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v20231127 WHOPE BEMA Part Two Day One Sendai Framework Volunteer
Workshop Session Zoom Meeting Summary Transcript
YouTube replay
• Hon. Andrew thanked Charles for joining and began recording the
discussion with their special guest, Mr. Charles D Sharp, along with a
worldwide audience. - PLAY @0:01
• Hon. Andrew, the Chairperson of the International Advisory Board of
Goodwill Ambassadors , conducted a series of workshops in Legos,
Nigeria. The workshops focused on topics such as sustainable
development goals, the United Nations Global Compact, and disaster
awareness, planning, preparation, and discovery as part of a global
plan of action. - PLAY @11:00
• Hon. Andrew discussed the program initiated by world humanitarian
organizations in Legos, Nigeria, with the aim of localizing sustainable
development goals for humanity. The conversation focused on
addressing these goals and promoting peace and equity in the
region. - PLAY @11:48
• Hon. Andrew discussed the mission of VMA, which aimed to provide
information, networking, education, and professional development
opportunities to African Americans and African descent emergency
managers. The goal was to advance the emergency management and
homeland security profession, ensure diversity and community
involvement, and focus on long-term recovery and resilience building
in communities. - PLAY @12:36
• Hon. Andrew mentioned that he had a personal history with the
Sustainable Development Goals, which were the second version of the
Millennium Development Goals. He expressed pride and honor in
witnessing the launch of the Millennium Development Goals and the
United Nations Global Compact. - PLAY @14:00
• Hon. Andrew and others discussed the 17 sustainable development
goals, emphasizing the need to address poverty, hunger, education,
gender equality, clean water, renewable energy, economic growth,
innovation, climate change, and peace for a sustainable future. They
believed that by working together and taking action, these goals could
be achieved. - PLAY @15:00
• Hon. Andrew and other participants discussed the need for global
collaboration and unity to address the challenges of an stressed
ecosystem and achieve sustainable development goals. They
emphasized the crucial role of businesses in driving positive change
and creating a more inclusive and sustainable world. - PLAY @18:25
• Hon. Andrew shared information during the conversation and directed
the audience to find more details on his website, He then proceeded to share his screen to begin
the presentation. - PLAY @25:16
• Hon. Andrew and Lady Alicia Hamilton were both proud lifetime
members of the Black Emergency Management Association with
Charles D. Sharpe. Hon. Andrew also held the position of international
chairperson for world humanitarian organizations for peace and
equity. - PLAY @25:48
• Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of disaster awareness,
planning, preparation, and recovery, along with the United Nations
Global Compact and the SINDI framework for disaster risk reduction.
He emphasized the need for whole community approaches to
emergency management and highlighted resources available for
individuals and communities to enhance their preparedness and
resilience. - PLAY @26:18
• Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of disaster preparedness in
Los Angeles, emphasizing the Community Emergency Response
Team (CERT) program. He provided information on how residents
could join CERT, access resources for disaster planning, and prepare
their households, neighborhoods, and businesses for
emergencies. - PLAY @35:35
• Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of business preparedness in
the face of disasters, emphasizing the need to take steps to ensure
workplace safety, train employees, organize vital business records,
and collaborate with the community. He also highlighted the benefits of
business preparedness, such as saving lives, protecting hard work,
rebuilding faster, and increasing business confidence. - PLAY @45:14
• Hon. Andrew expressed gratitude for the assistance received in the
conversation. - PLAY @48:38
• Hon. Andrew and Charles discussed the availability of FEMA training
for international viewers and the possibility of becoming trainers in their
own communities. The conversation also mentioned the streaming of
the presentation online and the accessibility of the information through
various platforms. - PLAY @48:41
v20231127 WHOPE BEMA Part Two Day One Sendai Framework
Volunteer Workshop Session Zoom Meeting Summary Transcript
YouTube replay
Thank you. Well, recording is in progress. Thank everyone for joining us here. This is
Andrew William Jr. And I'm actually here with our special guest tonight.
Mr. Charles D sharp along with our worldwide audience. This is being hosted as a program
for the world humanitarian organization for peace and equity.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
They're based in Legos, Nigeria. I am, in fact, the international shareperson, or the
shareperson of the International Advisory Board.
So I'm very pleased and excited to be bringing you a series of workshops. This is our third
weekly workshop.
We began with the sustainable development goals. Last week, we dealt with the United
Nations Global Compact. And this week, we're dealing with four days of a volunteer
workshop on disaster awareness, disaster planning, disaster preparation, and disaster
What that doesn't tell you is that this is being done in the context of a global plan of action.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
I'm going to share my screen once again. As I mentioned, this is a program made brought to
you by the world humanitarian organizations for peace and equity in Legos, Nigeria.
And the background of hope is that the motivation and inspiration behind will establishment
is to localize sustainable development goals for humanity.
And I'll stop there because that's exactly what we're doing. We're addressing the sustainable
development goals for humanity. I'm going to further share my screen.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
If I may, and introduce you briefly to our other post-bosser, the Black Emergency Manager's
Association with Charles E. Sharp.
The mission of VMA is to provide information, networking, educational and professional
development, opportunities to African Americans and African descent emergency managers
to advance the emergency management and homeland security profession to assist and
ensure diversity and community involvement in all phases of emergency management.
and to include grant opportunities, training preparedness, etc. with an emphasis on the long-
term recovery of the community. The disaster reduction goal is the development and
strengthening of mechanisms and capacities at the community level to build resilience to
Colleagues and programs include a whole community approach using all members of a
community. That includes the disabled children, senior citizens, ex-offenders, and addition to
responders, first in follow-on in implementing emergency management and disaster
reduction for communities.
I do want to give you context. This is being brought to you as I mentioned as a continuation
of our project to uplift the sustainable development goals.
do have a personal history with the Sustainable Development Goals. for those of you you
don't know, the 2015 through 2030, Sustainable Development Goals are specifically the
second iteration of the Millennium Development Goals that were begun in 2000.
I was very proud and honored to have witnessed the launch of the Millennium Development
Goals and the United Nations Global Compact.
