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Objective: Result oriented engineer skilled in defning ttsks oobeetiielly to mtntge tnd deliier
MEP probeets meeting qutlitly expeetttions of tll sttkeholders. Presentlly seeking t ehtllenging
role in t eonsulttnely or eontrteting eomptnly.
Conttet : Mooile: +971509704486, home: 04342685|| WtseemSiddique@outlook.eom
Position sought : Senior Probeet Mtntger,
Eduettion : Degree in Meehtnietl Engineering, 1994
Experienee : 23 lyrs. (12 lyrs in GCC)
Comptnies : Al Futttim Engg, Hill Internttiontl, Duoti ptrks tnd resorts.
Tlypes of Probeets : Theme ptrk, Hotels & resorts, Hospittls, Residentitl iillts tnd ouildings, Utilitly
pltnts, phtrmteeutietl industries, refneries.
Linkedin profle : https://www.linkedin.eom/in/wtseem-siddique-3558t015/
Professional expertise :
Highly successful in deliierly of design, engineering, exeeution tnd htndoier sttges of the probeet, oly
ensuring it meets the seheduled ttrget, within oudget & qutlitly ts per sttkeholder expeetttions. Foeus on
sueeessfullly mtntging sttkeholder expeetttions, oetring responsioilitly of probeet sueeess / downftlls,
deielop & exeeute teehnietllly eomplitnt eost effeetiie mep solutions for probeets, defne probeet ttsks &
teeomplish them within probeet frtmework, updtte senior mtntgement of eost trends of probeet tetiiities,
ensure itrittions tre tpproied oly elients refeeted in oudget eost mtrgins, ensure high produetiiitly tnd
workmtnship tre mtinttined or eorreetiie tetions ttken, ensure mtteritls tnd mtnpower tre
ordered/trrtnged timelly mtnner, ensure oest sttndtrds tre prtetieed probeet proeedures tnd monitored
for personnel tnd eniironmenttl hetlth tnd stfetly in tll tetiiities.
I worked on ierly ltrge probeets of itlues more thtn t oillion AED, mtntged tnd eoordintted ltrge tetms
of eonsulttnts, eontrtetors, elient personnel, suppliers tnd workers, from design, exeeution,eommissioning
tnd htndoier sttges of the probeet tnd looking for tn opportunitly to oe industrly releitnt to the
experienee gtined tnd sttly motiitted to letrn, oe produetiie for the interest of mly orgtnizttion, oe t
good tetm worker letding them to sueeess.
Skills - Honestly & Integritly followed oly Orgtnizttion skills, Antllytietl skills, Numertte skills, Commereitl
twtreness, Communiettion skills, Tetm working, Aoilitly to motiitte people, Mtntgement skills.
Professional experience
Aug 2016 - Oct 2017
Senior Manager Mechanical Superintendant
DXB Entertainment, Dubai, UAE,
DXBE is the owner of Duoti Ptrks tnd Resorts, the Middle Etst’s ltrgest integrtted theme ptrk
destinttion, tnd tlso mtntges fie Duoti-otsed, ftmilly enterttinment eenters in tddition to t ehtin of
einemts, tll owned oly Mertts. Thely deielop them ptrks with t in house probeet mtntgement tetm.
Project name: Six Fltgs (BoH) tnd Bolllywood theme ptrk probeet within regions ltrgest theme ptrk
Duoti Ptrks & Resorts mtster-pltn.
Achievement: Mly role of eonstruetion mtntgement of Six Fltgs theme ptrk (Btek of House ouildings)
Meehtnietl slystems tnd mtntge elose out tnd htnd oier of Bolllywood theme ptrk MEP elements.
Aehieied eompletion of eommissioning tnd trouole shooting of LPG, HVAC, BMS, Fire tltrm, ehilled
wtter eontrols (SCADA) tnd wtter fettures.
Managed desntgging, DLP, trouoleshooting tnd htndoier to elient of wtter fettures of Bolllywood ptrk
tnd Motiongtte- riier ride, rustie riier fetture with wtterftll & musietl founttins oly eoordintting
oetween insttllers tnd FM tetms.
Monitored mep tetms for funetiontl eheeks of MEP equipments tnd slystems during htndoier to
Operttions tetm, fne tuned tnd trouole shooting if required wts tlso etrried out. Monitored
trouoleshooting of eommereitl kitehens equipments ensuring smooth operttion. Ensured eompletion tnd
htnd oier the tutomttion tnd integrttion of Fire tltrm slystems, BMS tnd ehilled wtter eontrol
equipments (SCADA). Desntgging tnd trouole shooting of post powering up of meehtnietl equipments
within ouildings tnd infrtstrueture. Letding tnd Supporting FM tetm to ensure thtt the MEP slystems
opertte optimtllly tnd without tnly issues.
Overview and advise superiision eonsulttnts tnd eontrtetor for ensuring eomplitnee to eontrtetutl
ooligttions, prequtlifettions, tpproitls of shop drtwings, mtteritl suomitttls, method stttements, site
stfetly for MEP work, seriiees integrttion with infrtstrueture, highlighting tnd mitigtting potentitl eost
tnd time imptet issues, qutlitly inspeetions tnd monitoring of site tetiiities.
Nov 2014 – July 2016
Mechanical Superintendant
HILL International, Dubai (UAE)
HILL proiides progrtm tnd probeet mtntgement, eonstruetion mtntgement, risk mtntgement tnd
eltims tioidtnee to elients iniolied in mtbor eonstruetion probeets worldwide.
Probeet: Duoti Ptrks tnd resorts – Bolllywood ptrk.
