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Recruitment Achievement 
Retention Philanthropy
Mission Statement 
The Loras College Library is a welcoming center dedicated to 
fostering the intellectual development and personal growth of the 
Loras community in support of the College’s mission.
The Library is an important stop on the 
campus tour. Here’s why: 
Extremely or very important facilities in the selection decision process 
Reynolds and Cain, 2006, p. 58 
Facilities for Major 
Sophisticated Technology 
Residence Halls 
Exercise Facilities 
Open Space 
Student Recreation Facilities 
Science or Engineering Facilities 
Dining Halls 
Performing Arts Center 
Student Union/Center 
Visual Arts Center 
Intramural Sports Facilities 
Varsity Athletic Facilities
The Library has a lot to offer, but you 
can’t see it all on a campus tour: 
Book Materials 
4 Floors of Books 
Curriculum Library 
Federal Government Documents 
Iowa Government Documents 
Special Collections 
Audiovisual Materials 
Educational Media 
Entertainment DVDs 
Wilkie Classic Film DVDs 
Electronic Materials 
Periodical Article & Indexing Databases 
Reference Databases 
Paper Periodicals 
Newspaper subscriptions 
Periodical Subscriptions 
Miscellaneous Materials 
Plagiarism Checking Software 
The Library supports a variety 
of ways that students study 
25 Study rooms 
3 Classrooms 
50 Study carrels 
383 Chairs 
107 Lounge Chairs 
2 Bean Bag Chairs 
70 Tables 
6 Faculty Studies 
2 Couches
When students enter the Library, they become “part of a 
larger community – a community that endows one with a 
greater sense of self and higher purpose.” 
Freeman, 2005, p. 6
The Library contributes to 
student success with:
Student use of library resources is correlated with 
achievement, retention, and graduation. 
“The library is the only centralized location where new and 
emerging information technologies can be combined with 
traditional knowledge resources in a user-focused, service-rich 
environment that supports today’s social and educational 
patterns of learning, teaching, and research.” 
Freeman, 2005, p. 3
Student use of electronic resources is 
increasing, which has a positive effect 
on retention and achievement. 
Average Per Student Use of Journal and Periodical Databases 
45 44 
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 
Searches Full-text Articles 
“…there is an association between these types [databases] of library use and a student 
remaining enrolled…” 
“there is a statistically significant relationship between student attainment and […] e-resources 
Haddow and Javanthi, 2010, p. 240; Stone and Ramsden, 2013, p. 556 
use and book borrowing statistics”
Why does this matter?
Our study shows that Loras students 
who check out more library materials 
have higher GPAs 
Average number of books checked out by GPA range 
3.4 3.5 1.9 1.9 4.4 2.5 
3.5-4 3.0-3.49 2.5-2.99 2.0-2.49 0-1.99 
Total First Year Sophomores Juniors Seniors
What do library expenditures have to do with 
retention and graduation rates? 
cuts to library expenditures may have negative consequences for 
student retention and graduation 
Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Gansemer-Topf and Schuh, 2006, p. 632; Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Mezick, 2007, p. 564; 
Whitmire, 2002, p. 121
What do library expenditures have to do with 
retention and graduation rates? 
Institutions with libraries that spend more on materials and have 
more staff are correlated to greater retention rates 
Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Gansemer-Topf and Schuh, 2006, p. 632; Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Mezick, 2007, p. 564; 
Whitmire, 2002, p. 121
What do library expenditures have to do with 
retention and graduation rates? 
studies show that providing quality library resources leads to 
student persistence 
Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Gansemer-Topf and Schuh, 2006, p. 632; Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Mezick, 2007, p. 564; 
Whitmire, 2002, p. 121
What do library expenditures have to do with 
retention and graduation rates? 
library expenditures (as a part of academic support expenditures) 
also may be related to higher graduation rates in many 
Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Gansemer-Topf and Schuh, 2006, p. 632; Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Mezick, 2007, p. 564; 
Whitmire, 2002, p. 121
What do library expenditures have to do with 
retention and graduation rates? 
“Institutions with greater numbers of library staff; that spent more money on librarians’ salaries 
and wages; that purchased more books, journals, computer files, and computer searches; that had 
more volumes in their collections, circulated more books, and had more reference desk 
transactions and had undergraduates with greater self-reported gains in critical thinking.” 
Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Gansemer-Topf and Schuh, 2006, p. 632; Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Mezick, 2007, p. 564; 
Whitmire, 2002, p. 121
The Library contributes to current students’ success 
with spaces that support academic and social needs 
“...students also are looking for a place to meet other students, 
work on group projects, and seek out opportunities for interaction 
with fellow students. The library has become a social 
environment, a place to be, and a destination, where students can 
experience the company of fellow students." Waxman, 2007, p. 429
Despite our laptop campus and wealth of 
online resources, students still love coming 
to the Library 
102 100 
7.2 5.1 4.1 3.1 2.6 0.7 
Loras St. Ambrose Wartburg Coe Luther Augustana Central St. Norbert 
Weekly Hours Open Weekly Entries per Student 
NCES 2012
Why does it matter if students study in their residence 
hall, the café, or the library? If they don’t use the library, 
students are “7.19 times more likely to drop out.” 
Studying in the library is significant because students who do so: 
• gain more effective study skills 
• are more engaged in learning 
• have higher GPAs 
• are 1.54 times more likely to persist 
Oseguera, 2007, p. 37; Haddow & Javanthi, 2010, p. 238; Bell, 2008, p. 3; 
Mezick, 2007, p. 562; Weaver, 2013, p. 116
– Library as Place – Welcoming Hospitality 
– Materials Checkout 
– Faculty Library Liaison 
– Information Literacy Classes 
– Library Catalog 
– Award-winning Web Site 
– Research Guides 
– Personal Librarian Program 
– Printers/Photocopiers/Scanners 
– Research Help 
– Interlibrary Loan 
– Reserves 
ACRL April 2013 College Library 
Website of the Month. 
The Library provides many services for 
students, faculty, the campus, and the world!
Information literacy instruction: 
A core library function 
Information Literacy Instruction 
2,037 1,909 
470 465 262 127 110 61 37 
Loras St. Ambrose Augustana Wartburg Luther Central Coe St. Norbert 
NCES 2012
Library instruction is steadily increasing, as is 
the need for information literacy skills! 
Library Instruction Sessions and Students 
53 63 62 69 90 
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 
Sessions Students
Why does library instruction matter? 
• Students who attend library instruction sessions 
cite more and more varied types of sources, have 
more scholarly citations in their papers, and are far 
more likely to cite book sources 
•A study of over 8,000 students found that attending 
three or four library instruction sessions within a 
program is positively associated with a student’s 
Cooke & Rosenthal, 2011, p. 341 ; Wong & Cmor, 2011, p. 472
Research Help Center 
“…thank you for helping me with my research. I couldn’t 
have done it without you! It was great to have those 
additional resources. Last week I presented and defended 
my research and am happy to report that it went really 
-Dana Disteldorf, Loras senior
Interaction with all library staff in general makes 
students more engaged with learning. 
The Library staff contributes to the success of current 
Emmons and Wilkinson, 2011, p. 146
Partnerships with faculty ensure that students have 
tailored resources and support, which leads to 
success in coursework, which ultimately leads to 
increased retention. 
Hagel, Horn, Owen & Currie, 2012 
•Library Liaison Program 
•Embedded in eLearn 
•Course-related Research Guides 
“The research needs of the modern academic change rapidly, thus the 
services of a highly trained librarian are such an asset to our campus. 
Library instruction helps students think through the process of 
acquiring information about the work they are doing.” 
-Dana Livingston, Spanish faculty member
The Library also works hard to 
create a sense of community 
Events & Promotion 
Faculty Publications 
READ reception 
Primal Scream 
Dance Party 
Bathroom Ads 
Finals Week 
National Library Week
Thursdays @ the Library : Building Community 
• Over 46,000 cups of beverages served since we began in 2006 
• A campus event that regularly brings in 150–250 people each week 
“I look forward to Thursdays at the library… 
sometimes it’s the best part of the week!” 
“Oh my gosh, you meet so many people here. 
I should have my office here every Thursday!” 
“This is great - a way of building community!”
Thursdays@the Library is part of the Library’s culture. 
One of the comments 
received on this posting: 
“I mean, it would only 
make sense if it was 
coffee Thursday.”
