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Role of University in Entrepreneurship Education
Name: laxman Nijve
Institute: Institute of Business Management & Rural Development
Mobile Number: +919175443969
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University play very important role in business oriented education. University are such institution
who have total control over business oriented education. Entrepreneurship is commencement,
development, management, growing, profit hunting, innovation, ever changing and
increasingly competitive global marketplace and many other thing related with business process.
One entrepreneur play many role at a same time and it is expected that he should balance this
whole task and maintain business with his write decision. Drive of this whole business process is
not a joke therefor he required some skill, some special ability, hidden business technique and he
should aware about external factor which effect on business like political decision, etc. and many
internal factor also effect like international relation etc.
Universities are knowledge institution which develops the candidate according to requirement of
his desire. If candidate is wishing be an Entrepreneur then he required all skill shown above
because every entrepreneur goes to start new venture therefor he must aware about the functional
area of a businessman. Here universities have a role to develop such candidates who meets with
business needs & requirement.
Today in the world there are uncountable business ventures but we remember only few because of
their performance. All are business & started by entrepreneur but each business showing different
condition. When any business get name, grab goodwill and perform himself as superior. Or any
business became as role model for rest it’s all credit goes to entrepreneur who had started it because
entrepreneur’s effort stand behind it.
Education, university, Entrepreneur, knowledge, model, role, information.
According to company act 1956 company is separate person, which have their own existence, here
company is like child where his father and child both are different term. If father left his child
alone he may grow but what about company?
If management or entrepreneur left company alone it goes off company do not have any importance
without its back person. It means that without entrepreneur there is feature to venture. When any
company achieves its goal & Came as role model for people, when its own guideline became
guideline for other, when people call that organization has proved himself it whole credit goes to
person whom we call entrepreneur.
Here entrepreneur also gives there credit to his education. And his get education from university
designed program so ultimately university became responsible for this entire process so the role of
university in entrepreneurship is fundamental. So it must study genuinely because of it is like a
success key behind each entrepreneur.
According to its role it is subject matter of study where any little mistake or defect effect on the
correspondents success. So it is duty to keep this fundamental updated and modern and rational
according to requirement and need of modern world. There for we have need to study and deep
research over the whole topic. And need to identify upcoming challenges. To fight and won coming
challenges we required new active plan we need to think according to present as well as future.
And should be ready to won.
Before talk or write anything we need to have deep knowledge about the subject so first
before I writing anything need define something that are as farther so later we can understand and
analyses detail in this subject.
What is Entrepreneurship?
(Entrepreneur) someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it. - Web
*The capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any
of its risks in order to make a profit. The most obvious example of entrepreneurship is
the starting of new businesses.
In economics, entrepreneurship combined with land, labor, natural
resources and capital can produce profit. Entrepreneurial spirit is characterized by innovation and
risk-taking, and is an essential part of a nation's ability to succeed in an ever changing and
increasingly competitive global marketplace.
This little definition also give detail idea about entrepreneurship. In short it is descripted that what
quality should be with entrepreneur. Entrepreneur is starter of business and handler also he start a
business at zero level and carry it beyond of success with his effort. This is just little story but to
perform whole this activity handle entire operation and operate all relation with subordinate.
Any college passed student can go to start his own new project but therefor to success of that
project he required above all qualities. And here university are those institution who trained student
to meet his goal. Pass out candidate should be able to bear risk of new decision he should be able
to design new decision. In an entrepreneur above qualities are expected.
University is an institution which designed courses according to need of current situation.
University have their own reputation en education field and this reputation they not got suddenly.
Behind of that reputation there is contribution of such educational institution from ancient time.
But now that old system is really became old. During past to present many error has been occurred
in this system. We have missed much good point out of this. Even right now if we try to find
appropriate definition for university we get very short meaning definition. In word also it do not
cover deep meaning. Today many people think that university are only thos institution who survive
for degree certificate only nothing else. This image of university should be change now it is time
to change. Anything when it became old there need to make delete, alter, or retire, because it past
it’s time & became out of date. And any new updated version take place in replacement of that
old. Change have no alternative it one of the process which consistently stay on always. So in old
management education system which think have lost or expire need to replace it because it is
become expire. We all are agree that old thing have given great output but this time is retire them
by respect. It was well in past but now this world totally changed it have new problem, new
requirement and new question so new system integration is essential to meet new problem to
solution, new requirement to achievement,& new question to answer.