I'm going to briefly share my screen with you now so that you have an overview of what
we're talking about when we talk about the Sustainable Development Goals.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
17 sustainable development goals Let's get to home because the more you know Look, in
some corners of the world today People are living on a dollar date Ace, that's not how it
ought to be So go one, eliminate poverty and go to Brute our hunger across the globe
There's 800 million people hungry If you want to know, number three is health And well-
being and getting people to help care That they need it, learning their school Or the heart to
go for education opens up minds and doors Go number five is empower girls and women So
they can have the same rights that men are giving Number six, people need water that's
clean Poor sanitation can't spread disease Carping free energy is go number seven And how
to achieve it is the question that's pressing But if we put our minds together and work hard
We can find a solution I'm guessing 17 sustainable development goals Swim-proof life all
around the globe Protect each other
Do it, help in the environment, whatever bad we make, we go have the lion 17 sustainable
development calls, twin-frozen life all around the globe Protecting human health and the
environment, whatever bad we make, we go have the lion Now imagine that you work our
day for no pay, economic growth and decent workers go eight Go number nine is the foster
innovation and infrastructure and industrialization Go number 10, inequality reduction, 11 is
sustainable city construction 12, well that's sustainable consumption so what we use
matches up with production Go 13 calls for urgent action to combat climate change because
we know it's happening 14, protect life under seas, 15, protect life on land Go 16 is for peace
and justice all over the planet they're in high demand And the final goal, number 17 is the
critical factor, the heart of the machine It's the strength in the way we achieve these goals of
sustainable development
In a world of elements around the globe Y'all 17 sustainable development goals Swim-proof
life all around the globe Pretending you may help in the environment Whatever bad we
make, we go have to lie in it 17 sustainable development goals Swim-proof life all around the
globe Pretending you may help in the environment Whatever bad we make, we go have to
lie in it Well, thank you And as I said, that has been the continuing theme That we've been
working on for these past several weeks We began with the 17 sustainable development
goals And we then moved on to the United Nations Global Compact So again, bear with me
just a moment And I'll share with you my screen So you'll have an overview of what we're
talking about And how it relates to what we're doing right now
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
As a human family, we've had an enormous wake-up call to how connected we are with a
tiny little virus that comes along and shuts us down.
We are live in this world together. The same blood flows in me and every other person. We
are facing the challenges of an ecosystem that is stressed.
Things are not moving as fast as they should, things are improving, but not as fast as they
should. The challenges that we are facing, they are materialising so fast that it's not only my
children or grandchildren which will experience the consequences if we fail.
To do it we need to do it together. Collaboration, North-South East-West, you know, Black
Brown, White, Strength in the diversity of the human family is what we need right now.
To get this past is incredibly difficult time. It might sound like it's impossible but you know
that's what we work towards making the impossible possible.
Twenty years ago a small group of United Nations and business leaders came up with a
visionary proposal. I propose that you, the business leaders here, gathered in Davos and we,
the United Nations, initiate a global impact of shared values and principles which will give a
human face.
the global market. I always say part of Kofi Anand's genius was he invited business but he
also addressed civil society and labour organisations.
The mission of the United Nations Global Impact is to mobilize companies around the world
to align their operations and strategies with 10 universal principles in the areas of human
rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
The UN represents the body that aims to drive international cooperation and drive peace and
security for humanity and I think it unifies all of society around this set of 17 goals.
Our objectives cannot be met if the private sector doesn't play an fundamental role. So the
global compact is a platform in which all those businesses that abide by the principles and
values of society.
United Nations and the charter to work together representing the best of human countries.
For the last two decades the initiative has grown to encompass local networks in more than
60 countries engaging directly with over 10,000 companies.
The local networks are our global footprint around the world and they work with us to
translate the 10 principles as well as the sustainable development goals into actionable
pieces of work for businesses globally.
It is so decided. Since 2015 the 17 sustainable development goals and the Paris Climate
Agreement have provided the most powerful common agenda that the world has ever seen
with an essential role spelled out for business.
The Paris Climate Agreement is accepted. How they can make society better will be
embraced by society and will be around for a long time.
Be the change that you want to see in business. I truly believe that companies who do not
put sustainability to SDGs in their strategies they're going to disappear.
The mindset of consumers has changed. They increasingly want to buy from companies that
are contributing to society as a whole.
Business must be part of the solution in when we address these big global problems. The
focus has shifted to both the short term and the long term, both doing well and doing good.
Making profits and making a change. This is a reality of the world now. Leaders need to lead
sustainably. The United Nations Global Compact is leading the transformation ahead.
Challenging companies to take more ambitious action on the sustainable development goals.
I think it's absolutely impossible to face the challenges of today.
The very quick change that is happening. Without having the use leading the way and
helping us define the right strategies, right policies, the right approaches to address the
global problems.
The world is waking up and change is coming whether you like it or not. The world today has
got more opportunities than it has the challenges that can be overcome by the opportunities
that we have.
You find people in the most desperate of situations determined to fight for a better future.
That's the kind of world I want.
What have changed in a very short period of time is that the narrative is different and that is
If you want to have a good business you have to mobilize people. Business is a sum of
people. We're keen to something.
More and more people realize that sustainability is really about making the pie bigger, better,
and more inclusive. I hope in the future, all businesses in the world will think about their own
Business can only exist when they have a purpose. We've got to show progress. We've got
to reverse what's happening.
I see the global compact as an incredible organisation working together with businesses to
build a more sustainable world. We are united across the globe, for the globe.
We're united despite our challenges, no matter how daunting the task we see. We are united
by possibilities because this is bigger than one business.
Because we are better together. We all have the same job. We are united in the business of
a better world.
Well, again, thank you so much for allowing me to share that information with you. You can
find all this information I've shared so far on my website.
And that's That's So to begin today's
presentation, let me briefly share my screen once again to separate these steps.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
Both Lady Alicia Hamilton and I are proud to be lifetime members of the Black Emergency
Management Association with Charles D.
Sharpe. And as I said, I'm the international chairperson for the world humanitarian
organizations for peace and equity. I do want to share with you the fact that our commitment
is not just based on activities that are happening within the United States, but in fact, they
have a worldwide impact.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
That's the topic of today's conversation. We're dealing with disaster awareness, disaster
planning, disaster preparation, and disaster recovery. But again, this is not something that's
happening in a vacuum.
Alongside the United Nations Global Compact, and alongside what we now know as these
sustainable development goals, there is also launched at that time the SINDI framework for
disaster risk reductions.
And there are seven targets to achieve by 2030. That is... to substantially reduce global
disaster mortality, to reduce the number of affected people, to reduce economic loss in
relation to GDP, and reduce damage to critical infrastructure and service is disruption.
At the same time, the effort is substantially increased. The number of countries with national
and local disaster reduction strategies, by 2030, to increase the number of international
cooperation agreements between developing countries, and to increase availability and
access to early warning systems and disaster risk reduction information.
If you can see my screen, I'm shifting now to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. goals
where you can find more information at
There's a specific section where we're encouraged to take action day. That is what this effort
represents today. There are 17 sustainable development goals and many positive actions
you can take.
