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The United Nations' (UN's) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) has been moderately
successful in promoting equality around the world. Its commitment to ensuring the rights of humans
are upheld is admirable, and the easy–access document concisely summarised into thirty articles is
immensely helpful. However, its implementation into particular situations is not always effective. In
some situations, the declaration has been astonishingly unsuccessful in promoting equality, such as
its failure to create equality and justice between the white and Indigenous populations of Australia in
the late 1940s to the 1970s. However, in other situations–particularly in more recent years–the
declaration has been quite effective in bringing about changes ... Show more content on ...
The declaration's blatant failure in some regards is evident in Australia's era of extreme racial
discrimination against the country's Indigenous population. The declaration did virtually nothing to
enforce the rights of the Aboriginal people; instead, they were forced to resort to protesting against
the government's discriminatory laws and policies. Nevertheless, the declaration has also been
considerably successful in enforcing people's rights, as seen in Yemen's juvenile justice system, and
the part the declaration played in abolishing the death penalty, among other malpractices taking
place in the country's juvenile justice system. Through these examples, the true nature of the UDHR
can be observed–while creating opportunities for many situations around the world to be repaired, it
has not been, nor will it ever be able to fully establish equality throughout the world. The "opinion
of the United Nations as a whole" is simply not enough to achieve complete equality on a global
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Truth Commissions, As Outlined By The Course, Are Thought
Truth commissions, as outlined by the course, are thought of as essentially 'good'. However, the
benefit of these truth commission, what makes them good, is that they are more so learning tools for
the future rather than a be–all–end–all solution for countries' problems, as discussed in lecture.
Thus, truth commissions, as observed, are successful in the instance of addressing violence, but are
not so successful in transformative events that could benefit the lands and people. The success of
these commissions are measured by the constituency of democracy as viewed from a primarily
democratic outer–party, as brought about by one of my classmates. While truth commissions are not
relatively similar at all, besides the violence taking place ... Show more content on
The United States plentifully does so, especially when it affects them. The extent of the nation's
involvement, however, differs per case in extremism. In the Chilean case for example, the United
States had money invested in the mining industry and thus were scared to see the country meet a fate
of communism in fear for their investments' safety. Thus, much money was repealed. In Guatemala,
due to the banana fruit company, the Unites States was once again fearful for their money. Perhaps
the goals of these powerful nations is on a more selfish level than previously thought of. It's difficult
to measure and give life a price tag when the effect is not personal it seems. Some countries'
disputes were easier to reconcile than others because the countries were primarily democratic to
begin with, which allowed an easier process of civil liberties to take place. In situations like this,
involvements are less restrictive because there is a sense of wanting improvement. An exemplary
case of this is Argentina, which reformed their constitution in 1994 to enhance democracy and make
international treaties into constitutional law for the sake of human rights. Thus, the truth commission
was considered successful because it returned to democracy so quickly (and because of the selling
rates of the published truth commission). As previously noted, other instances with the same
installments did not meet the same alleged fate of correctness. Guatemala, for instance, upheld their
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The Goals Of The United Nations
For me to fully understand the goals of the United Nations I had to go back to the very beginning, to
the foundation of the United Nations. The League of Nations was formed in 1920 and lasted until
1946 when it signed over its assets to the United Nations after countries began to leave. Countries
quickly began to leave once they had realized the League could not make settlements where they did
not have the power to do so causing dictators to abuse this power. In 1942, before the League of
Nations failed, Franklin D. Roosevelt first used the term "United Nations". FDR saw what had
happened to the United States after it was unable to join the League of Nations after the Senate
excluded it and wanted to make sure something like this would ... Show more content on ...
This quote sets the foundations for what the UN stands for each and every day. Before doing my
research, I had no idea how many member nations belonged to the UN. Out of the 196 nations
around the world, 193 of them belong to the UN. These member states range in size from small
nations such as Fiji and Norway, to larger nations such as Russia and the United States. Each
member of the UN comprise the main policy making group called the General Assembly. The
president of the Assembly is elected before the opening session each year. The General Assembly's
main function is to discuss things such as budgets of the member states, international peace related
topics, allowing new members, and any suggestions for the UN. Any suggestions for changes to the
United Nations requires a two–thirds vote by all the members, while any other decision only
requires a majority vote. Although the General Assembly can make suggestions for any member
nation, they are not allowed to force any decision on to that member nation. The vote made by the
General Assembly is considered to be more of a suggestion for that nation. The Assembly is broken
up into six main departments: administrative and budgetary; disarmament and international security;
economic and financial; legal; social, culture, and humanitarian; and special political and
decolonization. The Assembly also has seven commissions which include the Disarmament
Commission and the
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The Declaration Of Independence : A Vital Part Of The...
The Declaration of Independence states "that all men are created equal". In practice, this has not
always been the case, even in the United States. Since the end of World War II and the founding of
the United Nations though, the global community has walked together down the path to make it a
reality. As the world has walked this path, the scope has expanded beyond just men to include
women and children as well. The together part of the journey must be stressed, because no one
country is capable of carrying the banner of human rights and dignity on its own. That is why
multilateral mechanisms have become a vital part of the global human rights regime. While there
might be nations like the United States, Russia, or China that would appear to have a larger voice,
there are almost 200 countries in the world. Which means it is difficult for one large nation, or any
nation for that matter, to force its will upon the rest of the world. Multilateral organizations continue
to play a role in impacting the spread of the global human rights regime, changing the world for the
better one step at a time. The United Nations, perhaps the greatest multilateral mechanism the world
has ever seen, was created with the express purpose of preventing another world war and promoting
human rights across the globe. To this end, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, or
UNCHR, was created. Although it was later disbanded amid talks of corruption and the appointment
of Muammar Qaddafi, the
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The United Nations High Commission For Human Rights Essay
The Office of the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights (OHCHR) defines Human
Rights as, "rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex,
national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to
our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and
indivisible." Human rights are a set of norms or standards of behaviour that are intended to protect
us in order for us to live fully. They belong to everyone by virtue of us being human. The concept of
Human Rights gained prominence in the 17th century in Europe but its roots can be traced to ancient
times. Most cultures created their own traditions and responsibilities to protect members of those
communities and ensure a better living. Murder, rape and other violations were punished in various
ways by the different cultures. The use of human rights in politics was realized in different
documents such as the French declaration on the rights of man and citizen (1789), the English Bill
of Rights (1689) and the US constitution Bill of rights (1791) and all encompass human rights.
However, these were not universal laws but national laws. Moreover, they promoted discrimination
of different groups plus slavery.
Human rights have become universal and their history is in many struggles all over the world. Those
opposed to slavery, commonly referred to as abolitionists, ended
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The United Nations A Success Or A Failure?
The United Nations...a success or a failure? The United Nations is a widely controversial issue, with
many people regarding it as a failure, and many others regarding it as a success. This essay will
discuss the United Nations, viewing it as a success, with arguments supporting it. The United
Nations promotes world peace and security. On the subject of matters the United Nations promotes,
another one is human rights. An example of the United Nations promoting human rights is when
they created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948. The United Nations also
provides humanitarian action. The time United Nations lent a helping hand towards the victims of
the earthquake/tsunami of the Indian Ocean in 2004 is a good example of ... Show more content on ...
The United Nations also works on conflict prevention. "The main strategies for preventing disputes
from escalating into conflict, and for preventing the recurrence of conflict, are preventive diplomacy
and preventive disarmament." (Basic Facts About the United Nations 62). Preventive diplomacy
means an action that prevents disagreements from arising parties, and to prevent and make sure that
existing disagreements don't eventually transform into conflicts. Preventive disarmament is the
action of minimizing the use of firearms and weapons. The United Nations uses preventive
diplomacy and preventive disarmament as a tactic to prevent conflict and maintain peace. The UN
has used this tactic in Liberia, and the result was largely positive. "Established in September 2003,
the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) was charged with assisting in the disarmament,
demobilization, reintegration and repatriation of all armed parties. The process was launched in
December. Within 12 months, nearly 100,000 Liberians had turned in guns, ammunition, rocket–
propelled grenades and other weapons." ("Global Issues: Disarmament"). "Every gun that is made,
every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who
hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. The cost of one modern heavy
bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities." –Former U.S. President Dwight D.
Eisenhower (1952–1960)
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The Us Should Withdraw From The Un
Sierra Susko
Professor Cheney
ENC 1101 – Essay #5
November 30, 2015
The US Should Withdraw From the UN Final Outline
I. Background
A. History
B. Current situation
II. Unfulfilled charter
A. World peace 1. Bosnian massacre 2. Somalia 3. Rwanda
B. Human rights 1. Membership nations 2. Abuses
III. Overburdensome cost
A. Percentage paid by US
B. Financial stewardship
C. Membership corruption
IV Sovereign rights
A. Membership requirements
B. Treaties
1. US Constitution
2. UN Charter
3. Washington's farewell
C. Competing interests
V. Global community
A. Decreased influence
B. Fallacious argument
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: To prove that the United States should withdraw from the United
The time has come to recognize the U.N. for the anti–American, anti–freedom organization that it
has become. The time has come for us to cut off all financial help, withdraw as a member, and ask
the U.N. to find a headquarters location outside the United States that is more in keeping with the
philosophy of the majority of voting members, someplace like Moscow or Peking (Rousos, par. 30).
Those are the words of Barry Goldwater, the late 1964 presidential candidate and Republican
Senator from Arizona, calling for US withdrawal from the United Nations, and these concerns are as
valid today as they were almost four decades ago, if not more so. Since its inception, the United
Nation's purpose and benefits have been
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The National Organization For Women
The National Organization for Women (NOW) is an American organization that works for women's
rights. It is made up of a variety of smaller organizations that are all banded together under a main
structure. It has been around for a while, and has done many important things. It works on both
political and social levels to achieve its goals, and though it's not very well known, the National
Organization for Women is a great organization that has done much to further women's rights and
NOW is a women's rights organization working to take political and social action to ensure equal
rights between women and men. NOW is a feminist group, which means that it believes that men
and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Because of these beliefs, NOW is unafraid
to have men as its members and welcomes them, since it recognizes men and women as equals
(NOW, 2016). To work for its beliefs NOW uses electoral and lobbying work, as well as mass
marches, rallies, pickets, and nonviolent civil disobedience. It is working for the rights of others as
well. NOW fights for LGBTQ rights in employment and housing, as well as in other problem areas.
NOW is trying to pass the Constitutional Equality Amendment as well, which ensure women's rights
politically. Overall NOW has a variety of goals that it is working to achieve to further equality.
NOW has six main issues it works for. NOW supports access to safe and legal abortion, effective
birth control and reproductive health
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History and Principle Sections of United Nations
UNITED NATION History and Principle Sections of United Nation: The United Nation was
established by fifty one states on 24th October, 1945 as a consequence of initiatives taken by the
governments of the countries that had led the war against Germany and Japan. By 2010, 192 states
were members of UN. While joining of a new member the member states agreed to accept the
obligation of UN charter. UN has four purposes to maintain international peace and security to co–
operate in solving international problems promoting respect for human rights and being a center for
harmonizing the actions of nations. UN was set up to correct the problems of its predecessor the
League of Nations. UN has six main organs Security Council, General Assembly, The Secretariat,
Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship and International Court of Justice. THE SECURITY
COUNCIL: The Security Council has the main responsibility for maintaining the international peace
and security. In the beginning it was eleven states after 1965 it was fifteen states, it has five
permanent members which are USA, UK, FRANCE, RUSSIA and CHINA. And the rest ten
members are not permanent. The decisions of security councils are binding and it must pass by
majority of nine out of fifteen members and as well as each of five permanent members these
permanent members have Veto Powers. Security Council considers a threat to international peace
and force to settle the dispute peacefully. They also take majors to enforce its
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International Law Threatens Western Countries
In recent years, with the increasing attention to varieties of international crime, comparative
criminology becomes a major field in criminology and criminal justice (Bennett, 2004:2).
Comparative criminology is important for the designation and implementation of international
policies and preventive measures on international crime; hence there are a rising amount of studies
regarding crime and control on a cross–national level. Therefore, in this essay, how do violations of
international laws present a direct threat to Western countries will be discussed in the first part, then
the understanding of such threats and justice perpetrators of international crime will be examined in
relation to comparative criminology in the second and the ... Show more content on
Held et al also argue that with the spread of interconnection of crime across national boarders, it
creates new opportunities and forms of global crime such as transnational organized crime, IP crime
and human smuggling and trafficking (Held, et al., 1999:162). For instance, Castells points out that
the Western societies acts as the demand side in a global criminal economy, they are in a high
demand of drugs and prostitutes, which can be supplied and produced in a third world drug
producing countries such as Columbia (Castells, 1998, cited in Puniskis, 2010:239). Furthermore,
apart from the reasons that these crimes are prevalent in the Western nations, it becomes a
controversial issue as it violates the international laws regarding humanity. For example, human
smuggling and trafficking is an illegal sale of human beings that contains exploitation and coercion.
