SlideShare a Scribd company logo’s free Monthly Trend Briefing                    November 2012

The product, the story, the status: why consumer involvement with products and
services pre-launch is set to go mainstream.
    In today’s  EXPECTATION ECONOMY, consumers want the best, they want it                   MASS CROWDFUNDING
    now  and  first, and they want real, human connection, too.                              PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS)
    In fact, they demand all that. Thanks to crowdsourcing platforms and new
    manufacturing technologies that are finally tipping into the mainstream                  NICHE CROWDFUNDING
    (and a cult of entrepreneurialism at large), consumers are increasingly
    PRESUMERS; able to satisfy those demands through engagement with
                                                                                             PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS)
    products and services pre-launch*.
                                                                                             INNOVATIVE ‘PRESUMPTION’
    Whether it’s all about the perfect product, or the excitement of being a
    passionate supporter, PRESUMERS love to get involved with, push, fund, and
    promote products and services before they are realized.

    * Obviously consumer involvement in products and services pre-launch has been building
    for years. Think co-creation / CUSTOMER-MADE  which is still an active trend. But a
    consumer engaging in co-creation is often looking to showcase his or her own design or
    marketing talent, while PRESUMERS are primarily about getting what they want – ideally
    a great product AND an amazing STATUS STORY – by getting involved early.

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Drivers |                               So why will PRESUMERS be more numerous, more relevant, more active, and more powerful in the coming
                                           years? Here are five drivers turning consumers into PRESUMERS:

      1. FIRSTISM:                                                2.STORIES:                                                 3. BELONGING:
            More, faster, better,                                    Great story,                                                  Come together,
            special, now                                             great status                                                  right now
  Consumers in developed economies face choice-               Status has always been THE driver deep at the               STATUS STORIES are even more potent if they’re not
  saturation. Their response? Worshipping the cult of         heart of all consumer behavior. When PRESUMERS              simply about a great product or service, but about a
  NEWISM, with its (legitimate) promise of newer, more,       connect with a pre-launch product or service, and           broader movement or cause that the consumer believes
  better, special, faster and so on.                          support that project towards launch, it makes for           in, providing a sense of belonging that goes beyond the
                                                              a great STATUS STORY to tell, tweet, post, and              thrill of possession.
  The ultimate in NEWISM? Consuming in the future
                                                              otherwise share.                                            Now, many PRESUMERS are passionate about the
  tense. No wonder PRESUMERS are coming together
  around pre-launch products or services they love: by        So, PRESUMING puts consumers one step ahead: not            products they support, which is why Kickstarter (for
  helping to make a product become a reality through          only the status of having the right product, but also the   example) can claim that a product idea is eight times
  funding and feedbacking and supporting, they will be        status of having been involved pre-launch.                  more likely to be fully funded on Kickstarter than sold
  the first to have it – preferably with added perks – when                                                               and successfully launched through a US corporation.
  it is finally realized. It doesn’t get more ‘newer’ or                                                                  It also helps explain how US-based Razoo, an
  ‘FIRSTISM’ than that.                                                                                                   early crowdfunding platform focused on non-profits,
                                                                                                                          announced in August 2012 that it had hit USD 100
                                                                                                                          million raised for projects it hosted on the site.

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Drivers |                               So why will PRESUMERS be more numerous, more relevant, more active, and more powerful in the coming
                                           years? Here are five drivers turning consumers into PRESUMERS:

      4. OFF = ON                                                    5. NEW PLATFORMS:
              Online is offline                                            Disrupted funding, making and selling
              is online...
  Consumers LOVE online because when it comes to                 A platform for PRESUMERS has been building steadily in          On to MAKE IT YOURSELF, and rampant entrpreneuralism:
  online consumption, they can act (participate, talk,           the biz world, thanks to the popularity of crowdfunding*        first of all, there’s a new generation of small-time makers
  create, adjust) to get what they want. Now, they expect        and the MAKE IT YOURSELF movement, and to the cult              who are using technologies such as 3D printing to
  the same from ‘offline’ consumption.                           of entrepreneurialism at large.                                 manufacture products, that just a few years ago, could only
                                                                 First, some crowdfunding stats:                                 roll off factory lines.
  The pre-launch engagement that defines PRESUMING
                                                                 •	By April 2012, there were 452 crowdfunding platforms          The cost of an industrial printer has fallen dramatically, from
  facilitates that kind of dialogue. PRESUMERS don’t just          operating globally, up from 100 in 2007 (Source:
                                                                                                                                 around USD 800,000 in 1999, to around USD 15,000 today
  pre-buy: they also buy into a two-way relationship in              Massolution/The Economist, May 2012).
                                                                                                                                 (Source: The Economist, September 2012). Home versions now
  which they get to express their desires, and brands get        •	In 2009, crowdfunded platforms raised a total of USD
                                                                                                                                 cost around USD 1,000 (Source: The Economist, September
  valuable, early feedback.                                        530 million. In 2011 that figure was USD 1.4 billion. This
                                                                   year, that’s on track to double to USD 2.8 billion (Source:   2012). Meanwhile, research firm Wohlers Associates says
  And thanks to the 2012 Jumpstart our Business                    Massolution/The Economist, May 2012).                         the market for 3D printed products is currently worth USD
  Startups (JOBS) Act – US legislation that eases several        •	Between launch in 2009 and February 2012, Kickstarter         1.3 billion a year; they estimate it will rise to USD 3.1 billion
  federal financial regulations, and for the first time allows     had no USD 1 million projects. Now, twelve projects           by 2016, and USD 5.2 billion by 2020.
  unaccredited small investors / consumers to buy equity             have raised more than USD 1 million.                        Add to this the by now countless number of online
  in startups – PRESUMERS in the US can in the near              * Now, we need to talk INTENT here, too: while PRESUMERS        entrepreneurs and innovators (TEENPRENEURS
  future purchase equity in the projects they support.           is about brands/business stating their plans for new products   anyone?), and you’re looking at a true avalanche of small
  That’s how quite a few PRESUMERS will actually                 and consumers responding, INTENT is about consumers             and big initiatives that will forever look for funding from ‘the
                                                                 stating their desires or purchasing intentions, and brands
  become CUSTOWNERS, too. How big could this get?                                                                                people’, while appealing to those who want the chance to
                                                                 responding. You can think of INTENT and PRESUMERS as two
  Well, if US citizens would invest one tenth of what they                                                                       connect with a ‘special’ product before launch. Indeed,
                                                                 sides of the same coin: brands and customers talking to each
  gamble each year, that would equate to USD 55 billion                                                                          not only do makers allow PRESUMERS to connect with
                                                                 other before products and services are launched.
  (Source: Fundable, September 2012) ;-) Other countries                                                                         that special product, they let them tailor it to their individual
                                                                                                                                 specifications. How’s that for the Long Tail of physical
  to follow soon?
                                                                                                                                 objects? ;-)

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So who is PRESUMING?

