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Supporting Voluntary & Community Action
                                                                                                                                   July/August/September 2009

                                                                                                                              Nominate for the Voscur

                                                                                                                              Summer Festivals

                                                                                                                              Love Parks

                                                                                                                              Funding Opportunities

                                                                                                                              Recession Support
Sculpture developed to promote furniture re-use - see page 22

                                                                                                                              Golden Agers’ Tyntesfield Quilt

                                                                                                                              Bristol Based Nationals

                                                                                                                              Tackling Age Discrimination

                                                                                                                              Constitutional Advice

                                                                                                                              Training and Learning

                                                                                                                              Third Sector Survey

                                                                Issue 6 July / August / September 2009
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Charity Number: 1018963                                                 July / August / September 2009 Issue 6

4                    Editorial                                              24 - 25            Summer Festivals
5                    Voscur Annual Event                                    26 - 27            Children and Young People
6                    Voscur News -                                          	         	        St	Werburghs	City	Farm	-	Summer	Camp

                     Campaign Award                                         	         	        Sexual	Health	Services	for	Young	People

7                    New Voscur Members                                     28 - 29            How To - Funding
                                                                            	         	        Tax	Effective	Giving
8 - 10               Sector News
	          	         Office	of	the	Third	Sector	Survey                      30 - 31            How To - Green Pages
	          	         Keep	Infrastructure	Local                              	         	        Love	Parks	

	          	         Free	Support	for	Merger	and	                           	         	        Is	Bristol	Prepared	for	Sustainable		       	
	          	         Collaboration                                          	         	        Growth?	-	Bristol	Development	Framework
11                   Recession Support                                      32                 Volunteering Bristol
12 - 14              Equalities - Older People                              	         	        Good	Practice	Promotes	Higher	
	          	         Tackling	Age	Discrimination                            	         	        Standards
	          	         2009	Celebrating	Age	Festival                          33                 The Compact
	          	         A	New	Treasure	at	the	National	Trust	                  	         	        Compact	Liaison	Officer
15                   Equalities                                             	         	        What	is	the	Compact?

	          	         Femocracy                                              35                 Constitution Corner
16 - 19              Voscur Training & Learning                             	         	        Operating	for	the	public	benefit?

                     Training	-	why	bother?                                 36                 Diary
	          	         Voscur	Learning
20                   How To - ICT
	          	         Reduce	your	ICT	carbon	footprint
21                   Voscur Shadowing programme
22 - 23              Bristol Based Nationals
	          	         Furniture	Re-use	Network

       Why not advertise?                                                 Thrive!	is	available	on	disc.	Please	contact	
       Special discounts for Voscur members.                              the	office	if	you	would	like	to	
       Deadlines for October 2009 edition of Thrive!:
                                                                          receive	your	Thrive!	this	way.	The	
       Tuesday 1 September for ads and Monday 21 September
       for flyers. Details of prices at           newsletter	is	also	available	online	as	a	pdf	
       or phone Polly Stewart, sub-editor, on 0117 909 9949               at

    Disclaimer:	some	of	the	views	expressed	in	this	publication	are	those	of	individual	contributors	and	do	not	necessarily	represent	
    those	of	Voscur.	Publications,	events	and	services	mentioned	in	Thrive!	are	not	necessarily	endorsed	by	Voscur.

Issue 6 July / August / September 2009

    New Council pledges support
    for our sector
    Question: Who said
                                                 Support from
      “ The voluntary,
      community and social
      enterprise sector has an                   Mitigation Fund
                                                 Details	of	the	support	available	
      important part to play in
                                                 from	the	Capacitybuilders	Real	
      understanding local need,                  Help	For	Communities	fund	can	
      and is often best placed                   be	found	on	page	10		of	Thrive!		
      to deliver activities,                     Voscur	was	concerned	that	this	
      services and support that                  support	is	only	available	to	groups	
      best meets the needs                       with	an	income	of	over	£150,000	

      of some of the most                        per	annum.		There	are	many	
                                                 groups	in	the	city	who	don’t	            Wendy Stephenson
      vulnerable groups in
                                                 reach	that	threshold,	but	are	also	
      our city”?                                                                          wide	has	the	potential	to	benefit	
                                                 vulnerable	at	this	time.
                                                                                          the	most	vulnerable	groups	and	

    Answer:                                      Voscur,	in	partnership	with	City	
                                                                                          people	working	in	the	sector	in	
                                                                                          Bristol.		We	will	keep	you	informed	
    Councillor	Barbara	Janke,	Leader	of	         of	Bristol	College,	applied	to	
                                                                                          of	the	support	on	offer	through	
    the	Council,	in	the	last	issue	of	Thrive!	
                                                 the	Bristol	Partnership	recession	       our	e-bulletin,	website	and	this	
                                                 mitigation	fund	to	help	us	offer	        magazine.		
    Councillor	Janke	also	told	us	that	
                                                 support	for	our	members	who	
    the	Liberal	Democrats	want	to	bring	                                                  Wendy	Stephenson,	
                                                 don’t	meet	the	Capacitybuilders	
    decision-making	closer	to	the	people	                                                 Chief	Executive,	Voscur
                                                 criteria,	but	are	nevertheless	
    through:	building	on	Neighbourhood	
                                                 vulnerable	to	the	effects	of	the	
    Partnerships;	working	to	find	ways	                                                   key TO SymBOLS
                                                 recession.	We	will	be	offering	
    to	transfer	assets	to	the	third	
    sector,	and	are	committed	to	                help	with	issues	of	redundancy,	
                                                                                                    Equalities Article
    strengthening	positive	working	              collaboration	and	merger,	skills	

    relationships	through	the	Compact.           development	and	training.		

    The	local	election	has	resulted	in	a	        It	was	a	difficult	decision	as	to	
                                                                                           ?        Training

    Liberal	Democrat	majority	running	           whether	to	apply	to	this	fund	as	
    the	council.	We	very	much	look	              Voscur	member	groups,	did,	of	                     Resources
    forward	to	helping	the	Council	put	          course,	also	apply	to	this	fund.		
    its	commitment	into	practice	in	the	 On	balance	we	thought	that	the	                            Event
    coming	months.                       support	that	we	could	offer	city-

4                                                                   July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
Voscur Annual
   Conference and AGM
   Hitting the Headlines – Promoting the Value of your Work

   Wednesday 21 October 2009
   9.30am – 2.30pm
   St Paul’s Community Sports Academy

   Keynote Speaker: Debra Allcock-Tyler, Chief                The Voscur Awards:
                                                              Make your nominations in the following
   Executive, Directory of Social Change
                                                              1.The Most Active Community Activist
                                                              2.The Community Venue of the Year
   Media panel and workshops to help you
                                                              3.The Most Innovative/ Engaging Project
   promote your organisation
                                                              4.The ‘I Will Survive’ Award
   Stalls to showcase your organisation
                                                              5.The ‘Thanks for Supporting the Sector Award’

   Last year’s ‘Thanks for               Fran Harrison, Manager of              many	in	the	voluntary	sector,	
   Supporting the Sector’ award          Fairbridge West said…                  our	premises	need	a	lot	of	
   winner John Bos said…                 “We	work	with	some	of	the	most	        improvement.		John	gave	advice	
   “My	prize	was	an	invitation	to	       challenged	young	people	to	            about	where	we	could	get	free	
   lunch	at	Fairbridge	West.	The	        motivate	and		build	confidence	        help	in	doing	just	that.	This	led	to	
   young	people	showed	me	around	        to	move	on	to	positive	things	in	      us	receiving	ProHelp	support	and	
   the	premises	and	explained	the	       life.		Our	prize	was	an	invitation	    help	from	architects	to	improve	
   many	activities	and	projects,	        to	lunch	cooked	by	our	young	          the	building.”
   which	Fairbridge	delivers:	I	began	   people	at	one	of	our	‘Come	Dine	
   to	understand	something	of	           With	Me’	sessions.                     Further details on the Voscur
   the	fantastic	work	that’s	being	                                             website:
   done	with	some	of	Bristol’s	most	     “John	showed	why	he	had	               Email:
   disadvantaged	teenagers.”             received	the	Voscur;	typical	of	       Tel: 0117 909 9949

Issue 6 July / August / September 2009
Campaign Award

    Campaigners recognised for
    influencing decision makers
    Voscur is delighted to            matthew Symonds, Development              Disability equality Forum (DeF)
    announce the winner of the        manager of Voscur said:                   - campaign	for	self-determination.	
    2009 award is Bristol theatre                                               The	campaign	set	out	to	stop	the	
    company Show of Strength,           “ Campaign groups, like                 Council	handing	over	the	DEF	
    who organised a campaign for        Show of Strength,                       to	another	disabled	people-led	

    survival after they were told       demonstrate that local                  organisation	without	consultation	
                                        people really can make                  and	to	ensure	that	the	Forum	
    their funding was about to be
                                                                                members	could	explore	options	
    withdrawn. The award was            changes and influence
                                                                                and	decide	their	own	future.
    decided by an online vote,          decision makers.
    which attracted over 500 votes.     Volunteers and community
                                                                                Save Grove Woods – campaign to
                                        groups across Bristol give              preserve local woodland.
    Sheila Hannon from Show of          a huge amount of time                   The	campaign	set	out	for	Grove	
    Strength said:
                                        and effort to improving                 Woods,	Blackberry	Hill,	Stapleton	to	
                                        the city and to making                  be	compulsorily	purchased	from	its	
      “ Show of Strength
                                        sure that the views of                  existing	owner	and	be	a	designated	
      Theatre Company is                                                        wildlife	reserve.
                                        local people are heard.”
      thrilled to win this
      award as we’ve been                                                       Feet for Purpose
      campaigning against a           Runners up were:                          Involved	Bristol	Older	Peoples’		
      funding cut for nearly          Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft          Forum,	Age	Concern	Bristol	and	
      a year. Our first appeal        Campaign	for	community	                   Bristol	City	Council	Linkage	in	
                                      regeneration	of	Stokes	Croft	as	a	        working	together	with	NHS	Bristol.	
      to the city council
                                      cultural	quarter.	The	campaign	has	       Their	work	was	to	review	current	
      was rejected but we
                                      successfully	raised	the	profile	of	       services	and	recommend	changes	
      continued fighting and          Stokes	Croft	and	got	people	talking	      to	improve	basic	foot	care	for	older	
      a second appeal is still        positively	about	the	area.	They	          people	living	in	Bristol.
      being heard. Thanks to          have	improved	the	appearance	
      all the people who’ve           of	the	area	with	urban	art;	                        Read	more	about	all	the	
      been supporting us since        successfully	lobbied	for	the	refusal	               campaigns	at	http://
      last July, and who voted        of	a	number	of	unsuitable	planning	       
                                      applications	and	started	discussions	     nership#voscurcampaigns
      for us to win the award ”
                                      with	the	city	council	on	the	future	
                                      of	the	area.

6                                                         July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
New Voscur members

Who’s joined Voscur recently?

Life Cycle UK                             Briefings	(16	so	far),	organise	the	     themselves	in	difficult	situations.	
Enables	people	to	take	up	cycling	to	 Schumacher	Award	and	Promote	                Whatever	the	reason	for	their	
improve	their	health,	communities,	 Human	Scale	Sustainable	Development.           situation,	they	help	them	out.	
environment	and	overall	quality	of	       To	find	out	more	visit:                  Catch22	works	with	their	families	
life.	Life	Cycle	UK	aims	to	inspire                    and	their	communities	wherever	
people	and	to	equip	them	with	                                                     and	whenever	young	people	need	
the	skills,	the	knowledge	and	the	        BARS (Bristol                            them	most;	in	schools,	on	the	
confidence	to	make	cycling	part	                                                   streets,	in	the	home,	at	community	
of	their	everyday	lives.	They	run	
                                          Alcoholism Recovery                      centres,	shopping	centres,	in	police	
practical	activities	such	as	cycle	       Service)                                 stations,	and	in	custody.	
training,	awareness-raising	events,	      Serenity	House	delivers	the	             To	find	out	more	visit:
help	with	bike	maintenance,	cycle	        Recovery	Dynamics	programme,	a	
maps and organise conferences and         non-medical	12-Step	treatment	for	
seminars.	                                alcoholism	and	other	addictions.	        Charity Search
To	find	out	more	visit:	                  They	are	an	addiction	treatment	         Charity	Search	delivers	a	free	advice                    resource	for	the	City	recognised	by	     service	which	helps	older	people	in	
                                          NHS	Bristol;	and	part	of	the	alcohol	    financial	need	receive	the	support	
                                          strategy	team.	
Creative Kids                             To	find	out	more	visit:
                                                                                   that	may	be	available	to	them	
                                                                                   from	charitable	sources.		They	aim	
International                                    to	help	them	independently	with	
A	Bristol	based	organisation	that	
                                                                                   dignity	and	peace	of	mind.
works	with	children	and	young	
people	in	Bristol,	the	South	West	
                                          Catch22                                  To	find	out	more	visit:
                                          Catch22	is	a	national	charity	that
of	the	UK	and	in	Zambia	(Africa)	
                                          works	with	young	people	who	find	
through	hands-on	visual	art	activities.
To	find	out	more	visit:

The Schumacher
Promotes	sustainable	systems	for	
social,	economic	and	environmental	
development.	They	organise	
an	annual	Bristol	Schumacher	
Conference,	publish	Schumacher	           Life Cycle UK

