to this fine scale current detail and voyages
can be tweaked and updated on a daily basis
to ensure the best and most favorable route
is used which takes maximum advantage of
the currents.

Other routing considerations
Other non-meteorological factors also
influence the choice of routes available.
A recent and unforeseen development
has been the rapid increase in piracy in
the Indian Ocean originating from the
failed state of Somalia. As recently as five
years ago, vessels sailed with impunity
across the Arabian Sea into and out of the
Gulf of Aden.
    Attacks were carried out by small groups
of pirates in skiffs which were vulnerable to
strong winds and rough seas. The attacks
then began to become more sophisticated,
making use of larger hijacked vessels as                  busiest sea routes in the world connecting         Another factor which is having a major
mother ships, pushing the area at risk across             the Far East with Europe via the Red Sea       impact on vessel routing is the price of fuel.
the Arabian Sea to the west coast of India.               and Suez Canal is now a risky undertaking,     Recent geopolitical events have conspired to
This has meant a drastic change in routing                and some operators are sending their vessels   send the price of crude oil to historically
patterns over the area, so that safety is now             around South Africa and adding many days       high levels.
the sole concern. What used to be one of the              to their voyages.                                  Traditional weather routing still plays a
                                                                                                         vital role in minimizing fuel consumption,
                                                                                                         but other methods of fuel conservation are
                                                                                                         being practiced regularly by operators,
                                                                                                         including sailing at most economical speed
                                                                                                         or suggesting an optimal RPM setting for a
                                                                                                         given voyage. All these ‘variants’ to
                                                                                                         traditional weather routing continue to
                                                                                                         be totally dependant on accurate weather
                                                                                                         and ocean currents data to provide
                                                                                                         meaningful advice to the vessel. These
                                                                                                         methods will continue to be expanded on
                                                                                                         in the coming months and years, especially
                                                                                                         in scenarios of high fuel price and
                                                                                                         increased concern over greenhouse
                                                                                                         emissions regulations for shipping.
                                                                                                             Weather routing is a tool which can be
                                                                                                         used to reduce fuel consumption and
                                                                                                         greenhouse gas emissions in the global
                                                                                                         shipping industry. Collaboration between
                                                                                                         routing providers and vessel operators will
                                                                                                         result in improvement of existing services
                                                                                                         and development of new ideas, ensuring that
                                                                                                         weather routing continues to play an
                                                                                                         important role in vessel economy and safety
                                                                                                         in the future. ❚

                                                                                                         Keith Thomson is the UK operations manager of
  Five days outlook animated wind and wave charts for Atlantic north east
                                                                                                         Aerospace & Marine International (UK) Ltd

Voyage case study
by Aiste Hoffbeck

How the world’s largest container
carrier uses met data to save fuel
By analyzing information on wind, waves, and currents, Eco Voyage is proving to be a
useful cost-cutting tool in commercial shipping, as well as an aid in oceanic research

          co Voyage is a tool that was designed
  E       to provide the planner of a trans-
          ocean voyage with information on
optimal speed through every part of the
journey. This enables the propulsion power
to remain as constant as possible to obtain
the lowest possible fuel consumption and
CO2 emissions. Based on vessel particulars
and detailed up-to-date information on
expected currents, wind, waves, and depth
restrictions along the planned route, the
optimal power and revolutions/minute (rpm)
profile can be chosen. This way unwanted
oscillations in the ship’s power can be
avoided while still maintaining a fixed
estimated time of arrival. The improved tool
has an impressive potential: by utilizing
environmental information fuel savings of
0.5-1% are expected.
    The project was developed by the Vessel
Performance section in Maersk Maritime
Technology (MMT), in cooperation with
Maersk Line Vessel Management (MLVM)
and Maersk Tankers (MT). The development
is supported by The A. P. Moller Foundation.
    Eco Voyage functions in a way that
updated sea current information is received
from other vessels on the same route
through a central server. In addition, the
weather forecast program provides wind,
wave, and current forecasts. This
information is used to plan the most optimal
and efficient route for every vessel.