Trust us. It’s worth it! 
"A library that supports fun, non-traditional activities will invoke 
positive attitudes about its space. Areas specifically designed for 
comfort, pleasure and productivity will be remembered and reused.“ 
Dennis, 2007, p. 90
Connecting with Alumni 
“Alums really loved the collages in the hallway of the 
Campus Center that mentioned various prices, etc. from 
their reunion years. Kudos to Joyce Meldrem and her 
library staff for putting those collages together – they 
were a hit!” (Sheila Germaine in an e-mail 10-1-2012)
The enduring value of the Library 
“Students at all levels of academic proficiency need and want to 
go to the library now more than ever before. Going to the library 
adds value to their lives and offers many of the tools and 
experiences that will give them the competitive edge they will 
need to succeed after their formal education is completed.” 
Freeman, 2005, p. 6
Library instruction teaches 
workforce-ready skills 
A recent study showed that the following Information Literacy 
skills taught by the librarians are sought by employers: 
81% look for critical thinking and analytical 
Hart Research Associates, 2010, p. 2 
thinking skills 
75% look for the ability to analyze and solve 
complex problems 
68% look for the ability to locate, organize, and 
evaluate information from multiple sources
Library skills persist 
beyond graduation 
“Students are employing research skills in the workplace; they 
value and use library resources; and most importantly, they value 
the skills they gain from engaging in finding, evaluating and 
applying information.” 
“48% felt their information literacy skills were a factor for getting 
hired in their current position and 77% of respondents felt ‘finding 
information is an essential part of my work.’” 
Travis, 2011, p. 29
What our students want to add to their 
library environment: 
In addition, other libraries are adding: 
Booth seating 
Café tables and stools 
Portable white boards 
Presentation production rooms 
James Madison University 
St. Norbert College 
Better lighting 
More quiet areas 
More comfy armchairs 
Adjustable height chairs 
Bean bag chairs 
Treadmill with book stand 
Library as a 3rd space 
“As an extension of the classroom, library space needs to embody 
new pedagogies, including collaborative and interactive learning 
modalities. Significantly, the library must serve as the principal 
building on campus where one can truly experience and benefit 
from the centrality of an institution’s intellectual community.” 
Freeman, 2005, p. 2
Adapting to the role of the 
library as 3rd space 
“…the core role of the library building in the next decade will not be 
as a storehouse of collections or as a central point of information 
service, although… it will continue to play both those roles. The core 
role of the library as a place, … is as a place of collaborative learning 
and community interaction. Further, … this role cannot be jettisoned 
during a time of fiscal constraint.” 
Montgomery & Miller, 2011
Loras College Library… 
yesterday, today, and tomorrow 
“To meet today’s academic needs as well as those in the future, the library 
must reflect the values, mission, and goals of the institution of which it is a 
part, while also accommodating myriad new information and learning 
technologies and the ways we access and use them. As an extension of the 
classroom, library space needs to embody new pedagogies, including 
collaborative and interactive learning modalities. Significantly the library must 
serve as the principal building on campus where one can truly experience and 
benefit from the centrality of an institution’s intellectual community.” 
Freeman, 2005, p. 2
What is the value of the Loras College Library? 
Student use of library resources is correlated with achievement, 
retention, and graduation 
Spending just 10% more per student on library resources results 
in an additional 1.77 percentage points of graduation rates 
Students at Loras who check out more library materials have 
higher GPAs 
The library contributes to student success with spaces that 
support both academic and social needs 
Students are 7.19 times more likely to drop out if they don’t use 
the library 
Library instruction teaches workforce-ready skills
When you invest in the Library, there are gains in recruitment, achievement, 
retention, and philanthropy 
When Library funding is cut, there are long-lasting negative consequences 
We must move forward or our students will fall behind 
The future of our Library, therefore, is not to be a static building but rather 
a dynamic combination of people, resources, and places that serve the 
ever- changing needs of an increasingly diverse student body. 
The Library needs funding so we can maintain and improve our resources, 
services, spaces, staff, and community. We understand budgetary 
constraints at this time, but our hope is that knowing the Library’s effect on 
recruitment, achievement, retention, and philanthropy will make clear that 
cuts to Library funding have deep and lasting effects.