  As you’ll see in the examples below, PRESUMERS are drawn from all over the world and they’re
  passionate about all kinds of products and services.
  But it’s still possible to draw up a bit of a profile, based on September 2012 data on Kickstarter
  users by Quantcast:
  •	Kickstarter users are predominantly (62%) male.
  •	50% are between 18 and 34, and 20% are between 34 to 44.
  •	Almost half (48%) are college educated. That’s against 30.4% of Americans aged over 25 having
     a college degree (Source: US Census Bureau, February 2012).
  •	45% earn more than USD 50,000 a year.
    In other words, PRESUMERS are mainstream consumers. If a little better educated than usual ;-)
    Remember, more consumers are becoming PRESUMERS every day: we’ll keep tracking the
    evolution of the PRESUMER profile, and you should too!

                                                                                                       See the infographic »
                                                                                                       A 1 miniute summary of’s Trend
                                                                                                       Briefing on PRESUMERS

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                                                                                                                                       The Porthole: Funded
                                           Kickstarter: Platform for creative projects                                                 glass infusion vessel

                                           Probably the best known crowdfunding platform, US-based Kickstarter bills itself            The Porthole is a glass infusion vessel designed by
                                           as the world’s largest crowdfunding platform for creative projects. Project creators        Martin Kastner of the Chicago-based Crucial Detail
                                           post details of their project, stating a funding target and deadline. Projects are vetted   design studio. Intended to be used to make cock-
                                           by Kickstarter. Meanwhile, backers pledge money in return for a “reward”: typically a       tails, salad dressings, tea, coffee and other infusions,
                                           promise of the product or experience in question. From launch, only US residents were       the vessel was inspired by the shape of a submarine
                                           allowed by Kickstarter as project creators; in October 2012 the site also opened to         porthole, and the way such a porthole offers a, “win-
                                           UK-based project creators. Backers are only charged if the project achieves its target      dow on to another world”. A small batch of Porthole
                                           funding, and goes into production. Kickstarter takes a 5% fee from the funding total of     vessels were handmade at Crucial Detail, before the
                                           successfully funded projects. By September 2012, Kickstarter had launched 73,065            design studio took to Kickstarter to raise funds for a
                                           successful projects (think the Pebble Watch, Elevation iPhone Dock, and Ouya                first production run. On September 4 2012, funding
                                           Games Console), and helped successfully backed projects – ranging from technology,          closed: Crucial Detail had raised USD 736,112 from
                                           to design and fashion, to film and theatre – raise USD 377 million.                         4,270 enthusiastic PRESUMERS.

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                                                           Sedition Wars - Battle for                           Roominate: Engineering
                                                           Alabaster Game                                       toy for girls

                                                           Sedition Wars is a horror-themed tactical board      Funded in June 2012 on Kickstarter, Roominate is
                                                           game from renowned game designer and figurine        a new, engineering-themed toy for girls. Motivated
                                                           maker Mike McVey (Studio McVey). Although            by the fact that fewer than 11% of engineers are
                                                           already an established name in the games world, in   women, toy startup Maykah designed a kit of
                                                           June 2012 McVey used crowdfunding to raise pre-      wooden building pieces and circuit components
                                                           production funds, and build a buzz around the game   with which a child can use her creativity to design,
                                                           pre-launch. Sedition Wars raised USD 950,000.        build, wire, and decorate her own unique interactive
                                                                                                                room. PRESUMERS who shared Maykah’s message
                                                                                                                of gender equality – and loved the toy – funded the
                                                                                                                product to the tune of USD 85,000.

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                                                           MATTER: Start-up funds for                               Like what you’re reading in this
                                                           long-form journalism mag                                 Trend Briefing, but want more?
                                                                                                                                                           Av P y-B
                                                                                                                                                             ail rice ird

                                                           Soon to launch, MATTER is a major new UK/                    Trend Report 2013 (Released November 20)
                                                           US publication, focused on long-form journalism
                                                           about science, technology and ideas. A community         Our 2013 Trend Report (just one part of the Premium
                                                           came together on Kickstarter to provide start-up         Service) outlines the crucial consumer trends that
                                                           funds, and also build a pre-launch buzz around           need to be on your radar for the year ahead. Split
                                                           the magazine. Benefits for these PRESUMERS will          into major themes and featuring 40+ trends, the
                                                           include meetings with the editorial team and life-time   report covers every major development in the (very
                                                           guaranteed subscription.                                 turbulent!) consumer arena.

                                                                                                                    FIND OUT MORE & SEE WHAT ELSE YOU GET »

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                                                           ToGather.Asia: Regional                              Cashew Chemists:
                                                           Asian portal                                         Production for rock band

                                                           Singapore-based ToGather.Asia is the first Asian     In September 2012, four-piece Singaporean indie
                                                           crowdfunding portal targeted at projects around      rock band Cashew Chemists successfully
                                                           the region. Launched in July 2012, the site allows   crowdfunded SGD 1135 from 40 backers on
                                                           creators to submit creative projects, which are      Togather.Asia, for the production of their debut
                                                           approved by the site before being posted. Backers    album. Cashew Chemist’s eponymous debut will be
                                                           can pledge money to projects, in return for the      released in Q4 2012.
                                                           promise of rewards.

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                                                            DemoHour: First Chinese                                One Way Street Library:
                                                            platform                                               Beijing bookshop re-location

                                                            Founded in May 2011 in Beijing, DemoHour is            In June 2012 notable Beijing bookshop the One Way
                                                            China’s first crowdfunding platform. Operating on      Street Library raised USD 37,000 via DemoHour.
                                                            the standard crowdfunding model, creators post         The money was used to fund a business re-location
                                                            projects that backers can pledge money to in           to Solana, a centrally-located shopping complex
                                                            return for rewards that include products, special      popular as a spot for book launches and literary
                                                            experiences, and access to creators. DemoHour          salons.
                                                            takes a 10% cut of funds pledged to successfully
                                                            funded projects. By July 2012, 70 projects posted on
                                                            DemoHour had hit their funding target.

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                                                            Crowdcube: Equity                                        Escape the City: Career
                                                            crowdfunding                                             transition community

                                                            In February 2011 UK-based Crowdcube launched             Companies that achieved investment via Crowdcube
                                                            as “the world’s first equity crowdfunding platform”.     include UK-based Escape the City, an online
                                                            Small businesses seeking investment can post             platform that helps professionals make career
                                                            on the site, and backers – who can invest as little      transitions. In June 2012 Escape the City raised GBP
                                                            as GBP 10 – become owners of equity in the               600,000 on Crowdcube in two weeks, and now
                                                            companies they invest in. Crowdcube takes a 5%           hosts a community of over 87,000 professionals.
                                                            cut of all successful fundraising. By July 2012 it had
                                                            raised GBP 3.7 million for 21 companies.

