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Republic of the Philippines
Ormoc City
Lesson Outcomes
At the end of the module, the students should be able to:
⚫ Plan for language lessons that can be best presented using open-ended tols or
productivity software applications;
⚫ Explore for available open-ended tools for language teaching and learning;
⚫ Search for language tools for open-ended tools for the following skills:
❖ Listening
❖ Speaking
❖ Reading
❖ Writing; and
⚫ Demonstrate how these open-ended tools or productivity software applications
can be maximized for language teaching and learning.
Lesson 1: Productivity Software Applications for Language Teaching & Learning
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the module, the students should be able to:
⚫ Identify uses of productivity software applications in the teaching-learning of
⚫ Share experiences in using productivity software applications as a language
⚫ Explore samples of documents, presentations and spreadsheets that were used
in delivering learning plans for languages
⚫ Report new open-ended tools or productivity software applications that are
beneficial for language learning
Read the text found on page 73 of the Information Sheet and perform the Task
being asked.
Topics and Learning
How Productivity software applications
or media tools were used to attain the
learning outcomes
1. Understand the structure and
function of cells.
Presentation Software (e.g., Microsoft
PowerPoint, Google Slides):
Create visually appealing presentations
to illustrate the structure and function
of cells.
Include diagrams, images, and
animations to enhance understanding
of cellular processes.
Organize information in a logical and
coherent manner to aid
2. Identify the different types of
cells and their characteristics.
3. Explain the processes involved in
cellular metabolism and energy
4. Describe the mechanisms of cell
division and reproduction.
5. Understand the role of cells in
tissue formation and organ
6. Recognize the importance of
cells in maintaining homeostasis
in the body.
7. Explain how cells communicate
and interact with each other.
2.Spreadsheet Software (e.g., Microsoft
Excel, Google Sheets):
Analyze and compare data related to
cell types and characteristics.
Perform calculations to understand
cellular metabolism and energy
Create charts and graphs to visualize
data and trends.
3.Graphic Design Software (e.g., Adobe
Photoshop, Canva):
Design informative and engaging
infographics or posters about cell
division and reproduction.
Create visual representations of cellular
processes and organelles for better
4.Animation Software (e.g., Adobe
Animate, Vyond):
Create animated videos or simulations
to demonstrate cellular processes, such
as cell communication and interaction.
Use storytelling and visual aids to make
complex concepts more accessible and
5.Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented
Reality (AR) Applications:
Provide immersive experiences where
students can explore a virtual cell or
observe cellular interactions in a 3D
Enhance spatial understanding and
visualization of cellular structures.
6.Online Interactive Modules or Web-
based Tools:
Utilize interactive modules or web-
based tools that allow students to
explore and manipulate cell structures
and functions.
Provide quizzes or interactive
assessments to test knowledge and
reinforce learning.
7.Online Videos and Animations:
Access educational videos or
animations available on platforms like
YouTube or Khan Academy to
supplement learning materials.
Watch visual demonstrations of cellular
processes and concepts for a more
comprehensive understanding.
Read and understand the text found on page 74 -82 and answer the questions
found on page 82 items 1, 2 and 3.
1. What are the advanyages of developing learning plans using a word processing
software application
1. What are the advanyages of developing learning plans using a word
processing software application?
Developing learning plans using a word processing software application offers
several advantages:
Organization and Structure: Word processing software provides tools for creating
well-structured and organized documents. You can easily create headings,
subheadings, bullet points, and numbering to outline your learning plan. This helps
you maintain a clear and logical structure, making it easier for learners to follow.
Formatting Options: Word processing software allows you to format your learning
plans with different fonts, colors, and styles. This enables you to emphasize
important points, highlight key concepts, and create visually appealing materials.
Formatting options also make it easier to differentiate between different sections
and elements of the learning plan.
Collaboration and Sharing: Word processing software often offers collaborative
features, allowing multiple individuals to work on the learning plan simultaneously.
This is particularly beneficial for instructional designers, trainers, or educators who
need to collaborate with colleagues or subject matter experts. Additionally, you can
easily share the document electronically with learners or stakeholders, either as a
printable document or in a digital format.
Editing and Revising: Learning plans may require frequent revisions and updates as
new information becomes available or based on feedback. Word processing
software enables you to make quick edits, insert or delete content, and reorganize
sections easily. It also provides tools for spell-checking, grammar checking, and word
count, ensuring accuracy and professional presentation.
Templates and Customization: Many word processing software applications offer
pre-designed templates for creating learning plans. These templates provide a
starting point and structure, saving time and effort in creating a plan from scratch.
You can customize these templates to suit your specific requirements, incorporating
your organization's branding, logos, and formatting preferences.
