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IBM Systems and Technology                                             August 2011
Thought Leadership White Paper

Driving down power consumption
with the IBM XIV Storage System
From architecture to components, storage that’s designed to be green
2   Driving down power consumption with the IBM XIV Storage System

Executive summary                                                    This paper illustrates how XIV storage architecture is
In recent decades, as organizations have dramatically expanded       designed to be green and eco-friendly. Equally important,
their data centers, corporate IT energy demands and costs have       it shows how the system can reduce power consumption by
risen in lockstep. Data center energy consumption is growing at      more than 65 percent compared to comparable storage systems.
about 12 percent a year—and is expected to double in the next
five years.1 And data centers can be inefficient energy users.        Energy costs and data volumes spur need
The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that most data               for efficiency
centers can readily achieve 20 - 40 percent savings in energy        The IT revolution has been accompanied by a dramatic rate of
consumption—and that aggressive measures can achieve better          data center growth. The proliferation of data centers has been so
than 50 percent savings.1 Meanwhile, enterprise data is growing      striking, in fact, that it is estimated that data centers alone now
at up to 50 percent a year,2 and storage capacity shipments are      consume more than 2 percent of electric power in the US3 and
growing rapidly to meet that demand. With storage equipment          0.5 percent of electricity globally.4 Furthermore, as shown in
showing a high annual growth rate for energy demand, enter-          Figure 1, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
prise storage has become a prime driver of data center energy        estimated that data center energy consumption was to have
consumption.                                                         doubled between 2006 - 2011.5

These facts, along with increasing electricity costs, mandate the
important role for corporate IT of curbing an organization’s
power and cooling costs. Energy efficiency as a result has                                                       Figure 1: US data center electricity
become a key consideration in evaluating storage systems.                                                             consumption, 2000-2011
                                                                     Annual electricity use (billion kWh/year)

The architectural rigidity of traditional storage systems,                                                             Historical   Energy use
                                                                                                                      energy use    projections
however, tends to result in high energy use. The need to accom-
modate future capacity, for example, often necessitates the
acquisition of more capacity and hardware than an organization
requires at the time of purchase. Ultimately, this over-capacity
can lead to higher power costs.

The IBM® XIV® Storage System is a high-end storage system,
designed to optimize the utilization of storage capacity while
providing consistent high performance. The many “green”
characteristics of the XIV system are designed to help companies
dramatically lower power consumption and energy costs while
meeting business needs.                                              The amount of electricity used in data centers is on a steep increase,
                                                                     prompting the need to enhance the efficiency of IT hardware such as data
                                                                     storage systems.5
IBM Systems and Technology   3

Today, CIOs and IT management understand that keeping                 Complicating matters, most traditional storage systems consume
energy costs in check is an important component of their jobs.        significant amounts of energy due to architectural limitations.
This energy imperative is particularly challenging given that         Particularly challenging from an energy efficiency standpoint,
they must grapple with two near certainties of doing business         the design of most traditional systems does not focus on opti-
today: the continued growth of their organization’s data capacity     mizing capacity utilization. Consequently, companies typically
needs and an expected increase of 50 percent in electricity costs     purchase more hardware than they need, powering and cooling
through 2035.6                                                        orphaned or unused capacity. This results in higher power costs.

In light of increases in data volumes, rising energy costs and        Today’s situation compels IT vendors and customers to face a
rising energy consumption—and their occurrence in a challeng-         stark reality and address a formidable challenge: IT hardware in
ing business environment—using energy more efficiently makes          general and storage equipment in particular must be designed
simple business sense. Energy-efficient companies can reduce          with energy efficiency in mind. At the same time, performance
business risk, lower electricity bills, reduce carbon emissions and   and reliability must continuously improve.
demonstrate environmental responsibility.
                                                                      IBM has demonstrated its ongoing commitment to fusing
The role of storage in rising energy use                              technology with sustainability and the environment, among
and cost                                                              other activities, by launching Project Big Green and becoming a
The high growth rate in data center electricity consumption is        member on the board of the Green Grid to promote green data
due in no small part to continuously growing demand for enter-        centers. IBM’s Smarter Planet initiative focuses on optimizing
prise storage, making it increasingly clear that companies must       the use of instrumented, interconnected and intelligent IT and
explore new approaches to maximize energy efficiency. Meeting         business capabilities worldwide. Designed to be green to the
growing storage needs by simply adding another rack is, there-        core, the XIV Storage System also embodies IBM’s commitment
fore, no longer the answer. Dense drives, reduced footprints and      to the environment. Its benefits are two-fold: users can save
innovative advanced functions—all are required to meet today’s        more than 65 percent on power and cooling costs and harness
demand for energy efficient storage.                                  the power of high-end enterprise storage that delivers high
                                                                      performance and reliability.
4   Driving down power consumption with the IBM XIV Storage System

