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Proceedings of the 3rd Annual                                                                                               SuRP-A05.4
IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering
Scottsdale, AZ, USA, Sept 22-25, 2007

A Software Framework for Process Control in the Agroindustrial Sector
                                      Monica Reggiani, Massimo Zuppini, and Paolo Fiorini

   Abstract— Recent manufacturing systems introduce an ever                 approaches to the distribution of data (ICEStorm) and to
increasing needs of flexibility and adaptability to cope with                component management (ICEGrid) allow to cope with the
the changing requirements of the organization and of the                    requirements of timeliness and accuracy of information that
customers. The continuous process of expansion, modification,
revision, testing, and repairing is even exacerbated in small and           has become a critical factor in the overall business process.
medium-size firms, such as those operating in the agroindustrial                However, a middleware such as ICE is simply a tool for
sector in the Veneto region, where our center of research is                connecting objects across heterogeneous processing nodes,
located. The limited number of resources, indeed, prevent the               but does not implement an application by itself. Additional
possibility to use part of them for a research activity to setup a          work is required to develop a software architecture sup-
more efficient software infrastructure. Approaches promoting
software reuse, such as developing a common framework and                   porting manufacturing, as it is not a standard client/server
exploiting components-off-the-shelf, could potentially drasti-              application. The resulting architecture must be able to sup-
cally reduce the development time and cost.                                 port systems that grow in complexity, size, and heterogeneity
The aim of this paper is to investigate how mainstream and                  and, therefore, it cannot be an accidental by-product of the
advanced features of Internet Communications Engine (ICE),                  software acquisition and integration process but must be
an object-oriented distributed middleware can be put at work
to meet the requirements of novel manufacturing applications.               carefully crafted.
We show that ICE properties and services can be relied                         The purpose of this paper is to describe how main-
upon to meet performance and functional requirements of                     stream and advanced features of a modern object-oriented
agroindustrial manufacturing systems. The effectiveness and                 middleware can be exploited to meet the requirements of
suitability for agroindustrial applications are tested by means             manufacturing applications in the agroindustrial sector. This
of a software framework exploiting ICE service. A prototype
application built based on the framework is described.                      sector has been chosen for its importance for the industrial
                                                                            base of the Veneto region, where our center of research is
                      I. INTRODUCTION                                       located. Most of the local industry is composed of small and
                                                                            medium-sized firms, often born with characteristics of family
   Manufacturing information systems possess a unique set                   management enterprise, that till now worked mostly at local
of requirements, which are continuously increasing in com-                  level but that are now experimenting new kinds of collabo-
plexity. While in the past, centralized ad-hoc system ar-                   rations beside national borders. This process exacerbates the
chitecture, often client/server based, were acceptable, the                 needs of flexible and adaptable solutions and asked for a
novel challenging business requirements of the modern                       change in the development process of their manufacturing
manufacturing organizations requires a different approach.                  solutions.
Component-based development and software reuse are re-                         The remaining of the paper is organized as follows.
quired to achieve the portability, flexibility, data abstraction,            Section 2 describes the requirements of manufacturing ar-
and low development cost which are the goals of modern                      chitectures for new applications. Section 3 introduces a
manufacturing applications [1].                                             proposed general framework exploiting ICE specifications
   Following a trend in modern distributed systems design                   to meet the requirement of manufacturing applications. The
these architectures can be built using standard middleware                  experience collected so far in implementing the framework
software for distributed object computing. Several mid-                     in a prototype of a real agroindustrial application is reported
dlewares are available, including JavaSoft’s Java Remote                    in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
Method Invocation (Java RMI) [2], Microsoft’s .NET Frame-
work [3], Object Management Group’s Common Object Re-                           II. REQUIREMENTS OF MANUFACTURING
quest Broker Architecture (CORBA) [4] and ZeroC’s Internet                              INFORMATION SYSTEMS
Communications Engine (ICE) [5]. We identify ICE as the                        Manufacturing information systems present special re-
middleware best suited for the development of complex                       quirements, which are becoming more and more complex
distributed manufacturing applications. It provides language,               following the increase of complexity and dynamicity of new
vendor, and operating system independence able to deal with                 automation applications and the advance of technologies.
the high heterogeneity of hardware and software exhibited by                   An effectual strategy for the design of manufacturing
these applications, since they incorporate legacy or third-part             system architectures defines two separated, yet extremely
components and specialized equipments. Moreover, modern                     linked, areas: the production control and the information
                                                                            systems. The manufacturing production control system (PCS)
  M. Reggiani, M. Zuppini, and P. Fiorini are with the Department of Com-
puter Science, University of Verona, I-37134 Verona, Italy {reggiani,       controls the scheduling, material planning, and production
zuppini, fiorini}                                   activities. In the design of this software layer, developers

