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 Deciding how best to
group organizational
activities and resources.
 Organizing: the process
by which managers
establish working
relationships among
employees to achieve
“Organising is the process of
defining and grouping the
activities of the entire process
and establishing the authority
and relationship among them”
Koontz define the organizing as “the grouping of
activities necessary to attain objectives, the
assignment of each grouping to a manager with
authority necessary to supervise it and the
provision for the co-ordination horizontally and
vertically in the enterprise structure.
1. Group of Persons
2. Common Objectives
3. Division of Work
4. Co-ordination
5. Communication
6. Central Authority
7. Rules & Regulations
8. Environment
Common Objectives: Every organization has a
common objectives. The common goal is the
basis of cooperation among the members.
Group of Persons: An organization is a group
of people working together for the achievement
of common objectives.
 Co-ordination: The members of an organization are
willing to help each other for the achievement of desired
 Division of Work: Total task is divided into the members
of the group. Division of work is necessary not only
because one individual cannot do all the work but
specialization results in efficiency and effectiveness.
 Communication: People who form an organization
communicates with each other in order to integrate or
coordinate there efforts. People can perform together
 Authority: In an organization, there is a central directing
authority which controls the concerted efforts of the group.
The chain of authority- responsibility relationships is known
as the chain of command.
 Rules and Regulations: For the orderly and systematic
working of the members, rules and regulations are laid down
and enforced by the central authority.
 Environment:
Economic,social,political and legal factors.
1. Facilitates
2. Encourages
Growth &
3. Optimum
Use of
4. Stimulates
Innovation &
5. Encourages
Good Human
6. Ensures
Continuity of
 Facilitates Administration: Achievement of the objectives
of an enterprise by providing a framework of coordination
and control. Individual goals can be coordinated towards
group goals. A properly balanced organization facilitated
both management and operation of the enterprise.
 Encourages Growth &Expand: It has enabled
organizations to grow and expand to giant sizes. It provides
flexibility for growth without losing control over various
 Optimum Use of New Technology: Optimum use of
technology permits optimum utilisation of human
resources. Sound organization ensures that every individual
is placed on the job for which one is best suited.
 Stimulates Innovation & Creativity: It stimulates creative
thinking and initiative on the part of employees. It provides
recognition for the professional and the specialist in terms
of their achievement.
 Encourages Good Human Relations: The assignment of
right jobs to right person improves job satisfaction and
inter-personal relations. Well-defined jobs and clear lines of
authority and responsibility ensure good human relations.
 Ensures Continuity of Enterprise: It provides scope for
the training and development of future management.
 Coordination: Division of labor, better utility of
technology and human talent helps to improve the
efficiency and quality of work.
It is a diagrammatic representation of organization
structure show names designation functions of
personnel in a organization.
Top-down or vertical chart: It shows the organization structure
in the form o pyramid. The lines of communication flow from
top level to bottom in vertical lines.In this chart ,the highest
postion is placed at the top the next highest follows the next
highest one and so on.
Horizontal chart or Left to right chart:
The chart in which the lines of command are flowing
horizontally instead of vertical is known as horizontal
chart. In this chart, the highest position is shown at
the extreme left and lowest position at the extreme
circular chart or concentric chart:
Types of Organization :
 Organizations can be of 2 Types as given
below :
1) Formal Organization.
2) Informal Organization.
Both types are found in the
Organization shown below :
1) Formal Organization :
 There are various Levels in any Organization, right from
President or Chairman or Managing Director or Chief
Executive Officer at the top to Foremen/Supervisors down the
 Formal means the Intentional Structure of Roles in a
Formally Organized Enterprise.
 This doesn’t mean there is anything inherently inflexible.
If a Manager is to organize well, the structure must furnish an
environment in which individual performance, both present &
future contributes most effectively to Group Goals.
 Formal Organizations should be flexible, there should be
room for advantageous utilization of creative talents for
recognition of individual likes & capacities in the most formal of
Organizations. Yet, individual efforts in a Group situation
should be directed towards Group & Organization Goals.
2) Informal Organization :
 Such an Organization is a Joint Personal Activity without
conscious joint purpose, even though contributing to joint
 Thus, the Informal Relationships established in the Group
of people during morning Tea Break or Playing Cricket in the
Evening etc., may aid in the achievement of Organization
 It may be easier to ask for help in an Organization
Problem from someone you know personally, even if he may
be in a different section, than by passing thro the
Organization Structure.
 Definition : “ A Network of Personal & Social Relations
not established or required by the formal organization but
arising spontaneously as people associate with one another.
Thus, relationships not appearing on the Organization Chart
might include Evening Cricket Team & Morning Tea Regulars.
 Organization structure consists simply of those aspects
of pattern of behavior in the organization that are
relatively stable and change only slowly.
 Organization structure refers to the systematic
arrangement of the people working for the organization
to achieve the desired goals and objective.
 types
 Functional organizational structure
 Line organizational structure
 Line and staff organizational structure
 Project organizational structure
 Matrix organizational structure
 Organization structure is primarily concerned
with the allocation of tasks,and relationship
between the responsible positions
 Purpose of organization structure
 To achieve specific goals
 To define personal identify
 Assigning responsibility
 Assigning authority
 Achieving co ordination
 To promote division or work that leads to
 Optimum utilization of staff and resources.
General Manager
Structure is created based on the
various functions of an organization.
Functional organization
It is the most popular organizational structure in the business world because it is basic
and it makes sense.production,marketing,finance,R&D and HR are common
groupings within a functional structure.
 This type of functional organization is
suggested by F.W.Taylor.
 In functional organization different experts
guide the subordinates in organization.
 Workers or subordinates thus receive order
from several specialists or officers and are
responsible for their performance to
different experts.
 Since output of product is Based on experts
knowledge ,better quality is assured.
 Functional efficiency more
 Experts knowledge reduces wastages and
possibility of accidents.
 Reduce the workload
 Co ordination is very difficult
 Maintaining the discipline is difficult
 Workers always remain confused about the
authority and activity of each foreman.
Multiple divisions are created in a
related industry.
General Manager
Division I Division II Division III
 Divisional or M-form (Multidivisional) Design
 An organizational arrangement based on multiple
businesses in related areas operating within a larger
organizational framework; following a strategy of
related diversification.
 Activities are decentralized down to the divisional
level; others are centralized at the corporate level.
 The largest advantages of the M-form design are the
opportunities for coordination and sharing of
 Departments are
created based on
geographic regions.
 All the activities in one
geographic region is
categorized into one
manager B
manager C
Vice president,
Vice president,
Vice president,
Vice president,
manager A
 Advantages:
 Enhances organizational
 Team members have the
opportunity to learn new
 Provides an efficient way for
the organization to use its
human resources.
 Team members serve as
bridges to their departments
for the team.
 Disadvantages:
 Employees are uncertain
about reporting
 The dynamics of group
behavior may lead to
slower decision making,
one-person domination,
compromise decisions, or
a loss of focus.
 More time may be required
for coordinating task-
related activities.
 Line organization is the traditional and
simplest of organization structure. Line
organization is also called as military
organization as it is adopted from military
 The enterprise is divided into departments,
usually by function such as accounting,
marketing and so on, and a controlling head
is appointed.
 The important aspect of line organization is
that superior and subordinate relationship
from top to bottom level of organization.
 The authority is distributed vertically from
top to bottom level.
 In line organization structure,every one has a
well defined manager and there is clear
definition of the routes of authority and
 The top level management takes the major
decisions and passes it to middle level
subordinates who implement them.
 The middle level management identifies the
job and assigns the responsibility to different
people according to their functions and
 Easy to establish and operate.
 No confusion as authority and
responsibilities of each employee are clearly
 There is a direct chain of command and thus
decisions are rapidly made and
 Because od its simple structure line
organization promotes staff discipline more
easily than other forms
 Specialized variety of job is difficult to
supervise by a supervisor.
 Line organization is not suitable for large
scale industry.
 It encourages directorial way of working
which may not develop own creative
thinking of workers.
 Departmentation means the process of
grouping the similar activities of the business
into departments, divisions or other
homogenous units.
 It is used for the purpose of facilitating a
smooth administration at all levels.
 A Departmentation is a process of dividing
the large monolithic functional organization
into small and flexible administrative units.
