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 Introduction
 Indications of urine Analysis
 Collection of urine
 Changes which occur in Urine sample at room
 Preservation of urine sample
 Examination of urine
-Macroscopic Examination
-Chemical Examination
-Microscopic Examination
-Cytological Examination
 Urine is most easily obtained specimen
examined in the laboratory.
 Examination of urine not only provides
information of the kidneys and possible
abnormalities of the urinary tract, but also lead
to diagnosis of various systemic diseases of
the human body which are reflected by the
presence of various substances.
 Urine is formed in the kidneys, is a product of
ultra filtration of plasma by the renal glomeruli.
 In normal adults, appox 1200ml of blood
perfuses the kidney each minute (25% of
cardiac output)
 Ultimately about 180 litres of glomerular filtrate
is formed for every 24 hours
 Which is reduced to 1-2 litres depending on
the hydration status of the individual.
Indications of Urine Analysis
 Suspected renal diseases
 Detection of UTI (urinary tract infection)
 Detection and management of metabolic
disorders like Diabetes mellitus
 Differential Diagnosis of jaundice
 Detection and management of plasma cell
Types of Urine samples
Sample type Sampling Purpose
Random specimen No specific time
most common, taken
anytime of day
Routine screening,
chemical & Microscopic
Morning sample First urine in the morning,
most concentrated
Pregnancy test,
microscopic test
Clean catch midstream Discard first few ml, collect
the rest
24 hours All the urine passed during
the day and night and next
day Ist sample is collected.
used for quantitative and
qualitative analysis of
Postprandial 2 hours after meal Determine glucose in
diabetic monitoring
Supra-pubic aspiration Needle aspiration Obtaining urine without
How to collect urine sample of infants?
 A clean plastic
bag should be
attached around
the baby’s
 Supra pubic
 Collected in a wide
mouthed, clean dry
container and examined
fresh urine within 2 hour.
 delay in examination,
urine can be preserved
at 4°C.
Changes which occur in Urine
sample at room temperature
 Increase in PH
 Formation of crystals
 Loss of ketone bodies
 Decrease in Glucose
 Oxidation of urobilinogen to urobilin
 Bacterial proliferation
 Disintegration of cellular elements, especially
in alkaline PH
 Therefore, Urine sample should
be tested within 2 hours of
collection to get correct results!!
Preservation of Urine
 It is necessary to add preservative to the urine to
prevent casts , prevent growth of contaminating
organisms and avoid false positive results.
 Different types of preservative used are:-
 Toluene
-forms thin layer on the surface
-Disadvantage- interfere with estimation of
Boric acid-5gm/120ml
 Concentrated hydrochloric acid
-best preservative for chemical examination.
 Formalin or chloroform
-1drop/30ml, best preserves the formed
-Disadvantage- both interfere with tests for
 Thymol
-preserves the sediment
-Disadvantage- Interfere with sugar, acetone
 Sodium carbonate
- for preservation of urobilinogen
Physical Examination
• Physical examination involves:
1. Color
2. Transparency
3. Odor
4. Volume
5. pH
6. Specific gravity
1- Color:
• Many things affect color of urine such as diet, medicines and diseases
including fluid balance.
• Color intensity of urine correlates to concentration.
 Amber yellow Urochrome (derivative of urobilin,
produced from bilirubin degradation, is pigment found in normal
 Colorless due to reduced concentration.
 Red Brown Hematuria, Hemoglobinuria, Porphyria,
 Brown Alkaptonuria, Melanoma
 Yellow-green Biliverdin
 Yellow with yellow foam Bilirubin
 Orange urobilinogen/Porphobilinogen
 Milky-white Chyluria
 Silver or milky appearance Pus, bacteria or
epithelial cells
 Orange, green, blue or red medications.
 Vitamin B supplements can turn urine bright yellow.
2- Transparency:
• Urine is normally clear. Bacteria, blood, sperm, crystals, or
mucus can make urine look cloudy.
• Is classified as clear or turbid.
• In normal urine: the main cause of cloudiness is crystals and
epithelial cells.
• In pathological urine: it is due to pus, blood and bacteria.
• Degree of cloudiness depends on: pH and dissolved solids
 Turbidity: may be due to bacteria/pus ,
 Smoky appearance: is seen in hematuria .
 Thread-like cloudiness: is seen in sample full of mucus.
3- Odor:
1. Aromatic odour------> Normal urine due to presence of volatile
aromatic acids.
2. Ammonical odour------> On standing due to decomposition of
urea to ammonia or in cases of UTI.
3. Fruity odour--------> ketoacidosis, starvation.
4. Mousy or musty-----> Phenylketonuria
4- Volume:
 Is important part of assessment for fluid balance and
kidney functions.
 Normal = 600-2000ml
 Polyuria- >2000ml
 Oliguria- <400ml
 Anuria- complete cessation of urine(<100ml)
 Causes of polyuria (>2000 ml)
 Diabetes mellitus
 Diabetes insipidus
 Polycystic kidney
 Chronic renal failure
 Diuretics
 Causes of oliguria (<400 ml)
 Dehydration-vomiting, diarrhoea, excessive
 Renal ischemia
 Acute tubular necrosis
 Obstruction to the urinary tract
 Acute renal failure
 Causes of Anuria (<100 ml)
 Acute tubular necrosis(e.g.-shock etc.), complete
urinary tract obstruction
5- pH:
 Reaction reflects ability of kidney to maintain normal
hydrogen ion concentration in plasma & ECF
• Normal urine pH: 4.5-8.
• Urine sample must be fresh
• A urine pH of <7 acidic, 7 is neutral (neither acidic nor
alkaline), and >7 is alkaline.
 Tested by - 1.litmus paper
2. dipsticks
3. pH paper
 Acidic urine
 Ketosis-diabetes, starvation, fever
 Systemic acidosis
 UTI- E.coli
 Acidification therapy
 Alkaline urine
 Strict vegetarian
 Systemic alkalosis
 UTI- Proteus, pseudomonas
 Alkalization therapy
6. Specific Gravity (SG):
• measures the amount of substances dissolved in urine.
• also indicates how well kidneys are able to adjust
amount of water in urine.
• Higher SG: more solid material is dissolved in urine
 Measured by - Urinometer
- Refractometer
- Dipsticks
 Fill 2/3 of urinometer
container with urine
 Allow the urinometer to
float into the urine
 Read the graduation at the
lowest level of urinary
 Correction of temperature
& albumin is a must.