On the earth everything happens only one time ones we missed time thing goes lost it don’t came
back for anyone even for king also & even for poor fellow also. In this universe also nothing
became repeat because it is only one chance if u miss, go to hell. Noting is here exception for
change. So our universities also came under this. According to need and requirement of this new
world there must be change. If we challenge to change either it change us either it destroy us and
bring something new. We should be always ready to change. Change is low of universe & if we
wish to continue our old passion in new scenario it is need to upgrade and use. Which system we
use currently it look like perfect. But it is just hypothesis but in future there is something rocking
which we not seen ever before. If we see back toward the history we can find allot example people
always used to oppose for new innovation due to their mind set but now we fill that there oppose
was bad thing toward the acceptance. And so now what about we are we ready to change this
condition, does we have contribution for change? Really we find that many people out of us yet
slicked with worst tradition. Do we have dare to change? When we ask such question to ourselves
we get write answer.
Literate review
We can find far research paper, article, analysis, about this field but it is very hard to find certain
data on certain issue because education and entrepreneur ship both are vast field by size. Literature
is like weapons it discover issues and bring it to front. University role with entrepreneurship is far
old. And both are imitative.
Research scope/ scope of paper
Scope means range of this topic, functional aria, & action would be taken. Regarding the same.
There are around 9044 universities around the world according to Universities Worldwide
Database and 324 universities are in India with reference of same database. In India from ancient
time is being used to deliver education. Education system have very strong background and
history, even performance also. According to scenario of real word there happened many changes
in system sometime by forced & sometime by its own wish.
Scope of this paper is much wild because education is basic need have human with food, shelter,
and cloth. This all are basic essential required for humane in present. What had in past that does
not have mean right now because past is past it will never back. This time is to think about the
expected future and its consequences. Any plan before came in existence it take place in to mind
of thinker.
Universities role in entrepreneur ship education is much essential but this scenario is going toward
change because of education is being paper oriented much and knowledge less. Many unwanted
and useful error has occurred in this system. University cannot judge himself and it cannot evaluate
what student want even university cannot fill what problem student are facing from current
situation of education.
To understand about present and about particular condition it is require go on that level in which
area you have to study. How are people views about university education it is also important
because view directly reflect quality by experiences. Evaluation on different level is important.
Right now new term commenced in business that is R&D (research and development) intention is
identify, predict and forecast future solution such techniques is required in education field also.
Today around the world are uncountable business ventures and behind of every business
there is one entrepreneur who drive it well. Business asks for practicality not for book stories. In
education system book stories are more and less experience. When query came it needs solution,
need to defend it not book oriented knowledge. Therefor little changes in role of university are
essential. If it do not happen now system will fail its main objective. Right now they have vision
statement “we create value people” but latter all it might be “we created crowd of people” to
identify this threat. We should work on weakness and change it to strength.
If we randomly search on internet we get name of such entrepreneur’s name who are college drop
out. But right now entire corporate world recognize them as successful businessman. Is that rule if
you want entrepreneur left your college? Because of they learned by their experience, by live
performance on field.
Many entrepreneur have perception about college that it work on factory model. And entrepreneur
work on apprentice model. There for a little gap came between reality and virtual. So to fill this
gap we need to bring some new model in this existing system. Because of demand is something
different and supply is being something different.
Due to fast changes in technology and its integration in live work model it is bringing new
challenges. To face new challenge need such entrepreneur who can won over it and make a hit
goal in business. Such people should be develop. And development can be effectively done
through university task force.
As a role of university it should be available opportunity for those candidate who realy are
compatible. There must have something program to identify potential of student. Everyone is
unique so that key value of such people must be get used in business to make it hit. Ultimately this
role can be play by university well.
Today on earth are 9044 universities. And all university have ranked on different level on the basis
of various factor ultimately if it is ranked on various level then ultimately it effect on the quality
of education also. Fun with education it is not joke because it is based for all innovations.
Current scenario
To broadcast quality education university affiliate or grant courses on the basis on some factor.
Many factor effect on the delivery of education. Currently perception from industrialist is coming
that that student are not being developed according to need of industry. Industry expect different
kind of student but such student are not being provided
In syllabus we see that vary old concept are involved. That concept are already tested before build
up their theory. If we see that how that concept had been shaped up we get story like “any scientist
was practicing and he was failing and finally he got it” but if we studying that one’s again then it
must be test ones again. In college it is not possible to test on big size bit in small group of student
such activity would be performed. But this type of practices are not being done. Only theory
knowledge is like “someone call on diner and just explain about it, don’t order it and don’t let it
test.” In this case we might listen for a while and again someone ask to explain about same concept
it is hard to tell exactly. Even theory would him practice lot of time. And if in this candidate test it
ones on sampling base also. He can answer all the query if we ask about the same. This is the
difference between practical knowledge and book stories.
