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v20231123 Day Four WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session
YouTube replay
UN Sustainable Development Goals Training Session
The meeting revolved around a training session on the Sustainable
Development Goals of the United Nations. Chaplain James Bat led the
session, highlighting the rules of engagement such as muting microphones
and raising hands for questions. He also mentioned that today was the final
day of the training and that participants would be assessed based on their
participation and contributions. The session ended with introducing the rest of the team, including Ambassador
and Williams Junor. Streaming Workshops and Humanitarian Efforts discussed their workshops being streamed on various
platforms and highlighted the support from their sponsors. They emphasized
the importance of volunteers and reviewed their voluntary policy. also discussed their humanitarian projects and
encouraged people to join as members on their website to participate in
these initiatives. They further discussed the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) and organized a test to group individuals and organizations
according to their aligned SDGs. stressed the
importance of personal responsibility and noted that resources are available
for volunteers. They concluded by highlighting the importance of any action,
no matter how small, towards saving the world.
SDGs Workshop: Importance and Challenges
The meeting discussed the significance of the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) as part of a four-day workshop focused on the United Nations
Global Compact. emphasized the importance of
choosing one of the 16 other SDGs for specific activities, excluding SDG 17,
as they are all interconnected. The workshop aimed to help attendees
understand key information about the SDGs. also
mentioned that more information about the workshop can be found on The discussion ended with an emphasis on the
challenges facing the ecosystem and the need for collaboration and diversity
to address them.
Teamwork, Perseverance, and SDGs: A Discussion
The discussion revolved around the concept of teamwork and perseverance,
with an emphasis on overcoming challenges through small, incremental
actions. The importance of sacrifice and a willingness to fight for the team's
success was also highlighted. However, the transcript did not provide clear
information about the discussions, decisions, or action items. There was also
a separate conversation between Olubode, the Chaplain, and Doris, which
involved the United Nations and sustainable development goals (SDGs). The
context of this conversation was not clear, and there was mention of giving
something to Doris and a giraffe. The noise and unclear speech disrupted
the conversation.
UN Sustainable Development Goals Recognition
The Chaplain led a discussion where participants were asked to identify the
United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each participant
was asked to recite a goal and clap for themselves if they got it right. The
conversation was somewhat disjointed, with frequent interruptions and
unclear responses. Despite this, the participants were able to correctly
identify the majority of the SDGs. The discussion concluded with the final
SDG, partnership for the goals, being correctly identified by Hamza.
Volunteerism and Sustainable Development Goals
The meeting was led by a chaplain, with Glory and Komolafe also present.
Glory, who is from Lagos, Nigeria, expressed her appreciation for the
training. The chaplain congratulated Glory and urged everyone to volunteer
for sustainable development goal 17. The chaplain stressed the importance
of registering as a volunteer at and identifying one's passion for a
sustainable development goal. The chaplain also mentioned the distribution
of t-shirts as a prize for those who identify with the cause. Towards the end
of the meeting, the chaplain emphasized the significance of personal
identification with the organization and its sustainable development goals.
The Chaplain also highlighted the need for more volunteers to represent the
organization in different countries and locations. The discussion also touched
on the upcoming international day event aimed at eradicating violence
against women and girls at the University of Ibadan. The chaplain
encouraged everyone, regardless of their location, to participate in the event
either in person or via the live stream. The Chaplain ended by stressing the
importance of everyone's involvement in the organization's humanitarian
efforts and global vision.
Peace, Policy, and Business Collaboration
The meeting started with the Chaplain thanking everyone and noting Adam's
absence. There was confusion regarding the presence of different individuals
from the Peace Department. The Chaplain emphasized the need for an office
in Neb and mentioned an upcoming announcement of a new person. Okeke
expressed his appreciation for the training and raised a concern about the
implementation of policies in his country, Nigeria, questioning the absence of
a monitoring team for the United Nations' Global Impact Organisation and
the SDGs. clarified that each country is responsible for
its own policies. further shared information about the
United Nations Global Compact and its initiative, 'business for peace',
emphasizing the need for collaboration between the business sector,
government, and non-governmental organizations to promote peace and
mitigate conflict. He underscored the role of businesses in identifying and
managing risks, reducing operational costs, and engaging in public-private
dialogue to establish local priorities. He also highlighted the importance of
grassroots initiatives in driving change and holding stakeholders
accountable. Andrew concluded by mentioning that resources for this
purpose are available online at UN
Sustainable Development Goals Documentation Encouraged emphasized the importance of documenting activities
that contribute to the sustainable development goals. They announced plans
to offer opportunities for participants to upload photos, articles, and videos
demonstrating their efforts. They encouraged attendees to engage locally,
particularly in Nigeria where a local network has been in existence since
2006. also shared information about a registration form
that organizations can use to show how their work impacts one or more of
the sustainable development goals. They stressed the importance of
personal commitment to provide truthful and accurate information. They
highlighted the importance of climate change awareness and education,
particularly in Africa where the impacts are most severe. Lastly, they thanked
everyone for their participation and attention throughout the training.
Nigerian Organizations and Volunteer Work
Emmanuel shared about his volunteer work with Jag Great Elites
Association, a Nigeria-based organization focused on education sustainable
development goals. He encouraged others to join as volunteers. Andrew
introduced the Saga Foundation, a Nigerian organization providing
educational and medical equipment to Nigeria. He mentioned an upcoming
shipment of medical equipment and encouraged organizations to visit their
website to see how they could align their missions. Andrew also discussed
the United Nations Global Compact and the Decade of Action. Justine from
Namibiakop expressed interest in volunteering and was directed by Andrew
to the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity's website for
relevant information.
Webinar Information Availability and Volunteer Workshop Details
Andrew from discussed the availability of information
about past, current, and future activities on their website. He clarified that
recorded webinars can be found on the World Humanitarian Organization for
Peace and Equity Facebook group, and participants can take responsibility
to find this information. Andrew also mentioned that they provide a transcript
of each day's event and share contacts of all participants via email if they
have the participant's email address. Furthermore, Andrew discussed the
availability of information related to a volunteer workshop on the United
Nations Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
He stressed the importance of registering for the workshop and attending all
sessions to receive a certificate. Andrew concluded by reminding attendees
that all the information shared during the workshop is available for their use
and encouraged them to utilize it to advance the SDGs.
Next steps
• Register as a volunteer at and identify a sustainable
development goal to be passionate about.
• Participants should register their organizations with the Saga Foundation
at They should also engage with their
local networks and attend global compact network working groups.
Participants are encouraged to document their activities that impact the
sustainable development goals.
• Attendees should register their names for the certificate at the end of the
• Attendees can find the workshop content and transcripts on the World
Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity Facebook page and
YouTube channel.
• Attendees can reach out to Andrew at for further
v20231123 Day Four WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session
YouTube replay
• Chaplain James and Dr. Williams conducted a week-long workshop on
humanitarianism and the United Nations. Participants were instructed to
actively engage, ask questions, and share their learnings, with the aim of
becoming effective volunteers in their respective communities. - PLAY
• Hon. Andrew, Ambassador Andrew James Jr., and Dr. Jenis de Silva
discussed the AdHoc International Advisory Board of goodwill
ambassadors and their efforts to support the United Nations Global
Compact. They emphasized the importance of volunteerism and
encouraged participants to join as members of the World Humanitarian
Organization for Peace and Equity, focusing on specific sustainable
development goals aligned with their work. - PLAY @5:31
• Hon. Andrew discussed the young person's guide to changing the world,
which focused on the 17 sustainable development goals. Participants
were encouraged to choose one of the goals they cared most about and
were provided with tools and resources to take action towards achieving
it. - PLAY @13:39
• Hon. Andrew concluded the four-day workshop on Sustainable
Development Goals, which focused on the United Nations Global
Compact. The workshop was organized by AI5-2B and other
organizations. - PLAY @21:00
• Hon. Andrew asked the assistant to go to, but
encountered technical difficulties. The assistant was unable to complete
the task. - PLAY @21:47
• Hon. Andrew discussed his involvement in Andrew Networks, a platform
that promotes humanitarian causes and commercial enterprises. He
emphasized the importance of strategic international business alliances
to achieve sustainable development goals. - PLAY @22:36
• Hon. Andrew and others discussed the importance of the 17 sustainable
development goals, emphasizing the need to work together to address
poverty, inequality, climate change, and other global challenges. They
recognized that by implementing these goals, they could improve life for
people around the world and protect both human health and the
environment. - PLAY @25:35
• Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of knowing the 17 sustainable
development goals and their alignment with the organization's main
mission. He emphasized the need for the listener to demonstrate their
understanding through homework and tests. - PLAY @28:22
• Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of collaboration and unity among
businesses, the United Nations, and society to address global challenges
and achieve sustainable development goals. He emphasized the need for
businesses to align their operations with universal principles and
contribute to society in order to thrive in the changing world. - PLAY
• Hon. Andrew discussed the United Nations Global Compact and the
importance of local communities in their work. He also mentioned the 5.6
foundation's membership in the Global Compact and how it represents
the interests of its network, including the audience, and emphasized the
impact it can have on their world. - PLAY @36:30
• Hon. Andrew delivered a motivational speech, emphasizing the
importance of unity and perseverance in achieving the Global Goals. He
urged everyone to fight together, acknowledging that success depended
on their collective efforts and determination. - PLAY @37:19
• Hon. Andrew mentioned that James was open to meeting, and then
concluded his presentation. Glory then turned the conversation back over
to someone else. - PLAY @40:20
• Hon. Andrew asked each participant to share their screen for a group
photo and then requested them to state their top two sustainable
development goals out of the 17. - PLAY @40:29
• Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of understanding one's personal
goals and prioritizing them based on their own survival, quality of life, and
happiness. The conversation ended with Hon. Andrew stopping the
screen sharing. - PLAY @41:30
• Hon. Andrew attempted to include Pastor James in a group photo, but
there were technical difficulties and they were unable to hear him. As a
result, the presentation had to be concluded shortly. - PLAY @41:49
• Hon. Andrew thanked the person for sharing their screen and asked them
to stop. He hoped they had taken a photo to share with Pastor James.
The Chaplain asked if they could be heard, and Hon. Andrew confirmed
that they had successfully joined the conversation. - PLAY @45:40
• In the discussion, various individuals were asked questions about
humanitarian organizations, sustainable development goals, and the full
meaning of certain acronyms. They struggled to provide accurate
answers, leading to some frustration and confusion. - PLAY @45:55
• In the conversation, various individuals were asked to identify and explain
different Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They took turns
answering the questions, with some participants struggling to provide the
correct answers. - PLAY @55:30
• Uba, Hon. Andrew, Chaplain, and Hamza discussed the different goals
represented by numbered balls. They successfully identified and
discussed the last goal, which was partnership for the girls. - PLAY
• The Chaplain apologized for something and expressed that everything
was fine. - PLAY @1:08:49
• Chaplain, Komolafe, Glory, and Hon. Andrew engaged in a conversation
where Chaplain congratulated Mrs. Gloria for her participation in a
training session, and they discussed various topics. However, the
conversation was interrupted, and they waited for Chaplain to return. -
PLAY @1:08:57
• Hon. Andrew was praised and thanked by the participants, emphasizing
their unity and support for him. - PLAY @1:12:17
• In the conversation, Glory, Hon. Andrew, Chaplain, Emmanuel, and Doris
discussed the importance of registering as volunteers for a partnership
focused on the 17 sustainable development goals. They also mentioned
upcoming programs and encouraged participation from individuals in
different countries. - PLAY @1:12:25
• In the past discussion, Chaplain discussed plans for a meeting on
Saturday to discuss future actions and recognize an award recipient.
Okeke raised a question about the monitoring of United Nations initiatives
and their implementation. - PLAY @1:21:59
• Chaplain, Okeke, and Hon. Andrew discussed the United Nations Global
Compact's initiative called Business for Peace, which aimed to engage
businesses in collaborative action to advance peace and address local
priorities. They emphasized the importance of local ownership and
knowledge in driving change and holding stakeholders accountable for
responsible business practices. - PLAY @1:26:52
• Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of engaging locally and
connecting with the United Nations through local networks to contribute
to the sustainable development goals. He emphasized the need for
responsible business practices, accountability measures, and utilizing
online resources to document and showcase progress towards achieving
these objectives. - PLAY @1:34:00
• Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of utilizing local efforts to achieve
goals and share information with the world, acknowledging that some
individuals may lack the necessary resources for this task. He apologized
for the delay caused by having multiple items on his screen. - PLAY
• Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of organizations registering with
the SOTDF Foundation to demonstrate how their work aligns with the
sustainable development goals. He emphasized the need for
organizations to provide information about their management team, their
area of sustainability goal, and examples of their work's impact on
society. - PLAY @1:39:00
• Hon. Andrew discussed the commitment to educate and raise awareness
about climate change, particularly in Africa where the adverse impacts
are most severe. He emphasized the importance of holding ourselves
and the government accountable for achieving the sustainable
development goals and highlighted the availability of tools and resources,
such as the African Sustainable Development Map and the United
Nations Global Compact. - PLAY @1:44:57
• Hon. Andrew asked Pastor James to unmute himself during the
conversation and also requested him to raise his hands. - PLAY
• Emmanuel expressed gratitude to Ambassador Andrew Williams for his
valuable contribution to the training, while also encouraging everyone to
register as volunteers to maintain a relationship with the ambassador.
The participants, including Oyewusi, SIDI, Dlama, Okeke, Hamza, Doris,
and Donald, thanked Ambassador Andrew for his time and knowledge,
and Emmanuel thanked him on behalf of his organization for the
opportunity to learn and make a difference in the field of education for
children in Nigeria. - PLAY @1:49:35
• Hon. Andrew discussed the Saagha Foundation, which was founded by
Pastor James in July 2023. The foundation, led by Shola Agbula, a
Nigerian who served in the Canadian parliament, has donated over 100
billion US dollars in educational and medical equipment to Nigeria, with
another shipment scheduled in two days. - PLAY @1:54:15
• Hon. Andrew addressed Chaplain James and Justine, giving them the
opportunity to share their closing thoughts. Justine expressed gratitude
and asked about obtaining a volunteer form and filling out an anchovy
form, to which Hon. Andrew assured her that she was in the right place to
find the answers. - PLAY @1:56:52
• Hon. Andrew explained that individuals could access the World
Humanitarian Material Organization for Peace and Equity's website to
learn about their work, participate as volunteers, make donations, or offer
support. He emphasized that their ultimate objective was to achieve
peace on Earth during their lifetimes, and encouraged people to visit their
website for more information on past, current, and future activities. -
PLAY @1:58:45
• Hon. Andrew informed Justine that all the workshops, including the
current and past ones, were being shared on the World Humanitarian
Organization for Peace and Equity Facebook page, allowing anyone with
a computer to access and replay them. - PLAY @2:00:55
• Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of liking and following the World
Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity's Facebook page, as
well as accessing information about past and current events online. He
encouraged individuals to take responsibility and find the available
information at their fingertips. - PLAY @2:02:14
• Hon. Andrew provided an answer to Justine's question and expressed
gratitude. He also mentioned that if they had Justine's email address,
they would send her a link to the webinars and a transcript of the event,
along with contact information for all the participants and represented
organizations. - PLAY @2:04:16
• Hon. Andrew mentioned that he had sent out some information to Pastor
James, who had the option to share it with everyone else. Hon. Andrew
also mentioned that once he obtained the email addresses, he would
share the same information with the rest of the group. - PLAY @2:05:30
• Hon. Andrew requested assistance in promoting their YouTube channel
by asking for likes, shares, and subscriptions, emphasizing the
importance of increasing the number of subscribers to their page. - PLAY
• Hon. Andrew discussed the availability of videos, transcripts, and AI
technology to provide a convenient and easily digestible summary of the
event. He emphasized the importance of taking advantage of these
resources to benefit from his work and become successful in one's own
world. - PLAY @2:06:44
• Hon. Andrew discussed the availability of resources for creating
workshops and local communities, emphasizing the importance of
reaching those without internet access. The conversation ended with
Hon. Andrew expressing gratitude to the participants and giving them the
opportunity to share their closing thoughts before concluding the
workshop. - PLAY @2:09:42
• Hon. Andrew discussed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and
their connection to humanitarian inclusiveness, sustainability, and peace.
He mentioned that the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) launched
by Kofi Annan in 2000 provided the foundation for the SDGs. - PLAY
v20231121 Day Two WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session
YouTube replay
WHOPE UN Global Compact and SDGs 4-Day Volunteers Workshop -
November 23
VIEW RECORDING - 132 mins (No highlights)
@0:00 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
And this is another week. Same, and the networks, both the north and the sustainable
development rules for the United Nations will be compact.
So it has been a wonderful week. And this second session, we have started this Monday
Tuesday, Monday and today is the Thursday.
We're going to mark the last day of this workshop for our volunteers, all over the world. Of
course, we have volunteers from all over the world, Africa, Asia, Europe, America, and so
on, and so forth.
And wherever you are joining us, my name is Chaplin James, a of Batsumidi, the president
for World Humanitarian Organization of Peace, and equity.
And with me in this training, is the S.S.S. Embassy Dr. Williams. Yandru Williams, Jr., who is
the international share person for World Humanitarian Organization or PISA Nehwiti.
The training, the workshop has been so enlightening and empowering and as well, so
practical for everyone of us to know and we're forward when it comes to non-governmental
organizations when it comes to CSOs when it comes to humanitarianism when it comes to
knowledge about the United Nations and the United Nations so it will help everyone of us to
be active in our various areas of consultation in our various areas of involvement when it
comes to humanitarian programs so it has been a wonderful week we want to remember the
rules and
1. You should always mute your mind not to disturb others. And if you have to talk or see
anything and sign the question of whatsoever, you have to raise your hands for the
moderator to bring you on board.
And also, if you have any question why the class is on, you can put that in the shot. To
proceed, as you're entering into this workshop, to this classroom, always enter with your
name so you can easily be addressed by your name.
It is easier for you as well as you have been instructed to put your name, your address that is
the email address in the shot.
So to make it easier for us to... Nguu is atending this program. And most so today being the
last day, we are going to have you after this training to say one of the things you have
learned in this training before the certificate of training would be awarded on to you.
So all of you, be ready for our questions today after this class. It is better you have your 10
books and also the attentive in classes.
You have to answer questions. We want to restrict today with questions each person must
answer a question. So for you to know or for us to know that you have been with us and you
are here for good.
So thank you everyone for joining us. Thank you for joining us. We would like to endeavor to
this resiliency.