 Urinometer is calibrated at
 Normal - 1.003-1.030
 Low specific gravity
 Excess water intake
 Diabetes insipidus
 High specific gravity
 Dehydration
 Albuminuria
 Glycosuria
 Refractometer – it is based on the refractive
index of the urine
 It requires few drops of urine
 Reagent strip method- it is done with the help
of chemical reagents
 Fixed specific gravity (isosthenuria)=1.010
 Seen in chronic renal disease when kidney
has lost the ability to concentrate or dilute
 Chronic kidney disease
 ADH deficiency
Chemical examination
 Proteins
 Sugars
 Ketone bodies
 Bilirubin
 Bile salts
 Urobilinogen
 Blood
Specific Gravity
Leukocyte Esterase
Strip include the tests:
• Glucose
• Bilirubin
• Ketone
• Specific Gravity
• Blood
• Protein
• Urobilinogen
• Nitrite
• Leukocyte
• pH
How to detect abnormal
• Strip is filter paper or plastic which has
chemical substance (reagent) coated on it
on different pads.
• It gives color when react with substance
in urine.
• The produced color is compared with
chart color visually.
Specific Gravity
Results are reported as:
 In concentration (mg/dl)
 As small, moderate, or large
 Using the plus system (1+, 2+, 3+, 4+)
 As positive, negative, or normal
Automated Urine Testing
Urinalysis test
 This method is rapid, easy and used for qualitative estimation.
 Reaction in strip is effected by time, to reduce timing errors
and to limit variations in color interpretation; automated
instrument is used to read the reaction color on each test pad.
Proteins in
 is the presence of abnormal amount of protein in urine.
 The main protein in urine is albumin therefore, proteinuria
 Normal – up to 150 mg/day.
Protein % of Total Daily Maximum
Albumin 40% 60 mg
Tamm-Horsfall 40% 60 mg
Immunoglobulins 12% 24 mg
Secretory IgA 3% 6 mg
Other 5% 10 mg
TOTAL 100% 150 mg
Proteins in “Normal” Urine
 Qualitative test:
 Heat Coagulation test
 Sulphosalicylic acid test
 Heller’s test
 Reagent strips
 Quantitative test:
 Esbach’s albuminometer
 Turbidimetric method
 Most assays are performed on urine sample of 12-24h.
Quantitative estimation
 Esbach’s method
 R mark above for reagent
 U mark below for urine
 Graduated in between.
 Esbach’s reagent – picric acid +
Citric acid + distilled water.
 24hr urine is collected.
Filtered if hazy. Acidified with
10% acetic acid.
 Albuminometer is filled up to
‘U’ mark with urine.
 Esbach’s reagent is added
up to ‘R’ mark & mixed well.
 Tube is corked and kept in
stand vertically for 24 hrs.
Level of precipitate is
measured and read in gm/lit.
 Qualitative tests :-
 Heat Coagulation test
 Sulphosalicylic acid test
 Heller’s test
 Reagent strips
 Heat Coagulation test
 Principle: Heat coagulates proteins in urine.
 Take urine in a test tube (up to 2/3rd ).
 Boil the upper portion of test tube by holding
bottom portion.
 If turbidity develops, add 1-2 drops of glacial
acetic acid. If turbidity disappears it is due to
phosphates and if persists it is due to albumin.
 Interpretation
 Negative – No turbidity or cloudiness.
 Trace – Cloudiness visible against a black background (
<100 mg / dl).
 1+ - Definite cloudiness without flocculation and granularity
(100 mg / dl ).
 2+ - Heavy and granular cloudiness without flocculation. (
100 – 200 mg / dl).
 3+ - Dense opaque cloud with marked flocculation (200 –
500 mg / dl) .
 4+ - Thick cloudiness with precipitation ( > 500 mg / dl ).
 Sulphosalicylic acid test
 Principle: Acid precipitates protein in urine
with turbidity that is proportionate to the protein
concentration in urine.
 Procedure:
 Take 2 ml of urine in a clean test tube and
acidify by adding few drops of acetic acid
 Add equal volume of 20% sulphosalicylic acid.
 Take readings within 10 min. Formation of
cloudiness indicates proteinuria.
 Negative : No cloudiness
 Trace: Barely visible cloudiness.
 1+ : definite cloud without granular
 2+ : heavy and granular cloud without
granular flocculation
 3+ : dense cloud with marked flocculation.
 4+ : Cloudiness with precipitation
 Causes of Proteinuria
 Asymptomatic (Functional proteinuria) –
 Exercise induced,
 Orthostatic (postural proteinuria).
 Mild proteinuria (<1gm/day)
 Chronic pyelonephritis,
 Hypertension
 Fever
 Polycystic kidney
 Moderate proteinuria (1-3gm/day)
 Diabetic nephropathy
 Multiple myeloma
 Malignant nephrosclerosis
 Massive proteinuria (>3gm/day)
 Nephrotic syndrome
 Renal vein thrombosis
 Diabetes mellitus
Functional Renal
- Severe muscular exertion - Glomerulonephritis
- Pregnancy - Nephrotic syndrome
- Orthostatic proteinuria - Renal tumor or infection
-Polycystic kidney disease
Pre-Renal Post-Renal
- Fever - Cystitis
- Renal hypoxia - Urethritis or prostatitis
- Hypertension - Contamination with vaginal
- Eclampsia secretions
Causes of Proteinuria
 It is defined as urinary excretion of 30-
300mg/day of albumin in urine.
 The level of albumin protein produced by
microalbuminuria cannot be detected by urine
dipstick methods.
 Microalbuminuria is diagnosed from a 24-hour
urine collection
Significance of microalbuminuria
 an indicator of subclinical cardiovascular disease
 Earliest sign of kidney disease in diabetes
mellitus & hypertension
 increasing microalbuminuria during the first 48
hours after admission to an intensive care unit
predicts elevated risk for acute respiratory failure
, multiple organ failure , and overall mortality
Bence jones proteins
 Light chains of immunoglobulin excreted in
urine in conditions like multiple myeloma,
primary amyloidosis & lymphoma.
 Test – A coagulum forms on heating urine to
50-60ºC, which dissolves when further heating
urine to 80ºC, on cooling the precipitate
reappears at 50-60ºC.
 Best method - protein electrophoresis.
 What if both albumin and bence jones proteins
are present is present ?
 Heat the urine sample first, the coagulum
formed is due to albumin and is filtered out
 Then test for bence jones proteins is repeated
by heating.
Sugar in Urine
 Glucose and other reducing substances in
urine are detected by –
 Copper reduction test – Benedict’s test,
Fehling’s test
 Enzymatic test – Glucose oxidase method,
reagent strips. (Glucose specific).
