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Most photographs in this presentation were taken by Matt Smith
Questions &
Challenge the futureChallenge the future
ANY Academic endeavour
starts with a question
Generic criteria
Biggs & Buchler,2008
• Question (and answer)
• Methods
• Knowledge
• Audience
questions answers
But a good question comes
from a problem or issue you
want to explore
The problem statement is a carefully laid out
ACCOUNT (a story) where you need to set the
CONTEXT and the MAIN ELEMENTS that play a
role in your project. In short, you need to
“problematize”. Generally, one starts by
DESCRIBING a certain spatial entity (a
neighbourhood, a city or a region), including its
But then one introduces a CONTRADICTION,
expressing a spatial problem that needs to be tackled.
The problem statement provides the context for the
research study and typically generates QUESTIONS
which the research hopes to answer (objective of
the research).
In considering whether or not to move forward with a
research project, you will generally spend some time
considering the problem.
Hooking the reader
•In your research project, the statement of the
problem is the first part of the proposal to be read
[apart from the title and the abstract, if you decide to
have one].The problem statement should "hook" the
reader and establish a persuasive context for what
What is the problem?
You need to be able to clearly answer the question:
"what is the problem"? and "why is this problem worth
my attention"? (this helps you define the RELEVANCE)
At the same time, the problem statement limits scope
by focusing on some variables and not others. It also
provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate why
these variables are important. (ditto)
Is it transferable?
It is also important to be able to make your problem
‘”transferable”. Does it happen in other places (even with
slight variations)?
This means that the problem at hand is not only a problem
perceived by you as an individual (although you might have
a special interest in it), but a problem that is recognized by
society or by other members of the academic world. It
can also be integrated and built upon by other people.
Remember: nothing is completely
• But the main elements, MIGHT be. For instance:
• Regeneration strategies can be used by various
cities with the same problems.
• Solutions for urbanization in flood-able areas in
the Dutch Deltametropolis might be transferable
to other Delta regions.
• Spatial solutions for urbanization in Haiti after the
big earthquake of 2010 might be transferable to
other areas afflicted by similar natural disasters.
What is the logic of
MOST IMPORTANT, your problem must have some connection
with spatial planning and design. Remember the LOGICS OF
ENQUIRY.This means that the problem you want to analyze has
some connection with space!
For example
Utrecht is the fourth largest city in the Randstad (west
part of the Netherlands) with approximately 300.000
inhabitants in 2009 (CBS, 2010). It is centrally located
in the network of highways and railways of the country
(Gemeente Utrecht, 2007). It possesses the largest
university of the country and a diversified service
oriented economy. In the last few years, the city has
gained approximately 30.000 new dwellings (CBS, 2010).
However, Utrecht does not take full advantage of
its central position because of the chronic congestion of
the roads surrounding the city. Inhabitants AND
COMMUTERS complain that it is very difficult to reach
the city centre from the CITY ring ROAD.Transferia (the
Dutch concept of car parking near the ring roads) are
unattractive and not so well connected.This is making
Utrecht less competitive in the Randstad in terms of
office location and is hampering city growth.
Alternative ways of
Produced by:
Adrian Hill
- ADOBE SUITE to put things together
- PREMIERE for the film
- ILLUSTRATOR for stills, plans and some of
the 'stop-motion graphics'
- INDESIGN for 'stop motion graphics'
- PHOTOSHOP for perspectives
- AFTER EFFECTS for some sequences
- SOUNDBOOTH for the sound
- SKETCHUP with a plugin called PODIUM
- GOOGLE DOCS for the script + sharing
- for the website.
How did they do it?
Standing on the
shoulders of giants
Why be original?
1%Of the world population has
A university degree
When is it Ok to
“As long as you met certain conditions, you are allowed to
quote directly from a published article written by someone
• The text must not be too long
• The citation must be printed using
quotation marks
• The source must be stated
Source:TU DELFT 2009, Cheating, don’t be tempted, Delft,TBM.
“Copying a passage from an article or book, word for
word. Mark the passage with quotation marks and
state the source correctly” (TU Delft, 2009)
Source:TU DELFT 2009, Cheating, don’t be tempted, Delft,TBM.
