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v20231121 Day Two WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session
YouTube replay
Quick recap
The meeting revolved around the United Nations Global Compact and the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). discussed the 17
SDGs and the 10 principles of the Global Compact, emphasizing the importance
of these in promoting sustainable development. The role of the private sector in
driving progress towards SDGs in Africa was highlighted, along with the potential
for sustainable growth on the continent. The meeting also introduced the United
Nations Global Compact network and its local representation in Nigeria. The
discussion concluded with a proposal to collaborate with the UN Global Compact
to further provide vocational workshop skills training.
Virtual Workshop Progress Discussion
A virtual workshop was held with a variety of participants discussing the progress
of the workshop and waiting for more people to join. The Chaplain and
Ambassador Andrew were identified as key figures in the discussion. There was
some technical difficulty with the connection, particularly with Master James, who
was asked to try connecting again due to poor sound quality. The meeting was
set to begin with a presentation by Ambassador Andrew, and participants were
encouraged to mute themselves if they were not speaking. The meeting was to
be recorded for future reference.
UN Global Compact and SDGs Workshop for Volunteers
The president of the 5 Points Youth Foundation introduced a volunteer workshop
organized by the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity, in
collaboration with the United Nations Global Compact and the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). The workshop, part of an ongoing series, aimed to
educate attendees about the UN Global Compact and its alignment with the
SDGs, encouraging them to join the organization as volunteers. The importance
of following rules, registering names for certificates, and preparing for active
participation and questions was emphasized., along with
Dr. Janice and Dr. James, explained the concept of sustainable development
goals and how they can be adapted to promote happiness. The history of
sustainable development goals was also traced, noting their origin from the
Millennium Development Goals launched by the United Nations in 2000.
UN Global Compact Strategy and Resources for Learning and Research
Andrew from discussed the resources available for
learning and research related to the United Nations Global Compact. He
highlighted ongoing activities, such as the United Nations Global Compact
strategy and the United Nations Global Combat strategy for Africa, encouraging
participants to get involved. Andrew also shared a newsletter about UN Global
Compact Nigeria and emphasized the importance of individuals choosing one of
the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and demonstrating how their activities
align with these goals. He pointed out that this information is accessible online
at and is also being streamed to reach people who are not
present at the meeting.
UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals discussed the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by
the United Nations. The goals include ending poverty, hunger, and ensuring good
health and well-being. Other goals mentioned are providing quality education,
achieving gender equality, ensuring access to clean water and sanitation,
promoting affordable and clean energy, promoting sustained, inclusive, and
sustainable economic growth, building resilient infrastructure, reducing
inequalities, making cities and human settlements inclusive, promoting
sustainable consumption and production patterns, taking urgent action to combat
climate change, conserving and sustainably using oceans, seas, and maritime
resources, protecting and promoting sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,
halting land degradation and biodiversity loss, promoting peaceful and inclusive
societies for sustainable development, and strengthening the means of
implementation and revitalizing global partnership for sustainable development.
UN Global Compact Principles for Business Impact
Andrew discussed the United Nations Global Compact, emphasizing its 10
principles that address human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.
He highlighted the importance of these principles for businesses and how they
can impact communities. Andrew also mentioned that the Global Compact has a
library of resources on their website, and encouraged attendees to understand
and embed these principles in their own operations. He also pointed out the role
of local networks in aligning with the sustainable development goals and the
opportunity for civil society volunteers to act as ambassadors for their
Sustainable Growth and Challenges in Africa
The meeting discussed the potential for sustainable growth in Africa, highlighting
factors such as continental agreements, technological innovations, and abundant
renewable energy resources. However, challenges like limited access to
sustainable finance, global competition, and climate change were also
acknowledged. The role of the private sector in driving progress towards
sustainable development goals in Africa was emphasized. The meeting also
introduced the United Nations Global Compact network and its local
representation in Nigeria by Executive Director Naomi E. Okkola. The discussion
concluded with an encouragement for attendees to become more actively
engaged in their local communities.
Nigerian Petroleum Industry Structure and Sustainability Efforts stressed the importance of understanding the structure
and participants involved in the Nigerian petroleum industry, particularly the role
of the state-owned petroleum company and private companies that own the oil.
He highlighted the need to know who represents these companies, mentioning
Millie Kayari, the CEO of PC Limited. He also discussed the SME FutureForward
Project, funded by the Macarthur Foundation, aimed at improving corporate
governance, ethics, and sustainability. then touched on the
UN Global Compact Network in Nigeria, its work with the Dangoti Group, and the
2023 Sustainable Supplier Impact Program. He concluded by mentioning the
Africa Social Impact Summit, which aimed to explore sustainable solutions to
Africa's developmental challenges.
Vocational Skills Training and UN Collaboration Proposal organized a 5-day vocational skills training program in
Cano and Oyo states, benefiting 525 people and providing startup kits to 26 high
flyers. The discussion ended with a proposal to collaborate with the United
Nations Global Compact to further provide vocational workshop skills training.
The ultimate goal is to contribute towards the achievement of the Sustainable
Development Goals. Oyekunle expressed gratitude towards Ambassador Andrew
for his insightful presentation and stressed the importance of understanding how
to contribute to their immediate community. He encouraged participants to share
their thoughts and questions for further clarification.
Disaster Expert Seeks Collaboration for Humanitarian Causes
Hamza expressed her appreciation for the platform that enabled discussions on
global issues such as humanitarian matters, disaster management, and safety.
She emphasized the necessity of professionals contributing their ideas and
knowledge to address these issues. Hamza, who identified as a disaster expert,
was eager to participate and contribute her expertise. She also requested
connections with other United Nations humanitarian organizations to further aid
in this cause. The discussion concluded with asking
Hamza if she was registered as a volunteer at, a platform for disaster
response in emergencies.
Disaster Planning and Sustainable Development
The meeting revolved around the topic of disaster planning and sustainable
development. highlighted the importance of identifying how
one's work impacts the 17 sustainable development goals. He suggested
creating a business plan for current activities and joining a global network for
those working in the same field. also recommended joining
the Black Emergency Managers Association, Fema International. Towards the
end of the meeting, there were some technical difficulties with hearing and
understanding a participant named Okeke.
Attendance Confusion in Group Meeting
Oyekunle conducted an attendance check for a group of students and staff.
There was some confusion about the presence of certain individuals, causing
Oyekunle to ask for confirmation of their attendance. Oyekunle also noted that
some participants had registered under different names, causing further
confusion. Towards the end of the meeting, it was revealed that some
participants had already attended previous meetings. Oyekunle decided to
discuss the issue with the chaplain to resolve the discrepancies.
UN Global Compact and SDGs Workshop
The meeting was primarily a workshop on the United Nations Global Compact
and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The team took a group photo
and discussed the upcoming session. Andrew Williams, Jr. mentioned that he
would share his screen to clarify that it was a four-day workshop. Oyekunle
thanked everyone for their participation and patience, and expressed hope for a
full house for the next day's session. asked everyone to
prepare to discuss which SDG they are most interested in, as well as their roles
as volunteers on the Whope website. However, an unexpected issue occurred
where the AI system was mistakenly made the host, preventing the actual host
from ending the program.
Next steps
• Hamza should consider joining the Black Emergency Managers Association,
Fema International and put his question and follow-up information in the cha
v20231121 Day Two WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session
YouTube replay
• Hon. Andrew Williams Jr., Chairperson of the World Humanitarian
Organization for Peace and Equity along with Founder Chaplain
James Mercy and President of the Five Points Youth Foundation,
moderated a four-day volunteer workshop on the United Nations
Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals. The
workshop aimed to address the importance of maintaining sustainable
development goals and introduced the United Nations Global Compact
as a means to achieve them. - PLAY @0:58
• Oyekunle thanked the Ambassador and Chaplin James Mercy for their
participation in the workshop on United Nations Global Compass and
Sustainable Development Goals. They emphasized the importance of
following the rules, registering names for attendance, and actively
participating in the workshop to receive certification. - PLAY @2:50
• Hon. Andrew discussed the sustainable development goals,
specifically the StG pyramid, which outlined the different goals related
to humanitarian inclusiveness, sustainability, and peace. He mentioned
that the first 10 goals focused on humanitarian inclusiveness, goals 11-
15 were related to sustainability and nature, and goals 16 and 17
emphasized peace, partnerships, and spiritual harmony. - PLAY
• Hon. Andrew mentioned that his involvement with the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) was not new, as it started with the launch
of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by Kofi-Lan in 2000.
The MDGs provided the foundation for the SDGs, with the primary goal
being to end poverty and the final goal focusing on building global
partnerships for development. - PLAY @6:35
• Hon. Andrew discussed the resources available on his website,, including information on the United Nations
Global Compact and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. He
emphasized the importance of choosing one goal to focus on and
provided access to a library of relevant materials on his website. -
PLAY @8:16
• Hon. Andrew discussed the 10 principles of the United Nations Global
Compact, which include human rights, labor, environment, and anti-
corruption. He emphasized the importance of understanding and
implementing these principles in order to actively participate in local
community activities and make a positive impact. - PLAY @20:21
• Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of familiarizing oneself with the
representatives of companies, particularly Milley Kajari, the CEO of
NNPC Limited. He emphasized the need to connect with organizations
already involved in the United Nations Global Compact in order to
contribute to sustainable development goals and make a positive
impact in local communities. - PLAY @31:04
• During the discussion, participants expressed gratitude for the
opportunity to learn about humanitarian activities and disaster
management. They also sought guidance on how to connect with other
organizations and contribute to their communities, with Hon. Andrew
suggesting joining the Black Emergency Management Association and
creating a business plan to expand their work. - PLAY @41:59
• Hamza, Oyekunle, Okeke, Hon. Andrew, Dlama, Umoru, Akintayo,
Aremu, BLESSING, albert, Festus, don, Ishola, Justine, and others
participated in a roll call and shared their presence. Some participants
had difficulty with the network, but overall, they acknowledged their
attendance. - PLAY @52:54
• In the past discussion, Oyekunle, Umoru, Ibilola, Olubode, Hamza,
albert, Dlama, and Hon. Andrew were present. They discussed various
names and attendance, and also mentioned taking a group photo. -
PLAY @1:01:14
• Infinix and Hon. Andrew organized a countdown for everyone to take a
group photo, with Elizabeth being responsible for collecting the photos
afterwards. - PLAY @1:07:58
• Hon. Andrew Williams Jr., representing the World Humanitarian
Organization for Peace and Equity, introduced himself and
acknowledged the sponsorship of Captain James Mercy and Dr.
Dennis De Silva. The conversation was then handed over to the
moderator. - PLAY @1:09:28
• Hon. Andrew and Oyekunle thanked everyone for attending the
program and encouraged them to come prepared and actively
participate in the final day. Hon. Andrew also urged everyone to
register as volunteers on the FOLP website and identify their interests
and contributions towards the 17 sustainable development goals. -
PLAY @1:09:47
v20231121 Day Two WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session
YouTube replay
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
Thank So, I'm stop recording and start again to moment, please. Okay, recording is begun
again. Thank you so much for joining us.
This is Andrew Williams Jr. on your moderating of your goals today, from the United States
of America, and President of the Five Points Youth Foundation.
Today's event is the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity, presenting four
days of a volunteer workshop on the United Nations Global Compact, and the STGs, better
known as the Sustainable Development Goals.
This is actually part two of the workshop we began last week, where we did address the
situation. their maintain sustainable development goals.
This week, we're introducing United Nations Global Compact and how that works with the 17
sustainable development goals. Along with Chalpton James, Mercy Overton, maybe with the
founder of Smoke.
This is also being co-sponsored by Dr. Chenus Isilba from Kabul, Burdy. She and I and Dr.
James are all goodwill ambassadors.
And we hope each of you also join the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and
Equity as volunteers contributing to our project.
Maruhaj, I'm going to stop sharing my story and perhaps if you'd like to take it from here, I'll
allow you to do so.
