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Unit 1
What is IoT?
• The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of
physical objects—“things”—that are embedded with sensors,
software, and other technologies for the purpose of
connecting and exchanging data with other devices and
systems over the internet.
The technologies that make IoT
Several technologies come together to make IoT possible.
 Sensors and actuators: Sensors are devices that can detect changes in the environment, such
as temperature, humidity, light, motion or pressure. Actuators are devices that can cause physical
changes in the environment, such as opening or closing a valve or turning on a motor. These
devices are at the heart of IoT, as they allow machines and devices to interact with the physical
world. Automation is possible when sensors and actuators work to resolve issues without human
 Connectivity technologies: To transmit IoT data from sensors and actuators to the cloud, IoT
devices need to be connected to the internet. There are several connectivity technologies used in
IoT, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular, Zigbee and LoRaWAN.
 Cloud computing: The cloud is where the vast amounts of data generated by IoT devices are
stored, processed and analyzed. Cloud computing platforms provide the infrastructure and tools
needed to store and analyze this data, as well as to build and deploy IoT applications.
 Big data analytics: To make sense of the vast amounts of data
generated by IoT devices, businesses need to use advanced analytics
tools to extract insights and identify patterns. These tools can
include machine learning algorithms, data visualization tools
and predictive analytics models.
 Security and privacy technologies: As IoT deployments become more
widespread, IoT security and privacy become increasingly important.
Technologies such as encryption, access controls and intrusion detection
systems are used to protect IoT devices and the data they generate from
Difference between Sensor and Actuator
It converts physical characteristics into electrical signals. It converts electrical signals into physical characteristics.
It takes input from environment. It takes input from output conditioning unit of system.
Sensor generated electrical signals. Actuator generates heat or motion.
It is placed at input port of the system. It is placed at output port of the system.
It is used to measure the physical quantity. It is used to measure the continuous and discrete process parameters.
It gives information to the system about environment. It accepts command to perform a function.
Example: Photo-voltaic cell which converts light energy into electrical
Example: Stepper motor where electrical energy drives the motor.
Features of IOT
The most important features of IoT on which it works are
connectivity, analyzing, integrating, active engagement, and many
more. Some of them are listed below:
• Connectivity: Connectivity refers to establish a proper connection
between all the things of IoT to IoT platform it may be server or
cloud. After connecting the IoT devices, it needs a high speed
messaging between the devices and cloud to enable reliable, secure
and bi-directional communication.
• Analyzing: After connecting all the relevant things, it comes to real-
time analyzing the data collected and use them to build effective
business intelligence. If we have a good insight into data gathered
from all these things, then we call our system has a smart system.
• Integrating: IoT integrating the various models to improve the user
experience as well.
• Artificial Intelligence: IoT makes things smart and enhances life through the use
of data. For example, if we have a coffee machine whose beans have going to end,
then the coffee machine itself order the coffee beans of your choice from the
• Sensing: The sensor devices used in IoT technologies detect and measure any
change in the environment and report on their status. IoT technology brings
passive networks to active networks. Without sensors, there could not hold an
effective or true IoT environment.
• Active Engagement: IoT makes the connected technology, product, or services to
active engagement between each other.
• Endpoint Management: It is important to be the endpoint management of all the
IoT system otherwise, it makes the complete failure of the system. For example, if
a coffee machine itself order the coffee beans when it goes to end but what
happens when it orders the beans from a retailer and we are not present at home
for a few days, it leads to the failure of the IoT system. So, there must be a need
for endpoint management
Advantages of IoT
Internet of things facilitates the several advantages in day-to-day life in the business sector. Some of
its benefits are given below:
o Efficient resource utilization: If we know the functionality and the way that how each device
work we definitely increase the efficient resource utilization as well as monitor natural resources.
o Minimize human effort: As the devices of IoT interact and communicate with each other and do
lot of task for us, then they minimize the human effort.
o Save time: As it reduces the human effort then it definitely saves out time. Time is the primary
factor which can save through IoT platform.
o Enhance Data Collection:
Disadvantages of IoT
As the Internet of things facilitates a set of benefits, it also creates a significant set of
challenges. Some of the IoT challenges are given below:
o Security: As the IoT systems are interconnected and communicate over networks. The
system offers little control despite any security measures, and it can be lead the various
kinds of network attacks.
o Privacy: Even without the active participation on the user, the IoT system provides
substantial personal data in maximum detail.
o Complexity: The designing, developing, and maintaining and enabling the large
technology to IoT system is quite complicated.