Which ones should you focus on? There is actually a quiz thing I'll be deciding. Through it,
you'll discover three goals, global goals you feel most aligned with.
And three things you can start doing today to make a difference. We're focused on number
17, full of partnerships for development.
And we're also using a trine and true methodology. I earlier mentioned to you that Lady
Alicia and I are members of VMA.
Well, we earned that distinction by participating with the integrated whole community
approach to government to emergency management in the United States.
There was a series of workshops held in 2011 and we were able to participate Lady Alicia
and I with those workshops and that's changed our lives and changed the ways that we deal
with our business operations and our human relationships and humanitarian efforts in the
The whole community approach to emergency management as you see here is a toolkit not
just for the United States.
This is being shared on the OECD platform that reaches not just Europe but the rest of the
world. They recognize this approach as very critical to ways that we are devoting time,
energy and effort to accomplish not just sustainable development goals but to leave one
For those of you who cannot read it, I'll read it aloud. Association FEMA introduced a whole
community emergency management strategy to coordinate all levels of government,
increase individual preparedness, and engage with members of the community, as well as
vital partners to strengthen resiliency and security of the United States.
The whole community approach to emergency management and engages governments at
all levels, with communities and individuals when responding to disasters.
It provides a strategic framework to guide all members of the emergency management
community and integrates whole community concepts into their daily practices.
This approach is not intended to be at all encompassing or focused on any specific phase of
emergency management or level of government.
Nor does it offer specific prescriptive actions that require communities or emergency
managers to adopt certain protocols. Rather, the approach provides an overview of four
principles, two things and pathways for action that have been synthesized from a year-long
national dialogue initiated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency around practices
already used in the field.
This new approach provides a starting point for those learning about whole community
approaches or looking for ways to expand existing practices and to begin more operational-
based discussions on further implementation.
These three principles, understanding and meeting the actual needs of the whole
community, engaging and empowering all parts of community, and strengthening what works
well in communities on a daily basis.
For about and foundation for pursuing a whole community approach to emergency
management through which security and resiliency can be attained.
You can find this information out by simply googling OECD, toolkit for risk governance, whole
community approach. This goes on to discuss specifics about why the good practice was
developed, the specific objectives that are the incentives for us during this workshop today,
including with those objectives are to engage members of the community as a vital partners
in enhancing the resiliency and security through a whole community approach to achieve
better outcomes in emergency management and to increase individual preparedness to
That's where we come in. In 2012, I'm sorry, 2011. President Barack Obama signed into law
the National Prepared to Skull with a presidential directive number eight and The National
Prepared to Skull defines what it means for the whole community to be prepared for all types
of Disasters and emergencies the goal itself is succinct a Secure and resilient nation with the
capabilities required across a whole community to prevent protect against mitigate respond
to and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risks These risks include
events such as natural disasters disease pandemics chemical spills and other man-made
hazards terrorist attacks and cyber attacks Again, you can simply google FEMA national
preparedness goal and you'll be able to download the information yourself
So that you could use this to help guide your activities in your local communities that align
with the national objectives.
Locally, and I have to apologize to you, I close one of that, need to share the next. Yes. You
can actually go to FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Institute,,
and you can find courses that are available for you to take free of charge to help you to build
your activities.
You and understanding a ways that you can understand, become more aware of disasters,
to do planning for disasters, to prepare for disasters, and also recover from disasters,
including pathways to e-grants for local communities, and also several episodes.
for those entering the workforce or we're entering the community. Going further becoming
more specific. Here in Los Angeles, we were gifted with the Los Angeles Fire Department's
efforts to engage and develop what now is a national and international movement.
Call the community emergency response team or search. For those of you that are here in
the Los Angeles area, you can get engaged with free training.
I know this is a bit light, so I'll read this to you. In Los Angeles, there are more than four
million people in the city every day.
Charles, I'll get to you in just a moment, whether they are residents or visitors. The diverse
nature of the city, not to mention more than four
470 square miles of geography make a high-risk situation in the event of a major disaster.
Thankfully, the city has not suffered the types of catastrophic earthquake, flood, and other
FEMA categorized events that can bring the city to its needs.
To ensure that the population has the best possible chances of surviving a disaster and
surviving afterwards, the Los Angeles Fire Department supports and trains residents to be
disaster first responders.
The program is called the Community Emergency Response Team or a CERT. Again, you
can just simply Google CERT or Community Emergency Response Team and get access to
this information.
You can find out what the origins are of CERT. You can find out that you can join CERT.
This is open to anyone in good health and with a sense of community can become a part of
If you become a certain member, you will learn about important life safety supporting
techniques. You will, however, not be expected to place yourself in dangerous situations,
either in the training or when a disaster strikes.
Training includes learning to suppress small fires, basic first aid, including ABC treatment,
treatment for shock and related techniques, evacuation techniques, and how to collaborate
with city agencies to support neighborhood exits, search tactics, and communications,
including the use of radios.
A key factor for certain members is the ability to spontaneously organize and actively
themselves in the event of a major disaster.
For example, if there is a significant earthquake, phones, other communication channels,
maybe interrupted. Certain members will know that. where to go, how to organize their
efforts, and will get to work without specific order being issued.
A certain member's first responsibility is to his or her own self, then his or her family, and
finally his or her community.
As we move to the conclusion of this presentation, we're introducing tools and resources that
we can use locally to address the areas of disaster awareness, disaster planning, disaster
preparation, and disaster recovery.
One of those tools is readily available online at Being prepared will save
your life, literally. You can go here to meet Ryland, which is a lost city of lost Angela's
emergency management department, ready your la neighborhood.
a right-in-program. Right-in provides free and easy-to-use tools to help you and your family
business, help you and your family business and neighborhood prepare for disasters.
Emergency preparation today will help you to reduce injuries, protect your property, and
most importantly, save lives. There are several options here for you to learn and engage
your children, your family, your neighbors.
For example, under Prepare Your Household, preparing your household reduces the serious
impacts of disaster. Many activities are free of charge and take only minutes.
Pack an emergency kit and develop an emergency communication plan. I'm going to briefly
show you that you can again click on Learn More and you'll be taken to a page where you
can start preparing today.
So preparedness is a big part of neighborhood preparedness. What you do today to get
ready for emergencies and disasters could make all the difference when they strike.
Some simple guidelines are to start an emergency kit. Many of the things you should include
in your emergency kit are already in your home.
Look around and assemble key supplies. Just to let you know, at one time, we were urged to
make provisions for at least 48 hours of taking care of ourselves in a disaster.
