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Using the Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale to Predict OCD Symptom Severity
                                      Following Treatment
                                      Rachel C. Leonard, Ph.D.1, Bradley C. Riemann, Ph.D.1, and Jonathan S. Abramowitz, Ph.D.2
                                          Rogers Memorial Hospital, Oconomowoc, WI        2
                                                                                              University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

Abstract                                                           Methods                                                              Results                                                                     Conclusions
The DOCS (Abramowitz et al., 2010) was recently developed          Participants                                                         In order to determine whether data from the IOP and                         Although all variables decreased from admission to
to assess OCD symptom dimensions, including: a)                    Participants included 159 individuals (males = 82) in an             residential programs could be collapsed, we first examined                  discharge, only DOCS Responsibility for Harm and
contamination-related obsessions and cleaning compulsions;         intensive outpatient program (IOP; n = 35, 22.0%) or                 interactions between the DOCS subscale scores and                           Mistakes and DOCS Symmetry/Ordering significantly
b) obsessions regarding doubt about responsibility for making      residential treatment program (n = 124, 78.0%) for OCD.              treatment program in predicting discharge Y-BOCS-SR                         predicted OCD severity at discharge. This suggests that
mistakes or causing harm, with checking and reassurance-                                                                                scores. None of the interaction terms were significant;                     Responsibility for Harm and Mistakes and
                                                                   Participants had an average age of 30.88 years (SD =
seeking rituals; c) obsessions regarding need for                                                                                       therefore, data from the two programs were collapsed for all                Symmetry/Ordering may be particularly important targets
                                                                   12.00, range = 18 - 70). The majority of participants were
completeness, symmetry, or exactness with ordering and                                                                                  subsequent analyses.                                                        of treatment. It is also possible that therapists providing
                                                                   Caucasian (89.3%), followed by Hispanic (5.0%), African
arranging rituals; and d) obsessional intrusive thoughts                                                                                                                                                            the treatment in this study were more successful in
regarding unwanted violent, sexual, or religious content with
                                                                   American (1.9%), Asian (1.9%), and American Indian (0.6%)            Data regarding admission and discharge scores are
                                                                   with missing data on 2 participants. All participants had a          presented below.                                                            targeting contamination symptoms than other
covert mental rituals or neutralizing rituals. To date, ways in
                                                                   primary diagnosis of OCD, a score of 16 or higher on the                                                                                         presentations or that symptoms within these dimensions
which DOCS dimensions predict symptom improvement have
                                                                   self-report version of the Y-BOCS (Baer, Brown-Beasley,                  Measure          Admission        Discharge             Test of         were better captured by the Y-BOCS than symptoms from
not yet been examined. Therefore, the present study
                                                                   Sorce, & Henriques, 1993), and completed the measures of                                                                      Significance       the Contamination and Unacceptable Thoughts
examined how DOCS scores at admission to an intensive
                                                                   interest at admission and a completed self-report Y-BOCS                                   M (SD)               M (SD)           t(df), p        dimensions.
outpatient or residential treatment program predict discharge
                                                                                                                                        Y-BOCS-SR            26.98 (5.47)        15.75 (7.03)      19.11(158),
Y-BOCS (Goodman et al., 1989). Results indicated that              at discharge. Most participants (81.8%) had at least one                                                                           <.001         Limitations and Future Directions
DOCS Responsibility for Harm and Mistakes and Symmetry/            additional diagnosis. One hundred eleven participants were           DOCS                  7.39 (6.53)          3.36 (3.83)     10.48(152),      This study has several limitations. First, 111 individuals
Ordering dimensions predicted discharge Y-BOCS scores,             excluded due to not having completed all measures of                 Contamination                                                 <.001
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    were not included in the analyses due to having
while DOCS Contamination and Unacceptable Thoughts                 interest. Of note, participants were not excluded based on           DOCS                  7.34 (6.18)          3.56 (4.08)   9.29(150), <.001
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    incomplete data. It is possible that these individuals differ
dimensions did not. These results suggest that responsibility      acquired dosage of treatment; therefore, the data presented          Responsibility for
                                                                                                                                        Harm and                                                                    significantly from those included in the study, and
for harm and mistakes and symmetry/ordering symptoms               includes individuals who terminated treatment prematurely.