Benedict’s qualitative test
 Benedict’s reagent – cupric sulfate, sodium
carbonate, sodium citrate, distilled water.
Reducing substances convert soluble
blue cupric sulfate to insoluble red
cuprous oxide. Thus there is color
change and precipitate formation.
 Take 5ml of benedict’s reagent
 Add 8 drops of urine
 Heat for 2 mins
 Cool in running tap water or water bath and
look for change of colour and precipitate
 Many reducing agents can give a positive
benedict’s test. E.g.: Hexoses (Glucose,
fructose, lactose), pentose,
 non-carbohydrate substances like vit.C, uric
acid, ascorbic acid, salicylates, antibiotics, L-
Other tests for reducing sugars
 Fructose – Seliwanoff’s test
 Differentiates fructose (immediate reaction on
heating) and glucose(weak and slow reaction)
 Pentoses – bial’s test
 Molisch test – to rule out non carbohydrate
Reagent strip method
 Based on glucose oxidase and peroxidase
 Specific for glucose
Any change in colour of strip is matched with
standard colour chart provided on the reagent
strip bottle
Causes of glycosuria
 Diabetes mellitus
 Renal glycosuria
 Alimentary glycosuria
 Severe burns
 Corticosteroid administration
 Severe sepsis
 Pregnancy
HYPERGLYCEMIA – Diabetes mellitus,
Cushing’s syndrome, chronic pancreatitis, CNS
tumors, Corticosteroids.
HYPERGLYCEMIA – Renal tubular
dysfunction, pregnancy.
Ketone bodies
 Ketonuria is the presence of abnormal amount of ketone
bodies in urine.
 Body normally uses carbohydrates as source of energy.
 If carbohydrate source depleted or there is defect in
carbohydrate metabolism, body use fat as a source of
 ketone bodies are breakdown products of fatty acids.
 Three ketone bodies
 Acetone
 Acetoacetic acid
 β-hydroxy butyric acid
Fat Fatty
Tests for ketone bodies
 Rothera’s test
 Gerhardt’s test
 Reagent strip test
Rothera’s test
 Detects acetone and acetoacetic acid
 Principle: Acetone & Acetoacetic acid
develops purple coloured complex with
sodium nitroprusside in alkaline medium.
 Gerhardt’s test: For detection of
betahydroxybutyric acid.
 Procedure:
 Take 2ml of urine in a test tube and saturate it
with ammonium sulphate.
 Add 1 tiny crystal of sodium nitroprusside.
 Mix.
 Run 1ml of liquid ammonia carefully at the side
of the tube so as to form purple ring on top of
the saturated urine.
 POSITIVE- Formation of purple ring at junction
of two fluids.
Causes of Ketonuria
 Fever
 Anorexia
 Fasting
 Starvation
 Severe vomiting
 Cachexia
 Glycogen storage disorders
Presence of abnormal number of intact RBCs in urine
is called hematuria.
Cause of Hematuria :-
• Pre renal- bleeding diathesis, hemoglobinopathies,
malignant hypertension, anticoagulants, quinine,
renal vein thrombosis.
• Renal- trauma, calculi, acute & chronic
glomerulonephritis, renal TB, renal tumors, Post
streptococcal glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis,
pyelonephritis, PAN
• Post renal – severe UTI, calculi, trauma, cancers of
ureter, bladder, urethra.
 Causes of hematuria
 Renal disease- infections, TB kidney, Nephritic
 Bleeding disorders- thrombocytopenia, scurvy,
 Anticoagulant drugs
 Causes of hemoglobinuria (presence of free
 Hemolytic anemia- cold AIHA, PNH
 Snake venom, spider bite, bacterial toxins
 Mismatched blood transfusion
Tests for detection of Blood in
• Haeme proteins in haemoglobin act as
peroxidase, which reduces hydrogen
peroxide to water. Oxidation of hydrogen
donor leads to development of colour.
• This process needs a hydrogen donor [benzidine,
orthotoludine] .
• Intensity of colour produced is proportional to the
amount of haemoglobin present.
 Take 1ml of urine
 Add 1ml of glacial acetic acid
 Add pinch of benzidine powder
 Add 1ml of H202
 Inference :-
 Green or blue colour development within 5 min
indicates positive test.
 Other tests
 Orthotoluidine test
 Reagent Strip Test
 Orthotoulidine test
• Take 2ml of urine
• Add 1ml of orthotoulidine in glacial acetic acid
• Add few drops of H202
• Blue or green indicated presence of blood in
 Undetectable in urine normally.
 Presence of bilirubin in urine is called
 2 forms – Conjugated & Unconjugated.
 Unconjugated is not water soluble, bound to
albumin, doesn’t appear in urine.
 Conjugated is water soluble, appears in
Tests for detection of bilirubin in urine
1. Fouchet’s test
2. Foam test
3. Gmelin’s test
4. Lugol’s iodine test
5. Reagent Strip test
 Fouchet’s test :-
• Ferric chloride oxidises bilirubin to green
• 5ml fresh urine in a test tube + 2.5 ml 10 %
BaCl2. Mix well.
• Filter to obtain ppt. on filter paper.
• To precipitate add few drops of fouchet’s
reagent. (ferric chloride + trichloroacetic
 Interpretation
Immediate blue green colour indicates positive
Bilirubin Absent Present Present
Urobilinogen Increased Increased Absent
 Salts of 4 different types of bile acids : cholic,
deoxycholic, chenodeoxycholic & lithocholic.
 They combine with glycine or taurine to form
complex salts.
 Test for detection: Hay’s surface tension test
Principle: Bile salts if present in urine, lowers the
surface tension thus the sulphur particles sinks
 Hay’s surface tension test :-
• Take some fresh urine in conical glass tube.
• Urine should be at room temp.
• Sprinkle particles of sulphur on the surface.
• Inference :-
• If bile salts are present,
sulphur particles sink to the
bottom, due to lowering of
surface tension by bile
• If sulphur particles remain
on surface of urine, bile
salts are absent.
 All of the following are tested positive by
benedict test, except.
a) Lactose
b) Glucose
c) Sucrose
d) Maltose
e) salicylates
 Unconjugated bilirubin is water soluble.
 Name the principle of detecting the urine
glucose by reagent strip method.