In current situation institution do not allow student to bear maximum responsibility or don’t force
practicality on them therefor without any field knowledge they became lazy. Ultimately student
fail in practical experience also. And in interview such student cannot make score ultimately
ranking of institution goes down. And that low performance of college affect to their source of
income. And ones source of income disturbed institution suffer very worst situation
In existing system theory part is much important than practical. But in business it don’t ask for
theory it highly demand for practical work. Education system is became like a business, so it is
being lost there value and ethics. Today we look at some college they just teach and handle college
only because of student pay and they earn. And we find such institution also where student and
quality have priority and then money.
India is one federal country in India there are around 324 university some autonomous institute
and some IIM business schools. But if measure them by performance university cannot race with
them. They always show better quality than university. In past day we seen that foreign university
are showing willingness to come in India. So what reason would be behind of this? This is matter
to study
If generally we look toward the class we find problem like attendance why student don’t attend
class on regular basis. Student came to college we find many out of that stay outside during class.
Why its behavior be change this way? Such issue are little but it can answer our many question
regarding the system. We easily find that at many college’s lacking in teaching facilities and in
extra facilities also like right guidance etc. due to this overall atmosphere if effect on quality of
Difference between Indian and USA education system.
*According to deferent database, words top universities are situated in USA so I tried to compare
our university with them. And I got different methodology they use in educational system. That
differences are as farther. According to USANEWS 21 % of aria occupied by USA they have 83
top university in ranking of top 400. United States comes at 2nd
place with 45 university with 11%
of worldwide total. Germany covered 3rd
place with 35 university and 9 %. Australian university
are on 4th
place with 22 university 6th
place. France is 5th
with 19 university with 5%
Canada and japan are on 6th
place with 16 university or 4th
% each. Netherland taken 8th
place with
12 university 3%. South Korea is on 9th
place with 11 university 3%. And China came in at 10th
place with 9 schools, at 2 percent these top 10 countries accounted for 67 percent of the top
400, or 268 schools. In total, there are schools from 45 different countries represented in the
top 400. The other 35 countries accounted for 33 percent of the total number of universities,
or 132 schools.
Difference between this 2 country education systems is generally like billow.
In India professional courses which are entrepreneurship oriented that have specified structure that
included Testes, Assignment, quizzes, group project and individual project, term paper, class
participation, Grading or Percentage etc.
In India we have we have final and various test which here with every subject we get mark in to
100 but in USA they use grade system for this. We take exam on whole book at end of semester
bat they have midterm exam. Depend on various part of subject.
Assignment are a big part of US education they typically consist 15-20% of total grade.
Unlike in India where student copy assignment from friends book, copying is very strict and very
serious matter. So student cannot copy, it should be his own work if student do he get fail or F
grade. In graduate level assignment are not necessary but professor give it and say it is needed for
your success in class. So, everyone does it and it help for exam. Quizzes is important part of US
education system it get prepaid upon the class material but in India this technique do not be use.
US projects are weighted pretty heavily. They can be 20 -40 % of grade the goal is professor want
you to apply material you have learnt in class. So they have big problem to apply the material you
have learnt in the class there are two type of project individual as well as group project as name
there will be 1 to 5 student in one group. Depending on the professor’s decision and if student get
bad team it goes very hard to develop team cooperation among the member so this develop
leadership in the member. Education system in foreign program are designed as development
program and it is like training in India this is different in our system.
Term paper is another term Widely use in US under this term candidate will have to do
research on topic and then write paper, as said it has to be research of student and have to full
citations. There will not have exam for this research but within a semester at least student complete
4 to 5 paper work. This term is existing in India also and providing good platform for student as
like this conference.
Class representation in US some professor gives 5 to 15% for class participation it all depend on
professor as said you will ask to take active participating there student have to prepaid for doing
homework they take notes and give credit based on your participation. In India we do not get
anything other than impression and may some internal mark.
Development is term which facilitate to work on weakness and make it capable to turn as strength.
Development is an initiative factor which always helpful to bring new method in education system.
Development is process where we fight with existing norms and create new to dominance existing.
Development is process of identifying potential and better use of them. Development process open
new opportunity to handle new challenges toward the solution. Development bring over the
existing system. Because without control plan may go wrong & may flop. To avoid failure control
is needful. Development help to work and improve existing condition, restriction, weakness etc.
