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                                      Internet Buzz; what are people
               PROFILE:               watching, sharing & discussing?
                                             THE INTERNET
  Extending Your Brand                            CLIMATE IN
Reach through Widgets                                  BRAZIL

                                                                                                               TIMES THEY ARE
Tomas Nihlén, Editor in          Linda Pierre, Editor and         Lisa Sculati, Writer. San
Chief and writer. Co-founder     responsible for layout &         Francisco based freelance
of Urban Lifestyle. Holds a      design. Co-founder and co-       writer and radio journalist.
                                                                                                               We at Urban Lifestyle like change. And given the
very strong interest in new      owner of Urban Lifestyle. She    Enjoys exploring the latest                  fact that you are holding an issue of ”Urban Lifestyle
media and how Internet is        is also marketing director for   trends in new media, blogging                Report – New Media” in your hand (or reading it on
changing the fundaments of       an e-commerce site in the        about     Sweden,     learning               the screen) you probably do too. Because if you didn’t
the whole marketing arena.       travel accessories category.     Swedish and spending time
                                                                                                               like (or at least accepted) change, then you would’nt
He parttcularly keeps an eye     Linda enjoys actually using      outside. Has worked with
on the evolving Internet video   social media in her daily work   so called ”old media” or                     want to read about how the Internet is changing the
scene. Also loves podcasting     instead of just talking about    ”traditional media” for more                 marketing arena. Now that we have established that,
both as viewer and creator.      it.                              than a decade.                               here comes the news – there are some changes to
                                                                                                               this report.

                                                                    Editor in Chief Tomas Nihlén               First you will probably notice both the new design
                                                           +46 8 501 64      and the structure of the contents. We hope you like it
                                                                    Editor & Creative Director Linda Pierre
                                                                                                               and that it will improve your experience reading this
                                                           +46 8 501 64      report. The second change is that we have decided
                                                                    376                                        that (also when it comes to this report) quality is
                                                                    Research & writing Tomas Nihlén, Linda
                                                                    Pierre, Lisa Sculati, Lia Dutra & Carl     more important than quantity. So we are changing the
                                                                    Johan Malmsten                             production schedule to 5 reports per year. This will
                                                                    Subscription                               not affect your subscription
Lia Dutra, Strategic Planner     Carl    Johan      Malmsten,       5 issues/year, contact us for prizes.
                                                                    To buy one single report, head over to     in any other way than the
at Africa Propaganda in          reports from Perth, Australia
Brazil, likes talking about      where he is a student at Edith
                                                                                         frequency of the issue. Next
                                                                    Images & illustrations
planning and advertising,        Cowan University, majoring in      Images and illustrations are all if not
                                                                                                               issue will be out in October.
and almost everything under      Advertising and Marketing.         taken by any of our writers, been
the sun. She graduated           When he has spare time from        approved by the copy holder, free of use   That’s it, I hope you will enjoy
with a degree in Marketing       studies and writing about new      for commercial purpose or are licenced     it as much as we do!
and Advertising, and before      media entering the Australian      under Flickr Creative Commons.
Africa, she contributed to       environment, he yaps about         Webpage & blog
several projects at JWT and      music to his tired fellow
on brands such as Unilever.      students.
IN THIS ISSUE                                                                      6.                                                  2008.08
                                          17.                                                          36. miscellaneous
                                                                                                       Martin Cedergren from 180 Amsterdam
                                                                                                       gets profiled, we give you our best
                                                                                                       tips on tools and inspirational sites at
                                                                                                       the moment. And finally Tomas Nihlén
                                                                                                       takes off the gloves and goes on a rant
                                                                                                       against old school thinking from the
                                                                                                       likes of H&M.

4. BRANDS                                          28. PEOPLE
In this issue we are taking a closer look at the   Are people really putting up with pre-rolls on video
TV industry to see what some of the brands         clips? The news is getting more social and the people
in that category are doing right now in new        are buzzing about ”Barack Rolls”, manga faces and
media. We will also cover some mobile              Paris Hilton running for president.
marketing news and take a look at some
social media mistakes by big brands.

Music in your phone, widgets as
marketing strategy, micro-blogs
as a business tool and much much
more. And don’t miss Lia Rodriguez
Dutra’s captivating article on the
Internet scene in Brazil.                                                 35.                                                      COVER PHOTOGRAPH BY:

                                                                        Luis Vuitton extends
                                                                       brand through mobile
                                                                       Text: Tomas Nihlén

                                                                   L       ocation-based mobile services is perhaps the hottest thing
                                                                           around in the mobile sphere since SMS started gaining traction
                                                                           back in the day. Often these services are competing on a level

                                                                   of technical complexity, but sometimes the most complex service isn’t
                                                                   the best one. It’s a matter of using the platform in a way that suits the
                                                                   audience. Just in the same way as all parts of social media aren’t right for
                                                                   every company; just adding a YouTube-channel and blog isn’t guaranteed
                                                                   success for a company. In the mobile scene, Luis Vuitton seems to have
In each issue we explore what brands are doing to prosper in the   hit the jackpot with their campaign “Louis Vuitton Soundwalk”. Using
                                                                   what mobile experts would even call simple technology.
digital age and how the area of branding is evolving thanks to
new media. In the section ”Digital Branding in Focus” we take a    The Louis Vuitton Soundwalk lets users pick a city in which they want
                                                                   to take one of the three different “soundwalks” in, Beijing, Hong Kong
closer look at a specific brand category.                          or Shanghai. Each walk follows in the footsteps of a local female cinema
                                                                   icon, Gong Li (Beijing), Shu Qi (Hong Kong) and Joan Chen (Shanghai).
Luis Vuitton extends brand through mobile                     4    If you decide to follow a soundwalk it will take you on a tour for an hour
Successful mobile marketing campaigns                         5    and the narrator will guide you along the street in the selected city in real
Digital branding in focus: TV-series                          6    time accompanied by the typical sounds of that city.
Social media mistakes...                                     10    The experience is said to mimic that of a cinema, which is not surprising
                                                                   since the original soundtrack and the script is written by cinema
                                                                           BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

                             SUCESSFUL                       MOBILE MARKETING
Text: Tomas Nihlén
Photo: <Kirill

 A        recent newsletter from Mobile Marketing Association presented 14 successful and inspiring
          mobile campaigns. Below you’ll find three such examples that utilize mobile phones as
          channels in different ways.
                                                                                                       MACANUDO by the Argentinean cartoonist Liniers.
                                                                                                       Every week, visitors would receive a new cartoon
                                                                                                       to their cell phone via Bluetooth and/or WiFi. The
                                                                                                       campaign had two goals: to increase loyalty among
  In McDonald’s campaign, “SMS Lounge,” a mobile voucher campaign, customers send an SMS to            existing customers and generate new customers for
  register with their favourite McDonald’s restaurant. Every two weeks, they receive a voucher in      L´illa. For Liniers, the campaign was all about generating
  QR format which is scanned at the restaurant. QR means “quick response” and basically is a two       buzz ahead of a new launch.
  dimensional barcode that can contain far more information than a regular barcode. QR codes
  are extremely popular in Japan. The goal for McDonald’s campaign: to build loyalty and drive         The third interesting example presented by MMA was
  more people to the restaurants. Vouchers were chosen because everyone loves a freebie. The           a mobile campaign for BMW’s 1 series. This campaign
  vouchers do not offer freebies but they do offer deep discounts.                                     used mobile phones as a tool to segment and target
                                                                                                       the right group of consumers. The purpose of the
  The second interesting campaign is a proximity marketing campaign situated in the Spanish            campaign was a classical challenge for car brands:
  shopping mall L´illa Diagonal in Barcelona. L´illa has worked with proximity marketing for several   to create leads and sign-ups for information and for
  years. The backbone in its system is a permanent bluetooth circuit inside the shopping mall. In      test-driving the new cars. MMA says it was a great
  a recent campaign to drive people to the mall, the company gave away free digital comics called      success.

                            Digital branding
                                in focus:
                                       Text: Tomas Nihlén

                      In this issue, we will take a closer look at the
                         TV industry to find out how it’s using new
                            digital opportunities to build brands
                                 and reach out to consumers.

                                                              BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

  Digital Blood
  Lately we’ve seen lots of buzz surrounding
  the new TV series on HBO,“True Blood,” in
  the blogosphere. The series is created by the
  same man who brought you Six Feet Under.
  This time, vampires are roaming the streets
  like regular folks and blood comes bottled
  with the fake label TruBlood. As you might
  have noticed, the “e” is missing from the
  brand name, and that is no coincidence. It’s
  well thought out since the blood is actually
  synthetic and comes in all the different blood
  types (A, B and so on).
  Some of the taglines for TruBlood read:
t “All flavor. No bite.”
j “Suck on this”
o “Real blood is for suckers”
p “Friends don’t let friends drink friends”
  Check it out for yourself at the product site        some of these truth seekers with a language degree managed to solve the puzzle.
  here. When you enter this page, you are not          The code then brought them to a fake website about vampires where they could video

  asked for your year of birth, but rather your        chat with an actress playing the role of a gatekeeping vampire. Visitors to this site
  century of birth...                                  would try their best to convince the gatekeeper that they were actually vampires and
                                                       that they deserved a spot on the site. A blog called Bloodcopy was set up to report
  HBO teamed up with Campfire on the                   on the stories from both the vampire site and the series itself with over 80 video clips
  campaign for this series, which includes a           produced by Campfire to explain the back story. You will find links on the blog where
  number of different channels. The first step

                                                       the story continues on sites like Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter.
  was to send out 1,000 letters back in May to
  vampire bloggers and sci-fi enthusiasts. In          Throughout the campaign, users have been invited to submit all kinds of content to
  this letter, there was a mysterious code for         help the story move forward. All content has been reviewed from several perspectives,
  them to break. Online discussions about this         like what they contribute to the story and also the legal perspective before being
  code started to build up and after a while,          published, according to an AdAge video that you find here (video).

                                                                                            Fox abandons their own
                                                                                            MySpace for Facebook?
                                                                                            Back in 2005, News Corp (the owner of Fox) bought
                                                                                            MySpace for 580 million U.S. dollars. In the first couple
                                                                                            of years after the sale, the digital social networking
                                                                                            scene was dominated by MySpace. But something
                                                                                            happened along the way and Facebook stole the crown
                                                                                            as king of the (European and North American) social
                                                                                            networking services. Now this trend is affecting Fox’s
                                                                                            marketing strategy. When it comes to choice of media
                                                                                            channels, Fox executives are favoring Facebook over
                                                                                            MySpace, writes The New York Times. This is what
                                                                                            Joel Cheatwood, Senior Vice President for Development
                                                                                            at Fox News said about this choice in the article:
                                                                                            “Facebook is currently the leading social network,” and
                                                                                            he goes on to say, “They also have a user that’s a little
                                                                                            older and a little more sophisticated, (with) discussion
                                                                                            boards, a wall for users’ comments, reviews, polls and
Even 1960s advertising professionals use Twitter now                                        photo submissions.”
The TV series Mad Men is set in the 1960s in New York. A time of naivety in many ways,      They have also designed a videoplayer, allowing
but also a time when consumers started to understand that products like cigarettes just     users to watch their videos and share clips on social
might be harmful to their health. The advertising industry was just starting to enter       networking sites. I guess it’s good that they chose their
a more complex era where they couldn’t sell any product just by creating creative and       platform based on user profiles rather than what they
expensive advertising. The creators of this show decided to bring the characters into       own themselves.
the 21th century by using Twitter to let the viewers follow their characters between
shows. Don Draper, for instance, can be found here (via Adrants). Some of the rest of the
characters have popped up here, here, here and here. Great way to use social media for
a product that is interesting enough to get people engaged in it.

                                                                                                               The biggest media spectacle during the recent
                                                                                                               weeks is of course the Olympic Games in Beijing.
                                                                                                               We have deliberately chosen not to write about
                                                                                                               this since it has been over exposed in other media
                                                                                                               outlets. But there is one angle that is still interesting
                                                                                                               for us to cover, and that is what happened to the
                                                                                                               sponsoring brands in the social media sphere? A
                                                                                                               social media analytics company called Collective
                                                                                                               Intelligence tracked eight of these sponsors to see
                                                                                                               what kind of footprints they left in social media
                                                                                                               according to an article on AdRants. They tracked
                                                                                                               blogs, social networking services, forums and other
                                                                                                               places where online discussions take place. Three of
                                                                                                               the brands saw a significant increase in exposure. Visa
                                                                                                               for instance increased by 141 per cent, McDonalds
Seinfeld trying to reach college students                                                                      by 51 per cent and Coca-Cola by 17 per cent.