 What are the tests to detect ketone bodies
 Name the test for bilirubin
 Why benedict’s test is called semi-quantitative
We look for :-
1) Cells
2) Casts
3) Crystals
4) Organisms
Epithelial cells
Oval fat bodies
Hyaline, Granular,
Waxy, Fatty
NORMAL :- Uric acid, Calcium oxalate, Amorphous
Urates, Calcium Carbonate, Phosphates, Urate
ABNORMAL :- Cysteine, Cholesterol,
Bilirubin, Leucine, Tyrosine, Sulfonamide
Yeast cells
T. vaginalis
Normal reference range
 Centrifuge 10 mL of urine in a graduated
centrifuge tube at a speed of 1500-2000 RPM
for 5 minutes. The supernatant is poured off.
Resuspend the sediment in 1mL of urine.
 Take a small drop of the suspended urine on a
glass slide.
 Mount with a coverslip and examine under the
 RBC – In cases of haematuria
 WBC – In cases of pyuria. (Infection- Acute
 Epithelial cells – Transitional cells can be seen
in bladder cancer.
Microscopic Examination
Microscopic Examination
Microscopic Examination
Microscopic Examination
Squamous Cells
Microscopic Examination
Tubular Epithelial Cells
Microscopic Examination
Transitional Cells
Microscopic Examination
Transitional Cells
Microscopic Examination
Oval Fat Body
- Bacteriuria More than 10 per HPF
- Candidiasis Most likely a contaminant
but should correlate with
clinical picture
- CMV inclusions Probable viral cystitis.
Microscopic Examination
Bacteria & Yeasts
Significant bacteriuria
 It is said when there are
 > 105 bacterial colony forming units/ml of urine in
a clean catch mid-stream sample
 > 104 bacterial colony forming units/ml of urine in
a catheterised sample
 > 103 bacterial colony forming units/ml of urine in
a suprapubic aspiration sample
Microscopic Examination
Microscopic Examination
Organisms in Urine
Pathogensis of casts
• Stasis, low ph and high concentration of filtrate in renal tubules
• Denaturation and precipitation of Tamm-horsfall protien
• Hyaline cast
• Entrapment of cellular elements in hyaline cast matrix to form cellular cast
• Degenaration of cells within cast to form coarse granular casts
• Prolong stay in tubules with further degenration of cells to form waxy cast
• Broad casts
Types of casts
 Acellular casts
Hyaline casts [fever,
glomerular capillary
Granular casts [ Chronic
renal disease]
Waxy casts [Severe
longstanding kidney
disease- Renal failure]
Fatty casts [Nephrotic
syndrome, ATN]
Pigment casts [ Hb in
haemolytic anaemia]
 Cellular casts
Red cell casts [ Nephritic
White cell casts
Epithelial cell cast [ATN]
Microscopic Examination
Hyaline Cast
Transparent and
• Acute
• Chronic
• Congestive heart
• Fever
Microscopic Examination
Granular Cast
• Cylindrical with fine or
coarse granules
• Granules are derived
from protein
degenerating RBCs,
WBCs or tubular cells
• Tubular damage
• Chronic
• Renal failure
Microscopic Examination
Waxy Cast
Opaque compared to
hyaline casts
• End stage kidney
• Chronic renal
• Amyloidosis
Microscopic Examination
Fatty Cast
Casts admixed with
fat droplets
Nephrotic syndrome
Microscopic Examination
RBCs Cast
Hyaline or granular
casts with adherent
• Acute
• Lupus nephritis
• Goodpasture
• Renal infarction
Microscopic Examination
WBCs Cast
Hyaline or granular
cast with adherent
• Acute
• Acute pyelonephritis
Microscopic Examination
Tubular Epith. Cast
Hyaline or granular
casts with adherent
cells from renal
• Acute tubular
• Viral disease (CMV
• Drugs
Microscopic Examination
Calcium Oxalate Crystals
Colourless, refractile,
envelop shaped
• Normal acidic
• Nephrolithiasis
• Ethylene glycol
Microscopic Examination
Triple Phosphate Crystals
• Normal alkaline urine
• Struvite stone due to
urease positive
• Colourless, prism
shaped crystals
• Coffin-lid, knife-rest or
star appearance
Microscopic Examination
Ammonium Biurate Crystals
Normal alkaline urine
Yellow thorn
Microscopic Examination
Tyrosine Crystals
• Tyrosinemia
• Cirrhosis
Fine needle like crystals
Microscopic Examination
Cystine Crystals
Colourless refractile
hexagonal plates with
unequal sides
Microscopic Examination
Cholesterol Crystals
Colourless, refractile,
flat rectangular plates
with notched(missing)
corners and stair-step
• Nephrotic syndrome
• hypercholesterolemi
Microscopic Examination
Bilirubin Crystals
Small ,brown, variable
• Obstructive liver
Microscopic Examination
leucine Crystals
Refractile, yellow or
brown, spheres with
radial concentric
• Cirrhosis
Normal urothelial cells. The large cells are from the superficial
and the small cells from the basal layers
Superficial cells, with a multinucleated cell in an umbrella
Large superficial and smaller pyramidal or basal cells.
Some of
the superficial cells are binucleated and contain nucleoli
Columnar cells in voided urine
A large multinucleated
urothelial cell
Normal squamous cells
and urothelial cells
Abnormal cells
 Malignant cells- from malignancies of kidney
and bladder
 Fungi (candida)- immunosuppressed patients,
diabetes, cytotoxic drugs
 Parasites- Trichomonas, entamoeba
histolytica, ova of schistosoma hematobium,
 Spermatozoa
Poorly differentiated urothelial carcinoma of
Urinary diseases and its

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urine basics.pptx

  • 2. 2  Introduction  Indications of urine Analysis  Collection of urine  Changes which occur in Urine sample at room temperature  Preservation of urine sample  Examination of urine -Macroscopic Examination -Chemical Examination -Microscopic Examination -Cytological Examination
  • 3. Introduction 3  Urine is most easily obtained specimen examined in the laboratory.  Examination of urine not only provides information of the kidneys and possible abnormalities of the urinary tract, but also lead to diagnosis of various systemic diseases of the human body which are reflected by the presence of various substances.  Urine is formed in the kidneys, is a product of ultra filtration of plasma by the renal glomeruli.
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5  In normal adults, appox 1200ml of blood perfuses the kidney each minute (25% of cardiac output)  Ultimately about 180 litres of glomerular filtrate is formed for every 24 hours  Which is reduced to 1-2 litres depending on the hydration status of the individual.