I am Bazaar. chopping and wooden athlete and routine and up. And the aim and objective is
when we go back to our various organizations and of course as we are volunteering with
WAP, we will be able to work effectively in your various communities as volunteers for WAP
and also was several organizations have been working with all your building to you, you will
be able to work effectively and efficiently.
…and as a aim, the objective of this training for us to be active wherever we are. So thank
you so much everyone for joining us.
At this junction, what does to stay tuned? The attentive and ready to write whatever you
need to write to behave to answer our question after the class.
Why I would like to undervert this S-L-N-C under William's Juneim to proceed further into this
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
@5:31 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Well, thank you very much. This is Ambassador Andrew James Jr. for those that you don't
know. The young lady in the middle of your picture there, Dr.
Jenis de Silva. We are all members of the AdHoc International Advisory Board of goodwill
ambassadors. You can find it at the bottom of the slyer and I do want to take time to identify.
and several of the sponsors that we have that have not been present but who do support our
efforts and activities.
All of these workshops are being streamed on your Facebook group or the World
Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity.
But it's also being streamed to the YGWA TV Group, the CYGWA TV Network on Facebook.
Almost all of the participants here at the top level are members of YGWA.
We do have sponsors that are not here for example at the bottom you have the SAGA. You
have the SAGA Foundation, that's the Shola, Akula, Goodwill, Ambassador Association.
That was founded in 2020 and I believe Ambassador James was there at the beginning. The
intent of that organization was to focus on it.
of the United Nations sustainable development goals. And in particular to support the
campaign to add new members to the United Nations Global Compact.
What you don't know is that COVID-19 completely changed the mission before the UA
Global Compact as it did for many organizations around the world.
But we're focused today on a very short review of the material that we previously gone over
with you. The first and foremost we want to give thanks and appreciation to our host.
That is the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity. And founder, president
James Oman to mercy, Oman to movie.
So after review, the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity has a motto.
Together this is humanitarianism. Again, last week's Alright.
workshop and this week's workshop are focused on volunteers. This is a volunteer workshop
for volunteers and we're asking you to understand that your work is not limited to your own
local community but it does have worldwide impact.
I'm going to briefly walk through the back while we're wolf and each of you whose email
address we have will be receiving this in your email so you don't have to try to remember
everything we're showing here but I'm walking through it because again we're live streaming
so our new audience can have an opportunity to understand what the foundation is and the
vision that brings us all together.
The most important thing for people that are just seeing this now is membership. We need
you to go to our website
and join as a member of Hope as a volunteer. That's your first step. There are several
categories that are available.
With an existing infrastructure in place, there is a volunteering policy. And we hope that each
of you has an understanding of what this is.
But again, for those that are watching us who are not present here, our rep is out loud. Hope
has the following as the principles in her volunteering policy.
Volunteerism as a service to humanity. Volunteerism with respect to culture, religion and
government. Volunteerism based on passion. Volunteerism for no financial reward.
Volunteerism based on an individual's free will. Volunteerism based on respect for
fundamental human rights. and gender equity and equality.
We also include our proposed humanitarian projects. And we furnish you when you do
register with Wold to identify which of these particular projects you have interest in
participating with.
That could be clean, water for communities, school projects for the children industries, or
housing for students in tertiary institutions, for the school buses for nursery and primary
school pupils.
This is our contact information for Africa. Again, those who are not here and cannot read
what you see on the screen, you can get all the information you need by going to www.wdot. for emails, info, and information. at or support SUPPORT at Today's session will be relatively short. We are going to begin at the beginning
where we will begin last week.
That is to familiarize you first with what the sustainable development goals are. And a very
easy way for you to understand which of these three levels your work impacts the most.
There is an open book test and you are going to take the test while I am doing my
presentation today.
Because in the chat we now have 26 participants. Normally we have about 35. So there will
be others that may be joining us before this is over.
But for those of you that hear my voice now, then to the chat, this is your open book test for
me, separate from whatever Pastor James has in mind.
I want you to put your name. If you have an organization separate from Wolf, put the name
there. If it has a website, put that information there.
And identify one, one, only one, only one. And the 17 sustainable development goals that
you want to put your focus on.
And know there might be more than one part of the outcome of this exercise is for us to
organize and classify those individuals and organizations according to each of the 17
sustainable development goals.
Yes, there is, is true. You'll work my impact more than one. But the outcome We're trying to
accomplish is to organize those of you who have the major focus aligned with a specific
sustainable development goal.
So again, my test is to see how many of you in the chat put in your name and organization if
you have one in which of the 17 sustainable development goals your focus is most devoted
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
In order for you to have a choice, we're going to begin at the beginning. This is what we did
at the very first workshop last week.
You consider this to be part two of the workshop. We're focusing now on the young person's
guide to changing the world.
This is online and again if we have your contact information. We'll make sure that you're able
to get a copy of this for your own personal use so that you can have it at your disposal on a
regular ongoing basis.
There are 17 sustainable development goals that are addressed. I'm going to briefly walk us
through that. Then we'll discuss the impact of the United Nations Global Compact and what
that means to the work that we're doing here.
Thank you so much for joining us. I've been, I've learned a lot as I've been able to walk
through this workshop review so it works both ways.
I certainly appreciate your being here on a regular ongoing basis. This presentation is
supported by this document that was created by AEI ESBC and partnership with UN
So again, you do not have to be part of any organization to be a volunteer but If you do
participate as a volunteer, know that there are resources for you to take advantage of.
You don't have to wait to come to home to figure out what next to do. You can on your own
initiative undertake human responsibility, human rights number 20 land, the responsibility
you have the responsibility to do what you can in your own time and efforts to improve your
education, improve your lifestyle, improve your work, improve the quality of life for yourself
and your community.
Again, the first part of this book will describe the background about the organization and
about the world at reach of what you do on your local and your local communities that is
connected around the world.
This publication was dedicated to youth who believes that youth are important players to
achieve in the global goals. This booklet will help you do that in three ways.
It will raise your awareness, it will improve your understanding, and provide you with tools
and resources for you to take action and yield for all of the sustainable development goals.
This booklet provides ways that you can use the side, but of which is very simple. They can
do it themselves, they can engage with families and friends, or they can mobilize the entire
This guy can also be used by organizations such as yours, not just NGOs or non-combo
organizations, but businesses and educational institutions.
If one of the outcomes of this workshop helps you to understand that your non-combo
organization is also a business, then that will be a major breakthrough on my part.
Because it's... only when you function for the professionalism as do businesses can you
hope to engage businesses to pay attention to what you're trying to get done.
There are actions to save the world that we can take even if it's one small action at a time.
So this is where your note ticking comes in. Again in the chat you must put in your name and
which of these 17 sustainable development goals you care most about not the top three not
the top five the number one goal.
So SDG number one is no poverty. SDG 2 is zero hunger. SDG 3 is good health and well-
being. STG-4, loyalty, education, STG-5, and gender equality.
STG-6, clean water and sanitation, STG-7, affordable and clean energy, STG-8, has decent
work in economic growth, STG-9, industry, innovation, and infrastructure.
STG-10, reduced inequalities, STG-11, sustainable cities, and communities. And keep in
mind, the communities include refugees, displaced persons, and a gathering of
of people together is a community. So you have tools and resources here that can help
improve the conditions and lifestyles of people in your local community.
SDG 12, responsible consumption and production. SDG 13, climate action. SDG 14, life
below water. SDG 15, life on land.
SDG 16, peace, justice and strong institutions. And finally, SDG 17, partnership for the
goals. Now I will make one exception.
I've asked you to only put one of the 17 goals in this your name or your organization, but in
your heart, in your mind, I need you to understand.
We're all working together through SG17, which is part of the goals. Now of course, that's a
very broad range.
It can be a lot of things. So I ask you to include not number 17 in your choice of 17
sustainable developer goals.
As far as I'm concerned, we're all involved with 17. So put one of the other 16 goals. That
way we can better categorize your specific activity because we're putting all of you in
number 17.
That is part of our objective, moving forward in the world together through the world
humanitarian organization for peace and equity, and using our activities as a demonstration
so that other people can follow the lead that we put ourselves through.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
So I'm going share again the fact that this is a boarding workshop. And we are focused on
the United Nations Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Coals.
This is Thursday, November 23rd, 2023. And this is the conclusion of this four-day workshop
on the Sustainable Development Coals.
This is being brought to you, as I said, by AI5-2B and other organizations. And support for
the world-renonation, for peace and equity.
I'm going to mention to you today's session will be relatively short, but we do want to cover
key information that's important for you to know.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
Just a brief moment I am going to ask you to go to Excuse me, just a
moment. Technology is only great when it works.
Okay, just a moment here. And your You'll find. Let me stop sharing this.
again, just a moment, please.
Thank you for your patience. This has been a very challenging. Technical sessions for us for
all. But again, we're all part of the same team.
And I thank you for your opportunity for us to work together to to help us use the same
multivellum levels.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
Normally, I leave myself out at the end, but this is I'm to do want to remind you that you can
get more information about what we're doing here by going to And you can reach me at For those of you who cannot read what's on your screen, Andrew Networks
represents a wide range of humanitarian causes and commercial enterprises championed by
myself, Andrew Lynch, Jr.
That's chief executive of the PAR-XGC, X4 trading company. As a way to attract, pre-
qualified, demify and expand strategic international business alliances that accelerate the
awareness and achievement of the sustainable development goals.
Rookie AR-FTC, sovereign and foreign trusts, banks, corporations, associates, associations,
enterprises, and entities can do business with and through California, United States and the
territories, territories to the Canada, United States, Mexico agreement, key trading partners
from Asia to the Netherlands.
to the Caribbean community, the Commonwealth of Nations, the European Union, the Middle
East, and the African Continental Free Trade Area, and worldwide, which includes all of you.
I mentioned to you before that we're making the basis of the work that we're doing, the
sustainable development goals, and please be aware that this video about to show you will
probably be blocked on Facebook and other places, but you yourselves can see what this is.
So I'm going to share my screen with you, and I believe those of you that are here can be
able also to hear what this video is saying to you, but even if you can't, you do also need to
just read
what you see here written. So give me just a moment here. I'm going to share my spring.
Watch them good to you.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
The the is huge. 17 sustainable development goes. Let's get to them because the more you
know. And some corners of the world today.
People are living on a dollar day. Hey, that's not how we're all the peace. So go one. And let
me make poverty and go to.
in this present but if we put our minds together and work hard we can find us a lousy and I'm
guessing 17 sustainable development calls Twin-proof life all around the globe protecting
human health and the environment whatever bad we make we go have a lion 17 sustainable
development calls Twin-proof life all around the globe protecting human health and the
environment whatever bad we make we go have a lion now imagine that you work our day
for no
Economic growth and decent workers go eight go number nine is the foster innovation and
infrastructure and Realization go number 10 inequality reduction 11 is sustainable city
construction 12 well that's sustainable Consumption, so what we use matches up with
production go 13 calls for urgent action to combat climate change because we know it's
protect life on the seas 15 protect life on land Go 16 is for peace injustice all over the planet.
They're in high demand and the final goal number 17 is the critical factor the heart of the
machine It's the strength in the way we use these goals of sustainable development around
the globe Sustainable development goals To improve life all around the globe Protecting
human health and the environment whatever very make we call have a lion To improve life
all around
I'm the glow protected human health and the environment, whatever bad we make, we go
and have the lioness. Thank you for allowing me to share that with you.
Again, this would be part of what your homework is. And your test today, not your official
test, but your tests from me.
I need to know that you know what these 17 sustainable development goals are. And the you
to let me know that you know what your organization main mission is that aligns with which
of these 17 sustainable development goals.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
Again, we're continuing now, but we began last week. I'm going to share my screen again.
and bring you to the focus of this week's presentation, which is the United Nations Global
As a human family, we've had an enormous wake-up call to how connected we are with a
tiny little virus that comes along and shuts us down.
We are living in this world together. The same blood flows in me and every other person. We
are facing the challenges of an ecosystem that is stressed.
Things are not moving. think as fast as they should, things are improving, but not as fast as
they should.
The challenges that we're facing, they're materializing so fast that it's not only my children or
grandchildren which will experience the consequences if we fail.
To do it, we need to do it together. Collaboration, North, South, East, West, know, Black
Brown white strength in the diversity of the human family is what we need right now.
To get us past this incredibly difficult time. Might sound like it's impossible, you know, that's
what we work towards making the impossible possible.
20 years ago, a small group of United Nations and business leaders came up with a
visionary proposal. I proposed that you, the business leaders here gathered in Davos and
we, the United Nations, initiate a global compact of shared
Ad values and principles which will give a human fate to the global market. I always say part
of Kofi Alliance genius was he invited business but he also addressed civil society and
labour organisations.
The mission of the United Nations Global Compact is to mobilize companies around the
world to align their operations and strategies with 10 universal principles in the areas of
human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
The UN represents the body that aims to drive international cooperation and drive peace and
security for humanity than I think it unifies all of society around this set of 17 goals.
Our objectives cannot be met if the private sector doesn't play an fundamental role. And so
the global compact is a platform in which all those businesses that
abide by the principles and values of the United Nations and of the charter to work together
representing the best of humankind.
For the last two decades, initiative has grown to encompass local networks in more than 60
countries engaging directly with over 10,000 companies.
The local networks are our global footprint around the world and they work with us to
translate the 10 principles as well as the sustainable development goals into actionable
pieces of work for businesses globally.
It is so decided. Since 2015, the 17 sustainable development goals and the Paris Climate
Agreement have provided the most powerful, common agenda that the world has ever seen,
did an essential role spelled out for business.
Any business that continues to operate under its own self-interest will not be Around very
long. So businesses that have a strong purpose that understand how they can make society
better will be embraced by society and will be around for a long time.
Be the change that you want to see in business. I truly believe that companies who do not
put sustainability to SGDs in their strategies, they're going to disappear.
The mindset of consumers has changed. They increasingly want to buy from companies that
are contributing to society as a whole.
Business must be part of the solution in when we address these big global problems. The
focus has shifted to both the short term and the long term, both doing well and doing good,
making profits and making a change.
This is a reality of the world now. Leaders need to lead sustainably. The United Nations
Global Compact is leading the transformation ahead, challenging companies to take more
ambitious action on the sustainable development goals.
I think it's absolutely impossible to face the truth. challenges of today, the very quick change
that is happening without having the use leading the way and helping us define the right
strategies, right policies, the right approaches to address the global problems.
The world is waking up and change is coming whether you like it or not. The world today has
got more opportunities than it has the challenges that can be overcome by the opportunities
that we have.
You find people in the most disparate of situations, determined to fight for a better future.
That's the kind of world I want.
What have changed in a very short period of time is that the narrative is different and that is
If you want to have good Business, you have to mobilize people. Business is a sum of
people who are keen to something.
More and more people realize that sustainability is really about making the pie bigger, better
and more inclusive. I hope in the future all businesses in the world will think about their own
This is can only exist when they have a purpose. We've got to show progress. We've got to
reverse what's happening.
I see the global compact as an incredible organization working together with businesses to
build a more sustainable world. We are united across the globe for the globe.
We're united despite our challenges no matter how daunting the task may seem. We are
united by possibilities because this is bigger than one business.
Because we are better together. We all have the same job. We are united in the business of
a better world.
are of And that's what brings us together today. The United Nations Global Compact and the
fact that the work that they do around the world begins in the local communities.
I'm very proud at 5.6 foundation. It is also a member of the United Nations Global Compact.
So we are there to represent the interests of the people in our network, including all of you.
But this is more important than just having a capacity about sharing with you. things that
happened around the world.
You also need to know what this means to you and how it can impact your world. I'm gonna
share with you another short video.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
Then I'll move to the conclusion of this final workshop and turn it over to Pastor James. The
world has an epic plan called the Global Goals and it's half time.
I don't know what to say really. I either be healed as a team or we're gonna crumble. Inch by
inch, play by play till we're finished.
We're in hell right now. And we can stay here or we can fight our way back. Into the light.
You can climb out of hell One inch at a time You know when you get old in life things get
taken from I mean that's that's that's part of life But you only learned that when you start
losing stuff You find out life's game of inches one half a step too late or too early and you
don't quite make it One half second too slow too fast, you know quite catch it the inches we
need are everywhere around us On this team we fight for that it We claw with our fingernails
Because we know when we add up all those inches that's gonna make the difference
between And
And I know if I'm gonna have any life anymore is because I'm still willing to fight and die for
that inch That's what liven is The six inches in front of your face Now I can't make you Now I
think you're gonna see a guy who will go to that inch with you You're gonna see a guy Who
will sacrifice himself for this team because he knows when it comes down to it You're gonna
do the same for him And either we heal now as a team Or we will die as individuals Now
What are you gonna do?
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
So James open to meeting. That concludes my presentation.
@40:24 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
I'm turning it back over.
@40:29 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Hello, How about for James, the floor is yours. Well, if we have lost faster James, I'm going
to ask each of you that are here today.
If you choose to now to time to share your screen for our group photo, after that we'll have
roll call.
And after that, I will each of you to be able to say to us which of the 17 sustainable
development goals you have the most interest in.
I'm for the top three. I'm asking for the top two. I'm asking for the top one of the goals that
you, your organization or individually have an interest in because at the end of the day, it's
not what we want to do.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
It's what you want to do, but you have to understand which of the goals have the most
importance to your own personal survival, your own quality of life, and your own happiness.
So that's going to stop sharing my screen. And by each of you to show your video first, do
not unmute yourself.
Just show your video if you want to take part in this final photo. I chapter James, thank you
so much for joining us again.
Well, you're lips are moving, but we don't hear you. Pastor James, we still do not hear you.
You're not, we don't hear you, Pastor James.
I see you're unmuted, but we do not hear you. You may have to go out and come back in.
We don't hear you. We do not hear you, Pastor James. No. Go out and come back in. We
cannot hear you.
Okay, we're going to take this group photo. So if you're able to now the time to unmute
yourself, at least to show your video.
And. Who ever takes his photo, please send it to Jeff's flat champion. Pastor David, you're
lips are moving but we don't hear you.
@44:13 - Kateryn Adams
to go forward.
@44:25 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
As soon as Pastor James comes back with his photo, we'll take this picture and then we'll
move on to the conclusion of today's project.
And I want to thank all of you for participating. I really appreciate this. I've learned a lot and
sharing with you.
So thank you for allowing me to opportunity to grow with you together. No, we don't hear
you, Pastor James.
So I guess we'll have to have a very short ending to today's presentation. Technology is on
the great when it works.
