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Unit Plan
Introduction to Matter
Unit overview:
This unit is designed to introduce students of grade 5 to the
matters, the students will be able to know that the world is made
up of matters and they will also learn more about matters and
their properties.
Unit duration:
3-4 weeks
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Big Ideas
Atoms are the building blocks of everything, or matter is
formed from atoms.
Universe is made up of matters.
Core Competency
Questioning and Investigating
Personal Social
· Connect and share with others.
· Explain and reflect on experiences
Critical thinking:
· Questions and investigate
· Analyze and critique
Creative Thinking:
· Generating ideas
· Developing ideas
Personal Awareness and responsibility:
· Self determination
· Self-regulation
Social responsibility:
· Contributing to community and caring for the environment
· Building relationships
· Solving problems in peaceful ways
· Valuing diversity
Unit Understanding
Transfer Goal
Essential Question
States of matter
Properties of matter
Uses of matter
Students will understand that…
· Matter has properties
· Matter is made up of atoms and particles.
· Matter has 3 phases
1. Solid
2. Liquid
3. Gas
Students will be able to independently use their learning to…
· Use understanding of properties to address real-life properties
Students will keep considering…
· How are properties used to solve problems?
· What are matters?
· Different phases of matters.
· How matters are used in daily life?
· What are different states of matter?
First Peoples Principles
Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and
Curricular Competencies
Students will be skilled at…
· Questioning and predicting – make predictions about findings.
· Use reasoning and logic to explore, analyze and apply science
of matters.
· Connect concepts of matters to each other and other areas of
personal interest.
· Explain and justify the science of matter and decisions.
· Communicate the critical thinking used in science in many
Students will know that…
· reviewing matter and what it is
· states of matter
· Basic concept of matter
Stage 2 – Evidence: Assessing for Understanding
Assess: Understanding
Culminating Performance Task(s) at the end of the unit to show
Checkpoints for understanding during the unit
· A subjective test should be taken to analyze student’s
understanding of concepts
· GRASPS- A skill testing question
Goal: To show your understanding of matters
Role: You are a scientist. You are given a mystery substance by
your senior who has mixed up all the labels.
Audience: Your senior scientist (teacher).
Situation: Solve the mystery by performing an experiment to
classify the mystery substance as solid, liquid or gas. Focus on
identifying properties of matter using senses.
Product: You will submit your lab report to your senior. It will
include the procedure you used to classify the state of your
mysterious substance. Please include the hypothesis and an
observation table to show how you performed your experiment.
Finally, make a conclusion to classify the state of mysterious
· Teacher observations
· Quizzes
· The air catcher activity
· Tray activity
· Balloon and the bag activity
Assess: Know & Do
· Tray activity
· The air catcher activity
· Quizzes
· Homework
· Teacher observations
· Higher order Thinking Quizzes
· Sample papers
· Unit tests
· Worksheet 1
· Worksheet 2
Stage 3 – Executing the Learning Plan
Week 1-
Introduction To matters.
Matter is defined as that has volume and occupies space. In 1st
week of this unit I will give a basic introduction of matter to my
I believe that kids learn more by performing activities rather
than just reading the text in front of them. So, I performed a
tray activity in front of them to give the basic introduction of
Tray activity
The activity was with a simple tray with three sections. I
labeled the first section as “Solid” and put a stone inside. I
labeled the second section as “Liquid” and put a container of
water inside. I labelled the third section as “Gas” and put an
empty container inside.
In the beginning I introduced matters to my kids, I pulled out
this tray. I first defined matters that occupies space and has
volume. I then, explained that matter exists in three states:
Solids, Liquids and Gases. I then showed them the three
labelled things in the tray and asked them to identify the
different states of matter.
· During my next class I presented the Solids Tray. This tray
includes several solid objects. In sharing this tray with my kids,
I also explained them that solids have
· Definite shape.
· Definite volume
· Definite mass.
To demonstrate the properties of solids I allowed the students to
hold the various solid objects. The students holed them and
learned that they have a definite shape, volume and mass. I also
told them solids can change shape by applying some external
pressure on them. For example, I showed them a pipe cleaner
which can be bent and could change its shape.