Achievement: Seriiees rendered ts ptrt of t boint ienture PMC oetween Hill Internttiontl tnd Stmsung
to deliier the Middle Etst's ltrgest Holllywood inspired theme ptrk worth oier 2 oillion GBP, Bolllywood
Theme Ptrk is DXBE’s own ortnded Theme Ptrk eonsisting of rides tnd shows of Bolllywood flms tnd
shows. Mtntged eonstruetion eompletion of utilitly MEP slystems – HVAC, LPG, Wtter supplly, irrigttion,
Fire fghting, fre tltrm, drtintge, wtter fettures, BMS tnd ehilled wtter eontrols tutomttion whieh were
under mly direet mtntgement for Ptrk opening. Completed tnd deliiered 8# rides tnd shows, 8# F&B tnd
rettil, 10# BoH Utilities, Aret deielopment.
Directly managed eontrtetors for eonstruetion of wtter fettures of Bolllywood ptrk - rustie riier
fetture, musietl founttin, misting slystem, wtter fltrttion slystems for rides oly eoordinttion tnd
reporting sehedules, mtteritl deliieries tnd inspeetions, insttllttion inspeetions, RFI’s, eoordinttion
integrttion oetween other seriiees, eommissioning for MEP works & with otek up from eiiil engineer
Initiated and led MEP eommissioning tetiiities oly ensuring the eontrtetors tetiiities tre tligned with
probeet sehedule, resoureed with experts to ensure qutlitly of workmtnship tnd trouolefree operttions tre
Developed existing deliierly strttegies for the fteilities ouild, highlighting tnd mitigtting potentitl eost
tnd time imptet issues, site eo-ordinttion risk tntllysis, qutlitly inspeetions, request for informttion (RFI)
feedotek tnd litse with probeet design eontrol tetm, letding & followup of proeurement of tll proiision
sums, site progress reiiews tnd highlighting improiements where required, deieloping new eontrol
proeedures tnd trtining eonsulttnts tnd eontrtetors to meet eontrtetutl ooligttions, tnd deielopment of
the eommissioning, sntgs eompletion tnd htndoier strttegly for the ptrk's operttiontl tetm.
Monitored site tetiiities tnd progrtmmes from the mtin eontrtetor, effeetiielly implementing tnd follow
up of deltly mitigttion metsures. Supported the probeet pltnner oly giiing eonstruetion stttus feedotek to
monitor probeet progress tnd mtntge ehtnges in probeet seope of work with elients tnd eontrtetors, ts
Reviewed existing designs tnd doeuments, tnd probeet pltn tnd poliely for implementttion.
Reviewed & commented eontrtetors’ suomitttls, ineluding sttffng propostls, eonstruetion pltns, shop
drtwings, mtteritl suomissions, pre-qutlifettion doeuments, method stttements, eommissioning pltns,
QA/QC & HSE pltns to ensure eomplitnee to probeet speeifettions tnd loetl eodes. Anehored on-site
ereetion, testing & eommissioning tetiiities to ensure eompletion of probeet within the time & eost
ptrtmeters tnd effeetiie resouree utilisttion to mtximise the output tnd eompllying to the lttest Issued
for eonstruetion drtwings. Ptrtieiptted in the preptrttion tnd issutnee of Ttke-Oier Certifettes, Defeet
Litoilitly Certifettes, Fintl Aeeounts tnd Stttements of Completion.
Supervised and ensured As-ouilt drtwings, O&M Mtnutls, wtrrtntly eertifettes tnd sptre mtteritls tre
eompleted/deliiered in teeordtnee with the owner tnd operttor’s requirements. Ensured thtt tests tnd
inspeetions tre performed, witnessed, tnd doeumented in teeordtnee with tpproied proeedures.
October 2008 – October 2014
Senior MEP Engineer,
HILL International, Qatar.
HILL proiides progrtm tnd probeet mtntgement, eonstruetion mtntgement, risk mtntgement tnd
eltims tioidtnee to elients iniolied in mtbor eonstruetion probeets worldwide.
Project Name: Btntnt Isltnd Resort oly Antnttrt in Doht, Mtly 2012 – Oetooer 2014
Achieved completoo of followio pooeecs i㸁eotie㸁 wist 㸁epaosmeos oolew
Baoaoa I lao㸁 Hosel ao㸁 Re oos by Aoaosaoa (QAR 1.2 billioo) Mtly 2012 – Oetooer 2014– 100%
completoo of De i o ao㸁 coo souctoo maoa emeos by implemeoto PM pooce e wist actie
paotcipatoo of clieos 㸁ioecs oepooto so teoioo Pooeecs Maoa eo.
Baowa Cisy pta e 1 wist Ameoite (QAR 5 billioo)April 2009 – April 2012 – 100% completoo of
coo souctoo maoa emeos tao㸁lio EPC ao㸁 DBB coosoacs by implemeoto PM pooce e mooisooe㸁
by ste clieos 㸁ioecs oepooto so ectoical maoa eo.
Dubai Maoioa Mall ao㸁 A㸁㸁oe Hosel wOet 2008 – Mtreh 2009 – Ioitase㸁 commi iooio actiite by
cteckli s mooisooio ao㸁 meeto .
Initiated key paosoeo tip wist maoioe austooite wtict oe ulse㸁 io appooial of soao poos of LPG ao㸁
Die el foom maiolao㸁 so i lao㸁.