Very well, we're going to shortly end today's presentation. Unfortunately, technical difficulties
were passed or came from being here. I want to thank all of you for participating.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
I'm going to share my screen. And then I'm going to move to the conclusion of today's
program. Thank you very much.
You can stop sharing your screen now. Hopefully you took a photo of that and be able to
share it with Pastor James.
@45:50 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Can you hear me now?
@45:52 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
You made it. Congratulations. you.
@46:00 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
de i kuah guz' emithal kanchainhanan in anad anad voy ya ayakir ma a ayakir agay
ayakirat'all are so to me here today.
She is so busy. She is going on. She is running a massage and university of Ibadam. She is
part of the students of Ibadam, peace, security, and interior studies.
So I want to apologize on the behalf. So next time you'll be seeing a great part of Ibadam,
I'm Bazaadandra.
done more justice to all we have to learn I said, I'm going to ask questions. There's no way
you could do it.
Nothing you could do about that. I'm going to ask questions. And that is why you are trying to
take my mind so I will not talk.
I will not ask questions. Thank God for your experience. I have to fire back. So for me to
come back.
Are you ready for me? Because you either you like it or not. You're going to answer
questions. Adam, if you frown your face, even worse than this, you answer questions.
There's nothing you could do. And none of you could bribe me with your smile. As if
somebody laughing smiley, you can't bribe me.
I'm going to ask you questions. Whatever, I'll you post. More than how you should be able to
post moderately.
Think it or not call you. I will call you. So I will take it one after the other. Let me start with.
whisk it. Ary once me mesto y you use a mid to serve a anут while you lose it wall cf humile
of who w ear fumile Ok, what else and peace in our society?
@48:38 - Oyewusi Victor Adeyemi
@48:39 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
have more mutual self, you will come back to that mutual self now. Head down, what is the
foaming of who?
I'm mutual self, you want to do it, do it or you will not be mutual self. Your camera is working.
I'm mutual self, head down, you'll tell me where you are. I'm mutual self, head down.
@49:00 - Kateryn Adams
Ok, so the main of both, think is the world humanitarian organization for peace and equity.
@49:15 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
You are going to say it again, there is no need to start the game. Without putting it because
the people is not that many.
@49:30 - Kateryn Adams
Alright, what humanitarian organization for peace and equity? That's lovely.
@49:42 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
As God wants question, that's lovely. Mute yourself now, mute yourself. Missed our cake,
gave bread. Was it a few minutes of?
Was it a minutes of SDG?
@50:01 - Okeke Gabriel
Susterebo Development Goals.
@50:04 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Correct. That's lovely.
@50:07 - Okeke Gabriel
@50:07 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Boba, what's your name? What is the full meaning of UNCG?
@50:18 - Uba Nkonsha Audi
@50:20 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
UNGC. All right.
@50:23 - Uba Nkonsha Audi
@50:28 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
UNGC. Correct. Correct.
@50:31 - Oyewusi Victor Adeyemi
Clap yourself.
@50:31 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
If nobody class for you, clap for yourself. You have to clap for yourself. Nobody class for you.
@50:37 - Uba Nkonsha Audi
Clap for yourself.
@50:39 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Justina from Namiya, the Susterebo Development Goals. What is GU-1? GU-1.
@50:52 - Justine Natanael
No, Puvatti.
@50:54 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
No, Puffatti. 3 Imanu-e-to, they saw celibur development goals. What is go-to? Go-to.
@51:11 - Emmanuel Etu
The one is poverty, go-to is a, I know three is health, four is education.
@51:21 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
There's that Imanu-e-to, there's that one there.
@51:24 - Oyewusi Victor Adeyemi
There's that one there.
@51:26 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Remove your glasses and tell us the go-to. Okay, United Nations Sustainable Development
Go-to. I don't say, I don't ask go-one, I don't ask go-four, I don't ask go-three.
Go-two. I don't know you're to accept, I'm coming back to you. Meet yourself, I'm coming
back to you. Oh yeah, see, we'll have to bail yourself out now.
Watch us go-three of the SDGs, go-three. favour.
@52:02 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
P Aff try don't know what bow to mah collaborater.
@52:06 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
the hardware b fins bel guy faitan laat frint sneaky baun You he aftg g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ghe M钉 Go Ghe M钉 M钉 Ok, I'm coming back to Aditi. Ya, let me click on to Dorkas.
How did you make this? What did you make this question? Dorkas, what is Dorkas' name?
Dorkas, made this question.
You will go back to NN Secondary School.
@53:58 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas
Now. Thank you.
@54:00 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
I To I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
@55:00 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas
@55:01 - Godday Aguriase Odidi
@55:01 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas
No. No.
@55:03 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
@55:04 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas
@55:05 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
@55:06 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas
No. No.
@55:08 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
No. No.
@55:10 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas
No. No.
@55:15 - Doris Kamagara
I'm not on noise.
@55:16 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
didn't hear you while I beg your pardon. If you want to do a joero, you know he and me well.
@55:21 - Doris Kamagara
@55:22 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Yinti, is the seed of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goosex?
@55:30 - Doris Kamagara
Can you know what the administration is?
@55:33 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
So, have to look, have to look, you have to derive, you have to copy first. If have a class for
yourself, at least you got that.
Yes, let me go to Winning. Winning, if you come with this question, I have to change your
name and spot.
Winning. Winning from Uganda. Let me see your face now. You have to answer this
question. N or foul te multicultural et Nguyen Nui, don't tell me Network is for quitting.
If you get it right, I'm going to share your name from Winning to question. So answer my
question where now?
What is good seven? Winning, we are waiting for you. Winning want to tell me camera is no
good now.
Network is bad. Is that what you want to tell me Winning? I can hear you. I can see you
Answer my question. On mutual safe. On mutual safe. Winning. . . o le dono Klappau yosef.
Klappau yosef. If bad enough clap for you clap for yourself.
@57:45 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
That's lovely.
@57:46 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Years. That's lovely. Before Kamalapeh Pita we say we have not called it sleep. That's how
you used to do everyday.
Kamalapeh Pira Shayo. Tell all the good night. afti hezdi ji, gunai. Kamalafetir a shayat yo,
gunai. What do we have there?
Kamalafet unot okinau. Tell us, tell us.
@58:19 - Winnie Niwamanya
I can't answer.
@58:22 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Winni, are you back?
@58:25 - Winnie Niwamanya
I'm back.
@58:26 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
What is gunai? Tell us gunai.
@58:30 - Winnie Niwamanya
It's an industry innovation and infrastructure.
@58:38 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Yes, there's no under, we just have three of them.
@58:43 - Winnie Niwamanya
No under industry, you know, very strong. Innovation.
@58:51 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Infrastructure. Infrastructure. No under club yourself. If you're not club for you, club for
yourself. If you're not club for you.
Y'all that's what I will say that's lovely shy y'all will not talk now shy y'all we have called you
about three times You come back later and say we have not mentioned your name shy y'all
Where are you tell us good ten shy y'all good ten shy y'all Okay, I can see Oralua or a luayu
here tell us good ten of the SDG good ten or you luayu here Sit out again No, you get saved
again Reducing , Equality if we say a decent quality damage that becomes easier
sa Keiruara ireh, seva herkaina ireh, jbadara yogisu haineBU ya sabhu'an bein from us,
salos go 11 of the SDG sabhu'an bein are you here?
if you are not here let me quickly go to CD, S, go 11 CD, S, A, tell me to sit yet uncle Stone-
did but it up
So, sustainable cities and communities.
@1:01:04 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
So, sustainable.
@1:01:11 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Captain James, you muted yourself. Captain James, you muted yourself.
@1:01:17 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Yes, lovely. I think can you hear me now, please.
@1:01:20 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
you hear me? Yes, we here, you know.
@1:01:22 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Thank you. Some records were coming. I don't want to be disturbed. Good to have. I will
quickly. saw.
@1:01:36 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
You muted yourself again. We did not hear you. Well, I see Benedict David. Your hand is not
raised. I'm raising it for you.
What is gold 12? We can't hear you, Pastor James. We cannot hear you, Pastor James. We
do not hear you.
You have to go out and come back again. David Benedict Murrow, one is gold 12. If you can
hear me, Murrow Benedict David.
Well, I see your hand moving, from this, not be paying attention to us. So Gabriel O'Keehy,
gold number 12, please.
@1:02:55 - Okeke Gabriel
Sustainable citizen, commentities.
@1:02:58 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
That's all 11.
@1:03:00 - Okeke Gabriel
We need gold. No, it's a good one.
@1:03:05 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
a one. said said no.
@1:03:09 - Okeke Gabriel
And it's not right. It's good one. Okay. I said, never mind. Come back to you. Okay.
@1:03:20 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
I need someone to raise your hands with all number 12.
@1:03:23 - Okeke Gabriel
If you have not already spoken. I mind. Okay. All right. So, that's responsible. I think
something responsible. Consumption of production.
Exactly. Exactly.
@1:03:39 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Thank you so much. As Patrick said. Clap your hands for yourself. If no one else will do that
for you.
No number 13.
@1:03:51 - Okeke Gabriel
Go on number 13.
@1:03:54 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Go on number 13. I'll let you raise your hands.
@1:04:00 - Okeke Gabriel
and entry.
@1:04:02 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
If not, I'll see a remote Sunday bank call. Oh, Festus. Okay, Festus, go number 13.
@1:04:12 - Festus Obago
Claim it, change and impact.
@1:04:15 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Clap your hands for yourself, sir. If no one else will, you are absolutely correct. Thank you so
much. Goal number 14.
City Elizabeth, you may have been raised your hand for 13, but now you got 14. City
Elizabeth, what's goal 14?
@1:04:32 - Sidi Elizabeth Omonego
Live below water.
@1:04:35 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Congratulations and correct. Do I see a hand raise for goal number 15? Do I see a hand
raise for goal number 15?
Going once, going twice, done, marizio blauise out of Italy, you've been very quiet. This is
your time. Number 15.
@1:05:00 - don Maurizio Bloise
Present. Good morning. Present.
@1:05:04 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
@1:05:05 - don Maurizio Bloise
Good morning. Ciao.
@1:05:10 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Go, go. Allow us count. Go 15. What is your? Okay, well, I've not heard you. Oh, there you
Hi, father. Can you tell us goal 15? Oh, can't hear you, but we know you're participating. So
drop carefully, drop safely.
We're going to turn it over to Hamza Al-Tumohamut from goal 15. Hamza Al-Tumohamut,
goal 15. Great. Okay.
@1:06:00 - Godday Aguriase Odidi
Good night, sir. Life for land.
@1:06:03 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
Oh, wow. Good night.
@1:06:04 - Okeke Gabriel
I'm safe.
@1:06:06 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Life for land.
@1:06:07 - Godday Aguriase Odidi
It's something.
@1:06:08 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
I'm safe, something. Yes, we hear you.
@1:06:11 - Godday Aguriase Odidi
Life for land.
@1:06:12 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Life for land.
@1:06:13 - Godday Aguriase Odidi
Yeah, life for land.
@1:06:14 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Yes. Where you're so? If I want else to ask. Thank you, sir.
@1:06:17 - Godday Aguriase Odidi
Thank you. You only have two. Yes, go to your DD.
@1:06:21 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
This is go to your DD.
@1:06:23 - Godday Aguriase Odidi
Yes. I'm glad people for myself. We only have two left.
@1:06:28 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
16 and 17. Yeah. I need two hands raised for 16 and 17. To finish up today's presentation.
Goal number 16 and 17.
Do I have any takers? Well, let's see here. I may have to go to the old glory Azuzu Azuza
Or you have Ouba. All right, we will go number 16. Now's that time. Don't play with us. You
raised your hand.
What's goal 16?
@1:07:09 - Uba Nkonsha Audi
Ball number 16. Aligns with the basic goal of what? It is peace, justice and strong institutions.
You need peace.
@1:07:20 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Not clap your hands but jump up and down and clap your hands. That's absolutely correct.
Thank you very much, Thank you.
@1:07:30 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
That was an unsigned one correctly.
@1:07:34 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Well, there you are, Pastor James. We're about down to number 17. It's up here to close us
@1:07:40 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Ball number 17. I'm going to ask you. Oh, goodness. Oh, We're down to the last one, Pastor
@1:07:52 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Goal 17.
@1:07:53 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Can you hear us? We'll try to... I think I can hear you better now.
@1:08:02 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Yes, we're down to 17.
@1:08:05 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
@1:08:06 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Yeah, we're the last one.
@1:08:08 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
@1:08:09 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
I think is it about who, that's us? It is?
@1:08:14 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
I'm the third. I'm the partnership with school. Number 17 is partnership for the girls.
@1:08:22 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Okay, the girls. Yes, you have done it right.
@1:08:25 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
If nobody claps for you, clap for yourself.
@1:08:30 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
So that is what I will say. think today we were able to identify each good from one to the
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
And now you should be able to know which of them that, you know, capture your interest and
where you could work.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
It's very well. I'm sorry. Your laughter is because it's confusion here. So don't laugh at all like
that. Not to cause.
I'm a completion. Is anyone here that I've not answered a question or attempts any of them?
They're pleased. I want to see.
@1:09:08 - Komolafe Peter shayo
Where's Gloria? From a lot of people.
@1:09:10 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
@1:09:15 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
Oh, chapter in Am here. choose her. Can I see your face please? Can I see Gloria, can I see
your face?
Yes, sir.
@1:09:31 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
I've not seen it too. Okay. Mrs. Gloria, what are you doing? From...
@1:09:38 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
From Lagos, Nigeria.
@1:09:41 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Yeah, Lagos.
@1:09:43 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
@1:09:45 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Papa Lagos?
@1:09:47 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
Yes, sir.
@1:09:54 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Mrs. Gloria?
@1:09:56 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
Yes, sir.
@1:09:57 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
@1:09:58 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
Thank you, sir.
@1:10:01 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Congratulations. You might not know why I said congratulations.
@1:10:05 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
I told you, at least.
@1:10:08 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
At least what?
@1:10:10 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
I deserve it on there. have been going on. I am privileged to be part of this training. I have
learned a lot.
@1:10:23 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Yes. Listen to me, everybody is there. So everybody deserves to be said. Thank you. What's
now? I want you to just warn yourself for free.
@1:10:35 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
One reason.
@1:10:37 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
You just want it for yourself. You want to know why you want that. Let me explain. I will you
the names.
I tell you. I will tell you. I will tell you. ...
@1:11:00 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
... ... ...
@1:11:09 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
... ...
@1:11:10 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
@1:11:11 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
@1:11:11 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
... ... ... ...
@1:11:17 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
@1:11:17 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
... ... ... ...
@1:11:26 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
@1:12:04 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
We may have lost him. We'll give him a few moments to get back. In the meantime, this is
Andrew Williams Jr.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
Thank you all so much for your participation in this workshop. We love you. We appreciate
you. And we're all in this together.
And all of us are participating with SDG-17.
@1:12:25 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
We're creating a partnership for the goals.
@1:12:31 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
If you have not done so already, please go to So we're have a as a volunteer
and identify which of the 17 of the other goals you're most passionate about.
@1:12:54 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
I'm Bakas, I'm a Sardarandru.
@1:12:56 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
I would use a closer answer.
@1:12:58 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
All right. Thank you so much. As I was saying, you can say me earlier, I printed the name
What you did that won't you, one of the polo t-shirt for me is that you wrote your name and
your blacket move as part of your name.
That's what makes people when they follow. I have not seen anyone since they have the
right thing, their names are whatsoever.
@1:13:27 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
are identified, then say with me.
@1:13:32 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
I have not seen any other division. I do go to some people's, what's up to see if they use wu
plu plu plu if they do this, I've not seen.
But because you wrote your name and at the end of it, your blacket move, showing that you
are identifying yourself with you.
And that is why you want yourself to follow t-shirt.
@1:13:56 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
So I want t-shirt when I have the right thing to do. Thank you, Sa.
@1:14:00 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
I'm very good at that if I yourself with me. Like some people, I ask them to spell who or the
full meaning of who they are put in.
So they are just for the start. What is so all say is this?
@1:14:18 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
Congratulations. Thank you so it shows that you are a fashion for the job and you love me.
@1:14:25 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
And I will everyone of you, volunteering and working with us. You should be able to be of
your organization.
@1:14:37 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
should be able to be proud of what you do and where you are. You should be able to be
@1:14:41 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Not just of you, she and the logo.
@1:14:47 - Emmanuel Etu
remember my two leg grades.
@1:14:49 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu
I remember my two leg grades.
@1:14:52 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
was just a light person. That's position. We are less concerned about that. What we are
concerned about is your personality that had a different personality.
50% ensuite mailuan. 我們有 ranch More people from Ratas which is yes writing So what
we're talking about Her right Isima appreciate in everyone of anyone that is pata
development good will hardison …and itch gwil, itch gwil, if an organization should take the
itch gwil to walk on, you cannot finish walking on it for decades or years.
Let alone you have 17 of them. So that is why we need more people, volunteers to be on
And that is why we cannot be everywhere at the same time. But we need people
representing us from different states, different countries, different locations.
And that is why we have been saying register, register, register. I know some of you might
have not registered.
We have sent several links to the different platforms, registered as a volunteer. And I want to
say this, we want to register as a volunteer.
Make sure you use your passport. It will help us because all our volunteers pictures as to be
on the website.
You have a notification. When you get a volunteer page country, you are doing those from.
So if you are able to do that, we are sorry, there's nothing we could do about that.
We only work with those that are registered and that we have the data and the information.
So when we are producing the ID card, we have it to know.
aduz that are ready to work with us or volunteer with us. And these are not here in Nigeria or
in the United States.
Let's say from Namibia, Uganda. Doris, where are you from? Doris, Kamangara, where are
you from? Doris, where are you from?
She's not even here with us again. So we want to represent it from other countries. I know
Dostina is a...
What are you Dostina? Is it Namibia?
@1:17:40 - Doris Kamagara
Doris is from Uganda.
@1:17:44 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
From Uganda, yes. From Uganda, we want to perform a formidable team in Uganda. We call
it Wukanda. We help you Wukanda.
We are here Wukanda. Nigeria. So let's know our team from different countries that we know
who are those we are working with or recommending with and also when we are issuing the
notification card we're able to put your country and we're just that we're able to appoint a
coordinator in that country that will coordinate our programs so that is why it is very important
for you to register.
Any other person from Uganda here? Apart from Doris and Winnie? Winnie I know you are
from Uganda Doris from Uganda.
Anyone that one from Uganda here?