Departmentation :
 The Horizontal Differentiation of Tasks or
Activities into discrete segments is called
 The limitation on the Number of Subordinates that
can be directly managed would restrict the size of the
enterprises if it were not for the tool of
 Grouping of activities & people into depts makes it
possible to expand Organization & to manage it
effectively & efficiently.
 Departmentation is thus the Key in building up an
effective & efficient Organization.
 The basic aim is to take advantage of the
division of Labor & Specialization.
1.The basic purpose of depart mentation
arises because of specialization of work and
limitation on the number of subordinates that
can be controlled by a manager.
2.Departmentation increases the operating
efficiency of the workers by providing the
specialization of work.
3.Departmentation helps in fixing the
responsibility to various executive of the makes the executive to be alert
and efficient in his duties.
4.Grouping of activities and personnel into
departments makes it possible for enterprise
to expand and grow.
5.Departmentation provides an opportunity to
managers to take initiative in complicating job
effectively and to make independent decision
related to the department .
6.By assigning specific tasks to the
departmental personnel,it is easier for the
appraisal of managerial performance.
7.Departmentation gives other advantages like
-Budget preparation
-effective control of expenditure
Attaining specialization Better coordination
among the managerial personal
The various bases of Departmentation :
1) Departmentation by Enterprise
Functions :
Functional Departmentation is the most widely
employed basis for Organizing Activities & is
present in almost every Enterprise at some level in
the Organization Structure.
Each Major function of the enterprise is
grouped into a Dept.
For Eg : A typical Manufacturing Company will
have Production, Engineering, Marketing, Finance
& Personnel Depts. A typical Manufacturing Unit
representing such Functional Depts is shown
below :
Advantages : ( Function based
 It is logical & time proven.
 The Power & prestige of the basic activities of
the enterprise are maintained by the Top
Managers. The identity of various functions is
 Functional Departmentation follows the
principle of Occupational Specialization &
thereby facilitates efficiency in utilization of
 It simplifies training.
 It furnishes a means of tight control at the
Top, as the Top Managers are responsible for
Disadvantages :
 This may tend to de-emphasize over all Enterprise
 Over specializes & narrows view points of Key
 People develop attitudes & other behavioral patterns
involving loyalty to their Functional Depts & not to the
enterprise as a whole & this tends to reduce Co-
ordination between Functions.
 Responsibility for profits is at the Top only. In small
Enterprises, this may be acceptable, but in large
Enterprises the burden becomes too heavy for the person
to bear.
 Functional Departmentation makes it difficult to
adapt quickly to environmental changes.
2) Departmentation by
Products :
 This method is ideally suited for Large
Organizations manufacturing various different
 In this method, a separate Semi Autonomous
Dept is created for each Product & is put under
the Charge of a VP or, a Manager is made
responsible for achieving Set Goals.
 Within each Dept, all the needed
Production, Engineering, Personnel, Marketing
& other facilities are grouped.
 This method is ideal when an Organization
grows to a very Large Size & the usual method
of Functional Departmentation creates
Operational Problems.
 For Eg: An Automobiles Manufacturing
Company has 3 Products say : 1) Tractors 2)
LCV & 3) Luxury Cars etc. The Company may
create 3 Different for these Products, each
headed by a VP for efficient & effective running
of the Organization.
Advantages :
 It facilitates use of specialized Capital (eg : A
person may be extremely good in Marketing
Luxury Cars or LCV & his Services may be used
in these areas.)
 Relieves Top Management of Operating Task
Responsibility, therefore it can better concentrate
on such centralized activities like Finance, R &
D, & Control.
 This enables the Top Management to
Compare the performance of different
Products & take the Policy Decisions about
those Products which are not performing at
expected levels.
 In this form, since Responsibility for Performance
of each Product is entrusted to a particular Dept
Head, he is well stimulated for improving his
 Here, those who Work within the Dept derive
greater satisfaction from identification with a
recognizable Goal.
Disadvantages :
 This form results in Duplication of Facilities &
 Extra expenditure is incurred in maintaining a
Sales Force for each Product Line.
 Employment of a Large No of Management
Personnel is reqd.
 Plant & Machineries in each Dept may not be
used fully.
3) Customer Departmentation :
 An enterprise may be divided into a Number of
Depts on the basis of the Customer that it serves.
 In this form, the Customers are the Key to the
way the activities are grouped when each of
the different things an enterprise does for
them is managed by one Dept Head for that
particular activity/thing.
Advantages :
 Encourages Concentration on Customer
 Gives Customers feeling that they have an
understanding Supplier.
 This form helps to develop Expertise in
Customer Area.
Disadvantages :
 It may result in Under Utilization of resources
& facilities in some Depts.
 There may be duplication of Services.
 Requires Manager’s & Staff Experts in
Customer’s Problems.
4) Departmentation by Territory or
Geography or Regions :
 It is based on Territory or Region which is
Very Common in Enterprises that operate over
Wide Geographic Areas.
 For Eg: Used widely in Automobile
Assembling, Chain Retailing, Wholesaling & Oil
Retailing. i.e., “Big Bazaar”, “Wal Mart in USA”,
departments based on Region “Western
Railways, Southern Railways etc”.
 Here, it is important that activities in a
given area or region be grouped & assigned
to a GM, when this type of Departmentation
is adapted.
Advantages& Disadvantages :
 It motivates each regional head to achieve high
 Places responsibility at a Lower Level.
 Places emphasis on Local Markets &
 It improves Coordination in a Region.
 It enables better face to face communication
with the local
 It requires more people with GM capabilities.
 It increases problem of Top Management
5) Departmentation by Time :
 One of the Oldest form of Departmentation
generally used at Lower Levels of
Organization, i.e., Grouping based on Time. The
use of Shifts is Common in many enterprises
where for Economic, Technological or other
reasons, the normal day will not suffice.
Egs: Hospitals, Machine Shops, Forging
Shops, Press Shops working in 3 Shifts for
Economic Reasons. This is also true for Chemical
Industries, Blast Furnaces, Steel Melting
Furnaces etc where processes cannot be
interrupted. These industries work in 3 Shifts.
Advantages :
 Services may be rendered that go beyond
the typical 8 Hours a Day, often extending to
24 Hours a Day.
 It is possible to use processes that cannot
be interrupted, those that require a
Continuous Cycle.
 Expensive Capital Investment on Plant &
Machinery can be used more than 8 Hours a
Day when Workers in all the 3 Shifts use the
same Machines. This is a very important
Economic Consideration.
Disadvantages :
 Supervision may lack during Night Shift.
 There is a fatigue factor ; it is difficult for most
people to switch, for instance, from a Day Shift to
a Night Shift & Vice Versa.
 Having Several Shifts may cause problems in
Communication & Coordination.
 In a factory, the night shift people may not clean
up the machines to be used by the day shift
 Efficiency of the people have generally been
found to be quite low between 12:00 AM to 8:00
6) Process or Equipment
Departmentation :
 This is done on the basis of several discrete
processes or technologies involved in the
manufacture of a Product.
 In this kind of Departmentation, the necessary
Resources are brought in to do the particular Job.
 Eg: This can be explained by means of a Cast
Iron Foundry manufacturing Graded cast Iron
Castings. There are so many processes involved
such as Moulding, Core Making, Melting, Sand
Preparation, Fettling etc. The Block Diagram of
a Typical Enterprise is shown below :
Advantages :
 It achieves Economic Advantages.
 Follows principle of Specialization – each Dept
is engaged in doing a special type of work,
therefore utilizing special skills of the people &
increases Operational Efficiency.
 Ideally suited for manufacturing enterprises
using a Number of Intermediate Processes to
manufacture their Products.
Disadvantages :
 It does not provide a good training ground for
overall development of Managerial Talent.
 Coordination of different Depts is difficult &
some times, it may lead to Production Bottle
 Responsibility for Profit is at the Top.
 Span of management means the number of
people managed effectively by a single in an
 The term span of management is also known
as span of supervision or span of authority or
span of responsibility.
 But span of management is better term
because control and supervision are elements
of management
It is also called as
span of control or
span of supervision.
