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Blog post of Robert L. Gordon III, Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense (Military Community and Family
Image description. Robert L. Gordon III, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (MC&FP) End of image description.

Military Spouse Employment Program Reaches 96 Partners!

On Columbus Day, I had the honor of participating in the Military Spouse Employment Partnership
(MSEP) Induction Ceremony. Twenty-four new companies joined the partnership, bringing the total to
ninety-six partners! The Induction Ceremony recognized the growing community of businesses that are
stepping up to offer meaningful and portable employment opportunities to our military spouses.

I met with the leaders of our newest partner companies and can say without question that they are
excited about the opportunity to hire military spouses. In fact, each of the 96 partner companies clearly
understands the true value our military spouses bring to their companies. In return, the companies are
offering flexible job opportunities that can withstand relocations, deployments, and other aspects of
military life that have made career advancement so difficult for our spouses in the past.

Military spouses face a 26% unemployment rate and a 25% wage gap compared to their civilian
counterparts. MSEP’s goal is to level the playing field and help our military spouses connect with
companies that are searching for talented and skilled employees. But the impact of MSEP goes beyond
just reducing the unemployment rate for our military spouses. It also benefits employers by connecting
them to a large and diverse body of exceptionally capable, dedicated, and motivated workers. In
addition, MSEP also provides an important readiness connection: meaningful career opportunities that
are compatible with the spouse’s military service make it easier for quality families to remain in the
military and continue to serve our great nation.

MSEP has experienced extraordinary growth since its June launch. In less than four months, MSEP has
provided employment to more than 5,600 military spouses, and another 56,000 jobs are available on the
website. As we look ahead, the DoD is committed to making MSEP even more useful, both for military
spouses and for businesses. Spouses will soon be able to post resumes and cover letters directly to the
MSEP jobs site, and both companies and spouses will be notified when a resume matches a job
announcement. The site will also pull job announcements from partner job pages and instantly load
them onto the site, making it a true one-stop-shop for military spouse employment. We need to continue
to hear from you – your feedback is critical to the program’s continued improvement. Please join our
discussion to let us know what you think: what’s working, and what can we do to improve it further?

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In the spirit of Columbus, we at the DoD are forging ahead, making significant strides to help our
military spouses find meaningful employment. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

For more information from Military and Community Family policy, like them on Facebook.

To read an Army take on the topic, read here and for more information on this milestone, read this news

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MC&FP Weekly (October 17,2011)                                                                   10/18/2011

Joining Forces
Joining Forces

Stars 'Join Forces' With First Lady

A few top entertainment industry stars have joined forces with First Lady Michelle Obama to help shine
the light on military families and their service and sacrifice.

The entertainment industry's Inter-Guild Joining Forces Task Force today released new public service
announcements featuring producer and director Steven Spielberg, movie star Tom Hanks and legendary
talk show host Oprah Winfrey, a White House news release said. The task force developed the PSAs in
support of the Joining Forces campaign, a national initiative launched by the first lady and Dr. Jill
Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, to support and honor service members and their families.

The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Directors Guild of America, Producers Guild
of America, Screen Actors Guild and the Writers Guild of America West formed the task force to
provide creative and production support for Joining Forces, the release said, and to inform and inspire
their members about military families.

The PSAs tell real stories about America's military families and call on Americans to give back to
ensure service members and military families have the support they deserve.

"The entertainment community answered the Joining Forces call and has done what they do best -- bring
to life stories that move us," Obama said in the release. "Through this PSA campaign, Americans will
learn more about the unique challenges and needs of our military families; see their strength, resilience
and service; and find out how they can give back to these extraordinary troops and families who have
given us so much."

The guilds launched the PSA project following the first lady's visit to Los Angeles in June. She
discussed military families’ stories and issues and encouraged the guilds to incorporate their experiences
into film, TV and digital media. The PSAs are a direct outcome of that visit, the release said, adding that
A&E Networks, CBS, Comcast NBC, Disney ABC, FOX and WB have agreed to support the PSA

The PSAs encourage Americans to get involved in supporting military families by visiting the Joining
Forces website. Visitors to the site can send messages of thanks, find opportunities to get involved and
share stories of service, the release said.

“As a military mom I know just how much it means when people reach out to show their support for our
service members and their families,” Biden said in the release. “The first lady and I hope that this
campaign will inspire more Americans to take action and reach out to military families in their own
communities around the country.”

To view the PSAs, visit Spielberg PSA, Hanks PSA and Winfrey PSA, or go to this site.