However, more recently, that has been changed to being prepared for up to 14 days of being
prepared in the event of emergency major disaster.
Some of the items you need to include are watered. Food, battery power, or hand-cringed
radio, flashlights and batteries. a whistle, the signal for help, duct tape, plastic shootings,
hygiene supplies, tools such as shut off rinses for gas lines, local maps, blankets and
sleeping bags, extra clothes and good shoes.
Medications is bare or old eyeglasses. There's actually an emergency supply kit and for
those of you who have pets, there's also a pet supply kit.
But, preparations starts at home. You must start your household emergency communication
plan because disaster rally really happened at an ideal time.
You can come here and get information about ways that you can also start receiving
emergency alerts. Notify LA is a city of Los Angeles emergency notification system and the
best way to communicate with you during emergencies is free and easy to sign up.
Go to notify LA. And finally, for this particular example, you can get how slow preparedness
guide. This is an English and Spanish for complete guide and a quick reference guide.
You can also watch these simple, immersive preparedness videos. It's broken up into two
parts. I don't think I'll take time now to go through them, but I will get and take you back to
where I was before.
This is Rylan. And this is just one example of a deep dive that is available to you online. Just
as that was an example of preparing your household, we have to also prepare your
Because disasters get overwhelmed with the capacity of 9-1-1. Neighbors can become your
best source of health. So you need to develop a plan for how your neighbors will help you.
each other in the first few hours after an emergency. Again, when you click on more, you'll
find a deep dive into neighborhood preparedness.
Riley is a free workshop that gives you the steps to take immediately after a disaster to help
you, your household, and your neighborhood safe.
The workshop, there's a free, 90 minute workshop that you can register to attend. And be
able to learn how to build a neighborhood preparedness plan.
There's a flyer, there's pillars, and there's also more in-depth information. Please go to
readyla. neighborhood workshops and request a ready your LA
neighborhood workshop.
You'll be provided all the tools and materials you need to develop a neighborhood. response
plan, EMD staff are available to support your efforts in every step.
Once you submit your information, you will receive an email with the next steps and links to
the associated materials.
The plan includes a list of skills and equipment that you and your neighbors possess, what
steps to take immediately after disaster and how to break up into response teams.
After you have submitted your information, expect EMD staff to reach out to you in two
weeks and discuss the specifics of your workshop and help plan your approach.
EMD staff assigned to your area will continue to support as much as you would like, leading
up to and following your workshop.
Again, you can click on this link and request a workshop. Finally, in this particular example, I
took one step too far.
I'll go back to where I was. You can prepare your business. And the same thing, when you
click Learn More, you'll find more information about how to prepare your business.
These last three panels still getting connected to sign up. Well, I think it's important. me go
back and say, I apologize.
So prepare your business. Many businesses will not reopen after a widespread disaster. A
few simple steps today will ensure your business will cover.
Prepare your workplace for safety, training employees, and organize your vital business
records. When you click on Learn More, it takes you to a deep dive into ways you can
safeguard against disasters.
In this workbook, it'll guide you through the easy steps you can do today to protect your
employees' lives, your livelihood, and your years of hard work.
You're ready to go. The business workshop is all in one planning tool designed for busy
business owners like you.
The workshop will guide you through how to take steps to secure your business premises,
plan shelter in place locations, evacuation routes and other safety protocols, onboard train
and form an emergency response team with your employees, collaborate with your
immediate community to develop a neighborhood plan, assess your insurance coverage,
orientate your vital records and rebuild your business after an emergency.
So of course this deals with the recovery part, but you have to plan for the unpredictable.
The benefits of business preparedness are that one, it can save lives to protect the
community, three, protect your hard work, four, rebuild faster and five, increase your
business confidence.
Ready your LA business makes preparing your business easy and quick. There are
workshops and worksheets that are free of charge.
If you just click on the link right there, you can get this information so that you can begin right
now to learn how to better prepare your business.
Again, there's also on YouTube, Ireland, Ready Your LA Business, part one and part two.
The Preparing Display in tutorial takes you through preparing for safety, training your
employees, organizing for recovery.
And if you want help and a disaster, you have to understand that it's a community effort.
After a disaster, the Emergency Management Department will activate the Business
Operation Council, a group of engaged businesses who willing to dedicate their time and
resources to help Los Angeles continue.
After you successfully complete your Emergency Plan. Let your employees and consumers
know your commitment to safety by using the free promotional materials that's made
available to you in both English and in Spanish.
It also provides you an overview so that you can provide this information to your local
employees and to the general public.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share this information with you. I'm going to open a
stop share, I'm going to repost our opening screen and then we're going to open up the floor
for comments and questions.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
Again, thank you so very much. Charles, had a question earlier so now's the time for you to
bring that to the table.
you wish, Charles, sharp.
@48:48 - Charles Sharp
Hello, Andrew and hello everyone on this workshop presentation briefing. I would like to say,
Andrew, this is an outstanding job done.
I hope it is recorded and it can be exported as shown once we can. It can be shown once a
week to get that information out there to saturate those in your community locally.
to those on the, my hand was raised at the FEMA EMI, that's the emergency management
institute. I just wanted to make one comment about that, that two are international viewers.
Those in the workshop, international, and any country you're in, you can get that FEMA
training by asking your local American embassy, is it available?
There is funding for that. They will provide it. So it's not just for U.S. citizens, it can be
And that means that even in our community, you can be registered as a trainer, you and your
community. that you were a trainer, a trainer, an incident command, you can be contracted
through the federal government through FEMA and the State Department to give that type of
class in another country.
So there's a process for this and I just wanted to pull that out, but you've done an
outstanding job focusing in on, oh I'm sorry.
@50:22 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Oh well yes well thank you and we are in fact streaming this as I said one of our partners is
Lady Alicia Hamilton.
So let me let everyone know that you can find this information out online. It will be a Yachtbot
TV network on Facebook group, but we will also be uploading this to YouTube channels so
that anyone can access this information 24 hours a day.
Thanks to Lady Alicia, we'll also be having a podcast for those people that are traveling in
their cars who may not even have access to a computer can still get this information on a
regular and timely basis.
So yes Charles, thank you so very much. We do have one of the guest, Professor Jared
from Kenya. Now the times are if you'd like to make a comment.
Now is that time? If not, we're going to close today's session. Only once, going twice. Okay,
well Charles, he sharp.
Thank you so very much for your participation and I'm urging everyone to reach out to not
just FEMA but also FEMA.
The Black Emergency Management Association. You can find them on just type in Google.
