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G & H Management Presents:
A.J. Rompza
UCF | PG #3
LeMonica Gale
Josh Hollander
Table of Contents:
Executive Summary…………………… 3
Introduction……………………………… 4
Welcome Letter………………………. 5
Mission & Vision………………………..6
Industry Overview…………………….7
A.J. Rompza Bio……………………...8
G&H Management Team………...9-10
Media Strategy………………………...15
Website & Technology……………..16
Distribution & Retail Strategy……...17
SWOT Analysis………………………………..18
Target List……………………………………..21
Graphics & Branding……………………...22
Video Production…………………………...23
Special Event………………………………..26
One Sheet Bio / Press Kit……………..27
Representation Strategy……………...28
Executive Summary
G & H would like to introduce our talent, A.J. Rompza.
Our plan for the former UCF basketball player is to guide
A.J. through three avenues: a post-collegiate basketball
career, being an author, and public speaking. We would
like to see A.J. become recognized for his
accomplishments on and off the court.G & H’s plan is to
progress down all three elements and promote A.J.’s
likeness nationwide.The goal of this outlined talent plan is
to explore career options and building a solid network
foundation for A.J.
G & H Management is a new management company that was founded in early
September 2014, in which we are a partnership. LeMonica Gale and Josh Hollander
founded G & H Management as a class assignment for their talent management course
at Columbia College Chicago. The main focus of the company is to manage current and
former athletes while developing and maintaining their careers.
A.J Rompza is the first athlete to be represented by G & H Management. A.J was
chosen by this management company because he is well rounded and well known in the
Chicago basketball community but also in other states such as Florida. He believes in
hard work which will make this management company’s job easier when it comes to
decision making and publicity planning. By representing A.J., G & H Management hoped
to gain experience managing athletes, as well as implementing practices learned in the
Talent Management class.
Welcome Letter
G & H Management sends out
a personalized “Welcome
Letter” to each of their
clients. Sending out a
customized letter to every
client helps promote the idea
that we care for clients and
are here to serve them. G & H
believes that the company is
made up of a bunch of
individual clients rather than
recognizing them as a group.
Mission & Vision
“G & H’s mission is to create a stress-free, transparent management and
marketing team who goes to great lengths on placing their clients first and
“G & H’s vision is to create a comfortable and connected environment, while
placing our clients needs first and foremost.”
Industry Overview
•Geographic Area: International
• Industry Size: increase of 29% in jobs in coaching and scouting through 2020 and a
10% increase in agents and managers of artists, performers and athletes through
• Buyers: Athletes, Companies, Publishing Companies (i.e. NBA, NFL, NHL etc)
• Company Info: Sports Agent, Player Personnel, Scout Management, Administration,
Front Office, Sports Broadcasting, Salary Cap Analyst, Account Manager, Media &
Communications, Event Management, Ticket and Sponsorship
A.J. Rompza Bio
A.J. Rompza is 5 foot 9 former point guard for the University of Central Florida. Originally
from Chicago, IL, A.J. played basketball at Whitney Young HS where he led Young to a 25-6
record and a spot in the sectional finals his senior year. He was selected to the Chicago Sun-
Times All-Area Team after averaging 18.0 points and 7.0 assists. Although his height is what
stands out;his talent is what seemed to shock the many viewers and fans that seen him play. In
his 08-09 career at UCF, A.J. had 150 assists ranked third on the UCF single-season register and
was named to the Conference USA All-Freshman Team. As the years went on A.J. kept the titles
rolling ending his senior year Appearing in 21 games, making 20 starts, averaged 7.1 points, 4.4
assists, 2.5 rebounds and 2.4 steals per game and was named to the Conference USA All-
Academic Team. This former knight has given a tremendous performance throughout his years
as a Knight.
After college A.J. Rompza remained busy by trying out for teams such as the Harlem
Globetrotters and had been looked at to play overseas which he still trains for today. A.J
continues to strive for greatness while being a mentor to all who look up to him. In the process
of mentoring, A.J. has written a memoir of his journey from the playground courts of Chicago
to UCF. The 30-page, motivational work titled "A Little Guy In A Big Man's World" is filled with
personal anecdotes about his development. A.J. Rompza continues to strive for greatness and is
expected to be a huge attribute to the sports community in the future.
G & H Management Team
LeMonica Gale
LeMonica is a proud Chicagoan, originally from Bellwood,IL. She began playing sports
at the age of 12. Although volleyball was her favorite, she couldn’t help but to love
them all. LeMonica attended Proviso West High School where she played basketball,
volleyball and also ran track. She later attended Western Illinois University and then
transferred to Columbia College Chicago where she majored in Sports Management
with a minor in Public Relations. In her college years, LeMonica was hard at work
interning and constantly networking. She volunteered a fair amount of ProCamps for
athletes such as Chicago Bulls players, Jimmy Butler & Taj Gibson and she also worked
with Nike in Chicago, IL along with WNBA star Skylar Diggins. These opportunities has
helped her grow into the hard working and dedicated person that she is today.
