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Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................i
CERTIFICATE ........................................................................................................ iv
Acknowledgement..................................................................................................... v
Dedication................................................................................................................ vi
Chapter One .............................................................................................................. 1
Introduction............................................................................................................... 1
1.1Overview of the chapter.................................................................................... 1
1.2 Introduction: -.................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Background of the study: -............................................................................... 4
1.4 Statement of the problem: -.............................................................................. 5
1.5 Objective of the study: -................................................................................... 5
1.6 Research Questions: -....................................................................................... 5
1.7 Scope of the study: - ........................................................................................ 6
1.8 Significance of The Study: -............................................................................. 6
1.9 Purpose of the study: - ..................................................................................... 7
1.10 The limitation of the study: -.......................................................................... 7
1.11 Ethical consideration: - .................................................................................. 7
1.12 Definition of key terms: -............................................................................... 8
1.12.1: - Grammar Translation Method: -........................................................... 8
1.12.2: - Assessment: -....................................................................................... 8
1.12.3: - Teaching: -........................................................................................... 8
1.12.4: - School: - .............................................................................................. 8
1.13 Conclusion: -.............................................................................................. 9
Chapter Two............................................................................................................ 10
Review Of Literature............................................................................................... 10
2.1 Overview of the chapter................................................................................. 10
2.1 Theoretical framework of Research: - ............................................................ 10
2.3 History of GTM: -.......................................................................................... 10
2.4 Techniques of GTM: -.................................................................................... 13
2.5 Rules of memorization: -................................................................................ 14
2.6 Principles of GTM: -..................................................................................... 14
2.7 Merits of GTM: - ........................................................................................... 15
2.7.1: -The target language is quickly explained in GTM. ................................ 15
2.7.2: -Teacher and students are easy to communicate/It does not need native
language: -....................................................................................................... 15
2.7.3: - The students easy to understand because of grammatical lessons.......... 16
2.8 Demerits of GTM: - ....................................................................................... 16
2.8.1: -No Scope for Effective Communication and Very Tedious for Learners 16
2.8.2: - Ineffective Method: - ........................................................................... 17
2.8.3: - More Importance on Grammar Rules than on Meaning: -..................... 17
2.8.4: - Slow Learning Rate and Making Learners Think in L1: -..................... 17
2.9 Conclusion: - ................................................................................................. 18
Chapter Three.......................................................................................................... 19
Research Methodology ............................................................................................ 19
3.1 Overview of the chapter: -............................................................................. 19
3.2 Research Design: -......................................................................................... 19
3.3.1 Research Approach: -.............................................................................. 21
Qualitative Research: -..................................................................................... 21
Deductive approach: -...................................................................................... 21
. 3.3.2 Research Framework in an Action Research: -....................................... 22
3.3.3: - Tool/Instruments used for Data Analysis: - .......................................... 22
3.4 Sampling Design: - ........................................................................................ 23
3.4.1: - Population: - ........................................................................................ 23
3.4.2: - Sampling Size: -................................................................................... 23
3.4.3: - Sampling Techniques / Methods`: -...................................................... 23
3.4.4: - Data Collection procedure: - ................................................................ 23
3.4.5: - Data Analysis/ interpretation: -............................................................. 24
3.5 Conclusion: - ................................................................................................. 24
Chapter Four ........................................................................................................... 25
Data Analysis and Result......................................................................................... 25
4.1 Overview of the chapter: -.............................................................................. 25
4.2 Data Analysis: - ............................................................................................. 25
4.3 Analysis of Action Research Cycles: - ........................................................... 25
4.3.1 Report of Reconnaissance ....................................................................... 25
4.3.2: - Analysis of cycle One: -....................................................................... 26
4.3.3: - Analysis of cycle Two: - ...................................................................... 28
Thematic Interpretation on Interview (Initial coding) ....................................... 30
Interpretation of Interview on Themes and Focused coding.............................. 31
Thematic Analysis on Interview Coding .......................................................... 32
Result on themes: - .......................................................................................... 32
Result/Analysis on themes: -............................................................................ 33
4.3.4: Analysis of cycle three: -........................................................................ 33
4.3.5: -Action Research Cycle Four: Report on the workshop: -....................... 34
4.4 Conclusion: - ................................................................................................ 35
Chapter Five............................................................................................................ 36
Summary, Discussion, Conclusion, and Suggestion ................................................. 36
5.1Overview of the Chapter: -.............................................................................. 36
5.2 Summary: -.................................................................................................... 36
5.3 Discussion: -.................................................................................................. 37
5.4 Conclusion: - ................................................................................................. 37
5.5 Recommendation : -....................................................................................... 39
REFRENCES: -....................................................................................................... 40
Appendices: - .......................................................................................................... 42
Appendix A: Consent Letter ................................................................................ 42
Appendix B: Abbreviations: - .............................................................................. 43
Appendix C: Checklist......................................................................................... 44
Appendix D: Interview ........................................................................................ 45
Appendix E.......................................................................................................... 48
Agenda of conduct workshop: - ........................................................................... 48
Attendance sheet of Workshop............................................................................. 49
Pictures sheet of Workshop.................................................................................. 50
This Is To Certify That Ms. SABA RAFIQUE AHMED has conducted this action
research project entitled “The Use Of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) In The
subject of English at the primary level” in the academic year 2019, under the
supervision of “Miss Farzana Memon” in partial fulfillment for the Degree Of B.Ed.
Research Supervisor
Ms. Farzana Memon
GECE (W) Hyderabad
Ms. Nayyar Rafique
GECE (W) Hyderabad
First, I Am Grateful To Allah Almighty And His
Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Who Provided Me Strength And Health
To Complete My Action Research. I Also Must Acknowledge Those People Who
Encouraged And Supported Me During My Research Study
For The Ancestors Who Paved The Path Before Me Upon Whose Shoulder I Stand.
This Is Also Dedicated To My Family And The Many Friends Who
Supported Me On This Journey
Thank You
I Would Like To Express My Deepest Gratitude To My Co-Coordinator Ms. Nadia
Thalho, My Supervisor Miss Farzana Memon For Their Unwavering Support,
Collegiality, And Mentorship
Assistance And Supervision Show Me The Way Which Is Highly Appreciated.
Finally, I Wish To Thanks To My Family For Their Patience And Support.
I Would Like To Dedicate This
To The Almighty God And To
My Beloved Parents Without
Blessings I Would Not Have
Come So Far.
And To My Respected Teachers Who Guided
Me Throughout
Academic Life
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the
primary level, this method of teaching used to learn foreign languages. In Pakistan
‘English’ used as the second language of people, In Educational institutes, English
taught a compulsory subject. It was being taught through different methods and the
main objectives of this study to develop the usage of GTM in educational institutions,
to examine the effectiveness of GTM in learning the English language and to evaluate
the learning concept by students through a GTM. The area of this study in primary PC
Urdu section school attached to the GECE(W) Hyd. The population of this research
study had consisted only of the grade 3rd of PC primary (Urdu) section school
attached with the Govt: Elementary College of Education (women) Hyderabad in
which 5/10 students & 1 teacher. This research focused on the qualitative method and
purposive sampling used in this study and the grammar-translation method was
research-based, which was helpful for both teachers and students. The main findings
of this study those students and teachers who do not aware of the uses of grammar and
its rules and theirs its implication in the educational institutions. This study focused
on GTM method, to be taught through the prospective manner to be the usage of this
method by the Integration of students within the teachers the recommendation. The
GTM method Teacher should develop the grammar-based collection of ideas,
Teachers should get extraverts to help, to involve all students during activities and
give the positive aspects of GTM.
Key words: Grammar, level, Method, Primary, Translation
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Chapter One
1.1Overview of the chapter
Chapter one is introducing the construct of the study including the background of the
study, objectives of the study, problem of the statements, Research questions, and the
significance of the study, definition of key terms, etc. it also defined out the limitation
and how these were overcome. This chapter aims to describe the patterns of the
Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and to know the reasons why the teachers used
the method.
1.2 Introduction: -
This look is completely linked with the subject of the make use of the GTM
(Grammar interpretation approach) inside the problem of English at the vital level.
Second dialect procurement could be a global phenomenon. Its concern is to discover
becoming strategies to inspire mastering prepare. it could be an educational method
that encourages getting to know of 4 dialect aptitudes and make a remote language
greater comprehended to English dialect inexperienced persons, particularly in their
first stages of studying, mainly folks who struggle to precise themselves through
using a completely contemporary framework of verbal or composed communication
Language is significant in human life where without its individuals cannot
communicate with others, express their feeling and investigate their intellect, hence,
learn dialect is exceptionally vital for humans, particularly a dialect that can interface
numerous individuals in a few nations that have a diverse mother tongue. The
foremost capable dialect is English since it can interface numerous individuals to
communicate with each other indeed English is called The World Dialect. So, the
foremost critical dialect to be learned is English. In conducting a dialect course, there
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
are a few things to be arranged, such as the decision of the course and the way to
realize the decision, like (Richards J. C., (2006)) contended that: In arranging a dialect
course, choices ought to be made approximately the substance of the course, counting
choices around what lexicon and language structure to instruct at the starting,
halfway, and progressed levels, and which aptitudes and small scale abilities to
educate and in what arrangement. Choices almost these issues have a place for field
communication. Schaffer, 2002, has listed the following benefits of translation:
“improve verbal agility, expand the students’ vocabulary in L2, develop their style,
improve their understanding of how languages work, consolidate L2 structures for
active use, and monitor and improve the comprehension of L2”. Hedge, 2000 stated
that teaching English grammar provides explicit framework to guarantee producing
correct structures and expedite the learning process. So, teaching grammar should
have a tremendous concern about any second language teaching process. EFL
researchers and teachers should investigate the most appropriate method to enable
students to understand the rules easily and to present accurate forms. In Jordan,
English language curricula are taught in schools containing a reasonable material that
focuses on teaching grammar. Unfortunately, due to the considerable lack of adequate
teaching methodology, student’s achievement in grammar always indicates a low
level despite the great efforts provided by the teachers but the progress is still not
satisfying. This situation requires any good contribution to solve this obvious
problem. A grammar-translation is one of the most effective methods that focus on
reading and translating the sentences which demonstrates grammatical rules to acquire
English as a second language. This method was used a long time ago to teach Latin
and Greek as a second language, then it was not recommended for a while until it has
been revived in the 19th century by German to be preferable method again.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
According to Richards J. C., 2001, its aim was to know everything about anything
more than the thing itself. The goal of using the grammar-translation method was that
students could study a foreign language by translation. It is claimed in GTM that by
memorizing the rules and grammatical structures of the target language, learners can
understand the target language easily. In the grammar-translation method, grammar is
taught deductively with a focus on rote memorization of grammatical structures and
vocabulary. Larsen-Freeman 2011, suggested in his study in Techniques, and
principles in language teaching that Grammatical rules are taught, and students learn
language by practicing rules in an authentic way. The learner learns the language to
be familiar with target language literature. The text from the second language is
translated into local language; vocabulary and grammatical rules are memorized
(Thanasoulas, 2002). Cunningham, 2002 considered the Grammar translation method
a useful method for students’ learning a second language at all levels. Similarly,
Damiani, (2003), stated in his study on grammar-translation method affirms that it is
the best method to teach grammar and vocabulary and teacher believes that his/her
students are learning while in any other method the teacher is not sure that students
learn the language. Larsen-Freeman, (2011) stated illustrates the pitfalls of grammar-
translation method that it focuses on cramming grammatical rules, students are only
taught lexical meanings and it does not focus on listening and speaking skills. In the
Grammar translation method, the focus of the individual is only limited to learning
grammatical structures; in a real sense, grammar is not language but is an aspect of
language that adds to language learning.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
1.3 Background of the study: -
Translation, reading and grammatical exercises__ “are in fact perceived by learners to
be conducive to learning”. (Donoghue, (2002) and Ellis, (2006)) Grammar Teaching
involves any instructional techniques that draw learner’s attention to some specific
grammatical form in such a way that it helps them either to understand it meta-
linguistically and/or process it in comprehension and/ or production so that they can
internalize it.” In Grammar Translation method was firstly used in the middle of the
nineteenth century in Germany, it is like Detzner (2004) stated that the grammar-
translation method (GTM) to teach foreign language dominated from the mid-
nineteenth century to the beginning of World War Two and it is still used in some
countries today. In the late eighteenth century, the first place which began to establish
GTM as the main method to teach a second language at national high schools, known
as Gymnasiums was Prussia in Germany. In this century GTM was the only widely
used teaching method in the schools, not only in Germany also in other European
countries. Originally it was used to teach Greek and Latin. Due to this historical
background, GTM is also known as the traditional or classical method, as the
grammar school method or in America as the Prussian method. Along with within
more opportunities for communication had been arising especially in Europe and
consequently, new methods for language teaching were developed in order to meet
the needs of the new class of language learners (Howatt, 1997 in Tetzner, 2004).
According to Richards & Rodgers (2001), its aim was to know everything about
anything more than the thing itself. The goal of using the grammar-translation method
was that students could study a foreign language by translation. It is claimed in GTM
that by memorizing the rules and grammatical structures of the target language,
learners can understand the target language easily.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
1.4 Statement of the problem: -
I have identified the problem during my practicum in Govt. PC (Urdu) section school
attached to Government Elementary College of Education (women), Hyderabad. Have
faced a multi concerted problem at the primary level owing to lacking few drawbacks.
Since they were beginner level of students, they just started learning English. And,
they had a set of syllabuses and two exams in a year, class test, oral test and much
more. And they had literature with work and a grammar book. When started speaking
in English, noticed some of them did not understand anything, as a result, they were
not being interested to communicate but some of them responded a lot. So, translated
all my sentences in L1 for the ~students to understand better like, so by observing
their situations and level decided to teach them by grammar-translation method
(GTM) method. I think that in the Pakistani concept GTM is applicable and whatever
students learn from school is by Grammar translation Method, also observed the other
classes of that school like classes five, seven, and eight and found that teachers were
typical they were only focused on completing the syllabus and then gave exercises
comprehensions, question answers, etc. So, decided to work on GTM.
1.5 Objective of the study: -
The following are the objectives of my research study which I have tried to address: -
• To develop the effectiveness of GTM in learning the English language.
• To examine the learning concept by students through a GTM.
• To evaluate the usage of GTM in an educational institution.
1.6 Research Questions: -
Q1: - What is the effectiveness of GTM in learning the English language?