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MC&FP Weekly (October 17,2011)                                                                    10/18/2011

Weekly Tips
Military Community and Family Policy Weekly Tips

Nutrition Tip of the Week - Meats Vegetarian Counterparts

While vegetarians do not eat meat, there are a number of substitutes that look and may even taste like
their non-vegetarian counterparts. However, a benefit of eating the vegetarian substitutes is that they are
usually lower in saturated fat and contain no cholesterol. So if you are looking for some meat
substitutes, try incorporating any of these options into your daily meals.

   •   For breakfast, try soy-based sausage patties or links.
   •   Rather than hamburgers, try veggie burgers. A variety of kinds are available, made with soy
       beans, vegetables, and rice.
   •   Add vegetarian meat substitutes to soups and stews to boost protein without adding saturated fat
       or cholesterol. These include tempeh (cultured soybeans with a chewy texture), tofu, or wheat
       gluten (seitan).
   •   For barbecues, try veggie burgers, soy hot dogs, marinated tofu or tempeh, and veggie kabobs.
   •   Make bean burgers, lentil burgers, or pita halves with falafel (spicy ground chick pea patties).
   •   Some restaurants offer soy options (texturized vegetable protein) as a substitute for meat, and
       soy cheese as a substitute for regular cheese.

Parenting Tip of the Week - Communicating with Teens

Parents of teenagers who continue to communicate with their teens, even despite conflict and arguments,
maintain stronger relationships with them. It might seem like a struggle to continue to talk to your teen
when it leads to conflicts and disagreements, but most teens report having a close relationship with their
parents identify their parents as being a significant influence on their lives. Maintain an open line of
communication, rather than simply trying to avoid disagreements.

Let’s Move/Childhood Obesity Tip of the Week - Balance calories

Find out how many calories YOU need for a day as a first step in managing your weight. Go to
ChooseMyPlate website to find your calorie level. Being physically active also helps you balance

Foods to eat more often:

Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fat-free or 1 percent milk and dairy products. These foods
have the nutrients you need for health-including potassium, calcium, vitamin D, and fiber. Make them
the basis for meals and snacks:.

Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Choose red, orange, and dark-green vegetables like
tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli, along with other vegetables for your meals. Add fruit to meals as
part of main or side dishes or as dessert.

Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1 percent) milk. They have the same amount of calcium and other

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essential nutrients as whole milk but contain fewer calories and less saturated fat.

Make half your grains whole grains. To eat more whole grains, substitute a whole-grain product for a
refined product-such as eating whole-wheat bread instead of white bread or brown rice instead of white

Foods to eat less often:

Cut back on foods high in solid fats, added sugars, and salt. They include cakes, cookies, ice cream,
candies, sweetened drinks, pizza, and fatty meats like ribs, sausages, bacon, and hot dogs. Use these
foods as occasional treats, not everyday foods.

Compare sodium in foods. Use the nutrition facts label to choose lower sodium versions of foods like
soup, bread, and frozen meals. Select canned foods labeled “low sodium,” ”reduced sodium,” or “no salt

Drink water instead of sugary drinks. Cut calories by drinking water or unsweetened beverages. Soda,
energy drinks, and sports drinks are a major source of added sugar, and calories, in American diets.

Financial Tip of the Week - Talking with Your Kids about Money

In some families, talking about money can be a very uncomfortable conversation. Many parents don’t
know how to approach the topic of money, and some avoid it altogether. By starting the discussion
early, you can make it easier to talk about this tough topic later, when your child is making larger
purchases, thinking about getting a job, or beginning financial planning for college.

Every Day Steps:
Practice Smart Spending: Talk with your children about how you make spending choices based on
more than just affordability. Use language like “We’re not going to spend our money that way
because…” or “It’s not a good value because…,” rather than just saying, “It’s too expensive,” which
may give the impression that you would buy it if you could afford it.

Do: Bring your kids with you to the bank. If you’re making a deposit in a savings account, talk about the
importance of saving “for a rainy day.”

Create Learning Opportunities: If you’re refinancing your mortgage, you have an opportunity discuss
the concept of interest and the importance of paying off loan balances quickly. When you’re taking out a
car loan, talk about how loans allow you to pay for things that you don’t have the money for, but you
end up paying more in the long run.

Honesty as the Best Policy: If you are facing financial difficulty, be honest with your children. You
don’t need to worry them with all the details, but it is helpful for them to learn that money isn’t magical
— it doesn’t just appear when you need it.

Stress Wants vs. Needs: Many kids — especially young ones — have difficulty differentiating between
wants and needs. When your child says she “needs” something, ask if she really needs it, or if she just
wants it. Make sure your child understands the difference, and start paying attention to what you’re
saying and the example you’re setting — for example, do you really need an expensive cup of coffee to
get you through the morning?