The wildly popular TV series Seinfeld ran between 1989 and 1998 and thereby missed some of the                 Much of the attention was generated due to their
new kids on the block. An audience that some refer to as the millennium generation, brought up in              Bluetooth campaign which happens to be the first
front of a computer. Sony Pictures thinks this series is still relevant today, ten years later (and I would    of its kind in marketing history of the Olympic
have to agree on that point). So to reach this new audience, they packed a huge biodiesel-fueled bus           Games. That certainly helped increasing the interest
and hit the road, travelling through 26 cities in the U.S. (where else?) On this road trip, they let college   surrounding these brands. According to the study
students try some of the characteristic Seinfeld food like black and white cookies and Snapple. To             there was also some negative attention related to
bring this trip into the 21th century, they also brought 3 laptops, inviting visitors to explore Seinfeld on   these brands concerning civil right issues and the
their MySpace, Facebook and of course their page on Sony, according to MediaPost. The Sony page                fact that they are playing by Chinese rules. But they
contains extra material, including some short video clips, wallpapers and a Google Map of the series.          didn’t see any indications of a single brand being
Interestingly enough, the MySpace page seems to have been removed for some reason, and at the                  specifically targeted with this critique.
moment, is not accessible.
                                                            BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

Social media mistakes...
Text: Tomas Nihlén
                                                                                          For instance Sprint Mobile ran a campaign with the
                                                                                          message that things were changing and that they had a new
AdAge filmed a speech by marketing blogger Joseph Jaffe from the blog Jaffe Juice.
                                                                                          CEO and even ended the spot by giving the viewers the
In the 8 minute long clip Jaffe talks about different types of mistakes brands can make   email address for the CEO. They encouraged consumers
in the social media scene and also gives actual examples of companies that have failed.   to get engaged, but those who chose to send an email to
                                                                                          the new CEO only received an automated reply by another
                                                                                          employee at Sprint, thanking them for feedback on the
                                                                                          new campaign. He also mentioned Sony’s fake blog “All
                                                                                          I want for Xmas is a PSP” which we have written about
                                                                                          But a mistake is of course a relative and subjective term.
                                                                                          One thing might be considered as a success to one person
                                                                                          and a missed opportunity to another. It depends if you
                                                                                          focus on what you have achieved with a campaign or what
                                                                                          you didn’t achieve and what opportunities you missed.
                                                                                          For instance a recent campaign by Ben & Jerry’s called
                                                                                          “Imagine Whirled Peace” to which the brand of course
                                                                                          also introduces a new flavour with the same name. The
                                                                                          campaign site lets visitors register and upload a “message
                                                                                          of peace” for an event called Peace Day on September
                                                                                          21st. See for yourself here. Some might say it’s a step in
                                                                                          the right direction or even a success. But according to
                                                                                          this blogger they could have done more. Her critique is
                                                                                          mainly about the lack of actual social aspects. B&J could
                                                                                          have taken this opportunity to create an actual community
                                                                                          around the brand and the site by letting people interact
                                                                                          with each other more. So is this a success or a symbol
                                                                                          of lost opportunities? Well that lies in the eyes of the
                                                              BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

                                               Samsung Tests Your Instinct In Interactive Video Campaign
                                               In an earlier issue this year, we wrote about a new YouTube function called “annotation.” This function
                                               lets video creators allow for some interactivity in the videos by inserting decision points where the
                                               viewers can choose between parallel story lines. Depending on their choice, they are led to different
                                               clips and the user experience shifts depending on these selections.
                                               Right now there is an interesting example of a big brand using this functionality in a campaign. The
                                               brand is Samsung and the product in focus is a mobile phone called “INSTINCT” (a typical iPhone
                                               competitor). The story begins (video) in a messy (probably bachelor) apartment and the main
                                               character has overslept after a night with a (presumable) one-night stand. He is late for work and
                                               must hurry to a meeting at the office. All the videos are shot from a first person perspective and the
                                               viewer constantly gets to choose between one selection or the option to “Follow Your INSTINCT.”
                                               Depending on the choices, this will lead the story in somewhat different directions. No matter what
                                               choices you make, the INSTINCT is always with you, and by INSTINCT I mean the mobile phone.
                                               The general feeling in this campaign is that it is
                                               somewhat funny and perhaps somewhat sexist and
                                               reminds you of games like Leisure Suit Larry from
                                               the 1980s. Nevertheless interesting to see a big
                                               brand like Samsung try something innovating in the
                                               new media arena.

                                                                                                                                                         Photo: brownpau
Barack Obama embraces SMS to try to go viral with VP announcement
US presidential candidate Barack Obama has tried and succeeded to create buzz
around his pick of a vice president candidate. People who wanted to be first to know
about the pick could sign up for a SMS alert and thereby get a kick from the feeling
of being first. The Twitter crowd were waiting impatiently for the notification so they
could tweet about this until their fingers would start to hurt, or so it would seem
anyway. Lots of people using Twitter are very pro Obama, so it was no surprise to see
the news dominating Twitter for while after the announcement. Unfortunately the news
leaked to mainstream media before the SMS announcement was send out ,which sort of
created an anticlimax for many people anticipating the news via SMS.

                                                                   Text: Tomas Nihlén

                                                                   There is no way you can write about mobile marketing right
In this section we explore how the new media landscape is evol-    now without mentioning the iPhone, even though many of
ving and what it means to marketers. Focus lies on the new tools   you might be getting a bit tired of iPhone news. The biggest
and channels that can be used to understand and reach the          iPhone news of late is certainly the arrival of the iPhone 3G
                                                                   and the global launch of the device. Country after country
consumers.                                                         is now getting its hands on legitimate iPhone versions and
                                                                   the gadget happiness should be complete. But there seem to
Extending your brand reach through widgets                   14    be some problems in paradise. A woman in Arizona filed a
Australia goes online - Part 1                               17    lawsuit against Apple for overstating the speed of the new
Making the most of your micro-blogging experience            19    iPhone 3G, according MacWorld. Not great timing for Apple,
                                                                   struggling with iPhone 3G connectivity problems, despite
Brazil. A country with a lot of potential                    23    updated software for the phone. Will this damage the Apple
                                                                   brand or not? That remains to be seen.
                                                                              BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

Text: Tomas Nihlén
Illustration: Blog.spoon graphics

                      Both Vodaphone and O2 have recently launched mobile music stores according to
             Vodaphone Music is an application based service that only works on Windows mobiles
                      and lets users buy individual songs without a subscription. O2’s competing service is called “My Play”
                      and was recently added to the “O2 Active” portal. This service is “artist led,” meaning all artists have
                      a micro-site to build loyalty with fans and to lead them to make purchases in the store. The only music
                      label onboard this service though is Sony BMG.
                      Another mobile music service called MusicStation seems to have struck gold with 500 000 downloads
                      during their first 10 days after launching. This service is a subscription based service with an “all-you-can-
                      eat” model. There is a big difference between MusicStation and the two operator-driven music stores, the
                      difference is called “off portal” or “on portal”. An “on portal” mobile site or store is connected to a certain
                      mobile operator and an “off portal” dito is available to all mobile users no matter what operator the users
                      are tied to.
                      An “off portal” music store like MusicStation can build a competitive store and a strong brand as
                      a well implemented mobile store. They can focus on being the best mobile music store on the
                      market, and only that. While the operators are running a complex business, the music store
                      is only one small area and not considered to be their core business. What kind of service will
                      be the mobile version of iTunes Store? We just might have to wait and see...
                                                             BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

Text: Lisa Sculati
Illustration: Lisa Sculati

Sometimes they’re funny. Sometimes they’re cute. Sometimes they’re evocative. They can spark interest or curiosity.
We’re talking about web widgets, portable chunks of interactive code inside a module, sometimes referred to as gadgets.

     ike. National Geographic. YouTube. Epicurious. iTunes.                  building a relationship with an audience of more than 57 million
     Twitter. Last FM. MySpace. Facebook. All of these big                   Internet users.
     names are expanding their online audience and their brand
reach through the use of widgets. They are “widgetizing” their               Critics say widgets can zap a marketing budget and hurt more
messages on their websites or blogs or through social networks.              than help if the cost does not translate into a larger customer/
                                                                             client base, or if consumers don’t connect with or retain the
Global market research firm comScore reports that close to 148               message from a widget. But widgetizing your message, just like
million Internet users in the U.S. view widgets in a month’s time,           any other method to drive more traffic to a website and generate
according to the latest statistics. That would indicate 81 percent           more interest in a product or service, requires the right marketing
of the American Internet audience is reachable through widgets.              effort. On that end, Peter Yared, Founder and CEO of i-Widgets,
MySpace widgets recorded the widest audience in the latest stats,            says his company makes it very easy for existing websites to
                                                               BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

                                                                                 Lawrence Coburn of Sexy Widget, providing reviews and
                                                                                 analysis of widgets, toolbars, and distributed businesses, says
                                                                                 YouTube is probably the best example of a website that blew
                                                                                 up (with traffic) due to the proliferation of its widgets. “By
                                                                                 enabling MySpace users to distribute their flash video player
                                                                                 via their MySpace profiles, YouTube was quickly able to achieve
                                                                                 a spectacular exit - a sale to Google for $1.6 B.”

                                                                              How are widgets helping smaller or not so well known
                                                                              companies, interactive marketers, PR professionals and
                                                                              entrepreneurs? “One of the biggest trends I’m seeing in
                                                                              widgets right now is the advent of very sophisticated widget
                                                                              publishing tools,” says Coburn. “These tools allow agencies
                                                                              and marketers to easily widgetize their own content, priming
extend their user activity and content into        Photo: mksilvey            it for viral distribution. Widget publishing tools include
social networks, with a strong focus on driving    the offerings of companies such as iWidgets and KickApps.” He goes on to say that
traffic back to the site. “Our job is to make it   Clearspring, Gigya, and Widgetbox are the three largest players providing widget
seamless so that a website owner does not          infrastructure and analytics tools. “Right now very few companies have extended their
have to go learn all of the ins-and-outs of each   presence into social networks, which is something that I think is going to change very
destination and hire a programming team for
each one.” Yared is confident that widgets are
the future of online ads, offering an audience
a plethora of opportunities to engage with
online marketing content.
                                                         ADIDAS GIVES AWAY MUSIC VIA WIDGET
                                                         In these times of “back-to-school” campaigns Adidas is betting its
Attending an event called “Widgets Up the                money on a widget campaign called “The New School of Thought”.
Wazoo” in San Francisco in August, hosted                The widget lets people play and download music by Ultraviolet Sound
by SF New Tech, I got the chance to pick the             for free and was created by trueAnthem, a social music label that gives
brains of some of Silicon Valley’s top widget            free music to consumers and let brands tap into the popularity and
distributors and marketers, including Yared.             possible viral effecst of the music. Adidas is hoping fans of Ultraviolet
A packed house of more than 200 widget                   Sound will put the widget on their blogs or social network pages to
enthusiasts, and skeptics, turned out to see             spread both the music and the Adidas brand amongst their friends.
what’s going on in the world of widgets and              Using the widget also gives you a 30% discount on any Adidas Original
widget marketing.                                        item and by it kills two birds with one stone.
                                                         BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

quickly,” says Yared. Social networks are          users of the website and new users consuming the site’s
showing increasing traffic and user stickiness,    content in the widget.”
and most websites have flat user growth.
Eyeballs will soon start to follow the content     #3 New Users:
(from their widgets).”                             “Widgets expose websites to new groups of users all over
                                                   the web. These can be bloggers looking for new content,
Widgetbox Co-founder and CTO Giles Goodwin         social network users finding widgets on friends profiles, or
says he sees three solid examples of widgets       users searching the galleries like Widgetbox.”
helping to bump up website traffic:
                                                   At Widgets Up the Wazoo, Goodwin helped me create my
#1 SEO (Search Engine Optimization):               own “Blidget,” a Widgetbox term for a widget for blogs.
“Widgets can help drive traffic through SEO        It took about 2 minutes and spread the content from my
by linking to websites. The widgets also do        personal blog virally. Bloggers use blidgets to drive more
well at SEO alone. For example this Olympics       web traffic to their site from targeted and unexpected
widget received strong traffic from organic        sources.
search within 15 minutes.”
                                                   “Widgets are valuable marketing tools not only because
#2 Campaigns:                                      they have the potential to go viral and reach a wide
“We at Widgetbox offer widget promotion            audience,” says Goodwin, “but also because they can be
campaigns for companies that want to kick          targeted to very specific demographics. Widgets can take
start their widget traffic. We have seen massive   advantage of specific distribution levers within the web
uptake of subscribers and unique viewers           to bring a specific message and interactive content to the
directly due to these campaigns, meaning new       right audience. “

 Australia goes                                                                              The idea is to drive consumers to the
                                                                                             campaign-site and let them have their say to
                                                                                             how they prefer their Vegemite, whether it is
                                                                                             Nudist, Redback, Tiger Toaster, Scrambler or

 online - part 1
                                                                                             PhillyMite. Online consumers can follow how
                                                                                             the different states of Australia have voted.
                                                                                             Even if the campaign is good as an idea, the
 Text: Carl Johan Malmsten                                                                   bigger story regarding the campaign is the
 Photo: robsmith-qld                                                                         fact that JWT and MindShare are going online
                                                                                             in addition to TV. Australia is lagging behind
                                                                                             in Internet standards and this effects the use
                                                                                                      of online marketing, however, there’s
                                                                                                            certainly use of digital media
                                                                                                                in Australia, but not to the
                                                                                                                   extent that we are used to
                                                                                                                     in Europe and the U.S.
                                                                                                                      According to Carlo
                                                                                                                       Bertozzi, founder of
                                                                                                                       one-year-old digital
                                                                                                                      agency Longtail and
                                                                                                                     already regarded as
                                                                                                                   Perth’s best, Australia
                                                                                                                has reached a plateau, due
                                                                                                            to the slow implementation of
                                                                                                      broadband in the market.

