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This is a graded discussion: 25 points possible due May 18 at
Week 2 Discussion: Sensation and Perception & Sleep
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Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and
label the beginning of your post indicating
either Option 1 or Option 2:
Be sure to make connections between your ideas and
conclusions and the research, concepts, terms, and
theory we are discussing this week.
Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. If
possible, respond to one peer who chose an
option different than the one you chose. Further the dialogue by
providing more information and
Writing Requirements
This activity will be graded using the Discussion Grading
Rubric. Please review the following link:
Course Outcomes (CO): 2
Due Date for Initial Post: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday
Textbook: Chapters 4, 5
Option 1: Sensation and perception are two different processes.
Does sensory stimulus shape our
perceptions? Do our perceptions misinterpret our sensations?
How does that happen?
Option 2: What is the purpose of sleep and how is it important
to your overall functioning? Complete
the Sleep Debt Questionnaire and discuss your results. What
can you do to improve your sleep
behavior and ensure you get a good night's rest?
Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up)
Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons
and an outside source)
APA format for in-text citations and list of references
Link (webpage): Discussion Guidelines
5/14/20, 9:48 PM
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Due Date for Follow-Up Posts: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday
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)Renee Owens (Instructor)
Apr 19, 2020
You may begin posting in this discussion forum on Monday,
May 11th.
This week, you have the option of choosing which topic to focus
on for your initial response. You have
the option of answering questions about Sensation and
Perception OR Sleep for your initial response.
For your follow up response, please respond to at least ONE
classmate who chose a different initial
response topic than you. For example, if you chose to discuss
sensation and perception for your initial
response, make sure you respond to one person who chose sleep
as their initial response. You must
still respond to at least two classmates or one classmate and the
instructor to meet your discussion
requirements for the week.
*Please be sure to review the discussion guidelines via the link
provided above as to make sure you
understand how discussions will be graded. Remember to cite
all of your sources in APA format (in-
text citations and list of references)*
*Initial response should be submitted by Wednesday, May 13th,
11:59 pm MT and discussion
requirements need to be met by Sunday, May 17th, 11:59 pm
Option 1: Sensation and Perception
Sensation & Perception - LessWrong 2.0
While intertwined, sensation and perception are viewed as two
different process. Sensation refers to
the process of the activation of neural signals in the brain by
receptors in our sensory organs
(Feldman, 2018). Perception is the process in which we
interpret the sensations (sensory stimuli) we
experience in a meaningful way to make sense of the world
around us (Feldman, 2018). Without any
sensations, it would be very difficult to find basic needs to
sustain our lives and without perception we
wouldn't be able to understand and interpret what our sensations
Does sensory stimulus shape our perceptions?
5/14/20, 9:48 PM
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" Reply &
Option 2: Sleep
Sometimes our busy lives can have a negative impact on the
amount of sleep we get each night.
Sleep plays a vital role in our not just our physical health, but
our emotional well-being as well. Studies
have shown that getting a good night's sleep can improve
learning, problem solving skills, attention
spans and promote creativity (National Heart, Lung and Blood
Institute, n.d.). Sleep deficiency can
alter activity in some parts of the brain and result in trouble
making decisions, may cause trouble with
controlling your emotions and behavior and is linked to
depression and risk-taking behaviors (NHLBI,
Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.).
Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (n.d.). Sleep
deprivation and deficiency.
Do our perceptions misinterpret our sensations? How does that
What is the purpose of sleep and how is it important to your
overall functioning?
Complete the Sleep Debt Questionnaire and discuss your
What can you do to improve your sleep behavior and ensure you
get a good night's rest?
4)Alyssa Tidy
5/14/20, 9:48 PM
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" Reply &
Hello Professor and Class,
I chose option 2 for my discussion this week. I have always felt
I do not get enough rest. So I feel this is
an appropriate one to do.
According to the questionnaire I have a sleep debt of 16. Which
according to the chart means:
16= Definitely troublesome. You are likely to feel low energy
during dips in the circadian rhythm, or when
you are driving or at rest.
Sleep serves multiple functions and without it we will
eventually die (Feldman. 2018). My results are not
entirely surprising for me. I do work late due to being a 2nd
shifter. So some evenings I do not get out of
work until close to midnight. I come home, eat and sometimes
workout and do homework. The best thing
I think I can do to get more rest is to have a bedtime routine and
limit screen time. There are many
studies that link screen time with TV, computers and phones to
lower sleep. Using electronic devices
before sleep can affect you physiologically and psychologically
and adversely affect sleep (Sleep
Foundation. 2020).
Another way to help me sleep better would be to try to limit my
evening activities. The less stimuli the
better. Maybe add some relaxing sleep sounds at bedtime to
help me wind down. I have heard lavender
aides people to fall asleep. There are many options and studies
out there to help people get better sleep
they need to function better. It is just a matter of finding the
ones that will work best for me.
Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.).
Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education. retrieved on May 11, 2020 from
3)Ganna Shvets
Hello Alyssa,
Thank you for your input in this week's discussion. I am sure
we, as students, can all chime in on the
importance of sleep and us experiencing lack of it a lot of times.
A lot of times, I feel like there are
simply not enough hours in the day. However, sleep is essential
in the field of nursing. The
components of sleep quality are negatively related to stress
management and mood. Nurses who
have short sleep patterns also have low moods and high stress
levels. Sleep quality is a necessary
5/14/20, 9:48 PM
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" Reply &
resource for nurses when managing stressful situations and
mood, as well as improving relations
with patients (Perez-Fuentes et al., 2019).