In another class, I also gave example of clay and dough, that
could change their shape when some external force is applied on
· During the next class, I presented the Liquids Tray. This tray
includes several containers filled with water. In sharing this
tray with my kids, I explained them that liquids:
· Do not have a definite shape, but take the shape of the
container they are placed in.
· Have a definite volume.
· Have a definite mass.
We talked about that how liquids change their shape when they
are shifted from one container to another. I allowed the students
to do it by their selves. So, they pour the water from one
container to another. We also poured some water on the table
and on the floor. I did this because I wanted to teach my
students if we do so then we need some towel to wipe up the
water, otherwise it would spread to vast region.
· During the next class, I presented the Gases Tray. This tray
includes a straw, bubbles and balloon. In sharing this tray with
my students, I demonstrated them that gases:
· Do not have definite shape
· Do not have definite volume
· Have definite mass
Of all the types of matter, gases are the most difficult to teach
about because it is the most abstract. For the most part, we
cannot see the gas. We rarely feel the gas. So, the purpose of
this tray was to give a concrete idea about the gas to the
We used the straw to blow into. We can feel the air coming
from the other side of the straw. We blew the balloon and see
how the balloon gets bigger it was because of the air inside.
Lastly, we blew the bubbles and see how the bubbles were
formed by blowing air/gas.
By doing this tray activity in the 1st week of this unit I
successfully demonstrated the matters and its states to my
Week 2-
I demonstrated different states of matters to my students. But
what I feel they were not fully satisfied with the gaseous state.
So in this week I performed some activities to clear their
Activity1- The Air Catcher
Question: What and where is air?
Materials Needed:
1. A medium plastic bag.
2. One plastic sandwich bag per student
1. Take the medium size garbage bag, open its mouth and ask
students: “What’s in the bag?” (Anticipated answer: ‘nothing’).
2. Move the bag now with two hands back and forth (like
wanting to catch a bug in a bag), then quickly close the mouth
of the bag with a twisting motion.
3. Ask the students: “What do I have in the bag now?”
4. Distribute sandwich bags to the students and let them try to
catch air in their own seats, without blowing into the bag.
Anticipated Results: The students will collect air that is
odorless and colorless. After they have collected their air, they
will twist the bag to trap it. They can then feel the firmness of
the bag, demonstrating that the bag is not empty.
Thought Questions for Class Discussion:
1. What was filling the bags?
2. Can we catch air under the bench or behind the door?
3. Is the air the same everywhere?
4. How else can we fill the bag?
5. Would the material in the bag be the same if we blew in it?
6. How can we keep the bag inflated?
7. What would happen if we hit the inflated small plastic bag
with the palm of the other hand?
Explanation: Air is found everywhere. The plastic bags may be
filled with air above the table, under the table, behind the door
or anywhere else. The bags can also be inflated by blowing in
them, but then the bags would contain exhaled air. This air is
different because it has a higher percentage of carbon dioxide
(CO2) and more water vapor.
Activity 2- The Bottle and the Bag
What is air pressure?
Materials Needed:
1. One or two plastic sandwich bags.
2. One or two large wide-mouthed glass jars (for example,
pickle jars).
3. Masking or transparent adhesive tape.
1. Place the materials on a table in front of the students. Ask
the class: “What’s inside the jar?
2. Invert a sandwich bag over the mouth of a jar and blow a
little air into the bag so that it stays inflated over the jar.
3. Tape the bag air-tight against the jar.
4. Now ask one of the students to push the bag into the jar
(without tearing it). It won’t work!
5. Place another plastic bag inside another wide mouthed jar (if
necessary you can reuse the previous bag and jar). Let the
edge of the bag hang over the jar rim.
6. Tape it air-tight against the jar and let a student try and take
the bag out of the jar (without tearing it). It won’t work!
Anticipated Results:
With each part of the experiment, you and your students will
see that it is not possible to either push down on the plastic bag
or remove it from the jar.
Thought Questions for Class Discussion:
1. What is holding the bag out of the jar (when trying to push it
2. What is holding the bag inside the jar (when trying to take it
3. How could we get the bag inside the jar without making a
hole in it?