It refers to the
number of
subordinates that
report directly to a
single manager or
 Capacity of superior
 Capacity of subordinates
 Nature of work
 Type of technology
 Delegation of authority
 Communication technique
 Using of objective standards
 Direction and coordination.
 Capacity of superior
- manager having more capacity may
supervise more subordinates the those who are
having less capacity.
-Each manager has different capacity in
respect of such factors in
communication,leadership,decision making
and control.
 Capacity of subordinates
-subordinates should have more experienced
and well trained persons such situations more
number of subordinates can be easily
 Nature of work
- If the subordinates are involved in simple and
repetitive activities then it is possible for the
manager to supervise ore subordinates and
span may be wider
 Type of technology
- Firms using mass production and assembly
line production can have wider span than
process production system.
 Delegation of authority
- the most serious of poor organization
affecting the span of management is
inadequate or unclear authority delegation.
- If a manager should be define clearly
delegation of authority for reducing
managerial time.
 Communication technique
 Communication is one of the factor for
determine the span of control.
 If the communication is oral or face to face
it requires more time and energy on the part
of both superior and subordinates.
 On the other hand if we use electronic and
other modern devices that will save lot of
time and span can be increased.
 Line and Staff Authority
 Delegation of Authority
 Right to take decisions that arises due to
position in organizational structure.
 Authority is the right to perform or
command. It allows its holder to act in
certain designated ways and to directly
influence the actions of others through
 Types of Authority:
 Line Authority
 Staff Authority
The chain of command in the
organizational structure that flows
major decision making power.
The officially
sanctioned ability to issue orders t
o subordinate employees within
an organization.
Staff authority consists of the right to
advise or assist those who possess
line authority as well as other staff
 The Advisory or Counseling
Role :
The Service Role
The Control Role
Assigning work to subordinates
and giving them necessary
authority to do the assigned work
Simple terms,
No delegation of total authority
Delegation of only that authority a
manager has
Representation of the superior
Delegation for organizational purpose
Restoration of delegated authority
Balance of authority and responsibility
No delegation of responsibility
Assume Line Authority
Do not give Sound Advice
Steal Credit for Success
Fail to Keep line
personnel informed of their
Do not see the whole picture.
 Meaning : Centralization and Decentralization
 Reasons: In which case which is needed
 Advantages and Disadvantages: of both
Centralization versus Decentralization of
Authority & Responsibility :
Meaning of Decentralization :
Organization Authority is merely the
discretion conferred on people to use their
judgement to make decisions & issue
It is the tendency to disperse decision
making authority in an Organized
It is a fundamental aspect of delegation,
to the extent the authority is not delegated ; it
is Centralized.
 Delegation of Authority & hence Decentralization
is necessary for an Organization to exist.
 Just as no one person in an enterprise, can do
all the tasks necessary for accomplishing a group
purpose, so it is impossible, as an enterprise
grows, for one person to exercise all the
authority for making decisions.
 There is a limit to the No of Persons Managers
can effectively supervise & make decisions for.
 Once this limit exceeds, Authority must be
delegated to Subordinates, who will take decisions
within the area of the assigned duties.
 Decentralization implies more than delegation. It
reflects the philosophy of the Organization &
 It requires careful selection of which decisions
to be taken at lower levels of the Organization
Structure & which to be taken at the Top levels.
 It also requires specific policy making to guide
the decision making, proper selection & training of
people & adequate control.
 A policy of Decentralization affects all areas of
Management & can be seen as an essential
element of a Managerial System. In fact, without it,
Managers wouldn’t be able to use their discretion
to handle the ever - changing situations they face.
 Every enterprise has to decide as to how
much decision making authority should be
centralized in the hands of the President & the
VP (Top Levels) & how much should be
delegated to the Managers at the Lower Levels.
 In a Centralized set up, the Decision making
Authority is concentrated in a few people at the
Top, in a Decentralized Set up, it is delegated to
the Lower Levels where the actual work is
 Following are the criteria to measure the
extent of Decentralization in an Enterprise.
Decentralization is greater :
1) When, the greater is the number of decisions
made at Lower Levels.
2) When the more important are the decisions
made at Lower Levels.
3) When more is the number of areas in which
decisions can be made at Lower Levels &
4) When fewer are the people to be consulted
& less is the checking reqd from the Top Levels
on the Decisions made at the Lower Levels.
Definition on Decentralization :
“ Everything that goes to increase the
importance of the Subordinate’s Role is
Decentralization & everything that goes to
reduce it is Centralization.”
The terms “Centralization” &
“Decentralization” are not absolute but are
relative. Absolute Centralization is not possible,
except in a One – Man Enterprise. Consequently,
we can say that Decentralization Characterizes
 Similarly, there cannot be absolute
Decentralization of Authority because the
Manager cannot delegate all his authority
without surrendering his position as a
Meaning of Centralization :
It has several meanings :
1) Centralization of Performance :
Pertains to Geographic Concentration ; it
characterizes, for Eg : a Company operating in
a single location.
2) Departmental Centralization :
Refers to Concentration of specalized
activities in one Dept. For Eg : Repairs &
Maintenance for an entire plant may be carried
out by a Single Dept.
3) Centralization as an aspect of
Management :
It is the tendency to Restrict Delegation
of decision making. A high degree of authority
is held at or near the Top by Managers in the
Organizational Hierarchy. We are concerned with
this aspect of Centralization & Decentralization of
Authority & Responsibility.
Distinction between Delegation &
Decentralization :
They appear to be the same, but in reality
they mean different things. The Major
differences are given below :
1) Delegation is a process, while
Decentralization is the end result (Outcome) of
the Delegation & Dispersal of Authority.
Delegation mainly refers to granting of Authority
& the creation of responsibility as between one
individual & another; Decentralization is the
situation which exists as a result of the
systematic delegation of Authority throughout
the Organization.
2) In Delegation, a Superior continues to be
responsible for the work delegated to his
Subordinates, while in Decentralization, the
Superior is relieved from his responsibility for
the work Decentralized & Subordinate
becomes liable (responsible) for that.
3) Delegation is Vital & essential to the
Management Process. Only thro Delegation,
Subordinates can be involved in the Organization
& the Management can get things done.
Decentralization is Optional, in the sense, that it
may or may not be done as a Systematic policy.
Advantages of Decentralization
 Relieves Top Management of some burden of
Decision Making & forces upper level managers
to let go. (giving freedom to the Lower Level
Mgrs to take independent Decisions.)
 Reduces problems of Communication & hence
enables Top Managers to take timely decisions on
all important issues, thus, enhancing the efficiency
of the Organization.
 Encourages Decision Making & assumption of
Authority & responsibility.
 Gives Managers more freedom &
independence in Decision Making.
 Promotes establishment & use of broad
controls which may increase Motivation.
 Makes comparison of performance of different
Organizational units possible.
 Facilitates setting up of Profit Centers.
 Facilitates Product Diversification.
 Promotes development of more capable
Managers. Because, Managers in a
Decentralized structure often have to adapt to &
deal with difficult situations, they are assumed to
be excellently trained for Promotions into positions
of greater authority & responsibility.
Decentralization aids in adaptation to fast
changing environment.
Limitations of Decentralization
 Makes it more difficult to have a Uniform Policy.
 Increases Complexity of Coordination of
Decentralized Organizational Units.
 May result in loss of some control by Upper-Level
 May be limited by inadequate Control Techniques.
 May be constrained by inadequate Planning & control
 Can be limited by the availability of qualified &
capable Managers.
 Involves considerable expenses for Training
 May not be favored by Economics of Scale of
The Extent of Decentralization :
 To avoid problems, any program for
decentralization of Authority & Responsibility must
consider thoroughly the Advantages & the
Limitations of Decentralization.
 Strong forces in the Organization favor the
practice of Decentralization. But, at the same
time, extensive Decentralization is not to be
blindly undertaken.
 Perhaps, One Major Problem of
Decentralization is loss of Control. No
enterprise can Decentralize to the extent that
its very existence is threatened & the
achievement of its Goals is frustrated.
 If Organizational Disintegration is to be avoided,
Decentralization must be tempered with selective
Centralization in certain major policy areas.
 An enterprise with well balanced Decentralization will
probably centralize decisions at the Top on such things
as given below :
1) Financing.
2) Overall Profit Goals & Budgeting.
