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Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English
through reciprocal teaching method at primary level
Submitted By:
Ms. Nadia Thalho
MS. Sadaf Haleem
GECE (W) Hyderabad
Academic year 2019
Table of Contents
CERTIFICATE.................................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgement............................................................................................................................... iv
Dedication ............................................................................................................................................. v
Abstract................................................................................................................................................. vi
Chapter One ..........................................................................................................................................2
1.1. Chapter overview:....................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Introduction: ............................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Background of the study: ............................................................................................ 3
1.4. Statement of the problem:........................................................................................... 4
1.5. Objectives of the study:............................................................................................... 5
1.6. Research Questions:.................................................................................................... 6
1.7. Significance of the study:............................................................................................ 6
1.8. Purpose of the study:................................................................................................... 7
1.9. Limitation of the study:............................................................................................... 7
1.10. Ethical consideration:................................................................................................ 8
1.11. The Definition of key terms ...................................................................................... 8
1.11.1. Teaching:............................................................................................................... 8
1.11.2. Reciprocal teaching: ........................................................................................... 9
1.11.3. Reading Comprehension: ....................................................................................... 9
1.11.4. Prediction: ............................................................................................................. 9
1.11.5. Questioning: .......................................................................................................... 9
1.11.6. Clarifying: ............................................................................................................. 9
1.11.7. Summarizing:....................................................................................................... 10
1.12. Conclusion:............................................................................................................. 10
Chapter Two........................................................................................................................................12
Review of Literature..........................................................................................................................12
2.1. Theoretical Framework in Research:......................................................................... 12
2.2. Historical Review of Reciprocal teaching: ................................................................ 12
2.3. Reciprocal teaching procedure:................................................................................. 13
2.3.1. Steps of Reciprocal Teaching................................................................................. 14
2.3.2. Explicitly teaching reciprocal teaching:.................................................................. 15
2.4. Model of four Reciprocal teaching strategies: ........................................................... 16
2.5. Relevant theories related to reciprocal teaching......................................................... 16
2.5.1. Piaget theory of cognitive Development................................................................. 16
2.5.2. Vygotsky’s theory of social constructivism............................................................ 17
2.5.3. Bruner's Theory of Constructivism......................................................................... 18
2.6. Cooperative Learning: .............................................................................................. 18
2.7. Reading Comprehension:.......................................................................................... 19
2.8. Strategies of Reciprocal teaching: ............................................................................. 20
2.8.1. Prediction: ............................................................................................................. 20
2.8.2. Questioning: .......................................................................................................... 20
2.8.3. Clarifying: ............................................................................................................. 21
2.8.4. Summarizing: ........................................................................................................ 21
2.9. Conclusion:............................................................................................................... 22
Chapter Three .....................................................................................................................................24
Research Methodology......................................................................................................................24
3.1. Overview of Chapter:................................................................................................ 24
3.2. Research Methodology: ............................................................................................ 24
3.4. Research Design: ...................................................................................................... 25
3.4.1. Time Spain: ........................................................................................................... 26
3.5. Research Approach:.................................................................................................. 28
3.6. Action Research:....................................................................................................... 29
3.6.1. Action Research Cycle:.......................................................................................... 29
3.6.2. Research Framework of Action Research:.............................................................. 30
3.7. Data Collection Procedure: ....................................................................................... 31
3.8. Tools/instrument:...................................................................................................... 31
3.10. Sampling Design:.................................................................................................... 31
3.10.1. Population............................................................................................................ 32
3.10.2. Sampling Size:..................................................................................................... 32
3.10.3. Sampling Technique/Method: .............................................................................. 32
3.11. Interpretation and presentation of data: ................................................................... 32
3.12. Conclusion:............................................................................................................. 32
Chapter Four .......................................................................................................................................34
Data analysis.......................................................................................................................................34
4.1 Overview of chapter:................................................................................................ 34
4.2 Data Analysis: ......................................................................................................... 34
4.3 Repots on Action Research Cycle and its analysis...................................................... 35
4.3.1 Report on Reconnaissance ...................................................................................... 35
Discussion on themes: ..................................................................................................... 40
4.3.2Report on Cycle 1: Observational checklist.............................................................. 41
4.3.3Report on Cycle 2: Conduct Workshop.................................................................... 44
4.3.4Report on Cycle 3: Develop Reading corner............................................................. 46
Chapter Five........................................................................................................................................49
Summary, conclusion, Discussion And Recommendation...........................................................49
5.1 Overview of chapter: ................................................................................................. 49
5.2 Discussion & findings:............................................................................................... 49
5.3 Summary: .................................................................................................................. 50
5.4 Conclusion:................................................................................................................ 51
5.5 Recommendation....................................................................................................... 52
Appendix A.........................................................................................................................................58
Consent Letter.....................................................................................................................................58
Appendix B .........................................................................................................................................59
Transcription of Teacher Interview .................................................................................................59
Appendix C .........................................................................................................................................61
Observational checklist of Teacher A: Report on Cycle One ......................................................62
Appendix D: Agenda of conduct workshop ...................................................................................64
Appendix E .........................................................................................................................................72
Develop reading corner .....................................................................................................................72
Appendix –F........................................................................................................................................73
10 meeting Paper................................................................................................................................73
This is to certify that Ms SOHA KHAN has conducted this
Action Research Project entitled “Topic:”During the academic
year 2018, under the supervision of Ms. SADAF HALEEM in
partial fulfillment for the degree of B.Ed. (Hons).
Ms ____________
GECE (W) Hyderabad
Ms. NayyarRafique
GECE (W) Hyderabad
First of all, I am grateful to Allah Almighty and His
Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) who provided me strength and
health to complete my Action Research. I also must acknowledge those
people who encouraged and supported me during my research study
For the ancestors who paved the path before me upon whose shoulder I
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Miss Sadaf
and Miss Shanilla & also my coordinator Miss Nadia Thalho for their
care, solid support, collegiality, and mentorship
Assistance and supervision show me the way which is highly appreciated.
I want to thank, Principal Mrs. Nayyar Rafique to support and motivate
me in college.
Finally, I wish to thanks to my Grandfather, Parents, Relatives,
Friends and others who is one way or another shared their support &
either morally, thank you.
This modest hard work is dedicated to
My Grandfather & parents
Who brought me up to?
The position of greatness
Where I am footing today, looking for
Most important, and gleaming
Future at the front position, for which they
Sacrificed most of their past,
And to
My respected teachers Miss Sadaf, Miss Shanilla &
Miss Nadia who guided
Me throughout
Academic life
The Reciprocal teaching method describes the process of reading as an interactive
one, in which readers interact with the text as their prior experience is activated, using
prior experience as a guide, readers learn new information, main ideas and arguments.
the main objectives of this study is to explore the conceptual understanding of the
teacher in using reciprocal strategies in teaching English reading, and to apply
reciprocal strategies which are helpful to develop conceptual understanding in
learning English reading. Students face many challenges and problems during the
process of reading English text. The area of this study in primary P.C Urdu section
school attached with G.E.C.E (W) Hyd. Where the populations were 14 students and
6 teachers, and selected 6 students and two teachers. This research focused on
qualitative method and purposive sampling used in this study. This study is limited at
Grade 5th
in PC Urdu section school. Reciprocal is a research-based technique and
method. It’s helpful both teachers and students. The main findings of this study those
teachers not aware about how to use varieties of strategies they just teach in a
traditional way. They don’t know the term Reciprocal and its strategies. This study
focused that if the teachers are used this method, so teach the students in effective
manner then definitely would be possible to develop critical thinking and
comprehension skills of the students. The recommendation of this study is that RT
strategies are should be incorporate into the curriculum and instructed in EFL classes
and the future researchers should create more reading activities, and attempt to
provide a supportive learning atmosphere in order to help students reinforce their
learning interest in learning English.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Chapter One
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Chapter One
1.1. Chapter overview:
This chapter focused on introduction of the study. It present the background of the
study, the statement of the problem, the study of objectives and research question, the
significance of the study, ethical consideration (that describe the rules and regulation
of the moral values in this study), the limitation of the study and the definition of the
key terms.
1.2. Introduction:
This chapter describes and introduces the teaching students sound literacy skills while
developing their ability to think critically. It is well acknowledged that students’
reading ability can play a significance role in their academic achievement. This
process involves training students to use the skills of Reciprocal Teaching (RT).
(Palincsar, 1989) Reciprocal teaching is a guided reading comprehension strategy that
encourages students to develop the skills that improve learners reading process in
which students read and understand the text automatically (summarize, question,
clarify, predict and respond to what they are reading). The goal of reciprocal teaching
is to construct the meaning of the text and to check comprehension Strategically
competent readers may well make predictions before they read, ask questions as they
read, seek further clarification when they are confused, and write summaries of what
they have read for themselves (Pressley, 1998). It is helpful to encourages students to
think critically about the text before, during and after reading. Reciprocal teaching
enhances the conceptual understanding to the teacher because in this way teacher
diagnose students strengths and needs according to the grade level. When teach
English subject reading, these strategies serve dual purposes of being both
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
comprehension-fostering and comprehension-monitoring. Sometime teachers need to
know what strategy is helpful for struggling readers during the class of English
subject reading.
1.3. Background of the study:
An adequate education is needed in order that students will survive and prosper in
current society. Reciprocal Teaching emerged in the 1980s following widespread
dissatisfaction with inadequate reading comprehension strategies. Reciprocal teaching
was developed by Palincsar and brown as a kind of reading technique. A primary aim
of Reciprocal Teaching is to persuade students to become self-determining,
independent readers who actively approve the strategies to create their own
understanding of the text (slater, 2008). Reciprocal teaching as an interactive process
of reading, where readers interact with the context as their background knowledge is
activated. Using previous knowledge as a way, students learn new information, new
vocabulary and new main ideas, in which learners create meaning from the text by
relying on background knowledge, reject or affirm what the author suggests (carter,
1997). Reciprocal is defined by, (Manohar, 2008) as an instructional activity that
takes place in the form of an exchange of ideas between teachers and students
regarding segments of the text which is structural by the use of four Reciprocal
strategies: predicting, question generating, clarifying and summarizing. Additionally,
researchers have observed that reciprocal settlement can provide an effective
motivation to assist knowledge sharing, thus achieving long-term mutual cooperation
(Bock, 2005). A systematic literature search indicated that little research has focused
on the effectiveness of Reciprocal Teaching on comprehension development.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
RT is a metacognitive approach that promotes active learning and supports elements
identified by (wasik, 2015) as key to vocabulary development; mostly the opportunity
for children to speak about definitions of new words to their own experiences through
discussion and to reach a shared understanding of vocabulary encountered using their
own words, and also developing comprehension skills. Furthermore, it provides
explicit teaching through direct instruction that can make obvious what will the
students do in reading learning process. It is a sharing of an active comprehension
because it involves reciprocal dialogue. It is an essential factor in Reciprocal
Teaching method which is based on the principle that group participation and
discussion that can support learning as well as promoting conceptual understanding
changes. (Meyer, 2010). Presented research recognizes the critical role played by
reciprocal teaching in improving students' reading comprehension skill. It
recommended that teachers must provide direct and clear literacy instruction for
students of all abilities. Further, the report stated that the modes of literacy instruction
should be supported by evidence-based practices.
1.4. Statement of the problem:
Throughout my teaching practice, I observed that students they are not able to
recognize and understand the text that concerned with the second language, because
lack of teacher knowledge about using approved strategies that helpful to the students
in which students learn how they are easily comprehend English reading text material.
During my lesson’s I give the chance to students in the classroom, to read the English
text with fluency and comprehend, but mostly students are not able to read easily and
also not understand the text meaning because they need basic knowledge about the
second language grammatical rules and identify its structure. When I teach, I have
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
often observed those students that not easily read the English text material but they
write correctly, because during conducting test I observed that, they write spelling and
sentence in the correct way but lack of awareness of how to read?. I also observed the
main reasons that affect on the students reading performance.
 Lack of reading text material, students totally focused on text book.
 Lack of teacher knowledge about strategies, teachers totally focused on
traditional way in which firstly teacher read the text and after teacher reading,
one by one student comes to read the text.
 Lack of parent’s involvement. Because the family background play vital role
in students academic performance.
 Lack of monitoring student’s progress.
 Difficulties in discovering the meaning of words in context and also improper
classroom activities.
That reason pressurized me to select authentic research topic in which these reasons
are cover in an effective and positively manner, so I choose the topic “To enhance the
conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level”.
1.5. Objectives of the study:
Objectives is the main area of action research that classify and describe researcher
aims and goals, involves thinking in more detail about the action research topic. My
objectives related to the statement of the problem and summarize the main area in
which I will do action research. The objectives of the study are:
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
 To explore the conceptual understanding of the teacher in using reciprocal
strategies in teaching English reading.
 To apply reciprocal strategies which are helpful to develop conceptual
understanding in learning English reading.
1.6. Research Questions:
1. What strategies of reciprocal teaching in classroom are used by teachers?
2. What are the influences of reciprocal strategies on increasing fifth grade
student’s behavior towards English reading?
1.7. Significance of the study:
Students understanding in English subject reading. Referring to the significance of my
topic in which promote reading comprehension skill through using Reciprocal
strategies, the students should be well prepared with the skill as early as achievable so
they are familiar to comprehending what they read in their daily life. It is essential to
implement strategies that can help solve the students’ problems in reading. One of the
strategies that help students recognize reading materials is Reciprocal Teaching (RT)
method. Reciprocal Teaching, based on the explanation greater than, has many
advantages. This research study will be beneficial to know about the reciprocal
teaching strategies because mostly teacher not aware to this method, but some
teachers use reciprocal strategies in-direct way. This method appears to be the most
appropriate for students, because it provides high order thinking instructional
strategies that can make the students totally engaged in English reading learning
process. Effective reading comprehension is basic fundamental to ongoing academic
accomplishment (Hashey, 2008). Reciprocal Teaching is one of the most well
researched reading activities that facilitate students to self-monitor and construct
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
meaning from the text. This study is very important because it empirically
investigating the effect of reciprocal teaching strategies on students academic
achievement and also improving
1.8. Purpose of the study:
The purpose of this study is to investigate the Conceptual understanding of applied
Reciprocal Teaching on teaching English reading in fifth grade. This study focused on
to implement reciprocal strategies step by step to develop reading comprehension in
English subject, because in the 21st
century second language play a key role in
students academic achievement. The purpose of this study to explore the successful
interventions that related to my topic and also determine the areas of reading in which
need to do more work, through this study, to enhance conceptual understanding in
teaching English subject reading through using RT method, because its method
encourages the students to think critically and also motivate the students that they use
their previous knowledge that play a key role in students mind, when students mind
process in thinking. The main purpose of this study is to allow the students to
collaborate with other to gain a better understanding of a text. To guide the students to
be actively involved in monitoring their comprehension skill. One of the most
important purpose of this study to design a proper classroom learning activities that
should be applied in reading learning process, because an appropriate instructions in
reading learning process will help the students read in an accurate way.