According to Leman and Janssens, it is apparent that human trafficking is a violation of human
rights in the way that it requires exploitation of human such as prostitution, non–voluntary form of
sexual behavior, forced labor or services as well as slavery or slavery–like conditions (Leman and
Janssens, 2012:175). Therefore, the coercive nature of such crime presents a violation
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The United Nations And The Treaty Of The Cold War
Abstract The United Nations was formed upon the agreement with the sovereign nations and its
frontiers conceded with the Charter. After the end of the cold war, there has been a burden on the
United Nations about solving different problems of diverse nature as well as of diverse geographies.
UN has been making efforts to challenge those problems through the use of reforms. There are some
of the activities which are imperative to be implemented but still due to some constraints have not
been. Some of them are Secretariat re–organization, re–defining of the priorities and the re–
structuring of the inter–governmental procedures. Whenever a member state is not able to handle
some problem, it reaches to the UN which is a global organization ... Show more content on ...
the main objectives of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security,
environment protection, sustainable social and economic development, protection of human rights,
providing the humanitarian aids in the cases of natural calamities (Joshua, 2005).
Major Problems for United Nations According to Horgan, (2008), the United Nations Organization
has seen many critical challenges and is facing several kinds of challenges at present times. The
maintenance of internal peace and security is the biggest problem that the UN is facing right now. It
is important that it should maintain peace and security not only by the resolution of military conflict
but by the advancement and promotion of economic and social aspects (Horgan, 2008). Though
there are a number of problems that the UN is currently facing, however the Un is making a great
effort in tackling those, and is making progress, some of the key problems have been highlighted in
the following sections–
Peacekeeping in various countries The United Nations, has been making major efforts to maintain
peace and security security in many countries. It has been sending peacekeepers to regions where
the armed conflicts are ceased. It aims to discourage the combatants by removing hostilities.
According to the factsheet of the United Nations, the peacekeeping force had received the Nobel
Prize in 1988 where its soldiers were
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Racial Profiling
The quasi–judicial body is the only body which is given a mandate to interpret and promote as well
as ensure all rights laid down in the charter. It may receive "communication" on human rights
violations submitted by non–state actors, both individuals and non–governmental organizations, and
member states. With regard to the economic, social and cultural rights, the African Charter has a
limited or "minimalist" approach towards them. Some of rights recognized in the ICESCR are
missing; these include the right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate food, clothing
and housing ; social security; and the right to the continuous improvement of living conditions.
These "fundamental rights for human survival and for living in dignity" ... Show more content on ...
It tends to relate to or combine this right with others provisions enshrined in the Charter, such as: the
right to enjoy the best attainable state of mental and physical health (article 16), the right to property
(article 14) and the protection to the family (article 18 paragraph 1). In its decision on
communication on the case of Social and Economic Rights Action Center/ Center for Economic and
Social Rights Center V. Nigeria, it prohibited the destruction of "Wanton" shelter, because the
destruction will negatively affect property, health and family life. Thus, it concluded that the
combined effect of these three articles can be read as a right to shelter or housing. Further, it stated
the minimum obligations with regard to right to housing which states should do and not to do. Thus,
"by destroying Ogoni houses and villages and through its security forces, obstructed, harassed,
beaten and, in some cases, shot and killed innocent citizens who have attempted to return to rebuild
their ruined homes", Nigeria had violated the minimum obligations and had constituted massive
violations of the right to shelter, in violation of Articles 14, 16, and 18(1) of the African
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genocide Essay
Genocide is an extremely broad subject with various different definitions. Genocide could be one or
more leaders trying to get rid of a large group of people by killings or attacks, or it can be against a
smaller group of people in a less violent manner. Genocide has been a very extreme problem in
society and various reports of genocidal events have been recorded in history, but how does one go
about finding the precise and accurate definition of a "genocide"? Genocidal acts are placed into
different categories and are defined in different degrees. The Commission on Human Rights has set
up seven treaties that describe acts of genocide. Regardless of committees' attempts to limit or
abolish acts of genocide, genocide was a very important ... Show more content on ...
Once they have the items deemed necessary, it is more likely for these acts to become more violent
and more destructive, depending on the amount of items palpable. This being said, weapons being
more prevalent in the twentieth century have lead to an increase of genocidal acts in society.
Genocide is an important human rights issue. When a person or persons take it into their hands to
violate someone's given rights, it should be considered an act punishable. For people to understand
the severity of their actions, their actions must have serious consequences. These consequences must
be so extreme to the relevance to the act punishable that those who are planning on partaking in a
similar act are made well aware of the possible punishments. If people are better educated on the
subject of genocide, the reports of genocidal cases might decrease, making genocide a less extreme
problem not only in the United States, but the entire world.
The world organization that concerns itself with issues parallel to genocide is the Commission on
Human Rights. It is the commission's duty to meet once a genocidal act occurred and was reported.
Then the commission must develop different ways to mend the problem at task in a fair and just
way. By doing so, the commission helps to fix this human right's issue with the seven treaties.
The Commission On Human Rights has set up seven treaties that
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The Two Koreas and the Responsibility of the International...
The conflict in the Korean peninsula should not be the exclusive concern of the East Asian region
nor the American powers. In an increasingly globalized world, the challenges to human rights and
world peace is a transnational responsibility. It is a concern for the entire international community,
particularly in this case as the commission has mentioned, because of the international community's
past involvement in the division of the Korean peninsula (United Nations Human Rights Council
16). Yet, it appears that despite what we have learned from history, such as the horrific atrocities that
occurred in Nazi Germany and Rwanda, the rest of the world seems willing to sit idly by with regard
to the continuing abuses in North Korea.
The reality of human rights abuses in North Korea has already been established time and time again.
Yet, no serious, collective efforts and action at the international level has yet to emerge from these
discussions, reports and investigations.
The very recent publication of a comprehensive report by the United Nations Commission of
Inquiry on human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea establishes credible evidence
and knowledge of the situation in North Korea. With knowledge of the unparalleled conditions, the
international community now has no excuse for its inaction. Although the global community faces
many challenges such as issues of state sovereignty, it must remember the many human lives at
stake and the fundamental right to
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The Case Of The Tronie Foundation
For more than 15 years, we have been advocating on behalf of those at risk of exploitation. The
Tronie Foundation is a survivor–led global organization, now bringing together a new team of
partners for supply chain compliance and sustainability. Through our United Nations General
Assembly speeches, we have advised more than 150 countries on the solutions to protecting children
around the world. Through our Global Survivor Network, we have worked with survivors in 5
continents and in approximately 20 countries. Our Constitution guarantees these rights and the
Supreme Court has ruled that wherever the Constitution is silent and the legislature has not made a
law, those International Covenants to which India is a signatory may be enforced ... Show more
content on ...
The Human Rights Commission receives the complaint from the victim or any person on his behalf
and inquires into the violation of human rights and also into the negligence of the authorities in
preventing such violation. Human Rights plays a role in everyone's life, but not everyone realizes it.
It's involved in every comment you make that includes someone different. Every near discriminatory
"joke" you say. It affects people, even if it doesn't affect you. Human rights means being able to hold
hands with the person you love, work where you're qualified to work without your skin colour or
sexual orientation being the reason you can't; it means having the right to be human, making choices
and mistakes. Everyday I hear comments being made about this being "gay" and other comments
about that being "retarded." There are an estimated 1,019,729 words in the English language. What I
don't understand is why these words are chosen to describe something meagre or something that
lacks quality. Society has gotten to the point where people think it doesn't matter what they say, that
they think their comments and hate don't affect other people. Humans are often hurtful towards each
other, but I believe we all were born with the innate of compassion and love. These days, I see
parents showing their kids what to think instead of how to think. I see people not being able to
marry someone they love because they are the same gender, even though it is
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Essay about Canadian Human Rights
Human Rights Essay
Many people and nations around the world are deprived of human rights. The government in the
countries or nations usually can not help the people being deprived. Either because the government
is too poor to, it is not one of the things the government is looking into, or the government does not
know or care. Because of this certain people, or even whole populations are denied human rights
and their living conditions and way of life are usually not on the positive side of things. There are
many wealthier countries trying to help but sometimes that is not enough. To what extent should
Canada have a role in working to increase human rights protection in other nations? ... Show more
content on ...
Not even a year later nearly every right of the Jewish people was eliminated, and hundreds of
thousands of Jewish people were killed or tortured.
Thankfully, the Jewish people and the country of Germany were liberated, and most rights were
brought back to affect, because of other countries helping. After the event of WWII the United
Nations was created, including Canada, England, France and others, it was created to make and
maintain human rights throughout the world. Sometimes the only thing that needs fixing is a new
But war is not needed to improve and increase human rights in other nations. Even with out war
there are still nations and people without human rights; it just needs to be noticed.
There are many charities to help towards human rights that Canada contributes to greatly. Including
UNICEF Canada, Salvation Army Canada and Red Cross. These charities focus on mainly living
rights. The charities contribute mainly food, clothing and medicine. Those are only two given rights.
Although it is help for people to live their lives, it does not give them more rights, it is not a solution
to increase their human rights and protect them.
Lately Canada has done a lot with the United Nations in protecting human rights, including
communicating with countries and organizations to increase the rights of women and children.
There have been many improvements to their rights and conditions; political prisoners have been
freed from the trap
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North Korean Political Prison Camps
The country of North Korea has long been under the watchful eye of not only the United States but
also the United Nations for many years over concerns of it nuclear weapons program but now, they
are being looked at for an entirely different reason. Recent reports about the inhuman treatment of
an estimated 200,000 North Korean citizens in the countries six political prison camps are been
closely looked at. These reports show the mistreatment, starvation, and even unlawful killing of
North Korean citizens from everything from owning a Bible to watching soap operas.
For the past year the United Nations has been conducting an investigation into the allegations of
many recent prisoners that were able to escape the prison camps and the country its self. Park (2014)
states "The commission investigated issues regarding the right of food, prison camps, torture, and
inhuman treatment, arbitrary detention, discrimination, freedom of expression, the right to life,
freedom of movement, and enforced disappearances, including abductions of other citizens" (para.
6). On February 17, 2014 the United Nations released a 400 page report on its finding during this
investigation. This report included sketches from many of the prisoners depicting the conditions
inside the camps. Corbin (2014) states "The UN report castigated the Hermit Kingdom for it ruthless
treatment of people, depicting a brutal nation that does not have any parallel in the contemporary
world" (para. 8). This is an
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Importance Of Human Rights
Human Rights
Human rights are the rights a person has simply because he or she is a human being. They are
entitlements owed to a person by virtue of creation and they are held by all persons equally,
universally, and forever. Article 1 of the Universal Declaration proclaims that "all human beings are
born free and equal in dignity and rights..." Human rights are inalienable and indivisible, so you
cannot lose these rights any more than you can cease being a human being and you cannot be denied
a right because it is "less important" or "non–essential."
Treaty–based mechanisms
Treaty–based mechanisms are supervisory mechanisms enshrined in legally binding human rights
instruments or conventions (IHRC 2010). Within the UN framework these mechanisms are often
called 'treaty bodies', for example the Human Rights Committee and the Committee on the Rights of
the Child.
The United Nations Charter
The United Nations Charter is a legally binding pact upon the contracting States that was signed on
26 June 1945, in San Francisco, at the conclusion of the United Nations Conference on International
Organization, and came into force on 24 October 1945 . The Statute of the International Court of
Justice is an integral part of the Charter
One of the critical contagious As international concern, human rights issues are among the most
widely debated in the world today. This is because the question of Human Rights is fundamental to
mankind . For a long time human rights
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Gay Marriage Vs Same Sex Marriage
Since before the public ratified the Constitution and adopting the Bill of Rights and even prior to
Marbury v. Madison establishing the doctrine of judicial review, the clergy solemnization power
existed as an embedded feature of this nation's marriage traditions. The power both allows
Solemnization laws grant officials near unbridled discretion within the statutory limitations in
deciding who they will perform marriage ceremony, and to ministers who perform religious
marriages to marry couples legally under the civil law. Also, the Fourteenth Amendment recognizes
same–sex marriage in all 50 States; It described marriage as a purely secular institution, which
serves governmental interests. In the light of, Justice Kennedy highlighted that religious
organizations can advocate base on the belief that same–sex marriage should not be condoned
(Horwitz, P. 2014).
Justice Kennedy stated that "many who deem same–sex marriage to be wrong reach that conclusion
based on decent and honorable religious or philosophical premises, and neither they nor their beliefs
are disparaged here. But when that sincere, personal opposition becomes enacted law and public
policy, the necessary consequence is to put the imprimatur of the State itself on an exclusion that
soon demeans or stigmatizes those whose own liberty is then denied. Under the Constitution, same–
sex couples seek in marriage the same legal treatment as opposite–sex couples, and it would
disparage their choices and diminish their
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The Pros And Cons Of Prisoners Of War
Prisoners of War are individuals, whether a soldier or civilians, who are captured as a prisoner
during an armed conflict. In the middle ages the modern law was the source relating to the treatment
of Prisoners of War. However, today the modern foundation of international law relating to the
Treatment of Prisoners is the 1949 Geneva Convention. During the Korean War conflict more than
7,500 Americans were detained by the Chinese Communists with only 3,000 returning home. It has
been stated that approximately 1,500 were tortured and 1,800 died of diseases and famine. During
the Vietnam War, the Red Cross Commission requested information regarding the Prisoners of War
being held by the North Vietnam, which they immediately dismissed the request. Therefore,
between 1963 and 1971 it has been estimated that 127 American POW died in the Vietnam Prison.