3) Major Facilities & other Capital Expenditures.
4) Important New Product Programs.
5) Major Marketing Strategies.
6) Basic Personnel Policies.
7) Development & Compensation of Managerial
Human resource management or
“ Manpower planning is the process by which an
organization ensures that it has the right number and the kind
of people, at the right place, at the right time, capable of
effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will
help the organization achieve its overall objectives”.
Human resource is the process of recruitment, selection of
employee, providing proper orientation and induction,
providing proper training and developing skills, assessment of
employee, providing proper compensation and benefits and
maintaining employee’s safety
Scope of Human resource
Human resource planning: It refers to a process by which the
company to identify the number of job vacant, whether
company has excess staff or storage of staff.
Job analysis and design: It gives a detailed explanation about
each and every job in the company.
Recruitment and selection : Based on information collected
from job analysis the company prepares advertisements and
publishes them in the newspapers. This is recruitment.
Orientation and induction:Once the employees have been
selected an induction or orientation program is conducted.
Training and development:
Scope of Human resource
Training and development: Every employee goes under training
program which helps him to put up a better performance on
the job.
Performance appraisal: Based on appraisal future promotions,
incentives, increments in salary decided.
Compensation planning and remuneration:
It is the job of HRD to look into remuneration and compensation
Motivation, welfare, health and safety:
It is the job of HRD to look in to different methods of
Job analysis
“Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting
information relating to the operations and
responsibilities of a specific job. The immediate
products of this analysis are job descriptions and job
It consists of two tasks
Job description: It is a written statement showing job title,
tasks duties and responsibilities involved in a job. It also
describes required qualifications, minimum
requirements,working conditions and desirable qualifications.
Job specification
Job analysis
•The purpose of job analysis is to
provide description of the job
•The result of job analysis is a job
•A Job analysis gathers and identifies
information about three aspects of all
•Job content
•Job requirements
•Job context
Job analysis
Job specification: It is a statement of the minimum
acceptable qualities necessary to perform a job
Job design
It is usually broad enough to accommodate people’s
needs and desires.
Mechanical and technical factors of the job and simplifications
of the mechanical factors
Providing social interaction, views and attitudes with superiors,
Subordinates and peers.
Techniques for designing jobs:
Job Enlargement
Job Rotation
Job Enrichment
Job design
jobs are broken down into very small parts where a fragment called “task”
is repeatedly done over and over again by the same individual.
•Employee therefore is paid
higher rewards.
•the productivity is high.
•Achieves specialization.
•Training cost to the
organization is practically
•a worker is likely to get bored and
remain absent frequently.
•Quality and quantity may suffer in
the long run due to frustration.
•Organization may have to attract
workers by offering higher wages
Job Enlargement means where two or more simple tasks are
combined and allotted to an employee
 Eg: As in the case of vehicle driver, apart from driving he can undertake
the job of maintenance of the vehicle.
Increases job range, but not depth
Advantage :
 more variety in a job
 acquiring additional proficiency.
 Dissatisfaction of employees can not be avoided after a long period due
to boredom.
The concept of job enrichment was
developed by Fredrik Herzberg in the
Job enrichment involves providing an
employee with more responsibility for a
job and challenges the individual‟s skills
at work.
Enrichment involves increasing the
decision-making authority and
encouraging the employee with their
The characteristics or features of job enrichment
Nature of Job : Job enrichment is a vertical
expansion of the job.
Objective : The objective of Job enrichment isto
make the job more lively and challenging.
Positive Results : Job enrichment gives positive
results if the workers are highly skilled.
Direction and Control : Job enrichment
encourages self-discipline.
The importance or merits or advantages of job enrichmentare:-
 Job enrichment is useful to both the workers and theorganization.
 The worker gets achievement, recognition and self-actualization.
 The worker gets a sense of belonging to the organization.
 The worker finds the job meaningful.
 Job enrichment reduces absenteeism, labour-turnover and grievances.
 It motivates the workers to give best performance.
The shortcomings or demerits or limitations of job enrichmentare:-
 In many cases, job enrichment does not give the expected results.
 It makes many changes in the job. So many workers oppose it.
 It has limited use for highly skilled managers and professionals.
 The consent of workers is not taken before implementing job enrichment.
 Managers force the workers to accept job enrichment, which is notgood.
• Give people the opportunity to use a variety of
skills, and perform different kinds of work
Rotate Jobs
• Combine work activities to provide a more
challenging and complex work assignment.
Combine Tasks
• Break your typical functional lines and form
project-focused units.
Identify Project-
Focused Work Units
• This is job enrichment at the group level.
Work Teams
• Allow team members to participate in decision
making and get involved in strategic planning.
Implement Participative
Job Enrichment
Job Enrichment Job Enrichment + Job
Routine Job Job Enlargement
No. of Task
Focus of
Job rotation refers to a
technique where the
employee is periodically
rotated from one job to
another within the work
It involves moving
employees among different
jobs over a period of time
1) Meaningfulness of work:
Skill variety:
Using an appropriate variety of your skills and talents:
 Task Identity:
Being able to identify with the work at hand as more whole and
 Task Significance:
Being able to identify the task as contributing to something
wider, to society or a group over and beyond the self.
Characteristic of Job Rotation
1.Variety of skills:
o improve and increase the skills of the employee due to
organization as well as the individual benefit.
2.Improves earning capacity:
o Due to job enlargement the person learns many new activities.
o such people apply for jobs to other companies and can bargain
for more salary.
3.Wide range of activities:
o Since a single employee handles multiple activities the
company can try and reduce the number of employee‟s.
Advantages of Job Rotation
1. Frequent interruption:
o A person who is doing a particular job and get it comfortable
suddenly finds himself shifted to another job or department
this interrupts the work in both the departments
2. Reduces uniformity in quality:
o when a new worker I shifted or rotated in the department, he
takes time to learn the new job, makes mistakes in the process
and affects the quality of the job.
Disadvantages of Job Rotation
Process of locating,
identifying, and attracting
capable candidates
Can be for current or future
Critical activity for some
What sources do we use for
Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants
in order to identify and hire those with a greater likelihood
of success in a job.
Agencies Advertisements
Sources of Recruitment
Difference : Recruitment &
 To attract maximum number To choose best out of the
of candidates. available candidates.
 It creates application pool It is a rejection process
as large as possible. where few are selected.
 Techniques are not very Highly specialized techniques
intensive. are required.
 Outcome is application Outcome is the candidate who
pool. is offered job.
Recruitment & selection process
Advertisement Screening of
Employment agencies Selection tests
On campus recruitment Interview
Deputation Checking of
Employee recommendations Physical
Labor unions Approval by
Gate hiring Placement
Training & development
“Training is a short term process utilizing a systematic
and organized procedure by which non managerial personnel
learn technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.
“Development is a long term educational process utilizing a
systematic and organized procedure by which managerial
personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for
general purpose”.
Role of training & development
Performance appraisal
 Major key to managing itself
 Basis of determining who is promotable to higher
 Determines strengths and weaknesses of a manager
 Measures performance in accomplishing goals and
 Integral part of organization
 Recognize legitimate desire of employees for
 Essential for effective management
Appraisal Methods
Graphic Rating Scale
Critical Incidence method
Self Appraisal
180 Degree Appraisal
360 Degree Appraisal
Management by Objective
Balance Score Card

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  • 1.
  • 3. 11 - 3  Deciding how best to group organizational activities and resources.  Organizing: the process by which managers establish working relationships among employees to achieve goals.
  • 4. THEO HAIMANN “Organising is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the entire process and establishing the authority and relationship among them”
  • 5. organising Koontz define the organizing as “the grouping of activities necessary to attain objectives, the assignment of each grouping to a manager with authority necessary to supervise it and the provision for the co-ordination horizontally and vertically in the enterprise structure. 1–5
  • 6. 1. Group of Persons 2. Common Objectives 3. Division of Work 4. Co-ordination 5. Communication 6. Central Authority 7. Rules & Regulations 8. Environment
  • 7. Common Objectives: Every organization has a common objectives. The common goal is the basis of cooperation among the members. Group of Persons: An organization is a group of people working together for the achievement of common objectives.