Cognitive-behavioral therapy can improve sleep by changing
behavior before bedtime, as well as the
mindset or ways of thinking that prevent us from falling asleep.
It focuses on teaching relaxation
techniques as well as modifying the habits impacting our
sleeping habits. One may benefit from
therapy sessions with a sleep specialist, especially someone
experiencing sleep disorders like
insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome, and
periodic limb movements.
Mindfulness meditation we learned about in our first NR course
is one of the relaxation techniques
for insomnia.
Perez-Fuentes, M.D.C., Molero Jurado, M.D.M., Simon
Marquez, M.D.M., Barragan Martin, A.B.,
Gasquez Linares, J.J. (2019). Emotional Effects of the Duration,
Efficiency, and Subjective Quality of
Sleep in Healthcare Personnel. International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health,
16(19). doi: 10.3390/ijerph16193512
)Renee Owens (Instructor)
" Reply &
Hello Alyssa,
Thank you for discussing sleep! I use the feature where my
apps automatically lock after a certain
hour and my phone goes to "Do Not Disturb" after a certain
hour as well. I've found this to be
helpful to a certain extent because when I really can't sleep I
can just unluck the app and play a
game if I really wanted to, ha! I don't personally sleep with the
TV on because I need complete
silence, but a research study has found that the light emitted
from our phones and TV's can impact
our circadian rhythm and our health, including an increased risk
for depression ("Lights out for a
good night's sleep", n.d.). Regulating our exposure to unnatural
light cycles can be an effective
way to regulate our circadian rhythm ("Lights out for a good
night's sleep", n.d.).
Lights out for a good night's sleep. (n.d.). Retrieved
5/14/20, 9:48 PM
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3)Ganna Shvets
" Reply &
Happy Monday, professor and classmates,
I chose Option 1 for this week's discussion: Does sensory
stimulus shape our perceptions? Do our
perceptions misinterpret our sensations? How does that happen?
Sensation and perception allow our bodies to take the
information in through our senses and interpret it.
The sensation is comprised of the processes by which our sense
organs receive information from our
environment. In contrast, perception is our organ's and brain's
ability to interpret such information or
stimuli (Feldman, 2018). At times, it is difficult to find the
precise boundary between the two. However,
the primary difference between the two is that sensation is an
organism's first encounter with a stimulus.
At the same time, perception is the process by which it
interprets that stimulus with other sensory
information. The sensation is not a sufficient condition for
perception, yet it is a necessary condition.
Perception relates to the world that is external to the subject
(intentional state), whereas sensation is not
about anything objective (and thus is non-intentional)
(McDermid, 2018).
Sensation leads to perception. Therefore, sensation largely
influences perception. A stimulus must be
strong enough (of an absolute threshold) to be detected. Our
perception of a sensory stimulus is shaped
via adaptation, which is an adjustment of a sensory capacity
after prolonged exposure to unchanging
stimuli. It is a decrease in the level of sensitivity that occurs
after continuous exposure to a strong
stimulus, due to the inability of the sensory nerve receptors
send messages to the brain indefinitely
(Feldman, 2018, p. 92). The Gestalt laws of organization are
used to describe ways in which we organize
pieces of information into meaningful wholes (Gestalts). Our
perceptions can misinterpret our sensations
because our perceptions heavily rely on our past experiences.
We perceive current situations in terms of
our past experiences, and lack of such experiences may cause a
person to misinterpret that situation or
sensation. Changes in our body may cause external objects to
feel different, which would cause us to
perceive them differently, assuming that the changes appeared
in objects rather than ourselves.
Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.).
Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.
McDermid, D. (2018). The Sensation/Perception Distinction in
Reid and Schopenhauer. Journal of
Scottish Philosophy, 16(2), 147-161. doi:
2)Regina Ebanks
5/14/20, 9:48 PM
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" Reply &
Hey Ganna!
I agree with your findings for the discussion. I also learned
about stimulus and perception in anatomy
and physiology II. I would also like to add that sometimes we
get used to some stimulus/sensation
that we do not even interpret it the way it used to.
3)Mariechelle Tormis
" Reply &
Professor Owens and Class,
I'm sure most of us have taken A&P where we have mildly
learned the concepts of sensation and
perception. We were taught that with sensation there are general
and special senses. Whether that be
through smell, taste, vision, hearing, or touch. Sensations are
the conscious or subconscious awareness
of the internal or external environment. However, perception
deals with the conscious interpretation of
senses by the cerebral cortex. These different activities assist
one another in allowing our brain to
process information. In regards to if the sensory stimulus shapes
our perceptions, while this is somewhat
true, the sensation is the first response of the brain. Perception
will be the analysis of the sense and
second response that takes place. Our perceptions may
misinterpret our sensations in various ways. It
was stated by Lumen (2013), "although our perceptions are built
from sensations, not all sensations
result in perception. In fact, we often don’t perceive stimuli that
remain relatively constant over prolonged
periods of time" (para. 13). This is known as sensory adaption,
which can affect how we interpret such
senses. Not only that but what's called bottom-up processing
and top-down processing can influence our
perception as well. Bottom-up processing utilizes an
interpretation based on the actual sensory stimuli,
but top-down processing involves background knowledge and
past experiences that allow us to percept
- Shelley Tormis
Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.).
Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.