Issue 6 July / August / September 2009                                                              7
Sector News
    Office of the Third Sector Survey –
    what does it tell us?
    Bristol Third Sector organisations give their judgement on support from local statutory bodies
    The Local Area Agreement (LAA)          third	sector	organisations	think	         What next?
    describes the way the Bristol           that	statutory	bodies	have	on	their	      How can Bristol improve its NI7
    Partnership members will work           success.                                  performance?
    together to improve the quality                                                   Here	are	some	ideas:
    of life for people in Bristol. One      The	most	important	factors	are	           •	 Develop	a	third	sector	strategy,		
    of the targets in Bristol’s LAA is      the	degree	to	which	third	sector	         	   which	is	supported	by	the	Bristol		
    National Indicator 7 (NI7) ‘an          organisations	can	influence	              	   Partnership
    environment for a thriving third        local	decisions	that	affect	them	         •	 Consult	the	sector	and	the			
    sector’.                                (in	Bristol	13%	are	very	or	fairly	       	   Bristol	Partnership	on	its	NI7		
                                            satisfied),	and	the	degree	to	which	      	   action	plan
    To	find	out	whether	partners	are	       local	third	sector	organisations	         •	 Raise	awareness	of	the	Compact
    providing	an	environment	for	a	         have	dealings	with	statutory	bodies	      •	 Ensure	that	local	community		
    thriving	third	sector,	in	2008	the	     (in	Bristol	32%).                         	   groups	can	influence		         	
    Office	of	the	Third	Sector	national	                                              	   Neighbourhood	Partnerships		
    survey	asked	the	following	question:	
                                        	   Only	18%	of	respondents	to	the	           	   and	that	communities	are		
    “Taking	everything	into	account,	       Bristol	survey	received	funding	in	       	   involved	in	shaping	services	
    overall	how	do	the	statutory	           the	form	of	a	grant	from	the	local	       	   through	involvement	in		       	
    bodies	in	your	area	influence	your	     council,	3%	from	the	local	NHS	               commissioning processes
    organisation’s	success?”                body,	1%	from	the	police	or	fire	         •	 Share	its	asset	transfer	strategy
                                            authority.		65%	received	funding	         •	 Improve	its	consultation		      	
    The	full	results	of	the	survey	are	     from	none	of	these	sources.               	   processes	so	that	groups	know		
    now	available.		Looking	at	the	                                                   	   how	their	responses	to	these		
    results	for	Bristol,	you	might	         41%	of	the	respondents	to	the	            	   will	shape	and	improve	services
    assume	that	Bristol	groups	don’t	       Bristol	survey	said	that	the	main	        •	 Invest	in	the	sector	for	the	long-	
                                            areas	where	they	carry	out	their	
    think	that	local	public	sector	                                                   	   term	–	let’s	have	some	stability.		
                                            activities	are	either	internationally,	
    partners	influence	their	success,	                                                Visit
                                            nationally	and	regionally	–	so	
    but	unpicking	the	results,	a	
                                            the	main	focus	of	their	work	is	
    different	picture	emerges.	                                                       Jargon buster
                                            not	in	Bristol.		
                                                                                      Statutory sector: Public	bodies,	

    What do Bristol                         Not	surprising	then	that	Bristol’s	
                                                                                      funded	by	government	with	legal	
    groups think?                           NI7	score	is	low,	when	relationships	
                                            with	local	statutory	bodies	are	          Third Sector:	The	Government’s	
    The	headlines	tell	us	that	14.7%	of	
                                            not	a	priority	for	many	of	the	           term	for	voluntary,	community	and	
    respondents	to	the	Bristol	survey	
                                            respondents.	However,	for	Bristol	        social	enterprise	organisations.
    think	that	the	statutory	bodies	in	
                                            to	be	judged	to	provide	an	
    their	area	have	a	positive	influence	                                             National Indicator 7:	Environment	
                                            environment	for	a	thriving	third	
    on	their	organisation’s	success.                                                  for	a	Thriving	Third	Sector	–	target	
                                            sector,	we	need	to	increase	our	
    The	survey	also	identifies	which	                                                 within	the	Local	Area	Agreement.
                                            score	by	4.4	percentage	points	to	
    other	factors	have	the	most	impact	 reach	a	score	of	19.1%	when	the	
    on	the	degree	of	influence	that	    survey	is	repeated	in	2010.
8                                                               July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
Sector News

Be vocal - Keep infrastructure local
Important survey will determine future support – make sure your views are heard.

Bristol City Council has launched        retained	to	support	and	represent	       instead	ensure	that	the	support	
its infrastructure support survey,       the	sector	at	a	local	level.		           that	Bristol	groups	get	is	high	
the findings of which will play a                                                 quality	and	responsive	to	local	
large role in determining what           There	is	a	long	history	of	              need.
support will be available for local      community	activism	in	Bristol	-	
organisations and groups. Please         Voscur	was	started	by	community	         We	encourage	you	to	complete	
complete the survey - your views         activists,	and	has	grown	in	response	    the	questionnaire	and	if	you	
are vital to ensure you don’t lose       to	members’	needs.		We	are	              think	that	there	is	a	need	for	a	
services you need and value.             governed	by	a	board	that	is	elected	     local	infrastructure	organisation,	
                                         from	and	by	our	membership	and	          please	say	so.	
The	Council	is	changing	the	way	that	 we	have	structures	in	place	so	that	
it	funds	organisations	like	Voscur	      our	members	can	represent	the	
(local	infrastructure	organisations)	    sector	at	strategic	bodies	in	Bristol.
and	will	be	commissioning	                                                                Find	a	link	to	this	
infrastructure	services	such	as	those	   Unfortunately,	in	some	parts	of	the	             questionnaire	and	
offered	by	Voscur,	from	next	year.       country	commissioning	has	been	                  information	about	
                                         used	to	reduce	services	to	local	        consultation	meetings	at
To	help	them	to	do	this,	the	            groups,	and	national	organisations,	
Council	has	produced	a	                  have	won	contracts	to	represent	         contact	Keith	Houghton	on	(0117)	
questionnaire	that	is	designed	to	       and	support	local	groups.	Some	          922	4746	or	email	k.houghton@
find	out	from	front-line	                local	authorities	have	chosen	not to	get	hold	of	a	hard	
organisations	(our	members)	what	        to	support	local	organisations	that	     copy.		If	you	would	like	to	talk	to	
kind	of	support	services	you	need.       seek	to	represent	the	sector	from	a	     Voscur	about	the	survey,	please	
                                         position	of	local	knowledge.             contact	Wendy	Stephenson	on	0117	
We	think	it’s	important	that	local	      We	hope	that	Bristol	City	Council	       909	9949	or
infrastructure	organisations	are	        won’t	take	that	route,	but	will	

Issue 6 July / August / September 2009                                                            9
Sector News

     Free support for merger
     and collaboration
     Capacitybuilders Real Help for Communities Modernisation Fund

     Does your organisation                  Phase Two	–	Grow	Together:		
     benefit people affected by the          From	October	2009,	grants	of	up	
     recession? Could you work more          to	£10,000	will	be	available	to	help	
     closely with other organisations        organisations	buy	the	professional	
     to increase your impact,                and	specialist	support	and	advice	
     extend your reach, generate             they	need	to	make	collaboration	
     more income and reduce your             or	merger	happen,	such	as	audit/
     overhead costs? Capacitybuilders        accountancy	fees	to	carry	out	due	
     is offering bursaries to help           diligence	work	or	legal	fees.
     viable third sector organisations
     be more resilient to the impact         To	be	eligible,	organisations	
     of the economic downturn.               must	have	turnover	in	the	range	
                                                                                                    To	assess	your	eligibility	and	
                                             of	£150,000	to	£750,000	and	
                                                                                                    apply	for	this	fund	visit	
     Phase One	–	Know	your	needs:		          be	delivering	recession	related	
     Frontline	organisations	will	be	able	   services.	
     to	apply	for	bursaries	of	£1,000	
                                                                                            As	a	separate	part	of	the	this	
     during	June	and	July	2009.		Closing	    Organisations	must	be	wholly	or	
                                                                                            fund,	Futurebuilders	are	offering	
     date	for	applications	is	17	July	       primarily	engaged	in	one	or	more	
                                                                                            loans	of	£30,000	and	above	to	
     2009.	Bursaries	will	pay	for	two	       of	the	following	areas:	
                                                                                            organisations	with	existing	plans	for	
     days	of	professional	support	to	        •	Theme 1	–	Wellbeing	and	health
                                                                                            collaboration	and	merger	or	who	
     help	organisations	increase	their	      •	Theme 2	–	Advice,	information		
                                                                                            wish	to	take	forward	other	activity	
     impact	and	become	more	resilient,	                       and guidance
                                                                                            to	help	prepare	their	business	for	
     including	through	working	more	         • Theme 3	–	Loss	of	income,	
                                                                                            difficult	times.		(For	information,	
     closely	with	others.	                   																					training	and	skills
                                                                                            follow	the	link	above).	

10                                                                    July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
Recession Support - Triodos

Recession Support
economically challenging times          Triodos	Bank,	enables	successful	
can be the prompt we all need to        applicants	to	visit	another	organisation	
reassess our finances, look at where    already	undertaking	similar	activity	
we can reduce costs and also            to	share	learning	from	their	
consider new ways of generating         experiences.	One	of	the	scheme’s	
income. Leaner times can help us        earliest	recipients	was	Swindon	
to find new perspectives on what        Children’s	Scrapstore,	who	visited	
we’re doing and why we’re doing it.     Bristol	Scrapstore	to	explore	the	
This can open up new possibilities,     option	of	setting	up	an	online	shop.		
particularly for charities and social
enterprises as they revisit how         A	new	venture	will	probably	
their activities really contribute to   require	new	funding.	With	greater	          Shared learning: Bristol Children’s
                                                                                    Scrapstore hosts an Only Connect visit
their core mission.                     competition	for	grants,	less	spare	
                                        cash	in	people’s	pockets	and	               bank	will	want	to	see	that	you	
By	thinking	strategically,	             banks	less	willing	to	lend,	securing	       have	thought	your	plans	through	
reassessing	income,	expenditure,	       this	might	present	challenges	of	           carefully,	properly	assessing	the	risks	
activities	and	resources,	you	may	      its	own.	Social	lenders	however,	           involved.		Balancing	Risk,	created	
find	that	precious	time,	energy	        still	have	money	to	lend	and	are	           by	Triodos	and	Sayer	Vincent	is	a	
and	money	are	being	expended	           actively	supporting	charities	and	          tool	designed	to	help	you	do	just	
on	activities	that	don’t	really	meet	   social	enterprises.				                     this.		And	remember	to	talk	to	your	
the	needs	your	organisation	exists	                                                 bank.		Social	lenders	in	particular	will	
to	address.	At	the	same	time,	you	      Triodos	Bank	recently	provided	a	           probably	have	seen	similar	projects	
may	identify	opportunities	to	both	     loan	to	Broadway	Lodge	in	Weston	           before	and	will	be	able	to	give	you	
generate	additional	income	and	         Super	Mare	to	help	them	expand	             useful	feedback	about	your	plans.	
better	realise	your	mission.	           their	range	of	services,	enabling	
                                        them	to	better	meet	the	needs	of	           Louise Davey
Embarking	on	new	activities	can	        their	clients	through	a	financially	        Relationship	Development	Manager
be	a	daunting	process,	so	planning	     sustainable	venture.		The	charity	
and	risk	assessment	are	vital.	         has	been	successfully	providing	            Tel:	0117	980	9788	
Thankfully	plenty	of	resources	are	     addiction	treatment,	counselling	
available	to	help	you.	                 and	support	since	1974	but	saw	                       Resources
                                        the	opportunity	to	further	support	         
NCVO’s	Sustainable	Funding	             clients	by	offering	housing	at	                       balancingrisk to	download	
Project,	for	instance,	offers	a	        the	third	stage	of	recovery	as	             a	risk	assessment	tool	developed	by	
wealth	of	information	on	how	           they	progress	from	residential	             Triodos	Bank	and	Sayer	Vincent
to	make	your	organisation	more	         programmes	into	independent	
financially	sustainable.		If	you	are	   living	and	employment	or	training.
considering	a	new	venture,	their	                                                   for	resources	offered	by	the	
Only	Connect	Scheme,	funded	by	         Before	agreeing	loan	finance,	the	          Sustainable	Funding	Project

Issue 6 July / August / September 2009                                                                  11
Equalitites - Older People

     Tackling Age Discrimination

                                       I	am	sure	that	you,	like	I,	believe	that	age	discrimination	and	unfair	
                                       treatment	based	on	age	have	no	place	in	a	fair	society.	

                                       I	was	pleased	to	be	asked	by	the	Secretary	of	State	to	undertake	a	
                                       national	review	with	Sir	Ian	Carruthers,	Chief	Executive	of	NHS	South	
                                       West,	on	what	practically	needs	to	be	done	to	implement	the	Equality	
                                       Bill.	Sir	Ian	and	I	will	be	specifically	focusing	on	the	critical	issue	of	age	
                                       discrimination	in	health	and	adult	social	care.	

                                       Research	shows	us	that	there	is	age	discrimination	in	some	health	
                                       and	adult	social	care	services.	What	is	important	in	this	review	is	that	
                                       we	get	a	comprehensive	picture	from	across	the	country	and	gather	
                                       opinion	about	what	needs	to	be	done	to	deliver	the	changes	required	
                                       by	the	new	legislation.

                                       I	am	currently	working	closely	with	the	Department	of	Health	and	
      Jan Ormondroyd                   listening	to	the	views	from	a	wide	range	of	related	agencies	and	
                                       organisations.	In	October	this	year	we	will	be	publicly	announcing	the	
     Voscur asked Jan Ormondroyd,
                                       recommendations	of	this	important	review	and	I	would	like	to	update	
     Chief executive of Bristol City
                                       you	then	with	the	key	findings	and	recommendations.
     Council to tell us about her
     role in tackling age
                                       I	am	looking	forward	to	the	challenge,	but	most	importantly	I	am	
     discrimination in adult health
                                       focussed	on	bringing	about	real	improvements	and	working	to	
     and social care. Here’s
                                       eliminate	age	discrimination.	
     what she told us:

                                                  See	Single	Equality	Bill	
                                                  insert	in	this	issue	of	

12                                                         July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
Equalitites - Older People

2009 Celebrating Age Festival
Grants Available to                        organisations	that	would	like	to	       the	finale.	Full	details	of	the	terms	
                                           take	part	in	the	festival.              and	conditions	and	how	to	apply	
help you take part                                                                 are	available	from	James	George,	
monday 28 September to
                                           This	is	an	opportunity	for	your	        email:
Saturday 3 October
                                           group	to	promote	its	activities	for,	tel:	0117	352	5068.
                                           older	people	under	the	umbrella	of	
Now	in	its	third	year,	Bristol’s	annual	
                                           ‘celebrating	age’.	This	can	be	to               The	festival	is	organised	
event	to	celebrate	the	massive	
                                           raise	awareness	of	an	existing	                 by	Bristol’s	Older	People’s	
contribution	older	people	make	to	
                                           group	or	activity	or	a	special	one	              Forum	in	partnership	
the	city	and	their	local	communities	
                                           off	event	for	older	people	in	your	              with	the	city	council,	
will	take	place	from	Monday	28	
                                           community.	The	only	criteria	                    Voscur,	The	Care	Forum,	
September	to	Saturday	3	October	
                                           for	local	involvement	is	that	the	      Black	Development	Agency	(BDA)	
2009	with	a	finale	at	The	Council	
                                           proposed	event	is	fun	and	open	to	      and	the	Primary	Care	Trust	(PCT).	
House	on	Saturday	3	October.
                                           all	older	people.                       Anyone	interested	in	getting	
                                                                                   involved	or	who	would	like	more	
In	order	to	widen	the	event	to	
                                           Small	grants	are	available	to	groups	   information	should	contact	
include	local	community	and	group	
                                           and	organisations	that	want	to	take	 Sarah	Salter,	0117	903	7899,	
activities,	applications	are	being	
                                           part	in	the	festival	by	putting	on
invited	from	local	groups	and	
                                           an	event	in	the	week	leading	up	to	

Issue 6 July / August / September 2009                                                              13
Equalitites - Older People

      A New Treasure at Tyntesfield House
      Gloria Morris, a member of the Golden Agers’ group, describes how
      the group reacted to this commission from the National Trust.