  • 6. Indications of Urine Analysis 6  Suspected renal diseases  Detection of UTI (urinary tract infection)  Detection and management of metabolic disorders like Diabetes mellitus  Differential Diagnosis of jaundice  Detection and management of plasma cell dyscrasias
  • 7. Types of Urine samples 7 Sample type Sampling Purpose Random specimen No specific time most common, taken anytime of day Routine screening, chemical & Microscopic Examination Morning sample First urine in the morning, most concentrated Pregnancy test, microscopic test Clean catch midstream Discard first few ml, collect the rest Culture 24 hours All the urine passed during the day and night and next day Ist sample is collected. used for quantitative and qualitative analysis of substances Postprandial 2 hours after meal Determine glucose in diabetic monitoring Supra-pubic aspiration Needle aspiration Obtaining urine without contamination
  • 8. How to collect urine sample of infants? 8  A clean plastic bag should be attached around the baby’s genitalia.  Supra pubic aspiration-For bacteriological examination
  • 9. URINE CONTAINER 9  Collected in a wide mouthed, clean dry container and examined fresh urine within 2 hour.  delay in examination, urine can be preserved at 4°C.
  • 10. Changes which occur in Urine sample at room temperature 11  Increase in PH  Formation of crystals  Loss of ketone bodies  Decrease in Glucose  Oxidation of urobilinogen to urobilin  Bacterial proliferation  Disintegration of cellular elements, especially in alkaline PH
  • 11. 12  Therefore, Urine sample should be tested within 2 hours of collection to get correct results!!
  • 12. Preservation of Urine 13  It is necessary to add preservative to the urine to prevent casts , prevent growth of contaminating organisms and avoid false positive results.  Different types of preservative used are:-  Toluene -forms thin layer on the surface -Disadvantage- interfere with estimation of protein Boric acid-5gm/120ml  Concentrated hydrochloric acid -best preservative for chemical examination.
  • 13. Continued……… 14  Formalin or chloroform -1drop/30ml, best preserves the formed elements. -Disadvantage- both interfere with tests for sugar  Thymol -preserves the sediment -Disadvantage- Interfere with sugar, acetone determination  Sodium carbonate - for preservation of urobilinogen
  • 15. Physical Examination 16 • Physical examination involves: 1. Color 2. Transparency 3. Odor 4. Volume 5. pH 6. Specific gravity
  • 16. 17 1- Color: • Many things affect color of urine such as diet, medicines and diseases including fluid balance. • Color intensity of urine correlates to concentration.  Amber yellow Urochrome (derivative of urobilin, produced from bilirubin degradation, is pigment found in normal urine).  Colorless due to reduced concentration.  Red Brown Hematuria, Hemoglobinuria, Porphyria, Myoglobinuria.  Brown Alkaptonuria, Melanoma
  • 17. 18  Yellow-green Biliverdin  Yellow with yellow foam Bilirubin  Orange urobilinogen/Porphobilinogen  Milky-white Chyluria  Silver or milky appearance Pus, bacteria or epithelial cells  Orange, green, blue or red medications.  Vitamin B supplements can turn urine bright yellow.
  • 18. 19 2- Transparency: • Urine is normally clear. Bacteria, blood, sperm, crystals, or mucus can make urine look cloudy. • Is classified as clear or turbid. • In normal urine: the main cause of cloudiness is crystals and epithelial cells. • In pathological urine: it is due to pus, blood and bacteria. • Degree of cloudiness depends on: pH and dissolved solids  Turbidity: may be due to bacteria/pus ,  Smoky appearance: is seen in hematuria .  Thread-like cloudiness: is seen in sample full of mucus.
  • 19. 20 3- Odor: 1. Aromatic odour------> Normal urine due to presence of volatile aromatic acids. 2. Ammonical odour------> On standing due to decomposition of urea to ammonia or in cases of UTI. 3. Fruity odour--------> ketoacidosis, starvation. 4. Mousy or musty-----> Phenylketonuria
  • 20. 21 4- Volume:  Is important part of assessment for fluid balance and kidney functions.  Normal = 600-2000ml  Polyuria- >2000ml  Oliguria- <400ml  Anuria- complete cessation of urine(<100ml)
  • 21. 22  Causes of polyuria (>2000 ml)  Diabetes mellitus  Diabetes insipidus  Polycystic kidney  Chronic renal failure  Diuretics
  • 22. 23  Causes of oliguria (<400 ml)  Dehydration-vomiting, diarrhoea, excessive sweating  Renal ischemia  Acute tubular necrosis  Obstruction to the urinary tract  Acute renal failure  Causes of Anuria (<100 ml)  Acute tubular necrosis(e.g.-shock etc.), complete urinary tract obstruction
  • 23. 24 5- pH:  Reaction reflects ability of kidney to maintain normal hydrogen ion concentration in plasma & ECF • Normal urine pH: 4.5-8. • Urine sample must be fresh • A urine pH of <7 acidic, 7 is neutral (neither acidic nor alkaline), and >7 is alkaline.  Tested by - 1.litmus paper 2. dipsticks 3. pH paper
  • 24. 25  Acidic urine  Ketosis-diabetes, starvation, fever  Systemic acidosis  UTI- E.coli  Acidification therapy  Alkaline urine  Strict vegetarian  Systemic alkalosis  UTI- Proteus, pseudomonas  Alkalization therapy
  • 25. 26 6. Specific Gravity (SG): • measures the amount of substances dissolved in urine. • also indicates how well kidneys are able to adjust amount of water in urine. • Higher SG: more solid material is dissolved in urine  Measured by - Urinometer - Refractometer - Dipsticks
  • 27. Urinometer 28  Fill 2/3 of urinometer container with urine  Allow the urinometer to float into the urine  Read the graduation at the lowest level of urinary meniscus  Correction of temperature & albumin is a must.  Urinometer is calibrated at 15-200c
  • 28. 29  Normal - 1.003-1.030  Low specific gravity  Excess water intake  Diabetes insipidus  High specific gravity  Dehydration  Albuminuria  Glycosuria
  • 29. 30  Refractometer – it is based on the refractive index of the urine  It requires few drops of urine  Reagent strip method- it is done with the help of chemical reagents
  • 30. 31  Fixed specific gravity (isosthenuria)=1.010  Seen in chronic renal disease when kidney has lost the ability to concentrate or dilute  Chronic kidney disease  ADH deficiency
  • 32. 39
  • 33. Chemical examination 40  Proteins  Sugars  Ketone bodies  Bilirubin  Bile salts  Urobilinogen  Blood Glucose Bilirubin Ketones Specific Gravity Blood pH Protein Urobilinogen Nitrite Leukocyte Esterase
  • 34. 41
  • 35. 42 Strip include the tests: • Glucose • Bilirubin • Ketone • Specific Gravity • Blood • Protein • Urobilinogen • Nitrite • Leukocyte • pH
  • 36. How to detect abnormal constituents: 43 Urinestrip: • Strip is filter paper or plastic which has chemical substance (reagent) coated on it on different pads. • It gives color when react with substance in urine. • The produced color is compared with chart color visually. Glucose Bilirubin Ketones Specific Gravity Blood pH Protein Urobilinogen Nitrite Leukocyte
  • 37. 44 Results are reported as:  In concentration (mg/dl)  As small, moderate, or large  Using the plus system (1+, 2+, 3+, 4+)  As positive, negative, or normal Automated Urine Testing Machine Urinalysis test strip
  • 38. 45  This method is rapid, easy and used for qualitative estimation.  Reaction in strip is effected by time, to reduce timing errors and to limit variations in color interpretation; automated instrument is used to read the reaction color on each test pad.