Learning, L. (n.d.). Introduction to Psychology. Retrieved from
5/14/20, 9:48 PM
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8)Krista Tad-Y
" Reply &
Hi Shelley,
I just finished A&P 2 and just getting started with A&P 3. I like
how you explain the difference
between sensation and perception. I didnt quite understand at
first on how different from each other
but I do now because of A&P plus the way you explained it is
so well written. Thank you for that. The
topic you chose is a big deal on our human body and we need
those sensations and perceptions.
without those, we cannot express nor understand around us.
0)Oluwatoyin Olugbenle
" Reply &
Hello Shelley,
This is a beautiful piece, well written i totally agree with your
explanation on this topic
1)Nicolle Bray
" Reply &
You did a great job on your explanation of sensation and
perception. Unlike most of the students
here this is one of my very first college courses. I have yet to
take A&P. So for someone who doesn't
have that knowledge you did an awesome job of these topics.
What do you think are some stimulus's
that can cause us to misinterpret our senses through
1)Kristin DiPasquale
5/14/20, 9:48 PM
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" Reply &
Hello class,
I have chosen to report on the second option for this week’s
Sleep is an incredibly important aspect of a human’s life.
Without it, humans become incapable of many
things. As the textbook discusses, “sleep is a requirement for
normal human functioning” and additionally,
“sleep restores and replenishes our brains and bodies”(Feldman,
2018, p. 134). Sleep has always been
important from an evolutionary standpoint as well. It is a
requirement for the human body to properly
function and perform daily activities that help contribute to
society and yourself. Sleep is also not simply
the human body taking a break for a certain amount of time, but
also a mental psychosis where your
brain is still working. Sleep has always been a struggle for me,
and I have always had a difficult time
getting a full night’s rest. Even when I was younger, I was
always getting up in the middle of the night to
wake my parents up. This restlessness has continued into my
young adult years. After completing the
Sleep Debt Questionnaire, I scored a surprising result! My
results states that “You have a manageable
amount of sleep debt, but you could feel some improvement by
working it off”. I honestly thought I would
have had a more alarming result that stating I needed a lot of
work in gaining a healthy amount of sleep.
The survey concludes that I do need some improvements,
however. Harvard Medical School reported on
a list of things one can do to improve their sleep. The
suggestions include “help reset your internal clock
by establishing a regular bedtime schedule”, “cut back on drinks
with dinner to see if your sleep
improves”, “ avoid exercising within three hours of bedtime”,
“if you drink coffee, tea, or other caffeinated
beverages, try cutting back on them, or at least not having any
afternoon or midafternoon”, and “if the
need to urinate at night fractures your sleep, try drinking more
fluids in the morning and afternoon and
limiting your fluids from dinnertime onward”(Harvard Medical
School, 2004). These are all great
suggestions and things I could easily do to try and improve my
sleeping patterns and habits.
Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.).
Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.
Harvard Medical School. (2004). Wake-up call for better sleep.
Add a good night's sleep to the healthful
things you can do for your heart. Harvard Medical School
Health Publications Group Country of
Publication Vol. 14 (12), pp. 4-5.
2)Regina Ebanks
Hey everyone!
Option 2
5/14/20, 9:48 PM
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Sleep Debt Questionnaire
Rate each of the following situations using this scale:
1= Would never doze
2= Slight chance of dozing
3= Moderate chance of dozing
4= High chance of dozing
Sitting and reading __3__
Watching TV _2___
Sitting, inactive in a public place (e.g., a theater or a meeting)
As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break __2__
Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit
Sitting and talking to someone __1__
Sitting quietly after a lunch without alcohol __4__
In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic _1___
Sleep debt score __18__
After completing the questionnaire, add the scores to your
responses from each statement and interpret
your results.
0= You have little or no sleep debt or are taking the test at a
time of peak alerting.
8= You have a manageable amount of sleep debt, but you could
feel some improvement by working it off.
16= Definitely troublesome. You are likely to feel low energy
during dips in the circadian rhythm, or when
you are driving or at rest.
24= Severely sleep-deprived, quite possibly due to a sleep
disorder such as apnea or insomnia. People
with untreated narcolepsy score in this range.
I chose option two because I felt as though I would like this
chapter more. I believe I sleep more
5/14/20, 9:48 PM
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" Reply &
Feldman, R. S. (2019). Understanding psychology. New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
than I should hence my score on the sleep debt questionnaire. I
sleep when I’m sad or angry which
is more often than I would like. Sleeping is like an escape from
the real world to me. Based on my
readings, I found that the REM stage of sleeping does not
happen within 90 minutes of sleeping
(Feldman 2019), but that’s not the case for me. The REM stage
is when you're able to dream but I
dream even when I’m taking a quick nap. According to Feldman
(2019), the purpose of sleep is for
normal human functioning, it also assists physical growth and
brain development. Quite a few
people have issues sleeping but according to Feldman (2019),
you can improve your sleeping
pattern by not taking naps throughout the day, exercise and
avoid caffeine after lunch.
)Renee Owens (Instructor)
Hi Regina,
Thank you for sharing your sleep debt questionnaire results! I
have to avoid coffee in the late
afternoon, I can't drink it after 2-3pm or it has lasting effects
and will keep me up at night. Below is
a great video by Mathew Walker who explains exactly how
caffeine impacts our sleep (Penguin
Books UK, 2019).