• “Reproducing the content of someone
else’s work in your own words” (TU Delft,
2009). You can change the original text
slightly or change it completely: if you are
using the central idea from someone, you
NEED to state the source!
• Paraphrasing allows you to interpret a text
while you use it.
Source:TU DELFT 2009, Cheating, don’t be tempted, Delft,TBM.
IN text citation with
Full citation at the end
of the text
Full citation journal
Theory paper
Eroded public spaces: Impacts on public space by socio-economic transformations in Eastern Europe. Tadas Jonauskis
Abstract – This paper will review the literature regarding to socio-economic changes on public spaces in
Easter European countries after the fall of USSR. It covers the topics of privatization, commercialization,
virtualization and mobilization that are the main process affecting the use of public space. Public space is the
main focus of this paper and the main question to be answered is how public space was impacted and changed by
rapid socio-economic transformations in Eastern Europe. Therefore this paper investigates the way society have
changed and the way new elements which were introduced, such as car and virtual networks, after the fall of
Soviet Union affect the behaviour and life style of the people which resulted how differently people started to
use pubic space. Literature review on these elements and aspects will give an overview and suggestions how the
public space is used and what are the threats and negative elements created by the processes of transformation
that can be avoided or solved in later graduation project stages.
Key words – Public space, urban life, street vitality, meeting place, shifted centralities, Eastern Europe, urban
society, privatization, car culture, commercialization
1 Introduction
This paper will explore the reasons why public
space have changed and is still changing in state of
transition from socialism system to capitalism one
in Eastern European countries after the fall of USSR.
Socialist cities had strict rules on how the public
space had to be used and how society had to look
like and to be shaped. The use of public space was
not only different in physical characteristics from
the Western cities but also it was different how
society was seeing it and using it. A sudden change
after the fall of USSR led to number of
interpretations and unplanned and chaotic changes
in the way people were using public space. Soon
after former limitations of public realm, public
opinion and public politics in Soviet Union society
was free to express itself in a way it could imagine.
However ‘western culture’ didn’t bring only wealth
and life quality, but on contrary it resulted in
number of negative effects which are expressed in
the way people are using public space.
This paper will cover main reasons of the public
space to be changing. Literature review will help to
identify the changes and the affects on public space.
The main question to be answered with this paper is
how public space was impacted and changed by
rapid socio-economic transformations in Eastern
European countries.
This paper will start investigating the privatization
of land together with privatization of former state
economic activities was provoked by the need of
relaying of your own. It resulted in physical
shrinkage of space and shifted balance between
Eroded public spaces:
Impacts on public space by rapid socio-economic transformations in
Eastern Europe.
Tadas Jonauskis
Study number 1535536 _
Delft University of Technology, Department of Urbanism
Graduation Lab Urbanism Conference
January 28th
Standing on the
shoulders of giants
References!Eroded public spaces: Impacts on public space by socio-economic transformations in Eastern Europe. Tadas Jonauskis
away from physical space to a virtual. Increased
mobility created separation of the people from each
other and segregated areas which are mono-
functional and pedestrian unfriendly and car
oriented. In the end we can conclude that cities
started to change from open and collective to closed
and individual cities. It changed from open city in
terms of open and well accessible public space to a
closed city in terms of privately owned and fenced
city. Accordingly collective way of living was
changed to a private ‘western lifestyle’ with the
importance if individual rather than society as such.
To sum up, public space was important tool to
create collective communist society but now it is not
used and not understood as a tool to create and
promote social interactions but in opposite it is
resulted to be used as a tool to separate and alienate
people and create the city for individualities.
10 Recommendations
The main intention of this paper is to determine the
processes that are affecting the use of public space
after the fall of USSR in Eastern European countries.
It showed the way people are using public space
under new social and economic conditions and how
public space has changed in past couple decades.
This given overview will give literature based
argumentation for further site specific empirical
research and will play a theoretical underpinning
role in graduation project.
I would like to express my appreciation to mine
main mentor Stephen Read who gave well
structured support on the topic of public space. Also
I would like to appreciate Remon Rooij and Ana
Maria Fernandez-Maldonado for a support and
lessons on writing this paper.