  • 39. Proteins in urine(Proteinuria) 47  is the presence of abnormal amount of protein in urine.  The main protein in urine is albumin therefore, proteinuria =albuminuria  Normal – up to 150 mg/day.
  • 40. 48 Protein % of Total Daily Maximum Albumin 40% 60 mg Tamm-Horsfall 40% 60 mg Immunoglobulins 12% 24 mg Secretory IgA 3% 6 mg Other 5% 10 mg TOTAL 100% 150 mg Proteins in “Normal” Urine
  • 41. 49 Detection:  Qualitative test:  Heat Coagulation test  Sulphosalicylic acid test  Heller’s test  Reagent strips  Quantitative test:  Esbach’s albuminometer  Turbidimetric method  Most assays are performed on urine sample of 12-24h.
  • 42. Quantitative estimation 50  Esbach’s method  R mark above for reagent  U mark below for urine  Graduated in between.  Esbach’s reagent – picric acid + Citric acid + distilled water.
  • 43. Method 51  24hr urine is collected. Filtered if hazy. Acidified with 10% acetic acid.  Albuminometer is filled up to ‘U’ mark with urine.  Esbach’s reagent is added up to ‘R’ mark & mixed well.  Tube is corked and kept in stand vertically for 24 hrs. Level of precipitate is measured and read in gm/lit.
  • 44. 52  Qualitative tests :-  Heat Coagulation test  Sulphosalicylic acid test  Heller’s test  Reagent strips
  • 45. 53  Heat Coagulation test  Principle: Heat coagulates proteins in urine.  Take urine in a test tube (up to 2/3rd ).  Boil the upper portion of test tube by holding bottom portion.  If turbidity develops, add 1-2 drops of glacial acetic acid. If turbidity disappears it is due to phosphates and if persists it is due to albumin.
  • 46. 54
  • 47. 55  Interpretation  Negative – No turbidity or cloudiness.  Trace – Cloudiness visible against a black background ( <100 mg / dl).  1+ - Definite cloudiness without flocculation and granularity (100 mg / dl ).  2+ - Heavy and granular cloudiness without flocculation. ( 100 – 200 mg / dl).  3+ - Dense opaque cloud with marked flocculation (200 – 500 mg / dl) .  4+ - Thick cloudiness with precipitation ( > 500 mg / dl ).
  • 48. 56  Sulphosalicylic acid test  Principle: Acid precipitates protein in urine with turbidity that is proportionate to the protein concentration in urine.  Procedure:  Take 2 ml of urine in a clean test tube and acidify by adding few drops of acetic acid  Add equal volume of 20% sulphosalicylic acid.  Take readings within 10 min. Formation of cloudiness indicates proteinuria.
  • 49. 57  Negative : No cloudiness  Trace: Barely visible cloudiness.  1+ : definite cloud without granular flocculation  2+ : heavy and granular cloud without granular flocculation  3+ : dense cloud with marked flocculation.  4+ : Cloudiness with precipitation
  • 50. 58  Causes of Proteinuria  Asymptomatic (Functional proteinuria) –  Exercise induced,  Orthostatic (postural proteinuria).  Mild proteinuria (<1gm/day)  Chronic pyelonephritis,  Hypertension  UTI  Fever  Polycystic kidney
  • 51. 59  Moderate proteinuria (1-3gm/day)  Diabetic nephropathy  Multiple myeloma  Malignant nephrosclerosis  Massive proteinuria (>3gm/day)  Nephrotic syndrome  Renal vein thrombosis  Diabetes mellitus  SLE
  • 52. 60 Functional Renal - Severe muscular exertion - Glomerulonephritis - Pregnancy - Nephrotic syndrome - Orthostatic proteinuria - Renal tumor or infection -Polycystic kidney disease Pre-Renal Post-Renal - Fever - Cystitis - Renal hypoxia - Urethritis or prostatitis - Hypertension - Contamination with vaginal - Eclampsia secretions -Tuberculosis Causes of Proteinuria
  • 53. Microalbuminuria 61  It is defined as urinary excretion of 30- 300mg/day of albumin in urine.  The level of albumin protein produced by microalbuminuria cannot be detected by urine dipstick methods.  Microalbuminuria is diagnosed from a 24-hour urine collection
  • 54. Significance of microalbuminuria 62  an indicator of subclinical cardiovascular disease  Earliest sign of kidney disease in diabetes mellitus & hypertension  increasing microalbuminuria during the first 48 hours after admission to an intensive care unit predicts elevated risk for acute respiratory failure , multiple organ failure , and overall mortality
  • 55. Bence jones proteins 63  Light chains of immunoglobulin excreted in urine in conditions like multiple myeloma, primary amyloidosis & lymphoma.  Test – A coagulum forms on heating urine to 50-60ºC, which dissolves when further heating urine to 80ºC, on cooling the precipitate reappears at 50-60ºC.  Best method - protein electrophoresis.
  • 56. 64  What if both albumin and bence jones proteins are present is present ?  Heat the urine sample first, the coagulum formed is due to albumin and is filtered out  Then test for bence jones proteins is repeated by heating.
  • 57. Sugar in Urine 65  Glucose and other reducing substances in urine are detected by –  Copper reduction test – Benedict’s test, Fehling’s test  Enzymatic test – Glucose oxidase method, reagent strips. (Glucose specific).
  • 58. Benedict’s qualitative test 66  Benedict’s reagent – cupric sulfate, sodium carbonate, sodium citrate, distilled water. PRINCIPLE Reducing substances convert soluble blue cupric sulfate to insoluble red cuprous oxide. Thus there is color change and precipitate formation.
