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Nordic Region Technical Conference
Oslo, May 2006
Michael Erichsen, CSC
Trends, but No Directions?
IT in the Age of Globalization
Purpose of this
 Not really to answer questions, but to try to ask them
 The speaker does NOT necessarily have any deep knowledge in
the areas discussed
 The presentation consists mainly of unsubstantiated statements,
unfounded prejudice, and loose claims ripped off the Internet
 A complete literature list would be longer than the presentation
 But perhaps we could draw some perspective and inspiration
when considering the many confusing trends
 The thoughts, opinions, and considerations are the speaker’s
own, and not necessarily those of his company or of the GSE
Steering Committees
Paradigm Shifts and
 “Paradigm Shifts” is a way of discussing changes in
the past by grouping them on a high level
 “Foresight” is a technique used by Governments and
Universities to build scenarios to help them choose
policies to further their aims and strategies
 Why are such methods important?
 They can help us better understand the trends that affect our
countries, our companies, and the future of each of us
Trends, but No Directions?
IT in the Age of
 Paradigm Shifts
What’s a
Scott Adams’ Own
 If you can say
“Well, we are going to do a
paradigm here.
We're looking at different
We'll run a few simulations
and put this together to see if
we can get a consensus.”
 That sounds much better
than “I don't know”
Brother, Can You Paradigm?
 Thomas S. Kuhn:
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962):
 Scientific advancement is not evolutionary
 A series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectually
violent revolutions, where one conceptual world view is
replaced by another
 A Paradigm Shift is a change from one way of
thinking to another
 It's a revolution, a transformation, a sort of metamorphosis. It
just does not happen, but rather it is driven by agents of
 As paraphrased by professor Frank Pajares
Some Paradigm Shifts
 Offshoring labour intensive work → Automation & Back-
shoring → Offshoring automated work
 “EDP” a part of accounting → IT a strategic resource →
→ Cost containment → Innovation
 Batch → On-line → Client/Server → Web → SOA
 Decoupling of operating system, data, business processes,
presentation, business rules
 Data Centric ↔ Process Centric
 Data Entry ↔ Case Work
 Stationary → Mobile
 Centralized ↔ Decentralized
 Top-Down ↔ Bottom-up ↔ Meet in the middle
Details and the Complete
No attempt made to explain “Everything”
 A theory has to be simpler
than the data it explains,
otherwise it does not explain
 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
in “Discours de
métaphysique”, 1686,
paraphrased by Gregory
Offshoring of
 In the 1950’es manufacturing boomed, and workers were drawn
from the countryside to the factories
 In the 1960’es workers were imported from abroad
 In the 1970’es manufacturing was exported to the third world
 “Footloose” industries, Free Trade Zones
 Automation and robots demanded highly skilled workers
 Some manufacturing was “backshored”
 In the 1990’es a highly skilled Chinese workforce entered the
world market, and almost all manufacturing was re-offshored
 Important to note that this has been a non-linear process
 The consequences in Europe: Marginalization of unskilled labour
(to a high degree affecting imported workers and their children).
Fear of globalization (“Fortress Europe”)
The Role of Information
 IT entered companies as Data Processing (EDP), a subset of the
accounting department
 Faster file handling, better calculations
 As IT matured, and IT departments became more ambitious, they
promoted IT as a strategic resource
 Seen by upper management as a trick to gain power
 During the bubble, everybody rushed into e-something
 ERP, CRM, SCM, EAI, Web…
 The bubble burst, and cost containment ruled
 IT must support cost cutting – and take a lot of cutbacks itself
 Now focus is moving back from the bottom line to the top line
 IT now must support Innovation to help companies compete
Innovation is not the Same as Creativity
 "Innovation… is generally understood as the introduction of a new thing
or method… Innovation is the embodiment, combination, or synthesis of
knowledge in original, relevant, valued new products, processes, or
services.“ (Luecke & Katz, 2003)
 "All innovation begins with creative ideas… We define innovation as
the successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization.
In this view, creativity by individuals and teams is a starting point for
innovation; the first is necessary but not sufficient condition for the
second". (Amabile et al, 1996)
 "Innovation, like many business functions, is a management process that
requires specific tools, rules, and discipline." (Davila et al, 2006)
 Definitions taken from Wikipedia
Tools to Promote
Six Myths of Creativity
Myth Research Results (Teresa Amabile, Harvard)
Creativity Comes From Creative
Anyone with normal intelligence is capable of doing some
degree of creative work
Money Is a Creativity Motivator The handful of people spending a lot of time wondering about
their bonuses were doing very little creative thinking
Time Pressure Fuels Creativity Creativity requires an incubation period; people need time to
soak in a problem and let the ideas bubble up
Fear Forces Breakthroughs People are more likely to have a breakthrough if they were
happy the day before
Competition Beats Collaboration When people compete for recognition, they stop sharing
A Streamlined Organization Is a
Creative Organization
People's fear of the unknown led them to basically disengage
from the work
The Computing Platform
 Aiken’s Law, 1947: “Only 6
computers needed to perform all
calculations in the US”
 Batch → On-line →
Client/Server/ERP/CRM →
Web → SOA → POA? EDA?
Something completely
 Driven by forces like
 Technical inventions
 Globalization
 Business changes like mergers
and acquisitions
 Changing expectations by
users, customers, and partners
 The first systems were tightly coupled Operating System-Data-
Business Logic-Presentation monoliths
 Operating systems and applications were separated
 Data was separated using database management systems
(network, hierarchical, relational etc.)
 Presentation was separated using client/server, GUI, and Web
 Application components were decoupled from each other using
APPC, EDI, RPC, RMI, and Web Services/SOAP
 Business rules, processes, and control logic were separated using
Business Process Management Systems
A Counter-Trend to
 Case tools in the 1990’es like IEF/COOL:Gen derived
applications and data so strongly from business models that data
was effectively owned by specific applications
 This is a problem for current reengineering projects, because an
enterprise data model is difficult to implement
 Shrink-wrapped ERP packages like SAP and Siebel is a new
generation of monoliths
 In practical life you cannot access or understand SAP relational data
outside the SAP system
 SAP opens up to SOA architectures by defining itself as the core
and providing the ESB
The Data Centric
 The Data Centric paradigm was driven by Database Management
systems and decoupling of data
 Built on a mathematical basis: Set Theory founded by Georg Cantor
 Modelling starting from enterprise “master data”
 Identities and attributes of customers, products, employees, and other core
reference data
 Implemented in CRM, ERP, and other Shrink-wrapped systems of the 90’es
 Backed by vendors like Oracle and SAP
 Business Intelligence, OLAP, Data Mining, ETL, etc. can discover new
information from non-obvious patterns in large sets of data
 Object orientation enhanced data with its inherent methods
 Metadata makes data more independent of single applications
 XML an excellent medium
 Including both structured data (Databases) and unstructured data (email,
Office documents)
The Process Centric
 The Process Centric paradigm was driven by recent business changes,
SOA technologies and decoupling of processes
 Built on a mathematical basis: π Calculus founded by Robin Milner et
 The processes of the enterprise is seen as the most important aspect
 Sees databases as a place, where state is kept, when lights are out
 Focus is moving to innovation
 First generation SOA projects are often mainly technical integration
 Service-enablement of legacy systems and SOAP-interfaces exposes
functionality as services and prepares combination into business
processes that can be dynamically reconfigured
 BPM systems are maturing and integrating with SOA technologies
No More Waiting
 Customers waiting in line,
spending hours in waiting
rooms, or rusting on telephone
queues are no longer deemed
 Office staff changes from data
entry clerks to case officers,
handling a case or a client “from
cradle to grave”
 This drives continuous
improvement of processes,
higher degrees of automated and
IT-supported processes,
integration between systems,
and self service
Computer Terminals become
 Teletype Terminals → green
screens → GUI → handheld
phones etc.
 Gartner predicts that in the
future everybody will only
have laptops – and that we
will have to pay for them
ourselves, since we also use
them for private purposes
 This sounds like a hit
among company chief
financial officers
Centralize or
 This set of paradigms has
regularly shifted back and
 And will probably continue
to do so
Where to Start your Design Projects
 The discussion about Top-Down or Bottom-up has been
running for years
 Top-Down puts the business needs in focus
 Bottom-Up provides robust building blocks to build any
application needed, and includes the possibility of buying 3rd
party components
 The Business Process-Service Oriented design is becoming
popular by combining into “Meet in the Middle”
 Business Process Analysis and Modelling should be guiding
your services design
Trends, but No Directions?
