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Understanding and
Discerning Our Times
Through Biblical Prophesy Past, Present and Future!
Section Four
Mature in Christ Ministries
Looking into the……. Future
• As we continue our Journey, we will utilize the observation and teaching on the topic by a
contemporary Biblical teacher who has written and lectured extensively on Prophesy.
• We do this using an now classic of his, The Late Great Planet Earth. Author HAL LINDSEY
• I could have chosen many newer, more up to date books that include more relevant and likely
more compelling arguments. I did not want that.
• I purposely chose this dated book, for the very purpose of being dated! Having the bulk of the
study prep done in the 60’s and being released in 1970, we now get to look back and see just how
a Bible Believing student of the word, when taking the Bible LITERALLY, will get it right! Proving
the word of God is indeed KNOWABLE!
Chapter One
Question #1 What is the main point the the Author is attempting to convey in this introductory chapter?
Chapter Two
Question #2 Why was it important to be ACCURATE as a Prophet and what was the incentive to remain true?
Between pages 24 -25 Several of Isaiah’s Prophesies are reviewed. Which is your favorite?
Chapter Three
Jesus, Himself, is the anecdote for believers who down play and outright dismiss Prophecy. For they all believe in his
first coming as the suffering servant. This is the very Jesus in whom they have submitted to and received into their
hearts. His coming was in fact predicted, that is , Prophesied. They understand and accept that fact with joy! Yet, some
of these very same people reject all remaining prophecy that equally and as plainly predict his second coming. I
coming that they also believe.
So, If the first coming of Christ was PROPHETIC , Why would the second coming NOT BE?
Chapter Four
Next to looking at the Lord Jesus as proof of Prophecy, One only have to look at ISRAEL. Their very existence
Is indeed confirmation that God’s is sovereign and His word is true.
Question #3
What is the relevance of the three men (John Cummings/James Grant/Increase Mather) mentioned on pages 49 and 50?
What clues are given on pages 51 and 52, suggesting that there would be a long gap of time between Israel’s
dispersal and regathering?
Question #4
Name three things regarding Israel that HAVE to happen before Christ second coming? Have these things occurred?
Chapter Five
Question 1.
The Prophet Ezekiel makes it clear in chapter 38 that Israel will have a great enemy to come against them.
Name three key feature noted to help identify who this enemy will be.
1______________ 2 __________________ 3____________________
Question 2.
In Ezekiel Chapters 36 and 37 help to further narrow down the time-line and time –frame. It is a two part process.
First the Israeli people must __________________. Next, they must be given a new_______________. First the
Physical and then this is followed by the ______________.
Question 3.
Israel is represented as Dry Bones in the midst of a valley. How does this description match the
statement noted in Question 2?
So, here we are in 2021. In light of Ezekiel 36 and 37, pick one of the following as
most accurate. 1)Israel is still in the valley of dry bones. 2) The sinew and flesh has
been restored 2) The spirit and Breath of God has been given and a new heart of
flesh has replaced the former heart of stone. Explain your answer.
What scholar in 1854 rightly divided the word of God by understanding the 2 part restoration of
Israel as noted above?
Question 4
Question 5
Are people merely guessing when they state that Russia is the Magog mention in Ezekiel 38?
If not, what are the foundational evidence of the belief? HINT 1)Bible 2) History
God is AMAZING! He has given us his word and placed within it everything we need to KNOW truth.
We read certain things, and often fail to see how they are RELEVENT. Long list of names. Who begat who.
How long someone lived, or where they lived. All go read, but brushed over quickly without giving the
thought of just how IMPORTANT IT IS!
Genesis Chapter 10
Now the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after
the flood. The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and
Tiras. And the sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and
Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after
his tongue, after their families, in their nations. V 1 - 5
From this, people groups throughout the time of man has recorded their own and each others comings
and goings. The combination of oral and written traditions has preserved each nations beginnings – all
the way back to GENESIS 10.
Examine page 64 and 65.
Question 6
Who will help Russia come after Israel? Modern day versions
Descendants of Persia __________________
Cush ___________________
Libya ___________________
Gomer ____________________
Togarmah ____________________
Question 7
What is the outcome / FALLOUT of Gog and his allies coming against Israel from God’s viewpoint?
Question 8
How does what we are learning here, substantiate what we learned about the purpose of
the GREAT TRIBULATION during our CAUGHT UP! Sessions? HINT 2 things are
simultaneously occurring
Chapter Six
This nation is the Key player as the King of the SOUTH. _____________________
Question #1
Question #2
Egypt will be judged in the END TIMES, however, even with the Antichrist ruling over them, they will
Eventually call out to _________________!