      It	has	been	a	wonderful	achievement	and	quite	exciting	
     to	have	been	commissioned	by	the	National	Trust	at	
     Tyntesfield	House	to	do	this	hanging	for	the	Old	Mill	

     The	Golden	Agers	worked	on	it	with	excitement	and	put	
     their	all	into	it.		The	Golden	Agers	were	also	excited	to	have
     been	invited	to	the	ceremony	to	see	it	being	hung	and	
     to	share	the	experience	with	all	the	other	people	who	
     attended	the	launch	ceremony,	including	meeting	the	
     dignitaries	from	Tyntesfield	House.		

     Our	tutor	who	has	been	working	with	us	now	for	quite	a	
     few	years,	was	very	helpful	and	stood	by	us	whilst	we	were	
     creating	the	quilt	and	helped	with	the	research.		We,	the		
     Golden	Agers	enjoyed	the	sessions	we	ran	to	create	the	
     quilt.	We	are	continuing	to	design	and	make	further	quilts	
     and	will	have	something	to	display	for	the	Celebrating	Age	
     Festival	in	October.		

     We	are	grateful	for	Voscur’s	help	as	it	was	Voscur	who	first	
     suggested	Tyntesfield	House	contact	us	for	this	project.	The	
     group	have	now	been	quilting	for	about	10	or	11	years	and	
     look	forward	to	many	more	years!	

     Gloria	Morris,	Golden	Agers.

                                                                      Detail of the Golden Agers’ Quilt

14                                                        July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
Equalitites - Femocracy

Your vote is your voice!

This is the message that the
Fawcett Society is sending to
to women from minority ethnic
groups up and down the country.

The	European	and	local	
government	elections	are	now	
over	but	sadly	many	women	from	
minority	ethnic	groups	missed	their	   The Femocracy campaign is launched

chance	to	get	their	voice	heard.
                                       political	exclusion,	Femocracy	        Voice	and	encourage	them	to	
                                       has	published	Your	Voice,	a	free	      register	to	vote.
Women	from	minority	ethnic	            guide	to	democracy	for	women	
groups	are	one	of	the	most	            from	minority	ethnic	groups,	with	     If you work with women who
excluded	groups	from	formal	           useful	information	on	how	to	          want a louder political voice,
political	decision	making	processes	   access	political	power.	It	has	been	   then help them to get heard
and	are	not	accessing	the	tools	       developed	to	build	understanding	      with your Voice. To download
of	political	power.	They	are	less	     of	how	democracy	is	organised,	        or request a limited number of
likely	to	be	registered	to	vote	and	   how	politics	impacts	on	their	lives	   free copies of the guide, visit
also	tend	to	be	less	engaged	with	     and	how	they	can	take	part	and
mainstream	politics	than	white	        influence	decision-making	through	
women	and	men	from	minority	           exercising	their	right	to	vote.
ethnic	groups,	explained	Joella	
Hazel,	who	works	for	the	Fawcett	      A	General	Election	may	be	
                                       called	at	any	time.	To	help	make	               Fawcett	Society	is	
Society	and	leads	on	a	project	on	
                                       sure	women	from	minority	                       the	UK	campaign	for	
minority	ethnic	women’s	political	
                                       ethnic	groups	do	not	lose	their	                women’s	rights.	For	more	
empowerment,	called	Femocracy.	
                                       opportunity	to	decide	who	runs	                 information	on	Fawcett	
                                       the	country, Femocracy	is	working	              please	visit:	
Femocracy	helps	women	from	
minority	ethnic	groups	engage	         with	grassroots	groups	that	directly	or	the	
                                       service	women	from	minority	          Bristol	Fawcett	website	at:
in	politics	and	use	their	political	
                                       ethnic	groups	to	promote	Your
voice.	To	help	address	their	

Issue 6 July / August / September 2009                                                     15
Voscur Training and Learning

     Training – why bother?
     In difficult times, with increasing cuts in budgets, we know that the first
     thing to go is staff training, so why bother training at all?

                                                                 So how can you make your organisation a learning
          “ Personally I’m always ready to learn,                organisation?
          although I do not always like being                    Firstly,	you	can	look	at	the	skills	that	you	have	and	
          taught.” Winston Churchill                             consider	the	skills	you	need.	Secondly,	you	provide	
                                                                 training	and	learning	for	staff,	analyse	how	effective	
                                                                 that	has	been	and	finally	start	the	process	again!
     ‘Don’t cut your training budget’ was one
     recommendation for surviving the recession                  • How are training needs identified in your
     given by Ben Kernighan from National Council for               organisation?
     Voluntary Organisations. The National Association           • How do you know what skills gaps your
     for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA)                     organisation has?
     agrees with this and highlights that it is more             • Do you audit the skills of your staff, volunteers
     important than ever that organisations invest in               and board?
     their staff.
                                                                 One	way	of	finding	out	the	skills	you	need	is	by	
     In	times	of	economic	downturn,	your	staff	may	be	           looking	at	your	organisation’s	work	for	the	coming	
     your	most	valuable	asset	and	training	them	should	be	       year.	Identify	what	roles	are	changing,	what	new	work	
     seen	as	a	long-term	investment.	                            you	will	be	doing	and	identify	learning	to	go	with	that.		
                                                                 You	can	find	out	the	skills	staff	and	volunteers	need	
     There are many benefits to training, for example:           through:	
     •	 Increased	staff	and	volunteer	morale	and	                •	 Annual	appraisals
     	    confidence	leading	to	better	working                   •		 Supervision
     •	 Increased	staff	and	volunteer	motivation	                •		 A	skills	audit	
     •		 Reduced	turnover	of	staff	and	volunteers	and	
     	    improved	loyalty                                       There	are	many	ways	to	find	out,	but	never	assume	
     •		 Staff	and	volunteers	able	to	be	more	effective	in		 	   people’s	skills	–	ask	them.
     	    their	roles
     Organisations	that	offer	well-planned	training	will	        If	you	think	about	what	training	you	are	going	to	need	
     become	more	effective	and	on	their	way	to	becoming	         annually,	then	you	are	more	likely	to	have	the	skills	
     ‘learning	organisations’.                                   within	the	team	to	support	the	work.

     Learning organisations                                      Often	training	needs	are	identified	but	are	
          “ A Learning Organisation is one in which
                                                                 not	acted	upon.	This	is	generally	because	
          people at all levels, individuals and                  some	organisations	do	not	see	training	as	part	
          collectively, are continually increasing               of	the	organisational	development	process.	If	you	
          their capacity to produce results they                 start	a	process	with	staff	then	you	need	to	
          really care about “ . Richard Karach                   follow	it	through.		

                                                                                   July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
Voscur Training & Learning
How can you meet the need with
little money?
There	are	many	ways	to	deliver	
learning	and	training	is	only	one.	
Some	options	are:	

•	Attend	Voscur	Network	meetings
•	Shadow	other	people	in	your		
•	Use	mentoring	and	coaching	
•	Attend	free	or	low	cost	Voscur		
	 courses	(bursaries	are	available)
•	Read	publications,	magazines		
	 and	books	that	can	help	you	in		
	 your	role
                                                Look at Voscur                       The	Voscur	diary	is	regularly	

•	Share	skills	within	your	
                                                courses here:                        updated	with	events	and	
                                                    network	meetings.	
•	Use	web	based	toolkits	and		 	
                                          Download Voscur Skills
Why do people attend Voscur
                                                                              Voscur Networks:
Many	people	come	onto	Voscur	
                                          Ladder4learning	supports	and	              Community Buildings:
training	with	specific	needs	for	their	
                                          facilitates	development	and	     
organisations,	so	we	run	training	
                                          learning	for	people	and	                   works/area_networks
that	is	up	to	date	and	responds	to	
trends	within	the	sector.	Voscur	is	      organisations	in	the	community	
                                          and	voluntary	sectors	and	social	   Finance Forum: www.voscur.
focused	on	the	long-term	
                                          enterprises	                        org/networks/FWTforum
sustainability	of	the	sector	and	
our	courses	reflect	that.       
                                                                              Children and young People:
Many	people	who	come	on	to	               Leading on Learning - a hands
Voscur	training	comment	on	               on guide for line managers:
feeling	less	isolated	through	            Campaign for Learning: www.
                                                                              Voscur Assemblies: www.voscur.
knowing	that	other	people	from	 
the	sector	need	support	too,	it’s	a	      assets/documents/Informatio-
great	chance	to	network!	                 nandfacts/Line%20Managers%20
Sources: NAVCA circulation                booklet.pdf
June/July 2009

Issue 6 July / August / September 2009                                                    17
Voscur Training & Learning

     Welcome to Voscur Learning
     Voscur’s open courses are developed with our members in mind, but we recognise the need for
     courses specially tailored to your organisation. Voscur can run in-house courses on many topics,
     so if you are thinking about learning, get in contact with Sophie Bayley on 0117 909 9949 or
     email: and find out what we can do for you.

     We haven’t finalised all our courses yet for the autumn, but they will be out at the end of July so
     keep an eye on our website, ebulletin and mailings from Voscur.

                                                                              Speaking with Confidence

                                                                 New Course
                                                                              Tuesday 14 July (9.30am - 3.30pm)
                                                                              at The Greenway Centre, Doncaster
                                                                              Road, Southmead, Bristol, BS10 5PY
                                                                              This	session	is	aimed	at	people	who	need	
                                                                              more	confidence,	skills	and	practice	of	
                                                                              speaking	in	public.	This	practical	
                                                                              session	will	cover:	exploring	some	of	your	
                                                                              fears	and	barriers	to	public	speaking,	how	
                                                                              to	put	together	presentations	and	some	
                                                                              of	the	skills	needed	to	speak	in	public.	
                                                                              You	will	be	asked	to	deliver	a	mini	
                                                                              presentation	on	the	day.	

                                                                              Collaboration and Merger
                                                                 New Course

                                                                              Wednesday 15 July (9.30am -
                                                                              3.30pm) at
                                                                              Windmill Hill City Farm, Philip
                                                                              Street, Bedminster, Bristol, BS3 4EA
                                                                              This	workshop,	facilitated	by	NCVO’s	
                                                                              collaborative	working	project,	will	look	
                                                                              at	collaboration	and	merger	and	how	it	
                                                                              can	work	for	you.	Among	other	things	
                                                                              it	will	cover	the	benefits,	obstacles	and	
                                                                              challenges	for	collaboration	and	the	legal	
                                                                              implications	of	collaboration	and	merger.	
      “ It was a great session - trainers were excellent,
      friendly and open. Venue was good ”

18                                                           July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
Voscur Training & Learning

              Changing Employment Contracts
Free Course

              Monday 20 July (6pm - 8pm) at Beachcroft,
              Portwall Place, Portwall Lane, Bristol BS1 6NG
              This	free	session	will	help	you	get	to	grips	with	
              changing	contracts	of	employment.	Run	by	an	
              Employment	Law	solicitor	from	Beachcroft,	it	will	
              cover	what	a	contract	is,	language	used,	how	to	
              change	them	and	the	risks	associated.	You	will	have	
              time	to	get	your	questions	answered.	

              How to develop an Equalities and                                       Getting Ready for Enterprise
                                                                        New Course
New Course

              Diversity Policy                                                       Thursday 24 September (9am - 4.30pm) at
              Tuesday 21 July (9.30am - 3.30pm) at                                   Windmill Hill City Farm, Windmill Hill, Bristol,
              Wellspring Healthy Living Centre, Beam                                 BS3 4EA
              Street, Barton Hill, Bristol, BS5 9QY                                  Now,	more	than	ever,	it	is	important	that	
              This	session	will	help	you	to	look	at	Equalities	and	                  organisations	look	at	different	ways	to	generate	
              Diversity	policies,	what	you	need	to	have	in	them,	                    income.	This	workshop,	facilitated	by	NCVO’s	
              how	to	develop	one	and	how	to	make	sure	that	it	                       Sustainable	Funding	Project	will	enable	you	to	
              is	a	live	document	in	your	organisation.	It	will	cover	                respond	to	the	recession	by	helping	you	to:	explore	
              issues	such	as	legislation,	the	new	Single	Equality                    ideas	for	social	enterprise	products	or	services;	
              Bill	and	monitoring	and	evaluation.                                    understand	the	skills	and	resources	needed	to	put	
                                                                                     a	trading	idea	into	practice	and	get	constructive	
                                                                                     feedback	and	advice	on	your	trading	idea.