Q2: - How to assess the learning concept by students through a GTM?
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Q3: - Why the usage of GTM is so important in educational institutions?
1.7 Scope of the study: -
The scope of this research is that students will be able to realize how much
communication is important. They will be able to know why ‘English for Today’ is
important for learning English, also be able to know how to use English for Today
properly and be able to know how to develop four skills reading, writing, listening
and speaking. And from this research study, another researcher to be able to gain the
knowledge of the grammar-translation method and learned about the usage (where
and when) is approximately for the communication and to be aware of the session of
globalization in the criteria of language skill-based. it will also helpful for teachers
that improve the GTM strategies in students learning. The scope is so vast under the
title of GTM.
1.8 Significance of The Study: -
The main significance of this study is to gain and the insight of GTM learning is that
to be aware from the rule of grammatical session and student can easily understand
well the meaning the abstract word and also the complicated sentence and also know
by this easily to be comprehended a message through a reading text and can produce
the grammatically correct sentence, lack of fluent problem also to be overcome
officially and now about the knowledge of morphology & syntax. As only a small
number of institutes, this research will be provided an overview of the difficulties to
be faced by most of the students of English from such backgrounds. the result of the
research may help the teacher to be aware of the conversational problems & adopt
certain suitable strategies to remedy them.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
1.9 Purpose of the study: -
The purpose of the study is that from it helping students to read and appreciate the
foreign language and help to translate one language into the other and from its
teachers and students to be aware of the grammar rules and to be memorized to it and
long lists vocabulary learned by heart.
1.10 The limitation of the study: -
This research study will be limited to the PC Primary Urdu school with the attached
to the GECE (W) Hyderabad, I have chosen this school because it is in college sites
and convenient to me, this research study is the necessity of my degree program. The
population of my research also relies on 5 students and 3 teachers because of the
shortage of time, unavailability of funds, time limitations of semester system, I
wished to do this study in more schools and spread the knowledge in broaden way
regarding the grammar-translation method (GTM) to help more and more lack of
basic of grammatically children but it is not possible to do in short time. I wanted to
work with more teachers and to be open the ways of learning the skill to be developed
for students. I wish. I could more work with this session from where students can pick
up in an authentic or effectively manner able.
1.11 Ethical consideration: -
This ethical consideration approximately the rules and steps, before setup of meeting
with (HM) firstly I take the permission to her, from which is give me lots of
informational criteria based, in this gathering of research study all are totally
contribution with me likely respect action with the teachers and other staff as well as
students. Duration of my conduct research I gave the opportunity to students and also
give and take of respect criteria from the students or also to learn more and share
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
personal ideas with me., in this study session, the responsibility worked to be updated
by researcher, in this ethics consideration, it is very beneficial for the conduct opinion
for data collection and to evaluate that is a result of best effective in proper style.
1.12 Definition of key terms: -
1.12.1: - Grammar Translation Method: -
The Grammar Translation Method (GTM) is a method of second language instruction
based mostly on the translation of passages from the native language into the target
language. Along the way, students are explained the grammar rules, etymology, and
syntax of the target language in a more linguistic than communicative way. (plots,
1.12.2: - Assessment: -
Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about
educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and
development. (T.marchese, 1987)
1.12.3: - Teaching: -
Teaching as a process by which teachers and students create a shared environment
including sets of values and beliefs which in turn color their view of reality. (Weil,
1.12.4: - School: -
A school is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning
environments for the teaching of students (or "pupils") under the direction of teachers.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
1.13 Conclusion: -
This research is conducted to check the effectiveness and use of the Grammar
Translation Method for English in primary school. Students feel easy to understand
the concepts; even they can easily communicate with their teachers and fellows in
their first language. A comparison of both the structures of L1 and L2 gives them
enough understanding of the thoughts. Here GTM demonstrated an entrance street for
the understudies to enter the world of English They can easily get good marks in their
exams by teaching through this method. It can be said that GTM should be used
along with other modern methods to keep space for learners from different
background especially in backward areas. By keeping in mind its benefits, GTM can
be used as an easy and helping hand to cope with the world of English. Chapter one is
organized only for the or assistance of next chapter.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Chapter Two
Review Of Literature
2. Overview of the chapter
Chapter two is introducing the construct of the study including the Theoretical
framework, history of GTM, Techniques of GTM, Research, Rules of memorization,
usage of GTM, Merits and Demerits of GTM and Conclusion, etc. This chapter aims
to describe the patterns of the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and its
2.1 Theoretical framework of Research: -
Johann Valentin Edinger, Stephen D Krashen, and Truscott, J. have discussed in their
theories, the use of GTM( Grammar translation method) in the subject of English, but
from all theories here the theory of Johann valeting Medinger, the an English course
book for secondary school pupils, authored by Johann Valentin Medinger in 1783 and
became the dominant method of teaching foreign languages in European schools The
aim of Grammar Translation was to So I have integrated this theory in my research
that the first enable learners to read literary classics and ‘to benefit from the mental
discipline and intellectual development that result from foreign/ Pakistan language
study rules were presented in the learner’s language one by one.
2.3 History of GTM: -
The Grammar-Translation Method is not new. It has had different names, but it has
been used by language teachers for many years. At one time it was called the
Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages,
Latin and Greek. Earlier in the 20th century, this method was used for the purpose of
helping students read and appreciate foreign language literature. It was also hoped
that, through the study of the grammar of the target language, students would become
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
more familiar with the grammar of their native language and that this familiarity
would help them speak and write their native language better. Finally, it was thought
that foreign language learning would help students grow intellectually; it was
recognized that students would probably never use the target language, but the mental
exercise of learning it would be beneficial anyway. Grammar Translation dominated
European and foreign language teaching from the 1840s to the 1940s, and in modified
form, it continues to be widely used in some parts of the world today. At its best, as
Howatt (1984) points out, it was not necessarily the horror that its critics depicted it
as. Its worst excesses were introduced by those who wanted to demonstrate that the
study of French or German was no less rigorous than the study of classical languages.
This resulted in the type of Grammar-Translation courses remembered with distaste
by thousands of school learners, for whom foreign language learning meant a tedious
experience of memorizing endless lists of unusable grammar rules and vocabulary and
attempting to produce perfect translations of stilted or literary prose. Although the
Grammar-Translation Method often creates frustration for students, it makes few
demands on teachers. It is still used in situations where understanding literary texts
are the primary focus of foreign language study and there is little need for a speaking
knowledge of the language. Contemporary texts for the teaching of foreign languages
at the college level often reflect Grammar-Translation principles. These texts are
frequently the products of people trained in literature rather than in language teaching
or applied linguistics. Consequently, though it may be true to say that the Grammar-
Translation Method is still widely practiced, it has no advocates. It is a method for
which there is no theory. There is no literature that offers a rationale or justification
for it or that attempts to relate it to issues in linguistics, psychology, or educational
theory. In the mid and late of 19th-century opposition to the Grammar-Translation
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Method gradually developed in several European countries. This reform movement
laid the foundations for the development of new ways of teaching languages and
raised controversies that have continued to the present day. The Grammar Translation
Method is an old method that was originally used to teach dead languages which
explains why it focuses mainly on the written form at the expense of the oral form. It
was designed according to the faculty psychology approach which was very popular
during the 18th and 19th centuries. It contended that” mental discipline was essential
for strengthening the powers of the mind”. The way to do this was through learning
classical literature of the Greeks and Romans. Grammar rules were presented in the
learner’s first language one by one and in an intuitively graded sequence. Each
grammar point was exemplified with a set of sentences created ad hoc in the L2
alongside their literal translation in the L1. The vocabulary was learned by
memorizing bilingual lists of lexical items and phrases. As. Franz Ahn’s (1869)
started with the declensions of German nouns, specimens of handwriting and the
pronunciation of simple and double vowels, diphthongs, consonants, and syllables.
Then, in Part I, it introduced singular and plural subject personal pronouns with the
present simple tense of the verb to be in the affirmative and interrogative form, Two
basic principles informed the process of learning expounded in Grammar Translation
textbooks. The first is that a language course can be based on a sequence of linguistic
categories, the most notable parts of speech. The second is that these categories can be
exemplified in sample sentences and then practiced by constructing new sentences on
a word-for-word basis. It was also assumed that all that was required for translating
into a foreign language was knowledge of the grammar and the possession of a good
dictionary. This was based on the ‘arithmetical fallacy’ that ‘sentences could be
constructed a priori by combining words according to certain definite rules’ (Sweet
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
1900). In more recent times, Grammar Translation was adopted in self-study guides
like The Penguin Russian Course in 1961 (Fennel in Cook 2010), which remained in
print till 1996. Today the method continues to be used in situations where the primary
focus of foreign language study understands literary texts (Richards and Rodgers
2001). So, Grammar Translation has stood the test of time and proved to be
remarkably resilient to the innovations that have been introduced in language teaching
from 1830 till the present day, as will be shown in the following sections.
2.4 Techniques of GTM: -
According to Murcia (Biplab, 2018) the characteristics of GTM include instruction
using the L1, use of standalone and potentially unrelated words, explanation of rules,
structural focus in vocabulary teaching, Now regarding the techniques of GTM,
(freeman, 2000)Frosted some points including translation from L1 into L2 and the
separate study of vocabulary and grammatical. The teaching techniques in the
grammar-translation method are as follows
• Translation
• Reading comprehension
• Deductive applications of rules
• Fill in the blanks
• Memorization
• Vocabulary practice
• Composition
• Use of mother tongue.
• Vocabulary items are taught in the form of word lists.
• Elaborate explanations of grammar.
• Focus on the morphology and syntax.
• Reading of difficult texts early in the course.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
• The practice focuses on exercises translating sentences or texts from mother
tongue to the target language and vice versa.
2.5 Rules of memorization: -
Here are some rules of memorization to be included which is more applicable for it: -
• Record notes to listen to later
• Turn important information into a memorable story
• Use flashcards to memorize words, phrases, and characters
• Use a rhyming system to link information to common words
• Focus on the 100 most important words
• Use the rote method and memorize through repetition
• Create a visual mind map to sort, filter, and remember data
• Learn important information through practical exercises
• Master your memory today etc.…
2.6 Principles of GTM: -
(Freeman, 2000) explained that the basic purpose of GTM is to be able to read
literature and students are asked to translate from one language to another language.
Those who can translate are called successful language learners. The fundamental
purpose is to develop reading Use of Grammar Translation Method in Pakistan EFL
Classroom 10 and writing. And there is little attention given to speaking and writing
and there is no importance on pronunciation. The classroom is mostly teacher-
centered. Students learn new vocabulary from new passages. Similar opportunities are
given through the target language. Students are given examples and learn verbs,
conjugation and other grammatical rules. According to (Murica, 1979) there are some
characteristics of this method that the writer will mention as follows. The teachers
conduct classes in the first language have isolated vocabulary lists and a detailed
explanation about the structure of grammar. And students are given different texts,
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
which give an opportunity to them to use the language that they learned in the
2.7 Merits of GTM: -
Many schools are still using GTM with a large number of students. It is a teacher-
centered classroom and it’s cost-effective and appropriate. The main technique is
translation into learners’ L1, along with accuracy. It removes the possibility of any
misunderstanding and misinterpretation. It saves a lot of time through translation from
one language into another the meaning, words, and phrases of the target language is
easy to explain. Even those who are not fluent in L2 teach through this method
(teaching English)
2.7.1: -The target language is quickly explained in GTM.
The translation is the easiest way of explaining meanings or words and phrases from
one language into another. Any other method of explaining vocabulary items in the
second language is found time-consuming. A lot of time is wasted if the meanings of
lexical items are explained through definitions and illustrations in the second
language. Further, learners acquire some short of accuracy in understanding
synonyms in the source language and the target language.
2.7.2: -Teacher and students are easy to communicate/It does not need
native language: -
The teacher’s labor is saved. Since the textbooks are taught through the medium of
the mother tongue, the teacher may ask comprehension questions on the text taught in
the mother tongue. Pupils will not have much difficulty in responding to questions on
the mother tongue. So, the teacher can easily assess whether the students have learned
what he has taught them. Communication between the teacher and the learners does
not cause linguistic problems. Even teachers who are not fluent in English can teach
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
English through this method. That is perhaps the reason why this method has been
practiced so widely and has survived so long.
2.7.3: - The students easy to understand because of grammatical lessons.
ESL students taught successfully under the grammar-translation method will have the
ability to translate even difficult texts from their native language into English. They
possess a thorough knowledge of English grammar, including verb tenses. These
students will be familiar with several classical pieces of English literature, which are
used for grammatical analysis and exercises. This method requires a few specialized
skills on the part of teachers. Grammar rules and Translation Tests are easy to
construct and can be objectively scored. Many standardized tests of foreign languages
still do not attempt to test communicative abilities, so students have little motivation
to go beyond grammar analogies, translations, and other written exercises.
2.8 Demerits of GTM: -
Every Method must have advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the
Grammar Translation Method have been explained in the passage above. Here are the
2.8.1: -No Scope for Effective Communication and Very Tedious for
The direct translation is widely regarded as an inefficient way of becoming fluent in
any language. For example, translating a sentence word-for-word from Spanish to
English might not result in a sentence with the same meaning because so little
attention is paid in class to listening and speaking. Students with years of English
lessons through this method are often unable to hold even a basic conversation in
English because classes with this method are usually taught in a lecture style, with the
teacher mostly speaking the students’ native language rather than English, the class
can be dull and cause students to lose interest.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
2.8.2: - Ineffective Method: -
It is a teaching method that studies a foreign language in order to read its literature
focusing on the analysis of its grammar rules and to translate sentences and texts into
and out the target language. In the Grammar Translation Method, the teaching of a
second language starts with the teaching of reading. Little attention is paid to the
content of texts, which are treated as exercises in grammatical analysis. Thus, the
learning process is reversed.
2.8.3: - More Importance on Grammar Rules than on Meaning: -
The exact translation is not possible. The translation is, indeed, a difficult task and
exact translation from one language to another is not always possible. A language is
the result of various customs, traditions, and modes of behavior of a speech
community and these traditions differ from community to community. There are
several lexical items in one language, which have no synonyms/equivalents in another
language. Each language has its own structure, idiom, and usage, which do not have
their exact counterparts in another language. Thus, the translation should be
considered an index of one’s proficiency in a language.