@1:18:44 - Doris Kamagara
Okay all right not problem about that we want everyone to be on board wherever you are
Uganda we want to see your team.
@1:19:00 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Kareit, our kareit, uh, whoop, Uganda, and we'll bring you on board. Whoop, Namibia, and
bring those, Namibia on board.
So we're able to have your team over there. Then we start the ball rolling. That is what I
would do.
On the final note, on Saturday we're up to announce again the program that we're going on
in, uh, the University of Ibadgan, concerning the International Day for eradication, elimination
of violence against women and guests.
It's going to come up on Saturday, November 25th. And we want people in Nigeria. If you're
in your state, even legal state, it's not up from you.
We want you to be there and be part of the program, the part of the blessing. And if you're
part of it,
Aigle from Uganda, from Namibia, from Kenya, whatever you're in Africa, you're from the US.
We want you to use this same link on Saturday to join the program to watch its live.
Watch its live wherever you are. So let's be part of the program. And from all, if you have any
better idea, innovative idea on this sustainable development goes that you have length, you
can easily reach your back, tell us what you feel, what you could do, or your state.
If you are yet to have more people in your state, I'm talking to an engineer now. Let's know.
So from there, we know what to do.
So this is what we could say now to encourage everyone of you joining us from all over the
world to really be part of it.
alaqqar, is humanitarian move. And also, it is a global vision. So nobody should be left
behind. So thank you everyone for joining us.
I don't know, where's the Adams? Did you see my message? Who again from peace? The
past man from here, hear.
@1:21:59 - Oreoluwa Olumeyan
@1:21:59 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
Yes. Ya, sir.
@1:22:03 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Okay, say to me on what's up. I'm also from the peace department or all you are. If you are
from peace department, just say I to me on what's up.
Let me see your face. So I will not be answering, uh, uh, attended to all people. I'm
assuming your face now if you are from the office department.
So if I say I will be to identify you. Oh, also from the peace department.
@1:22:37 - Oreoluwa Olumeyan
@1:22:38 - Oyewusi Victor Adeyemi
@1:22:39 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
HR is the right. For me, I'm Saturday. Saturday. I can see back. I dance. can see Adam's. Do
you how I made you?
Don't show me. Don't move. Don't move. I'm doing it again.
@1:22:52 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas
Please allow me to do it.
@1:22:53 - Oreoluwa Olumeyan
Let's go.
@1:22:54 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Let's Let's go.
@1:22:55 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas
Not today.
@1:22:56 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
We're going to move on. Are you going to it?
@1:22:59 - Oreoluwa Olumeyan
@1:23:00 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Ok, ok, no problem. So on Saturday, I don't know if we can easily meet Bribli. To talk Bribli, I
think Ubershu organized that.
So for us to know, we're forward. Because we must have a nothe in the bathroom. Either
you, either Adam's like it or not.
We are obviously in the bathroom. Either we buy like this or not. So from there, we'll able to
know the way forward.
There are more to do in the bathroom. And we are continuing you. And we believe you can
do better.
So be there for us and we'll know it. We're forward. And there's also somebody that won't
and award from us.
We are going to announce that person in that program. I don't need to say anything now.
And I don't need to say how he or she won the award.
But on the program, we're going to hear more of that. So thank you everyone for bringing us
and your certificates already.
The video is left at this program. But if you have not done the community support group on
was that please do now because all your certificate would be sent there once I'm for you You
will not be disturbing me my certificate my certificate.
We are going to send it on the platform Sir apologize, but we have two people with their
hands raised and before you leave I want to share my screen briefly Oh, you lower their
hands or they can make their comments now right, oh you would you have to say something
Well, you're using your hands is resolved is your hand not pinning you Okay, okay, I'll lower
their hands.
Okay, okay Get back do you want to say something?
@1:24:49 - Okeke Gabriel
Okay We have to everyone I'm here as well Kutakimau, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui,
tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui,
tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui,
tui, tui, tui, tui tui, tui, tui, tui tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui,
I know we are very good in making wonderful policies. But where the problem lies is not in
the implementation stage.
We have to get it wrong. Now I want to ask, if United Nations has any monitoring team or like
the watchdog that sees to it that they audit the initiatives or the global impact organization
and the SDGs of United Nations because I've been implemented to the letter.
So yeah, and have any watchdog monitoring team that ensures that all these goals are being
implemented. And all the money donations.
That's the question I want to ask.
@1:26:42 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
Thank you. Thank you so much. But some people that directs work, uh, staffs of the United
Nations are not there, they are outside you directly.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
Or the coordinator for monitoring team. But I take a resolution. is the issue? But more like
@1:27:01 - Okeke Gabriel
@1:27:02 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
All right. If I may, I do want to let all of you know that the United Nations does not have a
watchdog for each country.
Each country is responsible for its own policies. But part of the reason I share this
information with you about the United Nations Global Compact and their local networks is
that in Nigeria, there is a local network for your country.
And if you can see my screen, United Nations Global Compact has a particular initiative
called Business for Peace along with others including caring for climate.
But an answer to your question, for example, for Business for Peace, let me share my
screen a little bit better here.
An example for business for peace, this deals with conflict and instability that not only impact
people in the environment, but pulls risk to all parts of the business sector.
Time and time again, I've asked you to understand that your non-governmental organization
is only as strong as your relationship is with the business sector and the government.
It takes all three working together, but there is, for example, something called business for
peace. It's a platform for over 130 leading companies from 37 countries dedicated to
catalyzing collaborative action to advance peace.
So, by joining business for peace, companies will be able to better identify and manage their
business. business risks and opportunities while reducing operational costs.
But this is the important part for you. It also engaged in public-private dialogue to establish
local priorities and implement projects.
So as far as I'm concerned, this is where a vote can step in in every person that attended
today's workshop can step in to begin to have a dialogue with those businesses in your area
to work together to affect change in your local community based on the government's
policies and procedures.
But remember, the government policies and procedures are only words on paper. It's not the
life on the ground. It's up to us to make sure that these policies and procedures are carried
out locally under our own authority because the government is only representing our interest.
But if we don't do the work that we ask our government to do, then we can't expect any
outcome different than what you have right now.
To reiterate, to continue, business for peace, people are committed to align their business
strategies and operations practice, not just in your own area, but around the world.
They're dedicated to share the best and emerging practices and learn from the experience of
their peers. Demonstrate leadership and receive recognition for advancing practical
This is where we come in. They don't have practical solutions because they don't know our
community. It's up to us to be the ones to present to them practical solutions that we need in
our local communities, not depending on the government alone, but on those businesses.
In many cases, I have to tell you there are businesses in the United States that have a large
the entire country of Nigeria. But they have local operations in your area. We can impact
those decisions locally and have an impact not just in your local community but at the top
level as well.
Companies who have joined the business for peace, they commit to paying heightened
attention to the implementation of UN Global Compact.
10 principles in high risk and complex, affected areas. This is why I asked all of you to
understand that those 10 principles are broken down into four pillars.
One is human rights, two is labor, three environment, four anti-corruption and transparency.
This may also be where folks can pay attention through your efforts, because what you're
saying is that the government is saying one thing and doing something else.
That's not transparent. That's where principle 10 comes into action. But the important part of
this is that each company is required to annually communicate on progress.
They have to say what they're doing. That's where you find out what companies are
spending their money to do and introduce yourself as a way they can spend their money to
help you do what they're supposed to be doing.
Because in a lot of cases, they have money in their bank, but they don't have people on the
So part of this effort is to encourage and empower all of you through whole hope to be able
to connect that diet.
Finally, recognize that local ownership and knowledge are vital to driving change. Business
for Peace is adopted a locally driven approach.
This means you. Business for Peace work to develop the capacity of global compact local
networks to support participants in their effort to conduct responsible business practices in
advance peace.
This is the answer to. to your question. It is up to us to be the ones to hold accountable all of
the stakeholders in our local community to have national and international impact.
Finally, there are 18 local networks have already grown, joined this growing movement.
Including Canada, Colombia, Egypt, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Mexico, Nigeria,
Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, and United
So, before our close, let me do one other important thing, direct all of you to you in This is where you will find who your local representative is and how we
can engage them in having a conversation to address your concerns about ways that they're
supposed to be doing.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
as impacts in your local community. This is This is where you will
find information about what's going on around the world, but as I explained to you earlier, it's
important for you to engage locally.
The local networks are the place where you will be able to find out who is responsible for
connecting the dots between the United Nations and your own activities.
Again, it's important to understand that this is also the place where you have the intersection
between the local networks and the sustainable development goals.
Responsible business has a vital role to play in the success of a decade of action. The
private sector can contribute to the mainstreaming of the SDGs at the local level through its
local network by participating in global combat.
multi-stakeholder convenings, including policy dialogue, which is what you brought up. But
also participating in global compact network working groups.
This is comprised of a dedicated and passionate group of professionals who are themselves
committed to develop local solutions. It's up to everyone in this workshop to be a local
But first you have to understand how what you're doing impacts one or more of the
sustainable development goals. That was the entire purpose of these two week workshops.
So you'll understand what the world is focusing on so that you can describe how what we're
doing impacts what the world is focusing on.
Finally, business for peace and local networks are reaching the intersection of promoting and
incorporating accountability measures to report on progress.
as supports, implementing the sustainable development goals within their companies. It's up
to us and up to you to be the ones to help the sat with that is.
Again, there are three resources available online at, where you can
find Infographics, case examples, reports. And this may be what you are talking about,
where you can promote anti-corruption, collective action through the global compact local
This is where you hold the feet to the fire for the governments that you put into place, but you
have to take advantage of the tools and resources to do that.
Also, if you don't measure it, it doesn't count. So it's up to you to be the ones to make sure
that you document the activities that you're doing that impact the sustainable development
Throughout next year, we will be offering the opportunity for each of you to upload your
photos, your articles, and your videos online through VOLPE and through a yacht by TV so
that we can demonstrate that we are in fact working on accomplishing these objectives.
And before I turn it back over to you again, I urge you to go to you and
and go to engage locally and then go to Nigeria.
All the things I've told you today are not based on things I'm just thinking of right now. The
local network in Nigeria has been in existence since 2006, but there are only 138
It's your task to find out who they are and to find out how what they're doing in your area can
affect what you're trying to accomplish.
So again, in closing, I do want to share my screen with you one last time to show you what
we ourselves are doing to accomplish these goals and objectives through the work of the
world humanitarian organization for peace and equity.
But also through the very efforts that we are taking advantage of right now today on a local
basis. So I'm going stop sharing my screen just a moment.
Let's see here and I have so many things on my screen, give me just a moment, I apologize
for the delay.
Yes, here it is right here. Now we understand that many of you do not have the resources to
be able to identify what it is you're trying to accomplish and be able then to transfer that
information to the rest of the world.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
So what we've done is through the work of the world humanitarian organization of the piece
of equity. And the SOTDF Foundation is put together a registration form so that your
organization can register with us to let us know how what you are doing impacts one or more
of the sustainable development goals.
And there's a secret that I'm sharing with you that's not a secret. It's information of readily
available. Even though they're over 14,000 members of the United Nations Global Compact
Business Members since 2000, over 14,000 have been kicked out because they refuse to do
one simple thing.
Demonstrate how what they're doing impacts one or more of the 10th principles or the
sustainable development goals. What we are offering is the opportunity for each of you to
register with us.
Then we go NGO, the registration details, so you must be registered in your own country.
The name of the president or person that's in charge, but we know that no organization
works by itself.
It's important to have also a description of who is in your management team. 75% of the
decision making about whether companies will support you depends upon who your
management team is.
Not what your vision is, not what your mission statement is, but who is it that's taken
responsibility. We're doing what you claim you want to accomplish.
Who are those people? So we're asking you to let us know who they are. What will help you
as volunteers to better identify your own strengths and weaknesses and opportunities and
threats so that we can work with you together to accomplish the objectives we have.
This is a very simple form. In addition to knowing who you are, we need to know what is your
area of sustainability goal.
goals. That's why I'm asking you right here to just put the number one goal not one and two.
I'll see you in the chat.
Some people have put several goals. Some people put all the goals. We need one goal for
us to be able to focus our attention so that we can work and win together.
We're also asking that you provide us with at least three projects, three photos, three videos,
three articles that describe work that your organization or foundation has done in the last two
So this doesn't mean what you did last week, but it gives you two years. And we also want
you to describe the impact of what the work you've done had in the society on one of those
17 sustainable development goals.
Then let us know how to reach you. We need your organizations email address and your
website address. If you do not have a website, you need
to take the opportunity to begin to understand you're in the fourth industrial revolution. No
one can reach around the world unless you're available on social media.
If all you have is a Facebook page which is free for you to set up, you need to have some
way for us to engage with you and you can engage with the rest of world.
And finally, we're only working with those organizations that are legally registered in their
country. If not, then you need to join WOLT because we are legally registered in Nigeria.
Finally, you need to at the very bottom understand that we need your personal commitment.
So once you provide us this information and your email address, we'll take the time to type
the information in and you send us into this forum and send it back to you for your signature
that you can do online.
But we need your commitment to declare that the information you provide. is to the best of
your ability true and that if at any given point it is discovered that there's also vacations
whatever the agreement automatically becomes invalidated so we need you to be
transparent as well finally at the very bottom you can see that you can go online to register at or it's last register your organization at the very bottom you'll
see that there is a legal scenario office address and as I believe Pastor James was actually
there when it was founded on July 23rd of 2020 there's a candidate office address and
there's a US office address that US office address is my organization the five point student
foundation because I am the chairperson of the Saga Foundation
to international advisory board just as I am the chairperson of the World organizations,
international advisory board. So when you go to click on that bottom link or you go online,
you'll find there is already an application form that gives you this very same information.
I see the mouse screen is not sharing right now. So I'll have to allow you to be the ones to
see on my screen.
And I'm moving to the end just to more clearly. See on my screen that we will provide you
with this booklet that has more of than just the application form itself, but it actually has is an
entire presentation of all the material that I've shared with you over these past several days.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
And it begins with the fact that we are making a commitment. to be the ones to educate and
raise awareness about what we're doing and where you have tools that you can share it with
people in your community.
But the driving factor behind all of our work is the fact that climate change is impacting the
entire world no matter where you are and the places that are where people are most likely to
die from the adverse impacts of climate change are in this map.
On the map you can see the orange part of the world that's Africa. That's where the most
people are likely to die from the adverse impacts of climate change.
In the bottom map, you'll see that the area with the lightest number, the lightest color is
Africa where the least number of these local networks are.
our intent is to work together and to fill out that map so that we have as strong as resources
in the place where
This is where most needs are. All of you have hurt me for many years. You don't know that
I'm disabled.
I have disabilities that prevent me from walking. I have disabilities that prevent me from
standing up for more than two minutes at a time.
I have disabilities that prevent me from breathing the way I need to. But the sustainable
development goals are also to leave no one behind.
So there is a place where you can find there is a relationship between the United Nations
Global Compact and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the African
Union Agenda 2063.
African Sustainable Development Map is available online. Just type it in. African Sustainable
Development Map and you'll find it. But these are tools and resources you can have in your
The booklet you're receiving will also include the information that we've covered all this
week. about the United Nations Global Compact and what the 10 principles are broken down
into one, human rights, two, labor, three, the environment, four, anti-corruption and
So again, sir, this is the answer to your question. It's not the government that we can rely
upon to do what they say they are supposed to do.
It's up to us to hold ourselves and them accountable for accomplishing those objectives in
our local community. This booklet you receive will also include all the 17 sustainable
development goals.
You can click on any of these and it will take you to the actual website where you can get
more in-depth information.
I'd earlier described a business for peace. will also allow you to find out more about caring
for climate to build community resiliency.
This is not something new to five points. You foundation will advocate President, 10 years
ago, I made a commitment at that time to build a worldwide community resiliency network
when I joined the United Nations Global Compact.
So the work I've done here this week is a continuation of work that was begun in 2015 and
even before.
You mentioned Pastor James, this event coming up Saturday will be at a university. The
United Nations Global Compact also has a separate initiative called Principles for
Responsible Management Education.
They address Principle 1, Purpose, Principle 2, values, Principle 3, Method, Principle 4,
Research, Principle 5, Partnership, Principle 6, Dialogue.
So this could provide an opportunity for us even starting the day after tomorrow to begin to
engage our work on an international scale starting from where we are.
So with that I'm going to end my presentation and again thank you. after things or allow me
to share this information with you.
And if there are any other questions, I have an answer, type them into the chat before we
leave back to you, Pastor James.
SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
Pastor James, can you unmute yourself? Well, I may have taught myself into a manual, but
add to you raise your hands.
Please unmute yourself and state your question or comment.
@1:49:35 - Emmanuel Etu
All right. First, I want to say congratulations to everyone that has participated in this training.
This is one of the most exciting, very restraining that I've gone through as a humanitarian.
At this point, I'd like to create the indulgence of all the participants. to join me in thanking
Andrew Williams, Jr.
our great ambassador for taking his time, for taking his knowledge about the sustainable
development goals to open our eyes to this program.
I want everybody to help me. Let us say thank you to Ambassador Williams. Please, if you
can, you can move yourself and just do the work of thank you.
It's been a very great experience and I'm so, a lighting that I think I knew more than I should
and I want to know more.
Can everybody just let me say thank you. Yes.
@1:50:45 - Oyewusi Victor Adeyemi
Thank you.
Thank you.
@1:50:49 - Dlama Bitrus Baku
Thank you.
@1:50:50 - Okeke Gabriel
Thank you.
@1:50:52 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
Thank you.
@1:50:53 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Thank you. Thank Thank you.
@1:50:55 - Hamza Auta Mohammed
Thank you.
@1:50:57 - Doris Kamagara
Thank you.
@1:50:58 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
you. You're very welcome.
@1:51:00 - Donald Nyandege Michwei
Very welcome. Thank you. Thank you very much.
@1:51:02 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
. You're very welcome. Pastor James, I see your lips. I don't hear anything from you, Pastor
James. Yeah, so yeah, don't you gotta stop and start again.
@1:51:15 - Emmanuel Etu
@1:51:17 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
Do whatever it takes. Yeah, we I see your lips. All right. Don't hear your voice. You may have
to go out and come back in.
@1:51:27 - Emmanuel Etu
Yes. Why why we still wait for chapter James to come up. Yes, I also I also want to you know
encourage every word of us that are into volunteer volunteering work.
As a humanitarian, I was certified by Pastor James three years ago in Abuja via the Institute
of Humanitarian Studies and Social Development and it has been work.