@2:50 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Okay, thank you so much, Ambassador. You have said almost everything. So this is the
threading of our program, the workshop, or volunteer workshop on United Nations Global
Compass, and our account work with the Sustainable Development Goals that we've learned
so far.
Okay, so it has been really, really interesting and we believe that today is going to be
another phase another day of a very, very eye-opened experience for all the participants.
You're welcome once again everyone. Thank you for your patience so far. Thank you for
your participation. Thank you for your cooperation.
We really appreciate you. And so I also want to appreciate the ambassador for all that is
done so far.
And I also appreciate Chaplin, James Mercy also for being with us those far. Thank you
everyone. So participants, just like we already know, please we shouldn't
forget to follow all the rules to make sure that this particular workshop goes successful
successfully well. Okay, so please do not forget to always come registering your name just
the way you want it to appear on your certificate.
It is very important. Remember we're taking attendance and if you missed a day you may not
be able to receive a certificate.
please register your name as a T so that at the end of the four days we'll be able to give you
your certification and please let your mind be here.
Don't just come here and do not want to participate. At the end of today's program I expect
that everybody who have intelligent questions to ask the ambassador.
Okay, we also have sub contributions. Okay, so please be ready. Get ready and please let's
do that to get there.
All right, Thank you very much for listening to me once again. My name is Maria Colisevets
and I am your moderator.
So over to you, Ambassador.
@5:14 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Well, thank you so very much. I certainly do appreciate that. As I said, this is going to be part
two of the workshop we began last week.
And then introduce the sustainable development goals. I'm going to briefly share my screen
again with you. So you can actually see what we're talking about.
The idea is for us to take our own responsibility for making sure that we do what we can and
our local communities to have global impact.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
Part of that is understanding what the sustainable development goals are. One of the easiest
ways to do that is by adapting what's called sustainable development goal.
Appearance to happiness. StG pyramid. You can find out more information about this simply
by typing in stg What you'll find is that the first 10 goals are linked to
humanitarian inclusiveness and people are mining.
Goals 11 through 15 are linked to sustainability, nature, ecological, and goals 16 and 17 are
linked to peace, partnerships, and values of spiritual harmony.
Just as a backgrounder, this is not a brand new endeavor for me to come involved with the
Sustainals Development Goals.
What you may or may not know is that it was back in 2000 when Kofi-Lan as the General
Secretary of the United Nations launched the Millennium Development Goals that brought us
to where we are today.
It was in fact the Millennium Development Goals from 2000 to 2015 that provided the
framework and basis for the sustainable development goals that were now sharing.
In fact, the number one goal in 2000 was to end poverty. The second goal or the last goal
was to build global partnerships for development.
And, low in behold, here we are again in 2015 and the sustainable development goals began
with the objective of ending poverty and ends with the idea of us using global partnerships
for development to do that.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
I'm going to, again, this is an open book test. You don't have to guess about what we're
doing or how we're going to be doing it.
The idea is that we provide you with resources so that you can take. What you learn from
here and do your own further learning, your own further research and find ways that you can
become actively involved with going ahead with this training in your own local community.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
One of the resources that you have is my own website and that's Andrew
Almost all of the material that we've been going on over, you can find it for reference on my
website, that's
This is just the middle of the page, but in the middle you'll see the very same happiness,
FGG pyramid, introducing this sustainable development goals.
However, this week's workshop has been focused on the United Nations Global Compact.
Let me let you know that you can hit on any of these.
get more information. So for example, there is a United Nations Global Comfaq Strategy
already in place. But there's also a United Nations Global Comfaq Strategy for Africa already
in place.
So we don't have to start with a blank sheet. There are actually ongoing activities that are
happening right now that you are already a part of if you take the effort and responsibility to
find out how to get engaged.
I'm going to share my screen now to bring you what I hope is some very relevant information
for everyone here on the call that's from Nigeria.
We're beginning with Nigeria because of course that's where the World Humanitarian
Organization is based. So I'm going to walk you through this newsletter that's online.
You can find it in the link to it. or just Google it. This is how I found it. I typed in your Inverbal
Compact, Nigeria, local network, and this is the information I came up with.
I'm going to walk you through this. I know this is too much too small for you to read, but I will
read it out to you.
This is an event that happened in Lagos, Nigeria.
@10:25 - albert mjwanda
@10:26 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
I'm to read Thank you. This is an event that happened in Lagos, Nigeria, except here we first
of this year.
On Thursday's September 21st, during the opening of the 2023 Global Business
Development, I'm Global Africa Business Initiative, a procedures today event convening on
the side.
of 75th United Nations General Assembly in New York, Nigeria National Petroleum
Company, limited formerly joined the United Nations Global Contact.
And when you go here, you can just click on the link. It will take you to the United Nations
Global Contact.
The steps I'm taking now are steps you can take to educate yourself about activities that are
happening in your local community.
I'm particularly taking you to this breakdown of the participants in Nigeria. Each country has
their own list of participating organizations.
On the left, you can see the name of the organization in the middle of the type of
organization, the sector, and then the country, and the date that they joined.
This is practical information by now. Yes. Now, this is fractal information that you can use in
your local community because these businesses are actually already actively involved in
your local community and they've already made a commitment to address four areas of the
United Nations World War Compact involving human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-
But it's up to you to be able to find out how what you're doing, actually has an impact on
what you're doing.
That's why we're asking each of you to choose one of the 17 Sustainable Development
Goals and show how your activity is actually actively involved with the goal and to
understand that many of us
impact more than one of these objectives. But in order to take full advantage of the available
resources available to you, you must choose one to start with.
Now, we have online access to all these goals. And it's very simple And
here you will find the 17 sustainable development goals at the very top.
I know those of you that attended last week's sessions are very much aware of what these
skills are. But each day we're just delivering this information not just to you.
We're delivering this information not just to you who are here. We're also streaming this on
the World Facebook page.
So we can reach people that are not here. So give me just a moment. I'm going to walk
through again these 17 sustainable development goals.
Number one is no poverty. The intent is to end poverty in all of its forms everywhere.
Number two is zero hunger.
The intent is to end hunger, achieve food security, and improve nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture. Number three is good health and well-being.
To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Number four is quality
education. This is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong
learning opportunities for all.
5. Gender equality To achieve gender equality, empower all women and girls. 6. Is clean
water and sanitation. Ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and
sanitation for all.
7. Is affordable and clean energy. This is to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable
and modern energy for all.
Number 8, DECIS work an economic growth to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable
economic growth full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Number 9, as industry, innovation and infrastructure to build resilient infrastructure for both
inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
Number 10, as reduce inequalities, reducing inequalities within and among entries. Number
11, sustainable cities and communities make cities and human settlements inclusive.
Number inequalities within safe, resilient, and sustainable. Number 12, responsible
consumption and production. Make sure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Number 13, climate action. Take your urgent action to combat climate change and impacts.
Number 14, life below water to preserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, maritime
resources for sustainable development.
Number 15, life online. protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial
ecosystems, sustainably manage forests at desertification, and halt and reverse land
degradation and halt biodeversity laws.
Number 16, which is really the reason why we're here. Wold is dedicated to SG-16 for
peace, justice and strong institutions, to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for
sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable
and inclusive institutions at all levels.
And what I believe is the key umbrella to all the other goals is sustainable development goal.
Number 17, partnerships for the goal, strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize
global partnership for sustainable development. And that is exactly why we've made the
commitment to support the United Nations Global Compact agendas that are already in
As I said, this is on my website, You can just simply click on this icon.
It will take you to the library.
This is one of the most important resources that interview and have access to. This is a
library of all the information that's available to address the issues that we've been discussing
all this week.
And it breaks down the description of each of the ten principles of the United Nations Global
Compact. For example, this will number one.
You'll find here. Most of all reports, websites, videos about activities that have happened in
the past and that are upcoming.
When you click on Principle number two, again you're going to the library. So this is where
you can find information about Principle number two and so on through all the 10 principles
of the United Nations Global Compact.
Perhaps now if you're good time for me to discuss what those 10 principles are. Again, this is
I'm asking you to go to the website so you can find out more information about topics we've
discussed but also topics that are coming up.
I am the impact of President Trump. five points to your foundation. We are members of the
United Nations Global Compact, so your work can use our membership to be able to impact
activities that are relevant to you.
But only as the address 10 principles. Again, part of this workshop is to encourage you.
Many of whom are involved, but now in governmental organizations to understand that you
two are a business and you must function as a business in order for you to become engaged
with the commitments that are already going on all around you.
It's very important that you understand what businesses are committed to so that you can
understand how what you're doing is, it comes important to them because in many cases, it's
the work we're doing in our communities locally that help you.
these businesses accomplishing their goals and objectives. Again, there are 10 principles of
the United Nations Global Compact. They're broken down into four separate areas.
One is human rights. There are two principles there. Another is labor. The third is
environment. And the fourth is anti-corruption.
So again, this is a very simple and straightforward description of the Placing Foundation of
the United Nations Global Compact.
And their principles were asked me each of you to not just understand what these principles
are, but to embed them in your own operation on a regular, ongoing basis.
So let me go back to a little more. Yes, it is important too for you. to connect the dots
between what's happening in the worldwide United Nations Global Compact and what you're
actually doing.
And for example, here, you can find out where you can engage locally. And this is the
infrastructure that the United Nations Global Compact uses.
This is based in New York and the United States. But it has local networks set up around the
world so that you and your local community can know what is necessary for you to be able to
impact one and more of the sustainable development goals.
And you'll find out that these local networks are aligned with the sustainable development
goals. This is where you connect your local non-governmental organization.
with your government and businesses. But it's up to you as a civil society volunteer to beat
the ambassador for your local community.
You have to do the work. again, these are places where you can find information to help you
understand what's going on around you and learn ways that you can begin to actively
participate with the activities going on in your local community.
For example, again, Africa has more than 1,000 companies and non-business private sector
stakeholders that are participating in the global compact against 45 countries in Africa.
They believe that the region's voice for invigorated sustainable growth. voted by several
factors, including continental agreements like agenda 2063, the Africa we want, and the
African continental free trade area.
One Africa robust digital and technological innovations, abundance of renewable energies,
resources, a demographic dividend presented by a youthful population being about 60
percent of 1.3 billion people below 25 years, an environment small and medium enterprise
The region however continues to grapple with challenges related to limited access to
favorable sustainable finance, global competition, large informal economy, limitations of
infrastructure, negative effects from climate change, and most notably, the COVID-19.
19 crisis that has contributed to the deceleration of progress for its agenda 2060 agenda
2030. So again I'm going to click right here on the UN Global Compact Africa Strategy.
But this is a library again available in the library and the Africa Strategy aims to accelerate
and scale the impact of a private sector to have progress towards the sustainable
development goals across the African continent.
I'm going to take you back now to the UN Global Compact Network and that's your quarterly
newsletter because this is where you find the connection between what the organization is
seeing they want to do and how you can get involved locally with these actions.
activities. Again, what I began by sharing with you at the very beginning is that this national,
Nigerian national petroleum company officially joined the United Nations Global Compact
recently, just a few months ago.
So they are and you fresh members. I didn't share with you more, but I will walk through this
now because this is critically important.
This is today's lesson, information that is right now available. This signing secretary was
organized and I'll make this large here if I can.
So once again, these are the key people that are representing your interests at the United
Nations Global Compact and in your local community.
You'll see that there is an executive director of you and Global Compact Network in Nigeria.
Her name is Naomi E.
Nicola Esquire. When you click on this link, you can actually go to find out that this is a live
You can actually connect with her directly and find out more information about the people
behind the titles. Naomi E.
Nicola is an executive director, she's attorney, she's a human rights activist, she focuses on
environmental, social, and governance ESG.
Again, it's important that you begin to prepare yourself to get involved with making decisions
that will put you at the table instead of giving you on the menu, so to speak.