1-4244-1154-8/07/$25.00 ©2007 IEEE.                                     164

usually exploit dedicated low-level interfaces, such as the       infrastructure, this missing vision of the whole can hamper
Profibus/DP network [6], and overestimate the required re-         the development of new components by junior developers.
sources to guaranteed operation and preserve performance of          These considerations motivate the adoption of
services even with variable system load. The manufacturing        components-off-the-shelf (COTS) and component-based
information system (IS) manages information that forms            design in developing new manufacturing applications.
the basis of the activities of the PCS. Its responsibilities      Approaches promoting software reuse, such as developing
range from the configuration of the production process to the      a common framework and exploiting COTS, have the
management of documentations. While extremely connected,          potential of drastically reducing development time and cost
information and production control systems pursue different       of new manufacturing systems. The successful deployment
objectives. The first one should be able to manage the large       of a COTS based system still requires large efforts to
amount of data from the PCS and it should continuously            acquire and integrate COTS applications in a meaningful
provide a high-level representation of the state of the man-      architecture able to meet current domain and also to be the
ufacturing plan to the users. The second one, instead, must       foundation of the future needs of the organization.
correctly interfaces with the low-level machinery to control         Developing a suitable system architecture meeting all the
the production and satisfy the requests coming from the IS,       previously described requirements remain a difficult and
while continuously producing new data to update the system        time-consuming task. In many cases, the expensive devel-
state representation. Most approaches in the past elected to      opment of a new application can be avoided relying on
keep these two systems separated but linked, adapting them        previous experience or, even better, on a common frame-
to make intersystem communication transparent. However,           work from which specific architectures are instantiated. The
this strategy fails to address the important problem of how       following section describes the framework exploiting an
to restructure the manufacturing operations to meet the           advanced object-oriented distributed middleware to meet the
demand of future operations. An alternative approach is to        requirements of manufacturing companies, mainly working
integrate them as a federated heterogeneous system, where         in the agroindustrial sector.
the IS system can directly access on the shop floor, while
in turn the PCS can then gain direct access to production                             III. FRAMEWORK
information [1].                                                     Building a manufacturing architecture from scratch that
   Providing appropriate and accurate information at the right    meets all the requirements listed in Section II is not always
time has become a strong requirement for the modern man-          feasible, due to economic and time constraints. Following
ufacturing systems. Solutions proposed in the past usually        a trend in modern distributed system design, open, re-
trap critical data inside the applications. The result is the     configurable, and scalable architectures can be built using
existence of islands of duplicate information, inconsistent       commercial off the shelf (COTS) components. The object-
data, and difficulties in creating statistics reports. Moreover,   oriented (OO) design methodology coming with these COTS
na¨ve solutions have also been proposed for the exchange
   ı                                                              components provides fundamental concepts such as inheri-
of critical data between the process control and information      tance, polymorphism, and hiding, useful in the development
systems. Often the communication between the two systems          of complex systems [7]. In this area, several COTS software
is limited to sharing files encoding the exchanged data or to      behaving as a middleware between low-level API and the
using a centralized database, a fairly more advanced solution.    user requirements are available. The Internet Communication
Moreover, distribution of information should also provide a       Engine (ICE) middleware [5], developed by ZeroC, has been
service to handle exceptions. Information about anomalies in      recently adopted in an increasing number of projects, since
the manufacturing process should be immediately reported to       it allows integraton of systems built using different software
the upper layer to be handle by the software or made visible      technologies, programming languages, operating systems,
to the users.                                                     and hardware. In this section, after a brief introduction of
   While in the past, centralized solutions were acceptable,      this middleware, a detailed description of the framework
the ever increasing needs of flexibility and adaptability          built on top of ICE for the purpose of process control in
require software applications able to adapt to the changing       agroindustrial sector is proposed.
needs of the organization. The difficulty to predict cus-
tomer demand adds additional complexity to the problem            A. Internet Communication Engine
of manufacturing. Manufacturing environments must not                Internet Communication Engine (ICE) is an object ori-
only be reliable but they must exhibits a highly flexible,         ented middleware platform that has been developed by the
adaptive architecture based on software components that can       ZeroC group as an alternative to CORBA OMG standard.
be quickly modified and integrated as the production demand        ZeroC project aims at providing an efficient object-oriented
changes.                                                          middleware platform suitable for heterogeneous environ-
   The continuous process of expansion, modification, re-          ments and with a full set of features to support the devel-
vision, testing, and repairing is even exacerbated in small       opment of realistic distributed applications for a wide area
companies where documentation is often missing or outdated        of domains. It also aims at avoiding unnecessary complexity,
and the knowledge about the overall architecture is retained      for a platform easy to learn and use. Finally, built-in security
by the small group of early developers. In a rapidly changing     solutions make ICE suitable for insecure public networks.


While most of ICE aims are shared with other distributed           dedicated low-level interfaces, such as the Profibus/DP net-
middleware solutions, the attention to a code suitable for         work. Each elements located at this layer is wrapped in an
not advanced users without sacrificing the completeness of          ICE object, named elementary object, to allow the interaction
the middleware is something new and definitively not shared         with the other ICE components of the system. Together with
with most of the previously proposed solutions.                    the elementary objects, the framework implementation of
   Two services included in the ZeroC middleware are of            the PCS layers includes also a more complex object, called
preeminent importance for the framework proposed in this           ObjServer, taking care of the management of the overall
paper: ICEGrid, that implements grid computing service to          automation process. This component has two fundamental re-
control remote objects, and ICEStorm, to efficiently distribute     sponsibilities: to initialize the system at start-up and to create
data within the architecture. The goal of ICEGrid is to sim-       all the elementary objects involved in the automated system.
plify the configuration of complex applications containing          This is shown in the collaboration diagram of Figure 2 in the
several servers, and to provide a simple query service that        phase 1: the ObjectServer calls the factoryObject that creates
allows clients to obtain proxies for remote objects they are       all the ICE objects wrapping the control of the elements of
interested in. Its main functionality is to locate objects based   the production activities. Once that the objects are created
on symbolic information and provide an indirect proxy to a         based on a configuration file that will be described in the
protocol address pair for indirect binding. ICEGrid provides       following, they subscribe to the ICEStorm service (phase
many other capabilities, such as replication, load balancing,      2.2). Finally, the IS area is connected to the PCS to allow
and the possibility to register servers for automatic startup,     a direct communication among the objects belonging to the
i.e. the server is started on-demand, when the first request        IS and PCS area.
for the server is received.
                                                                         INFORMATION SYSTEM (IS)                PROCESS CONTROL
   The second ICE service which has been strongly exploited                                                     SYSTEM (PCS)

in the framework is ICEStorm, which adopts a Publisher/-
Subscriber communication model [8] to decouple client and
                                                                                  GUI              Controller

servers. Whenever the Publisher (server) changes state, it                USER

sends a notification to all its Subscribers. Subscribers in turn
retrieve the changed data at their discretion. The ICEStorm                                                                       Profi-bus

implementation allows categorizing messages by topic, and
Subscribers can specify the topics they are interested in.
   We decided to choose ICE instead of CORBA for sev-
eral reasons. While ICE is largely inspired by the OMG’s                                             ODBMS

CORBA standard, its architecture is clearer and it is simpler
to learn and use. Moreover it supports a large number of
languages and the Slice interface is smaller, cleaner, and                          Fig. 1.   The new architecture design.
more powerful than CORBA IDL. An in-depth analysis of
the differences between Ice and CORBA and a comparison
of their performances can found at the web page http:                 The main assignment of the Information System area is
//                                   performed by the InterfaceController object. This object
                                                                   constructs a batch process that will be executed by the PCS
B. Framework Architecture                                          according either to a Management Execution System (MES)
                                                                   production plan, received from the MES Application objects,
   A middleware such as ICE is simply a tool for connecting        or on a user request received directly from GUI objects.
objects across heterogeneous processing nodes, but does               Once that the objects involved in the batch process are cre-
not implement an application by itself. Indeed, additional         ated, ICE objects of both PCS and IS areas can communicate
work is required to develop a manufacturing application,           directly as shown in phase 4 of the diagram in Figure 3. Data
which is not a standard client/server application. This section    exchange among MES, GUI, controller, and the elementary
describes the proposed general framework for distributed           objects in the PCS layer is based on the ICEStorm service,
control process in agroindustrial sectors.                         that allows distributing the data to the subset of objects which
   Figure 1 shows an overview of the proposed framework.           previously subscribed their interest.
The two main areas of PCS and IS, which are usually present           ICEStorm is particularly valuable in the implementation
in manufacturing system architectures (Section II), are also       of the distribution of critical data, i.e. information about
defined in the framework. The collaboration diagrams in             anomalies in the manufacturing process that should be imme-
Figure 2 and 3 provide, respectively, a snapshot of the main       diately reported the upper layer to be handle by the software
components and their interaction during the initialization and     or made visible to the users. It is, indeed, possible to set
execution phases.                                                  up dedicated communication channels among the objects.
   The Production Control System (PCS) controls the                This allows the upper layer to be quickly informed from the
scheduling, material planning, and production activities. In       elementary objects about anomalies and to clearly identify
the design of this software layer, developers usually exploit      the source of the anomaly so to recover in a short time.