    Testing of the system is almost finished
and the Vessel Performance section in
Maersk Maritime Technology is now ready
to evaluate the results. To illustrate how the
program works, Kim Henriksen, the Eco
Voyage prime mover in the vessel
performance section of MMT, prepared an
exclusive simulation of calculating and
planning a voyage for one of the company’s

Voyage case study

      “The improved tool has an
 impressive potential: by utilizing
  environmental information fuel
savings of 0.5-1% are expected”

Voyage case study

vessels. The voyage is from Hong Kong to
Tanjung Pelepas in Malaysia with one
alternative route following the Vietnam
coast and the other one in open sea.

Focus on currents
The first step in preparing the voyage plan is
looking at the navigational requirements –
the shortest route at deep water. However,
there are restrictions, such as traffic zones,
that need to be followed correctly. For each
voyage a passage plan needs to be made that
describes the route and that route must be
checked within an electronic chart display
and information system (ECDIS). “We need               Hub points are used to segment the voyage and       Vessels can receive updated current information
to be aware of all points where the route will         make information sharing more precise               from sister vessels that are on the same route
change and these points need to be included
in route description,” explains Henriksen.
“We call them waypoints.”
    This is where the weather comes in.
When creating an overview of waypoints,
one should look into the weather forecasts
for the period of the voyage. Of course, it is
especially bad weather that is of most
interest, but sea currents also get a fair share
of attention as avoiding a head current can
significantly save on the amount of fuel.
    After the route is defined in the ECDIS, it
gets transferred into Eco Voyage program,
where additional information such as speed
restrictions, shallow water or planning
restrictions can be added. A map function
shows the route and a number of hub points             Shortest way on the map does not mean the most      Voyage planning includes weather forecasts
that are used for segmenting the voyage and            efficient voyage, therefore routes are optimized     and prediction of sea currents
for sharing sea current information with
others. The observations of currents from
                                                     sister vessels are received from a server           including a prediction of ocean currents.
                                                     located in Copenhagen.                              This program does have a relatively simple
                                                         The latest update of the program also           model for calculating speed loss due to wind
                                                     includes zones with increased pirate activity.      and waves. It is possible to calculate up to
                                                     This is important as vessels are required to        four route alternatives of which three follow
                                                     sail faster through such areas, as speed            navigational lines: Rhumb Line (direct line),
                                                     remains the best method for preventing              Great Circle (shortest distance) or a
                                                     pirate attacks. In this case Eco Voyage             combination of both.
                                                     calculates the higher speed in pirate-                  “There is one more alternative and that is
                                                     populated areas that need to be matched             an optimal route where an algorithm
                                                     with lower speed later in the journey to            optimizes the balance between extra distance
                                                     compensate for increased fuel consumption.          and speed loss,” says Henriksen. “Sometimes
                                                         Calculations for passing shallow water          the longer way might take less time and vice
                                                     are similar, but in this case, lower speed is       versa. But voyages are not equally easy to
                                                     advised that need to be made up for at a            optimize, as the waypoints of the original
                                                     later stage in order to stick to the schedule.      route are kept and the more waypoints there
                                                                                                         are the less optimization is possible.”
                                                     Many route choices                                      After calculation, the influence of the
                                                     Most of the voyages follow a fixed schedule         weather on the speed will be available in the
                                                     where arrival and departure is known, and           Eco Voyage program. Eco Voyage has an
                                                     to save fuel, Maersk vessels try to avoid           advantage as it is working on the same
                                                     wasting time that is caused both by late            database and models as the vessel
                                                     departure and early arrival. Therefore speed        performance monitoring system and
                                                     needs to be carefully calculated and that is        therefore all information of vessel’s
                                                     done with regard to the effects of currents.        performance is up-to-date. Therefore
  Eco Voyage is a flexible program that can benefit
  both performance and science because of the data
                                                         After it is done, the route description is      weather predictions are important, but their
  collected                                          transferred to the route planning program in        influence can vary, depending on the overall
                                                     which the weather forecasts can be seen,            condition of the vessel.