1.9. Limitation of the study:
This research will conduct at P.C primary (Urdu section) school attached with
G.E.C.E (W) Hyderabad, my research will be focuses on grade 5th
because during
practice, I was teach English lesson in 5th
class, so I observed mostly students are not
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
feel like understanding and comfortable during reading because lack of knowledge
about English reading structure. So this study is limited to investigate the use of the
reciprocal teaching strategies in teaching English subject, also this study of research
limited in short time duration
1.10. Ethical consideration:
This study follow the ethical consideration rules and regulation, before meeting I was
give permission letter to the HM ( miss suraiya ), during meeting I was told her about
my research topic ” than requested her to shared their school issues that related to my
topic. In this first meeting I was Reconnaissance and collect Primary data that based
on reality. This study obeys to Research ethics values in which working with sincerity
and reasonable. In this study researcher emphasise the use of school data with taken
permission to HM and provide targeted Reciprocal interventions to close attainment
gaps and to closely monitor student’s progress in an Effective manner (Demie, 2015).
In this study researcher also work with responsibility. In ethics consideration, it is
essential that collect data carefully and evaluate the result in a positively manner.
1.11. The Definition of key terms
1.11.1. Teaching:
Teaching is systematic process in which one individual teaches or guide to another
individuals (students). Teaching refers to activities that are designed and performed to
produce in student’s attitude (clerk).
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
1.11.2. Reciprocal teaching:
Reading teaching is an instructional reading practice that focused on the foundational
skills in which teacher guide the students through using RT strategies. Reciprocal
teaching helps students prevent cognitive failure during reading (Horstman, 2013).
1.11.3. Reading Comprehension:
Reading comprehension means to interact the meaning from the text. Reading
comprehension is an effective skill in which students read the text in the correct
manner and also understand the authors view, that what authors said and suggest in
the text. Reading comprehension is a thinking process by which a reader selects fact,
information or ideas from printed materials (veeravagu, n.d).
1.11.4. Prediction:
Prediction is a strategy of reciprocal teaching in which students visualize and
connecting text with their own learning experience. In prediction students involves
thinking process, after thinking students verify the text with through their prediction.
1.11.5. Questioning:
Questioning is a deep strategy that used by the teacher. In this strategy students can
focus on that information that is more needed in the text material and passage
(Oczkus, 2004).
1.11.6. Clarifying:
Clarify is an active strategy of reciprocal teaching method in which teacher give
instruction to the students that re-read the text in clarity form and comprehend the
unfamiliar information from the text.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
1.11.7. Summarizing:
This is an appropriate strategy in which students summarize the main ideas in the text
material in your own words. This strategy is very helpful to encourage the students to
think critically.
1.12. Conclusion:
Throughout the first chapter, the researcher presented a background of the study, problem
statement and described the purpose of this action research with objectives and research
question also discussed the ethical consideration and limitation of the study. Furthermore,
this chapter discuss the key terms that related to researcher action research topic.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Chapter Two
Review of Literature
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Chapter Two
Review of Literature
2.1. Theoretical Framework in Research:
Vygotsky’s, Piaget, Ausuble, Bruner’s, theories have discussed on “Reciprocal
teaching” but from all theories here in my research I have included the theory of
reciprocal teaching given by Bruner’s(1961) that, theory I have integrated in my
research that the Reciprocal teaching is an instructional guided practice to improve
reading comprehension skill, in which teacher teach through connecting previous
knowledge with new knowledge with the help of applying prediction strategy, during
reading process teacher also develop critical thinking because RT focuses on four
thinking strategies: predicting, clarifying, questioning, and summarising. I have
adopted his theory of constructivism or discovery learning.
2.2. Historical Review of Reciprocal teaching:
The reading strategy instruction approach which is known by (RT) was developed by
Brown and Palinscar (1984).
Since Palinscar and Brown (1984) introduced the concept of reciprocal teaching, a
number of studies have been conducted to examine the influence of reciprocal
teaching on students' ability to comprehend text. Established reciprocal teaching
consisted of the following components: four steps of instruction (i.e., predicting,
questioning, clarifying, and summarizing), a small-group classroom setting, and
students as leaders of discussion and teachers as facilitators (Palincsar, 1984)
Reciprocal Teaching, based on the explanation greater than, has many advantages. It
provides clear teaching through direct instruction that can make understandable what
will the students do in reading learning process. It is a sharing of an active
comprehension because it involves reciprocal discussion (one of an important factor
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
in Reciprocal Teaching) which is based on the foundation that group participation and
dialogue that can aids learning as well as promoting conceptual change (Meyer K. ,
2010). In addition to that, Blakey and Spence (1990) Present RT as one of the most
effective methods that develop the cognitive and the meta-cognitive processes for the
students, in which it includes organizational procedures which enable them to choose
the strategies of planning, controlling and evaluating at their own pace. RT is based
on the dialogues and discussions between students and the teacher. It also includes
exchanging roles between the teacher and the learners which makes students
responsible for their roles in the teaching learning process and allows students to
support each other continuously (Omari, 2010)
According to Rosenshine and Meister (1994), the following four important
instructional practices are embedded in reciprocal teaching:
•Direct teaching of strategies
•Practicing reading strategies with real reading instead of worksheets or contrived
•Scaffolding of instruction
•Using Peer support for learning
2.3. Reciprocal teaching procedure:
According to (Carter, 1997) reciprocal teaching parallels the new definition of reading
that describes the process of reading as an interactive one, in which readers interact
with the text as their prior experience is activated. Using prior experience as a
channel, readers learn new information, main ideas and arguments. The goal of
reciprocal teaching is to construct the meaning of the text and to check
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
comprehension. Reciprocal instruction allows a teacher to model and give the students
enough practice on those four main strategies to construct the meaning of a text in a
social setting. The students monitor their own thinking through the reading process.
2.3.1. Steps of Reciprocal Teaching
According to (Oczkus, 2013) the steps of Reciprocal Teaching as follows: 1) Predict.
Students draw inferences and use evidence from the text throughout the reading
process. 2) Question. Students ask and answer questions to comprehend the text. 3)
Clarify. Students know and apply word analysis skills in decoding words in texts.
They also use context to confirm or self-correct, and they reread when necessary. 4)
Summarize. Students can recognize main ideas and details in paragraphs and in multi
paragraph texts.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
2.3.2. Explicitly teaching reciprocal teaching:
Step 1
Scaffold student learning by modeling, guiding and applying the strategies while
reading. Read a section of the text aloud and model the four steps–summarising,
clarifying, questioning and predicting (*predicting could be optional depending on the
Step 2
In groups of four allocate a role to each student i.e. summariser, questioner, clarifier
and predictor.
Step 3
Have students read a few paragraphs of a text selection. Suggest to students they use
note-taking strategies such as underlining, coding, etc.
Step 4
The predictor helps the group connect sections of the text by reviewing predictions
from the previous section and helps the group predict what they will read about next
by using clues and inferences in the text. The questioner helps the group to ask and
answer questions about the text and reminds the group to use all types of questions
(higher and lower order). The summariser restates the main ideas in the text and helps
the group state the main idea or ideas in their own words. The clarifier helps the group
find parts of the reading that are not clear and finds ways to clear up these difficulties.
Step 5
Roles in the group switch and the next selection of text is read. Students repeat the
process in their new role. Repeat this process until text/topic selection is finished.
Continue to guide the students in the use of the four strategies until they can use the
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
2.4. Model of four Reciprocal teaching strategies:
2.5. Relevant theories related to reciprocal teaching
2.5.1. Piaget theory of cognitive Development
According to Piaget (in slavin, 1994), humans grow, adapt, and change through
physical development, personality development, socioemotional development,
cognitive development. Piaget’s theory relates to this study because reading text
should match the cognitive developmental stages of learners. Learners should
construct the meaning of the text and be able to use it in contexts other than the
classroom. Learning activities should match the level of the conceptual development
of the learners. The teacher must use the stages as a way to gauge and monitor
learners‟ pace of learning. Piaget’s view is that learners must be self-initiated and
actively involved in learning. In reading comprehension, teachers must be able to
Students predict
on what is implied
in the text and
make connections
to prior
Students make
concerted attempts
to clarify concepts
or vocabulary that
is not understood.
Teacher asking
questions to
generate critical
thinking in
students mind
related to
information in the
In this strategy
teacher assigned a
task to the
students that
information and
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
model good behavior of reading with understanding so that learners will ultimately
take responsibility for their own learning. Piaget also emphasized the importance of
the environment in learning, particularly the social environment. In reading
comprehension, the comprehension development may be influenced by interactions
with others. Piaget’s theory has implications for teaching reading comprehension, as
each individual child’s current stage of cognition development must be taken into
account when the teacher plans learning activities.
2.5.2. Vygotsky’s theory of social constructivism
Reciprocal Teaching derives from social constructivism described by Vygotsky.
Vygotsky in cited (Kozulin, 2006) combines between dialogue and metacognition in
explaining how individuals develop their understanding of concepts. He believed that
the process of learning involved moving into a zone of proximal development which
is supported by another individual in dialogue with the learner. Through dialogue the
learner is able to shape current knowledge (schemas) to construct new ideas and
understanding. Vygotsky’s theory has implications for teaching reading
comprehension skill in facilitating learning; the teacher must take the cultural context
of the learners into consideration as it influences their thinking and actions. Learners
can be given problem-solving activities with instructions, for the task of reading
comprehension. According to Vygotsky’s concept, children can develop their
learning to reach a level of actual development by independently solving problems,
and another level of potential development under adult guidance or expert scaffolding
and in collaboration with more capable peers. For language teachers, it is necessary to
provide the learners the tools that involve effective intervention and language learning
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
strategies, and construct the concept of new knowledge with the help of previous
2.5.3. Bruner's Theory of Constructivism
Theoretically, reciprocal teaching is based on Bruner’s constructivism or discovery
learning theory. According to Bruner’s, theory on constructivism encompasses the
idea of learning as an active process where in those learning are able to new idea
based on what their current knowledge is as well as their previous knowledge A
cognitive structure is defined as the mental processes which offer the learner ability to
organize experience and comprehend meaning from them. These cognitive structures
allow the students to push past the given information in constructing their new
concepts. The outcome of cognitive development is thinking. The intelligent mind
creates from experience "general coding systems that authorize one to go outside the
data to new and possibly fruitful predictions" (Bruner, 1957).
In 1960 Bruner's text, The Process of Education was published. The main premise of
Bruner's text was that students are active learners who construct their own knowledge.
Bruner believe that the most effect way to develop a coding system is to discover it
rather than being told it by the teacher. The concept of discovery learning implies that
students construct their own knowledge for themselves (also known as a constructist
approach). Discovery learning encourages students to discover and internalize a
concept, rule, or principle through unstructured exploration of to-be-learned
information (Bruner, 1961).
2.6. Cooperative Learning:
Reciprocal teaching is a cooperative learning strategy. It requires collaboration and
group thinking while emphasis is placed on students providing instructional support
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
for each other. An outcome of reciprocal teaching is a sense of community where
students feel cared about and valued (Oczkus, 2010). Difficulties in understanding are
recognized to challenges in the text rather than student inadequacy. The learning
emphasis is on the emergence of strategies that provide a way to understand through
interaction with diverse others, expert scaffolding and anticipation of expected
competence (Westera, 2002). Reciprocal teaching is nurturing and inclusive. The
engagement processes provide feedback for learners on the efficacy of their actions
through responsive and intensive peer support in an authentic learning situation.
Through interaction in mixed-ability groups, students who are developing skills in
comprehension are supported by the social context and reciprocal teaching
frameworks. They engage at their level and are able to observe and learn from more
competent peers who, with the teacher, model higher level involvement.
2.7. Reading Comprehension:
Reading comprehension theory assumed that simply training students in phonological
skills mastery would aid success in comprehending text. Comprehension skills
included locating the main idea of the text, identifying the event sequence and using
background clues to ensure students extract meaning from print. Comprehension of
difficult texts poses many problems for the poor reader. Reading Comprehension
processes in which words are employed to create ideas and themes involve the
reader’s presented knowledge to create a structure and therefore involves ‘top-down’
processing. This occurs when knowledge of main ideas and themes leads the reader to
expect certain words or word types to appear, based on the inferred meaning of the
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
2.8. Strategies of Reciprocal teaching:
2.8.1. Prediction:
Predicting is the first strategy used when engaging in reciprocal teaching. This strategy
refers to the expectations about the writers' or the authors' message/messages in the text.
This strategy gives opportunities for the readers to guess the content of the text before
reading. As a conclusion, readers relate their background knowledge to the topic,
understand it and become able to evaluate it by skimming the given photos and headings.
For instance, readers may predict” (Oczkus L. , 2004). An important aspect in the
prediction process is comparing the prediction to the outcome in the actual text.
According to (Gambrell, 2015) Predicting consists of the readers thinking about what
will come next in the text. While reading, students revise their previous predictions
and make new ones. This allows students to predict what they will be reading. While
predicting, readers will interact with the text. This helps them to be more motivated to
read the material in addition to improving their understanding of the text. Ultimately,
when students make predictions while reading, their comprehension will likely
2.8.2. Questioning:
Questioning is the second strategy used in reciprocal Teaching. Questioning is a
process readers use before, during and after reading. While having reciprocal teaching
discussions, Oczkus suggests assigning the students to “be the teacher” while they
create questions that are based off essential parts of the story. Students will begin to
take ownership and develop pride while creating questions and asking one another to
answer them. The instructor assists his/her students to find the main key words in the
passage in order to answer questions in the text. They will be enabled to ask questions
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
which facilitate high thinking abilities. For instance, the instructor might ask students
about the main idea in the paragraph. In this strategy students can focus on that
information that is more needed in the passage (McLaughlin, 2002).