LeMonica continues to be inspired by the work that she does and is excited to bring
new ideas to the sports industry; in the hopes of inspiring others to reach their dreams
and do amazing things with their talents.
G & H Management Team
Josh Hollander
Hollander is from the northwest suburbs, Buffalo Grove, Illinois. He currently is a sports
management major at Columbia College. He has a background of Cinematography while
studying at the University of Iowa from 2009-2012. A former athlete (Volleyball, Hockey, and
Basketball), he consumes most of his time following his favorite Chicago sports teams.
Currently, Josh is a head volleyball coach for travel club TNTVBC, located in the north
suburbs of Illinois. Although it is not management, Hollander has acquired certain
management skills through experience. This is his first year being promoted to head coach.
Hollander spent approximately three years assistant coaching, racking up experience and
knowledge of the game. As a former athlete, he understands how teams and organizations
are run. During his free time, Josh creates, produces, and records music in his self financed
home studio. One of the main projects he worked on was recording David Rudman as Cookie
Monster for an Xbox game soundtrack. Josh’s goal is to become a part of the sports
management industry by either becoming and agent or getting involved behind the scenes of
an organization. His dream job would be working right here in his hometown, the city of
Chicago. This is primarily because he has been following these sports organizations since he
was young.
Our audience will be geared towards kids, teens, and young adults, ages
ranging from 5-25. We would be tracking who comes to the basketball camps
presented by A.J. which will be aimed towards the kids. Our next demographic
would be teens and adults, focusing on the speaking engagements that would be
lined up for A.J. Mainly athletic teams promoting his published book and the road
to his success. Our management team would focus on the Midwest area to begin,
then navigate our way East, then South. We do want to make things affordable but
still have to make a profit. Surveys would possibly be a form of figuring what the
people want to see hear, and learn from the entire A.J. Rompza experience.
Lastly, we want to include non-profits and charities within our audience as well. It
would bring us continuous, supporting exposure!
A.J. Rompza’s training experience includes four years of collegiate basketball at the University of Central
Florida (UCF), which is a part of ‘Conference USA’ conference. His collegiate career lasted from 2008 to
2012. During Rompza’s ‘08/’09 and ‘09/’10 seasons, his head coach was Kirk Speraw. Speraw was a
former player for the University of Iowa from 1975-1979. He currently works as an assistant coach at the
University of Iowa. A.J.’s coaching staff experienced major changes following Speraw’s departure. During
Rompza’s final two years at UCF, he was coached by Donnie Jones, who remains head coach to this day.
Donnie Jones also played basketball, at Pikeville from 1984 to 1988.
Aside from his collegiate training, Rompza gained valuable experience by working with some of the best
athletes in the country. These include Chicago Bulls’ Derrick Rose and former great Michael Jordan, New
York Knicks’ Iman Shumpert, and the Turkish Basketball League’s Jerome Randle.
One of the main things that A.J. pointed out was his relationship with the Jordan family. According to
Rompza, “[Michael Jordan is] the most valuable person I have learned from… his knowledge of the game
and knowing what you need has taught me a lot.” As a management company, we believe that this
relationship is critical for A.J.’s development and character.
Since A.J.’s basketball career has concluded, it is important for him to focus on his opportunities as a
public speaker and an author. With proper teaching and experience, Rompza can relay multiple lessons
and messages. Some of these include his accomplishments, such as a division I basketball star, and his
faults, being suspended for improper benefits as a collegiate athlete. The possible addition of writing and
speaking workshops, A.J. could become a typical role model for future collegiate athletes.
$30 A.J Rompza Jerseys
$17 Camp shirt, included
in camp fee
Throughout the course of the semester G&H Management sent A.J. Rompza on 3 booking gigs
to up his publicity as an entrepreneur. During the course of the bookings, G&H Management
received other offers to A.J. to come speak and host events through word of mouth. We will further
reach out and discuss those booking for the future. Meanwhile, we focused on our main three events
which includes A.J. Rompza basketball camp, the book signing and lastly, his image, publicity and
promotions course. Our first focus will be on the camps, followed by campus visits and lastly would
be the book signing once it is complete and published.
Camp #1 Chicago Illinois June 11th- 13th 2015
Camp #2 University of Central Florida July 23rd -25th 2015
Camp #3 Charlotte, NC August 6th-8th 2015
August 6th Book Signing (once complete) December 10th -13th 2015
Media Strategy
Our media strategy is to simply keep all
of AJ’s social media pages up to day with
constant interaction with all fans. A.J. is
already good with posting positive things on
his page to maintain his great personality.