5/14/20, 9:48 PM
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" Reply & (1 like)
Penguin Books UK. (2019, July 17). How does caffeine affect
sleep? Retrieved from
How Does Caffeine Affect Sleep? | Matthew Walker
0)Christyle Sinclair
Hello Regina,
I chose option one and I was interested in what an option two-
person would say. Sleep to me is one
those things where if you get too little of it, you are obviously a
bit sleep deprived; but also if you get
too much sleep you might feel sluggish afterward despite the 8+
hours of sleep you have gotten. I
am definitely a night owl, and partly because I find myself to
focus best at night. I can fall asleep
anywhere between 02:00 to 06:00 AM and sleep until 12:00 till
01:00 PM. Even the days I decide I
want to be a bit lazy and sleep excessively, I find myself much
more sluggish than I could ever be. I
get a decent amount of sleep and scored at an eleven. I
occasionally nap but not often because I
have two big dogs and by the time I get finished feeding them,
after letting them outside for the
morning, I am well awake.
5/14/20, 9:48 PM
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" Reply & (1 like)
8)Amanda Cafiero
" Reply &
Hello Everyone,
Option 2: What is the purpose of sleep and how is it important
to your overall functioning? Complete the
Sleep Debt Questionnaire
wrap=1) and discuss your results. What can you do to improve
your sleep behavior and ensure you get a
good night's rest?
“A good night’s sleep is incredibly important for your health”
(Leech,2020, p1). Sleep is extremely
important to not only your physical health but your mental
health as well.
After taking the sleep debt questionnaire my sleep debt score
was 15. After looking at the correlation to
the number the results stated I have a significant amount of low
energy throughout the day. I feel the
result is pretty accurate because I am in nursing school and do
suffer from anxiety, so I am constantly
tired. In order to change my sleeping habits, I feel it is
important to reduce my amount of caffeine
consumption at night, so I am able to sleep for the full
recommended hours. I feel it is necessary to
change my sleep habits to be able to be the best person and
student I could be.
Leech, J. (2020) Healthline: 10 Reasons Why Good Sleep Is
Important. Retrieved from:
Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.).
Retrieved from:!/
4/[email protected]:0
/4/[email protected]:0)
3)Ganna Shvets !
5/14/20, 9:48 PM
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" Reply &
Hello Amanda,
Thank you for posting! Sleep is an important part of our
physical health. For example, It is involved in
the healing and repair of heart and blood vessels. Sleep
deprivation studies confirm the relationship
between inadequate sleep and a wide arrange of disorders, such
as obesity, hypertension, type 2
diabetes, cardiovascular disease, impaired immune functioning,
and more. Sleep is critical for
waking cognition - the ability to think clearly, sustaining
attention, and being vigilant. It is much more
therapeutic for waking functions when it is consolidated and not
The degree of vulnerability to sleep loss can vary from person
to person. Such variability exists with
regard to both the effects of sleep loss and the ability to recover
from it. Differences have also shown
to be task-dependent, which means that some people are more
vulnerable to the effects of sleep
loss in one type of cognitive and behavioral domains may be
resistant to the impact of sleep loss in
another type. Younger adults are more vulnerable to the effects
of chronic sleep loss and recurring
circadian disruption than older adults. Therefore, we must have
a serious consideration for sleep -
planning when to sleep, making sure that we get adequate sleep,
and that our sleep is not disturbed
by disorders or diseases.
Worley, S. (2018). The Extraordinary Importance of Sleep: The
Detrimental Effects of Inadequate
Sleep on Health and Public Safety Drive and Explosion of Sleep
Research. P&T: A Peer-Reviewed
Journal for Managed Care & Formulary Management, 43(12),
8)Krista Tad-Y
" Reply &
Hi Amanda!
We chose the same topic and I couldn't agree more on how you
explain your thoughts about
sleeping. I am the same like you that I am addicted to caffeine
and I am constantly tired from my job,
little one, nursing school, and not getting enough sleep at all.
Good read, hang in there!
0)Oluwatoyin Olugbenle !
5/14/20, 9:48 PM
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" Reply &
hello Amanda,
caffeine kill sleep if possible don't have any cup after lunch so
by bed time it will not have so much
effect on your sleep.
0)Elise Stanton
Option 2:
The purpose of sleep is multifold although there is no one
definite reason according to research. There
are multiple theories though. One reason can be to give our
bodies rest and rejuvenation. Sleep helps us
relax, “muscle repair, tissue growth, protein synthesis, and
release of many of the important hormones for
growth occur primarily during sleep” (Brinkman and Sharma
2020). Another thought is energy
conservation. One more thought that sleep helps the brain
growth. When the body and brain are at rest,
the brain can create new synapses and repair itself (Feldman
My sleep score was 15. I am on the edge of manageable and
troublesome. These results are actually an
improvement for me. I had a sleep study a few years ago and it
was bad. No narcolepsy, but let’s just say
I was tired. I thought that my results would be better now
because when I am sleeping, I am oblivious to
any other outside force and fall asleep easily. Perhaps I am not
getting enough Stage 3 sleep and am
tired throughout the day?
One way to improve my behavior to ensure I get a better night’s
rest is to go to bed at a consistent time.
My time can vary from 11p to 2a. In the past 6 months I have
changed jobs and went from working 6a-6p
to working 7p-7a. The change from working days to working
nights had affected my sleep tremendously.