Architecture of Internet of Things (IoT)
• Sensing Layer –
The sensing layer is the first layer of the IoT architecture and is responsible for collecting data from different sources.
This layer includes sensors and actuators that are placed in the environment to gather information about temperature, humidity,
light, sound, and other physical parameters.
These devices are connected to the network layer through wired or wireless communication protocols.
• Network Layer –
The network layer of an IoT architecture is responsible for providing communication and connectivity between devices in the IoT
Examples of network technologies that are commonly used in IoT include WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, and cellular networks such
as 4G and 5G
Additionally, the network layer may include gateways and routers that act as intermediaries between devices and the wider
internet, and may also include security features such as encryption and authentication to protect against unauthorized access.
• Data processing Layer –
The data processing layer of IoT architecture refers to the software and hardware components
that are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data from IoT devices. This layer
is responsible for receiving raw data from the devices, processing it, and making it available for
further analysis or action. The data processing layer includes a variety of technologies and tools,
such as data management systems, analytics platforms, and machine learning algorithms. These
tools are used to extract meaningful insights from the data and make decisions based on that
data. Example of a technology used in the data processing layer is a data lake, which is a
centralized repository for storing raw data from IoT devices.
• Application Layer –
The application layer of IoT architecture is the topmost layer that interacts directly with the
end-user. It is responsible for providing user-friendly interfaces and functionalities that
enable users to access and control IoT devices.
This layer includes various software and applications such as mobile apps, web portals, and
other user interfaces that are designed to interact with the underlying IoT infrastructure
The application layer also includes analytics and processing capabilities that allow data to
be analyzed and transformed into meaningful insights.
This can include machine learning algorithms, data visualization tools, and other advanced
analytics capabilities.
How IoT Works
• When talking about how does IoT works, the process begins with devices that
have built-in sensors. These devices are connected to IoT platforms which store
data from all the connected devices. The important data is then used to perform
tasks that fulfil the needs of people.
• When we say the data is stored in the IoT platforms, it doesn’t mean that all the
data is useful. Devices carefully select only particular data that is relevant to
execute an action. These pieces of information can detect patterns,
recommendations, and problems before they occur.
• This is how an IoT application works with smart systems that automate tasks to
address specific needs.
• Moving further, let us dive deeper into the Internet of Things concept and see what
are the prime components of Internet of Things technology.
Major Components of IoT Ecosystem
1. Sensors/ Devices
The foremost component to consider in Internet of Things technology is sensor/devices. A
sensor picks up all the minute details from an environment. The environment can have
many complexities. What makes IoT security so great is these sensors that pick up even the
most sensitive changes. These sensors are built in the devices which collect all the data to
be used later. For instance, our phone is a device with built-in sensors like GPS, camera,
2. Connectivity
Once the data is collected it is transferred to the cloud infrastructure (also known as IoT platforms).
But to transfer the data, the devices will need a medium. That’s when connections like Bluetooth,
Wi-Fi, WAN, cellular networks, etc come into play. These mediums are all different and must be
chosen wisely for best results.
The effectiveness of IoT security highly depends on the speed and availability of these
3. Data Processing
After reaching the cloud infrastructure the data has to be analysed so that the right
action can be taken. This process is however considered one of the most crucial
obstacles in front of IoT app development. The analysis can be as simple as
checking the temperature of the AC or a complex one such as a situation where an
intruder comes in and the device has to identify it through cameras. The IoT
application is made such that it can process all the data at a fast rate to take
immediate actions.
