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Go clubbin’! Every day. Every night. No matter what time. No matter where you are. Isn’t that the absolute parameter of the ultimate lifestyle?!
Lifestyle of the rich and the famous, brought to you, at your very doorsteps by the Ultimate Cards Club.
This film is all about style, panache and attitude. It is about immersing oneself in an indulgence so profound and complete that it leads you to
create a whole new world around you.This world is richer, plusher and lavisher than anything you have ever experienced before. While you stay
engrossed in the game on your screen, the floor beneath you melts, the walls around you disappear and the roof over your head disintegrates until
your surroundings change completely and transform into the world rich with golden wallpaper, velvet tapestry, intricately carved pillars, gorgeous
welcoming faces, the clinking of the drinks and the sweet scent of victory.That is the transcendental power of Ultimate Cards Club. It makes you
forget the drab realities of the oppressive world around you and fans out before you the entire platter of interactive entertainment. If your mind
ever needed unwinding, if your heart ever asked for an escape, there couldn’t have been a better window; a window into a world full of fun, frolic
and fortune!
Our film that talks about Ultimate Cards Club; a portal to a world
beyond this world, invokes the spirit of Alice in Wonderland. Hidden in
its heart is a fairytale-ish core offering an alternate reality for those
precious moments when the heart yearns an escape.This feeling, this
urge to escape, and escape into a world of unimaginable style and
riches dwells at the core of this film.Through every single image,
character and sound, we need to bring out the wondrous nature of that
world within the world.The stark contrast between reality and the
alternate scape that we will explore in this film will give the film a
fairytale-ish quality and make it distinct and memorable. It will etch itself
in the minds of the audiences for years to come.The idea is to make
the alternate reality within the real world so powerful that it beckons
the audiences to take that ultimate leap!
Ultimate Cards Club resides in a world far removed from
the reality and drudgery of our everyday life. It is as
stylish, suave and sophisticated as any rich establishment
ever seen in Hollywood. When our indulgent mind
wanders into a world of imagination, it refuses to hold
back, it refuses to compromise; it spreads it wings wide
and soars high up.A film that resides in such an imaginary
realm demands a unique and rather special visual texture,
art and décor.
The carved wood, gold and glass double door swings
open and brings you into a large space made up of finely
designed gold wallpaper and velvet tapestry. As you walk
down the expensive red carpet, you see mirrored walls
lined with people sitting on couches and cushions
drinking their favourite martinis and wines.
Intricately carved pillars stand in the centre of the room.
Luxurious chandeliers hang from the ceilings adding an
incredible sparkle to the space. Ultimate Cards Club
reminds us of Hollywood casinos in its scale and high
end restaurants and clubs in its polish and sophistication.
There are more gold rimmed glass doors that lead to
different game rooms and there are multi-coloured
tables monitored by croupiers conducting different
games. Each room has a different theme, texture and
colour scheme designed after the different graphics on
the cards.Teen Patti room with its green and gold décor
looks absolutely royal and magnificent. Poker room with
red and gold looks glamorous and regal and Rummy
with its blue and gold looks soothing and graceful.
Jaw-dropping and palatial dome-ceilinged
entrance with transparent glass and glittering
gold plating
F u l l o f g l i t z &
g l a m o u r . A
combination of the
richness of casino
and polish of a high
end club
A lavish corridor lined with several doors that lead you to different gaming rooms
Green, Gold and absolutely grand!
Dramatic and sizzling
in its red and gold set
Nothing short of regality with its blue
and gold theme!
Men and women in fancy clothing enjoy the games, the
drinks and the food offered by the establishment. The
uniformed waiters and ushers further enrich the space
and experience with their mesmerizing manners and
The lighting is nice, bright and colourful. Warm ceiling
lights are evenly spread across the entire establishment.
The intermittent sparkle from the chandeliers adds
unbelievable glory to the rooms. Colourful magenta and
cyan lights light up the otherwise dark corners and give a
wonderful dimension to the space.The beautiful contrast
lighting gives further richness to the characters and
depth to the space. The light-and-shadow-play adds
layers making it look larger than life and dramatic.
Bright yet contrast lighting to bring
glamour. Colour lights for mystique.
In order to create a contrast between the magnificent
world of the Ultimate Cards Club and the drab reality of
the day to day routine, we will create two starkly
different looks. Our man is playing a game perhaps on a
lazy Sunday afternoon in his cozy room dressed in simple
home clothes.