Subsequently, in 1973 the Paris Peace Agreement allowed 682 American POW to return home.
Though, the whereabouts of over 3,000 Americans soldiers missing in action and the question does
the Socialist Republic of Vietnam know the whereabouts of these missing solider has remained
contentious for years. During the 1991 Persian Gulf War, Saddam Hussein repudiated the
International Red Cross Commission to examine Iraq's Prisoner of War facilities, even though both
Iraq and the United Stated had ratified the 1949 Geneva Convention Treaties. Upon inspection, it
was reported that while incarcerated 25 American POW, which included
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Australian Human Rights
Currently the Australian Constitution identifies five explicit human rights which every Australian is
entitled to. Section 51 (xxxi) expresses that property can only be taken from a State or person by the
Commonwealth on just terms. Section 80 details that everyone has a right to a fair trial by a jury and
section 116 implies freedom of religion in that no laws are to be made in order to define or prohibit
any religion (Findlaw Australia, 2016). Section 41 of the Australian Constitution gives citizens the
right to vote by stating that no person should be prevented from voting for representatives in the
House of the Parliament of the Commonwealth (Commonwealth Consolidated Acts, unkown).
Section 117 conveys that no Australian from one State ... Show more content on ...
Common law is set by precedents and customs that have been developed over lengthy periods of
time rather that statutes. It allows judges to interpret current legislation which allows for flexibility
when difficult and unique cases arise. When precedents are set a common law is created, for
example the unique case of Kevin and Jennifer v Attorney–General (2001). This case was the first in
Australia to deal with the topic of transexuatal marriage. It followed the example of the United
Kingdom's Corbett v Corbett (1971) case which defined what it was to be 'female' or 'male' (Oxford
University Press, 2003). The Australian courts decision to allow Kevin, a transextual man, to marry
meant that any future transexual people who wished to do the same were permitted by common law.
Although common law is set by magistrates, the Commonwealth Government is able to expand or
reduce common law as they see necessary (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2015). Important
human rights are protected by common law including the presumption of innocence and the right to
sue for false imprisonment (Australian Human Rights Commision, 2009). Common law is not a
solidly structured form of human rights protection although it does allow flexibility within court
cases while the ability for the government to alter common law provides further assurance in that no
common law can not be altered. Issues may also arise from allowing the government to possess this
power because while Australia is a democracy, voters may not consider human rights as an
important issue when choosing who they would like to govern
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United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea
UNMEE in Ethiopia and Eritrea Introduction In June 2000, after the two years of a border dispute,
Ethiopia and Eritrea agreed on Cessation of Hostilities organised by Algeria and the Organization of
African Unity (OAU). In July, the Security Council established the United Nations Mission in
Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE), and in September, UNMEE was authorised by the Council to ensure
the observance of security commitments and to monitor the cessation of hostilities. UNMEE was the
most recent case of a traditional peacekeeping operation deployed from 2000 to 2008. The paper
analyse the change of UNMEE mandate and the challenges the mission faced. What were the main
points of the mandate (if any)? First of all UNMEE's original ... Show more content on ...
Later the number of UNMEE forces have reduced slowly and been reconfigured over the period due
to several reasons: the less activities in the Boundary Commission, better stability in TSZ area, the
less need of physical presence due to the increase of air–surveillance use and, the change of parties'
attitude. . What challenges did the mission face? As mentioned earlier, despite of main military
actions, UNMEE operation was limited to quite sensitive and was repeatedly hindered by reluctance
of the parties towards the Mission. When UNMEE relation with the two states deteriorated highly in
late autumn 2005, Eritrea forbidden all UNMEE air–forces from its air–zone and restricted the
UNMEE personnel´s freedom of movement. In addition, Ethiopian authority refused a decision of
the Eritrea – Ethiopia Boundary Commission without precondition. One of the most crucial event
happened when the Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities was violated by forcible entrance of about
1000 Eritorean Defence Forces at the UNMEE checkpoint in Maileba, which is located in TSZ. In
the consequence, Jordanian battalion who were in charged in this UNMEE checkpoint, were
overthrown by the temporal control of the armed Eritrean militia. Another great challenge for the
UNMEE was that although a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) was signed by Ethiopia and the
UN on March 22nd 2001, Eritrea never even
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Compare And Contrast Pearson And John Diefenbaker
Prime Ministers of Change: Lester Pearson vs John Diefenbaker
Gandhi once said, "We must be the change we wish to see in the world." Lester Pearson and John
Diefenbaker are two of countless individuals who have put this advice to action. These two
influential Prime Ministers have made multiple important changes to Canada and the world. Despite
having different goals and priorities, both Prime Ministers have improved the lives of many and are
considered important in Canadian history. Though John Diefenbaker has made numerous
contributions that benefited the country, Lester Pearson made extensive and constructive changes
that not only bettered Canada, but that also shaped our future and our identity, making him the more
significant Prime Minister. ... Show more content on ...
One of Pearson's goal was to strengthen relationships between French and English Canadians. On
April 21 1963 when Quebec separatists placed a bomb in a Canadian army recruiting office killing a
janitor, Pearson called for a royal commission to investigate bilingualism and biculturalism in
Canada. From the recommendations made during the royal commission, Pearson created the Official
Languages Act, which states that federal services such as federal courts and government ministries,
must be offered in both English and French. This makes him significant, because bilingualism in
Canada still exists today and is still an important part of our culture. On the other hand,
Diefenbaker's Bill of Rights got replaced in 1984, and none of his contributions reflect Canada's
culture or identity the way Pearson's does. Though Canada is often regarded as the United States'
"little brother", one thing that differentiates Canada from the US is their free health care system.
Medicare, Canada's universal health insurance, is only one of the changes Pearson introduced to
Canada's welfare state. Pearson also established the Canada Pension Plan in 1966 to support retired
citizens, as well as the Canada Assistance Plan which funded welfare programs for the disabled and
injured. At the time, Canada had a strong economy, making additions such as the Canada Student
Loans Program and increased funding for university research possible. Not only did
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Essay On Australian Migration Act 1958
Legal relevant laws:
Australian Migration Act 1958:
Australian Federal law states that any non Australian citizens who do not have a valid visa is to be
detained, regardless of circumstances for a strictly limited period designed to obtain basic
information about health, identity, security and basic information that supports a visa claim, may
form a legitimate part of a system of immigration controls, as long as the detention is subject to
effective review by a court.
The people who do not have these valid documents are generally refugees and asylum seekers who
have fled their country for their safety. They are denied the right for entrance into Australia due to
the 'Australian Migration Act 1958' and are put in detention centres indefinitely.
The Issue with Australian Law
Those detained may only be released if granted a visa or removed from Australia, children are no
exception to this. Detainment facilities are usually detention centres that are either in remote ...
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The housing project has a calmer, quieter atmosphere and allowed detainees to exercise more
freedom than detention centres. What should be changed is that there should be more housing
projects around Australia to accommodate more immigrants as a much better alternative than
detention centres. They should also be more inclusive of the qualifications required to be eligible to
be in the residential housing project.
Children and their families should not be split up
In residential housing projects the children were only allowed to stay with the mother but the father
was to stay in the detention centres. This separation of family exacerbates the already fragile mental
state of families. Instead the father should be allowed to stay with their families in the housing
projects, which would be more beneficial to not only the families but the Government as it would
require less resources when they try to unite the families again.
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Democracy In Australia Essay
The Australian government and other non–state actors like multinational businesses, the press media
and tourists should remain vigilant when interacting or doing business in China. Australia has joined
strong allies the US, Japan and other Europe to condemn Chinas human rights violation and its
commitment to restore international order on the United National Human Rights Council (Wen,
In the 21st Century Australia is lobbying to ensure everyone have the same rights, treatment,
equality before the law and equality of education, and healthcare, freedom of speech, free to worship
and equality of opportunity for global citizens. Australia believes that manner a nation state will
treat its citizen will reflect on how that country will ... Show more content on ...
Secondly, to encourage the U.S. to play a larger leadership role in the Asia Pacific as well as to
provide non–threaten multilateral regional engagement opportunities.
Policy Options Australia should establish a stronger bilateral relationship with China that reaches
beyond economic cooperation to discuss individual countries difference in peaceful dialogues that
will promote development, peace and stability in the Asia–Pacific. Australia should play an active
role to strengthen human rights institutions around the world through multilateral agreement.
Thirdly, The U.S need to play an active the Asia Pacific region.
Option 1
In the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 the Australia government is using a
different foreign policy approach through bilateral dialogue to discuss Chinas human rights issues.
Before the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, the Australia government depended on the UN
Commission on Human rights (UNCHR) to help Chinas change its human right policy (Fleay,
2008). The Australia saw the bilateral dialogue more effective because the government could invite
the Chinese counterpart behind –closed– doors meetings to discuss individual difference and point
of view of human rights issues in the region (Fleay, 2008). The Australia government replaced
public form of criticism of the UNCHR resolution to confidential diplomatic talks with China
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Bill Of Right At The International Level
Bill of rights
The idea of a bill of right at the international level was conceived at the time of framing the charter
of the the San Francisco conference in 1945, at which the organization was established.
President Truman of the US in his closing speech to the conference stated that under the charter "we
have good reason to expect the framing of an international bill of rights, acceptable to all the nations
involved. That bill of rights will be as much part of international life as our own bill of rights is a
part of our constitution."(1) International bill of human rights consists of the UNIVERSAL
DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (UDHR), the international covenant on civil and political
rights along with its protocol and ... Show more content on ...
It also emphasized the need for international protection of human rights. The conscience of human
beings worldwide was shocked by Mussolini's fascist government of Italy, the Spanish civil war and
the Franco regime. The most significant formulation of this vision of a new international legal order
was the message to the US congress, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in January 1941 in which
he referred to "the four freedoms": freedom of speech and expression, freedom of worship, freedom
from want and freedom from fear which were among the foundations upon which planning for the
united nation was started. In 1945 at the San Francisco Conference, where the UN Charter was
finally drafted, several actors contributed to the greater emphasis on human rights. Although the
suggestion of creating a commission on human rights was controversial among the great powers, the
US finally achieved its adoption. Thus, a commission on human rights was the only one explicitly
mentioned in the UN charter, and consequently, the human rights issue had got a flying start within
the United Nations. United nation was formally established on 24th October 1945.Human rights
issue were assigned to the economic and social council (ECOSOC), at the first session of which the
nuclear commission on human rights was set up. This commission met in April/May 1946 and made
recommendation on composition and terms of reference. These matters were finally decided by the
ECOSOC's second session, in which full
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The Impact Of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt's Adoption On The...
The Adoption on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a political an historical speech held
on December 9, 1948 at the United Nations General Assembly in Paris (France).
It was given by Anna Eleanor Roosevelt the day before the United Nations General Assembly
adopted the Declaration of Human Rights.
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born in New York on October 11, 1884. In 1905 she married Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, who became President of the United States in 1933, and she was the longest–
serving First Lady of country.
When she became a First Lady, she wanted to get involve in public life; she had her own ideology
on different issues as she did not always agree with her husband´s political decisions. She wrote in a
newspaper column, hosted a radio show, and hold presses conferences. She was a political leader
herself even though before become First Lady; during World War I she worked for the American
Red Cross showing her humanitarian side too.
In 1945, when her husband passed away, the new president Harry Truman offered her a position as a
delegate to the United Nations General Assembly. She became head of the U.N.´s Human Right
Commission and played a relevant role in the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, which was her great achievement and made her memorable. ... Show more content on ...
At this moment the world was divided into two blocs, the Western bloc and the Communist one. The
Soviet Union had a different point of view on some amendments. As a result, they did not support
the Declaration because the lack of condemnation of Nazism and Fascism. Nevertheless, Eleanor
Roosevelt attributed the abstention of the Soviet bloc nations to article 13th, which provide the
rights of citizens to leave the country. The tension between the United State and the Soviet Unions
ended up with the Cold
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How Did Eleanor Roosevelt Influence The Declaration Of...
In 1932, when Franklin Roosevelt becomes the president of the United States, his wife, Eleanor
Roosevelt benefits from that position and as the video says she, "used its influence to promote her
own ideas". Being the first lady, allowed her to serve as a role model and encourage her point of
view on things like equality between men and women, equal pay for women and the minorities, and
also powerful labor unions. Her journey, to make such an impact in the Declaration of Humans
Right, began after president Roosevelt die in 1945. One year after his dead, in 1946, the succeeding
president, Harry S. Truman, invited her to be a United Nations delegate, and a year later, she was
chosen to be the chair of United Nations Commission on Human Rights. In her role as Chief,
Eleanor made sure that the declaration was written simple and clear so that everyone could
understand it. She also managed that the other delegates, in the Humans Right Commission, come to
agreements with each other, about a particular topic of discussion and that solely, played a crucial
role in drafting this declaration. This last success was particularly hard and escalated the tension
since the time that the declaration is being created, is the same time that the Cold War is starting.
Therefore, it was tough for the delegates to agree ... Show more content on ...
and the world were ready for such a declaration, and for such an organization, the UN, because of
the devastating results of World War I, World War II, and the Holocaust, which made people realize
that there had to be a change all around the world in fundamental human rights, so history would not
repeat again. This declaration contains 30 articles that attempted to resolve and prevent the
oppression and brutalities that had happen during the past world wars. It was based upon the
American Bill of Rights, the British Magna Carta and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man.