2.8.4: - Slow Learning Rate and Making Learners Think in L1: -
It does not give pattern practice. A person can learn a language only when he
internalizes its patterns to the extent that they form his habit. But the Grammar
Translation Method does not provide any such practice to the learner of a language. It
rather attempts to teach language through rules and not by us. Researchers in
linguistics have proved that to speak any language, whether native or foreign entirely
by rule is quite impossible. Language learning means acquiring certain skills, which
can be learned through practice and not by just memorizing rules. The persons who
have learned a foreign or second language through this method find it difficult to give
up the habit of first thinking in their mother tongue and then translating their ideas
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
into the second language. They, therefore, fail to get proficiency in the second
language approximating that in the first language. The method, therefore, suffers from
certain weaknesses for which there is no remedy.
2.9 Conclusion: -
In my opinion, The Grammar Translation Method was developed for the study of
“dead” languages and to facilitate access to those languages’ classical literature.
That’s the way it should stay. English is certainly not a dead or dying language, so
any teacher that takes “an approach for dead language study” into an English
language classroom should perhaps think about taking up Math or Science instead.
Rules, universals and memorized principles apply to those disciplines – pedagogy and
communicative principles do not. The use of translation will contribute to the use of
the target language effectively. Learning gets meaningful via translation, and better
comprehension promotes foreign language proficiency. The Grammar-Translation
method is useful because the learning process is clearer, thus accuracy will be
acquired by students. This all review of literature assembled for chapter three.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Chapter Three
Research Methodology
3.1 Overview of the chapter: -
Chapter three is introducing the idea of the study including the Research design
Research Approach, Time Span, Tools/ instruments used for Data Analysis, Sampling
Design, and population. Sampling Size, Sampling Techniques, Data Collection, Data
Analysis, and Conclusion, etc. This chapter aims to describe the structures of
methodology in the session of conduct research to the criteria of the Grammar
Translation Method (GTM).
3.2 Research Design: -
Research design is a plan to answer your research question. Research design ensures
that the data you obtain will help you answer your research question more effectively.
(Freeman, 2009) And in my opinion research design is a framework that is analyzed
by different structures based. The design of this research is a Qualitative & it’s
diagnosed by different strategy, which is appropriate for it. Here is the cycling process
is also used.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Cycle: - 2
Cycle: - 3
with HM
problem diagnose
Cycle: -4
Students /
Conduct the
Teachers awareness
about GTM
Cycle: -1
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
3.3.1 Research Approach: -
The research approach is a plan and procedure that consists of the steps of
broad assumptions to detailed methods of data collection, analysis and
interpretation. (Chetty, 2016) and in my personal description about the
research approach is a cross sessional part of a research which is based on
a master plan specifying the methods and procedure for collecting and
analyzing the needed information in a research study in specific time.
Qualitative Research: -
According to Denzin and Lincoln, qualitative research as involving , an
interpretive naturalistic approach to the world. This means that qualitative
research study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of
or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them
further said by Denzin, 2005, the corner of this research criteria is totally
based on the nature of qualitative based which is more effectively for it
for the naturalistic approach among it to them, which is integration of
cross-sectional criteria which is part of the research, it’s also to be usage
in this research study because of with the integration of short time period
is to be available and also the place.
Deductive approach: -
The most important point to bear in mind when considering whether to
use the deductive approach is firstly the purpose of your research; and
secondly, the methods that are best suited to explore a new or emerging
area within the discipline, or to answer specific research my
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
opinion ground theory is the research approach which totally keeps the
integration of structures of your area of interest through the process of
constant comparison.
. 3.3.2 Research Framework in an Action Research: -
03 10/10/2019 P.C(Urdu)
section school
Qualitative interview
based on the
By teachers
and students
04 18/10/2019 P.C(Urdu)
section school
Qualitative Conduct
of GTM to
3.3.3: - Tool/Instruments used for Data Analysis: -
The tools/ instruments for this research study which is used for the data analysis
which is likely based on the interview questionnaire tool adopted from Thuleen
(2011). The interview-based, tool in which 13th questions included to it and then a
tool of question is concerned with the integration of teachers in it. In this thematic
analysis Ground theory used where to analyze the initial, focused and
themes of whole process and thematically discussed in deep.
S. No: Date Place Tool Planning Action
01 16/09/2019 P.C(Urdu) section
school Hyderabad
Qualitative Observational Meeting with
other staff.
02 27/9/2019 P.C(Urdu) section
school Hyderabad
Qualitative checklist Observation in
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
3.4 Sampling Design: -
The sample design plans included information about sampling frames and their
coverage, providing descriptions of the sample designs that included stages of
sampling, sampling units and sample sizes. (Leyla Mohadjer, 2009).
3.4.1: - Population: -
The population is generally a large collection of individuals or objects that is the main
focus of numbering or range that how researchers are done, due to large sizes of
population, research is too expensive and time – consuming procedure. (Mohamed
Adam, 2009) and in my opinion, the population is the overall range of participant in
research criteria, The population of this research study consists only the 10 students of
Grade 3rd
and 5 teachers of PC primary (Urdu) section school attached with the Govt:
Elementary College of Education (women) Hyderabad in which eight students & one
class teacher in class 3rd
3.4.2: - Sampling Size: -
The sampling size of this study is 5 students &1 class teachers from the PC (Urdu)
section Attached with the GECE (women) college Hyderabad.
3.4.3: - Sampling Techniques / Methods`: -
The techniques of sampling of this research study concerned with the simple random
sampling technique, Total 05 students of grade 3rd taken out of them, only one
teacher was selected by Purposive Sampling Techniques/method for this
3.4.4: - Data Collection procedure: -
In the school PC (Urdu) section attached with Govt: Elementary college of Education
(Women) Hyderabad where Researcher visited is interpretation of research criteria
where did many actions for collecting the research data which is firstly to conducted
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
of meeting with the school HM than thoroughly with the different tools likely as
checklist and interview-based tools. Both tools were administrated by the researcher
personally. The information was gathered through the checklist and interview tool
adopted. The tool of the checklist which are used on students and filled it by the
researcher. The interview was utilized to confirm the finding from the checklist, the
interview tool which is consisted of 13 open-ended questions which is asked by the
teachers and totally to be filled by the researchers, Researcher collected the data of
grade 3rd student’s attendance and class test score as a pre-action record.
3.4.5: - Data Analysis/ interpretation: -
The research data will be interpreted by using the MS. Office software and the MS
Excel version 2013 was applied to obtain the results. Data interpreted through
multiple bar charts. The interviews were to be transcribed and the content carefully
analyzed. The themes of questionnaire findings were also analyzed by the 3D Column
3.5 Conclusion: -
My overall conclusion is that the contribution of this research methodology in which
the research-based items to be useful which is describe the nature of data analysis and
also then the attainment of most language teaching goals that is to promote students’
communication skills, this grammar-translation method is expected to help English
teachers to find a new teaching principle which is adopted from advantages of two
great methods and understand the details associated with the effect of the fusion in
teaching goals, teaching materials as well as classroom activities, to understand that
grammar and vocabulary are the most powerful instruments in language that should
be taught at the beginning as a foundation to accelerate the development of
communication skill, to adopt specific techniques from the samples to make teaching
English more effective and communicative through translation approach and know the
exact reasons for the English teachers’ preference employing the grammar-translation
method in more communicative ways when teaching. So all requirement only move
toward the chapter four.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Chapter Four
Data Analysis and Result
4.1 Overview of the chapter: -
The chapter is introducing the idea of the study including the analysis of action
research cycles, finding on thematic analysis of coordination interviews, discussion of
checklist/ tools and interviews and Conclusion, etc. This chapter aims to describe the
thematic analysis of the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and its submission.
4.2 Data Analysis: -
Data Analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical
techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data. Indeed,
researchers generally analyze patterns in observations through the entire data
collection phase (Savenye, 2004).
4.3 Analysis of Action Research Cycles: -
4.3.1 Report of Reconnaissance
First of all this reflection is co-related with the session of action research reflection
which include in four basic steps -1)plan 2) act 3) observe & 4) reflect, which is to
applied by researcher for the immediate action research criteria on the date of
16/9/ concerned with the PC (Urdu) section school in the grade of 3.
• Plan: - first it is the first step of action research in which first I plan a meeting
session with the HM of PC school and get permission to conduct the action research
in their school at the level of grade through the showing of the research conducting
• Act: -first of all in the second session I will go to conduct the meeting with the
headmistress (HM) PC Urdu section, attached with the (GECEW) college,
Hyderabad. In which session I introduce my research topic “The use of GTM
(Grammar translation method) in the subject of English language at primary level,
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
then shared my research objectives and also told to her and to share the significant
point of view of my topic with her and also doing the meet up with teacher’s and
others staff /students of Grade 3 too...
• Observe:-The duration of this session, I observed first the school HM(
headmistress ) who totally clearly to listen my research topic point of view and also
doing positive cooperation with me and also get me response in the session of leaning
experience guideline which is more effective for me and when went to class 3 and
doing conversation with the students with the pattern of grammatical session of
English, few students are active and lack in the session of ( GTM). All students will
be able to read the text or any paragraph but doing the grammatical errors (
segmentation of words/blending/semantics/ morphemes) is missed and there is no
concept of understanding to be developed what they read.
• Reflect:- In this session than I meet up with the (HM) of school and also with
teacher’s to doing the cooperation with them and also told about my thinking point of
my research topic and all are given me guideline about my work and also take
interested in each session of topic than my next action research step is that to conduct
survey and to develop the observational checklist for diagnosing problem for next
level within the students.
4.3.2: - Analysis of cycle One: -
First, this reflection is concerned with session of cycle 2 action research which is
based on the 4 steps of action research, it is co interconnected with the 3rd grade of
primary Urdu session: - which is to apply by the researcher for the immediate action
research criteria on the 27/9/2019
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
• Plan: - firstly, I went to the PC (Urdu) section school, in which firstly I meet
up with school (HM) take the permission for doing the action research, then I went to
grade 3rd and meet up with the students and class teacher and discuss my action
procedure to the teacher.
• Act: - In this session firstly I take permission from her for doing my action
procedure and went to grade 3rd were I put up the printable worksheet which is totally
integrated with my research topic which is very suitable for it in the criteria base of
GTM( Grammar translation method) which is to be filled by students in which firstly I
got them instruction about work process that how it to be filled up etc. , in which
printable worksheet many levels of grammar-based things to be included, which is
assigned for the diagnose for students performance level.
• Observe: In this session when I went to grade 3, some students be attentive in
nature but few students are not involved in their classroom activity which is organized
by their class teacher, then when I distribute my printable worksheet among the
students which is based on the grammatical criteria all students to be alert and filled
the worksheet properly but their concept is to be cleared by given instructions of me
and also involvement of activity they know grammar 60% but rules of grammatical
based is not be cleared so there is some error to be developed by few students.
• Reflect: - In this session, my overall work to be well in nature students are
totally cooperatively with me and give me response as I want and also share their
weakness point of them with me, then next action research cycle is that to be
developed the worksheet on the base of grammar-translation method in which I share
and clear the concept go grammar and also its rules of memorization is to be
concerned with the teachers.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Result: -
The above analysis shows that it will be developed the grammar-based vocabulary to
teachers make used of gesture to clarify to use of grammar and the L1 and L2
grammar rule were to be assessed and from it, the teachers take the advantage of
Grammar translation based techniques used for fill it and then it will be described the
criteria which is based on the (yes, no and how much ) percentage which is
complication on the basis of grammar techniques involved in the classroom.
4.3.3: - Analysis of cycle Two: -
First, this reflection is concerned with session of cycle 3 action research which is
based on the 4 steps of action research, it is co interconnected with the 3rd grade of
primary Urdu session: - which is to apply by the researcher for the immediate action
research criteria on the 10/10/2019
• Plan:- first of all in this first step in the base of cycle 1, firstly I went PC
(Urdu) section where I firstly taken permission by school (HM) for conduct the
questionnaire tools from teacher and students accordance the level of grade 3 which is
covered the process of (GTM) and also show its key points among of it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Chart Title
S. No: - Criterion Yes How much NO
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
• Act: - first in this second step I will go to conduct the questionnaire tool which
is consumed and overcome by the co-relation of students and teacher with me in
which the significance of (GTM) based methods criteria questions to be described,
In which many grammatical based items are involved where I connected with the
grade 3 class teacher and do questionnaire tools base activity with her in which she is
attentive involved and gave me a response as well as and to be alert in nature.
• Observe:- from overall of this session, I observed that every school members
is totally positive co-related with me either it may students or teachers, also to be alert
with responsibility of doing work, duration of conducted questionnaire tool by grade
3rd I observed that all are to be active and alert in nature and want to learnt new
constructive things not to be in traditional way, and also I observed that when I talk in
English some students don’t able understand to it that what I say but when in talk in
Urdu all are able to understand every point of me easily and gave me positive
feedback to me,
• Reflect: -from this session my overall conclusion is that all work to be done in
an active manner and also be cooperative with me to others staff others of school and
grade of 3rd, then my next action research step is to fill the questionnaire tools which
is developed for the students grade of 3rd and also for the school teachers.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Thematic Interpretation on Interview (Initial coding)
S.NO Respondent 1 Initial code
1. Yes, I could, that grammar translation method
is effective method which provide the concept
of grammar basic structures and lots of bundle of
knowledge also to be gained.
translation method
Grammar basic
structures and lots
of knowledge
2. Activities such like as (group work and discussion) Group work
3. structured based method / grammar translation is best
to teach English because from its students can learn
structured based
method / grammar
4. - conversion to be created among the students to
each other’s / dialogues strategy is also to be involved
conversion and
5. The grammar translation method and demonstration
method ….
translation method
and demonstration
6. to communication to each other’s mostly like
this method.
communication to
each other’s
7. There is sometime totally worked on the
grammatical criteria, but it should sometime
occur when it is needed.
occur when it is
8. yes, sometime when it is needed. Because
its strategy low level developed their skill by
the cooperation of high-level students;
low level
developed and
9. NO, because overall environment is full of
mother tongue language so there is no used of
English in speaking skills.
mother tongue
10. yes, some time it’s very useful for assess the
level of students learning level
level students
11. Yes, totally in sometime is to be occurs. occurred
12. yes, it totally occurs but sometime when it
is needed
13. The procedure of Conversation is very
suitable for improving the criteria of
Procedure of
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Interpretation of Interview on Themes and Focused coding
Initial code Major Themes CODE
Grammar basic structures and lots of
I Information I
Group work P Assessment A
structured based method / grammar
translation P Process P
conversion and dialogues I
grammar translation method and
communication to each other’s P
occur when it is needed. A
low level developed and high-level
students; p
mother tongue language I
level students learning A
Occurred P
Needed A
Procedure of conversation A
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Thematic Analysis on Interview Coding
Major Themes CODE Cumulative
Process P 5
Assessment A 4
Information I 4
Result on themes: -
Process: -
This theme is showing the major involvement of techniques and procedure among the
teachers within the students.