2.8.3. Clarifying:
Clarifying is the third strategy that reciprocal teaching uses. For some students it is a
challenge to recognize unclear sentences or words. Clarifying is a strategy, where
students may re-read the text in order to recognize and understand unfamiliar information.
In this process, they may use dictionary or asking help from the teacher to understand the
meaning of new idioms, expressions or vocabulary in the text (Allen, 2002). When
‘clarifying’ the text, students critically evaluate ideas, main ideas and themes whilst
reading, seeking understanding of new or unfamiliar words and phrases. Clarifying
helps students monitor their own comprehension as they identify problems that they
are having in comprehending portions of text or figuring out difficult words.
Clarifying is an important step of reciprocal teaching because it directly gives students
strategies to use when they encounter a problem while reading.
2.8.4. Summarizing:
This is main and creative strategy that gives students the opportunity to identify the main
essential information in the text, organize them and find out the relationships between
them. It shows the process of summing up the text and reproducing it in the new words.
For instance, students may re-write what the author wanted them to know in the text in a
new form. In the end, when students are capable of not only producing their own
summary, but also observing and taking part in classmates’ summaries, they will
become more proficient readers. Reciprocal teaching allows students to engage in the
summary process. The organization of the summary depends on the type of text,
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
narrative or expository. Whereas, summarizing an expository text requires students to
remind significant events and arrange them in a logical order. Taught students to
identify main ideas, connect the main ideas, eliminate unnecessary information, and
remember what they read with the summarization strategy.
2.9. Conclusion:
In this Chapter I analyze different things such as reciprocal teaching and its strategies,
and also examine views of various authors Piaget, bruners, and Vygotsky
On the theories of discovery learning or social constructivism and cognitive
development which identify student’s needs of learning and psychology of students
minds also interpreted reading comprehension and RT strategies to fulfill the
requirement of students English reading learning.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Chapter Three
Research Methodology
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Chapter Three
Research Methodology
3.1. Overview of Chapter:
This chapter covers the research methodology, Research framework of action research
and research approaches, Population and the sample of the study research design step
that used in this study to carry out systematic investigation in order to establish data, it
also gives Details about Research Instruments, and data collection procedures.
3.2. Research Methodology:
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem.
Methodology is the systematic Theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field
of study. Research methodology is a set of organized Technique used in Research.
This simply means a guide to Researcher that how it is conducted. It describe the
Instruments that using to analysis of data. Research methodology indicates the reason
of development of the process used to generate theory that is procedural framework
within which the research is conducted (Ramenyi, 1998). This study was qualitative
Research is to express and understand issues or phenomena systematically from the
point of view of the individual or population being studies, and to create new concepts
and theories. Qualitative research is also described as an unfolding model that occurs
in a natural situation that enables the researcher to develop a level of detail from high
involvement in the actual experiences (Creswell, 1994).
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
3.4. Research Design:
A research design is a basic plan that guides the data collection and analysis phases of
the action research. The purpose of this study to take the action which improves
students, reading comprehension skills and develop the second language skills, in this
methodology, describe how to collect the data and analyze the data.
Research Design
Questionnaire tool
Observational Checklist
Conduct workshop
Develop Reading Corner for guided
Comprehension practice
Data Collection
Data analysis
Cycle 01
Cycle 02
Cycle 03
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level
3.4.1. Time Spain:
Place Data collection
ReflectionS/NO Date Action
19-9-2019 Reconnaissance
Primary P.C Urdu
section school
attached with G.E.C.E
(W) hyd
I have visited PC primary school. First I meet with HM
(miss Surya) than I told about my research topic and its
importance, after that asking some question about
Reciprocal teaching method.
02 2-10-2019
Cycle one
Primary P.C Urdu
section school
attached with G.E.C.E
(W) hyd
I was observe and analyze the teacher information about
the reciprocal strategies and also observed the way of
teachers that they was apply RT strategies during
teaching English Reading,
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level
03 23-10-2019 Cycle two
Primary P.C Urdu
section school
attached with G.E.C.E
(W) hyd
I will conduct workshop in which I will be present my
research topic to the teachers of P.C Urdu section
school. After conducting workshop I will take reflection
to the teachers about how RT helpful to the Teachers and
students and what they have learnt through the
04 28-10-2019
10-11-2019 Cycle three
Primary P.C Urdu
section school
attached with G.E.C.E
(W) Hyderabad
Reading corner
I will develop reading corner in class 5th
, in which I will
apply RT strategies than Check students interest and
their performances that how they read the text and how
comprehend the text material.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
3.5. Research Approach:
There are two research approaches first deductive and second Cross-sectional.
Research Approaches
Researcher used deductive approach in which he/she can build up a theory and
hypotheses and design a research strategy to test the suggestion or in Cross-sectional
study, the researcher measures the outcome and just selected based on the inclusion
and exclusion criteria set by researcher for the study. It can provide information about
what is occurrence in a present population. Cross-sectional are observational in nature
and are known as Descriptive research, not causal and relational, meaning that you
can’t use them to establish the cause of something, such as a disease (Cherry, 2019).
The Cross-sectional research approach that was I integrated in this research, because
this approach usually conducted within a given time/ short time period as faster and it
allows to investigator that easily measure outcomes. Cross-sectional studies are a
useful way to gather information on importance conditions that related aspects of
people’s knowledge attitudes and practices. Cross-sectional studies are characterized
by the collection of applicable information (data) at a given point in time (kesmodel,
Research Approaches
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
3.6. Action Research:
Action Research is an emergent inquiry process that integrates theory and action to
couple scientific knowledge with presented organizational knowledge and to deal with
real organizational problems together with the people of the system under inquiry
(Coghlan, 2011). This is the most useful form of research. It is problem solve based
on a reflective thinking that aims to improve, change and maintain.
3.6.1. Action Research Cycle:
Action research cycle Consist of four steps; Planning, acting, observing, reflecting
(Lauwers, 2008). Generally represented in a diagram of action research cycle:
Action Research Cycle
Cycle of
What does it
What do
you want to
do next?
Conduct your
Look forward and prepare to act
 What is going on?
 Collecting and analyzing
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
3.6.2. Research Framework of Action Research:
A framework for Action research as a structure that provides guidance for the
researcher as study questions are fine-tuned, methods for measuring variables are
selected and analyses are planned(Liehr & Smith,). A Research framework is used to
dramatically describe the individual steps. It is normally used as a guide for
researchers so that they are more focused in the scope of study (Akanbi, 2015).
The Research framework and guidelines provide researchers with an suggestion of
what to include in the research, how to present the research, and what types of
inferences are possible based on the data collected. In conducting a research,
researcher comes in to cycles in which six steps are following:(Arung, 2014)
Steps of Research Framework
Problem Identification
Steps of
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
3.7. Data Collection Procedure:
I went to the Primary P.C Urdu section School and collected the data. In this research,
I used qualitative study and adopted questionnaire for interview , Thematically,
analyzed by used the ground theory; which refers to research is the process of
collecting data, analyzing the data, and repeating the process, in which the data can be
obtained from several sources such as interviewing participants or witnesses,
reviewing chronological videotapes, Observations, and records. The term grounded
provides the framework of this method while the research requires that the theory
must emerge from the data collected in the field rather than taken from the research
literature (Leedy & Ormrod,, 2001). Also used Observational checklist Focused on, a
list of things that an observer is going to look at when observing a teacher way of
teaching and students behavior, so in this research I used this tool for knowing the
Teacher’s way of teaching and gathering information about that teachers apply RT
strategies in the classroom.
3.8. Tools/instrument:
In this research, I used two instruments that I was developed and used for this action
research: is observational Checklist and Interviews where analyzed thematic way. The
tools are adopted.
3.10. Sampling Design:
Sampling structure is the representation of the fundamentals of the target population.
It consists of a list or locates of direction for identifying the target population such as
list of the stakeholders.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
3.10.1. Population
The population of this research focused on grade 5th
students total students 14, I was
select 6 students and Three Teachers of primary Urdu P.C School attached with
G.E.C.E (W) Hyderabad.
3.10.2. Sampling Size:
My study is limited to the 6 students of grade 5th
and one teacher (who are teaching in
Primary P.C Urdu section School attached with G.E.C.E (W) hyd.
3.10.3. Sampling Technique/Method:
Purposive Sampling was used during the data collection process, because Purposive
sampling, one of the most common sampling strategies, participants according to
preselected criteria relevant to a particular research question.
3.11. Interpretation and presentation of data:
The collected data were interpreted and analyzed by using MS Word 2010 and MS
Excel 2010.
3.12. Conclusion:
Throughout the third chapter present a Research methodology, Research design and
the procedures followed in the study. In detail, it describes the steps of research
framework that integrate in this study and also mention approaches that how they are
using in the study. Present tools/instruments that I was developed and apply in this
research and methods that helpful to analyzing the data and interpreted the data.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Chapter Four
Data analysis
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Chapter Four
Data analysis
4.1 Overview of chapter:
This chapter will cover the data analysis, In this chapter I explain the procedure
followed in the analysis of the data, and offer a descriptive analysis. In this chapter
also present a main categories and themes that emerged of the data, described and
interpreted in a systematic manner.
4.2 Data Analysis:
Data analysis is one of the vital elements. The purpose of it is to identify, transform,
support decision making bring a conclusion to a research. In this research data was
analyzed by using the bar grab and pie graph with the help of Microsoft excel. Data
analysis as the process of bringing order, structure and meaning to the mass of
collected data (Marshall & Rossman, 1999).
Cited: retrived from
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
4.3 Repots on Action Research Cycle and its analysis
4.3.1 Report on Reconnaissance
This reflection describes the first step of action research that totally focuses on
reconnaissance, that present in these four steps:
1. Planning
2. Act
3. Observe
4. Reflect
In this first step (reconnaissance) on (19-9-2019), I decide to meet with HM (miss
suraiya), HM of primary PC school attached with GECE (W) Hyderabad and use
questionnaire tool for conducting interview that based on my research topic.
In this step, Meeting with HM (Miss suraiya) & English subject teacher of grade 5th
firstly I was Give permission letter than discussed my action research topic “To
enhance conceptual understanding in teaching English through using Reciprocal
teaching Method” also Discussed its importance. After that I shared objectives of my
action research. And asking some question to HM and English subject teacher of
grade 5th
about how they implement Reciprocal strategies.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
In this Reconnaissance stage, I observed that teachers take interest and listen
carefully, and give me good responses when I was ask some question that related to
my action research topic.
In this stage I was analyze the situation with talking HM and English subjects class
teacher about my topic, in which I was discuss objective and importance of my action
research, she given me good response and positively talking with me. I also discuss
my next step with her in which I will observe and conducting interview with teacher
through using questionnaire tool.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level
Thematic Interpretation on Interview (Initial coding)
S.NO R1 Initial code
 Yes, It enhances students thinking power also develop them Confident Enhance thinking power & confident
 They don’t have any information about reciprocal teaching and also not
aware its strategies.
Don’t have any information about RT
and Its strategies
 Through reading again and again, and sometime through apply prediction
Reading again & again and prediction
 Yes, through real life example, and try to engage students. Real life example & engage students
 Yes, I tried to use English avi aids in the classroom. Use English avi aids
 Mostly time using questioning strategy in the oral form. Questioning in the oral form
 through observation and through assessing students knowledge Observation & assessing students
Through instruct the students that try to decode the words Spelling also use
different strategies to overcome issues.
Decode the words & use different
9. Lacks of confidence, Students are irresponsible and some time don’t take
interest in reading.
Lack of confidence & irresponsible
10. To use varieties of strategies, and use some simple words of English in their
daily routine like I think, I Know etc.
Varieties of strategies & use simple
English words
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level
Interpretation of Interview on Themes and Focused coding:
Initial code Major Themes CODE
Enhance thinking power & confident RC Reading
Don’t have any information about RT and Its strategies LA Lack of awareness LA
Reading again & again and prediction S
Real life example & engage students RC Challenges C
Use English avi aids
Questioning in the oral form S
Observation & assessing students knowledge
Decode the words & use different strategies S
Lack of confidence & irresponsible students C
Varieties of strategies & use simple English words S
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level
Percentage and frequency of Teacher Interview coding
Reading comprehension
Lack of awareness
Interpertation on Teacher Interview
Major Themes CODE Cumulative
Reading comprehension RC 2
Lack of awareness LA
Strategies S
Challenges C 1
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary
Discussion on themes:
Reading comprehension
It enhances students thinking power also develop them Confident, because this is the most
important skill for reading any languages subject. Through decoding and recognition of
words we can develop reading comprehension skills.
Lack of awareness
Don’t know the term Reciprocal and its strategies. But some strategies like questioning and
predicting used during the reading of English subject. Teach English subject reading in a
traditional way not use the varieties of strategies.
When students not understand the text so apply some strategies like questioning and
predicting and also connect the students with their previous knowledge
Some students not take interest in English reading subject because its not mother tongue.
Some students are irresponsible they damage the books, some time facing lack of confidence
some students not able to read in the front of the class.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
4.3.2Report on Cycle 1: Observational checklist
In this first step (cycle 1 planning) on(2-10-2019, 3-10-2019, 18-10-2019 ) I decide to
observe two teachers that teach English subject in primary PC school attached with
GECE (W) Hyderabad on Grade 5th.
After took interview I decided that need to observe
their teaching styles because through taken interview not collected data in a correct and
proper manner.
Using observational checklist tool to observe English subject teachers that they teach in
grade 5th
, firstly I was take permission than observe their teaching style, in this cycle I
was observed their teaching way and identify the situation that in which area need to
improvement in their teaching way.
In this stage, I observed that teachers teach traditionally way not aware new strategies
that promote and enhance students reading comprehension skills. i also observed that
they not provide feedback after the reading.
In this stage I was observe the teaching ways of English subject teachers, in which I was
identify some things that why students feel uncomfortable when they read English
language text material because lack of awareness and lack of confidence. This cycle
based on three days observation because facing some management issues in the school.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level
Findings of above statement shows the teacher knowledge of concerning Reciprocal teaching method in teaching English reading.