                                                               elaborate                                                                     1.1 read()
                                  5.1 < Activate GUI >         data           1   < Activate ObjectServer >                                                       1.2 createObject(i)

                                 :MES Application              anytime
                                                                                   :objectServer                                                :factoryObject
                                                                                                                         1 initialize()

                              {location: Information System}                         {location: PCS}                                               {location: PCS}
                                                                                                                     3 End initialization

                                                    5.2 Connect()            4.1 Connect                                   5.2 Connect()
                                                                             to each                                                                              2 activate(obj)
                                                                             other              anytime:
                                                                                                exchange data
                                                                                                                                          ODBMS                    i :instanceOfObject
               ODBMS      6.3 connect
                                                    exchange                       :interfaceController
                                                     data                                                                                                              {location: PCS}        2.1 connect
                                                                                  {location: Information System}
                                                                                                                   5.3 Set(nome_GUI)                   logging or                             via profi-bus
                                                                                                                                                       update object
                                                                               4 < Activate InterfaceController >
                                                                                                                                                       status            2.3 send(status)

               a : Anomaly                                         6.2 Subscribe()

                                                                                                                                                 publisher : IceStorm
               {location: PCS}
                                          view01: GUI
                                                                                                                                                                               2,2 subscribe(itself)
                                                                                                                                                  {location: Middleware ICE}
           7   < Anomaly Server >                                           6.4 Ready
                                      {location: Information System}        to Use

                                         6.1 < Activate GUI >

                                                                  Fig. 2.     Collaboration Diagram: System Inizialization.

The framework includes an AnomalyServer object able to                                                         duced in the framework. With reference to the collaboration
recognize the anomaly and to resume the system, ensuring                                                       diagram shown in Figure 2, in the initialization phase the
the maintenance of a safe-critical state during the batch                                                      required elementary objects for the control of the plan
process.                                                                                                       are created according to the content of an inizialization
   The proposed solution for the distribution of the informa-                                                  file (config.xml in Figure 2-phase 1). The syntax of the
tion within the application allows to avoid na¨ve solutions for
                                              ı                                                                configuration file is available through an XML Schema [9]
the exchange of information between PCS and IS. Often the                                                      that defines a set of tags for the description of the list of
communication between such a different layers is still solved                                                  elementary objects, together with their main features.
through the exchange of files encoding the information or                                                          XML is also used to describe the interaction between mid-
using a centralized database, a fairly more advanced solution.                                                 dleware objects and ICE services. An example is represented
This result in bottleneck and the impossibility to establish                                                   by the objects that are required to be activated on-demand
priority channel of communication for the distribution of                                                      through the IceGrid service. Their inclusion in the registry of
anomalies. In the proposed framework the database is no                                                        the IceGrid service is, once again, simply a matter of writing
more a link between the various part of the system, assuming                                                   a configuration file (Listing 1).
the improper role of bridge of communication. Instead, it is                                                   Listing 1.        Configuration of objects activated on-demand by the IceGrid
required only for logging data about material movement as                                                      service.
                                                                                                               <i c e g r i d>
required by the laws in the agroindustrial sector.                                                             <a p p l i c a t i o n name= ” O b j c l a s s ”>

   Another problem solved with the use of ICE is the                                                           <!− For every s e r v e r t o d e f i n e − >
                                                                                                                  −                                             −
possibility to let the developers of the different parts of                                                    <node name= ” Node1 ”>
                                                                                                                 <s e r v e r i d = ” BinsServer0001 ”
the manufacturing system to choose the technology they                                                                        exe= ” . / BinsSrv ” a c t i v a t i o n = ” on−demand ”>
prefer. Different requirements of PCS and IS call for different
                                                                                                                      <a d a p t e r name= ” BinsAdapter0001 ”
software technologies to optimize time of development while                                                                          i d = ” BinsAdapter0001 ”
facing with performance issues. But the heterogeneity of the                                                                         endpoints= ” tcp ”
                                                                                                                                     r e g i s t e r −process= ” t r u e ”>
adopted solutions does not have any impact on the overall
framework as the use of ICE ensures wide possibility of                                                                               <o b j e c t i d e n t i t y = ” BINS0001 ”
                                                                                                                                                   t y p e = ” : : O b j C l a s s : : B i n s C l a s s ” />
interaction, also with third part software. A large number of                                                         </ a d a p t e r>
languages, including C++, Java, C♯, Visual Basic, PHP, are
                                                                                                                      <p r o p e r t y name= ” I d e n t i t y ” v a l u e = ” BINS0001 ” />
supported by the mapping of ICE from Slice interfaces (the                                                             <p r o p e r t y name= ” i n d e x ” v a l u e = ” 0001 ” />
ICE Interface Description Language).
                                                                                                                 </ s e r v e r>
                                                                                                               </ node>
C. Framework Configuration
                                                                                                               <node name= ” . . . . . ”>
  As previously described in Section II there is an increasing                                                         ......
                                                                                                               </ node>
need of highly flexible, adaptive architecture that can be                                                       ....
quickly modified and integrated as the production demand                                                        </ a p p l i c a t i o n>
                                                                                                               </ i c e g r i d>
changes. The proposed framework must, therefore, provide
efficient solutions for the configuration of new application.                                                       Moreover, the use of the property tag in the XML descrip-
  Several different point of customization have been intro-                                                    tion of the components, allows the ICE platform to provide


                                                                                                                                                                               Exchange Data
                        3: Elaborate Work to do
                                                                                                                                                                                to Control
                                                                                                                                                                               Anomaly Status
                       :ObjectServer                                                                                   i: instanceOfObject                                                                                    a: Anomaly
                                                                      3.1 Extend All Comand to Object

