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In This Issue
- Web Typography
- ToolTwist: When used on Software Development
- What’s New in ToolTwist v7
- Do You Need a Mobile Strategy?
- HR’s Role in Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility
- My iPad Magazine Stand

             This article discusses how web browsers support fonts and how using several
             techniques modern web browsers can be more flexible in the support of more
             traditional fonts that print media are comfortable with.

             The first edition of web browsers in the               (publisher) along-with the web page. This
             early nineties had minimal support for                 technique is widely referred to as the @font-
             fonts. Web browsers then controlled the                face rule. This technique is controversial,
             fonts by their own settings. Later on in               as licensing issues are prevalent. The font
             the mid-nineties, browser enabled support              licensing terms had not caught up with the
             for a <font> html tag allowed webmasters               fact that they can be downloaded and used
             and publishers to control the font that web            over the web. This issue is slowly being
             pages would display. However, either the               corrected by the major font foundries
             font in question had to have been already              modifying the licensing schemes to allow
             installed on the computer; or a standard fall          webfonts distribution schemes.
             back font as supplied by that computer ’s
             operating system.

             In the late nineties, the concept of a ‘web-
             safe’ font was widely discussed. These
             were the fonts that were more likely to
             be present on a wide range of computer
             systems. At the same time, Microsoft
             started core fonts for the web initiative that
             saw a standard pack of fonts released to
             be used by all web browsers and operating
             systems. These standard packs of ten
             fonts were widely adopted and licensed by
             various manufacturers.

             In the last few years, CSS2 (Cascading
             Style Sheets version2) added support for
             a technique that allowed the downloading
             of remote fonts as supplied by the server

                                                                                          T ypogr aph y arT by W ob 2 l e r

To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010


           embedded OpentYpe
           A form of OpenType font designed by Microsoft for use as embedded fonts on web
           pages. It is supported by Internet Explorer and unfortunately not widely support by
           other browsers.

                   trUe tYpe Or Open tYpe
                   A scalable computer font, originally licensed from Apple by Microsoft, but
                   further developed by both Adobe and Microsoft. Most of the medium-age
                   browsers have support for them. A medium-age browser is 2 to 3 years old.

              Web Open FOnt FOrmat
              A recent initiative, this is a font format developed by the World Wide Web consortium
              and has very good support among the major font foundries and new-age browsers.
              This is basically an OpenType font with enhanced meta-data.

traditional work
arounds of yesteryears
For more than the past decade, webmasters         between images and text.
and publishers have had to get around the         Implementing this technique means it
limitations mentioned above of using only         breaks regular text selection and copy and
a standard set of fonts on webpages. The          paste.
most common ways to get around this is
by using images of fonts, using Adobe             sIFR - scalable Inman Flash
Flash embeddables (sIFR) and Javascript
techniques to display custom fonts. All of
                                                  This is a dynamic web fonts implementation
them come with various limitations and
                                                  that enables replacement of text elements
performance issues.
                                                  of web pages with Flash equivalents. It

Images                                            is widely used by brochure ware sites
                                                  and a lot of design companies favor this
The easiest way to put custom fonts on
                                                  approach. This approach does have the
a webpage. Take Photoshop, put your
                                                  same faults as the images technique,
custom font in as a text box, save it as an
                                                  though publishing has been made easier
image and put it up. The limitations are
                                                  with some tools. Lately with the wide
that images take much longer to download
                                                  adoption of Apple iPhone and iPad devices
to a web page, and while this technique is
                                                  which don’t support Flash, this technique
good for a heading or so, large swathes of
                                                  is now completely unworkable across
text cannot be done this way. It also breaks
                                                  these devices.
the whole publishing cycle by switching

                                                                   Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0

                                                                    It is to be noted that all three techniques
             cuFOn                                                  above suffer from various performance
             This is a technique that seeks to be an                issues as well as they don’t support regular
             alternative to sIFR. It uses Javascript                text selection and copy and paste.
             and Vector Markup Language (VML) to
             convert the font using a font generator
             into a Javascript friendly file that is
             rendered using Javascript code on the
             web browser.

             status of webfonts
             now and the future
             Webfonts as mentioned above are the
             future of fonts in web pages. These are
                                                                    F O n T D e ck
             font files that can be embedded onto
             webpages in websites using the @font-
             face rule. Since 2007 and 2008, most of                F O n T s pRI n g
             the newer browser from Safari, Firefox,
             Chrome, Opera and to a certain extent IE
             now support this technique. It is actually             T y pe F RO n T
             being widely used again.

             This brings the question, of how would                 W e b T y pe
             you use commercial fonts embedded in         
             a website as they are publicly available
             to everyone and get around the licensing               T y pOT h e q u e
             issues. Generally you would need to check    
             the licensing agreements of the fonts from
             the font vendor to see if it is ok to embed            WebInk
             the font and make it available publicly on             h t t p : / / w w w. e x t e n s i s . c o m / e n /
             a web server. There are list of public fonts           WebINK/
             and commercial fonts that allow being
             embedded on a website.                                 Ju sT a n OT h e R F O u n D Ry
             The other option is to subscribe to a cloud-
             based font service that for a small fee                k e Rn e sT
             allows hundreds of fonts to be embedded      
             on to a website. Some popular webfont
             services are:                                          These services allow the fonts to be
                                                                    served from a distributed CDN (Content
             TypekI T                                               Distribution Network) and thus offer the
                                                                    advantages of being cacheable across
                                                                    websites etc. Thus, if one is looking to use
             FO nTsl Iv e                                           this service, research needs to be done on
                                                                    the number of fonts supported. Plus, how
                                                                    popular the service is among the peers,

             g O Og le F On T DIR ecTOR y

To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010

how does tooltwist                                  conclusion
advance this for
the publisher                                   While ToolTwist offers a wide range of
                                                functionality for the publisher to embed
                                                custom fonts on to the webpage and their
ToolTwist offers a variety of support to make   websites, the following considerations
it easy for the publisher to deliver pages      should be taken into account when the
with support for custom fonts. Widgets for      requirements are drawn up.
most of the popular webfont services are
freely available, plus the ability to embed     • What are the requirements for compatibility
custom licensed fonts directly on to the web    of the website, business-wise. Targeting
server. More importantly, ToolTwist has
                                                modern browsers only?
the ability to fallback to more traditional
                                                • What are the requirements for fallback if
means if it detects that a browser does not
                                                targeting all browsers.
have the ability to support webfonts.
                                                • Font licensing considerations.
ToolTwist routing modules can automatically     • If using a webfonts service, check if their
detect the device and browser type and          list does support all the fonts you may
allows for fallback fonts to ensure that        need.
pages are read on older devices. In             • Think about the potential for layout
certain extreme cases, publishes do have        changes      as    fallback   options    are
the opportunity to present completely           considered.
different layouts depending on support for
older and modern browsers and what the
requirements for website consumption is.