4. User Interface
The last step is when the user is notified about the action with the help of a
notification or an alert sound sent to the IoT mobile apps. This way the user will
know that his command has been run through the systems
Applications of IoT
1. Healthcare:
IoT deals with healthcare through its connection mechanisms. Devices like smartwatches or
fitness bands or stress detectors are a great example of IoT applications that involve the
welfare of the public.
Other smart medical devices used in companies lead to a better healthcare system too. An
individual’s health and the ways to improve it are all known to them via these healthcare
devices. The base for this application is IoT’s ability to connect devices, collect data through
sensors, and analyze them to form the right results.
2. Industrial Use:
As the name suggests, this application deals mostly with the industrial sector than the
personal sector. IoT applications deal with developing the industry and it's working methods
with the help of software used for data analysis, sensors, tracking devices, and machines that
are effective and masterly.
These help a firm to have accurate, enhanced, and transparent functioning. One can not only
improve things but can also identify the damaged spots for an accurate cure. When IoT is
used in industries, a sustainable approach is well-established.
3. Smart Homes:
When the homes are at their best when their lives will be the best too.
However, in order to make your homes smart, the application of IoT is necessary as it helps
the owner to control and supervise their lights, security, fans, water supply, and other home
devices through any of their smart devices.
In short, a smart home is a modern-technological experience that will help the owners save
their money, time, and energy spent on their daily-life.
4. Smart City:
When the homes in the city become smart, so does the city which gets to have many
infrastructural developments due to IoT applications. IoT also has its way around in the
transport sector, government services sector, traffic management sector, health care,
agricultural sector, water and energy sectors, and also in the waste management sector, which
leads to a sustainable way of living by removing the difficulties of the living population.
Cities are also protected and observed for security and development through IoT.
5. Agriculture:
Agriculture is always the need-in-hour service and with the due increase in population, its
demand rises too. However, in order to meet the current and future farming needs, farmers
should use smart methods and techniques.
IoT offers many such smart techniques like its automation feature helps the farmers to
fertilize their plants at regular intervals, keep a check on the usage of water, be aware of the
right time to harvest. analyze the soil’s texture, nutrients, and also its ability to yield.
Livestock can also be monitored through IoT’s sensor tools. In order to predict the weather
before/during/after a yield, one can use AIIMETOE / Pynco, the 2 best IoT farming devices.
Smart Supply Chain:
A supply chain deals with the process involved in delivering a product or service to a
consumer. When the traditional methods are used, this supply chain charges more manpower
and thus more money, energy, and time.
However, when IoT is applied here, then through its tracking systems (GPS / Radio
Frequency) and sensors, one can easily, without much pressure and money involved, can
track their goods, the shipment process, and also the transportation operations.
IoT sensors can be used to know the effectiveness of each machine and its work settings can
also be changed, if necessary. With less manpower, but more work is done, the company’s
work is optimized at all levels.
7. Retail Purpose:
Retailing is all about connecting with the consumers on a more personal level and IoT
enables a retailer to stay connected with their consumers with the help of their smartphones.
Through this connection, the retailers get real feedback from their consumers and also helps
them find the demand in their particular place in order to change their goods supply
On the whole, the overall in-store experience is enhanced to meet the needs of their prospective
customers, goods are advertised effectively, and the supply chains are well maintained. Even
payment procedures are enhanced.
8. Transportation:
Smart cars are a great example of how IoT is used for controlling, monitoring, and driving a
car with the help of a smartphone / any other smart device through integrated sensors and a
central computer installed in the car.
Manufactures also use such sensors to know about their supply-chain and hence attach a
sensor in the vehicle that transports their goods. Even taxis work based on this IoT
application, in order to pick-up / drop their customers from and in their desired destinations,
respectively. One can also get these sensors to usage while trying to park their smart car in
their garage.
. Smart Grid:
These grids of IoT are also known as Power / Intelligent grids as they brilliantly manage the
power resources by keeping a regular/automated check on the supply and demand of
It’s transmission, consumption, distribution, and generation are all identified and monitored. This
leads to an increase in the economics and efficiency of electricity/energy. The Solar Panel is one of
the best examples of a smart grid.