O         ne of the most debated campaigns of Australia during the last few weeks has
          been the new JWT and MindShare created campaign for Vegemite (concentrated
yeast extract, much like Marmite, which you usually spread on toast). Being one of the
                                                                                             With the growth of the Internet “down under,”
                                                                                             there’s also a growth in digital advertising,
                                                                                             which is expected to increase 35% during
                                                                                             2008 (Price Waterhouse Coopers). With this
most beloved brands of Australia, it has an effect on everyone living on the great island.   come the growth of campaigns going online
Understanding this, JWT and MindShare launched the “How do you like your Vegemite?”          and hopefully the growth of agencies/clients
campaign, aiming to engage consumers with a brand they have loved since childhood with       having the courage to increase engagement
TV, outdoor, print, POS (point of sale) and digital ads.                                     with consumers online.

 Text: Carl Johan Malmsten
 Photo: dnigh

One and a half years in one of the world’s most
isolated cities, with one more year to go, may not sound
appealing. Especially when I started through Berghs
School of Communication in Stockholm, which provides
Bachelor of Communications exchange programs. But
the fact is that Perth, on the west coast of Australia,
feels more like a breeding ground than a place were you
get hampered.
Perth is a great place to ease into the field of advertising
with the university working closely with the industry
in Perth and having lecturers with lots of experience.
These lecturers include Diane Slade, who recently was
appointed Vice-President for International Advertising
Association, and Martin Trevaskis, editor of Campaign
Brief WA.
A fellow student, also from Berghs School of
Communication, Markus Kähr, has spent the last couple
of months working on the graphic
design layout for the inaugural IAA
Dentsu Global Student Poster
Challenge, supported by the United
Carl J Malmsten

            Making the Most of Your
           micro-blogging Experiences
              (and enjoying it in the process!)
                                 Text: Lisa Sculati
                             Illustration: Geek&Poke

                New micro-blogging services appear to
             spring up every day, offering you a multitude
              of avenues to promote your business, make
             new professional contacts and more ways to
                    connect with those in your field.
                                                               BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

I discover a new way to simplify my online life                                                                            Lidne says micro-blogging works great as an
every day through my contacts on Twitter and                                                                               interactive event tool. “Before, during and
Jaiku. You can do so much with 140 characters.                                                                             after each of my conferences we use a Jaiku
Make your friends and business contacts aware of                                                                           channel for information, updates and chats.
a new advertising campaign, a new blog post, a                                                                             During the conference we have one person
new service, a new social network tool, an event                                                                           with the specific duty to blog the event
not to be missed. Business relationships have the                                                                          live. This makes it possible for the online
potential to grow deeper through connections                                                                               audience to ask questions and comment on
made though micro-blogging. Much has already                                                                               the speakers. The presenters also quickly

                                                                                            Illustration: carrotcreative
been written about Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce,                                                                                 put up links to their uploaded slideshows etc.
Friendfeed, Tumblr, Brightkite, Plurk,,                                                                          We run the Jaiku channel on a separate big
Kwippy, Socialmedian and Blippr. Some marketers                                                                            screen projector at the side of the stage so
and entrepreneurs sign up for all of these services                                                                        everyone can see the conversation. This often
and use, HelloTxt and numerous other                                                                               results in some of the online audience wanting
aggregator channels to submit their message                                                                                to attend in person the next time around.”
to all of their micro-blogging sites at once.
                                                                                                        I asked Annika if the numerous channels to
But I still read messages on Twitter saying “I                                                          feed ever feels overwhelming. “No, I don’t
just don’t get micro-blogging. What’s the point?”                                                       feel overwhelmed. If you do, turn it off for a
Let’s take a look at how four professionals in the                                                             while. It should be fun and useful, not
Nordic region are simplifying and improving                                                                          a burden. I save time by using
their business lives through micro-blogging.                                                                             micro-blogging services, not
                                                                                          ”Before, during                  the other way around. If I’m
Annika Lidne of Stockholm’s Disruptive Media AB says she uses micro-blogging                                                 really busy I simply turn
for several different purposes. “As a research tool, I use it to ask questions         and after each of my                   them (the micro-blogging
                                                                                                                              services) off. My email
about what my customers would like to see in the future, for instance which
speakers they would like to listen to at an upcoming event. I use it as an
                                                                                    conferences we use a Jaiku                load    has    decreased
information tool. In addition to direct posts, my blog feeds are published to        channel for informtion, up-              dramatically by using
my micro-blogging services so my followers are up to date with the information                                                a combination of micro-
I want them to have. This way I also build a reputation as an expert in my field.       dates and chats...”                 blogging services. Keeping
I also use micro-blogging as a direct sales tool. If I have a concrete offer, like an           - Annika Lidne            up is mostly a matter of
upcoming event, I tip my contacts off - if they are in my target group (important -                                     using the available technology
don’t spam people!) It’s very important to be friendly, humble and not come across like a                          in a smart way and filtering out the
marketer. The message should just be a short tip to a friend with a link for more information.”          noise. Since I’ve started micro-blogging, I’ve

gotten a completely new set of friends, both        It keeps burning, creating more contacts, more         founder of Finland’s Gylenne Skor, Antti
personal and business wise, with whom I’m in        people who will then read about your services          Vilpponen says he really got into blogging at
constant contact with.                              on blogs and websites. More people to blogs            the end of 2006, when Jaiku started picking
                                                    and websites leads to more people contacting           up speed in Finland. “The biggest benefits
We often meet for face to face business             you about new business opportunities.                  from services like these are relatively close
meetings, to exchange information or just           Lidforss says it’s also great for advice. “I once      to similar advantages from Facebook - they
for fun. I’ve acquired a personal following of      asked about SIM card service providers and             enable virality and spread messages fast. I use
about 150 people that I have access to for any      got an excellent answer within 15 minutes.”            it to market myself and thus “brand” myself
questions I have. It’s a consumer panel, research                                                          as well for public relations. It’s a great test
group and sounding board rolled into one.”          “I don’t find it (all the services) overwhelming.      of what flies and what I need to work on.”
                                                    You only micro-blog as much and when you
Stockholm entrepreneur Thomas Lidforss says         feel like it. I think the big advantage of micro-      Vilpponen says he mainly uses Jaiku for micro-
he began micro-blogging half a year ago. “In        blogging is that it is personal (at least it started   blogging, due to the community that is built
the beginning, I micro-blogged just to play         as such). I think that is a highly untapped service    there, but also because he got acquainted with
with it. Then I put more thought into how to        most companies have not understood yet.”               it before testing out Twitter and other services.
use the services. The biggest benefit: it’s like                                                           “I use Twitter passively. I have applications
putting more firewood into the fireplace.           Founder    of   Arctic     and    Co-    pushing the content to Twitter from other
                                                            BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

places, such as Jaiku and my ArcticStartup.        from them. It’s great to be able to connect and interact with some of the thought leaders of my
Then I also use Facebook (which in a sense         industry and it’s great to find the latest trends in the field. And the sharing of knowledge
is the largest micro-blogging platform in the      and generosity in the networks is just amazing.”
world) with my friends and a larger social
circle due to its widespread popularity.”          I agree with Bryggare. I have to admit that none of my close friends have started micro-
                                                   blogging yet. But my blogging and business experiences grow richer every day thanks to a
Johan Bryggare, Web Manager at SEB in              supportive, knowledgeable and entertaining network of contacts on Twitter and Jaiku.
Stockholm, says that he uses micro-blogging
as a conversational tool in which he interacts
with his network and expands it by finding
new, interesting people to connect with.
“The micro-blogging services are also very
useful to keep on top of what’s happening
in my field. Most of my Jaiku contacts are
Swedish and the conversation also takes
place in Swedish. For Twitter I use English
and I have other contacts there. Right now
I’m having a look at and Plurk. I sign
up for many new services and try them out.”

Bryggare says he uses different aggregating
services, searches and mashups to handle
the information streams and tools that
facilitate posting to several of the services.

“I began to micro-blog around the end of 2007.
Mainly because I was curious and wanted to
see what it was all about and also to keep
updated on new technologies. I’ve gained a lot

Text: Lia Dutra
Photo: JairoBD

B   razil has definitely fallen into the web. National
    Internet access increases everyday. Nowadays,
                                                         In Brazil, users spend more time online per month when
                                                                     compared with the rest of the world. Their
47% of the people in the country (over the age of 16)                       Internet usage accounts for       more
navigate through the web. That represents over                                  than 22 monthly hours, against 20
59 million users. Six months ago, only 38% of the                                   hours in France and 17.5 hours
population had frequent access to the web. And                                            in Germany. Brazilians
by 2009, the prediction is that half of the entire                                               are     completely
population – 90 million people – will be online.                                                     attached    to
That’s rapid growth.                                                                                     the social
                                                               BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

network Orkut and the virtual world Second Life. Over 27
million users have personal profiles on Orkut, a Google
site, the most popular relationship website here.
In 2007, Brazil reached the mark of 50 million domestic
and corporate computers according to FGV. The total
sales prediction for 2008: more than 13 million PC’s. The
proportion of the population that own PC’s is 26 machines
for every 100 people; the global average is 21 PCs for every
100 people.
All of this together means we have a great environment
and potential to work on the digital sphere. When TV
first came to Brazil, it took 27 years to reach half of the
population. With all the predictions, the internet will do
the same in only 14 years considering its start in Brazil in
1995. Also talking about this comparison, it’s important
to note that in 2007, more PC’s than TV’s were sold, the so-called          According to research made by the Datafolha Institute, 29% of access
consumption dream for the low income social level. When it comes            to the web in Brazil is made in LAN houses, 21% at home, 21% at
to the audience, the web is the second placed medium in Brazil, with        friends or relatives’ houses and 10% in schools and universities. 9%
double the percentage of pay-TV users, the medium that comes in             of all that is done from free access local spots.
                                                                            A great “experiment” we have going are “digital cities,” where the
You probably think this is all good news, right? It could be, actually      mayors contribute to open the wi-fi network for everyone. And this
it should be. Our major inhibition issue to access the web is the           has brought some amazing and unexpected results. In São Paulo
connection cost. In Brazil, the connection is 395 times more expensive      State, a little town called Sud Mennucci had its analphabetism
than in Japan. And all over the world, the lack of access to the web        reduced by half. Carnápolis, in Paraná and Quissamã, in Rio, are also
also seems to be related to income. According to recent research, that      implementing some other experiments with the free open bandwidth.
this is not entirely true anymore. In Brazil, the inexistence of any kind   It has become such a relevant fact in our reality that last July free
of relation between a person’s income and their access to the web           wireless Internet was installed in one of the most famous avenues in
is pretty clear. While there have been some comparisons made with           Rio and its surrounding areas. The idea is to reach over 100 thousand
other countries such as the U.S. and France, Brazil is living out it’s      users. Besides the “digital cities,” another notable initiative in Brazil
own unqiue phenomenon in terms of the popularization of the digital         is the Digital Porto in Recife, a ten year old technology project that
mediums. It is expensive to have Internet access at home, but cheap         has put us among the greatest software and digital programmers for
and free public access makes it possible for people to use it more.         the web in the world.
                                                        BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