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Keep an Open Dialogue: When you’re out shopping, talk with your kids about why you make the
purchases you do. Are you influenced by advertising? Pricing? The quality of the product? How do you
choose one product over another? Help your child start thinking carefully about making purchases.

Highlight the Positive: Many financially savvy practices, such as buying secondhand, donating old
clothes to a thrift store, and reusing and recycling goods, are also good for the environment. Point out
that not only are you saving money by doing these things, but you’re also taking action to help preserve
the environment.

Military OneSource Tip of the Week - Getting Help for Victims of Domestic Abuse

If you think someone you know is involved in an abusive relationship, there are ways you can offer

   •   Show your concern. Let the person know you are ready to listen and provide help.
   •   Find out about military reporting options by talking to a victim advocate on your installation.
       A victim can, except in certain circumstances, talk with a victim advocate and receive medical
       care without it automatically resulting in an abuse investigation.
   •   Let the victim know that she doesn’t have to stay in an abusive relationship and that help is
       available. You can urge her to contact the installation’s Family Advocacy Program (FAP) and
       speak with a victim advocate, call the command chaplain, or call the toll-free National Domestic
       Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233).

Find out more from the Military OneSource article, Domestic Abuse and Where to Find Help, available
at the Military OneSource website.

Spouse Tip of the Week - Operating a Home Based Business From Military Family Housing

In accordance with the Military Family Act, Public Law 99-145, “DoD Authorization Act, November 8,
1985, Section 806, Employment Opportunities for Military Spouses,” the Department of Defense
encourages the use of military family housing for certain limited commercial activities. Although the
specific implementing policies and procedures may vary slightly for each Military Service, the following
information generally applies. It is important to note that the policies that govern your situation will be
those of your host installation which may vary from your military sponsor’s branch of Service.

Before launching your own business from military family housing, you must seek written permission
from your installation commander usually via your installation Housing Authority (HA). Housing
Authority officials will ensure that housing occupants are well aware of requirements that must be met
prior to the conduct of any business enterprise from a military housing unit. Worldwide points of contact
for Military Housing Offices are available from the MilitaryINSTALLATIONS website.

Common Types of Home Based Businesses Operated in Military Family Housing Units include:

   •   direct sales of products
   •   limited manufacturing of items
   •   minor repairs on small items such as: watches, jewelry and electronics
   •   incidental services such as:

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           ◦   animal training, grooming, walking
           ◦   tailoring, sewing and dressmaking
           ◦   tax preparation and accounting services
           ◦   child, special needs/respite, and elder care
           ◦   scheduled transportation
           ◦   bookkeeping, billing, and medical insurance coding
           ◦   food preparation: catering, cakes, and specialty foods
           ◦   housecleaning, lawn care, painting, home maintenance, and odd jobs
           ◦   appraisals, auctions, and estate sales
           ◦   haircuts/styling, manicures/pedicures, facials, massage, and fitness coaching
           ◦   graphic design, architecture, engineering, and professional and management consulting
           ◦   lessons: art, music, dance, sewing, crafts, needlework, and computer skills
           ◦   teaching and tutoring services: English as a second language/foreign languages,
               homework help, and remedial assistance
           ◦   word processing, transcription services, information brokering and business intelligence
           ◦   employee recruiting/headhunting, and executive coaching
           ◦   writing, publishing, computer programming, website development and usability
           ◦   computer maintenance, troubleshooting, and help desk service import/export brokering

Regulatory Guidance:

DoD Directive 5500.7, Standards of Conduct, and Military Service regulations

Military Standards of Conduct prohibit solicited sales to subordinates (personnel junior in rank or grade)
and must be a condition for granting approval to conduct commercial activities in family housing.

DoD Directive 1344.7, Personal Commercial Solicitation on DoD Installations, Section F,
paragraph 4m

Prohibits door-to-door solicitation (in person or via printed materials). Allows advertising of addresses
and telephone numbers of commercial sales activities conducted in military housing.

Issues considered by Installation Commanders when authorizing a commercial activity:

   •   local government licensing requirements
   •   applicable federal, state and local ordinances
   •   potential government liability
   •   overseas status of forces agreements (SOFAs)
   •   host country business practices
   •   prospective advertising practices

Note: Legal advice must be sought if doubt exists concerning these issues.

Commanders may not authorize a commercial enterprise:

   •   at the expense of military community tranquility, harmony among neighbors, or safety, or
   •   that requires external housing unit alterations or external housing unit advertising.