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                                                            Indiegogo: International
                                                            crowdfunding                                               Free Bread Inc Launch

                                                            US-based Indiegogo was launched at the Sundance            In October 2011, Free Bread Inc launched, offering
                                                            Film Festival in 2008. Intially focused on film, the       fresh gluten, nut, soy and sugar free bread around
                                                            platform is now open to creative projects of all kinds,    New York City. The business was founded by
                                                            ranging from technology, to design, to community and       celiac disease sufferer Karen Freer, and raised USD
                                                            charity projects. Indiegogo allows project creators        10,771 in start-up funds on crowdfunding platform
                                                            anywhere in the world to post a project to the site, and   Indiegogo.
                                                            projects are not vetted. Money pledged by backers
                                                            is distributed to project creators immediately, and if
                                                            a project does not reach its funding target it is up to
                                                            project creators to refund their backers. Indiegogo
                                                            takes a 4% funding total fee from successfully funded
                                                            projects, and 9% from unsuccessful projects.

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                                                            Who Gives a Crap? Toilet                                    This Trend Briefing is obviously
                                                            Paper                                                         only the tip of the iceberg

                                                                                                                           Trend database + Monthly Updates + Tips
                                                            Launched in Melbourne, Australia in August
                                                            2012, Who Gives a Crap is a new brand of toilet
                                                            paper dedicated to building toilets in the developing
                                                                                                                       Our Trend Database (just one part of the Premium
                                                            world. Motivated by news that 2.4 billion people do
                                                                                                                       Service) gives you access to ALL our trends, insights
                                                            not have access to basic sanitation, founder Simon
                                                                                                                       and over 7,000 innovations we’re spotting on daily
                                                            Griffiths set out to create a use-every-day product
                                                            that could help change this. Who Gives a Crap will
                                                            give 50% of all profits to help build new toilets in the
                                                            developing world, forever. The new brand turned to         FIND OUT MORE & SEE WHAT ELSE YOU GET »
                                                            Indiegogo to raise funds and support. PRESUMERS
                                                            embraced them, funding USD 50,000 of pre-sales in
                                                            50 hours.

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                                                            Fundable: Equity                                        Lulu Blossom: Beauty &
                                                            crowdfunding for start-ups                              skincare products

                                                            Launched in May 2012, Fundable is a US-                 Successfully funded start-ups on Fundable include
                                                            based equity crowdfunding platform for start-up         US-based Lulu Blossom, a new range of all-natural
                                                            companies. Fundable aims to take advantage of the       beauty and skincare products. Lulu Blossom raised
                                                            2012 JOBS Act legislation in the US, which for the      USD 4,050 on Fundable in August 2012.
                                                            first time will allow non-accredited investors to buy
                                                            equity in start-ups. Implementation of the law will
                                                            not be complete until January 2013; until then start-
                                                            ups on Fundable may only offer “rewards”, such as
                                                            products or experiences, to investors. Start-ups
                                                            must provide a business pitch video, and are vetted
                                                            by Fundable before being hosted on the site.

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                                                   Leading Latin                                    Mi Huerto Urbano (My City
                                                            American platform                                         Garden) Kit

                                                            Launched in August 2011, is Latin                 Mi Huerto Urbano is a Mexico-based startup,
                                                            America’s leading crowdfunding platform. In August        offering a kit intended to allow anyone to create
                                                            2012 the Argentina-based site bought Brazilian            their own urban garden. The kit allows users to
                                                            competitor Movare, consolidating its market lead          grow arugula, lettuce, basil, habanero peppers,
                                                            in Latin America. In its first year, the site grew from   strawberries and many spices. With busy city-
                                                            an initial base of 250 users to 25,000 users, and 70      dwellers in mind, the garden is designed to be low-
                                                            project backers to 5,000.                                 maintenance: growers need only add water and
                                                                                                                      nutrients once a week. By October 2012, Mi Huerto
                                                                                                                      Urbano had raised USD 7,000 of its USD 17,000
                                                                                                                      funding target on

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                                                            Rock The Post: Crowdfunding                             Villy Custom: Fashion
                                                            & social networking                                     bicycle design

                                                            Launched in October 2010, US-based Rock The             Villy Custom, from Dallas, Texas, is on a mission
                                                            Post combines crowdfunding and social networking,       to bring fashion to the bicycle. Aiming to change
                                                            allowing consumers to form communities around           the way consumers see and purchase bikes, Villy
                                                            a start-up business, and provide funds, time and        Custom will allow customers to design their “dream
                                                            advice, or materials in return for rewards. Users can   bicycle” online, for assembly in Dallas. In September
                                                            also follow one another, and share details on the       2012 Villy Custom reached their USD 10,000 funding
                                                            projects they are supporting.                           target on Rock the Post.

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                                                            RocketHub: International                                 Spira Stinger 2 Running
                                                            funding community                                        Shoe

                                                            US-based RocketHub is a crowdfunding platform            The Stinger 2 running shoe from US-based Spira
                                                            open to creators anywhere in the world. Projects         Footwear is a lightweight running trainer containing
                                                            submitted can take financial pledges from “fuelers”,     Spira’s special WaveSpring technology. The sole of
                                                            who receive perks if their chosen project achieves its   the shoe contains two small springs in the forefoot
                                                            funding target. Fuelers can also vote for a project to   and one in the heel: Spira claim this ensures the
                                                            be put forward for “Launchpad Opportunities”: these      shoes cushion impact, and return energy more
                                                            are business and marketing assistance schemes            effectively than any other trainer on the market.
                                                            offered by RocketHub, such as a chance to work           According to Spira, runners wearing the original
                                                            with leading publicists.                                 Spira trainer won over 150 marathons and major
                                                                                                                     races internationally. The Stinger 2 is currently
                                                                                                                     crowdfunding on RocketHub, and by early October
                                                                                                                     had exceeded its USD 25,000 goal, having raised
                                                                                                                     USD 36,160.

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                                                            Lucky Ant: Hyper-local                                  Pie Corps: Artisanal pie
                                                            crowdfunding                                            launch

                                                            New-York based Lucky Ant claims to be the world’s       Pie Corps is an artisanal pie company that sells
                                                            first hyper-local crowdfunding site. The site – which   quality, handmade sweet and savoury pies. In April
                                                            aims to let consumers help shape the consumer           2012 the company raised USD 7,150 on Lucky Ant,
                                                            landscape in their area – features one local business   using the money to fund the launch of their first retail
                                                            a week for consumers to fund and support. Users of      location in Brooklyn. The store opened in June.
                                                            the site can pledge money to their chosen business,
                                                            in return for rewards such as free products, and VIP
                                                            access to stores.