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Weather Routing Meteorological May 2011

  • 1. The forecast Meteorological Technology International, the only true review of climate, Editor weather, oceanic prediction, measurement, and analysis technologies Christopher Hounsfield ( t was a very dark, system. It amazed me that the No sooner had the storm started Assistant editor I oppressive night, hot and close. The nearest town was company says there are up to 24,000 fatalities a year due to strikes, with than it passed. My best friend and I had completely forgotten about the Bunny Richards ( more than 60km away. The sound of 10 times more injuries. Almost as exercise. But as the sky cleared, the heavy gunfire was deafening. A impressive is that the longest single storm subsided and then the first Chief sub-editor whole regiment of tanks (57) were flash detected was 120 miles long, green curtain gently fell down from Alex Bradley firing their main 120mm rifled guns; and lasted nearly two seconds. the highest reaches of the ionosphere. Sub-editor each tank was also blasting off tracer Despite being ‘in the field’ for As I lay on my back atop a grassy William Baker bullets at a rate of knots from its two almost three weeks, this night firing hillock, smoking a cigarette, G&T in Production manager 7.62mm coaxial machine guns. exercise was different: I noticed a hand, the amazing phenomenon of Ian Donovan Behind this were advancing two change – a fresh chill in the the aurora borealis (northern lights) Production team Carole Doran, Lewis Hopkins, battalions of infantry, about 1,200 atmosphere and a thick blackness began to play its dance across the Cassie Inns, Robyn Skalsky men, each soldier heavily armed and that was creeping in from the west. night sky. Mesmerizing; tranquility using it. Behind them were two The advancing gloom was amid mayhem, with greens, pinks, Publication & sales director mortar troops, and behind them a interrupted with almighty flashes and blues weaving and waving across Barry Smith battery of 155mm artillery. All this within, and a rumble that was the heavens, all caused by emissions metal was getting really busy, all starting to grow even louder than of photons in the Earth’s upper Art director ammunition was live. This was the massive roar around me. It did atmosphere, which are excited by the James Sutcliffe BATUS (British Army Training Unit not take long: within just a few collision of solar wind particles being Design team Suffield) in a remote, but large corner minutes the darkness swept across funneled and accelerated along the Louise Adams, Andy Bass, Anna Davie, Andrew Locke, of the Canadian prairies. us, and the rain hit, but this was Earth’s magnetic field. Apparently, Craig Marshall, Nicola Turner, On this particular night I was something to be ignored. We were storm skies are more prone to the Julie Welby, Ben White stuck somewhere in the middle of under a vast sky. The nearest tree spectacle, as storms leave an ‘auroral Proofreaders the slow move forward. I was a was miles away – this was the oval’ open, particularly in this region. Aubrey Jacobs-Tyson, ‘battle captain’, ensuring fuel and prairies – and bolts of lightning were The only way to predict this is to Frank Millard ammo went to the forward units. But flying across, from horizon to study solar winds. It seemed the the lack of involvement in the horizon, up and down, and all atmosphere was doing its job of Editorial director excitement was compensated by the joined. It was absolutely spectacular. keeping the radiation away, and I was Anthony James greatest meteorological experience I Apparently an Irish Guards vehicle happy to watch the greatest light Managing director have ever witnessed. was hit, with minor burn injuries, show above Earth as a mighty encore Graham Johnson to the greatest light show ‘on’ Earth. CEO In this issue of MTI the well- but they had been shooting at our Tony Robinson established company Vaisala writes tank bins for hours, so rough justice. The inclusion of ‘total’ lightning about lightning detection. It It is said that streaks of lightning sensors at weather stations allows describes the establishment of a with no obstacle can easily travel detection of all types of lightning, worldwide network that can detect across 50 miles of sky, and I am and therefore an increased ability to lightning storms and, based on certain this is what I witnessed. ‘nowcast’ tracking of severe weather existing data and modeling, predict Fueled by massive daytime heating, events. It could save lives, and a few ISSN 2042-7190 exactly how the lightning storm will the atmosphere is often highly Irish Guards’ eyebrows. published by perform, expand, dissipate, or unstable, and extreme weather UKIP Media & Events Ltd behave – an extraordinary global virtually impossible to predict. Christopher Hounsfield, editor Contact us at: Meteorological Technology International October 18-20, Brussels, Belgium: The most significant dates of 2011! Abinger House, Church Street, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1DF, UK If you are looking for new measurement, forecasting, inviting more than 10,000 key