                                                                                               Full	details	of	autumn	courses	–	coming	
               “ Good delivery, relevant, good use of
                                                                                               soon	To	book	and	for	
               presentation and exercises. Helpful
                                                                                               more	details	go	to
               networking ”                                                           training	or	contact	Anna	Polanek	at	Voscur	on	
                                                                                      0117	909	9949,	email

              Issue 6 July / August / September 2009                                                                  19
How To - ICT

     Reduce Your ICT Carbon Footprint

     With global warming still                from	an	extensive	database	that	          ICT	use.	We	will	look	at	your	current	
     heading the international                is	being	produced	for	Connecting	         IT	infrastructure	and	plans	and	
     agenda, and the Transition Town          Bristol.	                                 advise	on	changes	that	might	
     movement gaining pace steadily                                                     be	needed	to	reduce	power	
     locally and nationally, it can           Voscur	has	been	chosen	to	lead	           consumption	and	prolong	use	of	
     seem a little at odds with the           in	this	area	because	of	our	track	        existing	equipment,	plus	WEEE	
     growing carbon emission levels           record	over	the	last	two	years,	          (Waste	Electrical	and	Electronic	
     of ICT use across the planet.            hosting	the	Social	Source	South	          Equipment)		www.environment-
                                              West	conference	promoting	free	 
     In	fact	at	times	it	seems	to	run	        software	and	the	Give	One	In	Get	         waste/32084.aspx
     at	cross-purposes	to	the	digital	        One	Back!	project	to	promote	             awareness	and	your	legal	
     inclusion	efforts	of	government	         responsible	recycling	and	use	of	         responsibilities	in	this	area.	We	
     initiatives	and	voluntary	groups’	       refurbished	machines	within	              hope	to	save	you	money,	improve	
     aim	to	‘upskill’	excluded	individuals	   the	sector.	                              your	efficiency	and	save	the	planet	
     and	communities.	Of	course	                                                        all	at	the	same	time!
     ICT	does	not	have	the	“dirty	            Free	software	is	optimised	to	run	
     industry”	profile	of	road	haulage	       efficiently	on	older	hardware,	so	
     or	the	airlines,	but	it	is	a	massive	    machines	that	currently	seem	
     consumer	of	power	and	the	               unusable	can	be	given	a	new	
     production	line	is	one	of	the	most	      lease	of	life,	work	like	new	again	
     poisonous	on	the	planet.	By	some	        and	keep	going	for	a	few	more	
     estimates	it	is	set	to	overtake	the	     years.	There	has	been	a	growth	in	
     Aviation	industry	as	a	polluter	         companies	and	social	enterprises	
     by	2010!                                 offering	support	in	this	area,	and	
                                              nationally	and	locally	the	free	
     Connecting	Bristol	is	leading	on	        software	movement	ethos	lines	up	
     developing	a	series	of	strategies	       very	well	with	the	values	and	ethos	
     that	businesses	and	organisations	       of	the	voluntary,	community	and	
     can	implement	to	‘green’	their	          social	enterprise	sector.
     offices,	their	supply	chain	and	their	                                           
     day	to	day	operations.	Voscur	has	       Voscur	will	be	running	a	series	        
     agreed	to	promote	this	work	in	the	      of	Green	ICT	surgeries	using	the	
     voluntary	sector	in	Bristol	and	we	      database	and	championing	the	
     hope	to	be	able	to	offer	help	and	       adoption	of	Environmental	Policies	
     advice	from	summer	onwards	on	           in	third	sector	organisations	that	
     reducing	your	ICT	Carbon	footprint	      specifically	target	emissions	from	

20                                                                July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
Voscur Shadowing programme

Councillor Shadowing – a View Inside
24 councillors, senior managers and shadows signed up for our 2009 scheme - a learning
experience for everyone involved. This year people had the opportunity to shadow councillors
and senior officers, gaining a greater understanding of how the Council works on all levels.
Outlined below are the experiences of three people who got involved:

                                               has	allowed	me	to	understand	
                                               what	is	involved	with	the	
                                                                                    Pete Tiley, Age
                                               process.	I	will	be	talking	with	     Concern Bristol
                                               others	in	the	Somali	community	
                                               to	encourage	them	to	become	         “	I	shadowed	a	councillor.	
                                                                                    This	involved	talking	from	
                                                                                    our	respective	experiences,	
                                                                                    rather	than	sitting	in	on	all	
                                                                                    that	a	councillor	does.		It	was	
(left to right) Yassin Mohamud with Cllr
Barbara Janke, Cllr Jon Rogers, Cllr Shirley   Helen Holland,                       interesting	and	valuable	and	I	was	
Brown and Ed Davey MP                                                               able	to	appreciate	the	pressures	
                                               Leader of the
                                                                                    a	councillor	works	under.	I	made	
Yassin Mohamud,                                Labour Group                         a	valuable	relationship	with	

Voscur                                         “	I	have	always	found	shadowing	
                                                                                    someone	on	the	inside	of	local	
                                                                                    government,	and	could	make	
                                               one	of	the	best	ways	to	get	a	
“	I	shadowed	Shirley	Brown,	Liberal	           feel	for	a	job,	and	also	to	get	     points	and	raise	issues	in	a	direct	
Democrat	councillor	for	Ashley	Ward.	I	        to	know	someone	fast	-	as	           way.	As	and	when	time	allows	we	
went	with	Councillor	Brown	to	canvas	          working	together	for	a	day	          will	continue	with	our	dialogue.	
residents	in	the	Ashley	ward.	It	was	          demands	trust	and	openness	
interesting	to	see	how	she	discussed	          on	both	sides.	As	usual,	I	felt	     I	would	like	to	see	the	scheme	
local	issues,	and	explained	the	work	          that	I	learned	a	lot	from	my	        expanded;	it	is	an	invaluable	way	
she	had	undertaken	in	the	area.	               shadow,	so	it	is	never	just	a	       for	the	council	to	make	links	with	
                                               one-way	process.	Shadowing	
                                                                                    people	in	Bristol	outside	formal	
When	Councillor	Brown	was	first	               cuts	through	any	mystique	
                                                                                    channels,	and	to	inform	us	all	
elected	in	2004,	she	was	the	first	            that	surrounds	the	position	of	
Black	Minority	Ethnic	Liberal	Democrat	                                             about	how	individuals	within	
                                               elected	representatives.	
councillor	in	Bristol.	                                                             the	council	go	about	their	jobs.		

                                               I	hope	that	Voscur	will	find	ways	   Shadowing	would	provide	a	great	
The	most	valuable	lesson	I	have	               to	continue	to	run	this	scheme,	     experience	for	young	people	
learned	is	that	anyone	can	become	a	           and	I	have	already	got	my	name	      who	want	to	find	out	about	local	
councillor.	The	shadowing	experience	          down	for	next	time!	”                politics.	”

Issue 6 July / August / September 2009                                                             21
Bristol Based Nationals

      Sculpture developed to promote          Wombles used to promote furniture        FRN signs partnership to promote the
      furniture re-use in London with         re-use at national event                 sector with the National Housing
      Oliver Heath its designer                                                        Federation

     Furniture Re-use Network: Alleviating
     material poverty and tackling climate change.

     Bristol is the base for a                 longer	want	and	make	them	                much	more	of	a	community	
     number of national charities:             available	to	people	on	low	incomes.	 development	focus.
     Sustrans; Federation of City              FRN	also	works	at	the	national	level	
     Farms and Gardens; Soil                   to	influence	Government	policy,	          In	many	ways	these	organisations	
     Association and others. The               and	is	part	of	a	European	network	        are	a	microcosm	of	the	FRN	
     Furniture Re-use Network                  doing	the	same	in	Brussels.               membership	and	represent	the	
     (FRN) is perhaps slightly less                                                      range	of	activities	in	the	sector.
     known than these illustrious              In	Bristol	it	has	four	members:	
     organisations but runs its work           SOFA	which	specialises	in	                FRN	provides	free	specialist	advice	
     across the UK from its offices in         providing	electrical	goods;	Emmaus	       to	all	of	its	members,	usually	via	
     Old Market, on the first floor of         that	links	its	previously	homeless	       the	web,	email	or	telephone.		
     the SOFA Project building.                companions	to	its	work	of	                The	organisation	tends	to	meet	
                                               providing	second	hand	furniture	          groups	on	a	local	level	to	support	
     The	FRN	is	a	national	infrastructure	     and	reconditioned	bicycles;	              coordination	of	activities,	locally	
     organisation	with	over	300	               SPACE	which	provides	furniture	           there	is	a	group	for	projects	in	
     members	across	the	UK.	Its	work	          free	of	charge	to	homeless	               the	old	Avon	area,	and	to	address	
     is	to	support	and	co-ordinate	the	        families	moving	from	temporary	           issues	around	local	authority	
     work	of	charities	that	collect	mainly	    housing	into	their	first	home	and	        relationships.		
     household	items	that	people	no	           Rework	in	Knowle	West	which	has	

22                                                                 July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
Furniture Re-use

It	is	sometimes	an	embarrassment	        buried	or	incinerated.                    parent	charities.	FRN	also	has	a	role	
to	be	in	Bristol,	as	it	is	one	of	the	                                             in	highlighting	the	alternatives	for	
few	major	local	authorities	that	        The	FRN	also	has	a	trading	subsidiary,	   people	on	low	incomes.	
refuse	to	pay	recycling	credits	to	      FRN	Enterprises	(FRNE)	which	
the	third	sector.		FRN	managed	to	       brokers	deals	with	manufacturers,	        The	focal	point	for	FRN	is	its	
achieve	a	change	in	national	            retailers,	and	waste	companies	           annual	conference	which	brings	
Government	guidance	three	years	         to	extract	reusable	items	from	           together	delegates	from	around	100	
ago,	which	it	has	helped	to	             the	waste	stream.		This	could	be	         organisations	to	share	ideas,	network	
implement	across	the	country,	           customer	returns	from	a	retailer,	        and	learn	about	good	practice	and	
but	Bristol	City	Council	has	            warehouse	damaged	goods	(usually	         new	thinking	in	the	sector.
stubbornly	refused	to	pay.	              packaging)	from	manufacturers	
                                         or	items	cleared	from	hotels	             The	recession	has	led	to	an	increase	
In	many	parts	of	the	country	FRN	        undergoing	refurbishments.		              in	the	number	of	people	buying	
members	are	running	the	bulky	           Currently	35	organisations,	including	    from	the	re-use	sector	but	this	has	
waste	services	for	local	authorities,	   the	SOFA	Project,	are	subscribers	to	     not	been	matched	by	an	increase	in	
hugely	increasing	the	amount	of	         FRNE	and	undergo	a	full	audit	from	       donations.	There	are	fewer	people	
goods	rescued	or	recycled	and	           FRN	staff	to	determine	their	legal,	      moving	house,	which	has	slowed	
hope	remains	that	Bristol	will	also	     logistical	and	managerial	capacity	to	    down	the	replacement	of	furniture	
take	this	route	when	it	comes	to	        take	contracts	on.                        and	electrical	items.
renew	its	waste	contract.		The	
organisation	has	a	dedicated	team	       The	key	focus	for	the	sector	is	
that	specialises	in	supporting	both	     helping	people	on	low	incomes,	                     Furniture Reuse Network
local	authorities	and	voluntary	         this	is	about	providing	items	at	the	     
groups	in	developing	a	service	          lowest	cost	organisations	can	afford	               Provides	an	up-to-date	list	
specification	and	business	model	        rather	than	the	maximum	they	             of	all	organisations	operating	in	the	
to	transfer	collection	services	to	      can	get	away	with,	this	sets	re-use	      country	and	has	20,000	visits	each	
                                                                                   month	from	people	either	looking	
organisations	able	to	re-use	items	      projects	aside	from	charity	shops	
                                                                                   to	donate	or	to	purchase	furniture
that	otherwise	would	be	crushed,	        which	exist	to	make	money	for	their	

Issue 6 July / August / September 2009                                                                                     23
Summer Festivals

      Bristol Islamic Cultural Fayre

     Best of the Festivals
     Throughout the summer a host of community festivals is taking place in Bristol.
     Here are just some of the events taking place in the coming months.

     July                                   2. When:                                 September
     St Paul’s Carnival                     Saturday	22	August,	                     Henstock
     When:	Saturday	4	July                  12pm	to	6pm                              When:	Saturday	18	July,	
     Where:	St	Paul’s	–	various	locations   Where:	Urban	Park,	Barton	Hill           1pm	to	4.00pm
     What:	Celebrating	its	42nd	            What: As	the	ten-year	New	Deal	          Where: South	Bristol	Sports	Centre	
     Anniversary	this	year,	the	carnival	   for	Communities	funding	in	Barton	       (Old	Imperial	Ground),	West	Town	
     has	become	one	of	the	UK’s	best	       Hill,	Lawrence	Hill,	Redfield	and	The	   Lane,	Bristol,	BS14	9EA
     cultural	oriented	events.	The	         Dings	comes	to	an	end,	Community	        What: The	Neighbourhood	
     theme	for	this	year’s	carnival	is	     at	Heart	is	planning	to	celebrate	all	   Partnership	is	supporting	the	
     ‘Leaders	of	tomorrow’	                 that’s	been	achieved.	This	will	be	      organisation	of	a	community	
                                            a	chance	for	anyone	who	has	had	         festival	for	the	Stockwood	and	
     For	more	details	contact	St	Paul’s	    any	involvement	with	Community	          Hengrove	area,	which	is	being	
     Carnival	on	(0117)	944	4176	or	        at	Heart	over	the	years	to	come	         called	‘HenStock’.	The	festival	
     email:	     together	and	reflect	on	the	journey	 aims	to	bring	together	the	local	
     or	visit: www.stpaulscarnival.         that	this	part	of	inner	east	Bristol	 community	with	service	providers                        has	been	on	and	the	improve-             (both	statutory,	voluntary	and	
                                            ments	that	have	happened.	There	         community	sector)	who	work	in	
                                            will	be	music,	food,	art	workshops,	
     August                                 complementary	therapies,	games,	
                                                                                     the	area.	There	will	be	a	number	of	
                                                                                     attractions	and	family	orientated	
     Community at Heart
                                            stalls	and	a	chance	to	see	faces	old	    activities	on	the	day.
     Two Summer Fetes
                                            and	new	from	this	ten-year	project.
     1. When:	Saturday	15	August,	
                                                                                     For	more	details	contact	Ariaf	Hus-
     12	noon	to	6pm
                                            For	more	details	contact	Stacy	          sain	on	(0117)	903	6434	or	email:	
     Where: The	Dings	Park,	off	Oxford	
                                            Yelland	on	(0117)	377	3638	or		
     Street,	St	Philips,	Bristol
                                            email: stacy.yelland@