Explanation: It is the air occupying the space in the jar which
kept the bag from going inside after it had been taped air-tight
against the jar. In trying to push the bag in, the pressure
increased (became the volume decreased) and this held the bag
out. When trying to take the bag out of the jar, the air pressure
inside the jar decreased. This occurred because the volume
increased, and this is what kept the bag inside of the jar. We
encounter the first situation when we try to fold up a plastic air
mattress or an inflatable plastic toy (ex. beach ball).
Activity 3- States of matter Poster
I begin by passing out a half sheet of paper to each student so
that students can create their own States of Matter Poster while
I create a class poster on the front board. I find that students
learn more when posters are constructed in front of them instead
of explaining a poster that was created by the teacher before the
I begin by showing students a cup of ice and drawing a cube of
ice at the bottom of the poster (solid water). I then emptied the
cup of ice into a can on a burner. As the ice melted into liquid
water, I explained: When ice changes into liquid water, we call
this process melting. Does the temperature of the water get
colder or hotter during this process? (hotter)
When the liquid water changes into water vapor, the water
becomes an invisible gas. This is called evaporating. Does the
temperature of the water get colder or hotter during this
process? (hotter) I then drew a large red arrow pointing upward
and labeled it "Getting hotter."
We then discussed the process of condensing and water vapor
can change into water droplets on the outside of a glass,
window, or on blades of grass in the morning. Does the
temperature of the water get colder or hotter during this
process? (colder)
Finally, I drew an arrow from the liquid water back to the solid
ice and explained: When liquid water changes into a solid (or
ice), this process is called freezing. Does the temperature of the
water get colder or hotter during this process? (colder) I then
drew a blue red arrow pointing downward and labeled it
"Getting colder."
To connect this demonstration with today's lesson, I explain:
Yesterday you began measuring and observing physical
properties of matter. You learned how the properties of matter
help us distinguish one substance from another. Today, we are
going to take this one step further by further exploring the
properties of different states of matter.
In this week we performed so many activities.
Week 3-
In 3rd week of my unit I will give this worksheet to my
students to fill to see their understanding of the concept.
Teacher: Unit Reflection
What aspects of the unit went well?
What did students struggle with?
What did you struggle with?
What would you add/revise the next time you taught this unit?
Were there any unintended outcomes?
Were students engaged?
Running head: SPORTS SCIENCE
150 words respond to classmate
The commercialization of sports is that aspect of the sports
enterprise that involves the sale, display, or use of sport or
some aspect of sport so as to produce income. Some experts
prefer the term “commodification of sport” as a label for the
same process. Interest in the commercialization of sport has
existed for several decades, but only in recent years has the
phenomenon has been taken seriously on a larger scale.
What changes occur in the meaning, purpose, and organization
of sports when they become commercial activities?
I think the amount of exposure the teams receive. The success
of an event is depended on how you promote the event. Other
circumstances come into effect like the popularity of the team
or the players. For example, the game between the Patriots and
the Cowboys broke national ratings. This hasn’t happened in
two decades. The Cowboys is known for being the America’s
team, while the Patriots who have had success in the past two
decades. This matchup brought national attention from many
viewers and boosted ratings because of the reputation.
How does such a commercial arrangement benefit members of a
Commercial arrangement benefits society because of the
endorsement of products and goods.
What does sport commercialization tell us about the standard of
living of the society supporting it? It tells us that sport
commercialization is the basis for society. The need for sports
makes it a marketable tool. It is necessary to provide that
excitement for the public. Profit is made when sporting events
is televised and marketed. You earn revenue from gear, apparel,
and merchandise.
Does commercial sport activity like major league baseball or
professional football deserve any form of public assistance such
as stadium subsidies or other taxpayer support? Commercial
sport activity does deserve stadium subsidies because sporting
venues needs reconstructing and renovation to make it an
enjoyable and likely place to view sporting events. I do believe
in funding for sporting events, more so of stadium subsidies,
taxpayer support not so likely. Some taxpayers are not fans of
sports so I feel that it is necessary for taxpayers with no interest
of the game to be paying.