10. Wearables:
Wearables refer to the smartwatches produced by Apple, Motorola, and others, Myo Gesture
Control, the LookSee bracelet, and many more which work with a sensor and software. They
are used by the users to know about themselves for development and enhancement.
Wearables can be used by users for fitness, entertainment, GPS, and also other health
purposes. However, the energy/power released or used by IoT in these wearables are very
less and thus they do not affect the users.
Main design principles of IoT
1.Do your research
When designing IoT-enabled products, designers might make the mistake of forgetting why
customers value these products in the first place. That’s why it’s a good idea to think about the
value an IoT offering should deliver at the initial phase of your design.
When getting into IoT design, you’re not building products anymore. You’re building services
and experiences that improve people’s lives. That’s why in-depth qualitative research is the key
to figuring out how you can do that.
Assume the perspective of your customers to understand what they need and how your IoT
implementation can solve their pain points.
Research your target audience deeply to see what their existing experiences are and what they
wish was different about them.
2.Concentrate on value
Early adopters are eager to try out new technologies. But the rest of your customer base
might be reluctant to put a new solution to use. They may not feel confident with it and
are likely to be cautious about using it.
If you want your IoT solution to become widely adopted, you need to focus on the actual
tangible value it’s going to deliver to your target audience.
• Who is the real end-user value of your solution?
• What might be the barriers to adopting new technology?
• How can your solution address them specifically?
Note that the features the early tech adopters might find valuable might turn out to be
completely uninteresting for the majority of users. That’s why you need to carefully plan
which features to include and in what order, always concentrating on the actual value they
3.Don’t forget about the bigger picture
One characteristic trait of IoT solutions is that they typically include
multiple devices that come with different capabilities and consist of both
digital and physical touchpoints.
Your solution might also be delivered to users in cooperation with
service providers. That’s why it’s not enough to design a single
touchpoint well.
Instead, you need to take the bigger picture into account and treat your
IoT system holistically.
Delineate the role of every device and service. Develop a conceptual
model of how users will perceive and understand the system. All the parts
of your system need to work seamlessly together. Only then you’ll be
able to create a meaningful experience for your end-users
4.Remember about the security
Don’t forget that IoT solutions aren’t purely digital. They’re located in the real-
world context, and the consequences of their actions might be serious if
something goes wrong. At the same time, building trust in IoT solutions should
be one of your main design drivers.
Make sure that every interaction with your product builds consumer trust rather
than breaking it. In practice, it means that you should understand all the possible
error situations that may be related to the context of its use. Then try to design
your product in a way to prevent them.
If error situations occur, make sure that the user is informed appropriately and
provided with help. Also, consider data security and privacy as a key aspect of
your implementation. Users need to feel that their data is safe, and objects
located in their workspaces or home can’t be hacked. That’s why quality
assurance and testing the system in the real-world context are so important.
5.Build with the context in mind
And speaking of context, it pays to remember that IoT solutions are located at the
intersection of the physical and digital world. The commands you give through digital
interfaces produce real-world effects.
Unlike digital commands, these actions may not be easily undone. In a real-world context,
many unexpected things may happen. That’s why you need to make sure that the design
of your solution enables users to feel safe and in control at all times.
The context itself is a crucial consideration during IoT design. Depending on the physical
context of your solution, you might have different goals in mind.
For example, you might want to minimize user distraction or design devices that will be
resistant to the changing weather conditions. The social context is an important factor, as
well. Don’t forget that the devices you design for workspaces or homes will be used by
multiple users.
6.Make good use of prototypes
IoT solutions are often difficult to upgrade.
Once the user places the connected object somewhere, it might be hard to replace it with a
new version – especially if the user would have to pay for the upgrade.