Google will find it for you.
Thank you so much Charles. I'm going to end this presentation. Have a fantastic day to all.
Thank you.

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Andrew Networks
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Andrew Networks
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International blue cross and blue crescent society .
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Five Points Youth Foundation Goodwill Ambassador Orion Darkstar USA United Na...
Five Points Youth Foundation Goodwill Ambassador Murli Sharma United Nations ...
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Deck Overview
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Deck Overview
Five Points Youth Foundation Goodwill Ambassador Denisa Gokovi Albania United...
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Chairman's welcome
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Five Points Youth Foundation Goodwill Ambassador Madeline Karita Fleming Minn...
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v20231127 WHOPE BEMA Localizing Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Resources Volunteer Workshop

  • 1. v20231127 WHOPE BEMA Part Two Day One Sendai Framework Volunteer Workshop Session Zoom Meeting Summary Transcript YouTube replay • Hon. Andrew thanked Charles for joining and began recording the discussion with their special guest, Mr. Charles D Sharp, along with a worldwide audience. - PLAY @0:01 • Hon. Andrew, the Chairperson of the International Advisory Board of Goodwill Ambassadors , conducted a series of workshops in Legos, Nigeria. The workshops focused on topics such as sustainable development goals, the United Nations Global Compact, and disaster awareness, planning, preparation, and discovery as part of a global plan of action. - PLAY @11:00 • Hon. Andrew discussed the program initiated by world humanitarian organizations in Legos, Nigeria, with the aim of localizing sustainable development goals for humanity. The conversation focused on addressing these goals and promoting peace and equity in the region. - PLAY @11:48 • Hon. Andrew discussed the mission of VMA, which aimed to provide information, networking, education, and professional development opportunities to African Americans and African descent emergency managers. The goal was to advance the emergency management and homeland security profession, ensure diversity and community involvement, and focus on long-term recovery and resilience building in communities. - PLAY @12:36 • Hon. Andrew mentioned that he had a personal history with the Sustainable Development Goals, which were the second version of the Millennium Development Goals. He expressed pride and honor in witnessing the launch of the Millennium Development Goals and the United Nations Global Compact. - PLAY @14:00 • Hon. Andrew and others discussed the 17 sustainable development goals, emphasizing the need to address poverty, hunger, education, gender equality, clean water, renewable energy, economic growth, innovation, climate change, and peace for a sustainable future. They believed that by working together and taking action, these goals could be achieved. - PLAY @15:00 • Hon. Andrew and other participants discussed the need for global collaboration and unity to address the challenges of an stressed ecosystem and achieve sustainable development goals. They
  • 2. emphasized the crucial role of businesses in driving positive change and creating a more inclusive and sustainable world. - PLAY @18:25 • Hon. Andrew shared information during the conversation and directed the audience to find more details on his website, He then proceeded to share his screen to begin the presentation. - PLAY @25:16 • Hon. Andrew and Lady Alicia Hamilton were both proud lifetime members of the Black Emergency Management Association with Charles D. Sharpe. Hon. Andrew also held the position of international chairperson for world humanitarian organizations for peace and equity. - PLAY @25:48 • Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of disaster awareness, planning, preparation, and recovery, along with the United Nations Global Compact and the SINDI framework for disaster risk reduction. He emphasized the need for whole community approaches to emergency management and highlighted resources available for individuals and communities to enhance their preparedness and resilience. - PLAY @26:18 • Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of disaster preparedness in Los Angeles, emphasizing the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program. He provided information on how residents could join CERT, access resources for disaster planning, and prepare their households, neighborhoods, and businesses for emergencies. - PLAY @35:35 • Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of business preparedness in the face of disasters, emphasizing the need to take steps to ensure workplace safety, train employees, organize vital business records, and collaborate with the community. He also highlighted the benefits of business preparedness, such as saving lives, protecting hard work, rebuilding faster, and increasing business confidence. - PLAY @45:14 • Hon. Andrew expressed gratitude for the assistance received in the conversation. - PLAY @48:38 • Hon. Andrew and Charles discussed the availability of FEMA training for international viewers and the possibility of becoming trainers in their own communities. The conversation also mentioned the streaming of the presentation online and the accessibility of the information through various platforms. - PLAY @48:41
  • 3. v20231127 WHOPE BEMA Part Two Day One Sendai Framework Volunteer Workshop Session Zoom Meeting Summary Transcript YouTube replay Thank you. Well, recording is in progress. Thank everyone for joining us here. This is Andrew William Jr. And I'm actually here with our special guest tonight. Mr. Charles D sharp along with our worldwide audience. This is being hosted as a program for the world humanitarian organization for peace and equity. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH They're based in Legos, Nigeria. I am, in fact, the international shareperson, or the shareperson of the International Advisory Board. So I'm very pleased and excited to be bringing you a series of workshops. This is our third weekly workshop. We began with the sustainable development goals. Last week, we dealt with the United Nations Global Compact. And this week, we're dealing with four days of a volunteer workshop on disaster awareness, disaster planning, disaster preparation, and disaster discovery. What that doesn't tell you is that this is being done in the context of a global plan of action. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH I'm going to share my screen once again. As I mentioned, this is a program made brought to you by the world humanitarian organizations for peace and equity in Legos, Nigeria. And the background of hope is that the motivation and inspiration behind will establishment is to localize sustainable development goals for humanity. And I'll stop there because that's exactly what we're doing. We're addressing the sustainable development goals for humanity. I'm going to further share my screen. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH If I may, and introduce you briefly to our other post-bosser, the Black Emergency Manager's Association with Charles E. Sharp. The mission of VMA is to provide information, networking, educational and professional development, opportunities to African Americans and African descent emergency managers to advance the emergency management and homeland security profession to assist and ensure diversity and community involvement in all phases of emergency management. and to include grant opportunities, training preparedness, etc. with an emphasis on the long- term recovery of the community. The disaster reduction goal is the development and