In today’s scenario development in education system is too much essential due to faster changes
in technology, technique, expectation, and in business world. Corporate world has been totally is became profit oriented. Every businessman expect that he should grab more and more
profit, fame, market share, etc. expectation are changed therefor new plan has been formed and to
control over it development is in progress. This all rapidly changes must be update in education
syllabus. Develop candidate according need of entrepreneurship it is role of university. Changes
and updating should be with same speed. University many time act as supplier for industry.
Ultimately university can develop new line. But for this entire dream. Education is root so
university must concentrate on it for better development.
In entrepreneurship education development some challenges would be face for some opportunity
following challenges right now are in education.
Education system is facing many challenges itself. Like up gradation, same standard at all. To
measure the quality of education must have certain tool and technique so it could be helpful in
sense of quality education
University role in entrepreneurship education is important like entrepreneurship is process of
Development which always be continue. It don’t stop development process don’t have end. It goes
up and goes up. If university is looking to play role in entrepreneurship therefor it should
recognized potential of entrepreneurship. University design short term training program after every
semester it take exam of student most of student study as exam oriented. And much less student
study for knowledge oriented. Here challenge is that to turn student toward the knowledge and
practicality oriented. This is very crucial issue in education system in case of many student suffer
under this approach.
One more challenge is that in education system that is in case of education broadcasting system.
We at any college find that student do not sit to some lecture and some lecture always look houseful
why this difference came up. Such as many question are answerless still today. We need to find
consequences on this kind of problem. This is really very serious problem about college.
Enough and qualitative teaching faculty this is one more challenge. To higher such people money
might be required but it is universal troth. Quality came from quality. So it is require. If we look
at those institute who have nice performance in the nation. Who are ideal in this development
field? What they do different? If there is anything strange. Such strength must be adopt because of
expectation. They have identified expectation of industry and according to that they are taking step
toward the development. Therefor failure rate of that student is less. Such good and tested model
should be integrate widely. It is only way which can improve performance as well as which
practices are they practicing that also should be consider.
Wide, strict, & fair selection process for candidate toward the corresponding coerce must be
integrate in education system because such program identify potential of student and help to send
him on right path of career. University can integrate such program in existing system. Because of
they are in power. This must happened for expected result of system.
Extensive research and development through student. University should force to student for project
and should be priority to experience knowledge rather than book stories book stories should be
used to introduce concept only but entire show of concept must be represent through practical only.
Review on install system under development. One’s system installed need to take review for
consequences. So university must design and develop educational program in such way where it
will display consequence of program.
All institution who serve education under university there must be something standard for process.
All institution should be standardized for quality education. Now this time is to take research and
development and fix problem which came out.
Priority to qualitative education not quantities this scenario must be consider because of this is
reality that student give exam to crack that passing limit. Allot student study according to structure
of exam. Student just draw exam oriented question and study on it and be pass ultimately due to
concentrated effort according to exam student crack exam and gram best mark but what about
deepness of subject. Due to such practices student lack in real knowledge because of which sakes
in exam that problem don’t came in real life. And student fail to solve real problem.
In foreign education system structure is grading. Even we see this system in top university of the
Where are problem there is definitely opportunity also opportunity mean it is chance to grow up
in particular manor. By same way we have opportunity in entrepreneurship also it deal with
commencing business here first opportunity is that new discoveries. India is a developing country
and in it we have different social, economic, regional condition and by different study that is
opportunity that new concept would be take shape up in India. We have opportunity here to be
imitative. Many new concept are waiting for us this is our opportunity. By effective practices we
can became a role model for the world. We have opportunity that is waiting to become superpower.
To meet new opportunity we required contribution and co-operation among university and industry
as well as with candidate.
Recommendation / suggestion
Right now this time is time is to take step toward the development. And implementation of system
need systematic effort. And then and then dream would be in reality. To improve performance of
this existing system need to contribution of all entities of entrepreneurship and university. If there
is no contribution slowly importance of both field toward each other would be go down.
There is need to upgrade this system. If want stay in computation it is essential. Process of
undertaking should be willingly start the same concept. Adoption from education system as well
as research and development must be taken undertaken. So adoption of this it is also importance.
Education strategy should be formed as experience and knowledge base oriented not book story
based. Education should be depend on practical and real life incidence based such plan must be
form for education system. Preference priority should be given to experience and field work. Such
strategy must be form
In conclude of this paper finally we need to change our education system with right decision to
develop good entrepreneur. University should bring new model in education system. Right now
there are many defect in existing system need to identify and fix it well. It is required to develop
quality student and avoided quantity. Therefor need to implement strict selection system. To build
new role model need to concentrate on key aria and we required cooperation among the field for
which we are looking.