Commanders may authorize:

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   •   Housing occupants are allowed to make minor modifications to housing units, if approved in
       advance. Modification and restoration costs are the responsibility of the housing occupant.
       Approvals will be processed under existing regulations which govern projects in family housing.
       Housing occupants are responsible for returning the housing unit to its original condition prior to
       vacating quarters.
   •   Utility costs associated with some enterprises will be recouped when such collections are cost
       effective. Cost effectiveness will be determined by the local base civil engineer.
   •   Sales of merchandise not available through the Military Exchanges should not be construed to be
       competing with an installation’s official sanctioned commerce.

Liability Insurance:

Personal liability is a serious matter for all business owners, including those working out of military
family housing units. Business applicants need to obtain personal liability insurance which will apply to
legal actions brought by customers as well as covering the applicant for damages to government

Relocation Tip of the Week - Inventory Your Personal Property

If you choose to have the Transportation Office arrange for your move, the household goods carrier will
prepare a descriptive inventory that lists the condition of all your furnishings and the general content of
packed boxes. It’s a good idea to make a list of large or unusual items (piano, pool table, china cabinet,
wall unit, large glass or stone table top, satellite dish, hot tub, boat, motorcycle, recreational vehicle,
etc.) to bring with you to your transportation counseling session.

If you decide to have your movers move your expensive and valuable items, you will need to make a
high-value inventory list that identifies each item. Examples of high-value items include: antiques, art
and coin collections, expensive jewelry, and precious stones. You should also have some type of proof
of value, like an appraisal. Use a video camera or take close-up pictures to record the condition of your
furniture and show what your expensive and valuable items look like before the move. It’s a good idea
to save a paper copy of this list in a fireproof safe, in a safe deposit box, or somewhere outside of your

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In the News
We've captured the latest Quality of Life (QOL) information, as well as recent additions to the Military
Community & Family Policy (MC&FP) collection of websites, including MilitaryHOMEFRONT. All
in one location! For a complete listing of QoL topic areas and information, please return to the
MilitaryHOMEFRONT homepage.

In the News
Notable Quality of Life developments and Department of Defense announcements and alerts.

Jogging Strollers Recalled by B.O.B. Trailers Due to Choking Hazard
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, in cooperation with B.O.B. Trailers
Inc. announced a voluntary recall of B.O.B. single and double strollers.

Suicide Prevention Hotline Now Available in Europe
Installation Management Command Europe officials announced toll-free European access to the
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Veterans Crisis Line on Oct. 5.

Army Leaders Pledge Ongoing Support of Family Programs
Army Secretary John M. McHugh and Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno assured family
members and family readiness group leaders that family programs remain as important as ever, despite
looming Defense Department budget cuts and drawdowns in Iraq and Afghanistan. The leaders spoke
Oct. 10 during the Association of the U.S. Army’s 2011 annual meeting and exposition.

New TRICARE Deputy Director Brings Patient Focus to Job
With a fresh focus on patient care –particularly for wounded warriors and their families -- the new
deputy director of the TRICARE Management Activity is committed to ensuring TRICARE’s 9.6
million beneficiaries worldwide get the care and services they deserve.

Partnership is ‘Win-Win’ for Spouses, Employers
The Military Spouse Employment Partnership is about finding a good fit for spouses and employers,
Robert L. Gordon III, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family
Policy, said during the annual partners meeting at the Association of the U.S. Army 2011 Annual
Meeting and Exposition.

Evaluation of Domestic Abuse Awareness Programs Survey
Service members and family members – we need your help! We are gathering informal feedback about
the Family Advocacy Program (FAP) and the 2011 Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM)
campaign currently underway. Please take a moment to answer a few brief questions. Your input is
important and will help FAP improve its prevention and campaign efforts

Know the Facts – The Family Advocacy Program
The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is a command support program for military families who are
facing issues of domestic abuse. FAP works to prevent domestic abuse by educating service members
and families about the issue; identify families experiencing domestic abuse; providing support services
to victims of abuse; and providing treatment for abusers.

Sesame Street Family Connections Account Notice
In early November, Sesame Workshop will be launching a new website where families can create,

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communicate, and stay connected. The new site will offer features to help both preschool and school-
aged military children express themselves through art, music, writing, and more!

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Guard and Reserve
Image description. Two National Guard service members End of image description.