Teacher was not able to used RT strategies in an exact manner. She teaches in a traditional way. Researcher observed that some time
during English reading need to motivate the students to read the text actively and comprehend the text author’s purpose, they just read
the words not understand that what they read. After the reading she not provided any type of feedback.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Question Numbers
Interpertation on: Observational checklist of Teacher
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level
Findings of above statement show the teacher knowledge of concerning Reciprocal teaching method in teaching English
reading. Teacher was not able to used RT strategies in an exact manner. She teaches in a traditional way. Researcher
observedShe not able to use the varieties of strategies to understand student’s strength and weakness. In the English subject
class students not felt joyful because lack of interest. She not motivated the students in a effective manner. She teaches just
traditional way like one by one calling the students for reading the English text material. After the reading she not provided
any type of feedback. After getting these results researcher found that need to conduct workshop in our next cycle because
researcher was facing some issues like lack of awareness about RT strategies and language issues
Interpertation on: Observational checklist of Teacher B
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
4.3.3Report on Cycle 2: Conduct Workshop
In this first step (cycle 2 planning) I decide to conduct workshop for teachers that teach
in primary PC school attached with GECE (W) Hyderabad, in which firstly I was design
my presentation criteria than conduct workshop that focused on my research topic
“Enhance the conceptual understanding in teaching English Reading through reciprocal
teaching method at primary level”
Conducting workshop in which present my research topic that how to use and implement
RT strategies through showing some understandable activities and through present
researcher statement and thoughts that how RT is the research based technique, also
present its importance and sequence of strategies.
In this stage, I observed that teachers took interest, give good response and listen
carefully I also observed that mostly teachers not aware RT strategies that promote and
enhance students reading comprehension skills, so they discussed about facing some
problems in the classroom like languages issues and background of the students
In this stage I was conduct workshop in which I was present my research topic to the
teachers of P.C Urdu section school. In which researcher present about how Reciprocal
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
teaching is helpful to the Teachers and the students also discuss some strategies that
totally based on RT method, after conducting workshop teachers discussed some
challenges those face in their classroom when they teach English subject reading. After
that they was give me feedback about my workshop and also give me good reflection
about what they have learnt through the workshop.
Findings on workshop feedbacks:
This analysis Based on workshop feedbacks by Participants
 During workshop respondents/participant suggested that RT should be applied when
teach languages subjects like English, Urdu and sindhi because this method is cover the
students strengths and weaknesses during learning English subject Reading.
 Some participants said that Reciprocal teaching effective in improving word recognition
skills and reading comprehension skills.
 The most encouraging result is that participants said that this method and topic is
effective for research because In 21st
century Comprehension skill is play a essential role
in English reading to promote the students level and also enhancing the learning interest
in the students
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
4.3.4Report on Cycle 3: Develop Reading corner
In this first step (cycle 3 planning) on (26-10-2019 to 10-11-2019)I decided to develop
reading corner in primary PC school attached with GECE (W) Hyderabad Grade 5th
, in
which firstly I was design reading corner criteria than selected the text material according
to students grade and mental level.
Developing reading corner in grade 5th
and teach through using reading corner text
material during teaching invite the teachers for observing and for gaining knowledge
about how to implement the Reciprocal teaching instruction, strategies and activities
according to the students grade and mental level through with the help of showing some
understandable activities and strategies.
In this stage, I observed that students took interest, give good response when I asked
some questioning about the text. I also observed Students felt joyful when participating in
activities and imagining what might happen next.
In this stage I was develop reading corner and teach through RT method with the help of
reading corner activity and also showed the way of how to teach and how implement
reciprocal teaching strategies in the classroom when we teach English subject reading
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
because it’s helpful to the both Teachers and the students also engaging the students in
actively manner
Findings on Reading corner implementations:
The Analysis of developing reading corner shows result of implementing the RT Through
reading corner, in which Before reading, the researchers attempted to activate and to
build background knowledge for students. It was important to give an introduction, to
allow students to go and see the reading corner and to review relevant vocabulary words
researcher analyzed that the poorer decoders not able to understand the words, so
researcher motivate the students and help to decodes the words after that researcher use
predict strategies in which students use their previous knowledge and also use critical
thinking to respond the text. Researcher provided scaffolding for readers. This cycle
continuously based on 15 days after the 15 days researcher observed the improvement
that those students that always felt uncomfortable during the English reading, but after
implementing this cycle students taking interest in English reading subject and mostly
students able to understand the text meaning. This cycle results indicated that reciprocal
teaching is beneficial to word recognition skills. As a result of using reading corner to
assist reciprocal teaching, connected with previous knowledge and easily memorized new
words. Use critical thinking to predict and asking questioning about the text and also
easily summarize the text through present main ideas.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Chapter Five
Summary, conclusion,
Discussion and
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Chapter Five
Summary, conclusion, Discussion And Recommendation
5.1 Overview of chapter:
This chapter will cover the documented implications, discussion and Findings that based
on results, summary of Reciprocal teaching method, conclusion drawn the collected data
and recommendation for the future research on this topic
5.2 Discussion & findings:
The process of RT was not meant to be a ‘once-only’ process, but a long term and
ongoing development of strategies by which students learn to interrogate text.
On the basis of analysis the data received from research tools (Questioning &
observational checklist). Discussion &Findings of this study showed, reciprocal teaching
has a significantly positive effect on students reading in English subject. Cycle’s results
indicated that reciprocal teaching enhances the reading comprehension skill and
encourage the students to involved actively. In Reconnaissance stage result indicated that
teachers not have awareness about Reciprocal Teaching Method but indirect manners
teacher know some things about RT strategies. After observation researcher identify that
Teachers read Students in the traditional way they not use those strategies that help the
students to comprehend the text meaning. When conducting workshop, in this stage
findings indicate that teachers share some problem that related to the students reading
they said that mostly students not have interest during the reading because students not
understand the second language. During workshop participants suggested that RT method
should be applied when teach languages subjects like English, Urdu and sindhi because
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
this method is cover the students strengths and weaknesses its motivational method when
teaching English subject reading. In the process of reading corner activity implementing,
students’ self-regulatory and monitoring skills was developed. According to the reading
corner analysis there is clear showing student’s improvement in English subject reading,
RT method is more fruitful than traditional way teaching. These results indicated that
reciprocal teaching is beneficial to reading comprehension skills.
5.3 Summary:
This study is observed the process of teaching English Reading through using reciprocal
teaching method at primary level. Reciprocal teaching is a powerful research-based
teaching Technique/Method. Reciprocal Teaching is not a pencil-and-paper activity. It
was designed as a discussion technique in which think-aloud plays an integral part.
Reciprocal teaching was designed to focus on just four important strategies that good
readers use to comprehend text. The purpose of reciprocal teaching is To encourages
students to think about what they are reading and their thought process, To allow students
to collaborate with other to gain a better understanding of a text. Piaget’s view is that
learners must be self-initiated and actively involved in learning. In reading
comprehension, teachers must be able to model good behavior of reading with
understanding so that learners will ultimately take responsibility for their own learning
As reciprocal teaching emphasizes on four strategies, predicting, questioning, clarifying,
and summarizing these strategies are dealing with planning, meaning and organizing.
Reciprocal teaching is also based on Bruner’s constructivism or discovery learning
theory. According to Bruner’s, theory on constructivism encompasses the idea of
teaching and learning as an active process and through applying reciprocal teaching
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
method teacher develop critical thinking where students learning are able to new idea
based on what their current knowledge is as well as their previous knowledge. The
teacher takes an active role in RT, teacher should be familiar with the text, provide a
brief, focused introduction, model of the strategies and support learners before, during
and after reading
5.4 Conclusion:
In this study, reciprocal teaching was carried out to spur students’ interest in learning
English. It has been concluded that Reciprocal Teaching Method is one of reading
comprehension methods that encompasses four activities (predicting, questioning,
clarifying, and summarizing).This method appears to be the most appropriate for students
because it provides high order thinking instructional strategy that can make the students
fully engaged in reading learning process. This study focused that if the teachers are used
this method so teach the students in effective manner then definitely would be possible to
develop critical thinking and comprehension skills of the students. This research purpose
is to give a suitable information and awareness to teachers that how improve reading in
English subject. Teachers should provide their students with such strategies to facilitate
their learning process. As the results indicated, reciprocal teaching instruction did in fact
increase students’ interest in English Reading learning. It has been my personal
experience that some teachers of English subject do not aware that how to teach read
their English text book. Data showed that as students teacher continued to use the RT
method, so students will be able to read English text with fluency and comprehension
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
5.5 Recommendation:
In the present study, the researchers recommended that:
 RT strategies are should be incorporate into the curriculum and instructed in EFL
 Primary school teachers should apply and use the Reciprocal teaching Method
when she teach English subject reading
 Teachers should polish the ability of students in Reading comprehension skills not
ignoring their talent and abilities.
 Teacher should be motivate the students during reading because each student right
to read and write in a correct manner
 Teachers should be aware that questions which are easy to answer with short
response are better prepared for slow readers. And other questions that are open-
ended and require critical thinking are provided for fast readers.
 Teachers and prospective teachers should study this method because this research
helpful to the teachers and trainers
 The future researchers should create more reading activities, and attempt to
provide a supportive learning atmosphere in order to help students reinforce their
learning interest in learning English.
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primary level
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primary level
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Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Appendix A
Consent Letter
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Appendix B
Transcription of Teacher Interview
In this research the interview, Interviewer asks specific questions pertaining to research
Q1. Do you think reading comprehension affect
Students academic performance? How?
Res: Yes, It enhances students thinking power also develop them
Q2. What do you know about reciprocal teaching and strategies?
Res: don’t have any information about reciprocal teaching
and also not aware its strategies.
Q3. How do you develop understanding concerning text
Material among the students?
Res: Through reading again and again, and sometime through
apply prediction strategy.
Subject: English Class: 5th
R1: M.M School: Primary PC Urdu section attached with GECE (W) hyd Age: 50+
Enhance thinking
power & confident
Don’t have any
information about
RT and Its strategies
Reading again & again
and prediction
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Q4. Do you teach through connecting students previous
Knowledge with the new text material? How?
Res: Yes, through real life example, and try to engage students.
Q5. Do you try to enhance conceptual understanding when
You teach English subject in the classroom?
Res: Yes, I tried to use English avi aids in the classroom.
Q6. What kind of strategies do you apply when you teach
Reading in a English subject?
Res: Mostly time using questioning strategy in the oral form.
Q7. How do you diagnose student’s strength and needs
during reading process?
Res: through observation and through assessing students knowledge
Q8. How do you handle those students that not comfortable
during reading?
Res: through instruct the students that try to decode the words
Spelling also use different strategies to overcome issues.
Q9. Which types of challenges do you face when you teach
Real life example &
engage students
Use English avi aids
Questioning in the
oral form
Observation &
assessing students
Decode the words & use
different strategies
Lack of confidence &
irresponsible students
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
English Reading in the classroom?
Res: Lack of confidence, Students are irresponsible and some time
don’t take interest in reading.
Q10. Do you have any suggestion to improve students
comprehension skills in English subject reading?
Res: To use varieties of strategies, and use some simple words of
English in their daily routine like I think, I Know etc.
Appendix C
Varieties of
strategies & use
simple English
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Observational checklist of Teacher A: Report on Cycle One
Observational checklist of Teacher A
Name: M.F School:Primary PC Urdu section attached with GECE (W) hyd
Subject: English
Note: the following checklist is categorized in three parts Yes and No, somehow
Yes=3, somehow=2, No=1
Observational checklist of Teacher B
S/No Statement 3 2 1
01 Teacher know how to Incorporates reciprocal teaching
strategies in during teaching.
02 teacher check previous knowledge of students before
starting new unit/chapter
03 Teacher give demonstration, knowledge on prediction as a
guided reading comprehension
04 teacher uses strategies for word classification that can be
applied generally across reading context
05 Teacher instructions are helpful to the students to enhance
understanding about the text
06 Teacher connecting new knowledge with prior knowledge
of the students
07 Teacher uses the variety of strategies to understand
students strength
08 Teacher used the questioning strategy with question words
(what, why, where ,when, how)
09 Teacher provide support to students through guided
practice in the classroom
10 After , teaching reading teacher provide feedback to the
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at
primary level
Name: M.R School: Primary PC Urdu section attached with GECE (W) hyd
Subject: English
Note: the following checklist is categorized in three parts Yes and No, somehow
Yes=3, somehow=2, No=1
S/No Statement 3 2 1
01 Teacher know how to Incorporates
reciprocal teaching strategies in during
02 teacher check previous knowledge of
students before starting new
03 Teacher give demonstration, knowledge
on prediction as a guided reading
04 teacher uses strategies for word
classification that can be applied
generally across reading context
05 Teacher instructions are helpful to the
students to enhance understanding
about the text
06 Teacher connecting new knowledge
with prior knowledge of the students
07 Teacher uses the variety of strategies to
understand students strength
08 Teacher used the questioning strategy
with question words (what, why, where
,when, how)
09 Teacher provide support to students
through guided practice in the
10 After, teaching reading teacher provide
feedback to the students
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level
Appendix D: Agenda of conduct workshop
Workshop title: Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English Reading through reciprocal
teaching method at primary level
Number of Participants:
Date: 23-oct-2019 Time: 60 minutes
S/No Content Activities Time Reflection
01 Introduction 10 min In this first stage researcher introduce the action research topic
“Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English Reading
through reciprocal teaching method at primary level” than give the
introduction that what is RT method? and when it is introduced?
02 Objectives & Goals 5 min After the introduction researcher presented the objectives and goals of
reciprocal teaching in which researcher has told the purpose of this
03 Body 20 min Researcher explained the topics in a detail manner in which discussed
the authors statement that has been introduced on RT method and its
Strategies also has told the benefits and importance of this method.
04 Activity 10 min After presented the topic researcher used instruction for teachers that
design an one activity on RT strategies
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level
05 Discussion
Sum up
15 min At the end of conduct workshop researcher discussed the topic with
teachers and supervisor in which discussed the how to use & implement
this method for teaching English reading.