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Value of the loras college library without notes and animations

  • 1. THE VALUE OF THE LORAS COLLEGE LIBRARY Recruitment Achievement Retention Philanthropy
  • 2. Mission Statement The Loras College Library is a welcoming center dedicated to fostering the intellectual development and personal growth of the Loras community in support of the College’s mission.
  • 3. The Library is an important stop on the campus tour. Here’s why: Extremely or very important facilities in the selection decision process Reynolds and Cain, 2006, p. 58 21.8 16.3 14.8 14.2 21.3 34.6 34.4 32.3 29.6 28.6 35.6 42.2 53.6 50.9 49.8 73.6 Facilities for Major Library Sophisticated Technology Classrooms Residence Halls Exercise Facilities Bookstore Open Space Student Recreation Facilities Science or Engineering Facilities Dining Halls Performing Arts Center Student Union/Center Visual Arts Center Intramural Sports Facilities Varsity Athletic Facilities
  • 4. The Library has a lot to offer, but you can’t see it all on a campus tour: Book Materials 4 Floors of Books Curriculum Library Federal Government Documents Iowa Government Documents Special Collections Audiovisual Materials Audiobooks Educational Media Entertainment DVDs Wilkie Classic Film DVDs Electronic Materials EBooks Periodical Article & Indexing Databases Reference Databases Paper Periodicals Newspaper subscriptions Periodical Subscriptions Miscellaneous Materials Plagiarism Checking Software Microfilm/Microfiche
  • 5. The Library supports a variety of ways that students study 25 Study rooms 3 Classrooms 50 Study carrels 383 Chairs 107 Lounge Chairs 2 Bean Bag Chairs 70 Tables 6 Faculty Studies 2 Couches
  • 6. When students enter the Library, they become “part of a larger community – a community that endows one with a greater sense of self and higher purpose.” Freeman, 2005, p. 6
  • 7. Resources The Library contributes to student success with:
  • 8. Student use of library resources is correlated with achievement, retention, and graduation. “The library is the only centralized location where new and emerging information technologies can be combined with traditional knowledge resources in a user-focused, service-rich environment that supports today’s social and educational patterns of learning, teaching, and research.” Freeman, 2005, p. 3
  • 9. Student use of electronic resources is increasing, which has a positive effect on retention and achievement. Average Per Student Use of Journal and Periodical Databases 100 115 142 45 44 54 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Searches Full-text Articles “…there is an association between these types [databases] of library use and a student remaining enrolled…” “there is a statistically significant relationship between student attainment and […] e-resources Haddow and Javanthi, 2010, p. 240; Stone and Ramsden, 2013, p. 556 use and book borrowing statistics”
  • 10. Why does this matter?
  • 11. Our study shows that Loras students who check out more library materials have higher GPAs 30.24 Average number of books checked out by GPA range 21.7 15.9 11.1 56.18 25 13.6 36.6 21.8 10 27 16.3 13.2 22.5 14.9 9.8 9.1 8 8 3.4 3.5 1.9 1.9 4.4 2.5 3.5-4 3.0-3.49 2.5-2.99 2.0-2.49 0-1.99 Total First Year Sophomores Juniors Seniors
  • 12. What do library expenditures have to do with retention and graduation rates? cuts to library expenditures may have negative consequences for student retention and graduation Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Gansemer-Topf and Schuh, 2006, p. 632; Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Mezick, 2007, p. 564; Whitmire, 2002, p. 121
  • 13. What do library expenditures have to do with retention and graduation rates? Institutions with libraries that spend more on materials and have more staff are correlated to greater retention rates Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Gansemer-Topf and Schuh, 2006, p. 632; Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Mezick, 2007, p. 564; Whitmire, 2002, p. 121
  • 14. What do library expenditures have to do with retention and graduation rates? studies show that providing quality library resources leads to student persistence Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Gansemer-Topf and Schuh, 2006, p. 632; Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Mezick, 2007, p. 564; Whitmire, 2002, p. 121
  • 15. What do library expenditures have to do with retention and graduation rates? library expenditures (as a part of academic support expenditures) also may be related to higher graduation rates in many institutions Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Gansemer-Topf and Schuh, 2006, p. 632; Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Mezick, 2007, p. 564; Whitmire, 2002, p. 121