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University roal in entreprenuership education

  • 1. Role of University in Entrepreneurship Education Name: laxman Nijve Institute: Institute of Business Management & Rural Development Mobile Number: +919175443969 Email Id:
  • 2. Abstract University play very important role in business oriented education. University are such institution who have total control over business oriented education. Entrepreneurship is commencement, development, management, growing, profit hunting, innovation, ever changing and increasingly competitive global marketplace and many other thing related with business process. One entrepreneur play many role at a same time and it is expected that he should balance this whole task and maintain business with his write decision. Drive of this whole business process is not a joke therefor he required some skill, some special ability, hidden business technique and he should aware about external factor which effect on business like political decision, etc. and many internal factor also effect like international relation etc. Universities are knowledge institution which develops the candidate according to requirement of his desire. If candidate is wishing be an Entrepreneur then he required all skill shown above because every entrepreneur goes to start new venture therefor he must aware about the functional area of a businessman. Here universities have a role to develop such candidates who meets with business needs & requirement. Today in the world there are uncountable business ventures but we remember only few because of their performance. All are business & started by entrepreneur but each business showing different condition. When any business get name, grab goodwill and perform himself as superior. Or any business became as role model for rest it’s all credit goes to entrepreneur who had started it because entrepreneur’s effort stand behind it. Keyword Education, university, Entrepreneur, knowledge, model, role, information.
  • 3. Introduction According to company act 1956 company is separate person, which have their own existence, here company is like child where his father and child both are different term. If father left his child alone he may grow but what about company? If management or entrepreneur left company alone it goes off company do not have any importance without its back person. It means that without entrepreneur there is feature to venture. When any company achieves its goal & Came as role model for people, when its own guideline became guideline for other, when people call that organization has proved himself it whole credit goes to person whom we call entrepreneur. Here entrepreneur also gives there credit to his education. And his get education from university designed program so ultimately university became responsible for this entire process so the role of university in entrepreneurship is fundamental. So it must study genuinely because of it is like a success key behind each entrepreneur. According to its role it is subject matter of study where any little mistake or defect effect on the correspondents success. So it is duty to keep this fundamental updated and modern and rational according to requirement and need of modern world. There for we have need to study and deep research over the whole topic. And need to identify upcoming challenges. To fight and won coming challenges we required new active plan we need to think according to present as well as future. And should be ready to won. Before talk or write anything we need to have deep knowledge about the subject so first before I writing anything need define something that are as farther so later we can understand and analyses detail in this subject. What is Entrepreneurship? (Entrepreneur) someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it. - Web definition *The capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit. The most obvious example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses.
  • 4. In economics, entrepreneurship combined with land, labor, natural resources and capital can produce profit. Entrepreneurial spirit is characterized by innovation and risk-taking, and is an essential part of a nation's ability to succeed in an ever changing and increasingly competitive global marketplace. This little definition also give detail idea about entrepreneurship. In short it is descripted that what quality should be with entrepreneur. Entrepreneur is starter of business and handler also he start a business at zero level and carry it beyond of success with his effort. This is just little story but to perform whole this activity handle entire operation and operate all relation with subordinate. Any college passed student can go to start his own new project but therefor to success of that project he required above all qualities. And here university are those institution who trained student to meet his goal. Pass out candidate should be able to bear risk of new decision he should be able to design new decision. In an entrepreneur above qualities are expected. University:- University is an institution which designed courses according to need of current situation. University have their own reputation en education field and this reputation they not got suddenly. Behind of that reputation there is contribution of such educational institution from ancient time. But now that old system is really became old. During past to present many error has been occurred in this system. We have missed much good point out of this. Even right now if we try to find appropriate definition for university we get very short meaning definition. In word also it do not cover deep meaning. Today many people think that university are only thos institution who survive for degree certificate only nothing else. This image of university should be change now it is time to change. Anything when it became old there need to make delete, alter, or retire, because it past it’s time & became out of date. And any new updated version take place in replacement of that old. Change have no alternative it one of the process which consistently stay on always. So in old management education system which think have lost or expire need to replace it because it is become expire. We all are agree that old thing have given great output but this time is retire them by respect. It was well in past but now this world totally changed it have new problem, new requirement and new question so new system integration is essential to meet new problem to solution, new requirement to achievement,& new question to answer.