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary
Attendance sheet of participants
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary
Appendix E
Reading corner
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary
Appendix E
Develop reading corner
Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary
Appendix –F
10 meeting Paper

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Thesis: Role Of Interactive Notes On The Learning Of Students At Elementary Level

  • 1. Title: Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level Submitted By: SOHA SADIQ Coordinator Ms. Nadia Thalho Supervised MS. Sadaf Haleem Lecturers GECE (W) Hyderabad Academic year 2019 GOVERNMENT ELEMENTARY COLLEGE EDUCATION (WOMEN) HYDERABAD
  • 2. i Table of Contents CERTIFICATE.................................................................................................................................... iii Acknowledgement............................................................................................................................... iv Dedication ............................................................................................................................................. v Abstract................................................................................................................................................. vi Chapter One ..........................................................................................................................................2 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................2 1.1. Chapter overview:....................................................................................................... 2 1.2. Introduction: ............................................................................................................... 2 1.3. Background of the study: ............................................................................................ 3 1.4. Statement of the problem:........................................................................................... 4 1.5. Objectives of the study:............................................................................................... 5 1.6. Research Questions:.................................................................................................... 6 1.7. Significance of the study:............................................................................................ 6 1.8. Purpose of the study:................................................................................................... 7 1.9. Limitation of the study:............................................................................................... 7 1.10. Ethical consideration:................................................................................................ 8 1.11. The Definition of key terms ...................................................................................... 8 1.11.1. Teaching:............................................................................................................... 8 1.11.2. Reciprocal teaching: ........................................................................................... 9 1.11.3. Reading Comprehension: ....................................................................................... 9 1.11.4. Prediction: ............................................................................................................. 9 1.11.5. Questioning: .......................................................................................................... 9 1.11.6. Clarifying: ............................................................................................................. 9 1.11.7. Summarizing:....................................................................................................... 10 1.12. Conclusion:............................................................................................................. 10 Chapter Two........................................................................................................................................12 Review of Literature..........................................................................................................................12 2.1. Theoretical Framework in Research:......................................................................... 12 2.2. Historical Review of Reciprocal teaching: ................................................................ 12 2.3. Reciprocal teaching procedure:................................................................................. 13 2.3.1. Steps of Reciprocal Teaching................................................................................. 14 2.3.2. Explicitly teaching reciprocal teaching:.................................................................. 15
  • 3. ii 2.4. Model of four Reciprocal teaching strategies: ........................................................... 16 2.5. Relevant theories related to reciprocal teaching......................................................... 16 2.5.1. Piaget theory of cognitive Development................................................................. 16 2.5.2. Vygotsky’s theory of social constructivism............................................................ 17 2.5.3. Bruner's Theory of Constructivism......................................................................... 18 2.6. Cooperative Learning: .............................................................................................. 18 2.7. Reading Comprehension:.......................................................................................... 19 2.8. Strategies of Reciprocal teaching: ............................................................................. 20 2.8.1. Prediction: ............................................................................................................. 20 2.8.2. Questioning: .......................................................................................................... 20 2.8.3. Clarifying: ............................................................................................................. 21 2.8.4. Summarizing: ........................................................................................................ 21 2.9. Conclusion:............................................................................................................... 22 Chapter Three .....................................................................................................................................24 Research Methodology......................................................................................................................24 3.1. Overview of Chapter:................................................................................................ 24 3.2. Research Methodology: ............................................................................................ 24 3.4. Research Design: ...................................................................................................... 25 3.4.1. Time Spain: ........................................................................................................... 26 3.5. Research Approach:.................................................................................................. 28 3.6. Action Research:....................................................................................................... 29 3.6.1. Action Research Cycle:.......................................................................................... 29 3.6.2. Research Framework of Action Research:.............................................................. 30 3.7. Data Collection Procedure: ....................................................................................... 31 3.8. Tools/instrument:...................................................................................................... 31 3.10. Sampling Design:.................................................................................................... 31 3.10.1. Population............................................................................................................ 32 3.10.2. Sampling Size:..................................................................................................... 32 3.10.3. Sampling Technique/Method: .............................................................................. 32 3.11. Interpretation and presentation of data: ................................................................... 32 3.12. Conclusion:............................................................................................................. 32 Chapter Four .......................................................................................................................................34 Data analysis.......................................................................................................................................34
  • 4. iii 4.1 Overview of chapter:................................................................................................ 34 4.2 Data Analysis: ......................................................................................................... 34 4.3 Repots on Action Research Cycle and its analysis...................................................... 35 4.3.1 Report on Reconnaissance ...................................................................................... 35 Discussion on themes: ..................................................................................................... 40 4.3.2Report on Cycle 1: Observational checklist.............................................................. 41 4.3.3Report on Cycle 2: Conduct Workshop.................................................................... 44 4.3.4Report on Cycle 3: Develop Reading corner............................................................. 46 Chapter Five........................................................................................................................................49 Summary, conclusion, Discussion And Recommendation...........................................................49 5.1 Overview of chapter: ................................................................................................. 49 5.2 Discussion & findings:............................................................................................... 49 5.3 Summary: .................................................................................................................. 50 5.4 Conclusion:................................................................................................................ 51 5.5 Recommendation....................................................................................................... 52 References...........................................................................................................................................54 Appendix A.........................................................................................................................................58 Consent Letter.....................................................................................................................................58 Appendix B .........................................................................................................................................59 Transcription of Teacher Interview .................................................................................................59 Appendix C .........................................................................................................................................61 Observational checklist of Teacher A: Report on Cycle One ......................................................62 Appendix D: Agenda of conduct workshop ...................................................................................64 Appendix E .........................................................................................................................................72 Develop reading corner .....................................................................................................................72 Appendix –F........................................................................................................................................73 10 meeting Paper................................................................................................................................73
  • 5. iii LIST OF FIGURE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Ms SOHA KHAN has conducted this Action Research Project entitled “Topic:”During the academic year 2018, under the supervision of Ms. SADAF HALEEM in partial fulfillment for the degree of B.Ed. (Hons). RESEARCH SUPERVISOR Ms ____________ Lecturer GECE (W) Hyderabad PRINCIPAL Ms. NayyarRafique GECE (W) Hyderabad
  • 6. iv Acknowledgement First of all, I am grateful to Allah Almighty and His Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) who provided me strength and health to complete my Action Research. I also must acknowledge those people who encouraged and supported me during my research study For the ancestors who paved the path before me upon whose shoulder I stand. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Miss Sadaf and Miss Shanilla & also my coordinator Miss Nadia Thalho for their care, solid support, collegiality, and mentorship Assistance and supervision show me the way which is highly appreciated. I want to thank, Principal Mrs. Nayyar Rafique to support and motivate me in college. Finally, I wish to thanks to my Grandfather, Parents, Relatives, Friends and others who is one way or another shared their support & either morally, thank you.
  • 7. v Dedication This modest hard work is dedicated to My Grandfather & parents Who brought me up to? The position of greatness Where I am footing today, looking for Most important, and gleaming Future at the front position, for which they Sacrificed most of their past, And to My respected teachers Miss Sadaf, Miss Shanilla & Miss Nadia who guided Me throughout Academic life
  • 8. vi Abstract The Reciprocal teaching method describes the process of reading as an interactive one, in which readers interact with the text as their prior experience is activated, using prior experience as a guide, readers learn new information, main ideas and arguments. the main objectives of this study is to explore the conceptual understanding of the teacher in using reciprocal strategies in teaching English reading, and to apply reciprocal strategies which are helpful to develop conceptual understanding in learning English reading. Students face many challenges and problems during the process of reading English text. The area of this study in primary P.C Urdu section school attached with G.E.C.E (W) Hyd. Where the populations were 14 students and 6 teachers, and selected 6 students and two teachers. This research focused on qualitative method and purposive sampling used in this study. This study is limited at Grade 5th in PC Urdu section school. Reciprocal is a research-based technique and method. It’s helpful both teachers and students. The main findings of this study those teachers not aware about how to use varieties of strategies they just teach in a traditional way. They don’t know the term Reciprocal and its strategies. This study focused that if the teachers are used this method, so teach the students in effective manner then definitely would be possible to develop critical thinking and comprehension skills of the students. The recommendation of this study is that RT strategies are should be incorporate into the curriculum and instructed in EFL classes and the future researchers should create more reading activities, and attempt to provide a supportive learning atmosphere in order to help students reinforce their learning interest in learning English.
  • 9. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 1 Chapter One Introduction
  • 10. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 2 Chapter One Introduction 1.1. Chapter overview: This chapter focused on introduction of the study. It present the background of the study, the statement of the problem, the study of objectives and research question, the significance of the study, ethical consideration (that describe the rules and regulation of the moral values in this study), the limitation of the study and the definition of the key terms. 1.2. Introduction: This chapter describes and introduces the teaching students sound literacy skills while developing their ability to think critically. It is well acknowledged that students’ reading ability can play a significance role in their academic achievement. This process involves training students to use the skills of Reciprocal Teaching (RT). (Palincsar, 1989) Reciprocal teaching is a guided reading comprehension strategy that encourages students to develop the skills that improve learners reading process in which students read and understand the text automatically (summarize, question, clarify, predict and respond to what they are reading). The goal of reciprocal teaching is to construct the meaning of the text and to check comprehension Strategically competent readers may well make predictions before they read, ask questions as they read, seek further clarification when they are confused, and write summaries of what they have read for themselves (Pressley, 1998). It is helpful to encourages students to think critically about the text before, during and after reading. Reciprocal teaching enhances the conceptual understanding to the teacher because in this way teacher diagnose students strengths and needs according to the grade level. When teach English subject reading, these strategies serve dual purposes of being both
  • 11. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 3 comprehension-fostering and comprehension-monitoring. Sometime teachers need to know what strategy is helpful for struggling readers during the class of English subject reading. 1.3. Background of the study: An adequate education is needed in order that students will survive and prosper in current society. Reciprocal Teaching emerged in the 1980s following widespread dissatisfaction with inadequate reading comprehension strategies. Reciprocal teaching was developed by Palincsar and brown as a kind of reading technique. A primary aim of Reciprocal Teaching is to persuade students to become self-determining, independent readers who actively approve the strategies to create their own understanding of the text (slater, 2008). Reciprocal teaching as an interactive process of reading, where readers interact with the context as their background knowledge is activated. Using previous knowledge as a way, students learn new information, new vocabulary and new main ideas, in which learners create meaning from the text by relying on background knowledge, reject or affirm what the author suggests (carter, 1997). Reciprocal is defined by, (Manohar, 2008) as an instructional activity that takes place in the form of an exchange of ideas between teachers and students regarding segments of the text which is structural by the use of four Reciprocal strategies: predicting, question generating, clarifying and summarizing. Additionally, researchers have observed that reciprocal settlement can provide an effective motivation to assist knowledge sharing, thus achieving long-term mutual cooperation (Bock, 2005). A systematic literature search indicated that little research has focused on the effectiveness of Reciprocal Teaching on comprehension development.
  • 12. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 4 RT is a metacognitive approach that promotes active learning and supports elements identified by (wasik, 2015) as key to vocabulary development; mostly the opportunity for children to speak about definitions of new words to their own experiences through discussion and to reach a shared understanding of vocabulary encountered using their own words, and also developing comprehension skills. Furthermore, it provides explicit teaching through direct instruction that can make obvious what will the students do in reading learning process. It is a sharing of an active comprehension because it involves reciprocal dialogue. It is an essential factor in Reciprocal Teaching method which is based on the principle that group participation and discussion that can support learning as well as promoting conceptual understanding changes. (Meyer, 2010). Presented research recognizes the critical role played by reciprocal teaching in improving students' reading comprehension skill. It recommended that teachers must provide direct and clear literacy instruction for students of all abilities. Further, the report stated that the modes of literacy instruction should be supported by evidence-based practices. 1.4. Statement of the problem: Throughout my teaching practice, I observed that students they are not able to recognize and understand the text that concerned with the second language, because lack of teacher knowledge about using approved strategies that helpful to the students in which students learn how they are easily comprehend English reading text material. During my lesson’s I give the chance to students in the classroom, to read the English text with fluency and comprehend, but mostly students are not able to read easily and also not understand the text meaning because they need basic knowledge about the second language grammatical rules and identify its structure. When I teach, I have
  • 13. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 5 often observed those students that not easily read the English text material but they write correctly, because during conducting test I observed that, they write spelling and sentence in the correct way but lack of awareness of how to read?. I also observed the main reasons that affect on the students reading performance.  Lack of reading text material, students totally focused on text book.  Lack of teacher knowledge about strategies, teachers totally focused on traditional way in which firstly teacher read the text and after teacher reading, one by one student comes to read the text.  Lack of parent’s involvement. Because the family background play vital role in students academic performance.  Lack of monitoring student’s progress.  Difficulties in discovering the meaning of words in context and also improper classroom activities. That reason pressurized me to select authentic research topic in which these reasons are cover in an effective and positively manner, so I choose the topic “To enhance the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level”. 1.5. Objectives of the study: Objectives is the main area of action research that classify and describe researcher aims and goals, involves thinking in more detail about the action research topic. My objectives related to the statement of the problem and summarize the main area in which I will do action research. The objectives of the study are:
  • 14. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 6  To explore the conceptual understanding of the teacher in using reciprocal strategies in teaching English reading.  To apply reciprocal strategies which are helpful to develop conceptual understanding in learning English reading. 1.6. Research Questions: 1. What strategies of reciprocal teaching in classroom are used by teachers? 2. What are the influences of reciprocal strategies on increasing fifth grade student’s behavior towards English reading? 1.7. Significance of the study: Students understanding in English subject reading. Referring to the significance of my topic in which promote reading comprehension skill through using Reciprocal strategies, the students should be well prepared with the skill as early as achievable so they are familiar to comprehending what they read in their daily life. It is essential to implement strategies that can help solve the students’ problems in reading. One of the strategies that help students recognize reading materials is Reciprocal Teaching (RT) method. Reciprocal Teaching, based on the explanation greater than, has many advantages. This research study will be beneficial to know about the reciprocal teaching strategies because mostly teacher not aware to this method, but some teachers use reciprocal strategies in-direct way. This method appears to be the most appropriate for students, because it provides high order thinking instructional strategies that can make the students totally engaged in English reading learning process. Effective reading comprehension is basic fundamental to ongoing academic accomplishment (Hashey, 2008). Reciprocal Teaching is one of the most well researched reading activities that facilitate students to self-monitor and construct
  • 15. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 7 meaning from the text. This study is very important because it empirically investigating the effect of reciprocal teaching strategies on students academic achievement and also improving 1.8. Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study is to investigate the Conceptual understanding of applied Reciprocal Teaching on teaching English reading in fifth grade. This study focused on to implement reciprocal strategies step by step to develop reading comprehension in English subject, because in the 21st century second language play a key role in students academic achievement. The purpose of this study to explore the successful interventions that related to my topic and also determine the areas of reading in which need to do more work, through this study, to enhance conceptual understanding in teaching English subject reading through using RT method, because its method encourages the students to think critically and also motivate the students that they use their previous knowledge that play a key role in students mind, when students mind process in thinking. The main purpose of this study is to allow the students to collaborate with other to gain a better understanding of a text. To guide the students to be actively involved in monitoring their comprehension skill. One of the most important purpose of this study to design a proper classroom learning activities that should be applied in reading learning process, because an appropriate instructions in reading learning process will help the students read in an accurate way. 1.9. Limitation of the study: This research will conduct at P.C primary (Urdu section) school attached with G.E.C.E (W) Hyderabad, my research will be focuses on grade 5th because during practice, I was teach English lesson in 5th class, so I observed mostly students are not
  • 16. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 8 feel like understanding and comfortable during reading because lack of knowledge about English reading structure. So this study is limited to investigate the use of the reciprocal teaching strategies in teaching English subject, also this study of research limited in short time duration 1.10. Ethical consideration: This study follow the ethical consideration rules and regulation, before meeting I was give permission letter to the HM ( miss suraiya ), during meeting I was told her about my research topic ” than requested her to shared their school issues that related to my topic. In this first meeting I was Reconnaissance and collect Primary data that based on reality. This study obeys to Research ethics values in which working with sincerity and reasonable. In this study researcher emphasise the use of school data with taken permission to HM and provide targeted Reciprocal interventions to close attainment gaps and to closely monitor student’s progress in an Effective manner (Demie, 2015). In this study researcher also work with responsibility. In ethics consideration, it is essential that collect data carefully and evaluate the result in a positively manner. 1.11. The Definition of key terms 1.11.1. Teaching: Teaching is systematic process in which one individual teaches or guide to another individuals (students). Teaching refers to activities that are designed and performed to produce in student’s attitude (clerk).
