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Live Communication
as value added factor
in marketing
In cooperation with the
HHL-Leipzig Graduate School
of Management
Uniplan LiveTrends®
Uniplan LiveTrends 2008
Live Communication as value added factor in marketing
Germany’s marketing managers on the trends and developments in Live
Communication – Results of a survey of 405 companies, carried out by
Uniplan and the Chair of Marketing Management of the HHL Leipzig
Graduate School of Management.
	 Preface .....................................................................................5
	 Figures, data and facts on the study..................................................	
	 1.	Types of communication	 ..........................................................7	
	 	 Integration of consumers essential
	 2.	Future importance of communications instruments ...........................8	
	 	 Budget shift towards Live Communication
	 3.	Creativity in Live Communication.................................................9
	 	 Strategic creativity brings market success
	 4.	Planning philosophies of Live Communication ...............................10
	 	 Planning of Live Communication must become more strategic
	 5.	Instruments for strategic planning ..............................................11
		 Live Communication creates brand ambassadors
	 6. 	Trade fair mega-trends  
		 Trade fair landscape with major development dynamism
	 7.	Trade fair scenarios  ................................................................13
		 Trade fairs 2020 – quo vadis?
	 8.	Success factors of leading fairs ...................................................14
		 Leading fairs must distinguish themselves
	 9.	Summary of LiveTrends  ...........................................................15
		 Live Communication as value added factor in marketing
1	0.	Contact & imprint ...................................................................17
The authors
Prof. Manfred Kirchgeorg (49) studied business and management economics at the Westfälische Wilhelms-
Universität Münster and had an academic position at the Institute for Marketing in Münster from 1985
to 1989. After he was conferred a doctorate he became a senior lecturer and a habilitation candidate in
Münster. He took up numerous teaching posts and research assignments at different universities in
Germany and abroad, before he joined the HHL-Leipzig Graduate School of Management in 1998. As
holder of the marketing management chair, the focus of his research is on integrated brand development,
market research and media and trade fair management. Professor Kirchgeorg is a member of several
managerial associations and federations.
Evelyn Kästner (26) studied communication studies, psychology and cultural history at the Friedrich-
Schiller-Universität Jena. During her studies she gathered diverse practical experience in the areas of
PR and marketing communications. Since May 2006 she has worked with Prof. Manfred Kirchgeorg as
a scientific assistant on research into live communication.
Christian Brühe (46) studied business and management economics at the University of Cologne. After
graduation, he began his career as a consultant at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants in Düsseldorf. In
August 1990, Christian Brühe joined the Uniplan executive board. Together with Prof. Manfred Kirchgeorg,
he founded the first research centre for live communication in Germany in 2004. Today, Uniplan has
500 employees and locations in Europe and Asia and is one of the leading agencies for live communication.
Dagobert Hartmann (43) studied business and management economics at the University of Cologne. After
completing his degree he worked for seven years as the Strategic Planning Director at Grey Worldwide.
He is now the Director of Consulting and Research at Uniplan. The strategy consultant and brand expert
advises customers of Uniplan on all matters concerning strategic brand management, integrated communi-
cation and live communication management. He has so far supported more than 70 brands from different
industries in consulting projects. Hartmann is a member of numerous professional associations.
Dear readers,
The world economy is changing – Markets and technologies are increasingly evolving. Everything is be-
coming more international, more virtual and quicker. The consequences are well-known: Product, quality
and service are available almost everywhere and at all times and resemble each other more and more.
It is therefore becoming more difficult for companies to achieve innovations and distinguish themselves
from their competitors. At the same time the power of consumers is growing. On the Internet they discuss
products critically – positively and negatively. They feel less and less attracted by superficial advertising
messages. They prefer to create their own “user-generated” content and form social networks around
brands. Brand management faces a dilemma: Differentiating between brands and reaching customers is
more difficult today than ever. So what is to be done? The watchword is: Accept the challenge. Because
the current changes mean that marketing too must re-invent itself.
The “Uniplan LiveTrends” thus also demonstrate a paradigm shift: More and more companies are rethin-
king their traditional marketing mix and re-allocating their budgets – away from classical advertising,
towards Below-the-Line-Communication. Along with virtual communication, it is mainly Live Communica-
tion which is experiencing an enormous increase in importance. It is managing to use personal dialogue to
obtain customer feedback for product development and brand perception, and generating valuable custo-
mer insights. It also gives consumers the feeling that they are being taken seriously and valued personally.
Thus Live Communication has established itself in recent years as a highly effective and in the long term
good value marketing instrument, which can not only communicate deep and authentic information about
products and brands, but also establish a genuine and substantial relationship with consumers.
If one takes a closer look at Live Communication, it becomes clear that it makes an independent contribu-
tion to value added in marketing, and thereby is advancing to become an important driver for customers,
and for brand value. This study, “Uniplan LiveTrends 2008” takes up this perspective. 405 companies and
decision-makers from nine sectors assess the effectiveness and future importance of Live Communication
in the communications mix. They evaluate the successful effects of the “creativity” factor in Live Commu-
nication, and examine planning philosophies and instruments, trade fair scenarios and leading trade fairs.
We wish you a stimulating read.
Manfred Kirchgeorg
Evelyn Kästner
Christian Brühe
Dagobert Hartmann
Survey design
Facts and figures of the study
For the fifth time, Uniplan has produced the “Uniplan LiveTrends” study in cooperation with the Chair of
Marketing Management of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. Marketing and communication
managers from 405 leading companies in nine key branches were asked about
•changes of significance in the communications mix,
•the special importance of creativity in Live Communication,
•instruments for strategic planning in Live Communication,
•success factors of sector-specific leading trade fairs and
•the development of the trade fair landscape up to 2020.
The sectors surveyed included:
	 •Automotive	 •Industry
	 •Food 	 •High tech/Telekommunications
	 •Fashion/Lifestyle	 •Tourism
	 •Finance 	 •Suppliers
In autumn 2007, the explorare – institute for market research carried out 30-minute telephone interviews
for the study. In total, marketing decision-makers from the 1,500 large and medium-sized companies with
the highest turnover in Germany were invited to take part. 27 % did so, a high participation rate.