                                                                                                                                                                     3. AnyTime:                                        {location: PCS}
                       {location: PCS}                                                                                       {location: PCS}
                                                                                                             logging or
                                                                                           ODBMS             update object                                           3.AnyTime:
                                  2.1 Extend All                                                             status                                                  Send or Recive
           exchange data
                                                                              4. publish(status,obj)                                                                                                                          machinery
                    :interfaceController                2: elaborate

                                                                                                                                                        3. Periodically:
                    {location: Information System}
                                                                  1.4 Response                                                                          send(status)
                    1.3 require                                   to user request
                    something             1.1 bis:
                                                                                                                                publisher: IceStorm
                    to do                   user
                                                                                                  4. publish(status,obj)
          1.2 : elaborate                     request
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             If Anomaly
           data change                                                                                                          {location: Middleware ICE}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             then publish()
                                                                                                               3.1 Publish(status, Obj)
                     MES Application
                                  query                refresh data
                                                                               view01: GUI
                    {location: Informatin System}
                                                                                                                                        1bis: interact
                                                                            {location: Information System}
                      query                                                                                                                                                                 Actor
                      data                           1.1 change

                                                                        Fig. 3.     Collaboration Diagram: System Execution.

information at run-time about the specified properties of the                                                        execution of a batch process exploiting the Handling Setup
remote objects without requiring a direct interaction.                                                              of static objects.
   The setup of a new plan from a set of available elementary
objects does not require any additional implementation effort                                                                                           COMD0001                                  TRASP002
on the code but only the creation of a new configuration
file that describes the components and their interaction.                                                                                                                 COMD0020

Therefore, the process of expansion, modification, revision of
an application is not only largely simplified for the designer                                                                                                                                                        0031                0032                    0033                STAT0034

                                                                                                                                             BINS0010                                                                0031                0032                    0033                BINS0034
of the application but can also be quickly learned by new

                                                                                                                                                                                                      LEVEL_MAX           LEVEL_MAX               LEVEL_MAX


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LEVEL_MED          LEVEL_MED

                                                                                                                                                                                                      LEVEL_MED          LEVEL_MED


                                                                                                                                                                                                      LEVEL_MIN           LEVEL_MIN               LEVEL_MIN           LEVEL_MIN

   The framework described in Section III has been used

                                                                                                                                                                                                 STOC0031             STOC0032                STOC0033             STOC0034

to build a prototype for a system proposed by a company                                                                                                                  BINS0001

                                                                                                                                                                                           GRUPPO 2
operating in the agroindustrial sector. The goal was to test the
                                                                                                                                    BINS0002                                                                                                                              BINS0020

suitability of the developed framework in real applications.                                                                                                               BINS004
                                                                                                                                                                                           GRUPPO 1


   The proposed agroindustrial scenario refers to the load-                                                                            BINSCLASS: Object as filter, choclea,
ing/unloading of raw material from sack to silo, as shown in                                                                                                                                                                    0021

Figure 4. The developers proposed a three-level description                                                                             STATCLASS: Object as state-controller
                                                                                                                                                       for filter.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                0021                  0022                   BINS0023

of the automation process. The first level (red dashed line in                                                                           STOCCLASS: Object to storage as silo,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LEVEL_MAX           LEVEL_MAX               LEVEL_MAX

Fig. 4) defines the concept of the general Handling Setup.                                                                                                                                                         LEVEL_MED           LEVEL_MED               LEVEL_MED

Each handling setup is composed of a set of Transport, the                                                                             DISTCLASS: Object for distribution that
                                                                                                                                                deflect the material flow
                                                                                                                                                among more destinations.
second level of their abstraction. The Transport (blue dashed                                                                                                                                                     LEVEL_MIN           LEVEL_MIN               LEVEL_MIN

line in Fig. 4) is an indivisible unit of a batch process;                                                                             COMDCLASS: Object that needs a activation
                                                                                                                                               command as ligths or hooter.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            STOC0021              STOC0022                STOC0023

its execution allows to achieve a well defined sub-goal of
the production chain. Each Transport is then composed of                                                            Fig. 4.         Synoptic for the loading/unloading of raw material from sacks to
a set of well-define objects, identifying subtasks of the
production chain, such as switches, filters, hoppers, ... A
set of classes is used to classify the objects: BinsClass,                                                            The agroindustrial scenario proposed in Figure 4 is com-
bistable objects, such as filters, aspirators, compressors;                                                          posed of three Transports: the acceptance of the raw material
StatClass, static objects; StocClass, storage objects, such as                                                      (TRASP001), its storage toward the silo group number 1
silos and hoppers, DistClass, distributed objects, distributing                                                     (TRASP002), and the storage toward the silo group number
the material from one source to multiple destination; and,                                                          2 (TRASP003). As previously stated, a Transport is an
finally, ComdClass, objects that need an activation command,                                                         indivisible unit of a batch process. Each transport is then
such as lights or electric sirens. The final concept introduced                                                      composed by a set of objects belonging to the classes
by the developers is the term Mission, to identify the dynamic                                                      previously defined. As an example, Transport TRASP001


is composed of a hopper (StocClass), receiving the raw                                                           ICE GRID                                   ICE STORM

material, an aspirator (BinsClass) located over the hopper and
connected to a filter (BinsClass) to remove the dust. Under
the hopper it is located an cochlea (BinsClass) moving the                                                                          BINS0001


material from the hopper to a pipeline, where a compressor                                      TRASP
                                                                                                                                                                 BINS - - - -
                                                                                                 001                                                                                               P
(CmdClass) raises the pressure artificially. At the end of                                                                                                                                          R
                                                                              Movimentator                                                                                                         O
TRASP001, a switch element (BinsClass) moves the material                                               TRASP001.ini


either toward TRASP002 or TRASP003.                                                                                                                             STAT0002

   The framework described in the previous section supported        Object                                                                                                       STAT- - - -
                                                                    Server                              TRASP
the implementation of the software prototype, controlling                         Mission
this scenario. Frameworks are defined as a form of design                                                          TRASP002.ini
                                                                                                                                                          COMD0001                                 P

reuse providing the skeleton of an application than can be                                                        TRASP002.automa