Chapter seven
Question 1
This Greek phrase anatoles helios is interpreted as ____________________. This is one clue to point to ________ as the
Kings of the East.
Question 2
Along with the demonic forces being released at the Euphrates river, it is said that a military force numering________
Will be present. This is another piece of evidence pointing to ____________. Revelation 9:14 - 16
Question 3
Why is communism the idea political thought/practice that the antichrist could/would use to accomplish his goals?
Question 4
What evidence do we have today to confirm the authors assertion that there are two types of communist strategies; the
Communism of China and the Communism of Russia? What is the difference?
Question 5
What does the passage in Revelation 9:16 – 19 point to as modern times and warfare?
Chapter Eight
Question 1
Who gave us the information describing that Rome would be an important nation in prophesy and history? How was this
Information given? How was Rome described?
Question 2
The author discussed the vision of Daniel chapter 7 where we are told about the 10 horned kingdom. He interprets the
“horns” as NATIONS. Therefore representing a 10 nation kingdom. This maybe, however, another option exist. Any
Question 3
This passage also introduces us to two key personalities. Who might they be?
Question 4
Again, Hal Lindsey described the forth kingdom. It is the 10 horn (10 king)(10 nation) kingdom. Rightly
defining this as the REVISED ROMAN KINGDOM of old, his focus is on Europe. He surmised that a ‘UNITED
STATES OF EUROPE would eventually form. Has this come true?
Question 5
Does the EU then therefore represent the 10 horned KINGDOM in this discussion or is the EU just ONE of the
HORNS ? In other words, as noted in question 2, is this kingdom REGIONAL or GLOBAL? Your thoughts!? What
makes more logical and biblically accurate sense?
Chapter Nine
Question 2
The assertion in the beginning is that the dictator does not have to come and take power, but that
they are ____________________ willingly by the ___________________. Why do they do people do this?
Part b
The dictator is then often ______________. Again, this to is not necessarily forced upon them but ___________.
Question 1
The author list a series of conditions on page 100 that are said to be ’seeds’ that tend to lead to the rise of
a dictator in a society. Name theses conditions. If true, why do they led to dictators?
Do we see these conditions today?
Question 3
Revelation 13 describes a beast with mixed features. These are similar features described by Daniel in chapter 8. Is this
An accidental similarity or intended meaningful connection? If meaningful, what are we to make of the description?
Question 4
Peace and Safety is an appealing human attainment. Yet, this is seen as a trap by the Paul in his letter to the
Church of Thessalonica Ch.5
Question 5
Who will worship the Antichrist? Name the UNHOLY copy cat and counterfeit trio that we find here
In Revelations foolishly attempting to ‘Play God’. 1) _________________2) _______________3 __________
Chapter 10 Mystery Babylon
Question 1
In the Bible, besides the obvious meaning of Adultery, what does else does it mean?
So, along with this, sexual unfaithfulness equates to ________________ unfaithfulness!
Question 2
To help us understand, the author uses these examples to help us understand how “Babylon” is used in
this section of Revelation. What are they?
Question 3
The builders of the famed Tower of Babel may not have intended to reach heaven as many have thought.
What is the other possible meaning and intent of their activity and motive to build the tower?
Question 4
As we have discussed in our previous section, the will of God and the will of the people at Babel (the people of
the earth were in conflict. God willed that they ______________ but man rebuffed Him, choosing to ________
and ________________. This is the concept of man favoring Globalism and God favoring ____________.
Question 5
In Daniel, we learned that He and other choice young men (Jew and non Jew) were picked to be trained in the art
of the Chaldeans. What was their trade and level of importance?
Questions 6
How did Daniel respond to his training?
Question 7
The line from the Chaldeans to Egyptians, to Babylonians, to Medes-Persians, to Greeks, to Romans and
finally the Revised Roman not only represents powerful governments, but in this case more accurately
WHAT? This is what is called ____________________!
Question 8
What is the APOSTATE Church and what is APOSTASY?
How does this fact lead to advancement of the upcoming Babylon religious system?
Chapter 12 World War III
Why do we WAR (Fight/Argue/strive)? What is at the HEART of the matter?
Question 1
Question 2
Is there a Solution for this ongoing affliction of Man-kind?