Large companies are represented in the study to an above average extent: 45.5 % of all companies surveyed
have a turnover of over EUR 1 billion. Medium-sized companies with a turnover of up to EUR 50 million
represent 12.2 % of the sample. As regards types of business, 48.2 %, i.e. just under half of companies
surveyed operate in the B2B area. 92.2 % of those surveyed have their company headquarters in Germany.
In the light of the comprehensive survey sample, the study provides interesting benchmark information
for a variety of sectors and for large and medium-sized companies.
1. Types of communication	
Integration of consumers essential
Integrate consumers into the marketing process – this is the motto of many companies in the search for
future success. They are putting more and more emphasis on virtual and Live Communication, since they
offer great opportunities for integrating customers.
„We need to reinvent the way we market to consumers“, says A. G. Lafely, CEO of Procter & Gamble. In
his much-discussed speech at the American Advertising Congress, he explained to the astonished audience
the “Let Go” principle. It is no longer companies, but consumers who are taking power over the brand.
Companies have to relax the “reins of brand control” and integrate consumers into the marketing process,
he believes.
The traditional mass media are achieving this less and less. Though classical advertising builds familiarity
and image on a broad base, as one-way communication it fails to provide the necessary feedback with
consumers. The advertising press therefore is already speaking of the “death of the 30-second advert” and
prophesying the “post-advertising age“, in which the Internet will replace classical methods as the leading
Just as virtual communication will increasingly gain in importance, so too will Live Communication. Whe-
reas virtual communication manages to reach global target groups, Live Communication brings buyers and
products together – and this on an emotional level. In the future, what matters is to network both instru-
ments intelligently. Only then can the perfect symbiosis emerge. Because: The Web gives Live Communi-
cation its range, and Live Communication gives virtual reality a face. Many companies have read the signs
of the time and are therefore investing in the new value drivers of communications.
Live and virtual form perfect symbiosis
»To what extent do the evaluation criteria listed apply to the following channels of communication?«
Tied to specific place?
Tied to specific time?
Contact intensity
Personal contact
Control of recipient’s environment
Contact costs
Sensual perception
Source: UNIPLAN, 2007
not developed weakly developed strongly developed very strongly developed
Communication Live Communication
2. Future importance of communications instruments
Budget shift towards Live Communication
The shift in importance in communications is continuing. Where classical advertising is meeting its limits,
the instruments of Below-the-Line-Communication are gaining in significance. More and more companies
are therefore re-allocating their budgets and investing increasingly in virtual and Live Communication.
The forecast from 2004 has been more than fulfilled. Asked by “Uniplan LiveTrends” for a second time,
the marketing managers make clear what significance the individual communications instruments will
have in the future. The trend away from anonymous mass communications towards authentic customer
integration remains unbroken. A paradigm shift in marketing communication faces us.
Whether this will lead to a radical break or to an evolutionary transition, will be revealed in the future.
One thing is clear: The lion’s share of the budget continues to flow into classical advertising. However,
more and more marketing managers are rethinking traditional budget practices and transferring their
budgets from Above-the-Line- to Below-the-Line-Communication.
The budget figures prove this too. From 2004 to today, the classical advertising budget has fallen by
5.6 %, whereas the budget for virtual communication has risen by just under 2 %. But the largest growth
is occurring in trade fairs and events with 3.7 % and 2.5 % respectively. In 2010, forecasts LiveTrends,
over half of the communications budgets will be invested in Live Communication.
In the meantime, the former main discipline, classical advertising, is again and again meeting its econo-
mic and creative limits. For years the efficiency of advertising has been continually falling. To achieve the
same advertising effect, ever higher budgets are required. Creative campaigns promise a way out of this
“efficiency trap”.
Advertising becomes less important
Trade fairs
New media
Public Relations
Direct mailing campaigns
25,9 %
19,8 %
14,0 %
10,9 %
9,5 %
7,0 %
6,9 %
6,0 %
Source: UNIPLAN, 2007
Figures in per cent, nmax 2007 = 274, nmax2004 = 189 * Change between 2004 and 2007
»How is your budget for marketing communication divided among the following communication tools?«
Budget 2007 in % Budget* percentage change
3. Creativity in Live Communication
Strategic creativity brings market success
Companies today recognise more and more the effectiveness and economic value of creativity. Nevertheless,
the majority of firms still work with interchangeable, off-the-peg concepts of Live Communication. Here,
multi-sensual promotion promises a high potential for creative differentiation..
The trade press was discussing the topic of “Creativity as a value added factor” well before the current
studies by ADC and McKinsey. In general marketing practice, the rule of thumb was: the more original and
unusual a promotion, the greater the chance that it would be noticed among the grey mass of its compe-
titors. That was the theory. Unfortunately, however, reality looks rather different. According to previous
issues of LiveTrends, just under two-thirds of marketing managers consider their trade fair presentations
and events promotions to be interchangeable. An alarming result. “Concepts for the drawer” instead of
“creative excellence” seem to be the order of the day.
But what is the recipe for creative success? Fairs and events with spectacular promotions which attract
attention? That on its own is not enough: The content of events must above all be appropriate and fit the
brand. Only the combination of “Impact“ and “Content Fit” promises the best possible market success.
And the creative potential of Live Communication is far from exhausted.
In comparison with classical advertising, the instruments of Live Communication offer the possibility of
addressing all five senses. “Multi-sensual branding“ is the future of brand marketing. For the more senses
are addressed, the closer and more intensive the most important success factor in marketing will be: the
link between consumers and brand. However, this aspect is unfortunately all too frequently neglected in
planning Live Communication.
Creativity requires brands-fit and strategy
»To what extent do you agree with the following statements about creativity in your company? «
Creative Live Communication mainly
requires brand-appropriate promotion.
Multi-sensual Live Communication leads
to a lasting brand experience.
When the budget falls, Live Communi-
cation must become more creative.
Creative Live Communication leads to
increased efficiency.
Creative Live Communication mainly
requires spectacular promotions.
Classical advertising is increasingly
reaching its creative limits.
