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UPA 2012
Usability Testing Medical Devices                             Las Vegas, NV

    Dan Berlin                     Chris Hass
    Experience Research Director   SVP of Experience Design
    @banderlin                     @chrishass   
Usability activities are NOT clinical Trials

   Generally the process will be less stringent:
   •  More loosely defined, faster
   •  Will likely involve a relatively small number of people per activity
   •  Initial studies stress simulation, with no medicinal agents or clinical
   •  Dovetail with interaction design, visual design, and marketing activities

It’s going to feel like a clinical trial

   •  Extremely detailed “Usability Specification” documents
   •  “Usability Validation” (Risk assessment and amelioration)
   •  “Usability engineering file” / “Design Efficiency File”
   •  Know Federal and International regulations:
       •  FDA Quality System Regulation
       •  HE: 75 2009
       •  ISO/IEC 62366:2007
   •  Knowledge of (and inspiration for)
      emerging standards

Medical Device Manufacturers may be unfamiliar
 with your practices and lack of regulations

Safeguarding participants may be more challenging

  •  Your safety protocols must be exacting, fully defined,
     piloted, and effective
  •  Even simulated product use may put participants at risk
  •  Target audiences may be physically or cognitively
  •  Activity environments may be unusual
  •  Work with client and medical care specialists

Reporting responsibilities, guidelines, formats, and
  requirements will be more complex
   •  Reporting guidelines, formats, and requirements will likely
      be extensive and complex
       •  Industry reporting standards (CIF)
       •  Specialized reporting formats
   •  Raw data may be reviewed again and again and again. . .

Research locales may be more challenging
  Device use environments may be:
  •  Unfamiliar
  •  Sterile
  •  Stressful
  •  Germ-laden
  •  Emotionally distressing
  •  Gross
  •  Secure
  •  Rarely observable
  •  Complex
  •  or otherwise unusual to non-medical personnel
  •  (And fainting can be a factor!)

Client Relationship


•  A robust set of client team members is essential –
   as is knowing their roles:
    –    Legal
    –    Medical advisor
    –    Safety advisor
    –    Compliance
    –    Adverse Event Specialist
    –    Physician is helpful, but not enough
    –    The usual suspects

•  Clients may ask for proof of insurance
    –  But too much insurance could be a bad thing

FDA Relationship
•  If the study is for FDA approval – learn about
   the client’s relationship with the FDA:

    –  What are the relevant regulations?

    –  Who is the client’s liaison to the FDA?

    –  What is the client’s relationship with the FDA?

    –  Has the client met with the FDA?

    –  Have they received comments from the FDA?

    –  Does the client understand usability testing?

    –  Are we allowed to talk to the FDA?

Working with an IRB

•  IRB = Institutional Review Board                                      Source:

•  For FDA approval, typically work with an independent IRB

•  Their job: to ensure that research conducted on human subjects is carried
   out correctly and humanely

•  Not as scary as you may think
    –  We are NOT evaluating medical efficacy or safety
    –  But we DO have to be conscientious

•  Have your ducks in a row and it will be a smooth process

Working with an IRB

•  Adds about $2000-$5000 to the cost of the study

•  Adds a day or two to the project for dealing with
   the IRB

•  Be cognizant of any non-disclosure agreements

•  Prior to the study, signature pages should be
   signed-off, circulated, and returned in a timely

•  Everyone on the team will take this very

IRB Documents - Forms


•  Indemnification Agreement: So the IRB doesn’t get sued
•  Financial Disclosure: The researchers don’t have conflicts of interest
•  Investigator Statement: The researcher code of conduct
•  Satellite Site Application: May be needed if the study involves multiple
•  Shipping & Invoice: Where documents are sent
•  Study Application: Detailed information about the study
•  Curriculum Vitae for all researchers
•  Other forms that your IRB requires

IRB Documents – Study and Device Info

•  Recruitment Screener: Be very precise                                Source:

•  Recruitment Flyer: To hang in doctor’s office to aid with recruiting
•  Moderator’s Guide: A second guide may be needed if there are child
•  Consent and asset forms: For adults and children, respectively
•  Safety Concerns: Outline potential risks
•  Device Background: Detailed explanation of the device including
   indication and new features
•  Device Instructions for Use: If they are also included in the study

IRB Documents – Validation Plan

•  A detailed explanation of how the study will
   validate that the device is usable
    –  If you’re used to winging it, you can’t do that
    –  Lay out every question and how it will be
    –  Lay out a rationale for every metric
    –  Break down the pieces of the tasks and what
       will be observed
    –  A detailed explanation of how the will be
       analyzed and presented

•  Quantitative measures (asked and observed)
    –  Rating scales
    –  Yes/No observations


Quantitative Measures

•  Rating Scales
        –  Asked                                                  –  Observed
                   •  Ease of use                                         •  Usability
                   •  Instructions for                                    •  Help needed
                      Use clarity                                         •  Number of
                   •  Design                                                 errors
                   •  Ergonomics

•  Yes/No observations
        –  Did the participant do this, that, AND the other thing?



•  Give your recruiter a heads up LONG before the
   study starts
    –  And start recruiting early

•  Make a flyer to be hung in doctor’s offices and
   distributed electronically which includes:
    –    The purpose of the study
    –    Why they would want to participate
    –    Compensation                                                      Source:

    –    Recruiter contact information

•  During the project, any screener changes need to be
   re-approved by the IRB

•  Many institutions can’t “promote” a study that is
   under their auspices

Sample Flyer


•  Don’t be shy – makes friends with local hospitals
   and clinics
    –  Nurses and admins are the gateway
    –  Have the sanitized IRB approval in-hand

•  Find groups that can be a gateway to your desired

    –    Healthcare institutions
    –    Local and national support groups
    –    Federal agencies
    –    Community support groups
    –    Craigslist & Social Media

•  Plan for surprises – like extensions to the timeline

Working with Children

•  From a legal standpoint, a child is someone under 18
   years old

•  Children cannot consent to participate in the study,
   they can only assent
    –  An assent form explains the details of the study, in the
       first person

•  You will treat a 17 year old different than an 8 year old
    –  Be cognizant of the protocol to ensure you are
       consistent in your data capture

•  The parent conundrum: should they participate?
    –  At what point does it become co-discovery and is that                  Source:


Working with Children

•  Put the child at ease:
    –    Explain the lab (to a point)
    –    Ask if s/he would like a break                              Source:

    –    Give reminders that s/he is doing a great job in the study
    –    Structure the study so that it isn’t drudgery
    –    Don’t make them remember rating scales
    –    Not all children like to be spoken to like a child

•  Be extra vigilant for signs that the participant is telling you want you
   want to hear
    –  As well as signs of fatigue and confusion

•  You don’t need to be their friend, but don’t scare them away

Moderator’s Guide

•  Be precise with a tightly written protocol                             Source:

•  Must be well-defined in advance and piloted
    –  No changes to the protocol without revisiting the IRB, the client, the FDA
       approval minutes, etc.

•  Clients may be used to clinical trials and view usability methods as “thin”
    –  We’re not running a clinical trials, but that’s no excuse for not adequately

•  Adhere to the protocol!
    –  Any changes require IRB approval

Moderator’s Guide

•  The moderator’s guide should capture:                                    Source:

    –  The tasks
    –  Steps in the tasks
    –  What should be observed
    –  The questions to be asked of the participants
    –  Observer rating scales
•  Basically, a shortened version of the Validation Plan
•  Be precise in the metrics and methods
    –  They cannot vary
    –  Data reporting requirements will be significant
    –  Gaps in the reporting will be very visible

Notes Grid

•  We are using “micro-tasks” and want to
   capture precise information

•  The notes grid should facilitate the analysis

   yet be easy to use
    –  Every step and question on its own row

    –  Have clear study sections (introduction, etc.)