Question 3
What is the ISSUE that has and will have the WHOLE world up in arms?
Question 4
What measure will be taken by Israel in an attempt to “solve” the problem?
Question 5
Name the key players (groups of players) that will be involved in the events of ‘world war III’?
Hal Lindsey’s view on the timing of events differ from a current view (my view)
Question 6
How does Hal Lindsey view the events of Armageddon?
Why I believe that there are two separate major wars, one in the beginning and Armageddon in the end.
How to read the book of Revelation
Hints for better understanding
• John is discussing the FUTURE
• Even the Message to the Seven Churches is FUTURE
• Keep in mind, It is a Story/Narrative being told, However, it is NOT always
• It is a series of OVERVIEW, intermixed with DETAILS of EVENTS with Summaries
and Parentheticals
• Revelation 1: V10 and V19. Proper Understanding flow from getting this
concept correct
• Rightly connecting the events written by all the other prophets regarding the
LAST DAYS and placing those events in the right order to what John has
• NOT AN EASY TASK – 2 Tim 2:15
• Rightly connecting the events written by all the other prophets
regarding the LAST DAYS and placing those events in the right order to
what John has provided.
• NOT AN EASY TASK – 2 Tim 2:15
• Lastly, Everything after Chapter 4 is AFTER THE CHURCH AGE!
The Day of the LORD
The day THEIR WRATH Rev. 6:17
Luke 21:22 Days of Vengeance
Jeremiah 46:10 Days of Vengeance
Jeremiah 30
Isaiah 2:12 and Isaiah 13:6- 9
Looking at many passages, it is clear that the day of the Lord is any day that HE sets (determines) to seek payment
For the penalty of sin. There has been ‘days of the Lord’ throughout scripture and history. However, there is a defined
END of Time and specific DAY of the LORD where it is clear that this is the FINAL ACT. This is THE DAY OF THE LORD!
The Question is this THE DAY OF THE LORD the same as John saying, “ I was in the spirit on THE LORD’s DAY”.
I believe that it is and that this is the KEY to understanding the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ!
John on a Sunday in 70 AD
John on the Day of the Lord (beginning of Tribulation)
John on the Day of the Lord (end of Tribulation)
Things that ARE (Now)
Things ‘hath seen” (past) Things which shall be (future)
WRITE the things…
Revelation 1:19
Life of Christ/early church Current Persecution in 90 AD
Events after His death
Patmos to All of Church history The day Christ opens the seals All events from Ch 5 to the END.
Patmos through Rev 1-13 Events in Rev. 14-16 Babylon Fall to the END
V 7 / Jeremiah 46
Let’s explore the EVENTS of the TRIBULATION: ALL happenings occur in a SEVEN year
Seven Years divided into two parts : 1st 3 ½ years and 2nd 3 ½ years
Below: Place each event in the correct half
Second Coming /New Heaven/ 144,000 / False Prophet / Armageddon / Four Horseman
Mark of the Beast
Great White Throne/ Seal Judgements/ Trumpet Judgements/ Millennial Reign
Bowl judgements/ Temple build / Mystery Babylon Falls / Peace Deal with Antichrist
Dragon locked in Hell/Abomination of Temple/ Gog Magog attack Israel/ 24 Elders
First 3 ½ years Second 3 ½ years
24 Elders 144,000 2Witness
4 Horsemen Temple Build
Peace Deal with Antichrist
Mark of the Beast
False Prophet
Gog attack Israel?
Seal Judgements Trumpet Judgements
Antichrist Breaks Deal Abomination of Temple
Gog attack Israel?
Bowl Judgments
Mystery Babylon Falls Second Coming
Dragon locked in Hell
Millennial Reign
Great White Throne New Heaven
1)Where do we place the Gog – Magog War? 2) When is the mid-point? Hint not stated!
Chapter 13 and 14
The Main Event and Polishing the Crystal Ball
The Second Coming of Jesus IS THE MAIN EVENT
Man-kind promises PEACE but CANNOT deliver
THE Antichrist version is FALSE and just an Illusion achieved by way of force and deception
Christ will bring in true peace but it comes with a PRICE TAG! What is it?