Source: UNIPLAN, 2007
Figures in per cent, nmax = 405 Basis: top two box on a scale of 1-5
4. Planning philosophies of Live Communication	
Planning of Live Communication must become more strategic
In planning Live Communication, most companies are orientated towards past values. In the long run, this
procedure does not promise much success. To be properly equipped for the future, companies must instead
embrace the forward-looking, strategic planning of their activities.
The world is changing – a fact which is definitely nothing new. However: The change is constantly acce-
lerating and becoming more and more complex. To be equipped to meet the challenges of future change,
companies must develop so-called “future fitness”. It is necessary to learn the knowledge and ability to
anticipate today the trends of the future, and to take them into account in planning activities. LiveTrends
therefore wanted to know to what extent companies are planning their Live Communication activities in
a forward-looking way and are adapting to the coming changes.
The result is sobering. The vast majority of companies are simply basing their Live Communication
planning on past experience or following the example of their competitors’ activities. But sticking to old,
successful habits or sector standards does not, however, allow any possibilities for development. The
limitations of such a planning philosophy are obvious.
The marketing managers recognised this too: Two-thirds of them see the necessity to plan their activities
long-term and strategically. Thus more and more companies are switching from organising one-off events
to asking company-wide competence centres to manage entire Live Communication portfolios. A whole
series of strategic planning instruments is available to central departments for this type of systematic
direction of activities.
Live Communication must be planned in a future-oriented way
»How often do you use the following philosophies in planning Live Communication? «
Continuation of Live Communication activities mainly on the basis
of successful experiences in the past
Trends/necessities for the systematic, strategic,
long-term planning of Live Communication activities
Comprehensive planning of individual Live Communication
activities by a central department (competence centre)
Orientation of planning of Live Communication activities
to standards customary in the sector
“Ad hoc” planning of Live Communication activities, to be able
to react at relatively short notice in relation to the situation
Source: UNIPLAN, 2007
Figures in per cent,nmax = 398 Basis: Top two boxes on 1-5 scale
Brand and target group as elementary planning basis
»Which of the following instruments are you planning to use for future systematic planning of Live Communication?«
Designing Live Communication Activities
on the basis of brand identity
Definition of relevant target groups
for Live Communication events
Preparing creative briefing for
Live Communication agencies
Surveying “customer insights” at
Live Communication events
Systematic analysis of Live Communication
activities of competitors
Source: UNIPLAN, 2007
Figures in per cent,nmax = 393 Basis: Top two boxes on 1-5 scale
5. Instruments for strategic planning
Live Communication creates brand ambassadors
Live Communication awakens a brand to life, by overcoming the boundaries between internal and external
communication. It succeeds in turning employees into convinced “brand ambassadors”, who can use every-
day business to inspire customers about their own brand.
LiveTrends asked about priorities in the planning process of trade fairs and events. Right at the top of the
list is “promoting brand identity”. The background of a worldwide increase in company mergers and take-
overs constitutes a particular challenge for brand management: The often newly created brand identity
must still be communicated clearly to all the target groups even after a takeover.
It is important not only to communicate externally with customers and investors, but also, crucially, to
take the employees into account. Because they personify the brand in “daily business” and live it for
customers. It is precisely here that Live Communication begins. It turns employees into so-called “living
brands”, who embody the values and visions of a brand in a direct dialogue with customers, credibly and
on a lasting basis.
Furthermore, Live Communication creates what classical marketing is unable to do: By direct, uncomplica-
ted feedback, the wishes of customers can at an early stage be recognised and implemented in the compa-
ny, independent of classical market research. However, at this precise point the study also reveals serious
deficiencies: Only just under half of the companies surveyed actually process “customer insights“. Far too
often, internal processes and structures take priority, rather than what is really the most important aspect:
customers’ preferences and wishes. The German trade fairs are also not proof against this development.
6. Trade fair mega-trends
Trade fair landscape with major development dynamism
Companies are again investing in trade fairs. That is demonstrated by the positive growth rates. However:
The fairs landscape is in a phase of major structural change. In order to be equipped for the coming change,
trade fair companies must anticipate future trend developments, and position themselves in the market
After a period of consolidation, fairs are again on a course of growth. A reason to relax? Yes and no. For
fairs mirror the state of the economy. And to the extent that market conditions are changing, so too must
fairs change and adapt to the times. LiveTrends therefore asked the marketing managers about the future
development of the trade fair landscape. The answers varied considerably.
The majority of marketing managers surveyed sees a clear trend towards smaller, specialised niche fairs,
focussing on precise topics. Often this development is accompanied by an increasingly regional orientation
of fairs. A contradictory development forecast is the increasing concentration of trade fair events in a small
number of major leading fairs. Other possible developments foreseen by the managers are an increasing
experience orientation, or the use of alternatives to fairs, such as road-shows or company fairs, to ensure
greater exclusivity and flexibility in the target groups addressed.
The future of the trade fair landscape is being determined by a large number of trends and counter-trends,
each with a very different character. However, there is a possibility of summarising these in different trade
fair scenarios, which are described in the following chapter.
Future trade fairs will be more and more specialised
»Please describe in one sentence the development of the trade fair landscape
in your sector up to 2020. (Open-ended choice)
Source: UNIPLAN, 2007
Figures in per cent, nmax = 393
Increasing specialisation
Concentration on leading fairs
Use of alternatives to fairs
Regionalisation of trade fair landscape
Increasing experience orientation
Increasing globalisation
Virtual fairs on the Internet
Use of new media at fairs
7. Trade fair scenarios
Trade fairs 2020 – quo vadis?
The past cannot be used to make safe forecasts of the future. The factors influencing it are too numerous
and unpredictable. However, analysing scenarios permits three different development paths for fairs to be
traced up to 2020.
At present, comprehensive discussions are taking place in the national and international trade fair associa-
tions (AUMA and UEFI) on the future of fairs. To give more depth to this discussion, “Uniplan LiveTrends”
asked the marketing managers to evaluate three different AUMA-scenarios of “Trade Fair 2020”. The
“World Fairs” scenario represents a continuing development of the previous market conditions. Continuing
globalisation will lead to the creation of international “mega fair companies”. These will organise strong
leading fairs to a similar extent in Europe, the USA and Asia. In these global “sector highlights”, personal
meetings and networking of all the actors will take priority.