IT in the Age of
 Foresight
What is Foresight?
 Foresight covers activities aiming at
 thinking
 debating
 shaping the future
 The driver is the complexity of
science, technology and society
interrelationships, the limitation of
financial resources, and the increasing
rate of scientific and technological
Thinking, Debating, and Shaping the
 Forecasting, technology assessment, future studies and other
forms of foresight try to identify long term trends and thus to
guide decision-making
 Foresight aims at identifying today's research and innovation
priorities on the basis of scenarios of future developments in science
and technology, society and economy
 Foresight is a participative process involving different
 Methods include academic studies, panels, and working groups
 Foresight aims at identifying possible futures, imagining
desirable futures, and defining strategies
 Results are generally fed into public decision-making, but they also
help participants themselves to develop or adjust their strategy
Business Foresight
 Consider whether you could use or participate in such Foresight
 There are university people who are very good at it
 One aspect is the expectations of the next generation of users,
customers, citizens
 They are going to be very much different from their parents’
 And the next wave of retired persons are going to be demanding and
difficult too – because that will be many of us in this room!
 The new generation of reengineered IT systems that we are
building now might have a lifecycle expectancy of maybe 15-20
years, so very big changes in such directions must be prepared
Technology Foresight
 If we think of a 15-20 year period it takes little imagination to
foresee the possible size of technology changes over such a
 Wireless everywhere, grid, all kinds of new devices…
 Loosely-coupled, open-interface integration between systems
that need to know nothing about the internals of each other will
be the standard
 At the technology level nobody can claim to have the slightest
idea whether the differences between mainframes and midrange
systems still will exist or whether they have converged
 This does not necessarily mean that mainframes will die, as often
forecasted, but rather that midrange system will grow in size,
processing power, stability and close symbiosis between hardware
and operating systems, so the differences will wither away
The Gartner Christmas Report
 No more company paid laptops
 Telephony will be mobile or internet based
 The job market for IT specialists will shrink
 More Business Process outsourcing
 Software will save lives in the health sector
 Government regulations will be in focus
 The actual report is of cause more detailed and faceted. Get
the details from Gartner yourselves
A Gartner “Hype
 Gartner’s phases are:
 Technology/Business
 Peak of Inflated
 Trough of Disillusionment
 Slope of Enlightenment
 Plateau of Productivity
 No presentation is complete
without either a Hype Curve or
a Magic Quadrant
A Revolution that Never Took
 “Before man reaches the
moon, mail will be delivered
within hours from New York
to California, to Britain, to
India or Australia by guided
missiles. We stand on the
threshold of rocket mail”
 Arthur Summerfield, US
Postmaster General, 1959
Remember “The New
 “There isn't an Internet
company in the world that's
going to fail because of
mistakes – Internet
companies make thousands
of mistakes every week”
 Candice Carpenter of
iVillage, 1998
Trends, but No Directions?
IT in the Age of
 Globalization
The Globalization
 There has been an international division of work since long
distance trade started in the Stone or Bronze Age
 It changed drastically during colonial times when colonial
powers controlled who manufactured, who produced raw
materials, who were allowed to buy from whom – and who were
sold as slaves
 After World War II and decolonization countries have become
politically free, but with very different levels of development,
economy and political rights
 Changes in economic strength, the fall of the Iron Curtain, and
the establishment of new networks of terror have changed both
the political and the economic climate of the planet: The Cold
War Era has been replaced by the Globalization Era
Characteristics of
 People around the Globe are more connected to each
other than ever before
 Information and money flow more quickly than ever
 Goods and services produced in one part of the world
are increasingly available in all parts of the world
 International travel is more frequent
 International communication is commonplace
 Critics claim that Globalization means US Domination
(“McDonaldization”, “Coca-Colonization”)
A Globalization
 One scenario often discussed is the
global consolidation of companies into
three of each with an undergrowth of
national subcontractors:
 Three car manufacturers, three computer
companies, three airplane
manufacturers, three airlines, three food
producers, etc.
 Imagine the consequences on systems
integration, network, layering of the
Internet, etc.
Warfare is changing
 Warfare has been the main driver of technology for
the last several thousand years
 “The cold war” is replaced by “The war on terror”
 The US Patriot Act, EU, and national Nordic anti-
terror legislation affects the IT and telecommunication
businesses by demanding large scale storage of
communication patterns and/or content
 Its will keep a lot of the database, data mining and OLAP
specialists busy
 It also is subject for a large debate in all democratic countries
Trends, but No Directions?
IT in the Age of
 Changes in IT
Ten Key Trends for IT Services in 2006
ComputerWire Market Watch predicts:
Steady growth in spending
Mega-deals to decline
Telecoms, pharma and retail the hot sectors
Continental Europe warms to outsourcing
Telecoms/IT services crossover continues
India arrives in infrastructure management
Procurement outsourcing to explode
Finance & Accounting outsourcing to ramp up
Mergers and Acquisitions among IT service providers
 Financial scandals has put focus on
“compliance”, i.e. acting according
to accepted standard procedures and
 Sarbanes-Oxley and Basel II
 Outsourcing, offshoring, and the
change of IT from art to industry has
changed may relations from close
partnerships to commercial relations
 A contract is now a governance tool
rather than an emergency brake
 Tight standards on IT processes and
project management like ITIL,
PRINC 2, CMMI, and Six Sigma
Processification of
 The compliance paradigm drives IT
organizations to change their ways of
working from art and handicraft to
industrial processes
 Better documentation is one important
 Mainframe has learned to work structured
many years ago
 Midrange and desktop are struggling to
change their processes
 This is a sign of maturity, and without
any doubt necessary
 It changes the skill sets necessary to do
the job
 Which consequences for innovation and
Does IT Matter?
 Article by Nicholas Carr in
Harvard Business Review,
May 2003
 Followed by the book “Does
IT Matter? Information
Technology and the
Corrosion of Competitive
 Observation: IT becomes a
commodity, and competitive
advantage diminishes
 His conclusion: Stop
investing in IT
IT Doesn’t Matter – Business Processes
 Smith and Fingar divide IT
into three stages:
 IT infrastructure
 Business automation
 Business process
 IT does matter in the last
area because it is a business
process enabler, say Smith
and Fingar
Software Engineering
 Procedural programming is
based on mathematical
models like λ calculus and
the work of Alan Turing
 Correctness can be proved
 The US DoD spent years
validating the Ada language,
used for spaceflight and
guided missiles
Weinberg’s Second Law
 If Builders Built Buildings The
Way Programmers Write
Programs, Then The First
Woodpecker That Came Along
Would Destroy Civilization
 Gerald Weinberg, 1972
 Years ago I quoted to an
architect Weinberg's line. "Oh,"
she said, "but that's just how
they do build them.“
 George Jansen in RISKS
Digest, 2005
A Component Architecture Debate in
 “If you have small components that you know are right, and you then
combine those components to manipulate each other according to their
published interface specifications, the results should be consistently
correct. The results will be predictable, the usage will be consistent
every time. But in general, this is not how we are designing software.”
(Paul Robinson)
A Component Architecture Debate in
 “If you have small components that you know are right, and you then
combine those components to manipulate each other according to their
published interface specifications, the results should be consistently
correct. The results will be predictable, the usage will be consistent
every time. But in general, this is not how we are designing software.”
(Paul Robinson)
 “There is only widespread take up of component reuse where those
components are reliable and free.” (Steve Taylor)
A Component Architecture Debate in
 “If you have small components that you know are right, and you then
combine those components to manipulate each other according to their
published interface specifications, the results should be consistently
correct. The results will be predictable, the usage will be consistent
every time. But in general, this is not how we are designing software.”
(Paul Robinson)
 “There is only widespread take up of component reuse where those
components are reliable and free.” (Steve Taylor)
 “Software patents make component reuse dead. Reuse a bunch of stuff
and pay many fees, royalties, patent searches, lawyers and contract
negotiations. So who will try reusing components with very real legal,
financial, etc. risks when the risk of consequence for a bug (even
resulting in deaths or huge financial losses,) is small?” (Steven Hauser)
A Component Architecture Debate in
 “If you have small components that you know are right, and you then
combine those components to manipulate each other according to their
published interface specifications, the results should be consistently
correct. The results will be predictable, the usage will be consistent
every time. But in general, this is not how we are designing software.”