decision makers tel: +44 1306 743744 or analysis technologies, weather or research within the world’s major commercial purchasers of email: service providers, Meteorological Technology World meteorological measurement and forecasting Printed by Expo is your new must-attend event. equipment and services, including airports, marine Nuffield Press, 21 Nuffield Way, The international exhibition will be held from ports, airlines, military operations, wind farms, Ashville Trading Estate, Abingdon, October 18-20, 2011, in the center of Brussels, offshore facilities, and agriculture users, as well as Oxfordshire, OX14 1RL Belgium, one of Europe’s busiest hubs for all of the world’s national and regional met offices The views expressed in the articles international business activity. Entrance to the expo and research institutes. We’re expecting and technical papers are those of the is free and there will be free-to-attend forums that Meteorological Technology World Expo to be the authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. While every delve into the latest meteorological technologies, largest exhibition of its kind ever staged.” care has been taken during trends, services, and concepts. So whether you are looking for new business production, the publisher does not Graham Johnson, managing director of UKIP partners or to meet up with your established accept any liability for errors that may have occurred. Copyright ©2011 Media & Events Ltd, the global publishing and suppliers in one convenient location, Meteorological exhibitions company that publishes Meteorological Technology World Expo 2011 is the place to be. Visit Subscriptions Technology International and is staging the new £60/US$108 expo, says, “Meteorological Technology World Expo for regular exhibitor and visitor updates and to will bring the pages of this magazine to life. We’re register for your free entry pass. 4 • ME TEOROLOGICA L TECHNOLOGY IN TERN ATION A L M AY 2011
  • 2.
  • 3. Weather routing by Keith Thomson SHIP’S LOG Weather routing provides a major role in vessel economy A combination of weather forecasting and the study of ocean currents has led to the rise of the shipping route agencies eather routing of ocean-going compilation of atmospheric and meteorological centres and private W shipping has been practiced for many hundreds of years. Early Arab oceanographic data from ships’ log books meant that climatological averages of ocean meteorological companies, and by applying available surface and upper air traders used the regular monsoons of the weather and ocean currents became forecasts to transoceanic shipping, it Arabian Sea to navigate to East Africa and to available to mariners, and this information became possible to effectively avoid much the Indian subcontinent, while 15th century was used by early pioneers to develop heavy weather while generally sailing sailors took advantage of their knowledge of seasonally recommended routes for sailing shorter routes than previously. prevailing trade winds and currents to ships and early steam-powered vessels. In the last 20 years, the rapid optimize their routes from Spain and In the mid 20 th century the modern development of computers, the internet and Portugal to the New World and back. concept of ship weather routing began to communications technology, together with In the 19th century, systematic be put into operation by national advances in meteorological analysis 6 • ME TEOROLOGICA L TECHNOLOGY IN TERN ATION A L M AY 2011
  • 4. Weather routing “The more accurate the starting analysis of the atmosphere from which the model is run, the better the final forecast will be” A typical bulk carrier which makes regular use Output of forecast winds (wind barbs) and wave height (colored contours) from present day of weather routing services atmospheric and ocean wave models techniques and atmospheric modeling, has to the maritime industry for more than 20 pre-determined goal (fuel savings, avoiding made a much more detailed and accurate years. The company maintains two damage to cargo on deck and so on) and weather routing service widely available to operations centers; one in the USA and one those services dedicated to passively marine users on all scales. in the UK. Together the two offices deliver tracking a vessel’s progress to evaluate the 24 hour marine weather forecasting and speed and consumption performance for Weather routing services ship routing services to a global client base. contractual purposes. In the case of There are several private companies and Across the industry there are different Aerospace & Marine these services are publicly funded bodies providing ship variables to the traditional weather routing Optimum Voyage Routing (OVR) and routing services. One such private company service. To a large extent two different Performance Monitoring (PMO). is Aerospace & Marine International (AMI) groups can be identified; those actively The goal of OVR is to develop the best which has been providing weather services optimizing a vessel’s sea passage to achieve a route for a ship based on existing weather ME TEOROLOGICA L TECHNOLOGY IN TER N ATION A L M AY 2011 • 7
  • 5.