                                                                                                                                        Mistakes                                                                    therefore the results could have been affected by this.
may be particularly important targets of treatment.
                                                                   Treatment                                                            DOCS                 10.21 (5.89)          5.59 (4.86)     10.73(151),      Further, although there are advantages to conducting
Introduction                                                       Participants admitted between May 19, 2008 and January               Unacceptable
                                                                                                                                                                                                      <.001         research in more naturalistic settings, this sample was
Due to the heterogeneity in OCD symptom presentations,             11, 2012 and had an average length of stay of 67.29 days                                                                                         complex in terms of comorbidity and severity, and
                                                                                                                                        DOCS Symmetry/        7.18 (5.52)          3.69 (3.80)   9.29(151), <.001
researchers have attempted to identify meaningful                  (SD = 32.12, range = 8 – 166 days), with participants in the                                                                                     received a variety of psychiatric medications. Therefore,
symptom dimensions or subtypes underlying the disorder.            RTC program having an average length of stay of 66.50                                                                                            future research using more tightly controlled methodology
Identified symptom dimensions differ with respect to               days (SD = 31.42) and participants in the IOP program                                                                                            and a larger sample size may be beneficial.
                                                                                                                                        In order to more fully examine these relationships, a
comorbidity profiles, neural mechanisms, and rates of              having an average length of stay of 40.05 sessions (SD =             regression analysis was conducted with admission DOCS
treatment response (e.g., Mataix-Cols, Rosario-Campos,             19.88). Treatment in both programs primarily consisted of
                                                                   exposure and response prevention (ERP), with cognitive
                                                                                                                                        subscale scores as the predictor variables and discharge Y-                 References
& Leckman, 2005; McKay et al., 2004). It has been                                                                                       BOCS-SR score as the outcome variable. DOCS subscale
somewhat difficult, however, to compare extant research            restructuring and medication management. Most                                                                                                    Abramowitz, J. S., Deacon, B., Olatunji, B. O., Wheaton, M. G.,
                                                                                                                                        scores accounted for from 11 % of the variance in discharge                     Berman, N. C., Losardo, D. L., et al. (2010). Assessment of
due to the variation in symptom dimensions that have               participants (72.3%) were taking at least one psychiatric            Y-BOCS-SR scores. Results indicated that admission DOCS                         obsessive-compulsive symptoms: development and
been identified and methods used to assess them. To                medication, which included antidepressants (63.5% of the             Responsibility   for     Harm     and      Mistakes     and                     evaluation of the dimensional obsessive-compulsive scale.
address this problem, Abramowitz and colleagues (2010)             sample), anti-anxiety medications (40.3%), antipsychotics            Symmetry/Ordering significantly predicted discharge Y-                          Psychological Assessment, 22, 180-198.
recently developed the Dimensional Obsessive-                      (27.7%), mood stabilizers (16.4%), and stimulants (9.4%).            BOCS-SR scores. Results from the regression equation are                    Baer, L., Brown-Beasley, M., Sorce, J., & Henriques, A. I.
Compulsive Scale (DOCS), which assesses the presence               Measures                                                             presented below.                                                                (1993). Computer-assisted telephone administration of a
and severity of the most replicated symptom dimensions,                                                                                                                     R2             β       t       p            structured interview for obsessive-compulsive disorder.
                                                                   Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II; Beck, Steer, & Brown,                                                                                          American Journal of Psychiatry, 150, 1737-1738.
including obsessions and functionally related avoidance
                                                                   1996). The BDI-II is a 21 item measure of severity of                                                                                            Beck, A. T., Steer, R. A., & Brown, G. K. (1996). Manual for the
patterns and compulsions on each dimension. The four                                                                                    DV: Discharge Y-BOCS-SR             .110                          .001
                                                                   depressive symptoms. Items are rated from 0-4, with total                                                                                            BDI-II. San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation.