(Paul Robinson)
 “There is only widespread take up of component reuse where those
components are reliable and free.” (Steve Taylor)
 “Software patents make component reuse dead. Reuse a bunch of stuff
and pay many fees, royalties, patent searches, lawyers and contract
negotiations. So who will try reusing components with very real legal,
financial, etc. risks when the risk of consequence for a bug (even
resulting in deaths or huge financial losses,) is small?” (Steven Hauser)
 [Open Source] “provides us with the ability to obtain components that
we can fix (or hire experts to fix) if they break.” (Tom Swiss)
A Component Architecture Debate in
 “If you have small components that you know are right, and you then
combine those components to manipulate each other according to their
published interface specifications, the results should be consistently
correct. The results will be predictable, the usage will be consistent
every time. But in general, this is not how we are designing software.”
(Paul Robinson)
 “There is only widespread take up of component reuse where those
components are reliable and free.” (Steve Taylor)
 “Software patents make component reuse dead. Reuse a bunch of stuff
and pay many fees, royalties, patent searches, lawyers and contract
negotiations. So who will try reusing components with very real legal,
financial, etc. risks when the risk of consequence for a bug (even
resulting in deaths or huge financial losses,) is small?” (Steven Hauser)
 [Open Source] “provides us with the ability to obtain components that
we can fix (or hire experts to fix) if they break.” (Tom Swiss)
A Critique of OO from the Same Debate
 “What OO has done to the development of software engineering is
Instead of continue to develop more advanced languages we got stuck
with half-assembler languages like C and followers. A compiler for a
high level language (re-)uses code templates. A compiler for a more
advanced language could reuse even larger chunks of code, without any
need for a programmer to try to find the code in a catalog
To my disappointment, I have seen very little progress during the last
two decades in the field of software development
The ever increasing speed of the processors and the cheap memory
prices has more encouraged fast hacking than a systematic development
based on sound engineering principles.” (Kurt Fredriksson)
The Case for SOA and for
 The current answer to the problems discussed is Enterprise
Architectures that are built on standard components, shrink-
wrapped packages, legacy systems functionality, plus custom
built service-enabled applications where needed
 Plus stronger management procedures like ITIL etc.
 The case for Legacy Systems Transformation (LST) is that these
systems are thoroughly tested, tuned, debugged, and functionally
corrected by change management, based on years of user
observation in real production
 If it makes sense to reuse parts of their functionality in the new
business processes
 But Kurt Fredriksson would probably accuse us of hiding the
symptoms rather than curing the disease
Open Standards and Open
 Open standards like SOAP
means that you can connect
separate systems to each other
in a documented way without
paying a license fee
 Everybody says they support it
 Open source is just another way
of pricing products and services
 The question about the quality
of open source has mainly
ended by now
 The discussions about open
source and open document
standards are also a battlefield
in the struggle for market
Trends, but No Directions?
IT in the Age of
EDA, and other
SOAP is not the same as
 SOAP is not the same as SOA
 SOAP is not the same as SOA
 SOAP is not the same as SOA
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 SOAP is not the same as SOA
 SOAP is not the same as SOA
 SOAP is not the same as SOA
 SOAP is not the same as SOA
 SOAP is not the same as SOA
 SOAP is not the same as SOA
 SOAP is not the same as SOA
 SOAP is not the same as SOA
 (Just wanted to make a point)
SOAP is not the same as
 SOAP (aka Web Services) is a
protocol used for system-to-
system communication
 Any system can be equipped
with a SOAP interface – like an
APPC interface, a Sockets
interface, an RPC interface etc.
 SOAP can be used in a SOA,
but so can other interfaces
SOAP is not the same as
 SOAP (aka Web Services) is a
protocol used for system-to-
system communication
 Any system can be equipped
with a SOAP interface – like an
APPC interface, a Sockets
interface, an RPC interface etc.
 SOAP can be used in a SOA,
but so can other interfaces
 SOA is an enterprise
architecture model, where
functionality in separate systems
is exposed using loose coupling
and open standard interfaces,
including – but not exclusively
 Many current SOA projects are
technical infrastructure projects
rather business projects
 Which is why some people call
a full SOA with BPMS a
Process Oriented Architecture
Robert Morris in zJournal, 2006
 There’s no shortage of vendors
willing to further confuse the
issue by offering simplistic
solutions to delivering
mainframe Web Services, and
claiming this is synonymous
with delivering SOA
 This approach should come with
a warning label: “Web Service
enclosed. All assembly
 It’s like delivering a load of
lumber to a prospective home-
 It requires:
 An in-depth understanding of
how the components work
together to comprise a
recognizable business task
 Automating the interaction of
the underlying functionality
and data sources necessary for
the task
 The whole thing be packaged in
an easily recognizable and
accessible form for effective
use and reuse
 Talking “Web Services” instead
of “business services” really
misses the point
POA according to Howard
 From “Workflow is just a π Process”, 2003:
 A BPMS does not “integrate” applications and Web services as
many workflow solutions and EAI do. That approach only
creates aligned data and some workflow control over messaging
 By contrast, a BPMS assists in the direct reuse of existing
investments in IT processes by consolidating them within a
process-oriented architecture (POA)
 This means we can persist them as data records in a BPMS
process base, a database of process records. Like stored
information within the thread of email, the process base contains
the past, present and alternative futures (via simulation) of the
stored process
POA according to Howard
 Within a POA, the conceptual centre is the business
process itself, the focus of management attention
 In the same way that the RDBMS, based on the
relational model of data management, replaced
disparate hierarchical and network-oriented databases,
we believe BPMS will replace multiple approaches to
 The BPMS heralds a change in the IT stack itself,
from applications built on a data foundation, toward
process management tools built on a process
POA according to Howard
 The BPMS platform provides a
process-oriented architecture (POA)
that can be deployed over today’s
Web services platforms that are, by
contrast, service-oriented
architectures (SOA)
 Web services are just fine at
exposing the process participants the
BPMS can exploit
 Web services live in the era before π
calculus-based technologies
 They represent the final
standardisation of 20th
technology, and for many businesses
that’s long overdue
 By contrast, the BPMS is a 21st
century innovation and ripe for
market adoption
Event Driven Architecture
 Event-Driven Architectures
(EDA) can be seen as an
extension to SOA and BPMS
 EDA refers to any applications
that react intelligently to
changes in conditions, whether
that change is the impending
failure of a hard drive or a
sudden change in stock price.
 Gartner sees EDA as “THE
IBM and Event Driven Architecture
 “Planned enhancements to the CICS family of
products”, IBM Statement of Direction May 2006,
 “IBM intends to support Event Driven Architecture
(EDA) to initiate the event-triggered delivery of a
message for appropriate action in managing and
separately maintaining infrastructure and business
 It is planned for CICS to provide non-invasive
instrumentation of business logic that can be used
by both business analysts and developers. As a first
step in its longer-term EDA strategy, IBM intends
that the complementary product, CICS Business
Event Publisher for MQSeries, will be extended to
conform with the Common Event Infrastructure for
working with a wide range of business, system, and
network events”
Capability Description
Event publishers are not
aware of the existence of
event subscribers
messaging where one
specific event can impact
many subscribers
Flow of control that is
determined by the
recipient, based on an
event posted
Supports asynchronous
operations through event
Trends, but No Directions?
IT in the Age of
 Outsourcing
and Offshoring
Growth of Indian
 Has gone through three stages
 Development of world-class applications development skills,
when firms like Tata became partners with Western firms for
low cost development
 Indian firms offering low-end back-office services (call
centers, transcribing medical records, processing insurance
claims etc.)