Mastering the post-socialist city: impacts on
planning and the built environment, International
Conferences A Greater Europe, Rome.
AUGÉ, MARC, 2008, Non-places an introduction
to supermodernity, Verso, London
BOGLE, SALLY, 1996 August, Invasions of the
Market Snatchers, Energy Economist,
formations, by Ilka Ruby and Andreas Ruby, 138-
145, Ruby Press, Berlin
GEHL, JAN, 2001, Life between buildings : using
public space, Danish Architectural Press,
AND ELS BRINKMAN, 2001, In search of new
public domain : analysis and strategy, NAi
Publishers, Rotterdam
HANASZ, WALDEMAR, November 30, 1999,
"Engines of liberty. Cars and the collapse of
communism in eastern europe."
JACOBS, JANE, 1998, The death and life of great
American cities, Random House, New York
2007, Loose space, Routledge, New York
LEFEBVRE, HENRI, 2003, The urban revolution,
University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis
MOISEEVA, ANASTASIA, 2007, "Network city.
Urban transformations." Master thesis, Delft
READ, STEPHEN, 2009, "Technicity and
Publicness: Steps toward an Urban Space.",
Footprint, pages:7-22
SASSEN, SASKIA, 2001, The global city : New
York, London, Tokyo / by Saskia Sassen, Princeton
University Press, Princeton
"The Development of Open-air Markets in East-
Central Europe." International Journal of Urban and
Regional Research, pages: 697-714
STANILOV, KIRIL, 2007, The Post-Socialist city,
Springer, Dordrecht
TEERDS, HANS, 2009, "Public Realm, Public
space", In OASE 77, Into the open. Accomodating
the public, by Tom Avermaete, Klaske Havik and
Hans Teerds, pages: 21-31, NAi Publishers,
WAGENAAR, COR, 2004, Happy : cities and
public happiness in post-war Europe, NAi
Publishers, Rotterdam
from blackboard
ENDNOTE will help you manage your references and
find the correct format for citation and referencing
Google scholar
Google insight
Wikipedia is not an
academic source
You can also “ask”
• What is Globalization?
• Define: Globalization
• Translate: ruimte
Thesis repository TU Delft
Electronic Databases on campus
or viaVPN
• CSA/ProQuest
WEB of knowledge
Check list
• Try to navigate in the Library’s website and locate the
electronic journals (only available for on-campus
• Download the program ENDNOTE (available at
• Use “Google scholar” for a more accurate search.
• Remember:Wikipedia is NOT a valid scientific source
(it is not reviewed by an accredited person or
institution), but it can often give you an idea or
provide you with valid scientific sources.
Some tips about writing
Writing skills: main
problems to tackle
• Language (style, grammar, flow of ideas and
logical thread)
• Lack of clear structure of the text:
Introduction/ Context/ Background/ +
Problem Statement + Context/ Background +
Discussion + Conclusion/ Recommendations)
• Flow: ideas being developed in different
paragraphs are not logically connected
AVOID at all costs: PUB
• Use of poorly supported popular ideas
(“pub talk”) or ideas circulating in the
popular mind without any critique.
• Use of clichés/ prejudices/ sexism/
racial, cultural or religious bias.These
are often the product of unawareness
and lack of critique on one’s own
‘Insider's’ expressions
• Use of acronyms without explaining the
meaning or the function. Example: RPB:
Ruimtelijke Plan Bureau (Dutch Spatial
Planning Bureau).
• Use of non-English expressions without
explaining the meaning. Example:
“structuurvisie” or “besteemingsplan”
A common problem
• New developments in ICT and transport
teknologies have create new spacial
developments in network cities. Connectivity
has increase, created new nodes in the
network city.They aren’t well connected and
connection needs to be improved thru new
intrastrucuture coz this will improve
How to get rid of
spelling mistakes?