Now due to corona virus, I am on medical leave and getting
back into sleeping at "normal times" is taking
getting used to. A consistent time of going to sleep …

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! This is a graded discussion 25 points possible due May .docx

  • 1. ! This is a graded discussion: 25 points possible due May 18 at 1:59am Week 2 Discussion: Sensation and Perception & Sleep 55 55 Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2: Be sure to make connections between your ideas and conclusions and the research, concepts, terms, and theory we are discussing this week. Follow-Up Post Instructions Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. If possible, respond to one peer who chose an option different than the one you chose. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Writing Requirements Grading This activity will be graded using the Discussion Grading Rubric. Please review the following link:
  • 2. Course Outcomes (CO): 2 Due Date for Initial Post: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday Textbook: Chapters 4, 5 Lesson Option 1: Sensation and perception are two different processes. Does sensory stimulus shape our perceptions? Do our perceptions misinterpret our sensations? How does that happen? Option 2: What is the purpose of sleep and how is it important to your overall functioning? Complete the Sleep Debt Questionnaire and discuss your results. What can you do to improve your sleep behavior and ensure you get a good night's rest? Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up) Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source) APA format for in-text citations and list of references Link (webpage): Discussion Guidelines ! 5/14/20, 9:48 PM Page 1 of 50 Search entries or author " Reply
  • 3. Due Date for Follow-Up Posts: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday Unread # $ % Subscribe ( )Renee Owens (Instructor) Apr 19, 2020 ! You may begin posting in this discussion forum on Monday, May 11th. This week, you have the option of choosing which topic to focus on for your initial response. You have the option of answering questions about Sensation and Perception OR Sleep for your initial response. For your follow up response, please respond to at least ONE classmate who chose a different initial response topic than you. For example, if you chose to discuss sensation and perception for your initial response, make sure you respond to one person who chose sleep as their initial response. You must still respond to at least two classmates or one classmate and the instructor to meet your discussion requirements for the week. *Please be sure to review the discussion guidelines via the link provided above as to make sure you understand how discussions will be graded. Remember to cite all of your sources in APA format (in- text citations and list of references)* *Initial response should be submitted by Wednesday, May 13th, 11:59 pm MT and discussion
  • 4. requirements need to be met by Sunday, May 17th, 11:59 pm MT.* Option 1: Sensation and Perception Sensation & Perception - LessWrong 2.0 While intertwined, sensation and perception are viewed as two different process. Sensation refers to the process of the activation of neural signals in the brain by receptors in our sensory organs (Feldman, 2018). Perception is the process in which we interpret the sensations (sensory stimuli) we experience in a meaningful way to make sense of the world around us (Feldman, 2018). Without any sensations, it would be very difficult to find basic needs to sustain our lives and without perception we wouldn't be able to understand and interpret what our sensations mean. Does sensory stimulus shape our perceptions? 5/14/20, 9:48 PM Page 2 of 50 " Reply & Option 2: Sleep Sometimes our busy lives can have a negative impact on the amount of sleep we get each night. Sleep plays a vital role in our not just our physical health, but
  • 5. our emotional well-being as well. Studies have shown that getting a good night's sleep can improve learning, problem solving skills, attention spans and promote creativity (National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, n.d.). Sleep deficiency can alter activity in some parts of the brain and result in trouble making decisions, may cause trouble with controlling your emotions and behavior and is linked to depression and risk-taking behaviors (NHLBI, n.d.). References Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.). Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (n.d.). Sleep deprivation and deficiency. Do our perceptions misinterpret our sensations? How does that happen? What is the purpose of sleep and how is it important to your overall functioning? Complete the Sleep Debt Questionnaire and discuss your results. What can you do to improve your sleep behavior and ensure you get a good night's rest? ( 4)Alyssa Tidy ( 4)
  • 6. Monday ! 5/14/20, 9:48 PM Page 3 of 50 " Reply & Hello Professor and Class, I chose option 2 for my discussion this week. I have always felt I do not get enough rest. So I feel this is an appropriate one to do. According to the questionnaire I have a sleep debt of 16. Which according to the chart means: 16= Definitely troublesome. You are likely to feel low energy during dips in the circadian rhythm, or when you are driving or at rest. Sleep serves multiple functions and without it we will eventually die (Feldman. 2018). My results are not entirely surprising for me. I do work late due to being a 2nd shifter. So some evenings I do not get out of work until close to midnight. I come home, eat and sometimes workout and do homework. The best thing I think I can do to get more rest is to have a bedtime routine and limit screen time. There are many studies that link screen time with TV, computers and phones to lower sleep. Using electronic devices before sleep can affect you physiologically and psychologically and adversely affect sleep (Sleep
  • 7. Foundation. 2020). Another way to help me sleep better would be to try to limit my evening activities. The less stimuli the better. Maybe add some relaxing sleep sounds at bedtime to help me wind down. I have heard lavender aides people to fall asleep. There are many options and studies out there to help people get better sleep they need to function better. It is just a matter of finding the ones that will work best for me. References Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.). Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education. retrieved on May 11, 2020 from stimulate-you-bed ( stimulate-you-bed) ( 3)Ganna Shvets ( 3) Tuesday ! Hello Alyssa, Thank you for your input in this week's discussion. I am sure we, as students, can all chime in on the
  • 8. importance of sleep and us experiencing lack of it a lot of times. A lot of times, I feel like there are simply not enough hours in the day. However, sleep is essential in the field of nursing. The components of sleep quality are negatively related to stress management and mood. Nurses who have short sleep patterns also have low moods and high stress levels. Sleep quality is a necessary 5/14/20, 9:48 PM Page 4 of 50 " Reply & resource for nurses when managing stressful situations and mood, as well as improving relations with patients (Perez-Fuentes et al., 2019). Cognitive-behavioral therapy can improve sleep by changing behavior before bedtime, as well as the mindset or ways of thinking that prevent us from falling asleep. It focuses on teaching relaxation techniques as well as modifying the habits impacting our sleeping habits. One may benefit from therapy sessions with a sleep specialist, especially someone experiencing sleep disorders like insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome, and periodic limb movements. Mindfulness meditation we learned about in our first NR course is one of the relaxation techniques for insomnia. References
  • 9. Perez-Fuentes, M.D.C., Molero Jurado, M.D.M., Simon Marquez, M.D.M., Barragan Martin, A.B., Gasquez Linares, J.J. (2019). Emotional Effects of the Duration, Efficiency, and Subjective Quality of Sleep in Healthcare Personnel. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(19). doi: 10.3390/ijerph16193512 ( )Renee Owens (Instructor) Yesterday " Reply & ! Hello Alyssa, Thank you for discussing sleep! I use the feature where my apps automatically lock after a certain hour and my phone goes to "Do Not Disturb" after a certain hour as well. I've found this to be helpful to a certain extent because when I really can't sleep I can just unluck the app and play a game if I really wanted to, ha! I don't personally sleep with the TV on because I need complete silence, but a research study has found that the light emitted from our phones and TV's can impact our circadian rhythm and our health, including an increased risk for depression ("Lights out for a good night's sleep", n.d.). Regulating our exposure to unnatural light cycles can be an effective way to regulate our circadian rhythm ("Lights out for a good night's sleep", n.d.).