  • 5. On the earth everything happens only one time ones we missed time thing goes lost it don’t came back for anyone even for king also & even for poor fellow also. In this universe also nothing became repeat because it is only one chance if u miss, go to hell. Noting is here exception for change. So our universities also came under this. According to need and requirement of this new world there must be change. If we challenge to change either it change us either it destroy us and bring something new. We should be always ready to change. Change is low of universe & if we wish to continue our old passion in new scenario it is need to upgrade and use. Which system we use currently it look like perfect. But it is just hypothesis but in future there is something rocking which we not seen ever before. If we see back toward the history we can find allot example people always used to oppose for new innovation due to their mind set but now we fill that there oppose was bad thing toward the acceptance. And so now what about we are we ready to change this condition, does we have contribution for change? Really we find that many people out of us yet slicked with worst tradition. Do we have dare to change? When we ask such question to ourselves we get write answer. Literate review We can find far research paper, article, analysis, about this field but it is very hard to find certain data on certain issue because education and entrepreneur ship both are vast field by size. Literature is like weapons it discover issues and bring it to front. University role with entrepreneurship is far old. And both are imitative. Research scope/ scope of paper Scope means range of this topic, functional aria, & action would be taken. Regarding the same. There are around 9044 universities around the world according to Universities Worldwide Database and 324 universities are in India with reference of same database. In India from ancient time is being used to deliver education. Education system have very strong background and history, even performance also. According to scenario of real word there happened many changes in system sometime by forced & sometime by its own wish.
  • 6. Scope of this paper is much wild because education is basic need have human with food, shelter, and cloth. This all are basic essential required for humane in present. What had in past that does not have mean right now because past is past it will never back. This time is to think about the expected future and its consequences. Any plan before came in existence it take place in to mind of thinker. Universities role in entrepreneur ship education is much essential but this scenario is going toward change because of education is being paper oriented much and knowledge less. Many unwanted and useful error has occurred in this system. University cannot judge himself and it cannot evaluate what student want even university cannot fill what problem student are facing from current situation of education. To understand about present and about particular condition it is require go on that level in which area you have to study. How are people views about university education it is also important because view directly reflect quality by experiences. Evaluation on different level is important. Right now new term commenced in business that is R&D (research and development) intention is identify, predict and forecast future solution such techniques is required in education field also. Today around the world are uncountable business ventures and behind of every business there is one entrepreneur who drive it well. Business asks for practicality not for book stories. In education system book stories are more and less experience. When query came it needs solution, need to defend it not book oriented knowledge. Therefor little changes in role of university are essential. If it do not happen now system will fail its main objective. Right now they have vision statement “we create value people” but latter all it might be “we created crowd of people” to identify this threat. We should work on weakness and change it to strength. If we randomly search on internet we get name of such entrepreneur’s name who are college drop out. But right now entire corporate world recognize them as successful businessman. Is that rule if you want entrepreneur left your college? Because of they learned by their experience, by live performance on field. Many entrepreneur have perception about college that it work on factory model. And entrepreneur work on apprentice model. There for a little gap came between reality and virtual. So to fill this gap we need to bring some new model in this existing system. Because of demand is something different and supply is being something different.
  • 7. Due to fast changes in technology and its integration in live work model it is bringing new challenges. To face new challenge need such entrepreneur who can won over it and make a hit goal in business. Such people should be develop. And development can be effectively done through university task force. As a role of university it should be available opportunity for those candidate who realy are compatible. There must have something program to identify potential of student. Everyone is unique so that key value of such people must be get used in business to make it hit. Ultimately this role can be play by university well. Today on earth are 9044 universities. And all university have ranked on different level on the basis of various factor ultimately if it is ranked on various level then ultimately it effect on the quality of education also. Fun with education it is not joke because it is based for all innovations. Current scenario To broadcast quality education university affiliate or grant courses on the basis on some factor. Many factor effect on the delivery of education. Currently perception from industrialist is coming that that student are not being developed according to need of industry. Industry expect different kind of student but such student are not being provided In syllabus we see that vary old concept are involved. That concept are already tested before build up their theory. If we see that how that concept had been shaped up we get story like “any scientist was practicing and he was failing and finally he got it” but if we studying that one’s again then it must be test ones again. In college it is not possible to test on big size bit in small group of student such activity would be performed. But this type of practices are not being done. Only theory knowledge is like “someone call on diner and just explain about it, don’t order it and don’t let it test.” In this case we might listen for a while and again someone ask to explain about same concept it is hard to tell exactly. Even theory would him practice lot of time. And if in this candidate test it ones on sampling base also. He can answer all the query if we ask about the same. This is the difference between practical knowledge and book stories.