  • 16. What do library expenditures have to do with retention and graduation rates? “Institutions with greater numbers of library staff; that spent more money on librarians’ salaries and wages; that purchased more books, journals, computer files, and computer searches; that had more volumes in their collections, circulated more books, and had more reference desk transactions and had undergraduates with greater self-reported gains in critical thinking.” Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Gansemer-Topf and Schuh, 2006, p. 632; Hamrick, Schuh and Shelley, 2004; Mezick, 2007, p. 564; Whitmire, 2002, p. 121
  • 17. The Library contributes to current students’ success with spaces that support academic and social needs “...students also are looking for a place to meet other students, work on group projects, and seek out opportunities for interaction with fellow students. The library has become a social environment, a place to be, and a destination, where students can experience the company of fellow students." Waxman, 2007, p. 429
  • 18. Despite our laptop campus and wealth of online resources, students still love coming to the Library 93 109 94 106 102 100 87 96 3.4 7.2 5.1 4.1 3.1 2.6 0.7 Loras St. Ambrose Wartburg Coe Luther Augustana Central St. Norbert Weekly Hours Open Weekly Entries per Student NA NCES 2012
  • 19. Why does it matter if students study in their residence hall, the café, or the library? If they don’t use the library, students are “7.19 times more likely to drop out.” Studying in the library is significant because students who do so: • gain more effective study skills • are more engaged in learning • have higher GPAs • are 1.54 times more likely to persist Oseguera, 2007, p. 37; Haddow & Javanthi, 2010, p. 238; Bell, 2008, p. 3; Mezick, 2007, p. 562; Weaver, 2013, p. 116
  • 20. Services – Library as Place – Welcoming Hospitality – Materials Checkout – Faculty Library Liaison – Information Literacy Classes – Library Catalog – Award-winning Web Site – Research Guides – Personal Librarian Program – Printers/Photocopiers/Scanners – Research Help – Interlibrary Loan – Reserves ACRL April 2013 College Library Website of the Month. The Library provides many services for students, faculty, the campus, and the world!
  • 21. Information literacy instruction: A core library function 1,349 1,908 Information Literacy Instruction 6,199 3,899 2,037 1,909 Students Sessions 975 733 69 470 465 262 127 110 61 37 Loras St. Ambrose Augustana Wartburg Luther Central Coe St. Norbert NCES 2012
  • 22. Library instruction is steadily increasing, as is the need for information literacy skills! Library Instruction Sessions and Students 1028 1188 1251 1,349 53 63 62 69 90 1,757 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Sessions Students
  • 23. Why does library instruction matter? • Students who attend library instruction sessions cite more and more varied types of sources, have more scholarly citations in their papers, and are far more likely to cite book sources •A study of over 8,000 students found that attending three or four library instruction sessions within a program is positively associated with a student’s GPA. Cooke & Rosenthal, 2011, p. 341 ; Wong & Cmor, 2011, p. 472
  • 24. Research Help Center “…thank you for helping me with my research. I couldn’t have done it without you! It was great to have those additional resources. Last week I presented and defended my research and am happy to report that it went really well.” -Dana Disteldorf, Loras senior
  • 25. Interaction with all library staff in general makes students more engaged with learning. The Library staff contributes to the success of current students Emmons and Wilkinson, 2011, p. 146
  • 26. Partnerships with faculty ensure that students have tailored resources and support, which leads to success in coursework, which ultimately leads to increased retention. Hagel, Horn, Owen & Currie, 2012 •Library Liaison Program •Embedded in eLearn •Course-related Research Guides “The research needs of the modern academic change rapidly, thus the services of a highly trained librarian are such an asset to our campus. Library instruction helps students think through the process of acquiring information about the work they are doing.” -Dana Livingston, Spanish faculty member
  • 27. The Library also works hard to create a sense of community Events & Promotion Faculty Publications READ reception Primal Scream Dance Party Bathroom Ads Facebook Kiosk Finals Week National Library Week
  • 28. Thursdays @ the Library : Building Community • Over 46,000 cups of beverages served since we began in 2006 • A campus event that regularly brings in 150–250 people each week “I look forward to Thursdays at the library… sometimes it’s the best part of the week!” “Oh my gosh, you meet so many people here. I should have my office here every Thursday!” “This is great - a way of building community!”