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                                                            Gambitious: Crowdfunding
                                                            for games                                            Tink: Adventure game

                                                            Launched in September 2012, Gambitious is a          Tink, a third person action adventure game from
                                                            Netherlands-based crowdfunding site connecting       German studio Mimimi Production, is set in a world
                                                            devoted gamers to game developers. Gamers can        in which everything is made of paper and glue. The
                                                            support video game ideas, providing funds and        game won the Game Connection Europe Best Project
                                                            helping to build a pre-launch buzz around their      2012 award. Mimimi Productions started seeking
                                                            chosen games. Backers in Europe are also able to     funding for Tink, and by September 2012 had raised
                                                            buy equity in their chosen game idea, turning them   EUR 20,700 of their EUR 350,000 target. Mimimi
                                                            from PRESUMERS into CUSTOWNERS.                      Productions no doubt hope to follow in the footsteps of
                                                                                                                 San Francisco-based games developers Double Fine
                                                                                                                 Productions, who in March 2012 raised USD 3.3 million
                                                                                                                 on Kickstarter for their new point-and-click adventure
                                                                                                                 game, Double Fine Adventure.

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                                                   Indonesian                                  This Trend Briefing is obviously
                                                            platform                                                    only the tip of the iceberg

                                                            Launched in March 2012, Jakarta-based Wujudkan 
                                                                                                                                  Industry Trend Reports
                                                            is a crowdfunding platform focused on creative
                                                            projects in Indonesia. The site calls on Indonesian      As a Premium member you receive instant access to
                                                            creative talents to post their projects, which backers   15 Industry Reports in the form of interactive PDFs
                                                            can fund by pledging money in return for rewards         and PowerPoint - from Food & Beverage to Financial
                                                            such as special access to live performances,             Services.
                                                            and credits on finished work. In May 2012, film
                                                            project Atambua 39° Celsius, posted by renowned          FIND OUT MORE & SEE WHAT ELSE YOU GET »
                                                            director Rira Riza, raised USD 32,000 on Wujudkan.
                                                            The film tells the story of two Atambua refugees.

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                                                            AppStori: App platform                      Trivia & social app

                                                            Launched in April 2012, New-York-based AppStori      Launched August 2012 after achieving its USD 2,000
                                                            is a niche crowdfunding and collaborative            funding target on Appstori, US-based is a new
                                                            development platform for smartphone apps. The site   trivia-based social game for iPhone. Users compete
                                                            takes the standard crowdfunding model and injects    against one another to answer three rounds of trivia
                                                            more interaction between consumers and makers.       questions, and can compare their “IQ Score” with
                                                            App lovers can search for and fund the apps they     other players. The app achieved 30,000 downloads
                                                            want; and also make connections with developers      during its first 30 days after release.
                                                            to help shape pre-launch ideas, provide feedback
                                                            on beta versions, and build pre-launch communities
                                                            around their favourite apps.

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                                                            Offbeatr: Adult                                         The Importance of Being
                                                            entertainment platform                                  Open Film

                                                            Launched in August 2012, Offbeatr is an LA-based        The Importance of Being Open is a 22 minute
                                                            crowdfunding platform for the adult entertainment       ‘dramedy’ about a poly-amorous relationship,
                                                            industry. Project directors can post details of         currently seeking USD 10,000 on Offbeatr. The
                                                            proposed adult content, which backers can               project creator claims his intention is to produce
                                                            support by pledging money in return for rewards. All    a film that is sexually explicit, but also contains
                                                            proposed projects must result in a digital product,     compelling characters.
                                                            available for users to download should the project be
                                                            successfully funded and go into production.

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                                                                                                           Ad-free social
                                                            ZAOZAO: Social pretailer                                network

                                                            nched in September 2012, Hong Kong based                In July 2012 US-based founder Dalton Caldwell
                                                            ZAOZAO bills itself “Your social pretailer”. The new    wrote a blog post entitled “What Twitter Could Have
                                                            online platform allows fashion designers to post pre-   Been”. The positive response prompted him to found
                                                            launch products and get funds for production via the, a new, subscription-only, ad-free social network
                                                            site’s community of fashion-loving crowdfunders.        in which users own and control all their content and data.
                                                                                                           ran its own crowdfunding campaign to raise
                                                                                                                    starting capital, and in the process built an enthusiastic
                                                                                                                    founding community, significant online buzz, and
                                                                                                                    mainstream media attention. By August 2012 –’s
                                                                                                                    self-imposed funding deadline – the site had raised over
                                                                                                                    USD 800,000 from over 12,000 backers. The network is
                                                                                                                    now open, and membership is USD 36 for one year.

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                                                                                                                 ZIIBRA: Pre-sale music
                                                            Cut on Your Bias                                     community

                                                            Launched in February 2012, Cut on Your Bias, is      Founded in June 2012, music community and pre-
                                                            an online platform where fashion designers are       selling platform US-based ZIIBRA aims to let up-
                                                            invited to post product ideas. Site users are then   and-coming and established musicians connect with
                                                            able to gather around posted concepts, customize     fans. In the week before release, artists can upload
                                                            designs, and vote on their favorites. The most       their new music to ZIIBRA – tagline “Play it forward”
                                                            popular customized designs go into production and    – and make it available for pre-sale. The more fans
                                                            are made available to buy through the site: lucky    who pre-buy the album, the lower the price becomes
                                                            PRESUMERS who voted for the winning designs are      for everyone: turning fans who have pre-bought into
                                                            entitled to a 25% discount on the sale price.        a community motivated to to become ambassadors
                                                                                                                 for the album, share their discovery, and persuade
                                                                                                                 others to buy.

w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m   presumers   24
                                                            Makeably: Custom-made                                   MUUSE: Emerging fashion
                                                            creative items                                          designers platform

                                                            Launched in Sept 2012, US-based Makeably, is            Denmark-based MUUSE host designs from the
                                                            a new marketplace for custom-made designed              world’s top fashion schools — with a focus on
                                                            objects. Buyers can search through designs in           premium and hand-crafted clothing — for users to
                                                            categories ranging from clothes and shoes, to toys,     vote on. Users can express their interest in designs
                                                            to household goods. Once they have settled on a         exhibited in the “Concept” area of the website, and
                                                            design, a purchaser can then communicate with the       the designs that receive the most votes are sent for
                                                            designer to make customization requests, and settle     manufacture, and become available to buy as limited
                                                            on a price and a delivery date. The designer is then    editions through the site.
                                                            responsible for manufacture and delivery of the item.