  • 17. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 9 1.11.2. Reciprocal teaching: Reading teaching is an instructional reading practice that focused on the foundational skills in which teacher guide the students through using RT strategies. Reciprocal teaching helps students prevent cognitive failure during reading (Horstman, 2013). 1.11.3. Reading Comprehension: Reading comprehension means to interact the meaning from the text. Reading comprehension is an effective skill in which students read the text in the correct manner and also understand the authors view, that what authors said and suggest in the text. Reading comprehension is a thinking process by which a reader selects fact, information or ideas from printed materials (veeravagu, n.d). 1.11.4. Prediction: Prediction is a strategy of reciprocal teaching in which students visualize and connecting text with their own learning experience. In prediction students involves thinking process, after thinking students verify the text with through their prediction. 1.11.5. Questioning: Questioning is a deep strategy that used by the teacher. In this strategy students can focus on that information that is more needed in the text material and passage (Oczkus, 2004). 1.11.6. Clarifying: Clarify is an active strategy of reciprocal teaching method in which teacher give instruction to the students that re-read the text in clarity form and comprehend the unfamiliar information from the text.
  • 18. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 10 1.11.7. Summarizing: This is an appropriate strategy in which students summarize the main ideas in the text material in your own words. This strategy is very helpful to encourage the students to think critically. 1.12. Conclusion: Throughout the first chapter, the researcher presented a background of the study, problem statement and described the purpose of this action research with objectives and research question also discussed the ethical consideration and limitation of the study. Furthermore, this chapter discuss the key terms that related to researcher action research topic.
  • 19. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 11 Chapter Two Review of Literature
  • 20. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 12 Chapter Two Review of Literature 2.1. Theoretical Framework in Research: Vygotsky’s, Piaget, Ausuble, Bruner’s, theories have discussed on “Reciprocal teaching” but from all theories here in my research I have included the theory of reciprocal teaching given by Bruner’s(1961) that, theory I have integrated in my research that the Reciprocal teaching is an instructional guided practice to improve reading comprehension skill, in which teacher teach through connecting previous knowledge with new knowledge with the help of applying prediction strategy, during reading process teacher also develop critical thinking because RT focuses on four thinking strategies: predicting, clarifying, questioning, and summarising. I have adopted his theory of constructivism or discovery learning. 2.2. Historical Review of Reciprocal teaching: The reading strategy instruction approach which is known by (RT) was developed by Brown and Palinscar (1984). Since Palinscar and Brown (1984) introduced the concept of reciprocal teaching, a number of studies have been conducted to examine the influence of reciprocal teaching on students' ability to comprehend text. Established reciprocal teaching consisted of the following components: four steps of instruction (i.e., predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing), a small-group classroom setting, and students as leaders of discussion and teachers as facilitators (Palincsar, 1984) Reciprocal Teaching, based on the explanation greater than, has many advantages. It provides clear teaching through direct instruction that can make understandable what will the students do in reading learning process. It is a sharing of an active comprehension because it involves reciprocal discussion (one of an important factor
  • 21. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 13 in Reciprocal Teaching) which is based on the foundation that group participation and dialogue that can aids learning as well as promoting conceptual change (Meyer K. , 2010). In addition to that, Blakey and Spence (1990) Present RT as one of the most effective methods that develop the cognitive and the meta-cognitive processes for the students, in which it includes organizational procedures which enable them to choose the strategies of planning, controlling and evaluating at their own pace. RT is based on the dialogues and discussions between students and the teacher. It also includes exchanging roles between the teacher and the learners which makes students responsible for their roles in the teaching learning process and allows students to support each other continuously (Omari, 2010) According to Rosenshine and Meister (1994), the following four important instructional practices are embedded in reciprocal teaching: •Direct teaching of strategies •Practicing reading strategies with real reading instead of worksheets or contrived exercises •Scaffolding of instruction •Using Peer support for learning 2.3. Reciprocal teaching procedure: According to (Carter, 1997) reciprocal teaching parallels the new definition of reading that describes the process of reading as an interactive one, in which readers interact with the text as their prior experience is activated. Using prior experience as a channel, readers learn new information, main ideas and arguments. The goal of reciprocal teaching is to construct the meaning of the text and to check
  • 22. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 14 comprehension. Reciprocal instruction allows a teacher to model and give the students enough practice on those four main strategies to construct the meaning of a text in a social setting. The students monitor their own thinking through the reading process. 2.3.1. Steps of Reciprocal Teaching According to (Oczkus, 2013) the steps of Reciprocal Teaching as follows: 1) Predict. Students draw inferences and use evidence from the text throughout the reading process. 2) Question. Students ask and answer questions to comprehend the text. 3) Clarify. Students know and apply word analysis skills in decoding words in texts. They also use context to confirm or self-correct, and they reread when necessary. 4) Summarize. Students can recognize main ideas and details in paragraphs and in multi paragraph texts. Reciprocal Teaching Predicting Questioning Clariyfing Summarizing
  • 23. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 15 2.3.2. Explicitly teaching reciprocal teaching: Step 1 Scaffold student learning by modeling, guiding and applying the strategies while reading. Read a section of the text aloud and model the four steps–summarising, clarifying, questioning and predicting (*predicting could be optional depending on the material). Step 2 In groups of four allocate a role to each student i.e. summariser, questioner, clarifier and predictor. Step 3 Have students read a few paragraphs of a text selection. Suggest to students they use note-taking strategies such as underlining, coding, etc. Step 4 The predictor helps the group connect sections of the text by reviewing predictions from the previous section and helps the group predict what they will read about next by using clues and inferences in the text. The questioner helps the group to ask and answer questions about the text and reminds the group to use all types of questions (higher and lower order). The summariser restates the main ideas in the text and helps the group state the main idea or ideas in their own words. The clarifier helps the group find parts of the reading that are not clear and finds ways to clear up these difficulties. Step 5 Roles in the group switch and the next selection of text is read. Students repeat the process in their new role. Repeat this process until text/topic selection is finished. Continue to guide the students in the use of the four strategies until they can use the strategy:
  • 24. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 16 2.4. Model of four Reciprocal teaching strategies: 2.5. Relevant theories related to reciprocal teaching 2.5.1. Piaget theory of cognitive Development According to Piaget (in slavin, 1994), humans grow, adapt, and change through physical development, personality development, socioemotional development, cognitive development. Piaget’s theory relates to this study because reading text should match the cognitive developmental stages of learners. Learners should construct the meaning of the text and be able to use it in contexts other than the classroom. Learning activities should match the level of the conceptual development of the learners. The teacher must use the stages as a way to gauge and monitor learners‟ pace of learning. Piaget’s view is that learners must be self-initiated and actively involved in learning. In reading comprehension, teachers must be able to Predicting Students predict on what is implied in the text and make connections to prior knowledge. Clarifying Students make concerted attempts to clarify concepts or vocabulary that is not understood. Questioning Teacher asking questions to generate critical thinking in students mind related to highlighted information in the text. Summarizing In this strategy teacher assigned a task to the students that highlight importance information and ideas.
  • 25. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 17 model good behavior of reading with understanding so that learners will ultimately take responsibility for their own learning. Piaget also emphasized the importance of the environment in learning, particularly the social environment. In reading comprehension, the comprehension development may be influenced by interactions with others. Piaget’s theory has implications for teaching reading comprehension, as each individual child’s current stage of cognition development must be taken into account when the teacher plans learning activities. 2.5.2. Vygotsky’s theory of social constructivism Reciprocal Teaching derives from social constructivism described by Vygotsky. Vygotsky in cited (Kozulin, 2006) combines between dialogue and metacognition in explaining how individuals develop their understanding of concepts. He believed that the process of learning involved moving into a zone of proximal development which is supported by another individual in dialogue with the learner. Through dialogue the learner is able to shape current knowledge (schemas) to construct new ideas and understanding. Vygotsky’s theory has implications for teaching reading comprehension skill in facilitating learning; the teacher must take the cultural context of the learners into consideration as it influences their thinking and actions. Learners can be given problem-solving activities with instructions, for the task of reading comprehension. According to Vygotsky’s concept, children can develop their learning to reach a level of actual development by independently solving problems, and another level of potential development under adult guidance or expert scaffolding and in collaboration with more capable peers. For language teachers, it is necessary to provide the learners the tools that involve effective intervention and language learning
  • 26. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 18 strategies, and construct the concept of new knowledge with the help of previous knowledge/experience. 2.5.3. Bruner's Theory of Constructivism Theoretically, reciprocal teaching is based on Bruner’s constructivism or discovery learning theory. According to Bruner’s, theory on constructivism encompasses the idea of learning as an active process where in those learning are able to new idea based on what their current knowledge is as well as their previous knowledge A cognitive structure is defined as the mental processes which offer the learner ability to organize experience and comprehend meaning from them. These cognitive structures allow the students to push past the given information in constructing their new concepts. The outcome of cognitive development is thinking. The intelligent mind creates from experience "general coding systems that authorize one to go outside the data to new and possibly fruitful predictions" (Bruner, 1957). In 1960 Bruner's text, The Process of Education was published. The main premise of Bruner's text was that students are active learners who construct their own knowledge. Bruner believe that the most effect way to develop a coding system is to discover it rather than being told it by the teacher. The concept of discovery learning implies that students construct their own knowledge for themselves (also known as a constructist approach). Discovery learning encourages students to discover and internalize a concept, rule, or principle through unstructured exploration of to-be-learned information (Bruner, 1961). 2.6. Cooperative Learning: Reciprocal teaching is a cooperative learning strategy. It requires collaboration and group thinking while emphasis is placed on students providing instructional support
  • 27. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 19 for each other. An outcome of reciprocal teaching is a sense of community where students feel cared about and valued (Oczkus, 2010). Difficulties in understanding are recognized to challenges in the text rather than student inadequacy. The learning emphasis is on the emergence of strategies that provide a way to understand through interaction with diverse others, expert scaffolding and anticipation of expected competence (Westera, 2002). Reciprocal teaching is nurturing and inclusive. The engagement processes provide feedback for learners on the efficacy of their actions through responsive and intensive peer support in an authentic learning situation. Through interaction in mixed-ability groups, students who are developing skills in comprehension are supported by the social context and reciprocal teaching frameworks. They engage at their level and are able to observe and learn from more competent peers who, with the teacher, model higher level involvement. 2.7. Reading Comprehension: Reading comprehension theory assumed that simply training students in phonological skills mastery would aid success in comprehending text. Comprehension skills included locating the main idea of the text, identifying the event sequence and using background clues to ensure students extract meaning from print. Comprehension of difficult texts poses many problems for the poor reader. Reading Comprehension processes in which words are employed to create ideas and themes involve the reader’s presented knowledge to create a structure and therefore involves ‘top-down’ processing. This occurs when knowledge of main ideas and themes leads the reader to expect certain words or word types to appear, based on the inferred meaning of the text.