Retrieved from
****Torrey 150 words
When a sport becomes commercialized it can change the entire
dynamics. The purpose, the meaning, and the organization
itself can change as a result of new and increased public
interest. Commercializing a sport can be very positive as it can
help the activity to grow in interest and in development. As
more people see a sport and have access to watching it they take
new interest in it. They may begin to follow the sport more
frequently and closely and they may even gain enough interest
to play the sport themselves.
The commercialized growth of a sport can make it more
profitable as well. As people have more access to the activity,
they will be willing to buy tickets to see games in person. They
will buy merchandise related to their favorite teams and in
support of their favorite players. Commercializing a sport can
bring in big bucks for an organization. Of course, this also
means that the sport will change in the manner in which it is
organized. As commercialization happens, the sport begins to be
run more like a business and less like a high school sports
team. The players, the teams, and the games, must be scheduled
and organized. The money coming in and going out must be
monitored to cover expenses and payroll for players and staff.
Commercialization of a sport will lead to growth which leads to
a business atmosphere.
As sports change into businesses the meaning behind them can
take on a new role as well. Once a sport is running like a
business it stops being something that people play for fun and
becomes a player’s “job”. The games are now revenue
producing activities that must go on to keep the business alive.
Commercialization can benefit society in that it can bring them
a new method of entertainment and it can lead to a great source
of revenue for some cities. Areas that have a large sports arena
can mean new jobs, new economic opportunities related to
tourism, and city-wide growth. Commercialization of sports can
also be an indicator that the standard of living of the society
supporting it is good. When families can afford to watch, buy
tickets to games, and purchase merchandise, of professional
sports then the economy must be in a semi-healthy state.
I personally think that some sports do deserve public assistance
and taxpayer support because of the positive outcome and
growth that they can bring to their cities. If cities and economic
opportunities are a direct result of a sport, then the sport should
be support in a reciprocal manner.
When a sport becomes commercialized, everything about it can
be impacted. The growth of a sport into the public eye can
change its structure from play to business and move its meaning
from fun to a money-making industry. Commercialization
determines what viewers have access to and therefore which
sports become popular and which ones do not.

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  • 1. Unit Plan Overview Subject: Science Topic: Introduction to Matter Unit overview: This unit is designed to introduce students of grade 5 to the matters, the students will be able to know that the world is made up of matters and they will also learn more about matters and their properties. Grade: 5 Unit duration: 3-4 weeks Stage 1 – Desired Results Big Ideas Atoms are the building blocks of everything, or matter is formed from atoms. Universe is made up of matters. Core Competency Questioning and Investigating Communication Thinking Personal Social · Connect and share with others. · Explain and reflect on experiences Critical thinking: · Questions and investigate
  • 2. · Analyze and critique Creative Thinking: · Generating ideas · Developing ideas Personal Awareness and responsibility: · Self determination · Self-regulation Social responsibility: · Contributing to community and caring for the environment · Building relationships · Solving problems in peaceful ways · Valuing diversity Concepts Unit Understanding Transfer Goal Essential Question Matter States of matter Properties of matter Uses of matter Students will understand that… · Matter has properties · Matter is made up of atoms and particles. · Matter has 3 phases
  • 3. 1. Solid 2. Liquid 3. Gas Students will be able to independently use their learning to… · Use understanding of properties to address real-life properties Students will keep considering… · How are properties used to solve problems? · What are matters? · Different phases of matters. · How matters are used in daily life? · What are different states of matter? First Peoples Principles Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational. Curricular Competencies Content Students will be skilled at… · Questioning and predicting – make predictions about findings. · Use reasoning and logic to explore, analyze and apply science of matters. · Connect concepts of matters to each other and other areas of personal interest. · Explain and justify the science of matter and decisions. · Communicate the critical thinking used in science in many ways. Students will know that… · reviewing matter and what it is · states of matter · Basic concept of matter