What called true. My organization is called a jebule great elites association is an NGO based
in a jebule a papa legal scenario.
We are more concentrated on the sustainable development goal on education for children.
Nigeria as we all know in the all of Africa we have a lot of out of school children.
v20231123 Meeting Summary Zoom Transcript Day Four WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session
v20231123 Meeting Summary Zoom Transcript Day Four WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session
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v20231123 Meeting Summary Zoom Transcript Day Four WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session

  • 1. v20231123 Day Four WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session YouTube replay Summary UN Sustainable Development Goals Training Session The meeting revolved around a training session on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Chaplain James Bat led the session, highlighting the rules of engagement such as muting microphones and raising hands for questions. He also mentioned that today was the final day of the training and that participants would be assessed based on their participation and contributions. The session ended with introducing the rest of the team, including Ambassador and Williams Junor. Streaming Workshops and Humanitarian Efforts discussed their workshops being streamed on various platforms and highlighted the support from their sponsors. They emphasized the importance of volunteers and reviewed their voluntary policy. also discussed their humanitarian projects and encouraged people to join as members on their website to participate in these initiatives. They further discussed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and organized a test to group individuals and organizations according to their aligned SDGs. stressed the importance of personal responsibility and noted that resources are available for volunteers. They concluded by highlighting the importance of any action, no matter how small, towards saving the world. SDGs Workshop: Importance and Challenges The meeting discussed the significance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of a four-day workshop focused on the United Nations Global Compact. emphasized the importance of choosing one of the 16 other SDGs for specific activities, excluding SDG 17, as they are all interconnected. The workshop aimed to help attendees understand key information about the SDGs. also mentioned that more information about the workshop can be found on The discussion ended with an emphasis on the challenges facing the ecosystem and the need for collaboration and diversity to address them.
  • 2. Teamwork, Perseverance, and SDGs: A Discussion The discussion revolved around the concept of teamwork and perseverance, with an emphasis on overcoming challenges through small, incremental actions. The importance of sacrifice and a willingness to fight for the team's success was also highlighted. However, the transcript did not provide clear information about the discussions, decisions, or action items. There was also a separate conversation between Olubode, the Chaplain, and Doris, which involved the United Nations and sustainable development goals (SDGs). The context of this conversation was not clear, and there was mention of giving something to Doris and a giraffe. The noise and unclear speech disrupted the conversation. UN Sustainable Development Goals Recognition The Chaplain led a discussion where participants were asked to identify the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each participant was asked to recite a goal and clap for themselves if they got it right. The conversation was somewhat disjointed, with frequent interruptions and unclear responses. Despite this, the participants were able to correctly identify the majority of the SDGs. The discussion concluded with the final SDG, partnership for the goals, being correctly identified by Hamza. Volunteerism and Sustainable Development Goals The meeting was led by a chaplain, with Glory and Komolafe also present. Glory, who is from Lagos, Nigeria, expressed her appreciation for the training. The chaplain congratulated Glory and urged everyone to volunteer for sustainable development goal 17. The chaplain stressed the importance of registering as a volunteer at and identifying one's passion for a sustainable development goal. The chaplain also mentioned the distribution of t-shirts as a prize for those who identify with the cause. Towards the end of the meeting, the chaplain emphasized the significance of personal identification with the organization and its sustainable development goals. The Chaplain also highlighted the need for more volunteers to represent the organization in different countries and locations. The discussion also touched on the upcoming international day event aimed at eradicating violence against women and girls at the University of Ibadan. The chaplain encouraged everyone, regardless of their location, to participate in the event either in person or via the live stream. The Chaplain ended by stressing the importance of everyone's involvement in the organization's humanitarian efforts and global vision.
  • 3. Peace, Policy, and Business Collaboration The meeting started with the Chaplain thanking everyone and noting Adam's absence. There was confusion regarding the presence of different individuals from the Peace Department. The Chaplain emphasized the need for an office in Neb and mentioned an upcoming announcement of a new person. Okeke expressed his appreciation for the training and raised a concern about the implementation of policies in his country, Nigeria, questioning the absence of a monitoring team for the United Nations' Global Impact Organisation and the SDGs. clarified that each country is responsible for its own policies. further shared information about the United Nations Global Compact and its initiative, 'business for peace', emphasizing the need for collaboration between the business sector, government, and non-governmental organizations to promote peace and mitigate conflict. He underscored the role of businesses in identifying and managing risks, reducing operational costs, and engaging in public-private dialogue to establish local priorities. He also highlighted the importance of grassroots initiatives in driving change and holding stakeholders accountable. Andrew concluded by mentioning that resources for this purpose are available online at UN Sustainable Development Goals Documentation Encouraged emphasized the importance of documenting activities that contribute to the sustainable development goals. They announced plans to offer opportunities for participants to upload photos, articles, and videos demonstrating their efforts. They encouraged attendees to engage locally, particularly in Nigeria where a local network has been in existence since 2006. also shared information about a registration form that organizations can use to show how their work impacts one or more of the sustainable development goals. They stressed the importance of personal commitment to provide truthful and accurate information. They highlighted the importance of climate change awareness and education, particularly in Africa where the impacts are most severe. Lastly, they thanked everyone for their participation and attention throughout the training. Nigerian Organizations and Volunteer Work Emmanuel shared about his volunteer work with Jag Great Elites Association, a Nigeria-based organization focused on education sustainable development goals. He encouraged others to join as volunteers. Andrew introduced the Saga Foundation, a Nigerian organization providing
  • 4. educational and medical equipment to Nigeria. He mentioned an upcoming shipment of medical equipment and encouraged organizations to visit their website to see how they could align their missions. Andrew also discussed the United Nations Global Compact and the Decade of Action. Justine from Namibiakop expressed interest in volunteering and was directed by Andrew to the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity's website for relevant information. Webinar Information Availability and Volunteer Workshop Details Andrew from discussed the availability of information about past, current, and future activities on their website. He clarified that recorded webinars can be found on the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity Facebook group, and participants can take responsibility to find this information. Andrew also mentioned that they provide a transcript of each day's event and share contacts of all participants via email if they have the participant's email address. Furthermore, Andrew discussed the availability of information related to a volunteer workshop on the United Nations Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He stressed the importance of registering for the workshop and attending all sessions to receive a certificate. Andrew concluded by reminding attendees that all the information shared during the workshop is available for their use and encouraged them to utilize it to advance the SDGs. Next steps • Register as a volunteer at and identify a sustainable development goal to be passionate about. • Participants should register their organizations with the Saga Foundation at They should also engage with their local networks and attend global compact network working groups. Participants are encouraged to document their activities that impact the sustainable development goals. • Attendees should register their names for the certificate at the end of the workshop. • Attendees can find the workshop content and transcripts on the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity Facebook page and YouTube channel. • Attendees can reach out to Andrew at for further information.
  • 5. v20231123 Day Four WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session YouTube replay • Chaplain James and Dr. Williams conducted a week-long workshop on humanitarianism and the United Nations. Participants were instructed to actively engage, ask questions, and share their learnings, with the aim of becoming effective volunteers in their respective communities. - PLAY @0:00 • Hon. Andrew, Ambassador Andrew James Jr., and Dr. Jenis de Silva discussed the AdHoc International Advisory Board of goodwill ambassadors and their efforts to support the United Nations Global Compact. They emphasized the importance of volunteerism and encouraged participants to join as members of the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity, focusing on specific sustainable development goals aligned with their work. - PLAY @5:31 • Hon. Andrew discussed the young person's guide to changing the world, which focused on the 17 sustainable development goals. Participants were encouraged to choose one of the goals they cared most about and were provided with tools and resources to take action towards achieving it. - PLAY @13:39 • Hon. Andrew concluded the four-day workshop on Sustainable Development Goals, which focused on the United Nations Global Compact. The workshop was organized by AI5-2B and other organizations. - PLAY @21:00 • Hon. Andrew asked the assistant to go to, but encountered technical difficulties. The assistant was unable to complete the task. - PLAY @21:47 • Hon. Andrew discussed his involvement in Andrew Networks, a platform that promotes humanitarian causes and commercial enterprises. He emphasized the importance of strategic international business alliances to achieve sustainable development goals. - PLAY @22:36 • Hon. Andrew and others discussed the importance of the 17 sustainable development goals, emphasizing the need to work together to address poverty, inequality, climate change, and other global challenges. They recognized that by implementing these goals, they could improve life for people around the world and protect both human health and the environment. - PLAY @25:35 • Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of knowing the 17 sustainable development goals and their alignment with the organization's main mission. He emphasized the need for the listener to demonstrate their understanding through homework and tests. - PLAY @28:22
  • 6. • Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of collaboration and unity among businesses, the United Nations, and society to address global challenges and achieve sustainable development goals. He emphasized the need for businesses to align their operations with universal principles and contribute to society in order to thrive in the changing world. - PLAY @28:56 • Hon. Andrew discussed the United Nations Global Compact and the importance of local communities in their work. He also mentioned the 5.6 foundation's membership in the Global Compact and how it represents the interests of its network, including the audience, and emphasized the impact it can have on their world. - PLAY @36:30 • Hon. Andrew delivered a motivational speech, emphasizing the importance of unity and perseverance in achieving the Global Goals. He urged everyone to fight together, acknowledging that success depended on their collective efforts and determination. - PLAY @37:19 • Hon. Andrew mentioned that James was open to meeting, and then concluded his presentation. Glory then turned the conversation back over to someone else. - PLAY @40:20 • Hon. Andrew asked each participant to share their screen for a group photo and then requested them to state their top two sustainable development goals out of the 17. - PLAY @40:29 • Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of understanding one's personal goals and prioritizing them based on their own survival, quality of life, and happiness. The conversation ended with Hon. Andrew stopping the screen sharing. - PLAY @41:30 • Hon. Andrew attempted to include Pastor James in a group photo, but there were technical difficulties and they were unable to hear him. As a result, the presentation had to be concluded shortly. - PLAY @41:49 • Hon. Andrew thanked the person for sharing their screen and asked them to stop. He hoped they had taken a photo to share with Pastor James. The Chaplain asked if they could be heard, and Hon. Andrew confirmed that they had successfully joined the conversation. - PLAY @45:40 • In the discussion, various individuals were asked questions about humanitarian organizations, sustainable development goals, and the full meaning of certain acronyms. They struggled to provide accurate answers, leading to some frustration and confusion. - PLAY @45:55 • In the conversation, various individuals were asked to identify and explain different Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They took turns answering the questions, with some participants struggling to provide the correct answers. - PLAY @55:30
  • 7. • Uba, Hon. Andrew, Chaplain, and Hamza discussed the different goals represented by numbered balls. They successfully identified and discussed the last goal, which was partnership for the girls. - PLAY @1:07:09 • The Chaplain apologized for something and expressed that everything was fine. - PLAY @1:08:49 • Chaplain, Komolafe, Glory, and Hon. Andrew engaged in a conversation where Chaplain congratulated Mrs. Gloria for her participation in a training session, and they discussed various topics. However, the conversation was interrupted, and they waited for Chaplain to return. - PLAY @1:08:57 • Hon. Andrew was praised and thanked by the participants, emphasizing their unity and support for him. - PLAY @1:12:17 • In the conversation, Glory, Hon. Andrew, Chaplain, Emmanuel, and Doris discussed the importance of registering as volunteers for a partnership focused on the 17 sustainable development goals. They also mentioned upcoming programs and encouraged participation from individuals in different countries. - PLAY @1:12:25 • In the past discussion, Chaplain discussed plans for a meeting on Saturday to discuss future actions and recognize an award recipient. Okeke raised a question about the monitoring of United Nations initiatives and their implementation. - PLAY @1:21:59 • Chaplain, Okeke, and Hon. Andrew discussed the United Nations Global Compact's initiative called Business for Peace, which aimed to engage businesses in collaborative action to advance peace and address local priorities. They emphasized the importance of local ownership and knowledge in driving change and holding stakeholders accountable for responsible business practices. - PLAY @1:26:52 • Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of engaging locally and connecting with the United Nations through local networks to contribute to the sustainable development goals. He emphasized the need for responsible business practices, accountability measures, and utilizing online resources to document and showcase progress towards achieving these objectives. - PLAY @1:34:00 • Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of utilizing local efforts to achieve goals and share information with the world, acknowledging that some individuals may lack the necessary resources for this task. He apologized for the delay caused by having multiple items on his screen. - PLAY @1:38:16 • Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of organizations registering with the SOTDF Foundation to demonstrate how their work aligns with the
  • 8. sustainable development goals. He emphasized the need for organizations to provide information about their management team, their area of sustainability goal, and examples of their work's impact on society. - PLAY @1:39:00 • Hon. Andrew discussed the commitment to educate and raise awareness about climate change, particularly in Africa where the adverse impacts are most severe. He emphasized the importance of holding ourselves and the government accountable for achieving the sustainable development goals and highlighted the availability of tools and resources, such as the African Sustainable Development Map and the United Nations Global Compact. - PLAY @1:44:57 • Hon. Andrew asked Pastor James to unmute himself during the conversation and also requested him to raise his hands. - PLAY @1:49:18 • Emmanuel expressed gratitude to Ambassador Andrew Williams for his valuable contribution to the training, while also encouraging everyone to register as volunteers to maintain a relationship with the ambassador. The participants, including Oyewusi, SIDI, Dlama, Okeke, Hamza, Doris, and Donald, thanked Ambassador Andrew for his time and knowledge, and Emmanuel thanked him on behalf of his organization for the opportunity to learn and make a difference in the field of education for children in Nigeria. - PLAY @1:49:35 • Hon. Andrew discussed the Saagha Foundation, which was founded by Pastor James in July 2023. The foundation, led by Shola Agbula, a Nigerian who served in the Canadian parliament, has donated over 100 billion US dollars in educational and medical equipment to Nigeria, with another shipment scheduled in two days. - PLAY @1:54:15 • Hon. Andrew addressed Chaplain James and Justine, giving them the opportunity to share their closing thoughts. Justine expressed gratitude and asked about obtaining a volunteer form and filling out an anchovy form, to which Hon. Andrew assured her that she was in the right place to find the answers. - PLAY @1:56:52 • Hon. Andrew explained that individuals could access the World Humanitarian Material Organization for Peace and Equity's website to learn about their work, participate as volunteers, make donations, or offer support. He emphasized that their ultimate objective was to achieve peace on Earth during their lifetimes, and encouraged people to visit their website for more information on past, current, and future activities. - PLAY @1:58:45 • Hon. Andrew informed Justine that all the workshops, including the current and past ones, were being shared on the World Humanitarian
  • 9. Organization for Peace and Equity Facebook page, allowing anyone with a computer to access and replay them. - PLAY @2:00:55 • Hon. Andrew discussed the importance of liking and following the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity's Facebook page, as well as accessing information about past and current events online. He encouraged individuals to take responsibility and find the available information at their fingertips. - PLAY @2:02:14 • Hon. Andrew provided an answer to Justine's question and expressed gratitude. He also mentioned that if they had Justine's email address, they would send her a link to the webinars and a transcript of the event, along with contact information for all the participants and represented organizations. - PLAY @2:04:16 • Hon. Andrew mentioned that he had sent out some information to Pastor James, who had the option to share it with everyone else. Hon. Andrew also mentioned that once he obtained the email addresses, he would share the same information with the rest of the group. - PLAY @2:05:30 • Hon. Andrew requested assistance in promoting their YouTube channel by asking for likes, shares, and subscriptions, emphasizing the importance of increasing the number of subscribers to their page. - PLAY @2:06:13 • Hon. Andrew discussed the availability of videos, transcripts, and AI technology to provide a convenient and easily digestible summary of the event. He emphasized the importance of taking advantage of these resources to benefit from his work and become successful in one's own world. - PLAY @2:06:44 • Hon. Andrew discussed the availability of resources for creating workshops and local communities, emphasizing the importance of reaching those without internet access. The conversation ended with Hon. Andrew expressing gratitude to the participants and giving them the opportunity to share their closing thoughts before concluding the workshop. - PLAY @2:09:42 • Hon. Andrew discussed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their connection to humanitarian inclusiveness, sustainability, and peace. He mentioned that the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) launched by Kofi Annan in 2000 provided the foundation for the SDGs. - PLAY @2:10:43
  • 10. v20231121 Day Two WHOPE UN SDGs Volunteer Workshop Session YouTube replay WHOPE UN Global Compact and SDGs 4-Day Volunteers Workshop - November 23 VIEW RECORDING - 132 mins (No highlights) @0:00 - Chaplain James Mercy O. And this is another week. Same, and the networks, both the north and the sustainable development rules for the United Nations will be compact. So it has been a wonderful week. And this second session, we have started this Monday Tuesday, Monday and today is the Thursday. We're going to mark the last day of this workshop for our volunteers, all over the world. Of course, we have volunteers from all over the world, Africa, Asia, Europe, America, and so on, and so forth. And wherever you are joining us, my name is Chaplin James, a of Batsumidi, the president for World Humanitarian Organization of Peace, and equity. And with me in this training, is the S.S.S. Embassy Dr. Williams. Yandru Williams, Jr., who is the international share person for World Humanitarian Organization or PISA Nehwiti. The training, the workshop has been so enlightening and empowering and as well, so practical for everyone of us to know and we're forward when it comes to non-governmental organizations when it comes to CSOs when it comes to humanitarianism when it comes to knowledge about the United Nations and the United Nations so it will help everyone of us to be active in our various areas of consultation in our various areas of involvement when it comes to humanitarian programs so it has been a wonderful week we want to remember the rules and 1. You should always mute your mind not to disturb others. And if you have to talk or see anything and sign the question of whatsoever, you have to raise your hands for the moderator to bring you on board. And also, if you have any question why the class is on, you can put that in the shot. To proceed, as you're entering into this workshop, to this classroom, always enter with your name so you can easily be addressed by your name. It is easier for you as well as you have been instructed to put your name, your address that is the email address in the shot. So to make it easier for us to... Nguu is atending this program. And most so today being the last day, we are going to have you after this training to say one of the things you have learned in this training before the certificate of training would be awarded on to you.