                                                                                  July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
Summer Festivals

Bristol Festival                       activities	and	events	at	venues	      August
When:	Launch	Party	Friday	18	          right	across	the	city:
September,	Festival	Saturday	19	                                             Bristol Islamic Cultural Fayre,
and	Sunday	20	September	               For	more	details	contact	Sarah	       eastville Park, eastville
Where:	Harbourside                     Salter	on	(0117)	903	7899	or	email:   Sunday 9 August, 12 – 5pm
What: The	Bristol	Festival	   or        Find	out	more:
Community	Group	was	brought	           visit:	
to	life	in	2007	by	a	group	of     Bristol Ballon Fiesta, Ashton
passionate	local	volunteers	                                                 Court estate
interested	in	ensuring	the	survival	                                         Thursday 6 to Sunday 9 August
of	a	community	festival	for	the	                                             Find	out	more:	
city.	Now	entering	its	second	year,	   More Summer                 
the	Bristol	Festival	focus	will	be	    Activities
on	highly	skilled	performers	and	                                            Henbury fun day, Crow Lane,
musicians	from	the	local	area;	a	                                            Henbury
celebration	and	showcase	of	talent	
                                       July                                  Saturday 22 August
                                       The Phoenix Festival
from	the	Southwest	region.
                                       Sunday	12	July
                                       Find	out	more:	www.commu-             September
For	more	details	visit:	
                                     Party in the Park - celebrating
                                                                             the centenary of Dame emily
                                       Barton Hill Fun Day                   Park, Bedminster
October                                Saturday 18 July                      Sunday 6 September
Celebrating Age Festival               Find	out	more:	                       Find	out	more:
When: Monday	28	September	–	           www.communityatheart.                 com/group/dame_emily_park/
Saturday	3	October           
Where:	The	Council	House,	College	
Green,	Bristol,	BS1	5TR	and	venues	    The Big Lunch                         Stapleton Road Street Party,
around	Bristol.                        Sunday 19 July                        Stapleton Road, easton
What: Now	in	its	third	year,	          Find out more:                        Saturday 3 October
the	Celebrating	Age	Festival	                   Find	out	more:	www.eastoncom-
goes	from	strength	to	strength	
in	championing	the	over	50’s.	         Southmead Festival Glencoyne
The	main	festival	day	(Saturday	       Square, Southmead                     Promote your community events
3	October)	will	include,	              Saturday 11 July 10am – 4pm           Are	you	having	a	community	
entertainment,	discussions,	                                                 festival	or	event	during	the	
demonstrations,	stalls	and	much	       Bristol Harbour Festival 2009         summer?	Make	sure	you	put	them	
more.	Other	festival	events	will	be	   Friday 31 July – Sunday 2 August,     in	the	Voscur	online	diary.	We	also	
taking	place	in	the	week	before	the	   Bristol Harbourside                   promote	events	in	the	diary	in	our	
festival	(28	September	–	3	October)	 Find	out	more:	                         weekly	e-bulletin.	
when	older	people	will	be	able	to        To	post	your	events	visit	
sample	and	enjoy	lots	of	different	                                

Issue 6 July / August / September 2009                                                      25
Children & Young People

     St Werburghs City Farm -
     Summer Day Camp
     St Werburghs City Farm is an            immersed	in	fun,	interactive	games	
     independent registered charity          and	teambuilding.	
     that works in partnership with
     the local community to provide          They	will	learn	how	to	make	fire	by	
     high quality educational,               friction,	hazel	pencils,	how	to	build	
     recreational and environmental          a	shelter	out	of	natural	materials,	
     services and resources within a         paint	each	others	faces,	go	pond	
     working farm.                           dipping	and	look	at	their	findings	
                                             under	microscopes.	They	will	learn	
     We	aim	to	promote	health	and	           about	the	water	cycle,	birds	and	
     well	being	for	all	by	providing	        wild	animals,	make	pizzas	in	the	
     opportunities	for	people	to	meet,	      cob	oven,	make	paper	and	do	               The	camp	is	designed	to	teach	
     learn,	play,	build	relationships	and	   other	art	projects.                        key	stage	2	and	3	curriculum	in	a	
     celebrate	the	changing	seasons.                                                    fun,	thematic,	hands	on	way	and	

                                             Main Farm Site                             is	focused	specifically	on	transition	

     Summer Day Camp                         Children	will	also	spend	time	at	
                                                                                        age	children	going	from	primary	to	
                                                                                        secondary	school.
     This	summer,	St.Werburghs	City	         the	main	farm	site,	where	they	will	
     Farm	is	proud	to	present	its	very	      collect	eggs	from	the	chickens,	
                                                                                        The	cost	for	camp	is	£125	per	week	
     first	Summer	Day	Camp	for	9	to	         help	feed	and	muck	out	the	
                                                                                        per	child.	We	may	be	offering	some	
     12	year	olds.	The	camp	will	be	held	    animals.	
                                                                                        financially	assisted	places,	please	
     weekly	during	August,	starting	
                                                                                        contact	the	office	for	more	details.
     from	Monday	3	August	until	Friday	      Staff	will	be	taking	children	on	
     21	August,	from	9	–	4pm	daily.	         nature	trail	explorations	in	the	local	
                                             area	where	they	will	identify	wildlife	

     Boiling Wells Nature                    with	binoculars	and	take	part	in	
                                             other	fun	trail	games.
     Reserve                                                                                     More
     Children	will	spend	time	at	the	
     Boiling	Wells	Nature	Reserve,	
                                             On	Tuesdays,	the	farm	café	is	                      Information
                                             hosting	fresh	pasta	and	tomato	            Please	contact	Victoria	Siddle-Virok,	
     located	approximately	five	minutes	     sauce	cookery	classes	and	summer	          the	Environmental	Education	and	
     away	from	the	main	farm	site.	          camp	children	will	get	to	take	their	      Youth	Work	Manager	on	0117	9428	
     There	is	a	larch	barn	for	indoor	       creations	home	to	enjoy	with	their	        241,,	or	
     space	and	two	acres	of	land	            families.                                  visit
     to	enjoy	where	children	will	be	

                                                                                    July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
Children & Young People

Sexual Health Services
Young People can Trust
Voscur’s Children and young             June	2009	saw	the	launch	of	
                                                                                         For	up-to-date	details	
People’s June Network meeting           the	first	annual	training	bulletin	
                                                                                         on	4YP	training	visit:	
focussed on the engagement of           outlining	all	the	free	training	
young People. Jessica Boydell           available	through	4YP	and	
from Connexions explained that          Opening	Doors	for	the	children	
research had shown that young           and	young	people’s	workforce	in	                 The next Voscur Children
people in Bristol were unaware          Bristol.		The	Multi-disciplinary	Sex	            and young People’s
of what sexual health support           &	Relationships	and	Substance	                   Network meeting will	
was available. In 2007, 4yP was         Misuse	Training	Programme	for	           focus	on	the	re-specification	of	
launched to bring together              Professionals	Working	with	Young	        Bristol	City	Council	Youth	and	Play	
health services for young people        People	covers	all	training	taking	       Services.	Time:	10am	-	12.00.	
and to make them easily                 place	until	July	2010	and	is	offered	    Venue	to	be	confirmed..
accessible.                             on	a	multi-agency	basis	across	          Further	details	will	be	available	on	
                                        Bristol.                                 the	Voscur	website:
Such	support	is	crucial	since:	                                        
40%	of	teenage	mums	have	no	            The	Training	Bulletin	details	           children		or	contact	Asma	Ahmad,	
qualifications;	22%	are	likely	to	be	   courses	including	Level	1	Sex	           email:
in	poverty	at	the	age	of	30;	they	      and	Relationships,	Level	1	              Tel: 0117	909	9949	
are	50%	less	likely	to	breast	feed;	    Substance	Misuse,	Abortion,	Sexual	
three	times	more	likely	to	smoke	       Exploitation,	and	a	variety	of	sexual	
during	pregnancy	and	at	higher	         health	training	aimed	at	different	
risk	of	partnership	breakdown.	4YP	     equalities	groups,	including	young	
work	so	far	has	included:	improving	 people	with	learning	difficulties,	
access	to	contraception	and	            girls	and	young	women,	boys	and	
sexual	health	services;	specialist	     young	men,	and	those	from	Black	
youth	workers	at	Brook	(Boys	and	       and	Minority	Ethnic,	and	lesbian,	
Young	Men,	vulnerable	groups);	         gay,	bisexual	and	transgender	
supporting	teachers	in	schools	and	     communities.
developing	new	resource	packs.
                                        To	get	hold	of	your	copy,	email	
4YP	also	has	a	website	and	provides	 your	address	to	Mandy	Parry	on:	
free	training	for	professionals	        amanda.parry@bristolpct.nhs
working	with	young	people.	

Issue 6 July / August / September 2009
How To - Funding and Finance

     Tax Effective Giving – it’s not
     boring, its Free Money!
     An overview of some ways that tax effective giving can raise
     unrestricted funds for your organisation.

     Gift Aid                                 The	declaration	must	contain	                simplest	form	an	audit	trail	for	Gift	
     HMRC	estimates	that	charities	are	       the	donor’s	full	name	and	home	              Aid	would	contain	a	copy	receipt	
     missing	out	on	£700	million	of	          address,	the	name	of	the	charitable	 for	the	donation,	a	declaration	and	
     unclaimed	Gift	Aid	every	year.		Gift	    organisation,	and	a	confirmation	            a	copy	of	a	bank	paying-in	slip.		
     Aid	allows	charitable	organisations	     by	the	donor	that	they	have	paid	            HMRC	recommends	that	all	Gift	
     to	reclaim	tax	on	donations	             enough	tax	to	cover	the	amount	              Aid	records	are	kept	for	at	least	6	
     from	UK	taxpayers,	increasing	           reclaimed.		Declarations	can	be	             years.		
     the	amount	the	charity	receives	         completed	in	writing,	over	the	
     without	increasing	the	cost	to	the	      phone,	online,	by	fax,	email	or	                        For	further	information,	
     donor.		Charities	reclaim	basic	rate	    text	message.		Oral	and	online	                         and	to	download	a	mode	
     income	tax,	which	at	20%	equates	        declarations	must	be	confirmed	in	                      Gift	Aid	declaration	form,
     to	25p	in	every	pound.		This	is	         writing.		There	is	no	official	Gift	Aid
     boosted	by	3.2p	Transitional	Relief	     declaration	form,	so	declarations	
     paid	by	the	government.                  can	be	incorporated	into	
                                                                                           Payroll Giving
                                              promotional	material	and	direct	
                                                                                           Payroll	Giving	can	provide	a	source	
     A	further	25p	in	every	pound	may	        debit	forms.		
                                                                                           of	regular,	reliable	income	to	UK	
     be	claimed	from	donations	from	                                                       charitable	organisations.		Donations	
     higher	rate	taxpayers.		Higher	rate	     To	claim	Gift	Aid,	organisations	
                                                                                           are	deducted	automatically	from	
     taxpayers	may	themselves	claim	          must	register	with	HMRC,	
                                                                                           employees’	weekly	or	monthly	
     back	the	difference	between	             requesting	a	Gift	Aid	registration	
                                                                                           gross	salary.		As	they	are	pre-
     the	basic	rate	of	tax	that	the	          pack	and	reference	number.		If	you	
                                                                                           tax	deductions,	this	reduces	the	
     organisation	claims	and	the	             are	not	registered	with	the	Charity	
                                                                                           amount	of	Income	Tax	and	the	
     higher	rate	they	pay	–	another	          Commission,	HMRC	will	require	a	
                                                                                           donor	receives	immediate	tax	relief	
     25p.		In	practice,	most	higher	rate	     copy	of	your	governing	document	
                                                                                           on	their	donation.		A	donation	of	
     taxpayers	choose	to	nominate	a	          to	check	you	are	eligible	for	Gift	
                                                                                           £10	will	cost	a	basic	rate	taxpayer	
     charity	to	receive	the	additional	tax	   Aid.		Organisations	can	make	as	
                                                                                           £8	and	a	higher	rate	taxpayer	£6.		
     benefit	instead,	increasing	a	£100	      many	claims	per	year	as	they	like,	
     donation	to	£153.20!		                   but	if	more	than	one	
                                                                                           In	2006-07	over	640,000	
                                              is	made	they	must	all	be	for	at	
                                                                                           employees	used	Payroll	Giving	
     For	a	donation	to	qualify,	the	          least	£100.
                                                                                           to	make	donations	worth	almost	
     donor	must	be	a	UK	taxpayer,	                                                         £90	million.		All	employers	are	
     have	paid	enough	tax	to	equal	           HMRC	has	the	right	to	inspect	Gift	
                                                                                           encouraged	to	offer	Payroll	Giving	
     the	amount	of	tax	reclaimed,	and	        Aid	records,	so	it’s	important	to	
                                                                                           to	their	staff	and	over	10	million	
     confirm	a	Gift	Aid	Declaration.			       maintain	a	clear	audit	trail.		In	its	
                                                                                           employees	have	access	to	Payroll	