 More complex services are now being provided in IT and
Business Process Outsourcing
 According to The Economist, 2006
New Countries are Joining In
 Some of India's offshoring giants are offshoring themselves,
fueling the next round, and U.S. firms are joining in
 Tata has opened offices in Budapest, in Hangzhou, China, and in
Chile. It plans to add 1,500 to the 485 people at its Brazil arm
 Infosys Technologies set up shop in Shanghai, Mauritius, Prague
and Brno
 Wipro has new offices in Shanghai and Beijing and soon in
New Countries are Joining In
 Some of India's offshoring giants are offshoring themselves,
fueling the next round, and U.S. firms are joining in
 Tata has opened offices in Budapest, in Hangzhou, China, and in
Chile. It plans to add 1,500 to the 485 people at its Brazil arm
 Infosys Technologies set up shop in Shanghai, Mauritius, Prague
and Brno
 Wipro has new offices in Shanghai and Beijing and soon in
 U.S. firms are expanding beyond India, too
 Call-center giant Convergys recently opened offices in Dubai and
 IBM Global Services is adding staff in China, Hungary, the Czech
Republic and Brazil
 Accenture is adding staff in the Philippines, China, Slovakia and the
Czech Republic
China’s Five Surprises
 Edward Tse recently wrote in “Resilience Report” that by 2030,
if not sooner, China could be the world’s largest economy. He
thinks China will succeed, where Japan didn’t, because of five
China’s Five Surprises
 Edward Tse recently wrote in “Resilience Report” that by 2030,
if not sooner, China could be the world’s largest economy. He
thinks China will succeed, where Japan didn’t, because of five
 “Why not me?”
 The intensity of Chinese entrepreneurialism is propelling many
companies, even now, beyond a role as producers of low-cost
China’s Five Surprises
 Edward Tse recently wrote in “Resilience Report” that by 2030,
if not sooner, China could be the world’s largest economy. He
thinks China will succeed, where Japan didn’t, because of five
 “Why not me?”
 The intensity of Chinese entrepreneurialism is propelling many
companies, even now, beyond a role as producers of low-cost
 Fearless experimenters
 China’s emphasis on rapid-fire research and development makes it a
seedbed for original products and services in the future
China’s Five Surprises
 China’s “brain gain”
 The ability to attract and retain executives from around the world
has provided a higher level of competence for China’s enterprises
China’s Five Surprises
 China’s “brain gain”
 The ability to attract and retain executives from around the world
has provided a higher level of competence for China’s enterprises
 Out from Guanxi
 Outsiders still view China as a largely patronage-based economy, in
which connections and ethnic background determine success, but
increasingly (at least in some sectors), high-quality management
and transparent governance structures count more
China’s Five Surprises
 China’s “brain gain”
 The ability to attract and retain executives from around the world
has provided a higher level of competence for China’s enterprises
 Out from Guanxi
 Outsiders still view China as a largely patronage-based economy, in
which connections and ethnic background determine success, but
increasingly (at least in some sectors), high-quality management
and transparent governance structures count more
 China’s overseas ambition
 The country is taking on a role as a catalyst of sustained economic
growth in the emerging markets of the developing world
 Backsourcing is taking back in-house services that
were previously outsourced
 JP Morgan Chase did it with IBM in the wake of the
Bank One merger
 Banco Santander has said that it is backsourcing some
of Abbey’s IT operations
 Sainsbury’s announced that it is bringing back in-
house its multi-billion outsourcing with Accenture
 Also examples from Denmark
 Could this happen for offshoring as well?
The Danish Globalization
 Established by the Danish
government April 2005
 It has been advising the
government on an ambitious,
comprehensive strategy to
prepare Denmark better for
 It comprised representatives
from Trade Unions,
employer organisations,
education, and research
“Progress, Renewal, and
 A report from the government after
listening to the Globalization
Council, published April 2006,
concluded among other points:
 Better education
 More competition among
 Stronger cooperation between
companies and universities
 Stronger competition
 Import of more highly educated
 Lower taxes
“Progress, Renewal, and
 A report from the government after
listening to the Globalization
Council, published April 2006,
concluded among other points:
 Better education
 More competition among
 Stronger cooperation between
companies and universities
 Stronger competition
 Import of more highly educated
 Lower taxes
 The report has been criticised for not
listening enough to the council, for
just repeating existing government
policy, and for having too short a
 It wisely focuses on furthering the
Scandinavian “flexicurity” model
 When I used the same argument as
the report about education in a
recent discussion, I was challenged:
“What can your education do to
compete with 100.000’es of Ph.D.’s
in India and China?”
 Perhaps the Innovation paradigm
would be a better answer?
 It is in fact a keyword in the report
The Offshoring Equation for
 Offshore 20 jobs and keep 30 at home – or lose all 50
jobs to your competitor?
 Offshoring is a fact of life
 Companies have to analyze what to keep locally and
what to offshore
 Companies have to adapt new processes and standards
to control and manage this new level of complexity
 What are the social consequences for society and for
 The Danish Ministry of Science, Technology, and Education is
promoting Intergovernmental Interoperability based on Service
Oriented Architectures and a very long list of recommended
 Many very large government systems are being reengineered
into SOA architectures
 Some systems, however, are too simple in their structure for a
SOA to make sense
 Alternatively, they are exposing relevant parts of their functionality as
Web Services for others to use
 “Nordic Relocation” is an Inter-Nordic example of such projects
Trends, but No Directions?
IT in the Age of
 Stratification of IT
Symptoms of
 Stratification, i.e.: separation in layers
 Peter F. Gammelby observed in a Danish newspaper, 2006:
 Globalization and the lack of Danish IT experts are creating a deep
salary gap in the Danish IT business
 A growing number of companies are having their IT work done in
low pay countries, which primarily affects the least educated IT
staff here, both on job opportunities and salary
 Highly educated IT specialists in contrary are in shortage here, and
they are currently earning prize salaries. The lack of them are
however now so strong – and their salaries so high – that companies
have started to find the highly specialized workforce in low pay
A new Stratification is Emerging
 Companies often look at IT as a commodity or utility
 They want to have unlimited IT resources and pay as they go
 This pushes IT down the Value Chain
 IT departments look at IT as a strategic resource
 They want to move IT up the Value Chain and into the board room
 The net product is a new division of work and a stratification of IT functions,
departments, and staff inside companies, between companies, and
 This question poses itself:
 Will you be an industrial worker on the code assembly line or in operations?
 Or will you be part of business- and customer-facing engineering, architecture,
and consulting?
 This may affect your long-term job satisfaction and job security
Trends, but No Directions?
IT in the Age of
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Trends but No Directions

  • 1. Nordic Region Technical Conference Oslo, May 2006 Michael Erichsen, CSC Trends, but No Directions? IT in the Age of Globalization
  • 2. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 2 Purpose of this Presentation  Not really to answer questions, but to try to ask them  CAUTION:  The speaker does NOT necessarily have any deep knowledge in the areas discussed  The presentation consists mainly of unsubstantiated statements, unfounded prejudice, and loose claims ripped off the Internet  A complete literature list would be longer than the presentation  But perhaps we could draw some perspective and inspiration when considering the many confusing trends  The thoughts, opinions, and considerations are the speaker’s own, and not necessarily those of his company or of the GSE Steering Committees
  • 3. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 3 Paradigm Shifts and Foresight  “Paradigm Shifts” is a way of discussing changes in the past by grouping them on a high level  “Foresight” is a technique used by Governments and Universities to build scenarios to help them choose policies to further their aims and strategies  Why are such methods important?  They can help us better understand the trends that affect our countries, our companies, and the future of each of us
  • 4. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 4 Trends, but No Directions? IT in the Age of Globalization  Paradigm Shifts
  • 5. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 5 What’s a Paradigm?