w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m   presumers   25
  No, not every consumer will want to be a PRESUMER, and those
  who do want to be one, don’t necessarily want to be one all the time.
  The mass markets of the future will still be those of zero-consumer-effort-
  required products and services.
  But PRESUMERS have opened the lid on a new kind of consumer
  experience, one that revolves around getting the best and most relevant
  products and services, and/or the status that comes with involvement
  (from self-serving to serving the greater good), and the lid is not going to
  be put back. 
  Need / want to get going with PRESUMERS yourself? Why not:
  •	Scan the platforms featured in this Trend Briefing for projects, firms,
    designers, entrepreneurs etc. you can or should partner with. Bring their
    products and ideas to your customer base.
  •	Set up a new community or social network that enables your customers
     to engage with / support one of your products or services pre-launch.
  •	Partner with independent designers / makers. PRESUMERS choose the
    best design, and you make and sell them. Or, if you’re an independent
    designer / maker, find a big brand and persuade them to do this!
                                                                                 Basically, add PRESUMERS to your vocabulary, embrace PREDUCTION, not just production, consider
  •	Last but not least, follow the lead of major crowdfunding platforms, and
                                                                                 becoming a PRETAILER, and get going!
    pre-sell at a range of prices. PRESUMERS may actually pay more to
    get innovative extras, such as limited edition products, or behind-the-      Meanwhile, we’re getting ready to publish our 10 Trends for 2013 Trend Briefing (free!) so make sure
    scenes meetings / access to you.                                             you (pre-)subscribe! 

w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m   presumers             26
 Enjoyed this Trend Briefing? Want more?
 Click below and make sure you stay on top of all the trends, insights
 and innovations that matter:

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    Share this Trend Briefing your team, your          Want to track and apply trends yourself? Click                        Need access to all the vital consumer trends, insights
    clients or your friends, and make sure they’re                                                                           and innovations? Our Premium Service is for you.
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    in the know too.

If you have any comments, suggestions or             About us
questions then please do let us know. Just           Established in 2002, is       world’s leading brands as clients, while our free
email:                                               the world’s leading trend firm, scanning the    monthly Trend Briefings go out to over 160,000
                                                     globe for the most promising consumer trends,   subscribers in 180 countries.
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Head of Client Services
                                                     Our Premium Service counts many of the

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Trendwatching report 2012 november [presumers]