  • 59. Procedure 67  Take 5ml of benedict’s reagent  Add 8 drops of urine  Heat for 2 mins  Cool in running tap water or water bath and look for change of colour and precipitate formation
  • 60. 68
  • 61. 69  Many reducing agents can give a positive benedict’s test. E.g.: Hexoses (Glucose, fructose, lactose), pentose,  non-carbohydrate substances like vit.C, uric acid, ascorbic acid, salicylates, antibiotics, L- dopa.
  • 62. Other tests for reducing sugars 70  Fructose – Seliwanoff’s test  Differentiates fructose (immediate reaction on heating) and glucose(weak and slow reaction)  Pentoses – bial’s test  Molisch test – to rule out non carbohydrate elements
  • 63. Reagent strip method 71  Based on glucose oxidase and peroxidase method  Specific for glucose Any change in colour of strip is matched with standard colour chart provided on the reagent strip bottle
  • 64. Causes of glycosuria 72  Diabetes mellitus  Renal glycosuria  Alimentary glycosuria  Severe burns  Corticosteroid administration  Severe sepsis  Pregnancy
  • 65. 73  GLYCOSURIA WITH HYPERGLYCEMIA – Diabetes mellitus, Cushing’s syndrome, chronic pancreatitis, CNS tumors, Corticosteroids.  GLYCOSURIA WITHOUT HYPERGLYCEMIA – Renal tubular dysfunction, pregnancy.
  • 66. Ketone bodies 74  Ketonuria is the presence of abnormal amount of ketone bodies in urine.  Body normally uses carbohydrates as source of energy.  If carbohydrate source depleted or there is defect in carbohydrate metabolism, body use fat as a source of energy.  ketone bodies are breakdown products of fatty acids.  Three ketone bodies  Acetone  Acetoacetic acid  β-hydroxy butyric acid Oxidation Fat Fatty Acids H2O+CO2+energy
  • 67. Tests for ketone bodies 75  Rothera’s test  Gerhardt’s test  Reagent strip test
  • 68. Rothera’s test 76  Detects acetone and acetoacetic acid  Principle: Acetone & Acetoacetic acid develops purple coloured complex with sodium nitroprusside in alkaline medium.  Gerhardt’s test: For detection of betahydroxybutyric acid.
  • 69. 77  Procedure:  Take 2ml of urine in a test tube and saturate it with ammonium sulphate.  Add 1 tiny crystal of sodium nitroprusside.  Mix.  Run 1ml of liquid ammonia carefully at the side of the tube so as to form purple ring on top of the saturated urine.  POSITIVE- Formation of purple ring at junction of two fluids.
  • 70. 78
  • 71. Causes of Ketonuria 79  DKA  Fever  Anorexia  Fasting  Starvation  Severe vomiting  Cachexia  PEM  Glycogen storage disorders
  • 72. BLOOD 80 Presence of abnormal number of intact RBCs in urine is called hematuria. Cause of Hematuria :- • Pre renal- bleeding diathesis, hemoglobinopathies, malignant hypertension, anticoagulants, quinine, renal vein thrombosis. • Renal- trauma, calculi, acute & chronic glomerulonephritis, renal TB, renal tumors, Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis, pyelonephritis, PAN • Post renal – severe UTI, calculi, trauma, cancers of ureter, bladder, urethra.
  • 73. 81
  • 74. 82  Causes of hematuria  Renal disease- infections, TB kidney, Nephritic syndrome  Bleeding disorders- thrombocytopenia, scurvy, haemophilia  Anticoagulant drugs  Causes of hemoglobinuria (presence of free hemoglobin)  Hemolytic anemia- cold AIHA, PNH  Snake venom, spider bite, bacterial toxins  Mismatched blood transfusion
  • 75. Tests for detection of Blood in Urine 83 BENZIDINE TEST :- PRINCIPLE :- • Haeme proteins in haemoglobin act as peroxidase, which reduces hydrogen peroxide to water. Oxidation of hydrogen donor leads to development of colour. • This process needs a hydrogen donor [benzidine, orthotoludine] . • Intensity of colour produced is proportional to the amount of haemoglobin present.
  • 76. 84 BENZIDINE TEST –  Take 1ml of urine  Add 1ml of glacial acetic acid  Add pinch of benzidine powder  Add 1ml of H202  Inference :-  Green or blue colour development within 5 min indicates positive test.
  • 77. 85  Other tests  Orthotoluidine test  Reagent Strip Test  Orthotoulidine test • Take 2ml of urine • Add 1ml of orthotoulidine in glacial acetic acid • Add few drops of H202 • Blue or green indicated presence of blood in urine
  • 78. BILE PIGMENT ( BILIRUBIN ) 86  Undetectable in urine normally.  Presence of bilirubin in urine is called BILIRUBINURIA  2 forms – Conjugated & Unconjugated.  Unconjugated is not water soluble, bound to albumin, doesn’t appear in urine.  Conjugated is water soluble, appears in urine.
  • 79. Tests for detection of bilirubin in urine 87 1. Fouchet’s test 2. Foam test 3. Gmelin’s test 4. Lugol’s iodine test 5. Reagent Strip test
  • 80. 88  Fouchet’s test :- • Ferric chloride oxidises bilirubin to green biliverdin • 5ml fresh urine in a test tube + 2.5 ml 10 % BaCl2. Mix well. • Filter to obtain ppt. on filter paper. • To precipitate add few drops of fouchet’s reagent. (ferric chloride + trichloroacetic acid)
  • 81. 89  Interpretation Immediate blue green colour indicates positive test.
  • 82. 90 URINE TEST HEMOLYTIC JAUNDICE HEPATOCELLUL AR JAUNDICE OBSTRUCTIVE JAUNDICE Bilirubin Absent Present Present Urobilinogen Increased Increased Absent
  • 83. BILE SALTS 91  Salts of 4 different types of bile acids : cholic, deoxycholic, chenodeoxycholic & lithocholic.  They combine with glycine or taurine to form complex salts.  Test for detection: Hay’s surface tension test Principle: Bile salts if present in urine, lowers the surface tension thus the sulphur particles sinks down
  • 84. 92  Hay’s surface tension test :- • Take some fresh urine in conical glass tube. • Urine should be at room temp. • Sprinkle particles of sulphur on the surface.
  • 85. 93 • Inference :- • If bile salts are present, sulphur particles sink to the bottom, due to lowering of surface tension by bile salts. • If sulphur particles remain on surface of urine, bile salts are absent.