  • 8.  Co-ordination: The members of an organization are willing to help each other for the achievement of desired goals.  Division of Work: Total task is divided into the members of the group. Division of work is necessary not only because one individual cannot do all the work but specialization results in efficiency and effectiveness.
  • 9.  Communication: People who form an organization communicates with each other in order to integrate or coordinate there efforts. People can perform together efficiently.  Authority: In an organization, there is a central directing authority which controls the concerted efforts of the group. The chain of authority- responsibility relationships is known as the chain of command.
  • 10.  Rules and Regulations: For the orderly and systematic working of the members, rules and regulations are laid down and enforced by the central authority.  Environment: Economic,social,political and legal factors.
  • 11. IMPORTANCE OF ORGANIZING 1. Facilitates Administration 2. Encourages Growth & Diversification 3. Optimum Use of Technology 4. Stimulates Innovation & Technology 5. Encourages Good Human Relations 6. Ensures Continuity of Enterprise 7. Coordination
  • 12.  Facilitates Administration: Achievement of the objectives of an enterprise by providing a framework of coordination and control. Individual goals can be coordinated towards group goals. A properly balanced organization facilitated both management and operation of the enterprise.  Encourages Growth &Expand: It has enabled organizations to grow and expand to giant sizes. It provides flexibility for growth without losing control over various activities.
  • 13.  Optimum Use of New Technology: Optimum use of technology permits optimum utilisation of human resources. Sound organization ensures that every individual is placed on the job for which one is best suited.  Stimulates Innovation & Creativity: It stimulates creative thinking and initiative on the part of employees. It provides recognition for the professional and the specialist in terms of their achievement.
  • 14.  Encourages Good Human Relations: The assignment of right jobs to right person improves job satisfaction and inter-personal relations. Well-defined jobs and clear lines of authority and responsibility ensure good human relations.  Ensures Continuity of Enterprise: It provides scope for the training and development of future management.  Coordination: Division of labor, better utility of technology and human talent helps to improve the efficiency and quality of work.
  • 15. It is a diagrammatic representation of organization structure show names designation functions of personnel in a organization. Top-down or vertical chart: It shows the organization structure in the form o pyramid. The lines of communication flow from top level to bottom in vertical lines.In this chart ,the highest postion is placed at the top the next highest follows the next highest one and so on. ORGANISATION CHART
  • 16.
  • 17. Horizontal chart or Left to right chart: The chart in which the lines of command are flowing horizontally instead of vertical is known as horizontal chart. In this chart, the highest position is shown at the extreme left and lowest position at the extreme right. ORGANISATION CHART
  • 18. circular chart or concentric chart: ORGANISATION CHART
  • 19. Types of Organization :  Organizations can be of 2 Types as given below : 1) Formal Organization. 2) Informal Organization. Both types are found in the Organization shown below :
  • 20. 1) Formal Organization :  There are various Levels in any Organization, right from President or Chairman or Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer at the top to Foremen/Supervisors down the line.  Formal means the Intentional Structure of Roles in a Formally Organized Enterprise.  This doesn’t mean there is anything inherently inflexible. If a Manager is to organize well, the structure must furnish an environment in which individual performance, both present & future contributes most effectively to Group Goals.  Formal Organizations should be flexible, there should be room for advantageous utilization of creative talents for recognition of individual likes & capacities in the most formal of Organizations. Yet, individual efforts in a Group situation should be directed towards Group & Organization Goals.
  • 21. 2) Informal Organization :  Such an Organization is a Joint Personal Activity without conscious joint purpose, even though contributing to joint results.  Thus, the Informal Relationships established in the Group of people during morning Tea Break or Playing Cricket in the Evening etc., may aid in the achievement of Organization Goals.  It may be easier to ask for help in an Organization Problem from someone you know personally, even if he may be in a different section, than by passing thro the Organization Structure.  Definition : “ A Network of Personal & Social Relations not established or required by the formal organization but arising spontaneously as people associate with one another. Thus, relationships not appearing on the Organization Chart might include Evening Cricket Team & Morning Tea Regulars.
  • 22.  Organization structure consists simply of those aspects of pattern of behavior in the organization that are relatively stable and change only slowly.  Organization structure refers to the systematic arrangement of the people working for the organization to achieve the desired goals and objective.  types  Functional organizational structure  Line organizational structure  Line and staff organizational structure  Project organizational structure  Matrix organizational structure
  • 23.  Organization structure is primarily concerned with the allocation of tasks,and relationship between the responsible positions  Purpose of organization structure  To achieve specific goals  To define personal identify  Assigning responsibility  Assigning authority  Achieving co ordination  To promote division or work that leads to specialization.  Optimum utilization of staff and resources.
  • 24. 1. FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE: General Manager Production Dept Finance Dept Marketing Dept HR Deprtment Structure is created based on the various functions of an organization. ORGANIZATIONAL ARCHITECTURE – HORIZONTAL DIFFERENTIATION
  • 25. 25 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE Functional organization It is the most popular organizational structure in the business world because it is basic and it makes sense.production,marketing,finance,R&D and HR are common groupings within a functional structure.
  • 26.
  • 27.  This type of functional organization is suggested by F.W.Taylor.  In functional organization different experts guide the subordinates in organization.  Workers or subordinates thus receive order from several specialists or officers and are responsible for their performance to different experts.
  • 28.  Since output of product is Based on experts knowledge ,better quality is assured.  Functional efficiency more  Experts knowledge reduces wastages and possibility of accidents.  Reduce the workload
  • 29.  Co ordination is very difficult  Maintaining the discipline is difficult  Workers always remain confused about the authority and activity of each foreman.
  • 30. 2. MULTI-DIVISION STRUCTURE 6/24/2023 POM/Chapter 4 - Organizing 30 Multiple divisions are created in a related industry. General Manager Division I Division II Division III ORGANIZATIONAL ARCHITECTURE – HORIZONTAL DIFFERENTIATION
  • 31. ORGANIZATIONAL ARCHITECTURE – HORIZONTAL DIFFERENTIATION  Divisional or M-form (Multidivisional) Design  An organizational arrangement based on multiple businesses in related areas operating within a larger organizational framework; following a strategy of related diversification.  Activities are decentralized down to the divisional level; others are centralized at the corporate level.  The largest advantages of the M-form design are the opportunities for coordination and sharing of resources.
  • 32. 3. GEOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE: 6/24/2023 POM/Chapter 4 - Organizing 32 General Manager Eastern Region Central Region Western Region  Departments are created based on geographic regions.  All the activities in one geographic region is categorized into one unit. ORGANIZATIONAL ARCHITECTURE – HORIZONTAL DIFFERENTIATION
  • 33. 6–33 4. MATRIX ORGANIZATION Employees CEO Project manager B Project manager C Vice president, engineering Vice president, production Vice president, finance Vice president, marketing Project manager A ORGANIZATIONAL ARCHITECTURE – HORIZONTAL DIFFERENTIATION
  • 34. MATRIX STRUCTURE: 6/24/2023 POM/Chapter 4 - Organizing 34  Advantages:  Enhances organizational flexibility.  Team members have the opportunity to learn new skills.  Provides an efficient way for the organization to use its human resources.  Team members serve as bridges to their departments for the team.  Disadvantages:  Employees are uncertain about reporting relationships.  The dynamics of group behavior may lead to slower decision making, one-person domination, compromise decisions, or a loss of focus.  More time may be required for coordinating task- related activities.
  • 35.  Line organization is the traditional and simplest of organization structure. Line organization is also called as military organization as it is adopted from military administration.  The enterprise is divided into departments, usually by function such as accounting, marketing and so on, and a controlling head is appointed.
  • 36.
  • 37.  The important aspect of line organization is that superior and subordinate relationship from top to bottom level of organization.  The authority is distributed vertically from top to bottom level.  In line organization structure,every one has a well defined manager and there is clear definition of the routes of authority and communication
  • 38.  The top level management takes the major decisions and passes it to middle level subordinates who implement them.  The middle level management identifies the job and assigns the responsibility to different people according to their functions and ability.
  • 39.  Easy to establish and operate.  No confusion as authority and responsibilities of each employee are clearly defined.  There is a direct chain of command and thus decisions are rapidly made and implemented.  Because od its simple structure line organization promotes staff discipline more easily than other forms
  • 40.  Specialized variety of job is difficult to supervise by a supervisor.  Line organization is not suitable for large scale industry.  It encourages directorial way of working which may not develop own creative thinking of workers.