Assessment: -
This theme is showing the way of diagnosing the problem among the students which
is to be overcome by teachers
Information: -
This theme is showing the way of delivering the knowledge related to the topic which
is exchangeable by the conversational session.
Cumulative Analysis
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Result/Analysis on themes: -
The use of grammar-translation method among the students in the subjects of English
which is totally to be categorized into the three themes among of them which is first
of it is process that is analyzed in the ratio of 35% in class then the assessment is
about the ration of 44% that will be overcome the problem which is to occur and
information that will be the ratio about the 21%.
4.3.4: Analysis of cycle three: -
First, this reflection is concerned with session of cycle 4 action research which is
based on the 4 steps of action research, it is co interconnected with the 3rd grade of
primary Urdu session: - which is to apply by the researcher for the immediate action
research criteria on the 18/10/2019
• Plan: - firstly, I went to the PC (Urdu) section school, in which firstly I meet
up with school (HM) take the permission for doing the action research (workshop)
then I went to grade 3rd and meet up with the teacher and discuss grammar-translation
method impact in education.
• Act: - In this session, I did my workshop on the base of the grammar-
translation method in front of the teachers as a participant and share the way that how
it to be effective for students learning ever.
• Observe: - In this session, I observe that the duration of workshop deliverance
all participant was to be alert and active and involved in the question/answer’s
techniques, and to encourage me for learning more.
• Reflect: - In this session, my overall work to be well in nature teachers are
totally cooperatively with me and give me a response as I want and share their
thinking point of it with me.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
4.3.5: -Action Research Cycle Four: Report on the workshop: -
• Plan: -
In this session, firstly I went to the PC (Urdu) section where I meet up with the HM
and to inform her that I want to conduct the workshop in the school for teacher where
I gave awareness about (Grammar translation method) and how it to be used in
classroom and language basis, also told them how to its impact on the performance
students in the educational sessional department.
• Act: -
In this session, after the criteria of the plan, I developed the workshop criteria and
conduct to it for teachers where I gave the Father knowledge about Grammar
translation method and it features and how to it overcome procedure to be discussed
to them and its implications on the level of better performance.
• Observe: -
In this session, after conducting the process of the workshop I observed that there is
somehow knowledge have among the teachers but there is no implication in an
authentic manner to the students, and analyses that teachers sharing their opinion
about what issued occurred in the classroom that how to deal it with strategies.
• Reflect: -
In this session, after the overall process l have that it will be refining the knowledge
about GTM to the participants and in the form of agenda of the workshop teachers
share their opinion on it that indicates the problem overcome.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Analysis/Result of workshop on feedback: -
In this session when I conducted the workshop teachers gave me lots of knowledge
with me.
• Yes, it is a best and easy method which is totally helpful for us for learning the
language and their skill.
• From this method, we all are learnt about knowledge of personal mother tongue.
• The grammar-translation is effectively for exploring the message to the others and
able to communicate with each other.
• Through its vocabulary the development of vocabulary to be assessed.
• Among the students through this topic, it will be l encourage the logical view
between them but by the integration of environmental session, there is no
implication of English because here is totally Urdu and Sindhi language to be used
in the base of mother tongue criteria session view.
• But from this theme sometime language concept problem to occur.
• Through this of my topic, they all are to be being the critical thinkers about the
concept of the grammar-translation method.
• The level of diagnosing the theme of language is also to be adopted.
4.4 Conclusion: -
From the above results, it concludes that teachers are using the grammar-translation
method (GTM) widely in the classrooms to teach English. this method is old and
seems easy and teachers are avoiding using direct methods and this analysis procedure
to be diagnosed with the level of performance of students through data collection and
its interpretation with it.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Chapter Five
Summary, Discussion, Conclusion, and Suggestion
5.1Overview of the Chapter: -
This chapter is introducing the concept of the find out about which includes the
discussions and summary, conclusion and findings/recommendation, etc. This chapter
targets to mention the overall sum up of the lookup study and its authentic stage
which is linkage inside it.
5.2 Summary: -
The use of the grammar-translation method will contribute to the use of the target
language effectively. Learning gets meaningful via translation, and better
comprehension promotes foreign language proficiency. The Grammar-Translation
strategy is valuable since the learning handle is clearer, hence precision will be
procured by understudies. The discoveries show that the Grammar-Translation
strategy is a vital kind of instructing strategy that the instructors ought to adjust it to
instruct English as a moment dialect and the analysts ought to highlight the advantage
or drawback of this strategy. Numerous reasons are behind that, to begin with, since it
is an appropriate strategy and simple to conduct. Moment, the primary mental act the
learner can use when feeling incapable of precise by the target dialect is translating by
local dialect which precisely the center of this strategy. Third, the awesome advantage
of connecting the information of both dialects which free the learner from the
uncertainty of the target dialect. After all, the analyst suggests that after the showing
of the dialect abilities and the syntactic rules, the convenience of interpretation is
diminishing. In this manner, the applying of syntactic structure or the practicing of the
dialect aptitudes in common ought to be within the target dialect to affirm the required
shapes that the learners must develop to realize the most excellent comes about they
are searching for.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
5.3 Discussion: -
In the basis of analyzing the data received from research tool (observational checklist,
interview tools and through conductance of workshop) the researcher finalized at a
different opinion about this research in result/finding and present them in a discussion
which are given below:
 Pre interventions show that the above analysis shows that in the ratio of 35% in-
class performances among the students but before it is interpreted in the graph
about 1%.
 Pre interventions show that the assessment is about the ratio of 44% that will be
overcome the problem but 11% result to be achieved.
 Pre interventions show that the information that will be the ratio of about 21%.
among the students.
 Through intervention, the 20% found among the student the development of
vocabulary 55% to be assessed.
 Pre-intervention shows that 0% of students were used as grammar bases, they all
are to be being the critical thinkers about the concept of grammar-translation
method about 50%.
 Through the intervention level of diagnosing the theme of language is low but
after intervention high themes also to be adopted.
5.4 Conclusion: -
After three and a half months I have completed my Action Research. After
completion, I have gathered a lot of experience both as a teacher and as a student. I
gathered experiences as a full-time teacher because they treated me as a regular one.
The faculty members and along with the principal helped me a lot, besides academic
purpose we hold built a friendly atmosphere that attracts me most. I got good
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
feedback from the Principal. I used the Grammar Translation Method to teach them
and when I left, I realized the students improved a lot through their results and
speaking they at least tried to speak in the target language (L2). The students'
interaction ability increases. I just did not teach the students through the GTM method
but also my effective feedback and error correction also helped the student to increase
their level. I also took some steps to control classes effectively. I was creating a
friendly environment and the students were also good el kept some. I enjoyed
teaching my students. That was what I wanted, and the time was very short for a
beginner level of students for getting some results from them. And I thought I could
fulfill my target. I know that it is not so possible for a teacher to create a student's
speaking fluency with target language (L2) only by using Grammar Translation r
ethos (GTM). But in our country's and cultural perspective the teacher used GTM but
there should be some activities for example -speaking activities, students'
communications, creative writing, etc., then a student will learn something which will
be better for the students as well as his/her parents. And if we notice we could find
that in most of the schools of our country, teachers use the grammar Translation
Method (GTM). And it is not very easy for a teacher to apply a new method in classes
for students especially in the school level of students, because parents only want the
result from their child. If a teacher was only concerned about students speaking
fluency without finishing their syllabus then the teacher might fall into a trap and I
was very happy with my teaching ability, with the students, with the entire teacher
who helped me a lot. It was a great experience and it will help me to go ahead in my
future. Through this authentic experience, I also improved my knowledge of learning
and teaching. And hopefully, after some years we would see a change in Pakistani
education culture by all the different types of methods.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
5.5 Recommendation : -
The recommend that teachers should adopt pedagogies and strategies in her teaching
from which students will learn about the grammatical sessions and improve their
skills inferences of GTM basis. The study should help to students and teachers to
identify the problem and help them, the study researcher proves that if the teacher
gives extra time and extra concentration to motivate the students to develop their
skills from which they greatly better among them from the passage of time. There is
some suggestions are given below for teachers: -
 The Teacher should develop the grammar-based collection of ideas.
 The Teacher should be provided some trainings related GTM.
 The Teachers should involve to all students during activities.
 The Teacher should need to care about student Inter/intrapersonal.
 The Teachers should give positive aspects of GTM.
 The Teachers should relate the session of activities with its sub-topic.
 The Teachers should be using the mix up of L1 and L2 in the classroom.
 The teacher should be using the ideas of learning about it the grammar-
translation method.
 The teacher should be encouraged the students to develop their skills among
 The teacher should be given proper attention to the students which linkage
within the different language backgrounds.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
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The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Appendices: -
Appendix A: Consent Letter
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Appendix B: Abbreviations: -
 GTM = Grammar translation Method
 EFL = English foreign Language
 ESL = English Second Language
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Appendix C: Checklist
This checklist is for the observation on, use of grammar translation method in the
subject of English at primary level, to analyses the perception of grammar translation
method among the students develop the basis of English language at 3rd
grade, yes=3,
how much=2andNo=1
School Name: - XYZ Grade: -3rd
Teacher name-Miss k Date: -23/8/19
Criterion Yes How
01 The teacher generates student’s interaction in which
grammar is put into practice.
02 The grammar rules were to be described basically in text by
03 The teacher take advantage of GTM for fill up the exercise
of English.
04 The L1 & L2 grammar rule were to be involved in
05 Used of printed grammatical worksheet
06 Teachers make used of gesture to clarify the meaning of any
difficult word
07 Develop the Grammar based vocabulary to be used by
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Appendix D: Interview
Dear Teacher:
I am Prospective Student, B.ED (Hons) for the aim of study and presently of
conducting analysis on the subject “Impact of grammar translations method for
enhancing students’ learning at primary level”, I request you to spare of your valuable
time for providing the main points indicating within the interview given below. I
assure you that the info generated are going to be unbroken confidential
and utilized just for analysis proposal.
Name of teacher: - miss K Grade: - 03
School: - XYZ HYD Subject: - English
Q1: - Could you please give me a definition of
Grammar Translation Method?
A: - Yes, I could, that grammar translation method
is effective method which provide the concept
of grammar basic structures and lots of bundle of
knowledge also to be gained.
Q2: - Which activities do you undertake in
The class for teaching English by communicative?
A: -Activities such like as (group work and discussion)
Q3: -Which method do you prefer to teach English?
A: - In my opinion, structured based method / grammar
translation is best to teach English because from its
students can learn easily.
translation method
Grammar basic
structures and lots
of knowledge
teaching English
group work and
Structured based
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Q4: -What strategy you find most effective for students
to improve speaking?
A: - conversion to be created among the students to
each other’s / dialogues strategy is also to be involved.
Q5: - Which method you prefer to teach with? Why?
A: - The grammar translation method and demonstration
method ….
Q6: -Which method students like most to learn
English with?
A: - to communication to each other’s mostly like
this method.
Q7: -What are the negative effects of Grammar-
Translation Method?
A: -There is sometime totally worked on the
grammatical criteria, but it should sometime
occur when it is needed.
Q8: -Do you arrange students in group discussion?
A: - yes sometime when it is needed. Because
its strategy low level developed their skill by
the cooperation of high-level students;
Q9: - Do you speak English with your students?
A: - NO, because overall environment is full of
mother tongue language so there is no used of
Improve speaking
Prefer to teach
Learn English
Negative effects of
translation method/
Arrange students
and Low level to
high level students
Speak English
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
English in speaking skills.
Q10: - Do you give dictation for writing practice?
A: - yes, some time it’s very useful for assess the
level of students learning level
Q11: -Do you translate words for the students to
understand the sentence?
A: -Yes totally in sometime is to be occurs.
Q12: -Do you give grammatical exercise in
the class?
A: - yes it totally occurs but sometime when it
is needed.
Q13: - What types of steps do you take for
improving language?
A: - The procedure of Conversation is very
suitable for improving the criteria of
ls of students
Translate words
and Understand
the sentences
exercise and
Procedure of
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Appendix E
Agenda of conduct workshop: -
Workshop title: -The use of GTM (Grammar translations method) in the
subject of English at primary level.
Number of participants: -
Date: - 9/10/2019
Time: 45mint
S.NO: - Content Time Reflection
01. Introductions. 10mint. In this first stage researcher
will be introduce the action research topic “the use of GTM (Grammar translation
method) in the subject of English at primary level” in which firstly give the
introduction about it that what is it, when is started.
02. objectives & Goals. 3mint. In this session researcher will be
after the delivered of introduction she will represent her goals and objective for
workshop which is to be involved after the end of participant in it.
03. Body. 20mint. In this session researcher will
be explained topic in the detailed way the level of importance of GTM and
advantage and its features and its procedure that how it to be occurs in the
classroom procedure to be discussed.
04. Discussion & sum up: - 12mint. In this session researcher will
discussion their topic with teachers and supervisor and sum up within the end of
workshop also gave them instructions. About its procedure that how it to be
related within the educational sessional level.