  • 11. So all of you, be ready for our questions today after this class. It is better you have your 10 books and also the attentive in classes. You have to answer questions. We want to restrict today with questions each person must answer a question. So for you to know or for us to know that you have been with us and you are here for good. So thank you everyone for joining us. Thank you for joining us. We would like to endeavor to this resiliency. I am Bazaar. chopping and wooden athlete and routine and up. And the aim and objective is when we go back to our various organizations and of course as we are volunteering with WAP, we will be able to work effectively in your various communities as volunteers for WAP and also was several organizations have been working with all your building to you, you will be able to work effectively and efficiently. …and as a aim, the objective of this training for us to be active wherever we are. So thank you so much everyone for joining us. At this junction, what does to stay tuned? The attentive and ready to write whatever you need to write to behave to answer our question after the class. Why I would like to undervert this S-L-N-C under William's Juneim to proceed further into this training? SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH @5:31 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Well, thank you very much. This is Ambassador Andrew James Jr. for those that you don't know. The young lady in the middle of your picture there, Dr. Jenis de Silva. We are all members of the AdHoc International Advisory Board of goodwill ambassadors. You can find it at the bottom of the slyer and I do want to take time to identify. and several of the sponsors that we have that have not been present but who do support our efforts and activities. All of these workshops are being streamed on your Facebook group or the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity. But it's also being streamed to the YGWA TV Group, the CYGWA TV Network on Facebook. Almost all of the participants here at the top level are members of YGWA. We do have sponsors that are not here for example at the bottom you have the SAGA. You have the SAGA Foundation, that's the Shola, Akula, Goodwill, Ambassador Association.
  • 12. That was founded in 2020 and I believe Ambassador James was there at the beginning. The intent of that organization was to focus on it. of the United Nations sustainable development goals. And in particular to support the campaign to add new members to the United Nations Global Compact. What you don't know is that COVID-19 completely changed the mission before the UA Global Compact as it did for many organizations around the world. But we're focused today on a very short review of the material that we previously gone over with you. The first and foremost we want to give thanks and appreciation to our host. That is the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity. And founder, president James Oman to mercy, Oman to movie. So after review, the World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity has a motto. Together this is humanitarianism. Again, last week's Alright. workshop and this week's workshop are focused on volunteers. This is a volunteer workshop for volunteers and we're asking you to understand that your work is not limited to your own local community but it does have worldwide impact. I'm going to briefly walk through the back while we're wolf and each of you whose email address we have will be receiving this in your email so you don't have to try to remember everything we're showing here but I'm walking through it because again we're live streaming so our new audience can have an opportunity to understand what the foundation is and the vision that brings us all together. The most important thing for people that are just seeing this now is membership. We need you to go to our website and join as a member of Hope as a volunteer. That's your first step. There are several categories that are available. With an existing infrastructure in place, there is a volunteering policy. And we hope that each of you has an understanding of what this is. But again, for those that are watching us who are not present here, our rep is out loud. Hope has the following as the principles in her volunteering policy. Volunteerism as a service to humanity. Volunteerism with respect to culture, religion and government. Volunteerism based on passion. Volunteerism for no financial reward. Volunteerism based on an individual's free will. Volunteerism based on respect for fundamental human rights. and gender equity and equality.
  • 13. We also include our proposed humanitarian projects. And we furnish you when you do register with Wold to identify which of these particular projects you have interest in participating with. That could be clean, water for communities, school projects for the children industries, or housing for students in tertiary institutions, for the school buses for nursery and primary school pupils. This is our contact information for Africa. Again, those who are not here and cannot read what you see on the screen, you can get all the information you need by going to www.wdot. for emails, info, and information. at or support SUPPORT at Today's session will be relatively short. We are going to begin at the beginning where we will begin last week. That is to familiarize you first with what the sustainable development goals are. And a very easy way for you to understand which of these three levels your work impacts the most. There is an open book test and you are going to take the test while I am doing my presentation today. Because in the chat we now have 26 participants. Normally we have about 35. So there will be others that may be joining us before this is over. But for those of you that hear my voice now, then to the chat, this is your open book test for me, separate from whatever Pastor James has in mind. I want you to put your name. If you have an organization separate from Wolf, put the name there. If it has a website, put that information there. And identify one, one, only one, only one. And the 17 sustainable development goals that you want to put your focus on. And know there might be more than one part of the outcome of this exercise is for us to organize and classify those individuals and organizations according to each of the 17 sustainable development goals. Yes, there is, is true. You'll work my impact more than one. But the outcome We're trying to accomplish is to organize those of you who have the major focus aligned with a specific sustainable development goal. So again, my test is to see how many of you in the chat put in your name and organization if you have one in which of the 17 sustainable development goals your focus is most devoted towards. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
  • 14. In order for you to have a choice, we're going to begin at the beginning. This is what we did at the very first workshop last week. You consider this to be part two of the workshop. We're focusing now on the young person's guide to changing the world. This is online and again if we have your contact information. We'll make sure that you're able to get a copy of this for your own personal use so that you can have it at your disposal on a regular ongoing basis. There are 17 sustainable development goals that are addressed. I'm going to briefly walk us through that. Then we'll discuss the impact of the United Nations Global Compact and what that means to the work that we're doing here. Thank you so much for joining us. I've been, I've learned a lot as I've been able to walk through this workshop review so it works both ways. I certainly appreciate your being here on a regular ongoing basis. This presentation is supported by this document that was created by AEI ESBC and partnership with UN volunteers. So again, you do not have to be part of any organization to be a volunteer but If you do participate as a volunteer, know that there are resources for you to take advantage of. You don't have to wait to come to home to figure out what next to do. You can on your own initiative undertake human responsibility, human rights number 20 land, the responsibility you have the responsibility to do what you can in your own time and efforts to improve your education, improve your lifestyle, improve your work, improve the quality of life for yourself and your community. Again, the first part of this book will describe the background about the organization and about the world at reach of what you do on your local and your local communities that is connected around the world. This publication was dedicated to youth who believes that youth are important players to achieve in the global goals. This booklet will help you do that in three ways. It will raise your awareness, it will improve your understanding, and provide you with tools and resources for you to take action and yield for all of the sustainable development goals. This booklet provides ways that you can use the side, but of which is very simple. They can do it themselves, they can engage with families and friends, or they can mobilize the entire community. This guy can also be used by organizations such as yours, not just NGOs or non-combo organizations, but businesses and educational institutions.
  • 15. If one of the outcomes of this workshop helps you to understand that your non-combo organization is also a business, then that will be a major breakthrough on my part. Because it's... only when you function for the professionalism as do businesses can you hope to engage businesses to pay attention to what you're trying to get done. There are actions to save the world that we can take even if it's one small action at a time. So this is where your note ticking comes in. Again in the chat you must put in your name and which of these 17 sustainable development goals you care most about not the top three not the top five the number one goal. So SDG number one is no poverty. SDG 2 is zero hunger. SDG 3 is good health and well- being. STG-4, loyalty, education, STG-5, and gender equality. STG-6, clean water and sanitation, STG-7, affordable and clean energy, STG-8, has decent work in economic growth, STG-9, industry, innovation, and infrastructure. STG-10, reduced inequalities, STG-11, sustainable cities, and communities. And keep in mind, the communities include refugees, displaced persons, and a gathering of of people together is a community. So you have tools and resources here that can help improve the conditions and lifestyles of people in your local community. SDG 12, responsible consumption and production. SDG 13, climate action. SDG 14, life below water. SDG 15, life on land. SDG 16, peace, justice and strong institutions. And finally, SDG 17, partnership for the goals. Now I will make one exception. I've asked you to only put one of the 17 goals in this your name or your organization, but in your heart, in your mind, I need you to understand. We're all working together through SG17, which is part of the goals. Now of course, that's a very broad range. It can be a lot of things. So I ask you to include not number 17 in your choice of 17 sustainable developer goals. As far as I'm concerned, we're all involved with 17. So put one of the other 16 goals. That way we can better categorize your specific activity because we're putting all of you in number 17. That is part of our objective, moving forward in the world together through the world humanitarian organization for peace and equity, and using our activities as a demonstration so that other people can follow the lead that we put ourselves through. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH
  • 16. So I'm going share again the fact that this is a boarding workshop. And we are focused on the United Nations Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Coals. This is Thursday, November 23rd, 2023. And this is the conclusion of this four-day workshop on the Sustainable Development Coals. This is being brought to you, as I said, by AI5-2B and other organizations. And support for the world-renonation, for peace and equity. I'm going to mention to you today's session will be relatively short, but we do want to cover key information that's important for you to know. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH Just a brief moment I am going to ask you to go to Excuse me, just a moment. Technology is only great when it works. Okay, just a moment here. And your You'll find. Let me stop sharing this. again, just a moment, please. Thank you for your patience. This has been a very challenging. Technical sessions for us for all. But again, we're all part of the same team. And I thank you for your opportunity for us to work together to to help us use the same multivellum levels. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH Normally, I leave myself out at the end, but this is I'm to do want to remind you that you can get more information about what we're doing here by going to And you can reach me at For those of you who cannot read what's on your screen, Andrew Networks represents a wide range of humanitarian causes and commercial enterprises championed by myself, Andrew Lynch, Jr. That's chief executive of the PAR-XGC, X4 trading company. As a way to attract, pre- qualified, demify and expand strategic international business alliances that accelerate the awareness and achievement of the sustainable development goals. Rookie AR-FTC, sovereign and foreign trusts, banks, corporations, associates, associations, enterprises, and entities can do business with and through California, United States and the territories, territories to the Canada, United States, Mexico agreement, key trading partners from Asia to the Netherlands. to the Caribbean community, the Commonwealth of Nations, the European Union, the Middle East, and the African Continental Free Trade Area, and worldwide, which includes all of you.
  • 17. I mentioned to you before that we're making the basis of the work that we're doing, the sustainable development goals, and please be aware that this video about to show you will probably be blocked on Facebook and other places, but you yourselves can see what this is. So I'm going to share my screen with you, and I believe those of you that are here can be able also to hear what this video is saying to you, but even if you can't, you do also need to just read what you see here written. So give me just a moment here. I'm going to share my spring. Watch them good to you. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH The the is huge. 17 sustainable development goes. Let's get to them because the more you know. And some corners of the world today. People are living on a dollar day. Hey, that's not how we're all the peace. So go one. And let me make poverty and go to. in this present but if we put our minds together and work hard we can find us a lousy and I'm guessing 17 sustainable development calls Twin-proof life all around the globe protecting human health and the environment whatever bad we make we go have a lion 17 sustainable development calls Twin-proof life all around the globe protecting human health and the environment whatever bad we make we go have a lion now imagine that you work our day for no Economic growth and decent workers go eight go number nine is the foster innovation and infrastructure and Realization go number 10 inequality reduction 11 is sustainable city construction 12 well that's sustainable Consumption, so what we use matches up with production go 13 calls for urgent action to combat climate change because we know it's protect life on the seas 15 protect life on land Go 16 is for peace injustice all over the planet. They're in high demand and the final goal number 17 is the critical factor the heart of the machine It's the strength in the way we use these goals of sustainable development around the globe Sustainable development goals To improve life all around the globe Protecting human health and the environment whatever very make we call have a lion To improve life all around I'm the glow protected human health and the environment, whatever bad we make, we go and have the lioness. Thank you for allowing me to share that with you. Again, this would be part of what your homework is. And your test today, not your official test, but your tests from me. I need to know that you know what these 17 sustainable development goals are. And the you to let me know that you know what your organization main mission is that aligns with which of these 17 sustainable development goals.
  • 18. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH Again, we're continuing now, but we began last week. I'm going to share my screen again. and bring you to the focus of this week's presentation, which is the United Nations Global Contact. As a human family, we've had an enormous wake-up call to how connected we are with a tiny little virus that comes along and shuts us down. We are living in this world together. The same blood flows in me and every other person. We are facing the challenges of an ecosystem that is stressed. Things are not moving. think as fast as they should, things are improving, but not as fast as they should. The challenges that we're facing, they're materializing so fast that it's not only my children or grandchildren which will experience the consequences if we fail. To do it, we need to do it together. Collaboration, North, South, East, West, know, Black Brown white strength in the diversity of the human family is what we need right now. To get us past this incredibly difficult time. Might sound like it's impossible, you know, that's what we work towards making the impossible possible. 20 years ago, a small group of United Nations and business leaders came up with a visionary proposal. I proposed that you, the business leaders here gathered in Davos and we, the United Nations, initiate a global compact of shared Ad values and principles which will give a human fate to the global market. I always say part of Kofi Alliance genius was he invited business but he also addressed civil society and labour organisations. The mission of the United Nations Global Compact is to mobilize companies around the world to align their operations and strategies with 10 universal principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The UN represents the body that aims to drive international cooperation and drive peace and security for humanity than I think it unifies all of society around this set of 17 goals. Our objectives cannot be met if the private sector doesn't play an fundamental role. And so the global compact is a platform in which all those businesses that abide by the principles and values of the United Nations and of the charter to work together representing the best of humankind. For the last two decades, initiative has grown to encompass local networks in more than 60 countries engaging directly with over 10,000 companies.
  • 19. The local networks are our global footprint around the world and they work with us to translate the 10 principles as well as the sustainable development goals into actionable pieces of work for businesses globally. It is so decided. Since 2015, the 17 sustainable development goals and the Paris Climate Agreement have provided the most powerful, common agenda that the world has ever seen, did an essential role spelled out for business. Any business that continues to operate under its own self-interest will not be Around very long. So businesses that have a strong purpose that understand how they can make society better will be embraced by society and will be around for a long time. Be the change that you want to see in business. I truly believe that companies who do not put sustainability to SGDs in their strategies, they're going to disappear. The mindset of consumers has changed. They increasingly want to buy from companies that are contributing to society as a whole. Business must be part of the solution in when we address these big global problems. The focus has shifted to both the short term and the long term, both doing well and doing good, making profits and making a change. This is a reality of the world now. Leaders need to lead sustainably. The United Nations Global Compact is leading the transformation ahead, challenging companies to take more ambitious action on the sustainable development goals. I think it's absolutely impossible to face the truth. challenges of today, the very quick change that is happening without having the use leading the way and helping us define the right strategies, right policies, the right approaches to address the global problems. The world is waking up and change is coming whether you like it or not. The world today has got more opportunities than it has the challenges that can be overcome by the opportunities that we have. You find people in the most disparate of situations, determined to fight for a better future. That's the kind of world I want. What have changed in a very short period of time is that the narrative is different and that is fantastic. If you want to have good Business, you have to mobilize people. Business is a sum of people who are keen to something. More and more people realize that sustainability is really about making the pie bigger, better and more inclusive. I hope in the future all businesses in the world will think about their own purpose.
  • 20. This is can only exist when they have a purpose. We've got to show progress. We've got to reverse what's happening. I see the global compact as an incredible organization working together with businesses to build a more sustainable world. We are united across the globe for the globe. We're united despite our challenges no matter how daunting the task may seem. We are united by possibilities because this is bigger than one business. Because we are better together. We all have the same job. We are united in the business of a better world. are of And that's what brings us together today. The United Nations Global Compact and the fact that the work that they do around the world begins in the local communities. I'm very proud at 5.6 foundation. It is also a member of the United Nations Global Compact. So we are there to represent the interests of the people in our network, including all of you. But this is more important than just having a capacity about sharing with you. things that happened around the world. You also need to know what this means to you and how it can impact your world. I'm gonna share with you another short video. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH Then I'll move to the conclusion of this final workshop and turn it over to Pastor James. The world has an epic plan called the Global Goals and it's half time. I don't know what to say really. I either be healed as a team or we're gonna crumble. Inch by inch, play by play till we're finished. We're in hell right now. And we can stay here or we can fight our way back. Into the light. You can climb out of hell One inch at a time You know when you get old in life things get taken from I mean that's that's that's part of life But you only learned that when you start losing stuff You find out life's game of inches one half a step too late or too early and you don't quite make it One half second too slow too fast, you know quite catch it the inches we need are everywhere around us On this team we fight for that it We claw with our fingernails Because we know when we add up all those inches that's gonna make the difference between And And I know if I'm gonna have any life anymore is because I'm still willing to fight and die for that inch That's what liven is The six inches in front of your face Now I can't make you Now I think you're gonna see a guy who will go to that inch with you You're gonna see a guy Who will sacrifice himself for this team because he knows when it comes down to it You're gonna do the same for him And either we heal now as a team Or we will die as individuals Now What are you gonna do?
  • 21. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH So James open to meeting. That concludes my presentation. @40:24 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu I'm turning it back over. @40:29 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Hello, How about for James, the floor is yours. Well, if we have lost faster James, I'm going to ask each of you that are here today. If you choose to now to time to share your screen for our group photo, after that we'll have roll call. And after that, I will each of you to be able to say to us which of the 17 sustainable development goals you have the most interest in. I'm for the top three. I'm asking for the top two. I'm asking for the top one of the goals that you, your organization or individually have an interest in because at the end of the day, it's not what we want to do. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH It's what you want to do, but you have to understand which of the goals have the most importance to your own personal survival, your own quality of life, and your own happiness. So that's going to stop sharing my screen. And by each of you to show your video first, do not unmute yourself. Just show your video if you want to take part in this final photo. I chapter James, thank you so much for joining us again. Well, you're lips are moving, but we don't hear you. Pastor James, we still do not hear you. You're not, we don't hear you, Pastor James. I see you're unmuted, but we do not hear you. You may have to go out and come back in. We don't hear you. We do not hear you, Pastor James. No. Go out and come back in. We cannot hear you. Okay, we're going to take this group photo. So if you're able to now the time to unmute yourself, at least to show your video.
  • 22. And. Who ever takes his photo, please send it to Jeff's flat champion. Pastor David, you're lips are moving but we don't hear you. @44:13 - Kateryn Adams to go forward. @44:25 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( As soon as Pastor James comes back with his photo, we'll take this picture and then we'll move on to the conclusion of today's project. And I want to thank all of you for participating. I really appreciate this. I've learned a lot and sharing with you. So thank you for allowing me to opportunity to grow with you together. No, we don't hear you, Pastor James. So I guess we'll have to have a very short ending to today's presentation. Technology is on the great when it works. Very well, we're going to shortly end today's presentation. Unfortunately, technical difficulties were passed or came from being here. I want to thank all of you for participating. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH I'm going to share my screen. And then I'm going to move to the conclusion of today's program. Thank you very much. You can stop sharing your screen now. Hopefully you took a photo of that and be able to share it with Pastor James. @45:50 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Can you hear me now? @45:52 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( You made it. Congratulations. you.