Just a background about this person who's representing your interests, whether you know it
or not, it's up to you to find out who's door you can knock on to make a difference in your
local community.
Again, this is Naomi E. Nicola and she is in fact your representative in Nigeria for all of the
members of the United Nations Global Compact in Nigeria.
She's an award-winning international business leader with ten years of combined
experience, promoting human rights and environmental social and corporate governance on
the global scale.
She possesses knowledge and experience and designing a business sustainability strategy
to see it's to its implementation. She's exceptional in engaging stakeholders, forging
relationships, etc.
So I'm not going to take the time to read this to you, but I do want to take time to make sure
that you understand where you can go to find out how you can become more active and
engaged in your local area with people and organizations.
any events that will have a major impact on your life, on your family, and on our future. So
again, this is today's lesson, this one document.
So your homework will come out of here when we ask you what the name is of the person
that's responsible for a human global compact in Nigeria.
This information you need to have. Just get a year, we won't be happy to test like that. But it
is important that you understand who is involved with what you're doing.
What you may or may not know is that Nigeria has a state-owned petroleum company. There
are many private companies that own the oil in the ground.
But there is one organization that's representing your interests. When you pay your taxes,
you become part of the property.
Please owned by the state of Nigeria or the country of Nigeria. And you need to know who
the people are that are representing these companies.
In this case, this will be Milley Kajari. He's the chief executive officer of NNPC Limited. Again,
he's on Facebook.
His information is there. You can see his background. And if you don't know this information,
I'm urging you to take the time to familiarize yourself with who we'll be dealing with and also
prepare yourself to be able to be introduced in such a professional manner as well.
The organization that you represent is very familiar, I would think. So most of you that are
here from Nigeria.
But for you, those of you who are not, I'm going to click on the link and you'll find a lot more
about NNPC.
This is the National Petroleum Company owned by Nigeria, not by companies from other
countries, but by the country of Nigeria itself.
So, when you have a problem in your area, you need to know who to reach out to. This is a
group of people who dedicated their lives to gain education necessary to represent your
interests not only in Nigeria but around the world.
This group of people here are supported by the SME Future Forward Project funded by the
MacArthur Foundation. It's aimed at improving your
corporate governance, ethics, and sustainability of micro small and medium enterprises.
Again, this is where you come in. You have more non-governmental organizations in Nigeria
than you have businesses, but it's up to you to hold those businesses accountable.
In many cases, you cannot reach the major corporations, but you can reach the micro small
and medium enterprise enterprises in your own area.
Again, all these were represented. The ones here are represented by the UN Global
Compact Network in Nigeria. This information here is not about something that happened 15
years ago or 2000.
This happened two months ago. And so you can find information out about what you're doing
can actually become involved with the future.
In this particular case, this is the online zone. and the UN Global Combat Network Nigeria
worked with the Dangoji Group to conclude the 2023 sustainable supplier impact program for
24 companies.
The question you need to be asking is how many of those companies are in your area? How
many of them are you already supporting?
And who can you reach to connect the dots between what's happening on the ground in your
area and how you can impact the future of your community and the future of Africa?
Again, this newsletter is just sharing with you that that can August and endoti made the
commitment to working through the United Nations Global Compact to take the message of
sustainability to the 2023 Africa Social Impact Summit.
This involved not just big companies or corporations but leaders from private and public
sectors, civil society organizations, the development community, and the United Nations.
They were all in Lagos, Nigeria on August 10th 11th to explore innovative, sustainable
solutions to Africa's key developmental challenges.
You can find here online the so-afforded social impacts summit review and a theme, global
vision, local action, repositioning the African development ecosystem for sustainable
I'll come back to that in just a moment. I do want to share with you though that 16,000 young
people were upskilled by the allowance for youth in Nigeria.
So when people ask me, why should we be interested in the United Nations global compact?
What I tell them is that once you begin to identify the activity
that are already happening in your area, you can then address those resources to your own
activities. For example, on August 11, members of the Alliance for Youth Nigeria.
You're Global Compact Network, Nigeria, Nestle, Nigeria, Joverman, Nigeria, Big Bot lane
company, Limited, and you connect human resources limited with partners such as the
Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development, the Legal State Employment Trust Fund,
and Activate Success International.
Mark the 2023 International Youth Day, and commemorate its second year anniversary.
Now, what they did in July is organize a five-day vocational skills training program, the
benefit of five-day and 25 people in Kano and Oyo States.
26 high-flyers were gifted startup gifts to enable the the commitment of their various
businesses. I'm going to click here for more information because these could be stories
about the World Humanitarian Organization for peace and equity activities.
Just as we're having this online workshop, we can also have workshops that are impacting
not just the people that are coming here right now, but we can also provide vocational
workshop skills training.
This is an example that I'm suggesting that we take advantage of. We pay attention to what's
already happening in our community by members of the United Nations Global Compact,
and then we reach out to those companies that are already members.
It cost about, I think, itself, $55,000 narrow for organizations in join. We're not asking you to
spend your money to join the United Nations Global Compact.
asked you to do is to connect with those companies and organizations that are already there
so that you can help them accomplish their goals and objectives at the same time perhaps
generate the income and resources that will encourage you and people in your local
community to understand why it's important that you join together so that you two can
become part of the solution in that part of the problem.
Moderator, I'm going to end the session with this final review and then we'll open up the floor
for any comments or questions and then we'll be ready to proceed to tomorrow's final
As we complete today's presentation we're all working again from one document is all linked
in and it's the UN Global Compact.
Not your quarterly new Twitter. I suggest This become your homework. So that next month
or next quarter, we can have an article in here about work that we are doing.
So that we can become part of the solution and that part of the problem. This final section
deals with what's called Fort Sassar 2030.
Again, these are initiatives that are already ongoing. No one is asking you to spend time to
think about what you should be doing or could be doing to help a comprehensive goals and
objectives of your mission.
We're asking you to pay attention to what's already happening and then you prepare yourself
to become part of this ongoing activity.
These lists are the most recent organizations that join the Global Compact in Nigeria. I'm
recommending that you make it your business to reach out to them as well.
and to introduce yourself to them, but first prepare yourself by identifying which of the 17
sustainable development goals your organization is working with and also your own strategy
for describing how your project's impact one of more of those goals and then take the time to
determine how you can best expand your successful work by working with new organizations
that are already dedicated to these same objectives.
So again, this is completing, we're coming to the conclusion of today's presentation. Again,
it's an open source, it's an open book test.
The only question is how, what it is you're doing can be identified with ongoing work and
activities and how you can begin to participate with ongoing activities.
that can allow you to improve your own capacity to develop solutions for your own
organization and for your local community.
Finally, the United Nations Global Compact works with other UN agencies such as UN
Women UN Women. In this particular case, last month on June, October 19, this division
overview of a women's empowerment principles and how that provides a framework for
companies to provide solutions for their women.
A little many of you are focused on FGG number five, gender equality. I'm just suggesting
that you begin to link together your own local activities along with this sustainable, available
goals and work through members of the United Nations Global Compact to bring this closely
to your community.
@42:08 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Thank you so much, Ambassador Andrew, for that I open in teaching. Thank you for your
time. thank you for being so very deep in this.
You know, you really made mention of a lot of people, if you give us information, that's what
help us know exactly what or how we can also contribute to this UNJC course and very
grateful at least.
Now I'm sure that our participants they know what to do, where to go to. And I'm so glad that
a lot of a lot of people in Nigeria, I mean Nigeria has a lot of representatives here in North.
Now, Mayworkulu, you know, so we can just go to LinkedIn to check out or to see, you know,
what we can do or how, we can also participate.
And also the fact that there are a lot of organizations that we can also collaborate with, you
know, who are already affiliated to UNGC course, you know, we know what to do and how to
go about it.
Most importantly is that at the end of this, it's just for us to know how to contribute to our
immediate community, you know, how to be, you know, just how to bring out life, you know,
to this course of humanitarian and all that.
So thank you so much again, Ambassador. I'm going to now go back to our participants who
have been listening attentively, who have paid attention up to your now.
Okay, so. This is a time for everybody to say one or two things to the ambassador. Please,
please, please, people, I do not want to hear or to see that nobody has anything to say
I want somebody to have something to say, at least let's say five to ten people. Because I
feel like there's a lot of information that's still kind of hiding a lot of places, ways we can
contribute to I feel if you voice it out now, the ambassador is ready to share more light to the
roses to know.
So now we're going back to our participants. I want to hear from you. put up your hand using
the untrace icon and then I'll call you.
Okay. So let's hear from you our participants today.
@45:02 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
And I don't know if you're first I think faster James is trying to get their attention for it or.
@45:08 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
So I lift the Chaplain. Are you? Chaplain, are you available now? Maybe we can't hear from
you first. Chaplain.
@45:24 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Well technology is only great when it works. It looks like we lost them. I do see Hamza.
Hamza, can't please go or meet yourself and let's hear from you please.
@45:37 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
All right. know online or zoom?
@45:40 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
@45:43 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
Thank you. Good afternoon, Ambassador.
@45:48 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Green sir.
@45:50 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
Yes. I want to thank you and thank madam for fitting this wonderful platform for this course.
issues of national consign all over the world today the issues that are to do with the
humanitarian that issues that are to do with the disaster aspect the safety and whatever
aspect in the world today.
So many issues are there, official needs to come aboard, people need to come aboard with
different ideas and knowledge, expertise on how we can solve some of these problems.
I think for the past two days I've been silent, I've not had anything because I wanted to
gather more that has a Our technology is all agree one person procedures
@47:03 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Yes sir. Sam's out.
@47:04 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
We lost to us on points. Yeah, see that all over you. Probably would do over. Yeah, we did
not say what you said before.
@47:16 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
What did you say?
@47:18 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
We did not hear you your video froze. So we did not hear you. Say again what you said. And
then we'll go.
@47:27 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
Okay. What I was saying. What I was saying was I was saying that first of all I want to thank
you for creating this opportunity for us to discuss issues.
That's a do it on monetary and I'm going to live and do issues that do it disaster and safety
I think in life. I will will I will I say this the first time I had an interaction online.
And the issues that are so do with Mancheryan activities in all over the world today, because
United Nations stand that.
I feel I've really got a lot of knowledge from them before yesterday to today. I've got more
knowledge about Mancheryan activity.
And I sincerely want to thank you and thank the organizers of this noble platform. I think
Mancheryan, me, I feel...
@48:42 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Sorry, sorry.
@48:44 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Sorry, sorry.
@48:45 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
Yes, sorry. I think we want to know how some of us can link up to other Mancheryan
organizations, all over the world.
How? use Raymond Hinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti,
kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti,
kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kintidi, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti,
just have more ideas that we can use to contribute to our own quota. We know knowledge is
lost. If we can get more knowledge, get more materials that we can read on our own, do
research on our own, I think we can contribute to quota.
So I want to thank everybody, I want to thank the organization, the organizers of this
@50:18 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Thank you so much, sir. Well, you go, let me say, ask you whether you are registered at
WDAC. H nobody eat that or are you registered as a volunteer with both?
That's the first question. You.
@50:41 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
Okay. Can you can you can you drop can you can you drop the the either the link to me on
the on the charts so that we can go.
@50:51 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
It's in the chat.
@50:53 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
@50:54 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Okay. Okay. So what I'm asking you to do is to identify. What we are doing, for example,
your disaster planning preparation, that impacts sustainable developer goal number 16,
which is a little piece just as strong institutions.
Your work is a bit important, but it's up to you to identify how you as either as an individual or
as an organization are addressing that particular need.
Then you need to go through each of the 17 sustainable development goals to determine
which one or really, I would suggest, you define how your activity impacts all of the goals, all
17, but you have to be the one to determine which one to start with to begin with.
Then the next step is to make your own business plan for how what you're doing now needs
to expand.
The working is individual, it sounds like, but if you want to become involved with a worldwide
network of others,
working in same area, then again join with both, get with Pastor James, and let's plan out
ways we can work in networks together as we go forward.