  • 6. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 6 Scott Adams’ Own Comment  If you can say “Well, we are going to do a paradigm here. We're looking at different models. We'll run a few simulations and put this together to see if we can get a consensus.”  That sounds much better than “I don't know”
  • 7. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 7 Brother, Can You Paradigm?  Thomas S. Kuhn: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962):  Scientific advancement is not evolutionary  A series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectually violent revolutions, where one conceptual world view is replaced by another  A Paradigm Shift is a change from one way of thinking to another  It's a revolution, a transformation, a sort of metamorphosis. It just does not happen, but rather it is driven by agents of change  As paraphrased by professor Frank Pajares
  • 8. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 8 Some Paradigm Shifts  Offshoring labour intensive work → Automation & Back- shoring → Offshoring automated work  “EDP” a part of accounting → IT a strategic resource → → Cost containment → Innovation  Batch → On-line → Client/Server → Web → SOA  Decoupling of operating system, data, business processes, presentation, business rules  Data Centric ↔ Process Centric  Data Entry ↔ Case Work  Stationary → Mobile  Centralized ↔ Decentralized  Top-Down ↔ Bottom-up ↔ Meet in the middle
  • 9. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 9 Details and the Complete Picture
  • 10. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 10 No attempt made to explain “Everything”  A theory has to be simpler than the data it explains, otherwise it does not explain anything  Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in “Discours de métaphysique”, 1686, paraphrased by Gregory Chaitin
  • 11. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 11 Offshoring of Manufacturing  In the 1950’es manufacturing boomed, and workers were drawn from the countryside to the factories  In the 1960’es workers were imported from abroad  In the 1970’es manufacturing was exported to the third world  “Footloose” industries, Free Trade Zones  Automation and robots demanded highly skilled workers  Some manufacturing was “backshored”  In the 1990’es a highly skilled Chinese workforce entered the world market, and almost all manufacturing was re-offshored  Important to note that this has been a non-linear process  The consequences in Europe: Marginalization of unskilled labour (to a high degree affecting imported workers and their children). Fear of globalization (“Fortress Europe”)
  • 12. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 12 The Role of Information Technology  IT entered companies as Data Processing (EDP), a subset of the accounting department  Faster file handling, better calculations  As IT matured, and IT departments became more ambitious, they promoted IT as a strategic resource  Seen by upper management as a trick to gain power  During the bubble, everybody rushed into e-something  ERP, CRM, SCM, EAI, Web…  The bubble burst, and cost containment ruled  IT must support cost cutting – and take a lot of cutbacks itself  Now focus is moving back from the bottom line to the top line  IT now must support Innovation to help companies compete
  • 13. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 13 Innovation is not the Same as Creativity  "Innovation… is generally understood as the introduction of a new thing or method… Innovation is the embodiment, combination, or synthesis of knowledge in original, relevant, valued new products, processes, or services.“ (Luecke & Katz, 2003)  "All innovation begins with creative ideas… We define innovation as the successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization. In this view, creativity by individuals and teams is a starting point for innovation; the first is necessary but not sufficient condition for the second". (Amabile et al, 1996)  "Innovation, like many business functions, is a management process that requires specific tools, rules, and discipline." (Davila et al, 2006)  Definitions taken from Wikipedia
  • 14. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 14 Tools to Promote Innovation
  • 15. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 15 Six Myths of Creativity Myth Research Results (Teresa Amabile, Harvard) Creativity Comes From Creative Types Anyone with normal intelligence is capable of doing some degree of creative work Money Is a Creativity Motivator The handful of people spending a lot of time wondering about their bonuses were doing very little creative thinking Time Pressure Fuels Creativity Creativity requires an incubation period; people need time to soak in a problem and let the ideas bubble up Fear Forces Breakthroughs People are more likely to have a breakthrough if they were happy the day before Competition Beats Collaboration When people compete for recognition, they stop sharing information A Streamlined Organization Is a Creative Organization People's fear of the unknown led them to basically disengage from the work
  • 16. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 16 The Computing Platform  Aiken’s Law, 1947: “Only 6 computers needed to perform all calculations in the US”  Batch → On-line → Client/Server/ERP/CRM → Web → SOA → POA? EDA? Something completely different?  Driven by forces like  Technical inventions  Globalization  Business changes like mergers and acquisitions  Changing expectations by users, customers, and partners
  • 17. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 17 Decoupling  The first systems were tightly coupled Operating System-Data- Business Logic-Presentation monoliths  Operating systems and applications were separated  Data was separated using database management systems (network, hierarchical, relational etc.)  Presentation was separated using client/server, GUI, and Web Interfaces  Application components were decoupled from each other using APPC, EDI, RPC, RMI, and Web Services/SOAP  Business rules, processes, and control logic were separated using Business Process Management Systems
  • 18. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 18 A Counter-Trend to Decoupling  Case tools in the 1990’es like IEF/COOL:Gen derived applications and data so strongly from business models that data was effectively owned by specific applications  This is a problem for current reengineering projects, because an enterprise data model is difficult to implement  Shrink-wrapped ERP packages like SAP and Siebel is a new generation of monoliths  In practical life you cannot access or understand SAP relational data outside the SAP system  SAP opens up to SOA architectures by defining itself as the core and providing the ESB
  • 19. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 19 The Data Centric Paradigm  The Data Centric paradigm was driven by Database Management systems and decoupling of data  Built on a mathematical basis: Set Theory founded by Georg Cantor  Modelling starting from enterprise “master data”  Identities and attributes of customers, products, employees, and other core reference data  Implemented in CRM, ERP, and other Shrink-wrapped systems of the 90’es  Backed by vendors like Oracle and SAP  Business Intelligence, OLAP, Data Mining, ETL, etc. can discover new information from non-obvious patterns in large sets of data  Object orientation enhanced data with its inherent methods  Metadata makes data more independent of single applications  XML an excellent medium  Including both structured data (Databases) and unstructured data (email, Office documents)
  • 20. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 20 The Process Centric Paradigm  The Process Centric paradigm was driven by recent business changes, SOA technologies and decoupling of processes  Built on a mathematical basis: π Calculus founded by Robin Milner et al.  The processes of the enterprise is seen as the most important aspect  Sees databases as a place, where state is kept, when lights are out  Focus is moving to innovation  First generation SOA projects are often mainly technical integration projects  Service-enablement of legacy systems and SOAP-interfaces exposes functionality as services and prepares combination into business processes that can be dynamically reconfigured  BPM systems are maturing and integrating with SOA technologies
  • 21. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 21 No More Waiting Rooms?  Customers waiting in line, spending hours in waiting rooms, or rusting on telephone queues are no longer deemed acceptable  Office staff changes from data entry clerks to case officers, handling a case or a client “from cradle to grave”  This drives continuous improvement of processes, higher degrees of automated and IT-supported processes, integration between systems, and self service
  • 22. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 22 Computer Terminals become Mobile  Teletype Terminals → green screens → GUI → handheld terminals/PDA’s/mobile phones etc.  Gartner predicts that in the future everybody will only have laptops – and that we will have to pay for them ourselves, since we also use them for private purposes  This sounds like a hit among company chief financial officers
  • 23. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 23 Centralize or Decentralize  This set of paradigms has regularly shifted back and forth  And will probably continue to do so
  • 24. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 24 Where to Start your Design Projects  The discussion about Top-Down or Bottom-up has been running for years  Top-Down puts the business needs in focus  Bottom-Up provides robust building blocks to build any application needed, and includes the possibility of buying 3rd party components  The Business Process-Service Oriented design is becoming popular by combining into “Meet in the Middle”  Business Process Analysis and Modelling should be guiding your services design
  • 25. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 25 Trends, but No Directions? IT in the Age of Globalization  Foresight
  • 26. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 26 What is Foresight?  Foresight covers activities aiming at  thinking  debating  shaping the future  The driver is the complexity of science, technology and society interrelationships, the limitation of financial resources, and the increasing rate of scientific and technological change
  • 27. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 27 Thinking, Debating, and Shaping the Future  Forecasting, technology assessment, future studies and other forms of foresight try to identify long term trends and thus to guide decision-making  Foresight aims at identifying today's research and innovation priorities on the basis of scenarios of future developments in science and technology, society and economy  Foresight is a participative process involving different stakeholders  Methods include academic studies, panels, and working groups  Foresight aims at identifying possible futures, imagining desirable futures, and defining strategies  Results are generally fed into public decision-making, but they also help participants themselves to develop or adjust their strategy
  • 28. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 28 Business Foresight  Consider whether you could use or participate in such Foresight projects  There are university people who are very good at it  One aspect is the expectations of the next generation of users, customers, citizens  They are going to be very much different from their parents’ generation  And the next wave of retired persons are going to be demanding and difficult too – because that will be many of us in this room!  The new generation of reengineered IT systems that we are building now might have a lifecycle expectancy of maybe 15-20 years, so very big changes in such directions must be prepared for