  • 23. @46:00 - Chaplain James Mercy O. de i kuah guz' emithal kanchainhanan in anad anad voy ya ayakir ma a ayakir agay ayakirat'all are so to me here today. She is so busy. She is going on. She is running a massage and university of Ibadam. She is part of the students of Ibadam, peace, security, and interior studies. So I want to apologize on the behalf. So next time you'll be seeing a great part of Ibadam, I'm Bazaadandra. done more justice to all we have to learn I said, I'm going to ask questions. There's no way you could do it. Nothing you could do about that. I'm going to ask questions. And that is why you are trying to take my mind so I will not talk. I will not ask questions. Thank God for your experience. I have to fire back. So for me to come back. Are you ready for me? Because you either you like it or not. You're going to answer questions. Adam, if you frown your face, even worse than this, you answer questions. There's nothing you could do. And none of you could bribe me with your smile. As if somebody laughing smiley, you can't bribe me. I'm going to ask you questions. Whatever, I'll you post. More than how you should be able to post moderately. Think it or not call you. I will call you. So I will take it one after the other. Let me start with. whisk it. Ary once me mesto y you use a mid to serve a anут while you lose it wall cf humile of who w ear fumile Ok, what else and peace in our society? @48:38 - Oyewusi Victor Adeyemi What? @48:39 - Chaplain James Mercy O. have more mutual self, you will come back to that mutual self now. Head down, what is the foaming of who?
  • 24. I'm mutual self, you want to do it, do it or you will not be mutual self. Your camera is working. I'm mutual self, head down, you'll tell me where you are. I'm mutual self, head down. @49:00 - Kateryn Adams Ok, so the main of both, think is the world humanitarian organization for peace and equity. @49:15 - Chaplain James Mercy O. You are going to say it again, there is no need to start the game. Without putting it because the people is not that many. @49:30 - Kateryn Adams Alright, what humanitarian organization for peace and equity? That's lovely. @49:42 - Chaplain James Mercy O. As God wants question, that's lovely. Mute yourself now, mute yourself. Missed our cake, gave bread. Was it a few minutes of? Was it a minutes of SDG? @50:01 - Okeke Gabriel Susterebo Development Goals. @50:04 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Correct. That's lovely. @50:07 - Okeke Gabriel Yes.
  • 25. @50:07 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Boba, what's your name? What is the full meaning of UNCG? @50:18 - Uba Nkonsha Audi UNGC. @50:20 - Chaplain James Mercy O. UNGC. All right. @50:23 - Uba Nkonsha Audi UNGC. UNGC. UNGC. UNGC. UNGC. @50:28 - Chaplain James Mercy O. UNGC. Correct. Correct. @50:31 - Oyewusi Victor Adeyemi Clap yourself. @50:31 - Chaplain James Mercy O. If nobody class for you, clap for yourself. You have to clap for yourself. Nobody class for you. @50:37 - Uba Nkonsha Audi Clap for yourself.
  • 26. @50:39 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Justina from Namiya, the Susterebo Development Goals. What is GU-1? GU-1. @50:52 - Justine Natanael No, Puvatti. @50:54 - Chaplain James Mercy O. No, Puffatti. 3 Imanu-e-to, they saw celibur development goals. What is go-to? Go-to. @51:11 - Emmanuel Etu The one is poverty, go-to is a, I know three is health, four is education. @51:21 - Chaplain James Mercy O. There's that Imanu-e-to, there's that one there. @51:24 - Oyewusi Victor Adeyemi There's that one there. @51:26 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Remove your glasses and tell us the go-to. Okay, United Nations Sustainable Development Go-to. I don't say, I don't ask go-one, I don't ask go-four, I don't ask go-three. Go-two. I don't know you're to accept, I'm coming back to you. Meet yourself, I'm coming back to you. Oh yeah, see, we'll have to bail yourself out now. Watch us go-three of the SDGs, go-three. favour. @52:02 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
  • 27. P Aff try don't know what bow to mah collaborater. @52:06 - Chaplain James Mercy O. the hardware b fins bel guy faitan laat frint sneaky baun You he aftg g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ghe M钉 Go Ghe M钉 M钉 Ok, I'm coming back to Aditi. Ya, let me click on to Dorkas. Dorkas. How did you make this? What did you make this question? Dorkas, what is Dorkas' name? Dorkas, made this question. You will go back to NN Secondary School. @53:58 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas Now. Thank you. @54:00 - Chaplain James Mercy O. I To I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I @55:00 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas No. @55:01 - Godday Aguriase Odidi No. @55:01 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas No. No.
  • 28. @55:03 - Chaplain James Mercy O. No. @55:04 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas No. @55:05 - Chaplain James Mercy O. No. @55:06 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas No. No. @55:08 - Chaplain James Mercy O. No. No. @55:10 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas No. No. @55:15 - Doris Kamagara I'm not on noise. @55:16 - Chaplain James Mercy O. didn't hear you while I beg your pardon. If you want to do a joero, you know he and me well. @55:21 - Doris Kamagara
  • 29. Doors. @55:22 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Yinti, is the seed of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goosex? @55:30 - Doris Kamagara Can you know what the administration is? @55:33 - Chaplain James Mercy O. So, have to look, have to look, you have to derive, you have to copy first. If have a class for yourself, at least you got that. Yes, let me go to Winning. Winning, if you come with this question, I have to change your name and spot. Winning. Winning from Uganda. Let me see your face now. You have to answer this question. N or foul te multicultural et Nguyen Nui, don't tell me Network is for quitting. If you get it right, I'm going to share your name from Winning to question. So answer my question where now? What is good seven? Winning, we are waiting for you. Winning want to tell me camera is no good now. Network is bad. Is that what you want to tell me Winning? I can hear you. I can see you smiley. Answer my question. On mutual safe. On mutual safe. Winning. . . o le dono Klappau yosef. Klappau yosef. If bad enough clap for you clap for yourself. @57:45 - Dlama Bitrus Baku That's lovely. @57:46 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
  • 30. Years. That's lovely. Before Kamalapeh Pita we say we have not called it sleep. That's how you used to do everyday. Kamalapeh Pira Shayo. Tell all the good night. afti hezdi ji, gunai. Kamalafetir a shayat yo, gunai. What do we have there? Kamalafet unot okinau. Tell us, tell us. @58:19 - Winnie Niwamanya I can't answer. @58:22 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Winni, are you back? @58:25 - Winnie Niwamanya I'm back. @58:26 - Chaplain James Mercy O. What is gunai? Tell us gunai. @58:30 - Winnie Niwamanya It's an industry innovation and infrastructure. @58:38 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Yes, there's no under, we just have three of them. @58:43 - Winnie Niwamanya No under industry, you know, very strong. Innovation.
  • 31. @58:51 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Infrastructure. Infrastructure. No under club yourself. If you're not club for you, club for yourself. If you're not club for you. Y'all that's what I will say that's lovely shy y'all will not talk now shy y'all we have called you about three times You come back later and say we have not mentioned your name shy y'all Where are you tell us good ten shy y'all good ten shy y'all Okay, I can see Oralua or a luayu here tell us good ten of the SDG good ten or you luayu here Sit out again No, you get saved again Reducing , Equality if we say a decent quality damage that becomes easier sa Keiruara ireh, seva herkaina ireh, jbadara yogisu haineBU ya sabhu'an bein from us, salos go 11 of the SDG sabhu'an bein are you here? if you are not here let me quickly go to CD, S, go 11 CD, S, A, tell me to sit yet uncle Stone- did but it up @1:01:00 - SIDI ESTHER AMANOSI So, sustainable cities and communities. @1:01:04 - Chaplain James Mercy O. So, sustainable. @1:01:11 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Captain James, you muted yourself. Captain James, you muted yourself. @1:01:17 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Yes, lovely. I think can you hear me now, please. @1:01:20 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( you hear me? Yes, we here, you know.
  • 32. @1:01:22 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Thank you. Some records were coming. I don't want to be disturbed. Good to have. I will quickly. saw. @1:01:36 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( You muted yourself again. We did not hear you. Well, I see Benedict David. Your hand is not raised. I'm raising it for you. What is gold 12? We can't hear you, Pastor James. We cannot hear you, Pastor James. We do not hear you. You have to go out and come back again. David Benedict Murrow, one is gold 12. If you can hear me, Murrow Benedict David. Well, I see your hand moving, from this, not be paying attention to us. So Gabriel O'Keehy, gold number 12, please. @1:02:55 - Okeke Gabriel Sustainable citizen, commentities. @1:02:58 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( That's all 11. @1:03:00 - Okeke Gabriel We need gold. No, it's a good one. @1:03:05 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( a one. said said no.
  • 33. @1:03:09 - Okeke Gabriel And it's not right. It's good one. Okay. I said, never mind. Come back to you. Okay. @1:03:20 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( I need someone to raise your hands with all number 12. @1:03:23 - Okeke Gabriel If you have not already spoken. I mind. Okay. All right. So, that's responsible. I think something responsible. Consumption of production. Exactly. Exactly. @1:03:39 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Thank you so much. As Patrick said. Clap your hands for yourself. If no one else will do that for you. No number 13. @1:03:51 - Okeke Gabriel Go on number 13. @1:03:54 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Go on number 13. I'll let you raise your hands. @1:04:00 - Okeke Gabriel and entry. @1:04:02 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
  • 34. If not, I'll see a remote Sunday bank call. Oh, Festus. Okay, Festus, go number 13. @1:04:12 - Festus Obago Claim it, change and impact. @1:04:15 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Clap your hands for yourself, sir. If no one else will, you are absolutely correct. Thank you so much. Goal number 14. City Elizabeth, you may have been raised your hand for 13, but now you got 14. City Elizabeth, what's goal 14? @1:04:32 - Sidi Elizabeth Omonego Live below water. @1:04:35 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Congratulations and correct. Do I see a hand raise for goal number 15? Do I see a hand raise for goal number 15? Going once, going twice, done, marizio blauise out of Italy, you've been very quiet. This is your time. Number 15. @1:05:00 - don Maurizio Bloise Present. Good morning. Present. @1:05:04 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Ciao. @1:05:05 - don Maurizio Bloise
  • 35. Good morning. Ciao. @1:05:10 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Go, go. Allow us count. Go 15. What is your? Okay, well, I've not heard you. Oh, there you are. Hi, father. Can you tell us goal 15? Oh, can't hear you, but we know you're participating. So drop carefully, drop safely. We're going to turn it over to Hamza Al-Tumohamut from goal 15. Hamza Al-Tumohamut, goal 15. Great. Okay. @1:06:00 - Godday Aguriase Odidi Good night, sir. Life for land. @1:06:03 - Hamza Auta Mohammed Oh, wow. Good night. @1:06:04 - Okeke Gabriel I'm safe. @1:06:06 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Life for land. @1:06:07 - Godday Aguriase Odidi It's something. @1:06:08 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
  • 36. I'm safe, something. Yes, we hear you. @1:06:11 - Godday Aguriase Odidi Life for land. @1:06:12 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Life for land. @1:06:13 - Godday Aguriase Odidi Yeah, life for land. @1:06:14 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Yes. Where you're so? If I want else to ask. Thank you, sir. @1:06:17 - Godday Aguriase Odidi Thank you. You only have two. Yes, go to your DD. @1:06:21 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( This is go to your DD. @1:06:23 - Godday Aguriase Odidi Yes. I'm glad people for myself. We only have two left. @1:06:28 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
  • 37. 16 and 17. Yeah. I need two hands raised for 16 and 17. To finish up today's presentation. Goal number 16 and 17. Do I have any takers? Well, let's see here. I may have to go to the old glory Azuzu Azuza Azakpuhu. Or you have Ouba. All right, we will go number 16. Now's that time. Don't play with us. You raised your hand. What's goal 16? @1:07:09 - Uba Nkonsha Audi Ball number 16. Aligns with the basic goal of what? It is peace, justice and strong institutions. You need peace. @1:07:20 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Not clap your hands but jump up and down and clap your hands. That's absolutely correct. Thank you very much, Thank you. @1:07:30 - Chaplain James Mercy O. That was an unsigned one correctly. @1:07:34 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Well, there you are, Pastor James. We're about down to number 17. It's up here to close us out. @1:07:40 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Ball number 17. I'm going to ask you. Oh, goodness. Oh, We're down to the last one, Pastor James. @1:07:52 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr (
  • 38. Goal 17. @1:07:53 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Can you hear us? We'll try to... I think I can hear you better now. @1:08:02 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Yes, we're down to 17. @1:08:05 - Hamza Auta Mohammed Okay. @1:08:06 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Yeah, we're the last one. @1:08:08 - Hamza Auta Mohammed Okay. @1:08:09 - Chaplain James Mercy O. I think is it about who, that's us? It is? @1:08:14 - Hamza Auta Mohammed I'm the third. I'm the partnership with school. Number 17 is partnership for the girls. @1:08:22 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Okay, the girls. Yes, you have done it right.
  • 39. @1:08:25 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( If nobody claps for you, clap for yourself. @1:08:30 - Chaplain James Mercy O. So that is what I will say. think today we were able to identify each good from one to the other. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH And now you should be able to know which of them that, you know, capture your interest and where you could work. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH It's very well. I'm sorry. Your laughter is because it's confusion here. So don't laugh at all like that. Not to cause. I'm a completion. Is anyone here that I've not answered a question or attempts any of them? They're pleased. I want to see. @1:09:08 - Komolafe Peter shayo Where's Gloria? From a lot of people. @1:09:10 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Azuka. @1:09:15 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu Oh, chapter in Am here. choose her. Can I see your face please? Can I see Gloria, can I see your face? Yes, sir.
  • 40. @1:09:31 - Chaplain James Mercy O. I've not seen it too. Okay. Mrs. Gloria, what are you doing? From... @1:09:38 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu From Lagos, Nigeria. @1:09:41 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Yeah, Lagos. @1:09:43 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu Papa. @1:09:45 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Papa Lagos? @1:09:47 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu Yes, sir. @1:09:54 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Mrs. Gloria? @1:09:56 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu Yes, sir. @1:09:57 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
  • 41. Mrs. @1:09:58 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu Thank you, sir. @1:10:01 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Congratulations. You might not know why I said congratulations. @1:10:05 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu I told you, at least. @1:10:08 - Chaplain James Mercy O. At least what? @1:10:10 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu I deserve it on there. have been going on. I am privileged to be part of this training. I have learned a lot. @1:10:23 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Yes. Listen to me, everybody is there. So everybody deserves to be said. Thank you. What's now? I want you to just warn yourself for free. @1:10:35 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu One reason. @1:10:37 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
  • 42. You just want it for yourself. You want to know why you want that. Let me explain. I will you the names. I tell you. I will tell you. I will tell you. ... @1:11:00 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu ... ... ... @1:11:09 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( ... ... @1:11:10 - Chaplain James Mercy O. ... @1:11:11 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu ... @1:11:11 - Chaplain James Mercy O. ... ... ... ... @1:11:17 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... @1:11:17 - Chaplain James Mercy O. ... ... ... ...
  • 43. @1:11:26 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu ... @1:12:04 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( We may have lost him. We'll give him a few moments to get back. In the meantime, this is Andrew Williams Jr. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH Thank you all so much for your participation in this workshop. We love you. We appreciate you. And we're all in this together. And all of us are participating with SDG-17. @1:12:25 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu We're creating a partnership for the goals. @1:12:31 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( If you have not done so already, please go to So we're have a as a volunteer and identify which of the 17 of the other goals you're most passionate about. @1:12:54 - Chaplain James Mercy O. I'm Bakas, I'm a Sardarandru. @1:12:56 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( I would use a closer answer. @1:12:58 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
  • 44. All right. Thank you so much. As I was saying, you can say me earlier, I printed the name down. What you did that won't you, one of the polo t-shirt for me is that you wrote your name and your blacket move as part of your name. That's what makes people when they follow. I have not seen anyone since they have the right thing, their names are whatsoever. @1:13:27 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu are identified, then say with me. @1:13:32 - Chaplain James Mercy O. I have not seen any other division. I do go to some people's, what's up to see if they use wu plu plu plu if they do this, I've not seen. But because you wrote your name and at the end of it, your blacket move, showing that you are identifying yourself with you. And that is why you want yourself to follow t-shirt. @1:13:56 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu So I want t-shirt when I have the right thing to do. Thank you, Sa. @1:14:00 - Chaplain James Mercy O. I'm very good at that if I yourself with me. Like some people, I ask them to spell who or the full meaning of who they are put in. So they are just for the start. What is so all say is this? @1:14:18 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu Congratulations. Thank you so it shows that you are a fashion for the job and you love me.
  • 45. @1:14:25 - Chaplain James Mercy O. And I will everyone of you, volunteering and working with us. You should be able to be of your organization. @1:14:37 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu should be able to be proud of what you do and where you are. You should be able to be proud. @1:14:41 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Not just of you, she and the logo. @1:14:47 - Emmanuel Etu remember my two leg grades. @1:14:49 - Glory Azuka lsiakpu I remember my two leg grades. @1:14:52 - Chaplain James Mercy O. was just a light person. That's position. We are less concerned about that. What we are concerned about is your personality that had a different personality. 50% ensuite mailuan. 我們有 ranch More people from Ratas which is yes writing So what we're talking about Her right Isima appreciate in everyone of anyone that is pata development good will hardison …and itch gwil, itch gwil, if an organization should take the itch gwil to walk on, you cannot finish walking on it for decades or years. Let alone you have 17 of them. So that is why we need more people, volunteers to be on ground.
  • 46. And that is why we cannot be everywhere at the same time. But we need people representing us from different states, different countries, different locations. And that is why we have been saying register, register, register. I know some of you might have not registered. We have sent several links to the different platforms, registered as a volunteer. And I want to say this, we want to register as a volunteer. Make sure you use your passport. It will help us because all our volunteers pictures as to be on the website. You have a notification. When you get a volunteer page country, you are doing those from. So if you are able to do that, we are sorry, there's nothing we could do about that. We only work with those that are registered and that we have the data and the information. So when we are producing the ID card, we have it to know. aduz that are ready to work with us or volunteer with us. And these are not here in Nigeria or in the United States. Let's say from Namibia, Uganda. Doris, where are you from? Doris, Kamangara, where are you from? Doris, where are you from? She's not even here with us again. So we want to represent it from other countries. I know Dostina is a... What are you Dostina? Is it Namibia? @1:17:40 - Doris Kamagara Doris is from Uganda. @1:17:44 - Chaplain James Mercy O. From Uganda, yes. From Uganda, we want to perform a formidable team in Uganda. We call it Wukanda. We help you Wukanda. We are here Wukanda. Nigeria. So let's know our team from different countries that we know who are those we are working with or recommending with and also when we are issuing the notification card we're able to put your country and we're just that we're able to appoint a coordinator in that country that will coordinate our programs so that is why it is very important for you to register.