                                                                T ypogr aph y arT by d ou glas W ils o n

                                                               Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
       as used for
           Software Development

             As a software development tool, ToolTwist provides a development environment that
             accelerates application development, by extending the capabilities of regular Java.

             Why extend Java? While Java is a rock-solid
                                                                    upon which to develop an application –
             platform for enterprise-level applications,
                                                                    they don’t form part of the application.
             it is not itself an application. Like with
             .NET, Visual Basic, and other popular
                                                                    There are many types of application,
             development tools, Java is a language
                                                                    and there are many possible parts of an
             and software development platform – if
                                                                    application. However, applications such
             you want an application, then you need to
                                                                    as those in use at a typical enterprise will
             write the program yourself.
                                                                    typically have the following parts:

             In most traditional software development
                                                                    1. A User Interface. In the past this has
             environments, tools are provided upon
                                                                    been a windows interface, but for cost
             which to write applications. These tools
                                                                    and reliability reasons, applications are
             are generic in nature, and provide a
                                                                    increasingly being built with a web browser
             way to program (the IDE), provide basic
                                                                    based interface and run over the Internet.
             underlying functionality and access to the
             operating system (APIs), and provide a
                                                                    2. Application specific logic. These are
             way to debug applications.
                                                                    the calculations such as stock updates,
             Products such as .NET, Java and VB6
                                                                    stock calculations, benefit calculations,
             however need to be generic in nature, as
                                                                    processing eftpos and pos calculations,
             they are required to be able to be used to
                                                                    totalling and even day-to-day reports
             build any type of application. As a result,
                                                                    calculations such as summaries and
             they are intended to provide a foundation

To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010

3. Communications logic to transfer data      Use of these traditional tools is part of the
between various entities.                     reason why a typical Enterprise’s IT costs
                                              are high, and why development output is
4. Data Manipulation code, to handle          low.
various types of information – products,
sales statistics, invoices etc.               ToolTwist builds upon this traditional model,
                                              to build a specific type of application:
5. Database Access code that instructs        - Web browser based.
the program how to get to data in the         - Requires manipulation of varying data
database.                                     types.
                                              - Distributed environment.
With these traditional development tools,     - Stores data in a relational database.
developers must build all these parts of
the application themselves, a process         For this specific type of application,
of labor intensive manual coding. This        ToolTwist is able to provide pre-formed
work requires a high level of skill, and is   parts of the application, and provide tools
therefore very expensive. It is also the      that generate other parts of the application,
point where bugs are introduced.              as shown in figure below.

For each type of application logic,           removes the need for developers to write
ToolTwist specifically provides a way to      software.
speed up development.
                                              The result is faster development times,
The following sections explain how            low costs, and more reliable systems.
ToolTwist handles each type of logic, and

                                                             Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0

             USer inTerface
             In the 1980s, the user interface was green             is just the start. Increasingly tablets and
             screen CRTs and/or DOS based systems,                  other portable devices will be used as
             while in the 90s a Windows interface was               Point Of Sale devices, and will be used in
             most common. For the past ten years                    retail settings.
             however, the preferred interface has been
             to use a web browser, even for applications            Different people access these systems in
             that do not need to run over the Internet.             a variety of ways, for varying purposes. In
             The reason for this is that users are                  many cases, the technologies used, and
             familiar with web pages, with their nice               the need to have “programmers”, reduce
             layouts, pretty images, and hyperlinks.                the effective use of these systems.
             These users are easily trained as this is
             what they use in their normal day-to-day               As an illustration… a typical enterprise has
             lives.                                                 brochures produced by graphic artists, it
                                                                    has a corporate website created by web
             Browser based interfaces also have the                 designers, and it has software in the
             advantage that it is not necessary to install          Pharmacies developed by programmers.
             software to use the application – it can be            The separation in skills (graphic art, web
             accessed over local area network, or over              design, and programming) has prevented
             the Internet. It can also be easily skinned,           work in one area flowing into other areas
             (i.e.) the same application having multiple            resulting in:
             different skins over it to present different
             faces of it to different users. This allows               • The corporate website is grossly out
             the users to retain familiarity with a type               of date.
             of interface.                                             • Marketing messages and product
                                                                       features included in the The software
             There are two trends that will increase the               provides the end users and clients with
             benefits of browser based applications: the               no relevancy to their day to day task
             steadily increasing speed and reliability                 at hand.
             of the Internet and the arrival of mobile                 • Programmers        producing      the
             devices. While the iPad is currently being                software and the marketing message
             positioned as a consumer product, this                    are disjoint.

To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010

Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
What’s New in

ToolTwist 7
Deployment improvements
The ToolTwist controller has been adapted to
do seamless application deployment to the
Cloud, Enterprise Server, off-the-shelf Virtual
machines and other machine configurations.
Once setup, application deployment becomes
a click-and-go process that can be programmed
for continuous Integration Builds as well as
Production control handovers of Production

Designer Checkin/Checkout
Pages can be checked in and out of the
controller with locking at the controller level
to handle version changes and version
differences. A diff tool helps the designers to
work out differences between their copy and
the copy on the controller.                                         new widgets
                                                                     • Blog widget
CDn deployment                                                       • VideoJS widgets for HTML5 video fallback.
Static assets on a web page such as images,                          • FusionCharts widget
css stylesheet files, javascript code can be                         • Multiple menu widgets
automatically deployed to the CDN. CDN's                             • Payment gateway plugins for Authorize.NET
supported are RackSpace/LimeLight CDN and                            • Multiple       mapping   widgets   for   Google
CacheFly CDN. More CDN's to be supported                             Maps, Bing Maps with layering and polygon
as demand is present.                                                functionality.

To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010
Domain sharding
                                                  ToolTwist can automatically send static
                                                  assets to multiple static domain sites, so
                                                  as to improve the parallel performance of
                                                  downloading to a web browser. A web browser
                                                  normally downloads anywhere between 2 to
                                                  8 assets from a single domain depending on
                                                  the browser version. By separating your static
                                                  assets to multiple domains, more assets can be
                                                  downloaded in parallel. In addition, by making
                                                  these domains cookie-free, the overhead of
                                                  transmitting cookies for each http request can
                                                  be avoided.

                                                  Wpo hints for
                                                  progressive rendering
                                                  WPO, Web Performance Optimisation is the
                                                  hot topic of the year. ToolTwist provides most
                                                  of the capabilities to produce the fastest site
                                                  possible within the constraints of the design
                                                  and the artwork. With Version 7, more control
                                                  is given to the marketer to place markers
mobile Designer
                                                  where the visible portion of the page ends, and
The Designer has a template and supporting
                                                  the ToolTwist generator will optimise to put all
libraries for the mobile web. Need we say more!
                                                  blocking and time-consuming assets below
                                                  the marker to ensure that the visible portion
                                                  renders as fast as possible.