It declared basic rights and freedoms, freedoms such as article number two that
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Asylum Seekers In Australia
The asylum seeker "debate" is a contentious topic in Australian media. According to The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, it is considered an inherent right for every individual worldwide, "to
seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution" (United Nations, 2014). Article 14 is
listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is accepted by many nations as the
international standard of basic human rights and liberties. This report will assess the extent of
Australia's violation of these international standards, and consider their national approach to the
treatment of refugees and individuals seeking asylum. It will provide evidence to expose the
inconsistencies in Australia's human rights commitments under international ... Show more content
on ...
Consequently the Australian Government has the legal requirements to ensure that the human rights
of individuals seeking asylum (engaging under the countries jurisdiction) are respected and
protected, under their obligation to numerous international treaties . These treaties specify the right
to not be detained arbitrarily. Additionally, as a signatory party to the Refugee Convention, Australia
has agreed to a principle known as the principle of non–refoulement , whereby they are obligated to
ensure that asylum seekers, who fulfil the definition of a refugee, are not turned back to their origin
country where their liberties are threatened (Refugee Council of Australia, 2011).
Under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), The Convention against
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) and the
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Australia must not to return people or send people to
third countries where they would face a violation of their human rights; applying to both refugees
and non–refugees (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2014, para. 2). Again Australia has been
found guilty of contradicting
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Outline Of Eleanor Roosevelt's Universal Declaration Of...
1) Introduction a) Eleanor Roosevelt, widow of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of
the United States, chaired the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR) drafting
committee.1 b) In 1945, 50 delegates from different countries convened in San Francisco; with the
purpose of reassuring the international community that the events and tragedies that had taken place
in the past year would never occur again.2 With the help of nine delegates, among them Eleanor
Roosevelt, they drafted the first Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that contained 30 short but
every important rights that every human is entitled to.3 Today the UN Declaration of Human Rights
is to the UN as our Constitution is to us, our founding stones and the legacy of our ... Show more
content on ...
c) Roosevelt was asked to speak at the final hearing about whether the refugees should be forced
return to their countries or if they should be able to choose where they return.14 Her opinion was
called the Western Position, the majority of attending countries agreed, however Russia had other
d) When the Economic and Social Council was formed, Roosevelt was appointed to the
Humanitarian Rights Commission.16 Now ER was not only a UN delegate, but now was the US
representative in this commission. She was soon voted chair of this commission.17 She and her
fellow commissioners began to write a document, an international bill of rights, that they would
later call the Universal Declaration of Pitts 3
Human Rights.18 This document would contain the rights that every human being was entitled to,
politically and cultural
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The United Nations Conference On Sustainable Development...
The principles contained in the Convention were updated in 2007 with the conclusion of the Hague
Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family
Other efforts of the UN: Protecting the rights of women
 United Nations Conference On Sustainable Development 2012
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development ("Rio+20") brought Heads of State
and Government to Brazil in 2012, to appraise progress in the implementation of agreements struck
since the landmark 1992 United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio
de Janeiro. At "Rio+20", countries renewed their political commitment to sustainable development,
agreed to establish a set of sustainable development goals and established a high–level political
forum on sustainable development. Importantly, the outcome document, entitled "The future we
want",also reaffirms the commitments of States to "women's equal rights, access and opportunities
for participation and leadership in the economy, society and political decision–making" and includes
explicit references to accelerating the implementation of commitments in the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Beijing Platform for Action and the
Millennium Declaration. The outcome document also states that "gender equality and the effective
participation of women are important for effective action on all aspects of sustainable development"
and calls for the
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The United Nations and Human Rights: Has the United...
I. Introduction
The supporting and advocating on behalf of human rights has been one of the primary principles of
the United Nations. Since its founding in 1945, the United Nations has worked to preserve the basic
human rights and fundamental freedoms it believes to be deserved of by every man, woman, and
child on the planet. Throughout the near seventy years of the United Nations' existence, it has been
challenged with an array of questions, events, and claims regarding the possible violation of human
rights. In order to combat these claims, the body has established two organizations to deal with
matters of human rights. The first being the Commission Human Rights, was the original
organization, founded in 1946. The Commission existed ... Show more content on ...
This, in turn, helps to advance the freedoms of all persons, generating improvements in the overall
quality of life that each person may receive as a result from having these international rights and
In order for a complete analysis, the structure of the United Nations itself will be analyzed. In
addition to this, the protocol for the intervention of the United Nations on behalf of human rights
will be investigated, as will a series of issues regarding human rights violations in China and Burma
(now Myanmar), and whether or not the United Nations, if involved, was able to support and
advocate for human rights.
II. A Summary and Description of the United Nations
Purpose, Functions, and Structure of the United Nations
Before we are able to determine the success or failure of the United Nations in its determination to
advocate and support human rights on an international scale, it is imperative that we come to an
understanding of the purpose, functions, and structure of the United Nations.
Founded in 1945, the function and principles of the United Nations are determined in the United
Nations Charter which was ratified on 24 October of the same year. One of the primary principles of
the United Nations, as outlined in Article 1 of the United Nations Charter is:
"...To achieve international
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Current Policy Situation Of Australia
Current policy situation
At present, asylum seekers who arrived in Australia by boat on or after 13 August 2012 and are
granted bridging visas are not allowed to work (Correa–Velez, Gifford and Bice, 2014, p. 9).
Asylum seekers who are living in the community on bridging visas have no right to a family reunion
and are not able to re–enter Australia if they choose to travel internationally.
Australia has obligations to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
(ICESCR) to promote and ensure "the economic, social and cultural rights of all people in
Australia", this includes asylum seekers (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2013, p. 5).
Further, under Australia's International human rights obligations they are required to permit asylum
seekers to live in the community, while their claims for refuge are being processed. Unless they are
assessed as posing a threat to the community. If an asylum seeker is considered to be suitable to live
in the community, there are strong conditions attached to the bridging visa, this includes a
prohibition to work.
The Australian Human Rights Commission (2013, p. 5) argues that releasing asylum seekers into the
community while their claims are being processed is beneficial for their health and well–being.
Although, little to no financial assistance is supplied. Asylum seekers that are released into the
community on these visas are not entitled to claim any Centrelink or healthcare benefits, unless they
can prove
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Human Rights Approach to Development
The meaning of 'development' changes according to what society needs to achieve a better life at
any one time (Crocker 1992, p. 585). Exactly how we approach development varies according to our
conception of justice in light of this goal. This paper examines three approaches to development: the
Rights Based approach, the Basic Needs approach and the Capability approach. Concluding: that as
far as fairness goes, the Rights Based approach is the most agreeable of the three, but even so, is not
without fault.
The Rights Based approach is based on the concept of Human Rights, which aim to create freedom,
justice and peace in the world (United Nations 2014, 'The Universal Declaration of Human Rights',
para. 1). This approach views development ... Show more content on ...
But does the Rights Based approach always act in accordance with the law? It seems not, for as
Michael J. Smith notes Human Rights create the obligation upon states to intervene in the affairs of
another state when gross human rights violations exist within that state, such as mass genocide
(Smith 1999, p. 478, 498–499). In such a situation, it would matter not whether the offending State
was in agreement with Human Rights philosophy and process. In which case, the Rights Based
approach could be considered oppressive, if not by the philosophers then certainly by those whose
status quo is being challenged, and by those who believe that military interference into another
states affairs, without legal process, is inherently wrong.
Thus, if we cannot have faith in the Human Rights ideology, to the point of believing it is justified in
creating a law which it can ignore when its goals are not being met elsewhere, we might want to turn
instead to the Basic Needs approach. The Basic Needs approach does not rely on legal processes in
the achievement of its goals which are to provide everyone with a basic level of subsistence, so that
no one starves and all are capable of being productive members of society (Spalding 1990, p.91).
However, this approach is also not without its faults. For when it comes to the distribution of basic
goods, the individual
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Human Rights Trials And Truth Commissions
Conjunctive use of human rights trials and truth commissions
The preceding discussions, in their entirety, validate the inherent predisposition of the objectives,
benefits and quality of disclosures during truth–telling in transitional societies to interrogation,
precisely how this truth–telling can be esteemed as rendering justice for GHRV when weighed
against human rights trials. Sikkink and Booth Walling vehemently oppose the impression that
transitional societies are obligated with selecting between 'truth' and 'justice', especially that truth
commissions are an executable surrogate strategy to human rights trials. They advocate for a
conjunctive application of 'truth', through truth commissions, and 'justice', through human rights ...
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Propelling each of the three in delicate post–struggle settings requires key arranging, cautious
incorporation and sensible sequencing of exercises. Methodologies concentrating just on some
establishment or overlooking common society or casualties, won 't be powerful. Our way to deal
with equity segment must be extensive in its thoughtfulness regarding the greater part of its
associated organizations, delicate to the key gatherings and careful to the requirement for
complementarity between transitional equity systems. Our fundamental part is not to assemble
universal substitutes for national structures but rather to fabricate local equity limits
Justice, peace and democracy are not mutually exclusive objectives but rather mutually reinforcing
imperatives. Advancing all three in fragile post–conflict settings requires strategic planning, careful
integration and sensible sequencing of activities. Approaches focusing only on one or another
institution or ignoring civil society or victims, will not be effective. Our approach to justice sector
must be comprehensive in its attention to all of its interdependent institutions, sensitive to the key
groups and mindful to the need for complementarity between transitional justice mechanisms. Our
main role is not to build international substitutes for national structures but to help build domestic
justice capacities.
Human rights
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Human Rights In Australia
The United Nation's Declaration of Human Rights was commissioned in December 1948 by the UN
General Assembly in an attempt to create a standard which is common to all people regardless of
"race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion or any other status". It is the United Nations
responsibility to ensure that the participating countries follow these articles set forth by the assembly
and to ensure that these rights are not being desecrated. The term "Human Rights" is best described
by the United Nations as "Human rights are the rights to be born free, the right to life, the right to
equality, the right to freedom, the right to assembly and the right to own property which is inherent
to all human beings". However, this statute by the ... Show more content on ...
The Maurice Blackburn Lawyers represent refugees who have been inhumanely treated and that are
attempting to seek justice from the suffering that the Australian Government's actions. The firm also
believes in protecting the women and children in offshore detention centres that face physical abuse
and unlawful detention. Without the firm supporting the refugees, the truths on the island may have
never came out. Alongside this NGO, the United Nation's High Commission for Refugees is an
active contender in the defence and support of refugees seeking asylum. The "UNHCR" conducts
extensive operations in refugee support which may include but is not limited to providing
emergency relief, providing education, shelter, access services and advocacy with national
governments to better refugee protection and health ministration. The "UNHCR" doesn't just create
awareness for the refugee crisis in Australia, but provides a non governmental body leading by
example which the entire world follows and implements active and effective measures to ensure the
best possible solution to the issue at
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Questions On The Rights Law Essay
This form must be completed and signed for all works submitted to the University for examination.
Name of Student: GROUP TWO
Registration Number: N/A
School: LAW
Course Name: GPR 605: HUMAN RIGHTS LAW
Title of the work: ASSIGNMENT FOUR
1. We understand what Plagiarism is and are aware of the University's policy in this regard.
2. We declare that this ASSIGNMENT (Thesis, project, essay, assignment, paper, report, etc) is our
original work and has not been submitted elsewhere for examination, award of a degree or
publication. Where other people's work or our own work has been used, this has properly been
acknowledged and referenced in accordance with the University of Nairobi's requirements.
3. We have not sought or used the services of any professional agencies to produce this work.
4. We have not allowed, and shall not allow anyone to copy our work with the intention of passing it
off as his/her own work.
5. We understand that any false claim in respect of this work shall result in disciplinary action, in
accordance with University Plagiarism Policy.
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The United States, the United Nations, and Global Human...
The United States Positioning as a World Superpower: Its Subsequent Influence in the United
Nations and Views Regarding Human Rights
"America stands at this moment at the summit of the world."
–Winston Churchill, 1945
As World War II came to a close, a new need for an international peacekeeping organization became
apparent in order to maintain peaceful relations among nations in the post–World War II era. The
United Nations (UN) came into effect on October 24, 1945 for this very purpose and also "to
reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the
equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small". One of the leading organs of the
UN, the Security Council (UNSC), was ... Show more content on ...
Ironically, even though the UN aided the U.S. into its position as a world leader post–WWII, the
U.S. tends to believe that the UN is holding them back from further developing as a prevailing
Nation. This conflict between the U.S. and the UN can be seen specifically in the events leading up
to America's war on Iraq, where the U.S. demonstrated the use of force to promote democracy as
their method of improving human rights.