• Set language (English UK)
• Set grammar corrector
• Set Thesaurus
• Proof-read! (have a break before)
Let’s talk about
Plagiaat (NL)
Plagio (ES, PT)
Plagiat (DE, FR)
剽窃 (Chinese)
Λογοκλοπή (Greek)
साiहि&यक चोरी (Hindi)
盗作 (Japanese)
표절 (Korean)
(Persian) ‫ادبی‬ ‫دزدی‬
Plagiatas (Lithuanian)
Plagiatul (Romanian)
Intihal (Turkish)
This is plagiarism in
sự ăn cắp của người khác làm của mình
What’s plagiarism?
“Many people think of plagiarism as
copying another's work, or borrowing
someone else's original ideas. But
terms like "copying" and "borrowing"
can disguise the seriousness of the
What’s plagiarism?
What’s plagiarism again?
“In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It
involves both stealing someone else's work and lying
about it afterwards. But can words and ideas really be
stolen? According to U.S. law (and European Union
laws), the answer is
The expression of original ideas is considered
intellectual property, and is protected by copyright
laws, just like original inventions”.
Copying and pasting is
not research!
Doing research is different
Is this plagiarism?
Fernando Botero’s Monalisa
AND THESE?Original
And this?
The Associated Press thinks it is!
"The Associated Press
has determined that the
photograph used in the
poster is an AP photo and
that its use required
permission," the AP's
director of media
relations, Paul Colford,
said in a statement.
"AP safeguards its assets
and looks at these events
on a case-by-case basis.
We have reached out to
Mr. Fairey's attorney and
are in discussions. We
hope for an amicable
"We believe fair use
protects Shepard's right to
do what he did here,"
says Fairey's attorney,
Anthony Falzone,
executive director of the
Fair Use Project at
Stanford University and a
lecturer at the Stanford
Law School. "It wouldn't
be appropriate to
comment beyond that at
this time because we are
in discussions about this
with the AP.
Plagiarism in
Plagiarism in
Plagiarism in architecture:
some articles
::When Architects Plagiarize, It's not always bad by
Witold Rybczynski
:: Brother from Another Mother by Clay Risen
:: Hi, Gorgeous. Haven't I SeenYou Somewhere? by Fred
A. Bernstein (this article is now in the NewYork Times'
pay-per-view archive, though I'll update the link if and
when Mr. Bernstein puts it on his own site)
:: Gutterland Police Blotter
How is plagiarism different
from researching?
• Science works by building on the knowledge of
others.This means that you will regularly use
and refer to texts written by other people.
• It is important that you make a clear distinction
between your own ideas and those of others.To
put it simply, plagiarism is copying someone
else’s work and claiming it as your own, while
researching is INTEGRATING knowledge into a
new narrative and acknowledging the sources.
Source:TU DELFT 2009, Cheating, don’t be tempted, Delft,TBM.
Plagiarism may lead to lack
of integration of ideas
Including ideas from famous authors either out of
context or without trying to interpret what is being said
within the context being analysed.
relevant to understand the problem at hand? WHY?
Then say it! (And quote!!!)
This is relevant for this work because...
You must
analyse what you
cite (DUH!) and
indicate WHY that is
And then QUOTE IT!
Rocco, in his methodology class, said
that copying without citing is not only a
crime, it is plain stupid!(Rocco, 2011)
And include the full citation in
Rocco, R. 2011,Tools for research, Oxford:
Oxford University Press *.
Oxford University Press? He wishes..* This is just an
illustration.This book does not exist!
Tutorials on plagiarism
Penn State University
More information on
Questions?Write to
With special thanks to Matt Smith
(ChernobylBob) of Gloucester, UK, whose
photos adorn these pages.
Matt’s photographs are available at:
Prepared by Roberto Rocco,TU Delft

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Tools for research in areas of design practice: problem finding.

  • 1. Most photographs in this presentation were taken by Matt Smith Connecting Questions & Answers Challenge the futureChallenge the future URBANISM
  • 3.