    –  Grey out areas that can be ignored

•  Team note taking: moderator concentrates on
   certain items, note taker does the rest

Notes Grid

Lab Preparation

•    Capture the participants from two
     different angles
      –  A close-up view of the device interaction

      –  Straight-on to capture the entire field

•    Have all device supplies at the ready
      –  Alcohol wipes, extra needles, batteries,          Source:


      –  You’ll use more supplies than you expect

•    Get a first aid kit and nitrile gloves
      –  Have a first aid plan and practice

Participant Safety

•  As with any usability, participant comfort and safety is the
   top priority                                                            Source:

•  Must be mindful of participants with health conditions
    –  Will they need accessibility accommodations?
    –  Will they have an aide/caretaker?
    –  How will the condition affect their participation?

•  What you can do to ensure participant comfort and safety:
    –  Have a robust first aid kit (and possibly medical personnel)
    –  Provide water, juice, sugary, and non-sugary snacks
    –  Ensure they know that they will be working with a placebo
    –  Accessible food

Participant Safety

•    Warn participants of safety hazards while using the device, if it’s
     part of the protocol                                                       Source:

•    Have a plan of action if someone is injured
•    Establish a path of notification if a participant is injured
      –  Reporting may have many phases: reporting it internally, then to the
         client, to the FDA, and the IRB

•    Educate yourself about the condition
•    Ensure the protocol does not exacerbate a disease or condition
•    Be vigilant about fatigue, confusion, disorientation, dehydration, &

Adverse Effects

•  An adverse effect (AE) event is when a participant
   tells you about a side effect or other experience
   while using a device or drug

•  This is critical information for the client and must
   be reported, typically immediately

•  Some clients may require you to go through AE

•  Before the study begins, determine to whom AEs
   are reported                                                                  When in doubt,
•  AEs can be complex to identify, but are VERY

Adverse Effects

•  In the course of a usability study for a medication website, a participant
   mentions that she stopped taking the drug. She explains that the blister
   packs and pills sometimes arrived crushed.

•  While testing an infusion pump, the participant mentions that the tube
   always falls out of his previously used pump, which is the client’s

•  During a study, a participant mentions that her arms started to itch when
   she stopped taking the client’s medication.

•  A male participant mentions that his wife got pregnant two weeks after
   he started taking the client’s medication, even though she used the birth
   control pill.


•  The setup from the validation plan, moderator’s
   guide, and notes grid should make analysis easy

•  Dealing with gaps in the data can be tricky
    –  Did the question get asked?
    –  Was the behavior observed?
    –  Do we have to go back to the recordings?
         •  Make sure you HAVE the recordings!

•  Rely on quantitative measures
    –  What percentage of participants passed the task?
    –  What ease of use ratings did participants give?
    –  How many participants committed the most
       common errors?


•    Remember to think on a micro-task scale – every little
     step of using the device should be observed
      –  It’s difficult to watch and report on every step of a
         complex interaction and document it precisely,                    Source:
         especially live
      –  Tallying needs to be specific, yet practical

•    Be mindful of capturing and organizing the important
     qualitative data
      –  This can be especially tough when dealing with many
      –  Summarize qualitative data directly after the session –
         don’t wait

•    Know what you’re reporting – there may be data to
     help marketing

•    Sometimes the goal of these studies is to identify
     marketing claims, which can raise concerns

Thank You!

•  Conducting a usability study for a medical
   device is similar to a typical study, except
   with much stricter protocols                                  Questions/Comments?

•  Your safety and the safety & comfort of the                         Dan Berlin
   participants are paramount                           
•  Use quantitative measures and report
   percentages of participants that did or                              Chris Hass
   didn’t perform an action                               
•  It’s all about proper planning!