28                                                                   July / August / September 2009 Issue 6

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  • 1. Supporting Voluntary & Community Action ! July/August/September 2009 Inside Voscur’s Magazine Nominate for the Voscur Awards Summer Festivals Love Parks Funding Opportunities Recession Support Sculpture developed to promote furniture re-use - see page 22 Golden Agers’ Tyntesfield Quilt Bristol Based Nationals Tackling Age Discrimination Constitutional Advice Training and Learning Third Sector Survey Issue 6 July / August / September 2009
  • 2. Shape a life. Be a foster carer TACT is a well respected fostering and adoption agency. TACT will o er you excellent training with 24 hour support and respite care when you need it. TACT pay between £322 & £574 per week per child as well as additional allowances for birthdays, festivals and holidays. Although fostering can be challenging, it can also be very rewarding. If you believe you have the capacity and commitment to support, vulnerable children and young people between 10 -16 years old, then we’d love to hear from you. To make a di erence call: 0117 927 7725. Email: Charity Number: 1018963 July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
  • 3. Welcome Contents 4 Editorial 24 - 25 Summer Festivals 5 Voscur Annual Event 26 - 27 Children and Young People 6 Voscur News - St Werburghs City Farm - Summer Camp Campaign Award Sexual Health Services for Young People 7 New Voscur Members 28 - 29 How To - Funding Tax Effective Giving 8 - 10 Sector News Office of the Third Sector Survey 30 - 31 How To - Green Pages Keep Infrastructure Local Love Parks Free Support for Merger and Is Bristol Prepared for Sustainable Collaboration Growth? - Bristol Development Framework 11 Recession Support 32 Volunteering Bristol 12 - 14 Equalities - Older People Good Practice Promotes Higher Tackling Age Discrimination Standards 2009 Celebrating Age Festival 33 The Compact A New Treasure at the National Trust Compact Liaison Officer 15 Equalities What is the Compact? Femocracy 35 Constitution Corner 16 - 19 Voscur Training & Learning Operating for the public benefit? Training - why bother? 36 Diary Voscur Learning 20 How To - ICT Reduce your ICT carbon footprint 21 Voscur Shadowing programme 22 - 23 Bristol Based Nationals Furniture Re-use Network Why not advertise? Thrive! is available on disc. Please contact Special discounts for Voscur members. the office if you would like to Deadlines for October 2009 edition of Thrive!: receive your Thrive! this way. The Tuesday 1 September for ads and Monday 21 September for flyers. Details of prices at newsletter is also available online as a pdf or phone Polly Stewart, sub-editor, on 0117 909 9949 at Disclaimer: some of the views expressed in this publication are those of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent those of Voscur. Publications, events and services mentioned in Thrive! are not necessarily endorsed by Voscur. 3 Issue 6 July / August / September 2009
  • 4. Editorial New Council pledges support for our sector Question: Who said Support from “ The voluntary, Recession community and social enterprise sector has an Mitigation Fund Details of the support available important part to play in from the Capacitybuilders Real understanding local need, Help For Communities fund can and is often best placed be found on page 10 of Thrive! to deliver activities, Voscur was concerned that this services and support that support is only available to groups best meets the needs with an income of over £150,000 of some of the most per annum. There are many groups in the city who don’t Wendy Stephenson vulnerable groups in reach that threshold, but are also our city”? wide has the potential to benefit vulnerable at this time. the most vulnerable groups and Answer: Voscur, in partnership with City people working in the sector in Bristol. We will keep you informed Councillor Barbara Janke, Leader of of Bristol College, applied to of the support on offer through the Council, in the last issue of Thrive! the Bristol Partnership recession our e-bulletin, website and this mitigation fund to help us offer magazine. Councillor Janke also told us that support for our members who the Liberal Democrats want to bring Wendy Stephenson, don’t meet the Capacitybuilders decision-making closer to the people Chief Executive, Voscur criteria, but are nevertheless through: building on Neighbourhood vulnerable to the effects of the Partnerships; working to find ways key TO SymBOLS recession. We will be offering to transfer assets to the third sector, and are committed to help with issues of redundancy, Equalities Article strengthening positive working collaboration and merger, skills relationships through the Compact. development and training. The local election has resulted in a It was a difficult decision as to ? Training Liberal Democrat majority running whether to apply to this fund as the council. We very much look Voscur member groups, did, of Resources forward to helping the Council put course, also apply to this fund. its commitment into practice in the On balance we thought that the Event coming months. support that we could offer city- 4 July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
  • 5. Voscur Annual Conference and AGM Hitting the Headlines – Promoting the Value of your Work Wednesday 21 October 2009 9.30am – 2.30pm St Paul’s Community Sports Academy Keynote Speaker: Debra Allcock-Tyler, Chief The Voscur Awards: Make your nominations in the following Executive, Directory of Social Change categories 1.The Most Active Community Activist 2.The Community Venue of the Year Media panel and workshops to help you 3.The Most Innovative/ Engaging Project promote your organisation 4.The ‘I Will Survive’ Award Stalls to showcase your organisation 5.The ‘Thanks for Supporting the Sector Award’ Last year’s ‘Thanks for Fran Harrison, Manager of many in the voluntary sector, Supporting the Sector’ award Fairbridge West said… our premises need a lot of winner John Bos said… “We work with some of the most improvement. John gave advice “My prize was an invitation to challenged young people to about where we could get free lunch at Fairbridge West. The motivate and build confidence help in doing just that. This led to young people showed me around to move on to positive things in us receiving ProHelp support and the premises and explained the life. Our prize was an invitation help from architects to improve many activities and projects, to lunch cooked by our young the building.” which Fairbridge delivers: I began people at one of our ‘Come Dine to understand something of With Me’ sessions. Further details on the Voscur the fantastic work that’s being website: done with some of Bristol’s most “John showed why he had Email: disadvantaged teenagers.” received the Voscur; typical of Tel: 0117 909 9949 Issue 6 July / August / September 2009
  • 6. Campaign Award Campaigners recognised for influencing decision makers Voscur is delighted to matthew Symonds, Development Disability equality Forum (DeF) announce the winner of the manager of Voscur said: - campaign for self-determination. 2009 award is Bristol theatre The campaign set out to stop the company Show of Strength, “ Campaign groups, like Council handing over the DEF who organised a campaign for Show of Strength, to another disabled people-led survival after they were told demonstrate that local organisation without consultation people really can make and to ensure that the Forum their funding was about to be members could explore options withdrawn. The award was changes and influence and decide their own future. decided by an online vote, decision makers. which attracted over 500 votes. Volunteers and community Save Grove Woods – campaign to groups across Bristol give preserve local woodland. Sheila Hannon from Show of a huge amount of time The campaign set out for Grove Strength said: and effort to improving Woods, Blackberry Hill, Stapleton to the city and to making be compulsorily purchased from its “ Show of Strength sure that the views of existing owner and be a designated Theatre Company is wildlife reserve. local people are heard.” thrilled to win this award as we’ve been Feet for Purpose campaigning against a Runners up were: Involved Bristol Older Peoples’ funding cut for nearly Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft Forum, Age Concern Bristol and a year. Our first appeal Campaign for community Bristol City Council Linkage in regeneration of Stokes Croft as a working together with NHS Bristol. to the city council cultural quarter. The campaign has Their work was to review current was rejected but we successfully raised the profile of services and recommend changes continued fighting and Stokes Croft and got people talking to improve basic foot care for older a second appeal is still positively about the area. They people living in Bristol. being heard. Thanks to have improved the appearance all the people who’ve of the area with urban art; Read more about all the been supporting us since successfully lobbied for the refusal campaigns at http:// last July, and who voted of a number of unsuitable planning applications and started discussions nership#voscurcampaigns for us to win the award ” with the city council on the future of the area. 6 July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
  • 7. New Voscur members Who’s joined Voscur recently? Life Cycle UK Briefings (16 so far), organise the themselves in difficult situations. Enables people to take up cycling to Schumacher Award and Promote Whatever the reason for their improve their health, communities, Human Scale Sustainable Development. situation, they help them out. environment and overall quality of To find out more visit: Catch22 works with their families life. Life Cycle UK aims to inspire and their communities wherever people and to equip them with and whenever young people need the skills, the knowledge and the BARS (Bristol them most; in schools, on the confidence to make cycling part streets, in the home, at community of their everyday lives. They run Alcoholism Recovery centres, shopping centres, in police practical activities such as cycle Service) stations, and in custody. training, awareness-raising events, Serenity House delivers the To find out more visit: help with bike maintenance, cycle Recovery Dynamics programme, a maps and organise conferences and non-medical 12-Step treatment for seminars. alcoholism and other addictions. Charity Search To find out more visit: They are an addiction treatment Charity Search delivers a free advice resource for the City recognised by service which helps older people in NHS Bristol; and part of the alcohol financial need receive the support strategy team. Creative Kids To find out more visit: that may be available to them from charitable sources. They aim International to help them independently with A Bristol based organisation that dignity and peace of mind. works with children and young people in Bristol, the South West Catch22 To find out more visit: Catch22 is a national charity that of the UK and in Zambia (Africa) works with young people who find through hands-on visual art activities. To find out more visit: creativekidsinteranational The Schumacher Society Promotes sustainable systems for social, economic and environmental development. They organise an annual Bristol Schumacher Conference, publish Schumacher Life Cycle UK Issue 6 July / August / September 2009 7
  • 8. Sector News Office of the Third Sector Survey – what does it tell us? Bristol Third Sector organisations give their judgement on support from local statutory bodies The Local Area Agreement (LAA) third sector organisations think What next? describes the way the Bristol that statutory bodies have on their How can Bristol improve its NI7 Partnership members will work success. performance? together to improve the quality Here are some ideas: of life for people in Bristol. One The most important factors are • Develop a third sector strategy, of the targets in Bristol’s LAA is the degree to which third sector which is supported by the Bristol National Indicator 7 (NI7) ‘an organisations can influence Partnership environment for a thriving third local decisions that affect them • Consult the sector and the sector’. (in Bristol 13% are very or fairly Bristol Partnership on its NI7 satisfied), and the degree to which action plan To find out whether partners are local third sector organisations • Raise awareness of the Compact providing an environment for a have dealings with statutory bodies • Ensure that local community thriving third sector, in 2008 the (in Bristol 32%). groups can influence Office of the Third Sector national Neighbourhood Partnerships survey asked the following question: Only 18% of respondents to the and that communities are “Taking everything into account, Bristol survey received funding in involved in shaping services overall how do the statutory the form of a grant from the local through involvement in bodies in your area influence your council, 3% from the local NHS commissioning processes organisation’s success?” body, 1% from the police or fire • Share its asset transfer strategy authority. 65% received funding • Improve its consultation The full results of the survey are from none of these sources. processes so that groups know now available. Looking at the how their responses to these results for Bristol, you might 41% of the respondents to the will shape and improve services assume that Bristol groups don’t Bristol survey said that the main • Invest in the sector for the long- areas where they carry out their think that local public sector term – let’s have some stability. activities are either internationally, partners influence their success, Visit nationally and regionally – so but unpicking the results, a the main focus of their work is different picture emerges. Jargon buster not in Bristol. Statutory sector: Public bodies, What do Bristol Not surprising then that Bristol’s funded by government with legal responsibilities. groups think? NI7 score is low, when relationships with local statutory bodies are Third Sector: The Government’s The headlines tell us that 14.7% of not a priority for many of the term for voluntary, community and respondents to the Bristol survey respondents. However, for Bristol social enterprise organisations. think that the statutory bodies in to be judged to provide an their area have a positive influence National Indicator 7: Environment environment for a thriving third on their organisation’s success. for a Thriving Third Sector – target sector, we need to increase our The survey also identifies which within the Local Area Agreement. score by 4.4 percentage points to other factors have the most impact reach a score of 19.1% when the on the degree of influence that survey is repeated in 2010. 8 July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
  • 9. Sector News Be vocal - Keep infrastructure local Important survey will determine future support – make sure your views are heard. Bristol City Council has launched retained to support and represent instead ensure that the support its infrastructure support survey, the sector at a local level. that Bristol groups get is high the findings of which will play a quality and responsive to local large role in determining what There is a long history of need. support will be available for local community activism in Bristol - organisations and groups. Please Voscur was started by community We encourage you to complete complete the survey - your views activists, and has grown in response the questionnaire and if you are vital to ensure you don’t lose to members’ needs. We are think that there is a need for a services you need and value. governed by a board that is elected local infrastructure organisation, from and by our membership and please say so. The Council is changing the way that we have structures in place so that it funds organisations like Voscur our members can represent the (local infrastructure organisations) sector at strategic bodies in Bristol. and will be commissioning Find a link to this infrastructure services such as those Unfortunately, in some parts of the questionnaire and offered by Voscur, from next year. country commissioning has been information about used to reduce services to local consultation meetings at To help them to do this, the groups, and national organisations, Council has produced a have won contracts to represent contact Keith Houghton on (0117) questionnaire that is designed to and support local groups. Some 922 4746 or email k.houghton@ find out from front-line local authorities have chosen not to get hold of a hard organisations (our members) what to support local organisations that copy. If you would like to talk to kind of support services you need. seek to represent the sector from a Voscur about the survey, please position of local knowledge. contact Wendy Stephenson on 0117 We think it’s important that local We hope that Bristol City Council 909 9949 or infrastructure organisations are won’t take that route, but will Issue 6 July / August / September 2009 9
  • 10. Sector News Free support for merger and collaboration Capacitybuilders Real Help for Communities Modernisation Fund Does your organisation Phase Two – Grow Together: benefit people affected by the From October 2009, grants of up recession? Could you work more to £10,000 will be available to help closely with other organisations organisations buy the professional to increase your impact, and specialist support and advice extend your reach, generate they need to make collaboration more income and reduce your or merger happen, such as audit/ overhead costs? Capacitybuilders accountancy fees to carry out due is offering bursaries to help diligence work or legal fees. viable third sector organisations be more resilient to the impact To be eligible, organisations of the economic downturn. must have turnover in the range To assess your eligibility and of £150,000 to £750,000 and apply for this fund visit Phase One – Know your needs: be delivering recession related Frontline organisations will be able services. to apply for bursaries of £1,000 As a separate part of the this during June and July 2009. Closing Organisations must be wholly or fund, Futurebuilders are offering date for applications is 17 July primarily engaged in one or more loans of £30,000 and above to 2009. Bursaries will pay for two of the following areas: organisations with existing plans for days of professional support to • Theme 1 – Wellbeing and health collaboration and merger or who help organisations increase their • Theme 2 – Advice, information wish to take forward other activity impact and become more resilient, and guidance to help prepare their business for including through working more • Theme 3 – Loss of income, difficult times. (For information, closely with others. training and skills follow the link above). 10 July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