IBM: Helping build a greener world                                   The overriding principle for achieving an energy efficient
                                                                     storage system is to optimize storage capacity utilization, thus
IBM is on the forefront of creating more energy efficient            minimizing the amount of hardware necessary to provide usable
data centers, launching Project Big Green and leading the
                                                                     storage capacity. The direct result of capacity optimization is
way as a board member of the Green Grid, both of which
                                                                     lower energy costs.
are dedicated to promoting greener data centers. Other
energy-related activities include EPA Energy Star-compliant
servers and storage, carbon footprint consulting and                 Minimizing the hardware footprint required to deliver the
environmental information management.                                necessary usable capacity can be achieved through architecture
                                                                     design considerations including:
A recognized leader for its work in sustainability, IBM has
received many awards and widespread recognition for its
                                                                     G   Eliminating orphaned space: Over time, 9 to 15 percent of
environmental efforts including:
                                                                         most storage systems become unusable and “orphaned” for
G   2010: Two Most Valuable Pollution Prevention Awards from             various reasons.7 Eliminating this phenomenon can immedi-
    the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable                         ately reclaim a large amount of storage for use.
G   2010: Ranked #1 on Global 100 of Newsweek magazine’s             G   Providing thin provisioning: By defining virtual volumes
    “Green Rankings”
                                                                         of high capacity and using thin provisioning to map those
G   2009/08: Ranked #1 IDG/Computerworld’s annual Top
                                                                         volumes to less physical space, storage administrators can pur-
    Green-IT vendors ranking
                                                                         chase the capacity they need today, not an estimated capacity
                                                                         they might need in the future. Storage may be added in the
                                                                         future on a just-in-time basis.
Creating the ultimate green storage                                  G   Utilizing differential backups: With differential backups,
                                                                         only data that has changed is backed up. Conventional full
                                                                         backup processes store volumes in their entirety, even if data
Imagine that a designer was tasked with creating a high-end
                                                                         has not changed or there is no actual data in the volumes.
enterprise storage system with two primary goals: energy
efficiency and high performance. How would the designer
                                                                     Experience shows that organizations can significantly reduce the
achieve these ostensibly opposed goals?
                                                                     amount of storage overhead by integrating the above features,
                                                                     leading to significant cost savings in power and cooling costs.
Conceptually, the storage system designer needs to optimize
storage capacity utilization. There are two elements with
which this may be achieved: system architecture and system
components. The resulting design concept would probably
look like this:
IBM Systems and Technology   5

As for the physical components that make up the energy efficient
system, the design can take one of two paths: developing propri-       “ IBM XIV storage is giving us greater power
etary, unique components optimized for a storage system or uti-          densities, reducing the environmental and
lizing off-the-shelf commodity components. In terms of energy
efficiency as well as performance, commodity components are
                                                                         overall operational cost of delivering the
the hands down winner. This is due to the following advantages:          same amount of storage.”
G   Leveraging advances in energy efficiency: Disk drive and
                                                                        —Managed service provider, U.S.
    processor companies are continuously improving the energy
    efficiency of their products. When designing a system, it
    makes sense to capitalize on these advances as they are released
    on the market. Currently, very high density disks are the drives    Letting the numbers do the talking
    of choice for efficiency. In the future, new technologies that      Before presenting the IBM XIV system design and architecture
    provide higher energy efficiency can be integrated into the         in detail, it would be useful to examine how its design affects
    system.                                                             bottom line energy costs. The following sections contrast the
G   Providing higher performance: Just as efficiency is improv-         XIV system’s energy consumption to that of two comparable sys-
    ing, disk drive and processor companies are also enhancing the      tems, the EMC Symmetrix DMX-4 and EMC Symmetrix
    performance of their components. By utilizing off-the-shelf         VMAX. The EMC systems are similar to XIV systems in terms
    components, a system can benefit from the latest research            of usable capacity, performance, availability and feature sets.
    and development in component performance and energy                 Both EMC systems were compared to second generation and
    efficiency.                                                         Gen3 configurations of the IBM XIV Storage System.

IBM has designed the XIV Storage System using the approach              The XIV Storage System versus EMC Symmetrix DMX-4
described above. Combining the best of architecture and                 The first comparison places Gen3 and second generation config-
commodity components, XIV storage is a high-end, high                   urations of the IBM XIV system—each with a usable capacity
performance, energy efficient solution. When it comes to                of 111 TB—against an EMC Symmetrix DMX-4 system with
energy efficiency, XIV’s value proposition is simple: IBM allows
companies to focus on their business at lower energy costs.
6   Driving down power consumption with the IBM XIV Storage System

109 TB of usable capacity8. The XIV systems are based on 2 TB
SAS (Gen3) and 2 TB SATA (second generation) disk drives,
while the DMX-4 system uses 450 GB Fibre Channel drives. All                     “ We were pushing against the limits of our
three systems offer comparable performance and features.                           data center in terms of power and space. The
The results are eye-opening. The Gen3 and second generation
                                                                                   XIV system gave us back some much-needed
XIV systems consume 67.9 percent and 62.5 percent less power,                      headroom … [and] on the financial side, we
respectively, than the EMC DMX-4 system.                                           save 50,000 Australian dollars a year in
                                                                                   electricity costs.”
    Figure 2: IBM XIV vs. EMC Symmetrix DMX-4
                                                                                  —Government agency, Australia.

                                                                                  XIV Storage System versus EMC Symmetrix VMAX
                                                                                  In this comparison, Gen3 and second generation XIV systems—
                                                                                  each with a usable capacity of 222 TB—are benchmarked against
                                                                                  an EMC Symmetrix VMAX system with a usable capacity of
                                                                                  212 TB9. The XIV systems are based on 2 TB SAS for Gen3
                                                                                  and 2 TB SATA disk drives for second generation, while the
                                                                                  VMAX system uses 600 GB Fibre Channel drives.

                                                                                  In this case, the Gen3 and second generation configurations of
          IBM XIV Gen 3          IBM XIV second generation           EMC DMX-4
                                                                                  the XIV system use 34.5 percent and 23.4 percent less power,
                                  kVA              TB / kVA                       respectively, than the EMC VMAX system.
IBM Systems and Technology   7

  Figure 3: IBM XIV vs. EMC Symmetrix VMAX
                                                                 “ The XIV system uses 50 percent less power
                                                                   than the previous SAN system.”

                                                                  —City government agency, U.S.