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Usability Testing Medical Devices - UPA International 2012.-Chris Hass and Dan Berlin

  • 1. UPA 2012 Usability Testing Medical Devices Las Vegas, NV Dan Berlin Chris Hass Experience Research Director SVP of Experience Design @banderlin @chrishass
  • 2. Usability activities are NOT clinical Trials Generally the process will be less stringent: •  More loosely defined, faster •  Will likely involve a relatively small number of people per activity •  Initial studies stress simulation, with no medicinal agents or clinical impact. •  Dovetail with interaction design, visual design, and marketing activities Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   2  
  • 3. It’s going to feel like a clinical trial •  Extremely detailed “Usability Specification” documents •  “Usability Validation” (Risk assessment and amelioration) •  “Usability engineering file” / “Design Efficiency File” •  Know Federal and International regulations: •  FDA Quality System Regulation •  HE: 75 2009 •  ISO/IEC 62366:2007 •  Knowledge of (and inspiration for) emerging standards Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   3  
  • 4. Medical Device Manufacturers may be unfamiliar with your practices and lack of regulations Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   4  
  • 5. Safeguarding participants may be more challenging •  Your safety protocols must be exacting, fully defined, piloted, and effective •  Even simulated product use may put participants at risk •  Target audiences may be physically or cognitively vulnerable •  Activity environments may be unusual •  Work with client and medical care specialists Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   5  
  • 6. Reporting responsibilities, guidelines, formats, and requirements will be more complex •  Reporting guidelines, formats, and requirements will likely be extensive and complex •  Industry reporting standards (CIF) •  Specialized reporting formats •  Raw data may be reviewed again and again and again. . . Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   6  
  • 7. Research locales may be more challenging Device use environments may be: •  Unfamiliar •  Sterile •  Stressful •  Germ-laden •  Emotionally distressing •  Gross •  Secure •  Rarely observable •  Complex •  or otherwise unusual to non-medical personnel •  (And fainting can be a factor!) Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   7  
  • 8. Client Relationship Source: •  A robust set of client team members is essential – as is knowing their roles: –  Legal –  Medical advisor –  Safety advisor –  Compliance –  Adverse Event Specialist –  Physician is helpful, but not enough –  The usual suspects •  Clients may ask for proof of insurance –  But too much insurance could be a bad thing Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   8  
  • 9. FDA Relationship Source: possible-discovery-of-chicken-jerky-toxin/ •  If the study is for FDA approval – learn about the client’s relationship with the FDA: –  What are the relevant regulations? –  Who is the client’s liaison to the FDA? –  What is the client’s relationship with the FDA? –  Has the client met with the FDA? –  Have they received comments from the FDA? –  Does the client understand usability testing? –  Are we allowed to talk to the FDA? Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   9  
  • 10. Working with an IRB •  IRB = Institutional Review Board Source: who_is_watching_the_irb_watchdogs_asks_nature •  For FDA approval, typically work with an independent IRB •  Their job: to ensure that research conducted on human subjects is carried out correctly and humanely •  Not as scary as you may think –  We are NOT evaluating medical efficacy or safety –  But we DO have to be conscientious •  Have your ducks in a row and it will be a smooth process Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   10  
  • 11. Working with an IRB •  Adds about $2000-$5000 to the cost of the study Source: who_is_watching_the_irb_watchdogs_asks_nature •  Adds a day or two to the project for dealing with the IRB •  Be cognizant of any non-disclosure agreements •  Prior to the study, signature pages should be signed-off, circulated, and returned in a timely manner •  Everyone on the team will take this very seriously! Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   11  
  • 12. IRB Documents - Forms Source: •  Indemnification Agreement: So the IRB doesn’t get sued •  Financial Disclosure: The researchers don’t have conflicts of interest •  Investigator Statement: The researcher code of conduct •  Satellite Site Application: May be needed if the study involves multiple locations •  Shipping & Invoice: Where documents are sent •  Study Application: Detailed information about the study •  Curriculum Vitae for all researchers •  Other forms that your IRB requires Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   12  