  • 6. Weather routing forecasts, ocean current patterns, ship characteristics and special cargo requirements. For most transits this will mean the minimum transit time that avoids OPTIMUM SHIP ROUTING significant risk to the vessel, crew and For most transits optimum shipping routing to the voyage. A preliminary routing cargo. The aim is not to avoid all adverse will mean the minimum transit time that message is transmitted to the master of a weather but to find the best balance to avoids significant risk to the vessel, crew vessel prior to departure with a detailed minimize time of transit and fuel and cargo. The goal is not to avoid all forecast of expected storm tracks, an consumption without placing the vessel at adverse weather but to find the best initial route proposal with reasoning risk to weather damage or crew injury. balance to minimize time of transit and fuel behind the recommendation, and also During the voyage, regular forecasts and consumption without placing the vessel at the expected weather conditions to be route recommendations are provided to the risk to weather damage or crew injury. encountered along that route. vessel to aid the master in choosing the Route planning normally will start by This allows the master to better plan best route as described. reviewing the appropriate Pilot Chart his route and offers an opportunity to In contrast to active routing, the goal of Atlases and Sailing Directions (planning communicate with the service any performance monitoring is to measure and guides) to determine the normal weather special concerns that he or she might prepare a report on the performance of the patterns, weather risks and prevailing have due to special cargo requirements subject vessel in terms of speed and ocean currents. The Routing Service then or ship condition. Once the vessel consumption of fuel along its route versus reviews recent weather patterns and departs, the vessel’s progress is the contractual speed and consumption for weather forecast charts to determine the monitored closely with weather and route the same vessel. This report requires an most likely conditions during the course updates sent as needed. independent analysis to determine what loss of speed was due to weather and currents, and what was due to the vessel’s surface has meant that dynamic ocean ‘malfunction’ if any. current models are now initialized with The route forecaster uses specialized real-time surface elevation data. This geographic information system software allows much greater precision in the which enables display of the vessel route modeling of ocean currents down to a fine on charts overlain with wind, wave, scale of a few miles and it means that ships current, and several other types of can be routed much more accurately in relevant meteorological factors such as sea relation to adverse or favorable currents. ice, icebergs, and freezing spray. The route For example, strong current gyres in the waypoints are plotted and compared to Gulf of Mexico change only slowly over a several other reasonable variations of the period of days and these can be used to same route. The full set of routes is then great effect by the routing agency to reduce simulated taking into account the vessel sailing times by a couple of hours for the characteristics, forecast weather and ocean addition of a few extra miles. Slower vessels currents so that the optimum route can Ocean current chart showing a vessel route to are much more affected by currents, as the easily be determined. Once underway the take maximum advantage of favorable Brazil speed of the current is a much larger westerly current vessel’s actual positions are added to the percentage of the vessel speed, and the route, and the vessel’s progress is vessel remains under the influence of the continuously monitored and updated graph on the previous page. This means that current for longer. A good example is shown when necessary, due to adverse weather or vessels can be routed to avoid an expected in the graph above left which depicts a other factors. storm which may not even exist yet, but typical westbound track taking advantage of which with a high level of certainty will the current patterns off the north-east coast Latest technologies in forecasting form somewhere ahead along the vessel’s of Brazil, close to the Equator. There have been major advances in recent present track. The global models are also A very strong current flows parallel to years in meteorological analysis now beginning to pick up some tropical the coast from east to west throughout the techniques and atmospheric modeling. storm development days before the storm year, and this strong current occasionally Much effort has been applied to has even been officially recognized by