  • 1.’s free Monthly Trend Briefing November 2012 PRESUMERS The product, the story, the status: why consumer involvement with products and services pre-launch is set to go mainstream.
  • 2. PRESUMERS Examples: Definition: In today’s  EXPECTATION ECONOMY, consumers want the best, they want it  MASS CROWDFUNDING now  and  first, and they want real, human connection, too. PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) In fact, they demand all that. Thanks to crowdsourcing platforms and new manufacturing technologies that are finally tipping into the mainstream NICHE CROWDFUNDING (and a cult of entrepreneurialism at large), consumers are increasingly PRESUMERS; able to satisfy those demands through engagement with PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) products and services pre-launch*. INNOVATIVE ‘PRESUMPTION’ Whether it’s all about the perfect product, or the excitement of being a passionate supporter, PRESUMERS love to get involved with, push, fund, and BRANDS promote products and services before they are realized. * Obviously consumer involvement in products and services pre-launch has been building for years. Think co-creation / CUSTOMER-MADE  which is still an active trend. But a consumer engaging in co-creation is often looking to showcase his or her own design or marketing talent, while PRESUMERS are primarily about getting what they want – ideally a great product AND an amazing STATUS STORY – by getting involved early. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 2
  • 3. Drivers | So why will PRESUMERS be more numerous, more relevant, more active, and more powerful in the coming years? Here are five drivers turning consumers into PRESUMERS: 1. FIRSTISM: 2.STORIES: 3. BELONGING: More, faster, better, Great story, Come together, special, now great status right now Consumers in developed economies face choice- Status has always been THE driver deep at the STATUS STORIES are even more potent if they’re not saturation. Their response? Worshipping the cult of heart of all consumer behavior. When PRESUMERS simply about a great product or service, but about a NEWISM, with its (legitimate) promise of newer, more, connect with a pre-launch product or service, and broader movement or cause that the consumer believes better, special, faster and so on. support that project towards launch, it makes for in, providing a sense of belonging that goes beyond the a great STATUS STORY to tell, tweet, post, and thrill of possession. The ultimate in NEWISM? Consuming in the future otherwise share. Now, many PRESUMERS are passionate about the tense. No wonder PRESUMERS are coming together around pre-launch products or services they love: by So, PRESUMING puts consumers one step ahead: not products they support, which is why Kickstarter (for helping to make a product become a reality through only the status of having the right product, but also the example) can claim that a product idea is eight times funding and feedbacking and supporting, they will be status of having been involved pre-launch. more likely to be fully funded on Kickstarter than sold the first to have it – preferably with added perks – when and successfully launched through a US corporation. it is finally realized. It doesn’t get more ‘newer’ or It also helps explain how US-based Razoo, an ‘FIRSTISM’ than that. early crowdfunding platform focused on non-profits, announced in August 2012 that it had hit USD 100 million raised for projects it hosted on the site. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 3
  • 4. Drivers | So why will PRESUMERS be more numerous, more relevant, more active, and more powerful in the coming years? Here are five drivers turning consumers into PRESUMERS: 4. OFF = ON 5. NEW PLATFORMS: Online is offline Disrupted funding, making and selling is online... Consumers LOVE online because when it comes to A platform for PRESUMERS has been building steadily in On to MAKE IT YOURSELF, and rampant entrpreneuralism: online consumption, they can act (participate, talk, the biz world, thanks to the popularity of crowdfunding* first of all, there’s a new generation of small-time makers create, adjust) to get what they want. Now, they expect and the MAKE IT YOURSELF movement, and to the cult who are using technologies such as 3D printing to the same from ‘offline’ consumption. of entrepreneurialism at large. manufacture products, that just a few years ago, could only First, some crowdfunding stats: roll off factory lines. The pre-launch engagement that defines PRESUMING • By April 2012, there were 452 crowdfunding platforms The cost of an industrial printer has fallen dramatically, from facilitates that kind of dialogue. PRESUMERS don’t just operating globally, up from 100 in 2007 (Source: around USD 800,000 in 1999, to around USD 15,000 today pre-buy: they also buy into a two-way relationship in Massolution/The Economist, May 2012). (Source: The Economist, September 2012). Home versions now which they get to express their desires, and brands get • In 2009, crowdfunded platforms raised a total of USD cost around USD 1,000 (Source: The Economist, September valuable, early feedback. 530 million. In 2011 that figure was USD 1.4 billion. This year, that’s on track to double to USD 2.8 billion (Source: 2012). Meanwhile, research firm Wohlers Associates says And thanks to the 2012 Jumpstart our Business Massolution/The Economist, May 2012). the market for 3D printed products is currently worth USD Startups (JOBS) Act – US legislation that eases several • Between launch in 2009 and February 2012, Kickstarter 1.3 billion a year; they estimate it will rise to USD 3.1 billion federal financial regulations, and for the first time allows had no USD 1 million projects. Now, twelve projects by 2016, and USD 5.2 billion by 2020. unaccredited small investors / consumers to buy equity have raised more than USD 1 million. Add to this the by now countless number of online in startups – PRESUMERS in the US can in the near * Now, we need to talk INTENT here, too: while PRESUMERS entrepreneurs and innovators (TEENPRENEURS future purchase equity in the projects they support. is about brands/business stating their plans for new products anyone?), and you’re looking at a true avalanche of small That’s how quite a few PRESUMERS will actually and consumers responding, INTENT is about consumers and big initiatives that will forever look for funding from ‘the stating their desires or purchasing intentions, and brands become CUSTOWNERS, too. How big could this get? people’, while appealing to those who want the chance to responding. You can think of INTENT and PRESUMERS as two Well, if US citizens would invest one tenth of what they connect with a ‘special’ product before launch. Indeed, sides of the same coin: brands and customers talking to each gamble each year, that would equate to USD 55 billion not only do makers allow PRESUMERS to connect with other before products and services are launched. (Source: Fundable, September 2012) ;-) Other countries that special product, they let them tailor it to their individual specifications. How’s that for the Long Tail of physical to follow soon? objects? ;-) w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 4
  • 5. So who is PRESUMING? As you’ll see in the examples below, PRESUMERS are drawn from all over the world and they’re passionate about all kinds of products and services. But it’s still possible to draw up a bit of a profile, based on September 2012 data on Kickstarter users by Quantcast: • Kickstarter users are predominantly (62%) male. • 50% are between 18 and 34, and 20% are between 34 to 44. • Almost half (48%) are college educated. That’s against 30.4% of Americans aged over 25 having a college degree (Source: US Census Bureau, February 2012). • 45% earn more than USD 50,000 a year. In other words, PRESUMERS are mainstream consumers. If a little better educated than usual ;-) Remember, more consumers are becoming PRESUMERS every day: we’ll keep tracking the evolution of the PRESUMER profile, and you should too! See the infographic » A 1 miniute summary of’s Trend Briefing on PRESUMERS w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 5
  • 6. MASS CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) The Porthole: Funded Kickstarter: Platform for creative projects glass infusion vessel Probably the best known crowdfunding platform, US-based Kickstarter bills itself The Porthole is a glass infusion vessel designed by as the world’s largest crowdfunding platform for creative projects. Project creators Martin Kastner of the Chicago-based Crucial Detail post details of their project, stating a funding target and deadline. Projects are vetted design studio. Intended to be used to make cock- by Kickstarter. Meanwhile, backers pledge money in return for a “reward”: typically a tails, salad dressings, tea, coffee and other infusions, promise of the product or experience in question. From launch, only US residents were the vessel was inspired by the shape of a submarine allowed by Kickstarter as project creators; in October 2012 the site also opened to porthole, and the way such a porthole offers a, “win- UK-based project creators. Backers are only charged if the project achieves its target dow on to another world”. A small batch of Porthole funding, and goes into production. Kickstarter takes a 5% fee from the funding total of vessels were handmade at Crucial Detail, before the successfully funded projects. By September 2012, Kickstarter had launched 73,065 design studio took to Kickstarter to raise funds for a successful projects (think the Pebble Watch, Elevation iPhone Dock, and Ouya first production run. On September 4 2012, funding Games Console), and helped successfully backed projects – ranging from technology, closed: Crucial Detail had raised USD 736,112 from to design and fashion, to film and theatre – raise USD 377 million. 4,270 enthusiastic PRESUMERS. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 6