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Attendance sheet of Workshop
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level
Pictures sheet of Workshop
The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level

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Thesis: The Use Of Grammar Translation Method(GTM) In The Subject Of English At The Primary Level

  • 2. [i] Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................i CERTIFICATE ........................................................................................................ iv Acknowledgement..................................................................................................... v Dedication................................................................................................................ vi Abstract...................................................................................................................vii Chapter One .............................................................................................................. 1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 1 1.1Overview of the chapter.................................................................................... 1 1.2 Introduction: -.................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Background of the study: -............................................................................... 4 1.4 Statement of the problem: -.............................................................................. 5 1.5 Objective of the study: -................................................................................... 5 1.6 Research Questions: -....................................................................................... 5 1.7 Scope of the study: - ........................................................................................ 6 1.8 Significance of The Study: -............................................................................. 6 1.9 Purpose of the study: - ..................................................................................... 7 1.10 The limitation of the study: -.......................................................................... 7 1.11 Ethical consideration: - .................................................................................. 7 1.12 Definition of key terms: -............................................................................... 8 1.12.1: - Grammar Translation Method: -........................................................... 8 1.12.2: - Assessment: -....................................................................................... 8 1.12.3: - Teaching: -........................................................................................... 8 1.12.4: - School: - .............................................................................................. 8 1.13 Conclusion: -.............................................................................................. 9 Chapter Two............................................................................................................ 10 Review Of Literature............................................................................................... 10 2.1 Overview of the chapter................................................................................. 10 2.1 Theoretical framework of Research: - ............................................................ 10 2.3 History of GTM: -.......................................................................................... 10 2.4 Techniques of GTM: -.................................................................................... 13 2.5 Rules of memorization: -................................................................................ 14 2.6 Principles of GTM: -..................................................................................... 14 2.7 Merits of GTM: - ........................................................................................... 15
  • 3. [ii] 2.7.1: -The target language is quickly explained in GTM. ................................ 15 2.7.2: -Teacher and students are easy to communicate/It does not need native language: -....................................................................................................... 15 2.7.3: - The students easy to understand because of grammatical lessons.......... 16 2.8 Demerits of GTM: - ....................................................................................... 16 2.8.1: -No Scope for Effective Communication and Very Tedious for Learners 16 2.8.2: - Ineffective Method: - ........................................................................... 17 2.8.3: - More Importance on Grammar Rules than on Meaning: -..................... 17 2.8.4: - Slow Learning Rate and Making Learners Think in L1: -..................... 17 2.9 Conclusion: - ................................................................................................. 18 Chapter Three.......................................................................................................... 19 Research Methodology ............................................................................................ 19 3.1 Overview of the chapter: -............................................................................. 19 3.2 Research Design: -......................................................................................... 19 3.3.1 Research Approach: -.............................................................................. 21 Qualitative Research: -..................................................................................... 21 Deductive approach: -...................................................................................... 21 . 3.3.2 Research Framework in an Action Research: -....................................... 22 3.3.3: - Tool/Instruments used for Data Analysis: - .......................................... 22 3.4 Sampling Design: - ........................................................................................ 23 3.4.1: - Population: - ........................................................................................ 23 3.4.2: - Sampling Size: -................................................................................... 23 3.4.3: - Sampling Techniques / Methods`: -...................................................... 23 3.4.4: - Data Collection procedure: - ................................................................ 23 3.4.5: - Data Analysis/ interpretation: -............................................................. 24 3.5 Conclusion: - ................................................................................................. 24 Chapter Four ........................................................................................................... 25 Data Analysis and Result......................................................................................... 25 4.1 Overview of the chapter: -.............................................................................. 25 4.2 Data Analysis: - ............................................................................................. 25 4.3 Analysis of Action Research Cycles: - ........................................................... 25 4.3.1 Report of Reconnaissance ....................................................................... 25 4.3.2: - Analysis of cycle One: -....................................................................... 26 4.3.3: - Analysis of cycle Two: - ...................................................................... 28
  • 4. [iii] Thematic Interpretation on Interview (Initial coding) ....................................... 30 Interpretation of Interview on Themes and Focused coding.............................. 31 Thematic Analysis on Interview Coding .......................................................... 32 Result on themes: - .......................................................................................... 32 Result/Analysis on themes: -............................................................................ 33 4.3.4: Analysis of cycle three: -........................................................................ 33 4.3.5: -Action Research Cycle Four: Report on the workshop: -....................... 34 4.4 Conclusion: - ................................................................................................ 35 Chapter Five............................................................................................................ 36 Summary, Discussion, Conclusion, and Suggestion ................................................. 36 5.1Overview of the Chapter: -.............................................................................. 36 5.2 Summary: -.................................................................................................... 36 5.3 Discussion: -.................................................................................................. 37 5.4 Conclusion: - ................................................................................................. 37 5.5 Recommendation : -....................................................................................... 39 REFRENCES: -....................................................................................................... 40 Appendices: - .......................................................................................................... 42 Appendix A: Consent Letter ................................................................................ 42 Appendix B: Abbreviations: - .............................................................................. 43 Appendix C: Checklist......................................................................................... 44 Appendix D: Interview ........................................................................................ 45 Appendix E.......................................................................................................... 48 Agenda of conduct workshop: - ........................................................................... 48 Attendance sheet of Workshop............................................................................. 49 Pictures sheet of Workshop.................................................................................. 50 LIST OF T
  • 5. [iv] OFIGUR CERTIFICATE This Is To Certify That Ms. SABA RAFIQUE AHMED has conducted this action research project entitled “The Use Of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) In The subject of English at the primary level” in the academic year 2019, under the supervision of “Miss Farzana Memon” in partial fulfillment for the Degree Of B.Ed. (Hons). Research Supervisor Ms. Farzana Memon Lecturer GECE (W) Hyderabad Principal Ms. Nayyar Rafique GECE (W) Hyderabad
  • 6. [v] Acknowledgement First, I Am Grateful To Allah Almighty And His Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Who Provided Me Strength And Health To Complete My Action Research. I Also Must Acknowledge Those People Who Encouraged And Supported Me During My Research Study For The Ancestors Who Paved The Path Before Me Upon Whose Shoulder I Stand. This Is Also Dedicated To My Family And The Many Friends Who Supported Me On This Journey Thank You I Would Like To Express My Deepest Gratitude To My Co-Coordinator Ms. Nadia Thalho, My Supervisor Miss Farzana Memon For Their Unwavering Support, Collegiality, And Mentorship Assistance And Supervision Show Me The Way Which Is Highly Appreciated. Finally, I Wish To Thanks To My Family For Their Patience And Support.
  • 7. [vi] Dedication I Would Like To Dedicate This To The Almighty God And To My Beloved Parents Without Whose Blessings I Would Not Have Come So Far. And To My Respected Teachers Who Guided Me Throughout Academic Life
  • 8. [vii] Abstract The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the primary level, this method of teaching used to learn foreign languages. In Pakistan ‘English’ used as the second language of people, In Educational institutes, English taught a compulsory subject. It was being taught through different methods and the main objectives of this study to develop the usage of GTM in educational institutions, to examine the effectiveness of GTM in learning the English language and to evaluate the learning concept by students through a GTM. The area of this study in primary PC Urdu section school attached to the GECE(W) Hyd. The population of this research study had consisted only of the grade 3rd of PC primary (Urdu) section school attached with the Govt: Elementary College of Education (women) Hyderabad in which 5/10 students & 1 teacher. This research focused on the qualitative method and purposive sampling used in this study and the grammar-translation method was research-based, which was helpful for both teachers and students. The main findings of this study those students and teachers who do not aware of the uses of grammar and its rules and theirs its implication in the educational institutions. This study focused on GTM method, to be taught through the prospective manner to be the usage of this method by the Integration of students within the teachers the recommendation. The GTM method Teacher should develop the grammar-based collection of ideas, Teachers should get extraverts to help, to involve all students during activities and give the positive aspects of GTM. Key words: Grammar, level, Method, Primary, Translation
  • 9. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [1] Chapter One Introduction 1.1Overview of the chapter Chapter one is introducing the construct of the study including the background of the study, objectives of the study, problem of the statements, Research questions, and the significance of the study, definition of key terms, etc. it also defined out the limitation and how these were overcome. This chapter aims to describe the patterns of the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and to know the reasons why the teachers used the method. 1.2 Introduction: - This look is completely linked with the subject of the make use of the GTM (Grammar interpretation approach) inside the problem of English at the vital level. Second dialect procurement could be a global phenomenon. Its concern is to discover becoming strategies to inspire mastering prepare. it could be an educational method that encourages getting to know of 4 dialect aptitudes and make a remote language greater comprehended to English dialect inexperienced persons, particularly in their first stages of studying, mainly folks who struggle to precise themselves through using a completely contemporary framework of verbal or composed communication Language is significant in human life where without its individuals cannot communicate with others, express their feeling and investigate their intellect, hence, learn dialect is exceptionally vital for humans, particularly a dialect that can interface numerous individuals in a few nations that have a diverse mother tongue. The foremost capable dialect is English since it can interface numerous individuals to communicate with each other indeed English is called The World Dialect. So, the foremost critical dialect to be learned is English. In conducting a dialect course, there
  • 10. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [2] are a few things to be arranged, such as the decision of the course and the way to realize the decision, like (Richards J. C., (2006)) contended that: In arranging a dialect course, choices ought to be made approximately the substance of the course, counting choices around what lexicon and language structure to instruct at the starting, halfway, and progressed levels, and which aptitudes and small scale abilities to educate and in what arrangement. Choices almost these issues have a place for field communication. Schaffer, 2002, has listed the following benefits of translation: “improve verbal agility, expand the students’ vocabulary in L2, develop their style, improve their understanding of how languages work, consolidate L2 structures for active use, and monitor and improve the comprehension of L2”. Hedge, 2000 stated that teaching English grammar provides explicit framework to guarantee producing correct structures and expedite the learning process. So, teaching grammar should have a tremendous concern about any second language teaching process. EFL researchers and teachers should investigate the most appropriate method to enable students to understand the rules easily and to present accurate forms. In Jordan, English language curricula are taught in schools containing a reasonable material that focuses on teaching grammar. Unfortunately, due to the considerable lack of adequate teaching methodology, student’s achievement in grammar always indicates a low level despite the great efforts provided by the teachers but the progress is still not satisfying. This situation requires any good contribution to solve this obvious problem. A grammar-translation is one of the most effective methods that focus on reading and translating the sentences which demonstrates grammatical rules to acquire English as a second language. This method was used a long time ago to teach Latin and Greek as a second language, then it was not recommended for a while until it has been revived in the 19th century by German to be preferable method again.
  • 11. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [3] According to Richards J. C., 2001, its aim was to know everything about anything more than the thing itself. The goal of using the grammar-translation method was that students could study a foreign language by translation. It is claimed in GTM that by memorizing the rules and grammatical structures of the target language, learners can understand the target language easily. In the grammar-translation method, grammar is taught deductively with a focus on rote memorization of grammatical structures and vocabulary. Larsen-Freeman 2011, suggested in his study in Techniques, and principles in language teaching that Grammatical rules are taught, and students learn language by practicing rules in an authentic way. The learner learns the language to be familiar with target language literature. The text from the second language is translated into local language; vocabulary and grammatical rules are memorized (Thanasoulas, 2002). Cunningham, 2002 considered the Grammar translation method a useful method for students’ learning a second language at all levels. Similarly, Damiani, (2003), stated in his study on grammar-translation method affirms that it is the best method to teach grammar and vocabulary and teacher believes that his/her students are learning while in any other method the teacher is not sure that students learn the language. Larsen-Freeman, (2011) stated illustrates the pitfalls of grammar- translation method that it focuses on cramming grammatical rules, students are only taught lexical meanings and it does not focus on listening and speaking skills. In the Grammar translation method, the focus of the individual is only limited to learning grammatical structures; in a real sense, grammar is not language but is an aspect of language that adds to language learning.
  • 12. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [4] 1.3 Background of the study: - Translation, reading and grammatical exercises__ “are in fact perceived by learners to be conducive to learning”. (Donoghue, (2002) and Ellis, (2006)) Grammar Teaching involves any instructional techniques that draw learner’s attention to some specific grammatical form in such a way that it helps them either to understand it meta- linguistically and/or process it in comprehension and/ or production so that they can internalize it.” In Grammar Translation method was firstly used in the middle of the nineteenth century in Germany, it is like Detzner (2004) stated that the grammar- translation method (GTM) to teach foreign language dominated from the mid- nineteenth century to the beginning of World War Two and it is still used in some countries today. In the late eighteenth century, the first place which began to establish GTM as the main method to teach a second language at national high schools, known as Gymnasiums was Prussia in Germany. In this century GTM was the only widely used teaching method in the schools, not only in Germany also in other European countries. Originally it was used to teach Greek and Latin. Due to this historical background, GTM is also known as the traditional or classical method, as the grammar school method or in America as the Prussian method. Along with within more opportunities for communication had been arising especially in Europe and consequently, new methods for language teaching were developed in order to meet the needs of the new class of language learners (Howatt, 1997 in Tetzner, 2004). According to Richards & Rodgers (2001), its aim was to know everything about anything more than the thing itself. The goal of using the grammar-translation method was that students could study a foreign language by translation. It is claimed in GTM that by memorizing the rules and grammatical structures of the target language, learners can understand the target language easily.
  • 13. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [5] 1.4 Statement of the problem: - I have identified the problem during my practicum in Govt. PC (Urdu) section school attached to Government Elementary College of Education (women), Hyderabad. Have faced a multi concerted problem at the primary level owing to lacking few drawbacks. Since they were beginner level of students, they just started learning English. And, they had a set of syllabuses and two exams in a year, class test, oral test and much more. And they had literature with work and a grammar book. When started speaking in English, noticed some of them did not understand anything, as a result, they were not being interested to communicate but some of them responded a lot. So, translated all my sentences in L1 for the ~students to understand better like, so by observing their situations and level decided to teach them by grammar-translation method (GTM) method. I think that in the Pakistani concept GTM is applicable and whatever students learn from school is by Grammar translation Method, also observed the other classes of that school like classes five, seven, and eight and found that teachers were typical they were only focused on completing the syllabus and then gave exercises comprehensions, question answers, etc. So, decided to work on GTM. 1.5 Objective of the study: - The following are the objectives of my research study which I have tried to address: - • To develop the effectiveness of GTM in learning the English language. • To examine the learning concept by students through a GTM. • To evaluate the usage of GTM in an educational institution. 1.6 Research Questions: - Q1: - What is the effectiveness of GTM in learning the English language? Q2: - How to assess the learning concept by students through a GTM?