It’s a bright beautiful day and the golden sun is seeping
into his room through the large glass rimless French
windows that stand as tall as the walls themselves.
In order to give a bachelor feel to our man’s house, we
can set the film in a loft apartment kind of a space. His
room is modern, sleek, dichromatic and an interesting
combination of careful design and carefree. It reflects the
inherent frivolity of youth dwelling harmoniously with an
aspirational designer appeal. While his room is a far cry
from the club he found himself in, there are elements of
his sense of style strewn about in the room; perhaps
photos, paintings, lamps or interesting furniture in the
corner somewhere amid the usual clutter of a regular
room occupied by a young man.
Dichromatic with freshness
of green, bright and bachelor-
We open the film with a close up of a finger clicking the Ultimate Cards Club app logo on a mobile phone.
We dolly in on a rather suave looking young man coming towards the camera.The dolly stops as he stops at a point. He looks up, adjusts his
bowtie and walks away out of the frame in grand style.
From the opposite angle, we reveal that he has entered a rather lavish establishment called ‘Ultimate Cards Club’.
We are now inside.We see our man walking down the red carpet with great authority. He is now inside a corridor with several doors welcoming
him to different card games.
He finds a gorgeous woman in uniform smiling at him. She ushers him towards a room. On the door it says,“Teen Patti.”They step in.
Eyes all around turn to him.
He takes off his sunglasses, pockets them and throws a look at the table in front of him. Our man takes his seat at the table.An opponent is
already present there.The cards are served. Both take a look with poker faces.
In quick cuts and close ups, we take the game forward.We see the opponent pushing his chips forward, followed by our man, their eyes scrutinizing
each other and then once again the opponent pushes his chips forward.
And the game goes on.Tension rises. Our man drops a stack of chips on the existing mountain and in his deep baritone voice mumbles,“Show
Pachas Lakh.”
The opponent gives a half smile and puts his cards on the table. So does our man.The opponent flips his cards open, one after the other to reveal
a King of Spades, a King of Diamonds and an Ace of Clubs.
With expressions, he challenges our man to do better.
Our man flips the cards he had put down on the table.
Now the opponent can see a 3 of hearts. He sniggers.
Our man fans out the three cards and reveals a 3, 4 and 5 of hearts.The opponent, disappointed throws his head back as our man collects his
As he turns and walks a couple of steps, we track with him.The camera moves along as he walks from one set to another. (The three rooms
would be three different sets constructed next to each other such that the characters can freely move from one to the other and we can use it as
a stylistic transition device by revealing this theatre style structure.To add further panache to the flow, as he walks out of the first room, the lights
there go off and as he enters the new room, this room gets brightly lit.)The door to the new room reads “Poker.”
A beautiful woman ushers him in.They enter.
We cut to the table surrounded by several opponents eyeing him with a certain suspicion and envy.
We cut to the close up of our man’s eyes as he looks at each of the poker opponents.
Straight to the game. In quick cuts, like in the earlier game, we see chips being pushed, dropped, piled up, looks being exchanged, cards turned
upside down, cards thrown on the table.
We then pan the camera across the table revealing the half smiles and twitching eyes, sweaty brows and quivering lips and settle on our man who
truly presents a poker face. In an over the shoulder shot, he pushes his chips forward and once again, in that deep baritone voice mumbles,“All in.”
In a wide shot we reveal that there are only two players remaining in the game; our man and his opponent at the other end of the table.They
both put their cards down.
We focus on the table – the house cards and the hands of the two players.
In signature style, our man fans out his cards to reveal that he has won a full house.
Our man tips his hat and gets up. He begins to walk and in a hidden cut (Birdman style) he finds himself entering a new room.A beautiful woman
waves him to his table and says,“Your rummy table, Sir.”
We cut to 6 players being served their cards. Each one picks up their 13 cards.We cut to the close up of our man’s face and focus on his
perceptive eyes. He looks up from the cards and looking into the camera says,“Let’s begin.”
We cut to his over the shoulder and reveal his 13 cards. Just as he is about to play his card, we match cut to the animated cards on the mobile
phone held by our man.
Dressed in a more casual attire, sitting at his desk, he plays his card.