                                                                                                                                                                                    COMD - - - -

customized by application developers [10]. Our framework                     LEVEL 3               LEVEL 2

proposes then a library with immutable parts (frozen spots)                                                                                               LEVEL 1

and yet open to the users that can implement code tuned to
the application. This code must be inserted in a few parts        Fig. 5. Objects in the production control system as instantiated by the
of the framework which are left intentionally incomplete by       framework.
the framework designers (hot spots).
   The frozen spots of our framework is the overall archi-
tecture presented in Section III-B. For example, the Object          The ZeroC’s Internet Communications Engine middleware
Server, provided by the framework, is able to controls mis-       has proven well suited for the needs of the manufacturing
sion loads, executing all the batch processes, and supervising,   firms operating in the agroindustrial sector. In this paper we
without any change in the code or configuration files. The hot      have summarized our experience resulting from development
spots of our framework are represented by the development         of a software framework and its use on a real application.
of the classes of the three levels, which are often already       The results obtained show that exploitation of ICE brings a
available from the development of other systems.                  number of remarkable advantages, enabling portable, highly
   Designer efforts for the development of a new system are,      reconfigurable applications. Furthermore, the use of ICE
then, usually limited to the conversion of the synoptic of        standard services for data distribution and management of
the plant (Figure 4) in a set of configuration files. These         components avoids the need of ad-hoc solutions, which are
files provide the list of objects to be instantiated and their     often error-prone, require significant development effort, and
properties. They can also describe object behaviors through       prevent portability.
finite state models that will then be executed by the frame-
work. This allows introducing dynamic components during                                      VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the configuration of the system.                                     We would like to thank Daniele Avesani and Fabio
   The configuration phase for the presented testbed results in    Beghelli of the Tecnica Electronica company for their kind
the scenario in Figure 5. Once that the factoryObject creates     support and the many useful discussions.
the required ICE objects, the Production Control System can
                                                                                                          R EFERENCES
directly communicate with the Information System parts and
its components, including MES applications and GUI.                [1] G. B. Alleman, “Architecture-centered information systems in
                                                                       the manufacturing domain,” Niwot Ridge Resources, Tech.
   The proposed framework demonstrates its suitability, al-            Rep., 2002. [Online]. Available:
lowing a simple and fast development of the proposed                   ArchCenteredDesign.PDF
                                                                   [2] JavaSoft, “Java Remote Method Invocation Home Page.”
scenario, able to cope with the technological and economical           [Online]. Available:
requirements of a real application.                                    basic/rmi/index.jsp
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Una plataforma de software para control de procesos en el sector agroindustrial