  • 4. AUDIENCE ANY Academic endeavour starts with a question Generic criteria Biggs & Buchler,2008 • Question (and answer) • Methods • Knowledge • Audience questions answers methods
  • 5. But a good question comes from a problem or issue you want to explore The problem statement is a carefully laid out ACCOUNT (a story) where you need to set the CONTEXT and the MAIN ELEMENTS that play a role in your project. In short, you need to “problematize”. Generally, one starts by DESCRIBING a certain spatial entity (a neighbourhood, a city or a region), including its advantages. But then one introduces a CONTRADICTION, expressing a spatial problem that needs to be tackled.
  • 6. Context The problem statement provides the context for the research study and typically generates QUESTIONS which the research hopes to answer (objective of the research). In considering whether or not to move forward with a research project, you will generally spend some time considering the problem.
  • 7. Hooking the reader •In your research project, the statement of the problem is the first part of the proposal to be read [apart from the title and the abstract, if you decide to have one].The problem statement should "hook" the reader and establish a persuasive context for what follows.
  • 8. What is the problem? You need to be able to clearly answer the question: "what is the problem"? and "why is this problem worth my attention"? (this helps you define the RELEVANCE) At the same time, the problem statement limits scope by focusing on some variables and not others. It also provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate why these variables are important. (ditto)
  • 9. Is it transferable? It is also important to be able to make your problem ‘”transferable”. Does it happen in other places (even with slight variations)? This means that the problem at hand is not only a problem perceived by you as an individual (although you might have a special interest in it), but a problem that is recognized by society or by other members of the academic world. It can also be integrated and built upon by other people.
  • 10. Remember: nothing is completely transferable • But the main elements, MIGHT be. For instance: • Regeneration strategies can be used by various cities with the same problems. • Solutions for urbanization in flood-able areas in the Dutch Deltametropolis might be transferable to other Delta regions. • Spatial solutions for urbanization in Haiti after the big earthquake of 2010 might be transferable to other areas afflicted by similar natural disasters.
  • 11. What is the logic of enquiry? MOST IMPORTANT, your problem must have some connection with spatial planning and design. Remember the LOGICS OF ENQUIRY.This means that the problem you want to analyze has some connection with space!
  • 12. For example Utrecht is the fourth largest city in the Randstad (west part of the Netherlands) with approximately 300.000 inhabitants in 2009 (CBS, 2010). It is centrally located in the network of highways and railways of the country (Gemeente Utrecht, 2007). It possesses the largest university of the country and a diversified service oriented economy. In the last few years, the city has gained approximately 30.000 new dwellings (CBS, 2010).
  • 13. However... However, Utrecht does not take full advantage of its central position because of the chronic congestion of the roads surrounding the city. Inhabitants AND COMMUTERS complain that it is very difficult to reach the city centre from the CITY ring ROAD.Transferia (the Dutch concept of car parking near the ring roads) are unattractive and not so well connected.This is making Utrecht less competitive in the Randstad in terms of office location and is hampering city growth. SEE THE REAL PROBLEM STATEMENT AT THE END OF THIS document
  • 15.
  • 17. - ADOBE SUITE to put things together - PREMIERE for the film - ILLUSTRATOR for stills, plans and some of the 'stop-motion graphics' - INDESIGN for 'stop motion graphics' - PHOTOSHOP for perspectives - AFTER EFFECTS for some sequences - SOUNDBOOTH for the sound - SKETCHUP with a plugin called PODIUM - GOOGLE DOCS for the script + sharing info - for the website. How did they do it?
  • 19. Why be original? 1%Of the world population has A university degree
  • 20. When is it Ok to quote? “As long as you met certain conditions, you are allowed to quote directly from a published article written by someone else: • The text must not be too long • The citation must be printed using quotation marks • The source must be stated Source:TU DELFT 2009, Cheating, don’t be tempted, Delft,TBM.
  • 21. Quoting “Copying a passage from an article or book, word for word. Mark the passage with quotation marks and state the source correctly” (TU Delft, 2009) Source:TU DELFT 2009, Cheating, don’t be tempted, Delft,TBM.
  • 22. Paraphrasing • “Reproducing the content of someone else’s work in your own words” (TU Delft, 2009). You can change the original text slightly or change it completely: if you are using the central idea from someone, you NEED to state the source! • Paraphrasing allows you to interpret a text while you use it. Source:TU DELFT 2009, Cheating, don’t be tempted, Delft,TBM.