  • 41.  Departmentation means the process of grouping the similar activities of the business into departments, divisions or other homogenous units.  It is used for the purpose of facilitating a smooth administration at all levels.  A Departmentation is a process of dividing the large monolithic functional organization into small and flexible administrative units.
  • 42. Departmentation :  The Horizontal Differentiation of Tasks or Activities into discrete segments is called Departmentation.  The limitation on the Number of Subordinates that can be directly managed would restrict the size of the enterprises if it were not for the tool of Departmentation.  Grouping of activities & people into depts makes it possible to expand Organization & to manage it effectively & efficiently.  Departmentation is thus the Key in building up an effective & efficient Organization.  The basic aim is to take advantage of the division of Labor & Specialization.
  • 43. 1.The basic purpose of depart mentation arises because of specialization of work and limitation on the number of subordinates that can be controlled by a manager. 2.Departmentation increases the operating efficiency of the workers by providing the specialization of work.
  • 44. 3.Departmentation helps in fixing the responsibility to various executive of the makes the executive to be alert and efficient in his duties. 4.Grouping of activities and personnel into departments makes it possible for enterprise to expand and grow.
  • 45. 5.Departmentation provides an opportunity to managers to take initiative in complicating job effectively and to make independent decision related to the department . 6.By assigning specific tasks to the departmental personnel,it is easier for the appraisal of managerial performance.
  • 46. 7.Departmentation gives other advantages like -Budget preparation -effective control of expenditure Attaining specialization Better coordination among the managerial personal
  • 47. The various bases of Departmentation : 1) Departmentation by Enterprise Functions : Functional Departmentation is the most widely employed basis for Organizing Activities & is present in almost every Enterprise at some level in the Organization Structure. Each Major function of the enterprise is grouped into a Dept. For Eg : A typical Manufacturing Company will have Production, Engineering, Marketing, Finance & Personnel Depts. A typical Manufacturing Unit representing such Functional Depts is shown below :
  • 48.
  • 49. Advantages : ( Function based Departmentation)  It is logical & time proven.  The Power & prestige of the basic activities of the enterprise are maintained by the Top Managers. The identity of various functions is maintained.  Functional Departmentation follows the principle of Occupational Specialization & thereby facilitates efficiency in utilization of people.  It simplifies training.  It furnishes a means of tight control at the Top, as the Top Managers are responsible for
  • 50. Disadvantages :  This may tend to de-emphasize over all Enterprise Objectives.  Over specializes & narrows view points of Key Personnel.  People develop attitudes & other behavioral patterns involving loyalty to their Functional Depts & not to the enterprise as a whole & this tends to reduce Co- ordination between Functions.  Responsibility for profits is at the Top only. In small Enterprises, this may be acceptable, but in large Enterprises the burden becomes too heavy for the person to bear.  Functional Departmentation makes it difficult to adapt quickly to environmental changes.
  • 51. 2) Departmentation by Products :  This method is ideally suited for Large Organizations manufacturing various different Products.  In this method, a separate Semi Autonomous Dept is created for each Product & is put under the Charge of a VP or, a Manager is made responsible for achieving Set Goals.
  • 52.  Within each Dept, all the needed Production, Engineering, Personnel, Marketing & other facilities are grouped.  This method is ideal when an Organization grows to a very Large Size & the usual method of Functional Departmentation creates Operational Problems.  For Eg: An Automobiles Manufacturing Company has 3 Products say : 1) Tractors 2) LCV & 3) Luxury Cars etc. The Company may create 3 Different for these Products, each headed by a VP for efficient & effective running of the Organization.
  • 53. Advantages :  It facilitates use of specialized Capital (eg : A person may be extremely good in Marketing Luxury Cars or LCV & his Services may be used in these areas.)  Relieves Top Management of Operating Task Responsibility, therefore it can better concentrate on such centralized activities like Finance, R & D, & Control.  This enables the Top Management to Compare the performance of different Products & take the Policy Decisions about those Products which are not performing at expected levels.
  • 54.  In this form, since Responsibility for Performance of each Product is entrusted to a particular Dept Head, he is well stimulated for improving his performance.  Here, those who Work within the Dept derive greater satisfaction from identification with a recognizable Goal.
  • 55. Disadvantages :  This form results in Duplication of Facilities & Staff.  Extra expenditure is incurred in maintaining a Sales Force for each Product Line.  Employment of a Large No of Management Personnel is reqd.  Plant & Machineries in each Dept may not be used fully.
  • 56. 3) Customer Departmentation :  An enterprise may be divided into a Number of Depts on the basis of the Customer that it serves.  In this form, the Customers are the Key to the way the activities are grouped when each of the different things an enterprise does for them is managed by one Dept Head for that particular activity/thing.
  • 57.
  • 58. Advantages :  Encourages Concentration on Customer Needs.  Gives Customers feeling that they have an understanding Supplier.  This form helps to develop Expertise in Customer Area.
  • 59. Disadvantages :  It may result in Under Utilization of resources & facilities in some Depts.  There may be duplication of Services.  Requires Manager’s & Staff Experts in Customer’s Problems.
  • 60. 4) Departmentation by Territory or Geography or Regions :  It is based on Territory or Region which is Very Common in Enterprises that operate over Wide Geographic Areas.  For Eg: Used widely in Automobile Assembling, Chain Retailing, Wholesaling & Oil Retailing. i.e., “Big Bazaar”, “Wal Mart in USA”, departments based on Region “Western Railways, Southern Railways etc”.  Here, it is important that activities in a given area or region be grouped & assigned to a GM, when this type of Departmentation is adapted.
  • 61. Advantages& Disadvantages : advantages  It motivates each regional head to achieve high performance.  Places responsibility at a Lower Level.  Places emphasis on Local Markets & problems.  It improves Coordination in a Region.  It enables better face to face communication with the local disadvantages  It requires more people with GM capabilities.  It increases problem of Top Management
  • 62. 5) Departmentation by Time :  One of the Oldest form of Departmentation generally used at Lower Levels of Organization, i.e., Grouping based on Time. The use of Shifts is Common in many enterprises where for Economic, Technological or other reasons, the normal day will not suffice. Egs: Hospitals, Machine Shops, Forging Shops, Press Shops working in 3 Shifts for Economic Reasons. This is also true for Chemical Industries, Blast Furnaces, Steel Melting Furnaces etc where processes cannot be interrupted. These industries work in 3 Shifts.
  • 63. Advantages :  Services may be rendered that go beyond the typical 8 Hours a Day, often extending to 24 Hours a Day.  It is possible to use processes that cannot be interrupted, those that require a Continuous Cycle.  Expensive Capital Investment on Plant & Machinery can be used more than 8 Hours a Day when Workers in all the 3 Shifts use the same Machines. This is a very important Economic Consideration.
  • 64. Disadvantages :  Supervision may lack during Night Shift.  There is a fatigue factor ; it is difficult for most people to switch, for instance, from a Day Shift to a Night Shift & Vice Versa.  Having Several Shifts may cause problems in Communication & Coordination.  In a factory, the night shift people may not clean up the machines to be used by the day shift people.  Efficiency of the people have generally been found to be quite low between 12:00 AM to 8:00 AM.
  • 65. 6) Process or Equipment Departmentation :  This is done on the basis of several discrete processes or technologies involved in the manufacture of a Product.  In this kind of Departmentation, the necessary Resources are brought in to do the particular Job.  Eg: This can be explained by means of a Cast Iron Foundry manufacturing Graded cast Iron Castings. There are so many processes involved such as Moulding, Core Making, Melting, Sand Preparation, Fettling etc. The Block Diagram of a Typical Enterprise is shown below :
  • 66.
  • 67. Advantages :  It achieves Economic Advantages.  Follows principle of Specialization – each Dept is engaged in doing a special type of work, therefore utilizing special skills of the people & increases Operational Efficiency.  Ideally suited for manufacturing enterprises using a Number of Intermediate Processes to manufacture their Products.
  • 68. Disadvantages :  It does not provide a good training ground for overall development of Managerial Talent.  Coordination of different Depts is difficult & some times, it may lead to Production Bottle Necks.  Responsibility for Profit is at the Top.