  • 7. MASS CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) Sedition Wars - Battle for Roominate: Engineering Alabaster Game toy for girls Sedition Wars is a horror-themed tactical board Funded in June 2012 on Kickstarter, Roominate is game from renowned game designer and figurine a new, engineering-themed toy for girls. Motivated maker Mike McVey (Studio McVey). Although by the fact that fewer than 11% of engineers are already an established name in the games world, in women, toy startup Maykah designed a kit of June 2012 McVey used crowdfunding to raise pre- wooden building pieces and circuit components production funds, and build a buzz around the game with which a child can use her creativity to design, pre-launch. Sedition Wars raised USD 950,000. build, wire, and decorate her own unique interactive room. PRESUMERS who shared Maykah’s message of gender equality – and loved the toy – funded the product to the tune of USD 85,000. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 7
  • 8. MASS CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) MATTER: Start-up funds for Like what you’re reading in this long-form journalism mag Trend Briefing, but want more? E arl Av P y-B ail rice ird abl e! Soon to launch, MATTER is a major new UK/ Trend Report 2013 (Released November 20) US publication, focused on long-form journalism about science, technology and ideas. A community Our 2013 Trend Report (just one part of the Premium came together on Kickstarter to provide start-up Service) outlines the crucial consumer trends that funds, and also build a pre-launch buzz around need to be on your radar for the year ahead. Split the magazine. Benefits for these PRESUMERS will into major themes and featuring 40+ trends, the include meetings with the editorial team and life-time report covers every major development in the (very guaranteed subscription. turbulent!) consumer arena. FIND OUT MORE & SEE WHAT ELSE YOU GET » w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 8
  • 9. MASS CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) ToGather.Asia: Regional Cashew Chemists: Asian portal Production for rock band Singapore-based ToGather.Asia is the first Asian In September 2012, four-piece Singaporean indie crowdfunding portal targeted at projects around rock band Cashew Chemists successfully the region. Launched in July 2012, the site allows crowdfunded SGD 1135 from 40 backers on creators to submit creative projects, which are Togather.Asia, for the production of their debut approved by the site before being posted. Backers album. Cashew Chemist’s eponymous debut will be can pledge money to projects, in return for the released in Q4 2012. promise of rewards. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 9
  • 10. MASS CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) DemoHour: First Chinese One Way Street Library: platform Beijing bookshop re-location Founded in May 2011 in Beijing, DemoHour is In June 2012 notable Beijing bookshop the One Way China’s first crowdfunding platform. Operating on Street Library raised USD 37,000 via DemoHour. the standard crowdfunding model, creators post The money was used to fund a business re-location projects that backers can pledge money to in to Solana, a centrally-located shopping complex return for rewards that include products, special popular as a spot for book launches and literary experiences, and access to creators. DemoHour salons. takes a 10% cut of funds pledged to successfully funded projects. By July 2012, 70 projects posted on DemoHour had hit their funding target. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 10
  • 11. MASS CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) Crowdcube: Equity Escape the City: Career crowdfunding transition community In February 2011 UK-based Crowdcube launched Companies that achieved investment via Crowdcube as “the world’s first equity crowdfunding platform”. include UK-based Escape the City, an online Small businesses seeking investment can post platform that helps professionals make career on the site, and backers – who can invest as little transitions. In June 2012 Escape the City raised GBP as GBP 10 – become owners of equity in the 600,000 on Crowdcube in two weeks, and now companies they invest in. Crowdcube takes a 5% hosts a community of over 87,000 professionals. cut of all successful fundraising. By July 2012 it had raised GBP 3.7 million for 21 companies. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 11
  • 12. MASS CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) Indiegogo: International crowdfunding Free Bread Inc Launch US-based Indiegogo was launched at the Sundance In October 2011, Free Bread Inc launched, offering Film Festival in 2008. Intially focused on film, the fresh gluten, nut, soy and sugar free bread around platform is now open to creative projects of all kinds, New York City. The business was founded by ranging from technology, to design, to community and celiac disease sufferer Karen Freer, and raised USD charity projects. Indiegogo allows project creators 10,771 in start-up funds on crowdfunding platform anywhere in the world to post a project to the site, and Indiegogo. projects are not vetted. Money pledged by backers is distributed to project creators immediately, and if a project does not reach its funding target it is up to project creators to refund their backers. Indiegogo takes a 4% funding total fee from successfully funded projects, and 9% from unsuccessful projects. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 12
  • 13. MASS CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) Who Gives a Crap? Toilet This Trend Briefing is obviously Paper only the tip of the iceberg Trend database + Monthly Updates + Tips Launched in Melbourne, Australia in August 2012, Who Gives a Crap is a new brand of toilet paper dedicated to building toilets in the developing Our Trend Database (just one part of the Premium world. Motivated by news that 2.4 billion people do Service) gives you access to ALL our trends, insights not have access to basic sanitation, founder Simon and over 7,000 innovations we’re spotting on daily Griffiths set out to create a use-every-day product basis. that could help change this. Who Gives a Crap will give 50% of all profits to help build new toilets in the developing world, forever. The new brand turned to FIND OUT MORE & SEE WHAT ELSE YOU GET » Indiegogo to raise funds and support. PRESUMERS embraced them, funding USD 50,000 of pre-sales in 50 hours. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 13
  • 14. MASS CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) Fundable: Equity Lulu Blossom: Beauty & crowdfunding for start-ups skincare products Launched in May 2012, Fundable is a US- Successfully funded start-ups on Fundable include based equity crowdfunding platform for start-up US-based Lulu Blossom, a new range of all-natural companies. Fundable aims to take advantage of the beauty and skincare products. Lulu Blossom raised 2012 JOBS Act legislation in the US, which for the USD 4,050 on Fundable in August 2012. first time will allow non-accredited investors to buy equity in start-ups. Implementation of the law will not be complete until January 2013; until then start- ups on Fundable may only offer “rewards”, such as products or experiences, to investors. Start-ups must provide a business pitch video, and are vetted by Fundable before being hosted on the site. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 14
  • 15. MASS CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) Leading Latin Mi Huerto Urbano (My City American platform Garden) Kit Launched in August 2011, is Latin Mi Huerto Urbano is a Mexico-based startup, America’s leading crowdfunding platform. In August offering a kit intended to allow anyone to create 2012 the Argentina-based site bought Brazilian their own urban garden. The kit allows users to competitor Movare, consolidating its market lead grow arugula, lettuce, basil, habanero peppers, in Latin America. In its first year, the site grew from strawberries and many spices. With busy city- an initial base of 250 users to 25,000 users, and 70 dwellers in mind, the garden is designed to be low- project backers to 5,000. maintenance: growers need only add water and nutrients once a week. By October 2012, Mi Huerto Urbano had raised USD 7,000 of its USD 17,000 funding target on w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 15
  • 16. MASS CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) Rock The Post: Crowdfunding Villy Custom: Fashion & social networking bicycle design Launched in October 2010, US-based Rock The Villy Custom, from Dallas, Texas, is on a mission Post combines crowdfunding and social networking, to bring fashion to the bicycle. Aiming to change allowing consumers to form communities around the way consumers see and purchase bikes, Villy a start-up business, and provide funds, time and Custom will allow customers to design their “dream advice, or materials in return for rewards. Users can bicycle” online, for assembly in Dallas. In September also follow one another, and share details on the 2012 Villy Custom reached their USD 10,000 funding projects they are supporting. target on Rock the Post. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 16
  • 17. MASS CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) RocketHub: International Spira Stinger 2 Running funding community Shoe US-based RocketHub is a crowdfunding platform The Stinger 2 running shoe from US-based Spira open to creators anywhere in the world. Projects Footwear is a lightweight running trainer containing submitted can take financial pledges from “fuelers”, Spira’s special WaveSpring technology. The sole of who receive perks if their chosen project achieves its the shoe contains two small springs in the forefoot funding target. Fuelers can also vote for a project to and one in the heel: Spira claim this ensures the be put forward for “Launchpad Opportunities”: these shoes cushion impact, and return energy more are business and marketing assistance schemes effectively than any other trainer on the market. offered by RocketHub, such as a chance to work According to Spira, runners wearing the original with leading publicists. Spira trainer won over 150 marathons and major races internationally. The Stinger 2 is currently crowdfunding on RocketHub, and by early October had exceeded its USD 25,000 goal, having raised USD 36,160. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 17