  • 4. Stage 2 – Evidence: Assessing for Understanding Assess: Understanding Summative: Culminating Performance Task(s) at the end of the unit to show understanding Formative: Checkpoints for understanding during the unit · A subjective test should be taken to analyze student’s understanding of concepts · GRASPS- A skill testing question Goal: To show your understanding of matters Role: You are a scientist. You are given a mystery substance by your senior who has mixed up all the labels. Audience: Your senior scientist (teacher). Situation: Solve the mystery by performing an experiment to classify the mystery substance as solid, liquid or gas. Focus on identifying properties of matter using senses. Product: You will submit your lab report to your senior. It will include the procedure you used to classify the state of your mysterious substance. Please include the hypothesis and an observation table to show how you performed your experiment. Finally, make a conclusion to classify the state of mysterious substance. · Teacher observations · Quizzes · The air catcher activity · Tray activity · Balloon and the bag activity
  • 5. Assess: Know & Do Formative Summative · Tray activity · The air catcher activity · Quizzes · Homework · Teacher observations · Higher order Thinking Quizzes · Sample papers · Unit tests · Worksheet 1 · Worksheet 2 Stage 3 – Executing the Learning Plan Week 1- Introduction To matters. Matter is defined as that has volume and occupies space. In 1st week of this unit I will give a basic introduction of matter to my students. I believe that kids learn more by performing activities rather than just reading the text in front of them. So, I performed a tray activity in front of them to give the basic introduction of matters. Tray activity The activity was with a simple tray with three sections. I labeled the first section as “Solid” and put a stone inside. I labeled the second section as “Liquid” and put a container of water inside. I labelled the third section as “Gas” and put an empty container inside. In the beginning I introduced matters to my kids, I pulled out this tray. I first defined matters that occupies space and has
  • 6. volume. I then, explained that matter exists in three states: Solids, Liquids and Gases. I then showed them the three labelled things in the tray and asked them to identify the different states of matter. · During my next class I presented the Solids Tray. This tray includes several solid objects. In sharing this tray with my kids, I also explained them that solids have · Definite shape. · Definite volume · Definite mass. To demonstrate the properties of solids I allowed the students to hold the various solid objects. The students holed them and learned that they have a definite shape, volume and mass. I also told them solids can change shape by applying some external pressure on them. For example, I showed them a pipe cleaner which can be bent and could change its shape. In another class, I also gave example of clay and dough, that could change their shape when some external force is applied on them. · During the next class, I presented the Liquids Tray. This tray includes several containers filled with water. In sharing this tray with my kids, I explained them that liquids: · Do not have a definite shape, but take the shape of the container they are placed in. · Have a definite volume. · Have a definite mass. We talked about that how liquids change their shape when they are shifted from one container to another. I allowed the students to do it by their selves. So, they pour the water from one container to another. We also poured some water on the table and on the floor. I did this because I wanted to teach my students if we do so then we need some towel to wipe up the water, otherwise it would spread to vast region. · During the next class, I presented the Gases Tray. This tray includes a straw, bubbles and balloon. In sharing this tray with
  • 7. my students, I demonstrated them that gases: · Do not have definite shape · Do not have definite volume · Have definite mass Of all the types of matter, gases are the most difficult to teach about because it is the most abstract. For the most part, we cannot see the gas. We rarely feel the gas. So, the purpose of this tray was to give a concrete idea about the gas to the students. We used the straw to blow into. We can feel the air coming from the other side of the straw. We blew the balloon and see how the balloon gets bigger it was because of the air inside. Lastly, we blew the bubbles and see how the bubbles were formed by blowing air/gas. By doing this tray activity in the 1st week of this unit I successfully demonstrated the matters and its states to my students. Week 2- I demonstrated different states of matters to my students. But what I feel they were not fully satisfied with the gaseous state. So in this week I performed some activities to clear their doubts. Activity1- The Air Catcher Question: What and where is air? Materials Needed: 1. A medium plastic bag. 2. One plastic sandwich bag per student Procedure: 1. Take the medium size garbage bag, open its mouth and ask students: “What’s in the bag?” (Anticipated answer: ‘nothing’). 2. Move the bag now with two hands back and forth (like wanting to catch a bug in a bag), then quickly close the mouth of the bag with a twisting motion. 3. Ask the students: “What do I have in the bag now?”