Multimedia Integration: Learning plans often benefit from the inclusion of
multimedia elements such as images, videos, or hyperlinks to external resources.
Word processing software allows you to embed or link multimedia content within
the document. This enhances engagement and interactivity, making the learning
plan more dynamic and visually appealing.
Version Control: Word processing software usually provides version control
capabilities, allowing you to track changes, compare different versions, and revert to
previous iterations if needed. This feature is valuable when working on iterative
updates of the learning plan or when collaborating with others, ensuring that you
have a record of the document’s evolution.
Accessibility and Portability: Most word processing software supports accessibility
features, such as screen reader compatibility, color contrast settings, and alternative
text for images. This ensures that learners with disabilities can access and engage
with the learning plan effectively. Additionally, word processing documents can be
easily saved and shared in various formats (e.g., PDF), making them portable across
different devices and operating systems.
Overall, using a word processing software application to develop learning plans
enhances efficiency, collaboration, customization, and presentation. It provides a
range of tools and features that support the creation of well-structured, visually
appealing, and accessible learning materials.
2. Based on the example, what are the special features of word application software
that are beneficial in organizing the information required in any learning documents?
1. Based on the example, what are the special features of word application
software that are beneficial in organizing the information required in any
learning documents?
Word application software, such as Microsoft Word, offers several special features
that are beneficial in organizing information required in learning documents. Here
are some of these features:
Formatting Tools: Word provides a wide range of formatting tools that allow users to
organize and structure their content effectively. You can apply various font styles,
sizes, colors, and formatting options like bold, italics, underline, and more to
highlight important information or create visual hierarchy.
Headers and Footers: Word allows you to add headers and footers to your
documents, which are useful for including page numbers, document titles, chapter
headings, and other relevant information. This feature helps in organizing and
navigating through lengthy learning materials.
Styles and Themes: Word offers pre-defined styles and themes that enable
consistent formatting throughout the document. You can apply styles to headings,
subheadings, paragraphs, and other elements to maintain a professional and
organized appearance.
Table of Contents: Creating a table of contents in Word is a powerful feature for
organizing and providing quick access to different sections of a learning document.
Word can automatically generate and update the table of contents based on the
headings and subheadings in your document.
Bulleted and Numbered Lists: Word’s bullet and numbering features make it easy to
create lists and organize information in a structured manner. You can use bulleted
lists for items without a specific order and numbered lists for sequential or
hierarchical information.
Tables and Grids: Word allows you to create tables and grids to present data or
organize information in a tabular format. Tables are beneficial for displaying
comparisons, organizing data, or creating schedules and timelines.
Images and Graphics: Word supports the insertion of images, shapes, charts, and
other visual elements. Adding relevant images or diagrams can enhance the learning
experience and improve the organization and presentation of information.
Hyperlinks and Cross-References: Word enables the creation of hyperlinks to
external resources, web pages, or other sections within the same document. Cross-
references allow you to link to specific sections, figures, tables, or footnotes, aiding
navigation and providing additional context.
Collaboration and Comments: Word offers collaboration features, allowing multiple
users to work on the same document simultaneously. Additionally, users can leave
comments, make suggestions, or provide feedback, making it easier to organize and
incorporate input from various stakeholders.
Spell Check and Grammar Correction: Word includes a spell check and grammar
correction feature that helps in ensuring the accuracy and professionalism of the
content. It assists in identifying and fixing spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and
other language-related issues.
Overall, the special features of Word application software make it a versatile tool for
organizing and presenting information effectively in learning documents, helping
users create well-structured, visually appealing, and accessible materials.
3. What additional features of word applications do you think are beneficial in
preparing the following in your language class:
a. Pamphlets for learning second language or a foreign language;
b. Brochures doe the different macro skills;
c. charts and graphs for language acquisition activities;
d. Worksheets for language drills; and
e. Language assessment tools
a. Pamphlets for learning a second language or a foreign language:
Interactive exercises: Word applications can include interactive exercises in
pamphlets, such as fill in the blanks, matching exercises, or multiple-choice
questions. These activities can engage learners and provide immediate feedback on
their progress.
Multimedia integration: Word applications can support the inclusion of multimedia
elements like audio clips, videos, or images in pamphlets. These resources can
enhance language learning by providing authentic language samples, pronunciation
practice, and visual aids.
b. Brochures for the different macro skills:
Templates and formatting options: Word applications provide a wide range of pre-
designed templates and formatting options that can help create visually appealing
brochures. These templates can be customized to match the specific needs and
content related to each macro skill.
Collaboration features: Word applications often have collaborative features, allowing
multiple individuals to work on the same document simultaneously. This can be
useful for group projects or peer editing, where students can collaborate on creating
brochures for different macro skills.
c. Charts and graphs for language acquisition activities:
Data visualization tools: Word applications offer various tools to create charts,
graphs, and other visual representations of data. These features can be used to
present language acquisition data, track progress over time, or illustrate language
learning concepts.