A.J also has a YouTube page with
different highlight, interview and training
videos. A few people created “We Love AJ”
fan pages but on behalf of G&H
management, we would created one just to
be more professional and up to date with
book signings, camps, merchandise and
other events.
Website & Technology
Due to the fact that A.J. Rompza is an athlete and not a performer, dancer, or band, his website will consist of different
material. One of the first things that we would like to include on the website is a compilation of A.J.’s basketball highlights to
establish his credibility as a basketball star at UCF. The next section on the website will be an excerpt of Rompza’s novel. We
believe that this is an important feature to the website in order to demonstrate his talents as a writer and his creativity. It would
also open the door for future projects in relation to his writing. Following the small insert of his novel, the website will include
photographs of A.J. playing at UCF and headshots. These images will provide an aesthetic look to the website. It will also be a
quick way to ‘introduce’ A.J. to whoever is visiting the site.
Since he is an athlete, a fan base development section is another thing that is difficult to apply to A.J. However, with an
increase in his likeness, it is possible that further down the road he may be able to create a fan base from his writing and public
The general news section on the website will include regular updates on A.J.’s schedule and his future plans to keep those
informed on his upcoming projects and destinations. An email list is something that most likely will not become necessary in
regards to A.J.’s circumstance. Until he develops himself into an established writer or public speaker, we will not include an email
sign up list.
G & H Management will be promoting A.J. Rompza’s website through social media. It is also possible that we will be able
to include the web domain inside Rompza’s books. This will not only provide another media outlet for those interested in
discovering more about A.J. but it will create a link between the website and his novels. The two will essentially promote each
other by themselves.
Distribution & Retail Strategy
The distribution and retail strategy for Mr. Rompza is a
little different than a typical athlete. Due to NCAA
regulations, athlete’s likenesses may be sold on behalf of
the NCAA, but individual players cannot benefit nor
receive money. In terms of distribution, the main thing G
& H can focus on is circulating his memoir and any other
literary works. If, in the future, A.J. may find himself
playing professional basketball. Whether its international
or in the United States, we can then discuss merchandise,
such as his jersey.
SWOT Analysis
- Great work
- 4 yr UCF
- Worked with
- Open minded
- Great
- 12 game NCAA
- “Doesn’t believe”
in short term goals
- Attitude toward
- Author
- Tried out for Harlem
- Great with children
- Pro basketball
- Potential coach
- Height
- Life after
- Players who have
- Trouble with the
NCAA leading to
Sponsorship & Investors
A.J. can be a great investment or sponsor in multiple industries. In regard to
basketball, the NCAA, UCF, or programs such as NBA Cares would be prime sponsors.
These organizations could have A.J. speak to incoming college freshman athletes and
shares his experiences through his collegiate career. He would be able to advise
students on behaving appropriately under NCAA guidelines. In this circumstance, his
career of basketball would lead to public speaking. unlike other collegiate athletes, A.
J. has gone from stardom to suspension and rose back to the top. A.J. would be able to
discuss how and why he was suspended and how other individuals can avoid similar
A.J. can also acquire investments in his writing. Publishing companies from across
the country should be lining up to have A.J. finish his memoir and begin working on
other pieces of work. These publishing companies would not only be able to pay A.J.
for his writing, but would be able to send him on tours promoting.
Due to the fact that A.J. is an athlete, his expenses are different than those of a singer or actor.
The image on this slide is a hypothetical tour around the city of Chicago to promote his upcoming
memoir. The tour will also include speaking to youths about proper behavior on and off the court.
Thew expenses that were accounted for were car rental, gas, parking, tolls, lodging, coaching
lessons and voice lessons, photos, and communication for internet access. The total for this
hypothetical tour around Chicago adds up to around $750. This also can be used for his planned
camps in 2015.
Target List
Based on AJ Rompza’s post-basketball career, we as a management teach believe that the
target list specifically for our client should focus around venues such as bookstores or small lecture
halls to promote his novel and speeches. Due to his Chicago residence, we will primarily hone in on
the Chicagoland region.
Rompza may benefit greatly from book signings and staging short and concise lectures on the
creation process of his novel. Barnes & Noble's across the Chicago land may be able to hold book
signings for him.
Also, we think it would also be a good idea to have AJ speak at Chicagoland high schools about
making smart decisions in relation to collegiate athlete behavior. Obviously AJ had a run in with
trouble while at UCF, however, he would be the perfect person to convey his regrets and how he
handled himself during and following his incident.
Finally, another target for our client would be to see if any athletic camps would be able to
have AJ as a guest athlete. Not only would this increase his exposure in the region, but also it would
promote his character as someone who enjoys helping the youth. This would be extremely
beneficial to developing a mature presence within the athletic community.
Graphics & Branding
We have created a logo for our talent management company (G & H Management) through the program
Photoshop. The logo includes three letters representing the two founders, LeMonica Gale and Josh Hollander.