                                                                Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0

             Let me provide you some statistics first…

             there are1.5 billion Internet connections on the world today
             the world’s population is 6.8 billion

             the number of folks in the world having mobile devices are 3.4 billion                      (@50%)

             of these people, the number of potential mobile internet users are 1.3 billion

             The rate of growth of smart mobile devices             You have employed some Objective-C
             is astounding. Already people who own                  gurus to turn out great looking apps.
             mobile devices are more likely to use their            You may have invested in cross-compiler
             mobile to browse the internet rather than              platforms such as Titanium or PhoneGap
             their desktop. This figure is as high as 40%           to deliver products to the iOS and Android
             now. This figure will be more skewed as                markepaces. Or you may be large enough
             tablet adoption becomes more universal.                to run separate teams with different skills
                                                                    to do Objective-C on iOS, Java on Android,
             So, what does an enterprising CIO do?                  Sliverlight/XNA/C++ on Windows Mobile 7,
             Develop an app!                                        and the various other different languages
                                                                    and SDK’s on Symbian, Maemo, Palm
             Apple with their iOS strategy have                     webOS, Blackberry and so on.
             successfully ‘appified’ the market space.
             Apps are a great way to experience the                 But, the important thing to consider is:
             richness of the mobile device with some                Safari is the most popular app on the
             beautiful games and applications turning               iPhone!
             the simple mobile device effectively into a
             mobile computer.                                       Don’t assume customers have downloaded
                                                                    your app.
             But, is that the strategy?

To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010

Irrespective of if your strategy is to build   Thus,    irrespective   of   your    mobile
an app or not, expect that people will use     applications strategy….
a mobile browser, a small format device to     …. Don’t ignore the mobile web.
visit your website. They are mobile, out and   Why? In a year ’s time by the end of 2011,
about. They hear about your business, or       there won’t be a mobile web strategy
a promotion on your website and will use       anymore, it will be the only strategy!
their mobile device to visit your website.
Or as it is more common now, people use        ToolTwist can help you present screens
Google to search for your name to visit        appropriate to the device format the
your website. (i.e.) no one enters a URL       customer visits your website with. It is not
anymore.                                       black magic, but by simply making it easy
                                               for marketing teams to design mobile web
When that happens… think about it, are         pages for the mobile web, you can provide
you presenting content appropriate to that     the optimum experience to your customers
small screen. Is your website downloading      rather than trying to shoe-horn a desktop
megabytes of content and images down a         web experience to a mobile user.
slow 3G network with high latency down to
a customer ’s device who may be struggling     In conclusion, let me leave you with these
with reception issues and desperate to         thoughts…. What about the other end of the
get the page up and fast? Are you forcing      scale? Large format screens. GoogleTV
your customers to pinch and zoom to            for example. You need to optimize your
view content and press appropriate links       website for 40 to 50” screen with the viewer
and buttons to navigate between pages?         10 feet away. Do you have a strategy for
A customer who is likely to use a mobile       that? Anticipate that in 2 years time, every
device to locate a bricks and mortar store     TV will be able to access the Internet.
will experience difficulty to find store
locations and operating hours if you are
not presenting information on your website
tailored to the mobile format.

                                                              Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
The world is a smaller place thanks to                    • Foster     a  culture  of    social
             the Internet, global trading and new                      responsibility.
             communication and technology advances                     • Celebrate successes.
             such as the iPad and applications. More                   • Share and communicate the value
             companies are becoming global by                          of corporate social responsibility to
             expanding overseas, and now manage a                      employees and the community.
             global workforce that has unique benefits,
             rules/laws, and different languages and
             currencies. With this global expansion
             comes a “responsibility.”                                implemenT anD encoUrage green
                                                                      pracTiceS for corporaTe
             When companies are global, an important
             challenge in garnering success is to respect
                                                                      Social reSponSibiliTy
             other cultures and workforce environments
             and start forming a global profile or
             social consciousness. Recognising these                Implement green practices to assist in
             differences with a sound Corporate                     environmental waste reduction, while
             Social Responsibility (CSR) plan can                   promoting and encouraging stewardship
             simultaneously     increase   shareholder              growth, better corporate ethics and
             value, boost employee engagement and                   long-lasting practices that promote both
             increase employer brand recognition.                   personal and corporate accountability.
                                                                    The value inherent in embracing green
             Human Resource Departments play a                      aspects of corporate responsibility is
             critical role in ensuring that the company             clearly understood, given the direct impact
             adopts Corporate Social Responsibility                 that rising energy and utility costs has on
             programs.       Furthermore,     HR    can             employees’ pocketbooks. Conservation
             manage the CSR plan implementation                     has become an accepted means of making
             and monitor its adoption proactively,                  our planet healthier. Reducing each
             while documenting (and celebrating) its                employee’s carbon footprint is a great
             success throughout the company. Human                  way of getting energy conservation and
             Resources technology can help with a                   recycling waste initiatives off the ground.
             Corporate Social Responsibility program,               Here are suggestions to start:
             including reducing the company’s carbon
             footprint to benefit the planet. Start with               • Recycle paper, cans and bottles
             these areas:                                              in the office; recognize departmental
                 • Implement and encourage green                       efforts.

To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010

   • Collect food and donations for             and employers at all levels, who competed
   victims of floods, hurricanes and other      for advancement and recognition in
   natural disasters around the globe.          harsh workplaces, were forced to accept
                                                corporate misconduct and waste as
   • Encourage        reduced      energy       “business as usual.”
   consumption; subsidize transit passes,
   make it easy for employees to car pool,      Social and community connections that are
   encourage staggered staffing to allow        encouraged by employers give employees
   after rush hour transit, and permit          permission to involve their companies
   telecommuting to the degree possible.        in meaningful ways with the community.
                                                Employers    can  connect    with   their
   • Encourage    shutting off lights,          employees and the community through:
   computers and printers after work
   hours and on weekends for further               • Company matches to                            employee
   energy reductions.                              charitable contributions;

   • Work with IT to switch to laptops             • Community programs and volunteer
   over desktop computers. (Laptops                days;
   consume up to 90% less power.)
                                                   • Corporate sponsorship of community
   • Increase the use of teleconferencing,         events; and
   rather than on-site meetings and trips.
                                                   • Encouraging        employees      to
   • Promote brown-bagging in the                  participate in walkathons, food banks,
   office to help employees reduce fat             and so forth.
   and calories to live healthier lives and
   reduce packaging waste, too.