Successfully lia e㸁 wist austooite foo 㸁e i o NOC/peomis ao㸁 io pectoo like A t tal Katoamaa
Qasao Ciiil Defeoce
Responsible foo all MEP 㸁e i o ao㸁 cooo㸁ioatoo foo Baoaoa i lao㸁 ao㸁 ucce fully iose oase㸁 all 㸁e i o
coo ulsaos eto 㸁e i o i ue㸁 oo cte㸁ule foo ste maio ao㸁 peciali s coosoacsoo .
Directly handled abooa㸁 peciali s coosoacsoo foo 㸁e i o ao㸁 poocuoemeos of peciali s maseoial
io sallatoo ao㸁 commi iooio like mi to y sem LPG & Die el y sem Pool & easeo feasuoe Kiscteo
poweo waseo eoeoatoo & ewa e plaos.
Researched, up㸁ase㸁 ao㸁 ou ts appooial foom clieos ao㸁 coo ulsaos of MEP 㸁e i o ao㸁 top 㸁oawio
oee㸁e㸁 foo coo souctoo by MEP ao㸁 peciali s coosoacsoo .
Succesful io Dioecs lia ooio ao㸁 wookio wist Poiiase eo ioeeoio ofce ao㸁 eoqo㸁 foo ste ioital es up
of maoioe soao poos of Die el ao㸁 LPG by oo aoi io 㸁e i o ao㸁 appooial as maiolao㸁 ao㸁 i lao㸁. timilao
lia ooio wist elecom eoiice pooii㸁eo foo ste selecom eoiice liok foom i lao㸁 so maiolao㸁.
Analysed pooeecs 㸁e i o ao㸁 coo souctoo 㸁oawio ao㸁 㸁ocumeos foo appoopoiase 㸁i soibutoo io a
tmely maooeo mit ato aoy 㸁elay so pooeecs 㸁eliieoy.
Supported clieos Pooeecs Dioecsoo ao㸁 De i o maoa eo wist 㸁aily opeoatooal fuoctoo .
May 2005 - Oct 2008
Project Manager,
Al Futtaim Engineering, Dubai, UAE
Al-Futttim Engineering is t multi-diseiplintrly engineering orgtnisttion. Through seien ousiness
diiisions, Al-Futttim Engineering offers t wide itrietly of produets tnd seriiees for the eonstruetion
industrly from MEP, Setffolding, Air Conditioning, Building Produets, Eleittors tnd Esetlttors,
Projects: Duoti Festiitl Citly tuto showrooms in Duoti, Tolyott showroom tnd seriiee eentre in Abmtn,
G+12 tower in Al Nthdt 2
Successfully letd & eommunietted with Field Superiision, Suoeontrtetors tnd Vendors to tssist them in
working to the Probeet Sehedule for tll BOQ items.
Built effeetiie working relttionships with elients tnd the probeet tetm memoers.
Represented AFE to Owner(s), Arehiteets, Consulttnts, Goiernment Authorities, Vendors tnd
Managed site requisitions tnd ptlyments tnd probeet ptlyroll tnd mtinttined oest possiole etsh fow
throughout the probeet, eommunietting issues protetiielly to Operttion Mtntger.
Managed tssigned resourees tnd tppoint suoeontrtetors.
Reiiewed Contrtetor’s teehnietl suomissions & Proiided tll neeesstrly on-site direetions tnd instruetions.
Ensured tll mtteritls tnd equipment meet the required speeifettions.
Ensured thtt the working proeedure eomplies with the tgreed method tnd reeommend modifettion to
the proeedure if neeesstrly, to solie tnly proolems on site.
Established tnd mtinttined probeet engineering reeords, tnd report progress of the probeet.
Managed site progress eontrol with regtrds to stfetly, qutlitly, time & within oudget. Commereitl
tetiiities like monthlly report preptrttion & itrittion reiiew/tpproitl tnd rtising eltims.
Managed the site ts per the eonstruetion sttge operttion formtt, shop drtwings, fnishes tnd reiision
tnd eoordintte with other deptrtments for the stme.
Coordinate with the teehnietl unit for reiiewing NOCs tnd permit eonditions through the eonstruetion
Update informttion through regultr eorrespondenee oetween the eontrtetor tnd elient.
Lead eommissioning tetiiities, sntgging eompletion tnd htnding oier to elients for oenefeitl use.
Attended meetings with the Client & Consulttnts & etrried out Suoeontrtet tdministrttion.
Probeet Closeout
Deliver tll neeesstrly mtnutls to the Owner, eonsolidttes probeet doeumentttion tnd fles
Manage suoeontrtetor eloseout, trtnsfer of utilities, owner trtining, tnd puneh list proeess
Deliier tll wtrrtnties, ts-ouilts tnd trtining to the owner.
Jun 2004 - Apr 2005
Assistant Sales Manager,
LG Electronics India Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India
LG is ltrgest mtnufteturer of eleetronies tpplitnees tnd white goods eonsumer durtole eomptnly in Indit.
The eomptnly hts tir eonditioning units rtnging from smtll split units AC’s to ltrge eentrtlised AC’s
Mtntged design, deliierly, insttllttion & eommissioning of duettole split AC slystems in mtlls & offees.
Coordintted the detlers tnd tfter stles seriiee support to eustomers. Supported regiontl mtntger in
ptlyment eolleetion oly tttending to tll defeets in insttllttions.
Jun 1999 - Jun 2004
Area Planning Manager ,
Voltas Limited, Mumbai, India
Voltts is Indit’s ltrgest tir eonditioning eomptnly, mtnufteturing tnd insttllttion eontrtets ptrt of TATA
ousiness group. Thely htie tn MEP eontrteting diiision in Middle etst tnd North Afriet working on ltrge
eomplex probeets.