The conclusion of World War II not only ended four years of bitter global warfare, but also marked
the creation of a new era for the United States. The United States emerged out of World War II not
only victorious but newly strengthened. The other Ally powers had proven victorious as well, but
were faced with much greater losses than the United States. The United States exited the war
relatively physically unharmed, economically revived, and diplomatically reinforced. The period of
the Great Depression that had lingered over the American people for twelve years was over. The
country was stimulated by economic growth and rising prosperity. The policies of American
isolationism that had governed foreign policy for a century and a half were coming to a close. The
American people were feeling invigorated and possessed much national self–confidence. The United
States came out of WWII a leading nation, which
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Raphael Lemkin Accomplishments
1 Introduction
War and genocide are organized violence, and historically Established states have been the major
perpetrators of both. Martain shaw
The concept of genocide and the United Nations Genocide Convention are well–known, but the
inventor of both the word and the landmark instrument of international law, Raphael Lemkin, is a
figure, which has been eclipsed and over–shadowed by contemporaries. Raphael Lemkin, a name
later anglicized to Raphael Lemkin, was born on a farm called 'Ozerisko' near the village of
Bezwodene in eastern Poland on 24 June 1900. At the time of Lemkin's birth, the region into ...
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The council refer the matter to its social committee which received a draft resolution of the USA
suggesting that the commission of human rights deal with the problem and an amendment by Cuba
to the effect that an ad hoc committee should prepare the draft convention.
The economic social council with the assistances of experts of international and criminal law, a draft
convention on the crime of genocide is prepare. The council by the same resolution instructed the
secretary general to submit such draft to its next session after consultation with the general
assembly's committee on the progressive development and codification of international law and if
feasible with the commission of human rights. Finally the secretary general was instructed to refer
his draft convention to all member government for
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. UDHR The United Nations' (UN's) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) has been moderately successful in promoting equality around the world. Its commitment to ensuring the rights of humans are upheld is admirable, and the easy–access document concisely summarised into thirty articles is immensely helpful. However, its implementation into particular situations is not always effective. In some situations, the declaration has been astonishingly unsuccessful in promoting equality, such as its failure to create equality and justice between the white and Indigenous populations of Australia in the late 1940s to the 1970s. However, in other situations–particularly in more recent years–the declaration has been quite effective in bringing about changes ... Show more content on ... The declaration's blatant failure in some regards is evident in Australia's era of extreme racial discrimination against the country's Indigenous population. The declaration did virtually nothing to enforce the rights of the Aboriginal people; instead, they were forced to resort to protesting against the government's discriminatory laws and policies. Nevertheless, the declaration has also been considerably successful in enforcing people's rights, as seen in Yemen's juvenile justice system, and the part the declaration played in abolishing the death penalty, among other malpractices taking place in the country's juvenile justice system. Through these examples, the true nature of the UDHR can be observed–while creating opportunities for many situations around the world to be repaired, it has not been, nor will it ever be able to fully establish equality throughout the world. The "opinion of the United Nations as a whole" is simply not enough to achieve complete equality on a global ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Truth Commissions, As Outlined By The Course, Are Thought Truth commissions, as outlined by the course, are thought of as essentially 'good'. However, the benefit of these truth commission, what makes them good, is that they are more so learning tools for the future rather than a be–all–end–all solution for countries' problems, as discussed in lecture. Thus, truth commissions, as observed, are successful in the instance of addressing violence, but are not so successful in transformative events that could benefit the lands and people. The success of these commissions are measured by the constituency of democracy as viewed from a primarily democratic outer–party, as brought about by one of my classmates. While truth commissions are not relatively similar at all, besides the violence taking place ... Show more content on ... The United States plentifully does so, especially when it affects them. The extent of the nation's involvement, however, differs per case in extremism. In the Chilean case for example, the United States had money invested in the mining industry and thus were scared to see the country meet a fate of communism in fear for their investments' safety. Thus, much money was repealed. In Guatemala, due to the banana fruit company, the Unites States was once again fearful for their money. Perhaps the goals of these powerful nations is on a more selfish level than previously thought of. It's difficult to measure and give life a price tag when the effect is not personal it seems. Some countries' disputes were easier to reconcile than others because the countries were primarily democratic to begin with, which allowed an easier process of civil liberties to take place. In situations like this, involvements are less restrictive because there is a sense of wanting improvement. An exemplary case of this is Argentina, which reformed their constitution in 1994 to enhance democracy and make international treaties into constitutional law for the sake of human rights. Thus, the truth commission was considered successful because it returned to democracy so quickly (and because of the selling rates of the published truth commission). As previously noted, other instances with the same installments did not meet the same alleged fate of correctness. Guatemala, for instance, upheld their ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Goals Of The United Nations For me to fully understand the goals of the United Nations I had to go back to the very beginning, to the foundation of the United Nations. The League of Nations was formed in 1920 and lasted until 1946 when it signed over its assets to the United Nations after countries began to leave. Countries quickly began to leave once they had realized the League could not make settlements where they did not have the power to do so causing dictators to abuse this power. In 1942, before the League of Nations failed, Franklin D. Roosevelt first used the term "United Nations". FDR saw what had happened to the United States after it was unable to join the League of Nations after the Senate excluded it and wanted to make sure something like this would ... Show more content on ... This quote sets the foundations for what the UN stands for each and every day. Before doing my research, I had no idea how many member nations belonged to the UN. Out of the 196 nations around the world, 193 of them belong to the UN. These member states range in size from small nations such as Fiji and Norway, to larger nations such as Russia and the United States. Each member of the UN comprise the main policy making group called the General Assembly. The president of the Assembly is elected before the opening session each year. The General Assembly's main function is to discuss things such as budgets of the member states, international peace related topics, allowing new members, and any suggestions for the UN. Any suggestions for changes to the United Nations requires a two–thirds vote by all the members, while any other decision only requires a majority vote. Although the General Assembly can make suggestions for any member nation, they are not allowed to force any decision on to that member nation. The vote made by the General Assembly is considered to be more of a suggestion for that nation. The Assembly is broken up into six main departments: administrative and budgetary; disarmament and international security; economic and financial; legal; social, culture, and humanitarian; and special political and decolonization. The Assembly also has seven commissions which include the Disarmament Commission and the ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Declaration Of Independence : A Vital Part Of The... The Declaration of Independence states "that all men are created equal". In practice, this has not always been the case, even in the United States. Since the end of World War II and the founding of the United Nations though, the global community has walked together down the path to make it a reality. As the world has walked this path, the scope has expanded beyond just men to include women and children as well. The together part of the journey must be stressed, because no one country is capable of carrying the banner of human rights and dignity on its own. That is why multilateral mechanisms have become a vital part of the global human rights regime. While there might be nations like the United States, Russia, or China that would appear to have a larger voice, there are almost 200 countries in the world. Which means it is difficult for one large nation, or any nation for that matter, to force its will upon the rest of the world. Multilateral organizations continue to play a role in impacting the spread of the global human rights regime, changing the world for the better one step at a time. The United Nations, perhaps the greatest multilateral mechanism the world has ever seen, was created with the express purpose of preventing another world war and promoting human rights across the globe. To this end, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, or UNCHR, was created. Although it was later disbanded amid talks of corruption and the appointment of Muammar Qaddafi, the ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The United Nations High Commission For Human Rights Essay Introduction The Office of the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights (OHCHR) defines Human Rights as, "rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible." Human rights are a set of norms or standards of behaviour that are intended to protect us in order for us to live fully. They belong to everyone by virtue of us being human. The concept of Human Rights gained prominence in the 17th century in Europe but its roots can be traced to ancient times. Most cultures created their own traditions and responsibilities to protect members of those communities and ensure a better living. Murder, rape and other violations were punished in various ways by the different cultures. The use of human rights in politics was realized in different documents such as the French declaration on the rights of man and citizen (1789), the English Bill of Rights (1689) and the US constitution Bill of rights (1791) and all encompass human rights. However, these were not universal laws but national laws. Moreover, they promoted discrimination of different groups plus slavery. Human rights have become universal and their history is in many struggles all over the world. Those opposed to slavery, commonly referred to as abolitionists, ended ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The United Nations A Success Or A Failure? The United Nations...a success or a failure? The United Nations is a widely controversial issue, with many people regarding it as a failure, and many others regarding it as a success. This essay will discuss the United Nations, viewing it as a success, with arguments supporting it. The United Nations promotes world peace and security. On the subject of matters the United Nations promotes, another one is human rights. An example of the United Nations promoting human rights is when they created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948. The United Nations also provides humanitarian action. The time United Nations lent a helping hand towards the victims of the earthquake/tsunami of the Indian Ocean in 2004 is a good example of ... Show more content on ... The United Nations also works on conflict prevention. "The main strategies for preventing disputes from escalating into conflict, and for preventing the recurrence of conflict, are preventive diplomacy and preventive disarmament." (Basic Facts About the United Nations 62). Preventive diplomacy means an action that prevents disagreements from arising parties, and to prevent and make sure that existing disagreements don't eventually transform into conflicts. Preventive disarmament is the action of minimizing the use of firearms and weapons. The United Nations uses preventive diplomacy and preventive disarmament as a tactic to prevent conflict and maintain peace. The UN has used this tactic in Liberia, and the result was largely positive. "Established in September 2003, the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) was charged with assisting in the disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and repatriation of all armed parties. The process was launched in December. Within 12 months, nearly 100,000 Liberians had turned in guns, ammunition, rocket– propelled grenades and other weapons." ("Global Issues: Disarmament"). "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities." –Former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1952–1960) ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Us Should Withdraw From The Un Sierra Susko Professor Cheney ENC 1101 – Essay #5 November 30, 2015 The US Should Withdraw From the UN Final Outline I. Background A. History B. Current situation II. Unfulfilled charter A. World peace 1. Bosnian massacre 2. Somalia 3. Rwanda B. Human rights 1. Membership nations 2. Abuses III. Overburdensome cost A. Percentage paid by US B. Financial stewardship C. Membership corruption IV Sovereign rights A. Membership requirements B. Treaties 1. US Constitution 2. UN Charter 3. Washington's farewell C. Competing interests V. Global community A. Decreased influence B. Fallacious argument STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: To prove that the United States should withdraw from the United Nations The time has come to recognize the U.N. for the anti–American, anti–freedom organization that it
  • 14. has become. The time has come for us to cut off all financial help, withdraw as a member, and ask the U.N. to find a headquarters location outside the United States that is more in keeping with the philosophy of the majority of voting members, someplace like Moscow or Peking (Rousos, par. 30). Those are the words of Barry Goldwater, the late 1964 presidential candidate and Republican Senator from Arizona, calling for US withdrawal from the United Nations, and these concerns are as valid today as they were almost four decades ago, if not more so. Since its inception, the United Nation's purpose and benefits have been ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. The National Organization For Women The National Organization for Women (NOW) is an American organization that works for women's rights. It is made up of a variety of smaller organizations that are all banded together under a main structure. It has been around for a while, and has done many important things. It works on both political and social levels to achieve its goals, and though it's not very well known, the National Organization for Women is a great organization that has done much to further women's rights and equality. NOW is a women's rights organization working to take political and social action to ensure equal rights between women and men. NOW is a feminist group, which means that it believes that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Because of these beliefs, NOW is unafraid to have men as its members and welcomes them, since it recognizes men and women as equals (NOW, 2016). To work for its beliefs NOW uses electoral and lobbying work, as well as mass marches, rallies, pickets, and nonviolent civil disobedience. It is working for the rights of others as well. NOW fights for LGBTQ rights in employment and housing, as well as in other problem areas. NOW is trying to pass the Constitutional Equality Amendment as well, which ensure women's rights politically. Overall NOW has a variety of goals that it is working to achieve to further equality. NOW has six main issues it works for. NOW supports access to safe and legal abortion, effective birth control and reproductive health ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. History and Principle Sections of United Nations UNITED NATION History and Principle Sections of United Nation: The United Nation was established by fifty one states on 24th October, 1945 as a consequence of initiatives taken by the governments of the countries that had led the war against Germany and Japan. By 2010, 192 states were members of UN. While joining of a new member the member states agreed to accept the obligation of UN charter. UN has four purposes to maintain international peace and security to co– operate in solving international problems promoting respect for human rights and being a center for harmonizing the actions of nations. UN was set up to correct the problems of its predecessor the League of Nations. UN has six main organs Security Council, General Assembly, The Secretariat, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship and International Court of Justice. THE SECURITY COUNCIL: The Security Council has the main responsibility for maintaining the international peace and security. In the beginning it was eleven states after 1965 it was fifteen states, it has five permanent members which are USA, UK, FRANCE, RUSSIA and CHINA. And the rest ten members are not permanent. The decisions of security councils are binding and it must pass by majority of nine out of fifteen members and as well as each of five permanent members these permanent members have Veto Powers. Security Council considers a threat to international peace and force to settle the dispute peacefully. They also take majors to enforce its ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. International Law Threatens Western Countries In recent years, with the increasing attention to varieties of international crime, comparative criminology becomes a major field in criminology and criminal justice (Bennett, 2004:2). Comparative criminology is important for the designation and implementation of international policies and preventive measures on international crime; hence there are a rising amount of studies regarding crime and control on a cross–national level. Therefore, in this essay, how do violations of international laws present a direct threat to Western