We now cut to show the home screen of Ultimate Cards Club on the entire screen.The screen shows three game options.TheVO exudes,
“Ultimate Cards Club. One app to play all your favorite card games. Poker,Teen Patti, Rummy!”We drift into the final frame with the logo.TheVoice
over continues,“Now go clubbing everyday on Ultimate Card Club. Install and get 3 lakhs chips free. Download App Now.”
Ultimate Cards Club
Our film is all style and our man with his charm and
elegance, adds a layer of élan to it. With his quiet
confidence and unabashed panache, he invokes the spirit
of James Bond. He utters only a handful of words but
when he does in his signature baritone mumble, he
leaves a lasting impact. He expresses little but his mere
presence makes heads turn. Right from the moment he
enters the club, he kills the buzz and makes eyes turn
towards him. At the tables, he is the only one with a true
poker face while the others struggle to shield their
delight, disappointment, envy or pride. Our man owns the
table with his disarming charm and unassuming manner.
What makes him different and rather special is his no-
nonsense attitude. He is in this rather lavish establishment
merely to play his favourite games.
This single-minded focus makes him an outright winner.
His game-centric application makes him win no matter
where he goes because there are no other thoughts or
preoccupations invading his space.
He is civil to everyone he comes across, he greets with
the tip of his hat, he smiles a wholehearted smile but his
attention is forever on the game waiting ahead of him. It
is this attitude that gives him inherent mystique and
At the end, when we find him at home, even though he
is casually dressed in home attire perhaps lounging
around in his room on a Sunday afternoon, his elegant
manner and sense of style are still just as obvious.
Suave, sophisticated, stylish
His expressions and mannerisms, his body
language and style can make heads turn
A b s o l u t e l y
i m p e c c a b l y
dressed in his suit,
bowtie, tie pin, hat
& sunglasses
Cool and casual worn with élan. His inherent style is evident even as he relaxes on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
The other characters in this establishment such as the
beautiful ladies, the ushers and the croupiers in their
particular uniforms add further sophistication and
opulence to the plush club. The three ladies are
absolutely gorgeous.They are warm, they are welcoming
and they smile each time they are addressed. Without
many words, they take your command and lead you to
the right place but there is a firm business-like attitude
they carry and they can be intimidating too in situations
that demand it.
The ushers, the waiters and the croupiers are all friendly
but they are firm too.They mean business and they are
all here to ensure a completely unbiased and fair
experience for one and all. With their uprightness and
elegance, they give this establishment, class and
The ushers, croupiers, waiters and the crowd exuding character, colour and style
There is an inimitable style and energy that runs through
the veins of every character in our film.They move to the
vigorous pace of the film.This film is all about vitality and
rhythm; there is a certain flow to the entire film which
will shine out at the edit table.The editing and the natural
rhythm of the film will ensure that the stylistic portions of
the film don’t stand out like a sore thumb but blend in
with the over all flow of the film.
The wide establishing shots interwoven with close ups of
the blinking eyes, twitching lips, piercing gazes, played
cards, pushed chips and winning hands. Or the high speed
walking and gazing mood track & trolley shots intercut
with fast paced quick cuts of the cards being played,
hands flashed and chips pushed. Or the transitions to
take us from one room to the next will all be designed in
a way that it gives the entire film a sense of thematic
The transitions from one room to the next would really
pace the film along while adding tremendous style to it.
We can use different transitions to enter different
rooms.They would save time and add a stylistic element
to the film. The first transition from room 1 to room 2
can be a physical tracking as our man walks from one set
to the next which are constructed next to each other.
Please see the examples below;
For the second transition, we can perhaps use a Birdman
kind of a hidden cut to give a sense of single shot
seamless movement while saving a lot of time. Here are
a few examples.
It is the editing and transitional pattern and uniformity
that will give the entire film a wonderful rhythm.
Extreme close ups intercut with tracks & trolleys and wide
shots to create a unique & dynamic feel
This film that is stylish, dramatic and incredibly cinematic in its
storytelling, deserves a piece of music as beautiful and complex as a
symphony. Because the range that a symphony boasts of, variety of
instruments that it embodies, notes that it strikes and emotions that
it evokes, perhaps few other musical forms can. Only a symphony
inspired music can do justice to this film that presents a world of
dream-like opulence and unparalleled sophistication.