Oct. 21-22 - Guard and Reserve - Kearney, NE
Oct. 21-22 - Guard and Reserve - Yakima, WA
Oct. 22 - Guard and Reserve - Augusta, ME
Oct. 22 - Guard and Reserve - San Pedro, CA
Oct. 23 - Guard and Reserve - Coleville, CA
Oct. 26-29 - Guard and Reserve - Ft. McClellan, AL
Oct. 29 - Guard and Reserve - Green Bay, WI

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This week in mc&fp october 17 2011

  • 1. Image description. MC&FP banner image End of image description. Blog post of Robert L. Gordon III, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Military Community and Family Policy) Image description. Robert L. Gordon III, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (MC&FP) End of image description. Military Spouse Employment Program Reaches 96 Partners! On Columbus Day, I had the honor of participating in the Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) Induction Ceremony. Twenty-four new companies joined the partnership, bringing the total to ninety-six partners! The Induction Ceremony recognized the growing community of businesses that are stepping up to offer meaningful and portable employment opportunities to our military spouses. I met with the leaders of our newest partner companies and can say without question that they are excited about the opportunity to hire military spouses. In fact, each of the 96 partner companies clearly understands the true value our military spouses bring to their companies. In return, the companies are offering flexible job opportunities that can withstand relocations, deployments, and other aspects of military life that have made career advancement so difficult for our spouses in the past. Military spouses face a 26% unemployment rate and a 25% wage gap compared to their civilian counterparts. MSEP’s goal is to level the playing field and help our military spouses connect with companies that are searching for talented and skilled employees. But the impact of MSEP goes beyond just reducing the unemployment rate for our military spouses. It also benefits employers by connecting them to a large and diverse body of exceptionally capable, dedicated, and motivated workers. In addition, MSEP also provides an important readiness connection: meaningful career opportunities that are compatible with the spouse’s military service make it easier for quality families to remain in the military and continue to serve our great nation. MSEP has experienced extraordinary growth since its June launch. In less than four months, MSEP has provided employment to more than 5,600 military spouses, and another 56,000 jobs are available on the website. As we look ahead, the DoD is committed to making MSEP even more useful, both for military spouses and for businesses. Spouses will soon be able to post resumes and cover letters directly to the MSEP jobs site, and both companies and spouses will be notified when a resume matches a job announcement. The site will also pull job announcements from partner job pages and instantly load them onto the site, making it a true one-stop-shop for military spouse employment. We need to continue to hear from you – your feedback is critical to the program’s continued improvement. Please join our discussion to let us know what you think: what’s working, and what can we do to improve it further? Page 1 of 11
  • 2. MC&FP Weekly (October 17,2011) 10/18/2011 In the spirit of Columbus, we at the DoD are forging ahead, making significant strides to help our military spouses find meaningful employment. I look forward to hearing from you soon. For more information from Military and Community Family policy, like them on Facebook. To read an Army take on the topic, read here and for more information on this milestone, read this news story. Page 2 of 11
  • 3. MC&FP Weekly (October 17,2011) 10/18/2011 Joining Forces Joining Forces Stars 'Join Forces' With First Lady A few top entertainment industry stars have joined forces with First Lady Michelle Obama to help shine the light on military families and their service and sacrifice. The entertainment industry's Inter-Guild Joining Forces Task Force today released new public service announcements featuring producer and director Steven Spielberg, movie star Tom Hanks and legendary talk show host Oprah Winfrey, a White House news release said. The task force developed the PSAs in support of the Joining Forces campaign, a national initiative launched by the first lady and Dr. Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, to support and honor service members and their families. The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Directors Guild of America, Producers Guild of America, Screen Actors Guild and the Writers Guild of America West formed the task force to provide creative and production support for Joining Forces, the release said, and to inform and inspire their members about military families. The PSAs tell real stories about America's military families and call on Americans to give back to ensure service members and military families have the support they deserve. "The entertainment community answered the Joining Forces call and has done what they do best -- bring to life stories that move us," Obama said in the release. "Through this PSA campaign, Americans will learn more about the unique challenges and needs of our military families; see their strength, resilience and service; and find out how they can give back to these extraordinary troops and families who have given us so much." The guilds launched the PSA project following the first lady's visit to Los Angeles in June. She discussed military families’ stories and issues and encouraged the guilds to incorporate their experiences into film, TV and digital media. The PSAs are a direct outcome of that visit, the release said, adding that A&E Networks, CBS, Comcast NBC, Disney ABC, FOX and WB have agreed to support the PSA campaign. The PSAs encourage Americans to get involved in supporting military families by visiting the Joining Forces website. Visitors to the site can send messages of thanks, find opportunities to get involved and share stories of service, the release said. “As a military mom I know just how much it means when people reach out to show their support for our service members and their families,” Biden said in the release. “The first lady and I hope that this campaign will inspire more Americans to take action and reach out to military families in their own communities around the country.” To view the PSAs, visit Spielberg PSA, Hanks PSA and Winfrey PSA, or go to this site. Page 3 of 11