Signs of the Times are a foreshadow of things to come
Religious UNITY
Israel’s rise to power
America’s Decline
Development of and increased importance of the
European Union
Social and Cultural UPHEAVEAL
Page 184 -185

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Understanding the times s4

  • 1. Understanding and Discerning Our Times Through Biblical Prophesy Past, Present and Future! Section Four Mature in Christ Ministries
  • 2. Looking into the……. Future • As we continue our Journey, we will utilize the observation and teaching on the topic by a contemporary Biblical teacher who has written and lectured extensively on Prophesy. • We do this using an now classic of his, The Late Great Planet Earth. Author HAL LINDSEY • I could have chosen many newer, more up to date books that include more relevant and likely more compelling arguments. I did not want that. • I purposely chose this dated book, for the very purpose of being dated! Having the bulk of the study prep done in the 60’s and being released in 1970, we now get to look back and see just how a Bible Believing student of the word, when taking the Bible LITERALLY, will get it right! Proving the word of God is indeed KNOWABLE!
  • 3. Chapter One Question #1 What is the main point the the Author is attempting to convey in this introductory chapter? Chapter Two Question #2 Why was it important to be ACCURATE as a Prophet and what was the incentive to remain true? Between pages 24 -25 Several of Isaiah’s Prophesies are reviewed. Which is your favorite?
  • 4. Chapter Three Jesus, Himself, is the anecdote for believers who down play and outright dismiss Prophecy. For they all believe in his first coming as the suffering servant. This is the very Jesus in whom they have submitted to and received into their hearts. His coming was in fact predicted, that is , Prophesied. They understand and accept that fact with joy! Yet, some of these very same people reject all remaining prophecy that equally and as plainly predict his second coming. I coming that they also believe. So, If the first coming of Christ was PROPHETIC , Why would the second coming NOT BE?
  • 5. Chapter Four Next to looking at the Lord Jesus as proof of Prophecy, One only have to look at ISRAEL. Their very existence Is indeed confirmation that God’s is sovereign and His word is true. Question #3 What is the relevance of the three men (John Cummings/James Grant/Increase Mather) mentioned on pages 49 and 50? What clues are given on pages 51 and 52, suggesting that there would be a long gap of time between Israel’s dispersal and regathering? Question #4 Question#5 Name three things regarding Israel that HAVE to happen before Christ second coming? Have these things occurred?
  • 6. Chapter Five Question 1. The Prophet Ezekiel makes it clear in chapter 38 that Israel will have a great enemy to come against them. Name three key feature noted to help identify who this enemy will be. 1______________ 2 __________________ 3____________________ Question 2. In Ezekiel Chapters 36 and 37 help to further narrow down the time-line and time –frame. It is a two part process. First the Israeli people must __________________. Next, they must be given a new_______________. First the Physical and then this is followed by the ______________. Question 3. Israel is represented as Dry Bones in the midst of a valley. How does this description match the statement noted in Question 2?
  • 7. Statement So, here we are in 2021. In light of Ezekiel 36 and 37, pick one of the following as most accurate. 1)Israel is still in the valley of dry bones. 2) The sinew and flesh has been restored 2) The spirit and Breath of God has been given and a new heart of flesh has replaced the former heart of stone. Explain your answer. What scholar in 1854 rightly divided the word of God by understanding the 2 part restoration of Israel as noted above? Question 4
  • 8. Question 5 Are people merely guessing when they state that Russia is the Magog mention in Ezekiel 38? If not, what are the foundational evidence of the belief? HINT 1)Bible 2) History Statement God is AMAZING! He has given us his word and placed within it everything we need to KNOW truth. We read certain things, and often fail to see how they are RELEVENT. Long list of names. Who begat who. How long someone lived, or where they lived. All go read, but brushed over quickly without giving the thought of just how IMPORTANT IT IS!
  • 9. Genesis Chapter 10 Now the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. And the sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations. V 1 - 5 From this, people groups throughout the time of man has recorded their own and each others comings and goings. The combination of oral and written traditions has preserved each nations beginnings – all the way back to GENESIS 10. Examine page 64 and 65.
  • 10. Question 6 Who will help Russia come after Israel? Modern day versions Descendants of Persia __________________ Cush ___________________ Libya ___________________ Gomer ____________________ Togarmah ____________________
  • 11. Question 7 What is the outcome / FALLOUT of Gog and his allies coming against Israel from God’s viewpoint? Question 8 How does what we are learning here, substantiate what we learned about the purpose of the GREAT TRIBULATION during our CAUGHT UP! Sessions? HINT 2 things are simultaneously occurring
  • 12. Chapter Six This nation is the Key player as the King of the SOUTH. _____________________ Question #1 Question #2 Egypt will be judged in the END TIMES, however, even with the Antichrist ruling over them, they will Eventually call out to _________________!