Imagine an evocative symphony becoming a theme music for our
main character.As he glides down the alleys and rooms with great
elegance and authority, an intrigue-inducing melody lays the path for
him. Perhaps a slight alteration in the tune of the music with each
new room can add further layering to the film.As our iconic man
joins the tables and the action picks up, rhythm gets introduced and
the tempo builds up. Real ambient sounds of the shuffling of the
cards, the dealing, the fanning, the heaving breath, the whooshing of
the chips can be used as rhythm to add a layer to the music. During
the quick cuts, the interjection of these sounds will really add a
punch to the scene.
As per the action, the
instruments interweave, drums
bellow, strings and chords
screech and winds blow to create
a battle-like scene.The rhythm
and sometimes the stark silences
underline the high speed
moments in the film that exhibit
the emotions of the players.At
the end, when we pull out from
this lavish world and enter the
man’s home, a starkly different
music can help create two
distinctly different worlds. Perhaps
a simple lounge music or mere
ambient sounds in the real world
can establish the difference
between the two worlds until the
voice over at the end sums up
the entire film.
It	would	be	my	pleasure	to	work	with	you	on	this	fantastic	film	
that	is	bound	to	etch	itself	in	the	memories	of	the	audiences	for	
a	long	time	to	come,	visually,	choreographically	and	musically.	
We	have	rarely	seen	such	a	display	of	energy,	rhythm	and	
imagination	in	an	Indian	commercial	before	and	this	film	is	a	
perfect	opportunity	to	let	go	and	create	something	that	is	
stylish,	fun,	energetic	and	truly	distinct.	There	are	two	worlds	
this	film	boasts	of;	the	real	world	and	the	virtual	world	where	all	
dreams	and	indulgent	ideas	come	true.	In	such	a	world,	there	is	
no	holding	back;	a	world	such	as	this	beckons	one	to	let	go	and	
fill	up	the	space	with	wild,	chaotic	and	colourful	strokes.	Giving	
wings	to	imagination	is	the	key	in	creating	our	fantastical	world.	
While	the	audiences	stay	immersed	in	the	
visuals	on	their	screen,	the	world	around	
them	erodes	and	gets	replaced	by	
something	far	more	magical.	My	aim	with	
this	film	would	be	to	create	a	heightened	
experience	that	transports	them	from	the	
safe	confines	of	their	rooms	and	takes	
them	on	an	unforgettable	adventure.		
I	look	forward	to	working	with	you	on	this	
distinct	and	delightful	film!	
Thank you!

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Treatment Note - Ultimate Cards Club App

  • 3. Go clubbin’! Every day. Every night. No matter what time. No matter where you are. Isn’t that the absolute parameter of the ultimate lifestyle?! Lifestyle of the rich and the famous, brought to you, at your very doorsteps by the Ultimate Cards Club. This film is all about style, panache and attitude. It is about immersing oneself in an indulgence so profound and complete that it leads you to create a whole new world around you.This world is richer, plusher and lavisher than anything you have ever experienced before. While you stay engrossed in the game on your screen, the floor beneath you melts, the walls around you disappear and the roof over your head disintegrates until your surroundings change completely and transform into the world rich with golden wallpaper, velvet tapestry, intricately carved pillars, gorgeous welcoming faces, the clinking of the drinks and the sweet scent of victory.That is the transcendental power of Ultimate Cards Club. It makes you forget the drab realities of the oppressive world around you and fans out before you the entire platter of interactive entertainment. If your mind ever needed unwinding, if your heart ever asked for an escape, there couldn’t have been a better window; a window into a world full of fun, frolic and fortune!
  • 4. Our film that talks about Ultimate Cards Club; a portal to a world beyond this world, invokes the spirit of Alice in Wonderland. Hidden in its heart is a fairytale-ish core offering an alternate reality for those precious moments when the heart yearns an escape.This feeling, this urge to escape, and escape into a world of unimaginable style and riches dwells at the core of this film.Through every single image, character and sound, we need to bring out the wondrous nature of that world within the world.The stark contrast between reality and the alternate scape that we will explore in this film will give the film a fairytale-ish quality and make it distinct and memorable. It will etch itself in the minds of the audiences for years to come.The idea is to make the alternate reality within the real world so powerful that it beckons the audiences to take that ultimate leap!