  • 10. References Lights out for a good night's sleep. (n.d.). Retrieved from nights-sleep ( nights-sleep) 5/14/20, 9:48 PM Page 5 of 50 ( 3)Ganna Shvets ( 3) Monday " Reply & ! Happy Monday, professor and classmates, I chose Option 1 for this week's discussion: Does sensory stimulus shape our perceptions? Do our perceptions misinterpret our sensations? How does that happen? Sensation and perception allow our bodies to take the information in through our senses and interpret it. The sensation is comprised of the processes by which our sense organs receive information from our environment. In contrast, perception is our organ's and brain's ability to interpret such information or stimuli (Feldman, 2018). At times, it is difficult to find the
  • 11. precise boundary between the two. However, the primary difference between the two is that sensation is an organism's first encounter with a stimulus. At the same time, perception is the process by which it interprets that stimulus with other sensory information. The sensation is not a sufficient condition for perception, yet it is a necessary condition. Perception relates to the world that is external to the subject (intentional state), whereas sensation is not about anything objective (and thus is non-intentional) (McDermid, 2018). Sensation leads to perception. Therefore, sensation largely influences perception. A stimulus must be strong enough (of an absolute threshold) to be detected. Our perception of a sensory stimulus is shaped via adaptation, which is an adjustment of a sensory capacity after prolonged exposure to unchanging stimuli. It is a decrease in the level of sensitivity that occurs after continuous exposure to a strong stimulus, due to the inability of the sensory nerve receptors send messages to the brain indefinitely (Feldman, 2018, p. 92). The Gestalt laws of organization are used to describe ways in which we organize pieces of information into meaningful wholes (Gestalts). Our perceptions can misinterpret our sensations because our perceptions heavily rely on our past experiences. We perceive current situations in terms of our past experiences, and lack of such experiences may cause a person to misinterpret that situation or sensation. Changes in our body may cause external objects to feel different, which would cause us to perceive them differently, assuming that the changes appeared in objects rather than ourselves. References
  • 12. Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.). Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education. McDermid, D. (2018). The Sensation/Perception Distinction in Reid and Schopenhauer. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 16(2), 147-161. doi: 10.3366/jsp.2018.0194 ( 2)Regina Ebanks ( 2) Yesterday ! 5/14/20, 9:48 PM Page 6 of 50 " Reply & Hey Ganna! I agree with your findings for the discussion. I also learned about stimulus and perception in anatomy and physiology II. I would also like to add that sometimes we get used to some stimulus/sensation that we do not even interpret it the way it used to. ( 3)Mariechelle Tormis (
  • 13. 3) Monday " Reply & ! Professor Owens and Class, I'm sure most of us have taken A&P where we have mildly learned the concepts of sensation and perception. We were taught that with sensation there are general and special senses. Whether that be through smell, taste, vision, hearing, or touch. Sensations are the conscious or subconscious awareness of the internal or external environment. However, perception deals with the conscious interpretation of senses by the cerebral cortex. These different activities assist one another in allowing our brain to process information. In regards to if the sensory stimulus shapes our perceptions, while this is somewhat true, the sensation is the first response of the brain. Perception will be the analysis of the sense and second response that takes place. Our perceptions may misinterpret our sensations in various ways. It was stated by Lumen (2013), "although our perceptions are built from sensations, not all sensations result in perception. In fact, we often don’t perceive stimuli that remain relatively constant over prolonged periods of time" (para. 13). This is known as sensory adaption, which can affect how we interpret such senses. Not only that but what's called bottom-up processing and top-down processing can influence our perception as well. Bottom-up processing utilizes an interpretation based on the actual sensory stimuli, but top-down processing involves background knowledge and
  • 14. past experiences that allow us to percept differently. - Shelley Tormis References: Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.). Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education. Learning, L. (n.d.). Introduction to Psychology. Retrieved from psychology/chapter/outcome-sensation-and-perception/ 5/14/20, 9:48 PM Page 7 of 50 ( 8)Krista Tad-Y ( 8) Tuesday " Reply & ! Hi Shelley, I just finished A&P 2 and just getting started with A&P 3. I like how you explain the difference between sensation and perception. I didnt quite understand at first on how different from each other but I do now because of A&P plus the way you explained it is
  • 15. so well written. Thank you for that. The topic you chose is a big deal on our human body and we need those sensations and perceptions. without those, we cannot express nor understand around us. ( 0)Oluwatoyin Olugbenle ( 0) 12:12am " Reply & ! Hello Shelley, This is a beautiful piece, well written i totally agree with your explanation on this topic ( 1)Nicolle Bray ( 1) 12:21pm " Reply & ! Shelley, You did a great job on your explanation of sensation and perception. Unlike most of the students here this is one of my very first college courses. I have yet to