  • 29. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 29 Technology Foresight  If we think of a 15-20 year period it takes little imagination to foresee the possible size of technology changes over such a period  Wireless everywhere, grid, all kinds of new devices…  Loosely-coupled, open-interface integration between systems that need to know nothing about the internals of each other will be the standard  At the technology level nobody can claim to have the slightest idea whether the differences between mainframes and midrange systems still will exist or whether they have converged  This does not necessarily mean that mainframes will die, as often forecasted, but rather that midrange system will grow in size, processing power, stability and close symbiosis between hardware and operating systems, so the differences will wither away
  • 30. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 30 The Gartner Christmas Report 2005  No more company paid laptops  Telephony will be mobile or internet based  The job market for IT specialists will shrink  More Business Process outsourcing  Software will save lives in the health sector  Government regulations will be in focus  The actual report is of cause more detailed and faceted. Get the details from Gartner yourselves
  • 31. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 31 A Gartner “Hype Curve”  Gartner’s phases are:  Technology/Business Trigger  Peak of Inflated Expectations  Trough of Disillusionment  Slope of Enlightenment  Plateau of Productivity  No presentation is complete without either a Hype Curve or a Magic Quadrant
  • 32. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 32 A Revolution that Never Took Place  “Before man reaches the moon, mail will be delivered within hours from New York to California, to Britain, to India or Australia by guided missiles. We stand on the threshold of rocket mail”  Arthur Summerfield, US Postmaster General, 1959
  • 33. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 33 Remember “The New Economy”?  “There isn't an Internet company in the world that's going to fail because of mistakes – Internet companies make thousands of mistakes every week”  Candice Carpenter of iVillage, 1998
  • 34. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 34 Trends, but No Directions? IT in the Age of Globalization  Globalization
  • 35. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 35 The Globalization Era  There has been an international division of work since long distance trade started in the Stone or Bronze Age  It changed drastically during colonial times when colonial powers controlled who manufactured, who produced raw materials, who were allowed to buy from whom – and who were sold as slaves  After World War II and decolonization countries have become politically free, but with very different levels of development, economy and political rights  Changes in economic strength, the fall of the Iron Curtain, and the establishment of new networks of terror have changed both the political and the economic climate of the planet: The Cold War Era has been replaced by the Globalization Era
  • 36. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 36 Characteristics of Globalization  People around the Globe are more connected to each other than ever before  Information and money flow more quickly than ever  Goods and services produced in one part of the world are increasingly available in all parts of the world  International travel is more frequent  International communication is commonplace  Critics claim that Globalization means US Domination (“McDonaldization”, “Coca-Colonization”)
  • 37. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 37 A Globalization Scenario  One scenario often discussed is the global consolidation of companies into three of each with an undergrowth of national subcontractors:  Three car manufacturers, three computer companies, three airplane manufacturers, three airlines, three food producers, etc.  Imagine the consequences on systems integration, network, layering of the Internet, etc.
  • 38. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 38 Warfare is changing  Warfare has been the main driver of technology for the last several thousand years  “The cold war” is replaced by “The war on terror”  The US Patriot Act, EU, and national Nordic anti- terror legislation affects the IT and telecommunication businesses by demanding large scale storage of communication patterns and/or content  Its will keep a lot of the database, data mining and OLAP specialists busy  It also is subject for a large debate in all democratic countries
  • 39. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 39 Trends, but No Directions? IT in the Age of Globalization  Changes in IT
  • 40. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 40 Ten Key Trends for IT Services in 2006 ComputerWire Market Watch predicts: Steady growth in spending Mega-deals to decline Multi-sourcing Telecoms, pharma and retail the hot sectors Continental Europe warms to outsourcing Telecoms/IT services crossover continues India arrives in infrastructure management Procurement outsourcing to explode Finance & Accounting outsourcing to ramp up Mergers and Acquisitions among IT service providers
  • 41. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 41 Compliance  Financial scandals has put focus on “compliance”, i.e. acting according to accepted standard procedures and processes  Sarbanes-Oxley and Basel II  Outsourcing, offshoring, and the change of IT from art to industry has changed may relations from close partnerships to commercial relations  A contract is now a governance tool rather than an emergency brake  Tight standards on IT processes and project management like ITIL, PRINC 2, CMMI, and Six Sigma
  • 42. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 42 Processification of IT  The compliance paradigm drives IT organizations to change their ways of working from art and handicraft to industrial processes  Better documentation is one important product  Mainframe has learned to work structured many years ago  Midrange and desktop are struggling to change their processes  This is a sign of maturity, and without any doubt necessary  It changes the skill sets necessary to do the job  Which consequences for innovation and creativity?
  • 43. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 43 Does IT Matter?  Article by Nicholas Carr in Harvard Business Review, May 2003  Followed by the book “Does IT Matter? Information Technology and the Corrosion of Competitive Advantage”  Observation: IT becomes a commodity, and competitive advantage diminishes  His conclusion: Stop investing in IT
  • 44. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 44 IT Doesn’t Matter – Business Processes Do  Smith and Fingar divide IT into three stages:  IT infrastructure  Business automation  Business process management  IT does matter in the last area because it is a business process enabler, say Smith and Fingar
  • 45. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 45 Software Engineering  Procedural programming is based on mathematical models like λ calculus and the work of Alan Turing  Correctness can be proved mathematically  The US DoD spent years validating the Ada language, used for spaceflight and guided missiles
  • 46. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 46 Weinberg’s Second Law  If Builders Built Buildings The Way Programmers Write Programs, Then The First Woodpecker That Came Along Would Destroy Civilization  Gerald Weinberg, 1972  Years ago I quoted to an architect Weinberg's line. "Oh," she said, "but that's just how they do build them.“  George Jansen in RISKS Digest, 2005
  • 47. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 47 A Component Architecture Debate in “RISKS”  “If you have small components that you know are right, and you then combine those components to manipulate each other according to their published interface specifications, the results should be consistently correct. The results will be predictable, the usage will be consistent every time. But in general, this is not how we are designing software.” (Paul Robinson)    
  • 48. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 48 A Component Architecture Debate in “RISKS”  “If you have small components that you know are right, and you then combine those components to manipulate each other according to their published interface specifications, the results should be consistently correct. The results will be predictable, the usage will be consistent every time. But in general, this is not how we are designing software.” (Paul Robinson)  “There is only widespread take up of component reuse where those components are reliable and free.” (Steve Taylor)   
  • 49. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 49 A Component Architecture Debate in “RISKS”  “If you have small components that you know are right, and you then combine those components to manipulate each other according to their published interface specifications, the results should be consistently correct. The results will be predictable, the usage will be consistent every time. But in general, this is not how we are designing software.” (Paul Robinson)  “There is only widespread take up of component reuse where those components are reliable and free.” (Steve Taylor)  “Software patents make component reuse dead. Reuse a bunch of stuff and pay many fees, royalties, patent searches, lawyers and contract negotiations. So who will try reusing components with very real legal, financial, etc. risks when the risk of consequence for a bug (even resulting in deaths or huge financial losses,) is small?” (Steven Hauser)  
  • 50. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 50 A Component Architecture Debate in “RISKS”  “If you have small components that you know are right, and you then combine those components to manipulate each other according to their published interface specifications, the results should be consistently correct. The results will be predictable, the usage will be consistent every time. But in general, this is not how we are designing software.” (Paul Robinson)  “There is only widespread take up of component reuse where those components are reliable and free.” (Steve Taylor)  “Software patents make component reuse dead. Reuse a bunch of stuff and pay many fees, royalties, patent searches, lawyers and contract negotiations. So who will try reusing components with very real legal, financial, etc. risks when the risk of consequence for a bug (even resulting in deaths or huge financial losses,) is small?” (Steven Hauser)  [Open Source] “provides us with the ability to obtain components that we can fix (or hire experts to fix) if they break.” (Tom Swiss) 
  • 51. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 51 A Component Architecture Debate in “RISKS”  “If you have small components that you know are right, and you then combine those components to manipulate each other according to their published interface specifications, the results should be consistently correct. The results will be predictable, the usage will be consistent every time. But in general, this is not how we are designing software.” (Paul Robinson)  “There is only widespread take up of component reuse where those components are reliable and free.” (Steve Taylor)  “Software patents make component reuse dead. Reuse a bunch of stuff and pay many fees, royalties, patent searches, lawyers and contract negotiations. So who will try reusing components with very real legal, financial, etc. risks when the risk of consequence for a bug (even resulting in deaths or huge financial losses,) is small?” (Steven Hauser)  [Open Source] “provides us with the ability to obtain components that we can fix (or hire experts to fix) if they break.” (Tom Swiss)
  • 52. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 52 A Critique of OO from the Same Debate  “What OO has done to the development of software engineering is devastating Instead of continue to develop more advanced languages we got stuck with half-assembler languages like C and followers. A compiler for a high level language (re-)uses code templates. A compiler for a more advanced language could reuse even larger chunks of code, without any need for a programmer to try to find the code in a catalog To my disappointment, I have seen very little progress during the last two decades in the field of software development The ever increasing speed of the processors and the cheap memory prices has more encouraged fast hacking than a systematic development based on sound engineering principles.” (Kurt Fredriksson)