  • 8. In current situation institution do not allow student to bear maximum responsibility or don’t force practicality on them therefor without any field knowledge they became lazy. Ultimately student fail in practical experience also. And in interview such student cannot make score ultimately ranking of institution goes down. And that low performance of college affect to their source of income. And ones source of income disturbed institution suffer very worst situation In existing system theory part is much important than practical. But in business it don’t ask for theory it highly demand for practical work. Education system is became like a business, so it is being lost there value and ethics. Today we look at some college they just teach and handle college only because of student pay and they earn. And we find such institution also where student and quality have priority and then money. India is one federal country in India there are around 324 university some autonomous institute and some IIM business schools. But if measure them by performance university cannot race with them. They always show better quality than university. In past day we seen that foreign university are showing willingness to come in India. So what reason would be behind of this? This is matter to study If generally we look toward the class we find problem like attendance why student don’t attend class on regular basis. Student came to college we find many out of that stay outside during class. Why its behavior be change this way? Such issue are little but it can answer our many question regarding the system. We easily find that at many college’s lacking in teaching facilities and in extra facilities also like right guidance etc. due to this overall atmosphere if effect on quality of education. Difference between Indian and USA education system. *According to deferent database, words top universities are situated in USA so I tried to compare our university with them. And I got different methodology they use in educational system. That differences are as farther. According to USANEWS 21 % of aria occupied by USA they have 83
  • 9. top university in ranking of top 400. United States comes at 2nd place with 45 university with 11% of worldwide total. Germany covered 3rd place with 35 university and 9 %. Australian university are on 4th place with 22 university 6th place. France is 5th with 19 university with 5% Canada and japan are on 6th place with 16 university or 4th % each. Netherland taken 8th place with 12 university 3%. South Korea is on 9th place with 11 university 3%. And China came in at 10th place with 9 schools, at 2 percent these top 10 countries accounted for 67 percent of the top 400, or 268 schools. In total, there are schools from 45 different countries represented in the top 400. The other 35 countries accounted for 33 percent of the total number of universities, or 132 schools. Difference between this 2 country education systems is generally like billow. In India professional courses which are entrepreneurship oriented that have specified structure that included Testes, Assignment, quizzes, group project and individual project, term paper, class participation, Grading or Percentage etc. In India we have we have final and various test which here with every subject we get mark in to 100 but in USA they use grade system for this. We take exam on whole book at end of semester bat they have midterm exam. Depend on various part of subject. Assignment are a big part of US education they typically consist 15-20% of total grade. Unlike in India where student copy assignment from friends book, copying is very strict and very serious matter. So student cannot copy, it should be his own work if student do he get fail or F grade. In graduate level assignment are not necessary but professor give it and say it is needed for your success in class. So, everyone does it and it help for exam. Quizzes is important part of US education system it get prepaid upon the class material but in India this technique do not be use. US projects are weighted pretty heavily. They can be 20 -40 % of grade the goal is professor want you to apply material you have learnt in class. So they have big problem to apply the material you have learnt in the class there are two type of project individual as well as group project as name there will be 1 to 5 student in one group. Depending on the professor’s decision and if student get bad team it goes very hard to develop team cooperation among the member so this develop leadership in the member. Education system in foreign program are designed as development program and it is like training in India this is different in our system.
  • 10. Term paper is another term Widely use in US under this term candidate will have to do research on topic and then write paper, as said it has to be research of student and have to full citations. There will not have exam for this research but within a semester at least student complete 4 to 5 paper work. This term is existing in India also and providing good platform for student as like this conference. Class representation in US some professor gives 5 to 15% for class participation it all depend on professor as said you will ask to take active participating there student have to prepaid for doing homework they take notes and give credit based on your participation. In India we do not get anything other than impression and may some internal mark. Development Development is term which facilitate to work on weakness and make it capable to turn as strength. Development is an initiative factor which always helpful to bring new method in education system. Development is process where we fight with existing norms and create new to dominance existing. Development is process of identifying potential and better use of them. Development process open new opportunity to handle new challenges toward the solution. Development bring over the existing system. Because without control plan may go wrong & may flop. To avoid failure control is needful. Development help to work and improve existing condition, restriction, weakness etc. In today’s scenario development in education system is too much essential due to faster changes in technology, technique, expectation, and in business world. Corporate world has been totally is became profit oriented. Every businessman expect that he should grab more and more profit, fame, market share, etc. expectation are changed therefor new plan has been formed and to control over it development is in progress. This all rapidly changes must be update in education syllabus. Develop candidate according need of entrepreneurship it is role of university. Changes and updating should be with same speed. University many time act as supplier for industry. Ultimately university can develop new line. But for this entire dream. Education is root so university must concentrate on it for better development.