  • 14. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [6] Q3: - Why the usage of GTM is so important in educational institutions? 1.7 Scope of the study: - The scope of this research is that students will be able to realize how much communication is important. They will be able to know why ‘English for Today’ is important for learning English, also be able to know how to use English for Today properly and be able to know how to develop four skills reading, writing, listening and speaking. And from this research study, another researcher to be able to gain the knowledge of the grammar-translation method and learned about the usage (where and when) is approximately for the communication and to be aware of the session of globalization in the criteria of language skill-based. it will also helpful for teachers that improve the GTM strategies in students learning. The scope is so vast under the title of GTM. 1.8 Significance of The Study: - The main significance of this study is to gain and the insight of GTM learning is that to be aware from the rule of grammatical session and student can easily understand well the meaning the abstract word and also the complicated sentence and also know by this easily to be comprehended a message through a reading text and can produce the grammatically correct sentence, lack of fluent problem also to be overcome officially and now about the knowledge of morphology & syntax. As only a small number of institutes, this research will be provided an overview of the difficulties to be faced by most of the students of English from such backgrounds. the result of the research may help the teacher to be aware of the conversational problems & adopt certain suitable strategies to remedy them.
  • 15. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [7] 1.9 Purpose of the study: - The purpose of the study is that from it helping students to read and appreciate the foreign language and help to translate one language into the other and from its teachers and students to be aware of the grammar rules and to be memorized to it and long lists vocabulary learned by heart. 1.10 The limitation of the study: - This research study will be limited to the PC Primary Urdu school with the attached to the GECE (W) Hyderabad, I have chosen this school because it is in college sites and convenient to me, this research study is the necessity of my degree program. The population of my research also relies on 5 students and 3 teachers because of the shortage of time, unavailability of funds, time limitations of semester system, I wished to do this study in more schools and spread the knowledge in broaden way regarding the grammar-translation method (GTM) to help more and more lack of basic of grammatically children but it is not possible to do in short time. I wanted to work with more teachers and to be open the ways of learning the skill to be developed for students. I wish. I could more work with this session from where students can pick up in an authentic or effectively manner able. 1.11 Ethical consideration: - This ethical consideration approximately the rules and steps, before setup of meeting with (HM) firstly I take the permission to her, from which is give me lots of informational criteria based, in this gathering of research study all are totally contribution with me likely respect action with the teachers and other staff as well as students. Duration of my conduct research I gave the opportunity to students and also give and take of respect criteria from the students or also to learn more and share
  • 16. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [8] personal ideas with me., in this study session, the responsibility worked to be updated by researcher, in this ethics consideration, it is very beneficial for the conduct opinion for data collection and to evaluate that is a result of best effective in proper style. 1.12 Definition of key terms: - 1.12.1: - Grammar Translation Method: - The Grammar Translation Method (GTM) is a method of second language instruction based mostly on the translation of passages from the native language into the target language. Along the way, students are explained the grammar rules, etymology, and syntax of the target language in a more linguistic than communicative way. (plots, 1881) 1.12.2: - Assessment: - Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development. (T.marchese, 1987) 1.12.3: - Teaching: - Teaching as a process by which teachers and students create a shared environment including sets of values and beliefs which in turn color their view of reality. (Weil, 1985) 1.12.4: - School: - A school is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students (or "pupils") under the direction of teachers.
  • 17. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [9] 1.13 Conclusion: - This research is conducted to check the effectiveness and use of the Grammar Translation Method for English in primary school. Students feel easy to understand the concepts; even they can easily communicate with their teachers and fellows in their first language. A comparison of both the structures of L1 and L2 gives them enough understanding of the thoughts. Here GTM demonstrated an entrance street for the understudies to enter the world of English They can easily get good marks in their exams by teaching through this method. It can be said that GTM should be used along with other modern methods to keep space for learners from different background especially in backward areas. By keeping in mind its benefits, GTM can be used as an easy and helping hand to cope with the world of English. Chapter one is organized only for the or assistance of next chapter.
  • 18. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [10] Chapter Two Review Of Literature 2. Overview of the chapter Chapter two is introducing the construct of the study including the Theoretical framework, history of GTM, Techniques of GTM, Research, Rules of memorization, usage of GTM, Merits and Demerits of GTM and Conclusion, etc. This chapter aims to describe the patterns of the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and its application. 2.1 Theoretical framework of Research: - Johann Valentin Edinger, Stephen D Krashen, and Truscott, J. have discussed in their theories, the use of GTM( Grammar translation method) in the subject of English, but from all theories here the theory of Johann valeting Medinger, the an English course book for secondary school pupils, authored by Johann Valentin Medinger in 1783 and became the dominant method of teaching foreign languages in European schools The aim of Grammar Translation was to So I have integrated this theory in my research that the first enable learners to read literary classics and ‘to benefit from the mental discipline and intellectual development that result from foreign/ Pakistan language study rules were presented in the learner’s language one by one. 2.3 History of GTM: - The Grammar-Translation Method is not new. It has had different names, but it has been used by language teachers for many years. At one time it was called the Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages, Latin and Greek. Earlier in the 20th century, this method was used for the purpose of helping students read and appreciate foreign language literature. It was also hoped that, through the study of the grammar of the target language, students would become
  • 19. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [11] more familiar with the grammar of their native language and that this familiarity would help them speak and write their native language better. Finally, it was thought that foreign language learning would help students grow intellectually; it was recognized that students would probably never use the target language, but the mental exercise of learning it would be beneficial anyway. Grammar Translation dominated European and foreign language teaching from the 1840s to the 1940s, and in modified form, it continues to be widely used in some parts of the world today. At its best, as Howatt (1984) points out, it was not necessarily the horror that its critics depicted it as. Its worst excesses were introduced by those who wanted to demonstrate that the study of French or German was no less rigorous than the study of classical languages. This resulted in the type of Grammar-Translation courses remembered with distaste by thousands of school learners, for whom foreign language learning meant a tedious experience of memorizing endless lists of unusable grammar rules and vocabulary and attempting to produce perfect translations of stilted or literary prose. Although the Grammar-Translation Method often creates frustration for students, it makes few demands on teachers. It is still used in situations where understanding literary texts are the primary focus of foreign language study and there is little need for a speaking knowledge of the language. Contemporary texts for the teaching of foreign languages at the college level often reflect Grammar-Translation principles. These texts are frequently the products of people trained in literature rather than in language teaching or applied linguistics. Consequently, though it may be true to say that the Grammar- Translation Method is still widely practiced, it has no advocates. It is a method for which there is no theory. There is no literature that offers a rationale or justification for it or that attempts to relate it to issues in linguistics, psychology, or educational theory. In the mid and late of 19th-century opposition to the Grammar-Translation
  • 20. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [12] Method gradually developed in several European countries. This reform movement laid the foundations for the development of new ways of teaching languages and raised controversies that have continued to the present day. The Grammar Translation Method is an old method that was originally used to teach dead languages which explains why it focuses mainly on the written form at the expense of the oral form. It was designed according to the faculty psychology approach which was very popular during the 18th and 19th centuries. It contended that” mental discipline was essential for strengthening the powers of the mind”. The way to do this was through learning classical literature of the Greeks and Romans. Grammar rules were presented in the learner’s first language one by one and in an intuitively graded sequence. Each grammar point was exemplified with a set of sentences created ad hoc in the L2 alongside their literal translation in the L1. The vocabulary was learned by memorizing bilingual lists of lexical items and phrases. As. Franz Ahn’s (1869) started with the declensions of German nouns, specimens of handwriting and the pronunciation of simple and double vowels, diphthongs, consonants, and syllables. Then, in Part I, it introduced singular and plural subject personal pronouns with the present simple tense of the verb to be in the affirmative and interrogative form, Two basic principles informed the process of learning expounded in Grammar Translation textbooks. The first is that a language course can be based on a sequence of linguistic categories, the most notable parts of speech. The second is that these categories can be exemplified in sample sentences and then practiced by constructing new sentences on a word-for-word basis. It was also assumed that all that was required for translating into a foreign language was knowledge of the grammar and the possession of a good dictionary. This was based on the ‘arithmetical fallacy’ that ‘sentences could be constructed a priori by combining words according to certain definite rules’ (Sweet
  • 21. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [13] 1900). In more recent times, Grammar Translation was adopted in self-study guides like The Penguin Russian Course in 1961 (Fennel in Cook 2010), which remained in print till 1996. Today the method continues to be used in situations where the primary focus of foreign language study understands literary texts (Richards and Rodgers 2001). So, Grammar Translation has stood the test of time and proved to be remarkably resilient to the innovations that have been introduced in language teaching from 1830 till the present day, as will be shown in the following sections. 2.4 Techniques of GTM: - According to Murcia (Biplab, 2018) the characteristics of GTM include instruction using the L1, use of standalone and potentially unrelated words, explanation of rules, structural focus in vocabulary teaching, Now regarding the techniques of GTM, (freeman, 2000)Frosted some points including translation from L1 into L2 and the separate study of vocabulary and grammatical. The teaching techniques in the grammar-translation method are as follows • Translation • Reading comprehension • Deductive applications of rules • Fill in the blanks • Memorization • Vocabulary practice • Composition • Use of mother tongue. • Vocabulary items are taught in the form of word lists. • Elaborate explanations of grammar. • Focus on the morphology and syntax. • Reading of difficult texts early in the course.
  • 22. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [14] • The practice focuses on exercises translating sentences or texts from mother tongue to the target language and vice versa. 2.5 Rules of memorization: - Here are some rules of memorization to be included which is more applicable for it: - • Record notes to listen to later • Turn important information into a memorable story • Use flashcards to memorize words, phrases, and characters • Use a rhyming system to link information to common words • Focus on the 100 most important words • Use the rote method and memorize through repetition • Create a visual mind map to sort, filter, and remember data • Learn important information through practical exercises • Master your memory today etc.… 2.6 Principles of GTM: - (Freeman, 2000) explained that the basic purpose of GTM is to be able to read literature and students are asked to translate from one language to another language. Those who can translate are called successful language learners. The fundamental purpose is to develop reading Use of Grammar Translation Method in Pakistan EFL Classroom 10 and writing. And there is little attention given to speaking and writing and there is no importance on pronunciation. The classroom is mostly teacher- centered. Students learn new vocabulary from new passages. Similar opportunities are given through the target language. Students are given examples and learn verbs, conjugation and other grammatical rules. According to (Murica, 1979) there are some characteristics of this method that the writer will mention as follows. The teachers conduct classes in the first language have isolated vocabulary lists and a detailed explanation about the structure of grammar. And students are given different texts,
  • 23. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [15] which give an opportunity to them to use the language that they learned in the classroom. 2.7 Merits of GTM: - Many schools are still using GTM with a large number of students. It is a teacher- centered classroom and it’s cost-effective and appropriate. The main technique is translation into learners’ L1, along with accuracy. It removes the possibility of any misunderstanding and misinterpretation. It saves a lot of time through translation from one language into another the meaning, words, and phrases of the target language is easy to explain. Even those who are not fluent in L2 teach through this method (teaching English) 2.7.1: -The target language is quickly explained in GTM. The translation is the easiest way of explaining meanings or words and phrases from one language into another. Any other method of explaining vocabulary items in the second language is found time-consuming. A lot of time is wasted if the meanings of lexical items are explained through definitions and illustrations in the second language. Further, learners acquire some short of accuracy in understanding synonyms in the source language and the target language. 2.7.2: -Teacher and students are easy to communicate/It does not need native language: - The teacher’s labor is saved. Since the textbooks are taught through the medium of the mother tongue, the teacher may ask comprehension questions on the text taught in the mother tongue. Pupils will not have much difficulty in responding to questions on the mother tongue. So, the teacher can easily assess whether the students have learned what he has taught them. Communication between the teacher and the learners does not cause linguistic problems. Even teachers who are not fluent in English can teach
  • 24. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [16] English through this method. That is perhaps the reason why this method has been practiced so widely and has survived so long. 2.7.3: - The students easy to understand because of grammatical lessons. ESL students taught successfully under the grammar-translation method will have the ability to translate even difficult texts from their native language into English. They possess a thorough knowledge of English grammar, including verb tenses. These students will be familiar with several classical pieces of English literature, which are used for grammatical analysis and exercises. This method requires a few specialized skills on the part of teachers. Grammar rules and Translation Tests are easy to construct and can be objectively scored. Many standardized tests of foreign languages still do not attempt to test communicative abilities, so students have little motivation to go beyond grammar analogies, translations, and other written exercises. 2.8 Demerits of GTM: - Every Method must have advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the Grammar Translation Method have been explained in the passage above. Here are the disadvantages: 2.8.1: -No Scope for Effective Communication and Very Tedious for Learners The direct translation is widely regarded as an inefficient way of becoming fluent in any language. For example, translating a sentence word-for-word from Spanish to English might not result in a sentence with the same meaning because so little attention is paid in class to listening and speaking. Students with years of English lessons through this method are often unable to hold even a basic conversation in English because classes with this method are usually taught in a lecture style, with the teacher mostly speaking the students’ native language rather than English, the class can be dull and cause students to lose interest.
  • 25. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [17] 2.8.2: - Ineffective Method: - It is a teaching method that studies a foreign language in order to read its literature focusing on the analysis of its grammar rules and to translate sentences and texts into and out the target language. In the Grammar Translation Method, the teaching of a second language starts with the teaching of reading. Little attention is paid to the content of texts, which are treated as exercises in grammatical analysis. Thus, the learning process is reversed. 2.8.3: - More Importance on Grammar Rules than on Meaning: - The exact translation is not possible. The translation is, indeed, a difficult task and exact translation from one language to another is not always possible. A language is the result of various customs, traditions, and modes of behavior of a speech community and these traditions differ from community to community. There are several lexical items in one language, which have no synonyms/equivalents in another language. Each language has its own structure, idiom, and usage, which do not have their exact counterparts in another language. Thus, the translation should be considered an index of one’s proficiency in a language. 2.8.4: - Slow Learning Rate and Making Learners Think in L1: - It does not give pattern practice. A person can learn a language only when he internalizes its patterns to the extent that they form his habit. But the Grammar Translation Method does not provide any such practice to the learner of a language. It rather attempts to teach language through rules and not by us. Researchers in linguistics have proved that to speak any language, whether native or foreign entirely by rule is quite impossible. Language learning means acquiring certain skills, which can be learned through practice and not by just memorizing rules. The persons who have learned a foreign or second language through this method find it difficult to give up the habit of first thinking in their mother tongue and then translating their ideas
  • 26. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [18] into the second language. They, therefore, fail to get proficiency in the second language approximating that in the first language. The method, therefore, suffers from certain weaknesses for which there is no remedy. 2.9 Conclusion: - In my opinion, The Grammar Translation Method was developed for the study of “dead” languages and to facilitate access to those languages’ classical literature. That’s the way it should stay. English is certainly not a dead or dying language, so any teacher that takes “an approach for dead language study” into an English language classroom should perhaps think about taking up Math or Science instead. Rules, universals and memorized principles apply to those disciplines – pedagogy and communicative principles do not. The use of translation will contribute to the use of the target language effectively. Learning gets meaningful via translation, and better comprehension promotes foreign language proficiency. The Grammar-Translation method is useful because the learning process is clearer, thus accuracy will be acquired by students. This all review of literature assembled for chapter three.