Aside from the phenomenal numbers, we should also look at            Obviously, as a natural reflex of what happens all over the world,
this from the qualitative and behavioral point of view. Much         we live a strong audiovisual consumption through Internet and
like the U.S. And Europe, we see a mobilization via the web.         there is a large number of music, film and video downloads
The tendency is to use the web as a leisure option in all social     everyday. But that has become small compared to the growth of
levels – just as the TV was long ago.                                the collaborative content. Over half of the users post some kind
                                                                     of material of their own online. Social networks, relationship
The biggest share of our users navigate the web everyday and         communities and mediums where people are able to upload
another large amount do it from four to six times a week. That       their work [such as Slideshare and others], besides the blogs
makes up almost 50% of our users, heavy users of the internet.       and photologs, have become a must with the 2.0 web.
This medium allows us to connect to people [consumers, as
well] in their work hours and its prime time lasts almost 12         For our [advertising and communication] industry, this all shows
hours. A few weeks ago, Petrobras showed recognition of              us amazing opportunities for the usage of digital mediums and
the importance of the web with the launch of a contest with          online media to develop marketing strategies. It just needs to
7 websites focused on electronic and digital art. Some people        be encouraged.
talk about the end of broadcast and the birth of socialcast – in
the web, everyone’s got a voice, everyone can be ‘journalist’.       After the internet began – especially as a medium for publicity
Traditional newspapers are losing their share day by day. We         - Brazil became famous for its banners and websites. Web da
talk a lot about its end.                                            gente (The People’s Web, in English) – a “Brazilian version” of

 Google and Orkut heads for Brazil

 Google has chosen to place their Latin                                                           This news comes not long after social
 American headquarters in Brazil since it is                                                      networking service Orkut did the same
 their fastest growing market in this region                                                      thing. In Orkut’s case all development and
 according to TechCrunch. Google’s growth                                                         management was just moved here. Not so
 in Brazil is impressive and there is an                                                          surprising maybe that they took the same
 estimated revenue here of 500 million US                                                         route since Google owns Orkut and the
 dollars. Not bad from a staff of 200 people                                                      social network is huge in Brazil.
 and when you realize that this office has
 only existed for three years.
                                                               BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

The FWA – shows some great branded and also personal work. But
Brazil is still too small in digital marketing.
The major issue Brazil still faces is the lack of investment. The web
here is still viewed as a secondary non-important medium. The good
and hopeful perspective we have about the new media expansion is
that the investments will follow the growth of the web. But imuch
still has to be worked on.
Brands in Brazil still try to play it “safe”, they follow this kind of
thought by only directing shots to the mass mediums. The lowest
social levels are always left out. Despite young low income people
being connected to the web, their parents aren’t, so brands do not
invest because they want to do huge massive strong shots that will
reach everybody. So marketers do not show us the true importance of
the projects , which do not move on.
Brazil still needs to break some paradigms and myths concerning
this digital world.                                                         relevant information about tons of issues related to life in general
                                                                            and where they are able to connect with each other and talk about
We’ve been present in Cannes and won some awards with astonishing           all kinds of things. It’s an example of a basic branded social network
websites in the Cyber category. But there are some other things for us      with some additional benefits. Too bad it is so rare.
to try to improve, such as mobile, social networks and so on. Internet
is the most effective medium to develop relationship platforms with         Some other good efforts recently include the Renault Sandero
people through the open answer channels and the consumer content            website, which tried to make it a little bit more interactive than other
areas – especially since we are living in the dialogue phase between        common websites in Brazil. They created a search tool for anything
brands and consumers, which can’t be left behind.                           you needed. Another example is the L`Oreal “What’s going on with
                                                                            Grazi?” website for its new hair colorant product. The viral consists
We are getting there. At least we have been timidly trying to. One          on you putting your number in the website and then the Brazilian
good example of a project that has worked out here is Unilever DIVA.        celebrity (Grazi) calls you to talk about the news of the product –
It was a first born as a reference from Unilever in Europe to entirely      pretty similar to the Opel Astra TT viral in France with the ‘Prepare
modify its relationship program with the consumers. It used to be           your hair” theme. I should also mention the Fiat mobile campaign
called “Home Basics”, but has changed the name to “Making Life              for iPhone made by Hands, where you type in your
Better.” This is totally aligned to the concept and idea of a social        phone browser and then you have to find the car in the middle of the
community website directed towards women The sites provide                  forest – following the ATL adventure concept of the car.
                                                      BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

                                                      VIDEO ADS
Propitious and promising environment with
great potential we already have. We also
                                                      IN FACEBOOK
have great interactive agencies, such as Click
                                                         Facebook keeps working hard on                   these ads and the comments will appear
(from Isobar Group), Hello Interactive – which
                                                         becoming a more attractive marketing tool        in their friends’ news feeds. One example
grew twice its size in less than a year – and
                                                         for brands. Recently they launched a new         where these video ads were used was for
others. Then, you ask, what is missing? And
                                                         design for the site to make it more user         the movie Tropic Thunder according to
I’d have to tell you what our market needs is
                                                         friendly. One of the reasons for the redesign    Social Media Today. This blog author raises
to value this discipline (if I should call it that)
                                                         was of course to make it easier to monatize      an interesting question though, how will
a little bit more. Brazil should stop facing
                                                         the service. Their latest new feature to do      you deal with nasty comments, the type of
the Internet as a limited resource and work
                                                         this is video ads on the right hand of the       comments that seem to dominate site like
its true latent possibilities. We should invest
                                                         Facebook page. Users can comment on              YouTube?
more in this “tool of the future” – because
that’s where marketing is heading.
Sources: Carta Capital Magazine, Datafolha
Institute and FGV.                                       Buzz about Mobile Startup Event
- Lia Dutra                                              Buzz is being generated in the blogosphere about an upcoming Silicon Valley event called
                                                         Under The Radar: Mobility. At this November event in Mountain View, California, mobile
                                                         startups will get to showcase their products and services to an impressive collection of
                                                         established companies in the industry, such as Verizon, T-Mobile, Comcast, Sprint, iFund,
                                                         Nokia, Microsoft and Motorola. 32 startups that have shown some potential and that have
                                                         managed to stay alive for about a year will get to pitch their business. Under the Radar has a
                                                         great track record of many startups being bought up or having landed substantial amounts of
                                                         VC. Some of the success stories include Blinkx, Flickr, Jumpcut, Writely and Zimbra. Getting
                                                         to present at this event is a big deal.

                                                                      Pre-rolls starting to
                                                                      roll in the big dollars?
                                                                      Text: Tomas Nihlén

                                                                      In a recent study from the video watch “pre-rolls” on videos is
                                                                         Media consumers willingness to
                                                                                                        advertising network Tremor

                                                                      being investigated. Interestingly it turns out that 80 per cent of the
                                                                      respondents watch the pre-rolls without shutting down the player. It
                                                                      doesn´t even seem to matter if these pre-rolls are 15 or 30 seconds
                                                                      long. But as Lost Remote points out; there is a parameter missing
                                                                      and that is the frequency with which the respondents are exposed to

                         PEOPLE                                       these pre-rolls. Is it just on some of the clips or even several times in
                                                                      the same clip, are some of the questions that would have been good
                                                                      to consider in within the study.
                                                                      Another company active in the space of pre-rolls is BrightRoll which
The Internet is no longer only a vast computer network, it’s beco-    also is a video advertising network. BrightRoll has just completed the
ming increasingly important as a tool for communication, research     largets pre-roll run ever according to Mashable. During two months
                                                                      they have sold 1 million US dollars worth of pre-rolls spanning the
and recreation for people all around the world. This makes it an      work of 30 media producers according to TVWeek. Big brands are
important mirror for cultures in the physical world and a structure   mentioned as buyers of these pre-rolls like The History Channel,
and enabler for creating new ones.                                    Chili’s Grill & Bar, National Geographic, Blackberry, Supercuts and
                                                                      Land Rover.
Pre-rolls starting to roll in the bigg dollars?                28     But one question remains; are people really watching the pre-rolls
News getting more social                                       29     or just letting them play while doing something else? I shot out a
                                                                      question on Twitter and received this answer from acriley:
Awarness of mobil marketing on the rise                        30
Internet Buzz                                                  31     ”@tomasnihlen Re: Pre-rolls: I just let them play and do other stuff.
                                                                      Interstitials I click the ’make this go away button’ as fast as I can.”
                                                                           BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

News Getting
More Personal
Text: Tomas Nihlén
Illustration: Brian Solis

Ever since the blogosphere started to
evolve into a huge filter for information from around the
world, there has been a strong trend towards the perso-
nalization of news. By personalization, I mean that in the
constant overflow of information, we use different kinds of
filters, including friends and people we trust.This means that
your personal network of both friends and people that you
only know digitally are filtering much of your news intake.
Services like Digg, reddit and Newsvine were early to build news
services filtered by their users. This trend became even stronger
when we saw micro-blogging services like Twitter, Jaiku, Plurk, and so on surface and gain popularity.
Recently social aggretagors like FriendFeed and Socialthing have
started to gain traction and our social information flows are
aggretated on one or several places on the internet. Now we
are seing a hybrid of a social aggregator and social news site in
a service called socialmedian. This is how they describe themselves:
“socialmedian is a social news network that connects people with
personalized news and information.”
The service lets you join different news networks and get email notifications
that tell you what is going on in your networks and “clip” news, which basically is like
“digging” an article on Digg.
                                                                            BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

Awareness Of Mobile
Marketing On The Rise
Text: Tomas Nihlén
Graphs: Marketing Charts

A     recent study in the U.S. shows that an increasing number of people recall
      having seen advertising through their mobile phone. The number has
increased from 31 percent to 37 percent in the past year. There are some
interesting international differences though. In the U.K., 51 percent of the
respondents said that they have received advertising messages through their
phone, while in India, the corresponding number is as high as 85 percent.
The U.K. consumer seems to be the most responsive to mobile advertisng with
16 percent stating that they recall 16 percent of mobile advertising compared
to 8 percent in the U.S. and 4 percent in India. According to these figures, it
would appear that the Indian mobile marketing model resembles “spam,” since
so many are exposed to it but so few find the advertising relevant enough to
remember it. It could also be a question of bad targeting.
According to the same study, it’s still mostly the young males who are taking the
time to look at the mobile advertising. But mobile marketing is still a relatively
new field and this will most likely change over time.

Text: Tomas Nihlén
Photo: Todd Huffman

                      The Internet isn’t all about technology, it’s actually more about people. People share
                      information, communicate, build one or several identities, get themselves educated
                      and entertained all at the same time/same places. To capture some of what’s going on
                      in Internet culture right now, we will now present some of the things that people are
                      currently buzzing about around a few of the web’s water coolers, divided into 3 areas:
                      video, the blogosphere and micro-blogs.
                                                                            BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

                                              Digg: [Digg, about Digg: “a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. From the biggest
                     Video                    online destinations to the most obscure blog, Digg surfaces the best stuff as voted on by our users. You won’t find editors at
                                              Digg — we’re here to provide a place where people can collectively determine the value of content and we’re changing the
                                              way people consume information online.”]
So what is hot on Digg right now?
Here are three selected videos
from the top 10 list from the latest
                                                                                                                        “Barack Roll”
30 days as of August 22nd, 2008.
                                                                                                                        The web is filled with Obama related stories, videos,
(click on the image to watch the
                                                                                                                        images and more. The second story from Digg is a
                                                                                                                        video called “Barack Roll” and features Obama dancing
                  Paris Hilton for President                                                                            in different situations while he is “singing” along with
                                                                                                                        the lyrics. The creator of this video must have spent
Number 1 on the list, with over 8000 diggs (votes),                                                                     many hours in the editing room to get the clip together.
is a video by Paris Hilton, a political video actually, or is                                                           This video has received more than 7000 diggs, which
it just a comedy video? Confused? Let’s try to sort this                                                                translated to a third place on the Digg list, and has been
out from the beginning. U.S. presidential candidate John                                                                shown over 1.7 million times on YouTube.
McCain attacked his competitor Barack Obama for being
“the biggest celebrity in the world,” and he did so in a
video accompanied by images of Britney Spears and Paris
                                                                                                                        Samsung unboxes magic
Hilton. As a response to this, Paris Hilton and the video
site Funny Or Die released this video, claiming Hilton was
now actually a candidate for the election and she even                                                                  The fourth position on the current Digg list is a so called
gave her views on the most sustainable energy strategy.                                                                 “unboxing video,” which is a video where a product is
The result was a viral success: over 7 million of views                                                                 unpacked for the first time and filmed to share with the
on Funny Or Die.                                                                                                        rest of the world. But this video takes a strange turn
                                                                                                                        a few moments into the clip. You’ll have to see it with
                                                                                                                        your own eyes. The product in the clip is a mobile phone
                                                                                                                        called Omnia i900 by Samsung. It attracted over 6000
                                                                                                                        diggs and has been viewed almost 400,000 times on
                                                                                                                        YouTube. Check out this video for more information
                                                                                                                        about the campaign.
                                                                      BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE

     YouTube: [Founded in February 2005, YouTube is the leader in online video, and the premier destination to watch and
     share original videos worldwide through a Web experience. YouTube allows people to easily upload and share video clips on and across the internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs and email.]