                                                                  Reclaimed orphaned capacity
                                                                  One of the drawbacks of most enterprise storage systems is that,
                                                                  over time, an average of 9 to 15 percent of capacity becomes lost
                                                                  and unusable. The complexity of volume management, volume
                                                                  striping for performance and the ever-changing nature of
       IBM XIV Gen 3    IBM XIV second generation   EMC VMAX      applications in an enterprise environment lead to the presence of
                                                                  idle storage chunks. Known as “orphaned” space, these chunks
                         kVA           TB / kVA
                                                                  can be reclaimed in traditional storage systems only through
                                                                  tedious system restructuring, a process that can be more
                                                                  expensive than buying additional storage.
The IBM XIV Storage System:
                                                                  The XIV Storage System automates much of the storage
Green by design                                                   management process, rendering obsolete the common tasks of
The IBM XIV Storage System is green by design, not by after-
                                                                  striping and migrating or reallocating resources. The system is
thought. Unlike most competing systems, the XIV Storage
                                                                  kept at a balance that maximizes the performance of all volumes
System has been designed to optimize capacity utilization. The
                                                                  and utilizes all disks evenly. Defining new volumes, resizing
following sections describe how optimization is achieved
                                                                  existing volumes, adding more capacity and even phasing out old
through the combination of architecture and components
                                                                  hardware are all handled seamlessly by the XIV system, without
specifically designed to lower energy costs.
                                                                  administrative effort. The system is designed to ensure that no
                                                                  space is lost, there are no hotspots and energy is not wasted on
                                                                  unutilized, orphaned capacity.
8   Driving down power consumption with the IBM XIV Storage System

Differential backups/snapshots                                         Actual energy savings generated by thin provisioning depends on
The ability to create periodic backups of entire volumes is            various factors. Among them are enterprise applications’ data
essential to any enterprise storage system. Backups are required       growth rate and a company’s implementation standards. It is
to maintain regulatory compliance, access older data, and restore      IBM’s experience that when measured over three years, the
data upon failure or human error. With traditional enterprise          XIV system can save as much up to 45 percent on capacity
systems, however, backup and restore processes can be costly.          compared to a similar system without thin provisioning. Once
                                                                       again, lower capacity translates into lower energy consumption
Traditional backup processes involve writing full volumes of data      and costs.
onto additional unused storage space. This includes copying
unused space that has never been written to and should not be
copied. XIV storage handles backup with differential backups
                                                                                     Figure 4: Capacity utilization
and snapshots, copying only the blocks of data that have actually
been written. It does not copy unwritten or “zero” data. In
contrast to legacy systems, which require higher rates of unused
space, the XIV approach greatly reduces the capacity, time and
cost necessary for backups. Implementations of XIV Storage
Systems, in fact, have experienced reductions in storage capacity
requirements as great as 15 to 30 percent, thus reducing energy

Built-in thin provisioning
The XIV Storage System includes thin provisioning as a core
feature of its design, managed at the click of a button. Thin
provisioning provides the ability to define a system’s logical
capacity as larger than its physical capacity. This enables compa-                Traditional Tier-1 system        IBM XIV system

nies to defer physical capacity purchases and acquire physical                   Lost             Full        Thick             Effective
capacity solely for the total space actually written rather than the             space            snapshots   provisioning      capacity

total space allocated. While it is true that most enterprise storage
solutions offer thin provisioning, in many systems this feature is
added to existing architectures, making it harder to manage and        Thick to thin allocation
of limited scope. With the XIV system, thin provisioning is            Organizations choosing to switch from a legacy storage system
incorporated from the beginning as a fully integrated system           to XIV storage can seamlessly benefit from the system’s thin
component.                                                             allocation features. When a thickly provisioned volume is
                                                                       migrated from a legacy system, the XIV system’s thin provision-
                                                                       ing mechanism will not allocate any unused space. Instead, it can
IBM Systems and Technology   9

shrink existing volumes upon migration by copying only con-             Automatic load balancing and self-healing
sumed blocks of storage. With XIV storage, capacity is not used         System load balancing and self-healing enable XIV storage to
until it is required. This results in higher capacity utilization and   provide Tier-1, enterprise-level performance while using fewer
lower energy requirements.                                              drives. By using fewer drives for a given capacity, XIV storage
                                                                        consumes less electricity and can provide better performance
Instant space reclamation                                               than that of traditional systems through the use unique
The XIV Storage System offers the capability of reclaiming data         algorithms and data distribution.
that was previously in use but is now out of use. When applica-
tions are logically formatting areas of the volume, the formatted       Single-tier architecture
capacity is reassigned to another volume. The system performs           Most IT organizations use practices such as information lifecycle
space reclamation automatically and offers easy management              management (ILM) to reduce costs. These efforts involve multi-
tools for leveraging this capability to the fullest. Instant space      tiering, however, which adds a substantial degree of complexity
reclamation allows XIV users to optimize capacity utilization. It       and cost to system management. A multitier storage solution
can reduce costs by enabling supporting applications to instantly       typically involves a number of different architectures, each
regain unused file system space in thin-provisioned volumes.             requiring a different level of expertise to manage. Moving the
                                                                        data between tiers requires effort and planning and involves
The XIV Storage System supports Symantec’s Storage                      hardware and operating expenses for each tier. As each environ-
Foundation Thin Reclamation API. The Symantec API inter-                ment grows, equipment must be added to one tier or another.
locks with the XIV system to instantly detect unused space and          Since this growth is typically unpredictable, acquisitions are
automatically and immediately reassign the space to the general         often not cost efficient.
storage pool as unused capacity. This is a tight integration point
with thin-provisioning-aware Veritas File System (VxFS) by              The single-tier XIV architecture can eliminate the complexity
Symantec. It ultimately enables companies to leverage the thin-         and cost of migrating data from tier to tier. It also can reduce the
provisioning-awareness of the XIV Storage System to attain              complexity of maintaining different architectures for different
higher savings in storage utilization with Symantec file systems.        tiers of storage. From the standpoint of energy efficiency, it
                                                                        enables scaling of components—including capacity, interfaces,
More information on space reclamation is available in the               cache, CPU power and internal bandwidth—on the same plat-
IBM XIV thin reclamation white paper.                                   form. As a result, less hardware is required with the XIV system
                                                                        to achieve the same usable capacity. This combination provides
                                                                        the ability to dramatically cut energy costs.
10 Driving down power consumption with the IBM XIV Storage System