  • 86. 96  All of the following are tested positive by benedict test, except. a) Lactose b) Glucose c) Sucrose d) Maltose e) salicylates
  • 87. 97  Unconjugated bilirubin is water soluble. Yes/No  Name the principle of detecting the urine glucose by reagent strip method.  What are the tests to detect ketone bodies
  • 88. 98  Name the test for bilirubin  Why benedict’s test is called semi-quantitative test?
  • 90. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION 100 We look for :- 1) Cells 2) Casts 3) Crystals 4) Organisms
  • 91. 101 URINARY SEDIMENT Cells RBCs WBCs Epithelial cells Oval fat bodies Casts Cellular NON CELLULAR : Hyaline, Granular, Waxy, Fatty
  • 92. 102 URINARY SEDIMENT Crystals NORMAL :- Uric acid, Calcium oxalate, Amorphous Urates, Calcium Carbonate, Phosphates, Urate ABNORMAL :- Cysteine, Cholesterol, Bilirubin, Leucine, Tyrosine, Sulfonamide OTHER: SPERM Organisms Bacteria Yeast cells T. vaginalis Microfilaria S. hematobium
  • 94. Procedure 104  Centrifuge 10 mL of urine in a graduated centrifuge tube at a speed of 1500-2000 RPM for 5 minutes. The supernatant is poured off. Resuspend the sediment in 1mL of urine.  Take a small drop of the suspended urine on a glass slide.  Mount with a coverslip and examine under the microscope
  • 95. 105
  • 96. 106  RBC – In cases of haematuria  WBC – In cases of pyuria. (Infection- Acute glomerulonephritis).  Epithelial cells – Transitional cells can be seen in bladder cancer. Microscopic Examination Cells
  • 104. 114 Bacteria - Bacteriuria More than 10 per HPF Yeasts - Candidiasis Most likely a contaminant but should correlate with clinical picture Viruses - CMV inclusions Probable viral cystitis. Microscopic Examination Bacteria & Yeasts
  • 105. Significant bacteriuria 115  It is said when there are  > 105 bacterial colony forming units/ml of urine in a clean catch mid-stream sample  > 104 bacterial colony forming units/ml of urine in a catheterised sample  > 103 bacterial colony forming units/ml of urine in a suprapubic aspiration sample
  • 110. Pathogensis of casts 120 • Stasis, low ph and high concentration of filtrate in renal tubules • Denaturation and precipitation of Tamm-horsfall protien • Hyaline cast • Entrapment of cellular elements in hyaline cast matrix to form cellular cast • Degenaration of cells within cast to form coarse granular casts • Prolong stay in tubules with further degenration of cells to form waxy cast • Broad casts
  • 111. Types of casts  Acellular casts Hyaline casts [fever, glomerular capillary damage] Granular casts [ Chronic renal disease] Waxy casts [Severe longstanding kidney disease- Renal failure] Fatty casts [Nephrotic syndrome, ATN] Pigment casts [ Hb in haemolytic anaemia]  Cellular casts Red cell casts [ Nephritic disease] White cell casts [Infection, pyelonephritis] Epithelial cell cast [ATN] 121
  • 112. Microscopic Examination Hyaline Cast 122 Transparent and cylindrical • Acute glomerulonephritis • Chronic glomerulonephritis • Congestive heart failure • Fever
  • 113. Microscopic Examination Granular Cast 123 • Cylindrical with fine or coarse granules • Granules are derived from protein aggregates/ degenerating RBCs, WBCs or tubular cells • Tubular damage • Chronic glomerulonephritis • Renal failure
  • 114. Microscopic Examination Waxy Cast 124 Opaque compared to hyaline casts • End stage kidney • Chronic renal failure • Amyloidosis
  • 115. Microscopic Examination Fatty Cast 125 Casts admixed with fat droplets Nephrotic syndrome
  • 116. Microscopic Examination RBCs Cast 126 Hyaline or granular casts with adherent RBCs • Acute glomerulonephritis • Lupus nephritis • Goodpasture syndrome • SABE • Renal infarction
  • 117. Microscopic Examination WBCs Cast 127 Hyaline or granular cast with adherent WBCs • Acute glomerulonephritis • Acute pyelonephritis
  • 118. Microscopic Examination Tubular Epith. Cast 128 Hyaline or granular casts with adherent cells from renal tubules • Acute tubular necrosis • Viral disease (CMV infection) • Drugs
  • 120. 130
  • 121. 131
  • 122. Microscopic Examination Calcium Oxalate Crystals 132 Colourless, refractile, envelop shaped crystals • Normal acidic urine • Nephrolithiasis • Ethylene glycol poisoning
  • 123. Microscopic Examination Triple Phosphate Crystals 133 • Normal alkaline urine • Struvite stone due to urease positive bacteria • UTI • Colourless, prism shaped crystals • Coffin-lid, knife-rest or star appearance
  • 124. Microscopic Examination Ammonium Biurate Crystals 134 Normal alkaline urine Yellow thorn apple appearance
  • 125. Microscopic Examination Tyrosine Crystals 135 • Tyrosinemia • Cirrhosis Fine needle like crystals
  • 126. Microscopic Examination Cystine Crystals 136 Cystinuria Colourless refractile hexagonal plates with unequal sides
  • 127. Microscopic Examination Cholesterol Crystals 137 Colourless, refractile, flat rectangular plates with notched(missing) corners and stair-step arrangement • Nephrotic syndrome • hypercholesterolemi a
  • 128. Microscopic Examination Bilirubin Crystals 138 Small ,brown, variable shape • Obstructive liver disease
  • 129. Microscopic Examination leucine Crystals 139 Refractile, yellow or brown, spheres with radial concentric striations • Cirrhosis
  • 131. 141 Normal urothelial cells. The large cells are from the superficial and the small cells from the basal layers
  • 132. Superficial cells, with a multinucleated cell in an umbrella configuration 142
  • 133. 143 Large superficial and smaller pyramidal or basal cells. Some of the superficial cells are binucleated and contain nucleoli
  • 134. Columnar cells in voided urine 144 A large multinucleated urothelial cell
  • 135. 145 Normal squamous cells and urothelial cells
  • 136. Abnormal cells 146  Malignant cells- from malignancies of kidney and bladder  Fungi (candida)- immunosuppressed patients, diabetes, cytotoxic drugs  Parasites- Trichomonas, entamoeba histolytica, ova of schistosoma hematobium, microfilaria  Spermatozoa
  • 137. Poorly differentiated urothelial carcinoma of bladder. 147
  • 138. Urinary diseases and its abnormalities 148
  • 139. 149
  • 140. 150