countries will be discussed in the first part, then the understanding of such threats and justice perpetrators of international crime will be examined in relation to comparative criminology in the second and the ... Show more content on ... Held et al also argue that with the spread of interconnection of crime across national boarders, it creates new opportunities and forms of global crime such as transnational organized crime, IP crime and human smuggling and trafficking (Held, et al., 1999:162). For instance, Castells points out that the Western societies acts as the demand side in a global criminal economy, they are in a high demand of drugs and prostitutes, which can be supplied and produced in a third world drug producing countries such as Columbia (Castells, 1998, cited in Puniskis, 2010:239). Furthermore, apart from the reasons that these crimes are prevalent in the Western nations, it becomes a controversial issue as it violates the international laws regarding humanity. For example, human smuggling and trafficking is an illegal sale of human beings that contains exploitation and coercion. According to Leman and Janssens, it is apparent that human trafficking is a violation of human rights in the way that it requires exploitation of human such as prostitution, non–voluntary form of sexual behavior, forced labor or services as well as slavery or slavery–like conditions (Leman and Janssens, 2012:175). Therefore, the coercive nature of such crime presents a violation ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. The United Nations And The Treaty Of The Cold War Abstract The United Nations was formed upon the agreement with the sovereign nations and its frontiers conceded with the Charter. After the end of the cold war, there has been a burden on the United Nations about solving different problems of diverse nature as well as of diverse geographies. UN has been making efforts to challenge those problems through the use of reforms. There are some of the activities which are imperative to be implemented but still due to some constraints have not been. Some of them are Secretariat re–organization, re–defining of the priorities and the re– structuring of the inter–governmental procedures. Whenever a member state is not able to handle some problem, it reaches to the UN which is a global organization ... Show more content on ... the main objectives of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security, environment protection, sustainable social and economic development, protection of human rights, providing the humanitarian aids in the cases of natural calamities (Joshua, 2005). Major Problems for United Nations According to Horgan, (2008), the United Nations Organization has seen many critical challenges and is facing several kinds of challenges at present times. The maintenance of internal peace and security is the biggest problem that the UN is facing right now. It is important that it should maintain peace and security not only by the resolution of military conflict but by the advancement and promotion of economic and social aspects (Horgan, 2008). Though there are a number of problems that the UN is currently facing, however the Un is making a great effort in tackling those, and is making progress, some of the key problems have been highlighted in the following sections– Peacekeeping in various countries The United Nations, has been making major efforts to maintain peace and security security in many countries. It has been sending peacekeepers to regions where the armed conflicts are ceased. It aims to discourage the combatants by removing hostilities. According to the factsheet of the United Nations, the peacekeeping force had received the Nobel Prize in 1988 where its soldiers were ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Racial Profiling The quasi–judicial body is the only body which is given a mandate to interpret and promote as well as ensure all rights laid down in the charter. It may receive "communication" on human rights violations submitted by non–state actors, both individuals and non–governmental organizations, and member states. With regard to the economic, social and cultural rights, the African Charter has a limited or "minimalist" approach towards them. Some of rights recognized in the ICESCR are missing; these include the right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate food, clothing and housing ; social security; and the right to the continuous improvement of living conditions. These "fundamental rights for human survival and for living in dignity" ... Show more content on ... It tends to relate to or combine this right with others provisions enshrined in the Charter, such as: the right to enjoy the best attainable state of mental and physical health (article 16), the right to property (article 14) and the protection to the family (article 18 paragraph 1). In its decision on communication on the case of Social and Economic Rights Action Center/ Center for Economic and Social Rights Center V. Nigeria, it prohibited the destruction of "Wanton" shelter, because the destruction will negatively affect property, health and family life. Thus, it concluded that the combined effect of these three articles can be read as a right to shelter or housing. Further, it stated the minimum obligations with regard to right to housing which states should do and not to do. Thus, "by destroying Ogoni houses and villages and through its security forces, obstructed, harassed, beaten and, in some cases, shot and killed innocent citizens who have attempted to return to rebuild their ruined homes", Nigeria had violated the minimum obligations and had constituted massive violations of the right to shelter, in violation of Articles 14, 16, and 18(1) of the African ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. genocide Essay Genocide is an extremely broad subject with various different definitions. Genocide could be one or more leaders trying to get rid of a large group of people by killings or attacks, or it can be against a smaller group of people in a less violent manner. Genocide has been a very extreme problem in society and various reports of genocidal events have been recorded in history, but how does one go about finding the precise and accurate definition of a "genocide"? Genocidal acts are placed into different categories and are defined in different degrees. The Commission on Human Rights has set up seven treaties that describe acts of genocide. Regardless of committees' attempts to limit or abolish acts of genocide, genocide was a very important ... Show more content on ... Once they have the items deemed necessary, it is more likely for these acts to become more violent and more destructive, depending on the amount of items palpable. This being said, weapons being more prevalent in the twentieth century have lead to an increase of genocidal acts in society. Genocide is an important human rights issue. When a person or persons take it into their hands to violate someone's given rights, it should be considered an act punishable. For people to understand the severity of their actions, their actions must have serious consequences. These consequences must be so extreme to the relevance to the act punishable that those who are planning on partaking in a similar act are made well aware of the possible punishments. If people are better educated on the subject of genocide, the reports of genocidal cases might decrease, making genocide a less extreme problem not only in the United States, but the entire world. The world organization that concerns itself with issues parallel to genocide is the Commission on Human Rights. It is the commission's duty to meet once a genocidal act occurred and was reported. Then the commission must develop different ways to mend the problem at task in a fair and just way. By doing so, the commission helps to fix this human right's issue with the seven treaties. The Commission On Human Rights has set up seven treaties that ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. The Two Koreas and the Responsibility of the International... The conflict in the Korean peninsula should not be the exclusive concern of the East Asian region nor the American powers. In an increasingly globalized world, the challenges to human rights and world peace is a transnational responsibility. It is a concern for the entire international community, particularly in this case as the commission has mentioned, because of the international community's past involvement in the division of the Korean peninsula (United Nations Human Rights Council 16). Yet, it appears that despite what we have learned from history, such as the horrific atrocities that occurred in Nazi Germany and Rwanda, the rest of the world seems willing to sit idly by with regard to the continuing abuses in North Korea. The reality of human rights abuses in North Korea has already been established time and time again. Yet, no serious, collective efforts and action at the international level has yet to emerge from these discussions, reports and investigations. The very recent publication of a comprehensive report by the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea establishes credible evidence and knowledge of the situation in North Korea. With knowledge of the unparalleled conditions, the international community now has no excuse for its inaction. Although the global community faces many challenges such as issues of state sovereignty, it must remember the many human lives at stake and the fundamental right to ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. The Case Of The Tronie Foundation For more than 15 years, we have been advocating on behalf of those at risk of exploitation. The Tronie Foundation is a survivor–led global organization, now bringing together a new team of partners for supply chain compliance and sustainability. Through our United Nations General Assembly speeches, we have advised more than 150 countries on the solutions to protecting children around the world. Through our Global Survivor Network, we have worked with survivors in 5 continents and in approximately 20 countries. Our Constitution guarantees these rights and the Supreme Court has ruled that wherever the Constitution is silent and the legislature has not made a law, those International Covenants to which India is a signatory may be enforced ... Show more content on ... The Human Rights Commission receives the complaint from the victim or any person on his behalf and inquires into the violation of human rights and also into the negligence of the authorities in preventing such violation. Human Rights plays a role in everyone's life, but not everyone realizes it. It's involved in every comment you make that includes someone different. Every near discriminatory "joke" you say. It affects people, even if it doesn't affect you. Human rights means being able to hold hands with the person you love, work where you're qualified to work without your skin colour or sexual orientation being the reason you can't; it means having the right to be human, making choices and mistakes. Everyday I hear comments being made about this being "gay" and other comments about that being "retarded." There are an estimated 1,019,729 words in the English language. What I don't understand is why these words are chosen to describe something meagre or something that lacks quality. Society has gotten to the point where people think it doesn't matter what they say, that they think their comments and hate don't affect other people. Humans are often hurtful towards each other, but I believe we all were born with the innate of compassion and love. These days, I see parents showing their kids what to think instead of how to think. I see people not being able to marry someone they love because they are the same gender, even though it is ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Essay about Canadian Human Rights Human Rights Essay Many people and nations around the world are deprived of human rights. The government in the countries or nations usually can not help the people being deprived. Either because the government is too poor to, it is not one of the things the government is looking into, or the government does not know or care. Because of this certain people, or even whole populations are denied human rights and their living conditions and way of life are usually not on the positive side of things. There are many wealthier countries trying to help but sometimes that is not enough. To what extent should Canada have a role in working to increase human rights protection in other nations? ... Show more content on ... Not even a year later nearly every right of the Jewish people was eliminated, and hundreds of thousands of Jewish people were killed or tortured. Thankfully, the Jewish people and the country of Germany were liberated, and most rights were brought back to affect, because of other countries helping. After the event of WWII the United Nations was created, including Canada, England, France and others, it was created to make and maintain human rights throughout the world. Sometimes the only thing that needs fixing is a new government. But war is not needed to improve and increase human rights in other nations. Even with out war there are still nations and people without human rights; it just needs to be noticed. There are many charities to help towards human rights that Canada contributes to greatly. Including UNICEF Canada, Salvation Army Canada and Red Cross. These charities focus on mainly living rights. The charities contribute mainly food, clothing and medicine. Those are only two given rights. Although it is help for people to live their lives, it does not give them more rights, it is not a solution to increase their human rights and protect them. Lately Canada has done a lot with the United Nations in protecting human rights, including communicating with countries and organizations to increase the rights of women and children. There have been many improvements to their rights and conditions; political prisoners have been freed from the trap ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. North Korean Political Prison Camps The country of North Korea has long been under the watchful eye of not only the United States but also the United Nations for many years over concerns of it nuclear weapons program but now, they are being looked at for an entirely different reason. Recent reports about the inhuman treatment of an estimated 200,000 North Korean citizens in the countries six political prison camps are been closely looked at. These reports show the mistreatment, starvation, and even unlawful killing of North Korean citizens from everything from owning a Bible to watching soap operas. For the past year the United Nations has been conducting an investigation into the allegations of many recent prisoners that were able to escape the prison camps and the country its self. Park (2014) states "The commission investigated issues regarding the right of food, prison camps, torture, and inhuman treatment, arbitrary detention, discrimination, freedom of expression, the right to life, freedom of movement, and enforced disappearances, including abductions of other citizens" (para. 6). On February 17, 2014 the United Nations released a 400 page report on its finding during this investigation. This report included sketches from many of the prisoners depicting the conditions inside the camps. Corbin (2014) states "The UN report castigated the Hermit Kingdom for it ruthless treatment of people, depicting a brutal nation that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world" (para. 8). This is an ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Importance Of Human Rights Human Rights Human rights are the rights a person has simply because he or she is a human being. They are entitlements owed to a person by virtue of creation and they are held by all persons equally, universally, and forever. Article 1 of the Universal Declaration proclaims that "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights..." Human rights are inalienable and indivisible, so you cannot lose these rights any more than you can cease being a human being and you cannot be denied a right because it is "less important" or "non–essential." Treaty–based mechanisms Treaty–based mechanisms are supervisory mechanisms enshrined in legally binding human rights instruments or conventions (IHRC 2010). Within the UN framework these mechanisms are often called 'treaty bodies', for example the Human Rights Committee and the Committee on the Rights of the Child. The United Nations Charter The United Nations Charter is a legally binding pact upon the contracting States that was signed on 26 June 1945, in San Francisco, at the conclusion of the United Nations Conference on International Organization, and came into force on 24 October 1945 . The Statute of the International Court of Justice is an integral part of the Charter Introduction One of the critical contagious As international concern, human rights issues are among the most widely debated in the world today. This is because the question of Human Rights is fundamental to mankind . For a long time human rights ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Gay Marriage Vs Same Sex Marriage Since before the public ratified the Constitution and adopting the Bill of Rights and even prior to Marbury v. Madison establishing the doctrine of judicial review, the clergy solemnization power existed as an embedded feature of this nation's marriage traditions. The power both allows Solemnization laws grant officials near unbridled discretion within the statutory limitations in deciding who they will perform marriage ceremony, and to ministers who perform religious marriages to marry couples legally under the civil law. Also, the Fourteenth Amendment recognizes same–sex marriage in all 50 States; It described marriage as a purely secular institution, which serves governmental interests. In the light of, Justice Kennedy highlighted that religious organizations can advocate base on the belief that same–sex marriage should not be condoned (Horwitz, P. 2014). Justice Kennedy stated that "many who deem same–sex marriage to be wrong reach that conclusion based on decent and honorable religious or philosophical premises, and neither they nor their beliefs are disparaged here. But when that sincere, personal opposition becomes enacted law and public policy, the necessary consequence is to put the imprimatur of the State itself on an exclusion that soon demeans or stigmatizes those whose own liberty is then denied. Under the Constitution, same– sex couples seek in marriage the same legal treatment as opposite–sex couples, and it would disparage their choices and diminish their ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. The Pros And Cons Of Prisoners Of War Prisoners of War are individuals, whether a soldier or civilians, who are captured as a prisoner during an armed conflict. In the middle ages the modern law was the source relating to the treatment of Prisoners of War. However, today the modern foundation of international law relating to the Treatment of Prisoners is the 1949 Geneva Convention. During the Korean War conflict more than 7,500 Americans were detained by the Chinese Communists with only 