Even the software within the object might be hard to update because of security and privacy
Make sure that your design practices help to avoid costly hardware iterations. Get your
solution right from the start. From the design perspective, it means that prototyping and
rapid iteration will become critical in the early stages of the project
Building Blocks of IoT

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Unit 1 iot.pptx

  • 2. What is IoT? • The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects—“things”—that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet.
  • 3. The technologies that make IoT possible Several technologies come together to make IoT possible.  Sensors and actuators: Sensors are devices that can detect changes in the environment, such as temperature, humidity, light, motion or pressure. Actuators are devices that can cause physical changes in the environment, such as opening or closing a valve or turning on a motor. These devices are at the heart of IoT, as they allow machines and devices to interact with the physical world. Automation is possible when sensors and actuators work to resolve issues without human intervention.  Connectivity technologies: To transmit IoT data from sensors and actuators to the cloud, IoT devices need to be connected to the internet. There are several connectivity technologies used in IoT, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular, Zigbee and LoRaWAN.  Cloud computing: The cloud is where the vast amounts of data generated by IoT devices are stored, processed and analyzed. Cloud computing platforms provide the infrastructure and tools needed to store and analyze this data, as well as to build and deploy IoT applications.
  • 4.  Big data analytics: To make sense of the vast amounts of data generated by IoT devices, businesses need to use advanced analytics tools to extract insights and identify patterns. These tools can include machine learning algorithms, data visualization tools and predictive analytics models.  Security and privacy technologies: As IoT deployments become more widespread, IoT security and privacy become increasingly important. Technologies such as encryption, access controls and intrusion detection systems are used to protect IoT devices and the data they generate from
  • 5. Difference between Sensor and Actuator SENSOR ACTUATOR It converts physical characteristics into electrical signals. It converts electrical signals into physical characteristics. It takes input from environment. It takes input from output conditioning unit of system. Sensor generated electrical signals. Actuator generates heat or motion. It is placed at input port of the system. It is placed at output port of the system. It is used to measure the physical quantity. It is used to measure the continuous and discrete process parameters. It gives information to the system about environment. It accepts command to perform a function. Example: Photo-voltaic cell which converts light energy into electrical energy. Example: Stepper motor where electrical energy drives the motor. :
  • 6. Features of IOT The most important features of IoT on which it works are connectivity, analyzing, integrating, active engagement, and many more. Some of them are listed below: • Connectivity: Connectivity refers to establish a proper connection between all the things of IoT to IoT platform it may be server or cloud. After connecting the IoT devices, it needs a high speed messaging between the devices and cloud to enable reliable, secure and bi-directional communication. • Analyzing: After connecting all the relevant things, it comes to real- time analyzing the data collected and use them to build effective business intelligence. If we have a good insight into data gathered from all these things, then we call our system has a smart system. • Integrating: IoT integrating the various models to improve the user experience as well.
  • 7. • Artificial Intelligence: IoT makes things smart and enhances life through the use of data. For example, if we have a coffee machine whose beans have going to end, then the coffee machine itself order the coffee beans of your choice from the retailer. • Sensing: The sensor devices used in IoT technologies detect and measure any change in the environment and report on their status. IoT technology brings passive networks to active networks. Without sensors, there could not hold an effective or true IoT environment. • Active Engagement: IoT makes the connected technology, product, or services to active engagement between each other. • Endpoint Management: It is important to be the endpoint management of all the IoT system otherwise, it makes the complete failure of the system. For example, if a coffee machine itself order the coffee beans when it goes to end but what happens when it orders the beans from a retailer and we are not present at home for a few days, it leads to the failure of the IoT system. So, there must be a need for endpoint management
  • 8. Advantages of IoT Internet of things facilitates the several advantages in day-to-day life in the business sector. Some of its benefits are given below: o Efficient resource utilization: If we know the functionality and the way that how each device work we definitely increase the efficient resource utilization as well as monitor natural resources. o Minimize human effort: As the devices of IoT interact and communicate with each other and do lot of task for us, then they minimize the human effort. o Save time: As it reduces the human effort then it definitely saves out time. Time is the primary factor which can save through IoT platform. o Enhance Data Collection:
  • 9. Disadvantages of IoT As the Internet of things facilitates a set of benefits, it also creates a significant set of challenges. Some of the IoT challenges are given below: o Security: As the IoT systems are interconnected and communicate over networks. The system offers little control despite any security measures, and it can be lead the various kinds of network attacks. o Privacy: Even without the active participation on the user, the IoT system provides substantial personal data in maximum detail. o Complexity: The designing, developing, and maintaining and enabling the large technology to IoT system is quite complicated.