In the “Domestic Fairs” scenario, the sectoral environment is much harder to shape. The fairs market be-
comes more fragmented, competition more intensive. Organisers of fairs therefore concentrate on regional
and national markets and offer focussed, specialised fairs with a high degree of “experience character”.
In the third scenario “service providers” offer individual “virtual trade fairs”, based on the requirements
of exhibitors and visitors, in competition to the real trade fair sites. This leads to a break with previous
business models.
The three scenarios presented demonstrate hypothetical developments. In reality, many mixed forms are
possible. And whatever way trade fairs will develop in the future, on the way there it is necessary not
to lose sight of the factors leading to success, factors which will allow trade fair companies to distinguish
themselves in the future.
Different scenarios describe the future of trade fairs
»How likely do you think it is that the following scenarios will occur by 2020?«
–– Development/stability of environment ++
Source: UNIPLAN, 2007
Figures in per cent,nmax = 390 Basis: Average of all answers
„Virtual Fairs”
44,6 %
„Domestic Fairs”
59,8 %
„World fairs”
61, 9 %
rich in experiences,
appropriate to need,
at all times
8. Success factors of leading fairs
Leading fairs must distinguish themselves
Leading fairs are seen as central highlights of the sector. They are characterised by an interplay of various
success factors. The more attractive the mix of exhibitors and the clearer the fair’s concept, the better is the
reputation and market position of a leading fair.
Leading fairs are the visiting card of the German economy. Every year, around 80 to 90 leading fairs
take place in Germany – that is about two-thirds of all events organised worldwide. However, quite a
number of major leading fairs are announcing falling numbers of exhibitors and visitors, whereas other
brave, often international newcomer fairs are already celebrating unexpected successes. But what makes
the success or failure of a leading fair?
LiveTrends asked the marketing managers for their personal evaluation of the sector fairs relevant to
them. As many as a third of all those surveyed expect their own leading fair will develop positively in
the coming years. Established fairs obviously have it easier, since they have already managed to create
a positive image through quality and continuity. And if the good reputation is deserved, then more and
more attractive exhibitors and visitors attend. The success spiral turns upwards: The specialist fair beco-
mes the central highlight of the sector, with a clearly differentiated, unique fair concept.
However, the opposite can also quickly be the case. If the economy is weak, or if new markets and
sectors develop, leading fairs come under pressure. There is a danger that the fair waters down its sector
competence and thus puts its fair profile at risk. The consequence: Leading suppliers stop identifying
with it and leave. The expectations on leading fairs are therefore becoming ever greater. In order to
survive in global hyper-competition, German leading fairs must consistently question their traditional
Market position as success factor for leading fairs
»Which factors, in your opinion, are responsible for the increasing importance of the
leading fair in your sector? (Open-ended choice)
Source: UNIPLAN, 2007
Figures in per cent,nmax = 219
Market position Monopoly position, quality,
good image, well-established status
Sectoral meeting-point Networking, representative of sector,
necessary to be present
Positive development Positive growth rates (exhibitors,
visitors), young trade fair
Economic development Strong economy, market growth,
sectoral boom
Addressing target group Clear/direct address,
no wastage
Positioning Clear concept, attractive topics,
professional appearance
Exhibitors High level of exhibitions, major
brands, appropriate structure
9. Summary of LiveTrends
Live Communication as value added factor in marketing
In recent years, Live Communication has established itself as an effective marketing instrument, which not
only conveys profound and authentic information about products and brands, but also can construct a ge-
nuine, substantial relationship with consumers. The following LiveTrends demonstrate that Live Communi-
cation is making an independent contribution to value added in marketing and is thus advancing to become
an important driving force for customer and market value.
LiveTrend 1
Integration of consumers essential
Just like virtual communication, Live Communication will increasingly gain in importance. Whilst virtual
communication succeeds in reaching global target groups, Live Communication brings buyers and products
together. In the future it is necessary to intelligently network both instruments.
LiveTrend 2
Budget shift to Live Communication
The change of importance in communications is continuing. Where classical advertising is reaching
its limits, the instruments of Below-the-Line-Communication are gaining in importance. More and
more companies are therefore re-allocating their budgets and increasing their investments in virtual
and Live Communication.
LiveTrend 3
Strategic creativity brings market success
Today, companies are recognising more and more the effectiveness and the economic value of creativity.
The future of brand marketing lies in “multi-sensory branding”. Because: The more senses are addressed,
the closer and more intensive becomes the customers’ attachment to the brand.
LiveTrend 4
Planning must become more strategic
To be equipped for the future, managers must plan their activities with strategic foresight. Thus more and
more companies are asking company-wide competence centres to manage not only individual events, but
also entire Live Communication portfolios.
LiveTrend 5
Live Communication creates brand ambassadors
Live Communication awakens a brand to life, by overcoming the boundaries between internal and external
communication. It turns employees into so-called “living brands”, who embody the values and visions of a
brand in a direct dialogue with customers, credibly and on a lasting basis.
LiveTrend 6
Trade fair landscape with major development dynamism
The future of the trade fair landscape is being determined by a large number of trends and counter-trends,
which vary greatly in character. The majority of the marketing managers surveyed sees a clear trend
towards smaller, specialised niche-fairs, focussing on precise topics and with an increased regional orien-
LiveTrend 7
Trade fairs 2020 – quo vadis?
Analysing scenarios permits three different development paths to be traced for fairs up to 2020: virtual
fairs, domestic fairs and world fairs. The three scenarios illustrate hypothetical characteristics. In reality
many mixed forms are possible.
LiveTrend 8
Leading fairs must distinguish themselves
Leading fairs are regarded as the central highlight of the sector. They are characterised by an interplay of
various success factors. The more attractive the mix of exhibitors and the clearer the fair’s concept, the
better the reputation and market position of a leading fair.
10. Contact & imprint
Consulting & Research
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HHL-Leipzig Graduate School
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T +49(0)341.9851-680
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Live Communication as value added factor in marketing

  • 1. Live Communication as value added factor in marketing In cooperation with the HHL-Leipzig Graduate School of Management Uniplan LiveTrends® 2008
  • 2. Uniplan LiveTrends 2008 Live Communication as value added factor in marketing Germany’s marketing managers on the trends and developments in Live Communication – Results of a survey of 405 companies, carried out by Uniplan and the Chair of Marketing Management of the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management.