                                                   celebraTe corporaTe
                                                   Social reSponSibiliTy
  foSTer a cUlTUre                                 SUcceSSeS
  of corporaTe
  Social reSponSibiliTy
                                                Celebrating success is important to
                                                sustain the momentum of any CSR
Creating a culture of change and                program. Involving company leaders, and
responsibility starts with HR. Getting the      praising the success of these initiatives,
younger employees, who are already              gives the program real meaning. In the
environmentally conscious, excited about        rapidly expanding global workplace, the
fresh Corporate Social Responsibility           celebration of these successes not only
initiatives is a great way to begin. A          drives the implementation of Corporate
committed set of employees who infuse           Social Responsibility initiatives, but also
enthusiasm for such programs would              allows sound corporate HR practices to
enable friendly competition and recognition     enable them.
                                                Additionally the publicity about these
Over the past few years, major news             successes creates a mutual understanding
organizations have reported on large,           of the cultures within each region that the
trusted companies that have failed              company serves. The local population
employees, shareholders and the public          knows that, in addition to providing jobs,
(i.e. Enron, Lehman, WaMu). These               the company takes an active interest in,
failures created a culture of mistrust in the   and participates in, local issues.
corporate world. All too often, employees

                                                               Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0

                  Three Key areaS of
                  corporaTe Social

             Focusing on three key areas for Corporate
             Social Responsibility can help create a
             cohesive map for the present and future:

                   •    Community Relations,

                   •    Training and Development, and

                   • A Cohesive         Corporate                   Social
                   Responsibility Platform

             Encouraging Community Relations through
             your HR team includes implementing
             reward programs, charitable contributions
             and encouraging community involvement
             and practices. Examples of these programs
             include sending emails and company
             newsletters to staff members that highlight
             employees and managers involved in
             community relations or creating monthly
             reward programs to recognize efforts by
             individuals within the company.

             Training and Development programs
             that explain the connection between the
             company’s core products or services and
             the society at large, their value to the local
             community and ways in which employees
             can get involved in appropriate CSR
             projects would sustain and direct these

To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010

                   My iPad Magazine Stand
                                     Author: Khoi Vinh

                                                         competition, particularly about
                                                         how user behavior will evolve
                                                         as these devices become more
                                                         integrated into daily life. So
                                                         while I may use some definitive
                                                         language in this admittedly very
                                                         long blog post, I freely grant that
                                                         the future is a mystery to me as
                                                         much as anyone.

                                                         Actually,     in     conversations
                                                         with people I know at various
                                                         publications, I’ve been quite
photo credits to   Because I recently left a job         surprised by stories of strong
                   at one of the most prominent          advertiser interest in these apps.
                   publications in the world, people     Anecdotally, publishers report
                   often ask me about my opinions        heavy demand for advertising
                   on the cavalcade of publications      space, and in some cases apps
                   rushing to the iPad — those           have sold out of their ad inventory
                   apps designed and developed           through the end of the year or
                   by newspapers and magazines           even further.
                   principally to deliver their print
                   content — and the chances I see       That’s an encouraging indicator,
                   for their success. So here it is.     but I think it may be more a sign
                                                         of a bubble than the creation of a
                   To start, I think it’s too early to   real market for publishers’ apps.
                   say anything definitive about         According to Advertising Age,
                   whether these apps will become        the initial enthusiasm for many
                   lasting delivery mechanisms for       of these apps has dwindled down
                   print content and brands. There’s     to as little as one percent of print
                   still a lot that we don’t know        circulation in the cases of some
                   about the iPad and its forthcoming    magazines.

                                                                  Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0

                      READING HABITS                                 few years, and so there will be a much
                      Granted, this situation could change           richer market for a more diverse crop of
                      significantly when the iPad and tablet         content. But even with an Apple-operated
                      market expands further — it’s logical to       newsstand, I’m just not sure I believe
                      assume that the customers who eventually       these people will turn to publishers’ apps
                      commit to tablets after this first year will   to occupy their tablet time. It’s certainly
                      bring a greater diversity of interests than    possible that a small number of these apps
                      the generally technology-centric early         will succeed, but if publishers continue to
                      adopters. If we see a continuing influx        pursue the print-centric strategies they’re
                      of customers in that former category, it       focused on today, I’m willing to bet that
                      might brighten the prospects for, say,         most of them will fail.
                      Vanity Fair’s iPad app. That, combined
                      with the possibility of Apple adding a         Let’s set aside the issue of news apps for
                      digital newsstand to the App Store to help     the time being, because they are really a
                      customers browse periodical content in a       beast of a different sort, and with their
                      centralized place (hunting for publications    own unique challenges. There is a real use
                      amid software brands is suboptimal, to         case for news apps (regardless of whether
                      say the least) could further brighten their    not not any players are executing well in
                      prospects.                                     this space). Magazine apps, on the other
                                                                     hand, are a different story.

                      I just don’t
                      see it, though.
                      For sure, I’m
                      confident that
                      many,      many
                      more people will
                      be buying tablets
                      within the next

                               photo credits to

To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010

OKAY HERE IT IS                                print edition and, as a content experience,
My opinion about iPad-based magazines          was an impediment to my normal content
is that they run counter to how people         consumption habits. I couldn’t email,
use tablets today and, unless something        blog, tweet or quote from the app, to say
changes, will remain at odds with the way      nothing of linking away to other sources
people will use tablets as the medium          — for magazine apps like these, the world
matures. They’re bloated, user-unfriendly      outside is just a rumor to be denied. And
and map to a tired pattern of mass             when I plugged my iPad back into my
media brands trying vainly to establish        Mac, the enormous digital heft of these
beachheads on new platforms without            magazines brought the synching process
really understanding the platforms at all.     to a crawl.

The fact of the matter is that the mode        My understanding is that a lot of these apps
of reading that a magazine represents          are being actively encouraged and even
is a mode that people are decreasingly         partially funded by the folks at Adobe, who
interested in, that is making less and less    are pushing a tablet publishing solution
sense as we forge further into this century,   that, unsurprisingly, builds off of the
and that makes almost no sense on a tablet.    software franchise that they won over the
As usual, these publishers require users to    print publishing world with. In fact, Conde
dive into environments that only negligibly    Nast has turned over technical operations
acknowledge the world outside of their         for all of their apps to Adobe, which says a
brand, if at all — a problem that’s abetted    lot about how they’re thinking about their
and exacerbated by the full-screen, single-    tablet strategy.
window posture of all iPad software. In
a media world that looks increasingly          The Adobe promise, as I understand it,
like the busy downtown heart of a city —       is that publications can design for one
with innumerable activities, events and        medium and, with minimal effort, have
alternative sources of distraction around      their work product viably running on tablets
you — these apps demand that you confine       and other media. It says: what works in
yourself to a remote, suburban cul-de-sac.     print, with some slight modifications and
                                               some new software purchases, will work
THICK ISSUES                                   in new media. It’s a promise that we’ve
Take the recent release of the iPad app        heard again and again from many different
version of The New Yorker. Please. I           software vendors with the rise of every
downloaded an issue a few weeks ago and        new publishing platform, but it has never
greatly enjoyed every single word of every     come to pass. And it never will.
article that I read (whatever the product
experience, the journalism remains a notch     In my personal opinion, Adobe is doing a
above). But I hated everything else about      tremendous disservice to the publishing
it: it took way too long to download, cost     industry by encouraging these ineptly
me US$4.99 over and above the annual           literal translations of print publications
subscription fee that I already pay for the