Customizable visuals: Word applications allow users to customize the appearance of
charts and graphs, including colors, labels, and titles. This flexibility enables language
teachers to create visually engaging and informative charts tailored to their specific
D. Worksheets for language drills:
Form creation: Word applications can facilitate the creation of forms or templates
for language drills. These forms can include spaces for students to write or type their
answers, making it easy to create and distribute worksheets for language practice.
Answer key integration: Word applications allow for the seamless integration of
answer keys into worksheets. Teachers can include answer sections or provide
separate answer sheets for students to check their responses.
d. Language assessment tools:
Rubrics and grading criteria: Word applications can be used to design and format
rubrics and grading criteria for language assessments. Teachers can create tables,
columns, and checkboxes to evaluate different aspects of language proficiency.
Commenting and reviewing features: Word applications provide commenting and
reviewing features, allowing teachers to provide feedback directly on the assessment
tool. This can be done by highlighting areas that need improvement or leaving
comments for students to review and learn from.
Overall, word applications offer a range of beneficial features for preparing various
materials in language classes, including interactive exercises, multimedia integration,
templates, collaboration features, data visualization tools, customizable visuals, form
creation, answer key integration, rubrics, grading criteria, and
commenting/reviewing features. These features can enhance the teaching and
learning experience, promoting engagement, interactivity, and effective assessment
in language classrooms.
Activity 1: Developing Your Learning Plan
In this step, you will be mapping the content of your learning using the template
provided below. The template parts were considered as these are essential in
developing a learning plan and are based on the principles of ICT-pedagogy
integration principles. Remember that this is the starting point of your major
requirement in this course and you will be modifying it as the succeeding activities in
the succeeding modules are discussed and developed.
In developing the learning plan summary and learning outcomes, be reminded
of the need to integrate any of the learning approaches (I.e., project-based learning,
inquiry-based learning and research-based learning whichever is applicable) to have
the opportunity to be able to evaluate the extent of demonstration of the
performance standards of your unit. Moreover, you must bear in mind that you also
need to integrate ICT in your pedagogical procedures to make sure that your learning
plan delivery will be enhanced by the appropriateness of your technology
integration. This will serve as an evidence of your understanding and appreciation of
the lessons of this course.
STEP 1: The Learning Are of the Learning Plan
Identify the learning area language education that your plan will cover. Is it
English, Filipino, Mother Tongue, or other Foreign Language Course. What year level
and what grading period?
Science(9): Grade 9-Living Things and Their Environment FIRST QUARTER/ FIRST
Learning area:The learners demonstrate an understanding of: 1. how the different
structures of the drculatory and respiratory systems work together to transport
oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to the different parts of the body 2. the prevention,
detection, and treatment of diseases affecting the drculatory and respiratory
STEP 2: The Specific Coverage of the Learning Plan
Identify the topics which your teaching will cover. Give a brief description of the
main concepts that must be learned by your students during this lesson.
Topic: Respiratory and Circulatory Systems Working with the other Organ Systems
The respiratory and circulatory systems are vital for maintaining the overall function
and homeostasis of the human body. These systems work closely with other organ
systems to ensure the delivery of oxygen, removal of carbon dioxide, and
transportation of essential nutrients throughout the body.
STEP 3: K to 12 Standards and Competencies
Identify the Basic Education Competencies, with the content and performance
standards, that are targeted by your learning plan. This will ensure that the students
meet important curriculum standards and goals. Focus on few targeted
competencies to ensure that this will be fully demonstrated by your students at the
end of the implementation of the learning plan. Search for the Curriculum Guide
from the official website of Deped.
CONTENT STANDARDS:The learners demonstrate an understanding of 1. how the
different structures of the drculatory and respiratory systems work together to
transport oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to the different parts of the body 2. the
prevention, detection, and treatment of diseases affecting the drculatory and
respiratory systems
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS:The learners should be able to: conduct an information
dissemination activity on effective ways of taking care of the respiratory and
drculatory systems based on data gathered from the school or local health workers.
Learning COMPETENCY : The leamers should be able to explain how the respiratory
and circulatory systems work together to transport I nutrients, gases, and other
molecules to and from the different parts of the body
2. Infer how one's lifestyle can affect the functioning of respiratory and
circulatory systems;
STEP 4: The Learning Plan Summary
Briefly describe the topics, key activities, student products and possible roles
that students assume in a project scenario.
Key Activities:
Understanding the respiratory and circulatory systems: Students will learn about the
structure and functions of the respiratory and circulatory systems, including the
organs involved, their roles, and how they work together.