Finally, I would suggest that because of the work you're in, you consider joining the Black
Emergency Management Association, be an international.
They're a part of our team, and also they're very much focused on disaster planning and
preparation. So if that's a field that you're in, then align yourself with others that are already
in that field.
So then you can begin to add your strength to their strength. That we might suggest in Sir.
Also, put your question in the chat, even though you talked about it, put it in the chat along
with your name, and your follow-up information so that we can connect with you directly.
Back to you moderator.
@52:54 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
Thank you very much. Thank you so much sir. Thank you so much.
@53:01 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Thank you very much, Ambassador. I'm really grateful for that explanation. now you're late.
@53:12 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
Thank you, Mr. Amza for that question. Thank you, Mr.
@53:16 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Amza. Yeah. So I don't know. First, first of Chaplain, are you here now? Okay. Mr. Yahya
Muhammad, do you have anything to say?
@53:34 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
@53:37 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Yahya Muhammad Sayed, do you have anything to say to us? Okay. Mr. K. K. Gabriel,
please go ahead. Thank you.
@54:30 - Okeke Gabriel
But we can't feel a half of the ground up with one of the friends. I'm going to stop. going stop
moving past the body, pet foundations.
But I know that in the month, we are very good at making one tough Mr.
@54:48 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Oki, I'm sorry.
@54:49 - Okeke Gabriel
We're struggling to hear you.
@54:52 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
I think your area, the network is not doing good. I'm sorry. we're struggling to hear you if you
can start all over again.
@55:31 - Okeke Gabriel
In that commercial project, you
@56:13 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Well, thank you very much, Mr. Ogeke. As for me, I actually didn't get what you said. I don't
know if the ambassador was able to hear you.
How much is the, did you hear him?
@56:23 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
No, but if he could type information in the chat, question or comments, we can follow up. I
cannot hear.
But I would ask for housekeeping. If now a big time for you to do a roll call to make sure that
we are local, we have here.
then after that, we can deal with questions and answers. I think that might be a smart way to
@56:46 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
All right. That's good. Thank you, sir. I'll go straight to that. All right. So please, while I do
this, if you have any questions to throw in the chat box, please do that.
@56:57 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
@56:57 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
So let's quickly call. your names. So Mr. O.K. please help us drop your questions in the chat.
@57:05 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
@57:07 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Please we could not hear you well. okay so let me start with you Mr. O.K thank you for
joining and you're here.
Glamabitch actress Baku are you here?
@57:22 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
Hello ma'am.
@57:24 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Okay all right thank you. All right. Umar Benedic David are you here? Umar Benedic David
are you here? Can you hear me?
@57:39 - Umoru Benedict David
Yeah me.
@57:41 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
All right thank you for that response. I can tell you from me. Lio are you tell you from me.
Lio are you here?
@57:57 - Akintayo Funmilayo M
Yes ma'am.
@57:58 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
I'm here. Okay. Thank you Albert. Albert, enjoy the Ayu with us. Albert, enjoy the Ayu with
us. Okay, I think Albert's responding.
Aramu, Son de Bancole. Aramu, Son de Bancole. Please let me quick with it. If you're here,
please quickly let us know your Hi little welcome.
Move to the next name. Aramu Son de Bancole.
@58:31 - Aremu Sunday bankole
Are you here?
@58:35 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Thank you. Blessing. Aegbe, Blessing Aegbe, are you here with us today?
Blessing? Barbar?
@58:48 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
All right. Don Maurizio, bless. Are you here?
@58:52 - albert mjwanda
Don Maurizio?
@58:58 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Okay, I guess that's from bless. 10, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
Thank you.
@1:00:00 - Festus Obago
Thank you.
@1:00:01 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
All right. Thank you, sir.
@1:00:04 - don Maurizio Bloise
@1:00:05 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Present. Present. Glory Azuka, Isya Poo. Thank you, Thank you, ma.
@1:00:18 - don Maurizio Bloise
Pardon me.
@1:00:20 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
First thoughts. Okay. First thoughts about this here. I'm there. Okay. Okay. Okay. First Okay.
Okay. So, if you're the one, please let's know.
I'll move on to the next name. Isha'la, just Finn. So, Finn, are you here?
@1:00:39 - Ishola Josephine Tosin
I'm here.
@1:00:39 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
I am, yeah. All right, thank you. Justine Nataniel.
@1:00:44 - Ishola Josephine Tosin
Are you here?
@1:00:45 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Yes. I can hear you, Shala. Thank you.
@1:00:49 - Justine Natanael
Justine Nataniel.
@1:00:51 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
@1:00:52 - Justine Natanael
@1:00:54 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
All right. Thank you. Moses Okuru. Akashibah. Thank Aikatsuba sorry Mozi Okuru aikatsuba
Are you here? Ulu bodhe busai a dokas Ulu bodhe busai a dokas Are you here?
I'm here, good afternoon Alright, good afternoon, thank you Yes, I got it right Okay Aureluwa
Ulu meyo, are you here?
Aureluwa Ulu meyo aikatsuba Alright I'm here Alright, thank you Safwan Safwan Safwan,
you have just Safwan We don't know your surname, think Okay, I think you've been
registering with Safwan I don't know, I'm not sure Yeah Please, let's know the full name Put it
in the charts Please Then we'll check it Oh, you can change Just change it here So that we
can have it registered Registered like that Okay, so the
Next question I have here is um CD Elizabeth CD Elizabeth Omonigo CD okay all right thank
you thank you Uba un kocha Audi Uba un kocha Audi Uba un kocha Audi are you here okay
please let's go to the next question CD Esther Amanosi all right thank you please hold on
yeah we need we need new one man my yeah we need new one my yeah all right thank you
I called Umoru Benedict David Umoru Benax
@1:03:00 - Umoru Benedict David
Yes. Yes.
@1:03:02 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
All right. Thank you. Abidjan. Yahaya.
@1:03:06 - Ibilola Abudu
I'm not going help my name.
@1:03:09 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
I'm not done.
@1:03:10 - Ibilola Abudu
I'm not done please.
@1:03:11 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
@1:03:12 - Ibilola Abudu
Muammet say. Okay.
@1:03:14 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas
@1:03:15 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Muammet say. Yahaya. Muammet say. Yahaya. Okay. I think Yahaya. Okay. Simot say.
Ajay. Simot say Ajay. Simot say Ajay.
Are you here? Simot say Ajay. Are you here? Simot say Ajay. Are you here? Okay. So now
please. I want to quickly go over it again.
Please. In case I have. Thank Yes. Sorry about that. In case you haven't heard, let me see.
me just say it now and let's see you.
If I have not called you near my home. Okay, God, the ODD.
@1:04:33 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
I've no see my name Hamza.
@1:04:36 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Hamza, please let me see Hamza. Hamza, we're talking.
@1:04:42 - albert mjwanda
Hamza, can you say a word again? Let me see you. I didn't hear my name.
@1:04:50 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Are you Albert, on Juada?
@1:04:53 - albert mjwanda
Hamza, I'm Mohammed. Oh, Albert, Juada, I'm present.
@1:05:00 - Ibilola Abudu
Hello, I'm Mandez. Okay, thank you. Thank you for saying that. All right, you Chasau.
@1:05:06 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
Thank you Chasau.
@1:05:08 - Ibilola Abudu
I'll be...
@1:05:09 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
I'll I'll be...
@1:05:09 - Ibilola Abudu
be... Take it.
@1:05:12 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Take it. Please help me Chasau.
@1:05:14 - Ibilola Abudu
Thank you.
@1:05:15 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Take it. Please meet Chasau. Thank you. Thank you.
@1:05:18 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
@1:05:19 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
@1:05:28 - Ibilola Abudu
@1:05:29 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
I... You were me at that time.
@1:05:33 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
Victoria, who's that then?
@1:05:36 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Sorry, I... I keep... I don't know. I didn't meet myself.
@1:05:39 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
I don't know how I got me to the game.
@1:05:42 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
All right, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about that.
@1:05:46 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
Victoria, who's that then?
@1:05:48 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Victoria, who's the other then me? Victoria, who's the other you register with Lama Beatrice?
@1:05:53 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
Baku, because I can see... Yes, actually... Yes, we are students. I have a low battery so I
joined them.
@1:06:05 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
So how do we how do we I mean this is your first day of journey right?
@1:06:09 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
No no no no no these are my first day. I joined the one you did last week I also joined the
one you started this week or Monday.
@1:06:19 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
You caught money. So you so you've been here since?
@1:06:24 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
Yes, but my phone is switched off so I have to connect.
@1:06:27 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Victor we don't really have your name here okay so I don't know if you can I just say the true
chat right and I'm going to speak with the chaplain not to see if anything can be done about
your case.
Oh we have for now Ambassador thank you very much everybody for responding to that call
thank you Ambassador please over to you and chaplain please.
@1:06:56 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
well thank you very much about chaplain James. Now join us yet. Are you able to join us
now? Captain James?
Are you able to join us? Captain James? And if not, perhaps now will be the time to take a
group photo.
If those not, we know who's here. I will share my I will do a gallery view for two minutes for
us to if we choose to get a group photo and then we'll move towards the question and
answers and then the quotes for today session.
But I'm going to us two minutes to show your video and take photos. Now would be that
time. Thank Please show your video and let's take this group photo.
@1:07:58 - Infinix ZERO 8
Thank you everybody. Okay, this is God gonna be good.
@1:08:21 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Well, it may not take two minutes. Look like everyone's here. It's gonna come. So I'm gonna
give a 15, 30, 10 second countdown.
So they'll give it 10 more seconds. Get ready. Starting with 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
So now's the time to take your photo. A smile and let us know you're there and my life and
And so Elizabeth, I'm going to make sure that you are the one that people send their photos
to, or then you can organize it after that.
Okay, I'm going to also share my screen one more time to let everyone know this is the four-
day workshop, volunteer workshop on the United Nations Global Compact and the SDGs.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
This is with the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity. I'm Andrew Williams
Jr., we also posted a sponsored by Captain James Mercy and Dr.
Dennis De Silva. Over to you, our moderator. Thank you so very much. We're very moved to
the final stage.
@1:09:53 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Thank you once again, Ambassador. I thank you everybody for coming. today's program
please workshop for the last time before I go before we go Siri I want to see if the chapter is
here again to at least address us we would miss him today.
Hopefully please come on board if you're here. I want to hear your voice before we go. Okay
so we just we're just thinking probably is not you you're in a very tighter you know schedule
situation today it's okay so we hope to see him more of him tomorrow which is going to be
the last day.
Thank you everyone for your patience thank you for your participation thank you for coming
we hope you enjoyed yourself today we hope you were fully educated you learned a lot now
you're getting things you know pieces need to go together to see if and how you can also
to this purpose, this cause and all that. So thank you for coming. We are hoping that
tomorrow is going to be a full house.
So please come tomorrow, come well prepared, come with a lot of things to share with us.
We want to hear more.
mean, more people talk tomorrow. OK, we don't want just one or two or three persons. We
want almost everybody to contribute to tomorrow.
It's going to be more from you tomorrow, more, more, from what you've learned from the day
one, day two, day three.
OK, please don't run away. So borrow it into the last day. And it promises to be very nice,
And you are going to have your certificate tomorrow. Thank you once again.
@1:11:45 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
I do want to ask everyone to tomorrow to come ready to describe which of the 17 sustainable
development goals you are most interested in.
And are most active in. And that each of you have already registered as a volunteer on the
FOLP website and identify who you are, what you bring to the table, and what you need to
move forward.
So that's what I would urge everyone to do. Thank you so much. And to let you know
moderator, we have an unusual situation.
I inadvertently made the AI the host. And the AI can't in the program. So we're going to hit
this after leave because I can't in the program until we get through.
So after closing thoughts, we just have to leave.
@1:12:43 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Okay. All right. All right. Not a problem. All right. Thank you guys. Once again for coming.