  • 3. Contents Preface .....................................................................................5 Figures, data and facts on the study.................................................. 6 1. Types of communication ..........................................................7 Integration of consumers essential 2. Future importance of communications instruments ...........................8 Budget shift towards Live Communication 3. Creativity in Live Communication.................................................9 Strategic creativity brings market success 4. Planning philosophies of Live Communication ...............................10 Planning of Live Communication must become more strategic 5. Instruments for strategic planning ..............................................11 Live Communication creates brand ambassadors 6. Trade fair mega-trends .............................................................12 Trade fair landscape with major development dynamism 7. Trade fair scenarios ................................................................13 Trade fairs 2020 – quo vadis? 8. Success factors of leading fairs ...................................................14 Leading fairs must distinguish themselves 9. Summary of LiveTrends ...........................................................15 Live Communication as value added factor in marketing 1 0. Contact & imprint ...................................................................17
  • 4. The authors Prof. Manfred Kirchgeorg (49) studied business and management economics at the Westfälische Wilhelms- Universität Münster and had an academic position at the Institute for Marketing in Münster from 1985 to 1989. After he was conferred a doctorate he became a senior lecturer and a habilitation candidate in Münster. He took up numerous teaching posts and research assignments at different universities in Germany and abroad, before he joined the HHL-Leipzig Graduate School of Management in 1998. As holder of the marketing management chair, the focus of his research is on integrated brand development, market research and media and trade fair management. Professor Kirchgeorg is a member of several managerial associations and federations. Evelyn Kästner (26) studied communication studies, psychology and cultural history at the Friedrich- Schiller-Universität Jena. During her studies she gathered diverse practical experience in the areas of PR and marketing communications. Since May 2006 she has worked with Prof. Manfred Kirchgeorg as a scientific assistant on research into live communication. Christian Brühe (46) studied business and management economics at the University of Cologne. After graduation, he began his career as a consultant at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants in Düsseldorf. In August 1990, Christian Brühe joined the Uniplan executive board. Together with Prof. Manfred Kirchgeorg, he founded the first research centre for live communication in Germany in 2004. Today, Uniplan has 500 employees and locations in Europe and Asia and is one of the leading agencies for live communication. Dagobert Hartmann (43) studied business and management economics at the University of Cologne. After completing his degree he worked for seven years as the Strategic Planning Director at Grey Worldwide. He is now the Director of Consulting and Research at Uniplan. The strategy consultant and brand expert advises customers of Uniplan on all matters concerning strategic brand management, integrated communi- cation and live communication management. He has so far supported more than 70 brands from different industries in consulting projects. Hartmann is a member of numerous professional associations.
  • 5. Preface Dear readers, The world economy is changing – Markets and technologies are increasingly evolving. Everything is be- coming more international, more virtual and quicker. The consequences are well-known: Product, quality and service are available almost everywhere and at all times and resemble each other more and more. It is therefore becoming more difficult for companies to achieve innovations and distinguish themselves from their competitors. At the same time the power of consumers is growing. On the Internet they discuss products critically – positively and negatively. They feel less and less attracted by superficial advertising messages. They prefer to create their own “user-generated” content and form social networks around brands. Brand management faces a dilemma: Differentiating between brands and reaching customers is more difficult today than ever. So what is to be done? The watchword is: Accept the challenge. Because the current changes mean that marketing too must re-invent itself. The “Uniplan LiveTrends” thus also demonstrate a paradigm shift: More and more companies are rethin- king their traditional marketing mix and re-allocating their budgets – away from classical advertising, towards Below-the-Line-Communication. Along with virtual communication, it is mainly Live Communica- tion which is experiencing an enormous increase in importance. It is managing to use personal dialogue to obtain customer feedback for product development and brand perception, and generating valuable custo- mer insights. It also gives consumers the feeling that they are being taken seriously and valued personally. Thus Live Communication has established itself in recent years as a highly effective and in the long term good value marketing instrument, which can not only communicate deep and authentic information about products and brands, but also establish a genuine and substantial relationship with consumers. If one takes a closer look at Live Communication, it becomes clear that it makes an independent contribu- tion to value added in marketing, and thereby is advancing to become an important driver for customers, and for brand value. This study, “Uniplan LiveTrends 2008” takes up this perspective. 405 companies and decision-makers from nine sectors assess the effectiveness and future importance of Live Communication in the communications mix. They evaluate the successful effects of the “creativity” factor in Live Commu- nication, and examine planning philosophies and instruments, trade fair scenarios and leading trade fairs. We wish you a stimulating read. Manfred Kirchgeorg Evelyn Kästner Christian Brühe Dagobert Hartmann
  • 6. Survey design Facts and figures of the study For the fifth time, Uniplan has produced the “Uniplan LiveTrends” study in cooperation with the Chair of Marketing Management of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. Marketing and communication managers from 405 leading companies in nine key branches were asked about •changes of significance in the communications mix, •the special importance of creativity in Live Communication, •instruments for strategic planning in Live Communication, •success factors of sector-specific leading trade fairs and •the development of the trade fair landscape up to 2020. The sectors surveyed included: •Automotive •Industry •Food •High tech/Telekommunications •Fashion/Lifestyle •Tourism •Finance •Suppliers •Health In autumn 2007, the explorare – institute for market research carried out 30-minute telephone interviews for the study. In total, marketing decision-makers from the 1,500 large and medium-sized companies with the highest turnover in Germany were invited to take part. 27 % did so, a high participation rate. Large companies are represented in the study to an above average extent: 45.5 % of all companies surveyed have a turnover of over EUR 1 billion. Medium-sized companies with a turnover of up to EUR 50 million represent 12.2 % of the sample. As regards types of business, 48.2 %, i.e. just under half of companies surveyed operate in the B2B area. 92.2 % of those surveyed have their company headquarters in Germany. In the light of the comprehensive survey sample, the study provides interesting benchmark information for a variety of sectors and for large and medium-sized companies.