                                                                 Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0

                      into iPad apps. They’ve fostered a              tablets represent. Perhaps like many of
                      preoccupation with the sort of monolithic,      us, they need to fail their way to success.
                      overbearing apps represented by The             That’s a legitimate strategy, and if they’re
                      New Yorker, Wired and Popular Science.          nimble enough to recover from these wild
                      Meanwhile, what publishers should               miscalculations before it’s too late, then I
                      really be focusing on is clever, nimble,        applaud them for it.
                      entertaining apps like EW’s Must List
                      or Gourmet Live. Neither of those are           More likely, they will waste too many cycles
                      perfect, but both actively understand that      on this chimerical vision of resuscitating
                      they must translate their print editions into   lost glories. And as they do, the concept
                      a utilitarian complement to their users’        of a magazine will be replaced in the mind
                      content consumption habits.                     — and attention span — of consumers by
                                                                      something along the lines of Flipboard.
                      IF NOT THIS, THEN WHAT?                         If you ask me, the trajectory of content
                      Of course, small, nimble apps won’t             consumption favors apps like these that
                      necessarily solve the long-term revenue         are more of a window to the world at large
                      problems of major magazines. So is there        than a cul-de-sac of denial. Social media,
                      a bigger solution for magazines, one that       if it’s not already obvious to everyone, is
                      will bring in significant revenue along the     going to continue to change everything
                      lines of what they saw in the pre-digital       — including publishing. And it’s a no-
                      world?                                          brainer to me that content consumption is
                                                                      going to be intimately if not inextricably
                      This is an incredibly difficult question and    linked with your social graph. Combine
                      I’ve stopped trying to pretend I have any       Flipboard or whatever comes along and
                      response to it other than “I don’t know,”       improves upon it with the real innovation
                      or, in less sanguine moments, “Probably         in recommendation technology that we’ll
                      not.” There are no easy answers for content     almost undoubtedly see in the next few
                      publishers right now, which is why in           years, and I can’t see how the 20th Century
                      some ways they can hardly be blamed for         concept of a magazine can survive, even if
                      their iPad enthusiasm — at the very least,      it does look great on a tablet.
                      they aren’t ignoring the sea change that