  • 1. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual SuRP-A05.4 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering Scottsdale, AZ, USA, Sept 22-25, 2007 A Software Framework for Process Control in the Agroindustrial Sector Monica Reggiani, Massimo Zuppini, and Paolo Fiorini Abstract— Recent manufacturing systems introduce an ever approaches to the distribution of data (ICEStorm) and to increasing needs of flexibility and adaptability to cope with component management (ICEGrid) allow to cope with the the changing requirements of the organization and of the requirements of timeliness and accuracy of information that customers. The continuous process of expansion, modification, revision, testing, and repairing is even exacerbated in small and has become a critical factor in the overall business process. medium-size firms, such as those operating in the agroindustrial However, a middleware such as ICE is simply a tool for sector in the Veneto region, where our center of research is connecting objects across heterogeneous processing nodes, located. The limited number of resources, indeed, prevent the but does not implement an application by itself. Additional possibility to use part of them for a research activity to setup a work is required to develop a software architecture sup- more efficient software infrastructure. Approaches promoting software reuse, such as developing a common framework and porting manufacturing, as it is not a standard client/server exploiting components-off-the-shelf, could potentially drasti- application. The resulting architecture must be able to sup- cally reduce the development time and cost. port systems that grow in complexity, size, and heterogeneity The aim of this paper is to investigate how mainstream and and, therefore, it cannot be an accidental by-product of the advanced features of Internet Communications Engine (ICE), software acquisition and integration process but must be an object-oriented distributed middleware can be put at work to meet the requirements of novel manufacturing applications. carefully crafted. We show that ICE properties and services can be relied The purpose of this paper is to describe how main- upon to meet performance and functional requirements of stream and advanced features of a modern object-oriented agroindustrial manufacturing systems. The effectiveness and middleware can be exploited to meet the requirements of suitability for agroindustrial applications are tested by means manufacturing applications in the agroindustrial sector. This of a software framework exploiting ICE service. A prototype application built based on the framework is described. sector has been chosen for its importance for the industrial base of the Veneto region, where our center of research is I. INTRODUCTION located. Most of the local industry is composed of small and medium-sized firms, often born with characteristics of family Manufacturing information systems possess a unique set management enterprise, that till now worked mostly at local of requirements, which are continuously increasing in com- level but that are now experimenting new kinds of collabo- plexity. While in the past, centralized ad-hoc system ar- rations beside national borders. This process exacerbates the chitecture, often client/server based, were acceptable, the needs of flexible and adaptable solutions and asked for a novel challenging business requirements of the modern change in the development process of their manufacturing manufacturing organizations requires a different approach. solutions. Component-based development and software reuse are re- The remaining of the paper is organized as follows. quired to achieve the portability, flexibility, data abstraction, Section 2 describes the requirements of manufacturing ar- and low development cost which are the goals of modern chitectures for new applications. Section 3 introduces a manufacturing applications [1]. proposed general framework exploiting ICE specifications Following a trend in modern distributed systems design to meet the requirement of manufacturing applications. The these architectures can be built using standard middleware experience collected so far in implementing the framework software for distributed object computing. Several mid- in a prototype of a real agroindustrial application is reported dlewares are available, including JavaSoft’s Java Remote in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper. Method Invocation (Java RMI) [2], Microsoft’s .NET Frame- work [3], Object Management Group’s Common Object Re- II. REQUIREMENTS OF MANUFACTURING quest Broker Architecture (CORBA) [4] and ZeroC’s Internet INFORMATION SYSTEMS Communications Engine (ICE) [5]. We identify ICE as the Manufacturing information systems present special re- middleware best suited for the development of complex quirements, which are becoming more and more complex distributed manufacturing applications. It provides language, following the increase of complexity and dynamicity of new vendor, and operating system independence able to deal with automation applications and the advance of technologies. the high heterogeneity of hardware and software exhibited by An effectual strategy for the design of manufacturing these applications, since they incorporate legacy or third-part system architectures defines two separated, yet extremely components and specialized equipments. Moreover, modern linked, areas: the production control and the information systems. The manufacturing production control system (PCS) M. Reggiani, M. Zuppini, and P. Fiorini are with the Department of Com- puter Science, University of Verona, I-37134 Verona, Italy {reggiani, controls the scheduling, material planning, and production zuppini, fiorini} activities. In the design of this software layer, developers 1-4244-1154-8/07/$25.00 ©2007 IEEE. 164
  • 2. SuRP-A05.4 usually exploit dedicated low-level interfaces, such as the infrastructure, this missing vision of the whole can hamper Profibus/DP network [6], and overestimate the required re- the development of new components by junior developers. sources to guaranteed operation and preserve performance of These considerations motivate the adoption of services even with variable system load. The manufacturing components-off-the-shelf (COTS) and component-based information system (IS) manages information that forms design in developing new manufacturing applications. the basis of the activities of the PCS. Its responsibilities Approaches promoting software reuse, such as developing range from the configuration of the production process to the a common framework and exploiting COTS, have the management of documentations. While extremely connected, potential of drastically reducing development time and cost information and production control systems pursue different of new manufacturing systems. The successful deployment objectives. The first one should be able to manage the large of a COTS based system still requires large efforts to amount of data from the PCS and it should continuously acquire and integrate COTS applications in a meaningful provide a high-level representation of the state of the man- architecture able to meet current domain and also to be the ufacturing plan to the users. The second one, instead, must foundation of the future needs of the organization. correctly interfaces with the low-level machinery to control Developing a suitable system architecture meeting all the the production and satisfy the requests coming from the IS, previously described requirements remain a difficult and while continuously producing new data to update the system time-consuming task. In many cases, the expensive devel- state representation. Most approaches in the past elected to opment of a new application can be avoided relying on keep these two systems separated but linked, adapting them previous experience or, even better, on a common frame- to make intersystem communication transparent. However, work from which specific architectures are instantiated. The this strategy fails to address the important problem of how following section describes the framework exploiting an to restructure the manufacturing operations to meet the advanced object-oriented distributed middleware to meet the demand of future operations. An alternative approach is to requirements of manufacturing companies, mainly working integrate them as a federated heterogeneous system, where in the agroindustrial sector. the IS system can directly access on the shop floor, while in turn the PCS can then gain direct access to production III. FRAMEWORK information [1]. Building a manufacturing architecture from scratch that Providing appropriate and accurate information at the right meets all the requirements listed in Section II is not always time has become a strong requirement for the modern man- feasible, due to economic and time constraints. Following ufacturing systems. Solutions proposed in the past usually a trend in modern distributed system design, open, re- trap critical data inside the applications. The result is the configurable, and scalable architectures can be built using existence of islands of duplicate information, inconsistent commercial off the shelf (COTS) components. The object- data, and difficulties in creating statistics reports. Moreover, oriented (OO) design methodology coming with these COTS na¨ve solutions have also been proposed for the exchange ı components provides fundamental concepts such as inheri- of critical data between the process control and information tance, polymorphism, and hiding, useful in the development systems. Often the communication between the two systems of complex systems [7]. In this area, several COTS software is limited to sharing files encoding the exchanged data or to behaving as a middleware between low-level API and the using a centralized database, a fairly more advanced solution. user requirements are available. The Internet Communication Moreover, distribution of information should also provide a Engine (ICE) middleware [5], developed by ZeroC, has been service to handle exceptions. Information about anomalies