The letters ‘G’ and ‘H’ sit underneath a large ‘M’. The ‘G’ and the ‘H’ represent the two talent managers of G &
H Management. However, they are scaled to be smaller and underneath the much larger ‘M’ to symbolize that
individuals are not what drives this company, it is the combination of everyone involved. Although the logo
may appear simple, its message is distinct: our company as a whole cannot be viewed as a single person but
as a team.
Since A.J. Rompza is an athlete and not a performer, a stage name obviously is not applicable. However, the
headshot of A.J. will include himself in business attire and not in a basketball uniform. We strongly believe
that, although Rompza possess high-caliber athletic talent, his character and experiences are what we would
like to highlight. His professionalism and drive are two characteristics that make Rompza more than just a
former basketball player.
Video Production
G & H Management is in the process of finding a professional
videogropher to capture all highlighted areas of A.J’s life and career.
We want to post them frequently to social media so fans and
follower can see what he does on a day to day basis and his
interaction with people.
This video shows who A.J. and how he is viewed by coaches,
teammates and also his mother. A great introduction on the kind of
person A.J Rompza is!
*We do not own any rights to this video*
shot and edited by: Sand Duffie
Rompza gained valuable experience by working
with some of the best athletes in the country. These
include Chicago Bulls’ Derrick Rose and former great
Michael Jordan, New York Knicks’ Iman Shumpert, and
the Turkish Basketball League’s Jerome Randle.
Seeing as though A.J already has a strong
network with other athletes, this would be beneficial for
cross promotions. A variety of different charity events,
camps, and even tours can be great for publicity.
Partnering with other talents could also cut costs
on the management’s end. The company will also
receive good feedback and could gain more clients in
the future.
G & H Management’s ultimate end goal is to
provide exposure for our clients. G & H will be as
transparent as humanly possible without the
compromising of team goals. Accompanied by
personally knowing our clients to great lengths, G
& H is confident in their ability to create a positive
result for all clients and individuals involved.
Special Events
At this time G&H management have not gotten in contact with any non-
profits or charities to discuss possible events. It is on our list to get
accomplished while we are in the process of handling other tasks for A.J.
Here are a few companies we will be reaching out to in the near future:
One Sheet Bio/ Press Kit
Our ‘press kit’, otherwise known as his resume, will consist of A.J. Rompza’s
collegiate overview, his post-college career, and highlighted achievements. Since A.J.
seems to have moved on from his basketball playing days, it appears as if writing and
speaking are the two main focuses from here on out. The resume will include an
electronic link that can direct viewers to his UCF bio, which includes accolades,
accomplishments, and statistics from his four years of playing. (1)
This resume (press kit) will be used to give potential employers and job opportunists
and detailed summary of A.J.’s past. One of the main objectives of this resume, will be to
point out positive specifics of Rompza. We will not include any mentioning of his
suspension while at college because it would distract viewers.
Representation Strategy
Since we would like our client to tour around the city of Chicago,
we researched some talent agencies that would fit A.J.’s mission and
vision. One of the agencies that we found was Paonessa Talent
Agency. This agency was more of a broad company, unlike other than
focuses specifically on actors or models. Paonessa is a smaller agency
that may benefit A.J. because he would be a the big fish in a small
pond. G & H strongly believes that once A.J. has bookings and is up
and running, he could move on to a bigger agency that would provide
more resources. Although, Paonessa is a Chicagoland based agency
that would be more experienced with finding books in the area.
We believe that A.J. is a high potential candidate with
plenty of upside. An author, and a public speaker, A.J. is
more than your typical collegiate athlete. G & H strongly
suggests that you invest into Mr. Rompza and our talent
plan. With A.J. pursuing professional basketball overseas,
finishing up a personal memoir, and attending other
professional athletes camps, an investor has multiple
opportunities on multiple fronts.
(1) "AJ Rompza Too Small 2." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <>.
(2) "The Ultimate Basketball Shoes: The D Rose 4 by Adidas." The Ultimate Basketball Shoes: The D Rose 4 by Adidas. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <http:
(3) "Iman Shumpert Responds to Kendrick Lamar in Latest Song." Bleacher Report. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <
(4) "Marcus and Jeff Jordan Launch "Heir Jordan" Ep. 1." 30 and Beyond. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <
(5) "Make-A-Wish® America." Make-A-Wish® America. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <>.
(6) "FOR HELPING FAMILIES FIND STRENGTH IN NUMBERS." Season-of-giving. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <>.
(7) "Chicago Bulls Charities." Chicago Bulls. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <>.
(8) "Charity." Terrapin 5K RSS. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <>.