  • 5. LOOK & FEEL Ultimate Cards Club resides in a world far removed from the reality and drudgery of our everyday life. It is as stylish, suave and sophisticated as any rich establishment ever seen in Hollywood. When our indulgent mind wanders into a world of imagination, it refuses to hold back, it refuses to compromise; it spreads it wings wide and soars high up.A film that resides in such an imaginary realm demands a unique and rather special visual texture, art and décor. The carved wood, gold and glass double door swings open and brings you into a large space made up of finely designed gold wallpaper and velvet tapestry. As you walk down the expensive red carpet, you see mirrored walls lined with people sitting on couches and cushions drinking their favourite martinis and wines. Intricately carved pillars stand in the centre of the room. Luxurious chandeliers hang from the ceilings adding an incredible sparkle to the space. Ultimate Cards Club reminds us of Hollywood casinos in its scale and high end restaurants and clubs in its polish and sophistication. There are more gold rimmed glass doors that lead to different game rooms and there are multi-coloured tables monitored by croupiers conducting different games. Each room has a different theme, texture and colour scheme designed after the different graphics on the cards.Teen Patti room with its green and gold décor looks absolutely royal and magnificent. Poker room with red and gold looks glamorous and regal and Rummy with its blue and gold looks soothing and graceful.
  • 6. THE GRAND ENTRANCE TO ULTIMATE CARDS CLUB Jaw-dropping and palatial dome-ceilinged entrance with transparent glass and glittering gold plating
  • 7. U L T I M A T E CARDS CLUB F u l l o f g l i t z & g l a m o u r . A combination of the richness of casino and polish of a high end club
  • 8. ULTIMATE CARDS CLUB CORRIDOR A lavish corridor lined with several doors that lead you to different gaming rooms
  • 9. TEEN PATTI ROOM Green, Gold and absolutely grand!
  • 10. POKER ROOM Dramatic and sizzling in its red and gold set up
  • 11. RUMMY ROOM Nothing short of regality with its blue and gold theme!
  • 12. Men and women in fancy clothing enjoy the games, the drinks and the food offered by the establishment. The uniformed waiters and ushers further enrich the space and experience with their mesmerizing manners and smiles. The lighting is nice, bright and colourful. Warm ceiling lights are evenly spread across the entire establishment. The intermittent sparkle from the chandeliers adds unbelievable glory to the rooms. Colourful magenta and cyan lights light up the otherwise dark corners and give a wonderful dimension to the space.The beautiful contrast lighting gives further richness to the characters and depth to the space. The light-and-shadow-play adds layers making it look larger than life and dramatic.
  • 13. LIGHT & TONE Bright yet contrast lighting to bring glamour. Colour lights for mystique.
  • 14. In order to create a contrast between the magnificent world of the Ultimate Cards Club and the drab reality of the day to day routine, we will create two starkly different looks. Our man is playing a game perhaps on a lazy Sunday afternoon in his cozy room dressed in simple home clothes. It’s a bright beautiful day and the golden sun is seeping into his room through the large glass rimless French windows that stand as tall as the walls themselves. In order to give a bachelor feel to our man’s house, we can set the film in a loft apartment kind of a space. His room is modern, sleek, dichromatic and an interesting combination of careful design and carefree. It reflects the inherent frivolity of youth dwelling harmoniously with an aspirational designer appeal. While his room is a far cry from the club he found himself in, there are elements of his sense of style strewn about in the room; perhaps photos, paintings, lamps or interesting furniture in the corner somewhere amid the usual clutter of a regular room occupied by a young man.
  • 15. HOME Dichromatic with freshness of green, bright and bachelor- beautiful
  • 16. We open the film with a close up of a finger clicking the Ultimate Cards Club app logo on a mobile phone. We dolly in on a rather suave looking young man coming towards the camera.The dolly stops as he stops at a point. He looks up, adjusts his bowtie and walks away out of the frame in grand style. From the opposite angle, we reveal that he has entered a rather lavish establishment called ‘Ultimate Cards Club’. STORY FLOW
  • 17. We are now inside.We see our man walking down the red carpet with great authority. He is now inside a corridor with several doors welcoming him to different card games. He finds a gorgeous woman in uniform smiling at him. She ushers him towards a room. On the door it says,“Teen Patti.”They step in. Eyes all around turn to him. He takes off his sunglasses, pockets them and throws a look at the table in front of him. Our man takes his seat at the table.An opponent is already present there.The cards are served. Both take a look with poker faces.
  • 18. In quick cuts and close ups, we take the game forward.We see the opponent pushing his chips forward, followed by our man, their eyes scrutinizing each other and then once again the opponent pushes his chips forward.