in recently adopted in an increasing number of projects, since the manufacturing process should be immediately reported to it allows integraton of systems built using different software the upper layer to be handle by the software or made visible technologies, programming languages, operating systems, to the users. and hardware. In this section, after a brief introduction of While in the past, centralized solutions were acceptable, this middleware, a detailed description of the framework the ever increasing needs of flexibility and adaptability built on top of ICE for the purpose of process control in require software applications able to adapt to the changing agroindustrial sector is proposed. needs of the organization. The difficulty to predict cus- tomer demand adds additional complexity to the problem A. Internet Communication Engine of manufacturing. Manufacturing environments must not Internet Communication Engine (ICE) is an object ori- only be reliable but they must exhibits a highly flexible, ented middleware platform that has been developed by the adaptive architecture based on software components that can ZeroC group as an alternative to CORBA OMG standard. be quickly modified and integrated as the production demand ZeroC project aims at providing an efficient object-oriented changes. middleware platform suitable for heterogeneous environ- The continuous process of expansion, modification, re- ments and with a full set of features to support the devel- vision, testing, and repairing is even exacerbated in small opment of realistic distributed applications for a wide area companies where documentation is often missing or outdated of domains. It also aims at avoiding unnecessary complexity, and the knowledge about the overall architecture is retained for a platform easy to learn and use. Finally, built-in security by the small group of early developers. In a rapidly changing solutions make ICE suitable for insecure public networks. 165
  • 3. SuRP-A05.4 While most of ICE aims are shared with other distributed dedicated low-level interfaces, such as the Profibus/DP net- middleware solutions, the attention to a code suitable for work. Each elements located at this layer is wrapped in an not advanced users without sacrificing the completeness of ICE object, named elementary object, to allow the interaction the middleware is something new and definitively not shared with the other ICE components of the system. Together with with most of the previously proposed solutions. the elementary objects, the framework implementation of Two services included in the ZeroC middleware are of the PCS layers includes also a more complex object, called preeminent importance for the framework proposed in this ObjServer, taking care of the management of the overall paper: ICEGrid, that implements grid computing service to automation process. This component has two fundamental re- control remote objects, and ICEStorm, to efficiently distribute sponsibilities: to initialize the system at start-up and to create data within the architecture. The goal of ICEGrid is to sim- all the elementary objects involved in the automated system. plify the configuration of complex applications containing This is shown in the collaboration diagram of Figure 2 in the several servers, and to provide a simple query service that phase 1: the ObjectServer calls the factoryObject that creates allows clients to obtain proxies for remote objects they are all the ICE objects wrapping the control of the elements of interested in. Its main functionality is to locate objects based the production activities. Once that the objects are created on symbolic information and provide an indirect proxy to a based on a configuration file that will be described in the protocol address pair for indirect binding. ICEGrid provides following, they subscribe to the ICEStorm service (phase many other capabilities, such as replication, load balancing, 2.2). Finally, the IS area is connected to the PCS to allow and the possibility to register servers for automatic startup, a direct communication among the objects belonging to the i.e. the server is started on-demand, when the first request IS and PCS area. for the server is received. INFORMATION SYSTEM (IS) PROCESS CONTROL The second ICE service which has been strongly exploited SYSTEM (PCS) in the framework is ICEStorm, which adopts a Publisher/- Subscriber communication model [8] to decouple client and GUI Controller servers. Whenever the Publisher (server) changes state, it USER sends a notification to all its Subscribers. Subscribers in turn retrieve the changed data at their discretion. The ICEStorm Profi-bus implementation allows categorizing messages by topic, and Subscribers can specify the topics they are interested in. MES We decided to choose ICE instead of CORBA for sev- eral reasons. While ICE is largely inspired by the OMG’s ODBMS CORBA standard, its architecture is clearer and it is simpler to learn and use. Moreover it supports a large number of languages and the Slice interface is smaller, cleaner, and Fig. 1. The new architecture design. more powerful than CORBA IDL. An in-depth analysis of the differences between Ice and CORBA and a comparison of their performances can found at the web page http: The main assignment of the Information System area is // performed by the InterfaceController object. This object constructs a batch process that will be executed by the PCS B. Framework Architecture according either to a Management Execution System (MES) production plan, received from the MES Application objects, A middleware such as ICE is simply a tool for connecting or on a user request received directly from GUI objects. objects across heterogeneous processing nodes, but does Once that the objects involved in the batch process are cre- not implement an application by itself. Indeed, additional ated, ICE objects of both PCS and IS areas can communicate work is required to develop a manufacturing application, directly as shown in phase 4 of the diagram in Figure 3. Data which is not a standard client/server application. This section exchange among MES, GUI, controller, and the elementary describes the proposed general framework for distributed objects in the PCS layer is based on the ICEStorm service, control process in agroindustrial sectors. that allows distributing the data to the subset of objects which Figure 1 shows an overview of the proposed framework. previously subscribed their interest. The two main areas of PCS and IS, which are usually present ICEStorm is particularly valuable in the implementation in manufacturing system architectures (Section II), are also of the distribution of critical data, i.e. information about defined in the framework. The collaboration diagrams in anomalies in the manufacturing process that should be imme- Figure 2 and 3 provide, respectively, a snapshot of the main diately reported the upper layer to be handle by the software components and their interaction during the initialization and or made visible to the users. It is, indeed, possible to set execution phases. up dedicated communication channels among the objects. The Production Control System (PCS) controls the This allows the upper layer to be quickly informed from the scheduling, material planning, and production activities. In elementary objects about anomalies and to clearly identify the design of this software layer, developers usually exploit the source of the anomaly so to recover in a short time. 166
  • 4. SuRP-A05.4 config.xml elaborate 1.1 read() 5.1 < Activate GUI > data 1 < Activate ObjectServer > 1.2 createObject(i) :MES Application anytime :objectServer :factoryObject 1 initialize() {location: Information System} {location: PCS} {location: PCS} 3 End initialization 5.2 Connect() 4.1 Connect 5.2 Connect() to each 2 activate(obj) other anytime: exchange data publish() ODBMS i :instanceOfObject ODBMS 6.3 connect exchange :interfaceController data {location: PCS} 2.1 connect objects {location: Information System} 5.3 Set(nome_GUI) logging or via profi-bus update object 4 < Activate InterfaceController > status 2.3 send(status) a : Anomaly 6.2 Subscribe() publisher : IceStorm {location: PCS} view01: GUI 2,2 subscribe(itself) {location: Middleware ICE} 7 < Anomaly Server > 6.4 Ready {location: Information System} to Use 6.1 < Activate GUI > Fig. 2. Collaboration Diagram: System Inizialization. The framework includes an AnomalyServer object able to duced in the framework. With reference to the collaboration recognize the anomaly and to resume the system, ensuring diagram shown in Figure 2, in the initialization phase the the maintenance of a safe-critical state during the batch required elementary objects for the control of the plan process. are created according to the content of an inizialization The proposed solution for the distribution of the informa- file (config.xml in Figure 2-phase 1). The syntax of the tion within the application allows to avoid na¨ve solutions for ı configuration file is available through an XML Schema [9] the exchange of information between PCS and IS. Often the that defines a set of tags for the description of the list of communication between such a different layers is still solved elementary objects, together with their main features. through the exchange of files encoding the information or XML is also used to describe the interaction between mid- using a centralized database, a fairly more advanced solution. dleware objects and ICE services. An example is represented This result in bottleneck and the impossibility to establish by the objects that are required to be activated on-demand priority channel of communication for the distribution of through the IceGrid service. Their inclusion in the registry of anomalies. In the proposed framework the database is no the IceGrid service is, once again, simply a matter of writing more a link between the various part of the system, assuming a configuration file (Listing 1). the improper role of bridge of communication. Instead, it is Listing 1. Configuration of objects activated on-demand by the IceGrid required only for logging data about material movement as service. <i c e g r i d> required by the laws in the agroindustrial sector. <a p p l i c a t i o n name= ” O b j c l a s s ”> Another problem solved with the use of ICE is the <!