  • 28. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 20 2.8. Strategies of Reciprocal teaching: 2.8.1. Prediction: Predicting is the first strategy used when engaging in reciprocal teaching. This strategy refers to the expectations about the writers' or the authors' message/messages in the text. This strategy gives opportunities for the readers to guess the content of the text before reading. As a conclusion, readers relate their background knowledge to the topic, understand it and become able to evaluate it by skimming the given photos and headings. For instance, readers may predict” (Oczkus L. , 2004). An important aspect in the prediction process is comparing the prediction to the outcome in the actual text. According to (Gambrell, 2015) Predicting consists of the readers thinking about what will come next in the text. While reading, students revise their previous predictions and make new ones. This allows students to predict what they will be reading. While predicting, readers will interact with the text. This helps them to be more motivated to read the material in addition to improving their understanding of the text. Ultimately, when students make predictions while reading, their comprehension will likely improve. 2.8.2. Questioning: Questioning is the second strategy used in reciprocal Teaching. Questioning is a process readers use before, during and after reading. While having reciprocal teaching discussions, Oczkus suggests assigning the students to “be the teacher” while they create questions that are based off essential parts of the story. Students will begin to take ownership and develop pride while creating questions and asking one another to answer them. The instructor assists his/her students to find the main key words in the passage in order to answer questions in the text. They will be enabled to ask questions
  • 29. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 21 which facilitate high thinking abilities. For instance, the instructor might ask students about the main idea in the paragraph. In this strategy students can focus on that information that is more needed in the passage (McLaughlin, 2002). 2.8.3. Clarifying: Clarifying is the third strategy that reciprocal teaching uses. For some students it is a challenge to recognize unclear sentences or words. Clarifying is a strategy, where students may re-read the text in order to recognize and understand unfamiliar information. In this process, they may use dictionary or asking help from the teacher to understand the meaning of new idioms, expressions or vocabulary in the text (Allen, 2002). When ‘clarifying’ the text, students critically evaluate ideas, main ideas and themes whilst reading, seeking understanding of new or unfamiliar words and phrases. Clarifying helps students monitor their own comprehension as they identify problems that they are having in comprehending portions of text or figuring out difficult words. Clarifying is an important step of reciprocal teaching because it directly gives students strategies to use when they encounter a problem while reading. 2.8.4. Summarizing: This is main and creative strategy that gives students the opportunity to identify the main essential information in the text, organize them and find out the relationships between them. It shows the process of summing up the text and reproducing it in the new words. For instance, students may re-write what the author wanted them to know in the text in a new form. In the end, when students are capable of not only producing their own summary, but also observing and taking part in classmates’ summaries, they will become more proficient readers. Reciprocal teaching allows students to engage in the summary process. The organization of the summary depends on the type of text,
  • 30. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 22 narrative or expository. Whereas, summarizing an expository text requires students to remind significant events and arrange them in a logical order. Taught students to identify main ideas, connect the main ideas, eliminate unnecessary information, and remember what they read with the summarization strategy. 2.9. Conclusion: In this Chapter I analyze different things such as reciprocal teaching and its strategies, and also examine views of various authors Piaget, bruners, and Vygotsky On the theories of discovery learning or social constructivism and cognitive development which identify student’s needs of learning and psychology of students minds also interpreted reading comprehension and RT strategies to fulfill the requirement of students English reading learning.
  • 31. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 23 Chapter Three Research Methodology
  • 32. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 24 Chapter Three Research Methodology 3.1. Overview of Chapter: This chapter covers the research methodology, Research framework of action research and research approaches, Population and the sample of the study research design step that used in this study to carry out systematic investigation in order to establish data, it also gives Details about Research Instruments, and data collection procedures. 3.2. Research Methodology: Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. Methodology is the systematic Theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. Research methodology is a set of organized Technique used in Research. This simply means a guide to Researcher that how it is conducted. It describe the Instruments that using to analysis of data. Research methodology indicates the reason of development of the process used to generate theory that is procedural framework within which the research is conducted (Ramenyi, 1998). This study was qualitative Research is to express and understand issues or phenomena systematically from the point of view of the individual or population being studies, and to create new concepts and theories. Qualitative research is also described as an unfolding model that occurs in a natural situation that enables the researcher to develop a level of detail from high involvement in the actual experiences (Creswell, 1994).
  • 33. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 25 3.4. Research Design: A research design is a basic plan that guides the data collection and analysis phases of the action research. The purpose of this study to take the action which improves students, reading comprehension skills and develop the second language skills, in this methodology, describe how to collect the data and analyze the data. Research Design Reconnaissance Questionnaire tool Observational Checklist Conduct workshop Develop Reading Corner for guided Comprehension practice Data Collection Data analysis Cycle 01 Cycle 02 Cycle 03
  • 34. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 26 3.4.1. Time Spain: Place Data collection tool ReflectionS/NO Date Action 01 19-9-2019 Reconnaissance Primary P.C Urdu section school attached with G.E.C.E (W) hyd Questionnaire tool I have visited PC primary school. First I meet with HM (miss Surya) than I told about my research topic and its importance, after that asking some question about Reciprocal teaching method. 02 2-10-2019 3-10-2019 18-10-2019 Cycle one Primary P.C Urdu section school attached with G.E.C.E (W) hyd Observation Checklist I was observe and analyze the teacher information about the reciprocal strategies and also observed the way of teachers that they was apply RT strategies during teaching English Reading,
  • 35. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 27 03 23-10-2019 Cycle two Primary P.C Urdu section school attached with G.E.C.E (W) hyd Conduct workshop I will conduct workshop in which I will be present my research topic to the teachers of P.C Urdu section school. After conducting workshop I will take reflection to the teachers about how RT helpful to the Teachers and students and what they have learnt through the workshop. 04 28-10-2019 10-11-2019 Cycle three Primary P.C Urdu section school attached with G.E.C.E (W) Hyderabad Develop Reading corner I will develop reading corner in class 5th , in which I will apply RT strategies than Check students interest and their performances that how they read the text and how comprehend the text material.
  • 36. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 28 3.5. Research Approach: There are two research approaches first deductive and second Cross-sectional. Research Approaches Researcher used deductive approach in which he/she can build up a theory and hypotheses and design a research strategy to test the suggestion or in Cross-sectional study, the researcher measures the outcome and just selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by researcher for the study. It can provide information about what is occurrence in a present population. Cross-sectional are observational in nature and are known as Descriptive research, not causal and relational, meaning that you can’t use them to establish the cause of something, such as a disease (Cherry, 2019). The Cross-sectional research approach that was I integrated in this research, because this approach usually conducted within a given time/ short time period as faster and it allows to investigator that easily measure outcomes. Cross-sectional studies are a useful way to gather information on importance conditions that related aspects of people’s knowledge attitudes and practices. Cross-sectional studies are characterized by the collection of applicable information (data) at a given point in time (kesmodel, 2018). Deductive Research Approaches Cross-sectional
  • 37. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 29 3.6. Action Research: Action Research is an emergent inquiry process that integrates theory and action to couple scientific knowledge with presented organizational knowledge and to deal with real organizational problems together with the people of the system under inquiry (Coghlan, 2011). This is the most useful form of research. It is problem solve based on a reflective thinking that aims to improve, change and maintain. 3.6.1. Action Research Cycle: Action research cycle Consist of four steps; Planning, acting, observing, reflecting (Lauwers, 2008). Generally represented in a diagram of action research cycle: Action Research Cycle Cycle of action research Reflect What does it mean? What do you want to do next? Act Conduct your investigation or intervention Plan Look forward and prepare to act thoughtfully Observe  What is going on?  Collecting and analyzing
  • 38. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 30 3.6.2. Research Framework of Action Research: A framework for Action research as a structure that provides guidance for the researcher as study questions are fine-tuned, methods for measuring variables are selected and analyses are planned(Liehr & Smith,). A Research framework is used to dramatically describe the individual steps. It is normally used as a guide for researchers so that they are more focused in the scope of study (Akanbi, 2015). The Research framework and guidelines provide researchers with an suggestion of what to include in the research, how to present the research, and what types of inferences are possible based on the data collected. In conducting a research, researcher comes in to cycles in which six steps are following:(Arung, 2014) Steps of Research Framework Reflection Evaluation Observation Implementation Planning Problem Identification Steps of Research Framework
  • 39. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 31 3.7. Data Collection Procedure: I went to the Primary P.C Urdu section School and collected the data. In this research, I used qualitative study and adopted questionnaire for interview , Thematically, analyzed by used the ground theory; which refers to research is the process of collecting data, analyzing the data, and repeating the process, in which the data can be obtained from several sources such as interviewing participants or witnesses, reviewing chronological videotapes, Observations, and records. The term grounded provides the framework of this method while the research requires that the theory must emerge from the data collected in the field rather than taken from the research literature (Leedy & Ormrod,, 2001). Also used Observational checklist Focused on, a list of things that an observer is going to look at when observing a teacher way of teaching and students behavior, so in this research I used this tool for knowing the Teacher’s way of teaching and gathering information about that teachers apply RT strategies in the classroom. 3.8. Tools/instrument: In this research, I used two instruments that I was developed and used for this action research: is observational Checklist and Interviews where analyzed thematic way. The tools are adopted. 3.10. Sampling Design: Sampling structure is the representation of the fundamentals of the target population. It consists of a list or locates of direction for identifying the target population such as list of the stakeholders.
  • 40. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 32 3.10.1. Population The population of this research focused on grade 5th students total students 14, I was select 6 students and Three Teachers of primary Urdu P.C School attached with G.E.C.E (W) Hyderabad. 3.10.2. Sampling Size: My study is limited to the 6 students of grade 5th and one teacher (who are teaching in Primary P.C Urdu section School attached with G.E.C.E (W) hyd. 3.10.3. Sampling Technique/Method: Purposive Sampling was used during the data collection process, because Purposive sampling, one of the most common sampling strategies, participants according to preselected criteria relevant to a particular research question. 3.11. Interpretation and presentation of data: The collected data were interpreted and analyzed by using MS Word 2010 and MS Excel 2010. 3.12. Conclusion: Throughout the third chapter present a Research methodology, Research design and the procedures followed in the study. In detail, it describes the steps of research framework that integrate in this study and also mention approaches that how they are using in the study. Present tools/instruments that I was developed and apply in this research and methods that helpful to analyzing the data and interpreted the data.
  • 41. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 33 Chapter Four Data analysis
  • 42. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 34 Chapter Four Data analysis 4.1 Overview of chapter: This chapter will cover the data analysis, In this chapter I explain the procedure followed in the analysis of the data, and offer a descriptive analysis. In this chapter also present a main categories and themes that emerged of the data, described and interpreted in a systematic manner. 4.2 Data Analysis: Data analysis is one of the vital elements. The purpose of it is to identify, transform, support decision making bring a conclusion to a research. In this research data was analyzed by using the bar grab and pie graph with the help of Microsoft excel. Data analysis as the process of bringing order, structure and meaning to the mass of collected data (Marshall & Rossman, 1999). Cited: retrived from
  • 43. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 35 4.3 Repots on Action Research Cycle and its analysis 4.3.1 Report on Reconnaissance Reconnaissance: This reflection describes the first step of action research that totally focuses on reconnaissance, that present in these four steps: 1. Planning 2. Act 3. Observe 4. Reflect Planning: In this first step (reconnaissance) on (19-9-2019), I decide to meet with HM (miss suraiya), HM of primary PC school attached with GECE (W) Hyderabad and use questionnaire tool for conducting interview that based on my research topic. Act: In this step, Meeting with HM (Miss suraiya) & English subject teacher of grade 5th , firstly I was Give permission letter than discussed my action research topic “To enhance conceptual understanding in teaching English through using Reciprocal teaching Method” also Discussed its importance. After that I shared objectives of my action research. And asking some question to HM and English subject teacher of grade 5th about how they implement Reciprocal strategies.
  • 44. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 36 Observe: In this Reconnaissance stage, I observed that teachers take interest and listen carefully, and give me good responses when I was ask some question that related to my action research topic. Reflection: In this stage I was analyze the situation with talking HM and English subjects class teacher about my topic, in which I was discuss objective and importance of my action research, she given me good response and positively talking with me. I also discuss my next step with her in which I will observe and conducting interview with teacher through using questionnaire tool.
  • 45. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 37 Thematic Interpretation on Interview (Initial coding) S.NO R1 Initial code  Yes, It enhances students thinking power also develop them Confident Enhance thinking power & confident  They don’t have any information about reciprocal teaching and also not aware its strategies. Don’t have any information about RT and Its strategies  Through reading again and again, and sometime through apply prediction strategy. Reading again & again and prediction  Yes, through real life example, and try to engage students. Real life example & engage students  Yes, I tried to use English avi aids in the classroom. Use English avi aids  Mostly time using questioning strategy in the oral form. Questioning in the oral form  through observation and through assessing students knowledge Observation & assessing students knowledge 8. Through instruct the students that try to decode the words Spelling also use different strategies to overcome issues. Decode the words & use different strategies 9. Lacks of confidence, Students are irresponsible and some time don’t take interest in reading. Lack of confidence & irresponsible students 10. To use varieties of strategies, and use some simple words of English in their daily routine like I think, I Know etc. Varieties of strategies & use simple English words
  • 46. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 38 Interpretation of Interview on Themes and Focused coding: Initial code Major Themes CODE Enhance thinking power & confident RC Reading Comprehension RC Don’t have any information about RT and Its strategies LA Lack of awareness LA Reading again & again and prediction S Strategies S Real life example & engage students RC Challenges C Use English avi aids S Questioning in the oral form S Observation & assessing students knowledge S Decode the words & use different strategies S Lack of confidence & irresponsible students C Varieties of strategies & use simple English words S
  • 47. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 39 Percentage and frequency of Teacher Interview coding Reading comprehension 20% Lack of awareness 10% Strategies 60% Challenges 10% Interpertation on Teacher Interview Major Themes CODE Cumulative Analysis Reading comprehension RC 2 Lack of awareness LA 1 Strategies S 6 Challenges C 1
  • 48. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 40 Discussion on themes: Reading comprehension It enhances students thinking power also develop them Confident, because this is the most important skill for reading any languages subject. Through decoding and recognition of words we can develop reading comprehension skills. Lack of awareness Don’t know the term Reciprocal and its strategies. But some strategies like questioning and predicting used during the reading of English subject. Teach English subject reading in a traditional way not use the varieties of strategies. Strategies: When students not understand the text so apply some strategies like questioning and predicting and also connect the students with their previous knowledge Challenges Some students not take interest in English reading subject because its not mother tongue. Some students are irresponsible they damage the books, some time facing lack of confidence some students not able to read in the front of the class.
  • 49. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 41 4.3.2Report on Cycle 1: Observational checklist Planning: In this first step (cycle 1 planning) on(2-10-2019, 3-10-2019, 18-10-2019 ) I decide to observe two teachers that teach English subject in primary PC school attached with GECE (W) Hyderabad on Grade 5th. After took interview I decided that need to observe their teaching styles because through taken interview not collected data in a correct and proper manner. Act: Using observational checklist tool to observe English subject teachers that they teach in grade 5th , firstly I was take permission than observe their teaching style, in this cycle I was observed their teaching way and identify the situation that in which area need to improvement in their teaching way. Observe: In this stage, I observed that teachers teach traditionally way not aware new strategies that promote and enhance students reading comprehension skills. i also observed that they not provide feedback after the reading. Reflection: In this stage I was observe the teaching ways of English subject teachers, in which I was identify some things that why students feel uncomfortable when they read English language text material because lack of awareness and lack of confidence. This cycle based on three days observation because facing some management issues in the school.