  • 13. Chapter seven Question 1 This Greek phrase anatoles helios is interpreted as ____________________. This is one clue to point to ________ as the Kings of the East. Question 2 Along with the demonic forces being released at the Euphrates river, it is said that a military force numering________ Will be present. This is another piece of evidence pointing to ____________. Revelation 9:14 - 16 Question 3 Why is communism the idea political thought/practice that the antichrist could/would use to accomplish his goals?
  • 14. Question 4 What evidence do we have today to confirm the authors assertion that there are two types of communist strategies; the Communism of China and the Communism of Russia? What is the difference? Question 5 What does the passage in Revelation 9:16 – 19 point to as modern times and warfare?
  • 15. Chapter Eight Question 1 Who gave us the information describing that Rome would be an important nation in prophesy and history? How was this Information given? How was Rome described? Question 2 The author discussed the vision of Daniel chapter 7 where we are told about the 10 horned kingdom. He interprets the “horns” as NATIONS. Therefore representing a 10 nation kingdom. This maybe, however, another option exist. Any guesses? Question 3 This passage also introduces us to two key personalities. Who might they be?
  • 16. Question 4 Again, Hal Lindsey described the forth kingdom. It is the 10 horn (10 king)(10 nation) kingdom. Rightly defining this as the REVISED ROMAN KINGDOM of old, his focus is on Europe. He surmised that a ‘UNITED STATES OF EUROPE would eventually form. Has this come true? Question 5 Does the EU then therefore represent the 10 horned KINGDOM in this discussion or is the EU just ONE of the HORNS ? In other words, as noted in question 2, is this kingdom REGIONAL or GLOBAL? Your thoughts!? What makes more logical and biblically accurate sense?
  • 17. Chapter Nine Question 2 The assertion in the beginning is that the dictator does not have to come and take power, but that they are ____________________ willingly by the ___________________. Why do they do people do this? Part b The dictator is then often ______________. Again, this to is not necessarily forced upon them but ___________. Question 1 The author list a series of conditions on page 100 that are said to be ’seeds’ that tend to lead to the rise of a dictator in a society. Name theses conditions. If true, why do they led to dictators? Do we see these conditions today?
  • 18. Question 3 Revelation 13 describes a beast with mixed features. These are similar features described by Daniel in chapter 8. Is this An accidental similarity or intended meaningful connection? If meaningful, what are we to make of the description? Question 4 Peace and Safety is an appealing human attainment. Yet, this is seen as a trap by the Paul in his letter to the Church of Thessalonica Ch.5 Question 5 Who will worship the Antichrist? Name the UNHOLY copy cat and counterfeit trio that we find here In Revelations foolishly attempting to ‘Play God’. 1) _________________2) _______________3 __________
  • 19. Chapter 10 Mystery Babylon Question 1 In the Bible, besides the obvious meaning of Adultery, what does else does it mean? So, along with this, sexual unfaithfulness equates to ________________ unfaithfulness! Question 2 To help us understand, the author uses these examples to help us understand how “Babylon” is used in this section of Revelation. What are they? Question 3 The builders of the famed Tower of Babel may not have intended to reach heaven as many have thought. What is the other possible meaning and intent of their activity and motive to build the tower?
  • 20. Question 4 As we have discussed in our previous section, the will of God and the will of the people at Babel (the people of the earth were in conflict. God willed that they ______________ but man rebuffed Him, choosing to ________ and ________________. This is the concept of man favoring Globalism and God favoring ____________. Question 5 In Daniel, we learned that He and other choice young men (Jew and non Jew) were picked to be trained in the art of the Chaldeans. What was their trade and level of importance? Questions 6 How did Daniel respond to his training?
  • 21. Question 7 The line from the Chaldeans to Egyptians, to Babylonians, to Medes-Persians, to Greeks, to Romans and finally the Revised Roman not only represents powerful governments, but in this case more accurately WHAT? This is what is called ____________________! Question 8 What is the APOSTATE Church and what is APOSTASY? How does this fact lead to advancement of the upcoming Babylon religious system?
  • 22. Chapter 12 World War III Why do we WAR (Fight/Argue/strive)? What is at the HEART of the matter? Question 1 Question 2 Is there a Solution for this ongoing affliction of Man-kind? Question 3 What is the ISSUE that has and will have the WHOLE world up in arms?