− For every s e r v e r t o d e f i n e − > − − possibility to let the developers of the different parts of <node name= ” Node1 ”> <s e r v e r i d = ” BinsServer0001 ” the manufacturing system to choose the technology they exe= ” . / BinsSrv ” a c t i v a t i o n = ” on−demand ”> prefer. Different requirements of PCS and IS call for different <a d a p t e r name= ” BinsAdapter0001 ” software technologies to optimize time of development while i d = ” BinsAdapter0001 ” facing with performance issues. But the heterogeneity of the endpoints= ” tcp ” r e g i s t e r −process= ” t r u e ”> adopted solutions does not have any impact on the overall framework as the use of ICE ensures wide possibility of <o b j e c t i d e n t i t y = ” BINS0001 ” t y p e = ” : : O b j C l a s s : : B i n s C l a s s ” /> interaction, also with third part software. A large number of </ a d a p t e r> languages, including C++, Java, C♯, Visual Basic, PHP, are <p r o p e r t y name= ” I d e n t i t y ” v a l u e = ” BINS0001 ” /> supported by the mapping of ICE from Slice interfaces (the <p r o p e r t y name= ” i n d e x ” v a l u e = ” 0001 ” /> ICE Interface Description Language). </ s e r v e r> </ node> C. Framework Configuration <node name= ” . . . . . ”> As previously described in Section II there is an increasing ...... </ node> need of highly flexible, adaptive architecture that can be .... quickly modified and integrated as the production demand </ a p p l i c a t i o n> </ i c e g r i d> changes. The proposed framework must, therefore, provide efficient solutions for the configuration of new application. Moreover, the use of the property tag in the XML descrip- Several different point of customization have been intro- tion of the components, allows the ICE platform to provide 167
  • 5. SuRP-A05.4 Exchange Data 3: Elaborate Work to do to Control Anomaly Status :ObjectServer i: instanceOfObject a: Anomaly 3.1 Extend All Comand to Object 3. AnyTime: {location: PCS} {location: PCS} {location: PCS} Control Status Connection logging or ODBMS update object 3.AnyTime: anytime: 2.1 Extend All status Send or Recive exchange data Request Data 4. publish(status,obj) machinery :interfaceController 2: elaborate Profi-bus Request 3. Periodically: {location: Information System} 1.4 Response send(status) 1.3 require to user request something 1.1 bis: publisher: IceStorm to do user 4. publish(status,obj) 1.2 : elaborate request If Anomaly data change {location: Middleware ICE} then publish() 3.1 Publish(status, Obj) MES Application query refresh data data view01: GUI anytime {location: Informatin System} 1bis: interact {location: Information System} query Actor data 1.1 change data ODBMS Fig. 3. Collaboration Diagram: System Execution. information at run-time about the specified properties of the execution of a batch process exploiting the Handling Setup remote objects without requiring a direct interaction. of static objects. The setup of a new plan from a set of available elementary objects does not require any additional implementation effort COMD0001 TRASP002 BINS0030 on the code but only the creation of a new configuration file that describes the components and their interaction. COMD0020 DIST0003 COMD0001 Therefore, the process of expansion, modification, revision of TRASP001 an application is not only largely simplified for the designer 0031 0032 0033 STAT0034 BINS0010 0031 0032 0033 BINS0034 of the application but can also be quickly learned by new LEVEL_MAX developers. LEVEL_MAX LEVEL_MAX LEVEL_MAX STAT0003 BINS0003 LEVEL_MED LEVEL_MED IV. EXPERIMENTAL ASSESSMENT LEVEL_MED LEVEL_MED LEVEL_MAX LEVEL_MIN LEVEL_MIN LEVEL_MIN LEVEL_MIN The framework described in Section III has been used LEVEL_MED STOC0001 LEVEL_MIN STOC0031 STOC0032 STOC0033 STOC0034 to build a prototype for a system proposed by a company BINS0001 GRUPPO 2 TRASP003 operating in the agroindustrial sector. The goal was to test the BINS0002 BINS0020 suitability of the developed framework in real applications. BINS004 GRUPPO 1 DIST0002 The proposed agroindustrial scenario refers to the load- BINSCLASS: Object as filter, choclea, switch,spirators,conpressor. ing/unloading of raw material from sack to silo, as shown in 0021 0022 STAT0023 Figure 4. The developers proposed a three-level description STATCLASS: Object as state-controller for filter. 0021 0022 BINS0023 of the automation process. The first level (red dashed line in STOCCLASS: Object to storage as silo, LEVEL_MAX LEVEL_MAX LEVEL_MAX tramoggia. Fig. 4) defines the concept of the general Handling Setup. LEVEL_MED LEVEL_MED LEVEL_MED Each handling setup is composed of a set of Transport, the DISTCLASS: Object for distribution that deflect the material flow among more destinations. second level of their abstraction. The Transport (blue dashed LEVEL_MIN LEVEL_MIN LEVEL_MIN line in Fig. 4) is an indivisible unit of a batch process; COMDCLASS: Object that needs a activation command as ligths or hooter. STOC0021 STOC0022 STOC0023 its execution allows to achieve a well defined sub-goal of the production chain. Each Transport is then composed of Fig. 4. Synoptic for the loading/unloading of raw material from sacks to silo. a set of well-define objects, identifying subtasks of the production chain, such as switches, filters, hoppers, ... A set of classes is used to classify the objects: BinsClass, The agroindustrial scenario proposed in Figure 4 is com- bistable objects, such as filters, aspirators, compressors; posed of three Transports: the acceptance of the raw material StatClass, static objects; StocClass, storage objects, such as (TRASP001), its storage toward the silo group number 1 silos and hoppers, DistClass, distributed objects, distributing (TRASP002), and the storage toward the silo group number the material from one source to multiple destination; and, 2 (TRASP003). As previously stated, a Transport is an finally, ComdClass, objects that need an activation command, indivisible unit of a batch process. Each transport is then such as lights or electric sirens. The final concept introduced composed by a set of objects belonging to the classes by the developers is the term Mission, to identify the dynamic previously defined. As an example, Transport TRASP001 168
  • 6. SuRP-A05.4 is composed of a hopper (StocClass), receiving the raw ICE GRID ICE STORM material, an aspirator (BinsClass) located over the hopper and MODEL.XML connected to a filter (BinsClass) to remove the dust. Under the hopper it is located an cochlea (BinsClass) moving the BINS0001 BINS0002 material from the hopper to a pipeline, where a compressor TRASP BINS - - - - 001 P (CmdClass) raises the pressure artificially. At the end of R Movimentator O TRASP001, a switch element (BinsClass) moves the material TRASP001.ini TRASP001.automa STAT0001 F either toward TRASP002 or TRASP003. STAT0002 I B The framework described in the previous section supported Object STAT- - - - U S Server TRASP the implementation of the software prototype, controlling Mission 002 / D this scenario. Frameworks are defined as a form of design TRASP002.ini COMD0001 P COMD0002 reuse providing the skeleton of an application than can be TRASP002.automa COMD - - - - customized by application developers [10]. Our framework LEVEL 3 LEVEL 2 proposes then a library with immutable parts (frozen spots) LEVEL 1 and yet open to the users that can implement code tuned to the application. This code must be inserted in a few parts Fig. 5. Objects in the production control system as instantiated by the of the framework which are left intentionally incomplete by framework. the framework designers (hot spots). The frozen spots of our framework is the overall archi- tecture presented in Section III-B. For example, the Object The ZeroC’s Internet Communications Engine middleware Server, provided by the framework, is able to controls mis- has proven well suited for the needs of the manufacturing sion loads, executing all the batch processes, and supervising, firms operating in the agroindustrial sector. In this paper we without any change in the code or configuration files. The hot have summarized our experience resulting from development spots of our framework are represented by the development of a software framework and its use on a real application. of the classes of the three levels, which are often already The results obtained show that exploitation of ICE brings a available from the development of other systems. number of remarkable advantages, enabling portable, highly Designer efforts for the development of a new system are, reconfigurable applications. Furthermore, the use of ICE then, usually limited to the conversion of the synoptic of standard services for data distribution and management of the plant (Figure 4) in a set of configuration files. These components avoids the need of ad-hoc solutions, which are files provide the list of objects to be instantiated and their often error-prone, require significant development effort, and properties. They can also describe object behaviors through prevent portability. finite state models that will then be executed by the frame- work. This allows introducing dynamic components during VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the configuration of the system. We would like to thank Daniele Avesani and Fabio The configuration phase for the presented testbed results in Beghelli of the Tecnica Electronica company for their kind the scenario in Figure 5. Once that the factoryObject creates support and the many useful discussions. the required ICE objects, the Production Control System can R EFERENCES directly communicate with the Information System parts and its components, including MES applications and GUI. [1] G. B. Alleman, “Architecture-centered information systems in the manufacturing domain,” Niwot Ridge Resources, Tech. The proposed framework demonstrates its suitability, al- Rep., 2002. [Online]. 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