  • 24. IN text citation with page
  • 25. Full citation at the end of the text
  • 27. Theory paper Eroded public spaces: Impacts on public space by socio-economic transformations in Eastern Europe. Tadas Jonauskis Abstract – This paper will review the literature regarding to socio-economic changes on public spaces in Easter European countries after the fall of USSR. It covers the topics of privatization, commercialization, virtualization and mobilization that are the main process affecting the use of public space. Public space is the main focus of this paper and the main question to be answered is how public space was impacted and changed by rapid socio-economic transformations in Eastern Europe. Therefore this paper investigates the way society have changed and the way new elements which were introduced, such as car and virtual networks, after the fall of Soviet Union affect the behaviour and life style of the people which resulted how differently people started to use pubic space. Literature review on these elements and aspects will give an overview and suggestions how the public space is used and what are the threats and negative elements created by the processes of transformation that can be avoided or solved in later graduation project stages. Key words – Public space, urban life, street vitality, meeting place, shifted centralities, Eastern Europe, urban society, privatization, car culture, commercialization 1 Introduction This paper will explore the reasons why public space have changed and is still changing in state of transition from socialism system to capitalism one in Eastern European countries after the fall of USSR. Socialist cities had strict rules on how the public space had to be used and how society had to look like and to be shaped. The use of public space was not only different in physical characteristics from the Western cities but also it was different how society was seeing it and using it. A sudden change after the fall of USSR led to number of interpretations and unplanned and chaotic changes in the way people were using public space. Soon after former limitations of public realm, public opinion and public politics in Soviet Union society was free to express itself in a way it could imagine. However ‘western culture’ didn’t bring only wealth and life quality, but on contrary it resulted in number of negative effects which are expressed in the way people are using public space. This paper will cover main reasons of the public space to be changing. Literature review will help to identify the changes and the affects on public space. The main question to be answered with this paper is how public space was impacted and changed by rapid socio-economic transformations in Eastern European countries. This paper will start investigating the privatization of land together with privatization of former state economic activities was provoked by the need of relaying of your own. It resulted in physical shrinkage of space and shifted balance between Eroded public spaces: Impacts on public space by rapid socio-economic transformations in Eastern Europe. Tadas Jonauskis Study number 1535536 _ Delft University of Technology, Department of Urbanism 5th Graduation Lab Urbanism Conference January 28th 2010
  • 29. References!Eroded public spaces: Impacts on public space by socio-economic transformations in Eastern Europe. Tadas Jonauskis away from physical space to a virtual. Increased mobility created separation of the people from each other and segregated areas which are mono- functional and pedestrian unfriendly and car oriented. In the end we can conclude that cities started to change from open and collective to closed and individual cities. It changed from open city in terms of open and well accessible public space to a closed city in terms of privately owned and fenced city. Accordingly collective way of living was changed to a private ‘western lifestyle’ with the importance if individual rather than society as such. To sum up, public space was important tool to create collective communist society but now it is not used and not understood as a tool to create and promote social interactions but in opposite it is resulted to be used as a tool to separate and alienate people and create the city for individualities. 