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TM Plan

  • 1. G & H Management Presents: A.J. Rompza UCF | PG #3 LeMonica Gale Josh Hollander
  • 2. Table of Contents: Executive Summary…………………… 3 Introduction……………………………… 4 Welcome Letter………………………. 5 Mission & Vision………………………..6 Industry Overview…………………….7 A.J. Rompza Bio……………………...8 G&H Management Team………...9-10 Audience………………………………….11 Training…………………………………..12 Merchandise…………………………...13 Booking…………………………………...14 Media Strategy………………………...15 Website & Technology……………..16 Distribution & Retail Strategy……...17 SWOT Analysis………………………………..18 Sponsorship/Investors…………………...19 Finance…………………………………………..20 Target List……………………………………..21 Graphics & Branding……………………...22 Video Production…………………………...23 Partnership…………………………………….24 Goal……………………………………………….25 Special Event………………………………..26 One Sheet Bio / Press Kit……………..27 Representation Strategy……………...28 Conclusion…………………………………...29 Bibliography………………………………...30
  • 3. Executive Summary G & H would like to introduce our talent, A.J. Rompza. Our plan for the former UCF basketball player is to guide A.J. through three avenues: a post-collegiate basketball career, being an author, and public speaking. We would like to see A.J. become recognized for his accomplishments on and off the court.G & H’s plan is to progress down all three elements and promote A.J.’s likeness nationwide.The goal of this outlined talent plan is to explore career options and building a solid network foundation for A.J.
  • 4. Introduction G & H Management is a new management company that was founded in early September 2014, in which we are a partnership. LeMonica Gale and Josh Hollander founded G & H Management as a class assignment for their talent management course at Columbia College Chicago. The main focus of the company is to manage current and former athletes while developing and maintaining their careers. A.J Rompza is the first athlete to be represented by G & H Management. A.J was chosen by this management company because he is well rounded and well known in the Chicago basketball community but also in other states such as Florida. He believes in hard work which will make this management company’s job easier when it comes to decision making and publicity planning. By representing A.J., G & H Management hoped to gain experience managing athletes, as well as implementing practices learned in the Talent Management class.
  • 5. Welcome Letter G & H Management sends out a personalized “Welcome Letter” to each of their clients. Sending out a customized letter to every client helps promote the idea that we care for clients and are here to serve them. G & H believes that the company is made up of a bunch of individual clients rather than recognizing them as a group.
  • 6. Mission & Vision MANAGEMENT MISSION STATEMENT “G & H’s mission is to create a stress-free, transparent management and marketing team who goes to great lengths on placing their clients first and foremost.” MANAGEMENT VISION STATEMENT “G & H’s vision is to create a comfortable and connected environment, while placing our clients needs first and foremost.”
  • 7. Industry Overview •Geographic Area: International • Industry Size: increase of 29% in jobs in coaching and scouting through 2020 and a 10% increase in agents and managers of artists, performers and athletes through 2016. • Buyers: Athletes, Companies, Publishing Companies (i.e. NBA, NFL, NHL etc) • Company Info: Sports Agent, Player Personnel, Scout Management, Administration, Front Office, Sports Broadcasting, Salary Cap Analyst, Account Manager, Media & Communications, Event Management, Ticket and Sponsorship
  • 8. A.J. Rompza Bio A.J. Rompza is 5 foot 9 former point guard for the University of Central Florida. Originally from Chicago, IL, A.J. played basketball at Whitney Young HS where he led Young to a 25-6 record and a spot in the sectional finals his senior year. He was selected to the Chicago Sun- Times All-Area Team after averaging 18.0 points and 7.0 assists. Although his height is what stands out;his talent is what seemed to shock the many viewers and fans that seen him play. In his 08-09 career at UCF, A.J. had 150 assists ranked third on the UCF single-season register and was named to the Conference USA All-Freshman Team. As the years went on A.J. kept the titles rolling ending his senior year Appearing in 21 games, making 20 starts, averaged 7.1 points, 4.4 assists, 2.5 rebounds and 2.4 steals per game and was named to the Conference USA All- Academic Team. This former knight has given a tremendous performance throughout his years as a Knight. After college A.J. Rompza remained busy by trying out for teams such as the Harlem Globetrotters and had been looked at to play overseas which he still trains for today. A.J continues to strive for greatness while being a mentor to all who look up to him. In the process of mentoring, A.J. has written a memoir of his journey from the playground courts of Chicago to UCF. The 30-page, motivational work titled "A Little Guy In A Big Man's World" is filled with personal anecdotes about his development. A.J. Rompza continues to strive for greatness and is expected to be a huge attribute to the sports community in the future.