  • 4. strengthening of mechanisms and capacities at the community level to build resilience to hazards. Colleagues and programs include a whole community approach using all members of a community. That includes the disabled children, senior citizens, ex-offenders, and addition to responders, first in follow-on in implementing emergency management and disaster reduction for communities. I do want to give you context. This is being brought to you as I mentioned as a continuation of our project to uplift the sustainable development goals. do have a personal history with the Sustainable Development Goals. for those of you you don't know, the 2015 through 2030, Sustainable Development Goals are specifically the second iteration of the Millennium Development Goals that were begun in 2000. I was very proud and honored to have witnessed the launch of the Millennium Development Goals and the United Nations Global Compact. I'm going to briefly share my screen with you now so that you have an overview of what we're talking about when we talk about the Sustainable Development Goals. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH 17 sustainable development goals Let's get to home because the more you know Look, in some corners of the world today People are living on a dollar date Ace, that's not how it ought to be So go one, eliminate poverty and go to Brute our hunger across the globe There's 800 million people hungry If you want to know, number three is health And well- being and getting people to help care That they need it, learning their school Or the heart to go for education opens up minds and doors Go number five is empower girls and women So they can have the same rights that men are giving Number six, people need water that's clean Poor sanitation can't spread disease Carping free energy is go number seven And how to achieve it is the question that's pressing But if we put our minds together and work hard We can find a solution I'm guessing 17 sustainable development goals Swim-proof life all around the globe Protect each other Do it, help in the environment, whatever bad we make, we go have the lion 17 sustainable development calls, twin-frozen life all around the globe Protecting human health and the environment, whatever bad we make, we go have the lion Now imagine that you work our day for no pay, economic growth and decent workers go eight Go number nine is the foster innovation and infrastructure and industrialization Go number 10, inequality reduction, 11 is sustainable city construction 12, well that's sustainable consumption so what we use matches up with production Go 13 calls for urgent action to combat climate change because we know it's happening 14, protect life under seas, 15, protect life on land Go 16 is for peace and justice all over the planet they're in high demand And the final goal, number 17 is the critical factor, the heart of the machine It's the strength in the way we achieve these goals of sustainable development
  • 5. In a world of elements around the globe Y'all 17 sustainable development goals Swim-proof life all around the globe Pretending you may help in the environment Whatever bad we make, we go have to lie in it 17 sustainable development goals Swim-proof life all around the globe Pretending you may help in the environment Whatever bad we make, we go have to lie in it Well, thank you And as I said, that has been the continuing theme That we've been working on for these past several weeks We began with the 17 sustainable development goals And we then moved on to the United Nations Global Compact So again, bear with me just a moment And I'll share with you my screen So you'll have an overview of what we're talking about And how it relates to what we're doing right now SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH As a human family, we've had an enormous wake-up call to how connected we are with a tiny little virus that comes along and shuts us down. We are live in this world together. The same blood flows in me and every other person. We are facing the challenges of an ecosystem that is stressed. Things are not moving as fast as they should, things are improving, but not as fast as they should. The challenges that we are facing, they are materialising so fast that it's not only my children or grandchildren which will experience the consequences if we fail. To do it we need to do it together. Collaboration, North-South East-West, you know, Black Brown, White, Strength in the diversity of the human family is what we need right now. To get this past is incredibly difficult time. It might sound like it's impossible but you know that's what we work towards making the impossible possible. Twenty years ago a small group of United Nations and business leaders came up with a visionary proposal. I propose that you, the business leaders here, gathered in Davos and we, the United Nations, initiate a global impact of shared values and principles which will give a human face. the global market. I always say part of Kofi Anand's genius was he invited business but he also addressed civil society and labour organisations. The mission of the United Nations Global Impact is to mobilize companies around the world to align their operations and strategies with 10 universal principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The UN represents the body that aims to drive international cooperation and drive peace and security for humanity and I think it unifies all of society around this set of 17 goals. Our objectives cannot be met if the private sector doesn't play an fundamental role. So the global compact is a platform in which all those businesses that abide by the principles and values of society.
  • 6. United Nations and the charter to work together representing the best of human countries. For the last two decades the initiative has grown to encompass local networks in more than 60 countries engaging directly with over 10,000 companies. The local networks are our global footprint around the world and they work with us to translate the 10 principles as well as the sustainable development goals into actionable pieces of work for businesses globally. It is so decided. Since 2015 the 17 sustainable development goals and the Paris Climate Agreement have provided the most powerful common agenda that the world has ever seen with an essential role spelled out for business. The Paris Climate Agreement is accepted. How they can make society better will be embraced by society and will be around for a long time. Be the change that you want to see in business. I truly believe that companies who do not put sustainability to SDGs in their strategies they're going to disappear. The mindset of consumers has changed. They increasingly want to buy from companies that are contributing to society as a whole. Business must be part of the solution in when we address these big global problems. The focus has shifted to both the short term and the long term, both doing well and doing good. Making profits and making a change. This is a reality of the world now. Leaders need to lead sustainably. The United Nations Global Compact is leading the transformation ahead. Challenging companies to take more ambitious action on the sustainable development goals. I think it's absolutely impossible to face the challenges of today. The very quick change that is happening. Without having the use leading the way and helping us define the right strategies, right policies, the right approaches to address the global problems. The world is waking up and change is coming whether you like it or not. The world today has got more opportunities than it has the challenges that can be overcome by the opportunities that we have. You find people in the most desperate of situations determined to fight for a better future. That's the kind of world I want. What have changed in a very short period of time is that the narrative is different and that is fantastic. If you want to have a good business you have to mobilize people. Business is a sum of people. We're keen to something.