10 Recommendations The main intention of this paper is to determine the processes that are affecting the use of public space after the fall of USSR in Eastern European countries. It showed the way people are using public space under new social and economic conditions and how public space has changed in past couple decades. This given overview will give literature based argumentation for further site specific empirical research and will play a theoretical underpinning role in graduation project. Acknowledgements I would like to express my appreciation to mine main mentor Stephen Read who gave well structured support on the topic of public space. Also I would like to appreciate Remon Rooij and Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado for a support and lessons on writing this paper. Bibliography ANDREWS, KALIOPA DIMITROVSKA, 2002, Mastering the post-socialist city: impacts on planning and the built environment, International Conferences A Greater Europe, Rome. AUGÉ, MARC, 2008, Non-places an introduction to supermodernity, Verso, London BOGLE, SALLY, 1996 August, Invasions of the Market Snatchers, Energy Economist, formations, by Ilka Ruby and Andreas Ruby, 138- 145, Ruby Press, Berlin GEHL, JAN, 2001, Life between buildings : using public space, Danish Architectural Press, Copenhagen HAJER, MAARTEN, ARNOLD REIJNDORP, AND ELS BRINKMAN, 2001, In search of new public domain : analysis and strategy, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam HANASZ, WALDEMAR, November 30, 1999, "Engines of liberty. Cars and the collapse of communism in eastern europe." JACOBS, JANE, 1998, The death and life of great American cities, Random House, New York KAREN A. FRANCK , QUENTIN STEVENS, 2007, Loose space, Routledge, New York LEFEBVRE, HENRI, 2003, The urban revolution, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis MOISEEVA, ANASTASIA, 2007, "Network city. Urban transformations." Master thesis, Delft READ, STEPHEN, 2009, "Technicity and Publicness: Steps toward an Urban Space.", Footprint, pages:7-22 SASSEN, SASKIA, 2001, The global city : New York, London, Tokyo / by Saskia Sassen, Princeton University Press, Princeton SIK, ENDRE, AND CLAIRE WALLACE, 1999, "The Development of Open-air Markets in East- Central Europe." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, pages: 697-714 STANILOV, KIRIL, 2007, The Post-Socialist city, Springer, Dordrecht TEERDS, HANS, 2009, "Public Realm, Public space", In OASE 77, Into the open. Accomodating the public, by Tom Avermaete, Klaske Havik and Hans Teerds, pages: 21-31, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam WAGENAAR, COR, 2004, Happy : cities and public happiness in post-war Europe, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam References  are  the   books  and  ar0cles   used  to  write  THIS   paper Never  write  the  first   name  of  the  author(s).   Instead,  use  his/her/ their  ini0als.  This  was   not  done  using   ENDNOTE!
  • 30. DOWNLOAD ENDNOTE from blackboard ENDNOTE will help you manage your references and find the correct format for citation and referencing
  • 31. Google scholar Here  I  searched  for   the  name  of  an   author:  Vincent   Nadin This  is  the  main  book  wriJen  by   Vincent.  It  has  been  cited  in  222   papers  or  ar0cles This  is  a  journal  ar0cle.   Normally,  it  would  not  be   accessible,  but  because  you  are   on  campus,  you  can  access  it  for   free  (you  don’t  have  to  do   anything:  the  program  will   recognise  the  fact  that  you  are   logged  in  via  TU  DelP  
  • 33. Wikipedia is not an academic source
  • 34. However... Wikipedia  has  a  LIST  OF  REFERENCES  and   FURTHER  READING,  which  you  can   consult.  It  is  extremely  useful  to  see  what   the  current  discussion  is  all  about.  
  • 35. You can also “ask” google • What is Globalization? • Define: Globalization • Translate: ruimte
  • 37. Electronic Databases on campus or viaVPN
  • 43. Check list • Try to navigate in the Library’s website and locate the electronic journals (only available for on-campus consultation • Download the program ENDNOTE (available at Blackboard) • Use “Google scholar” for a more accurate search. • Remember:Wikipedia is NOT a valid scientific source (it is not reviewed by an accredited person or institution), but it can often give you an idea or provide you with valid scientific sources.
  • 44. Some tips about writing SKILLS
  • 45. Writing skills: main problems to tackle • Language (style, grammar, flow of ideas and logical thread) • Lack of clear structure of the text: Introduction/ Context/ Background/ + Problem Statement + Context/ Background + Discussion + Conclusion/ Recommendations) • Flow: ideas being developed in different paragraphs are not logically connected
  • 46. AVOID at all costs: PUB TALK • Use of poorly supported popular ideas (“pub talk”) or ideas circulating in the popular mind without any critique. • Use of clichés/ prejudices/ sexism/ racial, cultural or religious bias.These are often the product of unawareness and lack of critique on one’s own position.