  • 29. Thursdays@the Library is part of the Library’s culture. One of the comments received on this posting: “I mean, it would only make sense if it was coffee Thursday.”
  • 30. Trust us. It’s worth it! "A library that supports fun, non-traditional activities will invoke positive attitudes about its space. Areas specifically designed for comfort, pleasure and productivity will be remembered and reused.“ Dennis, 2007, p. 90
  • 31. Connecting with Alumni “Alums really loved the collages in the hallway of the Campus Center that mentioned various prices, etc. from their reunion years. Kudos to Joyce Meldrem and her library staff for putting those collages together – they were a hit!” (Sheila Germaine in an e-mail 10-1-2012)
  • 32. The enduring value of the Library “Students at all levels of academic proficiency need and want to go to the library now more than ever before. Going to the library adds value to their lives and offers many of the tools and experiences that will give them the competitive edge they will need to succeed after their formal education is completed.” Freeman, 2005, p. 6
  • 33. Library instruction teaches workforce-ready skills A recent study showed that the following Information Literacy skills taught by the librarians are sought by employers: 81% look for critical thinking and analytical Hart Research Associates, 2010, p. 2 thinking skills 75% look for the ability to analyze and solve complex problems 68% look for the ability to locate, organize, and evaluate information from multiple sources
  • 34. Library skills persist beyond graduation “Students are employing research skills in the workplace; they value and use library resources; and most importantly, they value the skills they gain from engaging in finding, evaluating and applying information.” “48% felt their information literacy skills were a factor for getting hired in their current position and 77% of respondents felt ‘finding information is an essential part of my work.’” Travis, 2011, p. 29
  • 35. What our students want to add to their library environment: In addition, other libraries are adding: Booth seating Café tables and stools Portable white boards Presentation production rooms James Madison University St. Norbert College UCSF Better lighting More quiet areas More comfy armchairs Couches Adjustable height chairs Bean bag chairs Treadmill with book stand Television
  • 36. Library as a 3rd space “As an extension of the classroom, library space needs to embody new pedagogies, including collaborative and interactive learning modalities. Significantly, the library must serve as the principal building on campus where one can truly experience and benefit from the centrality of an institution’s intellectual community.” Freeman, 2005, p. 2
  • 37. Adapting to the role of the library as 3rd space “…the core role of the library building in the next decade will not be as a storehouse of collections or as a central point of information service, although… it will continue to play both those roles. The core role of the library as a place, … is as a place of collaborative learning and community interaction. Further, … this role cannot be jettisoned during a time of fiscal constraint.” Montgomery & Miller, 2011
  • 38. Loras College Library… yesterday, today, and tomorrow “To meet today’s academic needs as well as those in the future, the library must reflect the values, mission, and goals of the institution of which it is a part, while also accommodating myriad new information and learning technologies and the ways we access and use them. As an extension of the classroom, library space needs to embody new pedagogies, including collaborative and interactive learning modalities. Significantly the library must serve as the principal building on campus where one can truly experience and benefit from the centrality of an institution’s intellectual community.” Freeman, 2005, p. 2
  • 39. What is the value of the Loras College Library? Student use of library resources is correlated with achievement, retention, and graduation Spending just 10% more per student on library resources results in an additional 1.77 percentage points of graduation rates Students at Loras who check out more library materials have higher GPAs The library contributes to student success with spaces that support both academic and social needs Students are 7.19 times more likely to drop out if they don’t use the library Library instruction teaches workforce-ready skills
  • 40. Conclusion When you invest in the Library, there are gains in recruitment, achievement, retention, and philanthropy When Library funding is cut, there are long-lasting negative consequences We must move forward or our students will fall behind The future of our Library, therefore, is not to be a static building but rather a dynamic combination of people, resources, and places that serve the ever- changing needs of an increasingly diverse student body. The Library needs funding so we can maintain and improve our resources, services, spaces, staff, and community. We understand budgetary constraints at this time, but our hope is that knowing the Library’s effect on recruitment, achievement, retention, and philanthropy will make clear that cuts to Library funding have deep and lasting effects.