  • 9. G & H Management Team LeMonica Gale LeMonica is a proud Chicagoan, originally from Bellwood,IL. She began playing sports at the age of 12. Although volleyball was her favorite, she couldn’t help but to love them all. LeMonica attended Proviso West High School where she played basketball, volleyball and also ran track. She later attended Western Illinois University and then transferred to Columbia College Chicago where she majored in Sports Management with a minor in Public Relations. In her college years, LeMonica was hard at work interning and constantly networking. She volunteered a fair amount of ProCamps for athletes such as Chicago Bulls players, Jimmy Butler & Taj Gibson and she also worked with Nike in Chicago, IL along with WNBA star Skylar Diggins. These opportunities has helped her grow into the hard working and dedicated person that she is today. LeMonica continues to be inspired by the work that she does and is excited to bring new ideas to the sports industry; in the hopes of inspiring others to reach their dreams and do amazing things with their talents.
  • 10. G & H Management Team Josh Hollander Hollander is from the northwest suburbs, Buffalo Grove, Illinois. He currently is a sports management major at Columbia College. He has a background of Cinematography while studying at the University of Iowa from 2009-2012. A former athlete (Volleyball, Hockey, and Basketball), he consumes most of his time following his favorite Chicago sports teams. Currently, Josh is a head volleyball coach for travel club TNTVBC, located in the north suburbs of Illinois. Although it is not management, Hollander has acquired certain management skills through experience. This is his first year being promoted to head coach. Hollander spent approximately three years assistant coaching, racking up experience and knowledge of the game. As a former athlete, he understands how teams and organizations are run. During his free time, Josh creates, produces, and records music in his self financed home studio. One of the main projects he worked on was recording David Rudman as Cookie Monster for an Xbox game soundtrack. Josh’s goal is to become a part of the sports management industry by either becoming and agent or getting involved behind the scenes of an organization. His dream job would be working right here in his hometown, the city of Chicago. This is primarily because he has been following these sports organizations since he was young.
  • 11. Audience Our audience will be geared towards kids, teens, and young adults, ages ranging from 5-25. We would be tracking who comes to the basketball camps presented by A.J. which will be aimed towards the kids. Our next demographic would be teens and adults, focusing on the speaking engagements that would be lined up for A.J. Mainly athletic teams promoting his published book and the road to his success. Our management team would focus on the Midwest area to begin, then navigate our way East, then South. We do want to make things affordable but still have to make a profit. Surveys would possibly be a form of figuring what the people want to see hear, and learn from the entire A.J. Rompza experience. Lastly, we want to include non-profits and charities within our audience as well. It would bring us continuous, supporting exposure!
  • 12. Training A.J. Rompza’s training experience includes four years of collegiate basketball at the University of Central Florida (UCF), which is a part of ‘Conference USA’ conference. His collegiate career lasted from 2008 to 2012. During Rompza’s ‘08/’09 and ‘09/’10 seasons, his head coach was Kirk Speraw. Speraw was a former player for the University of Iowa from 1975-1979. He currently works as an assistant coach at the University of Iowa. A.J.’s coaching staff experienced major changes following Speraw’s departure. During Rompza’s final two years at UCF, he was coached by Donnie Jones, who remains head coach to this day. Donnie Jones also played basketball, at Pikeville from 1984 to 1988. Aside from his collegiate training, Rompza gained valuable experience by working with some of the best athletes in the country. These include Chicago Bulls’ Derrick Rose and former great Michael Jordan, New York Knicks’ Iman Shumpert, and the Turkish Basketball League’s Jerome Randle. One of the main things that A.J. pointed out was his relationship with the Jordan family. According to Rompza, “[Michael Jordan is] the most valuable person I have learned from… his knowledge of the game and knowing what you need has taught me a lot.” As a management company, we believe that this relationship is critical for A.J.’s development and character. Since A.J.’s basketball career has concluded, it is important for him to focus on his opportunities as a public speaker and an author. With proper teaching and experience, Rompza can relay multiple lessons and messages. Some of these include his accomplishments, such as a division I basketball star, and his faults, being suspended for improper benefits as a collegiate athlete. The possible addition of writing and speaking workshops, A.J. could become a typical role model for future collegiate athletes.
  • 13. Merchandise $30 A.J Rompza Jerseys $17 Camp shirt, included in camp fee
  • 14. Booking Throughout the course of the semester G&H Management sent A.J. Rompza on 3 booking gigs to up his publicity as an entrepreneur. During the course of the bookings, G&H Management received other offers to A.J. to come speak and host events through word of mouth. We will further reach out and discuss those booking for the future. Meanwhile, we focused on our main three events which includes A.J. Rompza basketball camp, the book signing and lastly, his image, publicity and promotions course. Our first focus will be on the camps, followed by campus visits and lastly would be the book signing once it is complete and published. Camp #1 Chicago Illinois June 11th- 13th 2015 Camp #2 University of Central Florida July 23rd -25th 2015 Camp #3 Charlotte, NC August 6th-8th 2015 August 6th Book Signing (once complete) December 10th -13th 2015
  • 15. Media Strategy Our media strategy is to simply keep all of AJ’s social media pages up to day with constant interaction with all fans. A.J. is already good with posting positive things on his page to maintain his great personality. A.J also has a YouTube page with different highlight, interview and training videos. A few people created “We Love AJ” fan pages but on behalf of G&H management, we would created one just to be more professional and up to date with book signings, camps, merchandise and other events.