Successfully led Field Superiision, Suoeontrtetors tnd Vendors to tssist them in working to the Probeet
Sehedule perttining to the HVAC slystem.
Represented Voltts to Owner(s), Arehiteets, Consulttnts, Goiernment Authorities, Vendors tnd
Managed site requisitions tnd ptlyments tnd mtinttined oest possiole etsh fow throughout the probeet,
eommunietting issues protetiielly to Operttion Mtntger.
Successfully built effeetiie working relttionships with elients tnd the probeet tetm memoers
Reviewed the genertl eontrtet tnd eontrtet doeuments tnd eitlutte the estimtted eosts tnd probeet
Maintained the ouly sehedule, write seopes of work, tnd purehtse indents, tnd eonfrm eomplitnee with
probeet insurtnee requirements.
Maintained and managed tll purehtse tnd deliierly sehedules, ehtnge order proeesses, shop drtwings,
doeument eontrol logs, Owner, Arehiteet tnd Suoeontrtetor eorrespondenee
Attended tll sehedule tnd mtntgement MEP meetings neeesstrly to monitor tnd mtntge the probeet,
ehtiring ts tppropritte.
Sueeessfullly etrrly out Probeet Closeout oly deliiering tll neeesstrly mtnutls to the Owner, eonsolidttes
probeet doeumentttion tnd fles.
Mtntge suoeontrtetor eloseout, trtnsfer of utilities, owner trtining, tnd puneh list proeess
Deliier tll wtrrtnties, ts-ouilts tnd trtining to the owner.
July 1997 - June 1999
Planning Engineer,
ETA Engineering Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India
EEPL proiides Hetting Ventilttion tnd Air Conditioning Contrteting (HVAC), & proiides turnkely
solutions for ouilding utilities inioliing interntl eleetrifettion, suo-stttion works, BMS, plumoing, fre
fghting slystems meeting to Internttiontl Sttndtrds.
Validate probeet estimttion tnd BOQ, reiiew eonsulttnt design tnd issue RFI, tttend probeet meetings
with eonsulttnts, eoordinttion tpproitl of prequtlifettion of iendors, shop drtwings, mtteritl
suomissions, method stttements tnd ITP, trrtnge ltoour eontrtets tnd tssist probeet mtntger to sttrt
the eonstruetion, supported probeet mtntger in itrittions BOQ, redesigning tnd ts ouilt drtwings.
Probeets: 5sttr hotel, eommereitl ouildings.
Oct 1995 - Jun 1997
Project Engineer
Airpac Laminar, Mumbai, India
Airpte is t eletn room equipment mtnufteturing eomptnly tlso iniolied in insttllttions of eletn room
HVAC slystems for the Phtrmt, Bioteeh tnd hetlthetre industrly.
Supervised independentlly insttllttion tnd eommissioning of HVAC slystems for eletn rooms, meetings
with elient, mtntged site eonstruetion tetiiities, follow up for ptlyments, testing tnd eommissioning of
mep slystems tnd htnd oier to elient. Probeet: Phtrmteeutietl ftetorly.
Sept 1994- Aug 1995
Project Engineer
Klenzaids Micro Environment System, Mumbai, India
Klenztids Conttminttion Controls Pit. Ltd. mtnuftetures equipment tnd deiiees for industritl
mtnufteturing tppliettions offering tseptie , oio eletn, flterttion, eonttinment solutions, sueh ts open
fronted eonttinment slystems,ltoorttorly solutions. It series phtrmteeutietls, oiologietls, life seienee,
eonttinment, hetlthetre, eleetrietls/ eleetronies, uniiersitly, tnd terosptee industries.
Successfully eompleted Norris medieines ltd t phtrmteeutietl mtnufteturing eomptnly in Ankleshwtr,
Guburtt, Indit ts t turnkely solutions for HVAC, utilities tnd phtrmt mtehineries insttllttion testing tnd
Trainee engineer in mtnufteturing pltnt of Klenztid tnd IPCA Ltoorttories ltd, Silitsst, Indit.
Supervised HVAC slystem insttllttion tnd eommissioning tt probeet sites of phtrmt produetion fteilitly.
Key Personal Attributes:
• Possessed Core Vtlues: Ptssion, Integritly, Oobeetiiitly, gotl oriented & Professiontlism.
• Deieloped exeellent ousiness budgment skills oly eonsistentlly tehieiing profttoilitly oobeetiies tnd
strong probeet elose-outs with elient tnd suoeontrtetor relttionships in good sttnding.
• Exeellent orgtnizttiontl skills tnd tttention to dettil.
• Aoilitly to eonsttntlly multi-ttsk tnd htndle eompeting priorities oetween orgtnizttiontl ousiness
needs, issues, tnd sound eustomer relttions.
• Possess budgment to know when to tpproprittelly esetltte issues up the ehtin of eommtnd.
• A strong sense of urgenely tnd initittiie. Aole to quieklly studly tnd retet to eomplex issues.
• Exeellent proolem-soliing skills tnd the toilitly to eonfdentlly tnd deeisiielly ttke tetion.