  • 53. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 53 The Case for SOA and for LST  The current answer to the problems discussed is Enterprise Architectures that are built on standard components, shrink- wrapped packages, legacy systems functionality, plus custom built service-enabled applications where needed  Plus stronger management procedures like ITIL etc.  The case for Legacy Systems Transformation (LST) is that these systems are thoroughly tested, tuned, debugged, and functionally corrected by change management, based on years of user observation in real production  If it makes sense to reuse parts of their functionality in the new business processes  But Kurt Fredriksson would probably accuse us of hiding the symptoms rather than curing the disease
  • 54. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 54 Open Standards and Open Source  Open standards like SOAP means that you can connect separate systems to each other in a documented way without paying a license fee  Everybody says they support it  Open source is just another way of pricing products and services  The question about the quality of open source has mainly ended by now  The discussions about open source and open document standards are also a battlefield in the struggle for market domination
  • 55. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 55 Trends, but No Directions? IT in the Age of Globalization  SOA, POA, EDA, and other TLA’s
  • 56. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 56 SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA
  • 57. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 57 SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP is not the same as SOA  (Just wanted to make a point)
  • 58. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 58 SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP (aka Web Services) is a protocol used for system-to- system communication  Any system can be equipped with a SOAP interface – like an APPC interface, a Sockets interface, an RPC interface etc.  SOAP can be used in a SOA, but so can other interfaces   
  • 59. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 59 SOAP is not the same as SOA  SOAP (aka Web Services) is a protocol used for system-to- system communication  Any system can be equipped with a SOAP interface – like an APPC interface, a Sockets interface, an RPC interface etc.  SOAP can be used in a SOA, but so can other interfaces  SOA is an enterprise architecture model, where functionality in separate systems is exposed using loose coupling and open standard interfaces, including – but not exclusively – SOAP  Many current SOA projects are technical infrastructure projects rather business projects  Which is why some people call a full SOA with BPMS a Process Oriented Architecture (POA)
  • 60. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 60 Robert Morris in zJournal, 2006  There’s no shortage of vendors willing to further confuse the issue by offering simplistic solutions to delivering mainframe Web Services, and claiming this is synonymous with delivering SOA  This approach should come with a warning label: “Web Service enclosed. All assembly required.”  It’s like delivering a load of lumber to a prospective home- builder  It requires:  An in-depth understanding of how the components work together to comprise a recognizable business task  Automating the interaction of the underlying functionality and data sources necessary for the task  The whole thing be packaged in an easily recognizable and accessible form for effective use and reuse  Talking “Web Services” instead of “business services” really misses the point
  • 61. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 61 POA according to Howard Smith  From “Workflow is just a π Process”, 2003:  A BPMS does not “integrate” applications and Web services as many workflow solutions and EAI do. That approach only creates aligned data and some workflow control over messaging  By contrast, a BPMS assists in the direct reuse of existing investments in IT processes by consolidating them within a process-oriented architecture (POA)  This means we can persist them as data records in a BPMS process base, a database of process records. Like stored information within the thread of email, the process base contains the past, present and alternative futures (via simulation) of the stored process
  • 62. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 62 POA according to Howard Smith  Within a POA, the conceptual centre is the business process itself, the focus of management attention  In the same way that the RDBMS, based on the relational model of data management, replaced disparate hierarchical and network-oriented databases, we believe BPMS will replace multiple approaches to workflow  The BPMS heralds a change in the IT stack itself, from applications built on a data foundation, toward process management tools built on a process foundation
  • 63. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 63 POA according to Howard Smith  The BPMS platform provides a process-oriented architecture (POA) that can be deployed over today’s Web services platforms that are, by contrast, service-oriented architectures (SOA)  Web services are just fine at exposing the process participants the BPMS can exploit  Web services live in the era before π calculus-based technologies  They represent the final standardisation of 20th century technology, and for many businesses that’s long overdue  By contrast, the BPMS is a 21st century innovation and ripe for market adoption
  • 64. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 64 Event Driven Architecture  Event-Driven Architectures (EDA) can be seen as an extension to SOA and BPMS  EDA refers to any applications that react intelligently to changes in conditions, whether that change is the impending failure of a hard drive or a sudden change in stock price.  Gartner sees EDA as “THE NEXT BIG THING”™
  • 65. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 65 IBM and Event Driven Architecture  “Planned enhancements to the CICS family of products”, IBM Statement of Direction May 2006, include:  “IBM intends to support Event Driven Architecture (EDA) to initiate the event-triggered delivery of a message for appropriate action in managing and separately maintaining infrastructure and business processes  It is planned for CICS to provide non-invasive instrumentation of business logic that can be used by both business analysts and developers. As a first step in its longer-term EDA strategy, IBM intends that the complementary product, CICS Business Event Publisher for MQSeries, will be extended to conform with the Common Event Infrastructure for working with a wide range of business, system, and network events” Capability Description Decoupled interactions Event publishers are not aware of the existence of event subscribers Many-to- many communica tions Publish/Subscribe messaging where one specific event can impact many subscribers Event- based trigger Flow of control that is determined by the recipient, based on an event posted Asynchron ous Supports asynchronous operations through event messaging
  • 66. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 66 Trends, but No Directions? IT in the Age of Globalization  Outsourcing and Offshoring
  • 67. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 67 Growth of Indian Offshoring  Has gone through three stages  Development of world-class applications development skills, when firms like Tata became partners with Western firms for low cost development  Indian firms offering low-end back-office services (call centers, transcribing medical records, processing insurance claims etc.)  More complex services are now being provided in IT and Business Process Outsourcing  According to The Economist, 2006
  • 68. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 68 New Countries are Joining In  Some of India's offshoring giants are offshoring themselves, fueling the next round, and U.S. firms are joining in  Tata has opened offices in Budapest, in Hangzhou, China, and in Chile. It plans to add 1,500 to the 485 people at its Brazil arm  Infosys Technologies set up shop in Shanghai, Mauritius, Prague and Brno  Wipro has new offices in Shanghai and Beijing and soon in Bucharest    
  • 69. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 69 New Countries are Joining In  Some of India's offshoring giants are offshoring themselves, fueling the next round, and U.S. firms are joining in  Tata has opened offices in Budapest, in Hangzhou, China, and in Chile. It plans to add 1,500 to the 485 people at its Brazil arm  Infosys Technologies set up shop in Shanghai, Mauritius, Prague and Brno  Wipro has new offices in Shanghai and Beijing and soon in Bucharest  U.S. firms are expanding beyond India, too  Call-center giant Convergys recently opened offices in Dubai and Budapest  IBM Global Services is adding staff in China, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Brazil  Accenture is adding staff in the Philippines, China, Slovakia and the Czech Republic
  • 70. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 70 China’s Five Surprises  Edward Tse recently wrote in “Resilience Report” that by 2030, if not sooner, China could be the world’s largest economy. He thinks China will succeed, where Japan didn’t, because of five “surprises”:    
  • 71. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 71 China’s Five Surprises  Edward Tse recently wrote in “Resilience Report” that by 2030, if not sooner, China could be the world’s largest economy. He thinks China will succeed, where Japan didn’t, because of five “surprises”:  “Why not me?”  The intensity of Chinese entrepreneurialism is propelling many companies, even now, beyond a role as producers of low-cost commodities  
  • 72. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 72 China’s Five Surprises  Edward Tse recently wrote in “Resilience Report” that by 2030, if not sooner, China could be the world’s largest economy. He thinks China will succeed, where Japan didn’t, because of five “surprises”:  “Why not me?”  The intensity of Chinese entrepreneurialism is propelling many companies, even now, beyond a role as producers of low-cost commodities  Fearless experimenters  China’s emphasis on rapid-fire research and development makes it a seedbed for original products and services in the future
  • 73. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 73 China’s Five Surprises  China’s “brain gain”  The ability to attract and retain executives from around the world has provided a higher level of competence for China’s enterprises    
  • 74. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 74 China’s Five Surprises  China’s “brain gain”  The ability to attract and retain executives from around the world has provided a higher level of competence for China’s enterprises  Out from Guanxi  Outsiders still view China as a largely patronage-based economy, in which connections and ethnic background determine success, but increasingly (at least in some sectors), high-quality management and transparent governance structures count more  
  • 75. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 75 China’s Five Surprises  China’s “brain gain”  The ability to attract and retain executives from around the world has provided a higher level of competence for China’s enterprises  Out from Guanxi  Outsiders still view China as a largely patronage-based economy, in which connections and ethnic background determine success, but increasingly (at least in some sectors), high-quality management and transparent governance structures count more  China’s overseas ambition  The country is taking on a role as a catalyst of sustained economic growth in the emerging markets of the developing world
  • 76. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 76 Backsourcin g  Backsourcing is taking back in-house services that were previously outsourced  JP Morgan Chase did it with IBM in the wake of the Bank One merger  Banco Santander has said that it is backsourcing some of Abbey’s IT operations  Sainsbury’s announced that it is bringing back in- house its multi-billion outsourcing with Accenture  Also examples from Denmark  Could this happen for offshoring as well?