  • 69.  Span of management means the number of people managed effectively by a single in an organization.  The term span of management is also known as span of supervision or span of authority or span of responsibility.  But span of management is better term because control and supervision are elements of management
  • 70. SPAN OF MANAGEMENT It is also called as span of control or span of supervision. It refers to the number of subordinates that report directly to a single manager or supervisor.
  • 71.  Capacity of superior  Capacity of subordinates  Nature of work  Type of technology  Delegation of authority  Communication technique  Using of objective standards  Direction and coordination.
  • 72.  Capacity of superior - manager having more capacity may supervise more subordinates the those who are having less capacity. -Each manager has different capacity in respect of such factors in communication,leadership,decision making and control.
  • 73.  Capacity of subordinates -subordinates should have more experienced and well trained persons such situations more number of subordinates can be easily controlled.  Nature of work - If the subordinates are involved in simple and repetitive activities then it is possible for the manager to supervise ore subordinates and span may be wider
  • 74.  Type of technology - Firms using mass production and assembly line production can have wider span than process production system.  Delegation of authority - the most serious of poor organization affecting the span of management is inadequate or unclear authority delegation. - If a manager should be define clearly delegation of authority for reducing managerial time.
  • 75.  Communication technique  Communication is one of the factor for determine the span of control.  If the communication is oral or face to face it requires more time and energy on the part of both superior and subordinates.  On the other hand if we use electronic and other modern devices that will save lot of time and span can be increased.
  • 76. AUTHORITY  Line and Staff Authority  Delegation of Authority
  • 77. AUTHORITY:  Right to take decisions that arises due to position in organizational structure.  Authority is the right to perform or command. It allows its holder to act in certain designated ways and to directly influence the actions of others through orders.  Types of Authority:  Line Authority  Staff Authority
  • 78. LINE AUTHORITY The chain of command in the organizational structure that flows major decision making power. The officially sanctioned ability to issue orders t o subordinate employees within an organization.
  • 79. STAFF AUTHORITY Staff authority consists of the right to advise or assist those who possess line authority as well as other staff personnel.  The Advisory or Counseling Role : The Service Role The Control Role
  • 80. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY Assigning work to subordinates and giving them necessary authority to do the assigned work effectively. Simple terms, GRANTING AUTHORITY TO SUBORDINATES
  • 81. FEATURES OF DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY: No delegation of total authority Delegation of only that authority a manager has Representation of the superior Delegation for organizational purpose Restoration of delegated authority Balance of authority and responsibility No delegation of responsibility
  • 82. CONFLICT BETWEEN LINE – STAFF EMPLOYEES Assume Line Authority Do not give Sound Advice Steal Credit for Success Fail to Keep line personnel informed of their activities Do not see the whole picture.
  • 83. CENTRALIZATION AND DECENTRALIZATION  Meaning : Centralization and Decentralization  Reasons: In which case which is needed  Advantages and Disadvantages: of both
  • 84. Centralization versus Decentralization of Authority & Responsibility : Meaning of Decentralization : Organization Authority is merely the discretion conferred on people to use their judgement to make decisions & issue instructions. It is the tendency to disperse decision making authority in an Organized Structure. It is a fundamental aspect of delegation, to the extent the authority is not delegated ; it is Centralized.
  • 85.  Delegation of Authority & hence Decentralization is necessary for an Organization to exist.  Just as no one person in an enterprise, can do all the tasks necessary for accomplishing a group purpose, so it is impossible, as an enterprise grows, for one person to exercise all the authority for making decisions.  There is a limit to the No of Persons Managers can effectively supervise & make decisions for.
  • 86.  Once this limit exceeds, Authority must be delegated to Subordinates, who will take decisions within the area of the assigned duties.  Decentralization implies more than delegation. It reflects the philosophy of the Organization & Management.  It requires careful selection of which decisions to be taken at lower levels of the Organization Structure & which to be taken at the Top levels.
  • 87.  It also requires specific policy making to guide the decision making, proper selection & training of people & adequate control.  A policy of Decentralization affects all areas of Management & can be seen as an essential element of a Managerial System. In fact, without it, Managers wouldn’t be able to use their discretion to handle the ever - changing situations they face.  Every enterprise has to decide as to how much decision making authority should be centralized in the hands of the President & the VP (Top Levels) & how much should be delegated to the Managers at the Lower Levels.
  • 88.  In a Centralized set up, the Decision making Authority is concentrated in a few people at the Top, in a Decentralized Set up, it is delegated to the Lower Levels where the actual work is performed.  Following are the criteria to measure the extent of Decentralization in an Enterprise. Decentralization is greater : 1) When, the greater is the number of decisions made at Lower Levels. 2) When the more important are the decisions made at Lower Levels. 3) When more is the number of areas in which decisions can be made at Lower Levels &
  • 89. 4) When fewer are the people to be consulted & less is the checking reqd from the Top Levels on the Decisions made at the Lower Levels. Definition on Decentralization : “ Everything that goes to increase the importance of the Subordinate’s Role is Decentralization & everything that goes to reduce it is Centralization.” The terms “Centralization” & “Decentralization” are not absolute but are relative. Absolute Centralization is not possible, except in a One – Man Enterprise. Consequently, we can say that Decentralization Characterizes
  • 90.  Similarly, there cannot be absolute Decentralization of Authority because the Manager cannot delegate all his authority without surrendering his position as a Manager. Meaning of Centralization : It has several meanings : 1) Centralization of Performance : Pertains to Geographic Concentration ; it characterizes, for Eg : a Company operating in a single location.
  • 91. 2) Departmental Centralization : Refers to Concentration of specalized activities in one Dept. For Eg : Repairs & Maintenance for an entire plant may be carried out by a Single Dept. 3) Centralization as an aspect of Management : It is the tendency to Restrict Delegation of decision making. A high degree of authority is held at or near the Top by Managers in the Organizational Hierarchy. We are concerned with this aspect of Centralization & Decentralization of Authority & Responsibility.
  • 92. Distinction between Delegation & Decentralization : They appear to be the same, but in reality they mean different things. The Major differences are given below : 1) Delegation is a process, while Decentralization is the end result (Outcome) of the Delegation & Dispersal of Authority. Delegation mainly refers to granting of Authority & the creation of responsibility as between one individual & another; Decentralization is the situation which exists as a result of the systematic delegation of Authority throughout the Organization.
  • 93. 2) In Delegation, a Superior continues to be responsible for the work delegated to his Subordinates, while in Decentralization, the Superior is relieved from his responsibility for the work Decentralized & Subordinate becomes liable (responsible) for that. 3) Delegation is Vital & essential to the Management Process. Only thro Delegation, Subordinates can be involved in the Organization & the Management can get things done. Decentralization is Optional, in the sense, that it may or may not be done as a Systematic policy.
  • 94. Advantages of Decentralization :  Relieves Top Management of some burden of Decision Making & forces upper level managers to let go. (giving freedom to the Lower Level Mgrs to take independent Decisions.)  Reduces problems of Communication & hence enables Top Managers to take timely decisions on all important issues, thus, enhancing the efficiency of the Organization.  Encourages Decision Making & assumption of Authority & responsibility.  Gives Managers more freedom & independence in Decision Making.
  • 95.  Promotes establishment & use of broad controls which may increase Motivation.  Makes comparison of performance of different Organizational units possible.  Facilitates setting up of Profit Centers.  Facilitates Product Diversification.  Promotes development of more capable Managers. Because, Managers in a Decentralized structure often have to adapt to & deal with difficult situations, they are assumed to be excellently trained for Promotions into positions of greater authority & responsibility. Decentralization aids in adaptation to fast changing environment.
  • 96. Limitations of Decentralization :  Makes it more difficult to have a Uniform Policy.  Increases Complexity of Coordination of Decentralized Organizational Units.  May result in loss of some control by Upper-Level Managers.  May be limited by inadequate Control Techniques.  May be constrained by inadequate Planning & control systems.  Can be limited by the availability of qualified & capable Managers.  Involves considerable expenses for Training Managers.  May not be favored by Economics of Scale of
  • 97. The Extent of Decentralization :  To avoid problems, any program for decentralization of Authority & Responsibility must consider thoroughly the Advantages & the Limitations of Decentralization.  Strong forces in the Organization favor the practice of Decentralization. But, at the same time, extensive Decentralization is not to be blindly undertaken.  Perhaps, One Major Problem of Decentralization is loss of Control. No enterprise can Decentralize to the extent that its very existence is threatened & the achievement of its Goals is frustrated.