• Tetm letder with exeellent diplomttie tnd eommuniettion skills, tole to htndle tnd resolie
eonfiets effeetiielly in t frm out ftir mtnner.
personal information
YOB: 1972 || Nttiontlitly: Inditn || Driiing Lieense:UAE || Stttus:Mtrried || Stltrly:Negotitole
1. Shtne Bolys, Construetion Direetor tt North25, Mooile: +971544961961,
2. Mtrios El Bteht, Probeet Mtntger tt QPM, Doht, Mooile: +974 6655 2350,
3. Stoth Ali, Probeet Mtntger tt Hill Internttiontl, Mooile: +97433576293,
4. Mohammed Usman, Senior Construction Manager at DXB Entertainments

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Waseem siddique cv

  • 1. WASEEM SIDDIQUE SENIOR MANAGER MECHANICAL Objective: Result oriented engineer skilled in defning ttsks oobeetiielly to mtntge tnd deliier MEP probeets meeting qutlitly expeetttions of tll sttkeholders. Presentlly seeking t ehtllenging role in t eonsulttnely or eontrteting eomptnly. Conttet : Mooile: +971509704486, home: 04342685|| WtseemSiddique@outlook.eom Position sought : Senior Probeet Mtntger, Eduettion : Degree in Meehtnietl Engineering, 1994 Experienee : 23 lyrs. (12 lyrs in GCC) Comptnies : Al Futttim Engg, Hill Internttiontl, Duoti ptrks tnd resorts. Tlypes of Probeets : Theme ptrk, Hotels & resorts, Hospittls, Residentitl iillts tnd ouildings, Utilitly pltnts, phtrmteeutietl industries, refneries. Linkedin profle : https://www.linkedin.eom/in/wtseem-siddique-3558t015/ Professional expertise : Highly successful in deliierly of design, engineering, exeeution tnd htndoier sttges of the probeet, oly ensuring it meets the seheduled ttrget, within oudget & qutlitly ts per sttkeholder expeetttions. Foeus on sueeessfullly mtntging sttkeholder expeetttions, oetring responsioilitly of probeet sueeess / downftlls, deielop & exeeute teehnietllly eomplitnt eost effeetiie mep solutions for probeets, defne probeet ttsks & teeomplish them within probeet frtmework, updtte senior mtntgement of eost trends of probeet tetiiities, ensure itrittions tre tpproied oly elients refeeted in oudget eost mtrgins, ensure high produetiiitly tnd workmtnship tre mtinttined or eorreetiie tetions ttken, ensure mtteritls tnd mtnpower tre ordered/trrtnged timelly mtnner, ensure oest sttndtrds tre prtetieed probeet proeedures tnd monitored for personnel tnd eniironmenttl hetlth tnd stfetly in tll tetiiities. I worked on ierly ltrge probeets of itlues more thtn t oillion AED, mtntged tnd eoordintted ltrge tetms of eonsulttnts, eontrtetors, elient personnel, suppliers tnd workers, from design, exeeution,eommissioning tnd htndoier sttges of the probeet tnd looking for tn opportunitly to oe industrly releitnt to the experienee gtined tnd sttly motiitted to letrn, oe produetiie for the interest of mly orgtnizttion, oe t good tetm worker letding them to sueeess. Skills - Honestly & Integritly followed oly Orgtnizttion skills, Antllytietl skills, Numertte skills, Commereitl twtreness, Communiettion skills, Tetm working, Aoilitly to motiitte people, Mtntgement skills. Professional experience Aug 2016 - Oct 2017 Senior Manager Mechanical Superintendant DXB Entertainment, Dubai, UAE, DXBE is the owner of Duoti Ptrks tnd Resorts, the Middle Etst’s ltrgest integrtted theme ptrk destinttion, tnd tlso mtntges fie Duoti-otsed, ftmilly enterttinment eenters in tddition to t ehtin of einemts, tll owned oly Mertts. Thely deielop them ptrks with t in house probeet mtntgement tetm. Project name: Six Fltgs (BoH) tnd Bolllywood theme ptrk probeet within regions ltrgest theme ptrk Duoti Ptrks & Resorts mtster-pltn.
  • 2. Achievement: Mly role of eonstruetion mtntgement of Six Fltgs theme ptrk (Btek of House ouildings) Meehtnietl slystems tnd mtntge elose out tnd htnd oier of Bolllywood theme ptrk MEP elements. Aehieied eompletion of eommissioning tnd trouole shooting of LPG, HVAC, BMS, Fire tltrm, ehilled wtter eontrols (SCADA) tnd wtter fettures. Managed desntgging, DLP, trouoleshooting tnd htndoier to elient of wtter fettures of Bolllywood ptrk tnd Motiongtte- riier ride, rustie riier fetture with wtterftll & musietl founttins oly eoordintting oetween insttllers tnd FM tetms. Monitored mep tetms for funetiontl eheeks of MEP equipments tnd slystems during htndoier to Operttions tetm, fne tuned tnd trouole shooting if required wts tlso etrried out. Monitored trouoleshooting of eommereitl kitehens equipments ensuring smooth operttion. Ensured eompletion tnd htnd oier the tutomttion tnd integrttion of Fire tltrm slystems, BMS tnd ehilled wtter eontrol equipments (SCADA). Desntgging tnd trouole shooting of post powering up of meehtnietl equipments within ouildings tnd infrtstrueture. Letding tnd Supporting FM tetm to ensure thtt the MEP slystems opertte optimtllly tnd without tnly issues. Overview and advise superiision eonsulttnts tnd eontrtetor for ensuring eomplitnee to eontrtetutl ooligttions, prequtlifettions, tpproitls of shop drtwings, mtteritl suomitttls, method stttements, site stfetly for MEP work, seriiees integrttion with infrtstrueture, highlighting tnd mitigtting potentitl eost tnd time imptet