     So what is popular on YouTube at
     the moment? Here are three selected                                                                          The dark spoof
     videos from the top 10 list from the last
     30 days as of August 22nd, 2008. (click
                                                                                                                Batman and the Dark Night will go down in history as
     on the image to watch the video)
                                                                                                                a total box office success as well as a blog buzz dream
                                                                                                                for the film’s PR team. Spoofs have been flooding the
                                  30 years later...                                                             internet, helping contribute to the film’s building buzz.
                                                                                                                This particular spoof (video) takes place in the beginning
This video that landed in third place on the YouTube                                                            of the movie and has attracted over 2.6 million views
list is a actually a 30 year old clip. In the 1970s, a lion                                                     on YouTube, which translates to a fourth place finish on
was adopted by two British citizens who soon realised                                                           the YouTube list. It’s a must see.
it would become more than they could handle. So they
released the animal back into the wild in Africa. A year
later they went back there to seek him out and to see if he
was doing ok. This reunion with Christian the lion would                                                          Smosh does it again and again
turn out to be somewhat historical and you really must
see the clip to understand why. This shows that some                                                            Two guys calling themselves “Smosh” have been an
themes just never become outdated. Watch the video                                                              Internet phenomena since they first started lip syncing
here. You will probably understand why it has collected                                                         to the music from Pokemon and Power Rangers. Their
over 3 million views.                                                                                           latest viral success is called “Food Battle 2008” (video)
                                                                                                                and has so far garnered more than 2.4 millon views
                                                                                                                on YouTube, which lands it in ninth place on the YouTube
                                                                                                                list. This has become a yearly video event and both the
                                                                                                                videos in 2006 (video) and 2007 (video) became wildly
                                                                                                                popular on YouTube. Seems like everything they touch
                                                                                                                turns into digital gold.

                                                                          Besides these videos seen by millions of people we also recommend you to see:
                                                                          2 videos from Microsoft: “Inspiration, Anyone?”& “Mojave experiment” and the animated “Emily”.
Urban Lifestyle Report - New Media (Aug 08)
Urban Lifestyle Report - New Media (Aug 08)
Urban Lifestyle Report - New Media (Aug 08)
Urban Lifestyle Report - New Media (Aug 08)
Urban Lifestyle Report - New Media (Aug 08)
Urban Lifestyle Report - New Media (Aug 08)
Urban Lifestyle Report - New Media (Aug 08)
Urban Lifestyle Report - New Media (Aug 08)

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Urban Lifestyle Report - New Media (Aug 08)