  • 10. Architecture of Internet of Things (IoT)
  • 11. • Sensing Layer – The sensing layer is the first layer of the IoT architecture and is responsible for collecting data from different sources. This layer includes sensors and actuators that are placed in the environment to gather information about temperature, humidity, light, sound, and other physical parameters. These devices are connected to the network layer through wired or wireless communication protocols. • Network Layer – The network layer of an IoT architecture is responsible for providing communication and connectivity between devices in the IoT system. Examples of network technologies that are commonly used in IoT include WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, and cellular networks such as 4G and 5G Additionally, the network layer may include gateways and routers that act as intermediaries between devices and the wider internet, and may also include security features such as encryption and authentication to protect against unauthorized access.
  • 12. • Data processing Layer – The data processing layer of IoT architecture refers to the software and hardware components that are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data from IoT devices. This layer is responsible for receiving raw data from the devices, processing it, and making it available for further analysis or action. The data processing layer includes a variety of technologies and tools, such as data management systems, analytics platforms, and machine learning algorithms. These tools are used to extract meaningful insights from the data and make decisions based on that data. Example of a technology used in the data processing layer is a data lake, which is a centralized repository for storing raw data from IoT devices.
  • 13. • Application Layer – The application layer of IoT architecture is the topmost layer that interacts directly with the end-user. It is responsible for providing user-friendly interfaces and functionalities that enable users to access and control IoT devices. This layer includes various software and applications such as mobile apps, web portals, and other user interfaces that are designed to interact with the underlying IoT infrastructure The application layer also includes analytics and processing capabilities that allow data to be analyzed and transformed into meaningful insights. This can include machine learning algorithms, data visualization tools, and other advanced analytics capabilities.
  • 14. How IoT Works • When talking about how does IoT works, the process begins with devices that have built-in sensors. These devices are connected to IoT platforms which store data from all the connected devices. The important data is then used to perform tasks that fulfil the needs of people. • When we say the data is stored in the IoT platforms, it doesn’t mean that all the data is useful. Devices carefully select only particular data that is relevant to execute an action. These pieces of information can detect patterns, recommendations, and problems before they occur. • This is how an IoT application works with smart systems that automate tasks to address specific needs. • Moving further, let us dive deeper into the Internet of Things concept and see what are the prime components of Internet of Things technology.
  • 15. Major Components of IoT Ecosystem .
  • 16. 1. Sensors/ Devices The foremost component to consider in Internet of Things technology is sensor/devices. A sensor picks up all the minute details from an environment. The environment can have many complexities. What makes IoT security so great is these sensors that pick up even the most sensitive changes. These sensors are built in the devices which collect all the data to be used later. For instance, our phone is a device with built-in sensors like GPS, camera, etc. 2. Connectivity Once the data is collected it is transferred to the cloud infrastructure (also known as IoT platforms). But to transfer the data, the devices will need a medium. That’s when connections like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WAN, cellular networks, etc come into play. These mediums are all different and must be chosen wisely for best results. The effectiveness of IoT security highly depends on the speed and availability of these mediums.