dimensions, or subscales, include a) contamination-
                                                                   scores ranging from 0-63. Higher scores indicate greater
related obsessions and cleaning compulsions, b)                                                                                         Admission DOCS                                   .023    .277      ns       Goodman, W. K., Price, L. H., Rasmussen, S. A., Mazure, C.,
                                                                   depression severity.                                                                                                                                 Delgado, P., Heninger, G. R., & Charney, D. S. (1989). The
obsessions regarding doubt about responsibility for                                                                                     Contamination
making a mistake or causing harm, c) obsessions                    DOCS (Abramowitz et al., 2010). The DOCS is a 20-item                                                                                                Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale: Development,
                                                                                                                                        Admission DOCS                                   .187    2.110    .036          use, reliability, and validity. Archives of General Psychiatry,
regarding a need for completeness, symmetry, or                    self-report measure of severity along the four symptom
                                                                                                                                        Responsibility for Harm and                                                     46, 1006-1016.
exactness with ordering and arranging rituals, and d)              dimensions: a) Contamination, b) Responsibility for Harm             Mistakes
                                                                   and Mistakes, c) Symmetry/Ordering, and d) Unacceptable                                                                                          Mataix-Cols, D., Rosario-Campos, M. C., & Leckman, J. F.
obsessional intrusive thoughts regarding unwanted                                                                                                                                                                       (2005). A multidimensional model of obsessive-compulsive
                                                                                                                                        Admission DOCS                                   .067    0.815     ns
violent, sexual, or religious content with covert mental           Thoughts. Scores on each subscale range from 0 – 20.
                                                                                                                                        Unacceptable Thoughts                                                           disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162, 228-238.
rituals or rituals meant to neutralize the obsessive               Y-BOCS-SR (Baer et al., 1993). The Y-BOCS-SR consists                                                                                            McKay, D., Abramowitz, J. S., Calamari, J. E., Kyrios, M.,
                                                                                                                                        Admission DOCS                                   .172    2.043    .043
thoughts. Although the DOCS has demonstrated                       of 10 items rated from 0 to 4 for a total score ranging from 0                                                                                       Radomsky, A., Sookman, D. et al. (2004). A critical
sensitivity to change over the course of treatment, was in         to 40, with higher scores representing greater OCD                   Ordering                                                                        evaluation of obsessive-compulsive disorder subtypes:
which DOCS dimensions relate to treatment outcome                  symptom severity. Baer and colleagues (1993) found that                                                                                              Symptoms versus mechanisms. Clinical Psychology
have not yet been examined. Therefore, the present                 scores on the self-report Y-BOCS highly correlate with the                                                                                           Review, 24, 283-313.
study examined how DOCS symptom dimensions at                      interview version, and that the Y-BOCS-SR has acceptable
admission relate to OCD symptom severity at discharge              internal consistency within OCD samples and has
following treatment. We predicted that all four DOCS               acceptable test-retest reliability.
subscales would significantly predict OCD symptom
severity at discharge.

     Rogers Memorial Hospital                                     | Wisconsin                  | 800-767-4411                       |