Interactions with other organ systems: Students will explore how the respiratory and
circulatory systems interact with other organ systems in the body, such as the
digestive, nervous, and muscular systems.
Case studies and problem-solving: Students will engage in case studies and problem-
solving activities to analyze real-life scenarios where the respiratory and circulatory
systems collaborate with other systems to maintain homeostasis.
Hands-on experiments and demonstrations: Students will participate in hands-on
experiments and demonstrations to observe the functioning of the respiratory and
circulatory systems, as well as their interactions with other systems.
Research and presentations: Students will conduct research on specific topics related
to the respiratory and circulatory systems working with other organ systems, and
they will present their findings to the class.
Student Products:
Research papers: Students will write research papers on selected topics,
summarizing their findings and insights into the interactions between the respiratory
and circulatory systems and other organ systems.
Case study analyses: Students will analyze case studies that involve complex
interactions between the respiratory and circulatory systems and other organ
systems, providing explanations and potential solutions.
Hands-on experiment reports: Students will write reports documenting their
observations and conclusions from the hands-on experiments and demonstrations
conducted during the learning process.
Presentations: Students will create presentations to share their research findings and
present their understanding of the topic to the class.
Possible Roles:
Researchers: Students can assume the role of researchers, conducting in-depth
investigations into specific aspects of the respiratory and circulatory systems’
interactions with other organ systems.
Problem solvers: Students can work collaboratively to analyze case studies and solve
problems related to the integration of the respiratory and circulatory systems with
other systems in the body.
Experimenters: Students can actively participate in hands-on experiments and
demonstrations, recording their observations and drawing conclusions based on
their findings.
Presenters: Students can prepare presentations to communicate their research and
understanding of the topic, sharing their insights with the rest of the class.
Note: The specific activities, products, and roles may vary depending on the
curriculum, educational level, and teaching approach. This description provides a
general overview of what could be involved in a project scenario focused on the
respiratory and circulatory systems working with other organ systems.
STEP 5: The Learning Objectives of Learning Outcomes of the Learning Plan
Based on the standards and competencies identified by DepEd for the Learning
Plan Topic, list the general objectives that focus on your learning concepts.
1. Understand the structure and functions of the respiratory and circulatory
2. Describe the interrelationships between the respiratory and circulatory
systems and other organ systems in the human body.
3. Explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to
maintain homeostasis in the body.
4. Identify the major organs and components of the respiratory and circulatory
Activity 2: Up - to - Date and Emerging Productivity Tools for Language Teaching
In an increasingly digital learning environment, the rapid change of technology
requirements in delivering the language curriculum is a fact of life and is inevitable.
Hence, in this activity, you will be tasked to report some of the latest and also the
emerging hardware and software applications that can be maximized by any
language teacher.
STEP 1: Review all the open-ended tools or productivity tools presented and
discussed by your TTL2 teacher in the previous modules.
STEP 2: Search from the World Wide WEb some new or emerging productivity tools
that were not presented by your TTL2 teacher.Moreover, you may inquire about
these from some colleagues or other teacher who are knowledgeable of some of
these. Note what yo have researched.
STEP 3: Prepare the results of your inquiry by filling up the table below:
No. Productivity
Features Language Skills
that can be
Developed by
the Usage
1. Task tracking
These tools
Tools with built-
allow users to
create, assign,
and track tasks,
helping develop
skills in task
and delegation.
2. Progress
Users can
monitor project
timelines, and
aiding in
skills related to
planning and
in collaboration
facilitate team
fostering skills
in written and
Time Tracking
1. Time tracking: Users
can record the time
spent on different
tasks or projects,
aiding in time
management and
improving awareness
of time allocation.
2.Activity logging:
These tools log
activities and provide
insights into how time
is spent, helping users
identify productivity
patterns and areas for
Goal setting
and reminders:
Users can set
deadlines, and
promoting goal-
behavior and
1. Digital note-
taking: Users
can create and
organize digital
promoting skills
in capturing and
Search and
capabilities help
users locate
2. Document
Tools that
editing enable
users to work
on documents
enhancing skills
in teamwork
and document
retrieval and
research skills.