  • 7. More and more people realize that sustainability is really about making the pie bigger, better, and more inclusive. I hope in the future, all businesses in the world will think about their own purpose. Business can only exist when they have a purpose. We've got to show progress. We've got to reverse what's happening. I see the global compact as an incredible organisation working together with businesses to build a more sustainable world. We are united across the globe, for the globe. We're united despite our challenges, no matter how daunting the task we see. We are united by possibilities because this is bigger than one business. Because we are better together. We all have the same job. We are united in the business of a better world. Well, again, thank you so much for allowing me to share that information with you. You can find all this information I've shared so far on my website. And that's That's So to begin today's presentation, let me briefly share my screen once again to separate these steps. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH Both Lady Alicia Hamilton and I are proud to be lifetime members of the Black Emergency Management Association with Charles D. Sharpe. And as I said, I'm the international chairperson for the world humanitarian organizations for peace and equity. I do want to share with you the fact that our commitment is not just based on activities that are happening within the United States, but in fact, they have a worldwide impact. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH That's the topic of today's conversation. We're dealing with disaster awareness, disaster planning, disaster preparation, and disaster recovery. But again, this is not something that's happening in a vacuum. Alongside the United Nations Global Compact, and alongside what we now know as these sustainable development goals, there is also launched at that time the SINDI framework for disaster risk reductions. And there are seven targets to achieve by 2030. That is... to substantially reduce global disaster mortality, to reduce the number of affected people, to reduce economic loss in relation to GDP, and reduce damage to critical infrastructure and service is disruption. At the same time, the effort is substantially increased. The number of countries with national and local disaster reduction strategies, by 2030, to increase the number of international
  • 8. cooperation agreements between developing countries, and to increase availability and access to early warning systems and disaster risk reduction information. If you can see my screen, I'm shifting now to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. goals where you can find more information at There's a specific section where we're encouraged to take action day. That is what this effort represents today. There are 17 sustainable development goals and many positive actions you can take. Which ones should you focus on? There is actually a quiz thing I'll be deciding. Through it, you'll discover three goals, global goals you feel most aligned with. And three things you can start doing today to make a difference. We're focused on number 17, full of partnerships for development. And we're also using a trine and true methodology. I earlier mentioned to you that Lady Alicia and I are members of VMA. Well, we earned that distinction by participating with the integrated whole community approach to government to emergency management in the United States. There was a series of workshops held in 2011 and we were able to participate Lady Alicia and I with those workshops and that's changed our lives and changed the ways that we deal with our business operations and our human relationships and humanitarian efforts in the community. The whole community approach to emergency management as you see here is a toolkit not just for the United States. This is being shared on the OECD platform that reaches not just Europe but the rest of the world. They recognize this approach as very critical to ways that we are devoting time, energy and effort to accomplish not just sustainable development goals but to leave one behind. For those of you who cannot read it, I'll read it aloud. Association FEMA introduced a whole community emergency management strategy to coordinate all levels of government, increase individual preparedness, and engage with members of the community, as well as vital partners to strengthen resiliency and security of the United States. The whole community approach to emergency management and engages governments at all levels, with communities and individuals when responding to disasters. It provides a strategic framework to guide all members of the emergency management community and integrates whole community concepts into their daily practices. This approach is not intended to be at all encompassing or focused on any specific phase of emergency management or level of government.
  • 9. Nor does it offer specific prescriptive actions that require communities or emergency managers to adopt certain protocols. Rather, the approach provides an overview of four principles, two things and pathways for action that have been synthesized from a year-long national dialogue initiated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency around practices already used in the field. This new approach provides a starting point for those learning about whole community approaches or looking for ways to expand existing practices and to begin more operational- based discussions on further implementation. These three principles, understanding and meeting the actual needs of the whole community, engaging and empowering all parts of community, and strengthening what works well in communities on a daily basis. For about and foundation for pursuing a whole community approach to emergency management through which security and resiliency can be attained. You can find this information out by simply googling OECD, toolkit for risk governance, whole community approach. This goes on to discuss specifics about why the good practice was developed, the specific objectives that are the incentives for us during this workshop today, including with those objectives are to engage members of the community as a vital partners in enhancing the resiliency and security through a whole community approach to achieve better outcomes in emergency management and to increase individual preparedness to disasters. That's where we come in. In 2012, I'm sorry, 2011. President Barack Obama signed into law the National Prepared to Skull with a presidential directive number eight and The National Prepared to Skull defines what it means for the whole community to be prepared for all types of Disasters and emergencies the goal itself is succinct a Secure and resilient nation with the capabilities required across a whole community to prevent protect against mitigate respond to and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risks These risks include events such as natural disasters disease pandemics chemical spills and other man-made hazards terrorist attacks and cyber attacks Again, you can simply google FEMA national preparedness goal and you'll be able to download the information yourself So that you could use this to help guide your activities in your local communities that align with the national objectives. Locally, and I have to apologize to you, I close one of that, need to share the next. Yes. You can actually go to FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Institute,, and you can find courses that are available for you to take free of charge to help you to build your activities. You and understanding a ways that you can understand, become more aware of disasters, to do planning for disasters, to prepare for disasters, and also recover from disasters, including pathways to e-grants for local communities, and also several episodes.
  • 10. for those entering the workforce or we're entering the community. Going further becoming more specific. Here in Los Angeles, we were gifted with the Los Angeles Fire Department's efforts to engage and develop what now is a national and international movement. Call the community emergency response team or search. For those of you that are here in the Los Angeles area, you can get engaged with free training. I know this is a bit light, so I'll read this to you. In Los Angeles, there are more than four million people in the city every day. Charles, I'll get to you in just a moment, whether they are residents or visitors. The diverse nature of the city, not to mention more than four 470 square miles of geography make a high-risk situation in the event of a major disaster. Thankfully, the city has not suffered the types of catastrophic earthquake, flood, and other FEMA categorized events that can bring the city to its needs. To ensure that the population has the best possible chances of surviving a disaster and surviving afterwards, the Los Angeles Fire Department supports and trains residents to be disaster first responders. The program is called the Community Emergency Response Team or a CERT. Again, you can just simply Google CERT or Community Emergency Response Team and get access to this information. You can find out what the origins are of CERT. You can find out that you can join CERT. This is open to anyone in good health and with a sense of community can become a part of CERT. If you become a certain member, you will learn about important life safety supporting techniques. You will, however, not be expected to place yourself in dangerous situations, either in the training or when a disaster strikes. Training includes learning to suppress small fires, basic first aid, including ABC treatment, treatment for shock and related techniques, evacuation techniques, and how to collaborate with city agencies to support neighborhood exits, search tactics, and communications, including the use of radios. A key factor for certain members is the ability to spontaneously organize and actively themselves in the event of a major disaster. For example, if there is a significant earthquake, phones, other communication channels, maybe interrupted. Certain members will know that. where to go, how to organize their efforts, and will get to work without specific order being issued. A certain member's first responsibility is to his or her own self, then his or her family, and finally his or her community.
  • 11. As we move to the conclusion of this presentation, we're introducing tools and resources that we can use locally to address the areas of disaster awareness, disaster planning, disaster preparation, and disaster recovery. One of those tools is readily available online at Being prepared will save your life, literally. You can go here to meet Ryland, which is a lost city of lost Angela's emergency management department, ready your la neighborhood. a right-in-program. Right-in provides free and easy-to-use tools to help you and your family business, help you and your family business and neighborhood prepare for disasters. Emergency preparation today will help you to reduce injuries, protect your property, and most importantly, save lives. There are several options here for you to learn and engage your children, your family, your neighbors. For example, under Prepare Your Household, preparing your household reduces the serious impacts of disaster. Many activities are free of charge and take only minutes. Pack an emergency kit and develop an emergency communication plan. I'm going to briefly show you that you can again click on Learn More and you'll be taken to a page where you can start preparing today. So preparedness is a big part of neighborhood preparedness. What you do today to get ready for emergencies and disasters could make all the difference when they strike. Some simple guidelines are to start an emergency kit. Many of the things you should include in your emergency kit are already in your home. Look around and assemble key supplies. Just to let you know, at one time, we were urged to make provisions for at least 48 hours of taking care of ourselves in a disaster. However, more recently, that has been changed to being prepared for up to 14 days of being prepared in the event of emergency major disaster. Some of the items you need to include are watered. Food, battery power, or hand-cringed radio, flashlights and batteries. a whistle, the signal for help, duct tape, plastic shootings, hygiene supplies, tools such as shut off rinses for gas lines, local maps, blankets and sleeping bags, extra clothes and good shoes. Medications is bare or old eyeglasses. There's actually an emergency supply kit and for those of you who have pets, there's also a pet supply kit. But, preparations starts at home. You must start your household emergency communication plan because disaster rally really happened at an ideal time. You can come here and get information about ways that you can also start receiving emergency alerts. Notify LA is a city of Los Angeles emergency notification system and the best way to communicate with you during emergencies is free and easy to sign up.