  • 1. BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE Internet Buzz; what are people PROFILE: watching, sharing & discussing? MARTIN CEDERGREN THE INTERNET Extending Your Brand CLIMATE IN Reach through Widgets BRAZIL DIGITAL BRANDING IN FOCUS: TV-SERIES
  • 2. CONTRIBUTORS TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN´ Tomas Nihlén, Editor in Linda Pierre, Editor and Lisa Sculati, Writer. San Chief and writer. Co-founder responsible for layout & Francisco based freelance of Urban Lifestyle. Holds a design. Co-founder and co- writer and radio journalist. We at Urban Lifestyle like change. And given the very strong interest in new owner of Urban Lifestyle. She Enjoys exploring the latest fact that you are holding an issue of ”Urban Lifestyle media and how Internet is is also marketing director for trends in new media, blogging Report – New Media” in your hand (or reading it on changing the fundaments of an e-commerce site in the about Sweden, learning the screen) you probably do too. Because if you didn’t the whole marketing arena. travel accessories category. Swedish and spending time like (or at least accepted) change, then you would’nt He parttcularly keeps an eye Linda enjoys actually using outside. Has worked with on the evolving Internet video social media in her daily work so called ”old media” or want to read about how the Internet is changing the scene. Also loves podcasting instead of just talking about ”traditional media” for more marketing arena. Now that we have established that, both as viewer and creator. it. than a decade. here comes the news – there are some changes to this report. Editor in Chief Tomas Nihlén First you will probably notice both the new design +46 8 501 64 and the structure of the contents. We hope you like it 377 Editor & Creative Director Linda Pierre and that it will improve your experience reading this +46 8 501 64 report. The second change is that we have decided 376 that (also when it comes to this report) quality is Research & writing Tomas Nihlén, Linda Pierre, Lisa Sculati, Lia Dutra & Carl more important than quantity. So we are changing the Johan Malmsten production schedule to 5 reports per year. This will Subscription not affect your subscription Lia Dutra, Strategic Planner Carl Johan Malmsten, 5 issues/year, contact us for prizes. To buy one single report, head over to in any other way than the at Africa Propaganda in reports from Perth, Australia Brazil, likes talking about where he is a student at Edith frequency of the issue. Next Images & illustrations planning and advertising, Cowan University, majoring in Images and illustrations are all if not issue will be out in October. and almost everything under Advertising and Marketing. taken by any of our writers, been the sun. She graduated When he has spare time from approved by the copy holder, free of use That’s it, I hope you will enjoy with a degree in Marketing studies and writing about new for commercial purpose or are licenced it as much as we do! and Advertising, and before media entering the Australian under Flickr Creative Commons. Africa, she contributed to environment, he yaps about Webpage & blog several projects at JWT and music to his tired fellow on brands such as Unilever. students.
  • 3. IN THIS ISSUE 6. 2008.08 17. 36. miscellaneous Martin Cedergren from 180 Amsterdam gets profiled, we give you our best tips on tools and inspirational sites at the moment. And finally Tomas Nihlén takes off the gloves and goes on a rant against old school thinking from the likes of H&M. 40. 4. BRANDS 28. PEOPLE In this issue we are taking a closer look at the Are people really putting up with pre-rolls on video TV industry to see what some of the brands clips? The news is getting more social and the people in that category are doing right now in new are buzzing about ”Barack Rolls”, manga faces and media. We will also cover some mobile Paris Hilton running for president. marketing news and take a look at some social media mistakes by big brands. 12. MEDIA Music in your phone, widgets as marketing strategy, micro-blogs as a business tool and much much more. And don’t miss Lia Rodriguez 38. Dutra’s captivating article on the Internet scene in Brazil. 35. COVER PHOTOGRAPH BY: JairoBD
  • 4. 4 Luis Vuitton extends brand through mobile Text: Tomas Nihlén L ocation-based mobile services is perhaps the hottest thing around in the mobile sphere since SMS started gaining traction back in the day. Often these services are competing on a level BRANDS of technical complexity, but sometimes the most complex service isn’t the best one. It’s a matter of using the platform in a way that suits the audience. Just in the same way as all parts of social media aren’t right for every company; just adding a YouTube-channel and blog isn’t guaranteed success for a company. In the mobile scene, Luis Vuitton seems to have In each issue we explore what brands are doing to prosper in the hit the jackpot with their campaign “Louis Vuitton Soundwalk”. Using what mobile experts would even call simple technology. digital age and how the area of branding is evolving thanks to new media. In the section ”Digital Branding in Focus” we take a The Louis Vuitton Soundwalk lets users pick a city in which they want to take one of the three different “soundwalks” in, Beijing, Hong Kong closer look at a specific brand category. or Shanghai. Each walk follows in the footsteps of a local female cinema icon, Gong Li (Beijing), Shu Qi (Hong Kong) and Joan Chen (Shanghai). Luis Vuitton extends brand through mobile 4 If you decide to follow a soundwalk it will take you on a tour for an hour Successful mobile marketing campaigns 5 and the narrator will guide you along the street in the selected city in real Digital branding in focus: TV-series 6 time accompanied by the typical sounds of that city. Social media mistakes... 10 The experience is said to mimic that of a cinema, which is not surprising since the original soundtrack and the script is written by cinema professionals.
  • 5. 5 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE SUCESSFUL MOBILE MARKETING CAMPAIGNS Text: Tomas Nihlén Photo: <Kirill A recent newsletter from Mobile Marketing Association presented 14 successful and inspiring mobile campaigns. Below you’ll find three such examples that utilize mobile phones as channels in different ways. MACANUDO by the Argentinean cartoonist Liniers. Every week, visitors would receive a new cartoon to their cell phone via Bluetooth and/or WiFi. The campaign had two goals: to increase loyalty among In McDonald’s campaign, “SMS Lounge,” a mobile voucher campaign, customers send an SMS to existing customers and generate new customers for register with their favourite McDonald’s restaurant. Every two weeks, they receive a voucher in L´illa. For Liniers, the campaign was all about generating QR format which is scanned at the restaurant. QR means “quick response” and basically is a two buzz ahead of a new launch. dimensional barcode that can contain far more information than a regular barcode. QR codes are extremely popular in Japan. The goal for McDonald’s campaign: to build loyalty and drive The third interesting example presented by MMA was more people to the restaurants. Vouchers were chosen because everyone loves a freebie. The a mobile campaign for BMW’s 1 series. This campaign vouchers do not offer freebies but they do offer deep discounts. used mobile phones as a tool to segment and target the right group of consumers. The purpose of the The second interesting campaign is a proximity marketing campaign situated in the Spanish campaign was a classical challenge for car brands: shopping mall L´illa Diagonal in Barcelona. L´illa has worked with proximity marketing for several to create leads and sign-ups for information and for years. The backbone in its system is a permanent bluetooth circuit inside the shopping mall. In test-driving the new cars. MMA says it was a great a recent campaign to drive people to the mall, the company gave away free digital comics called success.
  • 6. 6 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE Digital branding in focus: TV-series Text: Tomas Nihlén In this issue, we will take a closer look at the TV industry to find out how it’s using new digital opportunities to build brands and reach out to consumers.
  • 7. 7 ao BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE Digital Blood Lately we’ve seen lots of buzz surrounding the new TV series on HBO,“True Blood,” in the blogosphere. The series is created by the same man who brought you Six Feet Under. This time, vampires are roaming the streets like regular folks and blood comes bottled with the fake label TruBlood. As you might have noticed, the “e” is missing from the brand name, and that is no coincidence. It’s well thought out since the blood is actually synthetic and comes in all the different blood types (A, B and so on). Some of the taglines for TruBlood read: t “All flavor. No bite.” j “Suck on this” o “Real blood is for suckers” p “Friends don’t let friends drink friends” Check it out for yourself at the product site some of these truth seekers with a language degree managed to solve the puzzle. here. When you enter this page, you are not The code then brought them to a fake website about vampires where they could video b asked for your year of birth, but rather your chat with an actress playing the role of a gatekeeping vampire. Visitors to this site century of birth... would try their best to convince the gatekeeper that they were actually vampires and that they deserved a spot on the site. A blog called Bloodcopy was set up to report HBO teamed up with Campfire on the on the stories from both the vampire site and the series itself with over 80 video clips campaign for this series, which includes a produced by Campfire to explain the back story. You will find links on the blog where number of different channels. The first step a the story continues on sites like Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter. was to send out 1,000 letters back in May to vampire bloggers and sci-fi enthusiasts. In Throughout the campaign, users have been invited to submit all kinds of content to this letter, there was a mysterious code for help the story move forward. All content has been reviewed from several perspectives, them to break. Online discussions about this like what they contribute to the story and also the legal perspective before being code started to build up and after a while, published, according to an AdAge video that you find here (video).
  • 8. 8 Fox abandons their own MySpace for Facebook? Back in 2005, News Corp (the owner of Fox) bought MySpace for 580 million U.S. dollars. In the first couple of years after the sale, the digital social networking scene was dominated by MySpace. But something happened along the way and Facebook stole the crown as king of the (European and North American) social networking services. Now this trend is affecting Fox’s marketing strategy. When it comes to choice of media channels, Fox executives are favoring Facebook over MySpace, writes The New York Times. This is what Joel Cheatwood, Senior Vice President for Development at Fox News said about this choice in the article: “Facebook is currently the leading social network,” and he goes on to say, “They also have a user that’s a little older and a little more sophisticated, (with) discussion boards, a wall for users’ comments, reviews, polls and Even 1960s advertising professionals use Twitter now photo submissions.” The TV series Mad Men is set in the 1960s in New York. A time of naivety in many ways, They have also designed a videoplayer, allowing but also a time when consumers started to understand that products like cigarettes just users to watch their videos and share clips on social might be harmful to their health. The advertising industry was just starting to enter networking sites. I guess it’s good that they chose their a more complex era where they couldn’t sell any product just by creating creative and platform based on user profiles rather than what they expensive advertising. The creators of this show decided to bring the characters into own themselves. the 21th century by using Twitter to let the viewers follow their characters between shows. Don Draper, for instance, can be found here (via Adrants). Some of the rest of the characters have popped up here, here, here and here. Great way to use social media for a product that is interesting enough to get people engaged in it.
  • 9. 9 Social media Olympics The biggest media spectacle during the recent weeks is of course the Olympic Games in Beijing. We have deliberately chosen not to write about this since it has been over exposed in other media outlets. But there is one angle that is still interesting for us to cover, and that is what happened to the sponsoring brands in the social media sphere? A social media analytics company called Collective Intelligence tracked eight of these sponsors to see what kind of footprints they left in social media according to an article on AdRants. They tracked blogs, social networking services, forums and other places where online discussions take place. Three of the brands saw a significant increase in exposure. Visa for instance increased by 141 per cent, McDonalds Seinfeld trying to reach college students by 51 per cent and Coca-Cola by 17 per cent. The wildly popular TV series Seinfeld ran between 1989 and 1998 and thereby missed some of the Much of the attention was generated due to their new kids on the block. An audience that some refer to as the millennium generation, brought up in Bluetooth campaign which happens to be the first front of a computer. Sony Pictures thinks this series is still relevant today, ten years later (and I would of its kind in marketing history of the Olympic have to agree on that point). So to reach this new audience, they packed a huge biodiesel-fueled bus Games. That certainly helped increasing the interest and hit the road, travelling through 26 cities in the U.S. (where else?) On this road trip, they let college surrounding these brands. According to the study students try some of the characteristic Seinfeld food like black and white cookies and Snapple. To there was also some negative attention related to bring this trip into the 21th century, they also brought 3 laptops, inviting visitors to explore Seinfeld on these brands concerning civil right issues and the their MySpace, Facebook and of course their page on Sony, according to MediaPost. The Sony page fact that they are playing by Chinese rules. But they contains extra material, including some short video clips, wallpapers and a Google Map of the series. didn’t see any indications of a single brand being Interestingly enough, the MySpace page seems to have been removed for some reason, and at the specifically targeted with this critique. moment, is not accessible.
  • 10. 10 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE Social media mistakes... Text: Tomas Nihlén For instance Sprint Mobile ran a campaign with the message that things were changing and that they had a new AdAge filmed a speech by marketing blogger Joseph Jaffe from the blog Jaffe Juice. CEO and even ended the spot by giving the viewers the In the 8 minute long clip Jaffe talks about different types of mistakes brands can make email address for the CEO. They encouraged consumers in the social media scene and also gives actual examples of companies that have failed. to get engaged, but those who chose to send an email to the new CEO only received an automated reply by another employee at Sprint, thanking them for feedback on the new campaign. He also mentioned Sony’s fake blog “All I want for Xmas is a PSP” which we have written about before. But a mistake is of course a relative and subjective term. One thing might be considered as a success to one person and a missed opportunity to another. It depends if you focus on what you have achieved with a campaign or what you didn’t achieve and what opportunities you missed. For instance a recent campaign by Ben & Jerry’s called “Imagine Whirled Peace” to which the brand of course also introduces a new flavour with the same name. The campaign site lets visitors register and upload a “message of peace” for an event called Peace Day on September 21st. See for yourself here. Some might say it’s a step in the right direction or even a success. But according to this blogger they could have done more. Her critique is mainly about the lack of actual social aspects. B&J could have taken this opportunity to create an actual community around the brand and the site by letting people interact with each other more. So is this a success or a symbol of lost opportunities? Well that lies in the eyes of the beholder.
  • 11. 1 1 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE Samsung Tests Your Instinct In Interactive Video Campaign In an earlier issue this year, we wrote about a new YouTube function called “annotation.” This function lets video creators allow for some interactivity in the videos by inserting decision points where the viewers can choose between parallel story lines. Depending on their choice, they are led to different clips and the user experience shifts depending on these selections. Right now there is an interesting example of a big brand using this functionality in a campaign. The brand is Samsung and the product in focus is a mobile phone called “INSTINCT” (a typical iPhone competitor). The story begins (video) in a messy (probably bachelor) apartment and the main character has overslept after a night with a (presumable) one-night stand. He is late for work and must hurry to a meeting at the office. All the videos are shot from a first person perspective and the viewer constantly gets to choose between one selection or the option to “Follow Your INSTINCT.” Depending on the choices, this will lead the story in somewhat different directions. No matter what choices you make, the INSTINCT is always with you, and by INSTINCT I mean the mobile phone. The general feeling in this campaign is that it is somewhat funny and perhaps somewhat sexist and reminds you of games like Leisure Suit Larry from the 1980s. Nevertheless interesting to see a big brand like Samsung try something innovating in the new media arena. Photo: brownpau Barack Obama embraces SMS to try to go viral with VP announcement US presidential candidate Barack Obama has tried and succeeded to create buzz around his pick of a vice president candidate. People who wanted to be first to know about the pick could sign up for a SMS alert and thereby get a kick from the feeling of being first. The Twitter crowd were waiting impatiently for the notification so they could tweet about this until their fingers would start to hurt, or so it would seem anyway. Lots of people using Twitter are very pro Obama, so it was no surprise to see the news dominating Twitter for while after the announcement. Unfortunately the news leaked to mainstream media before the SMS announcement was send out ,which sort of created an anticlimax for many people anticipating the news via SMS.
  • 12. 12 FIRST THE iPHONE.... Text: Tomas Nihlén media There is no way you can write about mobile marketing right In this section we explore how the new media landscape is evol- now without mentioning the iPhone, even though many of ving and what it means to marketers. Focus lies on the new tools you might be getting a bit tired of iPhone news. The biggest and channels that can be used to understand and reach the iPhone news of late is certainly the arrival of the iPhone 3G and the global launch of the device. Country after country consumers. is now getting its hands on legitimate iPhone versions and the gadget happiness should be complete. But there seem to Extending your brand reach through widgets 14 be some problems in paradise. A woman in Arizona filed a Australia goes online - Part 1 17 lawsuit against Apple for overstating the speed of the new Making the most of your micro-blogging experience 19 iPhone 3G, according MacWorld. Not great timing for Apple, struggling with iPhone 3G connectivity problems, despite Brazil. A country with a lot of potential 23 updated software for the phone. Will this damage the Apple brand or not? That remains to be seen.