And this is where I'm going to see how a beautiful evening and see you tomorrow.
Thank you.
@1:13:01 - Infinix ZERO 8
Thank you.
@1:13:03 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
@1:13:05 - Infinix ZERO 8
How are you?
@1:13:07 - Oyekunle Elizabeth
Bye. Thank

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v20231122 Meeting Summary Zoom Transcript Day Three WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session

  • 1. v20231121 Day Two WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session YouTube replay Quick recap The meeting revolved around the United Nations Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). discussed the 17 SDGs and the 10 principles of the Global Compact, emphasizing the importance of these in promoting sustainable development. The role of the private sector in driving progress towards SDGs in Africa was highlighted, along with the potential for sustainable growth on the continent. The meeting also introduced the United Nations Global Compact network and its local representation in Nigeria. The discussion concluded with a proposal to collaborate with the UN Global Compact to further provide vocational workshop skills training. Summary Virtual Workshop Progress Discussion A virtual workshop was held with a variety of participants discussing the progress of the workshop and waiting for more people to join. The Chaplain and Ambassador Andrew were identified as key figures in the discussion. There was some technical difficulty with the connection, particularly with Master James, who was asked to try connecting again due to poor sound quality. The meeting was set to begin with a presentation by Ambassador Andrew, and participants were encouraged to mute themselves if they were not speaking. The meeting was to be recorded for future reference. UN Global Compact and SDGs Workshop for Volunteers The president of the 5 Points Youth Foundation introduced a volunteer workshop organized by the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity, in collaboration with the United Nations Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The workshop, part of an ongoing series, aimed to educate attendees about the UN Global Compact and its alignment with the SDGs, encouraging them to join the organization as volunteers. The importance of following rules, registering names for certificates, and preparing for active participation and questions was emphasized., along with Dr. Janice and Dr. James, explained the concept of sustainable development goals and how they can be adapted to promote happiness. The history of sustainable development goals was also traced, noting their origin from the Millennium Development Goals launched by the United Nations in 2000.
  • 2. UN Global Compact Strategy and Resources for Learning and Research Andrew from discussed the resources available for learning and research related to the United Nations Global Compact. He highlighted ongoing activities, such as the United Nations Global Compact strategy and the United Nations Global Combat strategy for Africa, encouraging participants to get involved. Andrew also shared a newsletter about UN Global Compact Nigeria and emphasized the importance of individuals choosing one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and demonstrating how their activities align with these goals. He pointed out that this information is accessible online at and is also being streamed to reach people who are not present at the meeting. UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals discussed the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. The goals include ending poverty, hunger, and ensuring good health and well-being. Other goals mentioned are providing quality education, achieving gender equality, ensuring access to clean water and sanitation, promoting affordable and clean energy, promoting sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, building resilient infrastructure, reducing inequalities, making cities and human settlements inclusive, promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns, taking urgent action to combat climate change, conserving and sustainably using oceans, seas, and maritime resources, protecting and promoting sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, halting land degradation and biodiversity loss, promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, and strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing global partnership for sustainable development. UN Global Compact Principles for Business Impact Andrew discussed the United Nations Global Compact, emphasizing its 10 principles that address human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption. He highlighted the importance of these principles for businesses and how they can impact communities. Andrew also mentioned that the Global Compact has a library of resources on their website, and encouraged attendees to understand and embed these principles in their own operations. He also pointed out the role of local networks in aligning with the sustainable development goals and the opportunity for civil society volunteers to act as ambassadors for their communities. Sustainable Growth and Challenges in Africa The meeting discussed the potential for sustainable growth in Africa, highlighting factors such as continental agreements, technological innovations, and abundant renewable energy resources. However, challenges like limited access to
  • 3. sustainable finance, global competition, and climate change were also acknowledged. The role of the private sector in driving progress towards sustainable development goals in Africa was emphasized. The meeting also introduced the United Nations Global Compact network and its local representation in Nigeria by Executive Director Naomi E. Okkola. The discussion concluded with an encouragement for attendees to become more actively engaged in their local communities. Nigerian Petroleum Industry Structure and Sustainability Efforts stressed the importance of understanding the structure and participants involved in the Nigerian petroleum industry, particularly the role of the state-owned petroleum company and private companies that own the oil. He highlighted the need to know who represents these companies, mentioning Millie Kayari, the CEO of PC Limited. He also discussed the SME FutureForward Project, funded by the Macarthur Foundation, aimed at improving corporate governance, ethics, and sustainability. then touched on the UN Global Compact Network in Nigeria, its work with the Dangoti Group, and the 2023 Sustainable Supplier Impact Program. He concluded by mentioning the Africa Social Impact Summit, which aimed to explore sustainable solutions to Africa's developmental challenges. Vocational Skills Training and UN Collaboration Proposal organized a 5-day vocational skills training program in Cano and Oyo states, benefiting 525 people and providing startup kits to 26 high flyers. The discussion ended with a proposal to collaborate with the United Nations Global Compact to further provide vocational workshop skills training. The ultimate goal is to contribute towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Oyekunle expressed gratitude towards Ambassador Andrew for his insightful presentation and stressed the importance of understanding how to contribute to their immediate community. He encouraged participants to share their thoughts and questions for further clarification. Disaster Expert Seeks Collaboration for Humanitarian Causes Hamza expressed her appreciation for the platform that enabled discussions on global issues such as humanitarian matters, disaster management, and safety. She emphasized the necessity of professionals contributing their ideas and knowledge to address these issues. Hamza, who identified as a disaster expert, was eager to participate and contribute her expertise. She also requested connections with other United Nations humanitarian organizations to further aid in this cause. The discussion concluded with asking Hamza if she was registered as a volunteer at, a platform for disaster response in emergencies.
  • 4. Disaster Planning and Sustainable Development The meeting revolved around the topic of disaster planning and sustainable development. highlighted the importance of identifying how one's work impacts the 17 sustainable development goals. He suggested creating a business plan for current activities and joining a global network for those working in the same field. also recommended joining the Black Emergency Managers Association, Fema International. Towards the end of the meeting, there were some technical difficulties with hearing and understanding a participant named Okeke. Attendance Confusion in Group Meeting Oyekunle conducted an attendance check for a group of students and staff. There was some confusion about the presence of certain individuals, causing Oyekunle to ask for confirmation of their attendance. Oyekunle also noted that some participants had registered under different names, causing further confusion. Towards the end of the meeting, it was revealed that some participants had already attended previous meetings. Oyekunle decided to discuss the issue with the chaplain to resolve the discrepancies. UN Global Compact and SDGs Workshop The meeting was primarily a workshop on the United Nations Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The team took a group photo and discussed the upcoming session. Andrew Williams, Jr. mentioned that he would share his screen to clarify that it was a four-day workshop. Oyekunle thanked everyone for their participation and patience, and expressed hope for a full house for the next day's session. asked everyone to prepare to discuss which SDG they are most interested in, as well as their roles as volunteers on the Whope website. However, an unexpected issue occurred where the AI system was mistakenly made the host, preventing the actual host from ending the program. Next steps • Hamza should consider joining the Black Emergency Managers Association, Fema International and put his question and follow-up information in the cha
  • 5. v20231121 Day Two WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session YouTube replay • Hon. Andrew Williams Jr., Chairperson of the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity along with Founder Chaplain James Mercy and President of the Five Points Youth Foundation, moderated a four-day volunteer workshop on the United Nations Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals. The workshop aimed to address the importance of maintaining sustainable development goals and introduced the United Nations Global Compact as a means to achieve them. - PLAY @0:58 • Oyekunle thanked the Ambassador and Chaplin James Mercy for their participation in the workshop on United Nations Global Compass and Sustainable Development Goals. They emphasized the importance of following the rules, registering names for attendance, and actively participating in the workshop to receive certification. - PLAY @2:50 • Hon. Andrew discussed the sustainable development goals, specifically the StG pyramid, which outlined the different goals related to humanitarian inclusiveness, sustainability, and peace. He mentioned that the first 10 goals focused on humanitarian inclusiveness, goals 11- 15 were related to sustainability and nature, and goals 16 and 17 emphasized peace, partnerships, and spiritual harmony. - PLAY @5:44 • Hon. Andrew mentioned that his involvement with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was not new, as it started with the launch of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by Kofi-Lan in 2000. The MDGs provided the foundation for the SDGs, with the primary goal being to end poverty and the final goal focusing on building global partnerships for development. - PLAY @6:35 • Hon. Andrew discussed the resources available on his website,, including information on the United Nations Global Compact and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. He emphasized the importance of choosing one goal to focus on and provided access to a library of relevant materials on his website. - PLAY @8:16 • Hon. Andrew discussed the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact, which include human rights, labor, environment, and anti- corruption. He emphasized the importance of understanding and implementing these principles in order to actively participate in local community activities and make a positive impact. - PLAY @20:21
  • 6. • Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of familiarizing oneself with the representatives of companies, particularly Milley Kajari, the CEO of NNPC Limited. He emphasized the need to connect with organizations already involved in the United Nations Global Compact in order to contribute to sustainable development goals and make a positive impact in local communities. - PLAY @31:04 • During the discussion, participants expressed gratitude for the opportunity to learn about humanitarian activities and disaster management. They also sought guidance on how to connect with other organizations and contribute to their communities, with Hon. Andrew suggesting joining the Black Emergency Management Association and creating a business plan to expand their work. - PLAY @41:59 • Hamza, Oyekunle, Okeke, Hon. Andrew, Dlama, Umoru, Akintayo, Aremu, BLESSING, albert, Festus, don, Ishola, Justine, and others participated in a roll call and shared their presence. Some participants had difficulty with the network, but overall, they acknowledged their attendance. - PLAY @52:54 • In the past discussion, Oyekunle, Umoru, Ibilola, Olubode, Hamza, albert, Dlama, and Hon. Andrew were present. They discussed various names and attendance, and also mentioned taking a group photo. - PLAY @1:01:14 • Infinix and Hon. Andrew organized a countdown for everyone to take a group photo, with Elizabeth being responsible for collecting the photos afterwards. - PLAY @1:07:58 • Hon. Andrew Williams Jr., representing the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity, introduced himself and acknowledged the sponsorship of Captain James Mercy and Dr. Dennis De Silva. The conversation was then handed over to the moderator. - PLAY @1:09:28 • Hon. Andrew and Oyekunle thanked everyone for attending the program and encouraged them to come prepared and actively participate in the final day. Hon. Andrew also urged everyone to register as volunteers on the FOLP website and identify their interests and contributions towards the 17 sustainable development goals. - PLAY @1:09:47
  • 7. v20231121 Day Two WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session YouTube replay SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH Thank So, I'm stop recording and start again to moment, please. Okay, recording is begun again. Thank you so much for joining us. This is Andrew Williams Jr. on your moderating of your goals today, from the United States of America, and President of the Five Points Youth Foundation. Today's event is the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity, presenting four days of a volunteer workshop on the United Nations Global Compact, and the STGs, better known as the Sustainable Development Goals. This is actually part two of the workshop we began last week, where we did address the situation. their maintain sustainable development goals. This week, we're introducing United Nations Global Compact and how that works with the 17 sustainable development goals. Along with Chalpton James, Mercy Overton, maybe with the founder of Smoke. This is also being co-sponsored by Dr. Chenus Isilba from Kabul, Burdy. She and I and Dr. James are all goodwill ambassadors. And we hope each of you also join the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity as volunteers contributing to our project. Maruhaj, I'm going to stop sharing my story and perhaps if you'd like to take it from here, I'll allow you to do so. @2:50 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Okay, thank you so much, Ambassador. You have said almost everything. So this is the threading of our program, the workshop, or volunteer workshop on United Nations Global Compass, and our account work with the Sustainable Development Goals that we've learned so far. Okay, so it has been really, really interesting and we believe that today is going to be another phase another day of a very, very eye-opened experience for all the participants. You're welcome once again everyone. Thank you for your patience so far. Thank you for your participation. Thank you for your cooperation. We really appreciate you. And so I also want to appreciate the ambassador for all that is done so far.