  • 27. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [19] Chapter Three Research Methodology 3.1 Overview of the chapter: - Chapter three is introducing the idea of the study including the Research design Research Approach, Time Span, Tools/ instruments used for Data Analysis, Sampling Design, and population. Sampling Size, Sampling Techniques, Data Collection, Data Analysis, and Conclusion, etc. This chapter aims to describe the structures of methodology in the session of conduct research to the criteria of the Grammar Translation Method (GTM). 3.2 Research Design: - Research design is a plan to answer your research question. Research design ensures that the data you obtain will help you answer your research question more effectively. (Freeman, 2009) And in my opinion research design is a framework that is analyzed by different structures based. The design of this research is a Qualitative & it’s diagnosed by different strategy, which is appropriate for it. Here is the cycling process is also used.
  • 28. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [20] Teachers Cycle: - 2 Reconnaissance Cycle: - 3 Other staff Observation checklist Meeting with HM Questionnaire tool Classroom problem diagnose Cycle: -4 Students / teachers Conduct the workshop Teachers awareness about GTM Cycle: -1
  • 29. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [21] 3.3.1 Research Approach: - The research approach is a plan and procedure that consists of the steps of broad assumptions to detailed methods of data collection, analysis and interpretation. (Chetty, 2016) and in my personal description about the research approach is a cross sessional part of a research which is based on a master plan specifying the methods and procedure for collecting and analyzing the needed information in a research study in specific time. Qualitative Research: - According to Denzin and Lincoln, qualitative research as involving , an interpretive naturalistic approach to the world. This means that qualitative research study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them further said by Denzin, 2005, the corner of this research criteria is totally based on the nature of qualitative based which is more effectively for it for the naturalistic approach among it to them, which is integration of cross-sectional criteria which is part of the research, it’s also to be usage in this research study because of with the integration of short time period is to be available and also the place. Deductive approach: - The most important point to bear in mind when considering whether to use the deductive approach is firstly the purpose of your research; and secondly, the methods that are best suited to explore a new or emerging area within the discipline, or to answer specific research my
  • 30. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [22] opinion ground theory is the research approach which totally keeps the integration of structures of your area of interest through the process of constant comparison. . 3.3.2 Research Framework in an Action Research: - 03 10/10/2019 P.C(Urdu) section school Hyderabad Qualitative interview based on the GTM By teachers and students 04 18/10/2019 P.C(Urdu) section school Hyderabad Qualitative Conduct workshop Awareness of GTM to teachers. 3.3.3: - Tool/Instruments used for Data Analysis: - The tools/ instruments for this research study which is used for the data analysis which is likely based on the interview questionnaire tool adopted from Thuleen (2011). The interview-based, tool in which 13th questions included to it and then a tool of question is concerned with the integration of teachers in it. In this thematic analysis Ground theory used where to analyze the initial, focused and themes of whole process and thematically discussed in deep. S. No: Date Place Tool Planning Action 01 16/09/2019 P.C(Urdu) section school Hyderabad Qualitative Observational Meeting with other staff. 02 27/9/2019 P.C(Urdu) section school Hyderabad Qualitative checklist Observation in class.
  • 31. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [23] 3.4 Sampling Design: - The sample design plans included information about sampling frames and their coverage, providing descriptions of the sample designs that included stages of sampling, sampling units and sample sizes. (Leyla Mohadjer, 2009). 3.4.1: - Population: - The population is generally a large collection of individuals or objects that is the main focus of numbering or range that how researchers are done, due to large sizes of population, research is too expensive and time – consuming procedure. (Mohamed Adam, 2009) and in my opinion, the population is the overall range of participant in research criteria, The population of this research study consists only the 10 students of Grade 3rd and 5 teachers of PC primary (Urdu) section school attached with the Govt: Elementary College of Education (women) Hyderabad in which eight students & one class teacher in class 3rd 3.4.2: - Sampling Size: - The sampling size of this study is 5 students &1 class teachers from the PC (Urdu) section Attached with the GECE (women) college Hyderabad. 3.4.3: - Sampling Techniques / Methods`: - The techniques of sampling of this research study concerned with the simple random sampling technique, Total 05 students of grade 3rd taken out of them, only one teacher was selected by Purposive Sampling Techniques/method for this study. 3.4.4: - Data Collection procedure: - In the school PC (Urdu) section attached with Govt: Elementary college of Education (Women) Hyderabad where Researcher visited is interpretation of research criteria where did many actions for collecting the research data which is firstly to conducted
  • 32. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [24] of meeting with the school HM than thoroughly with the different tools likely as checklist and interview-based tools. Both tools were administrated by the researcher personally. The information was gathered through the checklist and interview tool adopted. The tool of the checklist which are used on students and filled it by the researcher. The interview was utilized to confirm the finding from the checklist, the interview tool which is consisted of 13 open-ended questions which is asked by the teachers and totally to be filled by the researchers, Researcher collected the data of grade 3rd student’s attendance and class test score as a pre-action record. 3.4.5: - Data Analysis/ interpretation: - The research data will be interpreted by using the MS. Office software and the MS Excel version 2013 was applied to obtain the results. Data interpreted through multiple bar charts. The interviews were to be transcribed and the content carefully analyzed. The themes of questionnaire findings were also analyzed by the 3D Column chart. 3.5 Conclusion: - My overall conclusion is that the contribution of this research methodology in which the research-based items to be useful which is describe the nature of data analysis and also then the attainment of most language teaching goals that is to promote students’ communication skills, this grammar-translation method is expected to help English teachers to find a new teaching principle which is adopted from advantages of two great methods and understand the details associated with the effect of the fusion in teaching goals, teaching materials as well as classroom activities, to understand that grammar and vocabulary are the most powerful instruments in language that should be taught at the beginning as a foundation to accelerate the development of communication skill, to adopt specific techniques from the samples to make teaching English more effective and communicative through translation approach and know the exact reasons for the English teachers’ preference employing the grammar-translation method in more communicative ways when teaching. So all requirement only move toward the chapter four.
  • 33. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [25] Chapter Four Data Analysis and Result 4.1 Overview of the chapter: - The chapter is introducing the idea of the study including the analysis of action research cycles, finding on thematic analysis of coordination interviews, discussion of checklist/ tools and interviews and Conclusion, etc. This chapter aims to describe the thematic analysis of the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and its submission. 4.2 Data Analysis: - Data Analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data. Indeed, researchers generally analyze patterns in observations through the entire data collection phase (Savenye, 2004). 4.3 Analysis of Action Research Cycles: - 4.3.1 Report of Reconnaissance First of all this reflection is co-related with the session of action research reflection which include in four basic steps -1)plan 2) act 3) observe & 4) reflect, which is to applied by researcher for the immediate action research criteria on the date of 16/9/ concerned with the PC (Urdu) section school in the grade of 3. • Plan: - first it is the first step of action research in which first I plan a meeting session with the HM of PC school and get permission to conduct the action research in their school at the level of grade through the showing of the research conducting letter... • Act: -first of all in the second session I will go to conduct the meeting with the headmistress (HM) PC Urdu section, attached with the (GECEW) college, Hyderabad. In which session I introduce my research topic “The use of GTM (Grammar translation method) in the subject of English language at primary level,
  • 34. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [26] then shared my research objectives and also told to her and to share the significant point of view of my topic with her and also doing the meet up with teacher’s and others staff /students of Grade 3 too... • Observe:-The duration of this session, I observed first the school HM( headmistress ) who totally clearly to listen my research topic point of view and also doing positive cooperation with me and also get me response in the session of leaning experience guideline which is more effective for me and when went to class 3 and doing conversation with the students with the pattern of grammatical session of English, few students are active and lack in the session of ( GTM). All students will be able to read the text or any paragraph but doing the grammatical errors ( segmentation of words/blending/semantics/ morphemes) is missed and there is no concept of understanding to be developed what they read. • Reflect:- In this session than I meet up with the (HM) of school and also with teacher’s to doing the cooperation with them and also told about my thinking point of my research topic and all are given me guideline about my work and also take interested in each session of topic than my next action research step is that to conduct survey and to develop the observational checklist for diagnosing problem for next level within the students. 4.3.2: - Analysis of cycle One: - First, this reflection is concerned with session of cycle 2 action research which is based on the 4 steps of action research, it is co interconnected with the 3rd grade of primary Urdu session: - which is to apply by the researcher for the immediate action research criteria on the 27/9/2019
  • 35. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [27] • Plan: - firstly, I went to the PC (Urdu) section school, in which firstly I meet up with school (HM) take the permission for doing the action research, then I went to grade 3rd and meet up with the students and class teacher and discuss my action procedure to the teacher. • Act: - In this session firstly I take permission from her for doing my action procedure and went to grade 3rd were I put up the printable worksheet which is totally integrated with my research topic which is very suitable for it in the criteria base of GTM( Grammar translation method) which is to be filled by students in which firstly I got them instruction about work process that how it to be filled up etc. , in which printable worksheet many levels of grammar-based things to be included, which is assigned for the diagnose for students performance level. • Observe: In this session when I went to grade 3, some students be attentive in nature but few students are not involved in their classroom activity which is organized by their class teacher, then when I distribute my printable worksheet among the students which is based on the grammatical criteria all students to be alert and filled the worksheet properly but their concept is to be cleared by given instructions of me and also involvement of activity they know grammar 60% but rules of grammatical based is not be cleared so there is some error to be developed by few students. • Reflect: - In this session, my overall work to be well in nature students are totally cooperatively with me and give me response as I want and also share their weakness point of them with me, then next action research cycle is that to be developed the worksheet on the base of grammar-translation method in which I share and clear the concept go grammar and also its rules of memorization is to be concerned with the teachers.
  • 36. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [28] Result: - The above analysis shows that it will be developed the grammar-based vocabulary to teachers make used of gesture to clarify to use of grammar and the L1 and L2 grammar rule were to be assessed and from it, the teachers take the advantage of Grammar translation based techniques used for fill it and then it will be described the criteria which is based on the (yes, no and how much ) percentage which is complication on the basis of grammar techniques involved in the classroom. 4.3.3: - Analysis of cycle Two: - First, this reflection is concerned with session of cycle 3 action research which is based on the 4 steps of action research, it is co interconnected with the 3rd grade of primary Urdu session: - which is to apply by the researcher for the immediate action research criteria on the 10/10/2019 • Plan:- first of all in this first step in the base of cycle 1, firstly I went PC (Urdu) section where I firstly taken permission by school (HM) for conduct the questionnaire tools from teacher and students accordance the level of grade 3 which is covered the process of (GTM) and also show its key points among of it. 0 2 4 6 8 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Chart Title S. No: - Criterion Yes How much NO
  • 37. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [29] • Act: - first in this second step I will go to conduct the questionnaire tool which is consumed and overcome by the co-relation of students and teacher with me in which the significance of (GTM) based methods criteria questions to be described, In which many grammatical based items are involved where I connected with the grade 3 class teacher and do questionnaire tools base activity with her in which she is attentive involved and gave me a response as well as and to be alert in nature. • Observe:- from overall of this session, I observed that every school members is totally positive co-related with me either it may students or teachers, also to be alert with responsibility of doing work, duration of conducted questionnaire tool by grade 3rd I observed that all are to be active and alert in nature and want to learnt new constructive things not to be in traditional way, and also I observed that when I talk in English some students don’t able understand to it that what I say but when in talk in Urdu all are able to understand every point of me easily and gave me positive feedback to me, • Reflect: -from this session my overall conclusion is that all work to be done in an active manner and also be cooperative with me to others staff others of school and grade of 3rd, then my next action research step is to fill the questionnaire tools which is developed for the students grade of 3rd and also for the school teachers.
  • 38. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [30] Thematic Interpretation on Interview (Initial coding) S.NO Respondent 1 Initial code 1. Yes, I could, that grammar translation method is effective method which provide the concept of grammar basic structures and lots of bundle of knowledge also to be gained. Grammar translation method Grammar basic structures and lots of knowledge 2. Activities such like as (group work and discussion) Group work 3. structured based method / grammar translation is best to teach English because from its students can learn easily. structured based method / grammar translation 4. - conversion to be created among the students to each other’s / dialogues strategy is also to be involved conversion and dialogues 5. The grammar translation method and demonstration method …. grammar translation method and demonstration method 6. to communication to each other’s mostly like this method. communication to each other’s 7. There is sometime totally worked on the grammatical criteria, but it should sometime occur when it is needed. sometime occur when it is needed. 8. yes, sometime when it is needed. Because its strategy low level developed their skill by the cooperation of high-level students; low level developed and high-level students; 9. NO, because overall environment is full of mother tongue language so there is no used of English in speaking skills. mother tongue language 10. yes, some time it’s very useful for assess the level of students learning level level students learning 11. Yes, totally in sometime is to be occurs. occurred 12. yes, it totally occurs but sometime when it is needed Needed 13. The procedure of Conversation is very suitable for improving the criteria of languages. Procedure of conversation
  • 39. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [31] Interpretation of Interview on Themes and Focused coding Initial code Major Themes CODE Grammar basic structures and lots of knowledge I Information I Group work P Assessment A structured based method / grammar translation P Process P conversion and dialogues I grammar translation method and demonstration method I communication to each other’s P sometime occur when it is needed. A low level developed and high-level students; p mother tongue language I level students learning A Occurred P Needed A Procedure of conversation A
  • 40. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [32] Thematic Analysis on Interview Coding Major Themes CODE Cumulative Analysis Process P 5 Assessment A 4 Information I 4 Result on themes: - Process: - This theme is showing the major involvement of techniques and procedure among the teachers within the students. Assessment: - This theme is showing the way of diagnosing the problem among the students which is to be overcome by teachers Information: - This theme is showing the way of delivering the knowledge related to the topic which is exchangeable by the conversational session. Process 35% Assessment 41 INFORMATION 21% Cumulative Analysis
  • 41. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [33] Result/Analysis on themes: - The use of grammar-translation method among the students in the subjects of English which is totally to be categorized into the three themes among of them which is first of it is process that is analyzed in the ratio of 35% in class then the assessment is about the ration of 44% that will be overcome the problem which is to occur and information that will be the ratio about the 21%. 4.3.4: Analysis of cycle three: - First, this reflection is concerned with session of cycle 4 action research which is based on the 4 steps of action research, it is co interconnected with the 3rd grade of primary Urdu session: - which is to apply by the researcher for the immediate action research criteria on the 18/10/2019 • Plan: - firstly, I went to the PC (Urdu) section school, in which firstly I meet up with school (HM) take the permission for doing the action research (workshop) then I went to grade 3rd and meet up with the teacher and discuss grammar-translation method impact in education. • Act: - In this session, I did my workshop on the base of the grammar- translation method in front of the teachers as a participant and share the way that how it to be effective for students learning ever. • Observe: - In this session, I observe that the duration of workshop deliverance all participant was to be alert and active and involved in the question/answer’s techniques, and to encourage me for learning more. • Reflect: - In this session, my overall work to be well in nature teachers are totally cooperatively with me and give me a response as I want and share their thinking point of it with me.