 Components advantage: Very high                                      XIV power: Designed for high-end
 density hard drives                                                  enterprise storage
 The XIV Storage System can minimize costs and provide                Just as its storage architecture can directly reduce energy needs
 exceptional flexibility by treating hardware as an interchangeable    and expenditures, the XIV system’s electric power design can
 commodity. Based on off-the-shelf hardware components,               lower costs in an indirect yet significant manner. Designed for
 XIV storage is designed to integrate the latest disks, modules,      enterprise-grade storage, the XIV system includes the following
 interconnects and other components, enabling organizations to        features to protect against electricity provisioning problems:
 capitalize on market advances in capacity, cost and energy
 efficiency while meeting their dynamic performance and budget        G   Power feed redundancy: XIV storage plugs into two
 requirements.                                                            different power grids, assuring redundancy in the case of
                                                                          power outages.
 XIV storage utilizes very high density hard drives to drive down     G   Automatic transfer switch (ATS): The ATS provides seam-
 energy costs. Leveraging the energy and capacity advances of             less failover from primary to a secondary or tertiary source and
 off-the-shelf high density drives enables the XIV system to pro-         back. This is especially important for switching to a backup
 vide more storage with significantly lower energy consumption             power source for the provisioning of temporary electric power.
 per capacity unit. Future growth in drive capacities can result in   G   UPS system: The UPS system sustains system power
 corresponding savings in energy use and cost.                            redundancy in the event that one power grid fails.
                                                                      G   Power monitoring: The XIV system user interface includes
                                                                          power monitoring capabilities in which each power compo-
                                                                          nent and element can be monitored separately. Administrators
“ One of the targets that we have … is to save                            can also define alarms, warnings and alerts in case of power
  energy and floor space … In the consolidated                             issues, spikes and other issues.

  space we are being more efficient in a smaller
  footprint. Right now in the computer center
  we are running in one rack what we used to
  have in five different racks.”

 —Insurance company, Puerto Rico
IBM Systems and Technology 11

                                                                       industry leading energy efficiency. The XIV Storage System has
                                                                       shown that combining innovative architecture with commodity
                                                                       components can reduce storage energy costs by more than 65
                                                                       percent when compared to competing systems.

                                                                       As data growth rates and energy prices increase, companies must
                                                                       identify IT solutions that reduce energy consumption without
                                                                       compromising performance, features or reliability. Designed to
                                                                       be green, the XIV Storage System is such a solution. It can play
                                                                       an important role in helping your company achieve its energy-
                                                                       efficiency requirements.

                                                                       For more information
                                                                       To learn more about IBM XIV Storage Systems, please contact
                                                                       your IBM marketing representative or IBM Business Partner or
A graphical interface simplifies management of system components with
point-and-click checks, including for power status.                    Additionally, financing solutions from IBM Global Financing
                                                                       can enable effective cash management, protection from technol-
                                                                       ogy obsolescence, improved total cost of ownership and return
Conclusion                                                             on investment. Also, our Global Asset Recovery Services help
The XIV Storage System is a high-end data storage system
                                                                       address environmental concerns with new, more energy-efficient
offering numerous advanced features and documented benefits
                                                                       solutions. For more information on IBM Global Financing, visit:
to enterprise organizations. One of the primary benefits is its
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011

                                                                               IBM Systems and Technology Group
    Scheihing, Paul, U.S. Department of Energy, DOE Data
                                                                               Route 100
    Center Energy Efficiency Program: Save Energy Now, April 2009,
                                                                               Somers, NY 10589
                                                                               Produced in the United States of America
    Wexler, Joanie, Gauging the volume: What to expect in data
                                                                               August 2011
    storage and network traffic growth, Network World, January 3, 2011,
                                                                               All Rights Reserved
    page=1                                                                     IBM, the IBM logo, and XIV are trademarks of International
                                                                               Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries or
    Dr. Steven Chu, National Data Center Power Reduction Incentive
                                                                               both. If these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first
    Program, 2009,
                                                                               occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol (® or ™), these
                                                                               symbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by
    Jonathan G. Koomey, Worldwide Electricity Used in Data Centers, 2008,      IBM at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may also                             be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of
                                                                               IBM trademarks is available on the web at “Copyright and trademark
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Energy Star Program, Report          information” at
    to Congress on Server and Data Center Energy Efficiency Public Law
    109-431,           Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service
    downloads/EPA_Datacenter_Report_Congress_Final1.pdf                        marks of others.