  • 50. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 42 Findings of above statement shows the teacher knowledge of concerning Reciprocal teaching method in teaching English reading. Teacher was not able to used RT strategies in an exact manner. She teaches in a traditional way. Researcher observed that some time during English reading need to motivate the students to read the text actively and comprehend the text author’s purpose, they just read the words not understand that what they read. After the reading she not provided any type of feedback. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 percemntage Question Numbers Interpertation on: Observational checklist of Teacher A yes SH nO
  • 51. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 43 Findings of above statement show the teacher knowledge of concerning Reciprocal teaching method in teaching English reading. Teacher was not able to used RT strategies in an exact manner. She teaches in a traditional way. Researcher observedShe not able to use the varieties of strategies to understand student’s strength and weakness. In the English subject class students not felt joyful because lack of interest. She not motivated the students in a effective manner. She teaches just traditional way like one by one calling the students for reading the English text material. After the reading she not provided any type of feedback. After getting these results researcher found that need to conduct workshop in our next cycle because researcher was facing some issues like lack of awareness about RT strategies and language issues 2 34% 5 33% 6 33% Interpertation on: Observational checklist of Teacher B
  • 52. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 44 4.3.3Report on Cycle 2: Conduct Workshop Planning: In this first step (cycle 2 planning) I decide to conduct workshop for teachers that teach in primary PC school attached with GECE (W) Hyderabad, in which firstly I was design my presentation criteria than conduct workshop that focused on my research topic “Enhance the conceptual understanding in teaching English Reading through reciprocal teaching method at primary level” Act: Conducting workshop in which present my research topic that how to use and implement RT strategies through showing some understandable activities and through present researcher statement and thoughts that how RT is the research based technique, also present its importance and sequence of strategies. Observe: In this stage, I observed that teachers took interest, give good response and listen carefully I also observed that mostly teachers not aware RT strategies that promote and enhance students reading comprehension skills, so they discussed about facing some problems in the classroom like languages issues and background of the students Reflection: In this stage I was conduct workshop in which I was present my research topic to the teachers of P.C Urdu section school. In which researcher present about how Reciprocal
  • 53. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 45 teaching is helpful to the Teachers and the students also discuss some strategies that totally based on RT method, after conducting workshop teachers discussed some challenges those face in their classroom when they teach English subject reading. After that they was give me feedback about my workshop and also give me good reflection about what they have learnt through the workshop. Findings on workshop feedbacks: This analysis Based on workshop feedbacks by Participants  During workshop respondents/participant suggested that RT should be applied when teach languages subjects like English, Urdu and sindhi because this method is cover the students strengths and weaknesses during learning English subject Reading.  Some participants said that Reciprocal teaching effective in improving word recognition skills and reading comprehension skills.  The most encouraging result is that participants said that this method and topic is effective for research because In 21st century Comprehension skill is play a essential role in English reading to promote the students level and also enhancing the learning interest in the students
  • 54. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 46 4.3.4Report on Cycle 3: Develop Reading corner Planning: In this first step (cycle 3 planning) on (26-10-2019 to 10-11-2019)I decided to develop reading corner in primary PC school attached with GECE (W) Hyderabad Grade 5th , in which firstly I was design reading corner criteria than selected the text material according to students grade and mental level. Act: Developing reading corner in grade 5th and teach through using reading corner text material during teaching invite the teachers for observing and for gaining knowledge about how to implement the Reciprocal teaching instruction, strategies and activities according to the students grade and mental level through with the help of showing some understandable activities and strategies. Observe: In this stage, I observed that students took interest, give good response when I asked some questioning about the text. I also observed Students felt joyful when participating in activities and imagining what might happen next. Reflection: In this stage I was develop reading corner and teach through RT method with the help of reading corner activity and also showed the way of how to teach and how implement reciprocal teaching strategies in the classroom when we teach English subject reading
  • 55. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 47 because it’s helpful to the both Teachers and the students also engaging the students in actively manner Findings on Reading corner implementations: The Analysis of developing reading corner shows result of implementing the RT Through reading corner, in which Before reading, the researchers attempted to activate and to build background knowledge for students. It was important to give an introduction, to allow students to go and see the reading corner and to review relevant vocabulary words researcher analyzed that the poorer decoders not able to understand the words, so researcher motivate the students and help to decodes the words after that researcher use predict strategies in which students use their previous knowledge and also use critical thinking to respond the text. Researcher provided scaffolding for readers. This cycle continuously based on 15 days after the 15 days researcher observed the improvement that those students that always felt uncomfortable during the English reading, but after implementing this cycle students taking interest in English reading subject and mostly students able to understand the text meaning. This cycle results indicated that reciprocal teaching is beneficial to word recognition skills. As a result of using reading corner to assist reciprocal teaching, connected with previous knowledge and easily memorized new words. Use critical thinking to predict and asking questioning about the text and also easily summarize the text through present main ideas.
  • 56. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 48 Chapter Five Summary, conclusion, Discussion and Recommendation
  • 57. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 49 Chapter Five Summary, conclusion, Discussion And Recommendation 5.1 Overview of chapter: This chapter will cover the documented implications, discussion and Findings that based on results, summary of Reciprocal teaching method, conclusion drawn the collected data and recommendation for the future research on this topic 5.2 Discussion & findings: The process of RT was not meant to be a ‘once-only’ process, but a long term and ongoing development of strategies by which students learn to interrogate text. On the basis of analysis the data received from research tools (Questioning & observational checklist). Discussion &Findings of this study showed, reciprocal teaching has a significantly positive effect on students reading in English subject. Cycle’s results indicated that reciprocal teaching enhances the reading comprehension skill and encourage the students to involved actively. In Reconnaissance stage result indicated that teachers not have awareness about Reciprocal Teaching Method but indirect manners teacher know some things about RT strategies. After observation researcher identify that Teachers read Students in the traditional way they not use those strategies that help the students to comprehend the text meaning. When conducting workshop, in this stage findings indicate that teachers share some problem that related to the students reading they said that mostly students not have interest during the reading because students not understand the second language. During workshop participants suggested that RT method should be applied when teach languages subjects like English, Urdu and sindhi because
  • 58. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 50 this method is cover the students strengths and weaknesses its motivational method when teaching English subject reading. In the process of reading corner activity implementing, students’ self-regulatory and monitoring skills was developed. According to the reading corner analysis there is clear showing student’s improvement in English subject reading, RT method is more fruitful than traditional way teaching. These results indicated that reciprocal teaching is beneficial to reading comprehension skills. 5.3 Summary: This study is observed the process of teaching English Reading through using reciprocal teaching method at primary level. Reciprocal teaching is a powerful research-based teaching Technique/Method. Reciprocal Teaching is not a pencil-and-paper activity. It was designed as a discussion technique in which think-aloud plays an integral part. Reciprocal teaching was designed to focus on just four important strategies that good readers use to comprehend text. The purpose of reciprocal teaching is To encourages students to think about what they are reading and their thought process, To allow students to collaborate with other to gain a better understanding of a text. Piaget’s view is that learners must be self-initiated and actively involved in learning. In reading comprehension, teachers must be able to model good behavior of reading with understanding so that learners will ultimately take responsibility for their own learning As reciprocal teaching emphasizes on four strategies, predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing these strategies are dealing with planning, meaning and organizing. Reciprocal teaching is also based on Bruner’s constructivism or discovery learning theory. According to Bruner’s, theory on constructivism encompasses the idea of teaching and learning as an active process and through applying reciprocal teaching
  • 59. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 51 method teacher develop critical thinking where students learning are able to new idea based on what their current knowledge is as well as their previous knowledge. The teacher takes an active role in RT, teacher should be familiar with the text, provide a brief, focused introduction, model of the strategies and support learners before, during and after reading 5.4 Conclusion: In this study, reciprocal teaching was carried out to spur students’ interest in learning English. It has been concluded that Reciprocal Teaching Method is one of reading comprehension methods that encompasses four activities (predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing).This method appears to be the most appropriate for students because it provides high order thinking instructional strategy that can make the students fully engaged in reading learning process. This study focused that if the teachers are used this method so teach the students in effective manner then definitely would be possible to develop critical thinking and comprehension skills of the students. This research purpose is to give a suitable information and awareness to teachers that how improve reading in English subject. Teachers should provide their students with such strategies to facilitate their learning process. As the results indicated, reciprocal teaching instruction did in fact increase students’ interest in English Reading learning. It has been my personal experience that some teachers of English subject do not aware that how to teach read their English text book. Data showed that as students teacher continued to use the RT method, so students will be able to read English text with fluency and comprehension skills.
  • 60. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 52 5.5 Recommendation: In the present study, the researchers recommended that:  RT strategies are should be incorporate into the curriculum and instructed in EFL classes.  Primary school teachers should apply and use the Reciprocal teaching Method when she teach English subject reading  Teachers should polish the ability of students in Reading comprehension skills not ignoring their talent and abilities.  Teacher should be motivate the students during reading because each student right to read and write in a correct manner  Teachers should be aware that questions which are easy to answer with short response are better prepared for slow readers. And other questions that are open- ended and require critical thinking are provided for fast readers.  Teachers and prospective teachers should study this method because this research helpful to the teachers and trainers  The future researchers should create more reading activities, and attempt to provide a supportive learning atmosphere in order to help students reinforce their learning interest in learning English.
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  • 65. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 57 Appendices
  • 66. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 58 Appendix A Consent Letter
  • 67. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 59 Appendix B Transcription of Teacher Interview In this research the interview, Interviewer asks specific questions pertaining to research objectives. Q1. Do you think reading comprehension affect Students academic performance? How? Res: Yes, It enhances students thinking power also develop them Confident. Q2. What do you know about reciprocal teaching and strategies? Res: don’t have any information about reciprocal teaching and also not aware its strategies. Q3. How do you develop understanding concerning text Material among the students? Res: Through reading again and again, and sometime through apply prediction strategy. Subject: English Class: 5th R1: M.M School: Primary PC Urdu section attached with GECE (W) hyd Age: 50+ Enhance thinking power & confident Don’t have any information about RT and Its strategies Reading again & again and prediction
  • 68. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 60 Q4. Do you teach through connecting students previous Knowledge with the new text material? How? Res: Yes, through real life example, and try to engage students. Q5. Do you try to enhance conceptual understanding when You teach English subject in the classroom? Res: Yes, I tried to use English avi aids in the classroom. Q6. What kind of strategies do you apply when you teach Reading in a English subject? Res: Mostly time using questioning strategy in the oral form. Q7. How do you diagnose student’s strength and needs during reading process? Res: through observation and through assessing students knowledge Q8. How do you handle those students that not comfortable during reading? Res: through instruct the students that try to decode the words Spelling also use different strategies to overcome issues. Q9. Which types of challenges do you face when you teach Real life example & engage students Use English avi aids Questioning in the oral form Observation & assessing students knowledge Decode the words & use different strategies Lack of confidence & irresponsible students
  • 69. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 61 English Reading in the classroom? Res: Lack of confidence, Students are irresponsible and some time don’t take interest in reading. Q10. Do you have any suggestion to improve students comprehension skills in English subject reading? Res: To use varieties of strategies, and use some simple words of English in their daily routine like I think, I Know etc. Appendix C Varieties of strategies & use simple English words
  • 70. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 62 Observational checklist of Teacher A: Report on Cycle One Observational checklist of Teacher A Name: M.F School:Primary PC Urdu section attached with GECE (W) hyd Subject: English Note: the following checklist is categorized in three parts Yes and No, somehow Yes=3, somehow=2, No=1 Observational checklist of Teacher B S/No Statement 3 2 1 01 Teacher know how to Incorporates reciprocal teaching strategies in during teaching. 2 02 teacher check previous knowledge of students before starting new unit/chapter 2 03 Teacher give demonstration, knowledge on prediction as a guided reading comprehension 2 04 teacher uses strategies for word classification that can be applied generally across reading context 2 05 Teacher instructions are helpful to the students to enhance understanding about the text 3 06 Teacher connecting new knowledge with prior knowledge of the students 3 07 Teacher uses the variety of strategies to understand students strength 1 08 Teacher used the questioning strategy with question words (what, why, where ,when, how) 2 09 Teacher provide support to students through guided practice in the classroom 1 10 After , teaching reading teacher provide feedback to the students 1
  • 71. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 63 Name: M.R School: Primary PC Urdu section attached with GECE (W) hyd Subject: English Note: the following checklist is categorized in three parts Yes and No, somehow Yes=3, somehow=2, No=1 S/No Statement 3 2 1 01 Teacher know how to Incorporates reciprocal teaching strategies in during teaching. 2 02 teacher check previous knowledge of students before starting new unit/chapter 3 03 Teacher give demonstration, knowledge on prediction as a guided reading comprehension 2 04 teacher uses strategies for word classification that can be applied generally across reading context 1 05 Teacher instructions are helpful to the students to enhance understanding about the text 3 06 Teacher connecting new knowledge with prior knowledge of the students 3 07 Teacher uses the variety of strategies to understand students strength 1 08 Teacher used the questioning strategy with question words (what, why, where ,when, how) 2 09 Teacher provide support to students through guided practice in the classroom 2 10 After, teaching reading teacher provide feedback to the students 1
  • 72. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 64 Appendix D: Agenda of conduct workshop Workshop title: Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English Reading through reciprocal teaching method at primary level Number of Participants: Date: 23-oct-2019 Time: 60 minutes S/No Content Activities Time Reflection 01 Introduction 10 min In this first stage researcher introduce the action research topic “Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English Reading through reciprocal teaching method at primary level” than give the introduction that what is RT method? and when it is introduced? 02 Objectives & Goals 5 min After the introduction researcher presented the objectives and goals of reciprocal teaching in which researcher has told the purpose of this method. 03 Body 20 min Researcher explained the topics in a detail manner in which discussed the authors statement that has been introduced on RT method and its Strategies also has told the benefits and importance of this method. 04 Activity 10 min After presented the topic researcher used instruction for teachers that design an one activity on RT strategies
  • 73. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 65 05 Discussion & Sum up 15 min At the end of conduct workshop researcher discussed the topic with teachers and supervisor in which discussed the how to use & implement this method for teaching English reading.
  • 74. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 66 Attendance sheet of participants
  • 75. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 67
  • 76. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 68
  • 77. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 69 Questioning Clarifying Summarizing
  • 78. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 70
  • 79. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 71 Appendix E Reading corner
  • 80. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 72 Appendix E Develop reading corner
  • 81. Enhancing the conceptual understanding in teaching English through reciprocal teaching method at primary level 73 Appendix –F 10 meeting Paper