  • 23. Question 4 What measure will be taken by Israel in an attempt to “solve” the problem? Question 5 Name the key players (groups of players) that will be involved in the events of ‘world war III’? Hal Lindsey’s view on the timing of events differ from a current view (my view) Question 6 How does Hal Lindsey view the events of Armageddon? Why I believe that there are two separate major wars, one in the beginning and Armageddon in the end.
  • 24. How to read the book of Revelation Hints for better understanding • John is discussing the FUTURE • Even the Message to the Seven Churches is FUTURE • Keep in mind, It is a Story/Narrative being told, However, it is NOT always CHRONOLOGIC. • It is a series of OVERVIEW, intermixed with DETAILS of EVENTS with Summaries and Parentheticals • Revelation 1: V10 and V19. Proper Understanding flow from getting this concept correct • Rightly connecting the events written by all the other prophets regarding the LAST DAYS and placing those events in the right order to what John has provided. • NOT AN EASY TASK – 2 Tim 2:15 • NOT AN IMPOSSIBLE TASK - John 14:26
  • 25. • Rightly connecting the events written by all the other prophets regarding the LAST DAYS and placing those events in the right order to what John has provided. • NOT AN EASY TASK – 2 Tim 2:15 • NOT AN IMPOSSIBLE TASK - John 14:26 • A TASK WORTH DOING – Rev 1:3 • Lastly, Everything after Chapter 4 is AFTER THE CHURCH AGE!
  • 26. The Day of the LORD The day THEIR WRATH Rev. 6:17 Luke 21:22 Days of Vengeance Jeremiah 46:10 Days of Vengeance Jeremiah 30 Isaiah 2:12 and Isaiah 13:6- 9 Looking at many passages, it is clear that the day of the Lord is any day that HE sets (determines) to seek payment For the penalty of sin. There has been ‘days of the Lord’ throughout scripture and history. However, there is a defined END of Time and specific DAY of the LORD where it is clear that this is the FINAL ACT. This is THE DAY OF THE LORD! The Question is this THE DAY OF THE LORD the same as John saying, “ I was in the spirit on THE LORD’s DAY”. I believe that it is and that this is the KEY to understanding the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ!
  • 27. John on a Sunday in 70 AD John on the Day of the Lord (beginning of Tribulation) John on the Day of the Lord (end of Tribulation) Things that ARE (Now) Things ‘hath seen” (past) Things which shall be (future) WRITE the things… Revelation 1:19 Life of Christ/early church Current Persecution in 90 AD Events after His death Patmos to All of Church history The day Christ opens the seals All events from Ch 5 to the END. Patmos through Rev 1-13 Events in Rev. 14-16 Babylon Fall to the END V 7 / Jeremiah 46 A B C
  • 28. Let’s explore the EVENTS of the TRIBULATION: ALL happenings occur in a SEVEN year time-frame! Seven Years divided into two parts : 1st 3 ½ years and 2nd 3 ½ years Below: Place each event in the correct half Second Coming /New Heaven/ 144,000 / False Prophet / Armageddon / Four Horseman Mark of the Beast Great White Throne/ Seal Judgements/ Trumpet Judgements/ Millennial Reign Bowl judgements/ Temple build / Mystery Babylon Falls / Peace Deal with Antichrist Dragon locked in Hell/Abomination of Temple/ Gog Magog attack Israel/ 24 Elders
  • 29. First 3 ½ years Second 3 ½ years 24 Elders 144,000 2Witness 4 Horsemen Temple Build Peace Deal with Antichrist Mark of the Beast False Prophet Gog attack Israel? Seal Judgements Trumpet Judgements Antichrist Breaks Deal Abomination of Temple Gog attack Israel? Bowl Judgments Armageddon Mystery Babylon Falls Second Coming Dragon locked in Hell Millennial Reign Great White Throne New Heaven 1)Where do we place the Gog – Magog War? 2) When is the mid-point? Hint not stated!
  • 30. Chapter 13 and 14 The Main Event and Polishing the Crystal Ball The Second Coming of Jesus IS THE MAIN EVENT Man-kind promises PEACE but CANNOT deliver THE Antichrist version is FALSE and just an Illusion achieved by way of force and deception Christ will bring in true peace but it comes with a PRICE TAG! What is it?
  • 31. Signs of the Times are a foreshadow of things to come Religious UNITY Israel’s rise to power America’s Decline Development of and increased importance of the European Union Social and Cultural UPHEAVEAL Page 184 -185