3,000 returning home. It has been stated that approximately 1,500 were tortured and 1,800 died of diseases and famine. During the Vietnam War, the Red Cross Commission requested information regarding the Prisoners of War being held by the North Vietnam, which they immediately dismissed the request. Therefore, between 1963 and 1971 it has been estimated that 127 American POW died in the Vietnam Prison. Subsequently, in 1973 the Paris Peace Agreement allowed 682 American POW to return home. Though, the whereabouts of over 3,000 Americans soldiers missing in action and the question does the Socialist Republic of Vietnam know the whereabouts of these missing solider has remained contentious for years. During the 1991 Persian Gulf War, Saddam Hussein repudiated the International Red Cross Commission to examine Iraq's Prisoner of War facilities, even though both Iraq and the United Stated had ratified the 1949 Geneva Convention Treaties. Upon inspection, it was reported that while incarcerated 25 American POW, which included ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Australian Human Rights Currently the Australian Constitution identifies five explicit human rights which every Australian is entitled to. Section 51 (xxxi) expresses that property can only be taken from a State or person by the Commonwealth on just terms. Section 80 details that everyone has a right to a fair trial by a jury and section 116 implies freedom of religion in that no laws are to be made in order to define or prohibit any religion (Findlaw Australia, 2016). Section 41 of the Australian Constitution gives citizens the right to vote by stating that no person should be prevented from voting for representatives in the House of the Parliament of the Commonwealth (Commonwealth Consolidated Acts, unkown). Section 117 conveys that no Australian from one State ... Show more content on ... Common law is set by precedents and customs that have been developed over lengthy periods of time rather that statutes. It allows judges to interpret current legislation which allows for flexibility when difficult and unique cases arise. When precedents are set a common law is created, for example the unique case of Kevin and Jennifer v Attorney–General (2001). This case was the first in Australia to deal with the topic of transexuatal marriage. It followed the example of the United Kingdom's Corbett v Corbett (1971) case which defined what it was to be 'female' or 'male' (Oxford University Press, 2003). The Australian courts decision to allow Kevin, a transextual man, to marry meant that any future transexual people who wished to do the same were permitted by common law. Although common law is set by magistrates, the Commonwealth Government is able to expand or reduce common law as they see necessary (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2015). Important human rights are protected by common law including the presumption of innocence and the right to sue for false imprisonment (Australian Human Rights Commision, 2009). Common law is not a solidly structured form of human rights protection although it does allow flexibility within court cases while the ability for the government to alter common law provides further assurance in that no common law can not be altered. Issues may also arise from allowing the government to possess this power because while Australia is a democracy, voters may not consider human rights as an important issue when choosing who they would like to govern ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea UNMEE in Ethiopia and Eritrea Introduction In June 2000, after the two years of a border dispute, Ethiopia and Eritrea agreed on Cessation of Hostilities organised by Algeria and the Organization of African Unity (OAU). In July, the Security Council established the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE), and in September, UNMEE was authorised by the Council to ensure the observance of security commitments and to monitor the cessation of hostilities. UNMEE was the most recent case of a traditional peacekeeping operation deployed from 2000 to 2008. The paper analyse the change of UNMEE mandate and the challenges the mission faced. What were the main points of the mandate (if any)? First of all UNMEE's original ... Show more content on ... Later the number of UNMEE forces have reduced slowly and been reconfigured over the period due to several reasons: the less activities in the Boundary Commission, better stability in TSZ area, the less need of physical presence due to the increase of air–surveillance use and, the change of parties' attitude. . What challenges did the mission face? As mentioned earlier, despite of main military actions, UNMEE operation was limited to quite sensitive and was repeatedly hindered by reluctance of the parties towards the Mission. When UNMEE relation with the two states deteriorated highly in late autumn 2005, Eritrea forbidden all UNMEE air–forces from its air–zone and restricted the UNMEE personnel´s freedom of movement. In addition, Ethiopian authority refused a decision of the Eritrea – Ethiopia Boundary Commission without precondition. One of the most crucial event happened when the Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities was violated by forcible entrance of about 1000 Eritorean Defence Forces at the UNMEE checkpoint in Maileba, which is located in TSZ. In the consequence, Jordanian battalion who were in charged in this UNMEE checkpoint, were overthrown by the temporal control of the armed Eritrean militia. Another great challenge for the UNMEE was that although a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) was signed by Ethiopia and the UN on March 22nd 2001, Eritrea never even ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Compare And Contrast Pearson And John Diefenbaker Prime Ministers of Change: Lester Pearson vs John Diefenbaker Gandhi once said, "We must be the change we wish to see in the world." Lester Pearson and John Diefenbaker are two of countless individuals who have put this advice to action. These two influential Prime Ministers have made multiple important changes to Canada and the world. Despite having different goals and priorities, both Prime Ministers have improved the lives of many and are considered important in Canadian history. Though John Diefenbaker has made numerous contributions that benefited the country, Lester Pearson made extensive and constructive changes that not only bettered Canada, but that also shaped our future and our identity, making him the more significant Prime Minister. ... Show more content on ... One of Pearson's goal was to strengthen relationships between French and English Canadians. On April 21 1963 when Quebec separatists placed a bomb in a Canadian army recruiting office killing a janitor, Pearson called for a royal commission to investigate bilingualism and biculturalism in Canada. From the recommendations made during the royal commission, Pearson created the Official Languages Act, which states that federal services such as federal courts and government ministries, must be offered in both English and French. This makes him significant, because bilingualism in Canada still exists today and is still an important part of our culture. On the other hand, Diefenbaker's Bill of Rights got replaced in 1984, and none of his contributions reflect Canada's culture or identity the way Pearson's does. Though Canada is often regarded as the United States' "little brother", one thing that differentiates Canada from the US is their free health care system. Medicare, Canada's universal health insurance, is only one of the changes Pearson introduced to Canada's welfare state. Pearson also established the Canada Pension Plan in 1966 to support retired citizens, as well as the Canada Assistance Plan which funded welfare programs for the disabled and injured. At the time, Canada had a strong economy, making additions such as the Canada Student Loans Program and increased funding for university research possible. Not only did ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Essay On Australian Migration Act 1958 Legal relevant laws: Australian Migration Act 1958: Australian Federal law states that any non Australian citizens who do not have a valid visa is to be detained, regardless of circumstances for a strictly limited period designed to obtain basic information about health, identity, security and basic information that supports a visa claim, may form a legitimate part of a system of immigration controls, as long as the detention is subject to effective review by a court. The people who do not have these valid documents are generally refugees and asylum seekers who have fled their country for their safety. They are denied the right for entrance into Australia due to the 'Australian Migration Act 1958' and are put in detention centres indefinitely. The Issue with Australian Law Those detained may only be released if granted a visa or removed from Australia, children are no exception to this. Detainment facilities are usually detention centres that are either in remote ... Show more content on ... The housing project has a calmer, quieter atmosphere and allowed detainees to exercise more freedom than detention centres. What should be changed is that there should be more housing projects around Australia to accommodate more immigrants as a much better alternative than detention centres. They should also be more inclusive of the qualifications required to be eligible to be in the residential housing project. Children and their families should not be split up In residential housing projects the children were only allowed to stay with the mother but the father was to stay in the detention centres. This separation of family exacerbates the already fragile mental state of families. Instead the father should be allowed to stay with their families in the housing projects, which would be more beneficial to not only the families but the Government as it would require less resources when they try to unite the families again. Stakeholders: ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Democracy In Australia Essay The Australian government and other non–state actors like multinational businesses, the press media and tourists should remain vigilant when interacting or doing business in China. Australia has joined strong allies the US, Japan and other Europe to condemn Chinas human rights violation and its commitment to restore international order on the United National Human Rights Council (Wen, 2017). In the 21st Century Australia is lobbying to ensure everyone have the same rights, treatment, equality before the law and equality of education, and healthcare, freedom of speech, free to worship and equality of opportunity for global citizens. Australia believes that manner a nation state will treat its citizen will reflect on how that country will ... Show more content on ... Secondly, to encourage the U.S. to play a larger leadership role in the Asia Pacific as well as to provide non–threaten multilateral regional engagement opportunities. Policy Options Australia should establish a stronger bilateral relationship with China that reaches beyond economic cooperation to discuss individual countries difference in peaceful dialogues that will promote development, peace and stability in the Asia–Pacific. Australia should play an active role to strengthen human rights institutions around the world through multilateral agreement. Thirdly, The U.S need to play an active the Asia Pacific region. Perspective/Analysis Option 1 In the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 the Australia government is using a different foreign policy approach through bilateral dialogue to discuss Chinas human rights issues. Before the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, the Australia government depended on the UN Commission on Human rights (UNCHR) to help Chinas change its human right policy (Fleay, 2008). The Australia saw the bilateral dialogue more effective because the government could invite the Chinese counterpart behind –closed– doors meetings to discuss individual difference and point of view of human rights issues in the region (Fleay, 2008). The Australia government replaced public form of criticism of the UNCHR resolution to confidential diplomatic talks with China ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Bill Of Right At The International Level Bill of rights The idea of a bill of right at the international level was conceived at the time of framing the charter of the the San Francisco conference in 1945, at which the organization was established. President Truman of the US in his closing speech to the conference stated that under the charter "we have good reason to expect the framing of an international bill of rights, acceptable to all the nations involved. That bill of rights will be as much part of international life as our own bill of rights is a part of our constitution."(1) International bill of human rights consists of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (UDHR), the international covenant on civil and political rights along with its protocol and ... Show more content on ... It also emphasized the need for international protection of human rights. The conscience of human beings worldwide was shocked by Mussolini's fascist government of Italy, the Spanish civil war and the Franco regime. The most significant formulation of this vision of a new international legal order was the message to the US congress, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in January 1941 in which he referred to "the four freedoms": freedom of speech and expression, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear which were among the foundations upon which planning for the united nation was started. In 1945 at the San Francisco Conference, where the UN Charter was finally drafted, several actors contributed to the greater emphasis on human rights. Although the suggestion of creating a commission on human rights was controversial among the great powers, the US finally achieved its adoption. Thus, a commission on human rights was the only one explicitly mentioned in the UN charter, and consequently, the human rights issue had got a flying start within the United Nations. United nation was formally established on 24th October 1945.Human rights issue were assigned to the economic and social council (ECOSOC), at the first session of which the nuclear commission on human rights was set up. This commission met in April/May 1946 and made recommendation on composition and terms of reference. These matters were finally decided by the ECOSOC's second session, in which full ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The Impact Of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt's Adoption On The... The Adoption on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a political an historical speech held on December 9, 1948 at the United Nations General Assembly in Paris (France). It was given by Anna Eleanor Roosevelt the day before the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration of Human Rights. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born in New York on October 11, 1884. In 1905 she married Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who became President of the United States in 1933, and she was the longest– serving First Lady of country. When she became a First Lady, she wanted to get involve in public life; she had her own ideology on different issues as she did not always agree with her husband´s political decisions. She wrote in a newspaper column, hosted a radio show, and hold presses conferences. She was a political leader herself even though before become First Lady; during World War I she worked for the American Red Cross showing her humanitarian side too. In 1945, when her husband passed away, the new president Harry Truman offered her a position as a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly. She became head of the U.N.´s Human Right Commission and played a relevant role in the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was her great achievement and made her memorable. ... Show more content on ... At this moment the world was divided into two blocs, the Western bloc and the Communist one. The Soviet Union had a different point of view on some amendments. As a result, they did not support the Declaration because the lack of condemnation of Nazism and Fascism. Nevertheless, Eleanor Roosevelt attributed the abstention of the Soviet bloc nations to article 13th, which provide the rights of citizens to leave the country. The tension between the United State and the Soviet Unions ended up with the Cold ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. How Did Eleanor Roosevelt Influence The Declaration Of... In 1932, when Franklin Roosevelt becomes the president of the United States, his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt benefits from that position and as the video says she, "used its influence to promote her own ideas". Being the first lady, allowed her to serve as a role model and encourage her point of view on things like equality between men and women, equal pay for women and the minorities, and also powerful labor unions. Her journey, to make such an impact in the Declaration of Humans Right, began after president Roosevelt die in 1945. One year after his dead, in 1946, the succeeding president, Harry S. Truman, invited her to be a United Nations delegate, and a year later, she was chosen to be the chair of United Nations Commission on Human Rights. In her role as Chief, Eleanor made sure that the declaration was written simple and clear so that everyone could understand it. She also managed that the other delegates, in the Humans Right Commission, come to agreements with each other, about a particular topic of discussion and that solely, played a crucial role in drafting this declaration. This last success was particularly hard and escalated the tension since the time that the declaration is being created, is the same time that the Cold War is starting. Therefore, it was tough for the delegates to agree ... Show more content on ... and the world were ready for such a declaration, and for such an organization, the UN, because of the devastating results of World War I, World War II, and the Holocaust, which made people realize that there had to be a change all around the world in fundamental human rights, so history would not repeat again. This declaration contains 30 articles that attempted to resolve and prevent the oppression and brutalities that had happen during the past world wars. It was based upon the American Bill of Rights, the British Magna Carta and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man. It declared basic rights and freedoms, freedoms such as article number two that ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Asylum Seekers In Australia The asylum seeker "debate" is a contentious topic in Australian media. According to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is considered an inherent right for every individual worldwide, "to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution" (United Nations, 2014). Article 14 is listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is accepted by many nations as the international standard of basic human rights and liberties. This report will assess the extent of Australia's violation of these international standards, and consider their national approach to the treatment of refugees and individuals seeking asylum. It will provide evidence to expose the inconsistencies in Australia's human rights commitments under international ... Show more content on ... Consequently the Australian Government has the legal requirements to ensure that the human rights of individuals seeking asylum (engaging under the countries jurisdiction) are respected and protected, under their obligation to numerous international treaties . These treaties specify the right to not be detained arbitrarily. Additionally, as a signatory party to the Refugee Convention, Australia has agreed to a principle known as the principle of non–refoulement , whereby they are obligated to ensure that asylum seekers, who fulfil the definition of a refugee, are not turned back to their origin country where their liberties are threatened (Refugee Council of Australia, 2011). Under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Australia must not to return people or send people to third countries where they would face a violation of their human rights; applying to both refugees and non–refugees (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2014, para. 2). Again Australia has been found guilty of contradicting ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Outline Of Eleanor Roosevelt's Universal Declaration Of... 1) Introduction a) Eleanor Roosevelt, widow of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States, chaired the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR) drafting committee.1 b) In 1945, 50 delegates from different countries convened in San Francisco; with the purpose of reassuring the international community that the events and tragedies that had taken place in the past year would never occur again.2 With the help of nine delegates, among them Eleanor Roosevelt, they drafted the first Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that contained 30 short but every important rights that every human is entitled to.3 Today the UN Declaration of Human Rights is to the UN as our Constitution is to us, our founding stones and the legacy of our ... Show more content on ... 