  • 8. And I also appreciate Chaplin, James Mercy also for being with us those far. Thank you everyone. So participants, just like we already know, please we shouldn't forget to follow all the rules to make sure that this particular workshop goes successful successfully well. Okay, so please do not forget to always come registering your name just the way you want it to appear on your certificate. It is very important. Remember we're taking attendance and if you missed a day you may not be able to receive a certificate. please register your name as a T so that at the end of the four days we'll be able to give you your certification and please let your mind be here. Don't just come here and do not want to participate. At the end of today's program I expect that everybody who have intelligent questions to ask the ambassador. Okay, we also have sub contributions. Okay, so please be ready. Get ready and please let's do that to get there. All right, Thank you very much for listening to me once again. My name is Maria Colisevets and I am your moderator. So over to you, Ambassador. @5:14 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Well, thank you so very much. I certainly do appreciate that. As I said, this is going to be part two of the workshop we began last week. And then introduce the sustainable development goals. I'm going to briefly share my screen again with you. So you can actually see what we're talking about. The idea is for us to take our own responsibility for making sure that we do what we can and our local communities to have global impact. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH Part of that is understanding what the sustainable development goals are. One of the easiest ways to do that is by adapting what's called sustainable development goal. Appearance to happiness. StG pyramid. You can find out more information about this simply by typing in stg What you'll find is that the first 10 goals are linked to humanitarian inclusiveness and people are mining. Goals 11 through 15 are linked to sustainability, nature, ecological, and goals 16 and 17 are linked to peace, partnerships, and values of spiritual harmony.
  • 9. Just as a backgrounder, this is not a brand new endeavor for me to come involved with the Sustainals Development Goals. What you may or may not know is that it was back in 2000 when Kofi-Lan as the General Secretary of the United Nations launched the Millennium Development Goals that brought us to where we are today. It was in fact the Millennium Development Goals from 2000 to 2015 that provided the framework and basis for the sustainable development goals that were now sharing. In fact, the number one goal in 2000 was to end poverty. The second goal or the last goal was to build global partnerships for development. And, low in behold, here we are again in 2015 and the sustainable development goals began with the objective of ending poverty and ends with the idea of us using global partnerships for development to do that. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH I'm going to, again, this is an open book test. You don't have to guess about what we're doing or how we're going to be doing it. The idea is that we provide you with resources so that you can take. What you learn from here and do your own further learning, your own further research and find ways that you can become actively involved with going ahead with this training in your own local community. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH One of the resources that you have is my own website and that's Andrew Almost all of the material that we've been going on over, you can find it for reference on my website, that's This is just the middle of the page, but in the middle you'll see the very same happiness, FGG pyramid, introducing this sustainable development goals. However, this week's workshop has been focused on the United Nations Global Compact. Let me let you know that you can hit on any of these. get more information. So for example, there is a United Nations Global Comfaq Strategy already in place. But there's also a United Nations Global Comfaq Strategy for Africa already in place. So we don't have to start with a blank sheet. There are actually ongoing activities that are happening right now that you are already a part of if you take the effort and responsibility to find out how to get engaged. I'm going to share my screen now to bring you what I hope is some very relevant information for everyone here on the call that's from Nigeria.
  • 10. We're beginning with Nigeria because of course that's where the World Humanitarian Organization is based. So I'm going to walk you through this newsletter that's online. You can find it in the link to it. or just Google it. This is how I found it. I typed in your Inverbal Compact, Nigeria, local network, and this is the information I came up with. I'm going to walk you through this. I know this is too much too small for you to read, but I will read it out to you. This is an event that happened in Lagos, Nigeria. @10:25 - albert mjwanda Please. @10:26 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( I'm to read Thank you. This is an event that happened in Lagos, Nigeria, except here we first of this year. On Thursday's September 21st, during the opening of the 2023 Global Business Development, I'm Global Africa Business Initiative, a procedures today event convening on the side. of 75th United Nations General Assembly in New York, Nigeria National Petroleum Company, limited formerly joined the United Nations Global Contact. And when you go here, you can just click on the link. It will take you to the United Nations Global Contact. The steps I'm taking now are steps you can take to educate yourself about activities that are happening in your local community. I'm particularly taking you to this breakdown of the participants in Nigeria. Each country has their own list of participating organizations. On the left, you can see the name of the organization in the middle of the type of organization, the sector, and then the country, and the date that they joined. This is practical information by now. Yes. Now, this is fractal information that you can use in your local community because these businesses are actually already actively involved in your local community and they've already made a commitment to address four areas of the United Nations World War Compact involving human rights, labor, the environment, and anti- corruption.
  • 11. But it's up to you to be able to find out how what you're doing, actually has an impact on what you're doing. That's why we're asking each of you to choose one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and show how your activity is actually actively involved with the goal and to understand that many of us impact more than one of these objectives. But in order to take full advantage of the available resources available to you, you must choose one to start with. Now, we have online access to all these goals. And it's very simple And here you will find the 17 sustainable development goals at the very top. I know those of you that attended last week's sessions are very much aware of what these skills are. But each day we're just delivering this information not just to you. We're delivering this information not just to you who are here. We're also streaming this on the World Facebook page. So we can reach people that are not here. So give me just a moment. I'm going to walk through again these 17 sustainable development goals. Number one is no poverty. The intent is to end poverty in all of its forms everywhere. Number two is zero hunger. The intent is to end hunger, achieve food security, and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. Number three is good health and well-being. To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Number four is quality education. This is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. 5. Gender equality To achieve gender equality, empower all women and girls. 6. Is clean water and sanitation. Ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. 7. Is affordable and clean energy. This is to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Number 8, DECIS work an economic growth to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth full and productive employment and decent work for all. Number 9, as industry, innovation and infrastructure to build resilient infrastructure for both inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. Number 10, as reduce inequalities, reducing inequalities within and among entries. Number 11, sustainable cities and communities make cities and human settlements inclusive.
  • 12. Number inequalities within safe, resilient, and sustainable. Number 12, responsible consumption and production. Make sure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Number 13, climate action. Take your urgent action to combat climate change and impacts. Number 14, life below water to preserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, maritime resources for sustainable development. Number 15, life online. protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests at desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodeversity laws. Number 16, which is really the reason why we're here. Wold is dedicated to SG-16 for peace, justice and strong institutions, to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. And what I believe is the key umbrella to all the other goals is sustainable development goal. Number 17, partnerships for the goal, strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize global partnership for sustainable development. And that is exactly why we've made the commitment to support the United Nations Global Compact agendas that are already in place. As I said, this is on my website, You can just simply click on this icon. It will take you to the library. This is one of the most important resources that interview and have access to. This is a library of all the information that's available to address the issues that we've been discussing all this week. And it breaks down the description of each of the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact. For example, this will number one. You'll find here. Most of all reports, websites, videos about activities that have happened in the past and that are upcoming. When you click on Principle number two, again you're going to the library. So this is where you can find information about Principle number two and so on through all the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact. Perhaps now if you're good time for me to discuss what those 10 principles are. Again, this is your I'm asking you to go to the website so you can find out more information about topics we've discussed but also topics that are coming up.
  • 13. I am the impact of President Trump. five points to your foundation. We are members of the United Nations Global Compact, so your work can use our membership to be able to impact activities that are relevant to you. But only as the address 10 principles. Again, part of this workshop is to encourage you. Many of whom are involved, but now in governmental organizations to understand that you two are a business and you must function as a business in order for you to become engaged with the commitments that are already going on all around you. It's very important that you understand what businesses are committed to so that you can understand how what you're doing is, it comes important to them because in many cases, it's the work we're doing in our communities locally that help you. these businesses accomplishing their goals and objectives. Again, there are 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact. They're broken down into four separate areas. One is human rights. There are two principles there. Another is labor. The third is environment. And the fourth is anti-corruption. So again, this is a very simple and straightforward description of the Placing Foundation of the United Nations Global Compact. And their principles were asked me each of you to not just understand what these principles are, but to embed them in your own operation on a regular, ongoing basis. So let me go back to a little more. Yes, it is important too for you. to connect the dots between what's happening in the worldwide United Nations Global Compact and what you're actually doing. And for example, here, you can find out where you can engage locally. And this is the infrastructure that the United Nations Global Compact uses. This is based in New York and the United States. But it has local networks set up around the world so that you and your local community can know what is necessary for you to be able to impact one and more of the sustainable development goals. And you'll find out that these local networks are aligned with the sustainable development goals. This is where you connect your local non-governmental organization. with your government and businesses. But it's up to you as a civil society volunteer to beat the ambassador for your local community. You have to do the work. again, these are places where you can find information to help you understand what's going on around you and learn ways that you can begin to actively participate with the activities going on in your local community. For example, again, Africa has more than 1,000 companies and non-business private sector stakeholders that are participating in the global compact against 45 countries in Africa.
  • 14. They believe that the region's voice for invigorated sustainable growth. voted by several factors, including continental agreements like agenda 2063, the Africa we want, and the African continental free trade area. One Africa robust digital and technological innovations, abundance of renewable energies, resources, a demographic dividend presented by a youthful population being about 60 percent of 1.3 billion people below 25 years, an environment small and medium enterprise sub-sector. The region however continues to grapple with challenges related to limited access to favorable sustainable finance, global competition, large informal economy, limitations of infrastructure, negative effects from climate change, and most notably, the COVID-19. 19 crisis that has contributed to the deceleration of progress for its agenda 2060 agenda 2030. So again I'm going to click right here on the UN Global Compact Africa Strategy. But this is a library again available in the library and the Africa Strategy aims to accelerate and scale the impact of a private sector to have progress towards the sustainable development goals across the African continent. I'm going to take you back now to the UN Global Compact Network and that's your quarterly newsletter because this is where you find the connection between what the organization is seeing they want to do and how you can get involved locally with these actions. activities. Again, what I began by sharing with you at the very beginning is that this national, Nigerian national petroleum company officially joined the United Nations Global Compact recently, just a few months ago. So they are and you fresh members. I didn't share with you more, but I will walk through this now because this is critically important. This is today's lesson, information that is right now available. This signing secretary was organized and I'll make this large here if I can. So once again, these are the key people that are representing your interests at the United Nations Global Compact and in your local community. You'll see that there is an executive director of you and Global Compact Network in Nigeria. Her name is Naomi E. Nicola Esquire. When you click on this link, you can actually go to find out that this is a live person. You can actually connect with her directly and find out more information about the people behind the titles. Naomi E. Nicola is an executive director, she's attorney, she's a human rights activist, she focuses on environmental, social, and governance ESG.
  • 15. Again, it's important that you begin to prepare yourself to get involved with making decisions that will put you at the table instead of giving you on the menu, so to speak. Just a background about this person who's representing your interests, whether you know it or not, it's up to you to find out who's door you can knock on to make a difference in your local community. Again, this is Naomi E. Nicola and she is in fact your representative in Nigeria for all of the members of the United Nations Global Compact in Nigeria. She's an award-winning international business leader with ten years of combined experience, promoting human rights and environmental social and corporate governance on the global scale. She possesses knowledge and experience and designing a business sustainability strategy to see it's to its implementation. She's exceptional in engaging stakeholders, forging relationships, etc. So I'm not going to take the time to read this to you, but I do want to take time to make sure that you understand where you can go to find out how you can become more active and engaged in your local area with people and organizations. any events that will have a major impact on your life, on your family, and on our future. So again, this is today's lesson, this one document. So your homework will come out of here when we ask you what the name is of the person that's responsible for a human global compact in Nigeria. This information you need to have. Just get a year, we won't be happy to test like that. But it is important that you understand who is involved with what you're doing. What you may or may not know is that Nigeria has a state-owned petroleum company. There are many private companies that own the oil in the ground. But there is one organization that's representing your interests. When you pay your taxes, you become part of the property. Please owned by the state of Nigeria or the country of Nigeria. And you need to know who the people are that are representing these companies. In this case, this will be Milley Kajari. He's the chief executive officer of NNPC Limited. Again, he's on Facebook. His information is there. You can see his background. And if you don't know this information, I'm urging you to take the time to familiarize yourself with who we'll be dealing with and also prepare yourself to be able to be introduced in such a professional manner as well.