4 Communication
1. Instant
messaging and
These tools
facilitate real-
promoting skills
in written and
and active
2. File sharing and
version control:
Users can share
collaborate on
documents, and
manage version
enhancing skills
in document
and file
spaces: Tools
that offer
foster skills in
teamwork, and
and Workflow
1. Task
Users can
repetitive tasks,
Data analysis
Tools that
provide data
freeing up time
for more
complex or
creative work,
and developing
skills in process
and workflow
2. Integration with
other apps:
Tools that
integrate with
fostering skills
in utilizing
technology for
seamless work
analysis and
and analytical
Prepared by:

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  • 1. Republic of the Philippines STO. NIÑO COLLEGE OF ORMOC Ormoc City TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHING & LEARNING 2 - AL1 MODULE 3: USING OPEN-ENDED TOOLS IN FACILITATING LANGUAGE LEARNING Lesson Outcomes At the end of the module, the students should be able to: ⚫ Plan for language lessons that can be best presented using open-ended tols or productivity software applications; ⚫ Explore for available open-ended tools for language teaching and learning; ⚫ Search for language tools for open-ended tools for the following skills: ❖ Listening ❖ Speaking ❖ Reading ❖ Writing; and ⚫ Demonstrate how these open-ended tools or productivity software applications can be maximized for language teaching and learning. Lesson 1: Productivity Software Applications for Language Teaching & Learning Learning Outcomes: At the end of the module, the students should be able to: ⚫ Identify uses of productivity software applications in the teaching-learning of language ⚫ Share experiences in using productivity software applications as a language learner ⚫ Explore samples of documents, presentations and spreadsheets that were used in delivering learning plans for languages ⚫ Report new open-ended tools or productivity software applications that are beneficial for language learning Excite Read the text found on page 73 of the Information Sheet and perform the Task being asked. Topics and Learning Outcomes/Objectives How Productivity software applications or media tools were used to attain the learning outcomes
  • 2. Cell 1. Understand the structure and function of cells. Presentation Software (e.g., Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides): Create visually appealing presentations to illustrate the structure and function of cells. Include diagrams, images, and animations to enhance understanding of cellular processes. Organize information in a logical and coherent manner to aid comprehension. 2. Identify the different types of cells and their characteristics. 3. Explain the processes involved in cellular metabolism and energy production. 4. Describe the mechanisms of cell division and reproduction. 5. Understand the role of cells in tissue formation and organ development. 6. Recognize the importance of cells in maintaining homeostasis in the body. 7. Explain how cells communicate and interact with each other. 2.Spreadsheet Software (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets): Analyze and compare data related to cell types and characteristics. Perform calculations to understand cellular metabolism and energy production. Create charts and graphs to visualize data and trends. 3.Graphic Design Software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Canva): Design informative and engaging infographics or posters about cell division and reproduction. Create visual representations of cellular processes and organelles for better understanding. 4.Animation Software (e.g., Adobe Animate, Vyond): Create animated videos or simulations to demonstrate cellular processes, such as cell communication and interaction. Use storytelling and visual aids to make complex concepts more accessible and engaging. 5.Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR) Applications: Provide immersive experiences where students can explore a virtual cell or
  • 3. observe cellular interactions in a 3D environment. Enhance spatial understanding and visualization of cellular structures. 6.Online Interactive Modules or Web- based Tools: Utilize interactive modules or web- based tools that allow students to explore and manipulate cell structures and functions. Provide quizzes or interactive assessments to test knowledge and reinforce learning. 7.Online Videos and Animations: Access educational videos or animations available on platforms like YouTube or Khan Academy to supplement learning materials. Watch visual demonstrations of cellular processes and concepts for a more comprehensive understanding. Explore: Read and understand the text found on page 74 -82 and answer the questions found on page 82 items 1, 2 and 3. Questions: 1. What are the advanyages of developing learning plans using a word processing software application 1. What are the advanyages of developing learning plans using a word processing software application? Developing learning plans using a word processing software application offers several advantages: Organization and Structure: Word processing software provides tools for creating well-structured and organized documents. You can easily create headings, subheadings, bullet points, and numbering to outline your learning plan. This helps you maintain a clear and logical structure, making it easier for learners to follow. Formatting Options: Word processing software allows you to format your learning plans with different fonts, colors, and styles. This enables you to emphasize important points, highlight key concepts, and create visually appealing materials.
  • 4. Formatting options also make it easier to differentiate between different sections and elements of the learning plan. Collaboration and Sharing: Word processing software often offers collaborative features, allowing multiple individuals to work on the learning plan simultaneously. This is particularly beneficial for instructional designers, trainers, or educators who need to collaborate with colleagues or subject matter experts. Additionally, you can easily share the document electronically with learners or stakeholders, either as a printable document or in a digital format. Editing and Revising: Learning plans may require frequent revisions and updates as new information becomes available or based on feedback. Word processing software enables you to make quick edits, insert or delete content, and reorganize sections easily. It also provides tools for spell-checking, grammar checking, and word count, ensuring accuracy and professional presentation. Templates and Customization: Many word processing software applications offer pre-designed templates for creating learning plans. These templates provide a starting point and structure, saving time and effort in creating a plan from scratch. You can customize these templates to suit your specific requirements, incorporating your organization's branding, logos, and formatting preferences. Multimedia Integration: Learning plans often benefit from the inclusion of multimedia elements such as images, videos, or hyperlinks to external resources. Word processing software allows you to embed or link multimedia content within the document. This enhances engagement and interactivity, making the learning plan more dynamic and visually appealing. Version Control: Word processing software usually provides version control capabilities, allowing you to track changes, compare different versions, and revert to previous iterations if needed. This feature is valuable when working on iterative updates of the learning plan or when collaborating with others, ensuring that you have a record of the document’s evolution. Accessibility and Portability: Most word processing software supports accessibility features, such as screen reader compatibility, color contrast settings, and alternative text for images. This ensures that learners with disabilities can access and engage with the learning plan effectively. Additionally, word processing documents can be easily saved and shared in various formats (e.g., PDF), making them portable across different devices and operating systems. Overall, using a word processing software application to develop learning plans enhances efficiency, collaboration, customization, and presentation. It provides a range of tools and features that support the creation of well-structured, visually appealing, and accessible learning materials.