    U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2011:        This document could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
    With Projections to 2035, Washington, DC, April 2011, page 133,            IBM may make changes, improvements or alterations to the products,                        programs and services described in this document, including termination of
                                                                               such products, programs and services, at any time and without notice. Any
    Harwood, Tom, Stop Buying Storage Best Practices, Symantec,                statements regarding IBM’s future direction and intent are subject to change
    page 11,               or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. The
    20016958-2_GA_WP_Stop_Buying_Storage_Best_Practices_                       information contained in this document is current as of the initial date of
    CCS_and_VSF_03-09.pdf Figures cited combine 7 to 10 percent “claimed”      publication only and is subject to change without notice. IBM shall have no
    storage assets and 2 to 5 percent “unassigned” assets.                     responsibility to update such information.
    EMC power consumption figures are based on data that appear in the EMC      IBM is not responsible for the performance or interoperability of any
    Symmetrix DMX-4 specification sheet,         non-IBM products discussed herein. Performance data for IBM and
    hardware/specification-sheet/c1166-dmx4-ss.pdf Specifications for the        non-IBM products and services contained in this document was derived
    XIV Storage System are based on information at the following web page:     under specific operating and environmental conditions. The actual results             obtained by any party implementing such products or services will depend
                                                                               on a large number of factors specific to such party’s operating environment
    EMC power consumption figures are based on data that appear in the EMC      and may vary significantly. IBM makes no representation that these results
    Symmetrix VMAX specification sheet,          can be expected or obtained in any implementation of any such products or
    hardware/specification-sheet/h6176-symmetrix-vmax-storage-system.pdf        services.
    Specifications for the XIV Storage System are based on information at the
    following web page:           The information in this document is provided “as-is” without any warranty,
    specifications.html                                                         either expressed or implied.