  • 16. The organization that you represent is very familiar, I would think. So most of you that are here from Nigeria. But for you, those of you who are not, I'm going to click on the link and you'll find a lot more about NNPC. This is the National Petroleum Company owned by Nigeria, not by companies from other countries, but by the country of Nigeria itself. So, when you have a problem in your area, you need to know who to reach out to. This is a group of people who dedicated their lives to gain education necessary to represent your interests not only in Nigeria but around the world. This group of people here are supported by the SME Future Forward Project funded by the MacArthur Foundation. It's aimed at improving your corporate governance, ethics, and sustainability of micro small and medium enterprises. Again, this is where you come in. You have more non-governmental organizations in Nigeria than you have businesses, but it's up to you to hold those businesses accountable. In many cases, you cannot reach the major corporations, but you can reach the micro small and medium enterprise enterprises in your own area. Again, all these were represented. The ones here are represented by the UN Global Compact Network in Nigeria. This information here is not about something that happened 15 years ago or 2000. This happened two months ago. And so you can find information out about what you're doing can actually become involved with the future. In this particular case, this is the online zone. and the UN Global Combat Network Nigeria worked with the Dangoji Group to conclude the 2023 sustainable supplier impact program for 24 companies. The question you need to be asking is how many of those companies are in your area? How many of them are you already supporting? And who can you reach to connect the dots between what's happening on the ground in your area and how you can impact the future of your community and the future of Africa? Again, this newsletter is just sharing with you that that can August and endoti made the commitment to working through the United Nations Global Compact to take the message of sustainability to the 2023 Africa Social Impact Summit. This involved not just big companies or corporations but leaders from private and public sectors, civil society organizations, the development community, and the United Nations.
  • 17. They were all in Lagos, Nigeria on August 10th 11th to explore innovative, sustainable solutions to Africa's key developmental challenges. You can find here online the so-afforded social impacts summit review and a theme, global vision, local action, repositioning the African development ecosystem for sustainable outcomes. I'll come back to that in just a moment. I do want to share with you though that 16,000 young people were upskilled by the allowance for youth in Nigeria. So when people ask me, why should we be interested in the United Nations global compact? What I tell them is that once you begin to identify the activity that are already happening in your area, you can then address those resources to your own activities. For example, on August 11, members of the Alliance for Youth Nigeria. You're Global Compact Network, Nigeria, Nestle, Nigeria, Joverman, Nigeria, Big Bot lane company, Limited, and you connect human resources limited with partners such as the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development, the Legal State Employment Trust Fund, and Activate Success International. Mark the 2023 International Youth Day, and commemorate its second year anniversary. Now, what they did in July is organize a five-day vocational skills training program, the benefit of five-day and 25 people in Kano and Oyo States. 26 high-flyers were gifted startup gifts to enable the the commitment of their various businesses. I'm going to click here for more information because these could be stories about the World Humanitarian Organization for peace and equity activities. Just as we're having this online workshop, we can also have workshops that are impacting not just the people that are coming here right now, but we can also provide vocational workshop skills training. This is an example that I'm suggesting that we take advantage of. We pay attention to what's already happening in our community by members of the United Nations Global Compact, and then we reach out to those companies that are already members. It cost about, I think, itself, $55,000 narrow for organizations in join. We're not asking you to spend your money to join the United Nations Global Compact. asked you to do is to connect with those companies and organizations that are already there so that you can help them accomplish their goals and objectives at the same time perhaps generate the income and resources that will encourage you and people in your local community to understand why it's important that you join together so that you two can become part of the solution in that part of the problem.
  • 18. Moderator, I'm going to end the session with this final review and then we'll open up the floor for any comments or questions and then we'll be ready to proceed to tomorrow's final workshop. As we complete today's presentation we're all working again from one document is all linked in and it's the UN Global Compact. Not your quarterly new Twitter. I suggest This become your homework. So that next month or next quarter, we can have an article in here about work that we are doing. So that we can become part of the solution and that part of the problem. This final section deals with what's called Fort Sassar 2030. Again, these are initiatives that are already ongoing. No one is asking you to spend time to think about what you should be doing or could be doing to help a comprehensive goals and objectives of your mission. We're asking you to pay attention to what's already happening and then you prepare yourself to become part of this ongoing activity. These lists are the most recent organizations that join the Global Compact in Nigeria. I'm recommending that you make it your business to reach out to them as well. and to introduce yourself to them, but first prepare yourself by identifying which of the 17 sustainable development goals your organization is working with and also your own strategy for describing how your project's impact one of more of those goals and then take the time to determine how you can best expand your successful work by working with new organizations that are already dedicated to these same objectives. So again, this is completing, we're coming to the conclusion of today's presentation. Again, it's an open source, it's an open book test. The only question is how, what it is you're doing can be identified with ongoing work and activities and how you can begin to participate with ongoing activities. that can allow you to improve your own capacity to develop solutions for your own organization and for your local community. Finally, the United Nations Global Compact works with other UN agencies such as UN Women UN Women. In this particular case, last month on June, October 19, this division overview of a women's empowerment principles and how that provides a framework for companies to provide solutions for their women. A little many of you are focused on FGG number five, gender equality. I'm just suggesting that you begin to link together your own local activities along with this sustainable, available goals and work through members of the United Nations Global Compact to bring this closely to your community.
  • 19. @42:08 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Thank you so much, Ambassador Andrew, for that I open in teaching. Thank you for your time. thank you for being so very deep in this. You know, you really made mention of a lot of people, if you give us information, that's what help us know exactly what or how we can also contribute to this UNJC course and very grateful at least. Now I'm sure that our participants they know what to do, where to go to. And I'm so glad that a lot of a lot of people in Nigeria, I mean Nigeria has a lot of representatives here in North. Now, Mayworkulu, you know, so we can just go to LinkedIn to check out or to see, you know, what we can do or how, we can also participate. And also the fact that there are a lot of organizations that we can also collaborate with, you know, who are already affiliated to UNGC course, you know, we know what to do and how to go about it. Most importantly is that at the end of this, it's just for us to know how to contribute to our immediate community, you know, how to be, you know, just how to bring out life, you know, to this course of humanitarian and all that. So thank you so much again, Ambassador. I'm going to now go back to our participants who have been listening attentively, who have paid attention up to your now. Okay, so. This is a time for everybody to say one or two things to the ambassador. Please, please, please, people, I do not want to hear or to see that nobody has anything to say today. I want somebody to have something to say, at least let's say five to ten people. Because I feel like there's a lot of information that's still kind of hiding a lot of places, ways we can contribute to I feel if you voice it out now, the ambassador is ready to share more light to the roses to know. So now we're going back to our participants. I want to hear from you. put up your hand using the untrace icon and then I'll call you. Okay. So let's hear from you our participants today. @45:02 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( And I don't know if you're first I think faster James is trying to get their attention for it or.
  • 20. @45:08 - Oyekunle Elizabeth So I lift the Chaplain. Are you? Chaplain, are you available now? Maybe we can't hear from you first. Chaplain. @45:24 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Well technology is only great when it works. It looks like we lost them. I do see Hamza. Hamza, can't please go or meet yourself and let's hear from you please. @45:37 - Hamza Auta Mohammed All right. know online or zoom? @45:40 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Good afternoon. Good afternoon. @45:43 - Hamza Auta Mohammed Thank you. Good afternoon, Ambassador. @45:48 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Green sir. @45:50 - Hamza Auta Mohammed Yes. I want to thank you and thank madam for fitting this wonderful platform for this course. issues of national consign all over the world today the issues that are to do with the humanitarian that issues that are to do with the disaster aspect the safety and whatever aspect in the world today. So many issues are there, official needs to come aboard, people need to come aboard with different ideas and knowledge, expertise on how we can solve some of these problems.
  • 21. I think for the past two days I've been silent, I've not had anything because I wanted to gather more that has a Our technology is all agree one person procedures Hello. @47:03 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Yes sir. Sam's out. @47:04 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( We lost to us on points. Yeah, see that all over you. Probably would do over. Yeah, we did not say what you said before. @47:16 - Hamza Auta Mohammed What did you say? @47:18 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( We did not hear you your video froze. So we did not hear you. Say again what you said. And then we'll go. @47:27 - Hamza Auta Mohammed Okay. What I was saying. What I was saying was I was saying that first of all I want to thank you for creating this opportunity for us to discuss issues. That's a do it on monetary and I'm going to live and do issues that do it disaster and safety management. I think in life. I will will I will I say this the first time I had an interaction online. And the issues that are so do with Mancheryan activities in all over the world today, because United Nations stand that. I feel I've really got a lot of knowledge from them before yesterday to today. I've got more knowledge about Mancheryan activity.
  • 22. And I sincerely want to thank you and thank the organizers of this noble platform. I think Mancheryan, me, I feel... Hello. @48:42 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Sorry, sorry. @48:44 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Sorry, sorry. @48:45 - Hamza Auta Mohammed Yes, sorry. I think we want to know how some of us can link up to other Mancheryan organizations, all over the world. How? use Raymond Hinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, kintidi, kinti, kinti, kinti, kinti, just have more ideas that we can use to contribute to our own quota. We know knowledge is lost. If we can get more knowledge, get more materials that we can read on our own, do research on our own, I think we can contribute to quota. So I want to thank everybody, I want to thank the organization, the organizers of this platform. @50:18 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Thank you so much, sir. Well, you go, let me say, ask you whether you are registered at WDAC. H nobody eat that or are you registered as a volunteer with both? That's the first question. You.
  • 23. @50:41 - Hamza Auta Mohammed Okay. Can you can you can you drop can you can you drop the the either the link to me on the on the charts so that we can go. @50:51 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( It's in the chat. @50:53 - Hamza Auta Mohammed Okay. @50:54 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Okay. Okay. So what I'm asking you to do is to identify. What we are doing, for example, your disaster planning preparation, that impacts sustainable developer goal number 16, which is a little piece just as strong institutions. Your work is a bit important, but it's up to you to identify how you as either as an individual or as an organization are addressing that particular need. Then you need to go through each of the 17 sustainable development goals to determine which one or really, I would suggest, you define how your activity impacts all of the goals, all 17, but you have to be the one to determine which one to start with to begin with. Then the next step is to make your own business plan for how what you're doing now needs to expand. The working is individual, it sounds like, but if you want to become involved with a worldwide network of others, working in same area, then again join with both, get with Pastor James, and let's plan out ways we can work in networks together as we go forward. Finally, I would suggest that because of the work you're in, you consider joining the Black Emergency Management Association, be an international.
  • 24. They're a part of our team, and also they're very much focused on disaster planning and preparation. So if that's a field that you're in, then align yourself with others that are already in that field. So then you can begin to add your strength to their strength. That we might suggest in Sir. Also, put your question in the chat, even though you talked about it, put it in the chat along with your name, and your follow-up information so that we can connect with you directly. Back to you moderator. @52:54 - Hamza Auta Mohammed Thank you very much. Thank you so much sir. Thank you so much. @53:01 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Thank you very much, Ambassador. I'm really grateful for that explanation. now you're late. @53:12 - Hamza Auta Mohammed Thank you, Mr. Amza for that question. Thank you, Mr. @53:16 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Amza. Yeah. So I don't know. First, first of Chaplain, are you here now? Okay. Mr. Yahya Muhammad, do you have anything to say? @53:34 - Hamza Auta Mohammed Mr. @53:37 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Yahya Muhammad Sayed, do you have anything to say to us? Okay. Mr. K. K. Gabriel, please go ahead. Thank you.