To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010

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Tool twist newsletter 2010

  • 1. In This Issue - Web Typography - ToolTwist: When used on Software Development - What’s New in ToolTwist v7 - Do You Need a Mobile Strategy? - HR’s Role in Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility - My iPad Magazine Stand
  • 2. 1 This article discusses how web browsers support fonts and how using several techniques modern web browsers can be more flexible in the support of more traditional fonts that print media are comfortable with. history The first edition of web browsers in the (publisher) along-with the web page. This early nineties had minimal support for technique is widely referred to as the @font- fonts. Web browsers then controlled the face rule. This technique is controversial, fonts by their own settings. Later on in as licensing issues are prevalent. The font the mid-nineties, browser enabled support licensing terms had not caught up with the for a <font> html tag allowed webmasters fact that they can be downloaded and used and publishers to control the font that web over the web. This issue is slowly being pages would display. However, either the corrected by the major font foundries font in question had to have been already modifying the licensing schemes to allow installed on the computer; or a standard fall webfonts distribution schemes. back font as supplied by that computer ’s operating system. In the late nineties, the concept of a ‘web- safe’ font was widely discussed. These were the fonts that were more likely to be present on a wide range of computer systems. At the same time, Microsoft started core fonts for the web initiative that saw a standard pack of fonts released to be used by all web browsers and operating systems. These standard packs of ten fonts were widely adopted and licensed by various manufacturers. In the last few years, CSS2 (Cascading Style Sheets version2) added support for a technique that allowed the downloading of remote fonts as supplied by the server T ypogr aph y arT by W ob 2 l e r To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010
  • 3. 2 Glossary eOT embedded OpentYpe A form of OpenType font designed by Microsoft for use as embedded fonts on web pages. It is supported by Internet Explorer and unfortunately not widely support by other browsers. T TF/OTF trUe tYpe Or Open tYpe A scalable computer font, originally licensed from Apple by Microsoft, but further developed by both Adobe and Microsoft. Most of the medium-age browsers have support for them. A medium-age browser is 2 to 3 years old. WOFF Web Open FOnt FOrmat A recent initiative, this is a font format developed by the World Wide Web consortium and has very good support among the major font foundries and new-age browsers. This is basically an OpenType font with enhanced meta-data. traditional work arounds of yesteryears For more than the past decade, webmasters between images and text. and publishers have had to get around the Implementing this technique means it limitations mentioned above of using only breaks regular text selection and copy and a standard set of fonts on webpages. The paste. most common ways to get around this is by using images of fonts, using Adobe sIFR - scalable Inman Flash Flash embeddables (sIFR) and Javascript techniques to display custom fonts. All of ReplacemenT This is a dynamic web fonts implementation them come with various limitations and that enables replacement of text elements performance issues. of web pages with Flash equivalents. It Images is widely used by brochure ware sites and a lot of design companies favor this The easiest way to put custom fonts on approach. This approach does have the a webpage. Take Photoshop, put your same faults as the images technique, custom font in as a text box, save it as an though publishing has been made easier image and put it up. The limitations are with some tools. Lately with the wide that images take much longer to download adoption of Apple iPhone and iPad devices to a web page, and while this technique is which don’t support Flash, this technique good for a heading or so, large swathes of is now completely unworkable across text cannot be done this way. It also breaks these devices. the whole publishing cycle by switching Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
  • 4. 3 It is to be noted that all three techniques cuFOn above suffer from various performance This is a technique that seeks to be an issues as well as they don’t support regular alternative to sIFR. It uses Javascript text selection and copy and paste. and Vector Markup Language (VML) to convert the font using a font generator into a Javascript friendly file that is rendered using Javascript code on the web browser. status of webfonts now and the future Webfonts as mentioned above are the future of fonts in web pages. These are F O n T D e ck font files that can be embedded onto webpages in websites using the @font- face rule. Since 2007 and 2008, most of F O n T s pRI n g the newer browser from Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and to a certain extent IE now support this technique. It is actually T y pe F RO n T being widely used again. This brings the question, of how would W e b T y pe you use commercial fonts embedded in a website as they are publicly available to everyone and get around the licensing T y pOT h e q u e issues. Generally you would need to check the licensing agreements of the fonts from the font vendor to see if it is ok to embed WebInk the font and make it available publicly on h t t p : / / w w w. e x t e n s i s . c o m / e n / a web server. There are list of public fonts WebINK/ and commercial fonts that allow being embedded on a website. Ju sT a n OT h e R F O u n D Ry The other option is to subscribe to a cloud- based font service that for a small fee k e Rn e sT allows hundreds of fonts to be embedded on to a website. Some popular webfont services are: These services allow the fonts to be served from a distributed CDN (Content TypekI T Distribution Network) and thus offer the advantages of being cacheable across websites etc. Thus, if one is looking to use FO nTsl Iv e this service, research needs to be done on the number of fonts supported. Plus, how popular the service is among the peers, g O Og le F On T DIR ecTOR y To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010
  • 5. 4 how does tooltwist conclusion advance this for the publisher While ToolTwist offers a wide range of functionality for the publisher to embed custom fonts on to the webpage and their ToolTwist offers a variety of support to make websites, the following considerations it easy for the publisher to deliver pages should be taken into account when the with support for custom fonts. Widgets for requirements are drawn up. most of the popular webfont services are freely available, plus the ability to embed • What are the requirements for compatibility custom licensed fonts directly on to the web of the website, business-wise. Targeting server. More importantly, ToolTwist has modern browsers only? the ability to fallback to more traditional • What are the requirements for fallback if means if it detects that a browser does not targeting all browsers. have the ability to support webfonts. • Font licensing considerations. ToolTwist routing modules can automatically • If using a webfonts service, check if their detect the device and browser type and list does support all the fonts you may allows for fallback fonts to ensure that need. pages are read on older devices. In • Think about the potential for layout certain extreme cases, publishes do have changes as fallback options are the opportunity to present completely considered. different layouts depending on support for older and modern browsers and what the requirements for website consumption is. T ypogr aph y arT by d ou glas W ils o n Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
  • 6. ToolTwist as used for Software Development As a software development tool, ToolTwist provides a development environment that accelerates application development, by extending the capabilities of regular Java. Why extend Java? While Java is a rock-solid upon which to develop an application – platform for enterprise-level applications, they don’t form part of the application. it is not itself an application. Like with .NET, Visual Basic, and other popular There are many types of application, development tools, Java is a language and there are many possible parts of an and software development platform – if application. However, applications such you want an application, then you need to as those in use at a typical enterprise will write the program yourself. typically have the following parts: In most traditional software development 1. A User Interface. In the past this has environments, tools are provided upon been a windows interface, but for cost which to write applications. These tools and reliability reasons, applications are are generic in nature, and provide a increasingly being built with a web browser way to program (the IDE), provide basic based interface and run over the Internet. underlying functionality and access to the operating system (APIs), and provide a 2. Application specific logic. These are way to debug applications. the calculations such as stock updates, Products such as .NET, Java and VB6 stock calculations, benefit calculations, however need to be generic in nature, as processing eftpos and pos calculations, they are required to be able to be used to totalling and even day-to-day reports build any type of application. As a result, calculations such as summaries and they are intended to provide a foundation totals. To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010
  • 7. 6 3. Communications logic to transfer data Use of these traditional tools is part of the between various entities. reason why a typical Enterprise’s IT costs are high, and why development output is 4. Data Manipulation code, to handle low. various types of information – products, sales statistics, invoices etc. ToolTwist builds upon this traditional model, to build a specific type of application: 5. Database Access code that instructs - Web browser based. the program how to get to data in the - Requires manipulation of varying data database. types. - Distributed environment. With these traditional development tools, - Stores data in a relational database. developers must build all these parts of the application themselves, a process For this specific type of application, of labor intensive manual coding. This ToolTwist is able to provide pre-formed work requires a high level of skill, and is parts of the application, and provide tools therefore very expensive. It is also the that generate other parts of the application, point where bugs are introduced. as shown in figure below. For each type of application logic, removes the need for developers to write ToolTwist specifically provides a way to software. speed up development. The result is faster development times, The following sections explain how low costs, and more reliable systems. ToolTwist handles each type of logic, and Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