13 c) Roosevelt was asked to speak at the final hearing about whether the refugees should be forced return to their countries or if they should be able to choose where they return.14 Her opinion was called the Western Position, the majority of attending countries agreed, however Russia had other plans.15 d) When the Economic and Social Council was formed, Roosevelt was appointed to the Humanitarian Rights Commission.16 Now ER was not only a UN delegate, but now was the US representative in this commission. She was soon voted chair of this commission.17 She and her fellow commissioners began to write a document, an international bill of rights, that they would later call the Universal Declaration of Pitts 3 Human Rights.18 This document would contain the rights that every human being was entitled to, politically and cultural ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The United Nations Conference On Sustainable Development... The principles contained in the Convention were updated in 2007 with the conclusion of the Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance. Other efforts of the UN: Protecting the rights of women  United Nations Conference On Sustainable Development 2012 The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development ("Rio+20") brought Heads of State and Government to Brazil in 2012, to appraise progress in the implementation of agreements struck since the landmark 1992 United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. At "Rio+20", countries renewed their political commitment to sustainable development, agreed to establish a set of sustainable development goals and established a high–level political forum on sustainable development. Importantly, the outcome document, entitled "The future we want",also reaffirms the commitments of States to "women's equal rights, access and opportunities for participation and leadership in the economy, society and political decision–making" and includes explicit references to accelerating the implementation of commitments in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Beijing Platform for Action and the Millennium Declaration. The outcome document also states that "gender equality and the effective participation of women are important for effective action on all aspects of sustainable development" and calls for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. The United Nations and Human Rights: Has the United... I. Introduction The supporting and advocating on behalf of human rights has been one of the primary principles of the United Nations. Since its founding in 1945, the United Nations has worked to preserve the basic human rights and fundamental freedoms it believes to be deserved of by every man, woman, and child on the planet. Throughout the near seventy years of the United Nations' existence, it has been challenged with an array of questions, events, and claims regarding the possible violation of human rights. In order to combat these claims, the body has established two organizations to deal with matters of human rights. The first being the Commission Human Rights, was the original organization, founded in 1946. The Commission existed ... Show more content on ... This, in turn, helps to advance the freedoms of all persons, generating improvements in the overall quality of life that each person may receive as a result from having these international rights and freedoms. In order for a complete analysis, the structure of the United Nations itself will be analyzed. In addition to this, the protocol for the intervention of the United Nations on behalf of human rights will be investigated, as will a series of issues regarding human rights violations in China and Burma (now Myanmar), and whether or not the United Nations, if involved, was able to support and advocate for human rights. II. A Summary and Description of the United Nations Purpose, Functions, and Structure of the United Nations Before we are able to determine the success or failure of the United Nations in its determination to advocate and support human rights on an international scale, it is imperative that we come to an understanding of the purpose, functions, and structure of the United Nations. Founded in 1945, the function and principles of the United Nations are determined in the United Nations Charter which was ratified on 24 October of the same year. One of the primary principles of the United Nations, as outlined in Article 1 of the United Nations Charter is: "...To achieve international ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Current Policy Situation Of Australia Current policy situation At present, asylum seekers who arrived in Australia by boat on or after 13 August 2012 and are granted bridging visas are not allowed to work (Correa–Velez, Gifford and Bice, 2014, p. 9). Asylum seekers who are living in the community on bridging visas have no right to a family reunion and are not able to re–enter Australia if they choose to travel internationally. Australia has obligations to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) to promote and ensure "the economic, social and cultural rights of all people in Australia", this includes asylum seekers (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2013, p. 5). Further, under Australia's International human rights obligations they are required to permit asylum seekers to live in the community, while their claims for refuge are being processed. Unless they are assessed as posing a threat to the community. If an asylum seeker is considered to be suitable to live in the community, there are strong conditions attached to the bridging visa, this includes a prohibition to work. The Australian Human Rights Commission (2013, p. 5) argues that releasing asylum seekers into the community while their claims are being processed is beneficial for their health and well–being. Although, little to no financial assistance is supplied. Asylum seekers that are released into the community on these visas are not entitled to claim any Centrelink or healthcare benefits, unless they can prove ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Human Rights Approach to Development The meaning of 'development' changes according to what society needs to achieve a better life at any one time (Crocker 1992, p. 585). Exactly how we approach development varies according to our conception of justice in light of this goal. This paper examines three approaches to development: the Rights Based approach, the Basic Needs approach and the Capability approach. Concluding: that as far as fairness goes, the Rights Based approach is the most agreeable of the three, but even so, is not without fault. The Rights Based approach is based on the concept of Human Rights, which aim to create freedom, justice and peace in the world (United Nations 2014, 'The Universal Declaration of Human Rights', para. 1). This approach views development ... Show more content on ... But does the Rights Based approach always act in accordance with the law? It seems not, for as Michael J. Smith notes Human Rights create the obligation upon states to intervene in the affairs of another state when gross human rights violations exist within that state, such as mass genocide (Smith 1999, p. 478, 498–499). In such a situation, it would matter not whether the offending State was in agreement with Human Rights philosophy and process. In which case, the Rights Based approach could be considered oppressive, if not by the philosophers then certainly by those whose status quo is being challenged, and by those who believe that military interference into another states affairs, without legal process, is inherently wrong. Thus, if we cannot have faith in the Human Rights ideology, to the point of believing it is justified in creating a law which it can ignore when its goals are not being met elsewhere, we might want to turn instead to the Basic Needs approach. The Basic Needs approach does not rely on legal processes in the achievement of its goals which are to provide everyone with a basic level of subsistence, so that no one starves and all are capable of being productive members of society (Spalding 1990, p.91). However, this approach is also not without its faults. For when it comes to the distribution of basic goods, the individual ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Human Rights Trials And Truth Commissions Conjunctive use of human rights trials and truth commissions The preceding discussions, in their entirety, validate the inherent predisposition of the objectives, benefits and quality of disclosures during truth–telling in transitional societies to interrogation, precisely how this truth–telling can be esteemed as rendering justice for GHRV when weighed against human rights trials. Sikkink and Booth Walling vehemently oppose the impression that transitional societies are obligated with selecting between 'truth' and 'justice', especially that truth commissions are an executable surrogate strategy to human rights trials. They advocate for a conjunctive application of 'truth', through truth commissions, and 'justice', through human rights ... Show more content on ... Propelling each of the three in delicate post–struggle settings requires key arranging, cautious incorporation and sensible sequencing of exercises. Methodologies concentrating just on some establishment or overlooking common society or casualties, won 't be powerful. Our way to deal with equity segment must be extensive in its thoughtfulness regarding the greater part of its associated organizations, delicate to the key gatherings and careful to the requirement for complementarity between transitional equity systems. Our fundamental part is not to assemble universal substitutes for national structures but rather to fabricate local equity limits Justice, peace and democracy are not mutually exclusive objectives but rather mutually reinforcing imperatives. Advancing all three in fragile post–conflict settings requires strategic planning, careful integration and sensible sequencing of activities. Approaches focusing only on one or another institution or ignoring civil society or victims, will not be effective. Our approach to justice sector must be comprehensive in its attention to all of its interdependent institutions, sensitive to the key groups and mindful to the need for complementarity between transitional justice mechanisms. Our main role is not to build international substitutes for national structures but to help build domestic justice capacities. Human rights ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Human Rights In Australia The United Nation's Declaration of Human Rights was commissioned in December 1948 by the UN General Assembly in an attempt to create a standard which is common to all people regardless of "race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion or any other status". It is the United Nations responsibility to ensure that the participating countries follow these articles set forth by the assembly and to ensure that these rights are not being desecrated. The term "Human Rights" is best described by the United Nations as "Human rights are the rights to be born free, the right to life, the right to equality, the right to freedom, the right to assembly and the right to own property which is inherent to all human beings". However, this statute by the ... Show more content on ... The Maurice Blackburn Lawyers represent refugees who have been inhumanely treated and that are attempting to seek justice from the suffering that the Australian Government's actions. The firm also believes in protecting the women and children in offshore detention centres that face physical abuse and unlawful detention. Without the firm supporting the refugees, the truths on the island may have never came out. Alongside this NGO, the United Nation's High Commission for Refugees is an active contender in the defence and support of refugees seeking asylum. The "UNHCR" conducts extensive operations in refugee support which may include but is not limited to providing emergency relief, providing education, shelter, access services and advocacy with national governments to better refugee protection and health ministration. The "UNHCR" doesn't just create awareness for the refugee crisis in Australia, but provides a non governmental body leading by example which the entire world follows and implements active and effective measures to ensure the best possible solution to the issue at ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. DECLARATION 1. We understand what Plagiarism is and are aware of the University's policy in this regard. 2. We declare that this ASSIGNMENT (Thesis, project, essay, assignment, paper, report, etc) is our original work and has not been submitted elsewhere for examination, award of a degree or publication. Where other people's work or our own work has been used, this has properly been acknowledged and referenced in accordance with the University of Nairobi's requirements. 3. We have not sought or used the services of any professional agencies to produce this work. 4. We have not allowed, and shall not allow anyone to copy our work with the intention of passing it off as his/her own work. 5. We understand that any false claim in respect of this work shall result in disciplinary action, in accordance with University Plagiarism Policy. Signature: ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The United States, the United Nations, and Global Human... The United States Positioning as a World Superpower: Its Subsequent Influence in the United Nations and Views Regarding Human Rights "America stands at this moment at the summit of the world." –Winston Churchill, 1945 As World War II came to a close, a new need for an international peacekeeping organization became apparent in order to maintain peaceful relations among nations in the post–World War II era. The United Nations (UN) came into effect on October 24, 1945 for this very purpose and also "to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small". One of the leading organs of the UN, the Security Council (UNSC), was ... Show more content on ... Ironically, even though the UN aided the U.S. into its position as a world leader post–WWII, the U.S. tends to believe that the UN is holding them back from further developing as a prevailing Nation. This conflict between the U.S. and the UN can be seen specifically in the events leading up to America's war on Iraq, where the U.S. demonstrated the use of force to promote democracy as their method of improving human rights. The conclusion of World War II not only ended four years of bitter global warfare, but also marked the creation of a new era for the United States. The United States emerged out of World War II not only victorious but newly strengthened. The other Ally powers had proven victorious as well, but were faced with much greater losses than the United States. The United States exited the war relatively physically unharmed, economically revived, and diplomatically reinforced. The period of the Great Depression that had lingered over the American people for twelve years was over. The country was stimulated by economic growth and rising prosperity. The policies of American isolationism that had governed foreign policy for a century and a half were coming to a close. The American people were feeling invigorated and possessed much national self–confidence. The United States came out of WWII a leading nation, which ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Raphael Lemkin Accomplishments 1 Introduction War and genocide are organized violence, and historically Established states have been the major perpetrators of both. Martain shaw The concept of genocide and the United Nations Genocide Convention are well–known, but the inventor of both the word and the landmark instrument of international law, Raphael Lemkin, is a figure, which has been eclipsed and over–shadowed by contemporaries. Raphael Lemkin, a name later anglicized to Raphael Lemkin, was born on a farm called 'Ozerisko' near the village of Bezwodene in eastern Poland on 24 June 1900. At the time of Lemkin's birth, the region into ... Show more content on ... The council refer the matter to its social committee which received a draft resolution of the USA suggesting that the commission of human rights deal with the problem and an amendment by Cuba to the effect that an ad hoc committee should prepare the draft convention. The economic social council with the assistances of experts of international and criminal law, a draft convention on the crime of genocide is prepare. The council by the same resolution instructed the secretary general to submit such draft to its next session after consultation with the general assembly's committee on the progressive development and codification of international law and if feasible with the commission of human rights. Finally the secretary general was instructed to refer his draft convention to all member government for ... Get more on ...