  • 98.  If Organizational Disintegration is to be avoided, Decentralization must be tempered with selective Centralization in certain major policy areas.  An enterprise with well balanced Decentralization will probably centralize decisions at the Top on such things as given below : 1) Financing. 2) Overall Profit Goals & Budgeting. 3) Major Facilities & other Capital Expenditures. 4) Important New Product Programs. 5) Major Marketing Strategies. 6) Basic Personnel Policies. 7) Development & Compensation of Managerial Personnel.
  • 99. Human resource management or staffing “ Manpower planning is the process by which an organization ensures that it has the right number and the kind of people, at the right place, at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall objectives”. Human resource is the process of recruitment, selection of employee, providing proper orientation and induction, providing proper training and developing skills, assessment of employee, providing proper compensation and benefits and maintaining employee’s safety
  • 100. Scope of Human resource management Human resource planning: It refers to a process by which the company to identify the number of job vacant, whether company has excess staff or storage of staff. Job analysis and design: It gives a detailed explanation about each and every job in the company. Recruitment and selection : Based on information collected from job analysis the company prepares advertisements and publishes them in the newspapers. This is recruitment. Orientation and induction:Once the employees have been selected an induction or orientation program is conducted. Training and development:
  • 101. Scope of Human resource management Training and development: Every employee goes under training program which helps him to put up a better performance on the job. Performance appraisal: Based on appraisal future promotions, incentives, increments in salary decided. Compensation planning and remuneration: It is the job of HRD to look into remuneration and compensation planning. Motivation, welfare, health and safety: It is the job of HRD to look in to different methods of motivation.
  • 102. Job analysis “Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job. The immediate products of this analysis are job descriptions and job specifications” It consists of two tasks Job description: It is a written statement showing job title, tasks duties and responsibilities involved in a job. It also describes required qualifications, minimum requirements,working conditions and desirable qualifications. Job specification
  • 103. Job analysis Job context Job content Job analysis Job requireme nts •The purpose of job analysis is to provide description of the job •The result of job analysis is a job description •A Job analysis gathers and identifies information about three aspects of all jobs: •Job content •Job requirements •Job context
  • 104. Job analysis Job specification: It is a statement of the minimum acceptable qualities necessary to perform a job properly.
  • 105. Job design It is usually broad enough to accommodate people’s needs and desires. Guidelines: Mechanical and technical factors of the job and simplifications of the mechanical factors Providing social interaction, views and attitudes with superiors, Subordinates and peers. Techniques for designing jobs: Job Enlargement Job Rotation Job Enrichment
  • 107. JOB SIMPLIFICATION jobs are broken down into very small parts where a fragment called “task” is repeatedly done over and over again by the same individual. •ADVANTAGES •Employee therefore is paid higher rewards. •the productivity is high. •Achieves specialization. •Training cost to the organization is practically negligible. •DISADVANTAGES •a worker is likely to get bored and remain absent frequently. •Quality and quantity may suffer in the long run due to frustration. •Organization may have to attract workers by offering higher wages
  • 108. JOB ENLARGEMENT Job Enlargement means where two or more simple tasks are combined and allotted to an employee  Eg: As in the case of vehicle driver, apart from driving he can undertake the job of maintenance of the vehicle. Increases job range, but not depth Advantage :  more variety in a job  acquiring additional proficiency.  Dissatisfaction of employees can not be avoided after a long period due to boredom.
  • 109. JOB ENRICHMENT The concept of job enrichment was developed by Fredrik Herzberg in the 1950s. Job enrichment involves providing an employee with more responsibility for a job and challenges the individual‟s skills at work. Enrichment involves increasing the decision-making authority and encouraging the employee with their tasks.
  • 110.
  • 111. FEATURES OF JOB ENRICHMENT The characteristics or features of job enrichment are:- Nature of Job : Job enrichment is a vertical expansion of the job. Objective : The objective of Job enrichment isto make the job more lively and challenging. Positive Results : Job enrichment gives positive results if the workers are highly skilled. Direction and Control : Job enrichment encourages self-discipline.
  • 112. ADVANTAGES The importance or merits or advantages of job enrichmentare:-  Job enrichment is useful to both the workers and theorganization.  The worker gets achievement, recognition and self-actualization.  The worker gets a sense of belonging to the organization.  The worker finds the job meaningful.  Job enrichment reduces absenteeism, labour-turnover and grievances.  It motivates the workers to give best performance.
  • 113. LIMITATIONS The shortcomings or demerits or limitations of job enrichmentare:-  In many cases, job enrichment does not give the expected results.  It makes many changes in the job. So many workers oppose it.  It has limited use for highly skilled managers and professionals.  The consent of workers is not taken before implementing job enrichment.  Managers force the workers to accept job enrichment, which is notgood.
  • 114. JOB ENRICHMENT OPTIONS • Give people the opportunity to use a variety of skills, and perform different kinds of work Rotate Jobs • Combine work activities to provide a more challenging and complex work assignment. Combine Tasks • Break your typical functional lines and form project-focused units. Identify Project- Focused Work Units • This is job enrichment at the group level. CreateAutonomous Work Teams • Allow team members to participate in decision making and get involved in strategic planning. Implement Participative Management
  • 115. Job Enrichment Job Enrichment Job Enrichment + Job Enlargement Routine Job Job Enlargement No. of Task Focus of Depth
  • 116. JOB ROTATION Job rotation refers to a technique where the employee is periodically rotated from one job to another within the work design. It involves moving employees among different jobs over a period of time
  • 117. 1) Meaningfulness of work: Skill variety: Using an appropriate variety of your skills and talents:  Task Identity: Being able to identify with the work at hand as more whole and complete,.  Task Significance: Being able to identify the task as contributing to something wider, to society or a group over and beyond the self. Characteristic of Job Rotation
  • 118. 1.Variety of skills: o improve and increase the skills of the employee due to organization as well as the individual benefit. 2.Improves earning capacity: o Due to job enlargement the person learns many new activities. o such people apply for jobs to other companies and can bargain for more salary. 3.Wide range of activities: o Since a single employee handles multiple activities the company can try and reduce the number of employee‟s. Advantages of Job Rotation
  • 119. 1. Frequent interruption: o A person who is doing a particular job and get it comfortable suddenly finds himself shifted to another job or department this interrupts the work in both the departments 2. Reduces uniformity in quality: o when a new worker I shifted or rotated in the department, he takes time to learn the new job, makes mistakes in the process and affects the quality of the job. Disadvantages of Job Rotation
  • 120. Recruitment Process of locating, identifying, and attracting capable candidates Can be for current or future needs Critical activity for some corporations. What sources do we use for recruitment
  • 121. Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire those with a greater likelihood of success in a job. selection
  • 123. Difference : Recruitment & selection RECRUITMENT SELECTION  To attract maximum number To choose best out of the of candidates. available candidates.  It creates application pool It is a rejection process as large as possible. where few are selected.  Techniques are not very Highly specialized techniques intensive. are required.  Outcome is application Outcome is the candidate who pool. is offered job.
  • 124. Recruitment & selection process RECRUITMENT SELECTION Advertisement Screening of applications Employment agencies Selection tests On campus recruitment Interview Deputation Checking of references Employee recommendations Physical examination Labor unions Approval by authority Gate hiring Placement
  • 125. Training & development TRAINING : “Training is a short term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which non managerial personnel learn technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.  DEVELOPMENT: “Development is a long term educational process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose”.
  • 127. Performance appraisal  Major key to managing itself  Basis of determining who is promotable to higher position  Determines strengths and weaknesses of a manager  Measures performance in accomplishing goals and plans  Integral part of organization  Recognize legitimate desire of employees for progress  Essential for effective management
  • 128. Appraisal Methods Graphic Rating Scale Critical Incidence method BARS Self Appraisal 180 Degree Appraisal 360 Degree Appraisal Management by Objective Balance Score Card