  • 5. 2. Based on the example, what are the special features of word application software that are beneficial in organizing the information required in any learning documents? 1. Based on the example, what are the special features of word application software that are beneficial in organizing the information required in any learning documents? Word application software, such as Microsoft Word, offers several special features that are beneficial in organizing information required in learning documents. Here are some of these features: Formatting Tools: Word provides a wide range of formatting tools that allow users to organize and structure their content effectively. You can apply various font styles, sizes, colors, and formatting options like bold, italics, underline, and more to highlight important information or create visual hierarchy. Headers and Footers: Word allows you to add headers and footers to your documents, which are useful for including page numbers, document titles, chapter headings, and other relevant information. This feature helps in organizing and navigating through lengthy learning materials. Styles and Themes: Word offers pre-defined styles and themes that enable consistent formatting throughout the document. You can apply styles to headings, subheadings, paragraphs, and other elements to maintain a professional and organized appearance. Table of Contents: Creating a table of contents in Word is a powerful feature for organizing and providing quick access to different sections of a learning document. Word can automatically generate and update the table of contents based on the headings and subheadings in your document. Bulleted and Numbered Lists: Word’s bullet and numbering features make it easy to create lists and organize information in a structured manner. You can use bulleted lists for items without a specific order and numbered lists for sequential or hierarchical information. Tables and Grids: Word allows you to create tables and grids to present data or organize information in a tabular format. Tables are beneficial for displaying comparisons, organizing data, or creating schedules and timelines. Images and Graphics: Word supports the insertion of images, shapes, charts, and other visual elements. Adding relevant images or diagrams can enhance the learning experience and improve the organization and presentation of information.
  • 6. Hyperlinks and Cross-References: Word enables the creation of hyperlinks to external resources, web pages, or other sections within the same document. Cross- references allow you to link to specific sections, figures, tables, or footnotes, aiding navigation and providing additional context. Collaboration and Comments: Word offers collaboration features, allowing multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously. Additionally, users can leave comments, make suggestions, or provide feedback, making it easier to organize and incorporate input from various stakeholders. Spell Check and Grammar Correction: Word includes a spell check and grammar correction feature that helps in ensuring the accuracy and professionalism of the content. It assists in identifying and fixing spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and other language-related issues. Overall, the special features of Word application software make it a versatile tool for organizing and presenting information effectively in learning documents, helping users create well-structured, visually appealing, and accessible materials. 3. What additional features of word applications do you think are beneficial in preparing the following in your language class: a. Pamphlets for learning second language or a foreign language; b. Brochures doe the different macro skills; c. charts and graphs for language acquisition activities; d. Worksheets for language drills; and e. Language assessment tools a. Pamphlets for learning a second language or a foreign language: Interactive exercises: Word applications can include interactive exercises in pamphlets, such as fill in the blanks, matching exercises, or multiple-choice questions. These activities can engage learners and provide immediate feedback on their progress. Multimedia integration: Word applications can support the inclusion of multimedia elements like audio clips, videos, or images in pamphlets. These resources can enhance language learning by providing authentic language samples, pronunciation practice, and visual aids.