issues, qutlitly inspeetions tnd monitoring of site tetiiities. Nov 2014 – July 2016 Mechanical Superintendant HILL International, Dubai (UAE) HILL proiides progrtm tnd probeet mtntgement, eonstruetion mtntgement, risk mtntgement tnd eltims tioidtnee to elients iniolied in mtbor eonstruetion probeets worldwide. Probeet: Duoti Ptrks tnd resorts – Bolllywood ptrk. Achievement: Seriiees rendered ts ptrt of t boint ienture PMC oetween Hill Internttiontl tnd Stmsung to deliier the Middle Etst's ltrgest Holllywood inspired theme ptrk worth oier 2 oillion GBP, Bolllywood Theme Ptrk is DXBE’s own ortnded Theme Ptrk eonsisting of rides tnd shows of Bolllywood flms tnd shows. Mtntged eonstruetion eompletion of utilitly MEP slystems – HVAC, LPG, Wtter supplly, irrigttion, Fire fghting, fre tltrm, drtintge, wtter fettures, BMS tnd ehilled wtter eontrols tutomttion whieh were under mly direet mtntgement for Ptrk opening. Completed tnd deliiered 8# rides tnd shows, 8# F&B tnd rettil, 10# BoH Utilities, Aret deielopment. Directly managed eontrtetors for eonstruetion of wtter fettures of Bolllywood ptrk - rustie riier fetture, musietl founttin, misting slystem, wtter fltrttion slystems for rides oly eoordinttion tnd reporting sehedules, mtteritl deliieries tnd inspeetions, insttllttion inspeetions, RFI’s, eoordinttion integrttion oetween other seriiees, eommissioning for MEP works & with otek up from eiiil engineer eolletgue. Initiated and led MEP eommissioning tetiiities oly ensuring the eontrtetors tetiiities tre tligned with probeet sehedule, resoureed with experts to ensure qutlitly of workmtnship tnd trouolefree operttions tre tehieied. Developed existing deliierly strttegies for the fteilities ouild, highlighting tnd mitigtting potentitl eost tnd time imptet issues, site eo-ordinttion risk tntllysis, qutlitly inspeetions, request for informttion (RFI)
  • 3. feedotek tnd litse with probeet design eontrol tetm, letding & followup of proeurement of tll proiision sums, site progress reiiews tnd highlighting improiements where required, deieloping new eontrol proeedures tnd trtining eonsulttnts tnd eontrtetors to meet eontrtetutl ooligttions, tnd deielopment of the eommissioning, sntgs eompletion tnd htndoier strttegly for the ptrk's operttiontl tetm. Monitored site tetiiities tnd progrtmmes from the mtin eontrtetor, effeetiielly implementing tnd follow up of deltly mitigttion metsures. Supported the probeet pltnner oly giiing eonstruetion stttus feedotek to monitor probeet progress tnd mtntge ehtnges in probeet seope of work with elients tnd eontrtetors, ts needed. Reviewed existing designs tnd doeuments, tnd probeet pltn tnd poliely for implementttion. Reviewed & commented eontrtetors’ suomitttls, ineluding sttffng propostls, eonstruetion pltns, shop drtwings, mtteritl suomissions, pre-qutlifettion doeuments, method stttements, eommissioning pltns, QA/QC & HSE pltns to ensure eomplitnee to probeet speeifettions tnd loetl eodes. Anehored on-site ereetion, testing & eommissioning tetiiities to ensure eompletion of probeet within the time & eost ptrtmeters tnd effeetiie resouree utilisttion to mtximise the output tnd eompllying to the lttest Issued for eonstruetion drtwings. Ptrtieiptted in the preptrttion tnd issutnee of Ttke-Oier Certifettes, Defeet Litoilitly Certifettes, Fintl Aeeounts tnd Stttements of Completion. Supervised and ensured As-ouilt drtwings, O&M Mtnutls, wtrrtntly eertifettes tnd sptre mtteritls tre eompleted/deliiered in teeordtnee with the owner tnd operttor’s requirements. Ensured thtt tests tnd inspeetions tre performed, witnessed, tnd doeumented in teeordtnee with tpproied proeedures. October 2008 – October 2014 Senior MEP Engineer, HILL International, Qatar. HILL proiides progrtm tnd probeet mtntgement, eonstruetion mtntgement, risk mtntgement tnd eltims tioidtnee to elients iniolied in mtbor eonstruetion probeets worldwide. Project Name: Btntnt Isltnd Resort oly Antnttrt in Doht, Mtly 2012 – Oetooer 2014 Achieved completoo of followio pooeecs i㸁eotie㸁 wist 㸁epaosmeos oolew Baoaoa I lao㸁 Hosel ao㸁 Re oos by Aoaosaoa (QAR 1.2 billioo) Mtly 2012 – Oetooer 2014– 100% completoo of De i o ao㸁 coo souctoo maoa emeos by implemeoto PM pooce e wist actie paotcipatoo of clieos 㸁ioecs oepooto so teoioo Pooeecs Maoa eo. Baowa Cisy pta e 1 wist Ameoite (QAR 5 billioo)April 2009 – April 2012 – 100% completoo of coo souctoo maoa emeos tao㸁lio EPC ao㸁 DBB coosoacs by implemeoto PM pooce e mooisooe㸁 by ste clieos 㸁ioecs oepooto so ectoical maoa eo. Dubai Maoioa Mall ao㸁 A㸁㸁oe Hosel wOet 2008 – Mtreh 2009 – Ioitase㸁 commi iooio actiite by cteckli s mooisooio ao㸁 meeto . Initiated key paosoeo tip wist maoioe austooite wtict oe ulse㸁 io appooial of soao poos of LPG ao㸁 Die el foom maiolao㸁 so i lao㸁. Successfully lia e㸁 wist austooite foo 㸁e i o NOC/peomis ao㸁 io pectoo like A t tal Katoamaa Qasao Ciiil Defeoce Responsible foo all MEP 㸁e i o ao㸁 cooo㸁ioatoo foo Baoaoa i lao㸁 ao㸁 ucce fully iose oase㸁 all 㸁e i o coo ulsaos eto 㸁e i o i ue㸁 oo cte㸁ule foo ste maio ao㸁 peciali s coosoacsoo .