  • 18. NICHE CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) Lucky Ant: Hyper-local Pie Corps: Artisanal pie crowdfunding launch New-York based Lucky Ant claims to be the world’s Pie Corps is an artisanal pie company that sells first hyper-local crowdfunding site. The site – which quality, handmade sweet and savoury pies. In April aims to let consumers help shape the consumer 2012 the company raised USD 7,150 on Lucky Ant, landscape in their area – features one local business using the money to fund the launch of their first retail a week for consumers to fund and support. Users of location in Brooklyn. The store opened in June. the site can pledge money to their chosen business, in return for rewards such as free products, and VIP access to stores. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 18
  • 19. NICHE CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) Gambitious: Crowdfunding for games Tink: Adventure game Launched in September 2012, Gambitious is a Tink, a third person action adventure game from Netherlands-based crowdfunding site connecting German studio Mimimi Production, is set in a world devoted gamers to game developers. Gamers can in which everything is made of paper and glue. The support video game ideas, providing funds and game won the Game Connection Europe Best Project helping to build a pre-launch buzz around their 2012 award. Mimimi Productions started seeking chosen games. Backers in Europe are also able to funding for Tink, and by September 2012 had raised buy equity in their chosen game idea, turning them EUR 20,700 of their EUR 350,000 target. Mimimi from PRESUMERS into CUSTOWNERS. Productions no doubt hope to follow in the footsteps of San Francisco-based games developers Double Fine Productions, who in March 2012 raised USD 3.3 million on Kickstarter for their new point-and-click adventure game, Double Fine Adventure. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 19
  • 20. NICHE CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) Indonesian This Trend Briefing is obviously platform only the tip of the iceberg Launched in March 2012, Jakarta-based Wujudkan  Industry Trend Reports is a crowdfunding platform focused on creative projects in Indonesia. The site calls on Indonesian As a Premium member you receive instant access to creative talents to post their projects, which backers 15 Industry Reports in the form of interactive PDFs can fund by pledging money in return for rewards and PowerPoint - from Food & Beverage to Financial such as special access to live performances, Services. and credits on finished work. In May 2012, film project Atambua 39° Celsius, posted by renowned FIND OUT MORE & SEE WHAT ELSE YOU GET » director Rira Riza, raised USD 32,000 on Wujudkan. The film tells the story of two Atambua refugees. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 20
  • 21. NICHE CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) AppStori: App platform Trivia & social app Launched in April 2012, New-York-based AppStori  Launched August 2012 after achieving its USD 2,000 is a niche crowdfunding and collaborative funding target on Appstori, US-based is a new development platform for smartphone apps. The site trivia-based social game for iPhone. Users compete takes the standard crowdfunding model and injects against one another to answer three rounds of trivia more interaction between consumers and makers. questions, and can compare their “IQ Score” with App lovers can search for and fund the apps they other players. The app achieved 30,000 downloads want; and also make connections with developers during its first 30 days after release. to help shape pre-launch ideas, provide feedback on beta versions, and build pre-launch communities around their favourite apps. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 21
  • 22. NICHE CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS (+PROJECTS) Offbeatr: Adult The Importance of Being entertainment platform Open Film Launched in August 2012, Offbeatr is an LA-based The Importance of Being Open is a 22 minute crowdfunding platform for the adult entertainment ‘dramedy’ about a poly-amorous relationship, industry. Project directors can post details of currently seeking USD 10,000 on Offbeatr. The proposed adult content, which backers can project creator claims his intention is to produce support by pledging money in return for rewards. All a film that is sexually explicit, but also contains proposed projects must result in a digital product, compelling characters. available for users to download should the project be successfully funded and go into production. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 22
  • 23. INNOVATIVE ‘PRESUMPTION’ BRANDS Ad-free social ZAOZAO: Social pretailer network nched in September 2012, Hong Kong based  In July 2012 US-based founder Dalton Caldwell ZAOZAO bills itself “Your social pretailer”. The new wrote a blog post entitled “What Twitter Could Have online platform allows fashion designers to post pre- Been”. The positive response prompted him to found launch products and get funds for production via the, a new, subscription-only, ad-free social network site’s community of fashion-loving crowdfunders. in which users own and control all their content and data. ran its own crowdfunding campaign to raise starting capital, and in the process built an enthusiastic founding community, significant online buzz, and mainstream media attention. By August 2012 –’s self-imposed funding deadline – the site had raised over USD 800,000 from over 12,000 backers. The network is now open, and membership is USD 36 for one year. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 23
  • 24. INNOVATIVE ‘PRESUMPTION’ BRANDS ZIIBRA: Pre-sale music Cut on Your Bias community Launched in February 2012, Cut on Your Bias, is Founded in June 2012, music community and pre- an online platform where fashion designers are selling platform US-based ZIIBRA aims to let up- invited to post product ideas. Site users are then and-coming and established musicians connect with able to gather around posted concepts, customize fans. In the week before release, artists can upload designs, and vote on their favorites. The most their new music to ZIIBRA – tagline “Play it forward” popular customized designs go into production and – and make it available for pre-sale. The more fans are made available to buy through the site: lucky who pre-buy the album, the lower the price becomes PRESUMERS who voted for the winning designs are for everyone: turning fans who have pre-bought into entitled to a 25% discount on the sale price. a community motivated to to become ambassadors for the album, share their discovery, and persuade others to buy. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 24
  • 25. INNOVATIVE ‘PRESUMPTION’ BRANDS Makeably: Custom-made MUUSE: Emerging fashion creative items designers platform Launched in Sept 2012, US-based Makeably, is Denmark-based MUUSE host designs from the a new marketplace for custom-made designed world’s top fashion schools — with a focus on objects. Buyers can search through designs in premium and hand-crafted clothing — for users to categories ranging from clothes and shoes, to toys, vote on. Users can express their interest in designs to household goods. Once they have settled on a exhibited in the “Concept” area of the website, and design, a purchaser can then communicate with the the designs that receive the most votes are sent for designer to make customization requests, and settle manufacture, and become available to buy as limited on a price and a delivery date. The designer is then editions through the site. responsible for manufacture and delivery of the item. w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 25
  • 26. NEXT No, not every consumer will want to be a PRESUMER, and those who do want to be one, don’t necessarily want to be one all the time. The mass markets of the future will still be those of zero-consumer-effort- required products and services. But PRESUMERS have opened the lid on a new kind of consumer experience, one that revolves around getting the best and most relevant products and services, and/or the status that comes with involvement (from self-serving to serving the greater good), and the lid is not going to be put back.  Need / want to get going with PRESUMERS yourself? Why not: • Scan the platforms featured in this Trend Briefing for projects, firms, designers, entrepreneurs etc. you can or should partner with. Bring their products and ideas to your customer base. • Set up a new community or social network that enables your customers to engage with / support one of your products or services pre-launch. • Partner with independent designers / makers. PRESUMERS choose the best design, and you make and sell them. Or, if you’re an independent designer / maker, find a big brand and persuade them to do this! Basically, add PRESUMERS to your vocabulary, embrace PREDUCTION, not just production, consider • Last but not least, follow the lead of major crowdfunding platforms, and becoming a PRETAILER, and get going! pre-sell at a range of prices. PRESUMERS may actually pay more to get innovative extras, such as limited edition products, or behind-the- Meanwhile, we’re getting ready to publish our 10 Trends for 2013 Trend Briefing (free!) so make sure scenes meetings / access to you. you (pre-)subscribe!  w w w. t r e n d w a t c h i n g . c o m presumers 26
  • 27. NEXT Enjoyed this Trend Briefing? Want more? Click below and make sure you stay on top of all the trends, insights and innovations that matter: Previous Trend sign up Briefings Trend Seminars To receive our free monthly Trend Briefings Read all our previous free Trend Briefings, all the No time? Attend one of our exclusive trend seminars by email way back to 2002! and hear about all the key trends, in just half a day. Share tips Premium Service Share this Trend Briefing your team, your Want to track and apply trends yourself? Click Need access to all the vital consumer trends, insights clients or your friends, and make sure they’re and innovations? Our Premium Service is for you. here for our top tips. in the know too. If you have any comments, suggestions or About us questions then please do let us know. Just Established in 2002, is world’s leading brands as clients, while our free email: the world’s leading trend firm, scanning the monthly Trend Briefings go out to over 160,000 globe for the most promising consumer trends, subscribers in 180 countries. ANDREA THORN insights and related hands-on business ideas. More at Head of Client Services Our Premium Service counts many of the