  • 12. Go to notify LA. And finally, for this particular example, you can get how slow preparedness guide. This is an English and Spanish for complete guide and a quick reference guide. You can also watch these simple, immersive preparedness videos. It's broken up into two parts. I don't think I'll take time now to go through them, but I will get and take you back to where I was before. This is Rylan. And this is just one example of a deep dive that is available to you online. Just as that was an example of preparing your household, we have to also prepare your neighborhood. Because disasters get overwhelmed with the capacity of 9-1-1. Neighbors can become your best source of health. So you need to develop a plan for how your neighbors will help you. each other in the first few hours after an emergency. Again, when you click on more, you'll find a deep dive into neighborhood preparedness. Riley is a free workshop that gives you the steps to take immediately after a disaster to help you, your household, and your neighborhood safe. The workshop, there's a free, 90 minute workshop that you can register to attend. And be able to learn how to build a neighborhood preparedness plan. There's a flyer, there's pillars, and there's also more in-depth information. Please go to readyla. neighborhood workshops and request a ready your LA neighborhood workshop. You'll be provided all the tools and materials you need to develop a neighborhood. response plan, EMD staff are available to support your efforts in every step. Once you submit your information, you will receive an email with the next steps and links to the associated materials. The plan includes a list of skills and equipment that you and your neighbors possess, what steps to take immediately after disaster and how to break up into response teams. After you have submitted your information, expect EMD staff to reach out to you in two weeks and discuss the specifics of your workshop and help plan your approach. EMD staff assigned to your area will continue to support as much as you would like, leading up to and following your workshop. Again, you can click on this link and request a workshop. Finally, in this particular example, I took one step too far. I'll go back to where I was. You can prepare your business. And the same thing, when you click Learn More, you'll find more information about how to prepare your business.
  • 13. These last three panels still getting connected to sign up. Well, I think it's important. me go back and say, I apologize. So prepare your business. Many businesses will not reopen after a widespread disaster. A few simple steps today will ensure your business will cover. Prepare your workplace for safety, training employees, and organize your vital business records. When you click on Learn More, it takes you to a deep dive into ways you can safeguard against disasters. In this workbook, it'll guide you through the easy steps you can do today to protect your employees' lives, your livelihood, and your years of hard work. You're ready to go. The business workshop is all in one planning tool designed for busy business owners like you. The workshop will guide you through how to take steps to secure your business premises, plan shelter in place locations, evacuation routes and other safety protocols, onboard train and form an emergency response team with your employees, collaborate with your immediate community to develop a neighborhood plan, assess your insurance coverage, orientate your vital records and rebuild your business after an emergency. So of course this deals with the recovery part, but you have to plan for the unpredictable. The benefits of business preparedness are that one, it can save lives to protect the community, three, protect your hard work, four, rebuild faster and five, increase your business confidence. Ready your LA business makes preparing your business easy and quick. There are workshops and worksheets that are free of charge. If you just click on the link right there, you can get this information so that you can begin right now to learn how to better prepare your business. Again, there's also on YouTube, Ireland, Ready Your LA Business, part one and part two. The Preparing Display in tutorial takes you through preparing for safety, training your employees, organizing for recovery. And if you want help and a disaster, you have to understand that it's a community effort. After a disaster, the Emergency Management Department will activate the Business Operation Council, a group of engaged businesses who willing to dedicate their time and resources to help Los Angeles continue. After you successfully complete your Emergency Plan. Let your employees and consumers know your commitment to safety by using the free promotional materials that's made available to you in both English and in Spanish. It also provides you an overview so that you can provide this information to your local employees and to the general public.
  • 14. Thank you so much for allowing me to share this information with you. I'm going to open a stop share, I'm going to repost our opening screen and then we're going to open up the floor for comments and questions. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH Again, thank you so very much. Charles, had a question earlier so now's the time for you to bring that to the table. you wish, Charles, sharp. @48:48 - Charles Sharp Hello, Andrew and hello everyone on this workshop presentation briefing. I would like to say, Andrew, this is an outstanding job done. I hope it is recorded and it can be exported as shown once we can. It can be shown once a week to get that information out there to saturate those in your community locally. to those on the, my hand was raised at the FEMA EMI, that's the emergency management institute. I just wanted to make one comment about that, that two are international viewers. Those in the workshop, international, and any country you're in, you can get that FEMA training by asking your local American embassy, is it available? There is funding for that. They will provide it. So it's not just for U.S. citizens, it can be exported. And that means that even in our community, you can be registered as a trainer, you and your community. that you were a trainer, a trainer, an incident command, you can be contracted through the federal government through FEMA and the State Department to give that type of class in another country. So there's a process for this and I just wanted to pull that out, but you've done an outstanding job focusing in on, oh I'm sorry. @50:22 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Oh well yes well thank you and we are in fact streaming this as I said one of our partners is Lady Alicia Hamilton. So let me let everyone know that you can find this information out online. It will be a Yachtbot TV network on Facebook group, but we will also be uploading this to YouTube channels so that anyone can access this information 24 hours a day.
  • 15. Thanks to Lady Alicia, we'll also be having a podcast for those people that are traveling in their cars who may not even have access to a computer can still get this information on a regular and timely basis. So yes Charles, thank you so very much. We do have one of the guest, Professor Jared from Kenya. Now the times are if you'd like to make a comment. Now is that time? If not, we're going to close today's session. Only once, going twice. Okay, well Charles, he sharp. Thank you so very much for your participation and I'm urging everyone to reach out to not just FEMA but also FEMA. The Black Emergency Management Association. You can find them on just type in Google. Google will find it for you. Thank you so much Charles. I'm going to end this presentation. Have a fantastic day to all. Thank you.