  • 7. 1. Types of communication Integration of consumers essential Integrate consumers into the marketing process – this is the motto of many companies in the search for future success. They are putting more and more emphasis on virtual and Live Communication, since they offer great opportunities for integrating customers. „We need to reinvent the way we market to consumers“, says A. G. Lafely, CEO of Procter & Gamble. In his much-discussed speech at the American Advertising Congress, he explained to the astonished audience the “Let Go” principle. It is no longer companies, but consumers who are taking power over the brand. Companies have to relax the “reins of brand control” and integrate consumers into the marketing process, he believes. The traditional mass media are achieving this less and less. Though classical advertising builds familiarity and image on a broad base, as one-way communication it fails to provide the necessary feedback with consumers. The advertising press therefore is already speaking of the “death of the 30-second advert” and prophesying the “post-advertising age“, in which the Internet will replace classical methods as the leading medium. Just as virtual communication will increasingly gain in importance, so too will Live Communication. Whe- reas virtual communication manages to reach global target groups, Live Communication brings buyers and products together – and this on an emotional level. In the future, what matters is to network both instru- ments intelligently. Only then can the perfect symbiosis emerge. Because: The Web gives Live Communi- cation its range, and Live Communication gives virtual reality a face. Many companies have read the signs of the time and are therefore investing in the new value drivers of communications. 7 Live and virtual form perfect symbiosis »To what extent do the evaluation criteria listed apply to the following channels of communication?« Coverage Tied to specific place? Tied to specific time? Contact intensity Personal contact Control of recipient’s environment Contact costs Interaction Sensual perception Multi-sensuality Source: UNIPLAN, 2007 not developed weakly developed strongly developed very strongly developed Classical Communication Live Communication Virtual Communication
  • 8. 2. Future importance of communications instruments Budget shift towards Live Communication The shift in importance in communications is continuing. Where classical advertising is meeting its limits, the instruments of Below-the-Line-Communication are gaining in significance. More and more companies are therefore re-allocating their budgets and investing increasingly in virtual and Live Communication. The forecast from 2004 has been more than fulfilled. Asked by “Uniplan LiveTrends” for a second time, the marketing managers make clear what significance the individual communications instruments will have in the future. The trend away from anonymous mass communications towards authentic customer integration remains unbroken. A paradigm shift in marketing communication faces us. Whether this will lead to a radical break or to an evolutionary transition, will be revealed in the future. One thing is clear: The lion’s share of the budget continues to flow into classical advertising. However, more and more marketing managers are rethinking traditional budget practices and transferring their budgets from Above-the-Line- to Below-the-Line-Communication. The budget figures prove this too. From 2004 to today, the classical advertising budget has fallen by 5.6 %, whereas the budget for virtual communication has risen by just under 2 %. But the largest growth is occurring in trade fairs and events with 3.7 % and 2.5 % respectively. In 2010, forecasts LiveTrends, over half of the communications budgets will be invested in Live Communication. In the meantime, the former main discipline, classical advertising, is again and again meeting its econo- mic and creative limits. For years the efficiency of advertising has been continually falling. To achieve the same advertising effect, ever higher budgets are required. Creative campaigns promise a way out of this “efficiency trap”. Advertising becomes less important Advertising Trade fairs Events New media Public Relations Promotions Direct mailing campaigns Sponsoring 25,9 % 19,8 % 14,0 % 10,9 % 9,5 % 7,0 % 6,9 % 6,0 % -0,4 1,9 -2,2 0,7 -0,6 3,7 2,5 -5,6 Source: UNIPLAN, 2007 Figures in per cent, nmax 2007 = 274, nmax2004 = 189 * Change between 2004 and 2007 »How is your budget for marketing communication divided among the following communication tools?« Budget 2007 in % Budget* percentage change
  • 9. 3. Creativity in Live Communication Strategic creativity brings market success Companies today recognise more and more the effectiveness and economic value of creativity. Nevertheless, the majority of firms still work with interchangeable, off-the-peg concepts of Live Communication. Here, multi-sensual promotion promises a high potential for creative differentiation.. The trade press was discussing the topic of “Creativity as a value added factor” well before the current studies by ADC and McKinsey. In general marketing practice, the rule of thumb was: the more original and unusual a promotion, the greater the chance that it would be noticed among the grey mass of its compe- titors. That was the theory. Unfortunately, however, reality looks rather different. According to previous issues of LiveTrends, just under two-thirds of marketing managers consider their trade fair presentations and events promotions to be interchangeable. An alarming result. “Concepts for the drawer” instead of “creative excellence” seem to be the order of the day. But what is the recipe for creative success? Fairs and events with spectacular promotions which attract attention? That on its own is not enough: The content of events must above all be appropriate and fit the brand. Only the combination of “Impact“ and “Content Fit” promises the best possible market success. And the creative potential of Live Communication is far from exhausted. In comparison with classical advertising, the instruments of Live Communication offer the possibility of addressing all five senses. “Multi-sensual branding“ is the future of brand marketing. For the more senses are addressed, the closer and more intensive the most important success factor in marketing will be: the link between consumers and brand. However, this aspect is unfortunately all too frequently neglected in planning Live Communication. Creativity requires brands-fit and strategy »To what extent do you agree with the following statements about creativity in your company? « Creative Live Communication mainly requires brand-appropriate promotion. Multi-sensual Live Communication leads to a lasting brand experience. When the budget falls, Live Communi- cation must become more creative. Creative Live Communication leads to increased efficiency. Creative Live Communication mainly requires spectacular promotions. Classical advertising is increasingly reaching its creative limits. 45,9 47,6 41,7 72,8 83,4 73,1 Source: UNIPLAN, 2007 Figures in per cent, nmax = 405 Basis: top two box on a scale of 1-5 9