  • 13. IRB Documents – Study and Device Info •  Recruitment Screener: Be very precise Source: •  Recruitment Flyer: To hang in doctor’s office to aid with recruiting •  Moderator’s Guide: A second guide may be needed if there are child participants •  Consent and asset forms: For adults and children, respectively •  Safety Concerns: Outline potential risks •  Device Background: Detailed explanation of the device including indication and new features •  Device Instructions for Use: If they are also included in the study Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   13  
  • 14. IRB Documents – Validation Plan •  A detailed explanation of how the study will validate that the device is usable –  If you’re used to winging it, you can’t do that here –  Lay out every question and how it will be interpreted –  Lay out a rationale for every metric –  Break down the pieces of the tasks and what will be observed –  A detailed explanation of how the will be analyzed and presented •  Quantitative measures (asked and observed) –  Rating scales –  Yes/No observations Source:  hDp://   Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   14  
  • 15. Chart  Color   Quantitative Measures %  of  chart  that  is  red   %  of  chart  that  is  black   •  Rating Scales –  Asked –  Observed •  Ease of use •  Usability •  Instructions for •  Help needed Use clarity •  Number of •  Design errors •  Ergonomics •  Yes/No observations –  Did the participant do this, that, AND the other thing? Ra,ng   No  Help  Needed   LiDle  Difficulty   Some  Help     Much  Help   Task  Failure   Explana,on   Completed  with  no  help   1-­‐2  small  errors   3-­‐5  errors   Moderator  gets  involved   Failure   Small  errors:   Doesn't  press  the  green  buDon   Doesn't  remove  cap  properly   Etc.   Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   15  
  • 16. Recruiting •  Give your recruiter a heads up LONG before the study starts –  And start recruiting early •  Make a flyer to be hung in doctor’s offices and distributed electronically which includes: –  The purpose of the study –  Why they would want to participate –  Compensation Source: –  Recruiter contact information •  During the project, any screener changes need to be re-approved by the IRB •  Many institutions can’t “promote” a study that is under their auspices Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   16  
  • 17. Sample Flyer Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   17  
  • 18. Recruiting •  Don’t be shy – makes friends with local hospitals and clinics –  Nurses and admins are the gateway –  Have the sanitized IRB approval in-hand •  Find groups that can be a gateway to your desired audience Source: –  Healthcare institutions –  Local and national support groups –  Federal agencies –  Community support groups –  Craigslist & Social Media •  Plan for surprises – like extensions to the timeline Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   18  
  • 19. Working with Children •  From a legal standpoint, a child is someone under 18 years old Source: •  Children cannot consent to participate in the study, they can only assent –  An assent form explains the details of the study, in the first person •  You will treat a 17 year old different than an 8 year old –  Be cognizant of the protocol to ensure you are consistent in your data capture •  The parent conundrum: should they participate? –  At what point does it become co-discovery and is that Source: okay? Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   19  
  • 20. Working with Children •  Put the child at ease: –  Explain the lab (to a point) –  Ask if s/he would like a break Source: –  Give reminders that s/he is doing a great job in the study –  Structure the study so that it isn’t drudgery –  Don’t make them remember rating scales –  Not all children like to be spoken to like a child •  Be extra vigilant for signs that the participant is telling you want you want to hear –  As well as signs of fatigue and confusion •  You don’t need to be their friend, but don’t scare them away Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   20  
  • 21. Moderator’s Guide •  Be precise with a tightly written protocol Source: •  Must be well-defined in advance and piloted –  No changes to the protocol without revisiting the IRB, the client, the FDA approval minutes, etc. •  Clients may be used to clinical trials and view usability methods as “thin” –  We’re not running a clinical trials, but that’s no excuse for not adequately preparing •  Adhere to the protocol! –  Any changes require IRB approval Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   21  
  • 22. Moderator’s Guide •  The moderator’s guide should capture: Source: –  The tasks –  Steps in the tasks –  What should be observed –  The questions to be asked of the participants –  Observer rating scales •  Basically, a shortened version of the Validation Plan •  Be precise in the metrics and methods –  They cannot vary –  Data reporting requirements will be significant –  Gaps in the reporting will be very visible Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   22  