  • 11. In entrepreneurship education development some challenges would be face for some opportunity following challenges right now are in education. Challenges Education system is facing many challenges itself. Like up gradation, same standard at all. To measure the quality of education must have certain tool and technique so it could be helpful in sense of quality education University role in entrepreneurship education is important like entrepreneurship is process of Development which always be continue. It don’t stop development process don’t have end. It goes up and goes up. If university is looking to play role in entrepreneurship therefor it should recognized potential of entrepreneurship. University design short term training program after every semester it take exam of student most of student study as exam oriented. And much less student study for knowledge oriented. Here challenge is that to turn student toward the knowledge and practicality oriented. This is very crucial issue in education system in case of many student suffer under this approach. One more challenge is that in education system that is in case of education broadcasting system. We at any college find that student do not sit to some lecture and some lecture always look houseful why this difference came up. Such as many question are answerless still today. We need to find consequences on this kind of problem. This is really very serious problem about college. Enough and qualitative teaching faculty this is one more challenge. To higher such people money might be required but it is universal troth. Quality came from quality. So it is require. If we look at those institute who have nice performance in the nation. Who are ideal in this development field? What they do different? If there is anything strange. Such strength must be adopt because of expectation. They have identified expectation of industry and according to that they are taking step toward the development. Therefor failure rate of that student is less. Such good and tested model
  • 12. should be integrate widely. It is only way which can improve performance as well as which practices are they practicing that also should be consider. Wide, strict, & fair selection process for candidate toward the corresponding coerce must be integrate in education system because such program identify potential of student and help to send him on right path of career. University can integrate such program in existing system. Because of they are in power. This must happened for expected result of system. Extensive research and development through student. University should force to student for project and should be priority to experience knowledge rather than book stories book stories should be used to introduce concept only but entire show of concept must be represent through practical only. Review on install system under development. One’s system installed need to take review for consequences. So university must design and develop educational program in such way where it will display consequence of program. All institution who serve education under university there must be something standard for process. All institution should be standardized for quality education. Now this time is to take research and development and fix problem which came out. Priority to qualitative education not quantities this scenario must be consider because of this is reality that student give exam to crack that passing limit. Allot student study according to structure of exam. Student just draw exam oriented question and study on it and be pass ultimately due to concentrated effort according to exam student crack exam and gram best mark but what about deepness of subject. Due to such practices student lack in real knowledge because of which sakes in exam that problem don’t came in real life. And student fail to solve real problem. In foreign education system structure is grading. Even we see this system in top university of the world
  • 13. Opportunity Where are problem there is definitely opportunity also opportunity mean it is chance to grow up in particular manor. By same way we have opportunity in entrepreneurship also it deal with commencing business here first opportunity is that new discoveries. India is a developing country and in it we have different social, economic, regional condition and by different study that is opportunity that new concept would be take shape up in India. We have opportunity here to be imitative. Many new concept are waiting for us this is our opportunity. By effective practices we can became a role model for the world. We have opportunity that is waiting to become superpower. To meet new opportunity we required contribution and co-operation among university and industry as well as with candidate. Recommendation / suggestion Right now this time is time is to take step toward the development. And implementation of system need systematic effort. And then and then dream would be in reality. To improve performance of this existing system need to contribution of all entities of entrepreneurship and university. If there is no contribution slowly importance of both field toward each other would be go down. There is need to upgrade this system. If want stay in computation it is essential. Process of undertaking should be willingly start the same concept. Adoption from education system as well as research and development must be taken undertaken. So adoption of this it is also importance. Strategy Education strategy should be formed as experience and knowledge base oriented not book story based. Education should be depend on practical and real life incidence based such plan must be form for education system. Preference priority should be given to experience and field work. Such strategy must be form
  • 14. Conclusion In conclude of this paper finally we need to change our education system with right decision to develop good entrepreneur. University should bring new model in education system. Right now there are many defect in existing system need to identify and fix it well. It is required to develop quality student and avoided quantity. Therefor need to implement strict selection system. To build new role model need to concentrate on key aria and we required cooperation among the field for which we are looking. Bibliography 1)* 2) rankings/articles/2012/10/23/worlds-best-universities-about-the-rankings-2012