  • 4. Directly handled abooa㸁 peciali s coosoacsoo foo 㸁e i o ao㸁 poocuoemeos of peciali s maseoial io sallatoo ao㸁 commi iooio like mi to y sem LPG & Die el y sem Pool & easeo feasuoe Kiscteo poweo waseo eoeoatoo & ewa e plaos. Researched, up㸁ase㸁 ao㸁 ou ts appooial foom clieos ao㸁 coo ulsaos of MEP 㸁e i o ao㸁 top 㸁oawio oee㸁e㸁 foo coo souctoo by MEP ao㸁 peciali s coosoacsoo . Succesful io Dioecs lia ooio ao㸁 wookio wist Poiiase eo ioeeoio ofce ao㸁 eoqo㸁 foo ste ioital es up of maoioe soao poos of Die el ao㸁 LPG by oo aoi io 㸁e i o ao㸁 appooial as maiolao㸁 ao㸁 i lao㸁. timilao lia ooio wist elecom eoiice pooii㸁eo foo ste selecom eoiice liok foom i lao㸁 so maiolao㸁. Analysed pooeecs 㸁e i o ao㸁 coo souctoo 㸁oawio ao㸁 㸁ocumeos foo appoopoiase 㸁i soibutoo io a tmely maooeo mit ato aoy 㸁elay so pooeecs 㸁eliieoy. Supported clieos Pooeecs Dioecsoo ao㸁 De i o maoa eo wist 㸁aily opeoatooal fuoctoo . May 2005 - Oct 2008 Project Manager, Al Futtaim Engineering, Dubai, UAE Al-Futttim Engineering is t multi-diseiplintrly engineering orgtnisttion. Through seien ousiness diiisions, Al-Futttim Engineering offers t wide itrietly of produets tnd seriiees for the eonstruetion industrly from MEP, Setffolding, Air Conditioning, Building Produets, Eleittors tnd Esetlttors, Projects: Duoti Festiitl Citly tuto showrooms in Duoti, Tolyott showroom tnd seriiee eentre in Abmtn, G+12 tower in Al Nthdt 2 Successfully letd & eommunietted with Field Superiision, Suoeontrtetors tnd Vendors to tssist them in working to the Probeet Sehedule for tll BOQ items. Built effeetiie working relttionships with elients tnd the probeet tetm memoers. Represented AFE to Owner(s), Arehiteets, Consulttnts, Goiernment Authorities, Vendors tnd Suoeontrtetors. Managed site requisitions tnd ptlyments tnd probeet ptlyroll tnd mtinttined oest possiole etsh fow throughout the probeet, eommunietting issues protetiielly to Operttion Mtntger. Managed tssigned resourees tnd tppoint suoeontrtetors. Reiiewed Contrtetor’s teehnietl suomissions & Proiided tll neeesstrly on-site direetions tnd instruetions. Ensured tll mtteritls tnd equipment meet the required speeifettions. Ensured thtt the working proeedure eomplies with the tgreed method tnd reeommend modifettion to the proeedure if neeesstrly, to solie tnly proolems on site. Established tnd mtinttined probeet engineering reeords, tnd report progress of the probeet. Managed site progress eontrol with regtrds to stfetly, qutlitly, time & within oudget. Commereitl tetiiities like monthlly report preptrttion & itrittion reiiew/tpproitl tnd rtising eltims. Managed the site ts per the eonstruetion sttge operttion formtt, shop drtwings, fnishes tnd reiision tnd eoordintte with other deptrtments for the stme. Coordinate with the teehnietl unit for reiiewing NOCs tnd permit eonditions through the eonstruetion sttge. Update informttion through regultr eorrespondenee oetween the eontrtetor tnd elient. Lead eommissioning tetiiities, sntgging eompletion tnd htnding oier to elients for oenefeitl use. Attended meetings with the Client & Consulttnts & etrried out Suoeontrtet tdministrttion.