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  • 1. IBM Systems and Technology August 2011 Thought Leadership White Paper Driving down power consumption with the IBM XIV Storage System From architecture to components, storage that’s designed to be green
  • 2. 2 Driving down power consumption with the IBM XIV Storage System Executive summary This paper illustrates how XIV storage architecture is In recent decades, as organizations have dramatically expanded designed to be green and eco-friendly. Equally important, their data centers, corporate IT energy demands and costs have it shows how the system can reduce power consumption by risen in lockstep. Data center energy consumption is growing at more than 65 percent compared to comparable storage systems. about 12 percent a year—and is expected to double in the next five years.1 And data centers can be inefficient energy users. Energy costs and data volumes spur need The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that most data for efficiency centers can readily achieve 20 - 40 percent savings in energy The IT revolution has been accompanied by a dramatic rate of consumption—and that aggressive measures can achieve better data center growth. The proliferation of data centers has been so than 50 percent savings.1 Meanwhile, enterprise data is growing striking, in fact, that it is estimated that data centers alone now at up to 50 percent a year,2 and storage capacity shipments are consume more than 2 percent of electric power in the US3 and growing rapidly to meet that demand. With storage equipment 0.5 percent of electricity globally.4 Furthermore, as shown in showing a high annual growth rate for energy demand, enter- Figure 1, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) prise storage has become a prime driver of data center energy estimated that data center energy consumption was to have consumption. doubled between 2006 - 2011.5 These facts, along with increasing electricity costs, mandate the important role for corporate IT of curbing an organization’s power and cooling costs. Energy efficiency as a result has Figure 1: US data center electricity become a key consideration in evaluating storage systems. consumption, 2000-2011 Annual electricity use (billion kWh/year) The architectural rigidity of traditional storage systems, Historical Energy use energy use projections however, tends to result in high energy use. The need to accom- modate future capacity, for example, often necessitates the acquisition of more capacity and hardware than an organization requires at the time of purchase. Ultimately, this over-capacity can lead to higher power costs. The IBM® XIV® Storage System is a high-end storage system, designed to optimize the utilization of storage capacity while providing consistent high performance. The many “green” characteristics of the XIV system are designed to help companies dramatically lower power consumption and energy costs while meeting business needs. The amount of electricity used in data centers is on a steep increase, prompting the need to enhance the efficiency of IT hardware such as data storage systems.5
  • 3. IBM Systems and Technology 3 Today, CIOs and IT management understand that keeping Complicating matters, most traditional storage systems consume energy costs in check is an important component of their jobs. significant amounts of energy due to architectural limitations. This energy imperative is particularly challenging given that Particularly challenging from an energy efficiency standpoint, they must grapple with two near certainties of doing business the design of most traditional systems does not focus on opti- today: the continued growth of their organization’s data capacity mizing capacity utilization. Consequently, companies typically needs and an expected increase of 50 percent in electricity costs purchase more hardware than they need, powering and cooling through 2035.6 orphaned or unused capacity. This results in higher power costs. In light of increases in data volumes, rising energy costs and Today’s situation compels IT vendors and customers to face a rising energy consumption—and their occurrence in a challeng- stark reality and address a formidable challenge: IT hardware in ing business environment—using energy more efficiently makes general and storage equipment in particular must be designed simple business sense. Energy-efficient companies can reduce with energy efficiency in mind. At the same time, performance business risk, lower electricity bills, reduce carbon emissions and and reliability must continuously improve. demonstrate environmental responsibility. IBM has demonstrated its ongoing commitment to fusing The role of storage in rising energy use technology with sustainability and the environment, among and cost other activities, by launching Project Big Green and becoming a The high growth rate in data center electricity consumption is member on the board of the Green Grid to promote green data due in no small part to continuously growing demand for enter- centers. IBM’s Smarter Planet initiative focuses on optimizing prise storage, making it increasingly clear that companies must the use of instrumented, interconnected and intelligent IT and explore new approaches to maximize energy efficiency. Meeting business capabilities worldwide. Designed to be green to the growing storage needs by simply adding another rack is, there- core, the XIV Storage System also embodies IBM’s commitment fore, no longer the answer. Dense drives, reduced footprints and to the environment. Its benefits are two-fold: users can save innovative advanced functions—all are required to meet today’s more than 65 percent on power and cooling costs and harness demand for energy efficient storage. the power of high-end enterprise storage that delivers high performance and reliability.
  • 4. 4 Driving down power consumption with the IBM XIV Storage System Architecture IBM: Helping build a greener world The overriding principle for achieving an energy efficient storage system is to optimize storage capacity utilization, thus IBM is on the forefront of creating more energy efficient minimizing the amount of hardware necessary to provide usable data centers, launching Project Big Green and leading the storage capacity. The direct result of capacity optimization is way as a board member of the Green Grid, both of which lower energy costs. are dedicated to promoting greener data centers. Other energy-related activities include EPA Energy Star-compliant servers and storage, carbon footprint consulting and Minimizing the hardware footprint required to deliver the environmental information management. necessary usable capacity can be achieved through architecture design considerations including: A recognized leader for its work in sustainability, IBM has received many awards and widespread recognition for its G Eliminating orphaned space: Over time, 9 to 15 percent of environmental efforts including: most storage systems become unusable and “orphaned” for G 2010: Two Most Valuable Pollution Prevention Awards from various reasons.7 Eliminating this phenomenon can immedi- the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable ately reclaim a large amount of storage for use. G 2010: Ranked #1 on Global 100 of Newsweek magazine’s G Providing thin provisioning: By defining virtual volumes “Green Rankings” of high capacity and using thin provisioning to map those G 2009/08: Ranked #1 IDG/Computerworld’s annual Top volumes to less physical space, storage administrators can pur- Green-IT vendors ranking chase the capacity they need today, not an estimated capacity they might need in the future. Storage may be added in the future on a just-in-time basis. Creating the ultimate green storage G Utilizing differential backups: With differential backups, only data that has changed is backed up. Conventional full system backup processes store volumes in their entirety, even if data Imagine that a designer was tasked with creating a high-end has not changed or there is no actual data in the volumes. enterprise storage system with two primary goals: energy efficiency and high performance. How would the designer Experience shows that organizations can significantly reduce the achieve these ostensibly opposed goals? amount of storage overhead by integrating the above features, leading to significant cost savings in power and cooling costs. Conceptually, the storage system designer needs to optimize storage capacity utilization. There are two elements with which this may be achieved: system architecture and system components. The resulting design concept would probably look like this:
  • 5. IBM Systems and Technology 5 Components As for the physical components that make up the energy efficient system, the design can take one of two paths: developing propri- “ IBM XIV storage is giving us greater power etary, unique components optimized for a storage system or uti- densities, reducing the environmental and lizing off-the-shelf commodity components. In terms of energy efficiency as well as performance, commodity components are overall operational cost of delivering the the hands down winner. This is due to the following advantages: same amount of storage.” G Leveraging advances in energy efficiency: Disk drive and —Managed service provider, U.S. processor companies are continuously improving the energy efficiency of their products. When designing a system, it makes sense to capitalize on these advances as they are released on the market. Currently, very high density disks are the drives Letting the numbers do the talking of choice for efficiency. In the future, new technologies that Before presenting the IBM XIV system design and architecture provide higher energy efficiency can be integrated into the in detail, it would be useful to examine how its design affects system. bottom line energy costs. The following sections contrast the G Providing higher performance: Just as efficiency is improv- XIV system’s energy consumption to that of two comparable sys- ing, disk drive and processor companies are also enhancing the tems, the EMC Symmetrix DMX-4 and EMC Symmetrix performance of their components. By utilizing off-the-shelf VMAX. The EMC systems are similar to XIV systems in terms components, a system can benefit from the latest research of usable capacity, performance, availability and feature sets. and development in component performance and energy Both EMC systems were compared to second generation and efficiency. Gen3 configurations of the IBM XIV Storage System. IBM has designed the XIV Storage System using the approach The XIV Storage System versus EMC Symmetrix DMX-4 described above. Combining the best of architecture and The first comparison places Gen3 and second generation config- commodity components, XIV storage is a high-end, high urations of the IBM XIV system—each with a usable capacity performance, energy efficient solution. When it comes to of 111 TB—against an EMC Symmetrix DMX-4 system with energy efficiency, XIV’s value proposition is simple: IBM allows companies to focus on their business at lower energy costs.
  • 6. 6 Driving down power consumption with the IBM XIV Storage System 109 TB of usable capacity8. The XIV systems are based on 2 TB SAS (Gen3) and 2 TB SATA (second generation) disk drives, while the DMX-4 system uses 450 GB Fibre Channel drives. All “ We were pushing against the limits of our three systems offer comparable performance and features. data center in terms of power and space. The The results are eye-opening. The Gen3 and second generation XIV system gave us back some much-needed XIV systems consume 67.9 percent and 62.5 percent less power, headroom … [and] on the financial side, we respectively, than the EMC DMX-4 system. save 50,000 Australian dollars a year in electricity costs.” Figure 2: IBM XIV vs. EMC Symmetrix DMX-4 —Government agency, Australia. XIV Storage System versus EMC Symmetrix VMAX In this comparison, Gen3 and second generation XIV systems— each with a usable capacity of 222 TB—are benchmarked against an EMC Symmetrix VMAX system with a usable capacity of 212 TB9. The XIV systems are based on 2 TB SAS for Gen3 and 2 TB SATA disk drives for second generation, while the VMAX system uses 600 GB Fibre Channel drives. In this case, the Gen3 and second generation configurations of IBM XIV Gen 3 IBM XIV second generation EMC DMX-4 the XIV system use 34.5 percent and 23.4 percent less power, kVA TB / kVA respectively, than the EMC VMAX system.
  • 7. IBM Systems and Technology 7 Figure 3: IBM XIV vs. EMC Symmetrix VMAX “ The XIV system uses 50 percent less power than the previous SAN system.” —City government agency, U.S. Reclaimed orphaned capacity One of the drawbacks of most enterprise storage systems is that, over time, an average of 9 to 15 percent of capacity becomes lost and unusable. The complexity of volume management, volume striping for performance and the ever-changing nature of IBM XIV Gen 3 IBM XIV second generation EMC VMAX applications in an enterprise environment lead to the presence of idle storage chunks. Known as “orphaned” space, these chunks kVA TB / kVA can be reclaimed in traditional storage systems only through tedious system restructuring, a process that can be more expensive than buying additional storage. The IBM XIV Storage System: The XIV Storage System automates much of the storage Green by design management process, rendering obsolete the common tasks of The IBM XIV Storage System is green by design, not by after- striping and migrating or reallocating resources. The system is thought. Unlike most competing systems, the XIV Storage kept at a balance that maximizes the performance of all volumes System has been designed to optimize capacity utilization. The and utilizes all disks evenly. Defining new volumes, resizing following sections describe how optimization is achieved existing volumes, adding more capacity and even phasing out old through the combination of architecture and components hardware are all handled seamlessly by the XIV system, without specifically designed to lower energy costs. administrative effort. The system is designed to ensure that no space is lost, there are no hotspots and energy is not wasted on unutilized, orphaned capacity.
  • 8. 8 Driving down power consumption with the IBM XIV Storage System Differential backups/snapshots Actual energy savings generated by thin provisioning depends on The ability to create periodic backups of entire volumes is various factors. Among them are enterprise applications’ data essential to any enterprise storage system. Backups are required growth rate and a company’s implementation standards. It is to maintain regulatory compliance, access older data, and restore IBM’s experience that when measured over three years, the data upon failure or human error. With traditional enterprise XIV system can save as much up to 45 percent on capacity systems, however, backup and restore processes can be costly. compared to a similar system without thin provisioning. Once again, lower capacity translates into lower energy consumption Traditional backup processes involve writing full volumes of data and costs. onto additional unused storage space. This includes copying unused space that has never been written to and should not be copied. XIV storage handles backup with differential backups Figure 4: Capacity utilization and snapshots, copying only the blocks of data that have actually been written. It does not copy unwritten or “zero” data. In contrast to legacy systems, which require higher rates of unused space, the XIV approach greatly reduces the capacity, time and cost necessary for backups. Implementations of XIV Storage Systems, in fact, have experienced reductions in storage capacity requirements as great as 15 to 30 percent, thus reducing energy consumption. Built-in thin provisioning The XIV Storage System includes thin provisioning as a core feature of its design, managed at the click of a button. Thin provisioning provides the ability to define a system’s logical capacity as larger than its physical capacity. This enables compa- Traditional Tier-1 system IBM XIV system nies to defer physical capacity purchases and acquire physical Lost Full Thick Effective capacity solely for the total space actually written rather than the space snapshots provisioning capacity total space allocated. While it is true that most enterprise storage solutions offer thin provisioning, in many systems this feature is added to existing architectures, making it harder to manage and Thick to thin allocation of limited scope. With the XIV system, thin provisioning is Organizations choosing to switch from a legacy storage system incorporated from the beginning as a fully integrated system to XIV storage can seamlessly benefit from the system’s thin component. allocation features. When a thickly provisioned volume is migrated from a legacy system, the XIV system’s thin provision- ing mechanism will not allocate any unused space. Instead, it can