  • 4. MC&FP Weekly (October 17,2011) 10/18/2011 Weekly Tips Military Community and Family Policy Weekly Tips Nutrition Tip of the Week - Meats Vegetarian Counterparts While vegetarians do not eat meat, there are a number of substitutes that look and may even taste like their non-vegetarian counterparts. However, a benefit of eating the vegetarian substitutes is that they are usually lower in saturated fat and contain no cholesterol. So if you are looking for some meat substitutes, try incorporating any of these options into your daily meals. • For breakfast, try soy-based sausage patties or links. • Rather than hamburgers, try veggie burgers. A variety of kinds are available, made with soy beans, vegetables, and rice. • Add vegetarian meat substitutes to soups and stews to boost protein without adding saturated fat or cholesterol. These include tempeh (cultured soybeans with a chewy texture), tofu, or wheat gluten (seitan). • For barbecues, try veggie burgers, soy hot dogs, marinated tofu or tempeh, and veggie kabobs. • Make bean burgers, lentil burgers, or pita halves with falafel (spicy ground chick pea patties). • Some restaurants offer soy options (texturized vegetable protein) as a substitute for meat, and soy cheese as a substitute for regular cheese. Parenting Tip of the Week - Communicating with Teens Parents of teenagers who continue to communicate with their teens, even despite conflict and arguments, maintain stronger relationships with them. It might seem like a struggle to continue to talk to your teen when it leads to conflicts and disagreements, but most teens report having a close relationship with their parents identify their parents as being a significant influence on their lives. Maintain an open line of communication, rather than simply trying to avoid disagreements. Let’s Move/Childhood Obesity Tip of the Week - Balance calories Find out how many calories YOU need for a day as a first step in managing your weight. Go to ChooseMyPlate website to find your calorie level. Being physically active also helps you balance calories. Foods to eat more often: Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fat-free or 1 percent milk and dairy products. These foods have the nutrients you need for health-including potassium, calcium, vitamin D, and fiber. Make them the basis for meals and snacks:. Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Choose red, orange, and dark-green vegetables like tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli, along with other vegetables for your meals. Add fruit to meals as part of main or side dishes or as dessert. Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1 percent) milk. They have the same amount of calcium and other Page 4 of 11
  • 5. MC&FP Weekly (October 17,2011) 10/18/2011 essential nutrients as whole milk but contain fewer calories and less saturated fat. Make half your grains whole grains. To eat more whole grains, substitute a whole-grain product for a refined product-such as eating whole-wheat bread instead of white bread or brown rice instead of white rice. Foods to eat less often: Cut back on foods high in solid fats, added sugars, and salt. They include cakes, cookies, ice cream, candies, sweetened drinks, pizza, and fatty meats like ribs, sausages, bacon, and hot dogs. Use these foods as occasional treats, not everyday foods. Compare sodium in foods. Use the nutrition facts label to choose lower sodium versions of foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals. Select canned foods labeled “low sodium,” ”reduced sodium,” or “no salt added.” Drink water instead of sugary drinks. Cut calories by drinking water or unsweetened beverages. Soda, energy drinks, and sports drinks are a major source of added sugar, and calories, in American diets. Financial Tip of the Week - Talking with Your Kids about Money In some families, talking about money can be a very uncomfortable conversation. Many parents don’t know how to approach the topic of money, and some avoid it altogether. By starting the discussion early, you can make it easier to talk about this tough topic later, when your child is making larger purchases, thinking about getting a job, or beginning financial planning for college. Every Day Steps: Practice Smart Spending: Talk with your children about how you make spending choices based on more than just affordability. Use language like “We’re not going to spend our money that way because…” or “It’s not a good value because…,” rather than just saying, “It’s too expensive,” which may give the impression that you would buy it if you could afford it. Do: Bring your kids with you to the bank. If you’re making a deposit in a savings account, talk about the importance of saving “for a rainy day.” Create Learning Opportunities: If you’re refinancing your mortgage, you have an opportunity discuss the concept of interest and the importance of paying off loan balances quickly. When you’re taking out a car loan, talk about how loans allow you to pay for things that you don’t have the money for, but you end up paying more in the long run. Honesty as the Best Policy: If you are facing financial difficulty, be honest with your children. You don’t need to worry them with all the details, but it is helpful for them to learn that money isn’t magical — it doesn’t just appear when you need it. Stress Wants vs. Needs: Many kids — especially young ones — have difficulty differentiating between wants and needs. When your child says she “needs” something, ask if she really needs it, or if she just wants it. Make sure your child understands the difference, and start paying attention to what you’re saying and the example you’re setting — for example, do you really need an expensive cup of coffee to get you through the morning? Page 5 of 11