the breaks down into an eddy so that there is a developing methods to assimilate the vast respective regional forecast centers. branch moving from west to east some way amounts of available satellite and other Another area where there has been a to the north. A slow vessel, say a drilling rig forms of remotely measured data into significant improvement is in the modeling being towed by a tug, can save three days or global atmospheric models. of ocean currents. In the past, current data more on a trip from the Gulf of Mexico to The more accurate the starting analysis was painstakingly extracted from ships’ Brazil despite adding 100-200 miles to the of the atmosphere from which the model is logs by comparing distance sailed over journey, by remaining to the north of the run, the better the final forecast will be. As a ground with distance actually sailed strong adverse current core and in the result these models are now capable of through the water, and these observations following current branch of the eddy. producing accurate global forecasts of winds were collated into charts of monthly Vessels sailing east to west stay further and waves for up to a week ahead, and to averages which were the main source of south within the core of the current and in give some detail about larger scale patterns ocean current information for masters and this way can improve voyage times by for another week beyond that. other interested parties. The introduction several days. An example of the type of output of satellites capable of measuring to a high These regions of strong current were available from such models is shown in the degree of accuracy the elevation of the sea depicted on the historic monthly averaged ME TEOROLOGICA L TECHNOLOGY IN TER N ATION A L M AY 2011 • 9
  • 7. Weather routing Tropical storm charts depicting historic and forecast track and area of uncertainty in relation to a deep sea tow’s track charts, but the day-to-day fine detail was not available from these charts and masters would find the favorable currents or avoid the adverse currents by trial and error. Nowadays the routing company has access to this fine scale current detail and voyages can be tweaked and updated on a daily basis to ensure the best and most favorable route is used which takes maximum advantage of the currents. Other routing considerations Other non-meteorological factors also influence the choice of routes available. A recent and unforeseen development has been the rapid increase in piracy in the Indian Ocean originating from the failed state of Somalia. As recently as five years ago, vessels sailed with impunity across the Arabian Sea into and out of the Gulf of Aden. Attacks were carried out by small groups of pirates in skiffs which were vulnerable to strong winds and rough seas. The attacks then began to become more sophisticated, making use of larger hijacked vessels as busiest sea routes in the world connecting Another factor which is having a major mother ships, pushing the area at risk across the Far East with Europe via the Red Sea impact on vessel routing is the price of fuel. the Arabian Sea to the west coast of India. and Suez Canal is now a risky undertaking, Recent geopolitical events have conspired to This has meant a drastic change in routing and some operators are sending their vessels send the price of crude oil to historically patterns over the area, so that safety is now around South Africa and adding many days high levels. the sole concern. What used to be one of the to their voyages. Traditional weather routing still plays a vital role in minimizing fuel consumption, but other methods of fuel conservation are being practiced regularly by operators, including sailing at most economical speed or suggesting an optimal RPM setting for a given voyage. All these ‘variants’ to traditional weather routing continue to be totally dependant on accurate weather and ocean currents data to provide meaningful advice to the vessel. These methods will continue to be expanded on in the coming months and years, especially in scenarios of high fuel price and increased concern over greenhouse emissions regulations for shipping. Weather routing is a tool which can be used to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the global shipping industry. Collaboration between routing providers and vessel operators will result in improvement of existing services and development of new ideas, ensuring that weather routing continues to play an important role in vessel economy and safety in the future. ❚ Keith Thomson is the UK operations manager of Five days outlook animated wind and wave charts for Atlantic north east Aerospace & Marine International (UK) Ltd 10 • ME TEOROLOGICA L TECHNOLOGY IN TERN ATION A L M AY 2011
  • 8.