  • 19. And the game goes on.Tension rises. Our man drops a stack of chips on the existing mountain and in his deep baritone voice mumbles,“Show Pachas Lakh.” The opponent gives a half smile and puts his cards on the table. So does our man.The opponent flips his cards open, one after the other to reveal a King of Spades, a King of Diamonds and an Ace of Clubs. With expressions, he challenges our man to do better.
  • 20. Our man flips the cards he had put down on the table. Now the opponent can see a 3 of hearts. He sniggers. Our man fans out the three cards and reveals a 3, 4 and 5 of hearts.The opponent, disappointed throws his head back as our man collects his chips. As he turns and walks a couple of steps, we track with him.The camera moves along as he walks from one set to another. (The three rooms would be three different sets constructed next to each other such that the characters can freely move from one to the other and we can use it as a stylistic transition device by revealing this theatre style structure.To add further panache to the flow, as he walks out of the first room, the lights there go off and as he enters the new room, this room gets brightly lit.)The door to the new room reads “Poker.”
  • 21. A beautiful woman ushers him in.They enter. We cut to the table surrounded by several opponents eyeing him with a certain suspicion and envy.
  • 22. We cut to the close up of our man’s eyes as he looks at each of the poker opponents. Straight to the game. In quick cuts, like in the earlier game, we see chips being pushed, dropped, piled up, looks being exchanged, cards turned upside down, cards thrown on the table. We then pan the camera across the table revealing the half smiles and twitching eyes, sweaty brows and quivering lips and settle on our man who truly presents a poker face. In an over the shoulder shot, he pushes his chips forward and once again, in that deep baritone voice mumbles,“All in.”
  • 23. In a wide shot we reveal that there are only two players remaining in the game; our man and his opponent at the other end of the table.They both put their cards down. We focus on the table – the house cards and the hands of the two players. In signature style, our man fans out his cards to reveal that he has won a full house.
  • 24. Our man tips his hat and gets up. He begins to walk and in a hidden cut (Birdman style) he finds himself entering a new room.A beautiful woman waves him to his table and says,“Your rummy table, Sir.” We cut to 6 players being served their cards. Each one picks up their 13 cards.We cut to the close up of our man’s face and focus on his perceptive eyes. He looks up from the cards and looking into the camera says,“Let’s begin.”
  • 25. We cut to his over the shoulder and reveal his 13 cards. Just as he is about to play his card, we match cut to the animated cards on the mobile phone held by our man. Dressed in a more casual attire, sitting at his desk, he plays his card. We now cut to show the home screen of Ultimate Cards Club on the entire screen.The screen shows three game options.TheVO exudes, “Ultimate Cards Club. One app to play all your favorite card games. Poker,Teen Patti, Rummy!”We drift into the final frame with the logo.TheVoice over continues,“Now go clubbing everyday on Ultimate Card Club. Install and get 3 lakhs chips free. Download App Now.” Ultimate Cards Club
  • 26. CAST & CHARACTER Our film is all style and our man with his charm and elegance, adds a layer of élan to it. With his quiet confidence and unabashed panache, he invokes the spirit of James Bond. He utters only a handful of words but when he does in his signature baritone mumble, he leaves a lasting impact. He expresses little but his mere presence makes heads turn. Right from the moment he enters the club, he kills the buzz and makes eyes turn towards him. At the tables, he is the only one with a true poker face while the others struggle to shield their delight, disappointment, envy or pride. Our man owns the table with his disarming charm and unassuming manner. What makes him different and rather special is his no- nonsense attitude. He is in this rather lavish establishment merely to play his favourite games. This single-minded focus makes him an outright winner. His game-centric application makes him win no matter where he goes because there are no other thoughts or preoccupations invading his space. He is civil to everyone he comes across, he greets with the tip of his hat, he smiles a wholehearted smile but his attention is forever on the game waiting ahead of him. It is this attitude that gives him inherent mystique and authority. At the end, when we find him at home, even though he is casually dressed in home attire perhaps lounging around in his room on a Sunday afternoon, his elegant manner and sense of style are still just as obvious.