  • 6. MC&FP Weekly (October 17,2011) 10/18/2011 Keep an Open Dialogue: When you’re out shopping, talk with your kids about why you make the purchases you do. Are you influenced by advertising? Pricing? The quality of the product? How do you choose one product over another? Help your child start thinking carefully about making purchases. Highlight the Positive: Many financially savvy practices, such as buying secondhand, donating old clothes to a thrift store, and reusing and recycling goods, are also good for the environment. Point out that not only are you saving money by doing these things, but you’re also taking action to help preserve the environment. Military OneSource Tip of the Week - Getting Help for Victims of Domestic Abuse If you think someone you know is involved in an abusive relationship, there are ways you can offer support. • Show your concern. Let the person know you are ready to listen and provide help. • Find out about military reporting options by talking to a victim advocate on your installation. A victim can, except in certain circumstances, talk with a victim advocate and receive medical care without it automatically resulting in an abuse investigation. • Let the victim know that she doesn’t have to stay in an abusive relationship and that help is available. You can urge her to contact the installation’s Family Advocacy Program (FAP) and speak with a victim advocate, call the command chaplain, or call the toll-free National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233). Find out more from the Military OneSource article, Domestic Abuse and Where to Find Help, available at the Military OneSource website. Spouse Tip of the Week - Operating a Home Based Business From Military Family Housing In accordance with the Military Family Act, Public Law 99-145, “DoD Authorization Act, November 8, 1985, Section 806, Employment Opportunities for Military Spouses,” the Department of Defense encourages the use of military family housing for certain limited commercial activities. Although the specific implementing policies and procedures may vary slightly for each Military Service, the following information generally applies. It is important to note that the policies that govern your situation will be those of your host installation which may vary from your military sponsor’s branch of Service. Before launching your own business from military family housing, you must seek written permission from your installation commander usually via your installation Housing Authority (HA). Housing Authority officials will ensure that housing occupants are well aware of requirements that must be met prior to the conduct of any business enterprise from a military housing unit. Worldwide points of contact for Military Housing Offices are available from the MilitaryINSTALLATIONS website. Common Types of Home Based Businesses Operated in Military Family Housing Units include: • direct sales of products • limited manufacturing of items • minor repairs on small items such as: watches, jewelry and electronics • incidental services such as: Page 6 of 11
  • 7. MC&FP Weekly (October 17,2011) 10/18/2011 ◦ animal training, grooming, walking ◦ tailoring, sewing and dressmaking ◦ tax preparation and accounting services ◦ child, special needs/respite, and elder care ◦ scheduled transportation ◦ bookkeeping, billing, and medical insurance coding ◦ food preparation: catering, cakes, and specialty foods ◦ housecleaning, lawn care, painting, home maintenance, and odd jobs ◦ appraisals, auctions, and estate sales ◦ haircuts/styling, manicures/pedicures, facials, massage, and fitness coaching ◦ graphic design, architecture, engineering, and professional and management consulting ◦ lessons: art, music, dance, sewing, crafts, needlework, and computer skills ◦ teaching and tutoring services: English as a second language/foreign languages, homework help, and remedial assistance ◦ word processing, transcription services, information brokering and business intelligence ◦ employee recruiting/headhunting, and executive coaching ◦ writing, publishing, computer programming, website development and usability ◦ computer maintenance, troubleshooting, and help desk service import/export brokering Regulatory Guidance: DoD Directive 5500.7, Standards of Conduct, and Military Service regulations Military Standards of Conduct prohibit solicited sales to subordinates (personnel junior in rank or grade) and must be a condition for granting approval to conduct commercial activities in family housing. DoD Directive 1344.7, Personal Commercial Solicitation on DoD Installations, Section F, paragraph 4m Prohibits door-to-door solicitation (in person or via printed materials). Allows advertising of addresses and telephone numbers of commercial sales activities conducted in military housing. Issues considered by Installation Commanders when authorizing a commercial activity: • local government licensing requirements • applicable federal, state and local ordinances • potential government liability • overseas status of forces agreements (SOFAs) • host country business practices • prospective advertising practices Note: Legal advice must be sought if doubt exists concerning these issues. Commanders may not authorize a commercial enterprise: • at the expense of military community tranquility, harmony among neighbors, or safety, or • that requires external housing unit alterations or external housing unit advertising. Commanders may authorize: Page 7 of 11