  • 8. 4. Distribute sandwich bags to the students and let them try to catch air in their own seats, without blowing into the bag. Anticipated Results: The students will collect air that is odorless and colorless. After they have collected their air, they will twist the bag to trap it. They can then feel the firmness of the bag, demonstrating that the bag is not empty. Thought Questions for Class Discussion: 1. What was filling the bags? 2. Can we catch air under the bench or behind the door? 3. Is the air the same everywhere? 4. How else can we fill the bag? 5. Would the material in the bag be the same if we blew in it? 6. How can we keep the bag inflated? 7. What would happen if we hit the inflated small plastic bag with the palm of the other hand? Explanation: Air is found everywhere. The plastic bags may be filled with air above the table, under the table, behind the door or anywhere else. The bags can also be inflated by blowing in them, but then the bags would contain exhaled air. This air is different because it has a higher percentage of carbon dioxide (CO2) and more water vapor. Activity 2- The Bottle and the Bag Question: What is air pressure? Materials Needed: 1. One or two plastic sandwich bags. 2. One or two large wide-mouthed glass jars (for example, pickle jars). 3. Masking or transparent adhesive tape. Procedure: 1. Place the materials on a table in front of the students. Ask the class: “What’s inside the jar? 2. Invert a sandwich bag over the mouth of a jar and blow a little air into the bag so that it stays inflated over the jar.
  • 9. 3. Tape the bag air-tight against the jar. 4. Now ask one of the students to push the bag into the jar (without tearing it). It won’t work! 5. Place another plastic bag inside another wide mouthed jar (if necessary you can reuse the previous bag and jar). Let the edge of the bag hang over the jar rim. 6. Tape it air-tight against the jar and let a student try and take the bag out of the jar (without tearing it). It won’t work! Anticipated Results: With each part of the experiment, you and your students will see that it is not possible to either push down on the plastic bag or remove it from the jar. Thought Questions for Class Discussion: 1. What is holding the bag out of the jar (when trying to push it in)? 2. What is holding the bag inside the jar (when trying to take it out)? 3. How could we get the bag inside the jar without making a hole in it? Explanation: It is the air occupying the space in the jar which kept the bag from going inside after it had been taped air-tight against the jar. In trying to push the bag in, the pressure increased (became the volume decreased) and this held the bag out. When trying to take the bag out of the jar, the air pressure inside the jar decreased. This occurred because the volume increased, and this is what kept the bag inside of the jar. We encounter the first situation when we try to fold up a plastic air mattress or an inflatable plastic toy (ex. beach ball). Activity 3- States of matter Poster I begin by passing out a half sheet of paper to each student so that students can create their own States of Matter Poster while I create a class poster on the front board. I find that students
  • 10. learn more when posters are constructed in front of them instead of explaining a poster that was created by the teacher before the lesson. I begin by showing students a cup of ice and drawing a cube of ice at the bottom of the poster (solid water). I then emptied the cup of ice into a can on a burner. As the ice melted into liquid water, I explained: When ice changes into liquid water, we call this process melting. Does the temperature of the water get colder or hotter during this process? (hotter) When the liquid water changes into water vapor, the water becomes an invisible gas. This is called evaporating. Does the temperature of the water get colder or hotter during this process? (hotter) I then drew a large red arrow pointing upward and labeled it "Getting hotter." We then discussed the process of condensing and water vapor can change into water droplets on the outside of a glass, window, or on blades of grass in the morning. Does the temperature of the water get colder or hotter during this process? (colder) Finally, I drew an arrow from the liquid water back to the solid ice and explained: When liquid water changes into a solid (or ice), this process is called freezing. Does the temperature of the water get colder or hotter during this process? (colder) I then drew a blue red arrow pointing downward and labeled it "Getting colder." To connect this demonstration with today's lesson, I explain: Yesterday you began measuring and observing physical properties of matter. You learned how the properties of matter help us distinguish one substance from another. Today, we are going to take this one step further by further exploring the properties of different states of matter. In this week we performed so many activities. Week 3- In 3rd week of my unit I will give this worksheet to my
  • 11. students to fill to see their understanding of the concept. Worksheet2 Teacher: Unit Reflection What aspects of the unit went well? What did students struggle with? What did you struggle with? What would you add/revise the next time you taught this unit? Were there any unintended outcomes? Were students engaged? Running head: SPORTS SCIENCE 1 SPORTS SCIENCE 4