  • 77. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 77 The Danish Globalization Council  Established by the Danish government April 2005  It has been advising the government on an ambitious, comprehensive strategy to prepare Denmark better for globalization  It comprised representatives from Trade Unions, employer organisations, education, and research circles
  • 78. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 78 “Progress, Renewal, and Security”  A report from the government after listening to the Globalization Council, published April 2006, concluded among other points:  Better education  More competition among universities  Stronger cooperation between companies and universities  Stronger competition  Import of more highly educated workers  Lower taxes     
  • 79. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 79 “Progress, Renewal, and Security”  A report from the government after listening to the Globalization Council, published April 2006, concluded among other points:  Better education  More competition among universities  Stronger cooperation between companies and universities  Stronger competition  Import of more highly educated workers  Lower taxes  The report has been criticised for not listening enough to the council, for just repeating existing government policy, and for having too short a perspective  It wisely focuses on furthering the Scandinavian “flexicurity” model  When I used the same argument as the report about education in a recent discussion, I was challenged: “What can your education do to compete with 100.000’es of Ph.D.’s in India and China?”  Perhaps the Innovation paradigm would be a better answer?  It is in fact a keyword in the report
  • 80. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 80 The Offshoring Equation for Companies  Offshore 20 jobs and keep 30 at home – or lose all 50 jobs to your competitor?  Offshoring is a fact of life  Companies have to analyze what to keep locally and what to offshore  Companies have to adapt new processes and standards to control and manage this new level of complexity  What are the social consequences for society and for employees?
  • 81. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 81 Intergovernmental Interoperability  The Danish Ministry of Science, Technology, and Education is promoting Intergovernmental Interoperability based on Service Oriented Architectures and a very long list of recommended standards  Many very large government systems are being reengineered into SOA architectures  Some systems, however, are too simple in their structure for a SOA to make sense  Alternatively, they are exposing relevant parts of their functionality as Web Services for others to use  “Nordic Relocation” is an Inter-Nordic example of such projects
  • 82. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 82 Trends, but No Directions? IT in the Age of Globalization  Stratification of IT
  • 83. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 83 Symptoms of Stratification  Stratification, i.e.: separation in layers  Peter F. Gammelby observed in a Danish newspaper, 2006:  Globalization and the lack of Danish IT experts are creating a deep salary gap in the Danish IT business  A growing number of companies are having their IT work done in low pay countries, which primarily affects the least educated IT staff here, both on job opportunities and salary  Highly educated IT specialists in contrary are in shortage here, and they are currently earning prize salaries. The lack of them are however now so strong – and their salaries so high – that companies have started to find the highly specialized workforce in low pay countries
  • 84. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 84 A new Stratification is Emerging  Companies often look at IT as a commodity or utility  They want to have unlimited IT resources and pay as they go  This pushes IT down the Value Chain  IT departments look at IT as a strategic resource  They want to move IT up the Value Chain and into the board room  The net product is a new division of work and a stratification of IT functions, departments, and staff inside companies, between companies, and internationally  This question poses itself:  Will you be an industrial worker on the code assembly line or in operations?  Or will you be part of business- and customer-facing engineering, architecture, and consulting?  This may affect your long-term job satisfaction and job security
  • 85. GUIDE SHARE EUROPEMay 2006 85 Trends, but No Directions? IT in the Age of Globalization  Thank you for Listening  Please fill in your evaluation forms

Editor's Notes

  1. Presentation on “Hey, Who Stole my Computer” requested last year at Riga one late evening over a glass of good beer
  2. Going through many slides Many of them would each take a long evening and a bottle of good red wine to discuss I’ll just roll quickly through them to try to provoke some thoughts about what is driving the development of our industry and our own situation
  3. Scott Adams is the guy who draws Dilbert
  4. Already 19th century philosophers discussed this view on development, but the wording is new
  5. I will rush through a lot of detail. The complete picture is up to yourselves to work out
  6. Gurdjieff
  7. Also the higher oil prices and effects on global warming has affected the economy of transporting raw material and products across the world
  8. Innovation is not only about being creative It is about turning knowledge and creative work in products, processes and services
  9. This clearly demonstrates that innovation is a management discipline
  10. Teresa Amabile heads the Entrepreneurial Management Unit at Harvard Business School and devotes her entire research program to the study of creativity Over a period of eight years she collected nearly 12,000 daily journal entries from 238 people working on creative projects. She didn't tell the study participants that she was focusing on creativity. She simply asked them, in a daily email, about their work and their work environment as they experienced it that day. She then coded the emails for creativity by looking for moments when people struggled with a problem or came up with a new idea.
  11. Howard Aiken was a professor at Harvard and took initiative to build the Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator computer together with IBM in 1943
  12. For years we have been discussing decoupling or separation of data, applications and presentation layers. The newer architectures are based on this decoupling, and it often turns out in practice that decoupling has been technical and physical and not separated the layers logically. This becomes a major problem in many reengineering projects
  13. The Hamburg horse droppings prediction
  14. Flint and amber
  15. This is also very important if the large scale integration projects are going to succeed. They typically involve many platforms, many products, and many service providers
  16. This conclusion has of course been strongly attacked by the IT industry
  17. HOWARD SMITH is Chief Technology Officer (Europe) of Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) and co-chair of the Business Process Management Initiative ( PETER FINGAR is an Executive Partner with the digital strategy firm, the Greystone Group.
  18. Last year a big discussion on Software Engineering and quality took place in the Risks Digest Newsgroup. Some very strong opinions were voiced, which I am quoting here
  19. Last year a big discussion on Software Engineering and quality took place in the Risks Digest Newsgroup. Some very strong opinions were voiced, which I am quoting here
  20. Last year a big discussion on Software Engineering and quality took place in the Risks Digest Newsgroup. Some very strong opinions were voiced, which I am quoting here
  21. Last year a big discussion on Software Engineering and quality took place in the Risks Digest Newsgroup. Some very strong opinions were voiced, which I am quoting here
  22. Last year a big discussion on Software Engineering and quality took place in the Risks Digest Newsgroup. Some very strong opinions were voiced, which I am quoting here
  23. The main point of Robert Morris’ article is that SOA should not be an IT project. It should be a business project
  24. The drawing on this slide and table on the next one are from an IBM article on EDA
  25. Last year a participant asked us to have a session on outsourcing with a title like “Hey, who stole my computer?” So let’s have a look at that
  26. And when wages rise in India, they will feel threatened by offshoring too
  27. And when wages rise in India, they will feel threatened by offshoring too
  28. African Infrastructure investments while Europe focuses on emergency aid
  29. African Infrastructure investments while Europe focuses on emergency aid
  30. African Infrastructure investments while Europe focuses on emergency aid
  31. Jyllandsposten