  • 23. Notes Grid •  We are using “micro-tasks” and want to capture precise information •  The notes grid should facilitate the analysis Source: yet be easy to use –  Every step and question on its own row –  Have clear study sections (introduction, etc.) –  Grey out areas that can be ignored •  Team note taking: moderator concentrates on certain items, note taker does the rest Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   23  
  • 24. Notes Grid Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   24  
  • 25. Lab Preparation •  Capture the participants from two different angles –  A close-up view of the device interaction (over-the-shoulder) –  Straight-on to capture the entire field •  Have all device supplies at the ready –  Alcohol wipes, extra needles, batteries, Source: etc. –  You’ll use more supplies than you expect •  Get a first aid kit and nitrile gloves –  Have a first aid plan and practice Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   25  
  • 26. Participant Safety •  As with any usability, participant comfort and safety is the top priority Source: •  Must be mindful of participants with health conditions –  Will they need accessibility accommodations? –  Will they have an aide/caretaker? –  How will the condition affect their participation? •  What you can do to ensure participant comfort and safety: –  Have a robust first aid kit (and possibly medical personnel) –  Provide water, juice, sugary, and non-sugary snacks –  Ensure they know that they will be working with a placebo –  Accessible food Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   26  
  • 27. Participant Safety •  Warn participants of safety hazards while using the device, if it’s part of the protocol Source: •  Have a plan of action if someone is injured •  Establish a path of notification if a participant is injured –  Reporting may have many phases: reporting it internally, then to the client, to the FDA, and the IRB •  Educate yourself about the condition •  Ensure the protocol does not exacerbate a disease or condition •  Be vigilant about fatigue, confusion, disorientation, dehydration, & stress Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   27  
  • 28. Adverse Effects •  An adverse effect (AE) event is when a participant tells you about a side effect or other experience while using a device or drug •  This is critical information for the client and must be reported, typically immediately Source: •  Some clients may require you to go through AE training •  Before the study begins, determine to whom AEs are reported When in doubt, report! •  AEs can be complex to identify, but are VERY important Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   28  
  • 29. Adverse Effects •  In the course of a usability study for a medication website, a participant mentions that she stopped taking the drug. She explains that the blister packs and pills sometimes arrived crushed. •  While testing an infusion pump, the participant mentions that the tube always falls out of his previously used pump, which is the client’s product. •  During a study, a participant mentions that her arms started to itch when she stopped taking the client’s medication. •  A male participant mentions that his wife got pregnant two weeks after he started taking the client’s medication, even though she used the birth control pill. Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   29  
  • 30. Analysis •  The setup from the validation plan, moderator’s guide, and notes grid should make analysis easy Source: research-competitor-analysis/ •  Dealing with gaps in the data can be tricky –  Did the question get asked? –  Was the behavior observed? –  Do we have to go back to the recordings? •  Make sure you HAVE the recordings! •  Rely on quantitative measures –  What percentage of participants passed the task? –  What ease of use ratings did participants give? –  How many participants committed the most common errors? Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   30  
  • 31. Analysis •  Remember to think on a micro-task scale – every little step of using the device should be observed –  It’s difficult to watch and report on every step of a complex interaction and document it precisely, Source: research-competitor-analysis/ especially live –  Tallying needs to be specific, yet practical •  Be mindful of capturing and organizing the important qualitative data –  This can be especially tough when dealing with many participants –  Summarize qualitative data directly after the session – don’t wait •  Know what you’re reporting – there may be data to help marketing •  Sometimes the goal of these studies is to identify marketing claims, which can raise concerns Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   31  
  • 32. Thank You! •  Conducting a usability study for a medical device is similar to a typical study, except with much stricter protocols Questions/Comments? •  Your safety and the safety & comfort of the Dan Berlin participants are paramount @banderlin •  Use quantitative measures and report percentages of participants that did or Chris Hass didn’t perform an action @chrishass •  It’s all about proper planning! Usability  Tes,ng  Medical  Devices   32