  • 47. ‘Insider's’ expressions • Use of acronyms without explaining the meaning or the function. Example: RPB: Ruimtelijke Plan Bureau (Dutch Spatial Planning Bureau). • Use of non-English expressions without explaining the meaning. Example: “structuurvisie” or “besteemingsplan”
  • 48. A common problem statement • New developments in ICT and transport teknologies have create new spacial developments in network cities. Connectivity has increase, created new nodes in the network city.They aren’t well connected and connection needs to be improved thru new intrastrucuture coz this will improve connectivity. 12
  • 49. How to get rid of spelling mistakes? • GO TO WORD FIRST • Set language (English UK) • Set grammar corrector • Set Thesaurus • Proof-read! (have a break before)
  • 51. PLAGIARISM Plagiaat (NL) Plagio (ES, PT) Plagiat (DE, FR) 剽窃 (Chinese) Λογοκλοπή (Greek) साiहि&यक चोरी (Hindi) 盗作 (Japanese) Penjiplakan(Indonesian) 표절 (Korean) (Persian) ‫ادبی‬ ‫دزدی‬ Plagiatas (Lithuanian) Plagiatul (Romanian) Intihal (Turkish)
  • 52. This is plagiarism in Vietnamese! sự ăn cắp của người khác làm của mình
  • 53. What’s plagiarism? “Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work, or borrowing someone else's original ideas. But terms like "copying" and "borrowing" can disguise the seriousness of the offense:
  • 55. What’s plagiarism again? “In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterwards. But can words and ideas really be stolen? According to U.S. law (and European Union laws), the answer is The expression of original ideas is considered intellectual property, and is protected by copyright laws, just like original inventions”. YES!
  • 56. Copying and pasting is not research!
  • 57. Doing research is different from GOOGLING
  • 58. Is this plagiarism? Fernando Botero’s Monalisa
  • 60. THIS?
  • 64. And this? The Associated Press thinks it is! Source: "The Associated Press has determined that the photograph used in the poster is an AP photo and that its use required permission," the AP's director of media relations, Paul Colford, said in a statement. "AP safeguards its assets and looks at these events on a case-by-case basis. We have reached out to Mr. Fairey's attorney and are in discussions. We hope for an amicable solution." "We believe fair use protects Shepard's right to do what he did here," says Fairey's attorney, Anthony Falzone, executive director of the Fair Use Project at Stanford University and a lecturer at the Stanford Law School. "It wouldn't be appropriate to comment beyond that at this time because we are in discussions about this with the AP.
  • 67. Plagiarism in architecture: some articles ::When Architects Plagiarize, It's not always bad by Witold Rybczynski :: Brother from Another Mother by Clay Risen :: Hi, Gorgeous. Haven't I SeenYou Somewhere? by Fred A. Bernstein (this article is now in the NewYork Times' pay-per-view archive, though I'll update the link if and when Mr. Bernstein puts it on his own site) :: Gutterland Police Blotter
  • 68. How is plagiarism different from researching? • Science works by building on the knowledge of others.This means that you will regularly use and refer to texts written by other people. • It is important that you make a clear distinction between your own ideas and those of others.To put it simply, plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and claiming it as your own, while researching is INTEGRATING knowledge into a new narrative and acknowledging the sources. Source:TU DELFT 2009, Cheating, don’t be tempted, Delft,TBM.
  • 69. Plagiarism may lead to lack of integration of ideas Including ideas from famous authors either out of context or without trying to interpret what is being said within the context being analysed. QUESTION TO ASKYOURSELF: Is this absolutely relevant to understand the problem at hand? WHY? Then say it! (And quote!!!) This is relevant for this work because...
  • 70. DUH! You must analyse what you cite (DUH!) and indicate WHY that is relevant!
  • 71. And then QUOTE IT! Rocco, in his methodology class, said that copying without citing is not only a crime, it is plain stupid!(Rocco, 2011) And include the full citation in references Rocco, R. 2011,Tools for research, Oxford: Oxford University Press *. Oxford University Press? He wishes..* This is just an illustration.This book does not exist!
  • 72. Tutorials on plagiarism Penn State University Princeton index.htm
  • 73. More information on referencing •
  • 74. Questions?Write to With special thanks to Matt Smith (ChernobylBob) of Gloucester, UK, whose photos adorn these pages. Matt’s photographs are available at: Prepared by Roberto Rocco,TU Delft Thanks!