  • 9. Voyage case study by Aiste Hoffbeck PORT OUT, STARBOARD HOME How the world’s largest container carrier uses met data to save fuel By analyzing information on wind, waves, and currents, Eco Voyage is proving to be a useful cost-cutting tool in commercial shipping, as well as an aid in oceanic research co Voyage is a tool that was designed E to provide the planner of a trans- ocean voyage with information on optimal speed through every part of the journey. This enables the propulsion power to remain as constant as possible to obtain the lowest possible fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Based on vessel particulars and detailed up-to-date information on expected currents, wind, waves, and depth restrictions along the planned route, the optimal power and revolutions/minute (rpm) profile can be chosen. This way unwanted oscillations in the ship’s power can be avoided while still maintaining a fixed estimated time of arrival. The improved tool has an impressive potential: by utilizing environmental information fuel savings of 0.5-1% are expected. The project was developed by the Vessel Performance section in Maersk Maritime Technology (MMT), in cooperation with Maersk Line Vessel Management (MLVM) and Maersk Tankers (MT). The development is supported by The A. P. Moller Foundation. Eco Voyage functions in a way that updated sea current information is received from other vessels on the same route through a central server. In addition, the weather forecast program provides wind, wave, and current forecasts. This information is used to plan the most optimal and efficient route for every vessel. Testing of the system is almost finished and the Vessel Performance section in Maersk Maritime Technology is now ready to evaluate the results. To illustrate how the program works, Kim Henriksen, the Eco Voyage prime mover in the vessel performance section of MMT, prepared an exclusive simulation of calculating and planning a voyage for one of the company’s 12 • ME TEOROLOGICA L TECHNOLOGY INTERN ATION A L M AY 2011
  • 10. Voyage case study “The improved tool has an impressive potential: by utilizing environmental information fuel savings of 0.5-1% are expected” ME TEOROLOGICA L TECHNOLOGY IN TER N ATION A L M AY 2011 • 13
  • 11. Voyage case study vessels. The voyage is from Hong Kong to Tanjung Pelepas in Malaysia with one alternative route following the Vietnam coast and the other one in open sea. Focus on currents The first step in preparing the voyage plan is looking at the navigational requirements – the shortest route at deep water. However, there are restrictions, such as traffic zones, that need to be followed correctly. For each voyage a passage plan needs to be made that describes the route and that route must be checked within an electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS). “We need Hub points are used to segment the voyage and Vessels can receive updated current information to be aware of all points where the route will make information sharing more precise from sister vessels that are on the same route change and these points need to be included in route description,” explains Henriksen. “We call them waypoints.” This is where the weather comes in. When creating an overview of waypoints, one should look into the weather forecasts for the period of the voyage. Of course, it is especially bad weather that is of most interest, but sea currents also get a fair share of attention as avoiding a head current can significantly save on the amount of fuel. After the route is defined in the ECDIS, it gets transferred into Eco Voyage program, where additional information such as speed restrictions, shallow water or planning restrictions can be added. A map function shows the route and a number of hub points Shortest way on the map does not mean the most Voyage planning includes weather forecasts that are used for segmenting the voyage and efficient voyage, therefore routes are optimized and prediction of sea currents for sharing sea current information with others. The observations of currents from sister vessels are received from a server including a prediction of ocean currents. located in Copenhagen. This program does have a relatively simple The latest update of the program also model for calculating speed loss due to wind includes zones with increased pirate activity. and waves. It is possible to calculate up to This is important as vessels are required to four route alternatives of which three follow sail faster through such areas, as speed navigational lines: Rhumb Line (direct line), remains the best method for preventing Great Circle (shortest distance) or a pirate attacks. In this case Eco Voyage combination of both. calculates the higher speed in pirate- “There is one more alternative and that is populated areas that need to be matched an optimal route where an algorithm with lower speed later in the journey to optimizes the balance between extra distance compensate for increased fuel consumption. and speed loss,” says Henriksen. “Sometimes Calculations for passing shallow water the longer way might take less time and vice are similar, but in this case, lower speed is versa. But voyages are not equally easy to advised that need to be made up for at a optimize, as the waypoints of the original later stage in order to stick to the schedule. route are kept and the more waypoints there are the less optimization is possible.” Many route choices After calculation, the influence of the Most of the voyages follow a fixed schedule weather on the speed will be available in the where arrival and departure is known, and Eco Voyage program. Eco Voyage has an to save fuel, Maersk vessels try to avoid advantage as it is working on the same wasting time that is caused both by late database and models as the vessel departure and early arrival. Therefore speed performance monitoring system and needs to be carefully calculated and that is therefore all information of vessel’s done with regard to the effects of currents. performance is up-to-date. Therefore Eco Voyage is a flexible program that can benefit both performance and science because of the data After it is done, the route description is weather predictions are important, but their collected transferred to the route planning program in influence can vary, depending on the overall which the weather forecasts can be seen, condition of the vessel. 14 • ME TEOROLOGICA L TECHNOLOGY IN TERN ATION A L M AY 2011