  • 10. 4. Planning philosophies of Live Communication Planning of Live Communication must become more strategic In planning Live Communication, most companies are orientated towards past values. In the long run, this procedure does not promise much success. To be properly equipped for the future, companies must instead embrace the forward-looking, strategic planning of their activities. The world is changing – a fact which is definitely nothing new. However: The change is constantly acce- lerating and becoming more and more complex. To be equipped to meet the challenges of future change, companies must develop so-called “future fitness”. It is necessary to learn the knowledge and ability to anticipate today the trends of the future, and to take them into account in planning activities. LiveTrends therefore wanted to know to what extent companies are planning their Live Communication activities in a forward-looking way and are adapting to the coming changes. The result is sobering. The vast majority of companies are simply basing their Live Communication planning on past experience or following the example of their competitors’ activities. But sticking to old, successful habits or sector standards does not, however, allow any possibilities for development. The limitations of such a planning philosophy are obvious. The marketing managers recognised this too: Two-thirds of them see the necessity to plan their activities long-term and strategically. Thus more and more companies are switching from organising one-off events to asking company-wide competence centres to manage entire Live Communication portfolios. A whole series of strategic planning instruments is available to central departments for this type of systematic direction of activities. Live Communication must be planned in a future-oriented way »How often do you use the following philosophies in planning Live Communication? « Continuation of Live Communication activities mainly on the basis of successful experiences in the past Trends/necessities for the systematic, strategic, long-term planning of Live Communication activities Comprehensive planning of individual Live Communication activities by a central department (competence centre) Orientation of planning of Live Communication activities to standards customary in the sector “Ad hoc” planning of Live Communication activities, to be able to react at relatively short notice in relation to the situation 56,4 26,9 61,1 74,7 67,6 Source: UNIPLAN, 2007 Figures in per cent,nmax = 398 Basis: Top two boxes on 1-5 scale
  • 11. Brand and target group as elementary planning basis »Which of the following instruments are you planning to use for future systematic planning of Live Communication?« Designing Live Communication Activities on the basis of brand identity Definition of relevant target groups for Live Communication events Preparing creative briefing for Live Communication agencies Surveying “customer insights” at Live Communication events Systematic analysis of Live Communication activities of competitors 39,1 52,2 57,0 83,8 80,9 Source: UNIPLAN, 2007 Figures in per cent,nmax = 393 Basis: Top two boxes on 1-5 scale 5. Instruments for strategic planning Live Communication creates brand ambassadors Live Communication awakens a brand to life, by overcoming the boundaries between internal and external communication. It succeeds in turning employees into convinced “brand ambassadors”, who can use every- day business to inspire customers about their own brand. LiveTrends asked about priorities in the planning process of trade fairs and events. Right at the top of the list is “promoting brand identity”. The background of a worldwide increase in company mergers and take- overs constitutes a particular challenge for brand management: The often newly created brand identity must still be communicated clearly to all the target groups even after a takeover. It is important not only to communicate externally with customers and investors, but also, crucially, to take the employees into account. Because they personify the brand in “daily business” and live it for customers. It is precisely here that Live Communication begins. It turns employees into so-called “living brands”, who embody the values and visions of a brand in a direct dialogue with customers, credibly and on a lasting basis. Furthermore, Live Communication creates what classical marketing is unable to do: By direct, uncomplica- ted feedback, the wishes of customers can at an early stage be recognised and implemented in the compa- ny, independent of classical market research. However, at this precise point the study also reveals serious deficiencies: Only just under half of the companies surveyed actually process “customer insights“. Far too often, internal processes and structures take priority, rather than what is really the most important aspect: customers’ preferences and wishes. The German trade fairs are also not proof against this development.
  • 12. 6. Trade fair mega-trends Trade fair landscape with major development dynamism Companies are again investing in trade fairs. That is demonstrated by the positive growth rates. However: The fairs landscape is in a phase of major structural change. In order to be equipped for the coming change, trade fair companies must anticipate future trend developments, and position themselves in the market successfully. After a period of consolidation, fairs are again on a course of growth. A reason to relax? Yes and no. For fairs mirror the state of the economy. And to the extent that market conditions are changing, so too must fairs change and adapt to the times. LiveTrends therefore asked the marketing managers about the future development of the trade fair landscape. The answers varied considerably. The majority of marketing managers surveyed sees a clear trend towards smaller, specialised niche fairs, focussing on precise topics. Often this development is accompanied by an increasingly regional orientation of fairs. A contradictory development forecast is the increasing concentration of trade fair events in a small number of major leading fairs. Other possible developments foreseen by the managers are an increasing experience orientation, or the use of alternatives to fairs, such as road-shows or company fairs, to ensure greater exclusivity and flexibility in the target groups addressed. The future of the trade fair landscape is being determined by a large number of trends and counter-trends, each with a very different character. However, there is a possibility of summarising these in different trade fair scenarios, which are described in the following chapter. Future trade fairs will be more and more specialised »Please describe in one sentence the development of the trade fair landscape in your sector up to 2020. (Open-ended choice) « Source: UNIPLAN, 2007 Figures in per cent, nmax = 393 Increasing specialisation Concentration on leading fairs Use of alternatives to fairs Regionalisation of trade fair landscape Increasing experience orientation Increasing globalisation Virtual fairs on the Internet Use of new media at fairs 13,7 8,1 13,0 11,5 10,0 24,4 7,8 11,5
  • 13. 7. Trade fair scenarios Trade fairs 2020 – quo vadis? The past cannot be used to make safe forecasts of the future. The factors influencing it are too numerous and unpredictable. However, analysing scenarios permits three different development paths for fairs to be traced up to 2020. At present, comprehensive discussions are taking place in the national and international trade fair associa- tions (AUMA and UEFI) on the future of fairs. To give more depth to this discussion, “Uniplan LiveTrends” asked the marketing managers to evaluate three different AUMA-scenarios of “Trade Fair 2020”. The “World Fairs” scenario represents a continuing development of the previous market conditions. Continuing globalisation will lead to the creation of international “mega fair companies”. These will organise strong leading fairs to a similar extent in Europe, the USA and Asia. In these global “sector highlights”, personal meetings and networking of all the actors will take priority. In the “Domestic Fairs” scenario, the sectoral environment is much harder to shape. The fairs market be- comes more fragmented, competition more intensive. Organisers of fairs therefore concentrate on regional and national markets and offer focussed, specialised fairs with a high degree of “experience character”. In the third scenario “service providers” offer individual “virtual trade fairs”, based on the requirements of exhibitors and visitors, in competition to the real trade fair sites. This leads to a break with previous business models. The three scenarios presented demonstrate hypothetical developments. In reality, many mixed forms are possible. And whatever way trade fairs will develop in the future, on the way there it is necessary not to lose sight of the factors leading to success, factors which will allow trade fair companies to distinguish themselves in the future. Different scenarios describe the future of trade fairs »How likely do you think it is that the following scenarios will occur by 2020?« –– Development/stability of environment ++ – – Business model/dynamic ++ Source: UNIPLAN, 2007 Figures in per cent,nmax = 390 Basis: Average of all answers „Virtual Fairs” 44,6 % „Domestic Fairs” 59,8 % „World fairs” 61, 9 % fragmented, rich in experiences, networked personal, continental, profiled virtual, appropriate to need, at all times 3