  • 17. 3. Data Processing After reaching the cloud infrastructure the data has to be analysed so that the right action can be taken. This process is however considered one of the most crucial obstacles in front of IoT app development. The analysis can be as simple as checking the temperature of the AC or a complex one such as a situation where an intruder comes in and the device has to identify it through cameras. The IoT application is made such that it can process all the data at a fast rate to take immediate actions. 4. User Interface The last step is when the user is notified about the action with the help of a notification or an alert sound sent to the IoT mobile apps. This way the user will know that his command has been run through the systems
  • 18. Applications of IoT 1. Healthcare: IoT deals with healthcare through its connection mechanisms. Devices like smartwatches or fitness bands or stress detectors are a great example of IoT applications that involve the welfare of the public. Other smart medical devices used in companies lead to a better healthcare system too. An individual’s health and the ways to improve it are all known to them via these healthcare devices. The base for this application is IoT’s ability to connect devices, collect data through sensors, and analyze them to form the right results.
  • 19. 2. Industrial Use: As the name suggests, this application deals mostly with the industrial sector than the personal sector. IoT applications deal with developing the industry and it's working methods with the help of software used for data analysis, sensors, tracking devices, and machines that are effective and masterly. These help a firm to have accurate, enhanced, and transparent functioning. One can not only improve things but can also identify the damaged spots for an accurate cure. When IoT is used in industries, a sustainable approach is well-established.
  • 20. 3. Smart Homes: When the homes are at their best when their lives will be the best too. However, in order to make your homes smart, the application of IoT is necessary as it helps the owner to control and supervise their lights, security, fans, water supply, and other home devices through any of their smart devices. In short, a smart home is a modern-technological experience that will help the owners save their money, time, and energy spent on their daily-life.
  • 21. 4. Smart City: When the homes in the city become smart, so does the city which gets to have many infrastructural developments due to IoT applications. IoT also has its way around in the transport sector, government services sector, traffic management sector, health care, agricultural sector, water and energy sectors, and also in the waste management sector, which leads to a sustainable way of living by removing the difficulties of the living population. Cities are also protected and observed for security and development through IoT.
  • 22. 5. Agriculture: Agriculture is always the need-in-hour service and with the due increase in population, its demand rises too. However, in order to meet the current and future farming needs, farmers should use smart methods and techniques. IoT offers many such smart techniques like its automation feature helps the farmers to fertilize their plants at regular intervals, keep a check on the usage of water, be aware of the right time to harvest. analyze the soil’s texture, nutrients, and also its ability to yield. Livestock can also be monitored through IoT’s sensor tools. In order to predict the weather before/during/after a yield, one can use AIIMETOE / Pynco, the 2 best IoT farming devices.
  • 23. Smart Supply Chain: A supply chain deals with the process involved in delivering a product or service to a consumer. When the traditional methods are used, this supply chain charges more manpower and thus more money, energy, and time. However, when IoT is applied here, then through its tracking systems (GPS / Radio Frequency) and sensors, one can easily, without much pressure and money involved, can track their goods, the shipment process, and also the transportation operations. IoT sensors can be used to know the effectiveness of each machine and its work settings can also be changed, if necessary. With less manpower, but more work is done, the company’s work is optimized at all levels.
  • 24. 7. Retail Purpose: Retailing is all about connecting with the consumers on a more personal level and IoT enables a retailer to stay connected with their consumers with the help of their smartphones. Through this connection, the retailers get real feedback from their consumers and also helps them find the demand in their particular place in order to change their goods supply accordingly. On the whole, the overall in-store experience is enhanced to meet the needs of their prospective customers, goods are advertised effectively, and the supply chains are well maintained. Even payment procedures are enhanced.
  • 25. 8. Transportation: Smart cars are a great example of how IoT is used for controlling, monitoring, and driving a car with the help of a smartphone / any other smart device through integrated sensors and a central computer installed in the car. Manufactures also use such sensors to know about their supply-chain and hence attach a sensor in the vehicle that transports their goods. Even taxis work based on this IoT application, in order to pick-up / drop their customers from and in their desired destinations, respectively. One can also get these sensors to usage while trying to park their smart car in their garage.
  • 26. . Smart Grid: These grids of IoT are also known as Power / Intelligent grids as they brilliantly manage the power resources by keeping a regular/automated check on the supply and demand of energy/electricity. It’s transmission, consumption, distribution, and generation are all identified and monitored. This leads to an increase in the economics and efficiency of electricity/energy. The Solar Panel is one of the best examples of a smart grid.