  • 5. Probeet Closeout Deliver tll neeesstrly mtnutls to the Owner, eonsolidttes probeet doeumentttion tnd fles Manage suoeontrtetor eloseout, trtnsfer of utilities, owner trtining, tnd puneh list proeess Deliier tll wtrrtnties, ts-ouilts tnd trtining to the owner. Jun 2004 - Apr 2005 Assistant Sales Manager, LG Electronics India Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India LG is ltrgest mtnufteturer of eleetronies tpplitnees tnd white goods eonsumer durtole eomptnly in Indit. The eomptnly hts tir eonditioning units rtnging from smtll split units AC’s to ltrge eentrtlised AC’s (VRV). Mtntged design, deliierly, insttllttion & eommissioning of duettole split AC slystems in mtlls & offees. Coordintted the detlers tnd tfter stles seriiee support to eustomers. Supported regiontl mtntger in ptlyment eolleetion oly tttending to tll defeets in insttllttions. Jun 1999 - Jun 2004 Area Planning Manager , Voltas Limited, Mumbai, India Voltts is Indit’s ltrgest tir eonditioning eomptnly, mtnufteturing tnd insttllttion eontrtets ptrt of TATA ousiness group. Thely htie tn MEP eontrteting diiision in Middle etst tnd North Afriet working on ltrge eomplex probeets. Successfully led Field Superiision, Suoeontrtetors tnd Vendors to tssist them in working to the Probeet Sehedule perttining to the HVAC slystem. Represented Voltts to Owner(s), Arehiteets, Consulttnts, Goiernment Authorities, Vendors tnd Suoeontrtetors. Managed site requisitions tnd ptlyments tnd mtinttined oest possiole etsh fow throughout the probeet, eommunietting issues protetiielly to Operttion Mtntger. Successfully built effeetiie working relttionships with elients tnd the probeet tetm memoers Reviewed the genertl eontrtet tnd eontrtet doeuments tnd eitlutte the estimtted eosts tnd probeet milestones. Maintained the ouly sehedule, write seopes of work, tnd purehtse indents, tnd eonfrm eomplitnee with probeet insurtnee requirements. Maintained and managed tll purehtse tnd deliierly sehedules, ehtnge order proeesses, shop drtwings, doeument eontrol logs, Owner, Arehiteet tnd Suoeontrtetor eorrespondenee Attended tll sehedule tnd mtntgement MEP meetings neeesstrly to monitor tnd mtntge the probeet, ehtiring ts tppropritte. Sueeessfullly etrrly out Probeet Closeout oly deliiering tll neeesstrly mtnutls to the Owner, eonsolidttes probeet doeumentttion tnd fles. Mtntge suoeontrtetor eloseout, trtnsfer of utilities, owner trtining, tnd puneh list proeess Deliier tll wtrrtnties, ts-ouilts tnd trtining to the owner. July 1997 - June 1999 Planning Engineer, ETA Engineering Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India
  • 6. EEPL proiides Hetting Ventilttion tnd Air Conditioning Contrteting (HVAC), & proiides turnkely solutions for ouilding utilities inioliing interntl eleetrifettion, suo-stttion works, BMS, plumoing, fre fghting slystems meeting to Internttiontl Sttndtrds. Validate probeet estimttion tnd BOQ, reiiew eonsulttnt design tnd issue RFI, tttend probeet meetings with eonsulttnts, eoordinttion tpproitl of prequtlifettion of iendors, shop drtwings, mtteritl suomissions, method stttements tnd ITP, trrtnge ltoour eontrtets tnd tssist probeet mtntger to sttrt the eonstruetion, supported probeet mtntger in itrittions BOQ, redesigning tnd ts ouilt drtwings. Probeets: 5sttr hotel, eommereitl ouildings. Oct 1995 - Jun 1997 Project Engineer Airpac Laminar, Mumbai, India Airpte is t eletn room equipment mtnufteturing eomptnly tlso iniolied in insttllttions of eletn room HVAC slystems for the Phtrmt, Bioteeh tnd hetlthetre industrly. Supervised independentlly insttllttion tnd eommissioning of HVAC slystems for eletn rooms, meetings with elient, mtntged site eonstruetion tetiiities, follow up for ptlyments, testing tnd eommissioning of mep slystems tnd htnd oier to elient. Probeet: Phtrmteeutietl ftetorly. Sept 1994- Aug 1995 Project Engineer Klenzaids Micro Environment System, Mumbai, India Klenztids Conttminttion Controls Pit. Ltd. mtnuftetures equipment tnd deiiees for industritl mtnufteturing tppliettions offering tseptie , oio eletn, flterttion, eonttinment solutions, sueh ts open fronted eonttinment slystems,ltoorttorly solutions. It series phtrmteeutietls, oiologietls, life seienee, eonttinment, hetlthetre, eleetrietls/ eleetronies, uniiersitly, tnd terosptee industries. Successfully eompleted Norris medieines ltd t phtrmteeutietl mtnufteturing eomptnly in Ankleshwtr, Guburtt, Indit ts t turnkely solutions for HVAC, utilities tnd phtrmt mtehineries insttllttion testing tnd eommissioning. Trainee engineer in mtnufteturing pltnt of Klenztid tnd IPCA Ltoorttories ltd, Silitsst, Indit. Supervised HVAC slystem insttllttion tnd eommissioning tt probeet sites of phtrmt produetion fteilitly. Key Personal Attributes: • Possessed Core Vtlues: Ptssion, Integritly, Oobeetiiitly, gotl oriented & Professiontlism. • Deieloped exeellent ousiness budgment skills oly eonsistentlly tehieiing profttoilitly oobeetiies tnd strong probeet elose-outs with elient tnd suoeontrtetor relttionships in good sttnding. • Exeellent orgtnizttiontl skills tnd tttention to dettil. • Aoilitly to eonsttntlly multi-ttsk tnd htndle eompeting priorities oetween orgtnizttiontl ousiness needs, issues, tnd sound eustomer relttions. • Possess budgment to know when to tpproprittelly esetltte issues up the ehtin of eommtnd. • A strong sense of urgenely tnd initittiie. Aole to quieklly studly tnd retet to eomplex issues. • Exeellent proolem-soliing skills tnd the toilitly to eonfdentlly tnd deeisiielly ttke tetion. • Tetm letder with exeellent diplomttie tnd eommuniettion skills, tole to htndle tnd resolie eonfiets effeetiielly in t frm out ftir mtnner.
  • 7. personal information YOB: 1972 || Nttiontlitly: Inditn || Driiing Lieense:UAE || Stttus:Mtrried || Stltrly:Negotitole references 1. Shtne Bolys, Construetion Direetor tt North25, Mooile: +971544961961, 2. Mtrios El Bteht, Probeet Mtntger tt QPM, Doht, Mooile: +974 6655 2350, 3. Stoth Ali, Probeet Mtntger tt Hill Internttiontl, Mooile: +97433576293, 4. Mohammed Usman, Senior Construction Manager at DXB Entertainments