  • 8. 7 USer inTerface In the 1980s, the user interface was green is just the start. Increasingly tablets and screen CRTs and/or DOS based systems, other portable devices will be used as while in the 90s a Windows interface was Point Of Sale devices, and will be used in most common. For the past ten years retail settings. however, the preferred interface has been to use a web browser, even for applications Different people access these systems in that do not need to run over the Internet. a variety of ways, for varying purposes. In The reason for this is that users are many cases, the technologies used, and familiar with web pages, with their nice the need to have “programmers”, reduce layouts, pretty images, and hyperlinks. the effective use of these systems. These users are easily trained as this is what they use in their normal day-to-day As an illustration… a typical enterprise has lives. brochures produced by graphic artists, it has a corporate website created by web Browser based interfaces also have the designers, and it has software in the advantage that it is not necessary to install Pharmacies developed by programmers. software to use the application – it can be The separation in skills (graphic art, web accessed over local area network, or over design, and programming) has prevented the Internet. It can also be easily skinned, work in one area flowing into other areas (i.e.) the same application having multiple resulting in: different skins over it to present different faces of it to different users. This allows • The corporate website is grossly out the users to retain familiarity with a type of date. of interface. • Marketing messages and product features included in the The software There are two trends that will increase the provides the end users and clients with benefits of browser based applications: the no relevancy to their day to day task steadily increasing speed and reliability at hand. of the Internet and the arrival of mobile • Programmers producing the devices. While the iPad is currently being software and the marketing message positioned as a consumer product, this are disjoint. To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010
  • 9. 8 Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
  • 10. What’s New in ToolTwist 7 ver Deployment improvements The ToolTwist controller has been adapted to do seamless application deployment to the Cloud, Enterprise Server, off-the-shelf Virtual machines and other machine configurations. Once setup, application deployment becomes a click-and-go process that can be programmed for continuous Integration Builds as well as Production control handovers of Production releases. Designer Checkin/Checkout Pages can be checked in and out of the controller with locking at the controller level to handle version changes and version differences. A diff tool helps the designers to work out differences between their copy and the copy on the controller. new widgets • Blog widget CDn deployment • VideoJS widgets for HTML5 video fallback. Static assets on a web page such as images, • FusionCharts widget css stylesheet files, javascript code can be • Multiple menu widgets automatically deployed to the CDN. CDN's • Payment gateway plugins for Authorize.NET supported are RackSpace/LimeLight CDN and • Multiple mapping widgets for Google CacheFly CDN. More CDN's to be supported Maps, Bing Maps with layering and polygon as demand is present. functionality. To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010
  • 11. Domain sharding ToolTwist can automatically send static assets to multiple static domain sites, so as to improve the parallel performance of downloading to a web browser. A web browser normally downloads anywhere between 2 to 8 assets from a single domain depending on the browser version. By separating your static assets to multiple domains, more assets can be downloaded in parallel. In addition, by making these domains cookie-free, the overhead of transmitting cookies for each http request can be avoided. Wpo hints for progressive rendering WPO, Web Performance Optimisation is the hot topic of the year. ToolTwist provides most of the capabilities to produce the fastest site possible within the constraints of the design and the artwork. With Version 7, more control is given to the marketer to place markers mobile Designer where the visible portion of the page ends, and The Designer has a template and supporting the ToolTwist generator will optimise to put all libraries for the mobile web. Need we say more! blocking and time-consuming assets below the marker to ensure that the visible portion renders as fast as possible. Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
  • 12. 11 Let me provide you some statistics first… there are1.5 billion Internet connections on the world today the world’s population is 6.8 billion the number of folks in the world having mobile devices are 3.4 billion (@50%) of these people, the number of potential mobile internet users are 1.3 billion The rate of growth of smart mobile devices You have employed some Objective-C is astounding. Already people who own gurus to turn out great looking apps. mobile devices are more likely to use their You may have invested in cross-compiler mobile to browse the internet rather than platforms such as Titanium or PhoneGap their desktop. This figure is as high as 40% to deliver products to the iOS and Android now. This figure will be more skewed as markepaces. Or you may be large enough tablet adoption becomes more universal. to run separate teams with different skills to do Objective-C on iOS, Java on Android, So, what does an enterprising CIO do? Sliverlight/XNA/C++ on Windows Mobile 7, Develop an app! and the various other different languages and SDK’s on Symbian, Maemo, Palm Apple with their iOS strategy have webOS, Blackberry and so on. successfully ‘appified’ the market space. Apps are a great way to experience the But, the important thing to consider is: richness of the mobile device with some Safari is the most popular app on the beautiful games and applications turning iPhone! the simple mobile device effectively into a mobile computer. Don’t assume customers have downloaded your app. But, is that the strategy? To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010
  • 13. 12 Irrespective of if your strategy is to build Thus, irrespective of your mobile an app or not, expect that people will use applications strategy…. a mobile browser, a small format device to …. Don’t ignore the mobile web. visit your website. They are mobile, out and Why? In a year ’s time by the end of 2011, about. They hear about your business, or there won’t be a mobile web strategy a promotion on your website and will use anymore, it will be the only strategy! their mobile device to visit your website. Or as it is more common now, people use ToolTwist can help you present screens Google to search for your name to visit appropriate to the device format the your website. (i.e.) no one enters a URL customer visits your website with. It is not anymore. black magic, but by simply making it easy for marketing teams to design mobile web When that happens… think about it, are pages for the mobile web, you can provide you presenting content appropriate to that the optimum experience to your customers small screen. Is your website downloading rather than trying to shoe-horn a desktop megabytes of content and images down a web experience to a mobile user. slow 3G network with high latency down to a customer ’s device who may be struggling In conclusion, let me leave you with these with reception issues and desperate to thoughts…. What about the other end of the get the page up and fast? Are you forcing scale? Large format screens. GoogleTV your customers to pinch and zoom to for example. You need to optimize your view content and press appropriate links website for 40 to 50” screen with the viewer and buttons to navigate between pages? 10 feet away. Do you have a strategy for A customer who is likely to use a mobile that? Anticipate that in 2 years time, every device to locate a bricks and mortar store TV will be able to access the Internet. will experience difficulty to find store locations and operating hours if you are not presenting information on your website tailored to the mobile format. Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
  • 14. The world is a smaller place thanks to • Foster a culture of social the Internet, global trading and new responsibility. communication and technology advances • Celebrate successes. such as the iPad and applications. More • Share and communicate the value companies are becoming global by of corporate social responsibility to expanding overseas, and now manage a employees and the community. global workforce that has unique benefits, rules/laws, and different languages and currencies. With this global expansion comes a “responsibility.” implemenT anD encoUrage green pracTiceS for corporaTe When companies are global, an important challenge in garnering success is to respect Social reSponSibiliTy other cultures and workforce environments and start forming a global profile or social consciousness. Recognising these Implement green practices to assist in differences with a sound Corporate environmental waste reduction, while Social Responsibility (CSR) plan can promoting and encouraging stewardship simultaneously increase shareholder growth, better corporate ethics and value, boost employee engagement and long-lasting practices that promote both increase employer brand recognition. personal and corporate accountability. The value inherent in embracing green Human Resource Departments play a aspects of corporate responsibility is critical role in ensuring that the company clearly understood, given the direct impact adopts Corporate Social Responsibility that rising energy and utility costs has on programs. Furthermore, HR can employees’ pocketbooks. Conservation manage the CSR plan implementation has become an accepted means of making and monitor its adoption proactively, our planet healthier. Reducing each while documenting (and celebrating) its employee’s carbon footprint is a great success throughout the company. Human way of getting energy conservation and Resources technology can help with a recycling waste initiatives off the ground. Corporate Social Responsibility program, Here are suggestions to start: including reducing the company’s carbon footprint to benefit the planet. Start with • Recycle paper, cans and bottles these areas: in the office; recognize departmental • Implement and encourage green efforts. practices. To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010