  • 14. 8. Success factors of leading fairs Leading fairs must distinguish themselves Leading fairs are seen as central highlights of the sector. They are characterised by an interplay of various success factors. The more attractive the mix of exhibitors and the clearer the fair’s concept, the better is the reputation and market position of a leading fair. Leading fairs are the visiting card of the German economy. Every year, around 80 to 90 leading fairs take place in Germany – that is about two-thirds of all events organised worldwide. However, quite a number of major leading fairs are announcing falling numbers of exhibitors and visitors, whereas other brave, often international newcomer fairs are already celebrating unexpected successes. But what makes the success or failure of a leading fair? LiveTrends asked the marketing managers for their personal evaluation of the sector fairs relevant to them. As many as a third of all those surveyed expect their own leading fair will develop positively in the coming years. Established fairs obviously have it easier, since they have already managed to create a positive image through quality and continuity. And if the good reputation is deserved, then more and more attractive exhibitors and visitors attend. The success spiral turns upwards: The specialist fair beco- mes the central highlight of the sector, with a clearly differentiated, unique fair concept. However, the opposite can also quickly be the case. If the economy is weak, or if new markets and sectors develop, leading fairs come under pressure. There is a danger that the fair waters down its sector competence and thus puts its fair profile at risk. The consequence: Leading suppliers stop identifying with it and leave. The expectations on leading fairs are therefore becoming ever greater. In order to survive in global hyper-competition, German leading fairs must consistently question their traditional concepts. Market position as success factor for leading fairs »Which factors, in your opinion, are responsible for the increasing importance of the leading fair in your sector? (Open-ended choice) « Source: UNIPLAN, 2007 Figures in per cent,nmax = 219 Market position Monopoly position, quality, good image, well-established status Sectoral meeting-point Networking, representative of sector, necessary to be present Positive development Positive growth rates (exhibitors, visitors), young trade fair Economic development Strong economy, market growth, sectoral boom Addressing target group Clear/direct address, no wastage Positioning Clear concept, attractive topics, professional appearance Exhibitors High level of exhibitions, major brands, appropriate structure 7,3 9,1 5,9 5,4 10,0 16,4 10,9
  • 15. 9. Summary of LiveTrends Live Communication as value added factor in marketing In recent years, Live Communication has established itself as an effective marketing instrument, which not only conveys profound and authentic information about products and brands, but also can construct a ge- nuine, substantial relationship with consumers. The following LiveTrends demonstrate that Live Communi- cation is making an independent contribution to value added in marketing and is thus advancing to become an important driving force for customer and market value. LiveTrend 1 Integration of consumers essential Just like virtual communication, Live Communication will increasingly gain in importance. Whilst virtual communication succeeds in reaching global target groups, Live Communication brings buyers and products together. In the future it is necessary to intelligently network both instruments. LiveTrend 2 Budget shift to Live Communication The change of importance in communications is continuing. Where classical advertising is reaching its limits, the instruments of Below-the-Line-Communication are gaining in importance. More and more companies are therefore re-allocating their budgets and increasing their investments in virtual and Live Communication. LiveTrend 3 Strategic creativity brings market success Today, companies are recognising more and more the effectiveness and the economic value of creativity. The future of brand marketing lies in “multi-sensory branding”. Because: The more senses are addressed, the closer and more intensive becomes the customers’ attachment to the brand. LiveTrend 4 Planning must become more strategic To be equipped for the future, managers must plan their activities with strategic foresight. Thus more and more companies are asking company-wide competence centres to manage not only individual events, but also entire Live Communication portfolios. LiveTrend 5 Live Communication creates brand ambassadors Live Communication awakens a brand to life, by overcoming the boundaries between internal and external communication. It turns employees into so-called “living brands”, who embody the values and visions of a brand in a direct dialogue with customers, credibly and on a lasting basis.
  • 16. LiveTrend 6 Trade fair landscape with major development dynamism The future of the trade fair landscape is being determined by a large number of trends and counter-trends, which vary greatly in character. The majority of the marketing managers surveyed sees a clear trend towards smaller, specialised niche-fairs, focussing on precise topics and with an increased regional orien- tation. LiveTrend 7 Trade fairs 2020 – quo vadis? Analysing scenarios permits three different development paths to be traced for fairs up to 2020: virtual fairs, domestic fairs and world fairs. The three scenarios illustrate hypothetical characteristics. In reality many mixed forms are possible. LiveTrend 8 Leading fairs must distinguish themselves Leading fairs are regarded as the central highlight of the sector. They are characterised by an interplay of various success factors. The more attractive the mix of exhibitors and the clearer the fair’s concept, the better the reputation and market position of a leading fair.
  • 17. 10. Contact & imprint Uniplan Consulting & Research Zeiss-Straße 12–14 50171 Kerpen T +49(0)2237.509-163 F +49(0)2237.509-5163 .............................................. HHL-Leipzig Graduate School of Management Chair of Marketing Management Jahnallee 59 04109 Leipzig T +49(0)341.9851-680 F +49(0)341.9851-684 .............................................. Press enquiries Uniplan Corporate Communications Zeiss-Straße 12–14 50171 Kerpen T +49(0)2237.509-268 F +49(0)2237.509-192 Copyright: This brochure and the tables contained herein are protected by copyright. The prior consent of Uniplan is required for any utilisation of this document that is not expressly permitted by German copyright law. This applies in particular to reproductions, editing, translations, micro- filming and storage and processing in electronic systems. .............................................. Disclaimer: All information was carefully researched and compiled. The editorial office and publisher accept no responsibility for the completeness and correctness of the contents, or for any changes that have been made in the meantime.