  • 7. b. Brochures for the different macro skills: Templates and formatting options: Word applications provide a wide range of pre- designed templates and formatting options that can help create visually appealing brochures. These templates can be customized to match the specific needs and content related to each macro skill. Collaboration features: Word applications often have collaborative features, allowing multiple individuals to work on the same document simultaneously. This can be useful for group projects or peer editing, where students can collaborate on creating brochures for different macro skills. c. Charts and graphs for language acquisition activities: Data visualization tools: Word applications offer various tools to create charts, graphs, and other visual representations of data. These features can be used to present language acquisition data, track progress over time, or illustrate language learning concepts. Customizable visuals: Word applications allow users to customize the appearance of charts and graphs, including colors, labels, and titles. This flexibility enables language teachers to create visually engaging and informative charts tailored to their specific needs. D. Worksheets for language drills: Form creation: Word applications can facilitate the creation of forms or templates for language drills. These forms can include spaces for students to write or type their answers, making it easy to create and distribute worksheets for language practice. Answer key integration: Word applications allow for the seamless integration of answer keys into worksheets. Teachers can include answer sections or provide separate answer sheets for students to check their responses. d. Language assessment tools: Rubrics and grading criteria: Word applications can be used to design and format rubrics and grading criteria for language assessments. Teachers can create tables, columns, and checkboxes to evaluate different aspects of language proficiency. Commenting and reviewing features: Word applications provide commenting and reviewing features, allowing teachers to provide feedback directly on the assessment tool. This can be done by highlighting areas that need improvement or leaving comments for students to review and learn from. Overall, word applications offer a range of beneficial features for preparing various materials in language classes, including interactive exercises, multimedia integration, templates, collaboration features, data visualization tools, customizable visuals, form creation, answer key integration, rubrics, grading criteria, and commenting/reviewing features. These features can enhance the teaching and learning experience, promoting engagement, interactivity, and effective assessment in language classrooms.
  • 8. Examine: Activity 1: Developing Your Learning Plan In this step, you will be mapping the content of your learning using the template provided below. The template parts were considered as these are essential in developing a learning plan and are based on the principles of ICT-pedagogy integration principles. Remember that this is the starting point of your major requirement in this course and you will be modifying it as the succeeding activities in the succeeding modules are discussed and developed. In developing the learning plan summary and learning outcomes, be reminded of the need to integrate any of the learning approaches (I.e., project-based learning, inquiry-based learning and research-based learning whichever is applicable) to have the opportunity to be able to evaluate the extent of demonstration of the performance standards of your unit. Moreover, you must bear in mind that you also need to integrate ICT in your pedagogical procedures to make sure that your learning plan delivery will be enhanced by the appropriateness of your technology integration. This will serve as an evidence of your understanding and appreciation of the lessons of this course. STEP 1: The Learning Are of the Learning Plan Identify the learning area language education that your plan will cover. Is it English, Filipino, Mother Tongue, or other Foreign Language Course. What year level and what grading period? Science(9): Grade 9-Living Things and Their Environment FIRST QUARTER/ FIRST GRADING PERIOD Learning area:The learners demonstrate an understanding of: 1. how the different structures of the drculatory and respiratory systems work together to transport oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to the different parts of the body 2. the prevention, detection, and treatment of diseases affecting the drculatory and respiratory systems. STEP 2: The Specific Coverage of the Learning Plan Identify the topics which your teaching will cover. Give a brief description of the main concepts that must be learned by your students during this lesson. Topic: Respiratory and Circulatory Systems Working with the other Organ Systems Description: The respiratory and circulatory systems are vital for maintaining the overall function and homeostasis of the human body. These systems work closely with other organ
  • 9. systems to ensure the delivery of oxygen, removal of carbon dioxide, and transportation of essential nutrients throughout the body. STEP 3: K to 12 Standards and Competencies Identify the Basic Education Competencies, with the content and performance standards, that are targeted by your learning plan. This will ensure that the students meet important curriculum standards and goals. Focus on few targeted competencies to ensure that this will be fully demonstrated by your students at the end of the implementation of the learning plan. Search for the Curriculum Guide from the official website of Deped. CONTENT STANDARDS:The learners demonstrate an understanding of 1. how the different structures of the drculatory and respiratory systems work together to transport oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to the different parts of the body 2. the prevention, detection, and treatment of diseases affecting the drculatory and respiratory systems PERFORMANCE STANDARDS:The learners should be able to: conduct an information dissemination activity on effective ways of taking care of the respiratory and drculatory systems based on data gathered from the school or local health workers. Learning COMPETENCY : The leamers should be able to explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to transport I nutrients, gases, and other molecules to and from the different parts of the body 2. Infer how one's lifestyle can affect the functioning of respiratory and circulatory systems; STEP 4: The Learning Plan Summary Briefly describe the topics, key activities, student products and possible roles that students assume in a project scenario. Key Activities: Understanding the respiratory and circulatory systems: Students will learn about the structure and functions of the respiratory and circulatory systems, including the organs involved, their roles, and how they work together.