  • 16. Website & Technology Due to the fact that A.J. Rompza is an athlete and not a performer, dancer, or band, his website will consist of different material. One of the first things that we would like to include on the website is a compilation of A.J.’s basketball highlights to establish his credibility as a basketball star at UCF. The next section on the website will be an excerpt of Rompza’s novel. We believe that this is an important feature to the website in order to demonstrate his talents as a writer and his creativity. It would also open the door for future projects in relation to his writing. Following the small insert of his novel, the website will include photographs of A.J. playing at UCF and headshots. These images will provide an aesthetic look to the website. It will also be a quick way to ‘introduce’ A.J. to whoever is visiting the site. Since he is an athlete, a fan base development section is another thing that is difficult to apply to A.J. However, with an increase in his likeness, it is possible that further down the road he may be able to create a fan base from his writing and public speaking. The general news section on the website will include regular updates on A.J.’s schedule and his future plans to keep those informed on his upcoming projects and destinations. An email list is something that most likely will not become necessary in regards to A.J.’s circumstance. Until he develops himself into an established writer or public speaker, we will not include an email sign up list. G & H Management will be promoting A.J. Rompza’s website through social media. It is also possible that we will be able to include the web domain inside Rompza’s books. This will not only provide another media outlet for those interested in discovering more about A.J. but it will create a link between the website and his novels. The two will essentially promote each other by themselves.
  • 17. Distribution & Retail Strategy The distribution and retail strategy for Mr. Rompza is a little different than a typical athlete. Due to NCAA regulations, athlete’s likenesses may be sold on behalf of the NCAA, but individual players cannot benefit nor receive money. In terms of distribution, the main thing G & H can focus on is circulating his memoir and any other literary works. If, in the future, A.J. may find himself playing professional basketball. Whether its international or in the United States, we can then discuss merchandise, such as his jersey.
  • 18. SWOT Analysis Strengths - Great work ethic - 4 yr UCF basketball experience - Worked with professionals - Open minded - Great personality Weaknesses - 12 game NCAA suspension - “Doesn’t believe” in short term goals - Attitude toward refs Opportunities - Author - Tried out for Harlem Globetrotters - Great with children - Pro basketball overseas - Potential coach Threats - Height - Life after collegiate basketball - Players who have better skills/athleticism - Trouble with the NCAA leading to suspension
  • 19. Sponsorship & Investors A.J. can be a great investment or sponsor in multiple industries. In regard to basketball, the NCAA, UCF, or programs such as NBA Cares would be prime sponsors. These organizations could have A.J. speak to incoming college freshman athletes and shares his experiences through his collegiate career. He would be able to advise students on behaving appropriately under NCAA guidelines. In this circumstance, his career of basketball would lead to public speaking. unlike other collegiate athletes, A. J. has gone from stardom to suspension and rose back to the top. A.J. would be able to discuss how and why he was suspended and how other individuals can avoid similar situations. A.J. can also acquire investments in his writing. Publishing companies from across the country should be lining up to have A.J. finish his memoir and begin working on other pieces of work. These publishing companies would not only be able to pay A.J. for his writing, but would be able to send him on tours promoting.
  • 20. Financial Due to the fact that A.J. is an athlete, his expenses are different than those of a singer or actor. The image on this slide is a hypothetical tour around the city of Chicago to promote his upcoming memoir. The tour will also include speaking to youths about proper behavior on and off the court. Thew expenses that were accounted for were car rental, gas, parking, tolls, lodging, coaching lessons and voice lessons, photos, and communication for internet access. The total for this hypothetical tour around Chicago adds up to around $750. This also can be used for his planned camps in 2015.
  • 21. Target List Based on AJ Rompza’s post-basketball career, we as a management teach believe that the target list specifically for our client should focus around venues such as bookstores or small lecture halls to promote his novel and speeches. Due to his Chicago residence, we will primarily hone in on the Chicagoland region. Rompza may benefit greatly from book signings and staging short and concise lectures on the creation process of his novel. Barnes & Noble's across the Chicago land may be able to hold book signings for him. Also, we think it would also be a good idea to have AJ speak at Chicagoland high schools about making smart decisions in relation to collegiate athlete behavior. Obviously AJ had a run in with trouble while at UCF, however, he would be the perfect person to convey his regrets and how he handled himself during and following his incident. Finally, another target for our client would be to see if any athletic camps would be able to have AJ as a guest athlete. Not only would this increase his exposure in the region, but also it would promote his character as someone who enjoys helping the youth. This would be extremely beneficial to developing a mature presence within the athletic community.