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Using the Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale to Predict OCD Symptom Severity Following Treatment

  • 1. Using the Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale to Predict OCD Symptom Severity Following Treatment Rachel C. Leonard, Ph.D.1, Bradley C. Riemann, Ph.D.1, and Jonathan S. Abramowitz, Ph.D.2 1 Rogers Memorial Hospital, Oconomowoc, WI 2 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC Abstract Methods Results Conclusions The DOCS (Abramowitz et al., 2010) was recently developed Participants In order to determine whether data from the IOP and Although all variables decreased from admission to to assess OCD symptom dimensions, including: a) Participants included 159 individuals (males = 82) in an residential programs could be collapsed, we first examined discharge, only DOCS Responsibility for Harm and contamination-related obsessions and cleaning compulsions; intensive outpatient program (IOP; n = 35, 22.0%) or interactions between the DOCS subscale scores and Mistakes and DOCS Symmetry/Ordering significantly b) obsessions regarding doubt about responsibility for making residential treatment program (n = 124, 78.0%) for OCD. treatment program in predicting discharge Y-BOCS-SR predicted OCD severity at discharge. This suggests that mistakes or causing harm, with checking and reassurance- scores. None of the interaction terms were significant; Responsibility for Harm and Mistakes and Participants had an average age of 30.88 years (SD = seeking rituals; c) obsessions regarding need for therefore, data from the two programs were collapsed for all Symmetry/Ordering may be particularly important targets 12.00, range = 18 - 70). The majority of participants were completeness, symmetry, or exactness with ordering and subsequent analyses. of treatment. It is also possible that therapists providing Caucasian (89.3%), followed by Hispanic (5.0%), African arranging rituals; and d) obsessional intrusive thoughts the treatment in this study were more successful in regarding unwanted violent, sexual, or religious content with American (1.9%), Asian (1.9%), and American Indian (0.6%) Data regarding admission and discharge scores are with missing data on 2 participants. All participants had a presented below. targeting contamination symptoms than other covert mental rituals or neutralizing rituals. To date, ways in primary diagnosis of OCD, a score of 16 or higher on the presentations or that symptoms within these dimensions which DOCS dimensions predict symptom improvement have self-report version of the Y-BOCS (Baer, Brown-Beasley, Measure Admission Discharge Test of were better captured by the Y-BOCS than symptoms from not yet been examined. Therefore, the present study Sorce, & Henriques, 1993), and completed the measures of Significance the Contamination and Unacceptable Thoughts examined how DOCS scores at admission to an intensive interest at admission and a completed self-report Y-BOCS M (SD) M (SD) t(df), p dimensions. outpatient or residential treatment program predict discharge Y-BOCS-SR 26.98 (5.47) 15.75 (7.03) 19.11(158), Y-BOCS (Goodman et al., 1989). Results indicated that at discharge. Most participants (81.8%) had at least one <.001 Limitations and Future Directions DOCS Responsibility for Harm and Mistakes and Symmetry/ additional diagnosis. One hundred eleven participants were DOCS 7.39 (6.53) 3.36 (3.83) 10.48(152), This study has several limitations. First, 111 individuals Ordering dimensions predicted discharge Y-BOCS scores, excluded due to not having completed all measures of Contamination <.001 were not included in the analyses due to having while DOCS Contamination and Unacceptable Thoughts interest. Of note, participants were not excluded based on DOCS 7.34 (6.18) 3.56 (4.08) 9.29(150), <.001 incomplete data. It is possible that these individuals differ dimensions did not. These results suggest that responsibility acquired dosage of treatment; therefore, the data presented Responsibility for Harm and significantly from those included in the study, and for harm and mistakes and symmetry/ordering symptoms includes individuals who terminated treatment prematurely. Mistakes therefore the results could have been affected by this. may be particularly important targets of treatment. Treatment DOCS 10.21 (5.89) 5.59 (4.86) 10.73(151), Further, although there are advantages to conducting Introduction Participants admitted between May 19, 2008 and January Unacceptable Thoughts <.001 research in more naturalistic settings, this sample was Due to the heterogeneity in OCD symptom presentations, 11, 2012 and had an average length of stay of 67.29 days complex in terms of comorbidity and severity, and DOCS Symmetry/ 7.18 (5.52) 3.69 (3.80) 9.29(151), <.001 researchers have attempted to identify meaningful (SD = 32.12, range = 8 – 166 days), with participants in the received a variety of psychiatric medications. Therefore, Ordering symptom dimensions or subtypes underlying the disorder. RTC program having an average length of stay of 66.50 future research using more tightly controlled methodology Identified symptom dimensions differ with respect to days (SD = 31.42) and participants in the IOP program and a larger sample size may be beneficial. In order to more fully examine these relationships, a comorbidity profiles, neural mechanisms, and rates of having an average length of stay of 40.05 sessions (SD = regression analysis was conducted with admission DOCS treatment response (e.g., Mataix-Cols, Rosario-Campos, 19.88). Treatment in both programs primarily consisted of exposure and response prevention (ERP), with cognitive subscale scores as the predictor variables and discharge Y- References & Leckman, 2005; McKay et al., 2004). It has been BOCS-SR score as the outcome variable. DOCS subscale somewhat difficult, however, to compare extant research restructuring and medication management. Most Abramowitz, J. S., Deacon, B., Olatunji, B. O., Wheaton, M. G., scores accounted for from 11 % of the variance in discharge Berman, N. C., Losardo, D. L., et al. (2010). Assessment of due to the variation in symptom dimensions that have participants (72.3%) were taking at least one psychiatric Y-BOCS-SR scores. Results indicated that admission DOCS obsessive-compulsive symptoms: development and been identified and methods used to assess them. To medication, which included antidepressants (63.5% of the Responsibility for Harm and Mistakes and evaluation of the dimensional obsessive-compulsive scale. address this problem, Abramowitz and colleagues (2010) sample), anti-anxiety medications (40.3%), antipsychotics Symmetry/Ordering significantly predicted discharge Y- Psychological Assessment, 22, 180-198. recently developed the Dimensional Obsessive- (27.7%), mood stabilizers (16.4%), and stimulants (9.4%). BOCS-SR scores. Results from the regression equation are Baer, L., Brown-Beasley, M., Sorce, J., & Henriques, A. I. Compulsive Scale (DOCS), which assesses the presence Measures presented below. (1993). Computer-assisted telephone administration of a and severity of the most replicated symptom dimensions, R2 β t p structured interview for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II; Beck, Steer, & Brown, American Journal of Psychiatry, 150, 1737-1738. including obsessions and functionally related avoidance 1996). The BDI-II is a 21 item measure of severity of Beck, A. T., Steer, R. A., & Brown, G. K. (1996). Manual for the patterns and compulsions on each dimension. The four DV: Discharge Y-BOCS-SR .110 .001 depressive symptoms. Items are rated from 0-4, with total BDI-II. San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation. dimensions, or subscales, include a) contamination- scores ranging from 0-63. Higher scores indicate greater related obsessions and cleaning compulsions, b) Admission DOCS .023 .277 ns Goodman, W. K., Price, L. H., Rasmussen, S. A., Mazure, C., depression severity. Delgado, P., Heninger, G. R., & Charney, D. S. (1989). The obsessions regarding doubt about responsibility for Contamination making a mistake or causing harm, c) obsessions DOCS (Abramowitz et al., 2010). The DOCS is a 20-item Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale: Development, Admission DOCS .187 2.110 .036 use, reliability, and validity. Archives of General Psychiatry, regarding a need for completeness, symmetry, or self-report measure of severity along the four symptom Responsibility for Harm and 46, 1006-1016. exactness with ordering and arranging rituals, and d) dimensions: a) Contamination, b) Responsibility for Harm Mistakes and Mistakes, c) Symmetry/Ordering, and d) Unacceptable Mataix-Cols, D., Rosario-Campos, M. C., & Leckman, J. F. obsessional intrusive thoughts regarding unwanted (2005). A multidimensional model of obsessive-compulsive Admission DOCS .067 0.815 ns violent, sexual, or religious content with covert mental Thoughts. Scores on each subscale range from 0 – 20. Unacceptable Thoughts disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162, 228-238. rituals or rituals meant to neutralize the obsessive Y-BOCS-SR (Baer et al., 1993). The Y-BOCS-SR consists McKay, D., Abramowitz, J. S., Calamari, J. E., Kyrios, M., Admission DOCS .172 2.043 .043 thoughts. Although the DOCS has demonstrated of 10 items rated from 0 to 4 for a total score ranging from 0 Radomsky, A., Sookman, D. et al. (2004). A critical Symmetry/ sensitivity to change over the course of treatment, was in to 40, with higher scores representing greater OCD Ordering evaluation of obsessive-compulsive disorder subtypes: which DOCS dimensions relate to treatment outcome symptom severity. Baer and colleagues (1993) found that Symptoms versus mechanisms. Clinical Psychology have not yet been examined. Therefore, the present scores on the self-report Y-BOCS highly correlate with the Review, 24, 283-313. study examined how DOCS symptom dimensions at interview version, and that the Y-BOCS-SR has acceptable admission relate to OCD symptom severity at discharge internal consistency within OCD samples and has following treatment. We predicted that all four DOCS acceptable test-retest reliability. subscales would significantly predict OCD symptom severity at discharge. Rogers Memorial Hospital | Wisconsin | 800-767-4411 |

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