  • 12. 150 words respond to classmate ***Lou The commercialization of sports is that aspect of the sports enterprise that involves the sale, display, or use of sport or some aspect of sport so as to produce income. Some experts prefer the term “commodification of sport” as a label for the same process. Interest in the commercialization of sport has existed for several decades, but only in recent years has the phenomenon has been taken seriously on a larger scale. What changes occur in the meaning, purpose, and organization of sports when they become commercial activities? I think the amount of exposure the teams receive. The success of an event is depended on how you promote the event. Other circumstances come into effect like the popularity of the team or the players. For example, the game between the Patriots and the Cowboys broke national ratings. This hasn’t happened in two decades. The Cowboys is known for being the America’s team, while the Patriots who have had success in the past two decades. This matchup brought national attention from many viewers and boosted ratings because of the reputation. How does such a commercial arrangement benefit members of a society? Commercial arrangement benefits society because of the endorsement of products and goods. What does sport commercialization tell us about the standard of living of the society supporting it? It tells us that sport commercialization is the basis for society. The need for sports
  • 13. makes it a marketable tool. It is necessary to provide that excitement for the public. Profit is made when sporting events is televised and marketed. You earn revenue from gear, apparel, and merchandise. Does commercial sport activity like major league baseball or professional football deserve any form of public assistance such as stadium subsidies or other taxpayer support? Commercial sport activity does deserve stadium subsidies because sporting venues needs reconstructing and renovation to make it an enjoyable and likely place to view sporting events. I do believe in funding for sporting events, more so of stadium subsidies, taxpayer support not so likely. Some taxpayers are not fans of sports so I feel that it is necessary for taxpayers with no interest of the game to be paying. References Retrieved from of-commercialization-on-sporting-events-media-essay.php. ****Torrey 150 words When a sport becomes commercialized it can change the entire dynamics. The purpose, the meaning, and the organization itself can change as a result of new and increased public interest. Commercializing a sport can be very positive as it can help the activity to grow in interest and in development. As more people see a sport and have access to watching it they take new interest in it. They may begin to follow the sport more frequently and closely and they may even gain enough interest to play the sport themselves. The commercialized growth of a sport can make it more profitable as well. As people have more access to the activity,
  • 14. they will be willing to buy tickets to see games in person. They will buy merchandise related to their favorite teams and in support of their favorite players. Commercializing a sport can bring in big bucks for an organization. Of course, this also means that the sport will change in the manner in which it is organized. As commercialization happens, the sport begins to be run more like a business and less like a high school sports team. The players, the teams, and the games, must be scheduled and organized. The money coming in and going out must be monitored to cover expenses and payroll for players and staff. Commercialization of a sport will lead to growth which leads to a business atmosphere. As sports change into businesses the meaning behind them can take on a new role as well. Once a sport is running like a business it stops being something that people play for fun and becomes a player’s “job”. The games are now revenue producing activities that must go on to keep the business alive. Commercialization can benefit society in that it can bring them a new method of entertainment and it can lead to a great source of revenue for some cities. Areas that have a large sports arena can mean new jobs, new economic opportunities related to tourism, and city-wide growth. Commercialization of sports can also be an indicator that the standard of living of the society supporting it is good. When families can afford to watch, buy tickets to games, and purchase merchandise, of professional sports then the economy must be in a semi-healthy state. I personally think that some sports do deserve public assistance and taxpayer support because of the positive outcome and growth that they can bring to their cities. If cities and economic opportunities are a direct result of a sport, then the sport should be support in a reciprocal manner. When a sport becomes commercialized, everything about it can
  • 15. be impacted. The growth of a sport into the public eye can change its structure from play to business and move its meaning from fun to a money-making industry. Commercialization determines what viewers have access to and therefore which sports become popular and which ones do not.