  • 22. Graphics & Branding We have created a logo for our talent management company (G & H Management) through the program Photoshop. The logo includes three letters representing the two founders, LeMonica Gale and Josh Hollander. The letters ‘G’ and ‘H’ sit underneath a large ‘M’. The ‘G’ and the ‘H’ represent the two talent managers of G & H Management. However, they are scaled to be smaller and underneath the much larger ‘M’ to symbolize that individuals are not what drives this company, it is the combination of everyone involved. Although the logo may appear simple, its message is distinct: our company as a whole cannot be viewed as a single person but as a team. Since A.J. Rompza is an athlete and not a performer, a stage name obviously is not applicable. However, the headshot of A.J. will include himself in business attire and not in a basketball uniform. We strongly believe that, although Rompza possess high-caliber athletic talent, his character and experiences are what we would like to highlight. His professionalism and drive are two characteristics that make Rompza more than just a former basketball player.
  • 23. Video Production G & H Management is in the process of finding a professional videogropher to capture all highlighted areas of A.J’s life and career. We want to post them frequently to social media so fans and follower can see what he does on a day to day basis and his interaction with people. This video shows who A.J. and how he is viewed by coaches, teammates and also his mother. A great introduction on the kind of person A.J Rompza is! *We do not own any rights to this video* shot and edited by: Sand Duffie
  • 24. Partnership Rompza gained valuable experience by working with some of the best athletes in the country. These include Chicago Bulls’ Derrick Rose and former great Michael Jordan, New York Knicks’ Iman Shumpert, and the Turkish Basketball League’s Jerome Randle. Seeing as though A.J already has a strong network with other athletes, this would be beneficial for cross promotions. A variety of different charity events, camps, and even tours can be great for publicity. Partnering with other talents could also cut costs on the management’s end. The company will also receive good feedback and could gain more clients in the future. (2)(3)(4)
  • 25. Goal G & H Management’s ultimate end goal is to provide exposure for our clients. G & H will be as transparent as humanly possible without the compromising of team goals. Accompanied by personally knowing our clients to great lengths, G & H is confident in their ability to create a positive result for all clients and individuals involved.
  • 26. Special Events At this time G&H management have not gotten in contact with any non- profits or charities to discuss possible events. It is on our list to get accomplished while we are in the process of handling other tasks for A.J. Here are a few companies we will be reaching out to in the near future: (5)(6)(7)(8)
  • 27. One Sheet Bio/ Press Kit Our ‘press kit’, otherwise known as his resume, will consist of A.J. Rompza’s collegiate overview, his post-college career, and highlighted achievements. Since A.J. seems to have moved on from his basketball playing days, it appears as if writing and speaking are the two main focuses from here on out. The resume will include an electronic link that can direct viewers to his UCF bio, which includes accolades, accomplishments, and statistics from his four years of playing. (1) This resume (press kit) will be used to give potential employers and job opportunists and detailed summary of A.J.’s past. One of the main objectives of this resume, will be to point out positive specifics of Rompza. We will not include any mentioning of his suspension while at college because it would distract viewers.
  • 28. Representation Strategy Since we would like our client to tour around the city of Chicago, we researched some talent agencies that would fit A.J.’s mission and vision. One of the agencies that we found was Paonessa Talent Agency. This agency was more of a broad company, unlike other than focuses specifically on actors or models. Paonessa is a smaller agency that may benefit A.J. because he would be a the big fish in a small pond. G & H strongly believes that once A.J. has bookings and is up and running, he could move on to a bigger agency that would provide more resources. Although, Paonessa is a Chicagoland based agency that would be more experienced with finding books in the area.
  • 29. Conclusion We believe that A.J. is a high potential candidate with plenty of upside. An author, and a public speaker, A.J. is more than your typical collegiate athlete. G & H strongly suggests that you invest into Mr. Rompza and our talent plan. With A.J. pursuing professional basketball overseas, finishing up a personal memoir, and attending other professional athletes camps, an investor has multiple opportunities on multiple fronts.
  • 30. Bibliography (1) "AJ Rompza Too Small 2." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <>. (2) "The Ultimate Basketball Shoes: The D Rose 4 by Adidas." The Ultimate Basketball Shoes: The D Rose 4 by Adidas. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <http: //>. (3) "Iman Shumpert Responds to Kendrick Lamar in Latest Song." Bleacher Report. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. < iman-shumpert-responds-to-kendrick-in-latest-song>. (4) "Marcus and Jeff Jordan Launch "Heir Jordan" Ep. 1." 30 and Beyond. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. < and-jeff-jordan-launch-heir-jordan-ep-1/>. (5) "Make-A-Wish® America." Make-A-Wish® America. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <>. (6) "FOR HELPING FAMILIES FIND STRENGTH IN NUMBERS." Season-of-giving. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <>. (7) "Chicago Bulls Charities." Chicago Bulls. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <>. (8) "Charity." Terrapin 5K RSS. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <>.