  • 11. Recession Support - Triodos Recession Support economically challenging times Triodos Bank, enables successful can be the prompt we all need to applicants to visit another organisation reassess our finances, look at where already undertaking similar activity we can reduce costs and also to share learning from their consider new ways of generating experiences. One of the scheme’s income. Leaner times can help us earliest recipients was Swindon to find new perspectives on what Children’s Scrapstore, who visited we’re doing and why we’re doing it. Bristol Scrapstore to explore the This can open up new possibilities, option of setting up an online shop. particularly for charities and social enterprises as they revisit how A new venture will probably their activities really contribute to require new funding. With greater Shared learning: Bristol Children’s Scrapstore hosts an Only Connect visit their core mission. competition for grants, less spare cash in people’s pockets and bank will want to see that you By thinking strategically, banks less willing to lend, securing have thought your plans through reassessing income, expenditure, this might present challenges of carefully, properly assessing the risks activities and resources, you may its own. Social lenders however, involved. Balancing Risk, created find that precious time, energy still have money to lend and are by Triodos and Sayer Vincent is a and money are being expended actively supporting charities and tool designed to help you do just on activities that don’t really meet social enterprises. this. And remember to talk to your the needs your organisation exists bank. Social lenders in particular will to address. At the same time, you Triodos Bank recently provided a probably have seen similar projects may identify opportunities to both loan to Broadway Lodge in Weston before and will be able to give you generate additional income and Super Mare to help them expand useful feedback about your plans. better realise your mission. their range of services, enabling them to better meet the needs of Louise Davey Embarking on new activities can their clients through a financially Relationship Development Manager be a daunting process, so planning sustainable venture. The charity and risk assessment are vital. has been successfully providing Tel: 0117 980 9788 Thankfully plenty of resources are addiction treatment, counselling available to help you. and support since 1974 but saw Resources the opportunity to further support NCVO’s Sustainable Funding clients by offering housing at balancingrisk to download Project, for instance, offers a the third stage of recovery as a risk assessment tool developed by wealth of information on how they progress from residential Triodos Bank and Sayer Vincent to make your organisation more programmes into independent financially sustainable. If you are living and employment or training. considering a new venture, their for resources offered by the Only Connect Scheme, funded by Before agreeing loan finance, the Sustainable Funding Project Issue 6 July / August / September 2009 11
  • 12. Equalitites - Older People Tackling Age Discrimination I am sure that you, like I, believe that age discrimination and unfair treatment based on age have no place in a fair society. I was pleased to be asked by the Secretary of State to undertake a national review with Sir Ian Carruthers, Chief Executive of NHS South West, on what practically needs to be done to implement the Equality Bill. Sir Ian and I will be specifically focusing on the critical issue of age discrimination in health and adult social care. Research shows us that there is age discrimination in some health and adult social care services. What is important in this review is that we get a comprehensive picture from across the country and gather opinion about what needs to be done to deliver the changes required by the new legislation. I am currently working closely with the Department of Health and Jan Ormondroyd listening to the views from a wide range of related agencies and organisations. In October this year we will be publicly announcing the Voscur asked Jan Ormondroyd, recommendations of this important review and I would like to update Chief executive of Bristol City you then with the key findings and recommendations. Council to tell us about her role in tackling age I am looking forward to the challenge, but most importantly I am discrimination in adult health focussed on bringing about real improvements and working to and social care. Here’s eliminate age discrimination. what she told us: See Single Equality Bill insert in this issue of Thrive! 12 July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
  • 13. Equalitites - Older People 2009 Celebrating Age Festival Grants Available to organisations that would like to the finale. Full details of the terms take part in the festival. and conditions and how to apply help you take part are available from James George, monday 28 September to This is an opportunity for your email: Saturday 3 October group to promote its activities for, tel: 0117 352 5068. older people under the umbrella of Now in its third year, Bristol’s annual ‘celebrating age’. This can be to The festival is organised event to celebrate the massive raise awareness of an existing by Bristol’s Older People’s contribution older people make to group or activity or a special one Forum in partnership the city and their local communities off event for older people in your with the city council, will take place from Monday 28 community. The only criteria Voscur, The Care Forum, September to Saturday 3 October for local involvement is that the Black Development Agency (BDA) 2009 with a finale at The Council proposed event is fun and open to and the Primary Care Trust (PCT). House on Saturday 3 October. all older people. Anyone interested in getting involved or who would like more In order to widen the event to Small grants are available to groups information should contact include local community and group and organisations that want to take Sarah Salter, 0117 903 7899, activities, applications are being part in the festival by putting on invited from local groups and an event in the week leading up to Issue 6 July / August / September 2009 13
  • 14. Equalitites - Older People A New Treasure at Tyntesfield House Gloria Morris, a member of the Golden Agers’ group, describes how the group reacted to this commission from the National Trust. It has been a wonderful achievement and quite exciting to have been commissioned by the National Trust at Tyntesfield House to do this hanging for the Old Mill building. The Golden Agers worked on it with excitement and put their all into it. The Golden Agers were also excited to have been invited to the ceremony to see it being hung and to share the experience with all the other people who attended the launch ceremony, including meeting the dignitaries from Tyntesfield House. Our tutor who has been working with us now for quite a few years, was very helpful and stood by us whilst we were creating the quilt and helped with the research. We, the Golden Agers enjoyed the sessions we ran to create the quilt. We are continuing to design and make further quilts and will have something to display for the Celebrating Age Festival in October. We are grateful for Voscur’s help as it was Voscur who first suggested Tyntesfield House contact us for this project. The group have now been quilting for about 10 or 11 years and look forward to many more years! Gloria Morris, Golden Agers. Detail of the Golden Agers’ Quilt 14 July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
  • 15. Equalitites - Femocracy Your vote is your voice! This is the message that the Fawcett Society is sending to to women from minority ethnic groups up and down the country. The European and local government elections are now over but sadly many women from minority ethnic groups missed their The Femocracy campaign is launched chance to get their voice heard. political exclusion, Femocracy Voice and encourage them to has published Your Voice, a free register to vote. Women from minority ethnic guide to democracy for women groups are one of the most from minority ethnic groups, with If you work with women who excluded groups from formal useful information on how to want a louder political voice, political decision making processes access political power. It has been then help them to get heard and are not accessing the tools developed to build understanding with your Voice. To download of political power. They are less of how democracy is organised, or request a limited number of likely to be registered to vote and how politics impacts on their lives free copies of the guide, visit also tend to be less engaged with and how they can take part and mainstream politics than white influence decision-making through femocracy. women and men from minority exercising their right to vote. ethnic groups, explained Joella Hazel, who works for the Fawcett A General Election may be called at any time. To help make Fawcett Society is Society and leads on a project on sure women from minority the UK campaign for minority ethnic women’s political ethnic groups do not lose their women’s rights. For more empowerment, called Femocracy. opportunity to decide who runs information on Fawcett the country, Femocracy is working please visit: Femocracy helps women from minority ethnic groups engage with grassroots groups that directly or the service women from minority Bristol Fawcett website at: in politics and use their political ethnic groups to promote Your voice. To help address their Issue 6 July / August / September 2009 15
  • 16. Voscur Training and Learning Training – why bother? In difficult times, with increasing cuts in budgets, we know that the first thing to go is staff training, so why bother training at all? So how can you make your organisation a learning “ Personally I’m always ready to learn, organisation? although I do not always like being Firstly, you can look at the skills that you have and taught.” Winston Churchill consider the skills you need. Secondly, you provide training and learning for staff, analyse how effective that has been and finally start the process again! ‘Don’t cut your training budget’ was one recommendation for surviving the recession • How are training needs identified in your given by Ben Kernighan from National Council for organisation? Voluntary Organisations. The National Association • How do you know what skills gaps your for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA) organisation has? agrees with this and highlights that it is more • Do you audit the skills of your staff, volunteers important than ever that organisations invest in and board? their staff. One way of finding out the skills you need is by In times of economic downturn, your staff may be looking at your organisation’s work for the coming your most valuable asset and training them should be year. Identify what roles are changing, what new work seen as a long-term investment. you will be doing and identify learning to go with that. You can find out the skills staff and volunteers need There are many benefits to training, for example: through: • Increased staff and volunteer morale and • Annual appraisals confidence leading to better working • Supervision • Increased staff and volunteer motivation • A skills audit • Reduced turnover of staff and volunteers and improved loyalty There are many ways to find out, but never assume • Staff and volunteers able to be more effective in people’s skills – ask them. their roles Organisations that offer well-planned training will If you think about what training you are going to need become more effective and on their way to becoming annually, then you are more likely to have the skills ‘learning organisations’. within the team to support the work. Learning organisations Often training needs are identified but are “ A Learning Organisation is one in which not acted upon. This is generally because people at all levels, individuals and some organisations do not see training as part collectively, are continually increasing of the organisational development process. If you their capacity to produce results they start a process with staff then you need to really care about “ . Richard Karach follow it through. July / August / September 2009 Issue 6 16
  • 17. Voscur Training & Learning How can you meet the need with little money? There are many ways to deliver learning and training is only one. Some options are: • Attend Voscur Network meetings • Shadow other people in your organisation • Use mentoring and coaching • Attend free or low cost Voscur courses (bursaries are available) • Read publications, magazines and books that can help you in your role Look at Voscur The Voscur diary is regularly ? • Share skills within your courses here: updated with events and organisation network meetings. • Use web based toolkits and resources Download Voscur Skills Audit: Why do people attend Voscur learning#audits training? Voscur Networks: Many people come onto Voscur Ladder4learning supports and Community Buildings: training with specific needs for their facilitates development and organisations, so we run training learning for people and works/area_networks that is up to date and responds to trends within the sector. Voscur is organisations in the community and voluntary sectors and social Finance Forum: www.voscur. focused on the long-term enterprises org/networks/FWTforum sustainability of the sector and our courses reflect that. Children and young People: Many people who come on to Leading on Learning - a hands children Voscur training comment on on guide for line managers: feeling less isolated through Campaign for Learning: www. Voscur Assemblies: www.voscur. knowing that other people from org/networks/assemblies the sector need support too, it’s a assets/documents/Informatio- great chance to network! nandfacts/Line%20Managers%20 Sources: NAVCA circulation booklet.pdf June/July 2009 Issue 6 July / August / September 2009 17
  • 18. Voscur Training & Learning Welcome to Voscur Learning Voscur’s open courses are developed with our members in mind, but we recognise the need for courses specially tailored to your organisation. Voscur can run in-house courses on many topics, so if you are thinking about learning, get in contact with Sophie Bayley on 0117 909 9949 or email: and find out what we can do for you. We haven’t finalised all our courses yet for the autumn, but they will be out at the end of July so keep an eye on our website, ebulletin and mailings from Voscur. Speaking with Confidence New Course Tuesday 14 July (9.30am - 3.30pm) at The Greenway Centre, Doncaster Road, Southmead, Bristol, BS10 5PY This session is aimed at people who need more confidence, skills and practice of speaking in public. This practical session will cover: exploring some of your fears and barriers to public speaking, how to put together presentations and some of the skills needed to speak in public. You will be asked to deliver a mini presentation on the day. Collaboration and Merger New Course Wednesday 15 July (9.30am - 3.30pm) at Windmill Hill City Farm, Philip Street, Bedminster, Bristol, BS3 4EA This workshop, facilitated by NCVO’s collaborative working project, will look at collaboration and merger and how it can work for you. Among other things it will cover the benefits, obstacles and challenges for collaboration and the legal implications of collaboration and merger. “ It was a great session - trainers were excellent, friendly and open. Venue was good ” 18 July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
  • 19. Voscur Training & Learning Changing Employment Contracts Free Course Legally Monday 20 July (6pm - 8pm) at Beachcroft, Portwall Place, Portwall Lane, Bristol BS1 6NG This free session will help you get to grips with changing contracts of employment. Run by an Employment Law solicitor from Beachcroft, it will cover what a contract is, language used, how to change them and the risks associated. You will have time to get your questions answered. How to develop an Equalities and Getting Ready for Enterprise New Course New Course Diversity Policy Thursday 24 September (9am - 4.30pm) at Tuesday 21 July (9.30am - 3.30pm) at Windmill Hill City Farm, Windmill Hill, Bristol, Wellspring Healthy Living Centre, Beam BS3 4EA Street, Barton Hill, Bristol, BS5 9QY Now, more than ever, it is important that This session will help you to look at Equalities and organisations look at different ways to generate Diversity policies, what you need to have in them, income. This workshop, facilitated by NCVO’s how to develop one and how to make sure that it Sustainable Funding Project will enable you to is a live document in your organisation. It will cover respond to the recession by helping you to: explore issues such as legislation, the new Single Equality ideas for social enterprise products or services; Bill and monitoring and evaluation. understand the skills and resources needed to put a trading idea into practice and get constructive feedback and advice on your trading idea. Full details of autumn courses – coming “ Good delivery, relevant, good use of soon To book and for presentation and exercises. Helpful more details go to networking ” training or contact Anna Polanek at Voscur on 0117 909 9949, email Issue 6 July / August / September 2009 19
  • 20. How To - ICT Reduce Your ICT Carbon Footprint With global warming still from an extensive database that ICT use. We will look at your current heading the international is being produced for Connecting IT infrastructure and plans and agenda, and the Transition Town Bristol. advise on changes that might movement gaining pace steadily be needed to reduce power locally and nationally, it can Voscur has been chosen to lead consumption and prolong use of seem a little at odds with the in this area because of our track existing equipment, plus WEEE growing carbon emission levels record over the last two years, (Waste Electrical and Electronic of ICT use across the planet. hosting the Social Source South Equipment) www.environment- West conference promoting free In fact at times it seems to run software and the Give One In Get waste/32084.aspx at cross-purposes to the digital One Back! project to promote awareness and your legal inclusion efforts of government responsible recycling and use of responsibilities in this area. We initiatives and voluntary groups’ refurbished machines within hope to save you money, improve aim to ‘upskill’ excluded individuals the sector. your efficiency and save the planet and communities. Of course all at the same time! ICT does not have the “dirty Free software is optimised to run industry” profile of road haulage efficiently on older hardware, so or the airlines, but it is a massive machines that currently seem consumer of power and the unusable can be given a new production line is one of the most lease of life, work like new again poisonous on the planet. By some and keep going for a few more estimates it is set to overtake the years. There has been a growth in Aviation industry as a polluter companies and social enterprises by 2010! offering support in this area, and nationally and locally the free Connecting Bristol is leading on software movement ethos lines up developing a series of strategies very well with the values and ethos that businesses and organisations of the voluntary, community and can implement to ‘green’ their social enterprise sector. offices, their supply chain and their day to day operations. Voscur has Voscur will be running a series agreed to promote this work in the of Green ICT surgeries using the voluntary sector in Bristol and we database and championing the hope to be able to offer help and adoption of Environmental Policies advice from summer onwards on in third sector organisations that reducing your ICT Carbon footprint specifically target emissions from 20 July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