  • 13. 13 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE mobile music Text: Tomas Nihlén Illustration: Blog.spoon graphics news Both Vodaphone and O2 have recently launched mobile music stores according to Vodaphone Music is an application based service that only works on Windows mobiles and lets users buy individual songs without a subscription. O2’s competing service is called “My Play” and was recently added to the “O2 Active” portal. This service is “artist led,” meaning all artists have a micro-site to build loyalty with fans and to lead them to make purchases in the store. The only music label onboard this service though is Sony BMG. Another mobile music service called MusicStation seems to have struck gold with 500 000 downloads during their first 10 days after launching. This service is a subscription based service with an “all-you-can- eat” model. There is a big difference between MusicStation and the two operator-driven music stores, the difference is called “off portal” or “on portal”. An “on portal” mobile site or store is connected to a certain mobile operator and an “off portal” dito is available to all mobile users no matter what operator the users are tied to. An “off portal” music store like MusicStation can build a competitive store and a strong brand as a well implemented mobile store. They can focus on being the best mobile music store on the market, and only that. While the operators are running a complex business, the music store is only one small area and not considered to be their core business. What kind of service will be the mobile version of iTunes Store? We just might have to wait and see...
  • 14. 14 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE EXTENDING YOUR BRAND REACH THROUGH WIDGETS Text: Lisa Sculati Illustration: Lisa Sculati Sometimes they’re funny. Sometimes they’re cute. Sometimes they’re evocative. They can spark interest or curiosity. We’re talking about web widgets, portable chunks of interactive code inside a module, sometimes referred to as gadgets. N ike. National Geographic. YouTube. Epicurious. iTunes. building a relationship with an audience of more than 57 million Twitter. Last FM. MySpace. Facebook. All of these big Internet users. names are expanding their online audience and their brand reach through the use of widgets. They are “widgetizing” their Critics say widgets can zap a marketing budget and hurt more messages on their websites or blogs or through social networks. than help if the cost does not translate into a larger customer/ client base, or if consumers don’t connect with or retain the Global market research firm comScore reports that close to 148 message from a widget. But widgetizing your message, just like million Internet users in the U.S. view widgets in a month’s time, any other method to drive more traffic to a website and generate according to the latest statistics. That would indicate 81 percent more interest in a product or service, requires the right marketing of the American Internet audience is reachable through widgets. effort. On that end, Peter Yared, Founder and CEO of i-Widgets, MySpace widgets recorded the widest audience in the latest stats, says his company makes it very easy for existing websites to
  • 15. 15 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE Lawrence Coburn of Sexy Widget, providing reviews and analysis of widgets, toolbars, and distributed businesses, says YouTube is probably the best example of a website that blew up (with traffic) due to the proliferation of its widgets. “By enabling MySpace users to distribute their flash video player via their MySpace profiles, YouTube was quickly able to achieve a spectacular exit - a sale to Google for $1.6 B.” How are widgets helping smaller or not so well known companies, interactive marketers, PR professionals and entrepreneurs? “One of the biggest trends I’m seeing in widgets right now is the advent of very sophisticated widget publishing tools,” says Coburn. “These tools allow agencies and marketers to easily widgetize their own content, priming extend their user activity and content into Photo: mksilvey it for viral distribution. Widget publishing tools include social networks, with a strong focus on driving the offerings of companies such as iWidgets and KickApps.” He goes on to say that traffic back to the site. “Our job is to make it Clearspring, Gigya, and Widgetbox are the three largest players providing widget seamless so that a website owner does not infrastructure and analytics tools. “Right now very few companies have extended their have to go learn all of the ins-and-outs of each presence into social networks, which is something that I think is going to change very destination and hire a programming team for each one.” Yared is confident that widgets are the future of online ads, offering an audience a plethora of opportunities to engage with online marketing content. ADIDAS GIVES AWAY MUSIC VIA WIDGET In these times of “back-to-school” campaigns Adidas is betting its Attending an event called “Widgets Up the money on a widget campaign called “The New School of Thought”. Wazoo” in San Francisco in August, hosted The widget lets people play and download music by Ultraviolet Sound by SF New Tech, I got the chance to pick the for free and was created by trueAnthem, a social music label that gives brains of some of Silicon Valley’s top widget free music to consumers and let brands tap into the popularity and distributors and marketers, including Yared. possible viral effecst of the music. Adidas is hoping fans of Ultraviolet A packed house of more than 200 widget Sound will put the widget on their blogs or social network pages to enthusiasts, and skeptics, turned out to see spread both the music and the Adidas brand amongst their friends. what’s going on in the world of widgets and Using the widget also gives you a 30% discount on any Adidas Original widget marketing. item and by it kills two birds with one stone.
  • 16. 16 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE quickly,” says Yared. Social networks are users of the website and new users consuming the site’s showing increasing traffic and user stickiness, content in the widget.” and most websites have flat user growth. Eyeballs will soon start to follow the content #3 New Users: (from their widgets).” “Widgets expose websites to new groups of users all over the web. These can be bloggers looking for new content, Widgetbox Co-founder and CTO Giles Goodwin social network users finding widgets on friends profiles, or says he sees three solid examples of widgets users searching the galleries like Widgetbox.” helping to bump up website traffic: At Widgets Up the Wazoo, Goodwin helped me create my #1 SEO (Search Engine Optimization): own “Blidget,” a Widgetbox term for a widget for blogs. “Widgets can help drive traffic through SEO It took about 2 minutes and spread the content from my by linking to websites. The widgets also do personal blog virally. Bloggers use blidgets to drive more well at SEO alone. For example this Olympics web traffic to their site from targeted and unexpected widget received strong traffic from organic sources. search within 15 minutes.” “Widgets are valuable marketing tools not only because #2 Campaigns: they have the potential to go viral and reach a wide “We at Widgetbox offer widget promotion audience,” says Goodwin, “but also because they can be campaigns for companies that want to kick targeted to very specific demographics. Widgets can take start their widget traffic. We have seen massive advantage of specific distribution levers within the web uptake of subscribers and unique viewers to bring a specific message and interactive content to the directly due to these campaigns, meaning new right audience. “
  • 17. 17 Australia goes The idea is to drive consumers to the campaign-site and let them have their say to how they prefer their Vegemite, whether it is Nudist, Redback, Tiger Toaster, Scrambler or online - part 1 PhillyMite. Online consumers can follow how the different states of Australia have voted. Even if the campaign is good as an idea, the Text: Carl Johan Malmsten bigger story regarding the campaign is the Photo: robsmith-qld fact that JWT and MindShare are going online in addition to TV. Australia is lagging behind in Internet standards and this effects the use of online marketing, however, there’s certainly use of digital media in Australia, but not to the extent that we are used to in Europe and the U.S. According to Carlo Bertozzi, founder of one-year-old digital agency Longtail and already regarded as Perth’s best, Australia has reached a plateau, due to the slow implementation of broadband in the market. O ne of the most debated campaigns of Australia during the last few weeks has been the new JWT and MindShare created campaign for Vegemite (concentrated yeast extract, much like Marmite, which you usually spread on toast). Being one of the With the growth of the Internet “down under,” there’s also a growth in digital advertising, which is expected to increase 35% during 2008 (Price Waterhouse Coopers). With this most beloved brands of Australia, it has an effect on everyone living on the great island. come the growth of campaigns going online Understanding this, JWT and MindShare launched the “How do you like your Vegemite?” and hopefully the growth of agencies/clients campaign, aiming to engage consumers with a brand they have loved since childhood with having the courage to increase engagement TV, outdoor, print, POS (point of sale) and digital ads. with consumers online.
  • 18. 18 ISOLATION CITY Text: Carl Johan Malmsten Photo: dnigh One and a half years in one of the world’s most isolated cities, with one more year to go, may not sound appealing. Especially when I started through Berghs School of Communication in Stockholm, which provides Bachelor of Communications exchange programs. But the fact is that Perth, on the west coast of Australia, feels more like a breeding ground than a place were you get hampered. Perth is a great place to ease into the field of advertising with the university working closely with the industry in Perth and having lecturers with lots of experience. These lecturers include Diane Slade, who recently was appointed Vice-President for International Advertising Association, and Martin Trevaskis, editor of Campaign Brief WA. A fellow student, also from Berghs School of Communication, Markus Kähr, has spent the last couple of months working on the graphic design layout for the inaugural IAA Dentsu Global Student Poster Challenge, supported by the United Nations. Carl J Malmsten
  • 19. 19 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE Making the Most of Your micro-blogging Experiences (and enjoying it in the process!) Text: Lisa Sculati Illustration: Geek&Poke New micro-blogging services appear to spring up every day, offering you a multitude of avenues to promote your business, make new professional contacts and more ways to connect with those in your field.
  • 20. 20 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE I discover a new way to simplify my online life Lidne says micro-blogging works great as an every day through my contacts on Twitter and interactive event tool. “Before, during and Jaiku. You can do so much with 140 characters. after each of my conferences we use a Jaiku Make your friends and business contacts aware of channel for information, updates and chats. a new advertising campaign, a new blog post, a During the conference we have one person new service, a new social network tool, an event with the specific duty to blog the event not to be missed. Business relationships have the live. This makes it possible for the online potential to grow deeper through connections audience to ask questions and comment on made though micro-blogging. Much has already the speakers. The presenters also quickly Illustration: carrotcreative been written about Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce, put up links to their uploaded slideshows etc. Friendfeed, Tumblr, Brightkite, Plurk,, We run the Jaiku channel on a separate big Kwippy, Socialmedian and Blippr. Some marketers screen projector at the side of the stage so and entrepreneurs sign up for all of these services everyone can see the conversation. This often and use, HelloTxt and numerous other results in some of the online audience wanting aggregator channels to submit their message to attend in person the next time around.” to all of their micro-blogging sites at once. I asked Annika if the numerous channels to But I still read messages on Twitter saying “I feed ever feels overwhelming. “No, I don’t just don’t get micro-blogging. What’s the point?” feel overwhelmed. If you do, turn it off for a Let’s take a look at how four professionals in the while. It should be fun and useful, not Nordic region are simplifying and improving a burden. I save time by using their business lives through micro-blogging. micro-blogging services, not ”Before, during the other way around. If I’m Annika Lidne of Stockholm’s Disruptive Media AB says she uses micro-blogging really busy I simply turn for several different purposes. “As a research tool, I use it to ask questions and after each of my them (the micro-blogging services) off. My email about what my customers would like to see in the future, for instance which speakers they would like to listen to at an upcoming event. I use it as an conferences we use a Jaiku load has decreased information tool. In addition to direct posts, my blog feeds are published to channel for informtion, up- dramatically by using my micro-blogging services so my followers are up to date with the information a combination of micro- I want them to have. This way I also build a reputation as an expert in my field. dates and chats...” blogging services. Keeping I also use micro-blogging as a direct sales tool. If I have a concrete offer, like an - Annika Lidne up is mostly a matter of upcoming event, I tip my contacts off - if they are in my target group (important - using the available technology don’t spam people!) It’s very important to be friendly, humble and not come across like a in a smart way and filtering out the marketer. The message should just be a short tip to a friend with a link for more information.” noise. Since I’ve started micro-blogging, I’ve
  • 21. 21 gotten a completely new set of friends, both It keeps burning, creating more contacts, more founder of Finland’s Gylenne Skor, Antti personal and business wise, with whom I’m in people who will then read about your services Vilpponen says he really got into blogging at constant contact with. on blogs and websites. More people to blogs the end of 2006, when Jaiku started picking and websites leads to more people contacting up speed in Finland. “The biggest benefits We often meet for face to face business you about new business opportunities. from services like these are relatively close meetings, to exchange information or just Lidforss says it’s also great for advice. “I once to similar advantages from Facebook - they for fun. I’ve acquired a personal following of asked about SIM card service providers and enable virality and spread messages fast. I use about 150 people that I have access to for any got an excellent answer within 15 minutes.” it to market myself and thus “brand” myself questions I have. It’s a consumer panel, research as well for public relations. It’s a great test group and sounding board rolled into one.” “I don’t find it (all the services) overwhelming. of what flies and what I need to work on.” You only micro-blog as much and when you Stockholm entrepreneur Thomas Lidforss says feel like it. I think the big advantage of micro- Vilpponen says he mainly uses Jaiku for micro- he began micro-blogging half a year ago. “In blogging is that it is personal (at least it started blogging, due to the community that is built the beginning, I micro-blogged just to play as such). I think that is a highly untapped service there, but also because he got acquainted with with it. Then I put more thought into how to most companies have not understood yet.” it before testing out Twitter and other services. use the services. The biggest benefit: it’s like “I use Twitter passively. I have applications putting more firewood into the fireplace. Founder of Arctic and Co- pushing the content to Twitter from other
  • 22. 22 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE places, such as Jaiku and my ArcticStartup. from them. It’s great to be able to connect and interact with some of the thought leaders of my Then I also use Facebook (which in a sense industry and it’s great to find the latest trends in the field. And the sharing of knowledge is the largest micro-blogging platform in the and generosity in the networks is just amazing.” world) with my friends and a larger social circle due to its widespread popularity.” I agree with Bryggare. I have to admit that none of my close friends have started micro- blogging yet. But my blogging and business experiences grow richer every day thanks to a Johan Bryggare, Web Manager at SEB in supportive, knowledgeable and entertaining network of contacts on Twitter and Jaiku. Stockholm, says that he uses micro-blogging as a conversational tool in which he interacts with his network and expands it by finding new, interesting people to connect with. “The micro-blogging services are also very useful to keep on top of what’s happening in my field. Most of my Jaiku contacts are Swedish and the conversation also takes place in Swedish. For Twitter I use English and I have other contacts there. Right now I’m having a look at and Plurk. I sign up for many new services and try them out.” Bryggare says he uses different aggregating services, searches and mashups to handle the information streams and tools that facilitate posting to several of the services. “I began to micro-blog around the end of 2007. Mainly because I was curious and wanted to see what it was all about and also to keep updated on new technologies. I’ve gained a lot
  • 23. 23 BRAZIL. A COUNTRY WITH A LOT OF POTENTIAL STILL TO BE WORKED ON Text: Lia Dutra Photo: JairoBD B razil has definitely fallen into the web. National Internet access increases everyday. Nowadays, In Brazil, users spend more time online per month when compared with the rest of the world. Their 47% of the people in the country (over the age of 16) Internet usage accounts for more navigate through the web. That represents over than 22 monthly hours, against 20 59 million users. Six months ago, only 38% of the hours in France and 17.5 hours population had frequent access to the web. And in Germany. Brazilians by 2009, the prediction is that half of the entire are completely population – 90 million people – will be online. attached to That’s rapid growth. the social