  • 47. Any other person from Uganda here? Apart from Doris and Winnie? Winnie I know you are from Uganda Doris from Uganda. Anyone that one from Uganda here? @1:18:44 - Doris Kamagara Okay all right not problem about that we want everyone to be on board wherever you are Uganda we want to see your team. @1:19:00 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Kareit, our kareit, uh, whoop, Uganda, and we'll bring you on board. Whoop, Namibia, and bring those, Namibia on board. So we're able to have your team over there. Then we start the ball rolling. That is what I would do. On the final note, on Saturday we're up to announce again the program that we're going on in, uh, the University of Ibadgan, concerning the International Day for eradication, elimination of violence against women and guests. It's going to come up on Saturday, November 25th. And we want people in Nigeria. If you're in your state, even legal state, it's not up from you. We want you to be there and be part of the program, the part of the blessing. And if you're part of it, Aigle from Uganda, from Namibia, from Kenya, whatever you're in Africa, you're from the US. We want you to use this same link on Saturday to join the program to watch its live. Watch its live wherever you are. So let's be part of the program. And from all, if you have any better idea, innovative idea on this sustainable development goes that you have length, you can easily reach your back, tell us what you feel, what you could do, or your state. If you are yet to have more people in your state, I'm talking to an engineer now. Let's know. So from there, we know what to do. So this is what we could say now to encourage everyone of you joining us from all over the world to really be part of it. alaqqar, is humanitarian move. And also, it is a global vision. So nobody should be left behind. So thank you everyone for joining us.
  • 48. I don't know, where's the Adams? Did you see my message? Who again from peace? The past man from here, hear. @1:21:59 - Oreoluwa Olumeyan Yes. @1:21:59 - Dlama Bitrus Baku Yes. Ya, sir. @1:22:03 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Okay, say to me on what's up. I'm also from the peace department or all you are. If you are from peace department, just say I to me on what's up. Let me see your face. So I will not be answering, uh, uh, attended to all people. I'm assuming your face now if you are from the office department. So if I say I will be to identify you. Oh, also from the peace department. @1:22:37 - Oreoluwa Olumeyan Yes. @1:22:38 - Oyewusi Victor Adeyemi Yes. @1:22:39 - Chaplain James Mercy O. HR is the right. For me, I'm Saturday. Saturday. I can see back. I dance. can see Adam's. Do you how I made you? Don't show me. Don't move. Don't move. I'm doing it again.
  • 49. @1:22:52 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas Please allow me to do it. @1:22:53 - Oreoluwa Olumeyan Let's go. @1:22:54 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Let's Let's go. @1:22:55 - Olubode Busayo Dorcas Not today. @1:22:56 - Chaplain James Mercy O. We're going to move on. Are you going to it? @1:22:59 - Oreoluwa Olumeyan Yes. @1:23:00 - Chaplain James Mercy O. Ok, ok, no problem. So on Saturday, I don't know if we can easily meet Bribli. To talk Bribli, I think Ubershu organized that. So for us to know, we're forward. Because we must have a nothe in the bathroom. Either you, either Adam's like it or not. We are obviously in the bathroom. Either we buy like this or not. So from there, we'll able to know the way forward.
  • 50. There are more to do in the bathroom. And we are continuing you. And we believe you can do better. So be there for us and we'll know it. We're forward. And there's also somebody that won't and award from us. We are going to announce that person in that program. I don't need to say anything now. And I don't need to say how he or she won the award. But on the program, we're going to hear more of that. So thank you everyone for bringing us and your certificates already. The video is left at this program. But if you have not done the community support group on was that please do now because all your certificate would be sent there once I'm for you You will not be disturbing me my certificate my certificate. We are going to send it on the platform Sir apologize, but we have two people with their hands raised and before you leave I want to share my screen briefly Oh, you lower their hands or they can make their comments now right, oh you would you have to say something Well, you're using your hands is resolved is your hand not pinning you Okay, okay, I'll lower their hands. Okay, okay Get back do you want to say something? @1:24:49 - Okeke Gabriel Okay We have to everyone I'm here as well Kutakimau, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui tui, tui, tui, tui tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, tui, I know we are very good in making wonderful policies. But where the problem lies is not in the implementation stage. We have to get it wrong. Now I want to ask, if United Nations has any monitoring team or like the watchdog that sees to it that they audit the initiatives or the global impact organization and the SDGs of United Nations because I've been implemented to the letter. So yeah, and have any watchdog monitoring team that ensures that all these goals are being implemented. And all the money donations. That's the question I want to ask. @1:26:42 - Chaplain James Mercy O.
  • 51. Thank you. Thank you so much. But some people that directs work, uh, staffs of the United Nations are not there, they are outside you directly. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH Or the coordinator for monitoring team. But I take a resolution. is the issue? But more like that. @1:27:01 - Okeke Gabriel OK. @1:27:02 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( All right. If I may, I do want to let all of you know that the United Nations does not have a watchdog for each country. Each country is responsible for its own policies. But part of the reason I share this information with you about the United Nations Global Compact and their local networks is that in Nigeria, there is a local network for your country. And if you can see my screen, United Nations Global Compact has a particular initiative called Business for Peace along with others including caring for climate. But an answer to your question, for example, for Business for Peace, let me share my screen a little bit better here. An example for business for peace, this deals with conflict and instability that not only impact people in the environment, but pulls risk to all parts of the business sector. Time and time again, I've asked you to understand that your non-governmental organization is only as strong as your relationship is with the business sector and the government. It takes all three working together, but there is, for example, something called business for peace. It's a platform for over 130 leading companies from 37 countries dedicated to catalyzing collaborative action to advance peace. So, by joining business for peace, companies will be able to better identify and manage their business. business risks and opportunities while reducing operational costs. But this is the important part for you. It also engaged in public-private dialogue to establish local priorities and implement projects.
  • 52. So as far as I'm concerned, this is where a vote can step in in every person that attended today's workshop can step in to begin to have a dialogue with those businesses in your area to work together to affect change in your local community based on the government's policies and procedures. But remember, the government policies and procedures are only words on paper. It's not the life on the ground. It's up to us to make sure that these policies and procedures are carried out locally under our own authority because the government is only representing our interest. But if we don't do the work that we ask our government to do, then we can't expect any outcome different than what you have right now. To reiterate, to continue, business for peace, people are committed to align their business strategies and operations practice, not just in your own area, but around the world. They're dedicated to share the best and emerging practices and learn from the experience of their peers. Demonstrate leadership and receive recognition for advancing practical solutions. This is where we come in. They don't have practical solutions because they don't know our community. It's up to us to be the ones to present to them practical solutions that we need in our local communities, not depending on the government alone, but on those businesses. In many cases, I have to tell you there are businesses in the United States that have a large budget. the entire country of Nigeria. But they have local operations in your area. We can impact those decisions locally and have an impact not just in your local community but at the top level as well. Companies who have joined the business for peace, they commit to paying heightened attention to the implementation of UN Global Compact. 10 principles in high risk and complex, affected areas. This is why I asked all of you to understand that those 10 principles are broken down into four pillars. One is human rights, two is labor, three environment, four anti-corruption and transparency. This may also be where folks can pay attention through your efforts, because what you're saying is that the government is saying one thing and doing something else. That's not transparent. That's where principle 10 comes into action. But the important part of this is that each company is required to annually communicate on progress. They have to say what they're doing. That's where you find out what companies are spending their money to do and introduce yourself as a way they can spend their money to help you do what they're supposed to be doing.
  • 53. Because in a lot of cases, they have money in their bank, but they don't have people on the ground. So part of this effort is to encourage and empower all of you through whole hope to be able to connect that diet. Finally, recognize that local ownership and knowledge are vital to driving change. Business for Peace is adopted a locally driven approach. This means you. Business for Peace work to develop the capacity of global compact local networks to support participants in their effort to conduct responsible business practices in advance peace. This is the answer to. to your question. It is up to us to be the ones to hold accountable all of the stakeholders in our local community to have national and international impact. Finally, there are 18 local networks have already grown, joined this growing movement. Including Canada, Colombia, Egypt, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, and United Kingdom. So, before our close, let me do one other important thing, direct all of you to you in This is where you will find who your local representative is and how we can engage them in having a conversation to address your concerns about ways that they're supposed to be doing. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH as impacts in your local community. This is This is where you will find information about what's going on around the world, but as I explained to you earlier, it's important for you to engage locally. The local networks are the place where you will be able to find out who is responsible for connecting the dots between the United Nations and your own activities. Again, it's important to understand that this is also the place where you have the intersection between the local networks and the sustainable development goals. Responsible business has a vital role to play in the success of a decade of action. The private sector can contribute to the mainstreaming of the SDGs at the local level through its local network by participating in global combat. multi-stakeholder convenings, including policy dialogue, which is what you brought up. But also participating in global compact network working groups. This is comprised of a dedicated and passionate group of professionals who are themselves committed to develop local solutions. It's up to everyone in this workshop to be a local solution.
  • 54. But first you have to understand how what you're doing impacts one or more of the sustainable development goals. That was the entire purpose of these two week workshops. So you'll understand what the world is focusing on so that you can describe how what we're doing impacts what the world is focusing on. Finally, business for peace and local networks are reaching the intersection of promoting and incorporating accountability measures to report on progress. as supports, implementing the sustainable development goals within their companies. It's up to us and up to you to be the ones to help the sat with that is. Again, there are three resources available online at, where you can find Infographics, case examples, reports. And this may be what you are talking about, where you can promote anti-corruption, collective action through the global compact local networks. This is where you hold the feet to the fire for the governments that you put into place, but you have to take advantage of the tools and resources to do that. Also, if you don't measure it, it doesn't count. So it's up to you to be the ones to make sure that you document the activities that you're doing that impact the sustainable development goals. Throughout next year, we will be offering the opportunity for each of you to upload your photos, your articles, and your videos online through VOLPE and through a yacht by TV so that we can demonstrate that we are in fact working on accomplishing these objectives. And before I turn it back over to you again, I urge you to go to you and and go to engage locally and then go to Nigeria. All the things I've told you today are not based on things I'm just thinking of right now. The local network in Nigeria has been in existence since 2006, but there are only 138 participants. It's your task to find out who they are and to find out how what they're doing in your area can affect what you're trying to accomplish. So again, in closing, I do want to share my screen with you one last time to show you what we ourselves are doing to accomplish these goals and objectives through the work of the world humanitarian organization for peace and equity. But also through the very efforts that we are taking advantage of right now today on a local basis. So I'm going stop sharing my screen just a moment. Let's see here and I have so many things on my screen, give me just a moment, I apologize for the delay.
  • 55. Yes, here it is right here. Now we understand that many of you do not have the resources to be able to identify what it is you're trying to accomplish and be able then to transfer that information to the rest of the world. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH So what we've done is through the work of the world humanitarian organization of the piece of equity. And the SOTDF Foundation is put together a registration form so that your organization can register with us to let us know how what you are doing impacts one or more of the sustainable development goals. And there's a secret that I'm sharing with you that's not a secret. It's information of readily available. Even though they're over 14,000 members of the United Nations Global Compact Business Members since 2000, over 14,000 have been kicked out because they refuse to do one simple thing. Demonstrate how what they're doing impacts one or more of the 10th principles or the sustainable development goals. What we are offering is the opportunity for each of you to register with us. Then we go NGO, the registration details, so you must be registered in your own country. The name of the president or person that's in charge, but we know that no organization works by itself. It's important to have also a description of who is in your management team. 75% of the decision making about whether companies will support you depends upon who your management team is. Not what your vision is, not what your mission statement is, but who is it that's taken responsibility. We're doing what you claim you want to accomplish. Who are those people? So we're asking you to let us know who they are. What will help you as volunteers to better identify your own strengths and weaknesses and opportunities and threats so that we can work with you together to accomplish the objectives we have. This is a very simple form. In addition to knowing who you are, we need to know what is your area of sustainability goal. goals. That's why I'm asking you right here to just put the number one goal not one and two. I'll see you in the chat. Some people have put several goals. Some people put all the goals. We need one goal for us to be able to focus our attention so that we can work and win together. We're also asking that you provide us with at least three projects, three photos, three videos, three articles that describe work that your organization or foundation has done in the last two years.
  • 56. So this doesn't mean what you did last week, but it gives you two years. And we also want you to describe the impact of what the work you've done had in the society on one of those 17 sustainable development goals. Then let us know how to reach you. We need your organizations email address and your website address. If you do not have a website, you need to take the opportunity to begin to understand you're in the fourth industrial revolution. No one can reach around the world unless you're available on social media. If all you have is a Facebook page which is free for you to set up, you need to have some way for us to engage with you and you can engage with the rest of world. And finally, we're only working with those organizations that are legally registered in their country. If not, then you need to join WOLT because we are legally registered in Nigeria. Finally, you need to at the very bottom understand that we need your personal commitment. So once you provide us this information and your email address, we'll take the time to type the information in and you send us into this forum and send it back to you for your signature that you can do online. But we need your commitment to declare that the information you provide. is to the best of your ability true and that if at any given point it is discovered that there's also vacations whatever the agreement automatically becomes invalidated so we need you to be transparent as well finally at the very bottom you can see that you can go online to register at or it's last register your organization at the very bottom you'll see that there is a legal scenario office address and as I believe Pastor James was actually there when it was founded on July 23rd of 2020 there's a candidate office address and there's a US office address that US office address is my organization the five point student foundation because I am the chairperson of the Saga Foundation to international advisory board just as I am the chairperson of the World organizations, international advisory board. So when you go to click on that bottom link or you go online, you'll find there is already an application form that gives you this very same information. I see the mouse screen is not sharing right now. So I'll have to allow you to be the ones to see on my screen. And I'm moving to the end just to more clearly. See on my screen that we will provide you with this booklet that has more of than just the application form itself, but it actually has is an entire presentation of all the material that I've shared with you over these past several days. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH And it begins with the fact that we are making a commitment. to be the ones to educate and raise awareness about what we're doing and where you have tools that you can share it with people in your community.
  • 57. But the driving factor behind all of our work is the fact that climate change is impacting the entire world no matter where you are and the places that are where people are most likely to die from the adverse impacts of climate change are in this map. On the map you can see the orange part of the world that's Africa. That's where the most people are likely to die from the adverse impacts of climate change. In the bottom map, you'll see that the area with the lightest number, the lightest color is Africa where the least number of these local networks are. our intent is to work together and to fill out that map so that we have as strong as resources in the place where This is where most needs are. All of you have hurt me for many years. You don't know that I'm disabled. I have disabilities that prevent me from walking. I have disabilities that prevent me from standing up for more than two minutes at a time. I have disabilities that prevent me from breathing the way I need to. But the sustainable development goals are also to leave no one behind. So there is a place where you can find there is a relationship between the United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the African Union Agenda 2063. African Sustainable Development Map is available online. Just type it in. African Sustainable Development Map and you'll find it. But these are tools and resources you can have in your hands. The booklet you're receiving will also include the information that we've covered all this week. about the United Nations Global Compact and what the 10 principles are broken down into one, human rights, two, labor, three, the environment, four, anti-corruption and transparency. So again, sir, this is the answer to your question. It's not the government that we can rely upon to do what they say they are supposed to do. It's up to us to hold ourselves and them accountable for accomplishing those objectives in our local community. This booklet you receive will also include all the 17 sustainable development goals. You can click on any of these and it will take you to the actual website where you can get more in-depth information. I'd earlier described a business for peace. will also allow you to find out more about caring for climate to build community resiliency.
  • 58. This is not something new to five points. You foundation will advocate President, 10 years ago, I made a commitment at that time to build a worldwide community resiliency network when I joined the United Nations Global Compact. So the work I've done here this week is a continuation of work that was begun in 2015 and even before. You mentioned Pastor James, this event coming up Saturday will be at a university. The United Nations Global Compact also has a separate initiative called Principles for Responsible Management Education. They address Principle 1, Purpose, Principle 2, values, Principle 3, Method, Principle 4, Research, Principle 5, Partnership, Principle 6, Dialogue. So this could provide an opportunity for us even starting the day after tomorrow to begin to engage our work on an international scale starting from where we are. So with that I'm going to end my presentation and again thank you. after things or allow me to share this information with you. And if there are any other questions, I have an answer, type them into the chat before we leave back to you, Pastor James. SCREEN SHARING: started screen sharing - WATCH Pastor James, can you unmute yourself? Well, I may have taught myself into a manual, but add to you raise your hands. Please unmute yourself and state your question or comment. @1:49:35 - Emmanuel Etu All right. First, I want to say congratulations to everyone that has participated in this training. This is one of the most exciting, very restraining that I've gone through as a humanitarian. At this point, I'd like to create the indulgence of all the participants. to join me in thanking Andrew Williams, Jr. our great ambassador for taking his time, for taking his knowledge about the sustainable development goals to open our eyes to this program. I want everybody to help me. Let us say thank you to Ambassador Williams. Please, if you can, you can move yourself and just do the work of thank you. It's been a very great experience and I'm so, a lighting that I think I knew more than I should and I want to know more.
  • 59. Can everybody just let me say thank you. Yes. @1:50:45 - Oyewusi Victor Adeyemi Thank you. @1:50:48 - SIDI ESTHER AMANOSI Thank you. @1:50:49 - Dlama Bitrus Baku Thank you. @1:50:50 - Okeke Gabriel Thank you. @1:50:52 - Hamza Auta Mohammed Thank you. @1:50:53 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Thank you. Thank Thank you. @1:50:55 - Hamza Auta Mohammed Thank you. @1:50:57 - Doris Kamagara Thank you.
  • 60. @1:50:58 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( you. You're very welcome. @1:51:00 - Donald Nyandege Michwei Very welcome. Thank you. Thank you very much. @1:51:02 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( . You're very welcome. Pastor James, I see your lips. I don't hear anything from you, Pastor James. Yeah, so yeah, don't you gotta stop and start again. @1:51:15 - Emmanuel Etu Yes. @1:51:17 - Hon. Andrew Williams Jr ( Do whatever it takes. Yeah, we I see your lips. All right. Don't hear your voice. You may have to go out and come back in. @1:51:27 - Emmanuel Etu Yes. Why why we still wait for chapter James to come up. Yes, I also I also want to you know encourage every word of us that are into volunteer volunteering work. As a humanitarian, I was certified by Pastor James three years ago in Abuja via the Institute of Humanitarian Studies and Social Development and it has been work. What called true. My organization is called a jebule great elites association is an NGO based in a jebule a papa legal scenario. We are more concentrated on the sustainable development goal on education for children. Nigeria as we all know in the all of Africa we have a lot of out of school children.