  • 16. take A&P. So for someone who doesn't have that knowledge you did an awesome job of these topics. What do you think are some stimulus's that can cause us to misinterpret our senses through perceptions? ( 1)Kristin DiPasquale ( 1) ! 5/14/20, 9:48 PM Page 8 of 50 Monday " Reply & Hello class, I have chosen to report on the second option for this week’s discussion. Sleep is an incredibly important aspect of a human’s life. Without it, humans become incapable of many things. As the textbook discusses, “sleep is a requirement for normal human functioning” and additionally, “sleep restores and replenishes our brains and bodies”(Feldman, 2018, p. 134). Sleep has always been important from an evolutionary standpoint as well. It is a requirement for the human body to properly function and perform daily activities that help contribute to
  • 17. society and yourself. Sleep is also not simply the human body taking a break for a certain amount of time, but also a mental psychosis where your brain is still working. Sleep has always been a struggle for me, and I have always had a difficult time getting a full night’s rest. Even when I was younger, I was always getting up in the middle of the night to wake my parents up. This restlessness has continued into my young adult years. After completing the Sleep Debt Questionnaire, I scored a surprising result! My results states that “You have a manageable amount of sleep debt, but you could feel some improvement by working it off”. I honestly thought I would have had a more alarming result that stating I needed a lot of work in gaining a healthy amount of sleep. The survey concludes that I do need some improvements, however. Harvard Medical School reported on a list of things one can do to improve their sleep. The suggestions include “help reset your internal clock by establishing a regular bedtime schedule”, “cut back on drinks with dinner to see if your sleep improves”, “ avoid exercising within three hours of bedtime”, “if you drink coffee, tea, or other caffeinated beverages, try cutting back on them, or at least not having any afternoon or midafternoon”, and “if the need to urinate at night fractures your sleep, try drinking more fluids in the morning and afternoon and limiting your fluids from dinnertime onward”(Harvard Medical School, 2004). These are all great suggestions and things I could easily do to try and improve my sleeping patterns and habits. References Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.). Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.
  • 18. Harvard Medical School. (2004). Wake-up call for better sleep. Add a good night's sleep to the healthful things you can do for your heart. Harvard Medical School Health Publications Group Country of Publication Vol. 14 (12), pp. 4-5. ( 2)Regina Ebanks ( 2) Monday ! Hey everyone! Option 2 5/14/20, 9:48 PM Page 9 of 50 Sleep Debt Questionnaire Rate each of the following situations using this scale: 1= Would never doze 2= Slight chance of dozing 3= Moderate chance of dozing 4= High chance of dozing
  • 19. Sitting and reading __3__ Watching TV _2___ Sitting, inactive in a public place (e.g., a theater or a meeting) __1_ As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break __2__ Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit _4___ Sitting and talking to someone __1__ Sitting quietly after a lunch without alcohol __4__ In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic _1___ Sleep debt score __18__ Interpretation: After completing the questionnaire, add the scores to your responses from each statement and interpret your results. 0= You have little or no sleep debt or are taking the test at a time of peak alerting. 8= You have a manageable amount of sleep debt, but you could feel some improvement by working it off. 16= Definitely troublesome. You are likely to feel low energy
  • 20. during dips in the circadian rhythm, or when you are driving or at rest. 24= Severely sleep-deprived, quite possibly due to a sleep disorder such as apnea or insomnia. People with untreated narcolepsy score in this range. I chose option two because I felt as though I would like this chapter more. I believe I sleep more 5/14/20, 9:48 PM Page 10 of 50 " Reply & Reference: Feldman, R. S. (2019). Understanding psychology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. than I should hence my score on the sleep debt questionnaire. I sleep when I’m sad or angry which is more often than I would like. Sleeping is like an escape from the real world to me. Based on my readings, I found that the REM stage of sleeping does not happen within 90 minutes of sleeping (Feldman 2019), but that’s not the case for me. The REM stage is when you're able to dream but I dream even when I’m taking a quick nap. According to Feldman (2019), the purpose of sleep is for
  • 21. normal human functioning, it also assists physical growth and brain development. Quite a few people have issues sleeping but according to Feldman (2019), you can improve your sleeping pattern by not taking naps throughout the day, exercise and avoid caffeine after lunch. ( )Renee Owens (Instructor) Yesterday ! Hi Regina, Thank you for sharing your sleep debt questionnaire results! I have to avoid coffee in the late afternoon, I can't drink it after 2-3pm or it has lasting effects and will keep me up at night. Below is a great video by Mathew Walker who explains exactly how caffeine impacts our sleep (Penguin Books UK, 2019). 5/14/20, 9:48 PM Page 11 of 50 " Reply & (1 like) References Penguin Books UK. (2019, July 17). How does caffeine affect sleep? Retrieved from