  • 42. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [34] 4.3.5: -Action Research Cycle Four: Report on the workshop: - • Plan: - In this session, firstly I went to the PC (Urdu) section where I meet up with the HM and to inform her that I want to conduct the workshop in the school for teacher where I gave awareness about (Grammar translation method) and how it to be used in classroom and language basis, also told them how to its impact on the performance students in the educational sessional department. • Act: - In this session, after the criteria of the plan, I developed the workshop criteria and conduct to it for teachers where I gave the Father knowledge about Grammar translation method and it features and how to it overcome procedure to be discussed to them and its implications on the level of better performance. • Observe: - In this session, after conducting the process of the workshop I observed that there is somehow knowledge have among the teachers but there is no implication in an authentic manner to the students, and analyses that teachers sharing their opinion about what issued occurred in the classroom that how to deal it with strategies. • Reflect: - In this session, after the overall process l have that it will be refining the knowledge about GTM to the participants and in the form of agenda of the workshop teachers share their opinion on it that indicates the problem overcome.
  • 43. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [35] Analysis/Result of workshop on feedback: - In this session when I conducted the workshop teachers gave me lots of knowledge with me. • Yes, it is a best and easy method which is totally helpful for us for learning the language and their skill. • From this method, we all are learnt about knowledge of personal mother tongue. • The grammar-translation is effectively for exploring the message to the others and able to communicate with each other. • Through its vocabulary the development of vocabulary to be assessed. • Among the students through this topic, it will be l encourage the logical view between them but by the integration of environmental session, there is no implication of English because here is totally Urdu and Sindhi language to be used in the base of mother tongue criteria session view. • But from this theme sometime language concept problem to occur. • Through this of my topic, they all are to be being the critical thinkers about the concept of the grammar-translation method. • The level of diagnosing the theme of language is also to be adopted. 4.4 Conclusion: - From the above results, it concludes that teachers are using the grammar-translation method (GTM) widely in the classrooms to teach English. this method is old and seems easy and teachers are avoiding using direct methods and this analysis procedure to be diagnosed with the level of performance of students through data collection and its interpretation with it.
  • 44. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [36] Chapter Five Summary, Discussion, Conclusion, and Suggestion 5.1Overview of the Chapter: - This chapter is introducing the concept of the find out about which includes the discussions and summary, conclusion and findings/recommendation, etc. This chapter targets to mention the overall sum up of the lookup study and its authentic stage which is linkage inside it. 5.2 Summary: - The use of the grammar-translation method will contribute to the use of the target language effectively. Learning gets meaningful via translation, and better comprehension promotes foreign language proficiency. The Grammar-Translation strategy is valuable since the learning handle is clearer, hence precision will be procured by understudies. The discoveries show that the Grammar-Translation strategy is a vital kind of instructing strategy that the instructors ought to adjust it to instruct English as a moment dialect and the analysts ought to highlight the advantage or drawback of this strategy. Numerous reasons are behind that, to begin with, since it is an appropriate strategy and simple to conduct. Moment, the primary mental act the learner can use when feeling incapable of precise by the target dialect is translating by local dialect which precisely the center of this strategy. Third, the awesome advantage of connecting the information of both dialects which free the learner from the uncertainty of the target dialect. After all, the analyst suggests that after the showing of the dialect abilities and the syntactic rules, the convenience of interpretation is diminishing. In this manner, the applying of syntactic structure or the practicing of the dialect aptitudes in common ought to be within the target dialect to affirm the required shapes that the learners must develop to realize the most excellent comes about they are searching for.
  • 45. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [37] 5.3 Discussion: - In the basis of analyzing the data received from research tool (observational checklist, interview tools and through conductance of workshop) the researcher finalized at a different opinion about this research in result/finding and present them in a discussion which are given below:  Pre interventions show that the above analysis shows that in the ratio of 35% in- class performances among the students but before it is interpreted in the graph about 1%.  Pre interventions show that the assessment is about the ratio of 44% that will be overcome the problem but 11% result to be achieved.  Pre interventions show that the information that will be the ratio of about 21%. among the students.  Through intervention, the 20% found among the student the development of vocabulary 55% to be assessed.  Pre-intervention shows that 0% of students were used as grammar bases, they all are to be being the critical thinkers about the concept of grammar-translation method about 50%.  Through the intervention level of diagnosing the theme of language is low but after intervention high themes also to be adopted. 5.4 Conclusion: - After three and a half months I have completed my Action Research. After completion, I have gathered a lot of experience both as a teacher and as a student. I gathered experiences as a full-time teacher because they treated me as a regular one. The faculty members and along with the principal helped me a lot, besides academic purpose we hold built a friendly atmosphere that attracts me most. I got good
  • 46. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [38] feedback from the Principal. I used the Grammar Translation Method to teach them and when I left, I realized the students improved a lot through their results and speaking they at least tried to speak in the target language (L2). The students' interaction ability increases. I just did not teach the students through the GTM method but also my effective feedback and error correction also helped the student to increase their level. I also took some steps to control classes effectively. I was creating a friendly environment and the students were also good el kept some. I enjoyed teaching my students. That was what I wanted, and the time was very short for a beginner level of students for getting some results from them. And I thought I could fulfill my target. I know that it is not so possible for a teacher to create a student's speaking fluency with target language (L2) only by using Grammar Translation r ethos (GTM). But in our country's and cultural perspective the teacher used GTM but there should be some activities for example -speaking activities, students' communications, creative writing, etc., then a student will learn something which will be better for the students as well as his/her parents. And if we notice we could find that in most of the schools of our country, teachers use the grammar Translation Method (GTM). And it is not very easy for a teacher to apply a new method in classes for students especially in the school level of students, because parents only want the result from their child. If a teacher was only concerned about students speaking fluency without finishing their syllabus then the teacher might fall into a trap and I was very happy with my teaching ability, with the students, with the entire teacher who helped me a lot. It was a great experience and it will help me to go ahead in my future. Through this authentic experience, I also improved my knowledge of learning and teaching. And hopefully, after some years we would see a change in Pakistani education culture by all the different types of methods.
  • 47. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [39] 5.5 Recommendation : - The recommend that teachers should adopt pedagogies and strategies in her teaching from which students will learn about the grammatical sessions and improve their skills inferences of GTM basis. The study should help to students and teachers to identify the problem and help them, the study researcher proves that if the teacher gives extra time and extra concentration to motivate the students to develop their skills from which they greatly better among them from the passage of time. There is some suggestions are given below for teachers: -  The Teacher should develop the grammar-based collection of ideas.  The Teacher should be provided some trainings related GTM.  The Teachers should involve to all students during activities.  The Teacher should need to care about student Inter/intrapersonal.  The Teachers should give positive aspects of GTM.  The Teachers should relate the session of activities with its sub-topic.  The Teachers should be using the mix up of L1 and L2 in the classroom.  The teacher should be using the ideas of learning about it the grammar- translation method.  The teacher should be encouraged the students to develop their skills among them.  The teacher should be given proper attention to the students which linkage within the different language backgrounds.
  • 48. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [40] REFRENCES: - Austin, J. (2003). The Grammar Translation Method of language Teaching. An effective and feasible method in grammar, 54. Biplab, A. H. (2018). Use of Grammar Translation Method in pakistan Classrooms. 77. Chetty, P. (2016). research approach in a research. Cunningham, C. (2002). Translation in the classroom: A useful tool for second language . n.d, n.d. Damiani, A. J. ( (2003)). The Grammar Translation Method of Language Teaching. 77. Denzin. (2005). The basics of qualitative research. Donough, M. ( (2002). The Teacher as a Language Learner:Worlds of differences. n.d, 47. Ellis. ((2006)). current issue in teaching of grammar. n.d, n.d. freeman. (2000, september 20). Retrieved from freeman. (2009). Research Methods Guide: Research Design & Method. .edu/researchmethods/design-method. Gabreil, D. (2005). deductive v/s inductive research tools. Hedge, T. (2000). Teaching and learning in the language classroom. THE EFFECT OF USING GRAMMAR-TRANSLATION METHOD , n.d. (2005). The basics of qualitative research. denzin. Larsen-Freeman, D. &. ( (2011).). Techniques and principles in language teaching. Larsen-Freeman, D. &. (2011). . Techniques and principles in language teaching. . Integration of Grammar Translation Method with Communicative Approach, 76. Leyla Mohadjer, T. K. (2009). Sampling Design . Mohamed adam, ,. H. (2009). research populatiopn . Murica. (1979). the use of Grammar translation method. 77. plots, k. (1881). grammar translation method. In k. plot. n.d: n.d. Richards, J. C. ((2006)). Communicative Language Teaching Today. Integration of Grammar Translation Method with Communicative Approach.
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  • 50. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [42] Appendices: - Appendix A: Consent Letter
  • 51. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [43] Appendix B: Abbreviations: -  GTM = Grammar translation Method  EFL = English foreign Language  ESL = English Second Language
  • 52. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [44] Appendix C: Checklist This checklist is for the observation on, use of grammar translation method in the subject of English at primary level, to analyses the perception of grammar translation method among the students develop the basis of English language at 3rd grade, yes=3, how much=2andNo=1 School Name: - XYZ Grade: -3rd Teacher name-Miss k Date: -23/8/19 S. No Criterion Yes How much NO 01 The teacher generates student’s interaction in which grammar is put into practice. 02 The grammar rules were to be described basically in text by teacher. 03 The teacher take advantage of GTM for fill up the exercise of English. 04 The L1 & L2 grammar rule were to be involved in classroom. 05 Used of printed grammatical worksheet 06 Teachers make used of gesture to clarify the meaning of any difficult word 07 Develop the Grammar based vocabulary to be used by students
  • 53. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [45] Appendix D: Interview Dear Teacher: I am Prospective Student, B.ED (Hons) for the aim of study and presently of conducting analysis on the subject “Impact of grammar translations method for enhancing students’ learning at primary level”, I request you to spare of your valuable time for providing the main points indicating within the interview given below. I assure you that the info generated are going to be unbroken confidential and utilized just for analysis proposal. Name of teacher: - miss K Grade: - 03 School: - XYZ HYD Subject: - English Q1: - Could you please give me a definition of Grammar Translation Method? A: - Yes, I could, that grammar translation method is effective method which provide the concept of grammar basic structures and lots of bundle of knowledge also to be gained. Q2: - Which activities do you undertake in The class for teaching English by communicative? A: -Activities such like as (group work and discussion) Q3: -Which method do you prefer to teach English? A: - In my opinion, structured based method / grammar translation is best to teach English because from its students can learn easily. Grammar translation method Grammar basic structures and lots of knowledge teaching English group work and discussion Structured based method
  • 54. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [46] Q4: -What strategy you find most effective for students to improve speaking? A: - conversion to be created among the students to each other’s / dialogues strategy is also to be involved. Q5: - Which method you prefer to teach with? Why? A: - The grammar translation method and demonstration method …. Q6: -Which method students like most to learn English with? A: - to communication to each other’s mostly like this method. Q7: -What are the negative effects of Grammar- Translation Method? A: -There is sometime totally worked on the grammatical criteria, but it should sometime occur when it is needed. Q8: -Do you arrange students in group discussion? A: - yes sometime when it is needed. Because its strategy low level developed their skill by the cooperation of high-level students; Q9: - Do you speak English with your students? A: - NO, because overall environment is full of mother tongue language so there is no used of Improve speaking Conversion/ Prefer to teach /Demonstration method Learn English Communication Negative effects of grammar translation method/ needed Arrange students and Low level to high level students Speak English Mother tongue
  • 55. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [47] English in speaking skills. Q10: - Do you give dictation for writing practice? A: - yes, some time it’s very useful for assess the level of students learning level Q11: -Do you translate words for the students to understand the sentence? A: -Yes totally in sometime is to be occurs. Q12: -Do you give grammatical exercise in the class? A: - yes it totally occurs but sometime when it is needed. Q13: - What types of steps do you take for improving language? A: - The procedure of Conversation is very suitable for improving the criteria of languages. Dictation/Leve ls of students learning Translate words and Understand the sentences Grammatical exercise and needed Improving language Procedure of conversation
  • 56. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [48] Appendix E Agenda of conduct workshop: - Workshop title: -The use of GTM (Grammar translations method) in the subject of English at primary level. Number of participants: - Date: - 9/10/2019 Time: 45mint S.NO: - Content Time Reflection 01. Introductions. 10mint. In this first stage researcher will be introduce the action research topic “the use of GTM (Grammar translation method) in the subject of English at primary level” in which firstly give the introduction about it that what is it, when is started. 02. objectives & Goals. 3mint. In this session researcher will be after the delivered of introduction she will represent her goals and objective for workshop which is to be involved after the end of participant in it. 03. Body. 20mint. In this session researcher will be explained topic in the detailed way the level of importance of GTM and advantage and its features and its procedure that how it to be occurs in the classroom procedure to be discussed. 04. Discussion & sum up: - 12mint. In this session researcher will discussion their topic with teachers and supervisor and sum up within the end of workshop also gave them instructions. About its procedure that how it to be related within the educational sessional level.
  • 57. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [49] Attendance sheet of Workshop
  • 58. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [50] Pictures sheet of Workshop
  • 59. The use of GTM (Grammar Translation Method) in the subject of English at the Primary level [51]