  • 24. 24 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE network Orkut and the virtual world Second Life. Over 27 million users have personal profiles on Orkut, a Google site, the most popular relationship website here. In 2007, Brazil reached the mark of 50 million domestic and corporate computers according to FGV. The total sales prediction for 2008: more than 13 million PC’s. The proportion of the population that own PC’s is 26 machines for every 100 people; the global average is 21 PCs for every 100 people. All of this together means we have a great environment and potential to work on the digital sphere. When TV first came to Brazil, it took 27 years to reach half of the population. With all the predictions, the internet will do the same in only 14 years considering its start in Brazil in 1995. Also talking about this comparison, it’s important to note that in 2007, more PC’s than TV’s were sold, the so-called According to research made by the Datafolha Institute, 29% of access consumption dream for the low income social level. When it comes to the web in Brazil is made in LAN houses, 21% at home, 21% at to the audience, the web is the second placed medium in Brazil, with friends or relatives’ houses and 10% in schools and universities. 9% double the percentage of pay-TV users, the medium that comes in of all that is done from free access local spots. third. A great “experiment” we have going are “digital cities,” where the You probably think this is all good news, right? It could be, actually mayors contribute to open the wi-fi network for everyone. And this it should be. Our major inhibition issue to access the web is the has brought some amazing and unexpected results. In São Paulo connection cost. In Brazil, the connection is 395 times more expensive State, a little town called Sud Mennucci had its analphabetism than in Japan. And all over the world, the lack of access to the web reduced by half. Carnápolis, in Paraná and Quissamã, in Rio, are also also seems to be related to income. According to recent research, that implementing some other experiments with the free open bandwidth. this is not entirely true anymore. In Brazil, the inexistence of any kind It has become such a relevant fact in our reality that last July free of relation between a person’s income and their access to the web wireless Internet was installed in one of the most famous avenues in is pretty clear. While there have been some comparisons made with Rio and its surrounding areas. The idea is to reach over 100 thousand other countries such as the U.S. and France, Brazil is living out it’s users. Besides the “digital cities,” another notable initiative in Brazil own unqiue phenomenon in terms of the popularization of the digital is the Digital Porto in Recife, a ten year old technology project that mediums. It is expensive to have Internet access at home, but cheap has put us among the greatest software and digital programmers for and free public access makes it possible for people to use it more. the web in the world.
  • 25. 25 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE Aside from the phenomenal numbers, we should also look at Obviously, as a natural reflex of what happens all over the world, this from the qualitative and behavioral point of view. Much we live a strong audiovisual consumption through Internet and like the U.S. And Europe, we see a mobilization via the web. there is a large number of music, film and video downloads The tendency is to use the web as a leisure option in all social everyday. But that has become small compared to the growth of levels – just as the TV was long ago. the collaborative content. Over half of the users post some kind of material of their own online. Social networks, relationship The biggest share of our users navigate the web everyday and communities and mediums where people are able to upload another large amount do it from four to six times a week. That their work [such as Slideshare and others], besides the blogs makes up almost 50% of our users, heavy users of the internet. and photologs, have become a must with the 2.0 web. This medium allows us to connect to people [consumers, as well] in their work hours and its prime time lasts almost 12 For our [advertising and communication] industry, this all shows hours. A few weeks ago, Petrobras showed recognition of us amazing opportunities for the usage of digital mediums and the importance of the web with the launch of a contest with online media to develop marketing strategies. It just needs to 7 websites focused on electronic and digital art. Some people be encouraged. talk about the end of broadcast and the birth of socialcast – in the web, everyone’s got a voice, everyone can be ‘journalist’. After the internet began – especially as a medium for publicity Traditional newspapers are losing their share day by day. We - Brazil became famous for its banners and websites. Web da talk a lot about its end. gente (The People’s Web, in English) – a “Brazilian version” of Google and Orkut heads for Brazil Google has chosen to place their Latin This news comes not long after social American headquarters in Brazil since it is networking service Orkut did the same their fastest growing market in this region thing. In Orkut’s case all development and according to TechCrunch. Google’s growth management was just moved here. Not so in Brazil is impressive and there is an surprising maybe that they took the same estimated revenue here of 500 million US route since Google owns Orkut and the dollars. Not bad from a staff of 200 people social network is huge in Brazil. and when you realize that this office has only existed for three years.
  • 26. 26 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE The FWA – shows some great branded and also personal work. But Brazil is still too small in digital marketing. The major issue Brazil still faces is the lack of investment. The web here is still viewed as a secondary non-important medium. The good and hopeful perspective we have about the new media expansion is that the investments will follow the growth of the web. But imuch still has to be worked on. Brands in Brazil still try to play it “safe”, they follow this kind of thought by only directing shots to the mass mediums. The lowest social levels are always left out. Despite young low income people being connected to the web, their parents aren’t, so brands do not invest because they want to do huge massive strong shots that will reach everybody. So marketers do not show us the true importance of the projects , which do not move on. Brazil still needs to break some paradigms and myths concerning this digital world. relevant information about tons of issues related to life in general and where they are able to connect with each other and talk about We’ve been present in Cannes and won some awards with astonishing all kinds of things. It’s an example of a basic branded social network websites in the Cyber category. But there are some other things for us with some additional benefits. Too bad it is so rare. to try to improve, such as mobile, social networks and so on. Internet is the most effective medium to develop relationship platforms with Some other good efforts recently include the Renault Sandero people through the open answer channels and the consumer content website, which tried to make it a little bit more interactive than other areas – especially since we are living in the dialogue phase between common websites in Brazil. They created a search tool for anything brands and consumers, which can’t be left behind. you needed. Another example is the L`Oreal “What’s going on with Grazi?” website for its new hair colorant product. The viral consists We are getting there. At least we have been timidly trying to. One on you putting your number in the website and then the Brazilian good example of a project that has worked out here is Unilever DIVA. celebrity (Grazi) calls you to talk about the news of the product – It was a first born as a reference from Unilever in Europe to entirely pretty similar to the Opel Astra TT viral in France with the ‘Prepare modify its relationship program with the consumers. It used to be your hair” theme. I should also mention the Fiat mobile campaign called “Home Basics”, but has changed the name to “Making Life for iPhone made by Hands, where you type in your Better.” This is totally aligned to the concept and idea of a social phone browser and then you have to find the car in the middle of the community website directed towards women The sites provide forest – following the ATL adventure concept of the car.
  • 27. 27 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE VIDEO ADS Propitious and promising environment with great potential we already have. We also IN FACEBOOK have great interactive agencies, such as Click Facebook keeps working hard on these ads and the comments will appear (from Isobar Group), Hello Interactive – which becoming a more attractive marketing tool in their friends’ news feeds. One example grew twice its size in less than a year – and for brands. Recently they launched a new where these video ads were used was for others. Then, you ask, what is missing? And design for the site to make it more user the movie Tropic Thunder according to I’d have to tell you what our market needs is friendly. One of the reasons for the redesign Social Media Today. This blog author raises to value this discipline (if I should call it that) was of course to make it easier to monatize an interesting question though, how will a little bit more. Brazil should stop facing the service. Their latest new feature to do you deal with nasty comments, the type of the Internet as a limited resource and work this is video ads on the right hand of the comments that seem to dominate site like its true latent possibilities. We should invest Facebook page. Users can comment on YouTube? more in this “tool of the future” – because that’s where marketing is heading. Sources: Carta Capital Magazine, Datafolha Institute and FGV. Buzz about Mobile Startup Event - Lia Dutra Buzz is being generated in the blogosphere about an upcoming Silicon Valley event called Under The Radar: Mobility. At this November event in Mountain View, California, mobile startups will get to showcase their products and services to an impressive collection of established companies in the industry, such as Verizon, T-Mobile, Comcast, Sprint, iFund, Nokia, Microsoft and Motorola. 32 startups that have shown some potential and that have managed to stay alive for about a year will get to pitch their business. Under the Radar has a great track record of many startups being bought up or having landed substantial amounts of VC. Some of the success stories include Blinkx, Flickr, Jumpcut, Writely and Zimbra. Getting to present at this event is a big deal.
  • 28. 28 Pre-rolls starting to roll in the big dollars? Text: Tomas Nihlén In a recent study from the video watch “pre-rolls” on videos is Media consumers willingness to advertising network Tremor being investigated. Interestingly it turns out that 80 per cent of the respondents watch the pre-rolls without shutting down the player. It doesn´t even seem to matter if these pre-rolls are 15 or 30 seconds long. But as Lost Remote points out; there is a parameter missing and that is the frequency with which the respondents are exposed to PEOPLE these pre-rolls. Is it just on some of the clips or even several times in the same clip, are some of the questions that would have been good to consider in within the study. Another company active in the space of pre-rolls is BrightRoll which The Internet is no longer only a vast computer network, it’s beco- also is a video advertising network. BrightRoll has just completed the ming increasingly important as a tool for communication, research largets pre-roll run ever according to Mashable. During two months they have sold 1 million US dollars worth of pre-rolls spanning the and recreation for people all around the world. This makes it an work of 30 media producers according to TVWeek. Big brands are important mirror for cultures in the physical world and a structure mentioned as buyers of these pre-rolls like The History Channel, and enabler for creating new ones. Chili’s Grill & Bar, National Geographic, Blackberry, Supercuts and Land Rover. Pre-rolls starting to roll in the bigg dollars? 28 But one question remains; are people really watching the pre-rolls News getting more social 29 or just letting them play while doing something else? I shot out a question on Twitter and received this answer from acriley: Awarness of mobil marketing on the rise 30 Internet Buzz 31 ”@tomasnihlen Re: Pre-rolls: I just let them play and do other stuff. Interstitials I click the ’make this go away button’ as fast as I can.”
  • 29. 29 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE News Getting More Personal Text: Tomas Nihlén Illustration: Brian Solis Ever since the blogosphere started to evolve into a huge filter for information from around the world, there has been a strong trend towards the perso- nalization of news. By personalization, I mean that in the constant overflow of information, we use different kinds of filters, including friends and people we trust.This means that your personal network of both friends and people that you only know digitally are filtering much of your news intake. Services like Digg, reddit and Newsvine were early to build news services filtered by their users. This trend became even stronger when we saw micro-blogging services like Twitter, Jaiku, Plurk, and so on surface and gain popularity. Recently social aggretagors like FriendFeed and Socialthing have started to gain traction and our social information flows are aggretated on one or several places on the internet. Now we are seing a hybrid of a social aggregator and social news site in a service called socialmedian. This is how they describe themselves: “socialmedian is a social news network that connects people with personalized news and information.” The service lets you join different news networks and get email notifications that tell you what is going on in your networks and “clip” news, which basically is like “digging” an article on Digg.
  • 30. 30 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE Awareness Of Mobile Marketing On The Rise Text: Tomas Nihlén Graphs: Marketing Charts A recent study in the U.S. shows that an increasing number of people recall having seen advertising through their mobile phone. The number has increased from 31 percent to 37 percent in the past year. There are some interesting international differences though. In the U.K., 51 percent of the respondents said that they have received advertising messages through their phone, while in India, the corresponding number is as high as 85 percent. The U.K. consumer seems to be the most responsive to mobile advertisng with 16 percent stating that they recall 16 percent of mobile advertising compared to 8 percent in the U.S. and 4 percent in India. According to these figures, it would appear that the Indian mobile marketing model resembles “spam,” since so many are exposed to it but so few find the advertising relevant enough to remember it. It could also be a question of bad targeting. According to the same study, it’s still mostly the young males who are taking the time to look at the mobile advertising. But mobile marketing is still a relatively new field and this will most likely change over time.
  • 31. 31 Internet Buzz... Text: Tomas Nihlén Photo: Todd Huffman The Internet isn’t all about technology, it’s actually more about people. People share information, communicate, build one or several identities, get themselves educated and entertained all at the same time/same places. To capture some of what’s going on in Internet culture right now, we will now present some of the things that people are currently buzzing about around a few of the web’s water coolers, divided into 3 areas: video, the blogosphere and micro-blogs.
  • 32. 32 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE Digg: [Digg, about Digg: “a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. From the biggest Video online destinations to the most obscure blog, Digg surfaces the best stuff as voted on by our users. You won’t find editors at Digg — we’re here to provide a place where people can collectively determine the value of content and we’re changing the way people consume information online.”] So what is hot on Digg right now? Here are three selected videos from the top 10 list from the latest “Barack Roll” 30 days as of August 22nd, 2008. The web is filled with Obama related stories, videos, (click on the image to watch the images and more. The second story from Digg is a video) video called “Barack Roll” and features Obama dancing Paris Hilton for President in different situations while he is “singing” along with the lyrics. The creator of this video must have spent Number 1 on the list, with over 8000 diggs (votes), many hours in the editing room to get the clip together. is a video by Paris Hilton, a political video actually, or is This video has received more than 7000 diggs, which it just a comedy video? Confused? Let’s try to sort this translated to a third place on the Digg list, and has been out from the beginning. U.S. presidential candidate John shown over 1.7 million times on YouTube. McCain attacked his competitor Barack Obama for being “the biggest celebrity in the world,” and he did so in a video accompanied by images of Britney Spears and Paris Samsung unboxes magic Hilton. As a response to this, Paris Hilton and the video site Funny Or Die released this video, claiming Hilton was now actually a candidate for the election and she even The fourth position on the current Digg list is a so called gave her views on the most sustainable energy strategy. “unboxing video,” which is a video where a product is The result was a viral success: over 7 million of views unpacked for the first time and filmed to share with the on Funny Or Die. rest of the world. But this video takes a strange turn a few moments into the clip. You’ll have to see it with your own eyes. The product in the clip is a mobile phone called Omnia i900 by Samsung. It attracted over 6000 diggs and has been viewed almost 400,000 times on YouTube. Check out this video for more information about the campaign.
  • 33. 33 BRANDS MEDIA PEOPLE YouTube: [Founded in February 2005, YouTube is the leader in online video, and the premier destination to watch and share original videos worldwide through a Web experience. YouTube allows people to easily upload and share video clips on and across the internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs and email.] So what is popular on YouTube at the moment? Here are three selected The dark spoof videos from the top 10 list from the last 30 days as of August 22nd, 2008. (click Batman and the Dark Night will go down in history as on the image to watch the video) a total box office success as well as a blog buzz dream for the film’s PR team. Spoofs have been flooding the 30 years later... internet, helping contribute to the film’s building buzz. This particular spoof (video) takes place in the beginning This video that landed in third place on the YouTube of the movie and has attracted over 2.6 million views list is a actually a 30 year old clip. In the 1970s, a lion on YouTube, which translates to a fourth place finish on was adopted by two British citizens who soon realised the YouTube list. It’s a must see. it would become more than they could handle. So they released the animal back into the wild in Africa. A year later they went back there to seek him out and to see if he was doing ok. This reunion with Christian the lion would Smosh does it again and again turn out to be somewhat historical and you really must see the clip to understand why. This shows that some Two guys calling themselves “Smosh” have been an themes just never become outdated. Watch the video Internet phenomena since they first started lip syncing here. You will probably understand why it has collected to the music from Pokemon and Power Rangers. Their over 3 million views. latest viral success is called “Food Battle 2008” (video) and has so far garnered more than 2.4 millon views on YouTube, which lands it in ninth place on the YouTube list. This has become a yearly video event and both the videos in 2006 (video) and 2007 (video) became wildly popular on YouTube. Seems like everything they touch turns into digital gold. Besides these videos seen by millions of people we also recommend you to see: 2 videos from Microsoft: “Inspiration, Anyone?”& “Mojave experiment” and the animated “Emily”.