  • 22. How Does Caffeine Affect Sleep? | Matthew Walker ( 0)Christyle Sinclair ( 0) Yesterday ! Hello Regina, I chose option one and I was interested in what an option two- person would say. Sleep to me is one those things where if you get too little of it, you are obviously a bit sleep deprived; but also if you get too much sleep you might feel sluggish afterward despite the 8+ hours of sleep you have gotten. I am definitely a night owl, and partly because I find myself to focus best at night. I can fall asleep anywhere between 02:00 to 06:00 AM and sleep until 12:00 till 01:00 PM. Even the days I decide I want to be a bit lazy and sleep excessively, I find myself much more sluggish than I could ever be. I get a decent amount of sleep and scored at an eleven. I occasionally nap but not often because I have two big dogs and by the time I get finished feeding them, after letting them outside for the morning, I am well awake. 5/14/20, 9:48 PM Page 12 of 50
  • 23. " Reply & (1 like) ( 8)Amanda Cafiero ( 8) Tuesday " Reply & ! Hello Everyone, Option 2: What is the purpose of sleep and how is it important to your overall functioning? Complete the Sleep Debt Questionnaire ( 9/download? wrap=1) and discuss your results. What can you do to improve your sleep behavior and ensure you get a good night's rest? “A good night’s sleep is incredibly important for your health” (Leech,2020, p1). Sleep is extremely important to not only your physical health but your mental health as well. After taking the sleep debt questionnaire my sleep debt score was 15. After looking at the correlation to the number the results stated I have a significant amount of low energy throughout the day. I feel the result is pretty accurate because I am in nursing school and do
  • 24. suffer from anxiety, so I am constantly tired. In order to change my sleeping habits, I feel it is important to reduce my amount of caffeine consumption at night, so I am able to sleep for the full recommended hours. I feel it is necessary to change my sleep habits to be able to be the best person and student I could be. Reference: Leech, J. (2020) Healthline: 10 Reasons Why Good Sleep Is Important. Retrieved from: sleep-is-important ( sleep-is-important) Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.). Retrieved from:!/ 4/[email protected]:0 (! /4/[email protected]:0) ( 3)Ganna Shvets ! 5/14/20, 9:48 PM Page 13 of 50 (
  • 25. 3) Tuesday " Reply & Hello Amanda, Thank you for posting! Sleep is an important part of our physical health. For example, It is involved in the healing and repair of heart and blood vessels. Sleep deprivation studies confirm the relationship between inadequate sleep and a wide arrange of disorders, such as obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, impaired immune functioning, and more. Sleep is critical for waking cognition - the ability to think clearly, sustaining attention, and being vigilant. It is much more therapeutic for waking functions when it is consolidated and not fragmented. The degree of vulnerability to sleep loss can vary from person to person. Such variability exists with regard to both the effects of sleep loss and the ability to recover from it. Differences have also shown to be task-dependent, which means that some people are more vulnerable to the effects of sleep loss in one type of cognitive and behavioral domains may be resistant to the impact of sleep loss in another type. Younger adults are more vulnerable to the effects of chronic sleep loss and recurring circadian disruption than older adults. Therefore, we must have a serious consideration for sleep - planning when to sleep, making sure that we get adequate sleep, and that our sleep is not disturbed by disorders or diseases.
  • 26. References Worley, S. (2018). The Extraordinary Importance of Sleep: The Detrimental Effects of Inadequate Sleep on Health and Public Safety Drive and Explosion of Sleep Research. P&T: A Peer-Reviewed Journal for Managed Care & Formulary Management, 43(12), 758-763. ( 8)Krista Tad-Y ( 8) Tuesday " Reply & ! Hi Amanda! We chose the same topic and I couldn't agree more on how you explain your thoughts about sleeping. I am the same like you that I am addicted to caffeine and I am constantly tired from my job, little one, nursing school, and not getting enough sleep at all. Good read, hang in there! ( 0)Oluwatoyin Olugbenle ! 5/14/20, 9:48 PM Page 14 of 50
  • 27. ( 0) 12:17am " Reply & hello Amanda, caffeine kill sleep if possible don't have any cup after lunch so by bed time it will not have so much effect on your sleep. ( 0)Elise Stanton ( 0) Tuesday ! Option 2: The purpose of sleep is multifold although there is no one definite reason according to research. There are multiple theories though. One reason can be to give our bodies rest and rejuvenation. Sleep helps us relax, “muscle repair, tissue growth, protein synthesis, and release of many of the important hormones for growth occur primarily during sleep” (Brinkman and Sharma 2020). Another thought is energy conservation. One more thought that sleep helps the brain growth. When the body and brain are at rest, the brain can create new synapses and repair itself (Feldman 2018).
  • 28. My sleep score was 15. I am on the edge of manageable and troublesome. These results are actually an improvement for me. I had a sleep study a few years ago and it was bad. No narcolepsy, but let’s just say I was tired. I thought that my results would be better now because when I am sleeping, I am oblivious to any other outside force and fall asleep easily. Perhaps I am not getting enough Stage 3 sleep and am tired throughout the day? One way to improve my behavior to ensure I get a better night’s rest is to go to bed at a consistent time. My time can vary from 11p to 2a. In the past 6 months I have changed jobs and went from working 6a-6p to working 7p-7a. The change from working days to working nights had affected my sleep tremendously. Now due to corona virus, I am on medical leave and getting back into sleeping at "normal times" is taking getting used to. A consistent time of going to sleep …