  • 9. IBM Systems and Technology 9 shrink existing volumes upon migration by copying only con- Automatic load balancing and self-healing sumed blocks of storage. With XIV storage, capacity is not used System load balancing and self-healing enable XIV storage to until it is required. This results in higher capacity utilization and provide Tier-1, enterprise-level performance while using fewer lower energy requirements. drives. By using fewer drives for a given capacity, XIV storage consumes less electricity and can provide better performance Instant space reclamation than that of traditional systems through the use unique The XIV Storage System offers the capability of reclaiming data algorithms and data distribution. that was previously in use but is now out of use. When applica- tions are logically formatting areas of the volume, the formatted Single-tier architecture capacity is reassigned to another volume. The system performs Most IT organizations use practices such as information lifecycle space reclamation automatically and offers easy management management (ILM) to reduce costs. These efforts involve multi- tools for leveraging this capability to the fullest. Instant space tiering, however, which adds a substantial degree of complexity reclamation allows XIV users to optimize capacity utilization. It and cost to system management. A multitier storage solution can reduce costs by enabling supporting applications to instantly typically involves a number of different architectures, each regain unused file system space in thin-provisioned volumes. requiring a different level of expertise to manage. Moving the data between tiers requires effort and planning and involves The XIV Storage System supports Symantec’s Storage hardware and operating expenses for each tier. As each environ- Foundation Thin Reclamation API. The Symantec API inter- ment grows, equipment must be added to one tier or another. locks with the XIV system to instantly detect unused space and Since this growth is typically unpredictable, acquisitions are automatically and immediately reassign the space to the general often not cost efficient. storage pool as unused capacity. This is a tight integration point with thin-provisioning-aware Veritas File System (VxFS) by The single-tier XIV architecture can eliminate the complexity Symantec. It ultimately enables companies to leverage the thin- and cost of migrating data from tier to tier. It also can reduce the provisioning-awareness of the XIV Storage System to attain complexity of maintaining different architectures for different higher savings in storage utilization with Symantec file systems. tiers of storage. From the standpoint of energy efficiency, it enables scaling of components—including capacity, interfaces, More information on space reclamation is available in the cache, CPU power and internal bandwidth—on the same plat- IBM XIV thin reclamation white paper. form. As a result, less hardware is required with the XIV system to achieve the same usable capacity. This combination provides the ability to dramatically cut energy costs.
  • 10. 10 Driving down power consumption with the IBM XIV Storage System Components advantage: Very high XIV power: Designed for high-end density hard drives enterprise storage The XIV Storage System can minimize costs and provide Just as its storage architecture can directly reduce energy needs exceptional flexibility by treating hardware as an interchangeable and expenditures, the XIV system’s electric power design can commodity. Based on off-the-shelf hardware components, lower costs in an indirect yet significant manner. Designed for XIV storage is designed to integrate the latest disks, modules, enterprise-grade storage, the XIV system includes the following interconnects and other components, enabling organizations to features to protect against electricity provisioning problems: capitalize on market advances in capacity, cost and energy efficiency while meeting their dynamic performance and budget G Power feed redundancy: XIV storage plugs into two requirements. different power grids, assuring redundancy in the case of power outages. XIV storage utilizes very high density hard drives to drive down G Automatic transfer switch (ATS): The ATS provides seam- energy costs. Leveraging the energy and capacity advances of less failover from primary to a secondary or tertiary source and off-the-shelf high density drives enables the XIV system to pro- back. This is especially important for switching to a backup vide more storage with significantly lower energy consumption power source for the provisioning of temporary electric power. per capacity unit. Future growth in drive capacities can result in G UPS system: The UPS system sustains system power corresponding savings in energy use and cost. redundancy in the event that one power grid fails. G Power monitoring: The XIV system user interface includes power monitoring capabilities in which each power compo- nent and element can be monitored separately. Administrators “ One of the targets that we have … is to save can also define alarms, warnings and alerts in case of power energy and floor space … In the consolidated issues, spikes and other issues. space we are being more efficient in a smaller footprint. Right now in the computer center we are running in one rack what we used to have in five different racks.” —Insurance company, Puerto Rico
  • 11. IBM Systems and Technology 11 industry leading energy efficiency. The XIV Storage System has shown that combining innovative architecture with commodity components can reduce storage energy costs by more than 65 percent when compared to competing systems. As data growth rates and energy prices increase, companies must identify IT solutions that reduce energy consumption without compromising performance, features or reliability. Designed to be green, the XIV Storage System is such a solution. It can play an important role in helping your company achieve its energy- efficiency requirements. For more information To learn more about IBM XIV Storage Systems, please contact your IBM marketing representative or IBM Business Partner or visit: A graphical interface simplifies management of system components with point-and-click checks, including for power status. Additionally, financing solutions from IBM Global Financing can enable effective cash management, protection from technol- ogy obsolescence, improved total cost of ownership and return Conclusion on investment. Also, our Global Asset Recovery Services help The XIV Storage System is a high-end data storage system address environmental concerns with new, more energy-efficient offering numerous advanced features and documented benefits solutions. For more information on IBM Global Financing, visit: to enterprise organizations. One of the primary benefits is its
  • 12. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011 IBM Systems and Technology Group 1 Scheihing, Paul, U.S. Department of Energy, DOE Data Route 100 Center Energy Efficiency Program: Save Energy Now, April 2009, Somers, NY 10589 U.S.A. doe_data_centers_presentation.pdf Produced in the United States of America 2 Wexler, Joanie, Gauging the volume: What to expect in data August 2011 storage and network traffic growth, Network World, January 3, 2011, All Rights Reserved page=1 IBM, the IBM logo, and XIV are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries or 3 Dr. Steven Chu, National Data Center Power Reduction Incentive both. If these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first Program, 2009, occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol (® or ™), these DCP09_National_DC_Energy_Program-FINAL.pdf symbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by 4 Jonathan G. Koomey, Worldwide Electricity Used in Data Centers, 2008, IBM at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at “Copyright and trademark 5 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Energy Star Program, Report information” at to Congress on Server and Data Center Energy Efficiency Public Law 109-431, Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service downloads/EPA_Datacenter_Report_Congress_Final1.pdf marks of others. 6 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2011: This document could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. With Projections to 2035, Washington, DC, April 2011, page 133, IBM may make changes, improvements or alterations to the products, programs and services described in this document, including termination of such products, programs and services, at any time and without notice. Any 7 Harwood, Tom, Stop Buying Storage Best Practices, Symantec, statements regarding IBM’s future direction and intent are subject to change page 11, or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. The 20016958-2_GA_WP_Stop_Buying_Storage_Best_Practices_ information contained in this document is current as of the initial date of CCS_and_VSF_03-09.pdf Figures cited combine 7 to 10 percent “claimed” publication only and is subject to change without notice. IBM shall have no storage assets and 2 to 5 percent “unassigned” assets. responsibility to update such information. 8 EMC power consumption figures are based on data that appear in the EMC IBM is not responsible for the performance or interoperability of any Symmetrix DMX-4 specification sheet, non-IBM products discussed herein. Performance data for IBM and hardware/specification-sheet/c1166-dmx4-ss.pdf Specifications for the non-IBM products and services contained in this document was derived XIV Storage System are based on information at the following web page: under specific operating and environmental conditions. The actual results obtained by any party implementing such products or services will depend on a large number of factors specific to such party’s operating environment 9 EMC power consumption figures are based on data that appear in the EMC and may vary significantly. IBM makes no representation that these results Symmetrix VMAX specification sheet, can be expected or obtained in any implementation of any such products or hardware/specification-sheet/h6176-symmetrix-vmax-storage-system.pdf services. Specifications for the XIV Storage System are based on information at the following web page: The information in this document is provided “as-is” without any warranty, specifications.html either expressed or implied. Please Recycle TSW03090-USEN-01