  • 8. MC&FP Weekly (October 17,2011) 10/18/2011 • Housing occupants are allowed to make minor modifications to housing units, if approved in advance. Modification and restoration costs are the responsibility of the housing occupant. Approvals will be processed under existing regulations which govern projects in family housing. Housing occupants are responsible for returning the housing unit to its original condition prior to vacating quarters. • Utility costs associated with some enterprises will be recouped when such collections are cost effective. Cost effectiveness will be determined by the local base civil engineer. • Sales of merchandise not available through the Military Exchanges should not be construed to be competing with an installation’s official sanctioned commerce. Liability Insurance: Personal liability is a serious matter for all business owners, including those working out of military family housing units. Business applicants need to obtain personal liability insurance which will apply to legal actions brought by customers as well as covering the applicant for damages to government property. Relocation Tip of the Week - Inventory Your Personal Property If you choose to have the Transportation Office arrange for your move, the household goods carrier will prepare a descriptive inventory that lists the condition of all your furnishings and the general content of packed boxes. It’s a good idea to make a list of large or unusual items (piano, pool table, china cabinet, wall unit, large glass or stone table top, satellite dish, hot tub, boat, motorcycle, recreational vehicle, etc.) to bring with you to your transportation counseling session. If you decide to have your movers move your expensive and valuable items, you will need to make a high-value inventory list that identifies each item. Examples of high-value items include: antiques, art and coin collections, expensive jewelry, and precious stones. You should also have some type of proof of value, like an appraisal. Use a video camera or take close-up pictures to record the condition of your furniture and show what your expensive and valuable items look like before the move. It’s a good idea to save a paper copy of this list in a fireproof safe, in a safe deposit box, or somewhere outside of your home. Page 8 of 11
  • 9. MC&FP Weekly (October 17,2011) 10/18/2011 In the News We've captured the latest Quality of Life (QOL) information, as well as recent additions to the Military Community & Family Policy (MC&FP) collection of websites, including MilitaryHOMEFRONT. All in one location! For a complete listing of QoL topic areas and information, please return to the MilitaryHOMEFRONT homepage. In the News Notable Quality of Life developments and Department of Defense announcements and alerts. Jogging Strollers Recalled by B.O.B. Trailers Due to Choking Hazard The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, in cooperation with B.O.B. Trailers Inc. announced a voluntary recall of B.O.B. single and double strollers. Suicide Prevention Hotline Now Available in Europe Installation Management Command Europe officials announced toll-free European access to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Veterans Crisis Line on Oct. 5. Army Leaders Pledge Ongoing Support of Family Programs Army Secretary John M. McHugh and Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno assured family members and family readiness group leaders that family programs remain as important as ever, despite looming Defense Department budget cuts and drawdowns in Iraq and Afghanistan. The leaders spoke Oct. 10 during the Association of the U.S. Army’s 2011 annual meeting and exposition. New TRICARE Deputy Director Brings Patient Focus to Job With a fresh focus on patient care –particularly for wounded warriors and their families -- the new deputy director of the TRICARE Management Activity is committed to ensuring TRICARE’s 9.6 million beneficiaries worldwide get the care and services they deserve. Partnership is ‘Win-Win’ for Spouses, Employers The Military Spouse Employment Partnership is about finding a good fit for spouses and employers, Robert L. Gordon III, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy, said during the annual partners meeting at the Association of the U.S. Army 2011 Annual Meeting and Exposition. Evaluation of Domestic Abuse Awareness Programs Survey Service members and family members – we need your help! We are gathering informal feedback about the Family Advocacy Program (FAP) and the 2011 Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) campaign currently underway. Please take a moment to answer a few brief questions. Your input is important and will help FAP improve its prevention and campaign efforts Know the Facts – The Family Advocacy Program The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is a command support program for military families who are facing issues of domestic abuse. FAP works to prevent domestic abuse by educating service members and families about the issue; identify families experiencing domestic abuse; providing support services to victims of abuse; and providing treatment for abusers. Sesame Street Family Connections Account Notice In early November, Sesame Workshop will be launching a new website where families can create, Page 9 of 11
  • 10. MC&FP Weekly (October 17,2011) 10/18/2011 communicate, and stay connected. The new site will offer features to help both preschool and school- aged military children express themselves through art, music, writing, and more! Page 10 of 11
  • 11. MC&FP Weekly (October 17,2011) 10/18/2011 Guard and Reserve Image description. Two National Guard service members End of image description. Oct. 21-22 - Guard and Reserve - Kearney, NE Oct. 21-22 - Guard and Reserve - Yakima, WA Oct. 22 - Guard and Reserve - Augusta, ME Oct. 22 - Guard and Reserve - San Pedro, CA Oct. 23 - Guard and Reserve - Coleville, CA Oct. 26-29 - Guard and Reserve - Ft. McClellan, AL Oct. 29 - Guard and Reserve - Green Bay, WI Page 11 of 11