  • 15. 14 • Collect food and donations for and employers at all levels, who competed victims of floods, hurricanes and other for advancement and recognition in natural disasters around the globe. harsh workplaces, were forced to accept corporate misconduct and waste as • Encourage reduced energy “business as usual.” consumption; subsidize transit passes, make it easy for employees to car pool, Social and community connections that are encourage staggered staffing to allow encouraged by employers give employees after rush hour transit, and permit permission to involve their companies telecommuting to the degree possible. in meaningful ways with the community. Employers can connect with their • Encourage shutting off lights, employees and the community through: computers and printers after work hours and on weekends for further • Company matches to employee energy reductions. charitable contributions; • Work with IT to switch to laptops • Community programs and volunteer over desktop computers. (Laptops days; consume up to 90% less power.) • Corporate sponsorship of community • Increase the use of teleconferencing, events; and rather than on-site meetings and trips. • Encouraging employees to • Promote brown-bagging in the participate in walkathons, food banks, office to help employees reduce fat and so forth. and calories to live healthier lives and reduce packaging waste, too. celebraTe corporaTe Social reSponSibiliTy foSTer a cUlTUre SUcceSSeS of corporaTe Social reSponSibiliTy Celebrating success is important to sustain the momentum of any CSR Creating a culture of change and program. Involving company leaders, and responsibility starts with HR. Getting the praising the success of these initiatives, younger employees, who are already gives the program real meaning. In the environmentally conscious, excited about rapidly expanding global workplace, the fresh Corporate Social Responsibility celebration of these successes not only initiatives is a great way to begin. A drives the implementation of Corporate committed set of employees who infuse Social Responsibility initiatives, but also enthusiasm for such programs would allows sound corporate HR practices to enable friendly competition and recognition enable them. programs. Additionally the publicity about these Over the past few years, major news successes creates a mutual understanding organizations have reported on large, of the cultures within each region that the trusted companies that have failed company serves. The local population employees, shareholders and the public knows that, in addition to providing jobs, (i.e. Enron, Lehman, WaMu). These the company takes an active interest in, failures created a culture of mistrust in the and participates in, local issues. corporate world. All too often, employees Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
  • 16. 15 Three Key areaS of corporaTe Social reSponSibiliTy Focusing on three key areas for Corporate Social Responsibility can help create a cohesive map for the present and future: • Community Relations, • Training and Development, and • A Cohesive Corporate Social Responsibility Platform Encouraging Community Relations through your HR team includes implementing reward programs, charitable contributions and encouraging community involvement and practices. Examples of these programs include sending emails and company newsletters to staff members that highlight employees and managers involved in community relations or creating monthly reward programs to recognize efforts by individuals within the company. Training and Development programs that explain the connection between the company’s core products or services and the society at large, their value to the local community and ways in which employees can get involved in appropriate CSR projects would sustain and direct these initiatives. To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010
  • 17. 16 My iPad Magazine Stand Author: Khoi Vinh competition, particularly about how user behavior will evolve as these devices become more integrated into daily life. So while I may use some definitive language in this admittedly very long blog post, I freely grant that the future is a mystery to me as much as anyone. Actually, in conversations with people I know at various publications, I’ve been quite photo credits to Because I recently left a job surprised by stories of strong at one of the most prominent advertiser interest in these apps. publications in the world, people Anecdotally, publishers report often ask me about my opinions heavy demand for advertising on the cavalcade of publications space, and in some cases apps rushing to the iPad — those have sold out of their ad inventory apps designed and developed through the end of the year or by newspapers and magazines even further. principally to deliver their print content — and the chances I see That’s an encouraging indicator, for their success. So here it is. but I think it may be more a sign of a bubble than the creation of a To start, I think it’s too early to real market for publishers’ apps. say anything definitive about According to Advertising Age, whether these apps will become the initial enthusiasm for many lasting delivery mechanisms for of these apps has dwindled down print content and brands. There’s to as little as one percent of print still a lot that we don’t know circulation in the cases of some about the iPad and its forthcoming magazines. Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
  • 18. 17 READING HABITS few years, and so there will be a much Granted, this situation could change richer market for a more diverse crop of significantly when the iPad and tablet content. But even with an Apple-operated market expands further — it’s logical to newsstand, I’m just not sure I believe assume that the customers who eventually these people will turn to publishers’ apps commit to tablets after this first year will to occupy their tablet time. It’s certainly bring a greater diversity of interests than possible that a small number of these apps the generally technology-centric early will succeed, but if publishers continue to adopters. If we see a continuing influx pursue the print-centric strategies they’re of customers in that former category, it focused on today, I’m willing to bet that might brighten the prospects for, say, most of them will fail. Vanity Fair’s iPad app. That, combined with the possibility of Apple adding a Let’s set aside the issue of news apps for digital newsstand to the App Store to help the time being, because they are really a customers browse periodical content in a beast of a different sort, and with their centralized place (hunting for publications own unique challenges. There is a real use amid software brands is suboptimal, to case for news apps (regardless of whether say the least) could further brighten their not not any players are executing well in prospects. this space). Magazine apps, on the other hand, are a different story. Maybe. I just don’t see it, though. For sure, I’m confident that many, many more people will be buying tablets within the next photo credits to http://mediamemo. To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010
  • 19. 18 OKAY HERE IT IS print edition and, as a content experience, My opinion about iPad-based magazines was an impediment to my normal content is that they run counter to how people consumption habits. I couldn’t email, use tablets today and, unless something blog, tweet or quote from the app, to say changes, will remain at odds with the way nothing of linking away to other sources people will use tablets as the medium — for magazine apps like these, the world matures. They’re bloated, user-unfriendly outside is just a rumor to be denied. And and map to a tired pattern of mass when I plugged my iPad back into my media brands trying vainly to establish Mac, the enormous digital heft of these beachheads on new platforms without magazines brought the synching process really understanding the platforms at all. to a crawl. The fact of the matter is that the mode My understanding is that a lot of these apps of reading that a magazine represents are being actively encouraged and even is a mode that people are decreasingly partially funded by the folks at Adobe, who interested in, that is making less and less are pushing a tablet publishing solution sense as we forge further into this century, that, unsurprisingly, builds off of the and that makes almost no sense on a tablet. software franchise that they won over the As usual, these publishers require users to print publishing world with. In fact, Conde dive into environments that only negligibly Nast has turned over technical operations acknowledge the world outside of their for all of their apps to Adobe, which says a brand, if at all — a problem that’s abetted lot about how they’re thinking about their and exacerbated by the full-screen, single- tablet strategy. window posture of all iPad software. In a media world that looks increasingly The Adobe promise, as I understand it, like the busy downtown heart of a city — is that publications can design for one with innumerable activities, events and medium and, with minimal effort, have alternative sources of distraction around their work product viably running on tablets you — these apps demand that you confine and other media. It says: what works in yourself to a remote, suburban cul-de-sac. print, with some slight modifications and some new software purchases, will work THICK ISSUES in new media. It’s a promise that we’ve Take the recent release of the iPad app heard again and again from many different version of The New Yorker. Please. I software vendors with the rise of every downloaded an issue a few weeks ago and new publishing platform, but it has never greatly enjoyed every single word of every come to pass. And it never will. article that I read (whatever the product experience, the journalism remains a notch In my personal opinion, Adobe is doing a above). But I hated everything else about tremendous disservice to the publishing it: it took way too long to download, cost industry by encouraging these ineptly me US$4.99 over and above the annual literal translations of print publications subscription fee that I already pay for the Tool Tw i s t N ew s l etter // Is s ue N o.1 // De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
  • 20. 19 into iPad apps. They’ve fostered a tablets represent. Perhaps like many of preoccupation with the sort of monolithic, us, they need to fail their way to success. overbearing apps represented by The That’s a legitimate strategy, and if they’re New Yorker, Wired and Popular Science. nimble enough to recover from these wild Meanwhile, what publishers should miscalculations before it’s too late, then I really be focusing on is clever, nimble, applaud them for it. entertaining apps like EW’s Must List or Gourmet Live. Neither of those are More likely, they will waste too many cycles perfect, but both actively understand that on this chimerical vision of resuscitating they must translate their print editions into lost glories. And as they do, the concept a utilitarian complement to their users’ of a magazine will be replaced in the mind content consumption habits. — and attention span — of consumers by something along the lines of Flipboard. IF NOT THIS, THEN WHAT? If you ask me, the trajectory of content Of course, small, nimble apps won’t consumption favors apps like these that necessarily solve the long-term revenue are more of a window to the world at large problems of major magazines. So is there than a cul-de-sac of denial. Social media, a bigger solution for magazines, one that if it’s not already obvious to everyone, is will bring in significant revenue along the going to continue to change everything lines of what they saw in the pre-digital — including publishing. And it’s a no- world? brainer to me that content consumption is going to be intimately if not inextricably This is an incredibly difficult question and linked with your social graph. Combine I’ve stopped trying to pretend I have any Flipboard or whatever comes along and response to it other than “I don’t know,” improves upon it with the real innovation or, in less sanguine moments, “Probably in recommendation technology that we’ll not.” There are no easy answers for content almost undoubtedly see in the next few publishers right now, which is why in years, and I can’t see how the 20th Century some ways they can hardly be blamed for concept of a magazine can survive, even if their iPad enthusiasm — at the very least, it does look great on a tablet. they aren’t ignoring the sea change that To o l Tw i s t N e w sl e tte r // Issu e No.1 // Decem ber 2010