  • 25. @54:30 - Okeke Gabriel But we can't feel a half of the ground up with one of the friends. I'm going to stop. going stop moving past the body, pet foundations. But I know that in the month, we are very good at making one tough Mr. @54:48 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Oki, I'm sorry. @54:49 - Okeke Gabriel We're struggling to hear you. @54:52 - Oyekunle Elizabeth I think your area, the network is not doing good. I'm sorry. we're struggling to hear you if you can start all over again. @55:31 - Okeke Gabriel In that commercial project, you @56:13 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Well, thank you very much, Mr. Ogeke. As for me, I actually didn't get what you said. I don't know if the ambassador was able to hear you. How much is the, did you hear him? @56:23 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( No, but if he could type information in the chat, question or comments, we can follow up. I cannot hear.
  • 26. But I would ask for housekeeping. If now a big time for you to do a roll call to make sure that we are local, we have here. then after that, we can deal with questions and answers. I think that might be a smart way to go. @56:46 - Oyekunle Elizabeth All right. That's good. Thank you, sir. I'll go straight to that. All right. So please, while I do this, if you have any questions to throw in the chat box, please do that. @56:57 - Dlama Bitrus Baku Okay. @56:57 - Oyekunle Elizabeth So let's quickly call. your names. So Mr. O.K. please help us drop your questions in the chat. @57:05 - Dlama Bitrus Baku Please. @57:07 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Please we could not hear you well. okay so let me start with you Mr. O.K thank you for joining and you're here. Glamabitch actress Baku are you here? @57:22 - Dlama Bitrus Baku Hello ma'am.
  • 27. @57:24 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Okay all right thank you. All right. Umar Benedic David are you here? Umar Benedic David are you here? Can you hear me? @57:39 - Umoru Benedict David Yeah me. @57:41 - Oyekunle Elizabeth All right thank you for that response. I can tell you from me. Lio are you tell you from me. Lio are you here? @57:57 - Akintayo Funmilayo M Yes ma'am. @57:58 - Oyekunle Elizabeth I'm here. Okay. Thank you Albert. Albert, enjoy the Ayu with us. Albert, enjoy the Ayu with us. Okay, I think Albert's responding. Aramu, Son de Bancole. Aramu, Son de Bancole. Please let me quick with it. If you're here, please quickly let us know your Hi little welcome. Move to the next name. Aramu Son de Bancole. @58:31 - Aremu Sunday bankole Are you here? @58:35 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Thank you. Blessing. Aegbe, Blessing Aegbe, are you here with us today?
  • 28. @58:45 - BLESSING EGBE Blessing? Barbar? @58:48 - Oyekunle Elizabeth All right. Don Maurizio, bless. Are you here? @58:52 - albert mjwanda Don Maurizio? @58:58 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Okay, I guess that's from bless. 10, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, Thank you. @1:00:00 - Festus Obago Thank you. @1:00:01 - Oyekunle Elizabeth All right. Thank you, sir. @1:00:04 - don Maurizio Bloise Present. @1:00:05 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Present. Present. Glory Azuka, Isya Poo. Thank you, Thank you, ma.
  • 29. @1:00:18 - don Maurizio Bloise Pardon me. @1:00:20 - Oyekunle Elizabeth First thoughts. Okay. First thoughts about this here. I'm there. Okay. Okay. Okay. First Okay. Okay. So, if you're the one, please let's know. I'll move on to the next name. Isha'la, just Finn. So, Finn, are you here? @1:00:39 - Ishola Josephine Tosin I'm here. @1:00:39 - Oyekunle Elizabeth I am, yeah. All right, thank you. Justine Nataniel. @1:00:44 - Ishola Josephine Tosin Are you here? @1:00:45 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Yes. I can hear you, Shala. Thank you. @1:00:49 - Justine Natanael Justine Nataniel. @1:00:51 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Yes.
  • 30. @1:00:52 - Justine Natanael Present. @1:00:54 - Oyekunle Elizabeth All right. Thank you. Moses Okuru. Akashibah. Thank Aikatsuba sorry Mozi Okuru aikatsuba Are you here? Ulu bodhe busai a dokas Ulu bodhe busai a dokas Are you here? I'm here, good afternoon Alright, good afternoon, thank you Yes, I got it right Okay Aureluwa Ulu meyo, are you here? Aureluwa Ulu meyo aikatsuba Alright I'm here Alright, thank you Safwan Safwan Safwan, you have just Safwan We don't know your surname, think Okay, I think you've been registering with Safwan I don't know, I'm not sure Yeah Please, let's know the full name Put it in the charts Please Then we'll check it Oh, you can change Just change it here So that we can have it registered Registered like that Okay, so the Next question I have here is um CD Elizabeth CD Elizabeth Omonigo CD okay all right thank you thank you Uba un kocha Audi Uba un kocha Audi Uba un kocha Audi are you here okay please let's go to the next question CD Esther Amanosi all right thank you please hold on yeah we need we need new one man my yeah we need new one my yeah all right thank you I called Umoru Benedict David Umoru Benax @1:03:00 - Umoru Benedict David Yes. Yes. @1:03:02 - Oyekunle Elizabeth All right. Thank you. Abidjan. Yahaya. @1:03:06 - Ibilola Abudu I'm not going help my name.
  • 31. @1:03:09 - Oyekunle Elizabeth I'm not done. @1:03:10 - Ibilola Abudu I'm not done please. @1:03:11 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Yahaya. @1:03:12 - Ibilola Abudu Muammet say. Okay. @1:03:14 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas Yahaya. @1:03:15 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Muammet say. Yahaya. Muammet say. Yahaya. Okay. I think Yahaya. Okay. Simot say. Ajay. Simot say Ajay. Simot say Ajay. Are you here? Simot say Ajay. Are you here? Simot say Ajay. Are you here? Okay. So now please. I want to quickly go over it again. Please. In case I have. Thank Yes. Sorry about that. In case you haven't heard, let me see. me just say it now and let's see you. If I have not called you near my home. Okay, God, the ODD. @1:04:33 - Hamza Auta Mohammed I've no see my name Hamza.
  • 32. @1:04:36 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Hamza, please let me see Hamza. Hamza, we're talking. @1:04:42 - albert mjwanda Hamza, can you say a word again? Let me see you. I didn't hear my name. @1:04:50 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Are you Albert, on Juada? @1:04:53 - albert mjwanda Hamza, I'm Mohammed. Oh, Albert, Juada, I'm present. @1:05:00 - Ibilola Abudu Hello, I'm Mandez. Okay, thank you. Thank you for saying that. All right, you Chasau. @1:05:06 - Dlama Bitrus Baku Thank you Chasau. @1:05:08 - Ibilola Abudu I'll be... @1:05:09 - Dlama Bitrus Baku I'll I'll be...
  • 33. @1:05:09 - Ibilola Abudu be... Take it. @1:05:12 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Take it. Please help me Chasau. @1:05:14 - Ibilola Abudu Thank you. @1:05:15 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Take it. Please meet Chasau. Thank you. Thank you. @1:05:18 - Dlama Bitrus Baku Okay. @1:05:19 - Oyekunle Elizabeth God... @1:05:28 - Ibilola Abudu I... @1:05:29 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( I... You were me at that time.
  • 34. @1:05:33 - Dlama Bitrus Baku Victoria, who's that then? @1:05:36 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Sorry, I... I keep... I don't know. I didn't meet myself. @1:05:39 - Dlama Bitrus Baku I don't know how I got me to the game. @1:05:42 - Oyekunle Elizabeth All right, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about that. @1:05:46 - Dlama Bitrus Baku Victoria, who's that then? @1:05:48 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Victoria, who's the other then me? Victoria, who's the other you register with Lama Beatrice? @1:05:53 - Dlama Bitrus Baku Baku, because I can see... Yes, actually... Yes, we are students. I have a low battery so I joined them. @1:06:05 - Oyekunle Elizabeth So how do we how do we I mean this is your first day of journey right?
  • 35. @1:06:09 - Dlama Bitrus Baku No no no no no these are my first day. I joined the one you did last week I also joined the one you started this week or Monday. @1:06:19 - Oyekunle Elizabeth You caught money. So you so you've been here since? @1:06:24 - Dlama Bitrus Baku Yes, but my phone is switched off so I have to connect. @1:06:27 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Victor we don't really have your name here okay so I don't know if you can I just say the true chat right and I'm going to speak with the chaplain not to see if anything can be done about your case. Oh we have for now Ambassador thank you very much everybody for responding to that call thank you Ambassador please over to you and chaplain please. @1:06:56 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( well thank you very much about chaplain James. Now join us yet. Are you able to join us now? Captain James? Are you able to join us? Captain James? And if not, perhaps now will be the time to take a group photo. If those not, we know who's here. I will share my I will do a gallery view for two minutes for us to if we choose to get a group photo and then we'll move towards the question and answers and then the quotes for today session. But I'm going to us two minutes to show your video and take photos. Now would be that time. Thank Please show your video and let's take this group photo.
  • 36. @1:07:58 - Infinix ZERO 8 Thank you everybody. Okay, this is God gonna be good. @1:08:21 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Well, it may not take two minutes. Look like everyone's here. It's gonna come. So I'm gonna give a 15, 30, 10 second countdown. So they'll give it 10 more seconds. Get ready. Starting with 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. So now's the time to take your photo. A smile and let us know you're there and my life and well. And so Elizabeth, I'm going to make sure that you are the one that people send their photos to, or then you can organize it after that. Okay, I'm going to also share my screen one more time to let everyone know this is the four- day workshop, volunteer workshop on the United Nations Global Compact and the SDGs. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH This is with the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity. I'm Andrew Williams Jr., we also posted a sponsored by Captain James Mercy and Dr. Dennis De Silva. Over to you, our moderator. Thank you so very much. We're very moved to the final stage. @1:09:53 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Thank you once again, Ambassador. I thank you everybody for coming. today's program please workshop for the last time before I go before we go Siri I want to see if the chapter is here again to at least address us we would miss him today. Hopefully please come on board if you're here. I want to hear your voice before we go. Okay so we just we're just thinking probably is not you you're in a very tighter you know schedule situation today it's okay so we hope to see him more of him tomorrow which is going to be the last day.
  • 37. Thank you everyone for your patience thank you for your participation thank you for coming we hope you enjoyed yourself today we hope you were fully educated you learned a lot now you're getting things you know pieces need to go together to see if and how you can also contribute. to this purpose, this cause and all that. So thank you for coming. We are hoping that tomorrow is going to be a full house. So please come tomorrow, come well prepared, come with a lot of things to share with us. We want to hear more. mean, more people talk tomorrow. OK, we don't want just one or two or three persons. We want almost everybody to contribute to tomorrow. It's going to be more from you tomorrow, more, more, from what you've learned from the day one, day two, day three. OK, please don't run away. So borrow it into the last day. And it promises to be very nice, fantastic. And you are going to have your certificate tomorrow. Thank you once again. @1:11:45 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( I do want to ask everyone to tomorrow to come ready to describe which of the 17 sustainable development goals you are most interested in. And are most active in. And that each of you have already registered as a volunteer on the FOLP website and identify who you are, what you bring to the table, and what you need to move forward. So that's what I would urge everyone to do. Thank you so much. And to let you know moderator, we have an unusual situation. I inadvertently made the AI the host. And the AI can't in the program. So we're going to hit this after leave because I can't in the program until we get through. So after closing thoughts, we just have to leave. @1:12:43 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Okay. All right. All right. Not a problem. All right. Thank you guys. Once again for coming. And this is where I'm going to see how a beautiful evening and see you tomorrow.
  • 38. Thank you. @1:13:01 - Infinix ZERO 8 Thank you. @1:13:03 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Yeah. @1:13:05 - Infinix ZERO 8 How are you? @1:13:07 - Oyekunle Elizabeth Bye. Thank