  • 10. Interactions with other organ systems: Students will explore how the respiratory and circulatory systems interact with other organ systems in the body, such as the digestive, nervous, and muscular systems. Case studies and problem-solving: Students will engage in case studies and problem- solving activities to analyze real-life scenarios where the respiratory and circulatory systems collaborate with other systems to maintain homeostasis. Hands-on experiments and demonstrations: Students will participate in hands-on experiments and demonstrations to observe the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory systems, as well as their interactions with other systems. Research and presentations: Students will conduct research on specific topics related to the respiratory and circulatory systems working with other organ systems, and they will present their findings to the class. Student Products: Research papers: Students will write research papers on selected topics, summarizing their findings and insights into the interactions between the respiratory and circulatory systems and other organ systems. Case study analyses: Students will analyze case studies that involve complex interactions between the respiratory and circulatory systems and other organ systems, providing explanations and potential solutions. Hands-on experiment reports: Students will write reports documenting their observations and conclusions from the hands-on experiments and demonstrations conducted during the learning process. Presentations: Students will create presentations to share their research findings and present their understanding of the topic to the class. Possible Roles: Researchers: Students can assume the role of researchers, conducting in-depth investigations into specific aspects of the respiratory and circulatory systems’ interactions with other organ systems. Problem solvers: Students can work collaboratively to analyze case studies and solve problems related to the integration of the respiratory and circulatory systems with other systems in the body. Experimenters: Students can actively participate in hands-on experiments and demonstrations, recording their observations and drawing conclusions based on their findings. Presenters: Students can prepare presentations to communicate their research and understanding of the topic, sharing their insights with the rest of the class. Note: The specific activities, products, and roles may vary depending on the curriculum, educational level, and teaching approach. This description provides a general overview of what could be involved in a project scenario focused on the respiratory and circulatory systems working with other organ systems.
  • 11. STEP 5: The Learning Objectives of Learning Outcomes of the Learning Plan Based on the standards and competencies identified by DepEd for the Learning Plan Topic, list the general objectives that focus on your learning concepts. 1. Understand the structure and functions of the respiratory and circulatory systems. 2. Describe the interrelationships between the respiratory and circulatory systems and other organ systems in the human body. 3. Explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to maintain homeostasis in the body. 4. Identify the major organs and components of the respiratory and circulatory systems. Activity 2: Up - to - Date and Emerging Productivity Tools for Language Teaching In an increasingly digital learning environment, the rapid change of technology requirements in delivering the language curriculum is a fact of life and is inevitable. Hence, in this activity, you will be tasked to report some of the latest and also the emerging hardware and software applications that can be maximized by any language teacher. STEP 1: Review all the open-ended tools or productivity tools presented and discussed by your TTL2 teacher in the previous modules. STEP 2: Search from the World Wide WEb some new or emerging productivity tools that were not presented by your TTL2 teacher.Moreover, you may inquire about these from some colleagues or other teacher who are knowledgeable of some of these. Note what yo have researched. STEP 3: Prepare the results of your inquiry by filling up the table below: No. Productivity Tools Features Language Skills that can be Developed by the Usage 1. Project Management Tools: 1. Task tracking and assignment: These tools Collaboration and communication: Tools with built-
  • 12. allow users to create, assign, and track tasks, helping develop skills in task management and delegation. 2. Progress monitoring: Users can monitor project progress, timelines, and milestones, aiding in developing skills related to project planning and execution. in collaboration features facilitate team communication, fostering skills in written and verbal communication and collaboration. 2. Time Tracking and Management 1. Time tracking: Users can record the time spent on different tasks or projects, aiding in time management and improving awareness of time allocation. 2.Activity logging: These tools log activities and provide insights into how time is spent, helping users identify productivity patterns and areas for improvement. Goal setting and reminders: Users can set goals, deadlines, and receive reminders, promoting goal- oriented behavior and time management skills. 3. Note-Taking and Documentation Tools: 1. Digital note- taking: Users can create and organize digital notes, promoting skills in capturing and organizing information effectively. Search and retrieval: Advanced search capabilities help users locate information quickly, improving information
  • 13. 2. Document collaboration: Tools that support collaborative editing enable users to work on documents simultaneously, enhancing skills in teamwork and document management. retrieval and research skills. 4 Communication and Collaboration Tools: 1. Instant messaging and video conferencing: These tools facilitate real- time communication, promoting skills in written and verbal communication, remote collaboration, and active listening. 2. File sharing and version control: Users can share files, collaborate on documents, and manage version control, enhancing skills in document collaboration and file management. Virtual collaboration spaces: Tools that offer virtual workspaces foster skills in remote collaboration, teamwork, and project management. 5 Automation and Workflow Tools: 1. Task automation: Users can automate repetitive tasks, Data analysis and visualization: Tools that provide data
  • 14. freeing up time for more complex or creative work, and developing skills in process optimization and workflow management. 2. Integration with other apps: Tools that integrate with other applications streamline workflows, fostering skills in utilizing technology for seamless work processes. analysis and visualization capabilities support decision-making and analytical skills. Prepared by: IMELDA A. AMODIA Instructor