  • 27. CASTING – OUR MAN Suave, sophisticated, stylish
  • 28. His expressions and mannerisms, his body language and style can make heads turn
  • 29. D R E S S I N G STYLE - CLUB A b s o l u t e l y i m p e c c a b l y dressed in his suit, bowtie, tie pin, hat & sunglasses
  • 30. DRESSING STYLE - HOME Cool and casual worn with élan. His inherent style is evident even as he relaxes on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
  • 31. The other characters in this establishment such as the beautiful ladies, the ushers and the croupiers in their particular uniforms add further sophistication and opulence to the plush club. The three ladies are absolutely gorgeous.They are warm, they are welcoming and they smile each time they are addressed. Without many words, they take your command and lead you to the right place but there is a firm business-like attitude they carry and they can be intimidating too in situations that demand it. The ushers, the waiters and the croupiers are all friendly but they are firm too.They mean business and they are all here to ensure a completely unbiased and fair experience for one and all. With their uprightness and elegance, they give this establishment, class and sophistication.
  • 32. CAST & COSTUME The ushers, croupiers, waiters and the crowd exuding character, colour and style
  • 33. EDIT & TRANSITIONS There is an inimitable style and energy that runs through the veins of every character in our film.They move to the vigorous pace of the film.This film is all about vitality and rhythm; there is a certain flow to the entire film which will shine out at the edit table.The editing and the natural rhythm of the film will ensure that the stylistic portions of the film don’t stand out like a sore thumb but blend in with the over all flow of the film. The wide establishing shots interwoven with close ups of the blinking eyes, twitching lips, piercing gazes, played cards, pushed chips and winning hands. Or the high speed walking and gazing mood track & trolley shots intercut with fast paced quick cuts of the cards being played, hands flashed and chips pushed. Or the transitions to take us from one room to the next will all be designed in a way that it gives the entire film a sense of thematic choreography. The transitions from one room to the next would really pace the film along while adding tremendous style to it. We can use different transitions to enter different rooms.They would save time and add a stylistic element to the film. The first transition from room 1 to room 2 can be a physical tracking as our man walks from one set to the next which are constructed next to each other. Please see the examples below; For the second transition, we can perhaps use a Birdman kind of a hidden cut to give a sense of single shot seamless movement while saving a lot of time. Here are a few examples. It is the editing and transitional pattern and uniformity that will give the entire film a wonderful rhythm.
  • 34. CINEMATOGRAPHY Extreme close ups intercut with tracks & trolleys and wide shots to create a unique & dynamic feel
  • 35. MUSIC & SOUND This film that is stylish, dramatic and incredibly cinematic in its storytelling, deserves a piece of music as beautiful and complex as a symphony. Because the range that a symphony boasts of, variety of instruments that it embodies, notes that it strikes and emotions that it evokes, perhaps few other musical forms can. Only a symphony inspired music can do justice to this film that presents a world of dream-like opulence and unparalleled sophistication. Imagine an evocative symphony becoming a theme music for our main character.As he glides down the alleys and rooms with great elegance and authority, an intrigue-inducing melody lays the path for him. Perhaps a slight alteration in the tune of the music with each new room can add further layering to the film.As our iconic man joins the tables and the action picks up, rhythm gets introduced and the tempo builds up. Real ambient sounds of the shuffling of the cards, the dealing, the fanning, the heaving breath, the whooshing of the chips can be used as rhythm to add a layer to the music. During the quick cuts, the interjection of these sounds will really add a punch to the scene. As per the action, the instruments interweave, drums bellow, strings and chords screech and winds blow to create a battle-like scene.The rhythm and sometimes the stark silences underline the high speed moments in the film that exhibit the emotions of the players.At the end, when we pull out from this lavish world and enter the man’s home, a starkly different music can help create two distinctly different worlds. Perhaps a simple lounge music or mere ambient sounds in the real world can establish the difference between the two worlds until the voice over at the end sums up the entire film.
  • 36. It would be my pleasure to work with you on this fantastic film that is bound to etch itself in the memories of the audiences for a long time to come, visually, choreographically and musically. We have rarely seen such a display of energy, rhythm and imagination in an Indian commercial before and this film is a perfect opportunity to let go and create something that is stylish, fun, energetic and truly distinct. There are two worlds this film boasts of; the real world and the virtual world where all dreams and indulgent ideas come true. In such a world, there is no holding back; a world such as this beckons one to let go and fill up the space with wild, chaotic and colourful strokes. Giving wings to imagination is the key in creating our fantastical world. While the audiences stay immersed in the visuals on their screen, the world around them erodes and gets replaced by something far more magical. My aim with this film would be to create a heightened experience that transports them from the safe confines of their rooms and takes them on an unforgettable adventure. I look forward to working with you on this distinct and delightful film! Thank you!