  • 27. 10. Wearables: Wearables refer to the smartwatches produced by Apple, Motorola, and others, Myo Gesture Control, the LookSee bracelet, and many more which work with a sensor and software. They are used by the users to know about themselves for development and enhancement. Wearables can be used by users for fitness, entertainment, GPS, and also other health purposes. However, the energy/power released or used by IoT in these wearables are very less and thus they do not affect the users.
  • 28. Main design principles of IoT 1.Do your research When designing IoT-enabled products, designers might make the mistake of forgetting why customers value these products in the first place. That’s why it’s a good idea to think about the value an IoT offering should deliver at the initial phase of your design. When getting into IoT design, you’re not building products anymore. You’re building services and experiences that improve people’s lives. That’s why in-depth qualitative research is the key to figuring out how you can do that. Assume the perspective of your customers to understand what they need and how your IoT implementation can solve their pain points. Research your target audience deeply to see what their existing experiences are and what they wish was different about them. 2..
  • 29. 2.Concentrate on value Early adopters are eager to try out new technologies. But the rest of your customer base might be reluctant to put a new solution to use. They may not feel confident with it and are likely to be cautious about using it. If you want your IoT solution to become widely adopted, you need to focus on the actual tangible value it’s going to deliver to your target audience. • Who is the real end-user value of your solution? • What might be the barriers to adopting new technology? • How can your solution address them specifically? Note that the features the early tech adopters might find valuable might turn out to be completely uninteresting for the majority of users. That’s why you need to carefully plan which features to include and in what order, always concentrating on the actual value they provide.
  • 30. 3.Don’t forget about the bigger picture One characteristic trait of IoT solutions is that they typically include multiple devices that come with different capabilities and consist of both digital and physical touchpoints. Your solution might also be delivered to users in cooperation with service providers. That’s why it’s not enough to design a single touchpoint well. Instead, you need to take the bigger picture into account and treat your IoT system holistically. Delineate the role of every device and service. Develop a conceptual model of how users will perceive and understand the system. All the parts of your system need to work seamlessly together. Only then you’ll be able to create a meaningful experience for your end-users
  • 31. 4.Remember about the security Don’t forget that IoT solutions aren’t purely digital. They’re located in the real- world context, and the consequences of their actions might be serious if something goes wrong. At the same time, building trust in IoT solutions should be one of your main design drivers. Make sure that every interaction with your product builds consumer trust rather than breaking it. In practice, it means that you should understand all the possible error situations that may be related to the context of its use. Then try to design your product in a way to prevent them. If error situations occur, make sure that the user is informed appropriately and provided with help. Also, consider data security and privacy as a key aspect of your implementation. Users need to feel that their data is safe, and objects located in their workspaces or home can’t be hacked. That’s why quality assurance and testing the system in the real-world context are so important.
  • 32. 5.Build with the context in mind And speaking of context, it pays to remember that IoT solutions are located at the intersection of the physical and digital world. The commands you give through digital interfaces produce real-world effects. Unlike digital commands, these actions may not be easily undone. In a real-world context, many unexpected things may happen. That’s why you need to make sure that the design of your solution enables users to feel safe and in control at all times. The context itself is a crucial consideration during IoT design. Depending on the physical context of your solution, you might have different goals in mind. For example, you might want to minimize user distraction or design devices that will be resistant to the changing weather conditions. The social context is an important factor, as well. Don’t forget that the devices you design for workspaces or homes will be used by multiple users. .
  • 33. 6.Make good use of prototypes IoT solutions are often difficult to upgrade. Once the user places the connected object somewhere, it might be hard to replace it with a new version – especially if the user would have to pay for the upgrade. Even the software within the object might be hard to update because of security and privacy reasons. Make sure that your design practices help to avoid costly hardware iterations. Get your solution right from the start. From the design perspective, it means that prototyping and rapid iteration will become critical in the early stages of the project