  • 21. Voscur Shadowing programme Councillor Shadowing – a View Inside 24 councillors, senior managers and shadows signed up for our 2009 scheme - a learning experience for everyone involved. This year people had the opportunity to shadow councillors and senior officers, gaining a greater understanding of how the Council works on all levels. Outlined below are the experiences of three people who got involved: has allowed me to understand what is involved with the Pete Tiley, Age process. I will be talking with Concern Bristol others in the Somali community to encourage them to become “ I shadowed a councillor. councillors.” This involved talking from our respective experiences, rather than sitting in on all that a councillor does. It was (left to right) Yassin Mohamud with Cllr Barbara Janke, Cllr Jon Rogers, Cllr Shirley Helen Holland, interesting and valuable and I was Brown and Ed Davey MP able to appreciate the pressures Leader of the a councillor works under. I made Yassin Mohamud, Labour Group a valuable relationship with Voscur “ I have always found shadowing someone on the inside of local government, and could make one of the best ways to get a “ I shadowed Shirley Brown, Liberal feel for a job, and also to get points and raise issues in a direct Democrat councillor for Ashley Ward. I to know someone fast - as way. As and when time allows we went with Councillor Brown to canvas working together for a day will continue with our dialogue. residents in the Ashley ward. It was demands trust and openness interesting to see how she discussed on both sides. As usual, I felt I would like to see the scheme local issues, and explained the work that I learned a lot from my expanded; it is an invaluable way she had undertaken in the area. shadow, so it is never just a for the council to make links with one-way process. Shadowing people in Bristol outside formal When Councillor Brown was first cuts through any mystique channels, and to inform us all elected in 2004, she was the first that surrounds the position of Black Minority Ethnic Liberal Democrat about how individuals within elected representatives. councillor in Bristol. the council go about their jobs. I hope that Voscur will find ways Shadowing would provide a great The most valuable lesson I have to continue to run this scheme, experience for young people learned is that anyone can become a and I have already got my name who want to find out about local councillor. The shadowing experience down for next time! ” politics. ” Issue 6 July / August / September 2009 21
  • 22. Bristol Based Nationals Sculpture developed to promote Wombles used to promote furniture FRN signs partnership to promote the furniture re-use in London with re-use at national event sector with the National Housing Oliver Heath its designer Federation Furniture Re-use Network: Alleviating material poverty and tackling climate change. Bristol is the base for a longer want and make them much more of a community number of national charities: available to people on low incomes. development focus. Sustrans; Federation of City FRN also works at the national level Farms and Gardens; Soil to influence Government policy, In many ways these organisations Association and others. The and is part of a European network are a microcosm of the FRN Furniture Re-use Network doing the same in Brussels. membership and represent the (FRN) is perhaps slightly less range of activities in the sector. known than these illustrious In Bristol it has four members: organisations but runs its work SOFA which specialises in FRN provides free specialist advice across the UK from its offices in providing electrical goods; Emmaus to all of its members, usually via Old Market, on the first floor of that links its previously homeless the web, email or telephone. the SOFA Project building. companions to its work of The organisation tends to meet providing second hand furniture groups on a local level to support The FRN is a national infrastructure and reconditioned bicycles; coordination of activities, locally organisation with over 300 SPACE which provides furniture there is a group for projects in members across the UK. Its work free of charge to homeless the old Avon area, and to address is to support and co-ordinate the families moving from temporary issues around local authority work of charities that collect mainly housing into their first home and relationships. household items that people no Rework in Knowle West which has 22 July / August / September 2009 Issue 6
  • 23. Furniture Re-use It is sometimes an embarrassment buried or incinerated. parent charities. FRN also has a role to be in Bristol, as it is one of the in highlighting the alternatives for few major local authorities that The FRN also has a trading subsidiary, people on low incomes. refuse to pay recycling credits to FRN Enterprises (FRNE) which the third sector. FRN managed to brokers deals with manufacturers, The focal point for FRN is its achieve a change in national retailers, and waste companies annual conference which brings Government guidance three years to extract reusable items from together delegates from around 100 ago, which it has helped to the waste stream. This could be organisations to share ideas, network implement across the country, customer returns from a retailer, and learn about good practice and but Bristol City Council has warehouse damaged goods (usually new thinking in the sector. stubbornly refused to pay. packaging) from manufacturers or items cleared from hotels The recession has led to an increase In many parts of the country FRN undergoing refurbishments. in the number of people buying members are running the bulky Currently 35 organisations, including from the re-use sector but this has waste services for local authorities, the SOFA Project, are subscribers to not been matched by an increase in hugely increasing the amount of FRNE and undergo a full audit from donations. There are fewer people goods rescued or recycled and FRN staff to determine their legal, moving house, which has slowed hope remains that Bristol will also logistical and managerial capacity to down the replacement of furniture take this route when it comes to take contracts on. and electrical items. renew its waste contract. The organisation has a dedicated team The key focus for the sector is that specialises in supporting both helping people on low incomes, Furniture Reuse Network local authorities and voluntary this is about providing items at the groups in developing a service lowest cost organisations can afford Provides an up-to-date list specification and business model rather than the maximum they of all organisations operating in the to transfer collection services to can get away with, this sets re-use country and has 20,000 visits each month from people either looking organisations able to re-use items projects aside from charity shops to donate or to purchase furniture that otherwise would be crushed, which exist to make money for their Issue 6 July / August / September 2009 23
  • 24. Summer Festivals Bristol Islamic Cultural Fayre Best of the Festivals Throughout the summer a host of community festivals is taking place in Bristol. Here are just some of the events taking place in the coming months. July 2. When: September St Paul’s Carnival Saturday 22 August, Henstock When: Saturday 4 July 12pm to 6pm When: Saturday 18 July, Where: St Paul’s – various locations Where: Urban Park, Barton Hill 1pm to 4.00pm What: Celebrating its 42nd What: As the ten-year New Deal Where: South Bristol Sports Centre Anniversary this year, the carnival for Communities funding in Barton (Old Imperial Ground), West Town has become one of the UK’s best Hill, Lawrence Hill, Redfield and The Lane, Bristol, BS14 9EA cultural oriented events. The Dings comes to an end, Community What: The Neighbourhood theme for this year’s carnival is at Heart is planning to celebrate all Partnership is supporting the ‘Leaders of tomorrow’ that’s been achieved. This will be organisation of a community a chance for anyone who has had festival for the Stockwood and For more details contact St Paul’s any involvement with Community Hengrove area, which is being Carnival on (0117) 944 4176 or at Heart over the years to come called ‘HenStock’. The festival email: together and reflect on the journey aims to bring together the local or visit: www.stpaulscarnival. that this part of inner east Bristol community with service providers has been on and the improve- (both statutory, voluntary and ments that have happened. There community sector) who work in will be music, food, art workshops, August complementary therapies, games, the area. There will be a number of attractions and family orientated Community at Heart stalls and a chance to see faces old activities on the day. Two Summer Fetes and new from this ten-year project. 1. When: Saturday 15 August, For more details contact Ariaf Hus- 12 noon to 6pm For more details contact Stacy sain on (0117) 903 6434 or email: Where: The Dings Park, off Oxford Yelland on (0117) 377 3638 or Street, St Philips, Bristol email: stacy.yelland@ July / August / September 2009 Issue 6 24
  • 25. Summer Festivals Bristol Festival activities and events at venues August When: Launch Party Friday 18 right across the city: September, Festival Saturday 19 Bristol Islamic Cultural Fayre, and Sunday 20 September For more details contact Sarah eastville Park, eastville Where: Harbourside Salter on (0117) 903 7899 or email: Sunday 9 August, 12 – 5pm What: The Bristol Festival or Find out more: Community Group was brought visit: to life in 2007 by a group of Bristol Ballon Fiesta, Ashton passionate local volunteers Court estate interested in ensuring the survival Thursday 6 to Sunday 9 August of a community festival for the Find out more: city. Now entering its second year, More Summer the Bristol Festival focus will be Activities on highly skilled performers and Henbury fun day, Crow Lane, musicians from the local area; a Henbury celebration and showcase of talent July Saturday 22 August The Phoenix Festival from the Southwest region. Sunday 12 July Find out more: www.commu- September For more details visit: Party in the Park - celebrating the centenary of Dame emily Barton Hill Fun Day Park, Bedminster October Saturday 18 July Sunday 6 September Celebrating Age Festival Find out more: Find out more: When: Monday 28 September – www.communityatheart. com/group/dame_emily_park/ Saturday 3 October Where: The Council House, College October Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR and venues The Big Lunch Stapleton Road Street Party, around Bristol. Sunday 19 July Stapleton Road, easton What: Now in its third year, Find out more: Saturday 3 October the Celebrating Age Festival Find out more: www.eastoncom- goes from strength to strength in championing the over 50’s. Southmead Festival Glencoyne The main festival day (Saturday Square, Southmead Promote your community events 3 October) will include, Saturday 11 July 10am – 4pm Are you having a community entertainment, discussions, festival or event during the demonstrations, stalls and much Bristol Harbour Festival 2009 summer? Make sure you put them more. Other festival events will be Friday 31 July – Sunday 2 August, in the Voscur online diary. We also taking place in the week before the Bristol Harbourside promote events in the diary in our festival (28 September – 3 October) Find out more: weekly e-bulletin. when older people will be able to To post your events visit sample and enjoy lots of different Issue 6 July / August / September 2009 25
  • 26. Children & Young People St Werburghs City Farm - Summer Day Camp St Werburghs City Farm is an immersed in fun, interactive games independent registered charity and teambuilding. that works in partnership with the local community to provide They will learn how to make fire by high quality educational, friction, hazel pencils, how to build recreational and environmental a shelter out of natural materials, services and resources within a paint each others faces, go pond working farm. dipping and look at their findings under microscopes. They will learn We aim to promote health and about the water cycle, birds and well being for all by providing wild animals, make pizzas in the opportunities for people to meet, cob oven, make paper and do The camp is designed to teach learn, play, build relationships and other art projects. key stage 2 and 3 curriculum in a celebrate the changing seasons. fun, thematic, hands on way and Main Farm Site is focused specifically on transition Summer Day Camp Children will also spend time at age children going from primary to secondary school. This summer, St.Werburghs City the main farm site, where they will Farm is proud to present its very collect eggs from the chickens, The cost for camp is £125 per week first Summer Day Camp for 9 to help feed and muck out the per child. We may be offering some 12 year olds. The camp will be held animals. financially assisted places, please weekly during August, starting contact the office for more details. from Monday 3 August until Friday Staff will be taking children on 21 August, from 9 – 4pm daily. nature trail explorations in the local area where they will identify wildlife Boiling Wells Nature with binoculars and take part in other fun trail games. Reserve More Children will spend time at the Boiling Wells Nature Reserve, On Tuesdays, the farm café is Information hosting fresh pasta and tomato Please contact Victoria Siddle-Virok, located approximately five minutes sauce cookery classes and summer the Environmental Education and away from the main farm site. camp children will get to take their Youth Work Manager on 0117 9428 There is a larch barn for indoor creations home to enjoy with their 241,, or space and two acres of land families. visit to enjoy where children will be July / August / September 2009 Issue 6 26
  • 27. Children & Young People Sexual Health Services Young People can Trust Voscur’s Children and young June 2009 saw the launch of For up-to-date details People’s June Network meeting the first annual training bulletin on 4YP training visit: focussed on the engagement of outlining all the free training young People. Jessica Boydell available through 4YP and from Connexions explained that Opening Doors for the children research had shown that young and young people’s workforce in The next Voscur Children people in Bristol were unaware Bristol. The Multi-disciplinary Sex and young People’s of what sexual health support & Relationships and Substance Network meeting will was available. In 2007, 4yP was Misuse Training Programme for focus on the re-specification of launched to bring together Professionals Working with Young Bristol City Council Youth and Play health services for young people People covers all training taking Services. Time: 10am - 12.00. and to make them easily place until July 2010 and is offered Venue to be confirmed.. accessible. on a multi-agency basis across Further details will be available on Bristol. the Voscur website: Such support is crucial since: 40% of teenage mums have no The Training Bulletin details children or contact Asma Ahmad, qualifications; 22% are likely to be courses including Level 1 Sex email: in poverty at the age of 30; they and Relationships, Level 1 Tel: 0117 909 9949 are 50% less likely to breast feed; Substance Misuse, Abortion, Sexual three times more likely to smoke Exploitation, and a variety of sexual during pregnancy and at higher health training aimed at different risk of partnership breakdown. 4YP equalities groups, including young work so far has included: improving people with learning difficulties, access to contraception and girls and young women, boys and sexual health services; specialist young men, and those from Black youth workers at Brook (Boys and and Minority Ethnic, and lesbian, Young Men, vulnerable groups); gay, bisexual and transgender supporting teachers in schools and communities. developing new resource packs. To get hold of your copy, email 4YP also has a website and provides your address to Mandy Parry on: free training for professionals amanda.parry@bristolpct.nhs working with young people. Issue 6 July / August / September 2009 27
  • 28. How To - Funding and Finance Tax Effective Giving – it’s not boring, its Free Money! An overview of some ways that tax effective giving can raise unrestricted funds for your organisation. Gift Aid The declaration must contain simplest form an audit trail for Gift HMRC estimates that charities are the donor’s full name and home Aid would contain a copy receipt missing out on £700 million of address, the name of the charitable for the donation, a declaration and unclaimed Gift Aid every year. Gift organisation, and a confirmation a copy of a bank paying-in slip. Aid allows charitable organisations by the donor that they have paid HMRC recommends that all Gift to reclaim tax on donations enough tax to cover the amount Aid records are kept for at least 6 from UK taxpayers, increasing reclaimed. Declarations can be years. the amount the charity receives completed in writing, over the without increasing the cost to the phone, online, by fax, email or For further information, donor. Charities reclaim basic rate text message. Oral and online and to download a mode income tax, which at 20% equates declarations must be confirmed in Gift Aid declaration form, to 25p in every pound. This is writing. There is no official Gift Aid boosted by 3.2p Transitional Relief declaration form, so declarations paid by the government. can be incorporated into Payroll Giving promotional material and direct Payroll Giving can provide a source A further 25p in every pound may debit forms. of regular, reliable income to UK be claimed from donations from charitable organisations. Donations higher rate taxpayers. Higher rate To claim Gift Aid, organisations are deducted automatically from taxpayers may themselves claim must register with HMRC, employees’ weekly or monthly back the difference between requesting a Gift Aid registration gross salary. As they are pre- the basic rate of tax that the pack and reference number. If you tax deductions, this reduces the organisation claims and the are not registered with the Charity amount of Income Tax and the higher rate they pay – another Commission, HMRC will require a donor receives immediate tax relief 25p. In practice, most higher rate copy of your governing document on their donation. A donation of taxpayers choose to nominate a to check you are eligible for Gift £10 will cost a basic rate taxpayer charity to receive the additional tax Aid. Organisations can make as £8 and a higher rate taxpayer £6. benefit instead, increasing a £100 many claims per year as they like, donation to £153.20! but if more than one In 2006-07 over 640,000 is made they must all be for at employees used Payroll Giving For a donation to qualify, the least £100. to make donations worth almost donor must be a UK taxpayer, £90 million. All employers are have paid enough tax to equal HMRC has the right to inspect Gift encouraged to offer Payroll Giving the amount of tax reclaimed, and Aid records, so it’s important to to their staff and over 10 million confirm a Gift Aid Declaration. maintain a clear audit trail. In its employees have access to Payroll 28 July / August / September 2009 Issue 6